How to fill out a contour map in geography 5. Rules for working with a contour card in geography training. Specifications for contour cards

  • Cartographic tasks - visual and efficient material for knowledge of geography. Within the framework of the fifth grade program, it is recognized as one of the most complex disciplines. In many ways, such a state of affairs is due to the fact that the information, disassembled in themes, is for a five-grader that has not previously found in other school subjects. That is why work with maps and reshebnik to them is considered extremely useful, preventing complex concepts in an affordable form. To successfully master the course, engage in GDZ It should be regularly systematically. When identifying gaps in knowledge - to return and repeat the material yet.
  • Regarding benefits, experts are recognized by universal contour cards By geography for grade 5, compiled according to the tasks of Rumyantsev A. V. and produced by the Publishing House of the Drop to the relevant textbooks on the subject. Distinctive features of the kit:
    - takes into account age characteristics of the level of knowledge and horizons of fifth-graders, their interest in knowledge of the world, nature;
    - supply of material in a systematic, understandable form;
    - interesting assigned tasks.
    The collection can be used to compile homework, work in the class, as well as within the framework of additional, circle work, self-preparation.
  • Contour cards in geography and GDZ To them for fifth-graders

  • The initial course of geography is often a special difficulty for five-graders, since they did not come across the need to use cartographic information, working with it. You can learn this approach yourself or with the help of parents using special reshebniks to popular and interesting collection of contour cards and atlases.
  • Choosing sources for work on GDZ, It is important to consider:
    - Compliance with the material of the program, CMD, according to which geography is being studied with fifth graders in school lessons. For those who are on family form of training or wishes to expand their knowledge, you can recommend universal collections that are suitable for all systems and training complexes;
    - Own goals. It may be an increase in the current and final assessment, participation and victory in geographical competitions and competitions and other individual tasks;
    - the need to careful planning and conducting periodic control of the achieved results. It is preferably from time to time to evaluate the dynamics of achievements, promptly identify and adjust the flaws, eliminate them;
    - the possibilities of the student - a basic level of Knowledge, the amount of time that can be expended in preparation, etc.
  • Presented contour cards By geography for grade 5, compiled by Rumyantsev A. V. and released by the publishing house of the Drop, will allow a five-grader to master and work out in practice the course material:
    - evaluate the size and features of each mainland;
    - Mark on the maps the names of our compatriots and famous foreigners - famous travelers and pioneers;
    - To study the influence of a person in nature and the relationship, the interaction of nature and society in the process of its development, prospects and forecasts for the future.
  • The use of a collection of contour cards and ready-made homework to it will help to develop useful and necessary not only at school, but also after its end of the skill of self-preparation and self-control, search, selection and applications necessary in the work of information. Contour cards and atlases, according to expert opinion - one of the best materials, allowing to understand deeply and for a long time to remember large arrays of diverse geographic information, including the most difficult.

V. L. Markov, S. V. Zhukova, M. A. Sadelkin,

methodists of the city methodical center

Knowledge cards and ability to work with her in modern world not less important,

than knowledge of grammar and mathematics.

1. Contour cards are called contour, because only common outlines are indicated on them. geographic objects. The contour map is the basis for the implementation of practical work on geography. The contour map is usually not filled in immediately.

2. Getting started with contour card, carefully read the task of the teacher. What exactly must be denoted? Repeat the conditional designations on the topic of tasks.

3. Tasks are performed using the materials of the school textbook, school atlas and other additional sources of information recommended by the teacher.

4. Getting started, prepare sharply sharpened simple and color pencils that are necessary to perform teacher's tasks.

5. Any card must have a name that is signed at the top of the card. It should be clear and concise and fit the topic under study. Do not confuse your card name with the name of the map template.

6. Compare the outlines of the territory shown on the contour card, with the usual geographic mapto navigate. Determine where the main mountains and rivers are located.

7. Think out what order should be designated objects so that they do not close and do not interfere with each other.

8. Determine conditional signsThat you will use, mark them in a specially designated place on the map.

9. All objects depicted on the map must be reflected in the legend (in legend symbols), including pouring (colors), hatching, badges, footnotes, etc. In the legend of the map there should be a decoding of any color designation.

10. Geographical objects, whose names are not placed on the contour card, can be marked with lean-based signs (figures, letters), and their names are signed in symbol.

11. Texts and names of geographic objects must be readable. Names of rivers, mountains and cities Write clearly, printing.

12. Objects of the orography (elements of the relief) are applied in black, hydrography (water objects) - blue.

13. Only proposed tasks must be performed. Avoid applying "extra information" to the contour card. The mark for the correctly decorated work on the proposed tasks can be reduced if extra information has been added to the job.

14. Depending on the task, objects can either shave with a simple pencil, or paint into the appropriate colors. Try to use the same colors that are accepted on typographic maps (see the cards in the atlas).

15. Paints the objects needed to perform tasks, are made only by color pencils. Never use markers and markers!

16. Each form of relief has its own color gamut that corresponds to the scale of heights and depths of satin.

17. To properly apply to the contour card, the names of geographical objects should be focused on a degree mesh: the name of the geographic objects must be written along the lines of the degree grid, which will help to make the task more accurately.

18. The names of small objects on the scale of the card used, for example, volcanoes or mountain peaks, it is desirable to place on the right of the object itself, along the parallel.

19. The names of linear objects, such as mountains, rivers or flows, need to be placed in length so that you can read them without turning the card.

20. The names of the area objects should not go beyond the boundaries of the object. Exceptions make up small objects. In this case, the inscription may be located next to this object or a reference in the form of a figure that is decrypted in the legend of the card (for example, on the map: The figure 1 is on the object; and in the legend there is a decoding: 1 - Oz. Ilmen).

21. If you denote an area object, such as the plain or the sea, then remember that the boundaries of these objects do not diverge the lines. The name of the name shows the plain territory or the water water area.

22. In the conditional signs there must be a system. Stick the cartographic tradition in filling the cards.

23. The contour card is handed over to the geography teacher at a timely manner.


Do not use to fill the contour paint card. Typically, the contour cards are made on such a paper that absorbs water very poorly. In addition, the errors on the paints painted with paints are harder to correct.

In assessing the quality of the execution of the proposed tasks, the teacher takes into account not only the correctness and accuracy of the tasks, but also the accuracy of their execution. An inaccurate completed task may cause a lower estimate of your work.

Teacher at a notic

All types of contour cards intended for practical student studies in order to consolidate knowledge on geography and history in the volume of educational programs are subject to technical conditions in accordance with the norms of the Federal Survey and Cartography of Russia (from June 15, 2003).

Technical requirements to contour cards

1. The looped circuit cards must comply with the requirements of technical conditions and produce in three types: separate sheets, in the form of brochures, sewn into training atlases.

2. The contour cards are printed in one paint on the writing paper No. 1 (GOST 18510-73), on offset paper (GOST 9094-83), import screens or cartographic paper weighing 70-100 g / m 2.

3. For the covers of contour cards manufactured in the form of a brochure, a cartographic paper (GOST 1339-79) should be used or a coated paper (GOST 21444-75 weighing 80-100 g / m 2). It is allowed for the covers to use other types of paper, including writing.

4. On the contour cards should be printed with all elements; There should be no ripped or crushed places on cartographic image.

5. Paint on the entire cartographic image must be imprinted with a smooth, dense layer. The image should be clearly and without difficulty in all details.

6. All lines, strokes and points must be clear, with sharp undeveloped edges, not crushed when printing.

7. Text on the contour card must be clear, without spots and dirt. Fonts must comply with state rules and regulations (SanPine

8. On the contour maps there should be no mechanical damage, wrinkles, oil spots and a sauce of over 0.5 mm 2.

9. Contour cards manufactured by individual sheets must be calculated smoothly, there are no fields of at least 10 mm.

10. The quality of the manufacture of the cover of the contour cards and appearance Brochures are determined visually.

More information with the standard can be found on the portal of regulatory documents ().

We hope that the contour cards will help you when studying such an interesting item as geography. When performing any tasks, you can use a school textbook and geographic atlas, but this does not mean to redraw in detail atlas maps, follow only specific tasks. In order to facilitate your work, part of the geographic objects are already applied on each card. This will help you faster to navigate, performing those tasks that are indicated on the contour card, and the tasks proposed by the teacher additionally.

Opening of Russian travelers.
1. Apply to the map of the Swimming route F. F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazareva. Sign the names of the oceans for which you sail. Sign the mainland, which was opened during this navigation, and the date of this discovery.

2. Highlight the travel route Athanasius Nikitina on the map. Sign on the name map of the seas, which are stated in the book by A. Nikitin "Going in three seas."

3. Sign the routes S. I. Dezhneva on the map, V. Bering and A. I. Chirikova, in the legend of the card, enter their names from the corresponding arrows. Sign the names of the seas in which they were swimming.

4. Apply travel routes by I. Yu. Moskvitin and E. P. Khabarova on the map, in the legend of the card sign the corresponding conditional signs. Subscribe the city on the map from which these travels began.

2-3 How people opened land
4-5 opening of Russian travelers
6-7 Names of Russian travelers on the world map
8-9 Orientation. Parties horizon
10-11 degree network
12-13 terrain plan
14-15 Earth Cora
16-17 Water on Earth. WORLD OCEAN
18-19 Water on Earth. Water sushi
22-23 Nature of Russia
24 Influence of a person in nature.

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