Consultation for parents. Scene-role game in the life of children. Consultation for parents "The role of plot role-playing games in the life of a preschooler Consultation for parents plot role-playing games at an early age

Consultation for parents.

The value of the plot role-playing game school age.

The game is self-reliable activity for the preschooler, providing him with a feeling of freedom, the exploitation of things, actions, relationship, allowing the most fully realizing itself "here and now", to achieve the state of emotional comfort, to become involved in children's creativity, built on free communication equal. And the combination of the subjective value of the game for the child and its objective developing value makes the game most suitable form of organizing the lives of children, especially in the conditions of public pre-school education.

At all times a game for children preschool age It was a leading activity. Psychologists and teachers (L.S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. P. Usova, i.e. Konnikova, D.V. Mengertskaya, R.M. Rimburg, R.I. Zhukovskaya, T.A. Markova, N.Ya. Mikhaylenko, R.A. Ivanova and others) called the pre-school age of the age of the game. Almost all the children are doing, for some time granted to themselves, they call the game. Researchers note the values \u200b\u200bof the game, indicate its importance in the formation of social behavior, self-affirmation of a person, the possibility of predicting his behavior in a situation of communication.

It is impossible to imagine the development of a child without a game, the plot role-playing games are the main activity of the preschooler. They allow the child in an imaginary situation to exercise any attractive role-playing, functions, to be included in a variety of events. The plot role-playing game is the initial, conscious interaction of a small man with a world, in which the child performs the dominant role of the Creator's subject, is a way to self-realization and self-expression. In it, the child as he wants to be, in the game a child where he wants to be, he is a participant in interesting and attractive events.

Through the plot-role-playing game, the child masters spiritual values, absorbs the preceding social experience. In it, the child gets the skills of collective thinking. Scene-role-playing game - the most affordable activity for children, the process of processing impressions from the surrounding world, knowledge, because Here, the features of the thinking and imagination of the child, its emotionality, activity, developing the need for communication are manifested. Plot role-playing games They can become the form of the organization of the vital activity of the preschooler, in the context of which the teacher, applying various methods, forms the identity of the child, its spiritual and social orientation.

The issue of the problem of the plot role-playing game is especially relevant, its organization in the family. Teachers and psychologists note that gaming activities undergo significant changes: it takes less time in the life of the preschooler, it is crowded with other activities - watching TV, computer games, preparation for school, etc., which is reflected in the general development of the preschooler, its communication with adults and peers.

Games that are created by the children themselves are called creative or plotting, AK indicate this. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. This is the main activity of children of preschool age, in the course of which the spiritual and physical forces of the child develop: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a peculiar, predetermined method of assimilation of social experience.

The basis of the plot role-playing game is the imaginary or imaginary situation, which is that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in the game setting created by him. For example, playing school, depicts a teacher leading a lesson with students in the classroom.

In a plot-role-playing game, all directions of the child are formed, there are significant changes in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new higher stage of development. This explains the huge educational possibilities of the game, which psychologists consider the leading activity of the preschooler.

L.S. Vygotsky emphasized the unique specificity preschool game. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players are combined with strict, unconditional submission of the rules of the game. Such voluntary submission of the rules occurs when they are not imposed on the outside, but derive from the content of the game, its tasks, when their fulfillment is its main charm.

Thus, in connection with all above, respected parents, play with your children in plotting games.

The meaning of the plot role-playing game in the life of preschoolers

The game occupies a very important, if not to say the central, place in the life of the preschooler, being the prevailing type of its independent activity. In domestic psychology and pedagogy, the game is considered as an activity having a very great importance for the development of a child of preschool age; It develops actions in the presentation, orientation in relations between people, the initial cooperation skills.

Free Scene game - the most attractive activity for children activities. Its attractiveness is explained by the fact that in the game the child is experiencing an internally subjective feeling of freedom, the exploitation of things, actions, relationships is all the fact that resistance is provided in practical productive activities, it is difficult. This state of internal freedom is associated with the specifics. scene game - action in an imaginary conditional situation. The plot game does not require a real, tangible product from the child, everything is conditional in it, everything is "as if", "Ponaroshka".

All these "capabilities" of the story game expand the practical world of the preschooler and provide him with internal emotional comfort. This happens due to the fact that in the game, the child recreates its areas of life with the help of conditional actions. First, these are actions with toys that replace real things, and then visual, speech and imaginary actions (performed in the inner plan, in the "mind").

The game matters not only for the mental development of the child, but also for the development of his personality: taking on various roles in the game, recreating the actions of people, the child is penetrated by their feelings and goals,

encourages them, begins to navigate between people.

Great influence is on the development of children in children to interact with other people: first, reconstructing in the game the interaction of adults, the child is developing the rules of this interaction, secondly, in joint game With peers, he acquires mutual understanding experience, learns to explain its actions and intentions, coordinate them with other people.

However, the game fulfills its developing functions to fully, if it is increasingly complicated with age, and not only in its thematic content.


Last Name Parent _____________________________________________

1. Is your child playing at home?

2. WHAT, what kind of games does your child play?

3. What toys are most interesting for him? _________________

4. What is your favorite game of your child .___________________



5. What sources of the plots of the game (television series, cartoons, adult stories and other)? _________________________________________________


6. Do you play with your child? Who is the child most often playing - with mom or with dad? _____________________________________________


7. Do you suggest your child's child's child? What kind?


8.The time of the walk with whom of children prefers to play your child (with boys, with girls)? _________________________________________ What does your child like to play on the street? __________________________


9. If there are children of different sexes in the family: Tell me, please, how do they interact with each other: do they like to play together to what games; Do they often have conflicts, because of what; Do they have common interests, games (what)? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


When analyzing parents' responses should pay attention to what kind of games prefers to play a child at home, what are the sources of their origin. With parents or with a child, what gender he likes to play, whether the plots and features of the game of the child are repeated in kindergarten and family. If there are children of different sexes in the family, then it is important to pay attention to how they interact with each other in gaming activities

What can help a non-contact child?

First, play along with him from the earliest years, learning to take on a certain role, act within it.

Secondly, if children do not accept it in their team - to come up with some other game where it will be more successful, and invite others to play, together (for some reason, for some reason, are coped with this). At the same time, it is important not to break into the already discharged game where your child did not come to the yard, namely to organize a new one (maybe sports, competitive, folk), most importantly? requiring compliance with clear rules already familiar to your child. Oddly enough, a clear and specific organization of games with the rules helps the child who does not speak the plot-role-playing game, but often it turns out to be difficult for "game" children who are accustomed to it.

Miscellaneous principle: Support for fantasy, plot, social and game relationships or on a strictly approved "Code of Laws" and Rules is the basis of attractiveness and success in different types of children. And since the games with the rules appear in the children's community later, and the older children are playing according to them, then those who have already mastered the authority to be enjoyed.

Besides sports gamesThis can be any other types of children's activities in which your "loser" is competent and successful. Maybe he paints perfectly? Give him this opportunity: at home, organize the exhibition, and in the street supply crayons, and soon the whole company will be involved in watching his occupation and humiliate to ask for the permission to "slightly paint" (remember Tom Soyer with his fence!). Can not draw yourself - draw together, but emphasize all the time (and even extended) the leading role of the child in this process.

Or maybe you glued a paper snake with him? It is now few people can, and become famous, conquer universal respect can be easily.

And, in the extreme case, you can simply take a new toy or constructor into the street, only you have to follow, so that your child is "not rubbed", and the toys did not take away.

Spacious for your fantasy and creativity is open.

The main thing is not to leave a child who does not have a sufficient communication skills, one with peers, be near, help, protect, but only unobtrusively. It is important to remember that there is no need to immediately "implement" in the crowd of children with their ideas, sometimes (and often) is quite enough to organize the contact of your child with one one - two peers.

There are different children, with a different need for communication. One is enough a single friend with whom they see once a week, so as not to feel lonely and proudly count: "I have a friend." And the other is bad if a whole crying company is not blocked around him, where everyone obeys his word and even a gesture. If this "Sweet" is not, then the "king" feels no longer enough, it is bored, and he does not know how to take himself.

As a rule, suffering and experiences begin if the need for communication and the game is limited to the inability to participate in this game, or if a recognized leader suddenly, due to unforeseen circumstances, loses the opportunity to realize his "leader's peasants" (for example, hit the new team There are leaders and twist).

In principle, any child should be taught to occupy himself, expand the sphere of an individual game and outside game species Activities, and at the same time help him, master those generally accepted among children ways to communicate and games that are needed not to be outcast. And if you see that your child is not accepted into games, rarely call him on the phone, they disseminately greet or ignore his timid "Hello", then it's time (and it's time) to take things into your hands.

Early neurotic in children with a weakened nervous system in many cases is the result of their social isolation. And if the child himself is not able to find a friend (or friends), to be fully involved in games and other types of children's activities, then without the help of parents, the situation will only deteriorate. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a circle of communication, and it is a children's. If in the old company, where everyone knows it, to achieve recognition and respect for the former "outcast" is almost impossible - it means you need to look for another company. Write it up in the circles (choosing the ones where your child will be at the height), walk elsewhere. In the most extreme case, translate it to another group in kindergarten or change school. But this is an extreme measure, since children of preschool and younger school age (and sometimes older) carry such changes very hard, and it is possible to go to it, only if the physical and mental well-being of a child is seriously threatened, for example, it is not just not accepted In the game, but constantly beat and humiliate. Despite his unenviable position in the team, these children always fear that in a new place will be even worse because they are socially incompetent, are usually very disturbing and prone to severe emotional reactions, which is fraught with real neurosis.

The task of parents is to provide a child confidence and emotional comfort in different types Activities, with different children in the age of children (very often such children are much easier to make friends with the younger and feel the power and confidence at least on their background). And most importantly, remember, this task is solvable, and the earlier it is necessary to start it, the easier it will be.

Help of pre-school family institutions

in organizing games.

In order to outline specific measures to improve gaming activities, analyzed the games of children at home, studied Sloy to play, using the game by family members as a means of education. We conducted parental survey.

As a result, it turned out that the toys in the children in the family are enough, but they are bought without taking into account their age and interests, mostly it is expensive soft toys, dolls, cars. Parents play little with children, most of them do not lead to children's games.

To the question: "Does the child have a place to play? - 63% of parents gave a negative answer. And on the question: "What games preheat a child?" - 68% of parent responses were an example but one content: "Busy dolls, machines, does not prevent adults."

After analyzing these disadvantages, the educators of our preschool institutions have identified the main tasks of eliminating them: to help parents create conditions for children's games and increase their knowledge of gaming activities.

We have developed several options for game corners in to the Masters in the form of layouts, drawings, photoshes, slides, offered them to view parents. They made an approximate rejection of games and toys for home, special attention, paying the use of toys made by the hands of parents. In the manufacture of such toys, a number of consultations were held with a practical show, they activated the work of the circles of the mug of some toys, announced a competition for parents "Make it yourself."

Toys made by the hands of parents, children bring to kindergarten, play, with great hobby, often repeating: "We made this toy with dad (mom)."

For pedagogical propaganda, we use conversations. A cycle of lectures on the organization of the Gaming Act of Children, in which parents were given specific recommendations on what toys are needed to children, what games can be organized in the family.

In the group issued for parents a stand "Game - Case Serious", in the materials of which told about the organization of games at home, how to send and develop game interests in children, how to help on the game, which games are better to play, what attributes to use . There was also a variety of tips (for example, how from the old curtains to sew a ball gown dress for playing, how to make a screen and unpaid theatrical de shred at home).

Periodically, we make a photo exhibition of gaming material. After each exhibition, we find out what benefit she brought to parents, which attracted them to the attention of how the knowledge gained in the upbringing of children is used, and necessarily please express critical for victims that help determine whether it should still work.

Popularly popular benches for rors in kindergartens. Reading their material, the parents are taking the necessary pedagogical information, meaning revealed with events in the group, with recommendations for disguise the content of plot games, moral qualities In the process of gaming activities, the selection of toys corresponding to the age of children and their interests.

Preschool workers organize meetings of children with RO in a group where children learn about the work of adhesive. In an affordable form, any of the parents races children about their profession, while emphasizing the social significance of their work. The value of such meetings is also in the fact that they encouraged parents with a kindergarten. And in the repertoire of children's

games appear new, favorite games in welders, crane, builders, etc.

To propaganda pedagogical knowledge, we use a group newspaper, where along with others there are also issues of gaming activities. For example, articles were placed in the newspaper: "Playing as an environment of moral education", "May hope come true!", "Corners of childhood".

Currently, in the preschool institution, the establishment of teachers and parents has been established, the game activities of children have become an active agent of upbringing and development not only in kindergarten, but also in the family.

Scene-role game

Scenarios of plot role-playing games for children

Mom, Dad, I ... Sociormal Games
Let's play the fairy tale. Fabulous games
Historical games
Pretch? Trade theme.
What would this mean?
Good and bad guys
Professional games. Part 1
Professional games. Part 2
Playing school
A television
Army games
Fantastic games

In the process of developing the game, the child moves from simple, elementary, ready-made plots to complex, independently invented, covering almost all spheres of reality. He learns to play not around, with other children, and with them, to do without numerous game attributes, mastering the rules of the game and begins to follow them, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable for the baby they are. And this is not all that the child acquires in the game. At the same time, the game is considered as a homogeneous activity, having a single form of expression in preschool age. Indeed, if you see, for example, the program of training and education in kindergarten, "then there it is mainly about the plot-role-playing game. This is the most affordable and understandable, adult, type of game. Here girls play the store. One is the seller, she weighed the goods, wraps it into paper, gets money. Another - buyer, she chooses that and how much to buy, pays for the purchase, puts it in a bag, carries home. In other words, some plot is taken - the topic (in this case - the store) and is played, revived by role (seller and buyer). The connection of these two lines (plot and roles) and gives the name of the game - plot-role-playing.

This type of game was the center of numerous studies of adults, seminars, scientific work devoted to him. This is the most understandable type of activity of children. Professionals are often visited by kindergartens to see how children learn in games in various social roles. But often children no longer play. They do what they want to see adults, diligently teaching kids "template games."

As a result, we will not get the game. We give an example from Experience E.E. Kravtsova, described by it, in the course of lectures on the discipline "Psychological foundations of pre-school education".

"A few years ago, I had my colleagues to be in the same kindergarten, where the game, according to specialists, there workers, was especially well set. I really wanted to see this game. And here I am in senior group. Children playing "in the doctor." At the table, tired of bottles of drugs of the most of the different shape, a boy and a girl in white coats are sitting, hat with a red cross. This is a doctor and nurse. In front of their "office", just as in life, the children with dolls and teddy bear are sitting in the queue - these are moms with children. In turn, the powerively children enter the doctor. He checks his throat in anyone in a row, then measures the temperature, then the sister discharges a "recipe". Looking at this procedure, I begin to chrome and moan and go to the queue. "Where is your daughter?" - Children ask. "And I do without a daughter, I have a foot hurt, I can't tolerate, I poured the heel. Oh, oh, oh! How hurts! Can I do without a queue?"

Children are intrigued - the usual routine, familiar to them the sequence of events, was disturbed. After some oscillation, they skip me without a queue. The doctor has already heard that an unusual patient came to him - I am without a daughter and go out of turn. Nevertheless, he invites me to show the throat.

Open your mouth.
- But my heel hurts.
- Open your mouth, you need to look at the throat.
- What for? I stepped on a nail, and I have blood!
- Then let's measure the temperature.
- Temperature here has nothing to do with it.
- Sister, write down the recipe (completely confused). "

It is described just a game, but a template action, and, alas, apparently, the mistake of educators. Often, adults want to see seriousness in children, correct from their point of view, but in each age their tasks, and for preschoolers it is very important to develop a fantasy, imagination. So why make a child learn from reading from three to four years? To some extent it may be correct, but you can not forget that you can not miss the time. At school age, the value of imagination and fantasy is already far from being in preschool. Consequently, before time, taking the child to the right, from our point of view, actions, we are forever deprived of its ability to maximize your other reserves.

In saturated interesting game, filled with fantasies and imagination, the child grows, is developing, and in the simple repetition of the exploded phrases? Rather degrades. There is no development. But dryness and inflexibility of the baby finds his reason in the fact that the child once did not learn to play two more simple gameswho are associated and folded into the plot role. What kind of games is it?

The plot role-playing game has two lines - plot and role. Consider the storyline.

In two or three years, the child suddenly begins to behave strangely. He suddenly lay out different items in front of himself on a chair or on the table, begins to manipulate them in turn, to mumble something under his breath. A child can play a service in a closet, mother and father's things, can even start voice pictures in the book. Parents usually do not pay attention to such a child's activity, what can be useful in it? However, this is the game. The first component of the plot role-playing game is directed.

Indeed, the actions of the child are extremely similar to the actions of the director. First, the child himself is already composed of the plot. At first it is a simple, primitive scenario, but in the future he processes many complicating details. Parents are surprised by the talents of the baby - so small, and he himself comes up with the plot, but this is a very good sign that must be peculiar to all children - the development of independence. All that he is doing now - he does himself, without help. Someday, each person comes to independence, let her first begin its first manifestations. The second similar feature of the child's game and the director in this case is that the child himself decides who who will be. Each item can become a house, man, animal, etc. The child thus learns to endure the properties of one subject to another. The third important similarity is that the kid himself composes the Misanessen. It can bother with small objects for a long time because it makes up the background for future action. Well, finally, the child in such a game performs all the roles of himself or at least becomes a speaker telling about what is happening. The value of such a game is huge. All these moments are of great importance for both mental Development child, and for the development of gaming activities. The director's child acquires the necessary quality for the further development of the game - it will learn to "see the whole before the parts." In this case, this means to see the game not with some one, private, even if a very significant position, but from the position of a common, providing him from the very beginning the situation of the subject of this activity, which underlies the interaction of individual characters, the situation memorizing and blindly repeated made by others, and invent the course of events yourself.

The kid owning the director's game will be able to play out without any problems to play a real partner in a plot-role-playing game. In addition, he can play in the same game in different ways, inventing all new events and turns in the plot, to comprehend and rethink various situations found in his life. Special significance, the director's game acquires due to the fact that it completely coincides with the specific imagination in one of its characteristics. The ability to see an integer before parts - this is the basis of the game and imagination, without which the child can never become a "wizard" (Kravtsova E.E. "Wake up a wizard" M.: Enlightenment, 1996). And what makes a small director on actually? It connects various, kind of and non-related objects with logical connections, plot. Every item has his own distinctive properties, they all come to life say. Thus, all inanimate participants of the game suddenly be connected by the plot of the child, and this is agglutination - the type of imagination.

The next component of the plot-role-playing game is figuratively role-playing.

Almost every child at a certain age suddenly turns into someone in animals, in adults, even in the car. Everyone is very familiar with such a picture: Mom is late for work and should still have to have a kid to the kindergarten, and he, as it came out, does not go fast, but screams with his feet. Mom hurts him, but to no avail. Going to the porch kindergartenHe suddenly did not go along the steps like all the "normal" children, but began to "travel around". "What a child is so!" - Mom says in the hearts. "And I'm not a child, I am a car." It turns out that the baby scarked with his feet for his mother to be late for work or to once again "sweep her nerves," but only because he is a car, and the car, as you know, does not raise the legs-wheels, and smoothly slides Asphalt (Kravtsova E.E. "Wake up a wizard in a child" M.: Enlightenment, 1996).

It should be noted that the figurative game is important for independent psychological rehabilitation. The game allows the child to be distracted, switch from problems, for example, in communicating with peers. When the child learned to independently invent the plot (i.e., in other words, he mastered the director's game) and received the experience of role-playing behavior (played the figurative game, I tried to reincarnate), then the basis for the development of the plot role-playing game. What does the baby acquire in this game? First of all, as noted by D.B. Elkonin, a child in this game reflects relations specific to society in which he lives. In the plot-role-playing game the focus of the child is aimed at social relations of people. That is why the child begins to beat familiar topics - the store, hospital, school, transport - and many others. And if earlier these games were very rich in content, now they are more similar to the schemes than on the colorful descriptions of certain events. This happened primarily because most guys are not familiar or familiar with various sides of life. Complicated production; The work of adults, earlier such a clear and affordable children, turned out to be for them for family seals. Many preschoolers do not know what their parents are engaged in who they are by profession. And if earlier the first, that the children beat, there was the work of their parents, and the natural desire to be "as a mother" or "as dad" was embodied in the performance of professions, now the kids are forced to bring everything to "family life." And so it happened that the main game of children was playing the "mother's daughter". Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, however, all the wealth of plots and relationships between people comes down only to family scenes, and the rest of the reality and relations within them are out of sight of the child. This is definitely impoverished the game and badly affects the development of imagination. What can be done in this situation? There is an exit. If earlier children did not need special work to familiarize them with others, now the circumstances have changed and additional efforts are required from adults.

The plot role-playing game is a model of an adult society, but the relationship between children in it is serious. Often you can observe conflict situations on the soil of the unwillingness of a child to play their role. The role of younger preschoolers often receives the one who at the moment is the attribute required from the point of view of children. And then there are situations where two chauffeur ride on the car or two mothers are prepared in the kitchen. In children of middle preschool age, roles are formed already before the start of the game. All quarrels because of roles. Senior preschoolers have a game begins with a contract, with joint planning, who will play, and the main questions now "happens so or not?". So, children learn public relations during the game. The process of socialization is noticeably smoothed, children gradually pour into the team. In essence, the tendency to the fact that in our time there are not all parents give children in kindergarten, therefore frightening that the youngest generation is experiencing considerable difficulties with communication, being in isolation to the school itself.

D.B. Elkonin in his work "Psychology of the game" solved the question of the emergence of the plot-role-playing game and on its peculiarities in different periods of preschool childhood. Children of different ages were asked to play in the "herself", in "Mom and Dad", in "His Comrades". Children of all ages refused to play themselves. Younger preschoolers could not motivate their refusal, the older straight stated that it was impossible to play. Children showed that without a role, without reincarnation, there can be no game. Younger preschoolers refused to play each other, since they were not yet able to highlight specific features from each other. Senior preschoolers took upon themselves this complex task.

The role of the teacher of the younger preschoolers meant to feed the kids, lay them to sleep, walk with them. At medium and senior preschoolers, the role of teachers are increasingly concentrated around the relationship between "Children's Children". Indications appear on the nature of these relationships, the norm and methods of behavior. Thus, each plot role-playing game undergoes changes depending on the age of children: first it is subject to activity, then the relationship between people and, in the end, is the fulfillment of the rules regulating the relations of people.

Here you also note another type of games, which is pretty close to the plot-role. This is a game-dramatization. The difference is that children should play a scene on some work, for example, in a fairy tale. An occupation is selected for each child - someone plays, someone prepares costumes. Usually the children themselves choose a suitable role. The dramatization game assumes that the child should as much as possible and more correctly play his character. In practice, it turns out that uncontrolled dramatization game gradually turns into a plot-role game. And finally, we note the important role of an adult in the plot games. We must gently control the children in the game without disturbing the aimed. Copying an adult, the child often approxes the asocial roles. For example, we see children depicting drunk or villains, and often the reaction of children is not the one that we would like to see - children laugh, herogeuve. The task of an adult is to help the child develop a negative attitude towards this image.

Consultation for parents "Play with children"

One of the provisions of the theory of the psychic development of a child in domestic children's psychology is recognition of the game as the leading role of activities in this development. This activity provides a relationship between the child with the surrounding subject and social world. The values \u200b\u200bof the activity for mental development is that in it and through her the child absorbs public experience fixed in the achievements of human culture, and such a learning includes both the acquisition of knowledge, skills and skills and the formation of mental properties and abilities.

We will try to come out from this point of view to the game, meaning her deployed form - a joint plot-role-playing game of preschoolers. What are the basic requirements for the game:

1. The first requirement for the plot-role-playing game is an effect in the internal imaginary plan (the use of replacement game objects, the assignment of the roles, replacing the actions of the actions of the characters depicted), acting as a source material form in the formation of an indoor action actions.

2. The reference and role-playing game requires a child of a certain orientation in the human relationship system, as it is aimed at playing them (coented social roles).

3. Real relationships between playing children require approval of actions. At first, such coordination is established in the process itself and is the character of external interaction, which becomes the initial form in the development of the children of the "Public Qualities", that is, qualities that provide a certain level of communication.

Preschool age - the gracious period in the development of a person when moral feelings are formed, the first ideas about morality, good and bad deeds.

Moral education in essence is an active process in which an adult and child is involved. The formation of moral activity in children of preschool age is possible by using pedagogical situations, sample behavior, pedagogical assessment, fiction, games. The most efficient means is the plot role-playing game.

Relying on modern psychological and pedagogical data on the structure of moral activity determined the content of the moral activity of children of five years in the plot-role-playing game: the desire to imitate moral and valuable samples of behavior, the ability to emotionally perceive and understand the simple ethical situation, to evaluate the peer's moral act and its own, to realize Its opportunities in resolving a simple ethical situation within the rules of the game, initiative and readiness for its permission to achieve personal and collective success in the game in compliance with the norms of justice and mutual assistance.

It is known that some children, playing, often make violations, others adopt such experience in communicating, considering it the only possible in achieving their goals - to get a role, toy.

It is necessary to teach children to see, analyze compliance and violation of the norms in the game, that is, to teach to give an adequate assessment of the actions of others. It is necessary to teach children to use the rules as guidelines for the formation of the opinion of children about the behavior of each peer so that they themselves can appreciate the negative actions of the comrades, their consequences for themselves.


1. When choosing the topic, everyone agrees to negotiate a future game. Let everyone offer the topic of the game or support the comrade. From all offers to choose one thing most interesting. If someone from the children does not agree with the rest of the guys, it is necessary to explain to him that it is necessary to agree, otherwise the game will not work. The next time, it may be made precisely his proposal as the most interesting.

2. When distributing roles, it should be remembered that the main roles are performed in turn. Use reading when distributing roles, but do not resort to it if the choice on the main role is repeated. Watch that the oddness is not broken. Be friendly when choosing a comrade for the role that you like. Offer attractive roles to other children. If someone from the guys violates the rule, it comes dishonestly, explain to him that you need to play in turn.

3. When discussing the course of the game (plot), you should carefully listen to all participants. Take the most interesting sentence. If any of the children does not agree with the rest and insists on its proposal, to explain to him the rule of choices.

4. When distributing toys toy to take those that are needed for the execution of the role. You can divide them equally. If the toy is alone, and many want to play it, then the scene is established between those who want.

5. Relieve the ability to solve conflicts yourself. Children should be fair in the game, keep her rules. If a quarrel happened, you need to find out who violated the rule, and suggest it to give way to the dispute, because he is wrong.

6. In a situation of violations, the social norms of behavior, it is necessary to pay attention to the need to comply with all the rules. Be polite, friendly to the participants of the game. Violators of the rules of behavior quietly make a remark and say which violations are allowed. Always treat others as you want them to relate to you.

7. You should always pay attention to "single children." If someone from the guys is sad, boring, then talk to him, play. The next time, maybe someone will help you.

The plot role-playing game is useful for both children and adults.

Playing, we communicate with children on their territory. When entering into the world of children's game, we can learn a lot and teach our children.

The game teaches us:

- talking to a child in his language;

- overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, its authoritarian position (and therefore also its egocentrism);

- to revive children's features: immediacy, sincerity, freshness of emotions;

- discover a long-being forgotten way of learning through the imitation of samples through an emotional feeling, experience;

- love children as they are.

Playing, we can teach children:

- look at yourself from the eyes of other people;

- anticipate the strategy of role behavior;

- do your actions, your desires, your feelings understandable to playing:

- strive for justice, overcome the desire not only to dominate, but also agree, obey in the game;

- trust each other.

Ozhogan Svetlana Sergeevna

Kemerovo, 2016.

Plot- rollingthe game (w.children) - This is the type of children's activities, in the process of which they in conditional situations reproduce this or that sphere of activity and communication of adults in order to assimilate the most important social roles and developing skills of formal and informal communication.

It is customary to allocate two main types of games: plot-role-based and game with rules (didactic, i.e. training and mobile). All these types of games use gaming material.

The toy from early childhood is provided to independent use of the child. When a child makes any actions with a toy, an inexperienced observer makes the impression that he plays. But this does not mean that he plays: he performs separate gaming actions outside the story context, i.e. Performs only individual fragments of holistic gaming activities.

W. modern preschooler There is little chance to purchase them in this way, since informal multi-year groups are currently rare. Previously, they existed in the form of courtyard communities or groups of brothers and sisters of different ages in one family. Now children of different ages are strongly separated. In kindergarten, children are selected in the group on the simultal principle, in families most often only one child, and the courtyard and neighboring communities become rare due to excessive guardianship of adult preschoolers and employment of schoolchildren at school, specialized circles, etc. strong factors They are a TV and a computer that they spend a lot of time.

The plot represents or an expanded description of the events taking place with some characters, the situations in which they fall, the relationships in which they enter (such plots can act fairy tales, stories), or a twin description, denoting only the theme of the game, main characters, The actions and relationships of which are reproduced in the process (playing in the "mother's daughter"), the situation in which the event is deployed (game in the "hospital", "shop").
Traditional games are transferred to children in communicating with close adults already in early childhood. Mother (or other close adult), wanting to steal a child, cause his activity, tells him uncomplicated rhythmic plot texts of the "goat cat" like ". At the same time, it does not simply tell, but also shows simple actions along the teaching, reinforcing the actions of the corresponding intonation, facial expressions. Communicating in this way with the child, the adult leads the game as a complete activity, including characters, and actions, and events, i.e. Translates the traditional plot into the game process.
Originally plays an adult, the child participates as a viewer; His participation is expressed only in the repetition of individual, very simple actions. Gradually, an adult increases the measure of the kid. As the child masters the methods of gaming activity, the adult begins to organize his independent game, and itself is increasingly touched by joint activities. The baby gets into the world of toys, into the world of playing children. In other words, he turns from a narrow, family game tradition to gaming traditionsasked teachers of kindergarten, the courtyard group, etc.

Oksana Bobkova
Consultation for parents "Scene-role games in the life of children"

Scene-role-playing game in the child's life

The game has always had, has and will be of great importance in life of the child. And if you think that the game is just entertainment and empty pastime - you are deeply mistaken. In the process games The child is studying the analysis, develops his imagination, thinking and many more useful occurs in the development of the child.

There are several types of gaming activities. This is an individual subject that occurs in early age from half a year to two years, it is imperative, which manifests itself in the second year life and plot. That's O. plot- Role games we will talk below.

What scene-role games?

Scene-role games are gamesin which children "Dress up" The role, passing its character, and operate according to a certain specified scene Or they themselves create it. That is, this is some kind of theatrical performance. Children are gaining in their role and behave as they see their character from the side.

Scene-role games occupy your place in life of a child thenwhen he learns to use items not only on their immediate purpose, but also in accordance with plot games. In the process, a child will have a desire to copy the actions of adults, it will learn to interact with other children in the game, or adults.

Initially plot- Role game manifests itself in the usual imitation of an adult child. Kid self vacuuming, cooks soup, puts toys to sleep, repairing something. After some time, the child begins to beat familiar to him life situations: "Visiting the hospital", "Hike to the store" etc.

At this stage in plot-Rolvoy game add dialogue acting persons. Here will be very helpful parent. If you will be help the baby in the game, then by two and a half years, the child will independently play in scene-role games Together with your toys.

Next comes complication games due to the appearance of the plot - Combining several situations. For example, plot It may be a ride in nature - first the child will collect the necessary things, after sitting in the transport, in the place unpacks his bags, can take a fishing rod and go fishing, or something else in such a spirit. Children begin to negotiate the rules games - Developing business communication. In 4-5 years, children not only beat everyday situations, but also add to the game plots from fairy tales, cartoons, books.

Older children are easily included in scene-role gameBut even this does not mean that an adult can stay in the background and put everything on samonek. If a parent will not provide a child new situations for games, then the child can dwell and stop being independent. Manifestation of creativity and independence in plot- Role Games shows the level of development of the child's thinking.

The value of toys for deploying self games Older preschool children are also specific. If in the game of kids, the subject situation determines plot, then senior preschoolers themselves design SEMPERTY GOOD SITUATION Depending on the chosen theme and intended stroke games, subordinating her to the gaming plan.

The game of younger preschoolers requires a large degree of support for toys and objects that replace them. The main requirement to the substituent toy is convenience in performing gaming actions, proportionality in magnitude with another gaming material. It is very important that such a toy resembled by the subject with common circuits. So, the doll can be made of a towel, if you roll on it and put on apron or a bow, instead of a plate you can offer a cardboard circle, etc. With the right manual, the game of three years old, not only the deputies offered to adults, but also themselves choose and negotiate that they will denote ( "This is a doll", "This is a plate"). Sometimes give a toy-deputy role ( "Come on it will be dad, and this is a daughter"). Children 4-5 years carry out game actions, too, most often with toys, but they are already starting to use the gesture, and the word, and a certain position of the subject or the child himself. At this age, the subjects are of particular importance attributes: All sorts of hats, aprons, bathrobes, handbags. During this period, toys are needed reflecting the specifics of instrument actions in a particular profession. The doctor needs a bathrobe, a reception table, a stick, denoting a thermometer or syringe, and certainly need patients, patiently demolishing the care of a doctor and nurses. These patients can be large dolls with easily removable clothes or goats wrapped in a blanket. In patients children Must be your dads and moms.

For a child 6-7 years old, the main thing is not to perform role-playing actions with the help of toys and objects, but in communication with those who have taken on other roles related to his role, with meaning scene game. This significantly changes the requirements for the toy and makes it seek the answer to the question of which it should be not so much in the game itself, as in the most real today life. This is no longer only semide games, school, hospital, but also conquering space, harvesting, maintenance of the gas pipeline, etc.

In this way, scene-role games teach a child to coordinate your actions with other participants games, to try on various personal qualities, as well as find outputs from various situations. Playing in these games, the child grows creative and independent person, ready to solve life situations.

Publications on the topic:

The organization of the game in preschool childhood is an integral part of finding our pupils in preschool institution. Offering children.

"Plot - role-playing games" everyone knows that you need to walk with children, because children need children fresh air and space for splash.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 10" Methodical development of the use of knowledge about.

1. Blitz poll "Play with the child." Game - just entertainment for a child or a vital condition for its development? IN.

Consultation on the topic: "Scene-role-playing games in the conditions of introducing GEF in medium group»A child knows the world throughout its manifold through.

Belkin Victoria Anatolyevna
Position: Educator
Educational institution: Madou CRP kindergarten №71
Locality: Odintsovo, Moscow region
Name of material: Methodical development
Subject: Consultation for parents "Scene-role-playing game in the life of a preschooler"
Publication date: 31.01.2018
Section: preschool education

Consultation for parents

"Scene-role-playing game in the life of a preschooler"

It is impossible to imagine the development of a child without a game. Game - Main View

activities preschool children in the process of which spiritual and

physical power of the child: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline,

dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a kind of peculiar preschool age

the method of assimilation of life experience.










is an



which lies in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in

created by the gaming atmosphere itself. For example, playing the hospital, depicts a doctor,

patient patient.

Games allow the child in an imaginary situation to exercise any attractive

his role-playing, functions, turn on in a variety of events. Scene-role

the game is the initial, conscious interaction of a small man with the world, this

the method of its self-realization and self-expression.

In the game, the child is what he wants to be, in the game a child where he wants

being, he is a participant in interesting and attractive events. In a plot game

the child has the ability to recycle the impressions from the world around





emotionality, activity, developing the need for communication.

During the games, all directions of the child are formed, significant

changes in his psyche prepare the transition to a new higher stage

development. This explains the huge educational features of the game.

Game "Bear"

purpose. Development in children's ability to take on the role of an animal.

Game Material. Candy, fruits, pies.

Preparation for the game. Acquaintance with distinguishing features of the bear by pictures,

illustrations. Reading poems and stories, about a bear.

Gaming roles. Bear.

Stroke Game. Offering children toys, candies, fruits, pies, etc., tutor

says: "Look, guys, what a big delicious cake baked a bear and

sent to us in the group. She thought that in our group there are bearish - sweet tooth,

which love delicious cakes, and decided to treat them. Who is the bear? Kom.

bear Baked Sweet Pie? Are you a bear, Sasha? And where are your legs, a bear?

Do you have a wool, a bear? How many cubs in our group. Good

bear! It's time to distribute them a cake! "

Then the teacher offers the bearings to get around the large table (made of

shifted tables) and see how it will solemnly cut the cake to equal

parts so that everyone gets row.

Thus, the usual afternoon can be held. Distributing the cake, educator

he sentences: "This is a bear, a piece of cake and this. All bear bars row

i share a cake of the Medvandy. Welmer has enough cake? Eat on your health! "

The game "At the doctor"

Purpose. Familiarization of children with the activities of the doctor, fixing the names of medical

tools. Training children's implementation of gaming plan.

Game material. Photos, illustrations, pictures, dolls, animal toys,

building materials, Bathrobe and Cap Doctor, Medical Tools (Toy

Preparation for the game. Walking to the clinic, to ambulance, excursion to

a pharmacy, (with parents) in the medical office of kindergarten. Games "Doll

ill "," Recovery of dolls and meeting with children "," Forest Hospital ". Story

the educator about how in another kindergarten playing a "doctor." Reading Fear from

works V. Mayakovsky "Who be?", K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", Ya. Rainis "Doll

sick "(book" At the seaside "). View the cartoon "Aibolit". Consider

album made by children together with the educator on the topic "We play in

"Doctor". I amter not the topic "Considering the sick doll", designing bed for

Gaming. Doctor, nurse, mom, dad.

The course of the game. The game in the "doctor" the educator can start with the game-classes. In the morning teacher

draws the attention of children to the fact that the doll does not get up long, and the children suggest that she,

apparently, "got sick." Call a doctor or a nurse of a kindergarten. He inspects

"The patient" puts the diagnosis: "The doll has witnessed, it must be put in the hospital."

When examining, the doctor comments on its actions: "First measure the temperature, serve,

please thermometer. Temperature 38 degrees. Yes, Svetlana is sick. Need to look

throat. Red throat. Of course, she was cold. " The doctor, writing his conclusion, asks

the teacher attributed a doll to the "hospital" (medical office).

In a few days, the teacher reports to children that Svetlana is already recovering and

tomorrow it will be discharged. You can offer children to prepare everything you need to meet

Svetlana. Children stood clean bed, prepare the night shirt, on the bedside table

near the bed put a cup for water. And here Svetlana "write out" from the "Hospital",

nurse comes several times to children, shows how to care for

recompushing: Do not allow her to drink cold water and walk barefoot, neatly and

heat to wear for a walk.

Upon subsequent holding the game, the teacher asks children who want to take on

he behaves the role of a doctor or nurse. Wishing baby teacher clothes white robing,

hood and proposes to flew the diseased bear. The educator should give children

take the initiative and creativity in the game, so the teacher has assistance to the child,

only with difficulty.

Also when carrying out this game, the teacher can invite to visit the kids

older children. On the eve, the teacher must explain to the elder children to the purpose of their arrival:

develop plot-role games, in this case the game in the "doctor". Joint Games

younger children with older are more directly than games with an educator.

In the communication of the younger and older children "in the first place is a game task that is easy

and naturally perceived by the children of the fourth year of life as its own.

Game "Consumption"

Purpose. Development of skills in children to implement a gaming plan.

Game material. Substituents, doll tableware, toy dogs,

fluffy collar.

Preparation for the game. Reading and discussing the story of N. Kalinina "Assistants".

Gaming. Cook.

The course of the game.

of which game actions are sent.

The educator offers children: "Let's guys, we will play. I really want to play with

Anya, with Miroslav ... ". The number of children participating in the game may be any.

You can play with all children or only with those who are suitable for the tutor. "I am like

as if came from work. Tired. And the head is sore. I can't even cook

dinner. And there is very much like. Who do you guys make something to eat? " Guys

respond to the request of the tutor. "Look, how many products I have, a whole

basket. What do you cook me? Here in the basket lies cabbage and carrot (shows

green ball and red cone). You can cook tasty soup. I know Sonya can

cook. Sonya, welcome me soup? Here you have vegetables: cabbage and carrots. Here is the stove (big

cube, an inverted box). And you will find a saucepan, okay? Andrei, welcome me

potatoes? And who else will cook me potatoes? And how many berries here?! Good compote

it turns out! Who wipes me compote? ". After that, the teacher helps everyone

individually prepare "food", shows children not more than one two gaming

food preparation actions. The teacher continues: "Who is ready for food, maybe

me feed me. I have already flushed my hands and at the table sat down. " "What are you, Sonya, did I prepare?

Soup? Probably very tasty. Can I try? Pour me, please, plate

soup. Oh, how tasty. Soup with carrot, with cabbage. Harbor! I still want to eat one

tire soup. Can? Thank you, Sonichka, big-pre-established. You walled so

tasty soup". It doesn't matter if this procedure is delayed and the rest of the children are waiting for their

queues feed the teacher. Observation of the actions of the educator and the actions of children

game communication is very interesting to them. It will undoubtedly enrich their experience.

After feeding, the educator expresses gratitude to all children: "What are the well done -

i fed me. I rested, founded. Yes, and the head stopped sick. Well, here, and now

you can have fun. Want to dance? " (children along with the educator dancing under

The teacher encourages children to independently accepting the game goal: "Oh! Something I

danced and again there was wanted. Who else will feed me? And what will you be

feed, Sasha? " The procedure for feeding and expressing gratitude is repeated.

The teacher then completes the game: "I already ate so far, I can't eat all porridge,

which you are welded, Andrei. Still half the pot remained. Felling by a bunny. It

already resorted to me, I found out who boiled porridge. " Pedagogue can offer children to do

another type of activity gives them, for example, pencils and paper, etc.

Game "Builders"

purpose. Familiarization of children with difficulty builders. Child learning set

relationships in the game. Game material. Building material, machines,

dolls, animal toys.

Preparation for the game. . Game-occupation "At dolls housewarming" (construction of furniture).

Consider the "Build House" paintings, "children play cubes." Consider

photos from the "Little Builders" series. Designing the garage, house, tracks.

Drawing on the topic "Fence", "House".

Gaming roles. Chauffeur, builder, Novosel.

Stroke Game. The game can be started with the meeting with the builders. They will tell about their

work, the significance of their work for society: builders build new houses, build theaters,

schools, shops, kindergartens, to children and adults, where to learn, buy

products, etc. After that, the educator can hold a tour of the construction

after organizing it. On the excursion, the teacher draws the attention of children to

how to build a house: from bricks, panels, blocks; on how the bulldozer works, the excavator,

lifting crane; On how all workers work nicely. Also at construction site can

watch the work of the chauffeurs, masonry, plasterers, plumbers, etc.

In the group in order to clarify knowledge about builders, the educator can organize

consider albums, photos, illustrations from magazines on construction topic.

Then the teacher can offer children to consider the picture "Children play cubes."

The teacher offers the picture to the attention of children,

it says that it is depicted on it. Explains: "Girl made big beautiful

goal". Asks whether the children like these gates, clarifies what they are: "The gate is yellow,

and on top of red. "

Children view the Red Tower, which a boy built, boy in a striped

shirt, which brought on a cube truck.

In conclusion, children listen to the next story.

"Play cubes well. Interesting! Boy in black pants built a high

tower. Beautiful turned out to be a tower! The bottom is yellow, the top is sharp, red. Girl

helps him. She did a gate. Boy in a striped shirt - chauffeur. BIP-BIP! -

he will signal children. - I brought you more cubes. "

Having finished the story, the teacher invites children to approach the picture. Yesho repeats her

description, welcoming the attempts of children to catch up with the words.

After that, the teacher offers children to distribute the roles and play the game "Construction".

If children are hampered, he asks: "Who wants to be a builder and build for

dolls Ani House? And who wants to be a driver to bring the necessary materials for

building at home? etc.". Then the educator makes it possible to play children


With the subsequent holding of the game, the educator can offer children to play the game

"Ani a housewarming," where children themselves must come up with and choose roles.

Game "Fox"

Purpose. Development in children's ability to take on the role of an animal.

Game material. Substitution items, toys, buns.

Preparation for the game. Familiarity with the distinctive signs of foxes by pictures,

illustrations, reading poems and stories, about fox.

Gaming roles. Lisa, Lisyata.

The course of the game. The teacher refers to children: "Let's play. I will be a fox.

I have sharp ears (shows). See what, and you see the fluffy big tail?

(shows the movement of the hand imaginary tail). Horny I have a tail? ". Then Lisa

briefly tells where he lives what he eats and what loves to do (play with lisates, catch

mice, etc.).

Observing the appearance of the fox, her habits and temper, the educator moves to the

the main point - encourages children to enter the image of Lisyat. Here's what it looks like:

"I'm boring one. I do not have children - small lisate with fluffy tails.

They grew up, became big and ran into the forest. I would be licked, I would have my own

bread accepted, candy gave. See how many of them are. Who wants to be mine

fox? ". Someone wanted to be a fox - good! Well, and those who did not want to play -

forcing in no case should not be forced. Let these children do what they want.

"Lysteat, show your ears. Do you have tails? (Imagined). " Perhaps someone

from the children gets back jumping. Others also may want to make tails. Not

hurry to help them. Let them try to cope with it themselves. Such.

independence will be only good. The most important thing has already happened - baby

entered the image. He became "other" in his imagination.

Then the teacher must necessarily praise the children, to treat listet

bread (for a start, you can treat a real bun), later use

substituent item, labeling imaginary pieces and sentencing: "This fox

gave, and it gave this, and this lesson did not forget. Lisyat, look at this lesson.

True, he is redhead? Dredging, Ryzhik, bread. And now hang out, licked,

pockets and close the eyes. I will give you something in a secret "(lays down

creativity), but only if this wants, they want to have interest in

game. You can go to the forest, search for a common mink, where the lisates will hide from the rain,

fold your stocks.

On the plot you can collect sprigs and leaves to arrange a warm mink, mushrooms, berries

(Substitution items: pebbles, clover flowers, etc.).

The game in Lisyata The educator may, for example, finish this, turning to children: "Lylyati,

your mother - Fox from the bazaar came, toys brought you (dolls, cars, different

mosaics and any other, interesting items for a child: Plastic bottles with

screwing plugs, ballpoint handles, large bolts for boys,

boxes from perfumes for girls, etc.). Run to me, I will hand out gifts. Here you go,

he distributed to everyone. You can all do business. Then let's go for a walk. "

Birthday game

Purpose: Consolidate the rules of the guest etiquette: behaviors visiting them in their home,

gift prevention and adoption. Education of sensitivity and attention.

Game Material:

Puppet utensils, imaginary treats: Fruits, sweets, subjects

substituents; Tables, tablecloths, tea devices, toys, costume elements,

record player.

Preparation for the game.Conversations on topics: "We are waiting for guests", "We go to visit", about the organization of the day

birth, about choosing a gift,

Gaming roles:Birthday girl, mom, dad, brother, sister, guests.

The course of the game.The tutor introduces a beautiful tea set. Children offer different

game options. After listening to the proposals of the guys, we bring to the idea that all these games

(Family, holiday, guests, can be combined into one "birthday".

After listening to children to remind the rules of the game so that the hosts were polite in relation to

guests, warned, consumed polite words: "Be kind", "please",

"Thank you", "eat on health."

Cleaning the apartment, preparation of treats, table setting, reception, (meeting,

reception of gifts, treat, entertainment, take care of guests)

When everyone is ready at home, the name is guests. Birthday party congratulate, give her gifts, they say

wishes playing "loaf" surround the attention, treat guests, read poems, sing

song "Happy Birthday", dance.

When the birthday ends, the birthday girl thanks his guests for excellent

holiday: "Thank you! We have so much fun! "Or" I am very glad that I have

such funny and wonderful guests! "And when guests diverged, you need to help" mom "and

"Dad" to remove the house after the holiday. Together to clean the house is more fun and faster.

Game "Trip"

purpose. Expand the knowledge of children about transportation, training for the implementation of the gaming plan.

Game Material. Building material, dolls, animal toys, subjects


Preparation for the game. Observation on a walk for transport. Reading poems I.

transport stories. Production of out building material Machines, aircraft,

steamer, trains, boats, bus, etc.

Gaming. Machinist, chauffeur, passenger.

The course of the game. The educator can use different game options depending on

of which game actions are sent. The teacher includes children in the game. "I have

handles (shows different items that can replace the rudders). Who wants to go to

car, get steered. " "Here is the steering wheel, Vadik. Where will you go? And what will you bring me?

Katyusha, and where will you go? Also in the store? Okay. And what will you buy me in the store?

Candy? And behind the candy already Vadik went. Let's you bring something else to me?

Bread? Well done, right. And then we have no bread for lunch. " If the educator sees that

the child makes it difficult to choose his goal, you need to offer him my own: "Sasha, bring me,

please bricks. I will build a booth with my dog. She has no place to live. See, she is

there, in the corner, sits and flaruse. "

After that, the teacher shows the children, how to make a car from the chair.

When children bring teacher products, things, etc., he must

thank children for delivery.

"And now let's go all together on machines in the circus, let's see how

bear". The educator shows the children performing a toy bear. Then children on

machines "Return" to the group

The game can also be held on a walk, a little

Consultation for parents

What is a plot role-playing game and what role she plays in the life of the preschooler

Dear our moms and dads!

Each of you knows that the children love to play. Your fidgets are ready to play from morning to late evening! But you are not always ready to pay for your child due attention and free time. But the game is a very important component in the life of a child! In it, the baby satisfies his need to be like adults, to express their wishes to freely, to embody fantasies, communicate with peers. The game is the most valuable activity for the preschooler, providing him with a feeling of freedom, to become involved in children's creativity, built on free communication of equal. It is impossible to imagine the development of a child without a game, plot role-playing games are the main activity of the preschooler. They allow the child in an imaginary situation to exercise any attractive role-playing, functions, to be included in a variety of events. The plot role-playing game is the original, conscious interaction of a small person with a world, in which the child performs the main role, is a way of its self-realization and self-expression. In it, the child as he wants to be, in the game a child where he wants to be, he is a participant in interesting and attractive events.

In the game of the game, the children develop the plot, combining in a single whole individual gaming actions. In the plot-role-playing game, all directions of the child are formed, significant changes in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new high stage of development. The diversity of the content of plot-role-playing games is determined by the knowledge of the children of the parties, which are depicted in the game with the soundness of these knowledge of the interests, childhood feelings, his personal experience. At the end, the development of the content of their games depends on the interests of the child's feelings, his personal experience. In the game he does just that he wants himself.

Pharmacies "Href \u003d" / Text / Category / Apteki / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Pharmacies: Pharmacist makes medicines, the cashier seller sells them, the head of the pharmacy orders the necessary herbs and other drugs for making drugs, expand the vocabulary of children:" Medicinal Preparations "," Pharmacist "," Order "," Medicinal Plants ".

Equipment : toy equipment pharmacies.

Age: 5-7 years.

Stroke Game : a conversation is held about what professions work in a pharmacy than they do. Get acquainted with the new role - the head of the pharmacy. She takes medicinal herbs from the population and transfers them to pharmacists so that they prepare drugs. The head helps the pharmacy workers and visitors to understand the difficult situations. Medicines are issued strictly by recipes. Roles are distributed independently, if desired.

"Trip around the world"

purpose : expand the horizons of children, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, to educate the desire to travel, friendly relationships, expand the vocabulary of children: "Captain", "Travel around the World", "Asia", "India", "Europe", "Pacific Ocean".

Equipment : ship made of building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map

Age: 6-7 years.

Stroke Game : the educator invites children to go into the world journey on the ship. Optionally, they choose children on the role of captain, radio operator, sailor, Michman. We fix the knowledge about what these people do on the ship are their rights and obligations. The ship sails both Africa and India, and other countries and continents. Sailors have to deftly control the ship, so as not to face Iceberg, cope with the storm. Only coherent work and friendship help them cope with this test.


purpose : to expand the knowledge of children about wild animals, their habits, lifestyle, nutrition, to educate love, humane attitude towards animals, expand the vocabulary of children.

Equipment : toy wildest animals, familiar to children, cells (from building material), tickets, money, cash desk.

Age : 4-5 years.

Stroke Game : the educator reports to children that the zoo came to the city, and offers to go there. Children buy tickets at the box office and go to the zoo. There are considering animals, tell about where they live than eat. During the game, children should be paid to how to handle animals, how to care for them.