Moving games on the development of agility from preschoolers. Physical development of preschoolers by means of mobile games - Abstract Development of moving games

The origins of moving games are rooted in deep antiquity. The history of the game allows you to understand their educational significance. Many species of folklore confirm the suggestion of scientists that the origins of the moving games are laid in the primitive-free strictness, but there is almost no information about this. On this occasion, E. A. Pokrovsky wrote that the children's games of primitive peoples, unfortunately, little information. Data on the development and life of the child, his games in the early stages of the development of society are extremely poor. Almost none of the ethnographers at all set themselves the task of such a study. Only in the 30s of the 20th century, special research of Margaret Foreign Ministry, dedicated to the children of the New Guinea tribe, in which there are materials about the lifestyle of children and their games1.
The game was a person satellite from time immemorial. In it culture of different nations Demonstrate similarity and huge variety. E.A. Pokrovsky argued that games at all times and all nations were certainly. Many of the games were represented by great originality, depending on the properties and lifestyles of the people. Many games of different peoples had a lot of similarities among them, for example, playing the ball, in the bone, etc.
The opinion of N.S.Volovik is also true that the appointment of ancient games is not entertaining, but practical. The actions of the game and the words of the song, people tried to secure future success in the upcoming work. Ancient game There is a magic ritual in which the desired is depicted as valid, the present is projected by the future. As a person depended on nature, and the main object of the image in the game songs was an animal and vegetable world.
A deep analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the issue of historical origin of the game was held by D. B. El-Konin, who noted that "the question of the historical occurrence of the game is closely related to the nature of the education of the younger generations in societies on the lowest levels of development and culture."
In the earliest historical periods of society, children lived with adults with a common life. Educational function Then he has not yet been highlighted as a special social function, and all members of society, raising children, sought to make them participants in social and productive labor, transfer them the experience of this work, implementing the gradual inclusion of children in the activities available to them.
Already in the earliest ethnographic and geographical descriptions of Russian travelers, there are guidance on the collection of young children to the fulfillment of labor duties and the inclusion of them in the productive work of adults. So, Novitsky in the description of the Ostsatsky people (belonging to 1715) wrote that in all games there were generals of birds, fish, hunting for the beast. Children to feed, learned to shoot onion, catch birds and fish.
Employment of mothers and early inclusion of children in adult labor led to the fact that primitive society There was no sharp face between adults and children, and the children became really really independent. It emphasizes almost all researchers. In case of complication of funds and methods of labor and during its redistribution there was a natural change in the participation of children in different types Labor. Children ceased to be directly involved in complex and inaccessible forms of labor activities. For younger children, there were only some areas of household work and the most simple forms of production activities.
Regarding the most important, but unavailable for children, the task of work in front of them is the task of possibly earlier mastering with complex instruments of such labor. The reduced tools of labor arise, specially adapted to children's capabilities, with which children exercise in the conditions approaching the conditions of real activities of adults, but not identical with them. The guns depended on which industry was the main in this society.

For example, A.N. Wereinson-correct wrote that completely tiny "puppet" skis in the toys of children of the peoples of the North can very rarely meet. They have no need, because the child gets skis immediately, as soon as learn to walk. Children's skis are considered to be a better toy guys. Children arrange ski contests, many hunting games are held on skis. Mothers decorate skis in a small pattern, even paint them.
Here you should agree with the assumptions of D.B. Elconin about the appearance of the elements of the game situation: a knife and ax, onions and arrows, fishing rods, needles and the like tools are tools, which are necessary for the child to take part in the work of adults. Children, of course, cannot independently open ways to eat these tools, and adults learn them.
So, for example, a small Evenk, the future hunter, learns to own a bow and arrows not in the forest, but participating in the real hunt together with adults. Children learn to throw the Arcan or shoot from Luke first on a fixed subject, then gradually go to shooting on moving targets and only after that go to the hunt for birds and animals, etc. Having mastered ways to use tools of labor and acquiring adult abilities necessary for participation in labor, children are gradually included in the productive work of adults. It can be assumed that in these exercises with reduced tools there are some elements of the gaming situation. First, this is some conditionality of the situation in which the exercise occurs. Poek, sticking out in the meadow, not a real beast, and the goal in which the boy shoots is not a real bird. Secondly, performing an action with reduced tools, the child produces an action similar to the one that produces an adult, and, therefore, there is a reason to assume that it compares, and maybe identifies himself with an adult hunter, with his father or Elder brother. Thus, in these exercises, the elements of the game can be implicitly contained.
Requirements that society puts in front of the children regarding the mastering and consumption of necessary, such as the future hunter, cattle breeder, fisherman or agriculture, skills lead to a holistic system of exercises. It is on this basis that the soil is created for various kinds of competitions. There is no fundamental difference in the content of these competitions between adults and children. The identity of the actions of adults and children in games with competitions or sports moving games with the rules is indicated by a number of authors.

Interesting research on the origin of the game was held by N. Filitis. He believed that a rest the theory adopted by Guts-Mut-Som, Latsarus and Shacherler enjoyed very popularity. According to this theory, the games exist so that the child rested in the usual, joyful, lungs that do not require the high cost of strength, exercises that allow you to restore the forces of another order necessary to maintain life. The game is a holiday from serious work to restore forces. N. Filitis notes that Guts-Mouths made a mistake that is often done by adults when they judge the children's game: the psyche of an adult established body is transferred to the psyche of the developing child's body. If we are often observing that the adult plays after work, then, on the other hand, we are seeing healthy every day, who have just rested after a long child sleep, who play full of strength, without needing in any rest.
It is impossible to disagree with N. Filitis that such the theory of itself is in itself, but she does not explain to us games in all their volume. Again, we take a look at the games of children who can indulge without interruption to them until complete exhaustion. It seems that the child has no strength; He barely moves, but still strains the last effort to continue the game; He just robbed, was chained by the disease to bed, but as soon as he was able to move freely, immediately taken for the game. In these cases, it should be noted that the child exercises the first effort accumulated forces. You can agree with N. Filitis that this theory is not fully fully explained by the origin of the game.
According to the theory, developed by K. Gross, games serve as a means for exercising various physical and mental forces. If you watch the games of young animals and children's games, then this fact performs with full clarity: games everywhere serve as a means for the exercise and development of the organs of the movement, the senses are essential, - and at the same time for the development of attention, observation, frequent Thinking. Childhood lasts until we are quite ready in order to independently fight for existence, and if it is preparation, this development of all physical and mental forces is carried out with the help of games, the games belongs not only very important, but also the central The place ... Gross rightly characterizes his theory of the game as temperature.
It should also be considered reflections on the appearance of a mobile game P. F. Capteeva: first of all you need to remember that the game is very wide, the phenomenon; Not only children play, but also adults; Not only people play, but also animals. Young animals - puppies, kittens, cubs - just as passionately love the game, like our children: it gives them no less pleasure than children.
P. F. Kapmetev believes that all the activities of people follow from the sources of two births: natural and organic and socio-cultural. A person is a complex organism consisting of many organs with peculiar departures. Each body requires respective activities. The dissatisfaction of this requirement entails the disorder and destruction of the entire body. Natural people's activities are simple and are satisfied relatively easily, but socio-cultural needs are complex and are satisfied with difficulty. So, for example, an organic request for food and drink, and at the same time on the activity relatively small and leaves unspecified a lot of strength. However, socio-cultural needs in relation to the same subjects are very significant and demand from a man of exhausting labor, without leaving him neither time nor energy for pleasant activity.
Children live much more naturally organic needs than socio-cultural. To the last they are involved in education. Provided by itself, children willingly drop off the cultural shell and become closer to nature. The most satisfaction of organic needs and queries can be very easy in children, as they are usually provided with their parents with everything necessary. Before adulthood, children should be provided in all their needs, otherwise they cannot develop normally. As a result, children remain the mass of free forces and energy, which is not spent on labor to meet the needs. These forces and energy require exit, encourage activities, cause a variety of exercises. This child activity is the character of the game, i.e. directly pleasant activity.
Educational and artistic values \u200b\u200bof the mobile game have been preserved so far.
In the pedagogical history of Russia, rolling games attached great importance. They were considered as the basis of physical education. In the second half of the XIX century. The works of the prominent teachers of N.I.Pirogov, later E.N. Zavodovozova, PF Kaptereva, etc. They emphasize the primary importance of the mobile game as an activity that meets the age needs of the child.
The founder of the Russian system of physical education P.F.Lesgaf diverted the moving game big place. Determining the game as an exercise, with which the child is preparing for life, P.F.Lesgaf noted that the initiative is developing in gaming self-engines; Mathematical qualities Child.
P.F.Leshft pointed out a certain goal in the moving game. The form of the game should answer goals. Actions in the game must comply with the skills of the child to control themselves and cause a "towering sense of satisfaction." The movements used in the game are pre-assimilated by a child in systematic exercises.
P.F.Lesgaf recommended to gradually complicate the content and rules of the game. For this, new exercises, conditions, actions, i.e. Enter game options. The use of a variety of gaming options allows you to repeat the familiar child actions with more enhanced requirements, contributes to the preservation of his interest in the game.
The game is carried out by self. Distribution of roles and actions Lesgaf provides players. At the same time, he pays considerable attention to the observance of the rules of the game. They are a law to which the players obey consciously and willingly.
P.F.Lesgaf considered mobile games as a means of versatile education of the child's personality, his development of honesty, truthfulness, excerpts, composure, partnership. He recommended to take advantage of the games to teach the child to own himself, "to restrain his divergent feelings and teach this way to subordinate its actions to consciousness."
According to P.F.Lesgafta, the systematic holding of moving games is developing the ability to manage his movements, disciplines its body. Thanks to the game, the child learns to act deftly, it is advisable, quickly; Perform rules to appreciate the partnership.
The ideas of PF Spleft successfully implemented its followers and students (V.V. Hornin, E.A. Arkin).
Vladimir Goriorevsky considered a moving game as a means of forming a personal glorust. He attached great importance to the recreation of positive emotions that the child is experiencing in the game. Joy, the fun, he considered a mandatory condition for gaming activities, without them the game loses its meaning. Positive emotions Healing the child's body. : Serious requirements V.V. Horninersky presented the educational value of the plot of the game, the methodology for its holding. He demanded from the educator of emotionality, aesthetics of movements, an individual approach to the child, accurate compliance with the rules of the game. Vladimir Goriorevsky is important giving up the education of expressiveness and grace of the child's movements in the game. He considered it appropriate to the introduction of competition elements available to children. At the same time, excitement exciteed, excitement, the illness of children to each other. In the presence of the necessary guidance on the part of the teacher, the competition, according to V.V. Gorinevsky, can be used in order to educate positive moral qualities in order to awaken their interest in the game and emotional mood.
E. A. Arkin considered a mobile game an indispensable means of developing a child, the main lever pre-school education. He saw the advantages of the game in its emotional saturation, attractiveness, mobilizing the child's strength, delivering to him joy and satisfaction.
The game promotes the work of large muscular groups; A variety of movements in it prevents fatigue; It develops a personal initiative, psychophysical qualities; courage, resourcefulness, discipline; Training analyzers.
A significant role in the effectiveness of the game E. A. Arkin took the teacher, his art is interested in a child, to properly explain the game, distribute roles, summarize; If necessary, the teacher can successfully connect to the game.
So, based on the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, dedicated game, You can do the following conclusions:

  1. The sources of the mobile game are modeling inaccessible to the child's activities.
  2. The games were created to prepare the younger generation to life, to work.
  3. Games arose in order to verify readiness for life (initiation rite).
  4. Games were created to develop and improve the main types of movement.

Leading Russian teachers and psychologists have contributed to the creation of the game theory of the game. Questions of the theory and methods of the game were developed by D. B. Elkonin, A. A. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhet, N.N.Poddyakov, etc.
In the development of the content, organization and methods of mobile games, the work of AI I. Bykova, M.M. Kontoro-HIV, L.I.Mikhailova, T.I. Zokina, E.Atimoneva, L.V.Atamonova and Dr.
Studies conducted by L.M. Korovina established the efficiency of using a mobile game for a child of five years, methods of competition and creative tasks. About the feasibility of learning children of senior to school age The main movements at the stage of their improvement are studied by the research M.V.Potekhin. Efficiency of formation of orientation in space in older children in rolling games; learning in the game safe movement through the streets; Creativity, expressiveness and beauty of movements found their expression in the pedagogical experience of E.Ya.Sthephenna. On the formation of self-organization in preschoolers in the mobile game and the feasibility of the development of the main movements in rolling games in children younger age Report N.V. Polytavtsev and E.A.Timofeyev. The mobile game is devoted to the articles, books reflecting modern approaches to it (E. A. Sagaidachnaya, T. S. Yakovlev, M. A. Runov, etc.).

Natalia Colmachenko
A set of mobile games for the development of agility in children of average preschool age


movable games

for defense Development

w. middle Preschool Children

Explanatory note

Improving the system of learning and education in conditions preschool institutionstimulated by the social order of society constantly complicates the requirements for physical education and development of children. In particular, among the tasks of physical education is the urgent task is defense Development.

The relevance of this movable complex Games is that it contains two main component: Motor activity and gaming interaction that are an integral part of the modern system preschool education . The value attitude towards health through motor activity is a set of views and ways of individual behavior, characterized by a responsible and close attitude towards their health, conscious of the need for its conservation and a reference to the strengthening of the body and the improvement of their own physical skills and skills.

Purpose movable complex games is to create conditions for defense Development in Preschool Children.

Tasks complex:

1) development of adkness in preschool children;

2) development motor activity, interest in joint execution of game exercises;

3) to educate children independence, joyful emotional attitude in the process of performing game exercises.

Complex Includes 10 diverse content movable games. Each game is directed to defense Development In the process of motor activity.

Complex compiled taking into account pedagogical principles:

Unity of goals, content and methods;

Transition from simple to more complex;

Accounting age and individual features children.

For efficient development of agility in preschool children by means of moving Games are used by a verbal method, which is addressed to the consciousness of each child, it contributes to meaningfulness, the meaningability of its activities. The verbal method includes such techniques from the tutor as an explanation, explanation, instructions, poetic word, conversation, comments.

A visual method allows the educator to show children specific movements. The method of practical activity is used when learning movements and execution movable games by children.

Selection of games depends on age characteristics of middle preschool children. Movable Games can be aimed at strengthening muscle tone, respiratory muscles, on muscle development back, abdominal muscles, coordination of movements.

Forms of activity: Individual and group.

Estimated results: development of agility in children of middle preschool age in the process of enriching experience when performing movable games.

A complex of rolling games for the development of agility in children of mid preschool age

№ 1 Movable game"Where is hidden"

purpose: Development of auditory attention, dexterity.

Used material: What object.

Stroke Game: Children become a face to the tutor. Children offer to turn away and close their eyes. The tutor hides any object, the players are looking for a subject, and the educator sends words "Heat, cold".

№ 2 Movable game« "Bouncer"

purpose: Develop dexterity, endurance.

Used material: Ball

Stroke Game: Children become a circle, inside the circle - a few more players. Those who stand in a circle throw the ball to each other, but at the same time try to hurt the ball those who are inside. The one who taped - "Embroidered" - coming out of the game.

№ 3 Movable game"Old Napti"

purpose: Develop dexterity.

Used materials: Balls.

Stroke Game: On one side of the site, they make a line - this is a city where all the players are located. Space outside the city is a playing field. Children get up to the draw and ride the balls towards the field. Whose ball went down on, to led. The balls remain on the playing field, only the drift takes one ball. He is waiting for the balls playing, and everyone who goes the line of the city, tries to walked to the ball. When driving miss, he catch up with the ball, and playing trying to take their balls and escape behind the line. If the players did not stand, they once again spend the balls, and in this case remains the same. If someone was settled, then the outstanding becomes leading.

№4 Movable game"From the bump on the hammer"

purpose: develop dexterity, fix the skills of jumping in length.

Used material: 4 bodies (any object that resembles a bodie or depicted on earth)

Stroke Game: All participants of the game are divided into two teams. Each team gets 2 "Kookes". Task for players in front of you swamp, it must be passed. But the swamp just you will not pass, you can drown. You have magic bumps for which you will be driven to the shore. Put one bump, get up on it, near put the second bump, jump over on it, then select the first, shift it forward, jump over to it, etc. Before turning and in the same order, return to the start of the start of the front Kookes to the next player. The team wins the first distance.

№ 5 Movable game« "School of the ball"

purpose: defense Development, Eyemer.

Used material: Balls

Game traffic:

Throw the ball up and catch it with one hand (right, left).

Hit the ball about the floor and catch one hand (right, left).

Throw the ball up clap in your hands to catch two hands (without pressing the ball).

Hit the ball about the wall and catch one hand (right, left).

Hit the ball about the wall so that he bounces at an angle towards the partner who should catch the ball.

Hit the ball about the wall because of the head (right, left) Catch the ball.

№ 6 Movable game"Musketeers on ice"

purpose: defense Development.

Games: Musketeers on ice

In hockey, the game begins with throwing the washer. Both teams seek the first to master it. In the game "Musketeers" "hockey players" form pairs, put two plastic hoops on the ice or draw two circles with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.7 m, in the center of which are put on the washer. Then, at the signal, players, crossed sticks, try to knock the puck from the rival circle. The knocked washer is one point. Play up to five points. If both opponents raise four points, he wins the one who will ring two points.

№ 7 Movable game"Slopanka"

purpose: Develop the dexterity and speed of the reaction.

Stroke Game: Children stand in a circle face to the center at a distance of each other. Choose a leading, consider to 5 : Fifth - driven. He goes to the center of the circle, calls named one of the players and throws the ball about the Earth so that he bounces off in the right direction: The one whose name called the leading, catches the ball and knocks him off (splits the palm, standing in one place. The number of balls of the ball by agreement, but not more than 5; so that the children did not have to stand waiting for a long time. After the balls, the player gives him a watering. The game continues until someone drops the ball. The one who dropped the ball gets into place of a leading. You can play 2-3 goals, then you choose 2-3 leading

№ 8 Movable game"Penguins"

purpose: Develop dexterity and endurance.

Materials: 2 goals of any size, chips or checkboxes to designate place of rotation.

Ho games: Children are divided into 2 teams, are built into the column one by one.

Before each team at a distance from the start line, there are balls, after 7-8 m there are chips or flags to designate the place of rotation.

At the signal, team players on one clamp the ball between the legs and start moving to the chip or flag, they bypass and return to the start of the start the ball to the next player. The team wins, which will be the first to pass the distance.

№ 9 Movable game« "Find the ball"

purpose: Develop observation in children, dexterity.

Material: Ball

Stroke Game: All players become in a circle close, face to the center. One player becomes the center, it says. Playing hold hands behind her back. One give the ball. Children begin to transfer the ball to each other behind their backs. Drinking tries to guess who has a ball. He can ask each of the players to show his hands, saying "hands". Playing stretches both hands forward, palms to the top. He who had a ball or who dropped him, becomes in the middle, and leading to his place. The ball is transmitted in any direction. The ball is only transferred to the neighbor. It is impossible to transfer the ball to a neighbor after the requirement to show hands.

№ 10 Movable game"Game in colors"

Stroke Game: Everyone becomes a circle, inside - presenter. Someone from the circle asks: "Which color?", and leading loud shouting: "Blue!". Everyone is running to touch any object of blue, and touching, staying near him. Who is the last - leaves or he becomes the lead.

1.Toretical questions: Definition, specificity, classification of moving games of preschoolers. The influence of moving games on physical, mental, moral, labor education, aesthetic development of preschoolers. The development of the theory of moving games. Movable game variability. Methods of conducting, the role of the teacher in the manual of the game.

2.Practical task: suggest the options for the mobile game "Fullies".

3. Home concepts: Movable game, variability, methods for moving games.

4. Home Researchers: P.F.LESGAFT, E.N.V. Bodyavozov, A.I. Bykova, E.A.Timofeyev, M.A. Rodunova, E.Ya.Stepanenkova.

Theoretical questions.

Definition, specificity, classification of moving games of preschoolers.

A moving game is a conscious, active child activity characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to the required rules for all. By definition of P.F.Lesgafta, a mobile game is an exercise by which the child is preparing for life.

The specifics of the rolling game consists in the instantaneous response of the child to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" and etc.

Moving games are classified by different parameters:

By age,

According to the degree of physical activity (games with low mobility - Nr "Bubble", games of medium mobility -n-r "Gusi-Swans", games of great mobility - for example, "catches"),

On motor content (game with running, jumping, climbing, etc.),

By difficulty (elementary: plot, unustool, gaming tasks, fun and attractions, relay; sports: games for simplified rules or elements of hockey games, football, volleyball, basketball, towns, badminton, table tennis).

Moving games are widely used in the first and second half of the day: during the morning reception, in the morning gymnastics, physical education, as physical attacks, are a mandatory component of day and evening walks. The variety of rolling games is a prerequisite for the content of physical education and entertainment.

The influence of moving games on physical, mental, moral, labor education, aesthetic development of preschoolers.

Moving games are an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world, valuable moral and volitional qualities, thinking, dexterity. When holding moving games are available unlimited opportunities Integrated use of various methods aimed at forming the identity of the child. In the process of the game, not only exercise in the existing skills, consolidation of them, improvement, but also the formation of new personal qualities. The harmonious development of the child is possible with a holistic, comprehensive, balanced realization of its potential opportunities.

Moving games - means physical Education.

In the game, the child exercises in a variety of movements: running, jumping, throwing and fishing, climbing, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn provides a beneficial effect on mental activities. The wellness effect of moving games is enhanced when they are in the fresh air. Games are an indispensable means of forming speed, strength, endurance, coordination of movements.

Great role moving games in mental Raising a child: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master the spatial terminology, to know the world. In the process of the game, the memory is activated, thinking is developing, imagination. Moving games are often accompanied by songs, verses, counters. Such games replenish the vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Great importance have mobile games for moral Education. Children learn to act in the team, obey the general requirements. The fulfillment of the rules forms the will in preschoolers, develops composure, excerpt, the ability to control their actions, behavior. As a result, honesty, justice, discipline is formed. Moving games teach sincerity, partnership, friendship, empathy, mutual assistance.

Moving games are preparing preschoolers to labor: Children make gaming attributes, have and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

In rolling games is improving aesthetic perception of the world. Children will know the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop fantasy, imagination. Children seize poetic speech.

The development of the theory of moving games. The origins of moving games are rooted in deep antiquity. The game was a person satellite from time immemorial. In it, cultures of different nations demonstrate similarities and a huge variety. E.A. Pokrovsky argued that games at all times and all nations were certainly. In the early historical periods of life of society, children lived with adults a common life, so there was a need to create reduced labor tools (for hunting, fishing, birds). A holistic game exercise system appears. There are studies on the issue of the origin of the game, which says that the game is a holiday from serious work, the game serve as a means of exercising various physical and mental forces. According to P.F. Kaptereva, the strength and energy of children require the release, encourages activities, causes a variety of exercises. This activity is the character of the game.

In the pedagogical history of Russia, rolling games attached great importance. They were considered as the basis of physical education. In the second half of the X1x century, the works of N.I.Pirogov, E.N. Zavodovozova, the classics of preschool pedagogy about the primary meaning of the game as an activity corresponding to the age needs of the child appear. The founder of the Russian system of physical education P.F.Lesgaf considered mobile games as a means of versatile child education. The ideas of P.F.Lesgafta successfully implemented its followers and students.

In the creation of the game theory, a significant contribution to DB Elkonin, L.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov, etc. In the development of the organization and methods of mobile games, the work of A.I. Babyova, MM Kontorovich, was played T.I. Sokina, E.Ya.Stuganova, M.A. Rodunova, etc.

Movable game variability.

Considerable attention to the teacher should pay for moving games that make it possible not only to increase interest in the game, but also complicate mental and physical tasks, improve the movement, increase the psychophysical qualities of the child.

Initially, the teacher's teacher's options come up with or picks up moving games from collections. He takes into account the gradual complication of the rules, increases the requirement for their implementation. It can change the location of the children, choose several leading, supplement the course of the game with a new movement, etc.

Gradually, children are connected to the preparation of options, which contributes to the development of creativity.

Methodology for moving games; The role of the teacher in the manual of the game.

Game activity It occurs already in pre-school age. In the kids games you can see signs of imitation of adults. IN junior groups most commonly used scene games And the simplest laundry games like "Fathers". Kids attracts in the game mainly the process of action: they are interested to run, throw, etc. It is important to teach a child to act exactly by the signal, obey simple rules. The success of the game in junior groups depends on the educator. He must interest children, give them samples of movements. For kids, games with text ("Hare", "Bubble", "Cap", etc.) are recommended.

TO medium group Children accumulates motor experience, movement becomes more coordinated. The teacher complicates the conditions of the game, distributes roles among children. Fascination with children's play gives you the opportunity to solve educational tasks in the complex.

In the rolling games of senior preschoolers, tasks for an instantaneous reaction, intelligence, exposure are solved. Widely used games with elements of competition.

In the preparatory for school, the majority of children are well dominated by the main movements. The educator draws attention to the quality of movements, the adoption by children of independent decisions, creative self-expression.

The conditions of each group are influenced by the selection, planning and methodology for moving games. For better understanding game plot Pedagogue conducts pre-work (Organizes observations, reads artwork, prepares attributes, picks up counting, thinks over the game options).

It is important to organize the game correctly: to acquaint children with the plot and rules, distribute the roles, carry out the leadership of the game, sum up. The playing game, the teacher brings up the morality of the child; It forms his proper self-esteem, teaches to overcome difficulties.

Thus, a well-thought-out methodology for moving games contributes to the disclosure of the individual abilities of the child, helps to raise it with a healthy, active, cheerful, independent, creative person.

Practical task. Suggest the options for the mobile game "Fathers":

"Fathers with ribbons."

Enter the second leading game.

"Fathers in houses"

Reduce the area for running.

Increase the area for running.

One "Catching" smokes, the second - splits, etc.

The level of development of basic motor qualities - dexterity, speed, endurance allows the child to successfully master the engine skills (running, jumping, throwing) and sports exercises (walking on skis, cycling, swimming, etc.). Muscular power also includes muscular power, i.e., the ability to manifest muscle efforts, on which the correct motion is depends. Without a fairly developed strength, it is impossible to run quickly or for a long time, swim, go skiing, high jump, fade away. A strong strong child easily masters new movements, he is confident in herself, it is able to endure difficulties and even loves exercises with a larger load.

Force - This is a person's ability to overcome external resistance or resist him due to muscle efforts (stresses).

The quality of the force is expressed in a totality of power abilities.

Power abilities - This is a complex of various manifestations of a person in a certain motor activity, which is based on the concept of "power".

Power abilities are not manifested by themselves, but through any motor activity. Moreover, the effect on the manifestation of power abilities has different factors, the contribution of which in each particular case varies depending on the specific motor actions and the conditions for their implementation, the type of power abilities, age, genital and individual characteristics of the person.

There are actually powerful abilities and their connection with other physical abilities (speed-power, power agility, power stamina)

Actually power abilities Manifests: with muscle stresses of isometric (static) type (without changing the length of the muscle). Education of actually powerful abilities can be directed to the development of maximum strength.

Speed-force abilities Characterized by unsaturated muscle stresses manifested with the necessary, often maximum power in exercises performed with considerable speed, but not achieving, as a rule, the limit value. They are manifested in motor actions, in which, along with a significant power of the muscles, the speed of movements is required (for example, repulsion in long-term jumps and height)

Speed-powerful abilities include:

1) rapid power

2) blasting power.

Fast force is characterized by unsaturated muscle tension, manifested in exercises, which are performed with a significant velocity that does not reach the limit value. The explosive force reflects the ability of a person in the course of performing a motor action to achieve maximum power indicators in perhaps a short time (for example, with a low start in short distances, in athletics jumps and thumbnails, etc.).

Specific types of force abilities include forceful endurance and power dexterity.

Power endurance - This is the ability to resist the fatomation caused by the relatively long muscular stresses of considerable magnitude.

Force dexterity It is manifested where there is a shift nature of the mode of operation of muscles, changing and unforeseen situations of activity (rugby, struggle, hockey with the ball, etc.).

The highest increase in powerfulness indicators from 4 to 5 years. At the age of 5 to 6 years, some slowdowns of power indicators were discovered. It is necessary to take into account this when organizing focused work on the development of preschoolers' power abilities.

Exercises for the development of power abilities are divided into 2 groups: with resistance, which causes the weight of the subjects of the objects, and the execution of which makes the weight of their own body (jumping, climbing, squats). The number of repetitions is of great importance: small does not contribute to the development of force, and excessively large can lead to fatigue.

It is also necessary to take into account the pace of exercise: what it is higher, the less time must be performed. In the power exercises, preference should be given to horizontal and inclined positions of the body. They unload the cardiovascular system and spine, reduce the blood pressure at the time of the exercise. Muscular voltage exercises are advisable to alternate with relaxation exercises.

In kindergarten, you should use a variety of exercises for the development of the power of all muscle groups, paying preferential attention to the muscles of extensors.

Considering the anatomos - the physiological features of preschoolers, should not strive for maximum results And exceed the standards for jumping in length, height, as it can adversely affect the development of the bone system, as well as internal organs. Exercises that cause breathing delay and a large voltage of the body are not recommended.

The intensity of the exercises performed, the mass of objects (slices with sand, etc.), the dosage of physical exertion should be increased gradually.

Moving games are different and serve different purposes: for the development of physical qualities, to remove fatigue, to form the functions of the body. For the development of power abilities, you can recommend the following moving games. These games can be carried out in the form of exercises on resistance to the external forces and exercises for volitional tensions of muscles. You can use games in pairs and group, where team players are distributed according to the strength and growth of partners.

Outdoor games

  1. Hold off the parquer from the place the push of the palms.
  2. Reduce the opponent through the line movement back.
  3. Talking the opponent for the same hands.
  4. Select a stick or any other object at the opponent, turning it into one or the other side.
  5. Korevun and the zeal. Playing become in the back of the back to each other and clasp over the belt standing. The first in the chain is depicting summary, other - chickens. One of the players - kite. He tries to grab a chicken standing in the latter in the chain, the zoom is preventing this in every way, blocks kORSHUUS The path is divorced. All players help the zeal, moving around the site so that the end of the chain was as far as possible from korshun.
  6. Fishing rod . Children stand in a circle. Educator - in the center of the circle. He holds a cord in his hands, at the end of which the bag with sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with a bag in a circle over the earth itself, and the children bounce up, trying to make the bag not to hide their feet. (To pre-explain to children that, bouncing, you need to strongly push off and pull the legs.)
  7. Bears and bees. Players are divided into two groups: a third of them are bears, the rest are bees. On the gymnastic wall of the hive. On the one hand, the place of the burgoot is delineated, with the other place of the meadow. Bees are placed on the gymnastic wall. At the signal of the leading bee, they go down, fly to the meadow behind honey and buzz. Bears come close to empty - hive and tall honey. At the signal "Bears!" All bees fly in the hive, and the bears get out and run away in Berloga. I did not have time to run away in the bench of bee stuffed (tonging with your hand). The bees are then returned to the hive and the game is resumed. The stolen bear does not go beyond honey, but remains in Berorga. Rules of the game. Bees do not catch bears, and touch their hand. Each new action begins on the signal. To jump off the gymnastic staircase can not be sick.

8. Flight of birds. Children (birds) are assembled on one side of the hall, opposite the gymnastic wall or benches. According to the signal "Flying", birds are flying around throughout the hall, massive wings (arms to the sides) and waving them. At the "Storm" signal, birds fly to the trees (children climb on the wall or a gymnastic bench). When the teacher says: "The storm has passed," the birds quietly fall from the trees, continue to fly. The game repeat is 3-4 times.

9. Catching monkeys . Children depicting monkeys are placed on one side of the site at the gymnastic wall. Two-three catches are on the pro-side side. Cathes agree among themselves, what movements they will do, go to the middle of the site and perform them. Monkeys climb on the wall and from there are watching the movements of the catches. After performing movements, the catchers go, and the monkeys get out of the trees (walls), approach to the place where the cathers were, and they are reassured their movements. According to the sign of the teacher "Catchers!" Monkeys run to trees and climb on them. Cathes catch those monkeys who did not have time to get on the tree, and they lead them to themselves. After 2-3 repetitions, the number of caught monkeys counts, other catches are prescribed. The game is repeated.

10. Race balls in a circle . Playing in a circle clock or counterclockwise transmit printed balls, while one ball caught up with another, the balls change the direction from the signal.


  1. Treating rope . The site is drawn. Playing are divided into two teams and get up on both sides of the line, holding a rope in their hands. According to the signal of a leading "times, two, three - start!" Each team tries to drag the opponent to his side. Whose team will be able to do it, that is considered the winner. Rules of the game. You can start pulling the rope only by signal. The team who overshadowed the line is considered defeated.
  2. Holding a volana on the racket. Participants of the two teams are built into the columns, one by one. Each team chooses a racket and a waist. A player standing in front of everyone must take a racket, put a waist on her and run to the check box, and back. Then the player transmits a waist racket with the next participant. If the waist falls to the floor during running or when transmitted, the player must stop and put a waist on the racket, only after that continue his way. The team wins, whose participants were the first to complete the relay.
  3. Running with a stuffed ball. Playing are divided into two or three teams and become in the columns one by one. In front of standing players in the hands of stuffed balls. According to the head of the head, the participants start running with the ball in their hands before checkbox and back. Then the ball transmits the next participant. The team wins, whose participants were the first to complete the relay.
  4. Running penguins. Teams are built into the columns before the starting line. Igro-ki standing first, clamp between the legs (above the knees) will be a patient or a stingy ball. In this position, they must reach the check box worth 10-12 from them and returning the ball with his hands to the second number of their team. If the ball fell to the ground, you need to press his legs again and continue to harvest the game. Through the jog get up to the end of the column. Wins a team who managed faster and without errors to finish the relay.
  5. Jump on one leg. Players are divided into two teams become on one side of the site. At the signal, participants start jumping on one leg before the check box. Near the flag change my leg, if the flag was jumped on the right foot, then from the checkbox to your team on the left. By passing the baton, the participant rises to the end of the column. Wins a team who managed faster and without errors to finish the relay.
  6. Riders . Commands are built into the columns before the starting line. Each team has a hip-hop ball (a big ball with two handles. At the signal, the first participants are sitting on the ball on top and perform jumps on it before the check box and back. The team wins the team whose participants completed the battles.
  7. Jumping from hoop in hoop. On the floor are located 4-5 wrap. Playing teams are becoming on one side of the site. At the signal, the first players begin to jump out of the hoop into the hoop. Jumping are performed by two legs at the same time hands on the belt. Jumping performed before the checkbox and back. Wins a team who managed faster and without errors to finish the relay.
  8. The most famous . About the flag sets a basket or hoop. At a distance of 2-3 meters from the hoop, the basket is put with bags (bags in a basket in the number of participants). Each member of the team gets the right to one throw a bag, he must try to get into the basket. After the throw, the participant returns to the team. The team is defeated, which has more accurate hits.
  9. Run Puchkov . Teams are built into the columns before the starting line. Participants take a position on all fours stomach up, legs forward and move in this position before the check box and back. Wins a team who managed faster and without errors to finish the relay.

10. Firemen on the exercise Children are built in three or four columns face to the gymnastic wall are firefighters. The first in the columns stand in front of the feature (source line) at a distance of 4-5 m from the gymnastic wall. On each span of the gymnastic wall at the same altitude (on the rail), the bells are hanging. According to the tutor's signal, children standing in the columns are first running to a gim-a-ficker wall, climb on it, call to the bell, go down, then return to their column and get into its end; The tutor notes the one who fulfilled the task faster. Then the signal is again given and the next group of children is being running, etc. At the end of the game, the teacher notes that column, the children of which faster cope with the task, that is, deftly climbed and called the bell. When climbing on the gymnastic wall, attention is ignored to ensure that children do not miss the rivers and did not jump, but they went with the last rail of the gymnastic wall. When holding this game, the educator carries out the hover of children. Option: You can put the inclined staircase to the gymnastic staircase.

11. Who will quit further. Players are divided into two teams become on one side of the site. In front of standing players in the hands of stuffed balls. According to the tutor signal, children standing in the columns are the first to throw the ball with two hands from behind the head and get up of the column. The manager notes the one who threw the farther .. then the signal is again given and throws the next pair, etc. The player who threw the ones is given. The team wins the team that will earn more points.

12. Transfer the ball in the column. Playing are divided into two, three or four teams and become in the columns one by one. You stand in front of the stuffing ball. On the leader's signal begins the transfer of balls back. When the ball comes to standing behind, he runs with the ball in the head of the column (everyone takes a step back), it becomes the first and starts the transfer of the ball back, etc. The game continues until each of the team players does not first. It is necessary to follow there that the ball is passed with straight hands with a tilt back, and the distance in the columns would be at least a step. The ball can be transmitted from above, with a side, from the bottom between the legs.

13. Racing on sledding (outdoor). Playing are divided into two or three teams and become in the columns one by one. Each Sledge team has. One participant sits in Sanki, the other is taken for the rope. According to the head of the head, the participant who holds the rope pulls behind it and brings his comrade to the check box and back. Then this task is performed by the next pair, etc. It wins the team, whose participants are the first to complete the relay.

Movable games pre-property are focused on activating motor activity. They can be used on the morning gymnastics, physical education, for a walk, during leisure and holidays. Picking up the game, it is necessary to take into account the Indi-Vidal features of the guys, their age, degree of motor activity, the level of motor skills, place of the game .


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