Dying Light: Interesting places, secrets and easter eggs. Passage of additional tasks Dying Light Where are meteorites in Dying Light

Access: After you finish the second half of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: The eastern part of the map, not far from the overpass, talk to Macarius.


Difficulty level: middle.

The task becomes available immediately after you complete half of the plot task "Treaty with Rais." In slums there is a task in which one person will scream something. It is located on the south side of the overpass. First you need to knock on the door to talk with the survival named Macarius. It turns out that his wife gives birth and he urgently needs alcohol. Alcohol will serve as a good disinfectant for his wife. So, you need to find several bottles and attribute them to macaria.

At some point he will ask you to bring him more alcohol, so you will have to re-make a huge race in search of more couples of cans. Behind the award also have to run a little. The award is stored for one doors, which are locked, so you have to unlock them. How to open them, get a reward for your assignment

Guide for Surviving Zombies


Region: Harbor, talk there with Neil.

Remuneration: 5000 experience points for survival, 2000 bucks.

Difficulty level: middle.

The task you can take only after the completion of almost the second half of the main task "Treaty with Rais". So, you will get to know the man named Neil. Neil will be a journalist. He will need to return an interview with outbreaks about the epidemic. In general, this is the whole problem, since all his data remained in an Internet cafe, which is located a bit above on the map. We recommend that you take more weapons with you with you, since the enemies will get enough complicated. The cafe will need to get to the second floor, so there is a choice: either run with the breeze, or break through the battle. You can go on the second floor on the back side. Doors inside the building will have to hack. When hacking, be sure to listen to what is happening around you, as it may be unexpectedly infected.

In the cafe very quickly, we categorically not recommended. Inside you will be met by a suicide one, so if you go inside, you will not have time to get treasured, as a suicide one will explode. It is best to fit neatly, and after when provoking it on yourself, then quickly run out. As a result, the suicide will not, and you can safely go through. Inside the cafe there will be one interesting note, the mini-statue and records that our journalist Neil is needed.

Now it's time to pick up the most basic camera. Here is the camera already on the overpass, and there is about three hundred contaminated people. We recommend moving to the overpass from the depths of the island. From the side of the water, the climb will be too high, so you have to walk and climb a little further. The work will be easier if you have such a skill as a "support jump", which is in the tree dexterity. With this skill you can quickly run and jump through the zombies that block your way. If you do not possess this skill, then we recommend that you climb on the car or bus and fight back there from zombies, and if you are pressed, then use the petards. So, the camera is in a black wheelbarrow. This car is located on the eastern part of the overpass, mostly over the railings that serve as a barrier. It is not difficult to notice. With the help of Petard, you will need to distract the other part of the zombies, at this moment you will need to rush to the trunk of cars. After the car starts to fall into the water, then wait on land and after, chat with a neil on the radio transmitter. As the conversation end, you will have to dive for the camera. Note that swimming will have to swim. How to get this damned camera, then go back to the Neil journalist and take a well-deserved award!


Access: After you finish the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Eastern part of slums, harbor, talk with Job Bord.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, 500 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

The task can be obtained after you run the second half of the main task "Treaty with Rais." A man named Job Bord gives you a request from the girl named Sofia: she needs to assemble a couple of algae. This girl lives in the southeastern part of the harbor. It makes medicines for local residents, thereby helping everyone to survive. The most useful and richest lake will be marked on your card. And beyond the task, you can go to collect useful herbs purely for yourself. As soon as we collect algae and come back to Sofia and immediately get a well-deserved award from the girl.

Bandages and medicines

Access: After the events are held after the task "Brothers, Sisters".

Region: Tower, first floor, talk with Job Bord.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, 1500 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

The task can be taken immediately after the events are held before the main task "Brothers, Sisters". Quest can take the same Job Bordland. You will need to find three syringe, gauze and anesthetic. To task, you need to attribute all these items to a person named to Toygar. If you have not turned out to be all three suitable components, then carefully examine each first aid kit. In general, everything that is associated with medicine - you need to carefully examine, find all the necessary items to be found there. In the extreme case, you can buy it all at the merchant. Marley is not cheap and not in short supply.



Region: Old Town, Tower Tower, talk with the boy of Zaman.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival after each race, access to the repository where weapons are stored.

Difficulty level: middle.

You can take this task only after you reach the old city. You will need to find the boy named Troy. There is a boy on the upper bridges. How to find it, then chat with him. It turns out that he is at all name is Ozan and he will ask you to show how cool you can be. If you cope with his request, he will provide you with access to the father's treasury.

To start the first test - take a teddy bear. You will need to run in the markers that are located on your radar. In the first part of the race there will be only six markers. This test you can not pass, if you do not use the "slip", "roll forward", "Fryran's skill" and everything is probably. In addition, you will need to avoid roads that will lead to a descent or drop from the roof. It is best to spend a few seconds on the hook than a minute on the rise of the high-rise building.

After you have completed the first test, you can go back to the boy a little later and start a new test in which there will now be five checkpoints. This time the test will be with an intelligent bias. You will not have to enjoy your excellent reflexes and many others. Here you are best followed by every step and when crossing the street it is best to use a cable. Another problem may arise at the very end. The last marker is high enough. After the fourth, you need to make a "soft landing", that is, it is best to fall on garbage bags. After that, rather climb the white transport and then climb the columns from it.

The last race will be more complicated - there is little time, and the obstacles are complex. You need to go through all six markers, each of which has its own special "trick." At the very beginning, it is best to jump down and sharply minimize on the right side. Soon, it will be necessary to quickly move across the street, so the pillar will help you next. Next, move up to the first marker. Continue running. At some point, you will need to neatly go down and move the street. How to pass another marker, then jump to another pillar and cross the next street. Soon you will quickly come up to the second marker. Next, it remains only extremely safe to jump off the roof and land on the garbage. The rest of the race will be on only linear, so you can easily with ease.


Access: After you finish the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Eastern part of slums, harbor, talk to Job Bord.


Difficulty level:easy.

The task becomes available immediately after you graduate from performing the second half of the plot task "Treaty with Rais." So, fishermen who live in the harbor, ask you to bring them binoculars (to see the enemies that will approach them). This task can be taken from a person named Job Bord, which is located in the city (middle of the zone). After that, you can proceed to search for binoculars. The description of your task will be a wonderful search site. Turn around and find an antenna that should be located on the top of the hill. You need to go there.

How to find yourself about antenna, try to check each level of antenna to find binoculars. It is located at half the way to the top of the construction. On such a long lift, it is better not to miss it. How to find this item, then take it rather and go back to the harbor. Now return this binoculars Santiago and get a well-deserved reward for your works.

Cubes for a boy

Access: The task goes into the task "Dungeon" and "Troll", is available immediately after the end of the task "University".

Region: Safe zone "Magic Fortress", Talk to Cadim.

Remuneration: 5000 points experience for survival, 15000 points of experience in survival, 10000 points of experience for survival, drawing: an angel sword.

Difficulty level:easy.

The task becomes available to you only after the completion of the plot task "University". The task can be taken only in Cadima, which is in the magic fortress (safe zone in the east of the city). So, the boy will ask you to bring him all the cubes. He lost them all while he examined the lower floors of the building. Well, it's time to go to look for everything.

Location of cubes: the first cube you will find immediately on the stairs, which takes you from the floor where Kadim sits; Three more cubes you will find on the Ladder Platform lower; Going to another level below - find four more cubes; Three more cubes will be in the drawer; another will be near the box on the floor; Your last cube will lie on the floor immediately around the corner.

How to finish the collection of cubes, then return back to Cadim. Next, tell us by the person named Rupert about what you heard and soon, after a small conversation, a new task will appear, which is called "Dungeon". Take Rupert Key and come back to the basement. Open the previously locked doors and move in the left branch. You can easily go through the basement and find closed doors where Rupert's wife will be located. It turns out that the Rupert's wife turned and it is necessary to get rid of it. How to kill it, then do not leave immediately, but find a closed chest in this room. After that, go back to Rupert. To finish your task - just talk to him.

Before your departure will appear a new character and ask you for help. This character will be a little girl, but more strange that something hears something. Need to help her. Get out of this safe zone and find the troll, which a little girl heard. Soon it turns out that in the yard below it is loud with a couple of low-level zombies. It will be necessary to kill everyone. After you kill the loud, the destroyer will appear, whom will also need to overcome. In the battle with the destroyer, try to use evasion. As soon as you kill the destroyer, you will need to meet with Rupet in the workshop, which is located in another part of the town. As will arrive at the place, he will give you the drawings of the "Sword of Angel" (wonderful recipe). In addition, in this workshop you can find a couple of pistols.

Stop and abstain

Access: After you kill for the first time runner.

Region: Old school, talk to Erol.


Difficulty level: middle.

The task becomes available immediately after you first kill the runner. Soon you will learn from one of the guards "Towers" that a couple of well-armed people went to school. Lay this school (the western part of your card) and talk there with a man, which costs near the building. After talking, he will miss you inside. Erol will be immediately doors. Chat with him and agree to fulfill a new task.

It's time to go to the north, where the key point is located. From Karima soon comes a message that was not addressed to you. Next, kill all zombies near and rather search the bodies. You need to find a walk in the corpses. The radio is located at one corpse in yellow clothes. As soon as you find the necessary item, you immediately get a new task. Go now in the southern direction to find the house of Gabriel. You will have a marked territory - here in it on the north-western part, look for a staircase. This staircase will hold you to the basement. There will be no such interesting things. Just move the basement until you find a new staircase. In the end, you find yourself at the main level of this building. As soon as you climb the stairs, you will find a soldier of Raisa, so you have to work a little with them.

How to cleanse the area here, then move to the elevator, which is located on the opposite side of you. It turns out that the light does not work, so on the top you need to climb the mine. In the end, you will meet Karima. Just peacefully talk with this man. As soon as your conversation is over, you can leave this place and go back to school. Upon arrival in place to speak again with Erol. He needs to find paint now. Move to the building that will be marked on your card. If this secure zone has not yet been cleaned, then a very large cluster of zombies will be on the roof. If they were not released this place, then you have to do it now. If we were freed, then just find the can with paint. which is located on the edge of the roof.

After that, it remains to find two more banks with paint. The second bank will be located in the external forests, the latter - in the internal (corner of the building). As soon as you get the specified number of paint, then go back to school and raise the roof there. On the roof you will need to paint four points (they will be highlighted) and then return to Eros. This task does not end, as he will ask you to get a bag for him, which is in the basement. Go out and go to the black go of the school. Go down to the basement and carefully inspect the room there. yellow color. In this room you need to open and check all bags and boxes. As soon as your task is once again updated, then soon go through this building and after, go upstairs on the stairs. There is nothing to change in this task you will not work. You can only talk to Karim on the roof. Before the final part of the task, you only need to open and search the entire cargo that was reset.

In pursuit of the past

Access: In the process of performing the task "Museum".

Region: Safe zone "Old Town", Top, talk to the taricle.

Remuneration: 10000 points of experience for survival, 2000 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

The task is available during the passage of the task associated with the museum. So, you will need to talk together with the targeon, after you have received information about the museum, he will ask you to help him in the case about the recently found orphans. Little boy needs his brother who is still alive. He is in the old town.

Take the task of Tarika and go to the specified location on your map. At the ground level will be a marked door - enter it. How to find yourself inside, then go up the stairs and open the doors that are on the first floor on the right side. You need to carefully explore the apartment. In the end, you will find one entry. How to listen to this entry, then moving the floor above and look into the apartment, which is located on the left side. In this apartment you will find a new entry that will already hint on what you need to check the basement. Native a basement. How to find a new record, then listen to it. After that, go back to the apartment on the second floor. Here you need to take the keys to the doors that are locked in the basement. Take the keys and descend back to the basement.

Below, in the basement, open the doors at number four. Inspect the open room and after, get some weapons to kill a person who at the moment passed into the door on the opposite side. Now you can go back to Tarika. He gives you the keys to the treasury of the local museum. To get into this place, you will need to dive into the lake, in the southern part and find the underwater passage there. How to find yourself in the right place, you will find a couple of locked chests. These chests are your reward for the work done.


Access: After the murder of his first runner.


Remuneration: 25000 points of experience in survival, 1200 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Task You can take immediately after killing your first runner. Take the task you can from Job Borda. You will have to seek and collect coffee for Toyagara. Coffee will usually be in bars and shops. To fulfill this task, you will need to bring to Toyagaru twenty pieces of coffee. It all depends on your patience and excerpt. As soon as they bring the desired amount of coffee, the task will be executed.

Smalls for children


Region: Tower, talk to Job Bord.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, 1200 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Task as before - available after you kill your first runner. The task can be taken from Job Bord in the "Tower". These crayons could defuse the situation that has developed in their refuge. So, you will go to school and find some chalk. The school you need will be located on the right side of your card (industrial area).

How to find yourself in place, then go around school and climb through the barricades. Next, make your way further inside. If you have not been here yet, then you will have to talk a little with a man at the door. In any case, you give permission to find key items. The first three sets of chalk will lie on the table in the first part of the room. The other two sets will lie in a small corridor in the back and on the right side. Another set will lie on the ground, it is difficult to notice his couple, so it's best to use the skill "Night feeling" or just examine every centimeter. How to bring the required amount of chalk, then go back to the Tower. Smalls will need to pay the Kate, which is in the 204 room, so it will be necessary to ride a bit on the elevator.

And do you believe?

Access: After you graduate the task "University".

Region: Western part of the Old Town, Safe Zone "Library", Talk to Mafid.


Difficulty level: middle.

The task becomes available immediately after the main task is completed, which is connected with the University. Lay off a man by name Mafid near the window in the library. He hears some strange sounds from the territory of Quarantine, so he wants to know what is happening there. So, leave this building and go in the north-west direction of the Old Town. Soon you recognize that something plays something there. Close and make your way to this place. Inside, you will meet a man whose name is Ashak. Talking to him, you recognize that he needs "Night herbs", which are located on the northern shore. Growing these herbs near the shore. Shut down there follows at night. Please note that in these places you will find not only zombies, but also a couple of Zeb. We recommend cooking a long-range weapon. How to gather the right herbs, then return back to the ishaca and put them in the specified place. Next, Ishak will tell you about some kind of prophecy that finishes your current task and begins a new task called "King's Shadow".

Dying lunch

Access: After graduce with the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: The right upper corner in slums, the safe "penultimate" zone, talk to Irwin.

Remuneration: 2500 points of experience in force, 500 bucks.

Difficulty level: middle.

The task becomes available after you finish the plot task "Treaty with Rais." You have to go through a rather complicated test. Start the test will have to be on top of a small house, which is located in the southwest direction. To begin with, talk with a filmmaker, after which you will have to lay forty zombies from a two-barrel for the allocated time, while you need to try not to die.

With this gun, you can not try to be aimed in mind, since you will apply such a damage in which you to demolish will be most of the body. Just collect enemies in heaps, and after starting to shoot immediately by crowds. When you recharge, it is best to retreat. How to perform forty killings, then go back to Irwin for a reward.

Having come to him a little later, you start a new test. This time you have to shoot sixty zombies! At your disposal will now be a machine gun! So, if the viruses are selected to you too close, we recommend that you soon move back. In addition, now you need to try to shoot your opponent and not shoot a squall fire. At some point in your cheerful company will comply with toad. Toad will come out from the place where you started the task. As soon as the zombie becomes enough enough, then move to railway stationwhich is not far away. At this place, finish the zombie to the specified number will not be difficult for you.

The last test of itself is heavy, since now you have to make thirty chadshots (shots in the head). You have to make thirty chadeshts for the time allocated to you. There will be a lot of zombies on the field and at some point they please complain. For a more accurate accuracy, do not forget to use the sight! If you kill the head in the head, then get the whole ten chades, so keep in mind. Basically, you just need to keep calm and more accurately. Random murder does not count anywhere, so it is necessary in any case. If you ended the cannon meat, then we recommend you to leave the bus and go to the flight. After, you can go for a reward.

Electronic details

Access: After the first kill the runner first.

Region: Read what Job Bord writes.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, drawing: electrician.

Difficulty level: easy.

The task becomes available after the murder of the first runner. You will receive a message from the old Job Bord. He will tell you that now Toyagaru needs to bring a couple of electronic parts. You will have to find five electronics sets. Note that they are very rare and very expensive, but in any case find them real. We look more likely in locked chests and in general in cities. After you collect the kits, return to the specified purpose and get your decent reward there.


Access: Before finding out the slums in the old town.

Region: It covers the entire territory of the slums.

Remuneration: different.

Difficulty level: middle.

The task becomes available immediately after you cross the slums to the old city.

Nick Peso

So, at the refueling of the car you will find a fairly busy American named Nick Pesto. He will ask him to hold it to the "tower". But the whole problem is that on the way it is necessary to grab a couple of objects along with him. To begin with, he will lead you straight to the Rais group. Raisa Thugs will stand near the bag Nick, so first you need to get rid of them so that the path is clean. In general, we recommend you first throw Petard couple to attract the attention of zombies. When the zombies arrive in the group of Rais, and the fight will begin, then you need to make the day past the whole of this massacre and take the bag Nick.

In the bag, Nick will receive your favorite ring, but there was no passport in the bag, so we go further. Move until the next point. Most likely along the way to the key point you attack, but the enemies will not be too strong. In addition, in battle you will still have your own support (but hard in battle should not count on it). After you take a passport of your partner, you can be sent straight to the "tower". Try to follow the straight line for pesto, because at some point your movement will interrup over. Use the standard battle tactic against him - hit and ran away. After you find yourself in the shelter, then nickname gives you a "hellish drawing" as a decent reward for your escort.

Trading agent

The next your client is Farouk (he is a sales agent). Find Faruk you can on a bench in the "tower" near the slums. How to talk to him, you will need to provide a new escort. This case will be divided into three stages. The first two stages of the escort will be sufficiently lung. Just accompany Faruk while he bypasses its customers and protect it from various raids that will occur.

The last stage is complicated by the fact that you can stumble upon a raise thugs or even on some strong enemy. We recommend that you immediately prepare some very powerful firearms or hand-to-hand. In addition, the stock of your health should be maximized, you will need to use the sprint if something threatens your sales agent! If everything goes smoothly and he will arrive in the "tower" alive, and unharmed, then you will receive a "ladder drawer".


Near the warehouses that are located in the very center of the slums you will meet the damned person. It is in his curse and is the case - you will need to assemble the specified ingredients for cure. You will need to drive it in the market (naturally protect) while he chooses the ingredients you need. After he collects all the necessary items for his potion, you can safely take it to the Tower. As a reward, he will give you a "Drawing of the Holy Ghost". And keep in mind that somewhere at the end of the route you will again visit the roller.

Theft of Raisa

In this task you will greatly facilitate passage of firearms. In the south-west direction from the "tower" there is a former member of the Gulp of Raisa. This person is name - Ahmet. He will hide inside a little blue house. In order to get to Ahmetta, use the door that is behind the welcome. After you break up to him, you will need to accompany it to the repository about which only him is known. While you will move, everything should be relatively calm. The difficulties of this task begin after you cross the railway mound. At some point you first attack the thugs of Raua. Note that a machine gunner will sit on the roof, so it is recommended to shoot it first to start it (as it can create great amount Problems)! Next, deal with the rest of the enemies. As soon as you turn all, immediately be desired (if you need it).

Then there will be a fight with a roller, zombies and toads, so get ready. Everything will happen before you arrive at the "tower". This is a very complex escort, but instead you will receive a decent award - "Drawing puff-puff-conveyed."


Chat with a local fisherman, which stands near the "tower". It turns out that his name is Omar and he needs to get around the town, and collect a couple of very important things. In this escort you have to fight quite a lot. On your way there will be such monsters like toad, throat and even infected (this is not counting those ordinary zombies, which are very many here). The most dangerous moment will be on the bridge, as it stands there, together with a very dangerous barrel, which can explode, so we recommend that you launch him in a more comfortable place, and after, kill. As soon as you spend the lobster to the items you need, you will need to turn it back to the place of permanent fishing. As a reward, he will give you a "drawing GTFO".

Family doctor

Access: After graduate from the two part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Eastern part of slums, harbor, talk to Victor.

Remuneration: 3750 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Chat with Victor, which is located in the harbor. To start the test you need to use it with a medical bag. So, you will have to deliver four deliveries of medicines in different points, in slums. In addition, you can not use your hook. When you move to the first marker, it is better to stay with the left side, since otherwise you risks to be much lower than the key point. After this point, a straight line will follow the second. After the second point, you will need to turn around the other side and run to the third point. From the third point it remains only to run to the last - point keys. Try to follow the scorers. If calculating in general, the race is quite simple. To begin new race, I will need to meet with Victor a little later. The new key of key goals will be much more. To begin with, you will need to visit the house, which is in front, after which it will be necessary to immediately turn on the left side to reach the next point, which is already two floors above the previous one. In the end, you remains to make the same circle to run the remaining points.

You will be given a lot of time enough, so basically you only need to not give yourself to kill yourself infected or bombard. There is a simple: avoid the skirmis and constantly in motion.

Fan zone

Access: After you graduate the task "Higher Education".

Region: Get when you are in the eastern part of the card, at some point you will receive a message.

Remuneration: 10000 experience points for survival, 1500 bucks.

Difficulty level: difficult.

The task can be taken after you follow the plot task "Higher Education". As soon as you approach the fan zone (which is located in the eastern part of the Old Town), then hear unknown messages. Approaching a little closer, you can find out the source and even get a task. After that, you will have an appropriate marker on the map. Noah will give you a council about the received messages. Barrikada is located in the center and to get there, you will need to apply a pitfall a couple as a distracting maneur. On the central floor you need to find the elevator first. As soon as you find it, then call it and go on it up. On the top floor, find something that can explain the weird messages. Go to the conference room and find the staff cards there. In addition, you can still find a gun along with a beautiful sleeve.

With the help of the found card, open the hardware on video and recording (it is located in the angular part of this building). There will be two doors there, one of them will be blocked, but the other will be free. Go there and find the computer room. As you can find, turn on the specified computer and carefully inspect this room. After that, come back to the elevator.

When you go to the elevator, then in about the middle it will stop and you will have to use the mine. Next, break in B. ventilation mines And in the end, find yourself on the floor, which was looking for so long. At some point, psycho with a military rifle will attack you, so you have to take advantage of firearms. There is also an option to pounce on it with a very strong military weapon of melee and simply do not give him a chance to get up.

In general, as soon as you kill it, then activate the supply of energy. In this room you can take a huge amount of throwing noise. When you get away, use the elevator to bring back to the first floor. On this purpose, the task is made, but you can still go to the same or noa for an additional reward.



Region: The safe zone that is in the southeastern part.

Remuneration: 5000 experience points for survival, 10 pcs. signal missiles.

Difficulty level: difficult.

Task You can take immediately after you follow the first half of the task "Treaty with Rais." So, you need a zay and it is in its safe zone, which is located in the southwest direction of the city. To start a task - you just need to talk. He ask you to get the supplies for him that are in the hangar in the north. Go there, and how will arrive at the destination, then you will need to find the way inside this hangar.

If you have a hook with yourself, then pull yourself up to the roof, which hangs on the side of the building and after, pierced inside. There is another option: it will need to move to the eastern part of the hangar. Next, with the help of iron mounts, we climb on the roof down and jump further to the extent until you find yourself near the entrance to the hangar. It will be quite problematic to jump here, so it's best to hurry.

Inside this hangar will sit the soldiers of Raua, so they will have to fight with them. It is best against them to take advantage of remote weapons, as the guys also have a couple of guns with them. To start, get rid of the soldiers that they sit at the top. After that, go to the largest part of the track. At the end you will be extremely safe to go down to the wagons. Now open the doors and find the zinc that you needed (the whole zinc will be here). As soon as they take zinc, then immediately move through the doors or to the top tracks. From here, go to the rooms on the side. Skipidar You look here on the floor. After the collected components, you can safely return back to the zaid.

Man in gas mask

Access: After graduate from the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region:Fisherman's pier, speak with Musoy.

Remuneration: 5000 Clear experience for survival, Warmaster.

Difficulty level:middle.

The task can be taken only after you run the first half of the main task "Treaty with Rais." Musa will guard the gates. He will tell you about a sick person who put on a gas mask, runs in the district and brings all a bunch of problems. Go to the marked marker and in a huge building, find the almost completely closed garage. Open this garage and spend a small conversation with the local inhabitant of this place. It turns out that he is very eccentric (a person in gas mask).

You will have to find his treasure bag, which he threw near the lake. Before you go further, we recommend that you first check if you have no night? Since if night, then you can not see in the water - if on the street day, then soon go to this place. Yes, the search area will be large enough, but the closer you approach the center, the less the search area becomes. So, in this search, the paddle will help you very much, which serves as a guideline. Immediately behind this paddle and there is a man's bag in a gas mask. As you can find it - take and go back to your customer.

In return, he gives you valuable information. Return to the guard with this information and tell everything that a man in a gas mask told you. After that, go to spend the search of Gürsel's house (the guy you first shake on the money in the village). Upon arrival at him, you find in his basin in the kitchen gas mask. It's time to talk to Güssel. It is on the street near his house. This task ends and do not forget about your reward in Musa.


Access: After graduate from the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Make a call on the radio.

Remuneration:5000 experience points for survival.

Difficulty level: easy.

How to get to the "tower" you will soon be reported that they have ended for some reason. At this moment, the task begins. So, you need to go to Jeff, which is located near the local railway. Railway It will be located far enough (the opposite end of the map). How to get then the necessary place, go to the blue house - exactly here Jeff sits. In the house, go up to the second floor. Talk to this person will be able only through the window. In general, during the conversation, find out what you need to do in order to resume gas supply.

During the conversation, you will find out that you need to find the valve. Total three valves are three. One valve is located in one of the tunnels, the other is right under the furnace and the last one - the third, is located near the bridge. At the valve, which is located near the bridge there are two problems at once. The first problem is that it is necessary to close at the bridge first, and after, jump. Close up you can close. At the top there will be many zombies and you will need to kill everyone. After the massacre, jump and come up with the following problem. Inside the territory that protects the valve, there are stronger and large infectren. To overcome them, try to shy more actively and quickly attack them. As soon as you kill all your enemies, you can open the valve. To get out of this place - use the pillar that stands nearby.

As for the tunnel valve, you will not be difficult to find it and twist, but still without a battle there can not do. It is best to take some strong weapon for a melee. It will be necessary to score a large number of zombies, since if this is not done, they will be able to prevent you from turning the valve.

The last valve will be under the overpass. You will not find it difficult to find this valve, but as usual there will be infectious. To clean the terrain from the corpses, grenades would help you very much, they will be able to remove almost all enemies to be removed. If you do not possess such weapons, then it is best to use remote weapons, while luring infectious. Also, the tactics will come true - hit and ran away.

Next Your goal is a valve that is responsible for the primary distribution. Go there, but try not to go immediately into the structure, as there will be very strong infectren, it will not be possible to pass by them, afterwards it is not to get to the valve. We advise you to go outside on the opposite side of the institution and find the drain there, which will spend straight to the gas complex, where the desired valve is located. Near the valve there will be a couple of strong infectious, so first to remove them. After that, you can safely twist the valve.

Now it's time to hurry and quickly find marker marked on your radar. This marker is a zone that is responsible for the direction of gas. Go rarely and cross the gas in the three valves. All of them will be located on the same platform. To find them, move the blue-color pipes and make sure that white valves appear. If the area is burning, then there is a valve that you need to twist. As soon as you finish, then go back to Jeff. How will come up to him, then chat and after, you can safely leave here. Next, something will happen and in the end, get a well-deserved remuneration.

Good night, Mr. Bakhir

Access: After graduate from "first task".

Region:Tower, Top, Corridor.


Difficulty level: middle.

The task can be taken immediately after you finish the "first task". How to return back to the "tower", then listen carefully to the fact that the noise is heard here. It turns out that a couple of people try to knock the door in 202 number. At some point, they will ask you to hack the door lock. Make it rather and check the room carefully. After talking to Lena, then go to the roof of the "Towers". On the roof you need to find a guy named Yusuf. It is the Yusuf on the left side around the corner. Talk to him and go to a new mark on your card.

So, in the pharmacy and in general, around the pharmacy still some survivors move to the specified marker and find people. How to find yourself in place, then talk to the leader. He will start talking to what an alleged good it has a product (but you have seen the truth in fact - its product produces extremely negative effects). Get ready for battle, so take a weapon and kill all the villains.

Note that the enemies will be serious. They will throw in you with throwing weapons, attack by strong weapons in the near battle, and the leader will constantly evade your attacks! We recommend that you take some rapid and deadly weapons, since otherwise they get rid of you quickly.

As soon as we overpower these guys, then make a small radio call and the task will be completed. The task will be done at this stage, but we recommend looking into the pharmacy before leaving and take a note there and the toxic grenade drawing.


Access: After you finish the "first task".

Region: Top of the tower, talk with a dawn.

Remuneration: 3500 survival experience points.

Difficulty level: easy.

After you return with the "first task", then at some point they will stick to a person named Davud. He gives you a new task. So, it will be necessary to find a gun for him and bring her back to the Tower. If you have taken this task at the beginning of the game (at the first opportunity), then you probably won't have an extra trunk, more precisely, there will be no no. It's time to go to the search for weapons. The farther from the asylum will be left, the more the chance will grow to find some kind of useful and valuable lout. We recommend that you check all the chests and huge trucks (there are a chance to find valuable items). In addition, usually trunks with valuable prey will be locked, so we recommend that you take a couple of messengers with you (you can of course and more, if today is not your day).

As soon as you find the trunk, which can be shared with the customer, rather return to the tower and pass it to Davud. In return, he gives you the key from his "commission shop", but no rewards do not give any rewards. Now he needs to bring one figurine, which is currently in his shop. In principle, it is not bad to go to such a distance, since on the road you can do well.

Move more to the Davud store. The desired thing will lie behind the door in the garage (somewhere at the ground level). In general, pass, unlock the doors and take everything you can, as there will be many of the most useful things. Most importantly, do not forget to take the figure. As you come back to the "tower", you will receive a message on the radio - you need to return to Davud rather. So, at the place of arrival, to raise more information - chat with Salma. At this point, the task is for a while stopping. A little later, at some point you can find Davud in one sewage (when you will be chosen into the old part of the city). In general, how to find it, then just chat and nothing is done yet.

The task will continue when you find yourself in the old town. On the radio will have a message that will give several information about the old Davud older. Immediately a new task will appear "Lost in Space". In general, it will be necessary to carefully read the southwest part of this territory (old city). At some point, you will have a marker concerning this task - follow it. You will be near the building. You need to go inside through the entrance, which is located on the top floor. There you will meet Davud again. In the future, you will have to kill all walking corpses, and then go to the rear premises and search in Sammy's cabinets. How to find the boy, then chat with him and this task will be performed.

Therapeutic potion

Access: After you follow the task "Higher Education".

Region: Safe zone "Magic Fortress" (Eastern part), talk to Rupert.

Remuneration: 10000 points for survival.

Difficulty level: middle.

Inside the house (the eastern part of the city) is located kindergartenMoreover, he still works and heads his man named Rupert. Go to it for a new task. So, you will be asked to find insulin for one of the children (it is sick of diabetes). You will have to play several local pharmacies in search of medication. Note that the pharmacy in the south belongs to Raisa. You can go immediately there, but you have to kill all thugs. It is best to attack them from the ambush, shooting from far distance. There is also an option to throw a couple of Petard to him, so that in the end, the contaminated, which are in the surrounding area.

In general, after you kill everyone, then on the doors in the pharmacy you will need to hack the castle. How do it - start looking for insulin. Alas, there is nothing to be here, therefore it is time to move forward to the next pharmacy (located in the northern part). This pharmacy will be located not on Earth, so if you are going to go to the apartment below, then you will find a couple of materials and a statuette.

Open metal doors that block the path in the pharmacy. How do it, then soon move on the pharmacy and turn off the alarm, which is incredibly severe (the second room on the left side). After you have figured out the alarm (and no matter how fast), you will be pleased to be infected, so you need to clean this place first.

After you read the pharmacy, then start searching insulin. As nothing to do not find here, then call the three. Use the computer, which is located in the back of this building. On the computer you can find information on the search for the medicine you need. As soon as you get the desired address, then go to the southern part and when approaching the house, drop to the ground. To be in the right place, you will need to be under the window of the building and take advantage of your "cat" so that after, to be inside.

When you search this room, then do everything is extremely quiet, since very strong enemies will be located near you (which are very much). Go cautiously into the kitchen. On the refrigerator will be a message - take it and go from this place.

So, you have a straight press on the pizzeria. Go to this institution and kill there inside all zombies. How to clean this place, start looking for insulin. As you can find a medicine, then come back to Rupert finally and give him a medicine. On this task will be performed!

Smoking herbs

Access: In the early stages.


Remuneration: 3500 experience points for survival, drawing: Natural aid kit.

Difficulty level: easy.

So, a person named Job Bord has one task. Go to it. He will instruct you to collect the twelve pieces of lavender plants. The task is a bit problem, as these plants will have to seek not a small amount of time. In general, Lavender will grow in the east of this territory, but even there it is not so much so that at a time it was possible to collect the required number of plants.

We recommend that you enjoy the skill "Night feeling" to better find plants (as they can grow in very thick vegetation). It is best to seek a little higher, somewhere around or even on the rock, islands, but not about the shore. In the course of this task, you will find a lot of beneficial plants, so it's best to take everything that only comes across, since when the game is passed, absolutely everything will be useful. How to gather all the plants, then go back to Job Borde.

Envious runner

Access: After you follow the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Southeast safe area, refer to the Volkan.

Remuneration:1000 glasses experience to agility.

Difficulty level: difficult.

A man named Volkan, believes that he is the best runner in the city. It's time to prove this person that he is wrong. It will be necessary to conduct a series of tests, which consists of a couple of race. These test converge only to the main things - speed and reflexes. Soviets do not give a lot here, but still a couple of things that simplify the process is.

To begin with, try not to slow down on markers, do not brake and continue moving on. You never have to make steep turns of 180 degrees, so you can save a lot of time. Quickly rush through each marker and do not brake.

In each race, it will be forbidden to use the "cat", which is quite an honest game. But no one forbids you to use your skills - for example, the "support jump", which will allow you to overcome the couple of infectious, while the speed you will not lose at all. The following useful skill - "Roll forward". This skill will help you not lose the precious time at the moments of the falls that you will undoubtedly happen. Further, Friran's skill is a very useful and indispensable skill that helps in any case. "Fryrane's skill", "Maximum Freinger" are the same useful skills, but here to take them, you need to advance at the level at first.

Huming Guide

Access: After being passed to the "pit."

Region: Shop the bottom of the tower, chat there with a burying.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for strength.

Difficulty level: easy.

Go for a new task to a man named Buckshot, which is located in the shop at the bottom of the "tower". So, this person has an interesting idea about how to enable people to understand what is happening in Harran. But first you will need to perform a couple of his tasks.

To begin with, you will need to kill 40 infected with baseball bits! It is extremely gently descended from the starting point and after, jump from the trailer, thereby overcoming the barbed wire. In the end, you will find yourself on the street. We give you to you recommend higher, moreover, it is better to take more ramps. As soon as the "clients" are run out, go a bit in the right side and there will be a new pack of rotten corpses. At this place, you will easily gain the missing number of killings.

After you pass the first test, you immediately offer to go through the second. This time you will need to kill zombies using throwing stars. As soon as the test begins - take the weapon and start cheating next zombies. In ammunition, there will be no problems, so throw the stars as often as possible to dial the specified number of murders as quickly as possible. Objectives will be located entirely on all docks, so you need not just stand still, but to move. At some point, the light targets will end and the toads will arrive at the replacement that they will attack you at a distance. It is better not to have a long time with them and kill them immediately, as they can create you a huge number of problems. And even better, to get away from them and go to a new pack of ordinary zombies and continue to calmly fill the murder.

After you perform the last task, you can safely return back to the "tower" and get your deserved award together with a bunch of compliments that will tell you local.

Overall spider

Access: During the passage of the task "Public Person".

Region: Old Town, Top of the building, chat with a man named Spider.

Remuneration: 10,000 experience points for survival and 1500 bucks, for the second task of 15000 points of experience in survival and 1500 bucks.

Difficulty level:middle.

Near the courtyard in the old town is a man named Spider. On your map, he will be celebrated as a new quest. Put to him and talk to him. In the end, you will need to take a package that lies near him on Earth. At this moment, the current task begins.

You need to find three stakes of the shishi in the northeastern part of the old city. A marker, which is indicated in the farthest eastern part will be located at the ground level in a small store. All three pieces of Shishi you will get in this store, but there is a problem - the store's territory is filled with zombie crowds. Here they will help the Petardi. Throw them and when infectious will be distracted, pass more inside the shop.

How to take all three pieces of shishi, then go to the north-west direction to a person named David. At the place of arrival, it turns out that his apartment is located in the siege of thugs of Raisa, so you will need to save David. We recommend that you take some firearm to shoot them and not be shot sick.

Break up slowly to the apartment of David. On the way you will meet even more bandits of Rais, than it was on the street. It is best to lure them to the doors, where you yourself and arrange them an ambush. As soon as everything is completed and you are unleashing David, you must make sure that you put all thugs. As soon as everything sits, then talk once again with the hostage. After conversation, you have a new safe area and give you some more money.

After David comes at his place, then once again talk to him and get a task that is connected with the main one. A new connected task is called "hell on top". So, David has an idea about what this terrible epidemic arose. It will be necessary in the city to find a couple of samples of a fallen meteorite.

Get out of the building and move in the northern direction until the lake. In this lake there must be fragments from meteorite. At the beginning you will not be able to find anything, but not far from this lake there is a generator who was surrounded as usual infectious. In general, it does not matter to kill everyone there or pull out, the essence is that you need to run the generator located there. As a result, all the necessary samples are under-glow with a small bright silhouette, which will make it easier for the search.

Completely all the lake and collect all the samples that only eat. If zombie wanderings are hindered here, then either beate them, or distract them, or just shoot along the next explosive ballons. After you collect all the samples, then return rather back to David. She will give you money and a few information about the fact that this epidemic arose.

Gas for lighters

Access: After you first kill the runner.

Region: Tower, contact Job Borde.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, drawing: Pierce them and kill them.

Difficulty level: easy.

Man named Toygar, it is necessary to bring five gas springs for lighter. The task is certainly complicated, as gas rarely falls, but the remuneration is definitely pleased. The drawing that you get as a reward will add to weapon (wrench, secchech, kirk, army shovel, sickle) fire and electric damage!

Full bride

Access: How to fulfill the second half of the quest "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Harbor, contact Job Borde.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, 1000 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Over the occasion of this building, you need to turn to Starne Job Borde. Take it and together in the evening go to the eastern part of this card. You will have a territory where the "midnight bride" should grow (this is a gentle flower, purple color). In general, the easiest way to find this plant with a flashlight turned on.

How to tighten the pieces of this flower, then go back to the person named Gürsel. He will give you a reward for the work done. The road will be very long, and there are many dangers (lights, zombie attacks - night in the end), so just be extremely careful.

Mothers Day

Access: After executing the "first task".

Region: Top of the tower, Brequen Room, contact Lena.

Remuneration: 3500 experience points for survival, 697 bucks.

Difficulty level: middle.

Lena gives this task immediately after meeting with Breken and Jade. Catch together with her at the exit. She gives you a task that is connected with the medicine from the seizures. The medicine is located in the city, or rather a person. Which still lives there.

Well, go out from the "tower" and move in the northeast direction. By the overpass you can go almost all the way. If you move exclusively on the roofs of the transport, then you have nothing threatened. Once you find yourself around the house Gazi, then descend from the overpass. Packages that will be located nearby will make it easier and soften your fall from the overpass. So, stick to the house of Gazi. After you received full silence in response - hack the lock on the door. Inside, you will find that there is no one here, so you need to search for neighboring two houses (Gazi probably lives in one of them).

Before you get to the house of Gazi will have to find a couple of objects. Open your card and look at the markers. You need to find a video tape and a bit of chocolate. Go to the main streets, and come from them on the tunnels and find yourself in the city. In the city you need to go first in the video shop, and after looking into the pastry shop. Be careful, as you can get caught enough strong zombies. You will meet the contagious pair that are dressed in armored costumes - you need to be attentive with them. So, in the video store you can go through the back door, which is located on the first floor of this building. How to find yourself inside, then go to the "C" section and find the desired video cassette there. Because of the noise at some point you will attract three very fast runners. There are two options: either you run away and beat down the path from them, or immediately take the battle and kill them. When runners will go to you, then immediately attack them.

Here is no confectionery shop to protect no one, and there will be no alarms inside. Go there and find some chocolate there. Finally, take all the necessary items, then return back to the Gazi. Suddenly, Gazi still does not want to let you in. We'll have to take home to him, so go to the curb of his house and climb on top. In general, climb the roof and look at the hatch, which leads inside. When you find yourself inside and you will be looking for, do not forget to grab along with you a statue along with the note. In the end, chat kindly with non-microshylic gas. As talk, take the medicine along with you - it will need to be attributed back to the girl Lena. Lena will be located on the eighteenth floor of the "towers". After you bring her medicine, get a decent award for work works.

Oh, where are you, brother?

Access: After you graduate the second half of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Northern Tower (under Earth), contact Ottoman.


Difficulty level: middle.

In the northern part of the map there are tunnels - look there and find in one of the chambers of the person who has already been met before. Chat with him to find out how to help him. He will ask you to find his brother.

Go from this place and move in the southern direction right up to the market. After you hear strange sounds, go to the building that you will be marked. On the doors on the left side there is a castle - it will need to hack. How do it, then find inside the ventulation mine above your head. Next, we use according to these ventilative aisles, thereby making it up even more in the building.

In the end, you will be in stock. There will be a scorer and if he did not work at the time when you were in ventilation, then avoid his attention. After, you will need to reflect a huge zombie attack, which will attack you from the side of the hall.

How to go all the problems, then go into a small room, which is located in the corner. There you will meet your brother, whom I had to find. After that, go through the doors (which are located behind it) and come back soon back to Osman. A new problem is waiting for you at the exit: the market alarm has worked and here now has a huge number of infected. You will have to make your way through the crowd of enemies, as there is no other option.

If you have the opportunity, it is better on the way to Osman to grab a little more explosives, since you will find a considerable amount of raise thugs there. In addition, it was not bad if you still took a gunshot weapon. How to kill all the gangsters of Raua, then find the Osman rather. To finish this task, you will need to talk to him. After talking, he will give you three keys from local urban storage.


Access: At the beginning of the task "Public Person".

Region: Tower Troy, talk to a man named Sevvi.

Remuneration: 10000 experience points for survival.

Difficulty level: difficult.

So, a person named Sevvi will tell you about the reference points of Raisa, which are located in the old part of the city. In these reference points there will be a huge number of thugs, so local surviving people simply cannot gather with the forces and push them out of there, for the way you can fill your pockets to the top cartridges, materials and first-aid kits, and disconnect the reference points of Raisovy Handites.

After you prepared firearms and hand-to-hand weapons, it's time to climb to a high building, which is located in the old town area (it will be marked). Around the roof is the elevator - it will help you to get to the main part of the advance, where the shake will soon happen. Through the elevator shaft, punch to the top floor of the base. In order to accomplish this task, you will have to kill a rather big amount of raise thugs. And if you enjoy the elevator down on each of the cashposts, then you will have a permanent element of surprise. It will be especially useful in combination with the skill of Taykdown.

Soon you will need to play two office floors, so we recommend that you take some good firearrow. If you stand in an open area, then die without any problems. We recommend that you avoid the center, until you get rid of most opponents that run here. Do not forget about your radar, as it will help you to assess the upcoming threat in each room.

After you kill all enemies, then carefully inspect the building. Here you can find extra packages that you need to drag back to your database. These items will give you a lot of experience to survival skill. A little later, it will be necessary to clean up the outpost of the thugs of Rais. Which is located on the radio. This place is also very valuable on the Lut and experience, so if you have the opportunity to clean this place - do not hesitate.

On hooks

Access:after you run the second half of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region:northern Rumpet edge, talk with Fatin and Tolgan.


Difficulty level: middle.

Catchily with a courier, which is located near Job Bord (Tower). So, the courier will tell you about two people who work on a very rich businessman in Iran. You need to find these people and someise to go a little.

Lay Tolga and Fatin. Go to the northern part of the map to the gas station. How to find them, call them with them and find out what you can do in their current task. On your map immediately after the conversation will be marked with warehouses (in the south), so you need to move on the road. Move to the railway site and sneak there on the central warehouse. On the opposite side of the room, climb the car, after that, jump on the striped-yellow crossbars to climb even higher. Tighten up the top tracks. In the end, you will find yourself in the designated part of the warehouse.

In place it will be necessary to kill very strong zombies in the company Gromil. After you work out this place from the enemies, then open the chests and find the drawing in one of them: Lighter. Next, you will need to break boxes that are located in another part of the room to get hooks (they are hidden inside the boxes). Now you can return back to the fate and the crowd. A little later they will be able to give you a new task.

How the radio challenge will pass, then go again to a meeting with the guys. They are located in the northwest part. So, the task will be quick, as you need to pick up three car batteries at the station with buses. The guys will instruct you where you go where to look for and more.

Go to the station Native three of the four transportation here. You are revealed with yellow-colored doors on the side, so you can get inside through them. Car batteries are constantly ahead of the bus in the steering wheel (slightly lower). Do not forget to grab Petard couple with you, if you do not want to be in large skins. And even without it, you will need to take the fire, as you can press on the bus when you are inside. In general, take batteries and after, come back to the guys. Upon arrival, you will receive a decent remuneration for your works.

A little later comes another call. This time the guys will be already in the harbor. You will need to transfer them a dozen power cables and adhesive tapes. All materials themselves will have to collect, so the current part of the task will refer to convenient cases, and not to the rapid passage. That is, you will not be able to go to one sitting. In general, searching for you.

After you have gotten and attributed materials to guys, you will now be sent to search for a hydroletor. It will be on the opposite part of the bridge, so again will need to take with me the penis, besides this, the skill of the "reference jump" would be very useful here, since in the future you will mainly meet zombies with cylinders and cousins. You will also have to either distract these enemies, or just kill, in order to win a little time in search. The camp that you will find - it's just a couple of tents. In this mini-camp you can lift a little and find the same hydrolyator. In addition, there is a warehouse with first-aid kits. Before you finish this task, it will be very useful to carefully inspect this place, as there are many necessary items.

Poisonous herbs

Access: After you have finished performing the second half of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Harbor (the eastern part of the slums), talk to ancient Job Bord.

Remuneration: 2500 points of experience in survival, 1000 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

So, go to Job Bordea and get a new task. After that, go to the stream, which is marked on your card near the ravine. How to find yourself in the ravine, then move along the water and carefully examine the terrain, as you need beautiful purple flowers - you will need to collect them. Flowers are called - wolf destruction. You will need to collect all the plants, after which it will come back to MUSE and transfer them to this person. Located Musa in the harbor, inside a small workshop. Transfer to him these plants and get money in return.


Access: How to open the old town.

Region: The key points will be located on your radar.

Remuneration: 10000 glasses experience in survival.

Difficulty level:difficult.

So, in the old city there are tests that are called posters. Each such poster has its own task, and the test begins at the moment when you come to it. One is located in the western part of the center of the Old Town. It will be located quite high on the roof and its test is that you will need to shoot ten jumpers. It is necessary to start this test only at night. At the time of the test you are given a double bastard and endless ammunition to it. It is best to stand on the balcony where you start your test. Jumps will climb to you. You should also try to kill them before they ran to you. It follows to fight back until the group of the enemy starts noticeably reduced. As the number of opponents will be significantly reduced, then rather drop down and soon new enemies will appear there. Here you will need to stay away from the usual infectios so that they do not interfere with you. How to put on time and kill ten jumpers, the test will be passed.

The next poster is located in the northeastern part from the center of the Old Town. In this test you are best to be extremely inconspicuous. This time the poster will take place during the daytime and you will need to kill the eight-infected from behind using the skill "Taykdown". At the same time, the distracting receivers will not be used, therefore it will become a bit complicated when this task is met.

The best skill for this test is the skill of the "crushing reference jump." What, even if zombies noted you, you can jump over it (while stunning it) and behind you to hit your opponent with the skill "Taykdown". With enemies, which are located on the roofs of buildings, act on this tactic is much easier, as they do not climb into large groups of corpses. In order to kill their goals, use the stunning and skill "Taykdown". If you do not have the skill of the "reference jump", then it is best to stay below and try quietly to sneak up to your enemies. Of course, you will be noticeably harder to carry out the test, besides, it takes a lot of time, but you will not have another choice without a skill.

The next poster is located in the northern part of the center of the Old Town. This test will experience you on the skills of Lazagan. A high tower will be given to you to climb as soon as possible, so it is necessary to start a plan, since if it is not, then you will wait for Fiasco. In order to climb up this tower, you will need to climb to start in the next. At first it will be necessary to jump from the railing, which you appear at the very beginning, and after running straight to the longer the tower.

It will be necessary to jump first on a small canopy between these towers, and after soon it is not to get a building that is located on the right side for quick lifting to the top. Next, go to another tower and the half of the way up will need to climb on the right side, and after, go to the left side. How to find yourself around the top, then go a little on the right side and pull up more quickly. Now blame and jump on the next tower. How to find yourself in the specified location, the task will be executed.

The fourth poster is located in the northeastern part and this time it will be located not on the roof, but on earth. You will have to swim in the sea and pick up six boxes there, which are located at the bottom. The test is very simple - dive as deep into the water as possible and assemble for the start of the boxes (four) on the right side, after which you will soon pop up and dial air. Next, swim more like the next boxes, again gain air and dive. In general, you dive for the last two boxes, take them and the test of this has passed!

Poster located in the farthest eastern part, will again experience your skills of Lazagna. To start, simply move to the tower marked, but you should not immediately try to climb this tower from the outside, since you just never for what it will be hooked. Go around this building and climb inside through the window. Immediately how to find yourself in the window, you should not immediately go ahead, since it will instantly fall down the downwards later lose a lot of time. Just stand on the windowsill and carefully look forward - it is for what it hooked. Jump forward. Tighten now and after, make a couple of cautious jumps upstairs. If you do everything carefully and correctly, then you will have a fairly large amount of time in stock. How to turn upstairs, then there will be another window. Get out through this window, climb on top and on this another client puzzle will be performed. If you fall down, then you will still have about fifteen seconds in the reserve to climb back to the current position and even higher.

In the southeastern part of the Old Town there is still a poster that will experience your fighting skills. So, you, as usual there will be an endless ammunition. This time you have to kill zombies with cylinders. Your position is located on one of the elevations, so you will be much easier to destroy key goals, while you will not attack you. If the zombies with the cylinders did not turn to you, then shoot their feet so that they fell. After that, you can only shoot on the cylinders until those try to get up to their rotten legs. When your targets will end, move to another place in transport, which will be here. In general, you can only retain the right amount of murders and on this test will be passed.

The new poster is located in the southern part of the Old Town. This time you have to go through the race. There are a lot of problems in this race, so I will look for everything in order. To begin with, you should cross the gap between metal cables not on the ground. After you pass the third key point, then do not try to swim long. Rather, get out of the water and activate your sprint, in order to have time to come to the next point. Otherwise, the race will be easy, but not to relax. It is very important that you have been pumped up all the skills in the skill of dexterity. The skills in this tree are very important in the races. In the future, everything is simple.

The following test also applies to the scarecrows. It is located in the northwestern part of the old city. But this race will be not like the previous one. The timer clears over you, and there will be no particularly difficult puzzles. But in return, you will soon have to run away from a huge amount of toad! It is better not to try to wake up this crowd. We recommend that you constantly throw to distract the penity and do not move smoothly right so that the toads are treated. You need to actively donate from everyone, while not to forget to throw the firefoot, otherwise you just need to quickly run to the key point.

Near the city center is another poster, which last will experience your skills of Lazagan. You will have enough time, so do not strain hard and move to the key item. To begin with, find the white van, which is located on the left side of the blue building under the bridge. In general, jump on this vehicle, and after and on the roof of blue. From this place you can get to the bridge. After a couple of seconds pass, you will find yourself at the base of the key tower. Click now further, simply shifting on the left side to the right. You have already had similar lifting, so you will not meet anything new. In this test, even small errors will not entail a complete failure, as there will be a fairly large amount of time in the reserve.

After you go through all these tests, you will contact a man named boam and asked to find it. It is located in the western part of the city center, a safe zone is located near it. In general, how to find yourself in, then climb the top of the house. At the top you will find the flag and useful drawing: exploding throwing stars. In addition, there will be a boam himself. While he will talk, rather collect things, because in the end he will be a psychic and he will have to kill him. This ends very long and painful passage of posters.



Region: Northern Tower, talk to Jeff.

Remuneration: 2500 points of experience in survival.

Difficulty level: middle.

Go to a person named Jefffi, which is located in the north side of the "Tower", in the rumpet area. He will suggest you to go through the next test. To begin with, you will need to cut off 40 hands in advance for a short time that you will be assigned. For this test, you are simply unrealistic cool, indestructible weapons! But the test still remains difficult. First, it will be necessary to lower down and do not allow desires every time to make Head. You need to beat the corpses on the body and hands so that you will eventually come out the maximum amount of severe limbs. Everything starts on the roof, there you will do (if you follow our instruction) more than twenty points, but still you will have to look for new customers for home surgery. We recommend that you go down to the ground on the left side, while in the process of descent, be extremely careful. Nearby will be located a fence: climb through the fence and rather run to the parking lot, where it is just a huge amount of zombie! A couple of cramped in this petcake, and you have already passed the test! It is not necessary to choose goals - Bates on anyone who comes. After you perform this test, take the money earned by Jeffth and come back a little later.

In the next test you will have to pierce fifteen infectious on sipastic traps. For starters, go to the left side and you can plant there at a minimum of four on the spikes using the ability "enough". When planting zombies on the spikes to begin with, you should piss them a little to yourself, and after planting to place where you need.

So, in the third test you will need to break the zombie thirty feet, as usual is given a small segment in time. Testing again not from lungs. For a start, it is necessary to go on knee cups, that is, not in the feet and not in the sides. When you begin to mark your legs, then the position is paid. If you come close enough to the infected, then in the end, in any case, hit it on the stomach, with what even if you are aiming in need if you do not care. In order to make the right blow, it is necessary to observe the distance between the crash. The targets will be quite a lot, but still not enough again, so you will need to go to the highway. Take advantage of the right side and jump from there to the entrance, which is located in the opposite side. In this place you are waiting for a huge amount of zombies. A very important point is that at the very beginning of this test, advance further, until the time when time in the timer starts.

The fourth test is interesting to the fact that you have a new cool weapon - a real sword. With this sword you will chop your enemies as a sausage. Discover constantly on the heads and necks, do not cease to wave this weapon, move and overcome packs standing zombies! How to clean the gas station, then you will need to go around the gas station building on the left side to bruise a new pack of infectious.

Immediately after the previous test follows the following. This time you have to take a huge ax and refresh thirty contaminated into two parts. If you are not careful, then goals will end earlier than you gain the required amount of murders. The gun on the ax. You need to know what to share the enemy in half you need to see it and carefully wake up. How to pick up thirty murders, then the test on it will end. And instead of issuing you a reward, the guy will try to kill you, so get ready for what he attacks you. Kill a psycho and take it a safe zone to yourself.

Race is not for life, but to death

Access: How to get to the old town.

Region: Northwest of the center of the Old Town, talk to Bayram.

Remuneration: 2500 experience points for survival, get money for every victory.

Difficulty level: middle.

Talk to a person named Bayram and open a new test. We advise you before performing this test to take as many Petard as possible. To start performing this test, you will need to wait for the night. During the passage, you need to use the sprint as much as possible, to forget about your stealth and use the pencils, so that you do not have a whole horde of enemies. How to get to the finish line, then a little later you can start a new test.

A new test is another challenge. Now, along with you it is better to take a clinging hook. This time the hook will be much helpful will be Petard. The new race will be long enough, so without a hook just can not do, besides this in this race it will not be forbidden. We do not recommend moving constantly on buildings. It is best to use a direct path and no matter what it is located on Earth, you need to get to the finish as soon as possible. You will notice many of the most different nonility (including jumpers), but no one can catch up with you.

How to fulfill the next test, then come for the next evening. The third test compared to the previous things is very easy. This time you get better moving around on the roofs. It will be possible to use the hook again, so cling to the places where difficult quenching can be overcome. You will have a few seconds in the reserve, if you are a little submarine. Note that your remuneration for victories will increase with each time and for the victory in the third test you will receive as many as 1500 bucks, so it is time to think about the passage of the next test.

The last your race will pass very quickly. For this light test you will get good money! Just sweep quickly around the territory, while clinging to the hook. It is not worth worrying about distracting maneuvers, since the enemy haunting you simply do not have enough time to catch up with you. For the last victory you will receive 2,500 bucks!

Armory Master Rupert

Access: How to find yourself in the old town.

Region: University, talk to Fidan.

Remuneration: 5000 experience points for survival.

Difficulty level: middle.

In the library of the university, which is located in the Old Town, talk to a person named Fidan. He will share information about an excellent weapon master, which is located on this territory. Fidan will ask you to find this person. Go to the northeastern part of the Old Town. Move into the flesh before you see the penthouse, where Rupert should live according to the idea.

So, climb and pierce the inside of this building. Rupert will be slightly lower in kindergarten. Chat with him and find out about this place more. Soon the task goes to another task, and the current ends at this moment.

Spare glasses

Access: Early stages of the game.

Region: Tower, talk to Job Bord.

Remuneration: 3500 points of experience for survival, 1000 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Go to Job Borda and after, go to the next room to the caliber. He will tell you about where you can find his apartment that is located on Ivi Road. The location of the apartment is close, if you look at your card, it will be a little higher on the right side of the Tower. In general, go to this place. How to find the desired building, then climb the top of the iron rods that are located outside the windows of this house. In the roof there will be a hole - jump into it and find yourself inside. So, inside the house, glasses will lie in a small bag, somewhere on the middle floor. In this task you will be very useful for the skill "Night feeling".

Next, you have to find a book in the same apartment. Go now to the first floor and inspect all the rooms that there is. The desired book should lie near the book locker, which fell. Also you can spend a little time in order to see what else collects a call. In general, after you found the necessary items, go back to the calicka in the Tower and get your award.

Steal from thorah

Access: After you fulfill the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region:safe zone of Jaffara.

Remuneration: 5000 experience points for survival, 1000 bucks.

Difficulty level: easy.

Jaffard, who must give you a task, first will not trust after the events in the task "Treaty with Rais", so it will be necessary to convince him that he tells you what happened in the area where he is. So at some point he will ask you to carefully examine the construction site, where Rais's thugs can find something valuable.

Go to the marked marker, which is listed on your card and gradually pierced inside. To climb up, use your hook. This task is best to take some good remote weapon. If so you do not have it or for some other reason you do not want to use them, then hide behind some drawers and gently lure your enemies and gradually kill them. When you fight with so many enemies, you will need a firstly aid kits, with what a lot. You just have to put a huge number of people here.

After this big slaughter is passing, open the blue container, which is on the back side of the site. Inside this box you find a couple of checkers with dynamic. Take it all welcome and rather return back to Jaffara. In the end, the dynamite will remain with you.

A little later will need to return to Jaffara. At this stage, a new task begins. It's time to chat with a man named Kurt (he is in the opposite side of the garage). It turns out that he needs to get new toys for his interesting experiments.

Go to the overpass and find the truck in this place. Located a truck at the edge (you will immediately find it, as he almost flew off the road). Near this truck will be loud in the company of Zeb and ordinary zombies. To begin with, the toad should be destroyed, with which these monsters can easily kill you. It will be very much useful to you some distant weapon, it can be like a firearm and throwing weapons. After the slaughterhouse passes, then climb the left side of the transport and take the battery there. Next, this battery should be attributed to Kurt. After that, you will be sent to the local landfill. In the landfill you need to find six metal parts, six kitchen accessories and six power cables. Carefully read this territory and after how to find all items, come back to Kurt.

While Kurt will deal with its affairs, leave the garage. It follows only if the bomb is ready and when it is ready, Kurt will call you to yourself. In general, come back to Kurt and take a bomb from him. Next, the bomb will be attributed to the tunnel, which is marked on your card. How to find yourself in the right place, then install the bomb at the very end of the tunnel and go rather from here. The trouble happens and the plan begins to break down, so come back soon back to explosives. As re-activating this bomb, now run much faster than last time. After you choose from this tunnel, then return back to Kurt. This task will be completed and you will receive your reward. In addition, you will receive a recipe: Bomb Kurt.

Best Runner

Access: After you fulfilled the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: North-West direction from the tower, talk to Rocket.

Remuneration: 1000 points of experience in survival.

Difficulty level: easy.

Not far from the "tower", a man named Rocket lives in a barricaded building. Talking to him, he will give you a series of tests. Each such test will be as usual as a race. Please note that your survival level should be such to take the skill of the "clinging hook", so it should be a little pumping.

So, the essence of your first test is that you will need to pull yourself up with a hook to the roofs. Thus, getting to the markers. If you still have the ability to "roll forward", then you will be much easier to pass this test. With this ability, you can "gently" jump down, while not receiving damage and without losing precious time.

The next race will be the same in style, but a little more difficult. The hook does not have kuldaun, so use it as often as possible. With the help of a hook, you can pass this race without being on the ground. The whole essence of this race is that you need to cling, pull yourself up and move along the key points. Be careful at points that have a variety of ledges or uneven areas. Take the time to your hook to win much more time to win. Before fall, throw away the hook constantly and in the end, you can fly in the air. After passing the second marker, turn sharply to the left side and go. Condem the strengthening of the gas guy and rather run to the next marker, which is located on the side of the streets. As a result, you just avoid a safe zone that would take you much more time.

To start the next race, come back a little later. The only way To lose in this test - it is hard to fall down and what is very often. To move from top to bottom to markers, use your hook. With it, you can quickly overcome obstacles and avoid direct damage to you. With this, your drops will also not call support. Get to the Finish himself and get a well-deserved award. Let them seem that everything ended on it, but this is not the case, a little later, when you find yourself in the old city, your task will be recently active.

The fourth race becomes active when you reach the southwestern side of the Old Town. At this place you will again meet the old rochet. He has a small race for you, which has an unrealistic large number of active markers. Move to the first wall and move through it, then run directly to the key point. Next will be straight race without any deviations. It is necessary to act extremely quickly and at the same time.

After completing the previous race, it is a little later to go back to the rockety and start performing the last test. You are waiting for five markers together with the well-laid route! Schedule more to the first key point. Take advantage of the indoor route, which is ahead and to get the right side later. After that, run more to the second key point. Jump on the wall on the left side and how to find yourself about a new point - climb the top. Next, you must neatly move home to the houses in order to be in the third item in the end. Next, take advantage of a nearby sunbathing panels that are located on high poles to pass the parking, which is next. You will have a huge amount of time in stock in order to have time to take the last point, but it is important before taking the last point without jumping from the roofs, but to move exclusively on them. Falling down you will cost in the worst life, and in the best you will leave very serious injuries. To go down in the end, more mildly, use the trash packages that are nearby. They will not only soften your fall, but also will provide a brilliant victory! In the end, you will find yourself at the finish line and the rocket tests are over. You turned out to be the best runner.


Access: After the task "Find Enmbers".

Region: The roof of the safe zone of the Old Town, talk at the top with Inesan.

Remuneration: 10000 experience points for survival.

Difficulty level: middle.

Issan is engaged in the search for a cache with supplies, which should be somewhere in the old town. He has suspicions that one of the clerks in the city knows something about the cache, but there is a problem here, since it is necessary to somehow pull the desired information from this person. Therefore, he asks you to get the necessary information.

Lay down the building, which is located in the western part of the center of the Old Town. What you need to find will be on the top floor and do not confuse this place with the roof. Purse neatly under the constructed barricade and wake up a person by Tabit (he will sleep in a safe zone). How to talk to him, he will move you in search of the press of the mayor.

Close the top of the hotel called "Atar". Located this hotel in the southwestern direction. It will be marked on your card. The entrance is on the roof of this building. Climb to the top and then, pigeon inside. Inside a bit, wander around the corridors and go around neatly aggravated barricade. The barricade is a hole that will hold you in the elevator mine - turn it there. Next, descend one level below and continue to descend. Soon you will hug on the hall with a passage to the first floor. Predate and after, use the computer that is responsible for the ATAR system. Using the system in the computer you can find the mayor.

As you know where the room is located, go exactly and take the seal there. The same room is located in the same room. In the bathroom will sit infected, so be careful, as it will have to quickly attach it. After you took a seal, then return back to the lowest floor and disassemble there already barricades, then go out. It's time to take the stamp Tobitu.

After you have passed the seal, it's time to go to the local mayor. How will arrive at the place, then climb the goal and move to the main doors. How to find yourself inside, then it will be necessary to overcome infectious, robbed and even cousac, who simply overflow this building. If this is not done, then one of them will be able to suddenly reach you and kill.

In general, how to figure with all the enemies, then go to the basement and hack there the doors. Inside there will be a lonely toad, so it is kicked by it quickly. You need to now get into the bunker. On the radio, negotiate with the tabit and find the key that can unlock the doors. Located the key outside, in the west direction. At the place of arrival you will meet the zombie policemen. Together with this beautiful company there will be a destroyer. The key of course is at the destroyer, so you have to kill everyone.

As the key will come, then go back to the bunker, which is in the basement of the city hall. Tabit is already in the basement near the door of the bunker. After talking to him, then apply a couple of physical methods to convince him that it was not too nice to work with him. After that, open the bunker and on the right side of the tunnel, find the warehouse. It will be locked, but if you use ventilation, then you can get inside. How to find yourself inside, then collect everything you can and come back to the storekeeper to get a lot of experience from him. This task is completed.

Prodigal son

Access: After you run the second part of the task "Treaty with Rais."

Region: Trumpet, antenna, talk to Alexei.

Remuneration: 5000 experience points for survival, drawing: classic zombie mode.

Difficulty level: easy.

After you activate the antennas for Raisa, talk there with Alexei. It is on the second antenna where you were. After a conversation with Alexey, you will need to find his son. Go to the "Tower" and go upstairs on the elevator. On the top floor, talk with a person named Io, which is located in the corner. This person has information that concerns Crysto, so you need to know it.

How to get all the information owning Io, then go out from the "tower" and move to a skyscraper, which Crysto should have examined. How to find yourself near the skyscraper, then get a radio call from Cristova, but it will not be at all next. Go to the northern direction and find the hotel there, where he is waiting for you.

How to find yourself in the right place, rather close the gates so that the enemies do not come to you. But besides those enemies, inside there will be toads, throat and cousins, so you will need to clean this place to start moving on. On the left side of the house break the window and pierced inside through it. Inside turn the chopper rather. As a result, the location will become a safe zone. Go further and soon meet Crystov in one of the buses. Chat with him after, return to his father. You will now persuade Alexei to change your current position.

As you will finish your assignment, then Raisa's thugs will prescribe. We'll have to lay down to quickly. How to kill all enemies, then do not forget to talk to Alexey, as he will give you a drawing: a classic zombie regime.

Shadow King

Access: After the task is completed, "Do you believe?".

Region: It starts immediately after the prophecy is said.

Remuneration: 7500 experience points for survival.

Difficulty level: easy.

Schedule in the south-east direction in the city straight to the marked territory on your map. Upon arrival, you will see beautiful doors made of glass, there will immediately be lists of addresses that are designated in blue. So, you need number 77. Go exactly there and climb the stairs on the right side. Next, you need to find number 107, which will be the same as the staircase, on the right side (there is a room on the next floor). In the 107 number you need to find the key card. How to find this item, then descend below. This card, open the room of the former personnel. In this room, take other key cards, mostly you need only a key card from 206 rooms.

How to take a key card, then go to the first floor and turn the straight to the elevator on the right side. In the mine elevator, go up to the second room. The room is at the very end of this corridor. The numbers were glanced on the doors and now it seems that this is number 209. But you do not leave and go inside. In the room, open the box with a cargo and take everything there. On a small table, do not forget to pick up the records of Rais. This task is completed, but in addition to the task you can wander through the hotel and find a lot of useful things.

Availability: Early Stages of Game
Location: Job Bord in the Tower
Reward: 3500 survival experience and drawing: natural first aid kit
Difficulty: Easy

Job Borde has a quest to collect 12 lavender plants. The task is a little slapped, because you need to look for a long time to find everything. They grow in the eastern part of the card, next to the water, but even there lavender is not so common so that you can quickly dial it.
Use the night feeling - it will help notice the plants in thick thickets. Looking higher on the rocks / islands, and not at the bottom of the water. There will be a lot of other beneficial plants, so take everything you can take in the process. The more craftting you do with herbs, the higher the utility of this quest.

Envious runner

Availability: After the "Rais Treaty"
Location: Volkan is located in the southeastern safe zone
Reward: 1000 agility experience
Difficulty: hard

Volkan - runner, who thinks he is the best in the zone. Prove him that he is wrong, speaking a series of race. All in them comes down to speed and reflexes, so you won't give a lot of tips here. And yet here are a few things that will simplify the process of racing.
First, do not stop on the markers. Do not stop the sprint and run through the marks. There, nowhere needs to be unfolded 180 degrees, so you save a lot of time, rush through each marker and then adjusting your corner such that the next point turns out to be ahead.
In all the races it is impossible to use a clinging hook (and it is quite honest). However, there are skills that matter. The reference jump allows you to overcome the zombies, without losing speed at all. Roll forward will help with a pair of falls that are waiting for you; Friran's skill is in any case necessary, and it acts perfectly. Freeman's skill and the maximum freinger is absolutely optimal, but it is necessary to advance at levels to get to them.

Huming Guide

Availability: After "Pits"
Location: Talk to the Bumpkin at the Next Tower Store
Reward: 2500 power experience
Difficulty: Easy

Bakshot - a man from the store in the bottom tower. He has excellent ideas how to help people find out what to do in Harran. Remove it. As part of this test, you need to perform a couple of tasks for it.
The first is to kill 40 zombies a very good baseball bat. Carefully descend from the starting point and jump from the trailer through the barbed wire to get to the streets. Discover high and wrapping to kill omnipresent zombies. When goals are run out, run right, where you will find an even larger pack of opponents. There you will easily get the remaining amount of murders.
The second request comes shortly after you follow the first. This time, the Bakchoto wants you to show your skills of possession of throwing stars. Select the desired weapon as soon as the test starts, then rush into these cute, charming zombies heads. Ammunition is not a problem, so throwing quickly and often to earn the speedy murders.
Your goals roam all the docks, so do not stand in one place after easy victims (ordinary zombies) ended. There are toads attacking from the distance. Attack, if you see her, and get accurately, but do not waste time on fighting them. It is better to move, go to the next bouquet of ordinary zombies and kill them!
Now you have completed the "Huming Guide", and not quite. Return to the Buckshot for a reward and listen to everyone enjoying the fruit of his (and your) Labor!

Overall spider

Availability: during the "public person"
Location: Talk to the spider at the top of the building in the old town
Award: 10,000 survival experience and $ 1500, and then 15,000 survival experience and $ 1500 for the second quest
Difficulty: Medium

The spider is located on the roof of the building next to the courtyard in the old town. It is marked on your map as a questor. Talk to him and take the package lying next to the ground. So the quest begins.
Look for three parts of the shishi to the northeast, on the other end of the old town. The most East Marker is at the ground level, in a tiny shop. You can get all three parts right there, but pay attention to a large number of zombies around this place. If there is, use the fireflows to go and go out without heavy struggle.
Carry parts to the northwest and give them to a person named David. His apartment is surrounded by Bandits Raisa, so take with you a gunshot or other remote weapon to subtract them without being shot.
Give in the apartment of David, where there is even more thugs. Kill them all, knocking on the door, in front of which stand in ambush. When the battle is over, unleash David and make sure that all terrorists in the zone are put. When it becomes quiet, talk again with the saved; You will discover the next safe area and get some money from it.
Talk to David when he occurs his place to get the associated quest "hell on top." He has ideas regarding the causes of the outbreak of the epidemic. You must find several samples of meteorite in the city.
Go further to the north and inspect a small lake, where, presumably, fragments should be. At first, you will not find anything, but not far from the water there is a generator, surrounded by zombies with cylinders. Kill them (or pull out away) and turn on the generator. So the samples will be illuminated, which will make them search light even in the light of the day.
Go around the pond and collect all samples. Now get them easy. Bate zombies with ballons on the legs to overturn if they approach you, or just run by by taking what you need. When you collect all the materials, take them to David. He will give you some money and a bunch of woven regarding the flash.

Gas for lighters

Availability: After killing your first runner
Location: Job Bord in the Tower
Reward: 2500 survival experience and drawing: Pursar and kill them
Difficulty: Easy

Toyigaru need five units of gas for lighters. He infrequently comes across, but the reward for this quest is very pleased. The drawing, which you get, adds electric and fiery damage to a walker, picka, army shovel, seccouch or sickle. Very good!

Full bride

Location: Job Bord in the harbor
Difficulty: Easy

Contact Job Borde for this quest to collect. Take it and in the evening, go to the eastern side of the map. There is a marked area where the midnight bride grows (a gentle purple plant). It is easier to find and collect with a flashlight turned off.
Cut five plants and come back to the Gürshel for a reward. The path is not easy, but nothing to worry about anything, not counting zombies, verses and dangers are lost in the dark! Normal situation for most evenings, in general.

Mothers Day

Availability: After completing the "first task"
Location: Lena is located near the Breken room in the upper tower
Reward: 3500 survival experience and $ 697
Difficulty: Medium

Lena begins this quest after the meeting ends with Jade and Breken. Talk to her at the output and take the task of finding a cure for seizures. It must be in a person who still lives in the city.
Leave the tower and go to the northeast. The overpass allows you to go through most of the path. Avoid zombies easily, if you stay on the roofs of cars and buses. Jump from the overpass when you find yourself close to the house of Gazi. They are folded into a bunch of garbage bags, mitigating fall (do not slip!). Write on the door of the Gazi, and when it does not answer, hack the locks. There is no one in the first location, so look in two other houses nearby. Gazi lives in one of them.
Okay, in general, you need to get a couple more subjects before you can get into the dwelling of Gazi. Take a look at the map and use the marker to find a video tape and a bit of chocolate.
Go towards the main streets and dark tunnel return to the more populated part of the city. There are a store video and confectionery. Pay attention to stronger zombies, because some of them wear protective suits. First look at the video store. Entrance from the reverse side, on the first floor. Miss and take the video tape from the "C" section. Three rapid runners will resort to the noise. Either we will defend them from a black stroke, or run away from the building and kill them gradually, climbing the buses and other obstacles. Attack runners when they go to you.
Nobody protects confectionery, and there is no alarm in it. Go there, find chocolates and come back to Gazi. He still does not let you. So come to his building on the side and jump from the elevation on the edge of the roof. There you can cling to the roof and pull up. Further make it easy to get on a solid platform, find a hatch and invite yourself to the house. In the process of searching inside, grab the statue and note, and then talk to Gazi. Before you leave, take the medicine. Take it to Lena, on the 18th floor of the tower. Do not forget to take money from it for hard work!

Oh, where are you, brother?

Availability: After the completion of the second half of the "Rais Treaty"
Location: Osman is underground at the very north of the tower
Reward: 5000 survival experience and $ 1000
Difficulty: Medium

Look at the tunnels at the north end of the card after the completion of the tasks of Raisa. There, in the chamber, there is a person who you have seen before. Talk to him and find out what you can do to help. He will send you to find my brother.
Leave the zone and go south to the market. Go to the marked building, when you hear the cries of pain. Hack the lock on the door to the left and find the entrance to the ventilation channel above your head. Click on ventilation, deepening in the building.
Complete all the way to the end of the channels and fall into the storage room. Avoid the scorer (if he has not worked, when you were in ventilation), and then reflect a big wave of infectious, breaking into the hall.
Open the door to the small room in the corner to meet the guy you had to find. Then, going through the door behind him, go back to Osman. Due to the market signaling system, many zombies gathered, so jump through them and run.
Return to Ottoman Tunnels, bring explosives with you if you can. In the zone a lot of people Raisa, and they have no place to dodge. Firearms are also a good idea. Kill the people of Rais, and then look for Osman. Talk to him to finish the quest. He will give you the keys from three storage facilities in the city.


Availability: Start a public person
Location: Talk to Savvi in \u200b\u200bthe Tower of Troy
Award: 10,000 survival experience
Difficulty: hard

Savvi tells you about the reference points of Raisa in the old town. They are full of gangsters, and most of the local survivors can not challenge them. However, you can fill your pockets with bullets and useful materials if you select these locations.
Prepare a gunshot and better hand-to-hand weapons, go to a high-rise building in the old town, which he lands. The elevator next to the roof allows you to get into the main part of the advance, where the battle begins. Through the elevator shaft, we will deal with the top floor of the base. To fulfill this mission, you must remove a huge number of bandits. If you enjoy the elevator down on each outpost, save the element of the surprise. It is useful if you pumped Taykdown!
Go to the remote weapon (and, if possible, on the mouse with the keyboard) and tailored both floors of the office, as much as possible using shelter. It is easy to die quickly, if you stand in an open place, so avoid the center until you get rid of most opponents in the district. Use a mini card to quickly estimate the threat in each room before they entered.
After the murder of all opponents, go around the building. There are emergency packets that need to be attributed to the base. They will give you a bunch of survival experience. Later read the radio-cashpost. It is no less valuable in terms of Lute and experience. So, if there is a possibility, do not hesitate.

On the hooks (line of quests)

Availability: After the completion of the second half of the "Rais Treaty"
Location: Tolga and Fatin are located next to the northern edge of the slum
Award: 1000 survival experience
Difficulty: Medium

Talk to the courier next to Job Bord in the tower. He will tell you about two men working on a rich Iranian businessman. Your task is to find and help them in a certain project.
Report these people (Tolga and Fatina) - they hang out at the gas station in the northern part of the map. Talk to them and find out what you can take about their task.
They will celebrate several warehouses to the south. Go to the railway node and penetrate the main warehouse. Rear to the car on the opposite side of the room, then jump to yellow-striped crossards to climb above, and tighten yourself to the top tracks. So you will fall into the designated part of the warehouse.
Kill the stronger zombies and heavy thunder, which also walks through this place. When it becomes clean, open a pair of chests, find the drawing (lighter), and then split the boxes on the other side of the room to get your hooks hidden inside the wooden boxes.
Return to Tolga and Fatina as soon as you can. Later they will have a job again for you! (Quest flows into the "assault and batteries").
After radio call, reunite with two clever. They are in northwest. You will be given a quick quest, where you need to pick up three car batteries at the bus station. They will say where to go, which makes the search pretty fast.
Get to the station and go to three of the four buses there. Yellow side doors open, and you can get inside. The car battery is always in front of the bus, next to the wheel, but below. Take with you Petard if you want to avoid large battles, because you clearly do not want to pressed into the corner in transport. Throw the Petarda away from your location, climb inside, grab the car battery and get out. Return to Tolga when all three will be with you and get your award.
Later will go another challenge. Now the quest flows into Iron. The couple is in the harbor. Meet with them and transmit ten rolls of adhesive tape and power cables. You need to collect them yourself, so this is rather a quest for a convenient case, and not the one that can go and execute in one sitting.
When you give these items, you will be sent to get the hydrolector. He is at the other end of the bridge, so take the firefight and would not hurt to have a reference jump in your skills. There in large numbers there are cousins \u200b\u200band zombies with cylinders, and they need to distract or kill them to win time for searching. The camp that you will find is just a number of tents. There are detects with a muddle, various components and a hydrolater itself. You also find the apartment accommodation. It makes sense to pay time to reading this place before finishing the quest.

Poisonous herbs

Availability: After the completion of the second half of the "Rais Treaty"
Location: Job Bord in the harbor (in the east of slums)
Award: 2500 survival experience and $ 1000
Difficulty: Easy

Get this task from Job Bord, and then go to the stream in a distant marked ravine. It is best to do this when you are already in that area, because otherwise the time will leave the road.
When you get to the ravine, run along the water and look out for beautiful purple plants. This is the wolf destruction that needs Musa. Collect 10 pieces, moving from one end of the stream to another, and then go back to the MUSE. It is in the harbor, in a small workshop. Give him plants and - get money!

How to unlock: The mission can be taken after the completion of the task "emergency dealers". Move on the 20th floor and go to room No. 202, about which there will be several people. Talk to the Bridge, who will say that the bakhir locked into the room.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 3500 experience points.

You must use the launder to open the door. Make sure you have at least one hole (it can be taken from the apartment from the apartment, buy from the seller or independently scream). Complete the mini-game.

Go to the room and talk to Bakhir. Raise the flask from the floor with the antizin and talk to a man again. After talking with him, go to Lena, which will be in the clinic, on the 18th floor of the tower. Job with Lena, and then go to the stairs. This time you need to climb the roof and find Yusuf, sitting near the scaffolding. Talk to Yusuf and find out where he bought a flask.

Now you can leave the tower and move to the pharmacy located to the north-west of it (on the map # 1). After arriving at the destination, talk to Bento or immediately attack the bandits, because it is not solved by peaceful way. For the murder of enemies, use Molotov's cocktails or throwing weapons. These enemies are well fighting in the near battle, and some of them use throwing axes. Stay in motion until you unlock a new safe place. Talk to Lena.

2. Mother's Day
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Complete the second chapter scene line "Emergency dealers", then talk to Lena.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 3500 experience points, $ 500, weapon upgrade (champion).

You automatically get this mission after the completion of the main quest "Emergency dealers". Wait when Lena speaks with you, and learn about the wounds of the braces and the need to search for the appropriate medicine.

Leave the tower and move to the building located in the southwest card. Some objects will be listed on the map. The western building on the map is the Gazi House (on the 2a map). Job with a man, and he tells you that you must first deliver a gift for my mother.

First, go to the movies store (on the 2B map). Here you will come across multiple mutants, which are near the only entrance inside. Try to kill them or distract the fireworks. Go to the door and open it, use the launder. Go inside, close the door and activate the alarm using the switch on the wall. Now you can start looking for a movie. If the zombies come up near the main entrance, then you can leave the store through the back door, previously removed all the excess from the passage.

After you find a movie and leave the building, move to the nearest store (on the 2C map). Strategy is similar: kill or distract the zombies standing near the entrance, go to the door and click on the button to open it. Enter the inside, kill the zombies and find a box of candies on the floor.

Now you can return to the house of Gazi. He will take gifts, but will not help you. You need to find an alternative way. Go inside the house through the roof using a brown hatch. Go down to the first floor and take the tranquilizers lying in one of the rooms after a short conversation. Leave the house through the roof using the hatch.

Return to the tower to transfer the Lena medication and get a reward described above.

3. arrows
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: The mission can be taken after the plot task "emergency dealers". Climb on the 20th floor of the tower and find the room in which Davud lives. Talk to him to activate the quest.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 3500 experience points.

You need to give Davud absolutely any pistol. You can find, studying the game world, or pick up when performing one of the future quests, killing the enemy with firearms. After receiving the gun, return to the tower and climb to Davud. Give him a gun and get a key from the pawnshop as a reward, thereby taking another quest.

Follow the shop of Davud, located east of the tower (# 3 on the map). You can enter the pawnshop only when opening the gate. Nearby there will be several zombies, so you will have to fight with them. Take or kill enemies, open the gate while holding the specified key for a while. During the process you should not attack. Inside the store you can find a lot of materials. Make sure that the figurine said Davud.

After your return to the tower, listen that Brecken speaks of Davud. Follow the 20th floor and talk to Salma.

4. Voltage
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this task after performing the main mission "Air cargo". Go to the lobby on the first floor of the tower and talk to Although.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 4500 experience points, drawing (electric cutter).

Although asked you to restore two substations. It is very important that traps can be prepared only at night. If you talk from the Alfi during the daytime, you will have to wait for the night of the night. On the 19th floor there is a bed. She is also on one of the substations. The second option is better because you do not have to go to this place at night through the entire city (see on the map).

You have to get to two substations - one in the north (4a on the map) and the other in the East (4b on the map). During the journey, stay out of sight of infected. You can buy a skill that allows you to see at night. The only way to enter a small building on the northern substation is to use the launder. But the castle is still not so easy to hack. Interact with levers on both substations and return the power supply.

Your next target will be the central station to which it will be necessary to get. It is located in the south of the slums (4C on the map). Avoid meeting with mutants, do not join fight. Climb above to reduce the likelihood of meeting with enemies. Find the main terminal in the southern building. Use the terminal and unlock the secure zone. Complete the quest and get a reward, talking to Although.

5. Man in gas mask
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can take it a side task during execution. scene mission "Agreement with Rais" and visiting the fishing village. After reading the village from Zombies, meet Musa, which stands near the main gate.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, arms upgrade (champion).

Musa will ask you to find a person in a gas mask who made a recent sabotage. Move northwest (5a on the map). After arriving at the destination, discover the gate and talk to Shakura (man in a mask). Listen to a long story.

Get to the lake located north of your position, and jump into the water. Dive and look for a bag under water. Do not spend too much time under water! Bag will lie near an inverted boat (5b on the map). Get out of the water and return to Shakura to listen to it again. Return to the fishing village, find the house of Gürsel and find the gas mask. Talk about it with an old man. Return to the MUSE to get an upgrade of weapons and experience points in the reward.

6. Prodigal Son.
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this mission after completing the main plot chapter "Treaty with Rais." After you figure it out with an armed enemy at refueling, you can climb to a metal balcony of the nearest radio hazel (6a on the map). Here will be Alexey.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points drawing (classic zombie).

Talk to Alexey, he will ask you to find His Son of Cristova in the Tower. Go to the tower and ask about Crysto. You will be sent to Io, which is on the 19th floor. From Io, you will learn that the crystons were noticed not far from the newly built tower. Leave the tower.

Wait for the radio with you clarishes. You will learn that it locked inside the nearby motel. Follow there (6b on the map), ignore the bus filled with infected mutants, and go inside the motel. On the balcony there will be toad, on the main square - throat. Thunder can be left at the end of the mission. Close the door as fast as it turns out that other zones do not hit the location. Once in the motel, find the power switch (you also unlock the secure zone) and follow the cryston.

Return to the place where they communicated with Alexei. Find a person in a small building under the radio. After conversation with him, enemy mercenaries attack you. Use melee weapons or throwing weapons. Molotov's cocktails should not be used, as they can harm Alexei himself. After the battle, talk to Alexey re-and get a reward.

7. Full gas
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can get this mission after the completion of the side task "Voltage" when two substations activated. Listen to ALII on the radio.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Although asks you to find the fortress of Jeff. The fortress is located in the western part of the location (7a on the map). After arriving at the destination, jump over the strengthening or raise the roof of the "Fortress". Get to a small balcony, come to a half-open shutter and talk to Jeff, which will report new goal. Leave this area.

Now you need to find three valves.

1. The first valve is located under the overpass (7b on the map). Near the valve will be toad. Win the enemy in the near battle. You can kill the remaining zombies or distract with fireworks. Rotate the valve for a few seconds.

2. Move to the next valve located in the tunnel (7C on the map). When you get to the tunnel, on the left side, find the passage leading to narrow rooms. Before moving on, kill the zombie so as not to get into the environment. Turn the second valve.

3. The next valve is north-east from here, near the railway bridge (7D on the map). There will be a small fenced area, inside which you can see harsh. Climb the closest bridge, get rid of toads and louds, using long-range attacks. Go there and turn the third valve.

4. Now you can go to the main valve (7e on the map). Pay attention to the toad, several runners and louds located nearby. In order to get to the main valve, you need to plunge under the water in the place indicated in the screenshot above. Swim through the tunnel and find the same valve. Kill one more haul, turn the valve and run from the tunnel as quickly as possible.

This is not the end of the mission. You need to include three valves of the blue gas pipeline. They are located on the surface and you need to look for blue pipes. It is necessary to do it as quickly as possible, because contaminated and runners will appear on locations. Avoid Flame, talk to Jeff and quickly leave the area, because there will soon have an explosion.

8. Inspection of the tunnel
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Talk to Blake in the tower and get to the building from which the red smoke (8a on the map) is brought.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.


Move to the building with smoke (8A on the map), knock on the door and talk to Ryan, who will give you a note. Wait until Carene talks to Aman on the radio.

Move on the southwest, find the tunnel in the south (one of the two on the map). Open the trunk cars that you find here. A package will lie in the limousine. Limousine itself is parked to the side door (8c on the map).

After you get the package, go back to the tower. Use the elevator to rise to the 19th floor. In one of the rooms, find Aziza.

Note. If you have not found a package in the limousine, then surely it lies in another car.

Leave the tower and return to the landfill where Ryan lives (8a on the map). When you are on the spot, you will see that several gangsters occupied the territory. Attack enemies using hammer cocktails and throwing weapons. Use the fence to be in the shelter. Move as some opponents rush in you with different arms. When the battle is over, knock on the door and talk to Ryan.

9. On hooks
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Talk to the messenger in the tower and listen to the Thiem and Fatina on the radio.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

Start a dialogue with a messenger in the lobby of the Tower. He will tell you about the tasks of the billionaire Volkana Daly. Wait for the fatin and tagging with you. This will happen at some point when you study the world. You must meet people in the safe area (9a on the map). Move to the warehouse (9b on the map). When you close, pick up the roof and break one of the glass details to get inside. Balconies here can collapse.

There will be several zombies in the warehouse, among which, at least one loud. Fight or run away. At several different points of the building are hooks. Destroy the pallets behind which hooks are hidden. After you find at least one crochet set, climb the roof using the balconies, and go back to the fatigue and the crowd.

10. Firefly
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Meet with Zaid in the safe area (10a on the map).

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 5000 experience points, drawing (zaid signal rocket), 10 signal missiles.

During a conversation with Zaid, you will learn the names of the materials necessary for the manufacture of missiles. Move in the hangar to find them (10b on the map). Use climbing to get on the roof. There will be gangsters here. Attend one and the rest of the opponents will appear. Inside the warehouse will remain the last enemy with a gun. After the fight, pick up a police rifle.

In the warehouse you need to find three things. First, find the zinc powder. There are few mutants who have to kill. Next, open the wagons and modify each of them. In blue tanks there will be the same zinc powder.

After you collect 2 tanks of zinc powder, go back to the balconies above. Find the broken part shown in the screenshot above. Open the door to another room where zombies will be. In the last room lies turpentine.

If you have all the ingredients, then go back to the fall and get a new drawing from it - Signal Rockets Zaid.

11. Steal stolen
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Talk to Jaffar in a safe area (11a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

Learn about the people of Raisa, who show strange activity on the nearest construction site (11b on the map). You should not go there until you have a rifle. There are many bandits on the location, and three, at least wearing firearms. When all the enemies on the roof are dead, keep moving, killing other opponents. Runners will appear (during shooting).

Clean the construction site and start searching everything around. In one of the small buildings in the east you will find keys. Use these keys to open the Cabinet in the north. Find the chest, open it and take three dynamite checkers. Return to Jafar and tell us about everything. In addition to other award, you will have dynamite.

12. Spare glasses
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock:

Difficulty level: EASY.


On the first floor, find the Khalik, talk to him about spare glasses and learn where his house is. Leave the tower and go south to the house of Khalika (12 on the map). Enter the building through the door about one of the balconies above. On the floor in the portfolio lie spare points. The book you also look for is in the room on the first floor. Return to Khalik and give him all the objects found.

13. Where is my mother?
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: When you find yourself in a fishing village, then find two women who are knocking on the door of one of the huts. Talk to Melikha.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

Use the lock to open the door lock. Middle Quality Castle. Native all rooms and tell Melich that did not find anyone.

Ask any person in the village where you find Haruna. You will learn that it is under a broken bridge (13a on the map). Jump into the water, swim on the platform near the big post and talk to Haruna. Now you can return to the village, go to the hut, and chat with her to find out where her mother is.

Move the southwest of the village, find the place on the map where the building is with Jamil (13b on the map). You will learn it in red paint. You can go inside from the street or through one of the balconies. Native all floors and kill all zombies. Block all the doors in the house, moving the cabinets. In the end, move the third wardrobe, in which a boy sits. Talk to him.

Now you need to get to the house of Salima, which is located to the southeast of the map (13c on the map). When you are there, knock on the door. After talking, prepare to protect yourself from infected people who will come on howl of sirens. Here will be runners. Be careful when there will be 2-3 runners around. Try to climb the roof of the building and facing monsters down. Fight until all monsters on the card perish.

Now you need to destroy Salim. He wants to fight with you in the near battle, so try, on the contrary, stay at the distance. Use Molotov's cocktails or mines. After the murder of Salim, a very good body and find the keys. Enter the inside of the building, our wardrobe and find a hidden hatch leading to the basement. Go down and free the Aida.

Return to the fishing village and take the reward from Melich.

14. Zombiend Guide for Surgents
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Meet the bottom of the boat (14a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 points of experience, 2000 dollars.

Talk to the Nile and find out that he is a journalist and needs help. He lost a bag with his own materials for the report.

Follow the Internet cafe, located in the south of the slums (14b on the map). There is a zombie near the entrance, so you have to deal with them. Use the lock to open the door. Immediately after opening the door, drop back, because a scorer will go to you. Be prepared to kill a few more runners. After the battle, go inside the cafe and find the notes.

Now go to the broken bridge located in the eastern part of the city. When you are in place, move along the roofs of cars, running away from mutants. You have to find a black reporter car, which is depicted in the screenshot above. The car was near the destroyed barrier. Open the trunk, the alarm will turn on. The car will start falling.

Leave this place and move down the bridge. Immerse yourself in the water and at the bottom of the lake, find the car. From the trunk, get the camera, float to the surface and take it to the Nile.

15. Searchlights
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this mission after some time after the completion of the side task "Voltage". Talk to Although the Lobby Tower.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

This time you need to find spotlights attached to the broken bridge (15 on the map) and take the light bulbs. The task is quite complicated because you can get light bulbs only after sunset. Nevertheless, do not go there too late, because while you get to the bridge, the morning will come. When moving to searchlights, you can use balconies to hide from infected and jumpers.

Regardless of the selected way, get to the highlighted area located right under the lamps. There will be no jumpers here, so relax. Nevertheless, move, standing on the roof. Go to the southern pillar on the bridge and climb in the place indicated in the screenshot above. You must jump from one edge to another. This will allow you to get to the balcony.

Find the rope and grab it to get to the northern balcony. Be careful, because the door will open and several monsters will come to you. Turn the zombie from the edge, but look so that the hero does not fall down after them.

Enter the northern tower. It is impossible to pass on the stairs, so use a yellow tube to get higher. When you find yourself in the right place, where the pipe will go to the right, you need to take care, so as not to fall down. Climb the balcony.

Use the staircase, and when you reach the end, use the other balcony. Open the red door and approach the glowing green lights. Interact with them to pull them out. When you collect all the light bulbs, then on the south wall, find an interactive edge and use it to go up above.

Remove all other light bulbs. Now you can go into a small safe zone and use the bed to wait for the morning. If you are not afraid of the night, then use the rope and go down. Return to Alpha and give him light bulbs.

16. Oh, where are you, brother?
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this quest by talking with one of the surviving survivors. You will learn about a person living in a tunnel near the lake. Go there (16A on the map), go through the northern door inside and inspect the corridors to find the Ottoman's refuge.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find a nazima. Go to the building marked on the map (16b on the map) and use the door that will lead you to another location.

Native first rooms to find the keys near the dead body, as well as the ventilation shaft. Move the ventilation mine into a small room, you will see exploding zombies. Go to the room and prepare for a complex battle against the runners. Try to climb high shelves and fight from there. After completing the battle, go to another room and talk to зазим, which is seriously injured.

Return to the tunnel, to the shelter of Osman. Gangsters will attack shelter. Attack them, fearing distant attacks. You can lure them into narrow corridors. After talking with Ottoman, get money from it and the keys from one of the three chests on the map (16s marked all the chests). Inside the chests there are valuable kraft resources and weapons. Which of the chests open - decide for yourself.

17. Full bride
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check out the bulletin board in the fishing settlement.

Difficulty level: EASY.


You again need to collect plants, but this task will be somewhat more complicated than the remaining quests of this type. Herbs can be found on the western part of the map (17 on the map), but you can collect them only at night. Do not wait for the evening, and go out in advance. At 9 o'clock the evening, the plants will become "active." Collect 5 pieces of "midnight brides" and return to the village. Give them to the güschel.

18. Binoculars
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock:

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find binoculars. You need to explore the radio and roofs of high buildings. If you do not want to spend simply time, then visit the radio sound in the eastern part of the slums (18 on the map). There you will find binoculars, on one of the balconies in the center. Return to the fishing village and give binoculars Santiago.

Aromatic herbs
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: When you are in the lobby tower, check the bulletin board to find a note of the mission.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 3500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to collect several parts of the lavender, which is simple enough. Find the lavender icon on the map, close to you. Go there and collect a plant. After collecting the lavender in the number of 6 pieces, go back to the tower and give them to toagaru.

Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Look at the bulletin board in the fishing settlement.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, drawing (recipe for the medicinal potion of Sofia).

You need to find special algae. Find the icon of these algae on the map (for example, the lake north of the village), follow there and find the algae. Most algae, which is natural, is in the water. Therefore, dive in the lake. When you collect 5 portions of algae, go back to a fishing village and give them to Sofia.

Poisonous herbs
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check the board with ads in the fishing settlement.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find wolf berry. Find on the map icon with wolf berry and go to the place. For example, south of the tower. Collect 10 portions of wolf's berries and go back to the village. Give them to MUSE, for which you will get a reward.

10 - 11. The theory of the Big Explosion
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can unlock this mission after the task is completed to "steal stolen". Wait when Kurt himself personally goes to radio communication with Crane.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 4500 experience points, drawing (Kurt Bomb).

Talk to Jaffar (11a on the map) and talk to Kurt (10a on the map). After that, go on the highway and find the truck with the battery (11C on the map). Near the truck will be opponents, among others - toad and thunder. Eliminate them or distract the fireworks, then come to the truck and pull the battery out of it.

Return to Kurt with battery. It will make you a list of other necessary resources that you need to find: 6 parts of the metal, 6 power cables and 6 household goods. These objects you can find, studying the world. You can take at the apartment or buy from the sellers.

Give all the details Kurt and leave this place because it will be needed for some time to make a bomb. Return to him when he himself contacts Crane on the radio. Take off the table Bomb Kurt.

You must lay a bomb in a nearby tunnel (11b on the map), but as Kurt says, you cannot do it during the day, because jumpers are hidden. Go to the tunnel in the evening, hidey somewhere on the side of the tunnel and wait for the onset of darkness. You will see how jumpers will leave the tunnel. Let them leave away.

If the monsters notice you, then quickly run to the nearest light trap and activate it.

Now go to the tunnel, get to your end and lay a bomb in the place indicated on the map. Do not rush to run away, because for the first time the bomb does not detect. Listen to Kurt, go back to the bomb to fix it. Now, as quickly as possible, falling down from the tunnel so that you do not kill the explosive wave. Return to Kurt for a reward.

11. Total defense
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start performing this task after a while after the completion of the quest to "steal stolen" and the beginning of the Mission "The Theory of Big Bang." Meet the Jafar in the safe area (11a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 7500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

Go to the specified place where Hanson Group should be (11E on the map). When you are in place, listen to Jaffara. You need to disable three generators on location. The problem is that zombies roam around the district. Fight them or distract. When approaching any switch, be even more careful. One generator will be located behind a closed door. Use the launder to open this door.

After you turn off the power, you will find Hanson's body about one of the generators. Start climbing the building marked on the map. It is necessary to do this in the place shown in the screenshot above. Plan every step, do not rush.

When you find yourself on the roof, you will find several corpses. It is not necessary to inspect them, just take the voice recorder lying on the stool. Listen to the entry and wait until Crane does not contact Jaffar. Take the reward.

Smalls for children
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: This task will appear at least after the fifth of the main mission.

Difficulty level: EASY.


You need to find six packs with crayons. To do this, go to school, use the skill of the survivor "to find crayons. Return to the tower and climb the 20th floor. Give Kate all the tricks found.

Electronic details
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check out the bulletin board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, drawing (electrician).

You need to find two electronic components that are rare kraft materials. You can find them in the process of studying the world, but sometimes they are sold by merchants. When you have two of these components, then go back to toagaru and get a new drawing.

19. Birth of the baby
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: After you hear screams in one of the slum buildings, the icon of this mission will appear on the map. Go to the building marked on the map (19).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Rear to the balcony and open the hatch. Go down to the lower floors and move the cabinet to find the passage. Commend to the door and talk to Makari. A person will ask to bring him three bottles of alcohol (alcohol).

You can find bottles when studying the game world (mostly are in refrigerators or cabinets), get from apartment or buy from sellers.

When you bring Makari alcohol, he will send you for a new one, and just twice. As a result, you will bring it 9 bottles of alcohol. After that, go to the room and find out what happened in fact.

Secret. In addition to experience, no reward for the quest you will not get. But carefully inspect the room and see the secret.

20. Queen witches
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this quest after visiting the school building during 5 main mission "Brothers Sisters". Some of the survivors will tell you about the witch named Dakhlia. Go to one of the secure zones (20a on the map) to meet her.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 1500 experience points, drawing (Dakhlia potion from mushrooms), potion.

We learn from Dakhlia, as it can move among the survivors and be unnoticed. Wait for the night and go to the cave located in the southern part of the slums (20b on the map). You must plunge into the water in the right place, as shown in the screenshot below. Swim into the cave into which you can only get on the water.

Start explore the cave. You need to collect 10 mushrooms. You can find them on the walls and shelves. Use the "worst flair." Also, be prepared for battle with zombies. Fortunately, there are no jumpers in the cave, but there are several scorers and runners. In order to gather the last two mushrooms, you need to jump on the ledgers that are located apart pretty far away.

When you collect all 10 mushrooms, then go back to the Dakhlia and get a reward.

Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check out the bulletin board in the Lobby Tower.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, drawing (climb them and kill them).

You need to collect 5 gas lighters. This is a rare kraft material and find it in the process of studying the game world. If you want to find these materials faster, then mark this task in the magazine as active. You can also sometimes buy them from the seller. When you collect all the lighters, then go back to the hall of the tower and give them to Toyagaru. You will get a new drawing (google them and kill them).

Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check out the bulletin board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1200 dollars.

You need to find 20 cans with coffee. They can be found in the process of studying the open world, in particular, they can be more likely to find in homes. Coffee can be purchased from merchants. When you collect all the cans of coffee, go back to the tower and give them to Toyagaru.

23. Bandages and medicines
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Check out the bulletin board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1,500 dollars.

Again, you will need to find several kraft materials: 3 syringe, 3 packs of painkillers and 3 packs of another ingredient. In order to find materials faster, make an active task in your journal. Go to the nearest pharmacies and you can find the desired ingredients. One of the pharmacies is west of the tower (23 on the map). If you have all the necessary items from the list, then go back to the tower and give them to Toyagaru.

21. Sturm and batteries
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start performing this task after the quest "on the hooks". Wait until the crowd and Fatih will contact you. Listen to their conversation.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

Go to school. Find employers and talk to them. Now you need to go north to get to the bus station (21 on the map). When you are on location, clean it from the toad on the roofs and several infected. You may not attack bully. Just distract them and proceed behind your back.

You need to steal three car batteries, so you have to search for buses. Some of the buses will be closed, and to open the door you will have to use a wash. Check the buses element specified on the screenshot above to find out if there is an inside battery. Having gathered three batteries, go back to Fatih and Tag.

22. Stop and refrain
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can start this task after visiting the school during the fifth chapter "Sisters Brothers". Return to school and come to the entrance, which was previously unavailable. Talk to Edward and Ex-Governor Erol.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

A man will ask Crane to help him get rid of the people of Raisa who are trying to kill him. Go to the area specified by Erol (22a on the map). Start learning. You will hear voices from the radio. Find a dead mercenary, a well-ahead of the body and take it a radio.

Now you need to go to the next building (22b on the map). Find block number 5 and check it out of Northwest angle. There will be a door going to the basement. Go down and find the staircase to get out at the first floor of the building. Now you will meet gangsters. Use any type of weapon, but still Molotov's cocktails have a weighty advantage.

Native a building and find a broken elevator. Open its doors and jump from one edge to another. Before pressing the jump button, you need to touch the edge. In the end, go through through open door And start learning this floor. As a result, you will reach the room in which Carim will be. Talk to him and find the staircase leading to the roof. Leave the building, descending along the same way down.

Return to Erolu and talk to the employer. You need to find paint. Move west (22c on the map), find 3 banks with paint. Two banks are located on the scaffolding, and the third bank is on the roof of the building. Return to school and get to the roof, for example, jumping onto the balcony above the main entrance and using the stairs. Use paint to write a word Help.

After that go down and talk to Erol. He will say to find a bag full of money. Go around the building and find the input side. Follow the locker room with the lockers and wait when Erol contacts you on the radio. You will find out what you were deceived. Go through school, killing zombies. Climb to the upper floors and will soon reach the hatch leading to the roof. Street again with Karim. Now you can look for erol boxes and collect valuable items.

24. Iron
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can take this by-Quest Shortly after completing the mission "Assault and Batteries". During the study of the world with you, Fatih and the Tag will be contacted. Meet with them in a fishing settlement.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

In the first part of the quest, you must bring the guys some kraft materials: 10 power cables and 10 tapes. They are not so often found in the game world, so their search can take away from you a lot of time. Look for them inside buildings, especially in those that you attend during the passage of other missions.

After you bring the details of Fatihu and Tagge, you need to find the hydrolector. This time the goals of the mission will be more specific. The object can be found on the territory of the military camp on the bridge, not far from the eastern edge of the map (24 on the map). Part of the bridge is destroyed, so you have to go upstairs, and then use the rope. Start climbing west of the mission (15 on the map).

In the process of passing the quest "Spotlights" you can see the description of how to climb upstairs. In this mission you have to get to the safe zone. Look at the metal balconies that will allow you to rise above.

Your goal is to achieve a metal balcony, where you can capture the rope shown in the screenshot above. With it, you will fly over the destroyed part of the bridge.

Start the study of a military camp where you will encounter zombies. Hydrolector (echo sounder), which you are looking for, is in the last tent. This tent is the only east. After receiving the hydrolector, listen to the death of a thorough and fate.

Prompt. Wait when the boss Fatiha and Toglu, Volcan Dahl contact you. This will allow you to activate another side quest "Run". This task can be performed in another area of \u200b\u200bHarran - antenna. Read below. It is noteworthy that this side task is the only one on that location.

20. Hunting
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can unlock this mission after performing the task of the "Queen witches". Meet with Dakhlia in the safe area (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 1500 experience points, drawing (Dakhlia potion from the liver).

As a reward for the fulfillment of the previous task of Dakhlia, you will get a potion. Drink this potion.

Prompt. If you sold or threw it the potion, then make a new, using Dahlia drawing. True, you will have to find mushrooms in the very cave.

Drink the potion and hallucinations will appear. After they disappear, talk to Dakhlia. She will tell you that you need to find a new ingredient. Find a zombie called Humble, defeat it and inspect the body to find his rotten liver. Return with her to Dahalia and give the body. You will get another potion and a new drawing.

20. Punch for the kiring
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: This task will be available after you in the previous mission from Dahlia hit the loud and bring the woman his liver. Meet with Dakhlia in the safe area (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 2000 experience points, drawing (Dakhlia potion from the kidney).

As a reward, if you remember, you got a potion. Drink it.

Prompt. If you have sold or thrown out this potion, you will have to find and kill the new harsh.

And again drunk the potion will call you hallucinations. Need to find a new ingredient. You must find a scorer. You will often meet these monsters in the process of performing basic tasks. One of the locations with them is shown in the screenshot above.

Note: Here you can find a lot of usual infected, so do not hurry to inspect the body of a fallen scorer. How to kill everyone, inspect the body and pull the kidney of the scorer. Return to Dahalia and give her kidney. As a reward, you get a new potion and its drawing.

20. Bring me the brain monster
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Meet with Dakhlia in the safe area (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 2000 experience points, drawing (invisible potion).

This mission will become available after the previous task is fulfilled, where you fought with a scorer and searched for its kidney. As a reward, you received a potion for him and drawing. Drink this potion.

Prompt. If you sold or thrown out this potion, you will have to find and kill a new scorer.

Drunk potion will cause hallucinations. Return to Dahalia and talk to her. You need to find another ingredient. If you remember, in the process of performing the main story mission "Brothers Sisters", you sampled to the mint, killed him from behind, until he escaped, and sample skin samples from him. You can detect this monster in the same way as described in the passage of the main story mission. You must go to one of the infected zones at night and arrange an ambush, putting it back to him. Kill until he escaped. Drive his skin.

Return to Dahalia and give the ingredient. You will get a new potion and drawing. Drink the potion, which will again cause hallucinations. When they disappear, then talk to Dakhlia for the last time.

Additional missions. Old city

Menu selection of a side quest in the old town:

1. Radio station
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can get this quest after fulfilling the main story mission "Find Sparks". Find Cevevi and talk to him.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

Now you can go to the radio station (1 on the map). Inside is on the first floor, but it is barricaded. You can get around these barricades. Inspect the southern part of the building and find the red wires shown in the screenshot below. Follow along the wires and find the entrance.

You need to eliminate all the gangsters of Raisa, which are inside the radio station. You can catch the first of them by surprise. If there is a skill, then sneak to them from behind and kill.

Sooner or later, you will be noticed by the rest of the opponents. Obschery yourself with all, using firearms or throwing weapons. The mini-card in the corner of the screen will tell you where the nearest enemies are located. Use shelters. A little later, new enemies will arrive, wait and do not lose vigilance. When you protect the radio station, complete this task. Leave the building and get to the functioning elevator.

2. Capture offices
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: The mission will be available only after performing the plot task "Find Sparks". Go to the headquarters of the spark and talk to Cevvi.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

You can go to the side of the office building (2 on the map). Try to stay on the roofs of houses so as not to face Zombies. On the roof of the office building there will be gangsters with firearms. Try attacking them from the best weapon. For example, automatic. Keep the shelter, kill the coming infected. Go towards the building, from the northern side using ropes. Find the door inside.

Go down at a lower level and first attack the enemy. Combate with gangsters inside the office. You need to clean two floors. Through the time the second group will appear, so do not lose vigilance. By protecting the building, you will complete the mission. Leave the building and get to the door on the first floor.

3. Lost in space
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You will be able to get this task only if the slums have completed an additional mission of the "arrows", during which you were looking for a gun for David. Get to the building in which Sammy is located (3 on the map).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

You need to save the boy, whose father was infected. Using one of the windows, climb the building and disperse with all infected. Inside the cabinet, find Sammy. Talk to the boy, after which, talk on the radio with Troy.

4. Bunker
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can find iasan in a safe area, in the northern part of the old city (on the roof of one of the buildings). (4A on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

You will learn about the bunker with plenty of stocks inside. On behalf of Issan, move to the meeting place with a tabit in the central part of the map (4B). There are several options for how you can get inside asylum clutch. It is located at the middle level of the building. Talk to him. To find out the location of the bunker, you need to convince the mayor to put the print for Tabita.

To find the seal, you need to go to the hotel in the western part of the Old Town (4C on the map). Try moving along the roofs, because you can get to the hotel only through the roof. Find on the roof of the hatch and go down. Move the wardrobe blocking the path. Some of the corpses on the floor hide behind their prey. Fight zombies in narrow corridors.

You need to get to the hotel hallway that on the first floor of the building. Here will be the terminal with which you can interact. Use it, after which you can go to the first floor. Move one of the lesions and enter the room in the yellow zone on the mini card. The print of the mayor lies in the chest, shown in the screenshot above, at the foot of the bed. Open it, but for this you need to win the mini-game. Hacking an average difficulty level.

Leave the hotel by moving the wardrobe. Return to Tabitu and give him a seal. He will tell you the location of the bunker.

The bunker is not far from the shelter of Tabita (4D on the map). There will be several zombies around. You must get to the main door behind the bars you can climb. The download of the new location will begin. Kill the city hall infected in the building. In the big room on the left there are two scorer. Go to the stairs and go down. After a while you will find yourself before the locked door to the underground bunker. Talk to the tabit of the radio and leave the bunker.

To find the key from the bunker, you need to go to the West (4E on the map). The key is the Captain Police of Khalima, who turned into a monstrous mutant. Before defeating the boss, you need to fight with the rest of the mutants. In particular, kill the runners. As for the captain itself, the easiest way to destroy is the use of the machine gun. You need to aim in mind using shelters, and shoot. Fight against Captain Lob in the forehead is a bad idea. But if you have good weapons melee, you can try to attack it and dug. Regardless of your tactics, a visit is the corpse and take the key from the bunker.

Again, go to the municipality (4d on the map) and go down the stairs down. There will be zombies here. At the entrance to the bunker you will meet Sabita. After a short conversation, Sabit will attack you. Do not back back to the stairs, because a scorer may appear there. Instead, kill the Sabita near the entrance to the bunker using the melee weapon and evading his attacks. When you achieve your, use the key to open the bunker and get to the locked stock. Turn left and look up. Sense through the ventilation shaft and get into the storage. Take all that is there.

Gunsmith Rupert.
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: This mission can only be obtained after the completion of the main plot chapter "Higher Education". Talk to Fidan at the university to learn about the gunsmith.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Now you can go to the side of the house where the gunsight lives (Rupert's apartments on the map). As it usually happens, you need to climb the building, because the entrance is only on the balcony. Find Rupert's apartment and talk to him. Here you can get a few additional quests (the first will be available immediately after your conversation with Rupert).

5. Therapeutic potion
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You must complete the previous additional task "gunsmith Rupert".

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

After conversation with Rupert, leave the building. On the map of the Old Town there are two marked pharmacies (5a on the map). You must visit them and find insulin there. First move to that pharmacy that is located in the northern part of the location. Observe the zombie and open the door using the launder. You do not need to use the grille in the back of the building, as it activates the alarm and new monsters will appear. Native all rooms and cabinets inside the pharmacy, but insulin does not find here.

Now go to the pharmacy in the central part of the Old Town. There will be several bandits around the pharmacy. There is a machine gun here. Atk the opponents from the roof or with another elevation. Monsters will resort to the noise that will help you deal with the people of Raisa. We grow up a pharmacy, but there is no insulin here either. Talk to Rupert and use the computer on the counter.

Now you need to access the apartment of Ikrema, the father of the girl, a greasy diabetes. It is east of the pharmacy at the location center (5b on the map). Find the window and raise it. Inspect the apartment and kill infected. Find the kitchen and pick up the cavara. Listen to the conversation and leave the building.

Next you need to get into the pizzeria north of the Apartment Ikrema (5C on the map). Around the pizzeria will be monsters. Take them out with the help of fireworks and quickly pass into the inside. Lay the corpse of Ikrema and turn it over to find insulin. Go to Rupertu and give him insulin.

Designer for boy
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can unlock this simple quest after passing the previous side assignment "Therapeutic Potion". In kindergarten find the boy named Kadim.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Kadim will ask you to find lost constructor blocks. Explore the stairs and find 9 blocks. Use at the same time the skill of the survivor. Return the blocks found the boys and talk to Rupet.

Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Another simple quest that will be available after the previous task "Designer for the boy". Talk to Rupet in one of the rooms of the kindergarten and raise the question of strange sounds that have been coming from the basement.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 15000 experience points.

Rupert will give you the key from the basement. Go down the stairs to the bottom, in the corridor to the right of the entrance you will see the basement. But first go to the left side, explore the room and find the fuse box. Disconnect the power and go to another part of the basement. Open the red door and kill the Rupert's infected wife. Return to the top and talk to Rupert.

6. Troll
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can unlock this mission only after performing the side task "Dungeon". In kindergarten, find the girl and talk to her to learn about the troll, which pursues children at night.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10000 experience points drawing (angel sword).

Leave the building and descend down the ropes. You will find yourself in the yard north of Rupert Apartments (6A on the map). Win the infected bandit. Use the Molotov cocktail and the near weapon.

Killing the gangster, you will meet with a real troll. Use the same tactics as in the case of a battle with the destroyer in the raise arena during the passage of the main plot mission "Yama". Wait for the mutant to prepare to attack you, appreciate and attack it while he is preparing for a new attack. Use firearms and grenades. But remember that shooting and other noise can attract the runners to locate. After the fight, listen to the message Rupert by the radio and get to his workshop south-west of the current position (6b on the map). Take the drawing (angel sword) and pull out useful items from the nearest chest.

7. Do you believe?
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You will not get this mission before you go through the main quest "Higher Education". Find the mufid at the university and talk to him.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.


You will learn about the mysterious place where the music (7a on the map) is heard. After you find yourself there, pick up the balcony above, enter the building and talk to the ISHAK.

You must wait for the night of the night (the bed is nearby) and go to the northeast of the location (7b on the map). Avoid meetings at night with mutants and get to the specified area. You need to find night herbs here. Total 6 pieces. Return with herbs to Ishaca and post them in the bowl after the conversation.

8. Shadow King
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: Do you need to complete a side quest "Do you believe?".

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 7,500 experience points.

Stand there, where completed the task "Do you believe?". Talk to the ISHAK, after which it will be necessary to get to the southeast part of the Old Town (8 on the map). Go there in the afternoon, after you find yourself in the yellow zone, find the blood fountain shown in the screenshot below. Inspect it. Traces will lead you to the entrance to the hotel nearby. Move through the linear path, studying the hotel where you need to activate the elevator. Slide the elevator door on the sides and climb the roof using the hole at the top. You will find yourself on the second floor of the building.

Find room №206 and find out what it is blocked. Return to the floor below and go to room number 107 to which you can access. In the room, find the key card to the personnel room. Go to the lobby on the first floor and find the door to the personnel room (Only Staff). Use the map found, enter the inside and kill the zombie lying on the floor. Examine the shelf with keys and find the key to room number 206.

Return to room No. 206 on the second floor using the elevator shaft. Go inside, kill the zombie and inspect the room to find out what Rais was here. Use the launder, open the lock on the closed closet. Take a unique gun Raisa. Listen to Crane comments, then learn the room. The quest is completed.

9. Fan zone
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You can take this quest only after passing the main mission "Higher Education". Get acquainted with noa on the balcony, near the headquarters sparks.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 10000 experience points, 1,500 dollars.

You will learn from Noah that a disaster signal is based on the fan zone. Get to the destination (9 on the map), go around the zombie in the yard, because it is not necessary to fight them. Climb and overcome the barricades and quietly go to the elevator you can call. Follow the elevator to another floor. Drain and pick up a key card and firearms. Go to the door in the corner, to the right of the place where you started studying this floor. Get to the room with electronic equipment and find a laptop. Read the message and realize that you fell into the trap.

Leave the studio and try to call the elevator. Failure! Climb the roof of the elevator through the hole and move on the ventilation. In no case will not stop, otherwise you will be killed. After the exit, go to one of the side rooms to hide from toxic gases. Find and kill the enemy in a gas mask using a gun or machine gun found earlier. Get to the room with fuses and restore the flow of electricity. Return to the elevator and leave this place forever. Return to Noah and take the reward.

9. A legless spider
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: It will be available automatically after CEVEVI will contact you during the Location Research Old Town.

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 15000 experience points, unique improved weapons.

Wait when Cabin contacts Sevvi. You will learn about the outbreaks of the signal that he noticed. Move into the southwestern part of the Old Town (9a on the map). If there is an opportunity, then remove the roofs, because your goal is on one of the roofs. Talk to the wounded runner on the nickname Spider, then take it a bag.

Your first task is to search for 3 pieces of hookah, which was supposed to get a spider (9b on the map). You can assemble these details in any order, but every time you will enter into battle with monsters. When you get all three parts, then go to the location of David's deployment (9c on the map). Do not hurry, because David is now in captivity of the gangsters of Rais. First you should kill these gangsters. Use the machine gun, shoot from the distance, hiding behind the shelters. After that, enter the building and free David. Talk to him.

Next, you need to find fragments of the meteorite. These materials are lying around near a small reservoir north of the current position (9D on the map). Three fragments are stuck in the rock, one fragment is under water. If you find it difficult to find a fragment, you can come back here at night. At night, these fragments will glow green. But if you use the generator, you will attract the toad and runners. When you find all five fragments, then go back to David and get a unique improvement for weapons.

10. In pursuit of the past
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: The quest will be available no earlier than you pass the Museum Museum. You must meet with Takir in the safe area on the roof of one of the buildings (10a on the map).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 10,000 experience points, 2000 dollars.

Take the voice recorder from Takir, move to the building, where Takir lived with a boy - in the south of the Old Town (10b on the map). Go through the main entrance, climb the building, fortunately, no need. Follow the stairs to the first floor and go to Apartment number 2.

Native all rooms and inspect the wardrobe. Caren will be able to listen to the first audio recording from the dictaphone, which the boy did. Leave the apartment and climb the stairs to the second floor. Enter the apartment number 3. Listen to the next part of the record and head to the basement. Native a basement and find the door that can be opened only by the key. Return to Apartment No. 3 and in the main corridor, find the keys to the basement.

Return back to the locked door in the basement. Go to the bloody room (using keys). On the table is a dog. Inspect the PSA and take a T-shirt collar. From the next room will pop up cannibal. Kill him. Leave the building and return to the secure zone. Talk to the taricle, give him a collar and take the reward. In addition to the money you get the key from the museum.

The best path to the repository in the museum (10c on the map) lies through the underwater tunnels that you visit during the passage of the main plot mission "Museum". Make sure you have brand, since many cabinets in the room will be blocked. Get to the Museum's repository and open it with the key.

Additional missions. Antenna

25. Running
Passage Dying Light

How to unlock: You will unlock this task after completing the last Queser of the Fatin and the Tag in slums. If you remember, you needed to find the hydrolector. After that, the Volcan Dahl will contact you, but the quest itself will be available only at the moment when you find yourself on the "Antenna" location. There is a transition to this location in the northern part of the slums, in the safe zone near the construction site (25 on the map).

Difficulty level: MIDDLE.

Reward: 10000 experience points.

When you get to the specified place, raise the tunnel from above and go into it. Look at the door on the left and move to another place.

You will begin to study this location in the sewage (1a on the map). You must go through the tunnel, where they ran away from infected monsters during one of the main quests. This time the jumpers will not be here. Kill other opponents.

After getting the tunnel, follow the northern part of the location (1b on the map). Keep closer to the shore, because somewhere there will be an entrance to the cave, which serves as the base of the Volkan Dal. Talk here with the Volkan Dalem and attach the hydroleator to the back of the boat. After a short scene, the quest will be completed.

5. Sisters. 6. Yama. 7. Savior. 8. Find sparks.
9. Higher education. 10. Fire face. 11. Meeting place. 12. Museum.
13. On the air. 14. Clinic. 15. Evacuation.
Additional missions: Slums, Old Town, Antenna.

Happy viewing.

Afghanistan Mishka

On one of the locations in the old town we can find a pink bear. Pushing it on it, you can hear "I love you!". If you continue to click on, for a minute (after a number of repeats phrase), it will say a bear at one moment "I said I love you!". Next after the next press, he will say "Dont touch me!", then when pressed, cry "Stop!"And then with another press, his eyes will sleep red, and he will explode. As a result, we will get a drawing "Stasis Field Projector"which freezes our enemies in the air.

Top machete

Waving to one of the buildings using a hook-cat on the roof, we can find boxes on which pink bunnies are drawn. After moving through them, we will see the wall with pink bunnies and a box that does not open. It is necessary to kick it within 1-2 minutes, with our character comments on all what is happening on the screen.

After our the main character For 2 minutes he worked the foot, the box will suddenly open, it lies a drawing called "Korek Machete". This recipe from the usual piece of hardware, which occurs absolutely everywhere, will make an uber-weapon, raising the damage of our macheta to 500, now you can cut the head with a whole crowd.

Unknown flying object

We need to collect something called "Unknown", and only 2 pieces. Next we come to one of the houses in the old town and insert these "Unknown" In the eye holes of the skull, after which something turns out to be something like fragments of the meteorite. They start glowing, and after the eyes of the skull light up, and he explodes with "Hollywood" special effects, leaving a recipe called on the floor "RIGHT HAND OF GLOVA". As a result, self-equipped stones are obtained if they throw them, they themselves will fly to the enemy and explode with the same "Hollywood" special effects.

Secret materials

In the game you can find a house Scully and Mulder from the series "Secret Materials" (X-Files)In this trailer, the table shows "creative mess", but on a piece fixed on the wall, we can see the drawn alien creature, as well as it seems like a screenshot from the game, which marks the UFO and below sign "They Are out there?" that translated means "They are there?".

Also on the left on the closet, we can see the map and the inscription with a white color reconciliation, this word "Believe"that translated means "Believe!", the same word is written on the trailer.

You can even spend your own investigation.
P.S. For this UFO, I thank TNTOSS.

Here was a joker

This is a reference to the film "The Dark Knight", and specifically to focus with the disappearance of the pencilwho has done Joker.
P.S. We thank the Easterka with Hellboy_ua. Unfortunately, how and where to find the easterhouse he does not indicate.

However, it seems from Easter all! In my articles, I noted the most interesting. There were only the drawings, but they are not as interesting, and only names are allocated.

Well, finally, I will show one interesting place, there is nothing special in it, and the lute in it you will not find too. The place can be calculated for the Easter, but what is this reference, and it is not clear.

The place is close to the island with Explayburg., on the rock we can see this:

And at the bottom of the water we can see the drowned not infected girl, that she does, who she is not clear.

Well, that's the end! Most likely, this is the final part of the Easter on the game, but still post all what you found in the comments. Who knows, maybe the third part may be.

During a conversation with Breken, Jade will hear you .. and after an explosion will occur. Go to Dr. Zerie and protect the laboratory.

By killing the people of Raua, you will not find a zero in the laboratory. Therefore, go to the headquarters to Raisa.

Through the roof, penetrate the building and look for a doctor of trees.

Video dying Light - Part 16: Attack on the Laboratory

As soon as you find Dr. Zeri, you will grab the people of Raisa. After, Crane is fed into the arena, where there will be a huge bunch of zombies.

Kill the walking until the destroyer is launched in the arena.

Video passage Dying Light - Part 17: Arena

Observe the destroyer, and then lift the first-aid kit that Rais will throw you. Further, Crane will kill the raise fighters, and Raisa himself cut off the brush. After that, he jumps over the gate.

Return from Rais's headquarters and head to the tower. On the way, Crain will lose consciousness, and waking up, you will see brekes ..

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 18: Escape


Go to search for people who will help you get to the zero sector.

After talking with the senk, go to the tunnel. There you will meet one of the Savior. His name is Hasan and he will hold you on the tunnel.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 19: Explorer

On the way to the zero sector, Hasan will contact you on the radio and say that he passed you with Raisu's gutters.

When you jump into the water, the people of Raisa will shoot in you. Select out of the water and start killing enemies.

After stripping, find the way and get to the zero sector. There will contact you with three. After talking, go to the meeting.

Video Passage Dying Light - Part 20: Sector Zero

Find sparks

Being in Troy, Crane will ask her to contact Jade. The conversation with Jade will not succeed, so three will say that the last time they talked to Jade, she was at the university east of their location.

After, Crane will talk to the clennie. He will tell that Rais has two guard posts in the zero sector, in which there are many supplies.

Send and capture the first watchdog.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 21: Meeting with Trina

Higher education

It's time to look for Jade, so go to the university.

When you get to the university, ask the survivors of Jade. Find Fidan and he will tell you everything. Next, leave the university.

On the street, you will contact you. She will say that they intercepted the data and that you urgently need to see it. Return to the tri.

After watching the record, you will need to help the three convey the message, so that everyone knew that the survivors were still left in Harran. And in return, she will meet you with Jade.

Now let's help one person. Find the source of the smoke and the wounded park coast nearby.

Talk to the park, then take it to the bag and go to search for three hookah details.

Video Passage Dying Light - Part 22: Fertile Spider

Having gathered all the details of the hookah, take them to strange David.

Talking with David, go to search for fragments of meteorite.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 23: Strange David

Turn on the generator and on the minicar. You will have areas where the fragments of the meteorite are located. Collect all the fragments and take them to David.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 24: Meteorite


In order to complete the task from the clever, read the second watchdog in Rais.

Now go down to the sewer and find Michael.

When Michael tells you what to go to the 10th floor and install explosives in the room 105 and 106.

After, come back to the place where Michael was and take his detonator. Select from the building and blew up charges.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 26: Message

Meeting place\u003e

Jade will contact you and prescribe a meeting place. Go to the Red Building of the Emerald Canal.

Arriving in place, Jade you will not see. And reading the message on the wall, it will be clear that Jeid stole Rais and he is waiting for you at the museum.


To find out how to penetrate the museum as imperceptibly, you need to find a caretaker who used to worked in the museum. Go and find it.

Talking with the taricle, find the underwater entrance from the Emerald Pond and get to the museum.

In the museum you will already be waiting .. Destroy the guards of Rais and look for Jade.

Video passage DYING LIGHT - Part 27: Entrance to the Museum

When you find Jeid, defeat the zombies together. After, it turns out that Jade bitten and she is infected ..

Rais will throw Crane Syringe with Antizin so that he chose, save himself or jade. Jade will introduce the dose of Antizina Crane, and herself will turn to zombies. Crane will not remain anything but to turn the neck, but not Jade ..

Video Passage Dying Light - Part 28: Loss


So that Harran did not bomb along with the survivors, you need to configure the radio to your frequency and transfer the message. To do this, go to the sewer and achieve through it to the radio.

When you are near Radomach, the clever will say that you need a key map to the substation. Go and look for a card in containers.

Video Passage DYING LIGHT - Part 29: Radomach

Finding a key card, go to the electrical substation and turn on the transformer there. After, turn on the control shield at the foot of the radio. Next, take the top of the radio and connect the amplifier.