Golden portraits of heroes. Hearthstone - Review heroes Heroes xc

represent the player in the game. They determine what cards you can use in your deck, what abilities will be available to you and set the strategy and general style of play.
On this moment players have access to 9 heroes, according to the number of classes in classic game World of Warcraft at the time of launch. This means that classes will not have multiple heroes and only one class can correspond to each hero. All heroes are prominent representatives of their class, in one way or another, had a significant impact on the development of the Warcraft universe.

The main indicators of each hero are Health, Armor and Abilities.

  • Health: Determines how much damage heroes can take before they die. At the moment, this indicator is 30 and is the same for all heroes. A change in this characteristic can be determined by interaction with other cards.
  • Armor: Determines how much damage the hero will withstand without reducing health. A change in this characteristic can be determined by interaction with other cards.
  • Abilities: Activated by the player, unique to each hero. Can be used once per turn, cost 2 mana.
  • Attack Strength: This characteristic is determined depending on the cards used.
Based on the original Warcraft story.
  • Rexxar, Garrosh Hellscream, Gul "dan and Thrall, all belong to the Orcish race, if you count Rexxar (he is half-blood, half-Orc, half-Ogre). The human race is represented by three heroes, the night elves and blood elves have one hero each.
  • Thus, four heroes belong to the forces of the Alliance and five on the side of the Horde.
  • Rexxar is the only half-breed hero.
  • Hum "Dan and Uther the Lightbringer are already dead.

Known relationships between heroes

  • Garrosh Hellscream succeeds Thrall as warchief of the Horde.
  • Thrall and Rexxar are good friends ever since Rexxar warned Thrall of Jaina's father Proudmoore's invasion of Durotar.
  • Thrall and Lady Jaina Proudmoore are very good friends, they both just want peace for their people.
  • Garrosh Hellscream and Jaina Proudmoore hate each other. Garrosh hates Jaina for being a powerful member of the Alliance, and Jaina hates Garrosh for dropping a mana bomb on Theramore, killing thousands of civilians in the process.
  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore is very important to young Anduin Wrynn, he even has magic stone with the ability to teleport to her. Sometimes he calls her "aunt".
  • Uther the Lightbringer and Lady Jaina Proudmoore were good friends Arthas, who later became the Lich King.
  • Malfurion Stormrage is the brother of Illidan's skull-wielding Ghul "Dan.
  • Malfurion Stormrage led an army against the demons of the Burning Legion during the Third War, allied with Thrall's New Horde and Jaina Proudmoore's evacuation expedition.

New heroes of Hearthstone

In this article, we provide an overview of Hearthstone heroes. Here you can familiarize yourself with already known names, and new Hearthstone heroes, which, according to the developers, will appear in the future in the game in the coming additions.

The main goal is to collect a collection of cards and original heroes from the game. You can collect a collection by buying boosters, or by receiving them as a reward for winning battles and rare prize promotions.

A little about choosing a hero:

The Hearthstone game is built around battles between heroes-characters. Each of the players gets the opportunity to choose one of 9 characters of different classes. Each hero is endowed with unique abilities and features, has a personal set of cards that none of the other heroes have.



Meet this naughty elf now in Hearthstone! Lunara's portrait was issued in 2017. for the fulfillment of the game conditions.

Jaina Praumudr (Magician)

From childhood, she began to show special talents in magic. Hates the Horde and wants to take revenge on her by all means for the destruction of her hometown of Theramore.

Feature - use of spells during the battle. Special power - "Burst of Fire", inflicting 1 point of damage on the enemy.

Anduin Wrynn (Priest)

Son of the King of the Alliance. He is wise and compassionate, the military craft is alien to him - he prefers the diplomatic way of resolving conflicts.

Feature - the ability to self-heal, taking control of the enemy and his destruction, the ability to hide cards in the sleeve and copy the opponent's cards. Special power - "Lesser Heal" - restoration of two units of health.

Malfurion Stormrage (Druid)

He learned his skills from the elves, after which he was able to become their leader and lead his people to prosperity.

Specializes in costly warriors with great strength. His cards provide the ability to choose an effect - such an opportunity is not available for representatives of other classes. ... In addition, he possesses special conspiracies that add mana crystals. The special power of the class - "Change of appearance" - +1 to attack and armor.

Garrosh Hellscream (Warrior)

The current leader of the Horde. Hates the Alliance furiously. Hot-tempered, aggressive, stubborn.

Has a large number of weapons, armor. Can conjure itself to add a layer of protection. The warriors under his control are also endowed with various combat skills. Special class power - "Shield up" - +2 to armor.

Rexxar (Hunter)

By nature - a loner. For his services to the Horde, he could become one of the council members, but refused, deciding to join the orc clan.

Master of beasts and master of secrets. Endowed with the ability to skillfully handle bows, using various shooting techniques. The tactics of fighting are based on a combination

all the powers and capabilities that the hero is endowed with. Special power - "Sure Shot" - gives +2 to the damage inflicted on the enemy.

Uther the Lightbringer (Paladin)

Leader of the Order of the Silver Hand. A fighter for goodness and justice.

Healing Spell Master. Owns power-up cards. Special power - "Reinforcement" - summoning one more paladin with equal strength to the battlefield.

ValeeraSangvinar (Rogue)

Having become an orphan in early childhood, she wandered for a long time, trading in theft. He is not a member of either the Alliance or the Horde, he tries to reconcile them.

Uses cunning and dastardly spells using foul play tactics. Perfectly wielding daggers. Many of his cards have the ability to give a bonus to the effect. Special power - "Blademaster" - the use of additional weapons.

Guldan (Warlock)

Once a shaman of the Shadowmoon clan and leader of the Horde, he despised his people in pursuit of personal glory.

He specializes in summoning demons, uses attack spells, sacrificing his health or existing cards. Special Power - "Life Tap" - getting additional card in exchange for causing damage to your own health by two points.

Thrall (Shaman)

Great Leader of the Horde. Uses the magic of the four elements. Endowed with the ability to use spells to "reload" creatures. A special power - "Summon Totem" - randomly summons one of the totems (healing, scorching the enemy, stone claw, air wrath.

New quests, new abilities and new updates, time and again the developers of Blizzard Entertainment delighted their users with updates. Usually freetoplay is not updated as often and remains "gathering dust" in the list of games until the developers deign to give the players something to refresh the game.
At the moment, the topic is very relevant new heroes inhearthstonefor 2017 year, because the new update was not long in coming, like the new heroes.
For the addition were added:

- Neutral creatures. These creatures were included for the sake of changing the course of the game in your direction or vice versa: warrior, paladin, hunter, mage, priest, warlock, robber, druid and shaman.
For each clan, neutral creatures are in the public domain, you can include in the deck of any of the three classes of clans "Rusty Bugai", "Cabal", "Jade Lotus".
-By past various characters and creatures introduced skins for the cards, which you can knock out in the corresponding quests.

Summing up, we can assume that there will still be a sufficient number of new heroes in Hearthstone.

- Dark Wanderer, no one knows what to expect from him, but by crushing him in battle, you can get new shirt for Diablo style cards.

But! In addition, fans of the game "wang" new characters, this time from other games!
Why is that?

The change of logo made this theory appear. The line “Heroes of Warcraft” was removed from the title, and what can it mean other than new opportunities, both for players and for developers, that they limited themselves, in some sense, to this line.
Since there are new backs on the cards, one can only guess from this little hint that the heroes can now be from "Diablo" or from "StarCraft". The creators left the canon of a typical WoW, not only because it somehow got bored, but also because Hearthstone has become an independent and independent game and now, they may not lure players popular games, they have the right to direct their imagination wherever they wish.

On foreign sites, this rumor immediately spread, as soon as they saw the new logo with the update and even began to write their wishes, in the hope that they would be heard, “Dota” and “Dota 2” sounded especially insistently. Blizzard quite boldly confronted the players with this fact of losing the border between the game and other games, but the reaction was not long in coming! Most of all there were positive reviews, especially because it was an unexpected and rather bold step, because there is a possibility of losing the main audience, but, as the polls and opinions on the sites have shown, this was the right decision, everyone is not looking forward to new updates and heroes!

Hearthstone is wildly popular card game worldwide scale. Unlike many other analogs, here the primary role is played by what character you are going to play. Each of the presented characters is absolutely unique and has both its pros and cons. We will talk about them today.

There are 9 heroes in the game. Each of them has one unique ability worth 2 mana, as well as a special set of cards. They have their own special capabilities, which, when properly combined with each other and others community cards are capable of producing excellent results. Finding such a recipe for a winning deck is the essence of the game. Initially only available basic decks, allowing you to get acquainted with the intricacies of the game by each of the characters. Then you have to create your own card sets. Now let's take a look at each character individually.

1. Warrior (Garrosh Hellscream)

The warrior makes his main bet on armor and weapons. The unique cards of this hero allow him to wear down the enemy, destroying powerful and protected creatures in a matter of minutes. The special ability of the Warrior adds two points of armor to his characteristics. In addition, the combination of other spells for increasing armor and obtaining various weapons allows this hero to independently attack any enemy creatures, leaving his own health meter safe. The Warrior also has a unique offensive spell that deals damage depending on the current armor value - with a certain skill, you can accumulate 30 units and instantly destroy the enemy hero.

But the Warrior is not devoid of shortcomings. It is difficult for him to replenish stocks of cards, as well as to support his creatures on the battlefield - most of the spells are aimed only at destroying the enemy, and the ability does work only for the hero. Therefore, you need to play for the Warrior with great care and full concentration of attention.

2. Shaman (Thrall)

This character is unique for his most powerful cards, which in return significantly weaken his further potential. This feature is called "Overload" - a payment for using strong spells or summoning cool creatures, which consists in the fact that in the next turn several crystals of manna will be blocked. This limits opportunities and can play into the hands of the enemy.

Another feature of the Shaman is totems.

This is also his ability - he summons one of 4 different types totems.


  • Searing Totem. The only one of all has 1 unit of health, but in return receives 1 unit of attack. Suitable for use after power-ups, knocking down divine shields, finishing off weak enemies, and so on.
  • Totem of the Stone Claw. An extremely useful totem with 2 health points and the Taunt ability. Allows you to delay the enemy a little, and after reinforcements, it will become a powerful defender at all.
  • Healing Totem. Also, a rather useful totem that heals all creatures after each turn for 1 unit of health. The effect does not apply to the hero.
  • Air Wrath Totem. A controversial totem that helps a shaman who has attack spells - they receive a 1-point increase in damage.

In addition to them, the Shaman can install other totems with unique cards, which, for example, restore the hero's health, strengthen nearby creatures, and so on.

The Shaman's weakness is in the above-mentioned "overload", as well as in the unpredictability of the ability, which at the decisive moment can set up a completely unnecessary totem.

3. Rogue (Valeera Sanguinar)

A challenging but interesting hero, betting on his own weapon. The Rogue has a lot of cards in her arsenal that allow her to attack on her own, as well as creatures that change their characteristics depending on the indicators of her weapon. Her ability gives the Rogue a weapon with 1 damage for two uses. In addition, this girl has at her disposal a huge number of spells aimed at inflicting damage, as well as the destruction of absolutely any creatures outside the protection of their indicators. In addition to all this, the Rogue has a lot of disguised creature cards up her sleeve, so that they are safe until the moment it is necessary to strike.

Rogue's weak point is her narrow focus. This hero is little intended for defense. The exception is special decks aimed at exhausting the enemy by actively draining cards, and then killing through "Fatigue" (if you take cards after they run out, the player will take damage). The rest of the Rogue does not have special protective and healing creatures and spells. She must eliminate the enemy as quickly as possible.

4. Paladin (Uther the Lightbringer)

Master of defense and attrition of the enemy. This hero has a large number of healing, strengthening and protecting cards in his arsenal. The paladin relies heavily on supporting his creatures - he can increase their attack and health, install a "Divine Shield" on them, and much more. The Paladin's ability summons a 1/1 recruit onto the battlefield. Also in the arsenal of this hero there are cards for calling 3 such soldiers at once, as well as a special "Quartermaster", which increases their attack rates. This allows the Paladin to have a very strong and cheap army at his disposal. He himself also has cards for obtaining weapons - both ordinary and those that heal or protect with the "Divine Shield".

Alas, this hero is extremely weak at the very beginning of the game. On basic maps alone, the Paladin won't get far. It requires a long collection of a wide variety of spells and creatures. But even after receiving them, the player must be able to carefully calculate his tactics, since the enemy heroes have a large arsenal to counteract the protected and strengthened creatures of this character.

5. Hunter (Rexxar)

A hero aimed at actively destroying the enemy. But, unlike the Rogue, this character does not do it with his own hands. The Hunter's arsenal contains a variety of offensive spells that allow you to quickly inflict damage on a wide variety of targets. Also, the character owns several types of fairly strong weapons. Even the Hunter's ability deals two points of damage to the enemy hero, ignoring all kinds of provocateurs. Still, the main stake is on creatures. Best of all, the Hunter controls the category "Beast", having, for example, a special creature that gives the ability "Dash" (the ability to attack immediately after the call, and not in the next turn) to all animals. This makes it possible to actively pressurize the enemy, constantly subjecting them to instant attacks.

Many Hunters mistakenly become overly addicted to destroying the enemy hero, ignoring his creatures. Therefore, situations often happen when this character is left without cards and animals, and the enemy has many troops on the field. In addition, the presence of provocateurs and well-protected creatures make it easy to nullify a rapid onslaught. And in a long confrontation, the Hunter most often loses.

6. Druid (Malfurion Stormrage)

A kind of character main feature cards of which is the ability to adjust their actions to the situation. Namely - the player can in most cases choose the effect that a particular spell or creature will have. For example, a Druid can summon a defense mechanism with a provocation, and also choose what he will receive +1 - to health or attack. This duality allows you to better adapt to the current situation on the field. The Druid's ability allows him to gain +1 armor, as well as +1 attack until end of turn. In addition, this hero has unique spells that affect mana. Thanks to them, the Druid is able to quickly receive a larger amount of this resource and dominate, exposing more powerful creatures.

The only drawback of this hero is the difficulty in collecting a deck. There are too many useful abilities in the arsenal, by hammering the deck with which the player deprives himself of creatures. Also, the Druid does not have the highest attack potential, preferring to hold positions.

7. Warlock (Gul'Dan)

The main negative character of the game. His ability is extremely unusual - it requires not only 2 units of mana, but also the same amount of his personal health, but in return the player receives a card from the deck into his hand. This allows the Warlock to almost never suffer from a shortage of cards in his hand. Unlike the rest, this hero can assemble in absolutely any tactic. The largest share in his unique cards is assigned to all kinds of demons. There are also plenty of spells that deal damage, and in return give either cards or health to the hero. A skilled player can collect the Warlock in such a way that the dominance on the field will be from the very beginning of the battle until the victorious end.

The negative point is the same ability. It requires healing creatures and spells that take the place of other strong warriors in the deck. The Warlock may also soon find that not only health, but also cards are coming to an end. The easiest way to destroy this hero is by exhausting it through Fatigue.

8. Magician (Jaina Proudmoore)

This girl has a huge arsenal of offensive spells. The ability is a fireball that deals 1 point of damage, which is more than enough for the initial stages of the game, and then for knocking down the "Divine Shields". But besides that, there are other fireballs in the arsenal, albeit more expensive ones, inflicting up to 10 points of damage. It is logical that in addition to such weapons, the Mage also has his own choice of creatures that increase the damage from such spells, as well as amplify from their use. In addition to fire, this hero also possesses the element of ice, freezing opponents. But the main distinguishing spell of the Mage is a card that turns any specified creature into a 1/1 lamb. This feature has become practically the hallmark of the character, destroying the most reliable tactics of enemies.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the player has to carefully choose between spells and creatures when building a deck. If you overdo it and do not balance everything properly, then as a result, the Mage will lose very often due to a lack of either defense or attack potential.

9. Priest (Anduin Wrynn)

A very strong hero with a preference for spells with a healing effect. With his ability, the Priest can restore 2 units of health to the specified target. In addition, he has many other healing and strengthening spells in his arsenal. Also, the Priest is very susceptible to using the enemy's weapons against himself. This hero can copy the opponent's cards to himself, as well as take control of the enemy's creatures. Also, the character is able to impose silence and destroy creatures with certain indicators of attack. With proper management, the Priest is never left without cards and creatures, healing wounded soldiers in time. Skillful combination of strengthening and healing spells allows you to put on the field insanely strong creatures with up to several tens of units of health and attack indicators.

Of the minuses - the same as that of the Warlock, a weakness for rapid exhaustion with the drain of cards. In addition, super-powerful creatures can be easily destroyed with certain spells. The Priest's cards are extremely interconnected, and often fall out in such a way that the player can do absolutely nothing but wait for the right one to fall out.

Here's a quick overview of all the classes in the Hearthstone game. Even if after the description one or another hero seemed very simple, then in practice difficulties may arise with him. It's about experience and skill that are difficult to convey through an article. Play and win, and then you will definitely have everything you need to effectively counter any decks of the enemy.

Each player wants to stand out from the rest and have a unique deck with gold cards. But what could be more prestigious than gold cards? Of course, the golden frames of the Hearthstone heroes. And if it is very difficult to get gold cards, then it is quite possible to farm gold portraits of HS, albeit for a very long time. Having received a golden portrait, your hero will acquire a unique animation, including a heroic ability.

How do I get a gold frame for a Hearthstone hero?

In order to get the gold frame of the hero HS, you will have to stock up on huge amount time and patience. After all, for this you will need to win back 500 victories in the rating Hearthstone games on the hero for which you want to get a golden portrait. And if you want to have a golden portrait for several heroes, then you will have to wager 500 rating victories for each of them. Think about how long it will take you. We offer a gold frame farming service for Hearthstone heroes of your choice, which will save you a lot of time and nerves. You can track the progress of your heroes in the Deck Selection for Ranked Games.

Deadlines: The service is performed from 3 to 17 days, depending on the required number of victories. In rare cases, we may need a little more time to complete the order, then we will warn you about this in advance.

Every day, Hearthstone welcomes new players who would like to get into the game as soon as possible, to understand which class suits him best, to find out what features each hero has. This article help them choose their favorite classes... Perhaps more experienced players will want to read about the characteristics of all heroes, remember the time when they just started to comprehend all the subtleties of Hearthstone.

How to find out which ones exist Hearthstone class features? The easiest way is to understand what a particular class is doing and where it should excel.

In Hearthstone, basic and classic cards usually allow classes to be identified. One class is good in its speed, the second in building up the tempo, while the third is bad in both, but perfect in casting spells. When you can recognize the individuality of each class, you can understand what are its functions and why class cards were created the way they are. Better comparison can be made here - color gamut in Magic: The Gathering . In this game you have 5 different colors (red, blue, green, white and black), each color has its own personality. Red is the best for killing an opponent swiftly because it includes cheap spells that do a lot of damage. Green color good for building ramp decks as most spells focus on how to give you more mana every turn. Now just replace these colors with heroes and you will understand what these are. features of the Hearthstone classes.

Features of the Hearthstone classes

Druid is the expression of green in Magic: The Gathering , this is a class created to constantly increase the pace... Rump means playing cards to obtain additional resources, in this case mana (temporarily for a turn or for the entire further play), the purpose of this is gain an advantage over an opponent having more resources than him that can be used to play strong cards.

If you are a player who prefers to play slowly and immediately react to what is happening on the table instead of taking the initiative in your own hands, then The priest was created just for you... When you open your card collection and look at the Priest cards, you will notice that their motive is as follows: something has to make those cards work, something has to act as a trigger in order to benefit from them.

The Shaman is very dependent on having at least something on the table, since his spells and creatures have an overload, due to which it is sometimes difficult for the Shaman to put himself on the table, having lost mana before the turn. This class also has strong synergies with Totem-type creatures. With a bunch of spells and creatures interacting with totems and the hero power that creates totems, the Shaman might has the strongest synergy with a specific creature type.

A Warlock's personality can be summed up in the phrase "Power and strength at any cost", which perfectly reflects the specifics of his hero power.

The warlock has many wonderful creatures and spells at his disposal, but almost all of them require some kind of sacrifice on the turn they are played on. Fire Imp deal 3 damage to the hero, Soul Fire discards cards, Overwhelming Power destroys the creature it has upgraded, Dark Flame also kills the creature. The Warlock, like the Shaman, is also has good synergy with one type of creature - demons... But they all require some kind of sacrifice in order to play at full strength. Best example in my opinion - which literally requires you to sacrifice your hero in order to call yourself in his place.