The Division: Guide to the Dark Zone. The Division. Dark Zone survival tips Division dark zone tips

Much of post-apocalyptic Manhattan in The division occupies a PVE zone, where you alone or with your team fight against NPCs. In it, you can meet other players only at strong points, but you will not be able to use weapons and skills against each other. What should amateurs do good PVP? It's simple, for



Most of the post-apocalyptic Manhattan in The Division is occupied by the PVE zone, where you, alone or with your team, fight against NPCs. In it, you can meet other players only at strong points, but you will not be able to use weapons and skills against each other. What should lovers of good PVP do? It's simple, for this there is a Dark Zone - here you can participate in PVE and PVP battles at the same time.

In The Division, the Dark Zone not only has its own rules, but also a separate currency and experience. Together with the PCGamer editor, we will try to figure out how it all works.

The Dark Zone: what is it?

The Dark Zone is a quarantine area, which is marked on your map in red; you can enter it only through checkpoints (purple mark on the map). At this point, you will usually find a box of ammo and a local merchant. There is a large door at the far end of the room that leads into the Dark Zone; after passing through it, we switch to PVP mode. Now you will see other players, be able to communicate with them, fight together or against each other. Also, the area is filled with NPCs. It also has small strongholds where you can replenish ammo and find a high-level gear merchant. By the way, in strongpoints you can only see the players of your team, but not other players.

Advice: Unlike PVE areas, in the Dark Zone you cannot quickly move to a base or other stronghold.

The Dark Zone: Ranks and Currencies

In the Dark Zone, you have a rank that does not depend on your current level in the main world of Tom Clancy's The Division. The rank can be increased by earning Dark Zone experience while completing tasks, killing NPCs or other players. Your normal PVE level does not exist. does not change during the time spent in the Dark Zone Your rank affects the level of items that you can buy from the vendor, as well as the level of loot boxes that you can open.

These crates contain not only equipment, modifications or blueprints, but also the currency of the Dark Zone. The boxes can be opened and robbed by a player of any level with the corresponding rank of the Dark Zone, but something really worthwhile lies in the boxes more serious - for them you will need not only the rank, but also the key. Keys can be found in loot or taken from other players.

Advice: The contents of the boxes are updated every hour, so it's better to remember their location. If you have stuck in the Dark Zone for a long time, then the most delicious can be tasted several times.

Dark Zone: evacuation

Everything collected in the Dark Zone is contaminated and cannot be simply transferred to your base (this does not apply to equipment purchased from merchants at checkpoints or strong points). To evacuate, you will have to find a special area and call a helicopter, which will arrive in 90 seconds. This is usually a very funny 90 seconds.

All players nearby will receive a notification of your intentions. Some of them will want to throw their loot onto your helicopter, while others may want to take everything from you. overwork... NPCs will also not be left out, and do not hope. So a noble meat grinder is waiting for you.

When the rescue helicopter arrives, you will have exactly 30 seconds to reach the cable and attach your prey to it. Don't yawn, only five players can do it. The rest will have to call the evacuation again. Everything sent will appear in your cache at the Base of Operations or in strong points.

Advice: To understand if a player has any loot with him, look at his back. If you see a yellow bag, then there is a loot. Do not flatter yourself, this also applies to you.

The Dark Zone: Rogue Agents

If you attack another player in the Dark Zone, you will receive a warning. Continue to deal damage to the targeted target? Great, you've become a rogue agent. Simply put, a red skull will begin to glow above your head, informing others that you should not be trusted. The same label will appear on all players on the minimap. This state is not permanent and has a countdown timer. So if you shoot someone by accident (yes, that also happens), the mark will fly off after 20 seconds. However, the more other players you shoot, the longer the timer will hang.

Such a mark has a kind of stacking debuff. The more players you kill as an outcast, the more Dark Zone currency and money you will lose if other players shoot you. But not everything is so bad, there are pluses too. If you were able to survive to the end of the outcast timer, you will receive additional Dark Zone currency.

Advice: For fans of foul play in Tom Clancy's The Division there is a small loophole. To kill another player without getting a red mark, you can try to scare him. Shoot him at his feet or at objects around. shoot at you and thus get the mark of the outcast first. Now you can kill the player and take his prey, while remaining white and fluffy. This is a risky method, since missing the first hit you put yourself at a disadvantage. Nevertheless, the scheme works ...

What can you lose in the Dark Zone?

Fighting other players in the Dark Zone isn't without risk, but it's important to understand that risk has a limit. First, you will never lose the equipment and currency that you brought from outside the walls of the Dark Zone. The same goes for equipment purchased from a local merchant. But everything else is at risk.

Everything that you have collected in the Dark Zone or taken from other players will be lost in the event of your death; in addition, you can lose experience, some money and several keys to the boxes. In fact, if you die too often, your rank in the Dark Zone may be downgraded. So if the day isn't working out, it's best to take a break and come back later.

Advice: Even the keys you buy from Uplay can be lost if you die. Be careful.

  • Look around. Quite often, in street battles in the Dark Zone, another group of NPCs can come to you from the rear, although you do not expect this at all.
  • Don't wait until level 30 to start conquering this location. It is better to start at level 14-15 in order to start pumping your Dark Zone rank as early as possible. In addition, a player who has spent a lot of time in the Dark Zone will have much better equipment than someone who has just started exploring it.
  • See what you grab. There is a limit to the number of items you can evacuate from the Dark Zone at one time. Focus on high-end gear, and don't forget that the yellow bag is drawing the scope on your back. It will be a shame to die because of some nonsense.
  • In PVE, you're probably used to ignoring merchants in favor of crafting and loot. This is not a strategy for the Dark Zone. You can grab some decent equipment from local merchants for the currency of the Dark Zone, which, moreover, does not require evacuation.
  • If you want to go solo in the Dark Zone, then be prepared for any situation. Take a good one with you sniper rifle and a shotgun, do not be heroes and retreat more often, shooting NPCs one by one. Fighting the whole group at once is a bad choice. Equipment that increases your stamina will be vital for you, as it will help you not to die after the first meeting with opponents.
  • Voice chat is designed so that any player near you will hear everything you say. Have a conscience and turn off your microphone in a timely manner.

The Dark Zone is where The division really gets interesting. Let's take a closer look at what it is and where it is. And why do we so want to get there?

The Division: Everything You Need To Know About The Dark Zone.

The Division is a cooperative PvE (player versus environment) RPG - shooter, but as long as you do not enter the Dark Zone. This area is unique to The Division, dangerous and rewarding, and most likely the place where the most intense action and most compelling stories will be played out.

What is the Dark Zone?

The Dark Zone is a PvP (player versus player) area where agents can find the best trophy. Only here you will meet other players. Any player you encounter in the Dark Zone is potentially dangerous, unless you become friends. There, against the player's attack, there are no guarantees.

Some missions require a visit to the Dark Zone, and some even offer encounters similar to the classic PvP mode. Although, your main motivation remains the trophy.

Before entering the Dark Zone, you must prepare yourself. Spend some time in PvE with enough gear. The artificial intelligence that you will encounter here is much more brutal than in other parts of the map.

The easiest way to enter the Dark Zone is through the marked door (they are purple on the map, and the Dark Zone itself is colored red), but you can also climb the adjacent walls and go down there. Keep in mind that you will not be able to climb back this way if you change your mind about visiting the most dangerous area, in order to exit - you will have to find an exit door on the first floor. The Dark Zone itself is divided into various sections, some of which are currently not available in beta.

Each marked entrance to the Dark Zone has a safe room with a resupply crate for grenades, ammo and medical supplies. There is also a supplier who will sell you good, depending on the level, equipment in exchange for Dark Zone credits - this is a currency available only in the Dark Zone. There are such suppliers in other safe rooms as well.

Dark Zone: play with friends and alone

You can, and certainly should, play a game in the Dark Zone. You can register at's Division LFG to match people to play. The host can invite three friends, and there is also another observer to assist with the companion game application.

Dark Zone matchmaking is level based, so you and your friends need to be on the same level to play together. In beta, level 4-7 players can play together, while level 8 players can only play with level 8. Beta is capped at level eight, so we don't yet know how the previous levels will play. If you see the error message "mismatch", someone in the group is at the wrong level.

If you don't have buddies, fear not. You will see many Agents in the Dark Zone, just like you. You can talk to people using local voice chat as long as you wear a headset, so you don't have to be in a party to talk to someone. A common way to show that your intentions are benevolent is to use the “jumping in place” emotion: press “down” on the gamepad, select it, and do it like in a gym class. Then just follow each other everywhere for a while and shoot some AI, pick up the gear and retrieve it. See how to do it below.

Dark Zone trophy and how to retrieve it

The dark zone is all filled with high-level items. The Division uses a fairly common color-coding system for elements (in beta, blue equipment seems to be the best, but some vendors sell yellow equipment that is not yet applicable), as well as equipment, according to the player's level, and the Zone provides a great opportunity to find rare items.

There are three ways to benefit from a visit to the Dark Zone:

  • Destroy the AI ​​and take items (enemies with purple and yellow health bars lead to the best trophy),
  • Trophy from boxes (see below),
  • Trophy from eliminated players, convicts or others

The Dark Zone trophy is contaminated and cannot be used until you successfully retrieve it. As soon as you pick up the item in the Dark Zone, you will see that your Agent will carry a roll under the backpack marked with an infection symbol. Open your inventory and in the lower right section you will see what is in the picked up item. If you die before extraction, then discard your equipment. If you manage to return to the point of death quickly enough after respawning, then you can pick it up again, but at the same time, any other player can capture it.

To protect your trophy, you need to retrieve it near the helicopter. Retrieving the trophy is a matter of punching a path to the extraction area (these are marked in gold on the map) and if extraction is not already taking place, launch a flare into the air to attract the helicopter. Now you need to keep the territory from AI attacks until a helicopter arrives. While the AI ​​is not particularly brutal, other players pose a much greater threat. Be extremely careful if you see other Agents standing in the extraction area in a non-extraction group. In all likelihood, they will wait for you to call the helicopter, help defend the area from AI attacks, and then, as soon as the helicopter lands and drops the rope to pick up the trophy, they will shoot you in the back and steal your equipment. It is much safer to retrieve the trophy if you worked in the Zone as part of a team.

Dark Zone Boxes and Keys

You can get a trophy by opening crates. Trophy boxes will appear when players destroy large groups of enemies in zonal encounters.

There are three kinds of boxes available. The first type has no requirements, these boxes can be opened as soon as you find them; they rarely contain anything particularly interesting.

The second kind is blocked by the level and can be opened by anyone from the correct level of the Dark Zone.

The third type of boxes requires keys. Such keys can only be collected in the Dark Zone. You will find them as a random trophy from high-level enemies or, as a reward, for eliminating other players who are carrying the keys.

You can check how many keys you have on the inventory screen. They are displayed above the medications.

As soon as the box has already been opened by someone, it is already useless for you.

Renegade agents ( rogue Agents) and the rating of the Renegades in the Dark Zone

The Dark Zone is a PvP area. A special place in the game is occupied by tracking down other players and stealing their equipment.

You can always tell by the player whether he is carrying a trophy from the Dark Zone: there will be a yellow belt bag hanging on him, but think twice before opening fire: the risks and consequences of becoming a renegade are high.

If you constantly attack other players, you will be immediately marked as a renegade (if, inadvertently, you shoot your comrades in a shootout, you will simply receive a warning). Renegades are marked in red on the map, and other Agents will receive good experience points for disabling them. On the other hand, if you see a large group of Renegade Agents, run. These guys aim to increase their Renegade Rank 5 (highest) by eliminating other players and keeping their head counts in order to get Dark Zone Credits and use them to buy gear from vendors in the Dark Zone. They want to destroy you. Unless you are in a large group, you are a corpse. Better go the other way.

If you answer a call and help take out a renegade, be careful: other players may take this opportunity to become a renegade themselves, hoping to double (or better) the trophy gear.

Death in rogue status results in more severe penalties than death without status (see below).

Rank and Death in the Dark Zone

Completing certain actions in the Dark Zone, such as destroying enemies, finding a trophy and successfully extracting, add points to your level in the Dark Zone.

It is important not to die in the Dark Zone - especially if you become a renegade - because this has consequences: the loss of any tainted trophy you might endure. Also, you will lose credits, some rank and some of the keys from your inventory.

If you die in Renegade status, you will lose more money, rank and keys than without this status.

The Dark Zone is PvP the area where the coolest game items... All the players you will meet in this area are potentially your opponents, unless you become friends.

There are simply no guarantees that you will not be attacked by another player.

Some missions require you to visit the Dark Zone, and some generally offer an encounter that resembles the classic PvP mode. The main motivation for visiting these dangerous lands is loot.

Before heading to the Dark Zone, you need to be well prepared. Spend some time in the mode PvE , get the tenth level of the hero and get good equipment... The artificial intelligence that you will find here is much tougher than in other parts of the city.

The easiest way to get to the Dark Zone is through the checkpoint (the area itself is colored red, and the checkpoints are purple). In addition, you can climb the walls, but you cannot go back (in the sense, climb the walls). To exit, you need to find the exit door to the checkpoint. The entire Dark Zone is divided into sections, from the lowest to the highest level.

Each checkpoint has safe room with a box for replenishing ammunition, stocks of grenades and medicines. There is also a Dark Zone Merchant who sells equipment depending on your level. Purchases are made with Dark Zone Credits, which are a currency available only in that area. These merchants can be found in various safe rooms.

Loner or team

Conducting battles in the Dark Zone is level-based, therefore, to play with your friends, you must be of the same level. However, if you do not have partners, you should not be afraid to go to this area, since there are a large number of Agents, such as you. If you have a microphone, you can communicate with other players using local voice chat. Or use a regular text chat. However, be careful with new friends, as they can betray you at any moment.

Dark Zone Items

This area contains great amount high-level items. Rare items can be found in the Dark Zone.

To get the most out of your visit to the Dark Zone you need to:

  1. kill NPCs and pick up loot from their dead bodies (opponents with a yellow life bar contain the best items);
  2. open boxes and collect items from them (however, this requires keys);
  3. kill other heroes and pick up loot from their dead bodies (however, after that everyone will start hunting for you).

Know that you will not be able to immediately use the items that were obtained in the Dark Zone. They are infected and need treatment. Things are sent by helicopters, which are called at special evacuation points. Having called the helicopter, you need to wait for it for one and a half minutes - this time will flow unrealistically slowly for you. This is due to the fact that at any time NPCs or other players can come who will either help or hunt for you. The whole trick is that whoever calls the helicopter, everyone in the Dark Zone will immediately find out about it, so you need to prepare for any situation.


Tracking other players and stealing equipment has a special place in The Division. By the player, you can always determine whether he has items from the Dark Zone - the presence of a yellow belt bag. However, before you start shooting, think twice - the risks of becoming a renegade are very high.

If you constantly attack other players, you will immediately become a renegade. If you accidentally kill a friend during a firefight, you will receive the usual warning. Renegades are marked on the map with a red skull, and other Agents receive high experience points for neutralizing them. If you suddenly notice a large group of Renegade Agents, then run as soon as possible. These players have the goal of raising their rogue rank to their highest point, five. They destroy all players in their path, receive Dark Zone credits for this, and spend them on cool equipment from suppliers.

If you decide to help neutralize the renegade, then you also need to be on the lookout. Other players can use you and eventually betray and take your loot.

Death as a renegade imposes harsher penalties than death without this status.


Most of The Divison in New Manhatton is a PvE zone where you and your team will only fight against AI opponents. During PvE play, the only place you will encounter other players is Strongpoints where weapons or skills cannot be used against The Dark Zone is the other side, this is the area where you can participate in PvE and PvP at the same time.
The Dark Zone also has its own currency, experience and rules. And this is how it works.

Dark zone

The Dark Zone is a quarantine area marked in red on your map, which can only be entered through a checkpoint. To enter, you need to go through the checkpoint, where you can usually find a box of ammunition replenishment and a Dark Zone merchant. At the far end of the room is a door leading to the Dark Zone.
The moment you enter the Dark Zone, you enter PvP mode. You will be able to see and communicate with other players, team up or fight with them. In addition, the Dark Zone is filled with pretty tough AI opponents. Also, there are several small Vaults, entering which you will see only the players of your team. In them you will find a box of ammunition replenishment and a seller of high-class equipment and weapons.
Advice: Unlike in PvE areas, you will not be able to teleport to other players on your team, and you will not be able to quickly move to the base or other safe houses from within the Dark Zone. All travels take place on foot.

Dark Zone Rank and Currency

There is a rank in the Dark Zone that does not depend on your current level. When you kill enemies and other players, or complete a task, you gain experience and your rank grows. Your normal level from PvE does not change, no matter how much time you spent in the Dark Zone, however, everything you do in the Dark Zone affects the rank of the Dark Zone. Your Dark Zone rank affects what kind of equipment you can purchase from the Dark Zone vendor and which boxes you can open.
Dark Zone Crates contain Dark Zone loot and currency. There are small boxes, similar to those from the PvE zone, that players from any level can open and pick up loot. There are also large ranked boxes that contain high-level loot and can only be opened by players of the corresponding level and with a Dark Zone key. The keys can be found among the loot dropped from the players you killed.
Advice: The contents of the Dark Zone crates are updated hourly, so it's worth remembering the location of the large crates found on your way. If you enter the Dark Zone for a short time, you can open the same box several times by opening it on the way out and on the way out to the Dark Zone.


Items picked up in the Dark Zone cannot be simply transferred to their base. Items from the Dark Zone are contaminated, so you need to call a helicopter in the Evacuation Zone. (Note: Items purchased from vendors in the Dark Zone do not require evacuation.) Enter the evacuation area, there you will see the circle of the helicopter landing pad. You will be prompted to hold the F key to evacuate. Then you will have 90 seconds of waiting, after which the evacuation will begin. Typically this will be an eventful minute and a half.
Nearby players will be notified of your evacuation and can head towards your Evacuation Zone. Most of the players will come to send their loot. But there will also be those who will come to take away your prey and send it on the helicopter you have called. In addition, AI opponents will arrive. Therefore, in the Evacuation Zone, there are often fights between players with AI or players with other players, or all at once.
After the helicopter arrives, you will have thirty seconds to run up to the dropped cable and secure the contaminated equipment. Only five players can attach their loot during one evacuation. If there are too many players, after the end of the evacuation, the next helicopter can be called. Equipment sent by helicopter will appear in your cache at the Base and in safe houses.

Advice: You can see if a player has infected loot by looking at their back. The yellow bag will hang under the backpack if the player has loot. It will also hang under your backpack and any player will see if you have equipment from the Dark Zone for evacuation or not.

Renegade agents

When a player attacks another player, he receives a warning that if he continues his actions, he will receive the status of a renegade. Renegade agents are marked with a red skull, both above their head and on the minimap, so players know that nothing good should be expected of them. Renegade status is displayed with a timer, if you accidentally shoot someone and become a renegade (yes, it happens) it will last no more than 20 seconds. However, the more you attack and kill other players, the longer it will take to lose your rogue agent status.
There is a punishment for the renegade agents. The more players you kill while remaining a rogue, the more Dark Zone currency and experience you will lose if other players kill you before the rogue agent's timer expires. However, there is also a reward. If you survive before the Renegade timer expires, you will lose your Renegade Agent status and earn additional Dark Zone Currency.
Advice: This is a dirty method, but it is often used. If you want to kill someone and take loot without becoming a rogue agent, shoot the player, but do not cause damage. Shoot at the legs or overhead, or at objects around him. If the player is scared, he will open fire on you and deal a certain amount of damage, after which he will become a renegade before realizing that it was a trap. Now you can deal with him and pick up loot without becoming a renegade.

What can you lose

There are some risks involved in battling other players in the Dark Zone, but it is important to understand these risks as they are not all-encompassing. First, you will never lose equipment that you bring to the Dark Zone from the PvE area of ​​the game. Weapons and equipment found, purchased and crafted in PvE will not drop from your corpse when another player kills you. These items are safe, along with the e-Credits earned in PvE. Also, equipment purchased in the Dark Zone from sellers for the Dark Zone currency, you will not lose.
However, everything else can be lost. Equipment picked up from the bodies of the enemy, found in the Dark Zone, or taken from killed players can be lost if you are killed. Part of the Currency and Keys (required to open some boxes) of the Dark Zone can also fall out if you are killed.
When you die, you will also lose some of your Dark Zone experience points. If you die fairly often in the Dark Zone, your rank may drop. In other words, if you're having a bad day in the Dark Zone, you might want to take a break and choose another battle.
Advice: Even the keys of the Dark Zone that you received by unlocking the reward in Uplay can be lost if you are killed. Be careful!
  • Watch out for the flanks! Seriously. This is common in battles with the Dark Zone AI, while you are fighting one opposing team, the other team wanders around, sometimes right behind you. Do not forget about this, so that you will not be surprised by new opponents entering the battle.
  • Don't wait until you reach the maximum level 30 before you start exploring the Dark Zone. Head there between level 10 and 14. Start raising your Dark Zone rank earlier. In addition, a level 30 player who has spent a lot of time in the Dark Zone will be equipped with equipment of a higher level than the one who just started exploring it.
  • Choose which loot to raise. Don't miss everything: you only have a few infested item slots that you can evacuate. Focus on high-level items that you can actually use. Your contaminated material bag (HazMat) puts a yellow target on your back, and you don't want to risk your items for those you don't really need.
  • Perhaps in PvE you are used to ignoring vendors, preferring to craft or find new equipment and weapons. Don't ignore the vendors in the Dark Zone! They have great things to spend your Dark Zone currency on, and you don't have to worry about evacuating them or losing them.
  • If you go solo into the Dark Zone, be prepared for anything. Get a good long range sniper rifle and a good rush shotgun. Make frequent retreats to lure out one or two AI opponents, do not try to defeat the whole group alone. Equipment that increases stamina increases the number of hit points and a shot with high damage will not kill you instantly.
  • Voice chat is localized and any player within a certain range will hear you if you are talking to your team. Mute your microphone when not speaking. You are welcome. I had to listen to most of the "Everybody Loves Raymond" episode because of the friendly player with the mic on.
  • If you do not want to risk colliding with other players, sprint from hell: it is difficult to kill an enemy rushing at maximum speed. If you want to convince someone of your harmlessness, make a "jumping jack".

First there was the word. And that word was PVE. If you easily dealt with missions against artificial intelligence- honor and praise to you, a monument in Manhattan Square and love of fans. But it's too early to relax, there is a new challenge ahead - dangerous, interesting and promising. The Dark Zone in The Division is the most dangerous place in the game. A threat lurks around every corner: allies can become enemies in a second and the thread of your life can break at any second. Game2Day is ready to guide newcomers to the realm of mortal dangers of The Division in a special survival guide in the Dark Zone. Go!

Look for checkpoints

You will die often, especially on the first raids. Unlike a regular map, there are no quick transitions to the Dark Zone, and after the death of the character, the player is returned to the last checkpoint. In New York, gamers find themselves in a refuge if they die. In the Dark Zone - on the last control point at the edge of the border. It is very important to open at least half of the checkpoints before going deep into the zone. Otherwise, after death, you will have to travel a very long way to the right place on the map.

Minimum level forPVP - eighth

Yes, this has been said more than once, but repetition is the mother of learning. The Dark Zone has a much higher difficulty level than anywhere else in the game. Enemies are much stronger, they have better equipment and they are found, most often, in large groups. Accordingly, the level of your character should be at least the eighth, or even better - the tenth, because completing missions in the Dark Zone at the eighth level still requires maximum concentration and dedication. In addition, you may encounter other higher ranked players who may find you an easy target and get you out of the way with a bullet to the head.

UseNPC for their own purposes

Bots travel across the Zone in large groups, being a serious obstacle at important points on the map. In most cases, NPCs end up in the same places over and over again, and this can be turned to your advantage. Example: You are being pursued by a large group of Cleaners with the worst intentions. What to do? Shoot to the last bullet and die heroically death of the brave? No. It is best to retreat to the nearest rebel checkpoint and munch on popcorn, watch with a sly smile as your enemies destroy each other with enthusiasm. But it is better not to linger and hide in the maze of streets, so that the righteous anger of the surviving and deceived bots does not fall on your head. The same strategy successfully allows you to break away from the pursuit of enemy agents.

Loneliness is like death

Don't have 100 phoenix credits, but have a reliable team of friends behind your back. The Division lets you swap allies like gloves in PVE missions. But in the Dark Zone, random friends can easily become enemies if you get in their way. Trust, but verify, as another popular wisdom says. Accordingly, it is best to travel with reliable and proven teammates. It will become easier both in fights with bots and in battles with people. An experienced gamer alone can easily fool a large group of NPCs, but annoying pursuit of other players is not easy to get rid of.

When a player enters the unfriendly lands of the Dark Zone, he has several ways to communicate with other gamers. The first way is as old as the world. A gesture of friendship and peacefulness in the form of a salute or a wave of the hand will make it clear: you are not an enemy. But it is much easier to enable voice chat in the settings (yes, it is enabled by default, but before starting the mission it is better to double-check everything) and enter into diplomatic negotiations. In the Dark Zone, there is a special built-in chat that is triggered when approaching other players. It can be used to communicate with a potential ally: propose a deal or maintain neutrality. It's not a fact that after exchanging virtual handshakes, your newfound companion won't shoot you in the back. But voice communication still remains the most fast way declare their intentions.

Keep track of your rank

After the player entered the PVP mode and chalked up several frags to his account, a separate rank appears in the statistics. It doesn't solve much in the main game, but its importance shouldn't be underestimated. The rank of the Dark Zone allows you to purchase equipment and ammunition at checkpoints. The level of items depends on what rank you have on this moment... The success of finding chests with money is also determined by your statistics in the Dark Zone. For example, the first of them has a chest that can only be unlocked after level 30.

The rank rises in proportion to the number of successful kills you perform and falls when you die. If you travel around the map as an outcast and receive a bullet from enemy agents, the player's level drops very much.

The stock does not hold a pocket - more consumables!

Before entering the Dark Zone, it is best to fill your pouches to capacity. Food, drinks, cartridges, grenades - absolutely everything will come in handy. If in the main game gamers do not lack consumables, Dark Zone, like a vacuum cleaner, pulls out all available upgrades and items from your inventory. Only a personal tank can be more useful than a flashbang grenade. But no one will distribute tanks in TheDivision, but a good grenade throw can save your life or take someone else's.

Prepare carefully to capture prey

Loot locations are the most guarded: groups of hostile bots or an outcast lurking in hiding represent a serious danger. Therefore, it is better not to ride an imaginary horse with a bald saber. With patience and wit, hunting for resources in The Division will become easier.

The first step to capturing prey is the territory cleared of enemies. Before calling the helicopter, you need to make sure that there is no danger. If you play as a team, then it is most effective to disperse around the perimeter and be ready, you cannot relax in PVP mode. The second step is to make sure all player skills are ready to use, you will need every skill every second. And only then can the helicopter be signaled to evacuate.

Outcast notes

The previous points of the guide were intended mainly for honest and respectable players of The Division. High moral standards are great, but how can you resist the temptation to be an outcast at least once? Deal treacherous stabs in the back, turn any hunter into prey, farm the maximum number of points and credits. Opportunity to become an outcast is the serpent-tempter of the game, handing out a wonderful apple of opportunities to the players with an insidious smile.

The consequences for players who choose the role of rogue will be an ordeal (even for experienced ones). Your movement on the map will be seen by all game participants who are nearby. Therefore, get ready. Make a plan for runs and maneuvers. It doesn't hurt to write a detailed strategy for the team. The main thing to remember is that live players are much smarter and more cunning than artificial intelligence, so you need to eliminate them before the enemy medic comes to the rescue.

Don't dig around loot points

Yes, hiding somewhere in the corner of the location with loot and waiting for unsuspecting players is the easiest way to make money. But ask yourself: is this interesting? Or is it fun? This is a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer it. Much more pleasure can be obtained by drawing clever plans of attack and maneuvering on the edge of a knife. Recall at least the great confrontation between Professor Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes. The patron saint of criminals and the brilliant detective preferred to fight head-on, looking into each other's eyes. Or at least in the back.

It is vital for the Outcasts to be close to two or three checkpoints, since HP is lost faster than usual. But there are also enough pluses: for killing players, experience is awarded and a special currency of the Dark Zone, for which you can purchase best weapon and equipment from merchants.

Knowledge of the area is the key to survival

If you spend an hour or two exploring and exploring the map, success will be much easier. Knowing the zone gives the player a significant advantage over opponents in both attack and retreat. Become familiar with shortcuts, learn to avoid dead ends, and get you into a corner much more difficult. If you have studied the map better than others, it will help you at least survive, which is also important in the hell called the Dark Zone. Finally, a bonus - a video guide to fast level farming in The Division