Loto game progress for kids. Didactic game "Vegetable Lotto". Educational children's loto

Lyubov Sadova

Target: Develop logical thinking in children.


1. Develop children's ideas about geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle.

2. Develop the ability to generalize according to the selected features.

3. Continue to develop the ability to give a complete answer to the question.

4. Develop the speech of children: the ability to logically and clearly express a judgment, justify your choice.

5. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Game description:

The game can be used in collaboration with children of middle and senior group as well as in independent and individual work with preschoolers. The game has 3 levels of difficulty, which allows children of different ages to play, as well as with different levels of development.

Children are offered 8 cards, which show a table with geometric shapes that differ in shape (squares, triangles, circles, colors (red, yellow, blue), as well as the frame in which the figures are located (3 level of complexity). The task of the child is to insert in the missing cells of the table, a card with a geometric figure, selected in accordance with three distinctive features.

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Diverse board games belong in pedagogy to didactic (developing) games, the main purpose of which is to learn how to solve the developmental tasks offered in the game through the implementation game actions.
Board games hide a huge potential that allows a child to play without stress and in game form acquire knowledge about various aspects of life, acquire practical skills and abilities.
With the help of board games, the child learns to analyze the sequence of his actions, expands his ideas about the objects and phenomena of the world around him, and also trains fine motor skills. The task of board games is to teach the baby to make decisions independently, develop spatial thinking, memory and logic. In addition, at preschool age, board games can significantly enrich the vocabulary of the crumbs, identify and correct shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds, consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects, familiarize them with numbers and letters.
Board games for childrencontribute to the development of the child mental functions as memory, attention, imagination, speech and such mental operations as analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc. Board games provide for the creative approach of an adult acting as a leader - he can offer children his own options for playing.
Given the ability of children to quickly switch from one subject to another, child psychologists and educators recommend that parents have at least five diverse board games. Thus, you can always painlessly fill the vacuum that arises when the child is looking for a new object of his attention and keep the child busy with useful activities.

Sections Board games for children you will find games:
- on the development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, operations of comparison and classification, the formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;
- for learning to compare sets consisting of homogeneous objects;
- to consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;
- to get acquainted with numbers, mathematical signs;
- to expand children's ideas about objects and phenomena of the world around them;
- for the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the development of coherent speech, and many others.


Dominoes is a popular children's game. Brings together children of all ages. Dominoes contains rich educational material on various topics, which introduces kids to the shape of objects, quantity, flora and fauna, transport, etc. (this is facilitated by the variety of patterns applied to the parts)

Dominoes help to acquire knowledge and skills during the game.


· develops concentration, logical thinking, the ability to analyze the situation, quick wit

· develops observation and attention, develops operations of comparison and generalization, the formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;

· But, above all, this game teaches children the ability to play in a team.


Mosaic - a way to create an image or pattern from the smallest pieces (colored stones, ceramic tiles, etc.).

Behind the outward simplicity and accessibility of the mosaic lies a complex, subtle, multifaceted activity that largely contributes to the disclosure of the creative vision of the world.
The game with the mosaic develops the various abilities of the child. First, fine motor skills. Taking a chip, gently inserting it into the desired hole is a rather complicated operation for a small mosaicist. Secondly, this is attentiveness: the chips are small, multi-colored, you need to take it for a reason, but exactly what you need - for this you should concentrate. Thirdly, the mosaic develops the artistic taste of the child, allows him to show creative activity and serves as a special means of understanding the world. Fourth By creating an image using a mosaic, the child develops goal-setting and purposeful activity. And, finally, this is the development of perseverance, accuracy, arbitrariness. If the parents ask the child to classify chips by color, they will introduce them to such spatial representations as “below”, “above”, “left”, “right”, they will teach the crumbs a certain sequence of laying out chips, for example, through one hole, or yellow alternates with red, it will develop the logical component of thinking.
Invent, search, create - and you will be surprised what a creative person your baby will grow up to be!


Lotto consists of playing field with various images and small cards repeating pictures from the field. The task of the players is to fill the playing field with the corresponding cards as quickly as possible. In more complex lotos, only one small picture is drawn on the playing field, and the rest of the sheet is empty. In this case, the player must fill the playing field with picture cards corresponding to the existing image. For example, a painted barnyard, a garden, toys, people.

· develops concentration, ingenuity

· develops sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of hands;

· reinforces children's ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;

· develops observation and attention,

· expands children's ideas about the objects of the world;

· enriches and activates the child's vocabulary, develops coherent speech.

· develops visual-figurative thinking

· teaches children how to play in a team

Educational printed board games

Board games develop: visual-figurative thinking, independence, ingenuity, Creative skills, mechanical and voluntary memory, holistic and visual perception, voluntary attention, visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking.
The child learns to analyze the sequence of his actions; expands own ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; improves descriptive, narrative and dialogic speech; acquires the initial skills of comparing objects, learns to highlight significant connections between objects; raises his intellectual level.

Using board games in practical work, you can:

· significantly enrich the child's vocabulary;

· identify and correct shortcomings in the pronunciation of individual sounds;

· consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;

· familiarize with numbers, mathematical signs;

· teach quantitative counting;

· teach how to compose and solve simple addition and subtraction problems;

· show how to compare and quantify sets of similar objects and much more…

What is being developed

Board games are for:

- the development of visual-figurative and verbal-logical thinking, operations of comparison and classification, the formation of the ability to highlight significant connections between objects and phenomena;
- learning to compare sets consisting of homogeneous objects;
- to consolidate ideas about the size, shape, color of objects;
- to get acquainted with numbers, mathematical signs;
- to expand ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;
- to enrich and activate the vocabulary, the development of coherent speech.

Olga Gileva
Synopsis of the didactic game "Lotto"

Plan- summary of the didactic game

Name games« Lotto» .

View games

Didactic the task is to learn to find paired pictures; develop attention; cultivate patience.

The game rules are to take out one chip with pictures from the bag, look for the same image on the cards, cover this image with a chip.

Material: bunny toy; a bag with chips; 6 cards with image: insects, animals, birds, plants, transport, household appliances.

Game actions.

1 part. The teacher sits in the center of the group at the table, and the children sit in a semicircle around the table. Pulls out a toy lion cub from the bag.

Educator. The lion cub went for a walk and got lost. Seeing the kindergarten, he decided to go in and warm himself while they came for him. While he is waiting, let's play with him. (Children answer.)

Educator. Lion cub loves to play lotto Let's play with him. (Let's.)

2 part. I take out 6 cards and a bag of chips from the bag.

Educator. Look, I'm holding a card, it shows different animals. And in the bag I have chips with the same pictures. We need to collect all the pictures from the bag into cards. And the lion cub will see how we handle it. Good? (Children answer.)

I pull out a chip with the image of an iron.

Educator. What's this? (Iron.)

I ask one of the children to find the same image on the card and put a chip there. I pull out another chip with the image of a passenger car.

Educator. What's this? (The car.)

Ask the other child to find the same picture on the card and put the chip there.

The game continues until the children cover all the cards.

3 part. Let's ask if the lion cub has coped with the game. Yes, the lion cub says how good you are! Guys, let's show what toys we have in the group and play with them.

The children go to play.

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PURPOSE: development of coherent speech of older preschoolers.
TASKS: expansion and activation of vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables"; the formation of the skill of compiling a descriptive story on the topic "Vegetables" (based on visibility); formation of skills of coherence, development and continuity of the statement; development of logical thinking, voluntary attention.
GAME RULES: The game involves from two people. Participants choose a playing field with the image of vegetables.

The host puts the first set of “Garden-garden” cards on the table.

The player, having taken the desired card (in this case, "Garden"), explains his choice and puts it on the first playing field. Then the facilitator offers the second set of game cards "Harvesting".

Players take turns taking required cards, explain their choice and put the picture on the second playing field. Then the facilitator offers the children sets of "Color" cards,

"The form",

"In what form is it eaten?"

Each time, taking the card he needs, the player explains his choice. After all the fields of the playing field are closed, the player talks about his vegetable.
1) It is necessary to prepare a sufficient number of cards for each playing field.
2) The game can be used in free gaming activity children and as part of the lesson
3) "Vegetable Lotto" can be played by connecting with "Fruit Lotto". In this case, the main task will be to differentiate the concepts of "Vegetables" and "Fruits"

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Kokorina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Place of work: MBDOU No. 202 "Kindergarten of a general developmental type" Fairy Tale "the city of Kemerovo.

Didactic game "Geometric Lotto" for children from 3 to 5 years old.

Description of the game. The didactic game "Geometric Lotto" is intended for teachers of the second junior and middle groups, as well as for preschoolers from 3 to 5 years old. The game can be easily performed by a parent and used at home for learning to work with diagrams, developing a child's logic, imaginative thinking, cultivating perseverance and attention.
Game Ingredients: geometric shapes of different colors and sizes, schemes of objects, animals.

The game is designed both for classes with one child, and with 2-3 children.
Purpose of the game: in a playful way to teach children to distinguish between geometric shapes, colors, using the scheme, to make figures of objects and animals, to navigate in the space of the game sheet.
Game progress: It is better to start with one scheme. Let the child choose from the available geometric shapes suitable for it in color and size and put it on the diagram.
The game contains both simple and more complex diagrams, which allows you to teach a preschooler to work with diagrams, consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, give an idea that the figures can be of different colors and sizes, develop figurative and logical thinking in him, cultivate perseverance and attentiveness .
An example of working with a schema.
1. Together with the teacher, the child examines the diagram and determines what is shown on it.
2. The geometric shapes that are on the diagram are called. Their color and size are called.
3. Selection of the necessary geometric shapes and filling in the diagram.
scheme "roly-poly"

scheme "House"

The remaining completed schemes are "Cat", "Booth", "Mouse", "Dog".

Of course, the schemes for this game can be constantly supplemented. And at an older age, you can try to compose images without diagrams with preschoolers, on your own, inventing something of your own. That will contribute to the further development and improvement of the acquired skills.