Rothschilds and Hitler - a new vision of classical history. Rothschilds: World underground parasite empire. Meyer Ambel Rothschild and Sons Ambrelo Moses Rothschild Where was born

The founder of the Rothschild clan, Mayer Amshel Bauer, was born 270 years ago - in 1744. The family lived in Judengasse, the Jewish ghetto Frankfurt am Main. And his father was called Amshel Moses Bauer. He contained a small changeable office, over which a large red sign was concerned. In German "Red Sign" is Rot Schild. So actually the name appeared, which has now become nominal, meaning luxury and wealth. And this transformation occurred as follows.

Mayer Amel was not and eleven, when in 1754 his father died, and after him and mother. Having become an orphan, he was placed in a free school, but he didn't like learning, and the young man was given to the same case - numismatics. Every day, he wanted in landfills that came out of the conversion of a coin, then a lagged medal, then some old fucking. Clearing the find and giving them a commodity look, he successfully sold them to collectors.

In 1757, the 13-year-old Maer Ambel was sent to Hannover for training in the bank Shimon Wolf Oppenheimer. There he has comprehended the basics of a financial case, met the coins of other countries, learned to easily determine fakes and quickly calculate profitable exchange rates.

In 1760, Meyer Acel returned to Frankfurt, changed the name with Bauer on Rothschild and continued his father's case: it was engaged in exchange and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became very famous among the lovers of the antiquity. Copying money, he opened his own antique shop, in which you could change the money of some German principalities to others. So, gradually, the first similarity of Rothschild Bank arose.

The path from numismatics to finance is quite natural, and Meyer Ambrel has become a financier, as it was a numismat, solely of its own interest. Just now the different money through it was much more than before. He was not yet rich, but it was distinguished by confidence in his abilities and sociability. And people reached out to him, including very rich people.

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And once, when mediated by one of his client, collector vintage coinsHe met Landgraf (the title of the Split Prince in the Holy Roman Empire, whose core was Germany) Hesse-Kassels Wilhelm IX. This man was twelve years older and entered the highest circles of the European Society (his mother was the daughter of the British king George II). And it's amazing, they got something like friendship. Moreover, since 1764, the Mayer Ambrel began to supply coins and gold to the Prince of Hesse-Kassel. And after five years, in 1769, Wilhelm IX appointed Ambrel's Mayer to his personal banker and the court supplier - a prog-actor.

The duties of the agency were to increase the treasury of the prince, cover its army costs, luxury items, supply the courtyard, the kitchen and stables. In case of success, the award received a reward in the form of a part of the income of the prince and respect for the court, in the event of failure, ruin, court and even execution could follow.

But Meyer Ambower coped with his duties perfectly, and at the age of 26 (August 29, 1770) he married 17-year-old Guttle Schnapper, the daughter of the Wolf Solomon Schnapper, Radover. At the same time, he founded his first bank in Frankfurt. And, I must say, the business has a very successful business. The fact is that the first Rothschild was distinguished by an exceptional business grip. Currency transportation at that time was very expensive, besides, there was always a risk of robbing. And Meyer Ambrel found a very simple solution to this problem: he purchased wool and cotton in England at low prices, and then sold them in Europe much more expensive.

And of course, he was acquaintance with Wilhelm IX, one of the richest German princes, actively trading with hired soldiers. For example, in 1785, it was he who benefited 17,000 soldiers to the English king Georgue III for war with American colonists. And this deal did not cost without Mayer Amblue Rothschild.

And then Napoleon Bonaparte came to power, and France began grip wars in Europe. In 1806, when the French invaded Hessen, Landgraf Wilhelm IX (in 1803 he became a Kurfürst under the name Wilhelm I) was forced to flee from the country, and before that he did a 62-year-old Maer Ambel trusted person, leaving him almost all its condition. And the banker continued to collect money from the princely debtors and could even significantly increase the amount left to him. At the same time, he did not forget about his personal interest. In any case, Wilhelm preferred Tales, and the British paid Rothschild pounds, so Meyer Amshel could become the rich one on the difference in currency exchange rates.

And he became him. And he proudly reported to his patron, that he managed to double his condition, which further strengthened the trust and respect for the princely family to him.

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Meanwhile, Napoleon has already subordinate to himself almost all of Europe.

Of course, the Napoleonic wars were beneficial to Rothschild, and he in every way stimulated them, stirring on endless military orders. But Napoleon was not so simple, and he refused to Mayer the Amsley in joining his financial empire to his. Moreover, in February 1800, he created France, independent of Rothschild. And in April 1803, he conducted a monetary reform by introducing silver and gold francs, and the exclusive law of the monetary emission was received by the Bank of France.

Meyer Ambrel Rothschild was outraged, and Napoleon said that if the government is financially dependent on bankers, the country is not managing the government, but bankers. He said: "A hand that gives, always turns out to be above his hands that takes. Financiers have no patriotism and honesty, their only goal is chiogan. "

But he was needed by money, and therefore, in the same 1803, Napoleon gave the United States to the United States in North America. The size of the territory sold was then about 2.1 million square meters. km, and the transaction price amounted to $ 15 million (or 80 million French francs). And during this transaction, Napoleon used the bank not Rothschild, and its direct competitors - the Banker's House of Bargov in London and Houpa Bank in Amsterdam.

With the help of money received from this transaction, Napoleon quickly equipped the army and continued to spread his influence throughout Europe, capturing everything in its path. And it was killed military car Only in 1812 in Russia.

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And Meyer Ambrel Rothschild was already an elderly man, and his health was strongly shaken. And so he collected all his children and urged them to never change faith, always stay together and help each other.

He died on September 19, 1812, at the age of 68, leaving behind a huge capital and five sons.

The senior was Ambrel Rothschild, who was born in Frankfurt am Main on June 12, 1773. Then Solomon Rothschild, born on September 9, 1774, Nathan Rothschild, born on September 16, 1777, and Karl (Kalman) Rothschild, born on April 24, 1788. The youngest was James (Jacob) Rothschild, which appeared on May 15, 1792.

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The resulting clan of Rothschilds could not forgive Napoleon of his "self-government". And they declared a "war" to Corsicans, that is, they began to provide loans to almost any country that was in the middle of Napoleon opponents. In the end, Napoleon himself said that for financiers the only goal is chi-car.

In essence, the Rothschild clan decided to "fall out" Napoleon, and for this he began to actively finance the British and Russians, that is, his main opponents.

As you know, Napoleon really did not want to fight with Russia, but it was forced to do it, and did not cost here without the "hand" of the Rothschilds. In any case, when in 1812, the main backbone of the Napoleonic army was in Russia, Nathan Rothschild came up with a brilliant plan for the financing of the "second front", that is, the activities of the army of the Herzoga Wellington on the Pyrenean Peninsula. For this, Nathan Rothschild bought for an amount of 800 thousand pounds (then pounds!) Gold at the Ost-India Company, and then sold it gold, so the well-required Wellington for hostilities, the Government of England. Naturally, he did it with a huge profit. However, the British did not know how to transfer this Gold Wellington through the territory of France. And then Rothschilds themselves took up the fulfillment of this risky business.

The essence of the operations carried out by them: first, James Rothschild suddenly appeared in Paris, and then his brothers wrote him letters, in which the preliminary complaints were gathering that they were going to take gold from England to Spain, but the British government allegedly refuses them in this. At the same time, Rothschilds took care of their messages to his brother be sure to fall into the hands of the French Secret Police. And the Ministry of Finance of France swallowed "bait". If the enemies of the British against the fact that gold flooded from England, decided in the French ministry, it is necessary to help these Rothschilds so that they still have to take it their gold ...

Thus, the trick with letters was a success, and the Government of Napoleon helped Rothschilds in order for gold in the end in Spain, where it entered the Wellington army, successfully fought against the French.

Later on one of the business dinners in London, Nathan Rothschild boasted that it was the best deal in his life. However, then, in 1812, he has not yet keen that they are with the brothers really the best financial transaction was still ahead.

By the way, it is worth noting that the Rothschilds have become quite well in and on the continental blockade of England, introduced by Napoleon Decree from October 27, 1806. At that time, Europe could receive British colonial goods (spices, cotton, tobacco, coffee, etc.) only smuggling. So Nathan Rothschild created a reliable chain of smugglers who passed through any Napoleonic Cordons. And, of course, the prices for these goods were fantastic.

As for Napoleon, he had to fight exclusively with the armies of enemy states. Then he was an unsurpassed genius and tried one victory after another. But now the emperor had to withstand a new enemy, whose name is world capital. The live personification of this new enemy was the Rothschild brothers, therefore, they were their Napoleon and considered the main enemies of his great mission, officially promising 500 thousand francs for their physical elimination of 500 thousand francs. But the talented commander turned out to be helpless in the face of this new enemy, for the laws of such a "war" were unknown to him. Rothschilds, concentrating enormous financial resources in their hands, managed to buy and confidence of politicians, and the authority of the State Transpirators. As a result, in nine of ten cases, the placement of government orders for the supply of weapons, gold and grain, officials from state commissions for supplying the front turned to Rothschilds. Moreover, the interest rate loans to Rothschilds lined up a whole queue from the twelve states, and to the outcome of the war with Napoleon "Winners" owed at all at all philanthrops of Rothschilds, who had a developed network of agents, suppliers and couriers for the transportation of gold across Europe, over 70 million pounds.

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And what is this for the best financial operation of the Rothschilds, which was ahead?

It happened already after the defeat of Napoleon in Russia. As you know, in March 1814, Paris fell, and Napoleon was forced to renounce the throne. Then he was sent to the link to the island of Elba, and then he suddenly returned from there and again seized power in France. A period known in history as "a hundred days" began, and he ended with the famous battle at Waterloo. At this time, the Rothschilds, who had a well-developed alert system, managed to get news about the defeat of Napoleon for a whole day earlier than the official Message of the Duke Wellington. As a result, Nathan Rothschild, on June 20, 1815, personally appeared on the London Exchange and began to sell bonds of the English state loan with sad species. Not a word not to mention. He just stood at his usual place on the stock exchange and sold, sold, sold ...

Everyone became clear - England lost the war. Otherwise, the experienced Rothschild would have led himself quite differently ...

And everyone also rushed to sell their bonds. The market rapidly collapsed. In the meantime, Rothschild agents, waiting for the moment that government papers fell to the lowest level, quickly bought them, but already practically at the price of wrapping paper. And then the official message about the defeat of Napoleon came. And the price of bonds sharply soared up ...

So Napoleon received his Waterloo, and Nathan Rothschild achieved control over the entire British economy. It is estimated that in one day he received over 200 million pounds of net profit. And about the same did James Rothschild in Paris.

Committed correctly at one time, Mayer Ambel Rothschild: "Who owns information, he owns the world!"

Some historians argue that Rothschilds bribed all the conductors of the French army that all Napoleon's plans were known to them in the smallest details that Nathan Rothschild created his own pigeon mail and even came to the Waterloo district.

There is no reliable confirmation of this, but the fact remains: such transactions world history I did not know yet, and the century later Nathan Rothschild was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records as the name of the most brilliant financier of all times and peoples and a representative of the family, which became the most rich in the world by the middle of the XIX century. No wonder the remainder of the XIX century is called the "Age of Rothschilds".

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Naturally, Rothschilds were closely connected with Masons. Moreover, it can be argued that the Masonic lodges, receiving the financing they need, unquestionedly performed the orders of the Rothschilds, carrying out their far-reaching plans.

It is believed that Robespierre himself was a blind tool in the hands of Mayer Ambrelf Rothschild. No wonder he said: "It seems to me that we are all the time, in addition to our will, pushes the" hidden hand ". Every day our public salvation committee does what yesterday decided not to do. "

And Robespierre was deprived of life, including because he dared to express his indignation about the fact that the alien presented by Adam Weisgaupt and other Rothschild agents turned into this rulers.

I did not want to serve secret legs and ingenic billionaires and Napoleon. For this and paid. Then, already being in the link on the island of Saint Helena, he admitted: "I did not want to start a campaign against Russia."

But what I wrote in my "memories" General Hurgo, accompanied by Napoleon in the link: "What did it really serve as the motive of the military campaign against Russia? I dont know; It is possible that the emperor himself knew no more than mine. "

Adam Weisga Paul - this man in 1776 created the German secret society of the Illuminati. And it was done with the financing of Maer Amblue Rothschild. The purpose of the illuminates was to improve and plant humanity, the destruction of national governments and religious institutions. It was from them that then went a branched network of Masonic lies of the "Great East" system. Became masons and sons of Mayer Ambrelov Rothschild. For example, James Rothschild was in Paris by the Mason of the Scottish Rite of the highest 36 level, and Nathan Rothschild was in London a high-ranking member of the united Great Lodge of the England.

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After the fall of Napoleon, the Rothschild clan continued to flourish, and the descendants of the Mayer Amblue Rothschild began to dictate their iron will to European bankers, bishops, revolutionaries, dictators and monarch dynasties. All five of his sons became baronas, and historians called the war of 1812 by the link in their "managed conflict" strategy.

James Rothschild, who became a commander of the Order of the Honorary Legion in France, somehow stated: "This weapon is not stored in the Arsenals of brainless military ministers, this weapon is stored in my bank."

Napoleon did not want to put up with this, and he did not. He died on May 5, 1821 in the exile, on the distant island, lost in the Atlantic Ocean. And his fall, which began in 1812 in Russia, no doubt, became a real triumph of the Rothschild clan.

On the clan emblem, five arrows connected by a chain is depicted, which symbolizes the Union of the five sons of the founder of the dynasty. Their motto was the words: Concordia, Integritas, Industria (consent, unity, hard work), and their powerful house became a special independent state in the middle of the European countries.

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Ambrel Rothschild died on December 6, 1855 in Frankfurt. He died childless, and his banking house was transferred to his nephews.

Solomon Rothschild died on July 28 of the same year in Paris. From marriage with Carolina Stern he had two children: Ambel Solomon and Betty. And that is characteristic, both have concluded marriage unions with close relatives: respectively, with Charlotte Rothschild (daughter of Uncle Nathan Rothschild) and Uncle James Rothschild (founder of the French branch of the dynasty). And their children also married and married only within the Rothschild family. Similar endogamia has become one of the basic rules of the Codex of the Rothschilds, contributing to the fact that the accumulated property remains inside the family and served as a common cause.

By the way, about this Code, tested by Rothschild-senior to his children. It also said that all important posts in the business should occupy only family members, not employees; Only descendants of the male can participate in the clan affairs can only be inherited - only direct male heirs. According to this Code, men families were to marry their cousins \u200b\u200bor secondary sisters, but daughters had to try to marry aristocrats, while maintaining their faith.

Returning to Solomon Rothschild, it can be said that he and his descendants represented the interests of the clan in Austria, where the bank was founded, which financed the First Austrian Railway and various capital-intensive enterprises of the government. For their successes in this matter in 1843, Solomon Rothschild became the first Jew - an honorary citizen of Austria.

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The founder of the English branch of the Rothschilds Nathan Rothschild first traded British textiles, and then moved from Manchester to London and founded the bank there. At the same time, even perfect ignorance of English language did not stop him. He began his business with 20,000 pounds and very soon tripled capital. And for all the age of 17 of his stay in London, he managed to increase the starting capital left him 2500 (!) Once.

He died on July 28, 1836. From marriage with Anna Cohen, he had six children: Charlotte, Lionel, Anthony, Nathaniel, Anna and Louise.

In 1847, Son Nathan Rothschild Lieonel, married to the daughter of Uncle Charles Rothschild, was elected to the House of Commons, and in 1885 his grandson Nathaniel became a member of the House of Lords.

Nathaniel Charles Rothschild
Karl (Kalman) Rothschild died on March 10, 1855 in Naples. He was married to Adelhead Herz, and from this marriage he had five children: Charlotte, Mayer Karl, Adolf Carl, Wilhelm Karl and Ambrella Alexander Karl.

Karl Rothschild had a reputation of the least gifted of five brothers. However, he showed himself in Naples a strong financier and very capable of developing extremely important business bonds. He established close business relations with the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom of both Sicily, after which his bank became dominant in Naples.

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James (Jacob) Rothschild lived the longest. He died on November 15, 1868 in Paris. And it was he who turned out to be the most successful in affairs, and after the death of Brother Nathan in 1836, the leadership of the Rothschilds was passed to him. And it was he who introduced his brothers and nephews in the "ERU of the Industrial Revolution". In the 30s and 40s of the XIX century, James financed very large investment projects, and everyone called him a great baron.

For a quarter of a century, James became the second of the richest people of France, only the state of the king was a little more.

On July 11, 1824, James Rothschild married his nephew Betty Rothschild, and they had five children: Charlotte, Mayer Alfons, Gustav Samuel, Salomon James and Edmund Benjamin.

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According to estimates, the cumulative wealth of the clan in the 70s of the XIX century amounted to almost

1 billion dollars is a fabulous number of digit. No largest project then did not do without Rothschilds: their money was reconnaissance of diamonds in South Africa, the land was bought for the construction of a Suez Canal, the construction was purchased in Russia, construction was financed. railways and metallurgical enterprises ... Their bank became the largest in Europe, and the family is the richest in the world.

Rothschilds were first created what is now called financial and industrial groups. They actively penetrated the industry as promising from an economic point of view at that time of the country. At the same time, they always tolerate could not act openly, preferring to be sewn to control the company for the company, and those for the general public continued to be associated with completely different people. For example, at the end of the XIX, the beginning of the 20th century, Rothschilds have established real control over the financial empire Morganov and the steel conglomerate of the Carnieg clan.

The members of the Rothschild clan still play an important role in the global business. Despite the two world wars, the confiscation of many possessions and high inheritance taxes, the Empire of Rothschilds did not die and still believed to be one of the largest in the financial world. The exact number is almost impossible to be called due to the numerous assets. But some experts believe that the common capital of the Rothschild family is currently at least 350 billion dollars. Others are confident that Rothschilds have about 1 trillion dollars only in real estate and the banking sector.

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Responding to this question, many pronounce the names of Carlos Sliem El, Bill Gates or Amancio Ortag. Lists are most regularly published in the ratings of Forbes and Bloomberg, and there are members of the first three members within 63.8 to 84.6 billion dollars. But in fact, the richest man in the world is Nathaniel Charles Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild and the current head of the Rothschild clan, born on April 29, 1936, although in all sorts of lists he is very far from the first position. But he does not need to "glow" in official ratings.

In the hands of Nathaniel Charles Rothschild, there are hundreds of mines and vineyards, large plots of land, almost all the largest news agencies of the world (Reuters, BBC, etc.), great amount Small and medium banks, as well as the world's largest bank - N M Rothdchild & Sons. Here it is not about "some" billions, but about trillion dollars. And these are not virtual wealth and not lines in Internet search engines. This is a real wealth, with which you can have a significant impact on everything, including world politics.

Especially very big money. No wonder in the Code, bequeathed by the Rothschild-senior his children, it was clearly stated: "In any case, the property of the family does not describe, the size of the state does not disclose. Even in court or in testament. " And there was already said that modesty leads to wealth. Praphrazing the founder of the Rothschild clan, can be said: let me right to control the money - and I will still do it anyway, who makes some kind of ratings ...

Sergey Nechaev

Financial magnate, founder of the dynasty of influential bankers and businessmen, owners of world-famous banking houses, insurance firms and corporations in various industries: oil, mining, non-ferrous metallurgy, railway construction, etc.

In the old German city of Frankfurt am Main, tourists still show the house under No. 152, at the same time, in 1743, Meyer Ambrel Rothschild, the progenitor of the powerful banker family was born and lived. Without exaggeration, we can say that under this tiled roof and behind these long, narrow windows, the fate of war and the world, the fate of individual ministers and even the entire ruling dynasties was solved.

True, the beginning of this amazing greatness was more than modest. After all, Rothschild is a simple nickname, literally meaning "in the Red Signs", which, according to legend, received one of the family representatives, the shopkeeper Isaac Elhanan. The first, reliably famous historical face from the house of the Rothschilds was Ambel Moses (Moses). He traded all sorts of rare, old coins and lived highly modestly, firmly holding the rules: "The wealth of a person is not that he receives, but in what is saved." This motto of the banker dynasty could feel free to write on his coat of arms. By the end of his life, Moses managed to scat about 1.5 thousand florins.

His son, Mayer Ambel, a 12-year-old child remained round orphan and brought up in relatives. Following the death will of the parents, the guardians sent the boy to Furture to study in the famous synagogue. But the classes caused him only boredom - Rothschild wanted to be a merchant, and not rabbi. Already at school, he opened a tiny changeable bench and led his operations for money, which was then spent on the purchase of delicacies. He managed to even buy several rare coins And profitable to sell them. In addition, it was various antique collections and allowed them in turnover, quickly acquiring the reputation among the comrades.

For several years of sluggish classes, Talmud and deft financial operations finally convinced Meyer, that he would be a good merchant and bad rabbi. After that, the young man stopped hesching and returned to Frankfurt. Here he was engaged in everything that came to her hand, gradually expanding the circle of his transactions. For his active nature, a distinct shop turned out to be close, so Rothschild was hired to serve in the Banker's office of Oppenheimer in Hannover.

For the service, Meyer moved quickly enough and in just a few years he was adopted in the company's comrades. All this time he did not leave the dream to start her job. Accuming money and experience, Rothschild left companions and returned to Frankfurt again. Here he first traded with old coins, he made catalogs and delivered orders from one German principality to another. He then organized a bench in which the carriage could change the money of the German principalities on the currency of others. Revenues from exchange operation Mayer used to expand the case. He bought several shops that belonged to the difficult situation to change, but his truly exaltation began after his acquaintance with Hessian Kurfürst Wilhelm.

At the courtyard of the Crown Prince, Meyer Ambel began his career in 1764 by the supplier of antique coins and medals for his collection, after 5 years he became a court factor, and then the main court agent of the Prince of Hesse Ghanau. It should be noted that Wilhelm was a rather business man. He himself could become a banker, because the first of the German princes began to provide loans for interest. Soon his debtors turned out to be more than half of the sovereigns of Europe. Gradually, Meier Rothschild turned on this business. Along with the other changes and the usurists, he from time to time received from the owner of the assignment - to recover one or another foreign debt (of course, for the relevant remuneration).

In 1770, Meyer Amshel married the daughter of Kommersant Göduluker, a simple, modest and very economic woman. By the time children appeared in the family (five sons and five daughters), the spouses were rich and lived in a new house - already "under the green sign". The coat of arms of the Hessian yard were blocked on it and the inscription with gold letters below: "Meyer Rothschild, managing the affairs of the Duke Wilhelm, His Highness of Prince Ghanau."

From 1801 to 1806, Rothschild released five loans worth almost 5 million guildren. At that time, he had already a great deal of competitors, because he was exempted from the payment of taxes, which Jewish merchants were subject. When Wilhelm, fleeing from Napoleon, was forced to flee and lived for many years in emigration, the main court agent of the court Rothschild managed to achieve a monopoly position in its financing. The money mined during the war years and established business connections was now enough, and after the crash of the Napoleon's power, Rothschilds have already taken their main and from now on officially recognized activities. The son of Mayer Nathan so described later this turn to the new policy: "Rothschilds left smuggling and sell the only standing product - money."

Yes, and Meier himself called himself "merchant money." Sober calculation and caution were his best advantages. Leading the Grand Operations, Rothschild always delivered Barysh to his customers. Feeling where and what can be important for sure, having connections and money, he joined the path that he led not only to profits, but also to a political meaning: Mayer began to arrange loans for states in unheard of size. Since Hessian millions found themselves in his hands, they no longer fired. The loan series began in 1804, when Rothschild lent 4 million thalers to the Danish government; By the day of his death, the duty of Danes increased to 12 million.

It was impossible to be more reliable than this kind of financial operations, in the opinion of Maer himself, it was impossible to imagine, with that, of course, the reservation is that not any government deserves a loan. Rothschild did not risk anything. In addition to the major kosha for the commission, he received 6% per annum with money paid by him, so that every million loan brought him annually 60-70 thousand.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe the Financial Operations of the Rothschild. They all were performed with the observance of strictest secrecy, and only a few facts became publicity. When Meyer Ambrel began to grow old and root, his sons often replaced him in business trips. So the secrets of all business transactions did not go beyond the family.

In the autumn of 1810, an influential financier decided to establish the company "Mayer Ambel Rothschild and Sons" and make the heirs to its co-owners. The contract was indicated by the fixed capital of 800 thousand florines, and 370 thousand florins belonged to the father, the sons of Amsley and Solomon got 185 thousand, Karl and a minor James - 30 thousand. Nathan, seven years ago, subdued to London, did not appear in the contract for business reasons. In all matters, the decisive voice remained behind the old man Mayer. Disputes between the brothers were to be resolved in the family circle, keeping the unity of the house.

Meyer Amshel Rothschild died in 1812, without ceasing to engage in his affairs up to a cruel death disease. Having representatives of their company in all the most important cities of Europe, he himself lived downwardly in Frankfurt, in the same old house, at the entrance of which he often stopped carriage ministers and even crowned persons. There were generally countless visitors, and Meyer listened to each of them personally. With each other, he did not tolerate any intermediaries, he looked through all the accounts, discussed all the combinations. He enjoyed his millions more than moderately, lived closed and spent most of the time in the family, among children, grandchildren and granddaughters - rather numerous.

It is difficult to determine the actual size of the state of the Rothschild on the day of his death. It is known that Mayer Amshel always conducted a "double accounting": some books were intended for the authorities and tax departments, and others contained secret and profitable cases. Dying, the founder of the dynasty called all his sons and punished them to act always together and not to take anything without consulting with his mother. "Observe it," he said, "and soon you will become richaries among the rich." His testament holy was observed. Riedshild Gedschild for a whole 37 years experienced her husband and died 96-year old old woman in 1849. And all this time, the sons went to the parental house for joint discussion of millions of projects in the presence of a mother. Gedul did not interfere in their conversations, and each time her role was limited only to the reminder of the Testament of the Old Mayer.

The sons confidently continued the case of the Father and in many ways even surpassed him, since they successfully divided into the inheritance and sphere of influence. Ashiel ordered the exchange of Germany, Nathan - England, Solomon - Vienna, Karl - Naples, and James - Paris. They acted quickly and simply. Going in the footsteps of the Father, the Rothschild brothers is as skillfully and energetically, as he enjoyed the vague position of Europe. In their millions, whole armies were equipped, for helping all the governments of the Antiofrantsu League were treated. Meyer Ambrel Rothschild laid a good base so that the House on the Jewish Street of Frankfurt became the center of the European Financial World. This status has been preserved for him until today.

Meyer Ambel Bauer (Rothschild) (German name - Mayer Amschel Bayern Rothschild), founder of the international dynasty of entrepreneurs, founder of the bank in Frankfurt am Main. The case was continued five of his sons: Ambel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers controlled 5 banks in the largest cities Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main). The family of Young Mayer Amblue lived in the Jewish ghetto. His father Amshel Mozoz Bauer kept a small changeable office under the red sign, which in German sounds like "Rot Schild". So the nickname appeared, which became the nominal designation of luxury and wealth and laid the beginning of the 260-year-old Dynasty of the Rothschilds. When Mayer was twelve years old, he was sent to Hannover for training in Oppenheimer Bank. There he has suffered the secrets of a financial affair, met the coins of the German Principles, learned to define fakes and profitable exchange rates. After the death of the parents in 1760, Meyer returned to Frankfurt and continued his father's office: it was engaged in exchange and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became known among the lovers of the antiquity. I saved money, Mayer opened his own antique bench, it was also possible to change the money of some German principalities to others. So the first bank of the Rothschilds arose. At the beginning of his financial career was a trader of old coins and medals. With the mediation of his client, General Background Estorph, a collector of ancient coin meets Landgraf Hesse-Kassels Wilhelm IX. Who made him his confidant during the flight of Landgraf in Prague from Napoleonic troops. Meyer Anchel Rothschild not only retained the capital, but also ordered a multi-million state that it increased markedly, by this time the imposition of the foundation of their own state. Rothschild was distinguished by an exceptional business grip. The transportation of the currency in those times was very expensive, moreover, there was a risk of falling into the hands of the robbers. Meyer found a very simple solution to the problem. He purchased wool and cotton in England at low prices, and then sold them in Europe much more expensive. From 1764 Meyer Rothschild began to supply coins and gold to the Princely House of Hesse-Kassel. And in five years later, the head of the house of Wilhelm I appointed his personal banker. The responsibilities of the court factor, which Mayer was, was to increase the treasury of the prince, cover its army costs, luxury items, supply the courtyard, stables, kitchen and basement. In case of success, the factor expects a reward in the form of a part of the income of the prince and respect for the court, in the event of a failure - the court, ruin, and even execution. Prince Wilhelm walked one of the richest and most notable German princes, traded hired armies and lived on a wide leg. In 1785, he advocated 17,000 soldiers to the English king Georgi III for war with American colonists. When the prince, fleeing from Napoleon, was hidden, Rothschild continued to collect money from his debtors, and even was able to increase the amount received. Once Rothschild took money in the British bank with the prince's compensation account and paid them the goods. And since I paid cash, I got a big discount. Meyer managed to avoid two operations at once: transportation of money in England and counter transportation of the Prince's money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought the goods, sold it at a high price, he returned the prince's debt and ended up in great winning. And since the prince received Tales, and the British paid the pounds, the banker earned and on the difference in currency exchange rates. In 27 years, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutle Schnapper - the daughter of a local degree. Rothschilds were born 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jealtte (1771), Ambrel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (Kalman) (1788) ), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792). Five sons of Rothschild continued his business. They were called "five fingers of one hand". On September 27, 1810, Meyer Ambower founded Meyer Ambrel Rothschild and Sons. Powder in turn of Cash Calffers, who were at his disposal, Rothschild-Father began to arrange state loans in unprecedented before the sizes. The increase remained in the hands of a family of bankers, and the wealth themselves were returned to the heirs of Rothschild to the successors of Landgraf. After the death of Rothschild, his cumulative capital was twice the assets of the French bank. His sons were drove throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Amel, the eldest son, led all the affairs of the generic house in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his firm in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally they were independent of each other, but had general System Communication - courier service, which allowed to receive news of the most important political events, about any exchange shocks before all. The skill of the Rothschilds quickly collect information, and if necessary - and disseminate disinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house worked closely with the history of Europe. On the emblem of the Rothschild dynasty depicted five arrows connected by a chain, which symbolizes the Union of the five sons of the founder of the Maer Ambel clan. Their motto was the words: "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" (consent, unity, diligence).
Rothschild Code for His Children
1. All important posts in the business must occupy only family members (and not employees); Only descendants of the male can participate in affairs; Inherit - only direct male heirs. The eldest son becomes the head of the family, if the brothers unanimously not recognized otherwise (as it happened in 1812, when Nathan was approved by the head of the house).
2. Male families should marry their cousins \u200b\u200bor secondary sisters (so that the accumulated property remains inside the family and served as a common cause). The daughters should marry aristocrats, keeping their faith.
3. In any case, the property of the family does not describe, the size of the state does not disclose. Even in court or in testament. Disputes between brothers permit inside the family, keeping unity at home.
4. Live in harmony, love and friendship, share profits equally.
5. "Never forget that modesty leads to wealth"
Rothschild died in Frankfurt am Main on September 19, 1812.
See more:

Children Ambrel Meier, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer

Meyer Amel (Ansel) Rothschild (it. MAYER AMSCHEL (ANSHEL) Rothschild; February 23 (1743-02-23 ) , Frankfurt am Main - September 19.Ibid) - Founder of the International Dynasty of Outstanding Entrepreneurs (see Rothschilds), founder of the bank in Frankfurt am Main, Mason.

The case was continued five of his sons: Ambel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers controlled 5 banks in the largest cities of Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main).


The family of Young Mayer Amblue lived in the Jewish ghetto. His father Amshel Moses Bauer kept a small changeable office under the red sign, which in German sounds like "Rot Schild". So the nickname appeared, which became the nominal designation of luxury and wealth and laid the beginning of the 270-year-old Dynasty of the Rothschilds.

From the earliest childhood, the boy in the morning and evenings accompanied the father in the synagogue. When he was three years old, he began to learn to read and write in Hebrew. He was refining a brilliant Rabbi career, and therefore in 1755 the father sent him to the school of rabbis in Furt, a suburb of Nuremberg. There were allowed to shave Jews. Mayer was quite easily mathematics, which was a good help in the world of finance.

When Mayer was twelve years old, he was sent to Hannover for training in Oppenheimer Bank. There he has suffered the secrets of a financial affair, met the coins of the German Principles, learned to define fakes and profitable exchange rates.

After the death of the parents in 1760, Meyer returned to Frankfurt and continued his father's office: it was engaged in exchange and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became known among the lovers of the antiquity. I saved money, Mayer opened his own antique bench, it was also possible to change the money of some German principalities to others. So the first bank of the Rothschilds arose.

At the beginning of his financial career was a trader of old coins and medals. With the mediation of his client, General Background Estorphoma, a collector of ancient coins, meets Landgraf by Hesse-Kasselsille Wilhelm IX, who made him his credit face during the flight to Prague from Napoleonic troops. Meyer Ambrel Rothschild not only retained the capital, but also ordered a multi-million state that it increased markedly, by this time the imposition of the foundation of their own state.

Rothschild was distinguished by an exceptional business grip. The transportation of the currency in those times was very expensive, moreover, there was a risk of falling into the hands of the robbers. Meyer found a very simple solution to the problem. He purchased wool and cotton in England at low prices, and then sold them in Europe much more expensive.

Since 1764, Meier Rothschild began supplying coins and gold to the Prince of Hesse-Kassel. And in five years later, the head of the house Wilhelm IX appointed his personal banker and the court supplier - a corrugated factor. The responsibilities of the court factor, which Mayer was, was to increase the treasury of the prince, cover its army costs, luxury items, supply the courtyard, stables, kitchen and basement. In case of success, the factor expects a reward in the form of a part of the income of the prince and respect for the court, in the event of a failure - the court, ruin, and even execution.

Landgraf Wilhelm IX was one of the richest and most knowledgeable German princes, traded hired soldiers and lived on a wide leg. In 1785, he advocated 17,000 soldiers to the English king Georgue III for the war with American colonists. When in 1806, Wilhelm (in 1803, Kurfürst under the name Wilhelm I), fleeing from Napoleon, hid, Rothschild continued to collect money from his debtors, and even was able to increase the amount received.

Once, Rothschild took money in the British bank with a compensatory account of Landgraf and paid for them the goods. And since I paid cash, I got a big discount. Meyer managed to avoid two operations at once: the carriage of money in England and the oncoming transport of money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought the goods, sold it at a high price, returned Landgraf's duty and eventually found himself in a great win. And since Wilhelm IX received Tales, and the British were paid by pounds, the banker earned and on the difference in currency exchange rates.

In 27 years, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutle Schnapper - the daughter of a local degree. Rothschilds were born 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jealtte (1771), Ambrel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (Kalman) (1788) ), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792).

Podral, children contributed to the common cause. Mayer needed their help, and besides, to whom he could trust more than his own children? Girls were engaged in documents, the boys at first took loads and delivered goods. Then the older children were married, their spouses were also included in the family business, but not in the role of partners, but only as workers and employees. The hazard was performed by dirty work, and the daughter-in-law brought a solid dowry.

Five sons of Rothschild continued his business. They were called "five fingers of one hand". On September 27, 1810, Meyer Ambower founded Meyer Ambrel Rothschild and Sons. Powder in turn of Cash Calffers, who were at his disposal, Rothschild-Father began to arrange state loans in unprecedented before the sizes. The increase remained in the hands of a family of bankers, and the wealth themselves were returned to the heirs of Rothschild to the successors of Landgraf.

After the death of Rothschild, his cumulative capital was twice the assets of the French bank. His sons were drove throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Ambel, eldest son, led all the affairs of the generic house in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his firm in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally, they were independent of each other, but had a common communication system - the courier service, which allowed to receive news of the most important political events, about any stock shocks before all. The skill of the Rothschilds quickly collect information, and if necessary - and disseminate disinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house worked closely with the history of Europe.

Death and testament

Meyer Amshel died in 1812. He made a partnership agreement and the will before his death, which outlined the principles of further management of the family business. The descendants of Ambrelus appeared a set of internal laws, which they could be guided by the company's benefit and personally. In the will, Meyer Ambrelus sharply severely separated his straight descendants of male female from another relatives, from female descendants, people associated with Rothschilds of marriage, as well as their offspring. In the will clearly indicated that the company has no place to call. Ashiel said: "My daughters, the city and their heirs have nothing to do with the existing company M. A. Rothschild und Söhne, and also do not have the right to learn the case of the aforementioned company, its office books, paper, registers, and so on. I will never forgive your children if they go against my parent will and prevent my sons to calmly do business. "

The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty

On the emblem of the Rothschild dynasty, five arrows were depicted compressed in a fist with hand, which symbolizes the Union of the five sons of the founder of the Maer Ambel's clan. Their motto was the words: "Concordia, Integritas, Industria" (consent, unity, diligence).

Children Ambrel Meier, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer

Meyer Amel (Ansel) Rothschild (it. MAYER AMSCHEL (ANSCHEL) Rothschild; February 23 (1744-02-23 ) , Frankfurt am Main - September 19., Ibid) - Founder of the Jewish dynasty of outstanding entrepreneurs (see Rothschilds), founder of the bank in Frankfurt am Main, Mason [ ] .

The case was continued five of his sons: Ambel Mayer, Solomon Mayer, Nathan Mayer, Kalman Mayer, James Mayer. The brothers controlled 5 banks in the largest cities of Europe (Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main).


The history of the Rothschilds can be traced until 1577 to Yitzhak Elkhanan Rothschild, the name of which is borrowed from German (Him. Zum Rothen Schild - "With Red Shield") and happened from the house in which the family lived a lot of generations (at that time houses did not have numbers And they were distinguished by color labels). Subsequently, the heirs took the name of the Rothschild as a family name, when in 1664 moved to another house, which until the beginning of the 19th century served not only housing for more than 30 relatives, but also the place of business.

Mayer Ambel was born on February 23, 1744 in the family of 8 children in the Jewish ghetto in Frankfurt am Main. His father Amshel Moses Rothschild (died in 1755) engaged in trading in various goods and the exchange of coins, was a personal coin supplier for Prince Hessian.

When he was three years old, Mayer began to learn to read and write in Hebrew. He was refining a brilliant Rabbi career, and therefore in 1755 the father sent him to the school of rabbis in Furt, a suburb of Nuremberg. There were allowed to shave Jews. Mayer was quite easily mathematics, which was a good help in the world of finance.

When Mayer was twelve years old, he was sent to Hannover for training in Oppenheimer Bank. There he has suffered the secrets of a financial affair, met the coins of the German Principles, learned to define fakes and profitable exchange rates.

After the death of the parents in 1760, Meyer returned to Frankfurt and continued his father's office: it was engaged in exchange and selling coins and medals. Very soon he became known among the lovers of the antiquity. I saved money, Mayer opened his own antique bench, it was also possible to change the money of some German principalities to others. So the first bank of the Rothschilds arose.

Since 1764, Meier Rothschild began supplying coins and gold to the Prince of Hesse-Kassel. And in five years later, the head of the house Wilhelm IX appointed his personal banker and the court supplier - a corrugated factor. The responsibilities of the court factor, which Mayer was, was to increase the treasury of the prince, cover its army costs, luxury items, supply the courtyard, stables, kitchen and basement. In case of success, the factor expects a reward in the form of a part of the income of the prince and respect for the court, in the event of a failure - the court, ruin, and even execution.

Landgraf Wilhelm IX was one of the richest and most knowledgeable German princes, traded hired soldiers and lived on a wide leg. In 1785, he advocated 17,000 soldiers to the English king Georgue III for the war with American colonists. When in 1806, Wilhelm (in 1803, Kurfürst under the name Wilhelm I), fleeing from Napoleon, hid, Rothschild continued to collect money from his debtors, and even was able to increase the amount received.

Once, Rothschild took money in the British bank with a compensatory account of Landgraf and paid for them the goods. And since I paid cash, I got a big discount. Meyer managed to avoid two operations at once: the carriage of money in England and the oncoming transport of money to Frankfurt. Instead of money, Rothschild brought the goods, sold it at a high price, returned Landgraf's duty and eventually found himself in a great win. And since Wilhelm IX received Tales, and the British were paid by pounds, the banker earned and on the difference in currency exchange rates.

In 27 years, Mayer married 17-year-old Gutle Schnapper - the daughter of a local degree. Rothschilds were born 5 sons and 5 daughters: Jealtte (1771), Ambrel (1773), Solomon (1774), Nathan (1777), Isabella (1781), Babette (1784), Karl (Kalman) (1788) ), Henrietta (1791) and James (1792).

Podral, children contributed to the common cause. Mayer needed their help, and besides, to whom he could trust more than his own children? Girls were engaged in documents, the boys at first took loads and delivered goods. Then the older children were married, their spouses were also included in the family business, but not in the role of partners, but only as workers and employees. The hazard was performed by dirty work, and the daughter-in-law brought a solid dowry.

Five sons of Rothschild continued his business. They were called "five fingers of one hand". On September 27, 1810, Meyer Ambower founded Meyer Ambrel Rothschild and Sons. Powder in turn of Cash Calffers, who were at his disposal, Rothschild-Father began to arrange state loans in unprecedented before the sizes. The increase remained in the hands of a family of bankers, and the wealth themselves were returned to the heirs of Rothschild to the successors of Landgraf.

After the death of Rothschild, his cumulative capital was twice the assets of the French bank. His sons were drove throughout Europe and subsequently created a whole network of banks. Ambel, eldest son, led all the affairs of the generic house in Frankfurt. Nathan founded his firm in London, James - in Paris, Solomon settled in Vienna, Karl - in Naples. Formally, they were independent of each other, but had a common communication system - the courier service, which allowed to receive news of the most important political events, about any stock shocks before all. The skill of the Rothschilds quickly collect information, and if necessary - and disseminate disinformation, played a big role in the fact that the history of the house worked closely with the history of Europe.

Death and testament

Meyer Amshel died in 1812. He made a partnership agreement and the will before his death, which outlined the principles of further management of the family business. The descendants of Ambrelus appeared a set of internal laws, which they could be guided by the benefit of the dynasty and for themselves. In the will, Meyer Ambrelus sharply severely separated his straight descendants of male female from another relatives, from female descendants, people associated with Rothschilds of marriage, as well as their offspring. In the will clearly indicated that the company has no place to call. Ashiel said: "My daughters, the city and their heirs have nothing to do with the existing company. M. A. Rothschild Und SöhneAnd also have no right to learn the case of the aforementioned company, its office books, paper, registries, etc.. I will never forgive your children if they go against my parent will and prevent my sons to calmly do business. "

The emblem of the Rothschild dynasty

On the emblem of the Rothschild dynasty, five arrows were depicted compressed in a fist with hand, which symbolizes the Union of the five sons of the founder of the Maer Ambel's clan. Their motto was the words: Lat. Concordia, Integritas, Industria ("Consent, impeccability, hard work").

see also

    1. identifier BNF: open data platform - 2011.
    2. Lundy D. R. The Peerage - 717826 Ex.
    3. Rothschild, family (rus.), Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia Ort (April 1, 2016). Date of appeal November 30, 2018.