Description of additions to Fallout 4. New locations and adventures

The developers of Fallout 4, often please fans of their creativity, releasing new additions (DLC) to the game. Usually, all additions to Fallout 4 are divided into two types, or it. new content for construction and craft, or these are new interesting storieswhose center gets your the main character. In this article, we briefly consider all DLC to Fallout 4.

For convenience, use short content :

DLC Fallout 4 - Automatron

This addition to Fallout 4 is the first to account and was represented by developers in March 2016. DLC automatron. Adds a new storyline to the game, which consists of 4 scene quests and 2 side. The essence of the storyline is that a new villain appears on the expanses of the Commonwealth, who calls himself a mechanism, in his submission there is an army of various robots, which are aggressive to all alive. The task of the main character to find out who is this mysterious mechanist and deal with it at all costs to stop creative chaos.

It is important: In order to start this supplement, your character should be higher than the level 15.

In addition to the storyline, Automatron adds about 20 new robots to the game, which consists in the mechanics army, 14 new characters, 4 new locations and about a dozen new copies of weapons and ammunitions.

It is interesting: In addition to the above, the main character will be able to create robots himself, which will be many components.

DLC Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop

Literally less than a month later, after the release of the first addition of Fallout 4, the light saw the second official DLC. Unlike Automatron, Wasteland Workshop does not add new quests and plot lines to the game, this addition adds new building chips to the game, new construction Materials, interior elements, a variety of devices, the ability to build arena and conduct battles on it.

DLC Fallout 4 - Far Harbor

The third addition, which came out in May 2016 and incomprehensively pleased all lovers of plot lines of the game. The fact is that this DLC turned out to be very extensive, it added the following to the game:

  • New storyline from 8 major and 30 side quests;

    The main quests can be found in the article: "Passage of DLC Fallout 4 - Far Harbor".

  • A new huge island, which has 58 different locations, in which everything passes;
  • More than 30 new characters;
  • New weapons, armor and clothing (more than 50);
  • New enemies;
  • And much more.

DLC Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop

DLC Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop

The next supplement did not turn out to be so huge, such as Far Harbor. And it was more for those who like to build in the settlement game, but this complement was interested in all the fact that it allowed the players to build their personal asylum, which received number 88.

DLC Fallout 4 - NUKA-WORLD

This is another global addition, like its volume on Far Harbor, which allows the chief hero to lead a large gang of raiders and capture the Commonwealth. This DLC adds to the game.

Fallout 4 add-ons Let's get out this spring and will be available to everyone. Total is planned to make three additions - this is Automatron, Wasteland Workshop and Far Harbor. Official additions are developed by the Bethesda studio in the next month or two will become available for a wide audience. What are these additions from themselves, as much as they change game process And how much will they cost?


You probably had time to notice that there are no Romozozov in Fallout 4, which were in previous parts. This supplement will bring to the game not only the new kind Robots, but also many new quests, as well as the opportunity to collect your robob companion himself. The main quest, which will bring this supplement will spin about some kind of evil genius, which reprograms robots, thereby making them attack the residents of the Commonwealth. The motives of the genius remain unclear, however, we will soon find out, as the addition will be released this month.

Wasteland Workshop.

Always wanted to create in their settlement arena like the Colosseum? This supplement will allow you to carry out your dreams. Thanks to him, you can capture and bring to the settlement of all the inhabitants of the wasteland, ranging from minor mobs and ending with the claws of death and supermutants-ousters. In addition to the ability to burst mobs with each other, new tools and buildings will be available to you so that you can diversify your settlement. Although most of the possibilities that this supplement gives, you can see in some mods, many players are still waiting for him. Supplement will be released in about mid-April 2016.

Far Harbor.

This is the global addition for Fallout 4. It will add from a dozen new locations, expand the game card, adds a few new full characters, new quests will be available, and the history of Nika Valentine is a little transformed. Presumably one of the new locations in the game will be a full-fledged settlement of the fallen synthesians, which for some reason do not know anything about the subway. Perhaps these synts will even be representatives of the new faction in the game. Exit add-on is planned in May-June 2016.

Fallout 4 - how many words were said and how many reviews were written about this game. New project Bethesda received the most ambiguous and contradictory reviews and reviews from players and critics. However, this did not prevent the creators of several game and plot add-ons, which we will talk about in the framework of the supplement, the plot of the game, the gameplay and the overall impression of the DLC and the main story - all this is described in the article.

Brief history of the game

After the release of Fallout 3, all the fans of the series were in bewilderment. On the one hand, the game turned out to be a fresh and unknown series, and on the other - it was already "not the" Follut "." After a few years, the right to develop a new part was transferred to other hands, and the New Vegas appeared on the light. The game was not called the full fourth part, even though she was created from scratch - new world, plot, locations and even completely recycled and pumping, which scolded so much in the third part. The fourth part did not turn out due to the fact that the new Vegas was created on the same old engine that was used since Oblivion.

New Vegas Public liked much more than the original third part. In her, the post-apocalypse fans play to this day, even ignoring Fallout 4. Additions and various mods Actively designed for this game still.

And what about new Fallout. four? At the end of 2015, discs appeared on the shelves new game. The developers this time again made a Bethesda studio, with a lot of discontent and mistrust of the public. Fallout 4 justified, whether add-ons will be published in the future and the description of the DLC has already released - about it next.

Did it happen or not?

Almost all concerns associated with the release of the new part were justified. Another developer change and return to the origins played with a series of an evil joke - Fallout 4 turned out to be a completely different game. Fans the original parts and New Vegas were not clear why their favorite role-playing game turned into an ordinary shooter with a simplified version of pumping and dialogs. On the other hand, it made it possible to attract a new and young audience to the series, which only began to get acquainted with the adventures in the post-apocalypse Fallout 4. Supplements also turned out to be a little wrong as the fans were represented. Why did the game come out absolutely different? The answer to this question we will try to find further.


The main character is a military man who faced face to face with the most terrible problem and disaster in the history of mankind - nuclear war. The first terrible explosion of the hero meets with his family at home. They are offered to be saved in the shelter, but this salvation turned out to be a trap. Instead of housing, all people are placed in cryogenic capsules and freeze for 200 years with a view to research. The main character comes out of cryogenic sleep at an inappropriate moment - his wife / husband kill and take the child unknown people.

Freed and walking on the surface in an empty and hostile world after 200 years of imprisonment, the hero goes to search for a son and gradually meets the world around. The main problem begins here - the motivation of the hero. In Fallout 4, you will not be given to play the character at your request, because he has a past and a whole background. Therefore, to help everyone on the way and to fulfill their requests somehow I do not want, because only one task is important to your hero.

Mechanics and gameplay

The following features are associated with a gameplay. In Fallout 4 (additions, the gameplay is no different) you have to shoot a lot. Very much shoot. We can say that the role-playing game turned into a shooter. But here the system of abilities comes to the fore.

In the new part, all the abilities and pumping decided to combine into the general system. Special parameters directly affect the number of abilities that you can learn. In this case, each parameter is responsible for certain skills. So you get a cocktail from all skills and characteristics. You can pump up by the end of the game absolutely everything, because there are no restrictions on levels.

The following feature is simplified dialogues. Instead of old and familiar dialog boxes, players received a fashionable dialogue. At all, not this was waiting for fans of the plot from Fallout 4. The first addition created by fans returns the usual look, but they work unstable.

In the wheel options wheel, you can choose only the general topic on which your character will give a phrase or a whole speech. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is sometimes difficult to guess the description of the answer, which will be discussed. Also added the "sarcasm" option, in which the character should have been responsible in the appropriate name of the manner. However, it turned out ambiguously.

Now let's talk about the technical component. The game is created on absolutely new gaming engine And it looks quite worthy. About any realism is not talking, but the picture pleases the eye. But there is one point - it will be happy to please you only with a very powerful computer, and that is not a fact. Fallout 4 is very poorly optimized and low computers produce low FPS. Apparently, the new engine has not yet been brought to mind.

Game world

By area, the card in the fourth part is much smaller than in New Vegas. However, the developers went to cunning and artificially stretched the passage of all gaming Mira almost a few hours. It was due to the saturation of the events. At each step, crowds of mutants, raiders and new enemies that have elite reinforced variations will be raised. For the extermination of all opponents and the study of buildings is a lot of playful time in Fallout 4. Latest version With all additions can require more than 40 hours. And this is if we go only through the story branch of quests.

The appearance in the game add-on with robots, building buildings and creating their own settlement even more prolongs the gameplay. Add craft weapons, gear and scene lines with your partners - we get almost endless game. Still, in something at Bethesda turned out to be a successful project. So successful that the additions to it were not forced to wait. Many worried the question: when will the addition to Fallout 4 come out? Now you can be content with whole three full DLC, which will be talked further.

You can immediately clarify that access to all three DLC can be obtained through Steam Store for 1500 rubles if there is a digital copy of the original game on the digital copy account. The first two additions are small contents of content, and the last is a real story adventure with new locations and characters. What can prostate Studio developer Fallout 4 - add-ons. What will DLC are in the future - the company has not yet been disclosed.


The first addition is associated with robots. If you have surrendered to a certain level, then on one of the radio films you will hear the call for help - it will be the beginning of the AUTUMATRON add-on. Arriving in place of salvation, our hero discovers robots fighting among themselves. With this, a small quest line will begin, after which you can design your own robots.

From the advantages of the DLC, it is possible to note the possibility of creating a unique companion, which in combat capacity exceeds all of the original game. The disadvantages include the fact that these innovations are catastrophically not enough for a full-fledged addition. New items, a small quest, a couple of minutes and the robots themselves are good, but what to do those who love to play alone and without partners?

Wasteland Workshop.

The second to Fallout 4 Supplement (DLC) is associated with similar subjects. In it you can tame wild pets and use them for your needs. You also have the opportunity to catch opponents and lock them in cells. A nice addition was the new decorations and items for your settlement. These two DLC does not make sense to buy separately from Season Passbecause they are too few content.

Far Harbor.

And for the sake of this add-on it is worth spending. It is waiting for you a completely new Far Harbor island with its secrets, features, plot and characters. The game becomes more dangerous and difficult, and opponents of evil. On this island there is a secret colony of the synth, in which you will have to find one woman at the request of your partner.

Developers promise in addition the largest number of locations and content than for any other game from Bethesda. And they did not deceive - the Far Harbor island is enormous. There are many dungeons under it, and the enemies really became stronger.

Another feature of Far Harbor - the game began to look at all as the original. Fascinating fog, dark night, lighting from the lanterns and the unknown game architecture create fascinating and frightening landscapes.

Together with this DLC in the game was added new regime The survival passing, in which the conditions and the rules of survival in the post-apocalyptic world are tightened.


We met all the main aspects of the game and considered the essence of all DLC for Fallout 4. The addition of additions is not yet announced, but the developers assure that the players are waiting for another sea of \u200b\u200bunique content.

Bethesda publishing house today shared with lovers games Fallout 4 pleasant news - the company announced 3 additions, which will be part of the Season Pass, and approximately designated their release dates. We offer to familiarize yourself with the information on each update, as well as to find out how the Season Pass will grow high in price for Fallout 4 in early March.

As stated by the representatives of the studio Bethesda, at the moment 3 additions are scheduled. And if for computers you can download the game itself and add-on to it, then for Xbox One. They will have to acquire, while at a considerable cost. Total All DLC will cost approximately as the game Fallout 4 itself.


The release of this DLC to Fallout 4 is scheduled for March 2016. Fans of the Fallout Games series supplement must please the meeting with Romozg, which was present in Fallout: New Vegas. From innovations it can be noted that the craft system will be released on new levelAnd players will be able to assemble their own robot, which will accompany them while traveling to wasteland. As for the plot of addition, then the players will have to punish the villager-mechanist, who sends evil robots to the Commonwealth.

Wasteland Workshop.

The release date of this DLC for Fallout 4 is scheduled for April. In it, players will be offered to develop their settlements even more, thanks to new improvements. In addition, in addition, it will be possible to capture mutants and gangsters that roam the waste. They can be placed in a cage to subsequently expose to battle in the improvised fighter pit.

Far Harbor.

The release date of this addition to Fallout 4 is scheduled for May 2016. Developers promise that it will be the largest of the three and give players new story. In it, the main character in the company Nika Valentine will go to seek the hidden settlement of the Sint and the missing girl. Bethesda promises that in this complement the players is waiting for the mass of new quests, creatures, dungeons and locations.

As the developers told, they decided to raise the cost of Season Pass for the game Fallout 4. The price of it will increase from $ 30 to $ 50, that is, by 66%. At the same time in Russia now Season Pass for Fallout 4 in the Xbox One version costs 2499 rubles, and if its rise will occur, the price approaches 4000 rubles. Bethesda notes that the rise in price is scheduled for March 1.

Bethesda loves DLC - official additions of different amounts of content, both adding small decorative improvements and full-fledged areas and plotted lines for many hours of gameplay. DLC did not bypasses at once old Good Morrowind, what to talk about Fallout 4, when in the yard of the 2016th year.

Total announced six addons, bringing something new. Soon the release of the last one will take place - and we will tell a little about each.

Most new adventures begins with the fact that we choose in Pipboy the appropriate radio station.

Fallout 4 DLC 1: Automatron

Automatron - mechanical person

Came out in March and offers a new adventure hero, as well as new branch Kraft - kraft robots. A mysterious mechanism is raving its mechanical creation on the Commonwealth, Say is kind and eternal, as he believes.

We have to take a walk on new atmospheric locations, perform a number of quests and defeat the antagonist. Alas, but this will not take so much time - but after passing the workbench and many details will remain for the creation of various robots - from classic mr. assistants, bravers, robbobrous, protectors and guards, to the most unimaginable results of robob-vivisection.

These satellites are perfectly suitable as satellites - they will not pour the soul and do not gnaw in any direction of the hero. With due diligence, an excellent "tank" or silent killer can come out, well, or simply - a bulk box for scrolling on wheels.

In order to start AUTOMATRON, you will need to tune in to the emergency frequency. An excellent bonus will be a complete set of power armor X-01 Type II, which will delete a careful adventure.

Automatron - Official Trailer

Fallout 4 - Automatron Official Trailer

Fallout 4 DLC 2: Wasteland Workshop

Supplement Wasteland Workshop allows you to catch and tame a death claw

There was a long time ago, how the release and the second official additions of Fallout 4 -Wasteland Workshop took place. Which does not make any new adventures, but significantly expands content for lovers to build, and also makes it possible to organize arenas for battle to death.

Despite the fact that the original game pleased with the possibility of creating their own settlements and houses, diversity, and they were not particularly pleased with their shag-likeness. Wasteland Workshop makes a variety of things for construction: concrete roofs, walls, floors and fences, various decorations from the inscriptions, to a significantly expanded collection of heads on the wall. There were such useful things like an arch for removing radiation, a plot for sowing and a lot more.

The bread was available in settlements for a long time (or rather mainly Toshka and Corn), it was time for spectacle: special equipment has appeared for catching creatures (up to raiders, death and yao-gaya), which will later be released on the arena and observe Spectators for battles. Well, at the end to personally shoot the champion.

Wasteland Workshop - Official Trailer

Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop Official Trailer

Fallout 4 DLC 3: Far Harbor

Oh, these children atom

Announced like the most large update From Bethesda, adding 20+ hours of gameplay. The huge unique Far Harbor region is a surprisingly atmospheric island, all covered with greens of radioactive fog. The hero leads here, it would seem that the ordinary quest from the detective agency Valentine - as a result, turning on a long adventure, acquaintance with three fractions (synthesis, people and the children of the atom) and acquaintance with the most unusual Flora and fauna.

There is no conflict between organizations, but unlike the original game, the choice of the parties does not imply the genocide of dissenters. And even, there is a variant of more or less peaceful passage. In addition, the development will receive the history of one of the most interesting satellites - Nika Valentine.

By the way about the characters - here are their great many, and they are sometimes spelled out much better than in original game. In addition, in fact, the adventure itself, the supplement contains many new weapons, power armor, really original monsters and territory for research remaining white even after passing the main quest.

Far Harbor - Official Trailer

Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

And the next addition to the queue.


Another "workshop" for construction and crafting lovers. This time we are offered to get a multitude of new designs for settlements.

First - decorative. Here you can decorate on the walls, such as posters, flags of the institute and minitmen, paintings, inscriptions, etc. This is also possible to attribute all sorts of foley things, like a sklamage and fireworks.

It's time to become the owner of steam plants ... well, so far without steamboats.

Secondly - for collectors and lovers of order. These are various shop windows, stands and racks for weapons, which allows it to be beautifully visually decomposed and not to look for a long time if necessary. You can also decompose a whole little thing like hopping and magazines. New mannequins are suitable for armor, for power - special fees.

Thirdly - functional innovations. For example, an elevator that will significantly diversed the design of houses, and the most important thing is various mini-plants: machines for the production of weapons, both firearms and energy, armor, ammunition, etc., as well as conveyors capable of sorting or simply moved , Including upstairs created items.

Contraptions Workshop - Official Trailer

Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop DLC Trailer - Fallout 4 Contraptions DLC Gameplay Trailer

Fallout 4 DLC 5: Vault-Tec Workshop

Fallout Shelter. is that you

Playing Fallout Shelter and wondered how would it look like a big game? Or, attending asylum thought that they could equip his original, yes better? Now you can shine with your architect talents in full in DLC Vault-Tec Workshop, the fifth on the score of the official supplement.

As in the case of the rest of the addons, to start the adventure after installation, tighten into a new wave of radio and go to the point that appears on the map. Where we find a refuge 88, where after passing a small quest and dating with a local caretaker, we give complete freedom in design and construction.

In addition, in addition, they did not forget that every shelter was intended for some experiments. Now for the first time you can feel yourself as an experimenter.

Vault-Tec Workshop - Official Trailer

Fallout 4 - Vault Tec Workshop Official Trailer - E3 2016

Fallout 4 DLC 6: NUKA-WORLD

Last thing official additionwhich will be released in August of this year.

azvletsii, who became the raider citadel, and that this time we will have the opportunity to be a bad guy - getting up at the head of your own gang and going to the looting of peaceful settlers.

Unfortunately, more supplements are not planned - unless you can hope for future patches, special publications and improve graphics, as loves to do this Bethesda.