Star conflict browser game review - how to play? Star Conflict: game review Star Conflict review

Welcome to space War thunder!

Star Conflict is a representative of the session MMO-action genre popular in our time, where the whole gameplay is tied to the confrontation of two sides on random map in various modes.

The point of the game is development, constant upgrades and the acquisition of new starships between battles.

Even at the development stage, the game was dubbed nothing more than space War Thunder.

After all, the game was created by the StarGem studio jointly not with anyone, but with Gaijin Entertainment - the company that created the very War Thunder - a game that is, among other things, one of the most popular aircraft simulators in the world.

But with airplanes, everything is clear - many love them. But what about those of us who more wanted to feel at the helm of a spaceship - a nimble frigate or a heavy star cruiser?

Especially for you, Russian developers have created a game in which you can control a real spaceship and fly in space, improving your starship and your skills.

Yes, space online action games there are quite a few of this kind.

But since time immemorial, people have asked one question - when will we be able to fly in a spaceship in the game, as in real Star Wars Oh? Effective, dynamic, with decent physics.

However, as an answer to this question, players were thrown over and over again with another flash arcade with a top view, like Dark Orbit or even worse - Battle Abuse. These toys are, of course, good and interesting in their own way. But most were waiting for a game of a completely different level, which would correspond to all the trends of our time.

And now it happened! The developers of Star Conflict went much further, creating not just another space arcade, but bringing to life a full-fledged 3D project with high-quality graphics of the highest class. Compared to most other online space combat games, Star Conflict is a huge step forward.

So what does this great game offer us? Read on Star review Conflict and find out all the details.

Factions and races

When you first enter the game, you can choose who you will play for: Empire, Federation or Jericho. Your choice will determine not only the external differences of warships, but also a set of starting bonuses. The Empire has thicker armor, the Federation has faster speed, and the Jericho have stronger shields. In general, who is closer to what.

Empire- these are convinced statesmen and all that.

Federation- a freedom-loving race that does not want to march in formation.

Jericho are people who love technology and technical implants.

The choice of ships in the game is very large. And each faction has its own set of starships. The choice of a ship can be made based on what kind of opponents you have turned up, which is very useful from a strategic point of view.

After choosing a faction, a short tutorial awaits you, where you will learn the basics of controlling a spacecraft. Each ship performs a specific function on the battlefield, and competent teamwork is the key to success.


You can turn on the afterburner with the shift key. Moreover, the afterburner is endless, so you don't have to watch it.

There are three types of ships in the game - attack aircraft, interceptors and frigates. The latter are the heaviest ships.

Interceptors- maneuverable and possessing high speed, with the help of which they can quite easily fly into the rear of the enemy and destroy even the Frigate if he was left without cover. Interceptors are pretty fragile. However, this is offset by a good firing range. The special interceptor module is a plasma net with which you can hang a strong pillbox.

Stormtroopers- the main impact force... More powerful than interceptors, but not as fast. Very tenacious, unlike interceptors, ships. They are middling between frigates and interceptors. They have medium armament, medium armor, medium speed. Everything is average, and it makes the ship a good workhorse. Each ship has a special module that gives it a special personality. Stormtrooper has this chameleno-invisibility for 18 seconds.

Frigates- provide help, push through directions, capture points, shoot well from afar, carry an impressive force thanks to their firepower. The frigates are heavy and clumsy, which is compensated for by their high survivability. It is quite easy for small nimble ships to twist it, shooting and going into the tail. However, if played well, the frigate can have a very serious impact on the outcome of the battle. A feature of the frigate is the drones that it can release in order to hit the enemy. Drones are also able to heal allied ships. In terms of intelligence, by the way, game bots can sometimes compete with the players themselves.

Star battles

In battles, the player has 3 ships available for use, and because of this, the duration of the battle can be very long.

You start the game with a rank 1 stormtrooper. There are 15 ranks in total. In each battle you get experience, which is called synergy here, which is spent on improving the level. When you improve the level of synergy, you open up access to new ships. You cannot sell an old ship. They will just be at your base.

At first glance, the controls are implemented quite simply - a keyboard plus a mouse. But a beginner can get confused about the buttons responsible for different functions of the ship.

The battles look very realistic and very dynamic. There is quite standard modes such as deathmatch, holding points, team-by-team, protection of the commander and delivery of the bomb to the enemy base.

In hardcore mode, you should already carefully approach the tactics, and choose your ship wisely, because if you get shot down, you will no longer be able to transfer to another starship.

Module system

The game has a hangar in which all your ships are located

In Star Conflict, each ship is customized with various equipment and modifications thereof. There is also a pumping system, because it is impossible to get a better ship without flying a certain time on the old one.

In addition to fighting and completing missions, the player will spend time in the hangar. After all, there is a very developed system of upgrades of arrivals here. Many types of weapons, shields, modules for repairing and restoring plating, many numbers for comparing characteristics and much more.

Each ship can be pumped. Having entered the shipyard, you can hang new weapons on any of your starships, equip them with additional modules capable, for example, of slowing down the target, putting all sorts of debuffs on it, and ramming more successfully. (Yes, in Star Conflict the enemy can be rammed)

Unlike games like WoT, each combat vehicle has parameters such as firing range and cooling (the more you shoot, the more it heats up. In case of overheating, you will not be able to shoot for a while). Overheating exists only for primary weapons. Additional ones, such as missiles, do not have it. But rockets are consumable material (6 pieces per clip), so you need to keep an eye on it too. Missiles also differ in flight range.

Each type of ship has its own modules that can only be installed on this type. For example, for frigates (heavy ships), these are all sorts of fixers and shield generators that install a protective field on themselves and allies. For interceptors, these are mainly modules that increase damage to the enemy. For a stormtrooper, these are mostly debuffs.

Of course, there is in the game and the donation system is the same as in any shareware game. That is, you can use it to speed up the pumping or decorate your ship with all sorts of stickers, or you can play for free, since the money for each battle is given pretty decently, and it will be quite easy to save up for your first three ships.

Star Conflict - MMORPG style game

While you are flying, you are given experience, due to which your characteristics grow.

The game Star Conflict also contains a number of RPG elements. For example - a tree of talents, such as increasing the range of sensors or the strength of shields. When you pump up the ranks of a ship, you unlock new talents, which are called here perks. Perks are the main advantage of ships.

You, as a pilot, can get yourself implants. Moreover, you can pump different branches of talents, for each faction - your own.

At the end of each battle, you can conduct an archaeological excavation and look for trophies. You can find green things, purple things, credits, and if you're lucky, you can dig up a completely epic module. You have a one in ten chance that you will find something cool. The chance can be increased by another 20 percent, but for a donation.

Another MMORPG-style feature is the contract system. You sign contracts with different corporations and complete quests. As you level up your relationship with the corporation, you will be given more lucrative tasks.

There are also local clans - they are corporations. You can join one of them, or you can create your own, however, it costs 3000 credits.

In the profile, you can see your characteristics, medals, achievements, and more.


The game is free and does not require a subscription or mandatory payments. Anyone can log into it through their Steam account and play freely. Despite the brilliant graphics, the game is well optimized, which allows you to play even on a laptop.

Of course, in order to be able to immerse yourself in Star Wars in the vastness of the galaxy, you need to be a convinced fan of this topic.

In its segment, Star Conflict is unmatched. The developers have very successfully occupied the space battle simulator niche, creating a very successful time killer. Star Conflict is an interesting project that does not require a lot of free time from you. Even if you're not a Star Wars fan, the game can keep you entertained quite well. Well, fans of the genre can only say - welcome!

A simulator of team skirmishes in a space setting. It's been a year already open beta testing, thanks to which the project, like a rough diamond, acquires a more perfect shape. At least, he took on the outline already perfect enough to state with certainty what he is. We will now deal with this statement.

Just Another MMO.

Three factions - the Empire, Jericho and the Federation - are fighting for the existence on the bloody little lands of the galaxy. The latter are merchants without a clear hierarchy of power, Jericho are supporters of transhumanism, from infancy indulging in the fun of technical improvement of their own bodies, and the Empire is also an Empire in Africa. To isolate the plot background from the narrative is not an easy task, because it will only be revealed to the most attentive. A couple of suggestions here, a slight mention there ... It's easier to admit that the plot is rudimentary.

The design of the ships is pleasing to the eye. The treasured attention from an inexperienced MMO user from the very first minutes will require an exorbitant amount, because you will have to find out everything empirically - even in local training, not a single clue will pop up to the poor player, immediately a battle is on the mountain in open space. The trend only intensifies over time: you will not hear a word of help about upgrading the ship, about the rules and types of battles or monetization schemes. All by myself, all by myself.

And you have to amuse yourself exclusively with skirmishes on spacecraft x wall-to-wall format. God forbid to confuse Star Conflict with cosmosim - there is nothing here except closed, albeit very vast, spaces for sorting out relations with enemies. You should not look for revelations in the battle modes: there are five of them, and in each one you can easily recognize the famous death matches, capturing points and battles for possession of an object. If you were born under the constellation of a pacifist and absolutely do not accept beating the avatars of living people, the guys from are happy to offer you PvE battles. True, it is quite obvious that the development team did not make a big bet on them - battles with bosses and joint defense of a friendly cruiser are made here very much for show. By the way, contrary to expectations, playing on a gamepad turned out to be not very convenient. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the joystick is not supported stupidly.

Bash and play.

When choosing a faction for battle, it is difficult to make a mistake, since the branches of ships in them practically do not differ. Agile interceptors, armored hulking frigates or balanced attack aircraft from different sides of the conflict offer you an absolutely identical furrow of the galaxy. The development tree on behalf of the developers stretches out a palm to the player with a request to gild the handle: to open a new ship, you need to pretty much pump the previous one. Imagine your surprise when you find that the next spacecraft has minor improvements over the previous one, and the external difference is purely cosmetic. And yes, you can also find out what awaits you only by experience. By purchasing.

There is an immodest amount of currencies in the game - as many as 9 pieces. And that's not counting the two types of synergies that are spent on improving starships. The pilot's license, a local premium, is purchased for galactic standards, which, of course, are bought for real money. Otherwise, various upgrades will require different investments: credits, synergies, or faction guarantors. The latter are of three types - two options for Empire, Jericho and Federation. You can earn the coveted guarantors by fulfilling various contracts: shoot down five ships, capture a couple of points or blow up a lighthouse, win, and stuff like that. You can be a mercenary in only one of the six directions at a time. If you want to desert - for God's sake, but then mercenary activities on a different branch will start from the beginning.

Same. Same. Constantly the same thing. Particularly inveterate space shooters have access to the capture of sectors, it is enough just to join a corporation. And away we go: in the first phase, all the participants in the conflict look at the map and ask the price, which sector they would capture, and in the second phase they converge for the coveted piece of space in a single battle. Whoever controls more abstract territory gets more bonuses. On the other hand, ships of all ranks participate in the slaughter, and there are 15 of them in total. But buying a rank 15 dreadnought and punishing all offenders is an idealist's dream. In fact, the modules installed on the spacecraft are of key importance.

Engine, power unit, shield, hull, computer ... Upgrades for each ship class are different, and you won't be able to rearrange, say, a frigate's blaster to an interceptor. The well-known buy-and-find scheme, which is preceded by a thinner wallet or several painstaking hours of fun grind, will help to understand the usefulness of a particular module. Based on the description, you can choose favorite upgrades and buy only them, but then you risk unpleasantly surprised at the limited virtual counter - apart from your favorite module, there are not even a dozen candidates for purchase. The choice will also have to be made when the pilot is implanted. Each level of development offers three options for permanent bonuses, radically different from each other.

The same tanks, only in space? Yes and no. There is no strategy or tactics here, but there are vigorous mixing in three dimensions. Local donation requires fierce nerdiness, the reward for which is as minimal as it can be. The lack of training and the option of previewing purchases leads to a low barrier to entry, but a high desire to leave. Five PvP modes and failed PvE arenas, beautiful, but identical ships, and, in general, the most arcade shots with minimal sense - all this.

Games in the genre of multiplayer duels between teams are becoming more and more popular every year. The producers of the Star Conflict game offer users spectacular duels in space.

Star Conflict developers have added great amount efforts to make space battles colorful and fun. The detailing of the ships is at the highest level, they are created spectacular, dynamic and interesting. The game has enough simple rules, you have to participate in battles as part of one and two teams. You will need to capture three beacons of the enemy team and at the same time protect your own. In addition, you can win by simply destroying the ships of your opponents, but if you consider that each player is given three spaceships, it is quite difficult to win in this way.

Star Conflict ship classes

Each user has access to three different classes of perfectly balanced ships, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, a heavy frigate has excellent protection and can carry a powerful enough weapon that can destroy almost any enemy in a matter of seconds. But this ship is very clumsy, and for this reason, in close combat, it almost always loses to lighter and more maneuverable opponents. For this reason, the frigate must be covered by the ships of the allies. Thus, the key to success lies in well-coordinated team play... Each ship in the squad must, depending on the class, fulfill its role in the Star Conflict game.

Some ships have the ability to become invisible for a short time, this function can be used both for stealthily leaving the battle, and for organizing ambushes. Other starships have anti-missile traps or increased power shields, so in order to win, you need to know all the strong and weak sides the selected ship.

Combat system

Star Conflict invites users to take part in battles at very high speeds. The battlefield is overflowing with a variety of space debris, which should be used in order to get out of the fire or in order to sneak up to the enemy unnoticed. Almost all weapons presented in the game have a short range, for this reason, almost all battles take place at a short distance, which, in combination with high speeds of ships, makes it possible to maneuver and present unexpected surprises to enemies.

Development and improvement system

In between battles in Star Conflict, you can delve into the hangar. Here you will have the opportunity to deal with the settings of the ship, as well as equip it with various types of weapons and useful modules... This allows you to customize your starship to suit your play style. So, for example, sniper frigate and melee ships are more suitable for attack from cover, while support starships are used to help comrades.

More advanced weapons and advanced modules are unlocked as the ship develops, which follows the traditional scheme. For each value, the player receives experience, which can be spent on a skill located in one of the three branches. In addition, there is an opportunity to develop your reputation, which allows you to purchase new modules and ships. To get reputation points, you just need to complete various tasks, such as destroying the enemy with the help of a certain type of weapon. In addition, for each battle, a certain amount of money is credited to your account, which can be spent on the purchase of ships and ammunition, as well as on repairs.

Star Conflict has a very elaborate economic and combat system, but there is one drawback, which is the rather small amount of content available. At this stage, users have access to several cards, only one Game Mode and quite interesting pumping. But the developers do not stop working on the Star Conflict game, and soon they promise the appearance of new maps and game modes that will make game process more varied.

Today Star Conflict is able to please all fans of space battles. They will definitely enjoy the exciting and colorful battles on a variety of warships. In addition, a fairly well-thought-out development system adds a rather fascinating role-playing element to the game. The game allows you to have fun and interestingly spending your free time at home or at work, it will appeal to both children and users of an older age. Having installed Star Conflict, anyone can recruit a team of like-minded people and go to conquer outer space.

3,000 years beyond the solar system. So much humanity knows the Cosmos, according to legend Star Conflict.

it computer game allowing you to be at the helm of the starship. Flying is not aimless. There is a war for the Forerunner. What it is, where and how to fight, we will tell you in a detailed review.

Review of the game Star Conflict

Overview Cosmos shows players several colonized planets. They are found by people outside the solar system, suitable for life.

However, the most interesting discovery is the Forerunners. This is the area of ​​sector 1337. Here are cities, factories, structures of unknown purpose.

Everything is abandoned. People have discovered traces of bygone civilizations. Like the Egyptian pyramids, they rushed to plunder.

The Forerunner Star Conflict ships set off without knowing the secret of the sector. There is a Cataclysm in it. This is the name of the anomaly leading to instant death.

So treasure flights were risky. Star Conflict destroyers sent in thousands, but only a few returned. But, the trophies of these units are so valuable that a real war is unfolding for the Forerunner.

Jericho, Federation and Empire are fighting. The latter relies on expansion, that is, the seizure of space.

The empire has the largest navy, but lacks technical innovation. Jericho has them with interest. This is a civilization that has elevated science to the rank of religion.

They will improve not only the environment, but also themselves. By adulthood, the Jericho people already faintly resemble humans. Cybergenetics is the "horse" of scientists.

The feds are also doing research. But, to a greater extent, they are focused on trading. The Federation is the Alliance of Free Worlds.

They do not depend on anyone, they are friendly, calm. However, still waters run deep. The feds know their strength and are ready to join the fight for the Forerunner.

PlayStar Conflict can be on the side of any of the civilizations. They choose not only for convictions, but also for their appearance.

Matters, so do each side Star Conflictbonuses... It turns out that the project is role-playing and, of course, multi-user.

Thousands of real players simultaneously surf the cosmic space. Each of them is given 3 ships. Their classes are the same.

The fastest are interceptors. They are lightweight, equipped with 2 types of weapons. Added 35% to speed. The middle class is stormtroopers.

There are already 4 weapon systems. Maneuverability, at the same time, is quite acceptable. Frigates are also heavyweights. They have up to 6 guns.

That's why, the gameStar Conflict frigate, which means enroll in fire support. The strength of the ships is high, but there is weak spots... If the interceptors fly up from behind, or from below, the heavyweight will not resist.

Starships have additional abilities depending on which fleet they belong to.

The Empire's interceptors, for example, are equipped with a light-speed engine. True, the bonus is short-term.

Federation Interceptors are "charged" with plasma nets. Enemy starships get tangled in them, taking massive damage.

In Jericho's navy, interceptors are capable of generating a protective field. For 6 seconds, any damage to ships does not care.

Attack aircraft and frigates of different fleets have similar differences. So, all Jericho are equipped with shields, but with different nuances of protection.

Frigates, for example, have a phase system. Such a shield can be configured to reflect a certain type of damage.

And the Jericho stormtroopers have protection for 15 seconds instead of 6, but the energy "eats" a bit too much.

The starships are placed in the hangar Star Conflict... Video, teaching the game, shows hundreds of samples of weapons and various parts for them.

All this is in the hangar. The player can remove some cannons, install others, and refine the design of the spaceship.

3D graphics make the process realistic, like the whole Universe Star Conflict... Is free for users, locations are opened, striking in their size.

Some of the "fields" are intended only for PvP battles, that is, battles between real players.

The remaining locations are reserved exclusively for PvE - confrontation with the computer army.

Features of the game Star Conflict

Client game. The file to download it is named Star Conflict Launcher... It helps you run the action on your computer.

However, the Launcher client has additional features as well. In order not to visit every day siteStar Conflict, added the ability to view important news when starting the game.

Another plus of the Launcher client is tracking project updates. If they are, the program will track and download automatically.

Like any client game, Star Conflict there is system requirements ... Minimum set: Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz processor; 512 MB NVIDIA / AMD Radeon graphics card; 7th Windows; 2 gigabytes of hard disk space and another gig of RAM.

If Star Conflictdownload and to play at minimum indicators, you will have to bring graphic parameters to a minimum.

Otherwise, the action will freeze. The picture quality is regulated in the game settings. You will not need to enter them if the computer meets the recommended requirements.

The processor needs a 2.3 GHz Inter Core2 Duo. The video card is the same, but with one gig of memory. From operating systems Windows 7 and 8 are recommended.

The memory on the hard disk is also 2 gigabytes, but the operational reserve per gig is more than the minimum requirement.

Now, let's move on to the features of the in-game process. Ships, of course, are not issued all at once, and accordingly with hours spent at the helm.

According to the pilot's experience, the opening and additional modules, new types of weapons.

By matching them to a typical vehicle, the player makes his spaceship unique and powerful.

The fact that starships are being pumped is not a miracle, as one of the heroines of Pushkin's fairy tale about Tsar Saltan would say. Divo - pumping also a pilot.

V space strategies and action games are rare. By pumping over his protagonist, the gamer creates a unique style of piloting and control.

As a result, victory in battles depends not only on the level of the ship, but also on its owner. One of the ways to upgrade a pilot is to refine it with implants.

Game modes are also considered a feature. Star Conflict. Official site gives a version with only two types of battles. There is nothing to be happy about here.

Other space MMORPGs tend to have more modes. Maybe they take not quantity, but quality? No. The modes are commonplace.

The first is a fight between two teams. They play until one of them is completely destroyed. The second mode is control over the beacon. You need to capture the point and hold it for a certain time.

The game, as you can see, is a session game. Star Conflictguides tell what it means. Actions are broken down into short matches. He went in, won his own, went out.

The main feature of a session game is the opposition of teams on small maps... When Star Conflict, these are limited areas of space.

Star Conflict Gameplay Walkthrough

registration comes down to entering a nickname, password and email. That's all. You can play online. The passage of the project comes down to pumping a starship and a pilot.

The plot has a side role. The main thing is fighting. The goal is to lose as few fights as possible. It's easier to be a winner by joining a team.

Gamers from all countries unite. There is an in-game chat. So, surfing the vastness of space, there is someone to exchange a couple of phrases with.

The team's actions must be coordinated. This is the key to well-oiled actions in battle and, ultimately, victory.

The review ignored the currency issue Star Conflict... Codes they will not help to get it. Cheats giving mountains of gold have not yet been found.

So, you have to complete quests. She's contracted. The document is concluded before leaving for the assignment. Successful completion of the mission entitles you to a reward.

It becomes gold coins, or goods. The latter can be sold in stock. There is also a black market where real money is accepted. Donate to Star Conflict developed. For rubles give any weapon.

When, it was said that Star Conflictcheats do not exist, it meant the absence of codes embedded in the game during its creation and testing.

There are third-party hacking programs. Add-ons will make it possible to get gold without completing quests. However, the cracker will have to pay.

Considering that passing Star Conflict boils down to pumping a starship and its pilot, the desire to speed up the process is understandable.

It's like winning a project. But, keep in mind that the system is trying to track gamers using cheats.

Russian company Gaijin Entertainment in its lifetime has produced and developed a lot amazing games... Nobody among the Slavs expected such a success of the studio, and foreign publications did not believe at all that at least one project would spread beyond the borders of their native country.

However, the studio can safely spit in the eyes of unbelievers and indignant, since all the games coming from it are excellent in many ways. A native of 2011 is no exception - Star Conflict review which you can study right here and now! Yes, yes ... This project should be considered in more detail, since there are many people in the world who have not heard anything about it, let alone played. Along with this, they lost a lot! It's time to catch up.

The plot of the game Star Conflict

From the title it becomes clear that the game is focused on a space theme. Of course, not everyone thinks of this, but sometimes critically thinking people meet (an easy, but in general, an extremely stupid joke that does not carry the purpose of offending someone; the author just wants to amuse the audience).

Ahem, ahem, and so, three thousand years have passed since the first colonists left the Earth and went to explore outer space. The Universe has become not so calm as it was before - various military groups and secret organizations have appeared. In a certain "Sector 1337", people discovered traces of an ancient civilization, which is considered extinct long ago. Huge factories, fragments of huge robots, sprawling cities - and nowhere is there a single living soul! These destruction occurred due to the intervention of the unexplored Cataclysm, which has a devastating effect on the entire environment. Now every second enthusiast is in a hurry to buy powerful uniforms, arm himself with powerful weapons (to fight rivals) and go in search of powerful artifacts that can be sold for big money. Each player must be mentally prepared to participate in all this.

Game process

The gamer controls many ships of different stripes- from slow and clumsy cars to high-speed scouts. Ships are designed for a variety of purposes. Personal "transport" is subject to upgrades. In addition, your own hangar can be expanded with new copies. Experience is gained in battles. A total of 15 levels and 45 special skills can be found in Star Conflict. Going into battle, you must first choose the type of game.

On game cards you can oppose evil bots (PvE mode) or against live players by going to locations. In the case of PvP, the division of players into two equal teams (by the number of participants) occurs randomly. The computer itself selects the optimal combinations and brings one into execution. A total of 16 cards are available to players, each of which has its own unique features. There is where to take a walk. Meanwhile Star Conflict overview gaining momentum.

Basic gaming nuances

There are three main factions in the game that you can join if you wish. Each has pluses, but the Lord also rewarded them with minuses. It is allowed to play for the Empire, for the Federation or for Jericho. Also, everyone has access to 3 classes of ships: interceptors, frigates, attack aircraft. The former are distinguished by special skills in the field of reconnaissance, the latter are designed for long-range aimed combat and fire support, and the third make up the bulk of the troops of each team, since they always keep on the cutting edge of the attack.

What do we end up with?

The project is the spiritual ancestor of the now famous game