Tomb Raider Coastal Forest Map Marrortts. Passing Tomb Raider. For combat merits

Chapter 1. Will Power

Lara Croft, a beginner archaeologist, went to his first expedition to the Dragon Triangle. She was looking for adventures, but they themselves found it. The ship "endurance" (translated as "endurance", such an evil irony) fell into a terrible storm, flew to the reef and split into parts. The crew miraculously managed to escape in the boat, but Lara did not get to her and the latter fell ashore. But she did not have time to join the rest, because an unknown stunned her from behind.

Lair Padalshchikov

Lara woke up in a terrible place, a cave, among the skulls and bodies hanging from the ceiling. It itself is in this difficult position, wrapped with cloth and ropes. Not far is the altar with dozens of red candles. To get rid, you need to rake, alternately pressing the left and right keys to set fire to the way from very by the way burning here. Lara falls down, right on the iron rod, squeezing her side through. Having gathered all his courage, she pulls out the rod. To do this, you need to quickly press [E] quickly as in many subsequent episodes. Get used to to notice tips of the game about pressing, holding, and quickly pressing certain keys. It is necessary to rush until the kidnappers have laragic.

Paul is littered with different bones, including human. As well as numerous garbage, in the form of bottles of various shapes and sizes, and tin cans. But ahead is waiting for a spectacle worse: one person, the living even quite recently, crucified with ropes, tied them for the limbs, over some altar with burning red candles everywhere. Lara decides to choose a torch, an additional light will now definitely be superfluous. With it, you can walk the garbage, approaching enough close and holding the desired key. It all consists of boxes and barrels, so it lights easily and quickly, and burns in just a few seconds. Not realistic, but we do not want to wait for half an hour, right? Having passed under a small waterfall, Lara thus extinguished his torch. But nothing terrible, it can be lit from the suspended warmer again. In this place the game also advises to use instinct [Q] to highlight all active objects in the field of view Miss Croft. At the moment, it should pull up and climb the top of a wooden cell in which the bottles are stored. There you can set fire to the old sail, which for some reason dragged here along with the mast, from which the fire will turn to a red barrel filled with something flammable. There is an explosion, and the passage becomes open.

Further, the lara is an attack, from which you can beat up quickly alternately by pressing the left and right keys. A wild species of a person with Dreadeds is trying to lure a fugitive back, but she does not listen to him and continues to move through the cave. The ceiling is very low, it has to go squatting, so also water comes to the neck. But there is even a small plus in this: the water blends the dried blood and dirt with a beginner reverter. The new waterfall is extinguished by a torch, and the next cave is a puzzle: you need to light the torch, set fire to the sail from the first cell, then set fire to the stealing and stopped in front of the wooden garbage. Now you need to climb upstairs, in that very first cell. Then she goes down, and the garbage will rise and fall into the second cell. We run to it and push [F]. The burning garbage sails to the barrels, set fires them, from which the explosion takes place!

Ahead is visible light, perhaps this is a way out! But, alas, the cave explosion begins to shake, stones, magnitude with Laru and even more, fall from the ceiling. You need to run until the passage has finished finally! On the way there will be holes in the ground through which you need to jump [space]. Then the guy with dreadlocks will appear again, now at the end it will be necessary to move it with the foot [F], at the moment when two circles will coincide. It breaks down a huge stone, and Lara continues to rise in a big slope. To move, you need to press the left and right keys, and to evade the stones flying from above - only one of them, depending on the direction, it will also be highlighted. Upstairs really is a way out of this terrible place. Exhausted, Lara is just falling down. Then gets up and examined.

Chapter 2. Signs of Life

Chapter 2. Signs of Life

Coastal rocks

Bermuda triangle, say? Ha! Yes, this triangle of the dragon will create a forced to him. There are dozens of broken vessels of different sizes, classes and even epochs, as well as the tail part of some aircraft. Lara clashes the wound, she opened again, after such a race. But she will have to go further, along a narrow mountain path, because the storm is coming and you need to hide somewhere.

At the bottom of Lara notes part of the ship and the boat, abandoned by her comrades. To move on the other side, through the waterfall, you need to go through a shut-off trunk of the tree. The girl herself keeps the balance, you just need to send it forward. Through the next waterfall, you will have to jump, but the distance is significantly less. But then the lara must boil along the old American military aircraft stuck on the rock nose down. He walked here a lot of dozen years old, withstand a slim girl. Those who have already played earlier in the game series Tomb Raider., it easily overcomes the obstacle yourself. I can advise the rest here: look out for the protrusions, similar to the form on rectangles, which look not quite natural. This is our route in any situation. We jump on them boldly and resolutely, insuring [E] in some difficult cases. The plane stood down, but shook at the end of the collapsed wing. The mountain trail narrowed so much that two people could not disamble. Now learn to climb the walls. We jump on it, press the jump again, Lara is repelled and cling to the ledge. Jump down and go to things that for some reason were left. The suitcase contains a video camera and a radio. You need to move on, in the footsteps of friends. Lara grabbed the ledge, but broke and rolled down the slope.

Coastal forest

It seems that the search will have to be postponed, because the storm played not for a joke. Shower makes the soil very slippery, and I don't want to catch a cold Lara at all. She found a place under the rock, obscure him from rain and wind, where there are traces of an old fire. Now she tried to contact someone by the radio, but no one answered. Then Miss Croft gathered a new bonfire and squeezed it with the help of one, the last in the box, sea mat. Then she turned on the camera and looked at the video taken by her girlfriend Sammy, about the beginning of the expedition on the Endyrans ship. Lara herself persuaded everyone to go to this gods the damned island, in the triangle of the dragon to find the country of Yamatai, where a thousand years ago Pimico, a distant ancestor Samantha. It seems that it was a thousand years ago.

Chapter 3. Woman in Wildlife

Chapter 3. Woman in Wildlife

Lara stoke a storm and managed to get drunk. It's time to poison further. Deer scared stranger, and rowed away. Perhaps it would be a great lunch from it, but how to catch it? The tree is suspended by a corpse. He has a bow behind him, and below there and there are scattered arrows. In this place there is also a waterfall and stream. It is necessary to climb the central hut, and from her roof it is to move to a tree from which you can get onions [the button right]. Lara falls along with the corpse, but the height is not big and she quickly gets up. Now it has weapons and arrows if you collect them.

It's time to look at the map. This location is not a "corridor", as it was before, and the level with free movement, inside the coastal forest. Therefore, now I can't know exactly what path you preferred. But this is not so important, because the main points of action, which markers indicate, remain unchanged. There are also many items for searching, like notes or artifacts. You will never find them all if you go strictly by playing signs. But it is impossible to say that without collecting them, you miss something. In short, this is a matter of taste.

Now you need to find something or the other deer. One very quickly discovered below the stream. Aim, stretch the the tutor, so that the arrow flew more precisely, right in the head, and let go. With completely wild eyes and sobbing, Lara cut the skin of a deer arrow with a sharp tip and cut out a piece of meat. There are still many deer around, where you can enjoy, and even hares with corona. And with the help of a bow, you can shoot down bone totems, awesome on the trees. It's time to return to the camp, because the rain charged again. Sitting by the fire, Lara can learn new skills. Now only one point is available, but the harder it is to make the first choice. Pressing out of all menus.

Chapter 4. Go forward

Chapter 4. Go forward

By the radio finally came the signal from the Rotta! The old man wants Lara to continue the path to him independently. Okay, go. Suddenly the music was heard. It comes from the hut, the door into which is ajar. Lara gently went inside and found Laz under the ground. The slammed door did not leave another choice, except to use it. Click to use the staircase, then go down and press again to jump. Walls are symbols in the form of the sun and people. Further, the tunnel is filled with dirty plotted water, the tomb is the belt belt. In the box on the table you can find a mask. If you inspect it from behind [Holding the right mouse button] you can get more experience points. This place resembles a military bunker occupied by the sectarians. If you set fire to the garbage, then you can find new equipment - pick, as well as the old pattephone, from which music went. With the help of Kirk, you can now break the doors leading to the exit. Climbing the stairs, Lara left the bunker and found a path leading up. There is heard by Sammy's voice, which Rott says that Lara was found. Sam really sits by the fire, but it is not alone. Also there is a stranger, calling himself Matias, who rubs on her trust. Sammy begins to tell about his ancestor, Pimico, in search of a heritage of which was organized this expedition. Tells so long and tiring that Lara just fell asleep, basking around the fire. And when I woke up, Sammy and Matias have already disappeared.

Worried, Lara ducks them, goes to look, but falls into the trap! And this wolf's howl! A flock is closer to attack the bushes. It is necessary to keep the tent stretched to shoot the attackers of wolves. Reyes and other friends come to the profits. They pull out Laru from the cabin, after which they diverge into search of Samantha and Matias, leaving Miss Croft near the campfire. Whitman was defined by her pair, but he left a little forward, so you need to rush to catch up with him. The torch can be lit by the roar, and with it, set fire to the grid, which is why the container with spare parts is stubborn. It's time to go further. Whitman calls Lara to climb the hill. He is a little less on the road, but two wolves attack almost immediately. They can be shot from Luka, you can dodge, as the game advises, and then escape. If the wolf falls Lara, fight off and survive anyway. Remember that press [F] is only needed during the intersection of two circles. Ahead Whitman discovered the gate with fresh drawings. Alas, but to open them, lack the handle of the lifting mechanism.

Chapter 5. Upon

Chapter 5. Upon

Lara should collect something that can replace the handle of the lifting mechanism. To do this, you need to resemble the location and collect spare parts for upgrading, which can be found in the boxes. So far, only in wooden, because the iron can be opened only with modified pickaxe. In each wooden box contains 10 spare parts, so Lara needs to find and open 5 boxes. Then you need to use a fire and create improved pickaxe. Generally speaking, these gatherings by the fire very much remind me The Witcher. "There, during the meditation by the fire, time missed, talents were distributed and elixirs were cooked. Having received a new durable pickaxe, you can now open the iron chests. And most importantly - you can turn the wheel and open the gate.

Chapter 6. Meeting in the Mountains

Chapter 6. Meeting in the Mountains

Mountain Temple

The massive door of the temple slowly closed behind Larla and Whitman, cutting them off from other members of the group. But they are not particularly worried, but climb up the old staircase ladder. The statue of Pimico, the very goddess of the sun, two archaeologists hit the ambush. Whitman immediately lowered the gun, despite the fact that the islanders are armed with only bows. He did not associate him and did not hang down his head in the cave. Laru is enough first and associated, after which they are removed to other prisoners. Some of them shoot and all run away, leaving Miss Croft one associated with the hands. But the legs remain free. Therefore, you need to use the moment and hide into the shelter. Lara hid behind the wall, waited until the first person with a lantern and climbed above. While the enemies turned their back, you can safely run, even on a small distance from them, they are all deaf. It is necessary to move higher and higher, until the gap is detected, leading to the destroyed structure. However, that reptile, with a gun, finds it here and tries to rape. Pain will be preserved in a complex QTE, following the instructions on the screen. It is unlikely that you will succeed from the first time, I remember the consistency, sooner or later you will achieve success. The tumor dies, and Lara is bliss and comes to himself. Not about such adventures she dreamed.

The village is covered by fire, which is incomprehensible to who arranged. There are still many enemies here, but now Lara is armed with a pistol. You need to climb up the street. The unexpected arrow scratches Lara's shoulder. In retaliation, she kills the arrow, and his friend. Shot to the head decides all problems. Ahead is visible untouched by fire doors. Inside, you can hide from the pursuers who immediately ignite the structure. The hole in the wall of the house leads out, on the balcony overlooking the rocks. We continue to rise on the side street. What is still a damn beautiful flame here! A lonely archer is ahead need to be shot from Luke, just in mind so that he does not raise the alarm. Jump up and keep moving. Jump up on the staircase and climb. Here two enemies downstairs and one descends on the rope stairs. Running, it falls down. Lara should be opposed, climb up. Rott is again associated with her by walking, he encourages it and calls to it upstairs. Here are the damns of the Highlander. Sits probably by the fire, but canned food. Koster, by the way, Lara can also find. From here it turns on the possibility of a quick transition to the previously discovered camps. That is, Lara can again, so easily, cross this burning mountain village to return to the forest? Well, okay, if so. Good news for those who found not all things hidden in the coastal forest.

In the cave under the waterfall, you can find the diary of Matias, whose plane failed on the island many years ago. There is still something to see, but Lara is in a hurry to meet with Rott. Climbing the stairs, she hears the conversation of two local. The game suggests that the shot from Luke can serve to distract attention. Shoot the best thing in the tree on the left, and when they turn away, scatter around the fence and jump onto the roof. If the Laru is noticed, one of the patrol shoots a signal rocket, and several more islanders will frighten up to them. So, from the same roof immediately tighten into a large staircase. With it also tighten into the attic of a dilapidated home. Here under the ceiling hanging the lamp. If you shoot it, then it falls on the flammable garbage and sets up it, freeing the hole in the wall, through which you can go into the cave. Two guards turned to Lara's back, so they can be quietly strangled, putting at the back. But you can not say that Miss Croft has so strong hands to strangle the adult man. Probably adrenaline and all that. We pass until you stop, tighten and inspect. Over the barrels you can see the lamp. We shoot it out of Luke, after which the Laure's location is revealed. This can not be avoided, you will have to fight. Jump up the top and use a stretched rope to go down on the road. Here you can look around, and then you need to continue the rise.

Once at the top of the staircase ladder ladder, Lara had to rise in a very narrow slot in the mountain, but from the player this difficult task requires only to press the movement button forward. At the top of the Rott knocks off from the flock of wolves. Not very successfully, a large piece of meat to the bone is literally cut out of the left leg. Creepy sight. He said that the wolves dragged a backpack with all the supplies, including medicines, food and a walkie-talkie, after which he lost consciousness.

Chapter 7. For help

Chapter 7. For help

Mountain Village

Get backpack Lara will have to be independently. The mountain village is quite interesting, although only chickens are buried from the population. But this is no wonder, because now there is a deep night, there is a shower, and the shooting and screams probably were heard from below. So explore the village can now be completely calm. To reach the marked place, you need to rise even higher. I wonder, we will reach the top of the mountain? Over the river there are fragments of the aircraft that fell here a long time ago. The road rushes just on its wings. From above, over the waterfall, there is an entrance in the wolf cave. It is strange that it is in such a close to the village. More and more becomes obvious that she, the village, was recently abandoned. Around the cave many bones, both animals and people. Lara lights a new torch (where only she hides them?) And squeezed inside. The backpack is in the depths itself. More precisely, what remains from him, namely the first-aid kit and a radio transmitter. It was not difficult to enter, but to get out with a backpack just will not work. The Materia Wolf attacked a sharper, but she could, with great difficulty, fight off him. It was a glorious battle. It's time to go out. You can go down to go down quickly using a cable. You need to return to Rotta. Lara tied up to him, and after a while he woke up.

It seems that Lara Croft will have to rise to the mountain and install the disaster signal transmitter. Now she has an ice ax, which replaces the kirk. To climb on the wall, it is enough to approach her and click on the button. You can move not only straight up, but also horizontally. All suitable walls are highlighted in instinct mode. It will be necessary to jump over to the left rock, by pressing [E] on time and climbing the ice ax.

Rising upstairs, you can find the hidden "tomb of the despicable", the entrance to which is located next to the waterfall. It is not necessary to break it, but why not? Inside is a camp with a fire. Next will need to solve the puzzle: set fire the bags on one part of the lift, push the other, climb on the first and jump on the wall, clinging for it with the help of ice ax. Rising, you can find a treasure chest. We leave out and continue the way up.

The next remarkable place is a jump over a waterfall on a sheer cliff! Cling to ice ax and climb. Upstairs are detected enemies. They are waiting for anyone to rise here. Do not rise to the end, but we wait until both become right under the luminaire. We shoot in it, fuel shed right on their heads. We finish, inspect and continue our rise. But the old wooden bridge fell under the onslaught of the elements, and Lara has to make a quick jump on the other side, clinging to the ice ax over the rock.

Road to the base

Upstairs, Reyes and Alex are associated with it. They give directions regarding the radio haze, but you still have to get there. After two ropes, there is an ambush from archers and one maniac with an ax. The torch can be lit from the barrel at the entrance to the cave. Having passed through it, Lara sat down by someone left and turned on the camcorder again. Having finished with the memories and affairs by the fire, we continue the way. Rats run through the street, and the tunnel is a truck. I wonder if he goes here? Ahead looms several locals. The spotlight lamp can be broken down. It is necessary to get inside the Japanese military strengthening of the second world to avoid a machine-gun queue. Guards can be distracted by arrows. Do not forget about the dodge button. Inside will only kill all enemies, climb up and jump over to the tower. Immediately, going in a straight line, Lara pulls up and turns out to be on the stairs. At the top there is a stretched cable.

Mountain base

Falling into the water, Miss Croft was in ice water. Hence the entrance to the bunker begins. On the walls you can read several pessimistic inscriptions. You need to turn the valve to overlap the gas. At the end of the corridor, two argue near the barrel with flammable. Shoot it and get a big boom! Two scumbags smaller. The next enemy is offered to "stun", shooting him ... knee?! Now he can go to serve the guard in (there every guardian knee was traced). But no, it can be stunned here and finish. Lara rose along the stairs, shot in the foot of another suspicious type. Pulled up and climbed through ventilation in the wall. In the new room on the floor, lamps are placed, which can be raised and quit. So you can feed the campaign poster. The room in which the next ventilation leads is the valve. Turning it, Lara filled with gas. On the other hand, a man appears with a machine gun. Now you need to go back, take one lamp and rut it into ventilation! There is an explosion, the glasses are broken, opening the path. The armed person pressed the concrete debris. Near him is the old automaton, which Lara raised. A person asks to kill him, get rid of a long painful death. Lara fulfilled his request with a bow. Ahead will be a very big ambush, spotlights and many, many archers. For this, you need an automatic. At the beginning there will be a rather long time deceleration effect, you need to use it as much as possible, performing shots exclusively in the head. On the second floor there is a camp with a fire. We continue the path to the main console. It is quite expected, he is broken. It can replace the engineering console, which is located on one very high tower. Leave the broken remote control through the hole in the wall where numerous pipes are located. You should not hurt my head, hot steam is dangerous.

Neighborhood base

But outside ... is it snowing? It, of course, is already high in the mountains, but still very sharply. And very beautiful. Lara jumped toward the bridge and found a fresh bonfire. Now you need to cross the bridge. You need to go on a single steel crossbar. On the other side, some kind of psycho tried to reset Lara down, but instead went to the flight itself. Ahead is waiting for his friends who lack the mind to hide all the body. One arrows on each and ready. However, there are also cartridges for the machine, so you can not limit yourself. As if Zombies with frozen brains, new opponents of the Renaire lay under the machine-gun fire of the young archaeologist. On the other hand, on a small turret, several reptiles are located around barrels with flammable. What, however, unsuccessful fortifications were built into the second world Japanese. They can take only one girl. Soon, "Healthy" will be released against it - armored bulk with a large shield. To defeat it, first of all you need to collect cartridges for the machine. Then you need to give it to get closer and hit. At this moment, Lara should dodge and shoot in response to unprotected torso. After his death, you can go through the doors. You need to climb the stairs. At the top there is a camp. The rope leading to the tower relative to the lari goes upwards. It is for him that she will have to climb. There, press the dodge button to jump onto the platform. Three big ladders lead to the very top. It is impossible to fall from such a height, and there is no insurance.

Once at the top, Lara should find the frequency on which the voice will be heard (left-right arrows). Then, confirming it, you will need to remove interference (left-right arrows). When the voice becomes clear, you can send a message. Sumptuously! It turns out that rescuers are already nearby and are looking for the Endyrans crew. You need to send them some kind of visual signal. On the cable you can go down very quickly. As well, that there are two tanks with fuel at once. In the warehouse you can find new equipment - "Flooring". We return to the tanks and open the valve to give the content to pour to the ground. Now, with the help of a fire, you can set fire to fuel. There is a big explosion, which is noticed from the rescue aircraft. He unfolds, goes to land, but ... something inexplicable is happening. Lara hears Japanese speech - "No one will leave," after which the plane lights up and falls, right on it! Lara is almost rolled down (finally, movement down, and not up!) On the slope, trying to dodge the fragments of the plane, which was supposed to save her. And then evade the obstacles deployed along the road. Lara clogged for the very edge, almost falling into the abyss, after which he jumped into a safe wooden flooring. The fragments of the aircraft flew by, without causing it harm.

Chapter 8. Slipping Track

Chapter 8. Slipping Track

Village on Scalah

The pilot of the aircraft, which has been catapults, landed somewhere on the road. You need to go after it. Someone somehow drove the crossbar with the flag in the rock, over a kilometer abyss. And now, jumping like on a tarzanka, clinging for a piece of fabric, Lara was on the other side. Proudly stood by the decade of harsh storm winds, built over the rock, the islanders houses could not withstand the weights of one young breakdown of the tomb. Therefore, she has to quickly run, jumping from one building to another, until the shaking under his feet stopped. The pilot had to shoot the people who attacked him. He did not really have, because of what he died a natural death from hitting a machete in his heart. Lara now herself will have to pacaging with a shield. However, this one turned out to be worse than the first. After you can stay in the camp. We continue the way to meet with Rott. Suddenly, Lara falls into the trap and turns down his head. Killing the first two attackers, she shot down and fell down. Hiding behind the drawer, Lara found a rope. Now, having tied it to the arrow [by pressing the mouse wheel], it will be possible to shoot out arrow with a rope. At the moment, this is necessary in order to deprive the hut in which the car guns cast, supports, pulling it on themselves. You can repeat the trick with any objects that are wound up rope. When the enemies are run out, pull up a lot of cargo, jump on it, and then further along the mountain road. We will learn to lay ropes on their own. We become behind the specified column and shoot the rope on the other side. Now on this rope you can move through the river. Then, with the help of the same rope, you need to open the door to the cave. In fact, these are different ropes, they are just a lot. On the other side of Lara is waiting for Rott.

Chapter 9. Feeling of Guilt

Chapter 9. Feeling of Guilt

Mountain Village

Another pilot of the rescue aircraft landed in the village and filed a flue. Konrad Rott wants to leave him, but Lara Croft is in a hurry for help. Perhaps, therefore, the words "help" and "mutuality" - female genus. So, at first you need to build a cable to go down. Several islanders also go to the flue, will have to shoot them. Next, there is already a ready-made cable for descent. But the next to use it is not necessary. The goal is on one with the Laro level. She builds a new bridge on his own, after which rises along the rock with the help of ice ax. The first enemy showers, the second is confronted into the abyss. Another stretched rope.

After she, you can find a secret tomb. The cave is a temple in which a very strong wind is raging, strangling torches. It is not surprising that he left. After the camp, the structure is directly. There is a puzzle in it, yes not simple: first you need to close the shutters from the wind, then wait, when the wind starts breaking back, and only then raise the lift to get on it, and when it flies to the wall - to jump on the beams for which you can climb on the top floor. As a reward, you can find a chest in which a map of the treasure of the mountain village and more than a thousand experience.

We return to the salvation of the pilot rescue. There is a whole network of rope bridges to build. The last column was pulled out, Lara fell into the abyss, but he managed to catch the ice ax over the rock. Upstairs are two smoke checkers, a backpack, and the unfolded parachute is fluttered from above. But the pilot does not turn out to be in place. Must be, he went down the path, or ... he took him? Lara goes into pursuit.

Very narrow winding pathway inside the mountains protected from the wind. Canyon, if you want. Alex reports that Sammy left, or she was taken away, in some ancient palace. Lara, meanwhile, comes to the camp in the cave. So far, the path is under the lower level, but the bridges between the paths are visible from above. Walls are decorated with carved stone statues and drawings. Captain Jessop is lonely sits on the other side of the bridge, through which the strongest wind blows. Looks like a trap and bait. But Lara does not think so and calmly goes through the bridge. In the middle, Father Matias begins to throw it with a canister with gasoline, which undermines the arrow. Lara is stunned by the proven islanders.

Chapter 10. New trouble

Chapter 10. New trouble

Mountain monastery

For the second time, Laru is associated and suspended. Now, however, not down your head, but it is a place much more scary - among many bones and pieces of bones and parts of bodies, as well as hanging from the ceiling of rotting corpses. She swings and exempt. On the floor, among others, the body of the pilot is lying, and next to him a broken radio. Behind the doors you can see the silhouette of someone very massive. The output is quick, it's a hole in the wall, a little more than a meter in height, barely departing from the floor. As soon as Lara climbed into the aisle, the door opened from behind, and entered the monster. In the samurai armor, with a closet and under three meters tall. You need to go away from here as soon as possible! But this is so Merzko - on the floor, small parts of the bodies are scattered, like palms and heads, as well as the bones that have broken here are not one decade. Having gone down, Miss Croft was on a half-open place, which is very blowing out by the wind. What is very strange, so this is the remaining equipment - Dikari did not take any onions or a gun with a machine gun. Soon they cruelly will pay for it. In the meantime, you need to go further. One of the corpses remained a shotgun, which Lara has now been removed to do a hole in the barrage. It works, but the shot attracted attention, although these people also carry legs, fearing, apparently huge monster.

Lara Croft soon discovers the goal of all this damn expedition - Pimico sarcophague, the queen of the sun, the ladies of storms and the yamatai. And around him - the tomb with drawings, which remained even paints. Now it is clear why Dickari was taken by Sammy. In the meantime, several bandits attack Lara, but the shotgun acts soothing. To open the doors, you need to pull the bell with an arrow with a rope. Behind them will be a camp with a fire. Barricade is near him, which opens a shot from a shotgun. The wooden road falls apart in front of her eyes, but Lara has time to cling to the crossbar, pulls up and pressed against the wall. And what do you think? Instead of returning, she continues to go along this beam towards the hell. Jars onto the remnants of the road and poured inside some room through a hole in the rock. Here a few duraelays are trying to get out. What you need to do: open the left window first. Sold up the drummer with the help of a rope. Then he destroys the beams on the one hand. Close the left window and open the right, repeat the previous step with the drummer. Now you need to open both windows to hit the gigantic bell. He falls down, the floor collapses, Lara falls and gets, just, by the beginning of the competition on short distances among the islanders. As a coach is a huge storm warrior. For victory, you need to constantly jump. Method-borry ends with a drop from one bridge to another, the congress on the ass from the slope and the fall into the wet cave.

Chapter 11. A friend is known in trouble

Chapter 11. A friend is known in trouble

Mountain Village

Sammy comes to contact. She stole the wagon from the guard. It seems that she wants to be used in some kind of rite. Her and the rest are kept in the old Japanese palace. At the exit from the cave is the camp. After him on the road there are three opponents who are going to the ceremony. After them, you need to make another cable. Sammy comes across a walkie-talkie, and Lara starts to hide. The next cable is set in advance. The guys below flowed fuel, which you can set fire, shot on the lamp. Further descent passes with the battle. Barrels standing on the road can be lowered from the slope.


Directly, so straight. And before, you might think, she went around. However, this time it doesn't work directly - a stormy stream with a waterfall washes Laru from the pole, after which it takes down. All sorts of acute items should be avoided, and wooden barriers to destroy with a shotgun. Lara turns out to be in the cockpit, which and before that he did not even on an honest word, and so, on a half-word. Glass cracks, but our heroine has time to grab the parachute. From the second attempt, he is still revealed, and now Lara has to fly among the trees. But on this, his nobility ends - one of the mounts is broken, and she falls to the ground, having received strong bruises and even open wound. But there is no humus without good - that is the most magnificent palace!

Chapter 12. Open wounds

Chapter 12. Open wounds

The injuries were so strong that without processing could not do. You have to look for a first-aid kit somewhere nearby. Slums ... So, before, we visited the port area, in the sleeping, downtown, rested in penthouses? However, the differences between the slums from the rest of the settlements is definitely there. First of all, it is a very dense building and numerous fences. At the foot of the mountains there is a lot and there is no strong wind. The houses are risen as-hit, from the rubble, brought here from the outside, and the details of the destroyed storms of transport. Decorations serve wheeled tires attached to fences and houses. Lara notices the helicopter and making up to him to look for a first-aid kit. At the site of the pilot, it would be foolish to leave her, but who knows. Lara goes down in a hole, similar to the sewage, if you can call it. Water is right under the houses. There are also audible voices and torture here, and at the exit, the position of Sammy and other members of the expedition are discussed, which are kept in the cave under the fortress. It's not easy to fight the wounded girl at all, and if she cares for a trap - you need to shoot in the mechanism, as they did before. The path to the helicopter lies on the edge of the slums, above the abyss. The rear doors of the transport helicopter are opening with a rope, well, just like in a fairy tale about the "red hat". Inside the first-aid kit, unfortunately, no antibiotics are detected. Therefore, Lara has to root the wound with a hot arrow. But now she is ready for the battle and knows how to shoot the grilled arrows!

Chapter 13. Road to hell

Chapter 13. Road to hell

One such arrow can be set fire to the whole fuel puddle, blow up a red barrel, or give the enemy to the painful death without intermediaries. When enemies are run out, you can sit by the fire and make something to something. Now Lara goes in search of a gate. With the help of fire arrows, you can now wait for different things that are too high for the torch. It's a lot of ways to get lost to goal, so just keep the right direction and look at the card. Part of the path may seem familiar, because by and large it goes in the opposite direction. The gate will have a big ambush from the garbage of society, twisted directly on the red barrels. They will fly the gate that are opened by the lifting mechanism in the form of a wheel. The gate jammed, but it is not for long. Light fabric can be settled, and now the gate is amenable. Right behind them is the camp. We see how the makeup (steering on the "endurance") descends on the cable. Lara is sent to him for revenue. But it seems that she does not hurt him: make-up hesitated from the "Bratanov of the Sun". Now also calls Laru to climb him on the stairs. Krut Starpler, nothing to say! At the bottom of the suspiciously many ammunition, it is better to collect them if Lara still has a place where to shove them. So, I did not have time to climb the stairs, as it was already undermined by dynamite. You will have to fight back from the islanders below. So, there are two shelters, between which you can roll out, leaving flying dynamites. At the same time, of course, shooting the enemies twisted from everywhere.

Chapter 14. Liberator

Chapter 14. Liberator

Under this name, I immediately want to take in the hands of AK-47 (it, by the way, you can pump, collect parts of the machine) and play on only with him. So, you can continue the path on the cable car that the enemians did during the mental attack. Further path also lies on top. On the way there are interesting mechanisms windmillwhich are used here for the carriage of goods on the ropes. A little away there is a mine with three smelters. But our goal is at the moment - climb on one of the goods and move to the other side. The makeup seems to be captured, but Lara will not surrender. When everyone who dared to attack her was killed, the makeup was used as hostage. But he managed to kill them all, although he fell into the abyss himself. R.i.p. Steering from Glasgow, you were really cool. But now Lara should continue to rise to the palace, again one one-cell.

Chapter 15. Do not throw yours

Chapter 15. Do not throw yours

On the rope you can move to the other side, to the place of contractions and falling the makeup. There will be a staircase up. Another rope ... But suddenly the enemies appear behind and cut the rope! Lara miraculously time to hook behind the rock ice ax. The next boom burned out of her head in a matter of centimeters. But more shots will not follow - Rott arrived just in time and now covers Laru from sniper rifle. There is also a signal from a rescue helicopter, which is looking for another crashed ship, Trinity. Maybe he and the command "Endurans" will be able to pick up. And, as long as Lara finds a camp inside the observation tower. This is part of the wall surrounding the palace. According to the bridge, half the destroyed, you can go without any problems. Lara climbed into the window of some premises, climbed under the ceiling and turned out to be directly under the very bridge that leads to the palace. If only the caretakers did not suspect anything at the top ... but no, it fails to go quietly, and Rott enters the shootout, distracting the islanders from Lara. It seems they are all dead. She rises to the bridge ... But behind some man throws up and they fly down together. Lara is enough for the board and rises back. Damn it, was it really not easier to shoot them all? As if Lara is first faced with superior number of lemmings. Now you have to run, jump and shy away from the invisible machine gun. At the end of Lara clings the icebreaker behind the rock and rises to the inlet of the cave.

Entrance to the cave

Bones here are darkness, and water comes to the chin. Red candles are burning, it means that someone has just visited here. Whole skeletons in Niche tell us that this cave is an ancient crypt. Lara pulls onions, and after several corridors, the rite of purification is coming. Matthias Father is going to burn Sammy on the fire. Lara comes out of the shadows to prevent him from, but it turns out to be captured and beaten. The bonfire really fill down, but the wind blew off him, saving Sammy's life. Lara is dragged into the throne room, but it is released and jumps from the bridge to the bloody river.

Chapter 16. In the bake

Chapter 16. In the bake

Fortress Brotherhood

A short jogging along the staggering and burning cave corridors, and Lara falls on the top of the floor. The walls and the floor are manifested here with wooden boards, which are currently embraced by fire. Because of the walls, voices are heard. Is Sammy really arranged this fire? Or are these consequences of gas explosions in the caves? In any case, you need to get out. No problems, just a few corridors. And then access to the canopy, a slope of the building, through the hole in the wall. Lara passes through it, rises along the wall with the help of ice ax, and falls on a good sight point. From here there is a wonderful look of a burning fortress. Lara finds the Cabinet of Mathias and takes some paper with me. Going on the roof, you will need to use the cable car. Now begin martialctionsThe sun brothers still want to prevent Lara to get to the palace. No save your lives.

At the entrance to the palace, Whitman is unexpectedly found. He settled here almost like a tourist. Then the incomprehensible scene goes, where Matias wants something from Samantha. It must be pulled out, and Lara kills the guard of Dmitry Anatolyevich. There are a lot of bad Russians in the fraternity. With it, it was all weapons taken away from Lara. Already gathering to leave, Sam and Lara are stumbled on Matias and Whitman, who were still tied. The heir to Yamataya fled faster and therefore her with Larna divided the burning beam fallen from the ceiling. Miss Croft remained alone in the throne room, besieged by two tens of bandits. When they are running out, you can leave the hall. By the way, if you do not hurry, you can observe how gradually fire is steel along the wooden floor, the meter per meter, covering it entirely. The fire will approach slowly, but from the palace will still have to get out. Make it is not so simple, due to very narrow corridors and a large number of enemies. Do not forget to change the position of the camera [C] depending on the shelter.

Lara left the blazing, smokey palace and was on the street, but the time to breathe fresh air She will not have. Matias Father became behind the machine gun, and now wipes all the shelter lead. We will have to change them, evading and rolling. The goal is to get to the wall at which you can climb with the help of ice ax. There, from the second floor, for some reason, we throw a rope leading right on the head of the crazy. After contractions, Lara falls, but picks up a grenade launcher and shoots it right in the reptile [SCM \u003d press the mouse wheel]. That's no more than Matias's father. Lara lumps grenade launcher to the machine, thereby making it a bait. With it, you can destroy the metal barriers, such as you need to disseminate now. New grenades can be found in wooden boxes. Well, and now you can break through the streets with a twinkle. A machine gunner is perfectly taken out from one pomegranate, only a healer needs to be higher - the flight range leaves much to be desired. And here is the camp! Finally, and then the author has already accumulated more than a thousand spare parts.

After the rest near the fire, you need to climb around the wall. The whole floor is burning, the miracle that the ceiling is kept. In the end, you need to blow metal fortifications. If that, the grenade launcher is only on the machine. At the bottom of Sammy gets off from the workers with a gun. She also copes well, but Lara decides to go down and help. Having descended on the cable, another iron obstacle is found. Bold, the bait must work out its appearance for another 997 times. However, with the enemies, he copes simply great. To see opponents through smoke, you need to use instinct. After a small but tightly populated street, there will be another ambush - with a searchlight, which cannot be cut down, and a machine gun that the grenade does not come true. So you will have to move in the old manner - evasion. You need to get to a lonely wall, through which the machine gun does not take. It can be climbed to the top, and already from the roof on the rope to move to the attic of another house. From here the machine gunner gets great. It remains on the rope to move across the river, to meet with Sammy. She stands in such an armored obstacle that he will not even take a grenade launcher. Therefore, girlfriends will have to break up again. Lara will be selected alone. It rises along the wall of the house, on the rope goes to the roof of the house opposite. And from there climbed into the window of the tower.

Fortress tower

Curse, yes here is the warehouse of red barrels! Also, some kind of psycho play with an incendiary mixture. It is necessary to get out faster from here.

Chapter 17. Get to the helicopter

Chapter 17. Get to the helicopter

The rescue helicopter landed on the edge of the fortress! You need to get to it as soon as possible! Lara flies on the rope and falls on the bridge. Rear suddenly appears ... Matias? Everything, unbelievers no more, if only this is not a mysterious twin brother. You need to cross the bridge until he collapsed. First you need to run back forever, then get off the hot fan, and then jump over the collapsed bridge.

Fortress tower

Rocking down, Lara sees the helicopter flies somewhere. You need to climb the very top of the tower. The path resembles a gigantic and deadly rifle staircase. It passes around the tower and is saturated with all sorts of obstacles. Everything ends with an epic jump into a flying helicopter with a roof of a falling tower.

Inside there are only Rott and the Japanese pilot. The rest of the crew of the endurance at the bottom is shooting from savages. But the pilot is not going to land behind them. Lightning falls into the turntable, after which it falls. The first at the place of the crash comes Rott. He seems to be fine, which cannot be said about Lara. She lies unconscious and, it seems, does not breathe. In any case, Rott makes her artificial respiration, or simply enjoys her helplessness. Lara comes to himself, but at this time the enemies led by Matias, who throws the ax that falls into the Rotta. The old man has time to shoot another fanatics, but still, with an ax in his back, people do not live for a long time. Matthias disappeared, and after some time all the other comrades are joined to Lara, except Whitman. They collect a funeral bonfire for Rotta. Then Lara remains alone while the rest are going to repair some kind of boat. Thinking a little, she also decides to join them, but on the other purpose - on the boat you can swim in the "Ritual Hall", marked on the map of Mathias, which she touched from his office in the fortress.

Chapter 18. Loneliness

Chapter 18. Loneliness

Mountain forest

New location is near the slums. You need to catch up with a group. The forest is very by the way, you can hunt, look at nature, which is gratifying, after burning houses and dirty caves. However, old enemies are evil gray wolves - also come back. But at the beginning, the fights with the hunters patrolling forests will have. In order not to raise anxiety, it is better to get a gun with a silencer. It is also possible to climb on some trees, look at the forest from top to bottom.

But the most interesting place is a tomb, a cave in the rock on the left. The only difficulty is darkness, so we use the instinct to see the road. The garbage must be burned, it seems to be everything.

We return to the hunting village. It will be the following check PointGuarded by hunters and wolves. This is a cave called the Wolf Laugh, although there is a person's presence. Stairs, doors, cells ... with wolves. Indeed, they are bred here. Would interrupt everyone while they are locked. Just in the shot on everyone, also experience is given. A suspended deer must be tightened with a rope so that he moves the crossbar at which you can go on. Coming out of the room, Lara rolled down and almost fell into black abyss. In this part of the cave obviously no one for a long time came. A large flock of volatile mice lives here.

The cave went to the slums. The only descent is a rope over a waterfall, and therefore someone walks in this dangerous way.

Chapter 19. Accelerated Descent

Chapter 19. Accelerated Descent

The archaeologist is needed for repairing the boat, despite the fact that the mechanic on the ship - Reyes? Strange. But it is on our hand, it means they will wait for Laru. It seems that the cables will end only with final titers. Oh, but it's interesting ...

Cable car

It means that we are not familiar short rope, which we have already seen hundred. A large mechanism that moves small cabins without roof up and down above the winding mountain river. A part of the descent passes in the fog, but then it dissipates, and the cableway stops. Therefore, you need to leave the booth faster. You need to roll the rope on the nearest tower. There will be a staircase on this tower, where the next rope is waiting. Lara law: too quiet, despite that someone clearly noticed her, and therefore stopped the movement of the cable car. And indeed: it was worth a runaway to be on the ship, which somehow raised high above the ground, as the guards climbed from everywhere. So funny: Lara does not leave the shelter, and all new and new enemies go down on the ropes, one by one, having arranged in the center of the mountain from the corpses. Just like a game about "lemming", only on the contrary. It lasts until the least stupid of them stands behind the machine gun. He shoots the cables, holding the ship, after which he leaned down on board down. Lara withstood the monstrous punch of his back of the railing, from which no wonder and the spine break. But quickly recovered and climbed up. The ship still fell down down the fodder, Lara falls on the platform, grabs the rope, it jumps to another, on the third, fourth ... and so does not turn out to be in the river. Still, she got out to the shore, and the terrible cableway remained behind. More no ski resorts.

Coast of Sorrow

This shore is filled with numerous remains of ships, ruined the island. Location is large and rich, there is even a tank here and underwater mines. But now Lara is looking for a team that is trying to start a boat.

Chapter 20. Pirate Life

Chapter 20. Pirate Life

Pirate - not in the sense that now Lara will be engaged in printing counterfeit disks. In fact, now you will need to rob ships to find a rigger for repairing a boat. The path to the ship begins with a destroyed pier. It will be necessary to climb the turret and use the rope leading to the galleon. Inside there are already two witnesses who heard Lara landed on the wreckage. They know too much to leave them alive. A little acrobatics and Lara turns out to be on the nose of the ship. A total of one slotting (anchor mount), the anchor falls down, and the mast falls on the deck. Now it remains to choose a rigging and return to the guys.

The Whitman is almost simultaneously shown. He screams and shoots into someone. But no one chases behind him. It seems that he only played the whole chase. I wonder, Wheatman escaped, released him, or is he now a spy? It does not give a rey of it, and Lara should now look for Alex. Ion gives her a new composite bow. It will be possible to study a new type of arrows - "Napalm" - which ignite any surface.

Chapter 21. Missing

Chapter 21. Missing

Alex went to the endurance for the tools. It will be interesting to visit what remains of this trough. The path begins in the east. With the help of a composite onion, even stone walls can be pierced, which will allow you to create new ropes. Just so now you need to do to move to the marker goal. Alex comes into touch, he got to the ship and decided to find the tools independently. The path to the next goal is not very long. There are already two guards talking about Lara. Well, what else to say two men, who did not see women for years? In addition, it turns out that some Boris and his squad are now on endurance! Alex fell into the trap. One could say - "Alex goes to a trap", but knowing him, it is safe to say - he already got into her. You can climb only jumps, on the debris from the start of the road. From above will be descent on the rope.

In addition to two bandits, there is also an entrance to the hidden tomb. Behind the door is a military bunker. Inside there is a laboratory in which local storms studied. The floor is covered with water under high voltage. The order of action is as follows: Gilt the fastening of the fleet, with a shotgun with a barricade, from the place where it was, tightening the raft twice, in the raft, we move on the other side, shoot the rope on the mount, which raises the current source and go through the water on the other side. Then, raising the current source, you need to pull the raft under it. Now you can safely get to the stairs on the water. It remains only to clean the chest.

Return to the sad shore. If you have forgotten, with the help of a new bow, you can drive the rope into the wall. On the other side there will be a passage to the cave.

Bunker on a rock

On the other side there is a camp, and overlooks the cable car and endurance, which, apparently, islanders disassembled on parts. Chain the rope will again have to the wall. With it you can get straight to a large military cannon with a sworn trunk. Having passed under the pipes, Lara is indoors with islanders, which are read something, or break. Like paratroopers, they will descend on cables from a huge crane. Having passed to the pione, you can find a staircase that is protected by several fighters. At the second level, the resistance is still cooler. All fighters are well armored, and there are still a lot of demolitions. From the third level you need to jump onto the forklift, and from it to the roof. On the horizon alets sunset sun, soon the island will plunge into darkness. Below is the camp. Having done the next rope, Lara went down to a piece of land, with a single protruding pillar, from which the vehicle leads a cable. She landed on the pipes and rolled down, but it seems, no one noticed. Huge Bugai helps the rest with the palate of the ship. You will have to kill them all. Vulzil is vulnerable only the head: you need to shoot it, and when it is stunned, run up and finish the ice ax. From his body, Lara raises "Zamam" - now she can drag even those huge things on the rope that could not earlier. Just one such this can now be discarded on the deck to pierce it and open the road in the bag.

Inside full of destruction and garbage. And when just managed? Lara found the cabin Samantha in a terrible state. It is even worse things in the middle of the ship, the kind of such that some kind of messenger bit off a huge piece, but in fact, karma just broke out that we saw in the starting roller. The engine room must be just there, so Lara is moved along the cable and descends into water. Alex responds to the call, he was pressed by fragments. And you cannot get closer Lara - the entrance to the compartment blocks the bare wiring. Then she shoots the crane with a rope and with the help of Zhumara pulls him closer. The crane has two stairs: short and long. Arriving on them, Lara will push the crane until it stops in the opposite direction. Thus: you first need to climb on a short staircase, then pull the rope, then climb on the long staircase. Then it will be possible to climb into the hatch on the ceiling. Lara broke down a pipe that interferes with the crane. Now you can open a passage, repeating all the actions with the crane in the opposite order by returning it to the starting point. Alex pressed greatly, so the enemies arrived. As a result, he remained alone to blow them together with him, putting endurance to the bottom. Lara grabbed a wrench and a screwdriver (here, damn, the most valuable tools that no longer on the same ship), after which it was empty to run from a sinking ship. It turns out, now, with the help of Zhumara, it is also possible to climb the ropes to the ropes, as descending down. Alex remains behind, and Lara needs to return to the bunker on the rope.

The sun finally calm and the moon appeared. Now the load at the top can be pulled down. He breaks the ceiling and lara will be able to jump down. Judging by the record in the diary, scientists went to the monastery but, as we know, did not succeed. Behind the door is already familiar to us the room, some places in which are now available, thanks to Zhumar. From the place where the gun is located, now you can get a new way to climb on the cable. Next will need to go again through the tunnel.

Coast of Sorrow

Back to friends you can return the same way. And you can use Zhumar and open a new one. There is a bonfire, and Lara can be very nice to descend, jumping over with one cable to another.

Chapter 22. Pogony by Wind

Chapter 22. Pogony by Wind

Lara decides alone to go on the road to the research station to learn the truth about the stormies on Yamata. To start lifting, you need to lower the elevator. He falls down with a crash, as if he was just waiting for the appearance of Lara to finally spoil. Maybe she is really cursed? It looks like that. Fortunately, suffer from this for the most part of the enemies, in the percentage, naturally. So, for this mine, if you can call it so, you can go upstairs. There, with a bow, you can make a rope to the target. Here it will be necessary to climb the water barrel, and from her on the turret staircase with a cable car. Terrible view Cabinet can be tightened with a rope. We repeat from the second, and then jump from it quickly, because it rapidly falls down. Are you still in doubt about the curses of Lara Croft? Elevator and this cabin, as well as many items before them - definitely not. After the cable and short lift, several fighters are found. A little more acrobatics, and Lara turns out to be an obstacle that opens with the help of a rope. Miracle that Lara did not collapse back down the platform. It turns out another gun here, exactly similar to that, in the bunker. And she was sworn in the same way.

Scientific station

So our goal. Contrary to tradition, you will have to descend down the sheer cliff. Water takes Lara on the belt, and after it again there is a rise and descent. Finally is a place similar to the laboratory. A few fighters are waiting for Lara here, and also remember the demons - they. Here you can take advantage of the campfire. Further in large quantities there are bodies of Japanese soldiers. They preserved well. Lara crossed water and pressed a large green button. A folded door opened, followed by another button, this time to call the elevator. Today, just his day - he was lucked. It is necessary to climb on the boxes and the ice ax, tear the stuck gear. The elevator went down below. Now it can be climbed on it, and get out through the hole in the lattice, right on the stairs.
We have three floors: 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Together they are connected by a staircase with spans. Each has a call button.

  • Stopping the elevator at the third level, you need to go down to the middle of the stairs and jump into a small platform. You can remove the second part with it.
  • Stopping the elevator on the fourth floor, you need to go down on the third and find a staircase leading to the tiny compartment. From here you can remove the third part.
  • To the last part to get the most difficult thing. It is necessary to call the elevator on the fourth floor, jump on it, shoot from a shotgun in a barrier (this can be done in advance), and jump into the hole on the wall, clinging to her ice ax. The rest is the case.

Now the elevator does not hold anything, and it will break to the 1st level. Here guards walk along the corridors, but they are easily neutralized by a pistol with a silencer. Finally, Lara turns out to be in ancient tomb, with large statues and elevation in the middle. There is a body who has committed to the commander. Selling a sword from his abdomen, Lara finds a scroll in which he learns that the storms occur because the spirit of Pimico was locked in a rotary body. Well, anyone looking "Supernatural" is known, for this you need to sprinkle the body or bones of salt, pour fuel and burn. But let's go back to Lara Croft, which still has to get out of this tomb. A squad of soldiers is already sent to her. They explode output and attack on top. We'll have to shoot. When all the enemies end, you can climb upstairs and go to their traces. The descent from which you need to jump onto the wall and grab it.

Coast of Sorrow

Selecting the outside, Lara receives a signal from Reyes, ahead with shots. They were attacked, so you need to return faster. It is necessary to descend on the fragile type of metal and concrete facilities. Lara lands exactly on the Pier, where finds a wounded Reyes, and later Ion returns to them. Whitman led Sammy to Matyas. It was necessary to shoot it even when meeting in the Fortress of Brotherhood.

Chapter 23. Return

Chapter 23. Return

To go back to Samantha, you need to jump onto the boat. Then there will be camps with the possibility of rapid movement.

The boat sailed along the river and Laru landed on the pass. Ion, such a whole steep and pumped out, called it "chicken". As if it was not he stays down, waiting for the woman to kill all bad guys. So, Lara should build a rope and move through a stormy river. A very strong wind blows in this place, although not strong enough to beat the bell, which only slightly shake. Having passed through a short tunnel, Miss Croft turned out to be directly over the Wheatman, Matias and Sammy on the road. Now they lead a "new empress" to the temple, but first need to be recognized by storm guards. Wheatman decides to get all the glory for itself, but he knows Japanese well and, obviously, insults samurai. Eh, and so I wanted to put a nanalmovy arrow in my leg. Matthias dragged Samantha across the bridge before the wind demolished him and two guards. We will have to use bypass, climb on the rope and climb the window.


Here it is, the Citadel Empress of the Sun. Storm guards patrol the corridors, like a thousand years ago. Who are they: living people, dead, or empty armor? Let's find out. After the patrol hits behind the doors, Lara will be able to set fire to wooden trash and sneak through the tunnel. On the other side, as on the parade, the storm guards go along the corridor and gather in the big room. For the noise of their boots, Lara rises along the stairs, turns on the board to the other side, jumps on the eaves and gets to the opposite side. Unfortunately, they still notice and begin to attack. She runs along the corridor, and at this time arrows fly around and something burning. Lara rolls and falls into the cave under the temple. Here are hostile samurai, with which, finally, you can fight. They are surprisingly weak: fraternity fighters are much harder to kill. Ancient armor do not give them any protection. Soon the camp is found. Walls in the cave are engaged in red candles, and outside the door turns out to be an open area with a strong wind.

On the other side, Semmy and Matias can be seen. While Lara goes through the passage in the wall, the screams of ions and reyes, which someone attacks. The bridge is destroyed, and Lara falls down. It seems that now the storm guards decided to take it seriously. The air was filled with burning arrows, from which you need to hide. The storm guards themselves follow them. After the second wave, it will be possible to go through the fallen stone column. It was the turn of Lara Croft - to step on samurai. Archers lick behind the shields that you can set fire to the arrow. According to their bombs with flammable, you can also shoot in flight, which gives a killion effect. This is them very angry, because the third wave is sent against Lara. Soon only one huge guard remain between it and the front entrance, but it demolines the wind ... Hey, what about the epic battle?

Temple over the gorge

In the hall of the temple, the bodies of the soldiers who came here hoped to find a way to control the storms. They failed to get through hundreds of guys. Is it really a model of model appearance? Behind the doors hiding an even more terrifying spectacle, real mess of human remains. Well, yes, seized and worse. You need to turn the right valve first, and then the left. Then the cell rises. Running it, you can smash a stone barrier. Then you will need to close the pit with the right valve and omit the cell left. Now you need to jump on the topmost level of the room. You need to dig a cage, jump into it, and jump into the cherished window under the ceiling. Lara falls into a round room with golden statues and drawings of the rite on the floor. The worst fears came true: the soul of Pimico moves into her bodies of her descendants after the mysterious rite. And the last of them is Sammy. At the end of the winding corridor is the last camp. More opportunities to switch to the locations passed, until the end of the game, will not be introduced. The junction is close.


Behind the door at this time raging a blizzard, but the stone bridge looks reliably. Matias just switched to the other side, Touch Sam behind him. Go behind him Lara prevents the flame that closes the entrance and does not go out even from the shrill wind with snow. But enter, as usual, it is possible by bypassing. There, Lara makes the rope, closes on the rock upstairs, it is chosen out, rises on the rock even higher, pulls the bell to the wind so that he knocked the door. Further, after a short acrobatics, you need to build a rope from the column to the bell from above. There, Lara miraculously clings to the beam, which swings like a swing. With it you can jump onto the road, leading the outward and zooming temple. With her Lara makes the "Flight" on the rock, and with it with a rebound jumps into the tower. It seems that Pimico is completely swirling, the zippers are fighting about the rock, and squeeze pieces from her. We are only on your hand, because now it can be moved. The case is not easy, you will have to let go of the ice ax to drive it into the rock below. In the end, the path will lead Lara to the last fire.

Lara will have to make the most epic rise to the roof of the temple, and Matias already holds a rite. He really is a magic, and Pimico's soul tries to take the body of Sammy. Lara is in a hurry to prevent this happen. At the same time, she will interfere with fraternity fighters. Lara will have to go through the range of worship around the rite. Finally, it is possible to kill the largest and terrible storm guards. It is possible to dope from it only with a row, and the spin is a vulnerable to the weapon. When it is stunned, you need to run up and strike. At the end of Lara will be able to knock off his helmet and cut the skull. It remains only to survive a short fight with Matias, but these are already trifles. Lara burns Pimico with a torch, why the spirit leaves the body and Yamatai himself. Because of the clouds, the sun appeared, the storm stopped. Lara and Sammy went down to the category, on which, together with Reyes and Iona, left the island, no longer damn. Then they picked up sailing by the ship. And they lived for a long time and ... no, it's from another opera. Lara decides to return to the island to finish his research, collect all the artifacts, diaries, and plunder all the tombs.

Lair Padalshchikov

Begin passage of Tomb Raider (2013) From viewing the entrance roller, after which they swing from side to the side. Rocking Lara hooked by the sleeping nearby Cocon who hit the candle after which it will light up and fall. Fucking Next clinging the rope is a burning log, after which the rope will light up after Lara falls down, you will need to pull the iron rod stuck it in the side. Having rolled down on your feet for the time being on some crucified poor fellow, to the right of it you can find the torch that you should pick up. With a torch, we go further until I do not go on the block of boxes, boards and logs, set on to them with the help of a torch after which we can go further. After Lara is moving through the crevice in the rock without your help, you can enable the "survival instinct" mode, in which you can notice the items necessary for passing (remind of "instinct" from).

Your torch will go out in order to light it again, use the burning container to the right of you. Next, we climb on the ledge on the left and set on the body closed in a rag. In the end, the fire will get to the barrel which will explode and free the passage. After getting to the ledge where the barrel was standing on the Laru, you can break the buttons a and d, after which we will run right until we find it in the water, swim forward until I do not get to exit. The output will be littered with all sorts of trash including exploding barrels, if they are settling, you can free yourself a passage, that's just a torch with you again. We pass to the right to the suspended cell, burning along the road a torch. We need to set fire to two posts on the left and right from the cell. After the cell rises, its counterweight drops down blocking the path in the floating boxes. Google boxes with drawers that formed a jam, after which along the right wall, go upstairs and jump into the suspended cell. After that, the cage with the LAR goes down and the counterweight will rise throwing the burning garbage into a ceremony box, then it will stay to push this box by sending the burning garbage straight to the rod with barrels that will be exploded.

Next, we run through the cave jumping faults in the ground, after the Laru again attacks the click of the buttons a and d, and then immediately f, if the Lara is spoiled by stone (but this is nothing autose. After going on, climbing the module, pressing the A and D keys during the lifting, you will need to ride from the falling stones by pressing a or d, depending on the direction of favors. This is where the beginning of the passage.

To switch between rollers video passing Tomb Raider (2013) Use the Playlist tab at the bottom of the screen ...

Coastal rocks

Now our task is to find other survivors, turning the left go ahead, seeing the boat continue to move forward, go on a log on the other side of the cliff, after which you jump into the pit and finally get to the aircraft. Trying not to fall jump on the fuselage of the aircraft and click on to grasp, climbing up pressing in the "Space" process to move the jerk slightly above. Reaching the wings shift to the right again we climb upstairs after which I climb on the right wing. To jump over the engine, press D and "Space", and then immediately do not fall. We continue to click on the right until you fall from the aircraft to the ground. We continue to move along the narrow ledge until I do not get to the metal wall, to climb on it twice the "space", go down to the bag, then watch the next video, then run forward and jump (the jump does not succeed and Lara drops down). Now we will need to hide from the storm for this we pass forward until the next video starts.

Coastal forest

After the rain is over, we push forward using the "survival instinct" to orientation. At the end of the way, we find the corpse of a person hanging on the tree from which you need to remove onions. To do this, go around the bunker on the reverse side and climb onto its roof, jump from there to the ledge from which you can get closer to the bed with a bow. The body will swing, you need to grab it for the bow of the code it will be closest to you by pressing the direction of movement direction. After receiving onions, you will need to get the deer meat, in front of it we collect around the arrows. Also, nearby can be found in a reversed truck in which you can find documents. After heating a deer, go to him everything else Lara will make it myself. Here you can also boil on other animals and collect berries, and besides this, bone totems in the trees will be found in the trees that need to shoot from Luke. After the end of the hunt, return to the camp using the "survival instinct", returning to the fire and distribute the points of skills.

After you figure out with the skills, we return to the place where the corpse was found with the bow, this time you will need to go to the bunker on the roof of which we climbed earlier (the door to it is open). Inside the room will be a hatch into which you need to descend to use the staircase, press the SHIFT key, well, to jump from it again SHIFT. Next, we go through the tunnel of the filled water until I do not get to the room with playing music. Gilt the bunch of garbage from the left side, passing forward to find homemade pick-up who will be your second weapon, it is best to suit the door opening. Also in this room you can find a casket with an artifact (mask but). To go further, we wake the door with the help of Kirk, for this we approach the door and click e, and then click e a few more times to crack the castle. Hacking the door again I get into the flooded tunnel for which I will get to the stairs leading to the surface to climb the staircase by clicking "Space". Having selected on the surface of the Torch Torch with a shift, after which we pass up the path where the fire is met by Sam and some Mathias, we look at the next cat-scene.

Waking up We discover that our companions disappeared somewhere, making a few steps towards Lara falls into a trap, after which it will be necessary to fight off the flock of wolves. Wolves will jump over one of the bushes, the time will slow down so that you will have no problems to follow the beast in the head. After killing three wolves, the rest of the survivors from your ship will appear and help Lara free from the cappon after which we look at the next cat scene.

Before you go after Dr. Witman, pick up a book from the table, as well as passing a little forward you can find a small box that can be opened only with the help of improved kirk you have yet. We go later down the path, moving to the right along the wall you can detect a cache, passing under the bridge with the right you can find another artifact. Also in this location I will come across boxes from which you can get parts that will later use to improve weapons. In addition, bags that need to be runing hanging on the rods that must be falling on, of which there will also be drawers with spare parts (for arson, it is necessary for a burning torch. Set it from one of the columns with fire). Hearing the doctor's voice climb up the hill, on the way the Laru will attack two wolves to shy away from their attacks by pressing SHIFT and one of the movement direction keys. In this location, you can also find a couple of bone amulets suspended on the trees, they need to shoot onion. On one of the location trees, you can detect the platform with the "coastal forest" card on it, the map is turned on by pressing the Tab button, it can be found in this location all documents, artifacts and caches, for this it is enough to open a map and mark the desired place with the marker And then in the "Survival Instinct" mode go in the right direction. In this way, you can find the site "Tomb of the traveler".

Tomb traveler

Run to the entrance to the tomb we light the torch and pass through a narrow cave to the waterfall that will hover your torch to go further need to set fire to the boxes, boards and other garbage, for this we shoot the lamp weighing from above. Passing forward and coming out of the cave get into a small location with an airplane in her center lying on the trees. The tree nearest to us will be wrapped with a rag that you need to skate to shoot in the lamp weighing nearby. On the right side there will be another tree with a cloth, next to it will be a design of the boards on which the corpse weighs, the first thing we shoot in the lamp above the corpse. To light it. Then climb to the ledge and push the board with a burning corpse, falling that the tree needs it. To set fire to the next tree, first shoot the lamp hanging high above (it is clearly visible standing where the boards pushed). The burning lamp will begin to fall on the rope towards the tower of a scored garbage, but it will get stuck clinging for the beam, our task is to free it.

To do this, climb the ledge with the beam, but first we find a ledge with three lamps standing on Earth, one of them can throw in the nearest tree wrapped with a cloth. Next, we climb on the ledge with the beam and climb on the drawer standing next to the beam. Under the weight of Lara Balka leans and the burning lamp flies into the tower of firing the trash inside her, the tower in turn settles the next (last) tree on which the aircraft weighs. The aircraft falls apart into two parts, we need to get into the tail, but it is littered with garbage to free the passage we return to the ledge with the lamps, one of which we throw in the garbage sticking out of the tail of the aircraft. The passage is free, we climb on the nasal part of the aircraft lying on the ground and jump from it on the tailing part while working on which we jump on a small structure in which the chest opening the chest that end up the task of the traveler tomb. You can go back quickly, for this slip on the rope straight to the cave leading to the main location.

Returning back climbing the hill where you are waiting for Dr. Witman standing at the gate of some kind of temple, to open the gate will have to take advantage of Kirk, but before it needs to be improved. To the left of the entrance to the temple will be an extinguished fire, we set on it to opening it by opening it the third camp in the game. By improving the kirk we return to the entrance to the temple and together with Witman open it. But before that, with the help of improved Kirk, it is worth opening the chests one from the previous camp, one not far from the entrance to the temple. In them you will find improvements for onions.

Mountain Temple

After going through the gate, moving up the steps behind the witman until the next CAT scene starts and you will not be taken captivated. After you return to the management immediately hide behind low shelters like small stone walls. When a pair of enemies with lanterns will pass by crawling up the path before the next shelter. We are waiting for the enemies to disperse on the sides after which they start running forward to a small dilapidated shack, in which you can hide. Afterby waiting for another patrol, we move up the steps to the next shelter. Having waited until the enemies run running to the doorway in the burning building where Lara and hide for a while. After the lara is evolved out, press the F button when the circle appears on the screen with an exclamation mark that the enemy knees is broken between the legs. After the circle appears the second time, press F again it will be a bite for the ear. Next, we shoot a pistol to the enemy (there was no particular sense), after which it is necessary to fight where you need to press the buttons a and d, and after the hand icon appears, the E button and at the end of the scene when the gun icon appears, you will need to shoot the enemy in the face .

Now, in addition to Luka there is an old pistol, after Lara comes to yourself moving forward past the burning buildings, after a couple of small suspension bridges. Next, we will rise up the steps while we will not start shooting, getting the cartridges open the back fire, it is advisable to be ahead. Shooting a couple of enemies search their corpses and pick up the cartridges to the gun, after which we pass to the goal leading to the building that we wake with the help of Kirk. To get out of the building, it is necessary to break the boards which the hole is clogged in the wall, for this we approach it and press it several times. On the street, jump over the destroyed suspension bridge after which we move up the path picking on the road cartridges and arrows. Having passed a little more forward with a lonely enemy standing on the ledge, it is necessary to do it silently, so we shoot from the bow in the head. Without forgetting to choke the corpse climb to the ledge where you can find some more cartridges. Turning right to jump onto a wooden building that, unlike the rest, it does not burn, climbing it right, and then we climb up.

Rising upstairs and hiding behind the drawer, removing the crazy shots in the head (if you're lucky) a couple of enemies, and then another descending on the rope stairs. After replenishing the ammunition and shaking troupes climb the rope stairs upstairs. Rising moving forward picking up ammunition and revealing boxes with the details necessary for improvements. On the second floor of the first building you can find a cache. Having passed a dumb forward to the right of a small bridge, you can find a fire that will be another camp, here you can distribute talent glasses, improve weapons and make a quick transition to the camps open earlier.

Before going further by going through the bridge, go through the stream to the right side of the bridge, on the other shore you can find a small cave in which except the box with the details will lie down the document. And if you return to the rope stairs and go to the left along the path, then get to the waterfall next to which there is a cave, and already in it you can find the map of the area on which all the documents, artifacts and caches are indicated. Returning to the camp pass through the bridge up the road, two enemies will stand on the site near the building, it is better to deal with them along the quiet, if you do not work out, get ready for the arrival of reinforcements in the number of two more, three people. Having broken up with the enemies and the search of the corpses can continue to move up the steps, but before it is worth collapse, passing a little forward and turning the left you can find the second cache, as well as ammunition and spare parts. Returning back climb up the steps, but on the floor we turn to the left. After passing back, you will find a small structure within which you can find a chest that opened with the help of a kirk, and descending from the ledge down, you can shoot in a hanging lantern from which the test "Pyromania" will begin during which in the course of this section of the game it is worth knocked down four more such lamp. Here, on the log, you can return to the starting point of the step in the steps upstairs.

Passing upstairs falling to the building to penetrate the inside of which it is possible through the hole above the entrance. We select spare parts from the box and shoot the next lamp to burn garbage blocking the path further. After passing the next one after another, silently shoot patrolling enemies, for this we approach them from the back and pressing F by eliminating the enemy by pressing E. First two to remove it in this way, and it was possible to deal with the rest of the enemies. At the very top of the building, we will get eases of throwing bottles with an incendiary mixture. Without the shooting of everyone, jump over the break to the place where the enemies ran out and the search of the troupe leave the burning building along the stretched cable approaching it and pressing the space. Landing before it continues the movement go back and climb on the ledge on the left. Having passed a little forward on the second floor of the building, you can find an artifact - a green folding fan of the Edo period. Also, on this building, you can smash another lamp for "pyromania", near the building you can simulate a hanging bag from which the box will fall out with the details. And walking along the steps upstairs and go down from the eaves down, jumping over the gulf fall on the platform with another box, you can also shoot another lamp for "pemer" that weighing on one of the buildings below.

Returning back to place where Lara landed with a cable we turn to the left and walking down the steps to find another structure, inside you can find the artifact - Fan Gumbai. From this building, you can also detect another lamp that knocking out that we will perform the achievement of "pemer". Returning to the site of the landing to the right of the path leading upstairs, you can still be another document. After passing up the steps, I will get to crevice in the rock for which Lara will need to go upstairs. When climbing simply clamp the W key, and climbing a little forward along the path, hearing the sounds of shots, after which we look at the next cat scene at the end of which will need to go beyond the backpack with wolves, but before it is worth it to the fire and open the next camp.

Mountain Village

Leaving the Rotta in the camp unconscious camp, we go in the wolf cave for a backpack. We will be a small village in the center of which is the statue, in the hands of the statue of the story that you need to set fire to the torch, starting the test "Illumination". Next, you can run on the first floors of rustic buildings and collect ammunition and details. After that, it is worth climbing on a carport over the statue, for this we approach the ledge on the right of the carport and jump on it with a small two-wheeled cart. Stripping from a canopy to the roof of the construction on the left you can detect a cache, and if you jump from a canopy to the weighing on the right, you can get into a large building on the right side of the settlement. On the first floor of which you can detect a box with spare parts and artifact - silver flask. Climbing the stairs to the next floor, you can detect the document - an ancient manuscript, as well as a bin with spare parts. On the top floor you can also find spare parts, and if you move to the leaf of the cliff near the house, you can find another cache. Next, we go down to the first floor and pass through the door in a small courtyard with the plates of the aircraft. On the ledge on the left side, on which another cache can be found on the nasal part of the aircraft, and already with it inside the tail.

Selecting the outside and passing along the wing on the right side, you can find a box with spare parts, returning back climb up the ledge, where Znight struck the tree. From these ledges, you can get to the top of the tail of the aircraft, running on which you jump over the next ledge. Next, take another OP, several ledges get to the wolf cave. Before you go to the cave, you can go right through the mother and will go left to the water from it, there will be an entrance to a small cave to which rock paintings will indicate. Before entering, you can find another cache, however, in the cave itself you need the climbing gear of which you do not have. We return to the wolf cave and go inside, passing until the end of the cave we take the contents of the backpack and go back to the output. On the back path A wolf will attack Lara, which you need to kill pressing the buttons appearing on the screen, first in turn click a and d, then F, after e, and then several times F. searching the wolf corpse from the cave and go back to the camp where Rotta is left back to the camp. You can go down quickly down the stretched cable.

We look at the scene in which Lara provides the first help with Rotta, after which he gets an ice ax with which you can climb on the rags. First of all, it is worth returning to the wolf cave, however, it will now have to do it by studying on the sheer cliffs with the help of ice ax (parts of the rocks suitable for mountaineering can be seen in the "survival instinct" mode, and to use the ice ax, you press E. Well, then everything is simple The slope get to the wreckage of the aircraft, then on the ledge until the next sheer cliff, rising from which it will be necessary to jump to another part of the rock, for this press the button a + "space", and then immediately to fix it. Once it is necessary to visit the cave next to the bridge In which we were already but could not go further because of the lack of ice ax. Entering the cave, I will open the additional task of the "Creature Tomb".

The tomb is despicable

In the cave, you can find the camp, and having passed a little more and the "tomb of the contempt" itself. Here we are waiting for another puzzle, not so complicated as in the Tomb of the traveler, but still ...). In order to get to the treasure chest, you need to first light the torch that went out when we passed the waterfall at the entrance to the tomb. To do this, jump on the platform with three suspended cocoons and until it fell under the weight of Lara jumping from her to the next ledge. Gilt the torch from the lamp and jump on the platform with cocoons, after which we set all three. After burning cocoons, the platform will rise and you will need to return to the entrance to the tomb, here it is necessary to approach the metal cage that serves as a counterweight for the platform and push it down by pressing F, thus lifting the platform slightly higher. Returning back to the platform where the cocoons were burned, now it is possible to jump onto a piece of sheer wall suitable for lasagna with ice ax. Rising upstairs go a little forward where we will see the next chest in which there will be a map of the Mountain Village with all artifacts, caches and documents, it will stay to press TAB and note the desired place with the marker. To get out of the tomb descend to the entrance to the cave on the rope, approaching it and pressing the "space", passing through the cave, continue the main plot.

Returning to the wolf cave climb along the slope to the right of the entrance, climbing up. Over the right side, another slope suitable for the lifting with the help of ice ax, but this time you need to jump by clicking "Space" and clinging to Having E. Brothering up to the top I see three enemies Two indoors on the left and one in the construction of the right. After waiting for people to disperse the buildings hiding from the storm, removing two quick shots in the head (for example, from a pistol with a silencer). We go into the structure of the left search the corpses of those killed, after which you carefully remove the third enemy in the construction opposite. We go to that room jumping over a couple of cliffs, inside the corpse's search you can find a box with spare parts and a document lying on the table. Returning to the premises where there were two enemy we pass to a small wooden ledge from which we jump onto the next sheer wall on which with the help of ice ax climb upstairs.

We will be the next statue in which you need to light fire in your hands, we go to the right to jump over a couple of cliffs to the lamp from which you can freeze the torch (there will also be a mesh with a box with spare parts), we return to the statue of the same way and ignite the second fire from the test "Lighting statues." From the statue, you can jump on the box that weighing on the rope, and from him to the second floor of the structure where we destroyed two enemies, there will be an artifact of a mortar on the table). Going down, you can find a bin with spare parts suspended in the grid, then we go into the structure where one opponent was located, to the left of it there will be a slope suitable for the lifting with the help of ice ax. Rising upstairs Retained to the place where the torch was fired, but before you continue the way to jump onto the roof on the right side, here you can find another cache.

Returning to the spot of the torch by jumping from the cart on the next sheer cliff for which we climb the ledge from which we jump on the next slope for which we climb the destroyed bridge. We run on the bridge that begins to fall apart and jump from it in a slowdown on the next rock for which we climb upstairs. Having passed a bit ahead and receiving the instructions by walking down the stringed rope. After landing, Laru will notice the enemies, one of which will shoot from the bow, the second to throw a bottle with an incendiary mixture, and the third will try to attack in hand-to-hand. Shooting all enemies pass forward and set fire to the grid with a box in which you can find parts, do not forget to search the troupe. After passing a little forward to the cleft in Mount, passing through which Lara will fall into the next location, where the new camp will almost immediately find and start viewing the records from the camcorder that testes with you.

Tests in Tomb Raider - An integral part of the game. Throughout the path of Lara Croft and her team will fight for survival, which in itself is already a great test, but in addition to the main goal there will be many secondary. Each large location is trained in thoroughly hidden secrets to be found for full passage games. In favor of the traditions of the secrets are divided into two categories: simple - open with the help of treasure cards or by careful study of the territory, complex - always remain closed and not marked on a global map, they need to look for themselves. Tests in Tomb Raider are very similar to testing in Resident Evil 5 ,.

Tomb Raider did not stop on the emblems, replacing them with totems, flags, marine mines and other objects, unique for each location. All "complex" secrets are reliably hidden, sometimes Lara croft does not even help (key [Q]), because they are located at large distances and do not fall into the radius of the skill. Finding a secret, It is necessary to shoot from, smash the ice ax, to use the "comet" or fire arrows, then it will be counted and included in general statistics of passage. For collecting secrets and testing in Tomb Raider, new galleries are given - new galleries, additional characters for the network game and experience, which will continue to exchange for. Galleries can be found in the main menu of the game in the section "Miscellane".

Location of secrets from Tomb Raider:

  • Coastal Forest / Test - Markoborets (Totems):
    1. 53N 712351, UTM 3416078 - hanging on a branch next to a suspended corpse, at the bunker.
    2. 53N 712363, UTM 3416063 - hanging on the tree branch near the place of the murder of the first deer.
    3. 53N 712355, UTM 3416065 - on a stone block in the middle of the forest, where the fire camp can be seen on the rock.
    4. 53N 712367, UTM 3416074 - on a stone block in a dead end in the northern part of the forest.
    5. 53N 712343, UTM 3416060 - on the tree branch in the path before the entrance to the camp, from the side of the coastal cliffs.
    6. 53N 712375, UTM 3416114 - on a tree branch near the bridge leading to the temple, where Wheat will be waiting.
    7. 53N 712375, UTM 3416112 - Under the bridge on the way to the entrance to the temple where Wheat will be waiting.
    8. 53N 712384, UTM 3416113 - Under the destroyed bridge at the waterfall, in the eastern part of the forest, not far from the temple.
    9. 53N 712364, UTM 3416119 - under a canopy of a broken statue in the western part of the forest, not far from the temple.
    10. 53N 712390, UTM 3416125 - under the roof, to the right of the main gate of the temple with Whitmen.
  • Mountain Temple / Test - Pyromania (lamps):
    1. 53N 712429, UTM 3416144 - On the second floor of a broken pagoda, after the battle with mercenaries and lifting on the rope ladder.
    2. 53N 712429, UTM 3416160 - under the roof of the house near the path, where two mercenaries will talk about the cruelty of Vladimir.
    3. 53N 712434, UTM 3416154 - in the corridor of the temple (inlet through the wall over the wall).
    4. 53N 712440, UTM 3416154 - on the balcony before the abyss in the temple, opposite the place where the first silent murder is performed.
    5. 53N 712435, UTM 3416144 - on the corner of the roof of the Pagoda after escape from the burning temple.
  • Mountain Village / Test - Illuminations (statues of deities):
    1. 53N 712469, UTM 3416161 - in a gazebo in front of Paroda, not far from the camp and cutting off the Rotta.
    2. 53N 712472, UTM 3416201 - next to the waterfall, on the first ledge on the path to the tower (after parting with the Rott).
    3. 53N 712464, UTM 3416189 - before the second descent on the rope on the way back to the mountain village.
    4. 53N 712481, UTM 3416184 - on the site behind the house after the second descent on the rope, along the way to the mountain village.
    5. 53N 712488, UTM 3416195 - In the passage through the cave, where two mercenaries talk, along the way to a pilot of a broken rescue aircraft.
    6. 53N 712502, UTM 3416186 - on the second hill after the tomb ", along the way to the pilot of a broken rescue aircraft.
    7. 53N 712521, UTM 3416191 - The cliff of the waterfall, south of the camp after the mountain church.
    8. 53N 712498, UTM 3416184 - On the cliff, next to the place where the camp was broken by three mercenaries. You can rise on the cable, if from the camp after the mountainous monastery throw it across the river on the left side of the bridge.
    9. 53N 712508, UTM 3416203 - on the top of the cliff, east of the tomb ", along the way to the pilot of the fallen aircraft.
    10. 53N 712454, UTM 3416152 - on a hill, at the tail of a breakdown rescue aircraft.
  • Mountain Village / Test - Barrier nest (Bird eggs):
    1. 53N 712458, UTM 3416172 - on the roof of the pagoda not far from the rusty aircraft from the waterfall.
    2. 53N 712470, UTM 3416197 - on the most painted pagodas over the wolf's log, along the way to the radio sound, where two mercenaries speak.
    3. 53N 712509, UTM 3416202 - on the edge of the cliff, east of the tomb of the Ascension Hall, along the way to the pilot of the fallen aircraft.
    4. 53N 712510, UTM 3416188 - on the edge of the cliff near the gazebo, along the way to the pilot of the fallen aircraft.
    5. 53N 712463, UTM 3416153 - on the roof of the house on the hill, at the tail of a broken rescue aircraft.
  • Mountain Base / Testing - Antipopaganda (Red posters):
    1. 53N 712443, UTM 3416286 - In the room on the first floor, where two mercenaries roll out a barrel with flammable.
    2. 53N 712457, UTM 3416286 - on the wall in the room with generators.
    3. 53N 712458, UTM 3416299 - In the room with a crop-plated soldier, after the explosion in the generator ,.
    4. 53N 712432, UTM 3416299 - In the room on the first floor, where Lara Croft enters the ambush, north of the campsite label on the map.
    5. 53N 712433, UTM 3416288 - In the room with a broken control panel.
  • Slums / Test - Silence (Mechanical sirens):
    1. 53N 712565, UTM 3416087 - on the tower, southwest of the campfire and a fallen helicopter.
    2. 53N 712596, UTM 3416035 - on the beautiful extension, from where mercenaries will shoot when meeting Lara Croft with makeup.
    3. 53N 712601, UTM 3416052 - From the southwestern side of the base of the cable car.
    4. 53N 712607, UTM 3416060 - on the balcony in the blades of the mill.
  • Slums / Test - rest in peace (Stuffed):
    1. 53N 712571, UTM 3416099 - on the wall, southeast of the campfire at the helicopter.
    2. 53N 712583, UTM 3416067 - on the wall of the building with the entrance to the tomb "", west of the domestic gate.
    3. 53N 712558, UTM 3416112 - on the path behind the tail of the helicopter.
    4. 53N 712592, UTM 3416050 - over the puddle of waste behind the inner gate.
    5. 53N 712615, UTM 3416064 - Among the rocks, next to the cable car (stand up to the right of the gear mechanism of the cable car: first, and then run the cable).
    6. 53N 712580, UTM 3416046 - on a rock near the tower with a playground, where a meeting with makeup will occur.
  • Cave / Test - Pharge (bags):
    1. 53N 712685, UTM 3416011 - at the ceiling itself next to the stone column in the cave of cannibals.
    2. 53N 712677, UTM 3416010 - at the ceiling in southern branch in the hall of cannibals.
    3. 53N 712684, UTM 3416020 - The ceiling next to the cameras-cannibals in the oval corridor.
    4. 53N 712707, UTM 3416018 - Over the Iron Gate after the hall with cannibals.
    5. 53N 712706, UTM 3416028 - The ceiling in the next hitch after the camp.
    6. 53N 712697, UTM 3416031 - The ceiling in the tunnel in front of praying mercenaries.
  • Mountain Forest / Test - Quiet hunting (Mushrooms):
    1. 53N 712605, UTM 3415994 - among the trees next to the tail of a broken helicopter, after leaving the camp.
    2. 53N 712610, UTM 3415994 - At the tree behind the housing of the broken helicopter.
    3. 53N 712616, UTM 3416004 - At the end of the path before entering the camp of mercenaries.
    4. 53N 712624, UTM 3416007 - in the forest with the northern side of the reservoir.
    5. 53N 712626, UTM 3416000 - on the shore of the reservoir, to the main group of mercenaries.
    6. 53N 712626, UTM 3415990 - on a stone ledge, southwest of the main group of mercenaries.
    7. 53N 712633, UTM 3415984 - not far from the waterfall, in the southern part of the location.
    8. 53N 712641, UTM 3415993 - in a dead end of a waterfall, southeast of the main group of mercenaries.
    9. 53N 712642, UTM 3415998 - At the entrance to the cave for the main camp of mercenaries.
    10. 53N 712632, UTM 3416005 - Bridge near the tomb "".
  • Coast Sorrow / Test - Running Dolmen (graves):
    1. 53N 712469, UTM 3416008 - on a stone cliff near the entrance to the location (it is possible to get closed with a buoy).
    2. 53N 712483, UTM 3415992 - On the cloth next to the tomb "".
    3. 53N 712471, UTM 3415995 - On a rock next to a rusty tank, north of the camp.
    4. 53N 712503, UTM 3415950 - At the tower of mercenaries in the southwestern part of the location along the path to Alex on the "endurance".
    5. 53N 712522, UTM 3415950 - on the top of the hill after the tower of mercenaries, in the southwestern part of the location along the way to Alex on the "endurance".
  • Coast Sorrow / Test - Demining (Sea Mines):
    1. 53N 712491, UTM 3415990 - on the sandy shore near the tomb "Temple of ministers".
    2. 53N 712490, UTM 3415969 - By the ocean near the destroyed pier.
    3. 53N 712477, UTM 3415945 - in the Portuguese ship, south of the broken boat.
    4. 53N 712469, UTM 3415962 - In the coastal waters of the ocean, along the way to the Portuguese ship for rigging.
    5. 53N 712465, UTM 3415948 - In the coastal waters of the ocean, on the way to the Portuguese ship for rigging.
    6. 53N 712509, UTM 3415969 - Among the wreckage of ships in the southeastern part of the location, along the way to Alex on the "endurance".
    7. 53N 712536, UTM 3415946 - at the end of the sandy shore, in the southeastern part of the location.
    8. 53N 712520, UTM 3415949 - on the shore at the tower with mercenaries, in the southeastern part of the location.
    9. 53N 712515, UTM 3415944 - in the water of the shore near the tower of mercenaries, in the southeastern part of the location (destroyed from the roof).
    10. 53N 712503, UTM 3415959 - in water, from the northern side of the tower of mercenaries.
  • Bunker on a rock / test - Former inhabitants (Flags in red stars):
    1. 53N 712559, UTM 3415925 - in the bunker on a rock next to a broken cannon.
    2. 53N 712563, UTM 3415928 - on the wall at the ceiling, opposite the suspended platform in the hall with mercenaries.
    3. 53N 712562, UTM 3415931 - on the roof of the bunker, along the way to Alex on the "endurance".
    4. 53N 712571, UTM 3415931 - on the third section of the crane over the hangar, on the roof of the bunker next to the camp.
  • Scientific Station / Test - Sunny killer (Totems):
    1. 53N 712453, UTM 3416052 - The ceiling in the corridor to the camp.
    2. 53N 712459, UTM 3416049 - The ceiling in a flooded corridor next to the camp, where mercenaries are on duty.
    3. 53N 712457, UTM 3416044 - On a suspended corpse, if you look through the window, standing in an open iron door in front of the camp.
    4. 53N 712444, UTM 3416053 - on the platform, on the right side of the fallen elevator.
    5. 53N 712440, UTM 3416050 - behind bars in the corridor after a fallen elevator, along the way to the hall with a commander.