Forge of Empire resource map. Forge of Empires - guide to guilds and expeditions. Fair exchange rate for goods from different eras

If Peter I opened a window to Europe, then about the developers of the game Forge of Empires we can say that they opened a window to the future. online games... Among online strategies Forge of Empires occupies a special place, as well as in a number of past projects of the studio that released it, InnoGames. Recall that her creative baggage is both the popular, still quite new Grepolis, and the older, but well-known and still firmly holding their place on the Internet "Tribal War" and The West (Wild West).
It would seem that after Grepolis one can expect some similar game, only on a different topic. And suddenly, brushing aside all its old developments, InnoGames goes for broke. Its Forge of Empires, which only in 2013 changed its status from "beta" to working mode, is a completely new type of game.
Although purely in terms of genre, it cannot be called a new one. It would be possible to confine ourselves to a simple remark: before us is a city-planning simulator with a military element and a change of eras.
But to say so is to say nothing.
The developers have broken all the templates that are common in the world of online games, the essence of which is,
so that in browser strategies everything was lightweight and everything to a minimum: graphics, construction, war.
In Forge of Empares, the opposite is true, everything is to the maximum.
Let's start with the graphics. Let's call Forge of Empaires the most beautiful online game of today and we won't be mistaken. Although there are taxes - also the newest in this genre Settlers online, perhaps,
Age of Empires online. And yet the creation of InnoGames goes one step further. It is three-dimensional.
It is animated. She is alive!

This is how we start - with a stone ax and with a fighting friend behind

Like most strategies, in Forge of Empires you will have three main occupations: building, science, and warfare. Building development and constant redevelopment of the city is the main task of the game.
Science moves by itself almost by itself, and war is a secondary matter. You don't even need to fight at all. Note - I said it is possible, but not necessary. Because fighting here is interesting, and the war itself is beautiful in its own way, like everything in this game. In addition, everything speaks for the fact that the developers consider their project not as something finished, but on the contrary, something is still far from finished, and what will be the war in the next Forge versions of Empires no one dares to say.
However, the game is still more peaceful than the military, which determines the participation of a large number of the fair sex among the players.
Our city-building simulator, Forge of Empires, develops not only in space, but also in time. We build our first village back in cave times. Then, studying the sciences that open new buildings, we move on to the Bronze, Iron Age and Antiquity, then several stages of the Middle Ages, then - the Colonial Period and the Industrial Period. And by the time of this review, another one was added - the Age of Progressiveism (it would be easier to call it "the age of steam and electricity") with its tanks, airships, rifled weapons and other products of advanced capitalism.
The main building in your city is the Town Hall. All others, except for decorative ones, must be connected to it by roads, as in Settlers.
Town hall and a couple of other small buildings, given initially. During the transition to a new century, it also changes its appearance. If in the cave time it was a large hut of the leader, then in antiquity it was the Acropolis, in the Middle Ages it was a castle, and so on. Other buildings do not have this ability - they must be demolished and new, more advanced ones built.
For the population, of course, they need houses. They are of two types in Forge of Empires. They are distinguished not only by their appearance, but also by their profitability. After all, houses are not only population, but also taxes. One type of houses allows you to collect taxes every hour (we click on each house manually - this is the only way), others - once a few hours or in general - once a day.
What type of houses to build depends on how often you decide to visit the game. If you constantly "hang" on the Internet, then it is better to build houses with hourly tax collection. Usually these are different villas, mansions, houses for the rich. If you go to Forge of Empires a couple of times a day, then it is better to build "profitable" houses: slums, high-rise buildings, workers' quarters. Taxes are taken from them once a day and they bring less money in total. However, the population size is greater thanks to them, which is sometimes important if you want to fight a lot and build more military facilities that are very voracious in relation to human resources.
Again, houses provide your main basic resource - money. They always occupy 4 cells, regardless of the type, and "ripen" themselves at the appointed time.
Another required resource, "production", represented by the number of "hammers" produced. There are a lot of different industries in Forge of Empires. They can occupy rather large areas of the precious territory and, unlike buildings, their production can be regulated by setting the term for "collecting" hammers from 5 minutes to 2 days. This was done again on the basis that the players are different, some can visit their city more often, others, at best, once a day, after work.
And if the houses are static (no animation), except that the haze sometimes winds from the roofs, then each production is animated, it lives and lives very artistically. A sawmill saws logs, peasants mow wheat on a farm, slaves swarm on a tobacco plantation, a baker fusses around the oven in a bakery - and so in every production building it is always shown how a master works, and sometimes there are several of them. For browser-based games, this is simply not conceivable. This is accepted only in ordinary PC games on hardware. And nothing, from Forge of Empires the browser does not sag or burst.
And what is simply amazing is how the developers were able to find and recreate, of course, in the basic animation elements, the buildings of various ancient industries: there are glass factories, and coopers, and breweries, and watch workshops. Thanks to all this diversity, your city in Forge of Epire does not look like a dead map with scattered buildings, but a 3D masterpiece of animated computer graphics. It is a pity that the number of pedestrians on the streets is purely symbolic - but, probably, the browser simply will not stand up to a street party either.
Both houses and production facilities can work twice as productively if your neighbor looked into your city and put an "asterisk" on one of these buildings. According to the rules of the game, this is called "ennoble" the building, but the players themselves call the process "buff" ("buff!")
With each epoch, more and more funds are needed to build a new building, like gold,
and "hammers". Therefore, old buildings have to be destroyed, erecting new, more productive ones in their place. When demolishing outdated buildings, the game treats you quite democratically, returning part of the funds, which, in fact, is a rarity for this kind of games.

First, of course, we build in the sweat of our brow


But that is not all. Industrial buildings, in turn, are divided into 2 types.
The first are those that are already given by the familiar "hammers". And, by the way, they cannot be exchanged for money and vice versa, which, frankly speaking, would not be bad.
The second production buildings provide goods: marble, resin, iron, glass and all that jazz. In high epochs it will already be gunpowder, rubber, various industrial products.
One such production gives 4 units of goods per day, and if there is a deposit of corresponding raw materials on your territory (it opens on the strategic map) - 20 units.
Goods are needed mainly for the discovery of the next technology.
Example: To gain access to the Mansard Roof Technology (Colonial Period), in addition to a significant number of hammers and coins, you also need 100 basalt. For the "Artillery Cannon" technology - 60 units of gunpowder.
All of these products are very expensive. Buildings that produce hammers do not require resources to work, they produce them themselves. But raw materials production requires money and "hammers" for the production cycle to begin.
The construction of all buildings in Forge of Empires takes a long time: an average of 8-10 hours, or even more. Only at an early stage, which can be considered as introductory, everything is built quickly and cheaply. But the further, the more expensive and longer.
And one more resource you will need to climb from the cave fire to the sparkling peaks of civilization. These are glasses. Glasses are a very special resource.
It cannot be obtained by any buildings. Mostly they run on their own.
For one hour - one point is given. You can "earn" 24 points per day.
Glasses are used to study sciences. In this Forge of Empires completely copies "Civilization", except that its technology tree is much longer, more branched and takes longer to study. And the number of transitional eras is greater, one Middle Ages has three periods. At the first stages, such sciences as the wheel, agriculture, woodworking and other primitives are explored very quickly, the research of one such knowledge requires 3-5 points. In a couple of hours you leave the cave age, and in a few days you pass the bronze one.
But it gets more complicated. More and more science points are required.
In the colonial era and later, one science will take 50 - 70, or even 100 points. Each era has an average of 20 technologies. So imagine that the development of any later era will take from a month to 40 days. Take a calculator and check it out.
that glasses are time. You, in the literal sense of the word, live your epochs, constantly building, rebuilding, expanding your city and slowly but steadily moving from the past to the future.
The only way to speed up the development process (except, of course, investing donations, which will be discussed separately below) is to buy glasses. This can be done as usual game gold, received from houses (it is possible for donations, but this is a separate song). The first point is pretty cheap, only 250 coins, but each next point will cost 50 gold more. Then the account will go to thousands and even ten thousand or more per point. In a word, a leap forward is possible, but the big Chinese leap will fail. There won't be enough gold.

All clear? Not too difficult? Yes, the game Forge of Empires is not easy, but also not difficult. There are no production chains like Settlers. This also applies to the recruitment of troops. There is no need to produce spears or guns - we just build barracks and hire troops in them. The economic scheme is very simple. Let's try to repeat all of the above, but in two lines.
Hammers + coins - give raw materials. Raw materials + points - give technology.
To build raw material factories and manufactories, you must first build
houses (labor and money); and production buildings that give hammers. That's all.
Stop. No. Not all. Be patient. There are also Great Buildings (or Wonders of the World).
Each era has its own Great Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the Sun for short): the Tower of Babel, Aachen Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, Castel del Monte Castle - many different.
From our, national - the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed (aka the Kremlin).
Most of these buildings, except for little Zeus, occupy a hefty chunk of precious urban territory, but they give very strong bonuses: an increase in tax collection, or a sharp increase in the level of contentment - each aircraft has its own bonus.
You can't build them right away. First you need to collect the blueprints. Piece by piece. The process, it should be noted, is quite fascinating, as well as the game as a whole. Blueprints are obtained in two ways: by "buffing" on any building corresponding to the era of the selected aircraft (house, production), or by robbing this building. To do this, you need to defeat the troops defending the city,
and then the robbery option will become available.
This is how we build our city: we set up houses, production, we move science.
However, it should be noted that the building area is limited, divided into squares. But these squares also need to be obtained. One by one. In each era, there are technologies that allow you to grow several squares for building.
They still need to be bought - for gold (or donations).
Another way to get a new square is to collect more medals.
Medals, otherwise seemingly useless, are obtained in two ways - by participating in the erection of Great Buildings (alien, not our own) or by winning battles.
And here we come to another important part of Forge of Empires. After all, this is not only a city-planning simulator, but also a strategy, which means that you can fight here.

These are the buildings we build here, and many others

The war in Forge of Empires is the most mysterious part of it. To explain why it is exactly like that, and no other can only be that the game is still in a state of development, so the developers themselves do not seem to know what it will be like in a couple of years and what kind of war there will be.
Currently, the war here is not intended to capture the territory of a neighbor (which is a pity!).
There is a strategic map, but there are no player cities on it. The map is for quests, it is very large, with many districts, and even continents. You start in Europe, and with the achievement of the era of colonialism, you can sail to America and fight there, conquering new regions.
Let's deal with these cards first. It is inhabited by various hostile barons and kings (AI) and at the beginning of the game they are hidden by the fog of war. Fighting with them, you gradually reveal parts of the map. For conquering every piece enemy territory small rewards await you. Mostly hammers or coins. At high levels, you can get some diamonds (donations).
But these trophies are not the main thing. And the deposits that are in the reclaimed areas.
This is the most important thing in your strategy quest.
To fight, clear stump, you need an army. The army needs its own buildings: barracks, shooting ranges, stables, and for heavy equipment - workshops for throwing weapons or foundries for cannons. They are expensive and require a lot of people (houses) to maintain them.
From era to era, units change: primitive spearmen are replaced by legionaries and archers, and they, in turn, are knights, crossbowmen, and feudal infantry.
And then in ascending order: trebuchets, bombards, first cannons, musketeers.
With the era of Progressiveism, the last available at the time of the review, armored cars and the first tanks, field artillery and infantry with a rifle come. Cannons gain the ability to dig in from fire from long distances - also an innovation, which speaks of the game's potential that has not yet been realized.
The army is represented by all kinds of troops, except for aviation, which may appear in the future. However, it is not clear how it will be implemented.
In the meantime, your army will consist of infantry, cavalry, riflemen and long-range units. Moreover, the infantry is divided, in turn, into two types: light (bonus against cavalry and riflemen), and heavy (bonuses against light infantry and resistance to fire from long-range weapons: ballistae, trebuchets, bombard, etc.).
There are some pretty interesting solutions that have not been previously seen in strategy games. There are units, like rangers and gamekeepers, that have the ability to "hide" in the forest.
In such a position, he is not available for defeat by artillery or ordinary rifle units, they "do not see" them.
There is no pumping of units in the game. However, there are buildings, Great Structures, that affect the strength of units in battle. This, in particular, Zeus, Aachen Cathedral, the Kremlin, Castel del Monte and others. Here you can upgrade them, up to 10 levels. If you manage to raise the military Armed Forces to level 10, then the strength of the attack-defense of units in battle will double!
The graphics of the units, like everything else in the game, are great, especially when it comes to large units (cavalry, cannons, tanks). The infantry and archers are a little worse, because you can draw less and not so small things. But, we repeat once again that today this is one of the few browser-based strategies with a live, animated army.
Like everything in the game, "almost flawless", the army in Forge of Empires has its own cockroaches. Some units seem to be far-fetched to a particular historical period. For example, the grenadiers of the colonial period do not look so much like soldiers as they look like butlers, only small, and for some reason in hats with a feather.
When researching rapid reaction forces, you get a dragoon. On the icon they are with a flintlock pistol. And this is logical and historical. And in battle, our dragoon is an ordinary fast unit with melee weapons, beats with a broadsword.
Trebuchet is a marvel of 3D graphics and animation. But you can't say that about cannons.
Only the weapon of the industrial period (the times of the war of the Blues and the Grays) is flawless. Beauty, and nothing more. As for the guns of earlier eras, the bombard and the field cannon, both of them are more cartoonish than "real". Despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of the troops here are their appearance gravitates precisely towards historically accurate military miniatures. Especially good cavalry of the knightly times, in their shining armor.

But these little things don't overshadow the army's charm in Forge of Empires. A game that boasts such an abundance of living units and battle animations, we repeat, at the moment there is simply no game. Only network Age of Empires and Setllers online decided to make the combat lively and spectacular, departing from the tactics generally accepted in Internet strategies to fight according to the principle of " tic-tac-toe+ calculator ". But in Forge of Empires the choice of units is much richer. After all, there are several eras and each has its own army.
The battles themselves take place on tactical maps, broken in the old fashioned way into squares. Rather - hexes, hexagons. The sets of maps are quite varied, the landscape also matters. Missile units do more damage while on hills or mountain slopes, swamps slow down movement, etc.
At the beginning of the battle, the troops are located on opposite edges of the map (automatically). Units are always 8 of yours against 8 of the enemy. You can combine the composition of the army before the battle, and directly in the battle each unit is under your control.
An interesting question - with whom are we at war?
There are two kinds of opponents. The first is the AI ​​barons and kings, against whom we fight to capture the strategic map - they were mentioned above. Others are your server neighbors. There are several servers and periodically the composition of neighbors changes, usually for strong, advanced players, they add the same strong ones for balance.
Unfortunately, PVP battles have not yet been introduced. Your opponent is always AI. To some extent, this is explained by the fact that for PVP, both players need to be online at the same time.
Having attacked a neighbor, you must completely destroy his army. The AI ​​does not retreat, however, if the situation is unfortunate, you can withdraw your troops.
There is an interesting point here - the AI ​​army (yours or a neighbor's) defending the city, although it dies to the last on the battlefield, is immediately restored in its barracks.
How to explain this better: only the attacking army bears real losses.
The defender does not suffer losses - after the death of the defending army, not a single unit disappears in the barracks of the owner of the defending city.
This was done, I suppose, because a day you can be attacked 20 times. And the units are expensive. They are built in 2 and in later eras all 4 hours. In this case, you will be left without an army at all and will not be able to defend yourself.
But be that as it may, and in case of victory you will have access to the enemy's city, where you can rob a choice of any of the buildings, taking gold, "hammers" or resources. Sometimes, when robbing a building, you are also lucky enough to find part of the blueprint for a great building.
Medals are awarded for victories, which is especially important. Having collected a certain number of medals, you can buy a plot of new territory for your city on them.
This is the kind of war she is, in Forge of Empires. Let's summarize its goals:
1. Passage (capture of a strategic map), which gives rewards in the form of resources, and, most importantly, deposits for your raw materials production.
2. We rob neighbors, taking resources and collecting blueprints for the aircraft.
3. Completion of compulsory game quests.
In the summer of 2013, the developers made a strong upgrade - they added an entire era and a new strategic map for conquest. But not only. Once in America, you find that there is a civil war in the United States: the "blue" against the "gray". Unlike the war in Europe, here you have a choice. You can side with either the Confederation or the United States, which will determine your progress on the map of the American continent and your opponents.
And the last thing about the war. As at the moment when this review is being written, on the site
Forge of Empires has announced that it is planning to introduce an entirely new military element - war between guilds. How this will be implemented is not known, and we have yet to complete this section of the review.
In the meantime, it's time to clarify what guilds are.

In most online strategies, players form alliances that fight among themselves. A lone player is doomed to defeat - usually the city is taken from him and thereby knocked out of the game. Not so in Forge of Empires. There are no alliances here. There are Guilds. The very word "guild" suggests that this is a kind of trading partnership. Exactly. Almost all players in Forge of Empires are united in guilds. We say "pretty much everything" because there are enthusiasts who have played hard on their own, right up to high times.
Indeed, they cannot take the city away from you, well, they will rob a couple of buildings. Why do I need the Guild then? Needed! Advice - if you started playing Forge of Empires, liked the game and decided to stay in it, then the first thing to do is look for a guild, albeit seedy, of just a few players. A large one is better.
The Guild's advantages are primarily in the preferential trade in the market. We haven't talked about the market, so let's say a few words. The market is the market. You buy and sell your goods there in order to collect the missing raw materials for researching new technologies and building aircraft. There is no market in this game. You will run there all the time: you need one thing, then another.
If you are not in the guild, then only the goods of the neighbors will be available to you on the market, that is, those
who ended up on the same server with you. And each trade, mind you - each, requires the cost of one point. And glasses, as we wrote above, are the most valuable thing in the game - technologies are researched on them. By squandering glasses on the market, you are lagging behind in the main thing - in the development of sciences and you will, like a snail, move from era to era.
In the guild, transactions with guilds (as they are called - guilds, guild partners), transactions are made without spending points. Moreover, more advanced players will help you, willingly selling goods from past eras that they practically no longer need. All Guilds also have a rule, a mandatory daily "buff" by the guilds of each other.
In Forge of Empires, recall, there is an option - you are given the opportunity to "refine" any building in any city from a neighbor or a guild member once a day. That is, give him an "asterisk". Then this structure will work twice as productive. And therefore you will have more of everything - happiness, money, hammers. The exception is industries that provide resources: metals, ore, glass, etc. They cannot be "ennobled". However, in this regard, being in the Guild is beneficial - the members of the guild agree on who will produce what goods.
And they build only those production facilities for which there are deposits. And then they exchange these goods. Double is beneficial. It is not necessary to stupidly build all the raw materials buildings and the space is freed up, and the resources are huge savings.
So it turns out that the Guild is very important. You need to join it the sooner the better.

In online games, the topic of donations is the foremost. Actually, all online games are commercial projects. However, I wrote about this in sufficient detail in my introductory article to this section, and I will not repeat the elementary truths. Let's see how the donation system is implemented in Forge of Empires (here they are called "diamonds"). I must say right away that it is very democratic. Perhaps more democratic than in any online strategy game. You can play here successfully without investing any cash. On your way into the future
it will hardly have any effect, except perhaps on the rating.
The best part is that Forge of Empires does not impose any advisors (military, economic, etc.) on you, these constant robbers of your wallet. For example, in Grepolis, which was created by the same studio InnoGames and she also developed Forge of Empires, you simply cannot do without advisors. Without advisors, all your indicators are 20% lower.
Forge of Empires doesn't have them! Absolutely no. It all depends on the number of buildings and the size of the territory. The larger it is, the more buildings and "hammers" there are.
What then should we pay for? In principle, no way, if we just want to play and not chase the rating. The troops are all the same and are not tied to donations in any way, like the battles themselves. This alone eliminates the need to spend real money in order for your units to fight better.
This is where donates play a role. Money can buy various special buildings, both industrial and residential. Purchased production buildings (a mill, a bakery, a tailor's workshop, and others) bring in twice or even three more "hammers" than mining buildings of the current era.
Donated residential buildings (and these are just houses) give more gold and population.
Both are important. With them, you will develop faster, but not fundamentally.
Because there is still a brake - this is the speed of learning technologies, and it is measured according to the principle: 1 point - one hour. Yes, and here you can make a dash for diamonds, research science "in one click". Just pay. But the prices are just insane. To buy a science of a later era, for example, will cost 3,000 - 4,000 diamonds (1,000 or more rubles). And in one era there are at least 20 technologies. Calculate how much you need to pay to make such a scientific leap. No one can afford this, except perhaps the son of some millionaire. But they play other games.
So nobody buys science for diamonds, only buildings.
You can ask a simple question: who, then, and why does he spend donations? I must say that Forge of Empires is a very rich game, it even sponsored a television series popular in the homeland of the developers.
Will explain. This is probably the only game where real money is paid, including for ... ... beauty! The proposed bonus buildings are so beautiful that you want to see them in your kingdom. Until you build it, you will not see it, in the menu of available buildings it is represented only by a schematic icon. Well, in the city it appears in all its 3D splendor.
They pay, of course, not only for beauty. There is one point that definitely requires an investment of money. Often very small. But even here you can not invest, which is a little below.
So, when you really have to and will have to pay, this is when erecting great buildings. Collecting drawings for them is a long and difficult task, it requires a lot of diligence. After all, the blueprints fall out when you rob the building of another player, or, conversely, if this is a friend - you put an asterisk on him, you make a "buff". Now part of the roof falls out, then a piece of the foundation, then just an empty "corner" of the drawing, where there is nothing - but without it the drawing is not complete. Very often, with all the zeal of the player, the entire drawing cannot be assembled, although you crack. It happens that I've already collected the same pieces two or three times, there are repetitions, but one or two cherished ones are still missing and not.
And the neighbors, you see, have already erected the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Tower of Babel, or some other miracle.
Then you spit on everything and buy some diamonds for real rubles and with their miraculous help you buy these very "lost" pieces of the drawing.
One such piece is always worth, regardless of the era, 200 diamonds (approximately 100 - 150 rubles). Further, the great structure itself does not appear immediately. First, you need to collect a lot of different resources (the higher the era, the more and more expensive). The process again takes time and diligence. Not a day or two will go away. But you can ... That's right, you guessed it, buy what is missing for magic diamonds - and start building your Miracle.
But above, we argued that you can do without these investments.
Yes. Right. If at all ... not build an aircraft. Suppose they give various bonuses, but, firstly, they take up a lot of space on the map, and secondly, the same bonuses can be obtained at the expense of ordinary non-donated buildings. For example, Notre Dame Cathedral occupies 24 cells (6x4) and gives 1100 happiness. This is, of course, good. However, 2 trading company buildings (colonial period), built with regular hammers and coins, occupy 3x4 squares each and in total are the same 24 as the Cathedral, and both together give 1800 happiness. If they are also "ennobled" with asterisks, then these same two buildings will give 3600 happiness.
It turns out that you can do without Notre Dame Cathedral and other sun. As you can see, in principle - "yes", but everyone builds them anyway. And you will if you start playing.

So, let's sum up, as they say in accounting, the balance. Forge of Empire can be played without any problems, without using donations at all. But...
I will allow myself from my own experience to give some advice on these very donations.
First, if the game has taken you over, think that you will have to pay, not much, but you will. You yourself want to a certain moment... But do not rush to invest real money in the first building you like. There are many of them already at the first level. The temptation, as they say, is great. Already in the Bronze Age, the first stage of your development, the ancient theater in particular is available. It gives a lot of happiness, but it quickly becomes outdated, just like the Colosseum, in the Antique era. Already in the transition to the Middle Ages, they look rather awkward in relation to other buildings. I would like to demolish them. In addition, by that time free counterparts will appear, which take up less space.
But it's a pity ...
So these remnants of past centuries will flaunt in your miracle city, constantly striving into the future. Although sooner or later they will begin to enrage you and you will turn them into dust with anger. Unlike the demolition of ordinary buildings, which, when liquidated, return you a decent part of the resources, up to 1/5, when you destroy paid buildings, not a penny is returned to you.
Hence the advice - save money until higher centuries. For example, until the Late Middle Ages and the Colonial era. Their buildings in a modern city may well fit into the ensemble as ancient monuments. And their bonus will be quite significant in modern times. And the passage of the first eras up to the middle of the Middle Ages, quite fast and easy. Take your time at this stage with donations.
Next tip. Do not rush to buy missing blueprints for the Great Buildings of the early ages. They are built by all and sundry, everyone has the same thing: Zeus, the Tower of Babel, the Lighthouse from Antiquity and the Aachen Cathedral from the Early Middle Ages. Moreover, the higher the century, the more often the drawings for the earlier buildings fall out. While in the High Middle Ages, you will collect blueprints for Zeus much faster than in Antiquity.
But with later buildings it will be much more difficult. For example, to collect blueprints for the very valuable Frauenkirchen Cathedral, you need to loot or "buff" the blueprints of the same era - Colonialism. But your neighbors and guildmates, as well as friends, do not develop evenly.
And it will definitely be so if you are active, even more so - a donated player. And it turns out that not everyone will have colonial buildings for "buff" or robbery. In this case, you can wait for months on the drawings for the coveted Frauenkirche. Or build it right away, having at least one blueprint, buying the rest for donations.
The first time I highly recommend spending 600 diamonds when you enter the Early Middle Ages. There will be the only one in the whole game technology, which is available only for donations - "Multi-storey building" - (all others are opened for ordinary resources). And, by the way, it is not obligatory. Usually, in Forge of Empires, paid buildings are purchased per piece, from 300 to 1000 diamonds per unit. "Multi-storey building" is an exception. By paying for this technology for 600 diamonds, you get the opportunity to build medieval high-rise buildings (very beautiful, like everything else in the game), in unlimited quantities. They are erected in one click and are much more profitable than all other residential buildings of this period. And at least two more epochs remain profitable.
Of all the donated buildings, it is more profitable to invest not in "houses", but in buildings that raise the mood of your residents. But only in large, not unicellular (decor).
Such as the Palace, Circus and a number of others. In second place in terms of importance are industrial buildings that give "hammers". They retain their value for several eras. It is better to buy houses during the period of Colonialism, they will no longer have to be demolished, and besides, at this stage, the role of money will dramatically increase in comparison with "hammers".
And always carefully complete all game quests - among them there are those that give diamonds for completing. And there are also lotteries for Christmas, Easter and the Summer Event, where diamonds are dropped as a prize. Already only due to this, it is possible to collect quite a decent stash - up to 1000 diamonds, without investing real money.
Precisely because the game allows you to play without damage at all without investing money, donations in Forge of Emires are quite expensive, more expensive than in other games.
Full information on donations and prices for them - see the screenshot.

Spoon of raspberries in a barrel with honey
Debriefing, that is, Forge games of Empires is pretty impressive. Let us give some criticism towards the end. As comrade Shakespeare used to say - not everything is safe in the Kingdom of Danish - and in Forge of Empires there are flaws. Rather, nonsense. Take the tech tree and the goods needed to unlock them. One gets the impression that sometimes they were invented out of a lack of literacy or an overabundance of beer drunk that day. Here is an example - the extraction of emeralds was discovered already in Antiquity, and Gold in the Middle Ages. It would seem that what could be more expensive? Nowadays, emeralds and gold are only getting more expensive. In Forge of Empires, these are the most common goods and after the passage of the era where they were mined, they quickly depreciate. If in the era of steam gold is still somehow in demand, then emeralds are not needed by anyone, except to feed them the still undeveloped young guilds. The value of marble is clear. But why is talcum powder so important in the Late Middle Ages? I was not too lazy to surf the Internet. It turned out that talc is used mainly in two areas - modern baby powders and ceramics. Well, chemists probably know more. No matter how much I scratched my head, I did not remember a single mention of the importance of talcum powder in books on the history of the Middle Ages. Among the products, there are not many of those whose presence in different eras really mattered: bronze, cast iron, cloth, wool, spices - this line is long and interesting. For example, a set of resources required to open the Rapid Response Troops technology (the most common dragoons) requires 40 units of coffee and 50 units of red copper. Well, it's clear with copper - you can put it on buttons and buckles. But why coffee? So that the adrenaline of the cavalrymen played and galloped faster?
While Forge of Empires is clearly positioned as the most beautiful (or one of the most beautiful) online games, it has its own ugly ducklings. There are buildings that only annoy the eye and there is a desire to never put them on the map - a terrible in its ugliness "cemetery" (and there are beautiful cemeteries!), A tiny guillotine and a gallows, an old tower that does not fit into anything - and other "horror films. "are available.
The war, as already mentioned, is being finalized. However, the ability to attack a neighbor is only
Once a day and rob only one building is in doubt. Too little damage to the defeated and too little loot to the winner.
Units of high epochs are expensive, the death of 2 or 3 of them does not justify any robbery, can you take a lot from one building? And the damage to the enemy is penny.
That is why interest in war is dying out, building peaceful buildings is more profitable than barracks, stables and artillery workshops.
And yet, no matter how you find fault, more than 10 million people already play Forge of Empires.
And this alone suggests that the leap into the future of online games was a success. Although not without izn.

Continuation: about new eras, guild wars system, units and the rest - HERE

Guilds are one of the most important locations, thanks to which you can significantly speed up the process of developing your city. As a member of one of the guilds, you will be able to conduct effective trade with your allies, comrades, acquiring the necessary goods at low prices.

Moreover, trading is carried out without any additional commissions from the system! In guilds, mutual assistance of players in improving territories and buildings is also possible. If you invest strategic points in the buildings of your comrades, you can hope for mutual help. At the same time, development is much faster.

Team battles are available in any of the guilds, as a result of which you can not only conquer new lands and increase the level of your guild, but also receive permanent bonuses. Thanks to teamwork, you will constantly receive advice and help from the players, which, in turn, is expected from you! To understand all the principles of the game, being in guilds, we have compiled a detailed guide especially for you!

Guild member rights

By joining an already created guild or creating your own, you will have a certain status, which determines your capabilities. There are 6 statuses in total, each of which has certain capabilities. Let's start with the simplest ones:

1. Trusted member of the guild. A person with this status receives full rights on the map, namely: establish and remove sieges, move headquarters, open cells in sectors, grant freedom to certain sectors. He can also view all closed sections on the forum of your guild.
2. Herald. The player can send messages to all members of the guild.
3. Recruiter. The player can invite other users to this guild.
4. Moderator. The player gets full control of the forum: deleting and editing topics, player posts, blocking and restricting access to certain users, viewing closed forums.
5. Leader of the guild. Receives all the rights that are described above, and can also expel players from the guild, assign statuses that are below the leader's rank.
6. Founder of the guild. This right is assigned to the player who founded the guild. He has full management rights, including the ability to disband players.

Guild levels

Each guild has a certain level, which determines its overall rating in the standings. The higher the level, the more bonuses the guild receives, as well as the players who are in it. That is, bonuses apply not only in general, but also to each participant as a whole.

The level depends on how many sectors you occupied, what types of sectors were conquered by your comrades. If you attack a new sector or defend your own, in case of victory, you get a certain number of points. The recalculation takes place at the end of the day.

Bonuses. By participating in team battles, you can constantly receive certain bonuses, namely: recruitment (unit training is somewhat faster), research bonus (strategic points will be increased), construction bonus (building buildings will cost you a little less).

In addition to bonuses for players, there are general bonuses for the guild: prestige and rear support. The more you conquer and hold sectors on the map, the higher the percentage in each bonus will be.

Guild map for wars, provinces

All battles between guilds are carried out on global map, which was created specifically for battles. The entire map is divided into certain sectors by default. They can be separated from each other by rivers, mountains, and each sector belongs to a certain era, for example, the Iron or Stone Age. Accordingly, if you decide to conquer this or that sector, you need to use materials and troops of the same era as in the selected sector.

The map displays complete information about all sectors. Green marker marks your territories, red - enemy territories, and orange - NPC sectors that can be conquered by any guild, including yours. At the same time, you can fight both for one sector, and for several at once. It is only worth taking into account in advance the resources spent on each territory, the era to which each sector belongs and the position of your guild at the moment.

You can always see detailed information about the selected sector by clicking on it on the global map.

Each sector on the map is displayed as a hexagon. Wars are fought within each sector. Here you must not only conquer, but also defend territories. The capture will usually be in two stages. First you will need to besiege a certain sector, and then attack.

On the provinces map, you can find shaded areas. These are sectors that have not yet been explored by you. To occupy this sector, you must first send reconnaissance. Further, you can already capture it, build a headquarters there. Capture is available immediately after entering the sector. All that remains is to place the siege weapons, bring in the main troops and carry out the attack. The event log will display all your actions on the global map, so you can view reports on any battle at any time, even if you were not online and other players attacked your territories.
Guild treasure

Your guild will have its own warehouse, which is necessary for the general collection of resources, which are subsequently needed to capture new territories and send troops. Once you select a specific sector to capture, you need certain resources. All of them are taken from a common warehouse. If some resources are not enough, guild members can contribute them from their own reserves.

From the treasure management window, you can view a list of players who have the goods you need. Each player can contribute at any time unlimited quantity resources to the warehouse, thereby increasing the chances of fast development and the seizure of new territories. If you will conduct constant battles in your guild, then replenishing the warehouse with resources will be the main task!

In general, we can say that team play in Forge of Empires not only brings additional resources and bonuses for players, but also makes them work in a team, constantly exchanging experience and advice. Much also depends on the founder of the guild, because it is he who chooses the capture tactics. For example, he can capture only certain areas, which will allow the production of certain resources, or capture an entire area in order to control all sectors and receive maximum profit and bonuses for your comrades. As soon as you start playing the Forge of Empires browser, immediately join the guild to speed up the development process and understand all the basics of the game! If you consider yourself an active player and can control a large mass of people, create your own alliance and enter into an unequal fight with other guilds!

The desire to get units of older eras, propels me into new and new lands, going further and further into the depths of the map of continents. After receiving the previous units, the quests moved on ... I had to do a quest to spend 80 CP and this ended the modern quests. The next quest will get to new card continent, gave a few postmodern goods as a reward. So we set foot on the path of postmodernity, having the town hall of the industrial era ... Well, let's see how the map will be traversed, I think that the first province will be able to pass in battle (using free modern units)
First of all, we were asked to scout both provinces, which we did with success.

It is very important when moving to postmodernity to decide on the opening of a new province, if you are a warrior and immediately plan to beat enemies and earn medals in this matter, then you are on the right. If you are a farmer and you need a new resource, then you are left.

Well, I moved on to conquer the right province, although I opened both - for the sake of the quest. Further, the quest for spending CO and collecting hammers, it is no longer of interest ... But the ability to recapture at least some areas of the new map is very interesting, especially for a player who is in the Industrial, and has limited set and stock of modern and progress units))
I started from the lowest area of ​​Chai Chet Nui province, it seemed to me the simplest defense army there:

The tactics were simple, I took the robbers and one free modernist unit (motorized rifle), cornered him. And he began to attack with robbers. The enemy revealed two robberies and began to extinguish the revealed units. But the robbers approached, beat and turned into motorized riflemen.

Usually the computer does not hit the robbers, but prefers to kill ordinary units (on the continent map), but here is another story. The motorized shooter is out of reach and the artificial intelligence is forced to open up the robbers)) This trick works not only in this place, but in many places on the Map of the continents.

World Map (Age Map) Forge of Empires consists of different continents or eras. The game world map has a certain similarity to the world map of our planet, so it is doubly interesting to watch how the game developers, inventing new eras, add new continents to game map: Above you can see the very first map that has been available in the game since 2013, and below the most current map of the world of Forge of Empires. To get to general map continent, you need to click on the icon at the bottom left (or the M key for quick access) and you can start your journey as a great commander!

You will start playing in the Stone Age and walk your way through the Bronze Age, Iron Age, various stages of the Middle Ages, the Colonial Age and the Industrial Age. After that, you will be able to visit the later eras of the game: the era of Progressiveism, the era of Modernism, the era of Postmodernity and the Newest time. Then, you will plunge into the Future, which will gradually transform into something cold and mysterious - the Arctic Future (and parts of the era), followed by the Oceanic Future era (and parts of the era) and the Virtual Future era (while available, and parts of the era ) which will give you access to the second twin card (top left). On the general game map of the world, it has already been introduced 19 different eras and there is also access to guild map of continents () and exit to your own City (Town):
On the continent map, you can expand your empire by conquering new lands, province by province. And it's worth it because it will bring you valuable rewards. The available historical eras in the game are listed below, by clicking on the links of the eras, you can get acquainted with their full description, a full-sized map of each continent, what and how many resources can be obtained for capturing each map.

At the beginning of 2019, a new one was released in the game, which slightly changed the format of the game itself - now you go into space to colonize new planets and stars!
Navigation between standard "earth" maps, the Virtual Future map and the following maps of other planets (while only Mars is available) is carried out using tabs, where you can easily select that part of the territory or the whole planet that is relevant at the moment in your game and available for conquest.

Its important for any Forge of Empires player that we plan ahead. A great way to do this is to look at the World and Continent Maps to see what is coming our way. If you’ve landed here, you want to see what the landscape looks like, as a whole, and also through the ages in FOE. So we have pulled them all together in one place. A resource of all the Forge of Empires Maps. So look no further. Forge of Empires Tips has come to your assistance.

As you will see, we list all the variations below. First, the world map which outlines and is divided by the ages. Secondly, we move on to the continent maps of each and every single age. Each age has its own continent to conquer and one in which you will face new challenges, new battles and new lands to conquer. This is why we love FOE!

So take a look below, unless you don’t want to spoil the surprise!

World Map

Continental (Age) Maps

Now, we list the continents focused age-specific versions, in order of progression.

Bronze To Colonial Age

Industrial age

Progressive Era