What kind of old maps are there? What are the best antique maps to use for finding coins? Detailed antique maps

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On the pages of this blog, I wrote quite a lot about the use of maps in our difficult but interesting business - treasure hunting. Thanks to maps, we learn about old villages, where they were located, how the street ran and when it existed and disappeared.

Using maps, we can even find places where no digger has gone before. So, last spring we found ourselves in an unbroken repair situation. On the PGM there was only a barely noticeable small square. But in fact, there actually turned out to be a settlement where the four of us did some good digging.

Thanks to maps we can make our own discoveries. After all, without them, you don’t know where to go, unless, of course, you talk with the local population or identify the tracts by the poplars that can be seen from afar.

In our time of heyday of the Internet, almost any maps, ancient or not, are easy to find and start working with them. In this article I will talk about some useful maps for coping, in particular those that I use myself.

Satellite images

I'll start with the newest cards. Satellite images are now of fairly good quality. From them we can see the current state of the place we are interested in. Is the field overgrown with forest, are there any houses left in the village, find out the way to the digging point. This is a very detailed map, but it is difficult to see changes in elevation. The terrain looks flat. The scale of the photographs is detailed. By the way, if one service does not have a detailed, clear image of the desired area, you can find one from another. For example, if Google’s terrain is blurry, then Yandex’s will most likely be of excellent quality.

General Staff cards

Quite interesting cards too. They are intended for the military, as the name suggests. But they were also popular with topographers, surveyors, geologists, road workers, and others who work on the ground. All General Staff maps are similar: sheets of individual squares, divided into smaller squares. The scale is different. From 250 meters to 10 km in 1 cm. I heard a couple of times that there are also hundred meters, that is, 100 meters in 1 cm. At the same time, the maps of the General Staff have a very low error and can be used with great success on a GPS navigator for orientation and navigation, as well as finding places to dig and plotting routes. All villages are clearly indicated and it is written how many inhabitants there were at the time the maps were created, the order of the location of streets, roads, and mills is shown. I often use it myself, besides, the General Staff is loaded into Ozik on my phone.

Red Army maps

Maps of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. They are very similar to the General Staff, but they began to be created back in the 20s of the last century. Due to a lack of funds, people and opportunities, pre-revolutionary maps were taken as a basis. These cards have limited coverage. Namely, you can find maps of the Red Army only in the western part of our country. There isn't even a Kirov region. Although, somewhere there was a mention that there are topographic maps older than the General Staff our regions. By the way, the inscription “Coordinate system 1942” is very often confused with the date of creation of this map. In reality this is not the case; here we are only informed about the coordinate system. And the date of shooting and release of the map is written in the upper right corner of the sheet. If the General Staff sheet was from 1942, then this would already be a map of the Red Army. According to the information I have, they were produced from 1925 to 1941. Scale from 250 m to 5 km in 1 cm. Having examined this map, it attracted me with its detail and relative antiquity. It shows even the smallest settlements. The number of yards is indicated. Definitely a great map for a search engine! But it’s a pity that it is not in our Vyatka region.

Schubert map

With your permission, a brief background. At the beginning of the 19th century, F. F. Schubert headed the corps of military topographers and under him a 10-verst map of the Western parts of the Russian Empire was created on 60 sheets. But for some reasons it turned out to be inconvenient for practical use. I had to start working on a new one. It began to be created under the direction of P. A. Tuchkov, but later Schubert took over the work on it. It covers the time period of almost the entire second half of the 19th century, starting in 1846. But the main work was done before 1863, when it amounted to 435 sheets. Further work continued at a similar pace. In 1886, 508 sheets were drawn. Basically, they used the already compiled ten-verst, only supplementing and clarifying it. Very good detail of objects. Literally everything you need is indicated: settlements, forests, rivers, roads, crossings, etc. There is even the nature of the relief. Its scale is 1 inch 3 versts or 1260 m in 1 cm. However, not all areas were drawn by Schubert. For example, Vyatka, alas, is not there.

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Strelbitsky Map

In the middle of the 19th century, I. A. Strelbitsky was part of the Military Topographical Department at the General Staff and was tasked with updating and supplementing the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Strelbitsky supervised this work from 1865 to 1871. The new map consisted of 178 sheets and covered the European part of the country and parts of the adjacent western and southern provinces. The scale is very undetailed. There are 10 versts in 1 inch. And if we translate it in our manner, then 4200 m in 1 cm. In particular, this map was also used as the basis for creating maps of the Red Army. What can we say about the Strelbitsky map: there is a large error; only major roads and settlements are marked. It will fit, of course overview map, but I don't use it.

Mende Map

Its author is A.I. Mende. From 1849 to 1866, he led the work on creating a map in the central provinces of the Russian Empire. 40 surveyors and 8 officers of the Corps of Military Topographers worked to create this map. Its scale is 420 m in 1 cm. Very interesting map, but does not cover the entire European part of Russia. It's a shame... This is a boundary map with decent detail. Very similar to PGM.

PGM or General Survey Plan

The oldest map presented here and, despite its age, very accurate and detailed. The decree to create a general survey plan was given in 1796. Under Catherine the Great, mass land surveying began: the country's territory was divided into counties, and they were divided into dachas - plots of owners who had rights to these lands within certain boundaries. They were assigned numbers, and their decoding is given in the economic note, which was an addition to the plan for each province. The scale of the map is 1 or 2 versts per inch, which is the usual 420 meters per 1 cm. When applied to a modern map and when linking to satellites, you will encounter a difficulty - the error is quite large. After all, this is not a map tied to coordinates, but just a plan. But quite a detailed plan! From it you can get a lot of useful information for searching with a metal detector about the time the site appeared, its size at that time, the location of the street and houses, roads and highways. Churches and church lands were marked, on which markets and fairs could be located, since these territories were not subject to taxes. The map is very interesting and I use it. It’s suitable as an overview map: look, think and go. I don't see the point in tying her up. But to put it on modern satellite images still worth it! By the way, some sheets, due to their dilapidation, may not be well preserved and instead of the places of interest you will see a hole.

Thus, we have just looked at those cards that are mainly used by treasure hunters. There are also other cards, but more on them later.

Each map is good in its own way and brings its own specific benefit to the digger when planning digging sites and studying the history of his region. And you need to use the maps at the same time, mentally superimposing them on each other and comparing the terrain in the old and more new map. These maps are the history of our country.

Where can I download?

Yes, right here on this blog. I recently started uploading old maps. You can view and download them.

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TsAMO fund 217 inventory 1221, files:

11 Diagram of the order of battle of the artillery of the Neva operational group on 10/07/1941.

14 Map of the position of formations and units of the Nevsky Operational Group as of October 10, 1941.
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Leningrad; Kolpino
18 Scheme of organization of winter defense of the coast of the Gulf of Finland
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Raikovo; Red hill; Oranienbaum
22 Layout of Markelov’s detachment and 8th border detachment as of 12/04/1941 and diagram of the defense of the Osinovets-Lavrovo highway
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Volkhovsky district; Mginsky district; Vsevolozhsky; Vaganovo
31 Map of the position of units of the 19th SK at 15:00 09/01/1941
33 Map of the situation at the front of the 23rd Army by the end of 09/11/1941

35 Diagram of the location and connection of observation posts and outposts and existing barriers on the coast of Lake Ladoga in the defense zone of the 23rd Army
Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Lower Nikulyasy; Vaganovo
38 Scheme of defense of the coast of the Gulf of Finland in the 23rd Army zone
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Sestroretsk; Shuvalovo-Ozerki
39 Report card of engineering equipment of the defense sector of a separate brigade of border troops N.K.V.D.
44 Scheme of the defensive zone of units 56 SD
45 Scheme of the Avtovo and Srednyaya Rogatka routes to Kornevo and the location of the rear units and institutions of the 42nd Army as of 11/03/1941.
50 Diagram of the position of parts 123 OTBr. at 10:00 11/11/1941
51 Diagram of enemy firing points destroyed by block groups of 85 SD 11/20/1941
52 Diagram of the fire system of the 125 SD defense zone on November 21, 1941.
53 Scheme of defensive structures at the 55th Army line as of November 20, 1941.
54 Layout of units and firepower 55 OSP in defense as of 11/21/1941
61 Layout of units of 265 SD as of 10/28/1941.
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Nevskaya Dubrovka
62 Map
Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kiwennapa; Art. Vaskelovo; Lower Nikulyasy
63 Map
RSFSR; Estonia; Latvia; Leningrad region.; Pskov
77 Layout of parts 11 Dept. Page Brigades by the end of the day 11/09/1941
78 Map of the position of units of the 115 SD on November 28, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kolpino
81 Map of entrance and exit gates of the Northern and Northwestern fronts
83 Map of the rear structure of the Northern Front
Finland; Sweden; THE USSR; Latvia; Estonia; Lithuania; Stockholm; Pskov; Leningrad; Ivanovo
84 Northern Fleet rear structure map
Norway; Sweden; Finland; THE USSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Arkhangelsk region
104 Scheme of air defense of the waterway on the Leningrad-Lodeynoye Pole section
THE USSR; Finland; RSFSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Viipuri (Vyborg); Nv. Ladoga; Käkisalmi; Petrozavodsk
105 Coded card
THE USSR; Finland; Viipuri (Vyborg); Nv. Ladoga; Käkisalmi
106 Air defense diagram of the Leningrad Fortified Region as of 08/24/1941.
Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kiwennapa; Art. Vaskelovo; Lower Nikulyasy
107 Report card of enemy aviation flights from 18:00 10/06/1941 to 18:00 10/07/1941 To report No. 213 of the air defense headquarters of the Leningrad Front troops
108 Diagram of fire cover for the Neva Group on 10/18/1941.
187 Map
190 Map of enemy aviation bases for the period from 06/22/1941 to 11/21/1941.
THE USSR; Finland
193 Map of the location of the 1st and 2nd battalions of the Military-Political School named after. Voroshilov on 08/17/1941-08/18/1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Leningrad; Red hill; Oranienbaum
199 Project of dislocation of 14 and 52 SD
207 Report card of the front headquarters from 08/27/1941 to 09/06/1941
209 Report card from 09/06/1941 to 09/21/1941 of the Leningrad Front
208 Report card of the front headquarters from 08/27/1941 to 09/06/1941
210 Report card from 09.22.1941 to 10.31.1941
211 Report card from 01.11.1941 to 30.11.1941 Appendix to the diary of military operations of the Leningrad Front
214 Report card of the front headquarters from 12/03/1941 to 12/31/1941. Appendix to the combat log of L.F. 1941
222 Map according to the defense plan of Leningrad

224 Map of fortified areas on the near and distant approaches to the mountains. Leningrad
Estonia; Paldiski; Tallinn; Rasika; Loksa; Rakvere; Noarotsi
226 Plan of Tallinn 1940 Plan of Tallinn 1939
227 Map of the main attacks of the German troops before they reached the distant approaches to the city of Leningrad (to the Luga fortified position) for the period from 06/22/1941 to 07/13/1941.
228 Map No. 8 of the combat operations of the Northern Front troops in the Rebolsky direction
Finland; RSFSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Ukhta; Rugozero; Kem; Belomorsk
229 Report map of the Kandalaksha direction. From the beginning of hostilities to 07/04/1941 inclusive
THE USSR; Finland; Kotala; Ojala
230 Report map of the Kesten direction. From the beginning of hostilities to July 30, 1941 inclusive
THE USSR; Finland; RSFSR; Karelian ASSR; Olanga; Yeletozero
231 Report map of the Murmansk direction. From the beginning of hostilities to 07/06/1941 inclusive
Finland; RSFSR; Murmansk region; Leningrad region.; Vaitolahi; Tsyp-Navolok
232 Scheme of defensive lines of the Northern Front
Finland; THE USSR; Koivisto; Specific
353 Map of the battles on the left flank of the Luga fortified position during the enemy breakthrough on the front of the 48th Army on 08/19/1941.
RSFSR; Estonian SSR; Leningrad region.; Leningrad; Meadows; Narva-3
355 Map No. 39 of the situation on the Leningrad Front at the time the enemy reached the near approaches to Leningrad 08/20/1941-08/21/1941.
Finland; RSFSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Leningrad region.; Viipuri; Sestroretsk; Käkisalmi
363 Map of the borders of the Leningrad Military District at the beginning of the war and the borders between the Karelian and Leningrad fronts after the division of the Northern Front on August 23, 1941.
Finland; Norway; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Arkhangelsk region; Vologda region; Leningrad region.
365 Map No. 16 of the combat operations of the 115th SD and 123rd SD during a counterattack on the Karelian Isthmus on August 24, 1941.
Finland; RSFSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Sakkola; Simola; Viipuri; Entre; Raisälä
374 Map No. 44 of the combat operations of the troops of the Leningrad Front on the approaches to Kolpino and in the area of ​​the Stekolny crossing 08/30/1941 - 09/03/1941
RSFSR; Estonian SSR; Leningrad region.; Leningrad; Meadows; Narva
401 Map of the position of troops on the Leningrad Front on September 13, 1941.
Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kiwennapa; Lower Nikulyasy; Art. Vaskelovo
540 Scheme of a general solution for the defense of the Western sector of Leningrad and monitoring the Gulf of Finland within the sector
Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Sestroretsk; Shuvalovo; Ozerki

Field Directorate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Troops of the North-Western Direction.

TsAMO fund 249 inventory 1544, affairs:

10 - Working map of the SZN headquarters August 9-26, 1941
11 - Working map of the SZN headquarters on August 4-6, 1941
14 - Map of the deployment of units of the NWF Air Force on July 12, 1941
15 - Map of the deployment of units of the NWF Air Force on July 12, 1941
16 - Map of the deployment of units of the NWF Air Force on July 12, 1941
17 - Map of the deployment of units of the Northern Fleet Air Force on July 12, 1941
18 - Map of targets of Finland July 14, 1941 1:500000
19 - Map of basic, operational and standing airfields in the Northern Fleet strip on July 29, 1941
20 - Map of the deployment of Air Force units in 1941
21 - Map of the LVO airfield network on July 22, 1941
36 - Map of the situation in the NWF on July 11, 1941
37 - Map of the situation in the NWF on July 23-30, 1941
38 - Report card on the SZN database July 10, 1941
39 - Map of the position of troops in the Tallinn direction on July 17-24, 1941
40 - Report card of the SZN situation July 13-16, 1941
41 - Map of the situation in the NWF on July 16-17, 1941
42 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on July 17, 1941
43 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on July 16-25, 1941
44 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on July 18-21, 1941
45 - Map of the position of troops of the 41st SK in the Luga area on July 21, 1941
46 - Map of the situation in the NWF August 26 - September 3, 1941
47 - Map with the situation of the NWF July 21 - August 1, 1941
48 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on July 22-24, 1941
49 - Map of the situation on front 8A on July 26, 1941
50 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on July 26-30, 1941
51 - Map of the situation in the NWF on July 25, 1941
52 - Map of the position of the NWF troops July 25 - August 1, 1941
53 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on July 25-31, 1941
54 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on July 25-31, 1941
55 - Working map of the situation in the NWF on July 25-31, 1941
57 - Operational map of the situation in the Leningrad-Tallinn sectors from July 28 to August 6, 1941
58 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 1-10, 1941
59 - Map of the position of the troops of the Novgorod operational group and the 11th army in the Staraya Russa area from August 1 to August 12, 1941
60 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 6-11, 1941
61 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 10-13, 1941
62 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 10-15, 1941
63 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 14-17, 1941
64 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 15-20, 1941
65 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 21-23, 1941
66 - Map of the position of troops 27A NWF, north-west of Velikiye Luki from August 22 to 25, 1941
67 - Report card of the situation in the NWF on August 22-27, 1941
68 - Map of the situation on the Finnish sector of the Northern Front, July 1-14, 1941
69 - Map of the general situation of the NWF from July 1 to July 19, 1941
70 - Map of the situation of the 7th Army in the Petrozavodsk direction from July 1 to July 20, 1941
71 - Map of the position of units of the Murmansk direction on July 10, 1941
72 - Map of the situation in the 23rd Army sector as of July 10, 1941
73 - Map of the position of the 84SD troops in the area of ​​Lake Sredneye Kuyto, Kovt, Tikhie and Kolong Lakes from July 27 to August 8, 1941
74 - Map of the situation 23A from August 17 to August 20, 1941
75 - Map of the position of the 242nd joint venture in the Kostenga direction from July 1 to August 7, 1941
76 - Map of the position of troops of 42 sk in the area of ​​​​Lake Kula-Yarvi and Tolvand on July 10, 1941
77 - Map No. 10 of the situation in the Finnish sector of the Northern Front, July 1 - August 1, 1941
78 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 1-5, 1941
79 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 6-12, 1941
80 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 9-16, 1941
81 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 7, 1941
82 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 22, 1941
83 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on August 8-18, 1941
84 - Map of parts of the Novgorod front to the Black Sea from August 26 to September 4, 1941
85 - Map of the position of the NWF troops on July 16-25, 1941
86 - Map of the position of the NWK troops July 29 - August 5, 1941

Operational Department of the South-Western direction
TsAMO fund 251 inventory 646, files:

1/1 Scheme - position of the parties on 12/25/41. The task of the troops of the right wing of the South-Western Republic according to directive No. 01/op and the front line on 1/1/42

1/2 Scheme No. 2. Operation plan of the Bryansk Front according to Directive No. 03 of 01/03/1942 and its result
RSFSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Eagle; Bryansk
1/3 Scheme No. 3 of the combat operations of the 40th and 21st Armies for the period from 01/01/1942 to 01/10/1942.

1/4 Map of decisions of front commanders No. 6
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Voroshilograd region; Bryansk; Eagle
1/5 Scheme No. 7 of the actions of the Kryuchenkin task force

1/6 Scheme No. 8 Decisions of the commander of the 6th Army

1/7 Scheme No. 9 of the dynamics of combat operations of the 6th Army
Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Verovka; Taranovka; Balakleya; Savintsi
1/8 Scheme No. 10 of the dynamics of the offensive operation of the 57th Army and 37th Army
Ukrainian SSR; Stalin region; Kharkov region.; Voroshilovgrad region; Kremennaya; Krasnopavlovka; Petrovskaya; Raisin; them. Kirov
1/9 Scheme of the position of the troops of the Southern Front on January 31, 1942.
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalingrad region
8/1 Map of preliminary decision KSD 270 as of 08/12/41
Ekaterinoslavskaya and Tauride
9 Map of the position of troops 9 A. Appendix to the file 8
10 Map of the position of troops 18 A. Appendix to the file 8
15/1 Detailed location of units of the 40th Army in the Tim direction
17 General situation and plan of the Yelets operation (6-16-12-41)
Tula region; Oryol region; Kursk region
25 page 425 General Staff of the Red Army M-36-93
Ukrainian SSR; Poltava region; Reshetilovka
27/1 March of units of the 2nd cavalry. buildings from 10.09 to 19.09.41
Ukrainian SSR; Byelorussian SSR; RSFSR; Kyiv; Sumy
62 Southwestern Informant Card from 07/13/41 to 07/22/41
Stockholm, Pskov, Leningrad
63 Southwestern Informant Card from 07/20/41 to 07/25/41
64 Southwestern Informant Card from 07/26/41 to 07/27/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
65 The situation on the SW front for 07/28/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
66 Situation on the SW front for 07/29/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
67 Situation on the SW front for 07/30/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
68 Situation on the SW front for 07/31/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
69 Situation on the SW front for 08/01/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
70 The situation on the SW front as of 08/02/41
Zhytomyr, Kyiv
71 The situation at the front on 08/03/1941
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; Zhytomyr; Kyiv
72 The situation on the front of the South-Western direction on 08/11/1941.

73 Situation on the Southwestern Front for 08/12/1941
Ukrainian SSR; Byelorussian SSR; RSFSR; Sumy; Kyiv; Zhytomyr
74 The situation on the SW front for 08/13/41
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Zhytomyr; Kyiv; Sumy
75 Situation of the Southwestern Territory for 08/14/41
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Zhytomyr; Kyiv; Sumy
76 Situation of the Southwestern Territory for 08/15/41
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Zhytomyr; Kyiv; Sumy
77 Situation of the Southwestern Territory for 08/16/41
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Zhytomyr; Kyiv; Sumy
78 The situation on the South-Western front for 08/19/1941, 08/20/1941, 08/21/1941
Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Sumy; Zhytomyr; Kyiv
79 The situation in the South-Western direction on September 12, 1941

80 Situation in the SWN for 22-23.09
BSSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Gomel; Bryansk; Eagle
81 Report card of the Bryansk Front at the end of 10/04/1941.
Byelorussian SSR; RSFSR; Moscow region; Tula region; Ryazan region; Ivanovo region; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Moscow; Vyazma; Smolensk
82 Operational-tactical decision to prepare the main defensive line of the South-West.f.
Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Chernigov region; Kharkov region.; Poltava region; Voroshilovgrad region; Kursk region; Oryol region; Voronezh region; Kursk
83 Map of the position of the troops of the South-Western direction and the tasks of the troops of the direction for the period November-December 1941.
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Tambov region; Bryansk; Eagle; Tambov
84 Layout of bridges on the Sev River. Donets
Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Kharkov region.; Dnepropetrovsk region.; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Kursk region; Oryol region; Voronezh region; Stalino
93 Plan (No. 1) of the Operations of the Southwestern Front in the period 12.1941 - 01.1942.

94 Plan of the operation of the Southwestern Front during the period 01.1942, situation by 01.02.1942.
European part of the USSR; Moscow; Smolensk
95 Map of the position of the SWN fronts by 02/01/1942
European part of the USSR; Smolensk; Moscow
104 Map-plan of combat operations according to directive of direction headquarters No. 01/OP dated January 1, 1942. Appendix to the file 103 Appendix No. 1. Scheme No. 1. Task according to directive No. 1/OP and the output of units to the original. 01/01/1942

105 Report card of the direction headquarters. Appendix to case 103 Scheme No. 3
RSFSR; Kursk region; Kursk; Shigry; Pokrovskoe
106 Report card of the Southern Western Territory from 01/18/1941 to 01/20/1941
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Krasnodar region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Bryansk; Eagle; Rostov
107 Report card of the direction headquarters
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; Krasnodar region; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Bryansk; Eagle; Rostov
108 Report card of SWN from 01/24/1942 to ref. 01/26/1942
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic Krasnodar Territory; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Bryansk; Rostov
109 Report card of the headquarters of the SW direction
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; Krasnodar region; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Bryansk; Eagle; Rostov
110 Report card S.W.N. from 01/30/1941 to ref. 02/01/1942
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; SFSR; Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; Krasnodar region; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Bryansk; Eagle; Rostov
113 Map: "The position of the parties on December 25, 1941. The task of the troops of the right wing of the South-Western direction according to Directive No. 01/op and the front line on January 1, 1942." Addendum to case 111
RSFSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Bryansk; Eagle
114 Scheme No. 2. Operation plan of the Bryansk Front according to Directive No. 03 of 01/03/1942 and its result
RSFSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Eagle; Bryansk
115 Map of combat operations of troops of the 21st and 40th armies. Addendum to case 111
RSFSR; Kursk region; Kursk; Shigry; Pokrovskoe
116 Scheme 4 of the position of the troops of the Southern Front as of 01/01/1942.
117 Scheme of the position of the troops of the Southern Front on January 15, 1942.
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Kharkov region.; Dnepropetrovsk region.; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Rostov region; Voroshilovgrad
118 Scheme No. 6. The plan of the January operation and the decision of the front commanders to defeat the 17th Army and Shwedler’s group
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Kharkov region.; Voroshilovgrad region; Rostov region; Oryol region; Sumy; Kursk; Voronezh
119 Map of the actions of the Kryuchenkin Task Force. Addendum to case 111
RSFSR; Kursk region; Oryol region; Kosorzha; Kolpna
120 Commander's Decision Card 6 A. Case Attachment 111
Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Voroshilovgrad region; Balakleya; Savintsi; Borovaya
121 Map of military operations 6 A. Appendix to file 111
Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Staroverka I; Taranovka; Balakleya; Savintsi
122 Diagram of the dynamics of the offensive operation of the 57th Army and 37th Army
Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; them. Kirov; Kremennaya; Krasnopavlovka; Petrovskaya; Raisin
123 Map of the position of the troops of the South. F on January 31, 1942
Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Kharkov region.; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalingrad region
126 Map of the position of the Southern F troops and enemy troops from November 6 to November 23, 1941. Appendix to file 124
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Rostov region; Voroshilovgrad region; Kuibyshevo; Dyakovo; Novoshakhtinsk; Mines
127 Lieutenant Colonel Potapov’s work card for the period from November 16 to November 19, 1941.
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Rostov region; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Artemovsk; Voroshilovsk; Voroshilovgrad; Artemovsky district; Gorlovsky district; Ordzhonikidze district; Kaganovichsky district; Sergovsky district; Voroshilovsky district; Novo-Svetlovka
128 Map: “The position of the parties on November 17, 1941. The direction of the counterattack is South F.” Addendum to case 124

129 Map of the grouping of enemy troops in front of South F. Addendum to case 124
Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Dnepropetrovsk region.; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Dnepropetrovsk; Kharkiv; Voroshilovgrad
130 Map: "General situation and plan of the Yelets operation." Addendum to case 124
RSFSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Tambov region; Eagle; Tambov
131 Map of the position of our troops and enemy troops in front of South F. Addendum to case 124
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kharkov region.; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Rostov region; Stalingrad region; Valuyki
132 Map of the position of our troops and enemy troops on the Southwestern and Southern fronts. Addendum to case 124
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Kharkov region.; Dnepropetrovsk region.; Stalin region; Voroshilovgrad region; Rostov region; Kharkiv; Voroshilovgrad
133 Map of the position of our troops and enemy troops in the South-Western direction. Addendum to case 124
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Kursk region; Oryol region; Voronezh region; Kharkov region.; Voroshilovgrad region; Stalingrad region; Tambov region; Rostov region; Kursk; Voronezh
134 Scheme of enemy grouping and direction of attacks of General Kleist’s troops in the period from 11/05/1941 to 11/12/1941.
136 Map-plan of the operation to defeat the enemy in front of the South-Western direction
RSFSR; Moscow region; Tula region; Ryazan region; Ivanovo region; Smolensk region; Gorky region; Vyazma; Moscow; Ryazan
137 Scheme of defensive lines of the South-Western Front
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Chernigov region; Kharkov region.; Poltava region; Voroshilovgrad region; Kursk region; Oryol region; Voronezh region; Sumy; Kursk
138 Scheme of enemy defensive structures and barriers
Ukrainian SSR; Voroshilovgrad region; Kharkov region.; Taranovka; Balakleya; Savintsi; Borovaya; Svatovo

Operations Department of the Reserve Front Headquarters

0466 Map of the front lines. Appendix to file No. 459
0540_1 Map - plan of the offensive operation of the 2nd Guards. TA as part of the 1st BF for the capture of Berlin. Appendix to file No. 540. M. 1: 50,000
0540_2 Report card on the position of enemy troops on April 13, 1945. Appendix to file 540. M 1: 100,000
0550_3 Report card of the position of troops 61 A from April 26 to April 30, 1945. Appendix to d. 550. M 1: 100,000
0727 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate on the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from April 15 to April 18, 1945 (attachment to file 721)
0728 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate on the position of the troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from April 19 to April 22, 1945 (attachment to file 721)
0729 Report card of the Operational Directorate of the front headquarters with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from April 23 to April 26, 1945 (Appendix to file No. 721)
0732 Report card of the Operations Department of the front headquarters on the position of the troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from April 27 to April 30, 1945 (Appendix to file No. 721)
0734 Report card of the Operational Directorate of the Front Headquarters on the position of the troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from May 1 to May 6, 1945 (attachment to file 734)
0737 Report card of the Operational Directorate of the Front Headquarters on the position of the troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from 7 to 9.5.45 (appendix to file No. 721)
0746 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from 19 to 22.4.45. Appendix to file No. 739
0747 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from April 23 to April 26, 1945. Appendix to file 739
0750 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from 27 to 30.4.45. Appendix to file No. 739
0752 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A for the period from 1 to 6.5.45. Appendix to file No. 739
0755 Report card of the Front Headquarters Operations Directorate with the position of troops of the 1st AVP, 1st Guards. TA, 2nd Guards. TA, 3 A, 3 beats. A, 5 beats. A, 8th Guards. A, 33 A, 47 A, 61 A, 69 A and units of 2 Guards. KK and 7th Guards. kk for the period from 7 to 9.5.45. Appendix to file No. 739
0766_1 Report card 63 A for the period from May 1 to May 31, 1945. Appendix to d. 766. M 1: 100,000
0766_3 Map of the position of troops of the 8th Guards. A from 3 to 7.5.1945. Appendix to d. 766. M 1: 25,000
0797 Map of the exit of troops 47 A to the approaches to the mountains. Berlin for the period from 21 to 22.4.45. Appendix to file No. 794
0798 Map of military operations of troops 47 A upon completion of the encirclement of the mountains. Berlin and the movements of part of the army forces to the west for the period from April 23 to April 29, 1945. Appendix to file No. 794
0799 Map of the exit of troops 47 A on the river. Elbe and the transition of army troops to defense for the period from 30.4 to 8.5.45. Appendix to file No. 794
0800 Map of the position of troops 47 A for the period from 9 to 30.5.45. Appendix to file No. 794
0801 Map of the position of troops of the 47th Army for the period from May 5 to June 6, 1945. Appendix to file 794

Operational Directorate of the Western Front
TsAMO fund 208 inventory 2511, files:

244 Report map of the Western Front from 07/08/1941 to 07/14/1941
THE USSR; Finland; Estonia; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Tallinn (Revel); Meadows; Leningrad
245.246 Report card of the operational department of the headquarters of the Western Front from 08:00 on July 16, 1941 to 20:00 on July 19, 1941.

247.248 Report card of the operational department of the headquarters of the Western Front from 07/28/1941 to 08/02/1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Novosokolniki; Velikie Luki; Sheikino; Toropets; Andreapol
251,254,255,256,257,259,260 Report card of the operational department of the headquarters of the Western Front from 11/03/1941 to 11/08/1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Klinsky district; Tver district; Klinsky district; Dmitrov; Pushkino; Wedge; Fofanovo; Rogachevo
261 Report card of the situation on the Western Front from 11/09/1941 to 11/10/1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Dmitrov; Rogachevo; Pushkino; Novo-Zavidovsky; Wedge
265.266 Department report card from 11/19/1941 to 11/23/1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Tula region; Venev
267.268 Report card of the operational department of the headquarters of the Western Front from November 24, 1941 to November 26, 1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Kimry; Kalinin; Gorodnya; Korcheva
269.270 Report card of the situation on the Western Front from November 26, 1941 to November 28, 1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Pushkino; Fofanovo; Rogachevo; Dmitrov
271 Department report card from November 27, 1941 to November 28, 1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Taldom; Kalinin; Gorodnya; Konakovo; Kimry
272,273,274,275,276,279,280,281,282,283,285 Department report card from 12/18/1941 to 12/22/1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Mikhnevo; Maloyaroslavets; Balabanovo; Lopasnya
286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293,295,297,298,299,300,301,304, 305,307,309,
311,312,313,314 Grouping of enemy forces on July 27, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; Sweden; Leningrad
315,317,318,319,320,321 Map of the grouping of enemy troops in front of the spacecraft fronts on 08/16/1941 with a legend attached

343,347,348,349,350,351,355,356,359,363 Report map of the position of units of the 22nd and 29th Army 10/15/1941 - 10/20/1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Slide; Ostashkov; Trestino; Kuvshinovo
364 Report card of the 22nd Army from 07/07/1941 to 07/15/1941
THE USSR; Lithuania; Latvia; Estonia; RSFSR; Byelorussian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Tyrva
365,372,374,382 Working map with the situation on the fronts of the Patriotic War as of June 26, 1941.
THE USSR; Finland; Sweden; RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; BSSR; Leningrad; Moscow
383,384 Working map with the situation on the fronts from 10/13/1941 to 10/15/1941 (Battle of Moscow - defensive stage)
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Yaroslavl region; Leningrad; Borovichi
385,386,387 Working map of the position of troops as of 10/30/1941
Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Zagorsk
400,401,402,403,404,405,406,407,408,410,411,413,414,415,416,417,418,419,420,421 Map of the position of the troops of the Central Front on 07/26/1941
THE USSR; Estonia; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Tula region; Moscow region; Ryazan region; Ivanovo region; Smolensk region; Moscow; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
422,423,424,425,426,428,429,430,431,432 Map of the position of the front troops on 07/30/1941 - 07/01/1941.
Latvian SSR; Lithuanian SSR; Estonian SSR; RSFSR; BSSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin; Liepaja (Libava); Riga; Pskov
433 Map of the position of the front troops on 06/30/1941 - 07/07/1941.

434,435,437,438 Map of the position of the front troops on 07/05/1941 - 07/06/1941.
THE USSR; Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Riga; Pskov; Velikie Luki
439,440,441,443,444,446,447 Map of the position of the front troops on 07/09/1941 - 07/11/1941.
Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Riga; Pskov; Velikie Luki
449 Map of the position of the front troops on July 13, 1941.
Latvian SSR; Lithuanian SSR; Estonian SSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Riga; Pskov; Velikie Luki
450 Map of the position of the front troops on July 14, 1941.
Latvia; Lithuania; Estonia; THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Riga; Pskov; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
451 Map of the position of the front troops on July 15, 1941.
THE USSR; Finland; Estonia; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Tallinn (Revel); Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
460 Position of units of the Western Front on 07/20/1941 - 07/21/1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Pskov; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
505,507,508,509,510,511,512 Map of the position of the front troops on 10/07/1941 - 09/08/1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Karmanovo; Kuchino; Dor; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka
513,514,515,516,517,518,519,520,521,522,523,524 Map of the position of the front troops on 10/16/1941 - 10/17/1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Slide; Trestino; Torzhok
541 Map of the position of front troops from November 16, 1941 to November 19, 1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Tula region; Pushkino; Novo-Zavidovsky; Wedge; Rogachevo; Dmitrov; Venev
542 Map of the position of the front troops on 11/19/1941 - 11/22/1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Mikshino; Vednovo; Goritsy; Keruzino
544 Map of the position of the front troops on 11/20/1941 - 11/23/1941.
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Goritsy; Keruzino; Mikshino; Vednovo
545 Map of the position of the front troops from 07.11.1941 to 11.11.1941

547 The situation at the front by 12/03/1941 - 12/04/1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Zagorsk; Yaroslavl
553 Map of the position of the front troops on 12/15/1941 - 12/16/1941.

554,555 Map of the position of the front troops on 12/17/1941 - 12/21/1941.
RSFSR; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Lopasnya; Mikhnevo; Kremenskoe; Maloyaroslavets; Balabanovo
559 Position of units of the Western Front from 12/22/1941 to 12/27/1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Wedge; Pushkino; Novo-Zavidovsky; Princely Mountains; Rogachevo
563 Map of the position of front troops on December 25, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Leningrad region.; Smolensk region; Zagorsk; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
565 Map of the position of front troops from 12/27/1941 to 12/30/1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Temkino; Kremenskoe; Maloyaroslavets; Balabanovo; Lopasnya
566 Map of the position of front troops
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Yaroslavl; Kalinin; Zagorsk
580 Map of the position of troops of the 1st, 5th, 16th, 19th, 30th, 33rd and 43rd Armies on 11/30/1941 - 12/01/1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Gorodnya; Konakovo; Kimry; Taldom
582 Map of the position of troops of the 1st Shock Army
Poland; Lithuania; Latvia; BSSR; RSFSR; Latvian SSR; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Vilna; Smolensk
583,584 Report card of the situation of the 61st and 3rd Armies from 12/18/1941 to 12/21/1941.

585 Report card of the situation of the 3rd Army from 11/11/1941 to 11/15/1941
RSFSR; Tula region; Aleksin; Laptevo; Bogoroditsk
586 Report card of the position of the 3rd Army from 11/16/1941 to 11/20/1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Tula region; Ryazan region; Mordves district; Serebryano-Prudsky district; Venevsky district; Bolshe-Korovinsky district; Mikhailovsky district; Silver Ponds; Aleksin; Laptevo; Venev
587,588 Report card of the situation of the 3rd Army from 11/22/1941 - 11/26/1941
RSFSR; Tula region; Ryazan region; Mikhailovsky district; Gorlovsky district; Chernavsky district; Chapaevsky district; Kimovsky district; Epifansky district; Plavsk; Dedilovo; Bogoroditsk
589 Report card of the position of the troops of the 3rd Army from November 27, 1941 to November 30, 1941.
RSFSR; Tula region; Ryazan region; Mikhailovsky district; Gorlovsky district; Chernavsky district; Chapaevsky district; Kimovsky district; Epifansky district; Plavsk; Dedilovo; Bogoroditsk
590 Report card of the position of the troops of the 3rd Army from 12/01/1941 to 12/06/1941.
RSFSR; Tula region; Ryazan region; Mikhailovsky district; Gorlovsky district; Chernavsky district; Chapaevsky district; Kimovsky district; Epifansky district; Dedilovo; Bogoroditsk
591 Report card of the situation of the 3rd Army from 12/07/1941 - 12/14/1941.
RSFSR; Ryazan region.; Tula region; Gorlovsky district; Mikhailovsky district; Chernavsky district; Chapaevsky district; Kimovsky district; Epifansky district; Bogoroditsk; Plavsk; Dedilovo
595 Map of the position of troops of the 4th and 10th Armies on June 27, 1941.
Poland; Lithuania; Latvia; Vilna
596 Map of the situation of the 13th Army and 4th Army and Kachalov’s group
RSFSR; Latvian SSR; Byelorussian SSR; Vyazma; Polotsk; Smolensk
597 Map of the position of the troops of the 4th and 13th Armies and the Kachalov group
Poland; Lithuania; Latvia; BSSR; RSFSR; Latvian SSR; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Vilna; Polotsk; Smolensk
598 Map of the position of the troops of the 4th and 13th Armies and the Kachalov group
Krasnogorka; Orsha
599 Map of the position of the 4th Army, 13th Army and Kachalov’s group as of July 22, 1941.
Borisov; Orsha
600 Map of the position of troops of the 4th Army, 13th Army and the Kachalov group
Borisov; Orsha
601 Map of the position of troops of the 4th Army, 13th Army on July 28, 1941.
602 Map of the position of troops of the 4th Army, 20th Army on 07/02/1941 - 07/05/1941.
Poland; Lithuania; Latvia; THE USSR; BSSR; RSFSR; Latvian SSR; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Vilna; Polotsk
605 Map of the position of troops of the 5th and 16th Armies
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Kalinin; Zagorsk
611 Map of the position of troops of the 5th Army
RSFSR; Moscow region; Wedge; Teryaeva Sloboda
214_1,214_2,214_3,214_4,214_5,214_6,214_7,214_8,323_a, 376,379, 442,498, 502, 506, 551

Operations Department of the Central Front Headquarters
TsAMO fund 226 inventory 648, files:

22 Position of the troops of the Central Front, beginning of August 1941,
34 Report card 13A,
35 Report card 13A for August 3-6, 1941,
36 Report Card 13A for August 5-6, 1941,
37 Report card 13A on August 8, 1941,
38 Information on the combat and numerical strength of units of 13 A and the balance of forces with a map attached as of August 10, 1941,
39 Report card 21A,
40 Map of the situation in the SWF, CF and ZF on August 8-9, 1941,
41 Map of combat operations 3 A from July 27 to August 4, 1941,
42 Map of combat operations 3 A from August 4 to 11, 1941,
43 Map of military operations 3 A from August 17 to 21,
44 Map of combat operations 3 A and 21 A on August 9, 1941,
45 Report card 21 A,
46 Map of combat operations 3 and 21 A on August 26, 1941,
47 Map of combat operations 3 and 21 A on August 26, 1941,
48 Map of military operations 21 A from July 27 to August 21, 1941,
49 Map of combat operations 21 A from August 8 to 11, 1941,
50 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army on August 18, 1941,
51 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army on August 19, 1941,
52 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army on August 19, 1941,
53 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army from August 23 to 25, 1941,
54 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army on August 23, 1941,
55 Map of combat operations 37 A, 26 A, 38 A, South-Western Front from August 23 to 25, 1941,
56 Map of combat operations of the 21st Army on August 24, 1941,
58 Scheme of the Mozyr SD

Operations department of the Reserve Front headquarters, 1941
TsAMO fund 219 inventory 679, files:

2/1 Map of the concentration of troops of the Reserve Army, started 07/08/1941.
Finland; THE USSR; Leningrad; Ivanovo
2/2 Map of tasks of the Reserve Army
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Kalinin
0003 Scheme of organization of the defense line between 32 and 33 A.
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Izdeshkovo; Vyazma
0004 Map
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Oryol region; Ekimovichi
0007 Scheme of engineering equipment of the Army defensive region 07/24/1941-07/27/1941

0010 Map
RSFSR; Moscow region; Balabanovo
0016 Defense Organization of the 33rd Army
0017 Layout of units of the 34th Army as of 08/02/1941.
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Novgorod district; Krestetsky district; Polavsky district; Starorussky district; Lychkovsky district; Sacrum; Shuya
0019 Position of the right flank (13th Army and 21st Army) of the central front ref. 08/15/1941
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; BSSR; Gomel; Bryansk
0022 Deployment of Russian Air Force units on 09/22/1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region
0024 Location diagram of the 1316 SP and 1290 SP of the 33rd Army on 09/09/1941 on the Shuitsa River and the Snopot River
RSFSR; Western region; Khanino; Shatkova
0035 Map
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Safonovo; Izdeshkovo
0039 Scheme-Order No. 032/op of the Headquarters of the 24th Army on September 14, 1941
0043 Map
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk province; Elninsky district; Shatkova
0054 Position at the front gr. Rokossovsky and the 20th Army by 09:00 08/09/1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Yartsevo; Safonovo
0055 Layout of 45 spacecraft by 20:00 08/07/1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Gzhatsk
0087 Map with the general situation on the fronts of the Patriotic War, June-July 1941

0088 Operational situation at 23:00 07/14/1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Estonia; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0089 Layout of units of 26 microns at 15.00 July 15, 1941
0090 Diagram of battle formations of units of the 166th Infantry Division on July 16, 1941
0091 Operational situation at 20.00 July 16, 1941
0092 Layout of units of the 166th SD at 19.00 July 17, 1941
Kalinin region; Yaroslavl region; Moscow region; Ivanovo region; Zagorsk
0093 Diagram of fires and battle formations of the 133rd SD artillery on July 18, 1941
0094 Scheme of battle formations of the artillery of the 248th SD at 18.00 July 18, 1941
0095 Diagram of lights and battle formations of the 91st SD artillery on July 19, 1941
0096 Scheme of artillery lights of the 166th SD on July 19, 1941
0097 Scheme of artillery lights of the 166th SD on July 19, 1941
0098 Scheme of anti-tank lights of 102 TD on July 19, 1941
0099 Map of the position of the troops of the Western and Southwestern Fronts and the Reserve Army Group on July 19-21, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; RSFSR; Estonia; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Tallinn (Revel); Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0100 Report card of the front headquarters for July 24, 1941
Finland; Sweden; THE USSR; Turku; Helsinki; Petrozavodsk
0101 Report card of the front headquarters from July 25 to July 27, 1941

0102 Scheme of battle formations of the 178th SD artillery on July 25, 1941
0103 Scheme of battle formations of the artillery of the 248th SD on July 25, 1941
0104 Report card of front headquarters for July 28, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0105 Map of the position of troops of 30 sk 28 A and 33 sk in defense in the Smolensk direction in July 1941
Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Ivanovo region
0106 Map of the position of troops of the 24th Army in the region of the mountains. Yelnya on July 1941

106a Scheme of breaking through the enemy front in the sector of the 43rd Army, 33rd Army in the direction of Kirov-Orel
RSFSR; Smolensk region; m. Pochinok; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino
0107 Map of the situation for July 1941
Finland; Sweden; THE USSR; Turku; Helsinki; Petrozavodsk
0111 Map of the defense of troops of the 31st Army on August 2, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Western region; Moscow region; oxbow; Moiseevo; Slide; Ostashkov; Trestino; Kuvshinovo
0112 Map of the position of troops of the 43rd Army at 18.00 on August 2, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Elninsky district; Spas-Demensky district; Vkhodsky district; Dorogobuzhsky district; Yelnya; Brick
0115 Map of the position of front troops on August 4, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
0116 Department OPSR report card
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0117 Grouping of enemy forces on all fronts on 08/05/1941
0118 Scheme of the battle order of the 879 VET regiment on August 5, 1941
0119 Map of the position of front troops on August 6, 1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0120 Map of the position of troops 33 A on August 6, 1941

0121 Scheme of artillery lights of the 133rd SD on August 6, 1941
0122 Diagram of the position of the artillery of the Southern Group of Forces 24 A at 24.00 on August 8, 1941
0123 Diagram of the position of artillery 35 A (248 infantry division and 194 guards infantry division each) on August 8, 1941
0124 Diagram of firing positions of 533 ap PTO ARGC on August 8, 1941
0126 Map of the battle formations of troops in defense and the location of reserves 35 A on August 11, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka; Karmanovo; White
0127 Report card of the front headquarters from August 12 to 16, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Ivanovo region; Yaroslavl region; Leningrad; Zagorsk; Borovichi
0128 Report card of the front headquarters from August 12 to 18, 1941
RSFSR; THE USSR; Finland; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Borovichi; Tallinn; Revel; Meadows; Leningrad
0129 Map of the position of the troops of the Western, Reserve and Bryansk Fronts, 1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0130 Map of the position of the front troops and pr-ka at 22.00 August 12, 1941
Smolensk region; Oryol region
0131 Map of the position of troops 43 A on August 12, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Yelnya; Milyatino; Ulcer
0132 Layout of artillery units of the 2nd USC on August 12, 1941
0133 Scheme of anti-tank defense of the 133rd rifle division on August 12, 1941
0134 Map of the position of troops of the Western Front on August 13, 1941

0135 Map of the position of the troops of the Central Front on August 13, 1941
BSSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Gomel
0136 Map of the position of troops 20 A on August 13, 1941

0137 Map of the position of troops of the 20th, 33rd and 43rd armies with the enemy forces (area of ​​the city of Yelnya) on August 13, 1941
; Znamenka
0138 Report card of headquarters 20 A on August 13, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh;
0139 Report card of headquarters 43 A on August 13, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer.; Yelnya.; Meadows.; Milyatino
0140 Map of the position of troops of the Western Front on August 14, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Kalinin; Velikie Luki
0141 Defense map of 2 USC in the area of ​​​​the city of Ordzhonikidzegrad at 24.00 on August 14, 1941
RSFSR; BSSR; Smolensk region; Mogilev region; Oryol region; Roslavl; Aselier; Dubrovka; Lyudinovo; Zhizdra
0142 Map of the organization of defense 43 A on August 15, 1941

0143 Map of defense organization 43 A on August 15, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino; m. Pochinok
0144 Diagram of the battle order of the artillery of the 106th Guards. sd at 16.00 August 15, 1941
0145 Map showing the troop situation in the area of ​​the city of Yelnya on August 16, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Dorogobuzh; Podkholmica
0146 Map - the location of the troops of the Western, Reserve and Bryansk Fronts on August 16, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
0147 Grouping of enemy forces on 08/16/1941

0148 Map of the position of troops of the 16th Army at 20:00 on August 16, 1941.

0150 Map of military operations of the troops of the Western Front from August 18 to 21, 1941
; Gavrilovo
0151 Report card of the headquarters of the Western Front - plan for the defeat of the Elny grouping pr-ka from August 18 to August 21, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Crosses; Star. Toropa; Kotovo; White; Yegorye
0152 Report card of headquarters 43 A on August 18, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino
0153 Scheme of the battle order of the artillery of the 107th SD on August 18, 1941
0154 Map-scheme of the defensive strip and forefield strip 31 A with barriers in the operational zone on August 19, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Western region; Moscow region; Leningrad region.; Rzhevsky district; Tver region; Ostashkov; Trestino; Kuvshinovo; oxbow; Moiseevo; Slide;
0155 Scheme of lights of the 127th SD on August 19, 1941
0156 Diagram of battle formations and artillery fires of the 178th SD on August 19, 1941
0157 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War on August 20, 1941
Finland; Sweden; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Oulu; Kirovsk
0158 Map of the position of troops on the Western, Reserve and Bryansk fronts on August 20, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Leningrad; Borovichi
0159 Map of the position of troops on the Western Front on August 20, 1941
Oryol region; Smolensk region; Dubrovka; Cool guys; Pavlovka; Noviki; Shabelle
0160 Report card of headquarters 43 A on August 20, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino
0161 Scheme of lights of 127 SD on August 20, 1941
0162 Scheme of battle formations of 533 ap VET on August 20, 1941
0163 Map of the plan for the defeat of the enemy’s Elny group on August 21, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Yartsevo; Safonovo; Izdeshkovo
0165 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War on August 21, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; Helsinki; Petrozavodsk
0166 Scheme of VET artillery 32 A on August 21, 1941
0167 Map of the position of troops on the Western, Reserve and Bryansk fronts on August 22, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Leningrad; Borovichi
0168 Report card of the front headquarters with the position of the troops of the 24th and 32nd armies on August 22, 1941

0169 Report card of the headquarters of the 33rd and 43rd armies on August 22, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino
0170 Report card of the front headquarters with the position of troops 22 A on August 23, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Velikie Luki; Sheikino; Toropets
0171 Diagram of battle formations of the 127th Infantry Division on August 23, 1941
0172 Map of the position of troops on the Western, Reserve and Bryansk fronts on August 24, 1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Zagorsk; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
Map of military operations of troops of the 22nd Army in the area of ​​Velikiye Luki on August 24, 1941.
Smolensk region; Kalinin region
0174 Defense map 33 A on August 24, 1941
Smolensk region; Elninsky district; Vkhodsky district; Spas-Demensky district; Mosalsky district; Baryatinsky district
0179 Scheme of battle formations and fires of artillery 32 A on August 25, 1941
0181 Map with the situation of the pr-ka troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War on August 27-29, 1941
Finland; Sweden; THE USSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Oulu; Kirovsk
0182 Map of the position of troops of the 20th, 24th, 33rd, 43rd, 50th armies by August 28, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0183 Report card of the headquarters of the Western. F from August 28 to September 2, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Velikie Luki; Sheikino; Toropets; Andreapol; Zhukopa; Rantsevo
0184 Working map with the position of the troops of the Bryansk Front on August 28 - September 4, 1941

0185 Map of the position of troops on the Western, Reserve and Bryansk fronts on August 28, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Leningrad; Borovichi
0186 Map with the situation on all fronts of the Patriotic War from August 29 to September 3, 1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Vologda region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0190 Map with the situation on the North-Western, Western, Reserve, Bryansk fronts on August 31, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; Karelo-Finnish SSR; RSFSR; Viipuri (Vyborg); Nv. Ladoga; Käkisalmi; Petrozavodsk
0191 Work map with the situation on August 31, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Sychevka; Kotovo; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Zhizdra
0192 Report card 31 A for August 31, 1941

0193 Report card of headquarters 31 A on August 31, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Zaluchye; Demyansk; Shishkova; Klyuchinsky
0199 Map with plans - mid-August 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Tula region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin; Eagle
0200 Map
THE USSR; Finland; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Tallinn (Revel); Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0201 Map
THE USSR; Estonia; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0202 Map
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0203 Report card Z.F. and R.F.
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Star. Toropa; Zap. Dvina; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka
0204 Map
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Leningrad; Borovichi; Zagorsk
0205 Map
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Andreapol; Zhukopa; Rantsevo
0206 Western Front Report Card
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Kotovo; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Vyazma
0207 Operational and reconnaissance map
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino
0208 Map of the position of troops 13 A for August 1941
BSSR; RSFSR; Mogilev region; Smolensk region; Oryol region; Chegrinovka; Krichev; Petrovichi; Roslavl; Aselier
0209 Map of the position of troops of the 16th, 19th, 20th, 30th armies for August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Crosses; Star. Toropa; Kotovo; White; Yegorye
0210 Map of the position of troops 24 A for August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Repino; Igorevskaya; Andreevskoe; Novo-Dugino
0211 Map - decision of Army Commander 24 on the further development of the offensive after the defeat of the enemy’s Elny group for August - September 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Western region; Sopshino; Klemyatino; Philates; Sukhanova
0212 Map of the position of troops of the 33rd and 34th armies for August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; m. Pochinok; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino; Mosalsk
0214 Map of the position of troops 43 A for August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino; Mosalsk
0215 Map of the attack on the enemy by the forces of the 145th Tank Brigade and the 149th Infantry Division in the area of ​​​​the city of Roslavl in August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0216 Map of combat operations of the 32, 282, 315 rifle regiments in the mountain area. Yelnya on August 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Yelnya
0217 Map of enemy forces on all fronts on September 1, 1941

0218 Layout of divisions of the infantry support group - 902, 248 RD on September 1, 1941
0219 Map of the position of troops of the Western Front on September 3, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Toropets; Andreapol; Zhukopa; Rantsevo
0220 Map of the position of troops 43 A on September 3, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0221 Map of combat operations 27 A from September 6 to September 23, 1941
RSFSR; THE USSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Demyansk; Shishkova; Nikiforkovo
0222 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War from September 7 to September 12, 1941
THE USSR; Romania; Moldavian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0223 Report card of headquarters 43 A on September 7, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0224 Map of the position of the troops of the Bryansk Front on September 8, 1941

0225 Map with the decision to conduct military operations in the area of ​​​​the city of Yelnya by forces of the 24th and 43rd armies on September 8, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots; Smolensk
0227 Report card of headquarters 43 A on September 8, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0228 Map - diagram of the equipment of defensive lines in the sectors of the 24th and 32nd armies on September 10, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Novo-Dugino; Igorevskaya; Andreevskoe
0230 Map of the position of troops of the 24th and 43rd armies on 9/11/41
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0231 Diagram of the order of battle of artillery 24 A on September 11, 1941
0232 Map of the position of troops on the Southwestern and Southern fronts on September 12, 1941
Romania; THE USSR; Moldavian SSR; Ukrainian SSR; Crimean ASSR; Akkerman region; Izmail region
0233 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War on September 13, 1941
RSFSR; THE USSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Meadows; Leningrad; Brovichi
0234 Map of the position of the troops of the Bryansk Front on September 14, 1941
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Smolensk region; Oryol region; Borschevka; Ekimovichi; Khotozhka; Kirov; Seredina-Buda
0235 Map of the grouping of enemy troops in front of the front on September 14-23, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh
0236 Map of the position of the troops of the Western Front. from September 15 to October 2, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Oryol region; Borschevka; Ekimovichi; Khotozhka; Kirov
0238 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War from September 15 to 26, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; Byelorussian SSR; Prov. Mikkeli; Prov. Kuopio
0239 Map of the position of troops 43 A on September 16, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Western region; Sopshino; Ozerische; Sukhanova
0240 Map of enemy forces grouping on all fronts 9/16/41
Narvik; O. Iceland; Leningrad; Glasgow; Murmansk; Ob Bay; Novgorod; Chelyabinsk
0241 Map of enemy force groupings on all fronts
Narvik; O. Iceland; Leningrad; Glasgow; Murmansk; Ob Bay; Novgorod; Chelyabinsk
0242 Map of enemy forces on all fronts on September 16, 1941
O. Iceland; Narvik; Leningrad; Glasgow; Murmansk; Ob Bay; Novgorod; Chelyabinsk
0243 Scheme of VET and battle formations of artillery 24 A
0245 Map - decision by the front troops to defeat the enemy in the Elninsk-Roslavl direction
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; boldino; Shoots
0246 Position of formations of the 43rd Army at 13:00 10/14/1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Maloyaroslavets; Balabanovo; Lopasnya
0249 Map of the position of troops of the 24th and 43rd armies on September 20, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots; Znamenka
0250 Western Front Report Card
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Lychkovsky district; Polavsky district; Demyansky district; Paul; Semyonovshchina; Valdai
0252 Map of the position of front troops on September 22, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0253 Map of the defense of troops 32 A on September 22, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Safonovo; Izdeshkovo; Vyazma
0254 Map of the position of front troops on September 23, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0260 Map of the defense of the front line 31 A on September 24, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Slide; Ostashkov
0261 Report card
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Gzhatsk; Uvarovo; Mozhaisk; Narofominsk
0262 Group of troops pr-ka on 9/27/41
Narvik; O. Iceland; Leningrad; Glasgow; Murmansk; Ob Bay; Novgorod; Chelyabinsk
0265 Map of the position of troops 43 A on September 27, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0266 Report card No. 24 for the period from 09.19.1942 to 09.24.1942
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Malovishersky district; Tesovo-Netylsky; Selishche; Verebye; Lyubytino
0267 Report card of headquarters 43 A on September 29, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0270 Map of the position of troops on the fronts of the Patriotic War for September 1941
THE USSR; RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Meadows; Leningrad; Borovichi
0271 Map of the position of front troops in the Maloyaroslavets direction for September - October 1941
RSFSR; Moscow region; Mozhaisk; Naro-Fominsk; Krasnaya Pakhra
0272 Map showing the front line of defense in September 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Borovichi
0273 Layout of anti-aircraft artillery assets to cover front rear facilities for September 1941
0274 Map of the position of the troops of the Bryansk Front in September 1941
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Smolensk region; Oryol region; Borschevka; Ekimovichi; Khotozhka; Kirov; Seredina-Buda
0275 Map of the position of the Western troops. F for September 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Lychkovsky district; Polavsky district; Demyansky district; Paul; Semyonovshchina; Valdai
0283 Map of the position of troops of the 33rd and 43rd armies on the approaches to the city of Yelnya, Smolensk region in September 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0284 Map of the position of front troops when the enemy broke through the defense in the sector of the 33rd and 43rd armies in September 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Ulcer; Yelnya; Milyatino
0286 Map of the equipment of the defensive line in section 49 A for September 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka
0287 Map of the defensive line in the area 23, 77, 110, 256, 247, 119 rifle division and 45 cavalry division as of September 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Demyansk; Shishkova; Krasuha; Firovo; Klyuchinsky
0288 Report card of headquarters 49 A on October 1, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka
0289 Map of the position of troops of the Western Front on October 2-3, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Zaluchye; Demyansk; Shishkovo; Krasukha
0291 Diagram of the battle formation of anti-tank guns and artillery fire 24 A
0292 Map of combat operations of troops of the 24th, 33rd and 43rd armies, showing the situation when the enemy broke through the defense on October 3, 1941
Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0293 Map of the breakthrough of the pr-com defense in section 43 A on October 3, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Smolensk; Podkholmitsa; Dorogobuzh; Boldino; Shoots
0294 Map of the position of the troops of the Western and Reserve Fronts at 17.00 on October 4, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka; Karmanovo; Kuchino
0295 Map of the position of the troops of the 24th and 33rd armies after breaking through the defense of pr-kom on October 4, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Kotovo; White; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka; Karmanovo
0296 Map of the position of the front troops after the enemy broke through the defense line in the 43rd Army sector at 17.00 October 4, 1941

0297 Map
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Karmanovo; Sychevka; Gavrilovo; Yegorye; White; Temkino
0298 Map of the position of the troops of the Reserve and Bryansk Fronts on October 7, 1941
Moscow region; Tula region; Ryazan region; Ivanovo region; Smolensk region; Moscow; Vyazma
0299 Map of the position of troops 43 A and its neighbors on October 10, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Podolsk; Gzhatsk; Uvarovo: Mozhaisk; Naro-Fominsk; Krasnaya Pakhra
0300 Map of the position of the troops of the Western, Reserve and Southwestern Fronts on October 11, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Yaroslavl region; Leningrad; Meadows; Borovichi; Rybinsk
0301 Map of the position of the troops of the 43rd Army after the breakthrough of the front pr-kom on October 12, 1941
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Kremenskoe; Maloyaroslavets; Balabanovo
0302 Map of the position of troops of the 33rd and 43rd armies on October 13, 1941
THE USSR; Finland; RSFSR; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Vologda region; Yaroslavl region; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Rybinsk; Viipuri (Vyborg); NV. Ladoga; Käkisalmi; Petrozavodsk
0303 Map of the position of our troops when the enemy broke through the defense in the Mozhaisk, Kaluga and Oryol directions on October 13, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin; Zagorsk
0304 Map of the location of front troops in defense in the Smolensk direction, 1941
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Moscow region; Yaroslavl region; Ivanovo region; Zagorsk; Borovichi; Leningrad
0305 Map of the location of artillery units on the front, 1941
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Western region; Moscow region; Ostashkov; Trestino; oxbow; Kuvshinovo
Report card on the enemy grouping on the fronts of the Patriotic War
THE USSR; Finland; Sweden; Karelo-Finnish SSR; Oulu; Kirovsk
0307 Report card on the enemy grouping on the fronts of the Patriotic War
O. Iceland; Narvik; Glasgow; Murmansk; Leningrad; Novgorod; Chelyabinsk; Ob Bay
0308 Map of the state of the defensive front lines
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
0309 Map of defensive fortifications of the Moscow region
Estonian SSR; Latvian SSR; RSFSR; BSSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Moscow region; Smolensk region; Pskov; Velikie Luki; Kalinin; Zagorsk
0310 Operational map showing the main directions of the project in the first days of the war on the Western Front
Latvia; Estonia; Lithuania; Finland; Sweden; THE USSR; Stockholm; Pskov; Leningrad
0311 Map of the position of the troops of the North-Western, Reserve, Western and Bryansk fronts
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Leningrad; Borovichi
0313 Map of the equipment of defensive lines on the front 24 A
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Boldino; Dorogobuzh; Shoots
0314 Defense card 30 A
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Kalinin region; Smolensk region; Moscow region; Velikie Luki; Kalinin
0315 Map of the position of troops 31 A
RSFSR; Kalinin region; Leningrad region.; Western region; Moscow region; Slide; Ostashkov; Trestino; Kuvshinovo
0317 Map of the position of troops of the 32nd and 49th armies
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Gavrilovo; Sychevka; Yegorye
0318 Scheme of battle formations of artillery 32 A
0320 Map of the position of troops 49 A
RSFSR; Smolensk region; Kalinin region; Yegorye; Gavrilovo; Sychevka
0321 Map - plan of the location of troops 49 A
RSFSR; Ukrainian SSR; Tula region; Smolensk region; Ryazan region; Oryol region; Kursk region; Voronezh region; Bryansk; Eagle
0323 Scheme of battle formations of artillery of the 13th infantry division
0324 Scheme of battle formations of artillery of the 107th SD
0325 Scheme of battle formations of artillery of the 133rd infantry division
0326 Diagram of lights and anti-tank defense of the 133rd infantry division
0327 Scheme of lights of the 102nd tank division and the 1st division of the 403rd gap BM
0328 Scheme of organization of artillery units in line divisions
0329 Scheme for the construction of the field line of the group of forces of Lieutenant General Bogdanov
RSFSR; Leningrad region.; Vologda region; Kalinin region; Leningrad; Borovichi

Operations Department of the Caucasian Front Headquarters
TsAMO fund 216 inventory 1142, files:

30 - Map of the position of front troops from December 19, 1941 to January 2, 1942
31 - Map of the position of the SOR troops and the enemy from December 22, 1941 to January 8, 1942
32 - Map of the position of the SOR troops and the enemy from December 24, 1941 to January 6, 1942
33 - Map of defensive structures of the Ak-Monay region
34 - Map of defensive structures of the Ak-Monay region

35 - Map of the position of the troops of the Transcaucasian and Caucasian fronts and the enemy from December 29, 1941 to January 3, 1942
36 - Map of the position of the troops of the Transcaucasian and Caucasian fronts and the enemy from December 29, 1941 to January 1, 1942
37 - Map of the position of the SOR troops and the enemy from December 30, 1941 to January 2, 1942
38 - Map of the position of front troops from December 31, 1941 to January 1, 1942
39 - Map of the position of front troops from December 31, 1941 to January 2, 1942
40 - Map of the position of enemy troops in front of the front from December 31, 1941 to January 1, 1942
41 - Map of the position of front troops
42 - Coded card 1:500000

They are a source of invaluable information. But researching old maps and searching for them often raises many difficulties and questions. In this article we will try to answer some of them.

The principle of researching old topographic maps is simple: you need to try to find as many of them as possible for the area under study and compare the old maps found with corresponding modern topographic maps to identify any changes. These days, you don't necessarily have to go to a library or archive to look for old maps. Electronic copies of most topographic maps can be easily found in various electronic libraries and websites. But, nevertheless, sometimes the search old map is quite challenging task, especially if you are looking for detailed maps, such as old county maps at a scale of 1 or 2 versts in English inches.

Before you start searching for old maps of the area you are exploring, you need to know that:

1) Topography, a relatively young science. Compilation of detailed topographic maps of provinces and districts Russian Empire began at the beginning of the 19th century. Therefore, you should not waste time searching for detailed topographic maps of the 18th century and earlier.

2) First of all, topographic surveys were carried out on the border territories of the Empire and its densely populated central regions. Therefore, finding old maps of the northern, eastern and other sparsely populated areas of our country is very difficult.

3) Governorates and regions have undergone significant territorial changes over the centuries. Therefore, it is extremely important to study the history of the area you are studying, and it is necessary to find an answer to the question: which counties and provinces (regions) did this territory belong to and in what years?

Start exploring the area under study by viewing small scale maps and atlases of the Russian Empire, for example:

If, after reading the historical information about the province, you were unable to determine which district the territory under study belongs to, then by superimposing the above maps on modern ones you can always find out.

Now, after we have found out which district and province the territory we were exploring was part of, we can begin searching detailed maps.

What kind of old cards are there?

During the 19th century, topographic surveys were carried out across almost the entire territory of the European part of the Russian Empire, the results of which resulted in detailed topographic maps that are best suited for your research. Finding such old cards will not cause difficulties, since great amount Internet sites sell them or give the right to download them for free. A number of such cards are also presented on our website. Let's list some of them.

General survey plans

The oldest among detailed maps are. General survey plans were drawn up on a scale of 1-2 versts in English inches in the period from 1766 to 1861. During this period, plans were drawn up for 35 provinces. Basically, these are the central regions of our country. Plans were drawn without a single mathematical basis, they lack a coordinate grid. Therefore, despite their detailed scale, working with these maps is the most difficult, and in some places their quality leaves much to be desired.

Maps of Mende

General survey plans served as the basis for other old maps. These are the so-called Mende maps, named after Lieutenant General Alexander Ivanovich Mende, who led joint topographic surveys of the land survey department and the corps of military topographers in the period from 1849 to 1866. Based on the results of the surveys, survey atlases and maps of eight provinces of the Russian Empire were published: Tver, Ryazan, Tambov, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Simbirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Penza provinces. Mende maps, as well as general survey plans, were drawn up on a scale of 1 or 2 versts in English inches, but unlike them, they have a coordinate grid and are more accurate.

Military topographic maps

Among old maps, military topographic maps occupy a special place. It is worth noting that in Russia in the 19th century, direct field (topographic) surveys were carried out by officers of the Corps of Military Topographers, and the collection, storage and publication of maps was carried out by the Military Topographic Depot. With this procedure, it was possible to achieve systematic topographic surveys, built on a scientific basis (on a network of geodetic reference points). Therefore, military topographic maps are distinguished by their uniformity, accuracy and detail.

The following military topographic maps are the most famous:

  • Two-verst topographic map of the Moscow province. The basis is based on topographic instrumental surveys of the Moscow province, carried out by officers of the Corps of Military Topographers in 1838-1839 and 1852-1853. The map is published on 40 sheets on a scale of 2 versts per inch.
  • Three-verst military topographic map, which covers almost all the provinces of the European part of Russia, with the exception of Moscow, and has more than 600 sheets. Despite the fact that the lieutenant general did not participate in the compilation and publication of this map, novice researchers of old maps mistakenly call it the Schubert map.
  • Schubert's ten-verst map ().
  • Map of Strelbitsky. Due to the outdated data of Schubert's map, in the mid-19th century there was an urgent need for more detailed and modern map European part of Russia. Therefore, in November 1865, the compilation and engraving of a new special map of all European Russia began, already under the editorship of the General Staff of Captain Strelbitsky. The new one was a huge cartographic publication on 152 sheets and covered an area much larger than half of all of Europe.

Old maps of the Asian part of Russia

As you may have noticed, among the above topographic maps there are no detailed old maps of the Asian part of Russia. This is due, firstly, to the fact that these territories were sparsely populated and studied, and, secondly, they were remote from the Western borders of the Empire and therefore were of no interest to the Military Topographical Depot, whose main purpose was to provide reliable maps War Ministry.

Therefore, for many territories of the Asian part of Russia, maps with a scale of 20 versts in inches or more are the only old maps, such as:

  • General map of Western Siberia with the Kyrgyz steppe, 1848

Nevertheless, for some areas of the Asian part of Russia there are also more detailed old maps:

  • Road map along the rivers of Western Siberia: Ture, Tobol, Irtysh, Ob and Tom, 1884.

Other old maps of provinces and districts of the Russian Empire

In addition to the listed topographic maps, which are widely used on the Internet, there are other old maps that you can use in your work. Such maps were compiled to meet the needs of various government organizations: the postal department, provincial statistical bureaus, provincial zemstvos and others. The search for such old maps is especially difficult, since mention of them is not found in all catalogs and reference publications, so most often the discovery of such maps occurs by chance in various historical sources. For example, as applications, old maps are available in some lists of populated places, military reviews and other statistical publications.

An example is the following old maps:

  • Postal map of Asian Russia and Siberia, published in 1871 by the Postal Department.

    1872 The publication contains a description of all topographical and cartographic work carried out by the corps of military topographers.

    On our website you can Russian Empire.

    Good luck with your research!

I think there is no need to tell you what importance maps have in finding coins and treasures. The success of most events depends on their presence or absence. If in the old days it was enough simple desire get out into the fields, now the situation has changed radically. All more or less well-known tracts, yes, even those completely lost in forests and steppes, turned out to be quite thoroughly cleaned for ancient finds.
To continue to expand your collection or simply enjoy being a cop, you have to increasingly demonstrate remarkable abilities in the field of finding untrodden places. In this matter, the most important role is played by maps of bygone centuries.

Currently, many of them are available to anyone, but as the advertisement says, they are not all equally useful. Yes, that’s true, most of them are only suitable for planning trips to selected places.

Below we will tell you what types of cards there are, reveal their features and characterize them from the point of view of their usefulness in business.

Plan General survey— PGM (1780-1830)

Topographic materials began to be actively created under Peter I, at which time a large number of geographical atlases of the empire saw the light. During the reign of Catherine II, these works were continued. They, like Peter’s, were also not particularly accurate, but, nevertheless, they still conveyed the necessary and necessary information.

It was under Catherine the Great that the process of mass land surveying began. Its essence was as follows - the entire territory of the country was divided into counties, which in turn consisted of so-called dacha plans, which were nothing more than plots of owners (allotments) who had confirmed rights to them and established boundaries. All of them received numbers; to decipher them, an additional Economic Note was later issued for the land survey plans.
These publications can hardly be called maps, because... They are still far from accurate and look more like diagrams and drawings. But still, from them you can get a lot of useful information on the emergence or existence of a particular settlement in those days.

Maps of Mende (1849-1866)

The names of these, and subsequently many other maps, were given by the names of the people who made the greatest contribution to their development and creation. All of them were based on and had the basis of publications created under Catherine and Paul I; it was on these undertakings that the further development of the much-needed, in primarily for the military, modern maps.
New realities of that time revealed the need to create more accurate and detailed maps than the existing Military Road 40-verst publications. Taking the PGM as a basis and conducting large-scale cartographic surveys, military topographers under the leadership of A.I. The Mende began to create new detailed publications.

A total of two varieties were released.:

— one-verst, scale 1 inch equals 1 verst or 1cm equals 420m

- two-verst, scale is 1 inch 2 versts or 1cm 840m.

Such detailed publications appeared in 8 provinces, although surveys of the area were carried out in 21 provinces over 17 years.


1 and 2 versts - Tverskaya, Vladimirskaya, Ryazanskaya, Penza, Simbirskaya and Tambovskaya.
1 verst - Nizhny Novgorod and Penza.

Schubert maps (1860-1870)

Under the leadership of F.F. Schubert, who headed the Corps of Military Topographers at the beginning of the 19th century, a 10-mile map of the Western part of the Russian Empire was created on 60 sheets. But it, like the border 4- and 5-verst points, turned out to be not very convenient, so work soon began on another.
The new map, a three-layout map, was first created under the leadership of Major General P. A. Tuchkov (until 1851), and then work continued with the participation of Schubert. The period of its creation covers the second half of the 19th century, starting in 1846.
Scale - 1 inch is 3 versts or 1260m in 1 cm.

The main part of the work was done before 1863 (435 sheets), later the work was not suspended (in 1886 - 508 sheets), but basically it came down to adding and clarifying previous editions.
They contained cartographic material for all provinces of the European part of the empire (with the exception of Moscow) and parts of the adjacent territories (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic states).
This map is distinguished by good detail, showing the type of relief and the nature of the area: forest, swamp, rivers and streams, bridges, crossings, etc. It contains all significant objects, from city maps to villages indicating the number of courtyards, churches, mills, field and forest roads.

When using these materials, it is worth remembering two important features:

1) The accuracy of marking various objects has some error, for example, for the most significant ones it can range from 50 to 200m, for others - from 100 to 500m, and sometimes more.

2) When designating villages, it was customary to subdivide them by size using font; the names of large villages (20 or more households) were written in normal font, small villages and hamlets in italics.

Maps of Strelbitsky

Since 1865 I.A. Strelbitsky, who at that time was part of the military topographic department at the General Staff, was tasked with updating and supplementing the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Under his leadership, work continued from 1865 to 1871. The publication consisted of 178 pages and covered the provinces located in the center of the country, as well as parts of the adjacent western and southern territories.

Scale: 1 inch is 10 versts or 1cm is 4200m.

Subsequently, it served as the basis for the creation of similar publications until the mid-20th century.

Red Army

These cards are abbreviated as the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. These works have been published since the 20s of the 20th century. Of course, for the most part they were based on publications published before the 1917 revolution (mostly layouts were used) and covered primarily the Western regions of the country. They were published from 1925 to 1941. Scale - from 250m to 5km.

They were produced with a number of additions and improvements, so they were actively used during the Second World War.
These maps are characterized by very clear detail and detail; they display all the roads, including the smallest settlements, indicating the number of households, and other objects of interest from the point of view of military tactics. The vast majority of sheets are made in color, but there are also black and white options.
Their usefulness is certainly high, due to the fact that many villages disappeared immediately or some time after the end of the war.

General Staff

From the name it is clear that they were produced for military needs, although they were also used by other services, for example, geodetic, topographical, geological, etc. These include publications released after the Second World War, which again represent improved and modified previous maps. They all have the same shape - the territory is divided into sheets, each of them in turn is divided into squares.
Initially, they were considered secret and it was almost impossible to get them in Soviet times. Now many (not all) of them are available for use.
Taking into account the fact that the General Staff has a significantly smaller error relative to the coordinate grid, it makes sense to use them (in the absence of old ones) to search for areas and plan travel routes.

The scale of such maps is very diverse, ranging from 500 meters to 10 kilometers.

In addition to the above cards, of course, there are many other interesting ones. For example, in the 19th century, many provinces published their own governor’s maps; many search engines also enjoyed great success with German (KDWR), Polish (WIG), which are essentially redrawn Russian layouts.

All maps can be used literally, so to speak, but if you can find at least something from the Soviet General Staff (at least villages that existed after the war), then from verst maps it is much more difficult to do this, they require reference to the area. This is done using special programs, and then the processed materials are loaded into the navigator.

Filming of the area taken tens and even hundreds of years ago is the history of our country. They will provide invaluable assistance not only to amateurs, but also to those who simply love to travel, study their region, its origins and development, and those who simply want to know the origins of their family.