Total Influence is a military tactical turn-based RPG. Play Total Influence in three modes

The game



Year of issue


Total Influence




Free of charge

Today we have prepared a review of the game Total Influence. This online game belongs to the free client MMORPG projects.

After registering in the game, you will have to create a hero, you can only choose a man or a woman. Next, we give our character a name and forward into the world of adventure. After a short tutorial, you will be taken to the first beginner town. Here you can visit the following places: arena, bank, recruitment market, clan, services and alliance.

In the arena, you can carry out battles with other players. There are 3 types of battles in total: wall to wall, survival and team battles.

In each battle, you will fight with other gamers. The battles take place in turn-based mode. That is, the players take turns. The more action points your hero has, the more actions he can perform in battle per turn. There are different chests with equipment on the battlefield and any player will have a chance to find excellent weapons, but keep in mind the weapons and all items found on the battlefield disappear after the battle is over.

Each character has MMORPG the game Total Influence there is an inventory in which you can store ammunition, additional weapons, grenades and other necessary equipment. From equipment, you can equip your character with a weapon in one and in the second hand, put on armor, which consists of 3 parts: a headdress, armor on the body and armor of the legs.

In this game, characters can pump levels, skills and abilities. Skills come in several flavors: light weapons, heavy weapons, melee, throwing, automatic, and ranged weapons. Also, each hero has abilities that will have to be taught for credits.

V free game Total Influence there are 2 types of currency - gold and loans. You can get credits in the game as a reward for battles and mission completion, gold is a currency that can be bought only for real money and is 1 gold - 1 ruble.

In addition, each hero can lead several fighters. You can buy such fighters on the hiring market.

Those who do not like to play alone will be pleased to know that there are clans and alliances in the game. In these groups, players unite to achieve common goals, and it's much more fun to play in clans.

This section contains various useful information on the game and not only.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Total Influence's gameplay and gameplay.

General issues

Q: How do I start playing Total Influence?
A: First you need download client from home page, install. We launch, the update is downloaded (if necessary). The game appears. We go to "Online", register an account. (The length of the nickname and password must be at least 4 characters, and in Latin).

Q: What are the system requirements for the game?
О: С system requirements can be found at website .

Q: What IP addresses and what ports does the game use?
A: IP: port - server list - Arizona - Nevada

Q: How do I make screenshots in the game?
О: Press the button Print Screen (PrtSrc) or Alt + Print Screen (PrtSrc) to keep the active window. Opening the standard editor Paint and press Ctrl + V... We save in the format jpg.

Q: Are there viruses, Trojans, keyloggers in the game? ..
A: This is a false alarm. There are no viruses in the game.

Q: I got banned. Where to contact?
A: To the forum section Bans and Complaints your server, after reading Complaints Rules .

Q: Can I change the email address that I used to register an account?
A: No, you can't.

Q: When will the update be?
A: All upcoming updates with all the details are announced by the Administration in its blog .

Q: Why do I need a console?
A: Through the console, you can change the settings of your game, such as the game language, sound, and others.

Q: What are there console commands?
O: / pm<ник> <сообщение> - sends a private message to the player.
/ decreaseability<имя_мерка> <умение> - lowers the selected skill by 5 units.
/ clandelay- shows the time before joining the clan.
/ clanrename<новое имя клана> - clan name change.

Q: When will there be discounts on perks?
A: Discounts are never announced in advance. It's always a surprise, otherwise there is no point in them.

Q: How do I change my password?
A: You can change your password.

Q: How much traffic does the game spend?
A: Approximate figures:
Locations, market - 1-1.5 mb / hour.
Battles - 1.5-4 mb / hour.
Assaults - 5-20 mb / hour.
P.S. It is also worth considering the playing time, as this affects the online players, and the more players there are, the more traffic the client loads - clan signs, merchant shops, etc.

Questions about the game

Q: What does it mean when the skill does not swing?
A: This means that you are affected by the "anti-cheat system", because the skill is over-pumped. You can read more about this.

Q: How do I know if I have been affected by the "anti-cheat system"?
A: Find in statistics own name. (In order for your name to be on the list, you need to be online in the game). If on the page of your character, in the statistics, the numbers are red, it means that you have come under the action of the "anti-cheat system". You can read it.

Q: I was affected by the "anti-cheat system". What to do?
A: There are two options:
- Wait for the level to rise, at the next level pumping may be possible again.
- Reduce some skills you don't need so that their sum is not so large (which causes skills freeze)

Q: How do I change my password?
A: You can change your password.

Q: How do I create a clan badge?
О: Create an image of 16x16 pixels, 24-bit * .bmp format, no more than 824 bytes in size. Then write the full path to the file and its name in the sign setting line.

Q: Why is the clan's influence decreasing?
A: You can read about it.

Q: How can I change the name of the main character?
A: Changes in the character's profile. Cost: 30 gold. The name must be 3-16 characters long, must not start with a number and contain special characters.

Q: Is there a difference between the three types of dogs? Or just looks?
A: There is no difference between them - just varieties of breeds.

Q: What is the 10% base tax?
A: The tax is imposed by the owner of the city base. For all transactions in this city there will be a 10% markup to the cost. All goods in a regular store will be 10% more expensive.

Q: The accuracy of the USP pistol is 85%, will there be 100% accuracy if I take 3 levels of the "master of pistols" perk (+15 to accuracy)?
A: No, the maximum accuracy of weapons in the game is 95%.

Q: What is the maximum + in the game?
A: +25. There are also weapons +26 and +27, tk. On May 30, for one day, the ability to sharpen weapons (weapons only) up to +27 was turned on.

Q: How to get to +25?
A: The same as on +5, +9, etc. ...
Read about ups. Enter the game, buy everything you need. Next, double-click to activate Ap and click on the thing that we want to improve.
Apa's secrets do not exist.

Q: Will you earn extra Action Points and / or Vision when you level up?
Oh no.

Q: Why are achievements not being fulfilled?
A: Achievements are sometimes not counted, because it is worth protecting from fights, that is, the battle proceeded too quickly.

Q: Where can I buy weapons?
A: Weapons are purchased directly in the game. For this there is:
- Shop -> Premium.
- Shop -> Weapons.
- Shop -> SC Products.
- Market.

Q: What is CE (indestructible) weapon?
A: It's fantastic. There is no such thing in the game.

Q: What is Up?
A: You can read about what an Upgrade Kit is.

Q: Who is a miner and where can I get him?
A: You can read about the miners.

Q: Why can't I put on an assault rifle, a rifle, saved a miner? ..
A: Miners have their own weapons and armor, see above.

Q: The weapon (armor) disappeared after the battle. Why?
A: Most likely, the strength has run out. It is also possible that you posted it in battle.

Q: When entering the battle request, does the distribution of sides depend on something?
A: In SNS and KB, the 1st and 2nd sides go alternately until filling. Then the creator of the battle can re-sort everyone as he wants.

Q: Why was the game banned in 2 or more windows?
A: In order to combat multiculturalism. So far, nothing will change.

Q: How can I play / trade now?
A: In one window - either bargaining or a game.

Q: How can I downgrade skills I don't need?
A: You can read in detail.

here .

Q: How to participate in assaults on bases?
A: You can read about the assaults.

Q: How do I trade in the game?
A: You can trade on the market. You can read in detail.

Q: Can I change the name of the clan?
A: Yes, you can. To do this, you need to be the owner of the clan and have 200 gold on your account. Command to change / clanrename<новое имя клана>

Q: How to write to team and general chats?
A: Regular chat at the touch of a button Enter... Team chat by pressing keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter or Shift + Enter.

Q: What does a skillful person affect (or why download it)?
A: Damage: from 85% of the nominal value with 35 skill to 222.5% with 200 skill. 12% skill adds 10% damage.

Q: How to download a skill?
A: You need to shoot from a weapon of the appropriate class (light / heavy / auto / range / throwing / melee).

Q: Does the skillful person affect the accuracy (accuracy)?
Oh no.

Q: Do slips rock the skill?
О: Yes (misses pump skill less hits).

Q: Do crits pump the skill more?
Oh no.

Q: Does skill level depend on the AP per shot of the barrel used?
Oh yeah.

Q: Does skill gain persist when dying in battle, fleeing from battle?
Oh yeah.

Q: Does a skillful person's growth depend on the number of cartridges hit (or, more simply, damage)?
Oh no.

Q: Does skill gain depend on the enemy's armor?
A: Yes (at least, because the more armor, the more shots are needed to kill him).

Q: Does skill gain depend on the difference in levels and / or the skill of the opponent?
Oh no.

Q: If I play 2-3 mercenaries, then the skill goes to all or one, to the one who shot?
A: To the one who shot.

Q: Does skill growth depend on the distance to the target?
Oh no.

Q: Is the skill awarded after the battle (if you stay and do not "complete" the battle)?
Oh no.

Q: The battle has already ended, but there is no skill gain! Why?
A: Sometimes you need to update your fighters (ie, take them out of the "Ready for battle" mode), or you have already reached the skill ceiling for the current level.

Q: Does a skillful person swing grenade throws and / or machine gun shots across the area without damaging anyone?
A: Yes, but only during the fight.

Q: When does the skill actually grow (immediately after the shot)?
A: Skill is awarded after the battle (sometimes up to a couple of minutes of waiting).


Q: What if the gold does not come in the game?
A: Funds can be transferred within 24 hours. If this does not happen, ask for help. here .

Q: My game is blinking on Windows 7, what should I do?
A: You need to establish compatibility with Windows XP (right-click on the game shortcut -> compatibility).

Q: I can not enter the game, hangs on "Connection ...". What to do?
A: Perhaps Antivirus or Firewall is blocking the game.

Q: After starting the game on Windows 7, the error “totinf_mini.exe does not work” pops up. What to do?
A: 1. Log in with account An administrator or a member of the Administrators group.
2. Click Start -> Control Panel -> System.
3. In the System Properties window that opens, open the Additional tab -> Performance -> Settings ...
4. In the Performance Options window that opens, click the Data Execution Prevention tab.
5. On the Data Execution Prevention tab of the Performance Options dialog box, select the radio button next to Enable DEP for all programs and services except those selected below.
6. Check the box next to the name of the program for which you want to disable DEP -> OK.
7. In the “Open” window find the executable file of the program totinf_mini.exe–> Open -> OK -> OK (if necessary, Total Influence.exe, all these files are in the game folder).
8. You may need to restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

Q: Poor call quality. What is the reason for this?
A: Your ISP may have a problem.
To check the quality of communication, you can trace:
1. Click Start -> Run. In the window that opens, type cmd. Click "Ok".
2. In the window that appears, enter the tracert command followed by the server's IP address, separated by a space. Press Enter and wait for the trace to finish.
3. Digits over 100-150 ms indicate data delays. Asterisks indicate signal loss.

Q: The updater does not load at startup, a window with a white background is shown. What to do?
A: Uncheck "Work offline" in Internet Explorer.

Here is a glossary of various game terms and gaming slang.

Up (upgrade) - Upgrade Kit
Aug - assault rifle Steyr Aug

Babobron - female armor Female Exo Armor
Huckster - a merchant who can sell goods that are difficult to buy on their own
Library - v locations New York bookstore building

Screw - Vintorez rifle
Knock down - Kill (for example: "Ralm Negro" means all the fire on the enemy in HB SE armor)

Grena - grenade (Frag Grenade)
Naked - a fighter who entered the arena without armor

Door - miner's shield
Deagle - Desert Eagle pistol
Donator - the player who buys game gold for real rubles
Dmg (damage) - damage (from English damage)

Corral - a building in the Reservation, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Defense, which is a square fence with several doors

IMHO (IMHO) - To my mind humble opinion(In My Humble Opinion)

China - weapon missed
KB - "Team battle" in the arena
Kalash - Kalashnikov assault rifle (AK-47)
Crete - critical hit, doubled damage

LVL (LVL, Level) - the level of the fighter (from the English level)
Forest - location Denver
Leaver - a bad person who left the game during a battle (from the English leave)
Elk - a fighter who is team play runs headlong in an unknown direction (usually opposite to the main front) or scours the boxes

Morgue - white building in New York with a red cross
Meat - 1) the dog attacked by the fighter
2) dog attacked fighter

Minic - Minigun machine gun
Mario - fighter with a wrench
Mka (Emka) - Colt M4 assault rifle
MO - Millitary Outpost location
MH - Millitary Zone location

Legs - a piece of armor worn on the legs (for example, Heavy Battle Longies)
Nc - sniper rifle HK G3SG / 1
Noob - inexperienced player, beginner (from English newbee)
Black person - fighter in HB CE (Heavy Battle Armor Special Edition)

Perk - ability (for example, "Strong")
Punk - Pancor Jackhammer shotgun
Rooster - P90 submachine gun
Pukalka - either Berrett's pistol, or any weapon that does not much damage
Pekal - gun
Pestle - a commonly used abbreviation for "pistol"

Reza - location Reservation
Realist - the same as the donor

Plumber - the same as Mario
Stapler - miner's pistol (Freak Nailgun)
CE - SE armor (Special Edition)
Sub - underbarrel grenade (Sub Grenade)
Shine - stay in position to highlight enemy fighters (in team play)
Saddle - armor for a dog (Dog Armor)
Set - a set of armor of the same type (for example, Heavy Battle Set)
Elephant boy - AWP sniper rifle
SNS - fight in the arena "Wall to wall"

Body - a piece of armor worn on the torso (for example, Heavy Battle Armor)
Tank - 1) Tank Armor
2) a fighter who takes on the main damage of the enemy

TZ (TZ) - online Time game Zero
TI (TI) - online Total game Influence
To tank - go to the enemy, taking fire on yourself

Skillful - weapon skill exceeding other skills - specialization

Fairy - female armor Female Exo Armor (FEA)
Freak - miner
Frag - 1) in-game character murder
2) frag grenade (Frag Grenade)

Lantern - the fighter who is used to shine (knowingly or accidentally)
Forest - the same as Les
Flash drive - blinding grenade (Flash Grenade)

Khilka - first aid kit
Heal - to be treated (from the English heal)
HB - Cotton Armor (Heavy Battle)
HC - Heavy Combat armor
HP - health points (Health Point)

Fixer - box for repair (Repair Kit)

Shashlik - dog
Syringe - first aid kit for 100 units (Health Injection)
Shakhtersk - location Miner "s Town
Shot - Shotgun shotgun
Shaitan Trumpet - RPG
Pin - the same as Aug
Shah - miner
Shrek - miner
Martyr - a fighter wearing a Suicide Jacket
Shahidka - Suicide Jacket

Current strength (TP) decreases with use and increases with repairs or upgrades. With every shot TP weapons are reduced by a number equal to the number OD spent on a shot, regardless of the result of the shot (hit, miss, crit) and the state of the weapon.

With every hit wearing armor her TP decreases by an amount calculated by the formula:

trunc (NU / 2.5)

Where WELL- the damage done to you, and the function trunc discards the fractional part of the number.

Decrease TP depends only on the amount of damage done (i.e. if the fighter has 2 HP left, and the enemy has dealt 100 damage with the last shot, then TP armor will decrease by 40). In a set of armor - parts break the same from each shot.

Items brought into the battle, when moving to the ground or to a box in a location, lose 50% of their current strength... And if they are not picked up, then they disappear (remain in battle).

When the current durability reaches 0, the item disappears (is destroyed). This can happen during a fight. Armor designated as SE (indestructible) also reduces the maximum durability during repair, but when it reaches 0, it does not disappear, but becomes unusable and is removed from the character in his backpack. It can still be repaired or upgraded (if the 0/0 state is reached).

Maximum durability decreases with repairs and increases with a successful upgrade. For the repair of things are spent Repair Points(repair glasses). Each repair reduces the maximum durability value by 3% of the spent resource. Upgrade Kit allows you to increase the safety margin by +65 units to the maximum after the previous upgrade, but only in case of a successful upgrade.


1. Having armor with a safety factor of 350 and a current strength of 50, that is, the condition of the item is 50/350, you can make repairs and get armor with a strength of 341.

2. The new Tank 500/500 has worn out after repairs, and the durability has become 50/100, but after the upgrade, the durability will become 565 \ 565 and 221 armor. 3. What is the toughness of a +5 Styer Aug for a player with skill 116, broken by 100 HP in battle, and then repaired?
Durability 622/622


Mercenary - a combat unit (man, dog, miner) in your squad.
Detachment - at the start of the game, there are 3 mercenaries, the maximum number of mercenaries is 12. All of them make up a squad.
Mercenary rating - individual rating of one combat unit from your squad.
Overall game rating - consists of the sum of the rating of all available mercenaries in your squad.
Murder - the elimination of one enemy combat unit (mercenary).
Death - the elimination of your combat unit (mercenary) by the enemy.
Victory - complete elimination of all combat units (mercenaries) of the enemy.
Losing - complete elimination of all combat units (mercenaries) from your side.
Rating point (OR) - rating unit.

Basic Provisions

The ranking calculations are very simple. For each murder, namely a murder, not a victory, the mercenary is awarded 1 rating point. For death in battle, 1 rating point is removed from the rating of this mercenary. Victories and losses do not in any way affect either the Overall Game Rating or the Mercenary Rating.

Examples of

1. Combat: SNS. Number of players: 8. Number of soldiers: 1.
You have committed three kills and died in battle yourself: 1 + 1 + 1-1 = +2 EP. (in the rating of this mercenary)

2. Combat: SNS. Number of players: 8. Number of soldiers: 1.
You committed two kills and did not die in battle yourself: 1 + 1 = +2 EP. (in the rating of this mercenary)

3. Combat: Survival. Number of players: 2. Number of soldiers: 2.
Let's call the mercenaries "Soldier_1" and "Soldier_2".
"Soldier_1" committed one murder and was killed by the enemy. The rating for "Soldier_1" remains unchanged: + 1-1 = 0 EP.
"Soldier_2" was killed by the enemy, correspondingly -1 to the "Soldier_2" rating.
Final Overall game rating for the battle = rating of the "Soldier_1" mercenary + rating of the "Soldier_2" mercenary = 0 + (-1) = -1 OP.

4. Combat: Survival. Number of players: 2. Number of soldiers: 3.
Let's call the mercenaries "Soldier_1", "Soldier_2", "Soldier_3".
Soldier_1 Not Killed, nor Committed More Than One Kill: 0 EP.
Soldier_2 was killed by the enemy: -1 EP.
Soldier_3 has three kills: 1 + 1 + 1 = +3 EP
Final Overall game rating for the battle = rating of the "Soldier_1" mercenary + rating of the "Soldier_2" mercenary + rating of the "Soldier_3" mercenary = 0 + (-1) + 3 = +2 EP.

For too frequent battles with the same opponents, the rating for kills is not awarded, but the removal of the rating for death remains constant.

Dismissal of mercenaries

An example of the dismissal of a mercenary with a positive rating.

Mercenary _2 Rating: 200 EP

Overall Game Rating: 450 EP
We fire "Mercenary _2". Total: 450 - 200 = 250 EP

An example of the dismissal of a mercenary with a negative rating.
You have three mercenaries available.
Mercenary _1 Rating: 100 EP
Mercenary _2 rating: - 200 EP
Mercenary _3 Rating: 150 EP
Overall Game Rating: 50 EP
We fire "Mercenary _2". Total: 50 - (- 200) = 250 EP

How and where to track your ranking?

There are three ways to track your rating:

Here, only the General game rating is shown, there is no expanded rating individually for each mercenary in the squad. If you are not in the TOP 100 according to one of the parameters of the rating table, then this method of tracking the rating is not suitable for you. In addition, the rating here is not updated immediately after exiting the battle.

2. Information about the player in the game client.

To do this, you need to choose your game server and find your nickname in the list (for this you need to be online in the game). Here is the maximum detailed statistics for all available mercenaries in the squad. But the rating on the site is not updated immediately after leaving the battle.

Note: if you want to see the statistics of another character, and on this moment it is offline, it is very easy to do it. It is enough to simply change or add the name of the character in the URL in the address bar of the browser.

For the Arizona server:
http: // character_name
For example: http: // TomaHawk

For Nevada server:
http: // character_name
For example: http: // TomaHawk

For those who have encountered a mismatch between the rating and the calculations from the kill / death: after the system calculates the rating according to the scheme described above, this number is multiplied by the coefficients of the cities and then rounded to whole (downward).

The player's mercenaries, killing opponents, receive special rank points. Rank points are accumulated in the same way as playing experience. Upon reaching a certain value, the mercenary receives the next military rank.

The rank of the squad characterizes the entire squad of the player as a whole and affects the number of credits that the player earns during the battle. The higher the rank, the more credits, the lower - the fewer credits. The calculation of the rank is made on the basis of the rank points of all mercenaries in the squad, the higher the rank, the higher the rank of the squad.

While participating in assault battles, the player will be able to get more rank points than in arena battles. In addition, the best assault participants receive special assault badges that add additional rank points. Also, the accelerated growth of ranks can be ensured by using boosters.

Mercenary ranks

Rank Points
Recruit 0 and below
Private 20
Private First Class 50
Specialist 80
Lance Corporal 120
Corporal 180
Sturm-Corporal 250
Lance Sergeant (Junior Sergeant) 320
Sergeant 450
Sturm-Sergeant 600
Master Sergeant 750
Lance Unterofficer (Junior Non-commissioned Officer) 1050
Unterofficer 1400
Second Lieutenant (Junior Lieutenant) 1800
Lieutenant 2400
Sturm-Lieutenant 3300
Senior Lieutenant 4300
Captain 5400
Kriegs-Captain 7000
Major (Major) 8600
Kriegs-Major 10200
Sub-Colonel (Lieutenant Colonel) 12000
Colonel 14000
Commander 16500
Kriegs-Commander 19000
Brigadier General 22000
Major General 26000
Lieutenant General 30000
General 35000

Rank Points Rules

The ranks of the player's mercenaries cannot be higher than the rank of the squad leader (player's avatar).
Points are awarded to each mercenary who participated in the battle.
The higher the rank of the killed enemy, in comparison with the rank of the player's mercenary, the more points the mercenary will receive at the end of the battle. The converse is also true, the lower the rank of the slain, the less points the mercenary will receive after the battle.
In order for the mercenary to receive rank points, his victim should not differ much from him in level. Thus, it is impossible to get rank points by killing weak opponents.
If a player wins a battle, then his mercenaries receive additional points to those that they earned during the battle. If the player loses the battle, then the mercenaries do not receive additional rank points.
If a player's mercenary dies during a battle, then he receives a penalty to the earned rank points.
If the mercenary escapes from the battle, then the kills during the battle are not counted to him, and penalty points are deducted from the available rank points.
If a player often fights with another player, then he receives less rank points than if he was in battles all the time with different opponents.
The nominal number of rank points for killing one mercenary of equal rank is 10.
If the rank of the victim is 500 higher than the rank of the assassin, then the nominal number of points for the killed person is increased by 1, if by 1000, then by 2, etc., but the nominal number of points cannot exceed 20.
If the rank of the victim is lower than the rank of the killer, then for every 500 points of the difference, there is a decrease by 1 point, but not lower than 1.
Rank points earned for each slain are added up at the end of the battle.
For winning a battle, the total number of points earned is doubled.
The penalty for dying a mercenary in battle is 5 points.
The penalty for escaping from combat is 20 points.

Rank points table by level

The level of the mercenary determines what the maximum number of rank points he can have. Each time, when calculating rank points, it is necessary to check whether the new value will exceed the allowable limit, if it does, then instead of the entire amount, the truncated one is charged, so that the number of rank points does not exceed the allowable limits.

Level Max. rank points
1 120
2 320
3-4 1050
5-6 2400
7-9 5400
10-13 12000
14-17 22000
18-20 35000

Minimum victim level

For each level of mercenaries, there is a lower limit for earning rank points. And if the level of the victim is below this limit, then the mercenary does not receive rank points for killing, regardless of what bonuses are currently working and what rank the victim has.

Killer level Min. victim level
Killer level Min. victim level
1 1
11 9
2 1
12 10
3 1
13 11
4 2
14 12
5 3
15 13
6 4
16 13
7 5
17 14
8 6
18 15
9 14
19 15
10 15
20 15

Demotion in rank

If the player has not fought a single battle during the day, then the rank points of all mercenaries in the squad are reduced by 1% of the current number (but not more than 50 points and not below zero for each mercenary). Later, the player can return the deducted points for half their value, i.e. to get back 50 points, you need to score 25.

Unit rank

2500 and less
35000 and above

Squad rank calculation rules

To calculate the rank of a squad, the rank points of all mercenaries in the squad are summed up with different coefficients for different mercenaries:
Top 3 mercenaries - odds 1/3
All mercenaries with negative rank points - coefficient is 1/3
All other mercenaries - coefficient is 1/15

Increased income for battles, depending on the rank of the squad.
For every +250 rank points, the player receives an additional 1% to the credits earned.
For every -500 rank points, the player loses 1% of the credits earned (the penalty does not exceed 90%).

Upgrade ( AP) is made using the Upgrade Kit, which is valid only once. Upgrade Kit allows you to increase the safety margin by +65 units to the maximum after the previous upgrade, but only in case of a successful upgrade. The chance of upgrading to +2 inclusive is 100%. For subsequent upgrades, the chance of a successful up is 63%. In case of an unsuccessful up, the item is destroyed and disappears. If an SE item is unsuccessfully upgraded, the item is not destroyed, but goes into the +0 state with initial durability.

In case of a successful upgrade, the item's indicators will increase by the Sharpening Unit ( EZ). Reservation on EZ the Armor indicator will increase. Have weapons on EZ the Damage indicator will increase.

Weapon damage is calculated first, taking into account the skill, then added EZ weapons. The minimum and maximum damage increases equally for all distances.

The approximate formula for the indicated weapon damage:
Damage = Base Weapon Damage * (Weapon Skill * 0.8333 + 55.835) / 100 + Surv (Weapon Level * 1.3-0.2)
The base weapon damage for each distance can be viewed in the selection of the SC shop, here the damage is shown taking into account your current skill.


What is the +5 Styer Aug damage for a player with skill 116?
45 * (100 * 0.8333 + 55.835) / 100 + env (5 * 1.3-0.2) = 75
65 * (100 * 0.8333 + 55.835) / 100 + env (5 * 1.3-0.2) = 105
Damage 75-105

Enter - open a chat window where you can write a message for everyone in battle
Shift + Enter - message to friends on command
Ctrl + Space - show the battle log / expand the chat window of the location
Ctrl + ~ (tilde / Ё) - open the game console
Ctrl + Z - minimize the game
Left Shift + Right Mouse - put a mark (right-click on it - remove)
Left Ctrl - show firing range and reticle
F2 - change the grid display mode
F11 - zooms in the game screen
F12 - enable / disable quick access toolbar

A - change weapons
E - end the turn
I - open inventory
S - pick up the backpack from the ground, for this you need to stand above it and have 1 AP
T - choice of the affected area by a grenade or an RPG
X - exchange of things between your mercenaries
Tab - switch between mercenaries

Total Influence takes place in an unknown parallel universe, which a group of scientists led by Nikola Tesla discovered during. By means of huge energy expenditures, the experimenters managed to open a portal to an unknown world, after which expeditions of researchers began to go there. However, Tesla soon died and took the secret of the portal with him. Many years later, the government decided to revive the Arizona project, as it turned out that in the new world there is a substance with amazing properties, an excellent source of energy, which was named "Blue Crystal". The portal was reopened and volunteers from all over the world were sent to the zone. You will also become one of these adventurers.

The gameplay of Total Influence will seem familiar to every fan of turn-based role-playing projects, and especially, the good old Fallout. The map is divided into cells, and any action of the hero, be it shooting or opening a door, requires a certain amount of action points. At the same time, the Total Influence game has a vast world, divided into several zones - unique cities, each of which is designed for characters of a certain level.

A feature of the game is the ability to hire a whole squad of fighters, specialists in a particular field. There are several classes of weapons in Total influence online, and each character can only master one or two types. For example, one mercenary can learn heavy weapons and act aggressively, while another, having learned the art of sniper, will try to stay away from the enemy.

The game has several modes, both. These are ordinary duels between players (duels or team), and assaults on bases, and a war for crystals in mines. Regular battles take place on special maps, which in most cases are randomly generated. Of course, players do not fight with their fists, although this is not prohibited either. For normal fighting, Total Influence offers a whole arsenal of weapons, from knives to grenade launchers, and all these items can not only be bought in the store, but also simply found on the ground.

As with most online projects, you can unite into clans in Total Influence. Being in a clan allows the player to participate in attacks on bases that give control over nearby cities. Such battles are very similar to the common "capture the flag" mode and allow up to 4 players on each side to participate in a duel. Another way of PvP is fighting in mines. In them, participants are divided into miners, guards and raiders, and the winners get a portion of the crystals dug up.

Despite the fact that the game is a client-side game, you can download it in just a couple of minutes, since the client "weighs" just over 100 Mb. The Russian version of the game is already available today, so hurry up to choose a character and teleport to another world, where a lot of surprises await you.

Total Influence Online Is a free real-time strategy game, or rather, the future! This game - new project, insofar as release took place only on March 3, 2011. Despite its small gaming age, the project easily entered the circle of top client games, and in order to satisfy its regular players and delight with exclusive novelties, it is updated at least once a month.

Scientist Nicholas Testa discovers the possibility of teleportation to other worlds

If you delve into the background of the game Total Influence, then we have to go back to 1943, the time of the Second World War. Once by scientists and individually Nikola Tesla through a successful experiment, the existence of a parallel dimension was discovered. Scientists got fired up with the idea to get to know such a mysterious object better and even created a ship for teleportation to the mysterious future. But unfortunately, the ship's crew died. In order not to attract too much attention and panic, further research took place in strict secrecy. The subsequent project was called Arizona, which bore more fruit. The portal was opened. The uncharted parallel was very similar to Earth. Gradually, the new sphere was mastered by representatives of the planet Earth, but soon the portal closed, some argue that this is due to the death of Nikolo Tesla, the main researcher.

Decide to download Total Influence and conquer unknown worlds

Time passed, modern scientists decided to get to the bottom of the truth and continue in vain long-abandoned works. After all, a secretly open planet is crammed with a valuable and simply necessary energy resource - a blue crystal. As a result, a corporation called Spectra Crystals was built, which took up this issue, and also recruited volunteers who were ready to travel through the universe for the loot. Maybe it’s you who wake up ?! If you are ready for such an adventure, then be sure that the game Total Influence Online will bring the player a lot of positive and drive!

PvP battles: play only with a real enemy, no bots!

Play Total Influence cool and interesting. The skeleton of the game is PvP battles on randomly generated maps. You have to fight countless competitors recruited by Spectra Crystals. First, the player has to go through teaching mission... Then the game provides you three fighters that will be included in the team of your character. Then everything goes like clockwork: taking part in the battles you earn credits, and the rest of the team members - experience. The gifts received are the key to new skills, abilities, weapons, locations, armor, etc. With each level you and your team will become stronger and more authoritative. The player will be able to control not one, but even three fighters.

Play Total Influence in three modes

You can play in three modes:
  • base,
  • mine,
  • arena.
Also, you can go through the game by teaming up with other players in clans or alliances, communicating with them thanks to the chat system. As for the locations, they embody either the city or a separate part of it. For example, the main types of locations: reservation, Denver, New York, Detroit, a military outpost, bases, mines, a training complex and a prison (it is better not to get here, because all the players who have violated the rules of the game are sitting here).

There is one more classification that the project includes, these are mercenaries. There are 3 types of them: [

  • human,
  • miner,
  • dog.
The parameters by which they differ can be summarized as follows: armor, number of points and lives, viewing range. The weapons that mercenaries will possess also have several types: heavy, throwing, long-range, automatic, light and melee weapons. But the improvement of the players does not end there. Total Influence Online Game pleases us with such a concept as perks, that is, skills. They greatly improve the characteristics of the character. Weapons and armor evoke special attention and respect.

So choose, play, fight, get bonuses and just enjoy this wonderful opportunity play Total Influence Online!

Total Influence online is post-apocalyptic turn-based online game which is made according to traditionFallout... O nlane game Total Influence is a unique opportunity to go through an exciting and full of adventure the path from recruit to general, showing all his abilities both for battle, as well as for leading a detachment of fighters.

Registration in the game Total Influence starts with downloading a special game client... Then you need to register an account by entering the desired nickname and password, which must be in Latin. Registration of Total Influence continues with the launch of the game, where, after reading the rules of the game and filling in all the fields, you create a game account. Total Influence online registration will take you very little time, but after that it will give you the opportunity to plunge into large-scale battles in a game that does not require a monthly fee.

Total Influence online game currently has two game servers, Arizona and Nevada, which differ only in the number of mercenaries. At the very beginning of the game, you are given three mercenaries basic level and it depends only on you how soon they will develop their qualities. AND play the game Total Influence online becomes more interesting for you every day, because you can hire other mercenaries in special recruitment markets, participate in battles and increase your level, along with which the level of health and carrying capacity of the character grows.

AND gra Total Influence online has three types of characters. They are a man, a dog (of three different breeds) and a miner. Each character is well thought out and has their own unique stats, abilities, armor and weapons. Starting the game, the player enters the Reservation location, however, with the growth of abilities and level, numerous other locations open up in front of him, each with its own landscape, buildings and game conditions, up to restrictions on the introduction of items. A location represents a city, its suburb or a whole district.

AND play in online game Total Influence- it means participating in three types of battles. Survival, where every man for himself, wall to wall, where your squad fights with a similar squad and team fight where you are required to be able to interact with your ally against the enemy. In order to make the game even more exciting, all battles are divided into a five-level range, where the possible level of the enemy and the power of the items and weapons used are limited. There are also battles with rates for which you do not receive a level increase, but you can break a large prize pool.

When you play in Total Influence, you will definitely need to visit the bank, where you can buy for real money game currency and use it to buy weapons, hire fighters, and so on.

The plot of the game is based on the story that in 1943, a large-scale top-secret experiment began in the United States, the purpose of which was to prove the possibility of teleportation. On a remote wasteland, the "Arizona" test site was built, in which a powerful electromagnetic field was injected. Once in this field, the researchers moved to an unknown place with no signs of civilization. However, this land possessed a unique and essential resource for earthlings called "Blue Crystal". For the extraction and protection of it, mercenaries began to be sent to this zone, recruiting them from all corners of our planet.

Playing Total Influence is to get into a world without rules and laws, where the strongest wins, where you can show your tactical abilities and, from a simple miner or recruit, become the one who controls the extraction and sale of the priceless crystal.