Travel games. Five mobile games on the road. I went for a walk to the river

Traveling with children requires special preparation, love, patience and care. To make the trip enjoyable for all family members, pass without whims and boredom, take care of what to do with the children on the road in advance. In a car, train, bus or plane, you can always think of interesting entertainment... Moreover, playing with children, you yourself will not notice how the time on the road will pass. I, as a mother, a psychologist by education, a traveler with experience, wrote this article together with the children, together we remembered what we were doing on the road.

Where to begin? With the right fees on the road on vacation with children. The child must assemble his own backpack with travel games. We wrote about this in an article where we give our advice to travelers:

This is a wonderful educational moment. Children feel their importance, responsibility, independence, learn to plan and work in a team (albeit a family one)). This is a good experience for future trips.

And in order not to get a "carriage and a small cart" of toys, the whole process of packing things takes place under the careful supervision and patient guidance of parents.

How to assemble a children's backpack

Explain to your child in advance that only small, compact and light toys should be folded, because he will carry his backpack himself. (Of the big toys, our children carry with them only soft ones: a bear and a cat, with which they sleep. They do not want to part with them even during the trip. But at the same time they carry their own toys).

Together with a child who can already write / read a list of travel games.

At what age should a kid start to participate in collecting their backpack with games? From 2.5 to 3 years old - the age of "why". This is the time when the child begins to become aware of himself as a person. He often says: "I myself / myself ..", does the opposite, proving his right to opinion and choice. It is clear that a 3-year-old kid on his own cannot yet assemble a backpack, but it is quite within his power to choose several toys and fold them.

Games, entertainment in the car, train, bus and plane

We have combined the games into several groups.

1. Gadgets and books.

Electronic books, tablets, mobile phones, MP3 players, laptops, children's books. Download cartoons, children's books, games, music, films in advance. Let your child read / view the guidebook , or better, buy special children's guidebooks with bright pictures or books about adventures in the country , where are you going.

Reading in a car or bus is harmful to children's eyesight, in this case interesting audiobook- perfect solution. Buy discs with educational games and interesting tutorials. On the road, the child can learn English, counting or letters. We bought a special adapter, with which you can always recharge all devices in the car so that you don't sit down.

I want to say right away that electronic gadgets will not replace communication. As a rule, children quickly get bored with them. Therefore, for a long journey, there must be a good supply of games and entertainment.

2. Everything for drawing.

An album or notebook, coloring books, pencils, colored pens and other creative tools - take up a minimum of space in your backpack.

3. Toys.

Let the kids choose their favorite toys for the trip. You just follow the dimensions and capacity, let it be several types of miniature games and toys- dolls and baby dolls with clothes, dishes, a set of animals, a set of small models of cars.

You've probably noticed that new toy able to interest your child for a long time. Create such an element of novelty on the road. If possible, go to the store with your child, (or look in online store) and choose a toy or game for the trip, but on the condition that the baby will play with it for the first time during the trip.

4. Board games.

It is best to take a plane, car, train or bus tabletop road games , which do not have small details (after all, they are easily lost) and do not require stability when playing (when moving in transport, such games will simply crumble and upset the baby). Puzzles with large components, loto, a set of checkers / chess / backgammon on magnets, educational games.

For the little ones (from 2 to 5 years old), an excellent solution would be set of educational cards with games.

5. Oral entertainment and games.

On a long journey, gadgets, drawing, games and toys become boring over time. The child needs to frequently switch from one type of game to another. So he will be less bored and capricious. (how less child, the more often switching). Therefore, it is ideal to combine all gadgets / toys with communication, various oral entertainments.

For example, we watched a cartoon / played an oral game / drew further / sang / board games or toys / new oral entertainment. Such a distribution will help diversify the children's leisure time and allow parents to periodically rest and enjoy the road.

A significant advantage of oral games is that they do not take up space in a backpack))) You can play them using improvised means. Their number is unlimited, you can always come up with something new, improvise.

Make a minimum of basic verbal play so you know how to keep your kids busy on the road. To help you - our selection of such entertainment for different ages. You just have to choose those games that are more suitable for your children)))

Oral games on the road:

The words- the rules are the same as for the familiar city game. A new word starts with the letter that ends the previous word. For example, an apple is an island-water. This game is also useful for children who have just started learning letters and sounds.

"What will fit in a jar?" this is a complicated version of the Word game. We name the words under the same conditions as in normal game, but we take into account the "capacity" in the bank. For example, the word "island" is no longer suitable, because it does not fit into the jar))

Associations. The first participant names any word, the second says the word association, etc. At the end, we get a very interesting associative array. For example, perch - fishing - lake - water - ice - North Pole - geography ...

Guess who you are- a game from a series of question - answer. One participant in the game guesses who he is by asking all questions that require a “yes” or “no” answer. The word for the riddle can be written, glued with a sticky piece of paper on the forehead of the guessing person, just agree orally.

Guess- guess an object that is in the field of vision of children. The rules are the same as for the game above. Participants ask leading questions about the characteristics of the subject, which can only be answered "yes" or "no".

Guess what's in the bag- another "guessing game". You will need a pouch, tote bag, or an opaque bag for her. Put several items inside (vegetables, fruits, etc.). The players take turns putting their hand into the bag and guessing what the object is.

Sea battle, tic-tac-toe - well-known and popular games. They only need paper and pencils.

Let's countaddicting game... Its essence is to count everything that we see outside the window: cars of a certain color, poles, cows / sheep / goats, houses with some sign. This game was first used impromptu on the road, when our fidgets from boredom began to use handles over the door windows as a horizontal bar. For our two children, we even arranged competitions on the road. Whoever sits on which side of the car is on the other side and counts the cows. The herd was counted as 100. But in the Odessa region, on the border of the Kotovsky region and Transnistria, there are villages, most of the houses in which are whitewashed in blue. When the cows ran out, the blue houses were counted. In any country along the way, you can find something special.

Crocodile- this game is more suitable for a train, because it requires a little space and at least 4 participants. One player thinks of the second word or phrase. The second must show it with gestures, without words. The rest of the players guess.

We sing songs- The time on the road passes merrily and at ease singing. Of course, this kind of entertainment is more appropriate in your car than in a bus, plane, or train. Sing your favorite acapello songs with the kids, turn on your favorite CDs and sing along to them. Name a word or phrase (common in songs. For example, spring, love, friendship) remember and sing songs with these words. Whoever knows more won.

Guess the melody- include or hum the very first notes of the loss to the song or the first line. The winner is the one who guesses the song first. Sing the entire song together.

« What changed?"- game for attention. Lay out several objects on the seat, album, book (toys, pencil, handkerchiefs, in general, everything that is at hand). Players try to remember what these items are and their location. After the players have turned their backs, the presenter swaps, removes or adds new items. The task is to find all the changes.

Finger games- for the little ones, they perfectly develop hand motor skills. These are games-nursery rhymes of such a format as "Soroka-crow".

You can arrange a whole finger theater - a fairy tale... Now there are a lot of proposals for finger toys for mini-theater.

We play our hands- game for attention and reaction speed. Famous game"Pushkin street, Kolotushkin house" or the same "On the golden porch sat: tsar tsarevich, king, prince". You can play together or more. Children themselves can offer different modern interpretations of this game. The players hold their hands, palms up, so that the right is at the top and the left is at the bottom. Everyone says a phrase from the text and slaps his right hand on the neighbor's hand. V a certain moment the task of the one who slaps to hit the hand of the neighbor, and the task of the neighbor is to have time to remove his palm in time. The fastest wins.

There is simpler option - for two... The text can not be applied, but played in this way. Two players stretch out their bent arms towards each other. One holds his hands down, but palms up, the other holds his hands over the opponent’s hands, but palms down. The task of the first player is to slap the palms of the second, and the second to remove his hands in time.

Tongue Twisters- it's not for nothing that our great-grandmothers - great-grandfathers, being little, had fun with tongue twisters, sitting on the stove on long winter evenings. It turns out to be very fun activity and useful. Try it)))

Drawing with a secret- the players agree in advance in what order they draw. You need a sheet of paper and a pencil. The first player starts painting. Others don't peep. He closes his drawing by folding the paper and leaving only the extreme lines and details for the next player. All repeats. Until the sheet runs out. Then the whole drawing is revealed. It turns out very funny.

Forfeits- each player writes some funny task on a piece of paper. (You can have several sheets with different tasks) All pieces of paper are thrown into a common bag / sachet. Everyone in turn pulls out one task at a time and performs it. A very fun game.

My triangular capfun game on speed and attention. The task is to show with gestures everything that is said in the text, every word. Slowly at first, then faster and faster. Text: “My triangular cap, my triangular cap. And if not triangular, then this is not my cap. "

Ocean is shaking- a game from our childhood. The presenter says: “The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three, in place sea ​​figure freeze! " Until the word "Freeze" you can actively move your arms and legs. As soon as it sounds, all players freeze. Whoever first moves or laughs becomes the leader.

Silent- on the road everyone gets tired, sometimes you just want silence. And the energy of our children "beats with a fountain" in spite of everything. For such a case, there is a game of silence. Whoever spoke first lost.

As you can see, many travel games for kids are widely known, they are fun and entertaining. Another great "fallback" option for how to entertain children on the road - let the children suggest their games to you. They love it very much)))

To make it easier for children to endure a long journey, it is advisable for small fidgets to give the ability to walk, run, jump. Walk with your child along the train carriage, along the aisle on the plane. There are stops on the way for buses. Be sure to use this opportunity for the kid's jogging)))

Plan for stops along the way for your car trip, try to do this every 2 hours. Choose a safe place to stop - that is, there is an area for walking away from the road. Let the children run around to their fullest.

We hope our tips - our “parenting cheat sheet” - will help you keep your kids entertained on the road. The main secret is to play yourself with enthusiasm and joy, show your children maximum patience, care and love.

And travel with pleasure!

P. S. How do you entertain children on the road? Please share your experience in the comments)))

How to keep your child busy while traveling by car is a topical question for you, dear parents: mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers? This is why you are here. My tips on the pages of fun science will help you keep your child engaged so that car travel doesn't turn into a serious challenge for the whole family.

Use my experience: these 15 games will help you grab your baby's attention for the entire trip

Any journey begins with fees. Today I suggest you pack in children's backpack simple, affordable, but very useful things. Nothing fancy on my list. You can easily find all the items in the children's playroom. Well, let's get started.

  1. Magic pouch”- offers to go to the country of the guessing game. All travelers can take part in this game, taking one step at a time. Invite your child to close their eyes and place their hand in the pouch. Groped for something? Do not rush to take it out. Describe the item that is in your hand. Try to guess what it is. How is it? Do you feel the flight of fantasy? And tactile sensations help to train fine motor skills.
  2. For those who cannot part with creativity - the road is not a hindrance, but quite the opposite. After alldrawit is possible on a long trip. It is only important to think over the details for convenience. And then a hinged table-stand in the car rushes to your rescue. Its main advantage is a solid base, convenience, simplicity and ease of installation. You can draw in a notebook or album. But I advise you to paint with wax crayons or pastels: convenient, juicy, bright and practical. Try it. Many children feel comfortable and quietly lead an exciting activity - coloring. If the store did not find a suitable collection of coloring pages, download your favorite cartoon characters from the Internet for free, print it on your home printer and put it with you on the road. An excellent solution is 3D coloring. For testing, you can download several drawings from the Internet for free and also print. If the child likes the idea, you can please the baby and buy a book with live coloring. The revived heroes will surely please the kid. And they will amuse you too. Do not forget to install a special free program for GooglePlay or AppStore on your tablet or smartphone. For those who love miracles, I suggest buying a reusable water coloring with you on the road. An excellent option for those who still do not really understand how to draw and decorate with paints, felt-tip pens and pencils. Convenient, bright, safe and practical.
  3. As soon as Muse gets tired of your child and drawing ceases to bring joy, invite your child “magic screen”. You draw on a magnetic board, hand over to the child with a question - "What is this?" And when you get the right answer - the child, with a slight movement of his hand, erases his mother's creations from the board and continues the game further.
  4. Car games can also be educational. Explore the conceptright left... And mastering traffic signals will be an appropriate answer to child question"Mom, dad, why are we standing there?" And after a few regulated intersections, your little one will independently explain the reason for your stop and comment on the work of the traffic light.
  5. Suitable for training and developing fine motor skillslacing and puzzles... Whats wrong with that? The time of the trip, for sure, allows your child to make a chic necklace or put together a favorite puzzle.
  6. A wonderful company for the whole trip, for your baby, will certainly becomefavorite doll: with clothes, bows, hairbrush and other accessories. I feel that you have already come up with a couple of plots for situational play in the car. That's great.
  7. Well, for the development of memory and vocal cords, they are perfect With advocates of audio tales and perky children's songs... This is much better than spoiling your eyesight by watching cartoons from a tablet screen, don't you agree?
  8. You can safely sing along to children's songs - and this is already an application for auto karaoke. Engage the driver to judge, let him order the music and give marks. And when you want to take a break in the musical pause - strain your memory and please each other with a funcounting room or sonorous poemm... If the rhyme is to your child's liking, then train your memory. Feel free to start memorizing a poem.
  9. So that your fingers do not get bored without doing - you can play with them in nursery rhymes and finger theater. Mega popular game in our family "Pussy scatter", Helps to train the response to care. You can expand and diversify the game at your discretion. There are many variations. And the main point is to pull your hand back in time. It seems to me that there is no age limit for this game. Do you agree?
  10. To cheer up the driver and prevent him from falling asleep - join in a loud, dynamic and fun game "Catch my hand". Get ready, there will be a lot of screeching and laughter. You can imagine that the hand is a dog or a pussy or an evil snake, in general, there is no limit to imagination.
  11. You can easily organize a theatrical performance. To do this, it is enough to take with you on a trip -Finger puppets.They take up a minimum of space, but the benefits of them and a lot of amazing emotions are guaranteed.. Play a fairy tale, tell a cautionary tale, or play out the social situation of a toy family, which, like yours, went on a journey. What awaits them there?
  12. Today both boys and girls like driving a car. And you don't have to wait until you come of age to feel like becoming a driver. The little passenger will be interested in copying an adult driver and, as it were, driving the car himself. Buy or take a toy steering wheel from home.
  13. Encourage your toddler to sing or dance in the car seat to energetic music from the speakers. Who said that the car is cramped? Beat the rhythm, fool around, show that you can dance not only with your hands and feet, but also with your head or even your tongue and eyes.
  14. Well, if you are not at all into a mogot, then you will have to resort to extreme measures and include several episodes of your favorite cartoon previously downloaded to your tablet or smartphone. No matter what they say, in critical situations, when it’s no longer sitting well, they help out well.
  15. In general, we look out the window, tell us that we are passing. We play the game “guess what color” the next oncoming or passing car will be. There are so many interesting things around - a tractor and a motorcycle and a river.

Happy, informative, fascinating, kind and calm family trips by car with children, I wish you, Natasha Yarmoshenko (mom without experience) and the Veselaya Science project. Good luck, friends! Visit us more often. Share your experience and write in the comments your favorite entertainment on the road!

Natasha Yarmoshenko

When going on a trip with your child, you should definitely take care of what you will do and entertain him on the road. Of course, some kids love to spend time, cute looking at the surrounding landscapes outside the window. But this, as a rule, happens no longer than 10-15 minutes and not with all children. So that your child remains cheerful and carefree until the end of the trip, and does not suffer from boredom and limited space, think about what entertainment could interest him.

Let the baby get used to a new place in the first hours of the journey. He will probably be interested in looking at the train compartment or passengers in the aircraft cabin. Even if your trip is by car, the child does not need to try to entertain from the first seconds. Only when he is bored with gazing outside the window, offer him several activities to choose from.

It is best to take small and multifunctional toys with you. Of course, they will all depend on the age of the child. It is more difficult to interest small children, but there are many interesting options here. For example, small toys or books with bright pictures and interesting inserts - windows. And the kids school age will be happy to play various riddles and oral games developing logic.

We have prepared for you several ways to entertain children on the road, depending on their age.

10 Proven Ways To Keep Your Toddler Interested On The Road

  1. Children's books with bright pictures, lacing and inserts. With windows and manipulations. Children love to touch small pages with their hands, open windows and look for hidden animals or favorite cartoon characters there. It is especially good if the book will have many pages for the child to look at it for as long as possible. So he will not get bored for a long time.
  2. Finger theater... Various sets with heroes of Russian folk tales are now on sale. For example, cards with slits for fingers or rag dolls, which are also easy to put on your fingers and play your favorite fairy tales. They will interest even a small child, talking to him on behalf of the fairytale hero.
  3. Stickers, Velcro, magnets- anything that is easy to rearrange and re-glue many times is very convenient. Transport, animals of the world, folk tales, cartoon characters, dolls with clothes - what plots are not present in educational games. Especially convenient are reusable stickers, which the child will re-stick from place to place an infinite number of times! Believe me, this is a very exciting activity, because the plots are diverse and interesting for a child. Starting from cars and vehicles with various roads, ending with dollhouses with various interior items and rooms, it can also be a kitchen with different cutlery and household appliances.
  4. Entertaining little things... Every mother must have at hand such a "magic bag" with interesting little things. Put small kinder toys, animal figures, cars, any entertaining little things in a cosmetic bag. The child will be happy to sort out, arrange them and put them back together. If the child is already good at speaking, ask him to take out the toys one by one and, without looking at her, try to guess what he is holding in his hands. This game develops fine motor skills and imagination.
  5. Drawing board... In a children's store, buy a small drawing tablet: a plastic board where a picture is drawn with a felt-tip pen, and then it is easy to erase everything with one movement. There are other options where there is a brush that erases the pattern on the back of the felt-tip pen itself. Such tablets are very convenient for travel, because it is convenient to draw directly on your knees, in the absence of a table.
  6. Mass for modeling. It does not stick to hands and surrounding objects, does not stain, keeps its shape perfectly, smells good and is very pleasant to the touch. A plastic sculpting board will take up little space, but will make it easier to work with plasticine. With a sculpting mass, it's easy to come up with a lot of different games.
  7. During your trip, come up with or learn with your little one a funny and short rhyme that should be easy to remember and funny. Then the child will repeat it all the way, and thereby train his memory.
  8. Listen to music or your favorite fairy tales... Download in advance on your tablet or phone various interesting audio tales and funny children's songs. It is especially good to choose songs about the road and travel. Listening to them on the way, the kid will quickly memorize the words and lines from the songs, and on the way back he will already sing along the words learned by heart.
  9. Surprise toy. Be sure to please your little one with some new toys. Take them out at the moment when the child is already bored with everything, he begins to be capricious and does not know what to do with himself. It can be soap bubbles, a kinder surprise, a doll for a girl or a new car for a boy, in a word, everything that will delight your child.
  10. Mindfulness games... Take any small items that you have on hand. For example, a spoon, a pen, a hairbrush, and a toy. Arrange them in a certain order, let the child take a good look at the objects and remember their location. Then ask him to turn away or close his eyes for a second. Swap or remove an item. Let the kid tell you what is missing or what is out of place. This game develops concentration and memory. Mom won't have to invent challenging games and activities for the child.

Of course, absolutely kids, at the age of about a year, it is sometimes difficult to interest even the most interesting toys. Then the means at hand come to the rescue. Many kids, for example, like to take napkins out of a pack, especially if it's a large package with a lid. Or happily unfold the rustling foil. Wrap some small toy in several layers of paper or foil and your child will be happy to unfold the rustling "cabbage" for several minutes. True, you then have to collect all the torn and scattered pieces of paper, but these are trifles compared to the minutes of silence and calmness of the child.

Travel games for older children

Game "Think an Object"... The child has already eaten, and slept, and painted, and there is still a long way to go? Don't be bored! Think of any object that you may encounter along the way. For example, a car of a certain color, a river, a tree, a gas station or a bridge. Whoever sees it first wins.

Guess the drawing. If you are traveling by train, then drawing on your back will be a great game. Just run your finger along the back of the child, and let him try to guess what you "drew". Start with the simplest shapes - circle, square, etc. If the child has already got used to it and is good at guessing the drawn object, think of something more complicated - a house, letters or numbers.

Board games . Now on sale great amount compact games that are convenient to take with you on the road. Walkers, walkers, baby lotto and dominoes take up a minimum of space. Also, take a look at various cards for training memory and attention - memorials or "chameleon", which capture not only children, but also adults.

Thimbles. This game does not require special props, usually everyone takes with them on the road disposable cups, which are great for her. On a flat surface, place several cups turned upside down and hide a candy or a coin in one of them. Ask your kid to carefully observe the glasses, and guess where the surprise was. Change and move the cups, but so that the child can keep up with your manipulations.

Oral games are great for younger preschoolers and schoolchildren.

First letter . Whoever names the most of all the items by a given letter wins. Let the child look at the views outside the window and call various subjects or lists everything around it.

Guess the word. You are guessing the word, and the child must guess it by asking questions about the property of the hidden object. It will be more interesting to play if the answers are only "yes" or "no". If the answer is ambiguous, then minor clarifications are allowed. For example, this word is airplane and the participant asks: "Is this object made of metal?", The answer is "Yes, but not completely made of it." Then you change, the child thinks the word, and the rest guess.

Opposite words... Very interesting and simple game, the child is only required to choose a word that is completely opposite in meaning. For example, cold - hot, soft - hard, summer - winter.

That's the beast. This entertainment is based on the formation of one complex word from two simple ones. In Russian, they even have their own connection rule. For example, we all know well such words as: autopilot, vacuum cleaner, microwave oven, milk tanker. Offer the child any two words to connect, it is better if they are not connected in meaning. So it will be even funnier for them to form new words. Such an activity will greatly amuse your fidget, because this way you get not only strange creatures, such as, for example, hedgehog, fish-leg, elephant, spoon dog, autocat, but also many other incomprehensible alien creatures.

A change of scenery on the road is very important, regardless of age. Any break in the trip should be used to give your child some fresh air and some exercise. And if you are traveling by train, then you have the opportunity to walk to the dining car or get to the very end of the car and watch the running rails. When you stop, try to go outside so that the child can breathe air and move, it is even desirable to do a little exercise. It lifts the spirits remarkably, and adds strength to continue the journey.

Of course, when toys aren't helping, it's easiest to turn on your tablet to watch cartoons or movies. But it is still more useful to while away the hours of the trip for exciting playing together, communication and development of observation. We hope that our tips and tricks will help your family have fun and rewarding travel times!

Hello dear friends. A couple of days after the wedding, we got together on a honeymoon trip closer to the mountains and the sea. Without thinking twice, we went to rest in the city of Gelendzhik. Since we were in no hurry, we chose the train as a means of transportation. Those who have ever traveled on long-distance trains know that in order not to die of boredom, you need to do something. Okay, if you do not go for half a day, and even sat down at night, and in the morning already in the city you need. We had to go for two and a half days, and therefore the problem of what to do on the train this time hung over us!

1. Conversation with a loved one

First of all, this applies to those who are not traveling alone, but with friends. I went with my beloved wife. We had a lot to talk about, about what: where we will go and where we will visit.

2. Conversation with fellow travelers

A great excuse to make an acquaintance. Perhaps in the future you will become friends or you will have a new hobby. What if you learn something new, about the place where you are going or about the places where the interlocutor is from. Or they will share with you an interesting life experience. Don't miss this opportunity!

3. Acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex

Great for single people. The train car is not a place to meet. Who knows, maybe you will find a soul mate here to spend your life with!

4. Electronic communication

If you do not like the neighbors, are tired of communicating with them, or you are so shy that it is difficult to meet and talk with fellow travelers, then feel free to communicate with friends and family via SMS, ICQ social networks... The main thing is for the gadget to stay connected.

What to do on the train, how not to sleep, but sleep is important and useful activity... For those who often whine that they are not getting enough sleep, it is a great opportunity to finally get some sleep longer. If suddenly the ambient noise bothers you, put earplugs in your ears and go to sleep!

There was not yet that person who eats only air! 😀 We are all living people and we need food! Sitting down at the table, take out food supplies and eat.

7. Listen to music

Before driving, pump up your phone and music players with music and sit and listen until you reach your destination. In addition to music, download audiobooks and listen, educate yourself! Well, here as you like.

8. Playing cards

A popular game of cards can rightfully be considered the game of the fool. Play with friends or neighbors you just met. If there are no cards, it doesn't matter, look around. I'm sure that at least one company plays for the whole car. Do not hesitate to ask to play together, I think you will not be denied.

9. Play electronic games

If you have your phone, laptop or PSP with you, why not play. The main thing is that the battery lasts for a long time. Although in modern cars there are no problems with charging their electronic gadgets.

10. Watching a movie, favorite TV series

If you have already taken electronic gadgets with you. Why not watch your favorite TV series on the road. If at home on the couch watching the TV time does not fly by, then why not take advantage of this idea here.

11. Reading a book, magazine

You will have a great time if you took a book with you or bought an interesting magazine on the way. It's time to read. Reading didn’t harm anyone, but on the contrary, it did good. Personally, I took Freud's book with me. For me, as a techie, such books are taken hard. Only 75 pages will be mastered for the trip. Why didn't I take something from technical literature, or at least from adventures.

12. Drawing

Great activity even if you are not an artist! The main thing is not to forget to take paper and pencils with you. If suddenly you are eating with a child, then do not forget to take a coloring book with you. Good way take the child for a couple of hours, and remember his youth! 😀

13. Study, self-education

14. Personal diary

In case you keep a diary, then this is an opportunity to write something new or read the old one and remember what happened to you last week.

15. Planning

Spend a lot of free time planning your trip, vacation, or the current year. While driving, we thought about where and when it is better to go, what to see, where to go.

16. Look out the window

Since childhood, Lenka and I cannot be taken away from the window when we go to new places. For some reason, it seems to me that it will be interesting for you to sit and just look out the window. Observe how nature changes in different areas. Look at the towns passing by, appreciate the architecture and observe the life of local people.

17. Folding origami figures

If you suddenly took a certain number of sheets of paper with you, put the figures of cranes, frogs, fish and whatever your heart desires. Great train experience.

18. Solving puzzles

Have some puzzle with you, make your brain work. For example, those who go numb to solve the Rubik's Cube will spend hours on it. Combinations to collect a great variety. When I got this cube for the first time, I sat for a day to collect it completely. It's a pity I didn't think to take it with me on the train.

19. Memories

Lying on your bed, remember what happened to you over the past month. After thinking about it, draw the appropriate conclusions. If you do this constantly, you can in the future

20. Body workouts

Believe it or not, it is possible to train your body even in the carriage. The main thing is to turn on the imagination. At least pump up the press and do push-ups, you can calmly.

21. Needlework

Cross-stitching, knitting, weaving bracelets, all this can be done on the train, and why not. All this can be done on the train. In 2.5 days, you can knit socks at least! 😀

22. Gnaw on the seeds

Believe it or not, turning gray and gnawing seeds can also kill a couple of hours. Seeds are such an infection that it’s difficult to stop until they run out. So take your package and more with you!

23. Solving crosswords

Still thinking about what to do on the train, when everything is tired, get out at the nearest parking lot and buy yourself a crossword puzzle and sit and tell fortunes. You can also connect neighbors if you find it difficult to answer some questions.

24. Sex, kisses, hugs

If you are eating in a compartment together with your beloved half, then why not do it. Sex is like communication, time will fly by! 😀

25. Work

If you go somewhere for work, then partly, if possible, do it on the train. And if suddenly you are a freelancer, then spend this huge amount of time doing your current job.

26. Write poetry, stories, blog posts

If I were traveling alone, and even home from vacation, I would definitely start writing posts in my favorite photo blog.

27. Take a walk at the bus stop

Be sure to get off the train at long stops for a walk! It is very difficult for me to sit and lie for days on end, even for a lazy person. A sip fresh air and the walk has not prevented anyone yet. Leaving the carriage, be sure to ask the conductor how long the parking lasts at the station, and then, depending on the time, decide how far you can walk.

I think it's time to stop there, or even so I wrote 27 points. If you are suddenly thinking of taking a train somewhere, be sure to read this post again to refresh your memory of what to do on the train. Do not take the time that you have to spend on the way with bitterness, but take it as a gift, and use it wisely! If you suddenly have new ideas, be sure to leave them in the comments!

If you liked my article, or find it useful and interesting, then be sure to share it with your friends on your social networks:

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello friends. The weekend continues. And the theme of rest in my articles too.
A week ago, together with my younger brother Mikhail and his daughter Alisa, I went to the village to visit my parents.

On the way, they recalled entertainment that can pass the time: games in the car on the road. I listened more, amazed at how much had gone out of my head in the fifteen years that had passed after the cheerful student days. Well, my brother, who still does not climb out of hikes and is a professional organizer of outdoor activities, reminded me.

The time on the road flew by quickly. Try it yourself, I'm sure you will like it too. Moreover, you can play without leaving your home, with your family.

One of the participants asks the topic: "If I were ... (African animal, teapot, president, magician, shard of glass, etc.)." Then everyone comes up with their own fantasy on the indicated topic.

The game allows you not only to have fun, but also to learn something about yourself, your friends and acquaintances. For example, it can be noted that a person translates in his fantasy: the idea of ​​creation, service, production, or the idea of ​​consumption and the pursuit of pleasure.

2. Balda (add a letter)

The first participant thinks of a word in his head. Names a letter from this word. Each subsequent player adds his own to this letter, meaning some word. Whoever calls the word last (cannot add a letter) is the one who lost. The loser gets the letter “B” as an asset - the first of the word bulldozer. Who collected full word- that and a bastard.

3. Ice cream or mustard

The driver is thinking of a word. They ask him: "Ice cream or mustard?" The driver, by his inner feelings, determines to what the word he conceived is closer to ice cream or mustard and says, for example, "Mustard". The rest of the participants offer him the following pair to choose from: "Mustard or fire?" Thus, it is necessary to find the hidden word.

4. Contact

The driver thinks of a word, for example, "Elephant". Names the first letter. Other participants ask leading questions: "Is this not a white sweetness?" The task of the participants on the leading question sounded to guess what they mean before the driver guesses about it.

If someone understands what is meant, he says: "Contact." Together with the questioner, they count to five and say out loud the word they mean: "Sugar." If the answer is correct and the driver did not have time to guess it, he opens the next letter. The task is to guess the whole word.

5. Phone

One participant "calls" and tells what unusual, amazing place he is in. The other responds with his own story.

You need to turn on your imagination and tell about your journey in a convincing and exciting way.

6. I see what you do not see

The game is similar to "hot - cold" and is a variant of "Danetki".
The driver looks out for some thing in the environment and says: "I see what you do not see."
Other participants ask: is this or there is or is this.

The driver only answers yes or no. You need to guess what was planned.

In danetka you can guess cities, capitals, plants, animals and even whole detective stories.

7. Poems

One participant sets the first stanza and the beginning of the second:

I went for a walk to the river,

Jumped over the stove

I landed on a goat ...

The second ends the started stanza and begins the next.

It's good that I was in the basin.
But the goat was not lucky ...

Thus, a whole fairy tale or poem can be born. Meaning and rhyme are periodically lost, but it doesn't matter. The main thing is that everyone is having fun.

8. Poems - rescuers, pests

The same game, only one of the participants constantly creates problems for the hero, the second solves them.

Petya is higher for a walk.
Lo and behold bandits in the alley.
They took Petya by the breasts.

Petya shouted loudly "Ki!"
He didn't go to the gym for nothing
He ran away from the bandits.

9. The letter P

One of the participants thinks of a word to himself, for example, "pie". Others tell him what letter he will give hints so that they guess this word, let it be the letter "M".

Hints sound: soft, fleshy, oily ... The task is to guess the given word.

10. Associations

Game for four. Two pairs of players are created.

The participant from the first pair thinks a word. Calls him to one of the players in the second pair. He must in one word give a hint to his partner, who is trying to guess what is meant.

If it did not work out, the chance to guess the word is passed to the representative of the other pair. One more word is added to the already voiced hint.

The game is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Develops empathy, the ability to hear and understand a partner. Captivates and can last for hours.

And finally, an eternal hit.

11. Game "Green Crocodile"

One of the participants is given a word or phrase in the ear, which he must show to friends with facial expressions and gestures. And if there are no problems with a turnip or a car, attempts to show sublimation, association or expropriation are not an easy task.

The game is always fun and can entertain any company for several hours.

This concludes my small overview games that can be played in the car or on the train, suitable for both children and adults. Subscribe to updates, share with your friends.

Happy weekend to you. And see you soon on the blog pages.
Yours Yuri Okunev.