Network services xvm. Mod XVM for "World of Tanks": activating statistics and enabling the display of statistics in the game. Tank markers

Xvm (also known as "reindeer gauge", "reindeer gauge", "user gauge")

Since its inception, XVM has been actively developing, and the daily painstaking development constantly brings in many possibilities. Here is some of them:
- Tank markers(OverTargetMarkers);
- Damage log(HitLog);
- Replacing the "light bulb" World of Tanks(skill "sixth sense");
- Customizable player panels, stats table and loading screen;
- Modified minimap;
- Hangar changes.
And this is not full list changes and additions that World of Tanks mod XVM.

You can always familiarize yourself with and download the current version on the official website of the mod, and ask your questions and get technical support and help in setting up on the official forum

Download XVM

On this page you can download XVM, as well as track the appearance of new versions of the modification:
Download XVM

In addition, there is a variant of the mod called Nightly Build is a version of XVM built automatically (by a robot) based on the latest available sources at the time of build, and has not been verified by humans.

At the moment, all night builds are being collected and automatically published on a special page
The build number (Current build) corresponds to the number of the last revision in the XVM source code at the time of build.

Installing and configuring XVM:

First, you need to download the modification files.

Then just unzip the downloaded mod archive and place its files in the folder with the World of Tanks game. The modification is installed and ready to go. You may want to customize it for yourself or include any additional features.

The following options are available to customize the modification:

1) rename the boot file:
\ res_mods \ xvm \ configs xvm.xc.sample v xvm.xc
Instructions for setting it up are inside.
You can see all possible settings in the \ res_mods \ xvm \ configs \ @Default \ folder
2) use ready-made configuration examples from active users of the mod. Configuration data is published and updated in a dedicated section of the support forum: "XVM Configurations".
3) use the online configuration editor and independently configure all the elements to your liking.
Please note: in XVM versions 5.0.0 and higher, you should not use xvm-stat.exe. If you want to use statistics, just enable them in the config file. In this case, the game should be launched as usual, and not through xvm-stat.exe
4) in the event that you want to enable the display of statistics, you must activate it - details in the video:

XVM - Activation

In this video, we will talk about the new XVM mod, which greatly simplifies the installation of files. Pay attention to the XVM installer.

XVM - XVM Installer - XVM Installer

XVM - Indicator XVM for players

XVM - statistics update

In this video I will tell you how often statistics are updated, as well as how you can speed up this process:

XVM - Statistics - problem solving

Why statistics don't work

XVM - Statistics Activation

For what purpose the function of activating statistics of the XVM mod was introduced, you can find out in the video:

A series of video clips dedicated to manual editing of the config file for the mod:

XVM - WTF or what is the flag?

XVM - Script for changing a nickname in battle

In this video, we will talk about one useful script from the player seriych, with which you can quickly change your nickname in battle to whatever you want.
The changed name will only be displayed on your screen.

XVM - Change your nickname
Option for manual editing:

XVM - How to set horns for the enemy?

Notepad ++
In these videos I will tell you about a text editor that I use myself, a very convenient and free application that amazes with its simplicity and functionality! I advise you to use when editing config files for World games of Tanks.

Came out new patch??? Have you installed a mod pack which includes a reindeer gauge (mod XVM) ??? And do not know how to turn on the reindeer meter (mod XVM) ??? We read in this article.

In the early patches of the World Of Tanks game, in order to enable the display of the reindeer meter statistics, it was necessary to open the configuration file of the mod itself xvm.config or xvm.xc(depending on the version of the mod) and look for some lines there to change the value from false to true. But nothing stands still. So the XVM mod develops further, now everything is much simpler. So:

How to turn on the reindeer meter:

The inclusion of the reindeer takes place on the official website of the XVM mod.

We follow the link to the site. And click the "Login" button. Then we choose our game region and if you were not authorized on the wargaming site, you will be transferred to their site.

We check the link (for every fireman) so as not to get caught on the so-called phishing sites. And we enter our email address with a password and captcha to enter the wargaming site. Do not worry, your account will not go anywhere if you enter your data on the wargaming site. Verified by thousands of deer meter users.

If the authorization was successful, you will see this window. We press the button "Confirm". After that, you will be transferred back to the site of the XVM mod (reindeer).

Here we press the button "Activate statistics"

Well, we put all the necessary checkboxes. Then we launch the game client and enjoy the statistics

Multiplayer games are often loaded with a wide variety of modifications. They serve to personalize game client, to make it as convenient as possible for a specific user. Therefore, on most servers, administrators enable the ability to apply mods, but restrict it to prohibit the use of various radical modifications that can affect game process... This means that you can only use those mods that in some way make the game easier for you, its perception, and so on, but in no way affect your actions in the game or your opponents. In fact, it is quite difficult to determine the line, for each game it has its own. This article will look at an example famous World of Tanks, as well as the most popular modification of the XVM, which is also popularly called "reindeer". Next, it will be considered what exactly it is, as well as how to activate the reindeer gauge and how to use it.

What is XVM?

Before considering the most pressing question of how to activate a reindeer gauge, you need to understand what it is. In fact, everything is quite simple - this is a set of modifications that allow you to add a lot of useful functions to the game, such as extended battle ratings, indicators over enemy tanks, various sights, and so on. The stagger allows you to select the features that you like and disable those that seem useless. But it is worth noting that all the features of this mod are very useful in a given situation, and its advantages are that you can choose what you need at any time, disabling what you do not need in a particular situation. You can customize your client before each fight if you so desire. In general, this mod is now used by almost four million users around the world, and they are all happy with the possibilities offered by the developers. Now you understand what kind of XVM it is, and most importantly - how useful it can be to you. Therefore, now it is worth moving on to the most important part - how to activate the reindeer gauge?

Downloading and installing the modification

Do not worry - you do not have to search for this mod all over the Internet, since it has an official website. And if you are interested in how to activate the reindeer meter, then you will eventually have to turn to this site. But first you need to download the modification itself from it, and then install it in the game folder. These files contain everything you need to activate all the functions that the developers of the mod promise you. However, this will not be enough to use a reindeer meter. You still need to activate it, because for now it's just a bunch of files. But what do you need to do for this? How to activate Jova's reindeer gauge?

Personal account on the site

So, the first step to activating a reindeer gauge in World of Tanks is to create your personal account on the modification website. After that, you can go into it and perform all the necessary further actions there. There won't be so many of them, so do not be alarmed by the large that may appear in front of you when you enter your own office. You need literally two steps to start using the mod. You know where to activate the reindeer gauge - all that remains is to do it.


Now the most important moment for you has come - the activation of your modification. To do this, you will only need to press a single button, which is called "Activate services". After pressing it, follow the instructions on your screen, and everything will be completed successfully. Then you will be just one small step away from starting to use all the extensive functions of the reindeer meter.

Service selection

So, you have activated the services, and now the modification is available to you when you start the game. However, it does not affect your client in any way - why? The point is that you have not taken the last and very important step. In your personal account on the XVM mod website, you need to go to the settings and there manually activate those services that you would like to use, as well as disable those that you do not like. After that, you can safely go to World of Tanks and enjoy how you modified your client. Naturally, you may need a little time to find the most convenient configuration for you, since a large number of mods, each of which can be useful, creates a huge variety of variations, and all of them are worth trying out in battle to realize whether it is really that effective. , and has it actually become much more convenient for you to control the tank or calculate statistics? However, the effort is worth it - the result will actually be impressive.


  • Updated again, updated mod xp, mod vn8 and hvm. The fight should not hang. IMPORTANT! Bet on a clean client and then roll out the mods.


Olenemer is like not the most demanded mod for many tankers. According to the statistics of the XVM website, it is used daily by more than three and a half million players around the world. Its popularity is due to the fact that it makes it possible to see the following information:

  • efficiency rating of players when loading the battle and in the battle itself
  • their win rate
  • number of fights
  • the estimated chance of winning a battle, given all the indicators, is higher

All displayed information can be configured in the configuration files and display, for example, not the total percentage of the player's victories for all tanks, but only for a specific one, and so on. All of this made Deer Meter a flexible and very popular mod.

It was made on the basis of XVM for World of Tanks, which is also a very popular modification, because it allows the player to completely change the game interface and add the following improvements to it, without which a modern tanker simply cannot play:

  • damage log
  • smart mini-map with all the necessary data and indicators
  • indicator light tanks in the ears
  • base capture indicator, showing how many invaders are at the base and how soon it will be captured
  • modified markers over technique
  • ping in the hangar and on the login screen

And this is just the main part of the mod's functionality. It still hides a lot of chips and tricks that you can learn over time using it. This page presents a reindeer meter for World of Tanks, also called a user meter, in the latest version and with maximum detailed instructions on setting up and installing each of its components.

In order for you to install and configure the reindeer gauge as comfortably as possible, the team of our website did the following for you:

  • manual installation as an archive
  • automatic installation using a convenient and well-thought-out installer

But remember one truth, once setting a deer gauge for WOT, you turn yourself into further torment and burning of chairs. After all, you will actually find out how many crayfish live in the World of Tanks universe.

At the numerous requests of visitors to our portal, it was decided to make two options for installing the reindeer meter, because not everyone has good PCs, and some XVM functions require additional resources, which, alas, are not available on a weak PC. Therefore, both in manual and automatic installation modes, two options will be available:

  1. Deer Meter Full
  2. Deer Meter Light

The Full version will include all the mods that can be included in XVM, the Light version will only have a reindeer meter and a hit log. So if you are the owner of a weak PC, we advise you to install "Olenemer Light" for you. For settings additional opportunities XVM open the "Reindeer Add-ons" folder and there you will find the settings file for:

  • informative carousel in 2 or 3 rows,
  • setting standard vehicle markers
  • different types of damage log
  • manual switching of ratings

In our reindeer gauge build, we use a rating switching tool right in the hangar, which was developed by famous player ProTanki. In order to change the rating displayed in the reindeer meter, you just need to click F6 and after that you will see the following messages.

With this modification, you can change your rating to one of the following:

  • eff - four-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • xeff - two-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • wn6 - four-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • xwn6 - two-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • wn8 - four-digit WN8;
  • xwn8 - two-digit WN8;
  • wgr - 4-digit rating from WG;
  • xwgr - 2-digit rating from WG;
  • xte - a two-digit rating that takes into account the average damage and the number of frags;
  • r - rating configured on the official website (more details below);

After updating XVM to version 6+, it became possible to switch reindeer ratings directly on the official modxvm mod website, in your account settings.

In the last update, we added this feature to our rating switching mod. In order to change the displayed rating on the site, you first need to enable this feature in the hangar by pressing the key F6 and switching the rating to "r" (see the picture below).

Then follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site;
  2. Log in to your personal account;
  3. Go to Settings;
  4. Choose to display your preferred rating.

Olenemer from the site.

We present to you the first and best at the moment installer of a reindeer meter for World of Tanks .. The reindeer meter from ProTanka was taken as its basis and this already says a lot. With it, you can effortlessly install XVM for yourself and configure it as you need.

In the installer, you can enable and disable each of its elements, which allows you to make customization of the mod as subtle as possible. You can put yourself only a reindeer and that's it, or you can install the maximum package of all add-ons that will help you in the game.

Another feature of the installer is that you can change your configuration of the Olenemer (XVM) as much as you like, reinstalling the mod with different options and knowing that you will always only get what you last selected.

Well, its biggest plus is the update manager. Having installed the reindeer from the site once, you will always be aware of the release of new versions of the mod and you can easily update to its latest version by simply launching the installer, which will already know which installation items you chose last time and you just have to quickly click Next and Install.

Updating the mod to the latest versions will minimize game crashes and allow you to always use the most optimized and stable version of the mod.

Installing XVM:

Copy the res_mods folder to the game folder.

Enabling site statistics (activating statistics): - NECESSARILY!

To configure additional XVM services, such as statistics, displaying the chance of winning, and others, you need to log in and log into the mod's official website ( and activate the necessary ones in the "Settings" section in your personal account.

If you receive such a message when entering the hangar, then this is the first sign that you have not activated XVM services.

To enable statistics, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on "more" or on the site link and you will immediately find yourself on the XVM site. (look at the pictures above)
  2. If you are not yet logged into the site, click "Login", select a region and enter your account details.
  3. Select the "Settings" tab and mark the XVM services you need by checking the box next to the one you need. (look at the pictures above)
  4. Click on the "Add client" button (if it is inactive, click on "Update statistics")
  5. Go back to the server.

After all these manipulations, you should see the following message in the game:

If it does not appear, try repeating all the activation steps again. For the laziest, we have prepared a video in which each step of activating statistics is explained and demonstrated in detail:

If you are tired of looking at statistics, you can turn it off on the same official website by simply unchecking the boxes next to "Player statistics in battle" and that's it.


V: The statistics display does not work, the reindeer gauge does not work, does not show the chances of winning, what should I do?

V: The message "Network error. XVM statistics not available, please try later." Is displayed?

O: The problem is not with your reindeer or your computer, it's all about the server xvm statistics... Wait and over time, the work of the mod will resume.

O: Apparently you do not have the required fonts installed. If you downloaded the deer meter on our website, install the font that you will find in the downloaded archive.

V: Do I have multiple tank names displayed on the minimap?

O: After leaving last update the game has a built-in smart mini-map and to remove duplicate labels on the mini-map, you need to disable their display in the settings in the game (see the picture below).

V: After installing one reindeer meter on a clean client, tanks in the hangar (LTTB, E-25, etc.) disappear.

O: We go along the path drive C: / users/name/appData/roaming/ and delete everything in the xvm folder. (you must first enable the display of hidden files and folders)


By default, the deer meter is set to a four-digit WN8. But it can be changed to any other right in the hangar (how to do it is written). After installation, do not forget that statistics need to be activated. (read more)

Download reindeer from the site (8.0.0) in the form of a convenient installer from 06/08/2019:

IMPORTANT! The following are ways to solve problems with the game freezing after a battle, when switching between allies after death, and when opening contacts.

1) To remove freezes after a battle, you need to disable XMQP (data exchange with allies) in the XVM settings on the modxvm website. Log in there under your account and turn off this option (uncheck the box next to it).

If you do not do this, the game will constantly freeze or go into the hangar for a very long time during the exit from the battle.

2) If, in your notification center, the error "Error loading comments timed out Comments are disabled" is displayed and there is a freeze when opening contacts, do the following:

Installation using the installer:

Version # 1:

To update the mod to the latest version, simply run the installer and reinstall the mod again. He will remember all the items that you selected earlier.

Important! Avast users experience false positives of antivirus. There are no viruses in the fashion, as proof, we give you a link to the results of the installer check on Virustotal.

What to do if something doesn't work for me or crashes?

If your game crashed due to a mod, before writing this in a comment, please upload the python.log file to Yandex, mail or google disk (located in the game folder) and insert the link into your comment. This is the only way we can catch all the bugs and make the mod better.

Archived version for the client:
There is a video inside

Description: Mod XVM or as it is also called reindeer meter (user meter) with this mod, you can see your chances of winning and the statistics of the players of both your team and the enemy team, the counter of the damage done in battle, the names of the vehicles are displayed on the mini-map. For those who do not want to bother with installing XVM, there is a mod that is very similar in functions to this reindeer gauge, but it is much easier to install. Watch the video example of the mod.

Major changes:
- Updated for
- Windows XP users crash from the game if the graphics mode is set to "standard". To solve the problem in world settings of tanks you need to set the graphics mode to "improved".

For those who do not want to bother with installing XVM, there is a mod that is very similar in functions to this reindeer meter, but it is much easier to install it -

How to activate statistics and make XVM work ?!
Go to the official site and click enter in the upper right corner of the site. We select the appropriate region, in our case it is RU.

After you should be redirected to the office. Wargaming website where you have to log into your account.

We confirm our data and are redirected back to the site of the reindeer.

Now we activate statistics in the upper right corner. That's all you can download and install the reindeer meter.

Important: This action will need to be repeated every two weeks. Why this was done is not clear, but what can you do.

What's New in XVM-6.4.0:
* adaptation to WoT
* complete rework of combat mods (migration AS2-> AS3)
* markers and hitlog: shadow parameter "size" renamed to "blur"

* minimap is not ready yet, most of the functionality may not work (will be fixed in future releases)
* carousel of tanks: multi-row not implemented (postponed, possibly will be implemented by WG)
* some functions do not work correctly when config auto-reload is enabled
* in the achievements section, the list of vehicles automatically opens in the middle with some sorting settings

What's New in XVM-6.3.0:
- Adaptation for the patch WoT games 0.9.15

What's New in XVM
- Adaptation for the game patch WoT

What's New in XVM 6.2.1:
- Adaptation for the game patch WoT 0.9.14

What's New in XVM 6.2.0:
- Adaptation for the patch game WoT 0.9.13

What's New in XVM 6.1.7:
- Adaptation for the game patch WoT 0.9.13 CT

What's New in XVM 6.1.6:
- Adaptation for the game patch WoT 0.9.12 CT

What's New in XVM
- fixed display of the current base in the capture strip;
- fixed display of dynamic platoons on the minimap and in markers above vehicles;

What's New in XVM
- Adapted for the new micro patch.

What's new in XVM-6.1.4 v.4814:
- updated XVM to stable version 6.1.4 (4814);
- the config is adapted;
- fixed display of statistics in the hangar in achievements;
- fixed the work of the mini-map (returned the display of opponents missing from the spotlight in the Full version)
- fixed all known bugs;
- removed all reasons for the client's departure;
- added the option to turn on the display of the% damage required to the mark on the barrel in the tank carousel;
- added the ability to enable the display of online servers;

What's New in XVM-6.1.4:
Adapted for 0.9.10
IMPORTANT! The mod is not stable yet, bugs are possible, stay tuned

What's New in XVM-6.1.3:
Optimized for the game 0.9.9

What's New in XVM-
Optimized for the game

What's New in XVM-6.1.1:
* ear fields added "enabled" parameter with support for global macros
* added hangar / serverInfo section to change the display of server info
* added parameters to the carousel config: fields / statusText and fields / clanLock
* work done to optimize performance and fix bugs
* macros are available ((xr)), ((c: xr)), ((a: xr)) - the same as ((r)), but always on the XVM scale
* option available: "suppressCarouselTooltips" - remove tooltips in the carousel
* macro ((language)) renamed to ((flag)), flag folder renamed from "lang" to "flags"
* added "vtype" built-in font with vehicle symbols
* new option: "showAliveNotFrags" - show the number of live tanks instead of killed ones in the panel of frags.
* added sorting criterion to the carousel: premium
* changing the status of gold / free XP castles updates their availability in open windows
* in the hangar there is a UVN on the side and behind.

What's New in XVM-6.1.0:
* XVM for 0.9.10

What's New in XVM-6.0.2:
* bugs fixed.

What's New in XVM-6.0.1:
* performance optimization
* added new macro ((battletype)) - current battle type
* added texts / battletype config section with substitutions for ((battletype)) macro
* added the texts / topclan config section with substitutions for the ((topclan)) macro
* added new macros to the tank carousel: ((v.xpToElite)) - experience required for elite tank((v.xpToEliteLeft)) - the amount of experience that the rest to gain for the elite tank ((v.freeXP)) - free experience
* macro formatting: added "" "flag for separating thousandths (only in hangar) added" match "part for condition by value (((battletype = clan? CLAN WAR))) allowed operators: =,! =,>,> =, * added option minimap / labels / units / antiAliasType - type of text fields antialiasing.
* new option battle / allowSpottedStatus - enable ((spotted)) macro in ears and on minimap. WARNING: May decrease performance
* new option battle / sixthSenseIcon - path to the 6th sense icon ("" for the original icon).

What's New in XVM-
- Fixed bugs.

What's New in XVM-6.0.0:
- Adaptation for 9.6

What's New in XVM-
- Fixed Application.swf for compatibility with individual combat missions.

What's New in XVM-
- fixed Application.swf

What's New in XVM-5.5.0:
- XVM for 0.9.5
- Allowed use of nested macros: ((xvm-stat? ((Alive? 80 | 30)) | 0))
- Added section texts / spotted with text substitutions for spot status. Available values: For a regular tank: "neverSeen", "lost", "revealed", "dead" For art: "neverSeen_arty", "lost_arty", "revealed_arty", "dead_arty"
- added new macros: ((language)) - player's client language ((region)) - current game region (RU, EU, NA, CN, ASIA, VTC, KR, CT) ((spotted)) with values ​​from the texts section / spotted ((c: spotted)), ((a: spotted)) for color and transparency by highlight status
- removed section playersPanel / enemySpottedMarker (use extra fields with macro ((spotted)))
- added a new option to the extra-fields: "bindToIcon" - if enabled, the x position is bound to the tank icon (by default false)

What's New in XVM-5.4.2:
- Adaptation to WoT 0.9.10

What's New in XVM-5.4.1:
- Adaptation to WoT 0.9.4

What's New in XVM-
- Fixed xvm.xc bugs

What's New in XVM-5.3.6:
- Bugs fixed

What's New in XVM-5.3.5:
- Adaptation to WoT 0.9.3
- Changed dmg-kind values:
shot, fire, ramming, world_collision, death_zone, drowning, other
- New sections:
hangar / carousel - advanced tank carousel settings
hangar / clock - hangar clock settings
- Removed options:
hangar / masteryMarkInCarousel
hangar / hideTutorial
- New options:
battleResults / showTotalExperience - display total gained experience on the battle results page
battleResults / showCrewExperience - show crew experience on the first page of battle results
- Player icon by accountId - loaded from \ res_mods \ xvm \ res \ clanicons \ ID \
Icon search order:
id -> nick -> clan -> clan / default.png -> nick / default.png

What's New in XVM-5.3.3:
- Adaptation for 0.9.2

What's new in XVM-5.3.2-test1:
- Almost all configs have been updated.
- New options: captureBar / allyColor, captureBar / enemyColor
- Added indicators of the estimated view, reload time and communication range in the parameters of the tank in the hangar.

What's new in XVM-5.3.1-dev:
- added deer meter for 0.9.2 (5.3.1-dev)
- added options for dynamic circles on the minimap
- added a new macro for platoon and changed the old one
- new section allySpottedMarker analogue of enemySpottedMarker (for more details about the changes read the text file readme-ru.txt)
- added ping in the hangar
- mini map with drawing square and sonar
- Indication of light in the ears
- removed the mini map by pressing CTRL, now you can turn it on by pressing Caps Lock
- 3 new variants of the four-digit reindeer gauge for 0.9.2, which are divided as follows: РЭ, WN6 (Wot-news), WN8

What's new in XVM-5.3.0 test3:
- Added new section playersPanel / allySpottedMarker - like enemySpottedMarker, but for allies.

What's new in XVM-5.3.0 test1:
- Config version increased to 5.1.0
- New formatting of macros (see readme-ru.txt)
Text formatting is allowed (a format close to printf is used):
((name [% [. prec] type] [~ suf] [| def]))
name - the name of the macro
flag - "-" for left alignment, otherwise right alignment
"0" for padding numbers with leading zeros to a given length
width - minimum width
prec - maximum width for strings, or number of decimal places for numbers
type - type (s - string, d - integer, f - fractional number, ...)
suf - suffix added at the end
def is the default value, which is substituted in the absence of a value:
For example:
((name% -10.10s)) - truncate long names to 10 characters, and short pad names to 10 characters and align them to the left
((kb% 4.01f ~ k | ----)) - 4 characters wide, 1 decimal place required, right justification if kb == null, "----" will be displayed

- New option battle / allowHpInPanelsAndMinimap - enable ((hp *)) macros in ears and on minimap. WARNING: May decrease performance

- Removed macro ((vehicle-type)), since it duplicated ((vehicle))
- Removed macro ((vehicle-name)), as it duplicated ((vehiclename))
- Removed macro ((short-nick)) and option minimap / nickShrink, since it is replaced by ((nick% .5s))

What's new in XVM 5.2.1-test2:
- Fixed display of Ears after loading a battle.
- Fixed display of items on the minimap.

What's New in XVM 5.2.1:
- Adaptation for patch 0.9.0.

- The main config file (xvm.xc) has been moved to res_mods / xvm / configs /.
- Statistics must be enabled in your personal account on the XVM website -

- stat: changed the address of the statistics server (now
- The battle / useStandardMarkers option has been moved to markers / useStandardMarkers.
- The battle / removePanelsModeSwitcher option has been moved to playersPanel / removePanelsModeSwitcher.

What's New in XVM 5.1.0:
Patch adaptation: 0.8.11

What's new in XVM 5.0.2 test2:
localization: added Chinese (Taiwan) and Malay
new options:
hangar / masteryMarkInTankCarousel - Shows the mark of mastery in the tank carousel
hangar / masteryMarkInTechTree - Shows the mark of mastery in the research tree
hangar / showExtraDataInProfile - Show extended data in profile (experimental)

What's new in XVM 5.0.2 test3:
Patch adaptation: 0.8.10
Possible temporary problems due to servers.

Efficiency rating table with 4-digit efficiency:
less than 600 - Bad player (~6%)
600 - 900 - Below average player (~ 25%)
900-1200 - Average player (~ 43%)
1200-1500 - Good player (~22%)
1500-1800 - Excellent player (~ 3%)
more than 1800 - Unique (~ 0.5%)

Installing the mod:
Run exe file.