Walkthrough side quests Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Side Quests Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5 Phantom Payne Where

In the next part of MGS, it was not without the corporate identity of Cozdima. There are a number of tasks for each story mission in the game, and many of them sometimes simply defy logic. This article covers all of the optional missions in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Completing these tasks will grant you the Perfectionist achievement.

Prologue: Awakening

1. The task was completed without using rapid

It is better to disable rapid in the menu here than to load a checkpoint every time in hysterics.

2. The task was completed so that the burning man could never attack you

The tactics here are very simple. Just keep Volgin as far away from you as possible. If you do not miss, then you will have enough ammunition. He can deal damage as he prepares to fire arrows of fire.

Mission 1. Phantom Limbs

1. Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts established

2. Kazuhira Miller evacuated

3. Commander evacuated from Wah Sindh Barracks

The commander is different from the soldiers and is not that hard to find. If you don't want to look for him among the soldiers, then you can simply evacuate all the personnel.

4. Quest completed in secret from the Skulls

There are many ways to get around the Skulls using clips and active baits. But there is an even easier way - just don't get to the landing point and change it with iDroid and the Skulls just won't appear.

5. Captured Rough Diamonds from Spugmai Fortress

The diamond is here, it's easy to overlook them.

6. Truck driver evacuated

The driver moves between three locations, it will be enough to wait for him at one of them or take a horse and gallop along the main road connecting the three outposts.

Mission 3. The path of a hero

1. Spetsnaz commander eliminated

2. Spetsnaz commander eliminated from a long distance (100 meters or more)

3. Special forces commander evacuated

4. Collected catfish growing in the desert between the village "Shago" and the Spugmay fortress.

This plant grows in a desert plain. It is easy to find if you take a doggie with you as a partner.

Attention! If you collected this plant in the open world mode, then it will not be in the quest and you will have to wait a long time until it spawns again.

5. Captured recycled materials from Shago Village.

Mission 4. Information war

1. The equipment of the eastern point of contact has been found.

2. The equipment of the eastern communication point was destroyed.

3. Rough diamonds were seized from the eastern point of contact.

The diamonds are on the cliff just beyond the eastern point. Their exact location can be found by interrogating Soviet soldiers.

4. The transmitter of the eastern point of contact has been destroyed.

It is located in one of the buildings. It is best to destroy the transmitter using a water pistol

5. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the village of Vialo.

Their location is easy to find out by interrogating Soviet soldiers.

Mission 5. Behind the fence

1. The captured engineer was evacuated.

2. Engineer evacuated with Fulton through a hole in the basement.

The hole isn't that hard to find. He is in the next room. Just put the engineer under the hole and evacuate with a Fulton.

3. A prisoner who was planning to escape from the Wah Sindh barracks was evacuated.

It will be very difficult for inattentive players to find this prisoner, since he took such a place that any sensible person would not even have guessed.

4. An off-road vehicle on patrol has been evacuated.

It is better not to hesitate with this, as he may simply leave the map and not return. He will make his stop at the Wah Sindh barrack.

5. Captured blueprints from Wah Sindh Barracks.

To find out where the blueprints are, it is better to interrogate the soldiers. They are in one of the small houses in the barracks.

Mission 6. Where is the sting hiding?

1. The "Sting" system is captured.

2. The skulls have been eliminated.

For this task, it is better to take the Silent One as a partner and equip her with a Sinful Butterfly. Just divert attention to yourself, and the silence will destroy all targets. You don't even have to waste Sting System ammo.

3. The Sting system has been captured along with the ammunition.

Will be executed provided that you have never fired at the Sting installation

4. Prisoner evacuated, unable to speak.

Quite an embarrassing task. You need to cross the bridge unnoticed and evacuate the Mujahid before he is taken away in a jeep, otherwise he will simply be killed.

5. Two snipers were evacuated from the transit point.

Wait and best of all during the day. You won't be able to find them at night. One sniper will sit on the tower, the other on the scaffolding at the other end of the bridge.


It is better to use the Javelin setup here. If it fires from a conventional gun, the helicopter will have time to fly away before you destroy it.

Mission 7. Blood Copper

1. The company commander from the village of Vialo has been eliminated.

2. A platoon leader from the village of Shago was eliminated.

3. The platoon commander from the Wah Sind barracks was eliminated.

4. The commander was evacuated along with his soldiers (4 in total).

In order not to frantically disassemble which soldiers arrived with the commanders, it is proposed to simply call a helicopter and destroy everyone who was in the village or evacuate. This will work with the previous three tasks as well.

5. Three commanders were evacuated.

Commanders will look different from ordinary soldiers. So you can't mix it up here.

6. The conversation of the three commanders was listened to to the end.

It should be borne in mind that any alarm call will disrupt the script and you will have to reboot to the save point. The conversation will be short-lived, so you won't have to wait long.

7. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gwandai.

Standard task, coordinates can be found out by interrogating soldiers.

Mission 8. Occupation Forces

In this mission, all tasks can be completed in one go, except for the release of the prisoner. Just block the road to the convoy and take turns evacuating all the equipment from the rear.

1. Deployment plans received.

2. The colonel has been liquidated.

3. All tanks are destroyed.

4. The colonel has been evacuated.

5. The colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arriving at the Spugmay fortress.

6. A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Shahra Ye.

7. All tanks were evacuated.

Mission 9. Help and withdrawal

1. The armored vehicle was destroyed.

2. Several combat vehicles and helicopters were liquidated.

3. All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support.

Here it is best to block the road in this place and evacuate all equipment. There will be more than enough time.

All cars go along this road, so be careful, manage to run up from behind to the armored cars and "fulton" them before they run out of patience and they will blow the truck.

4. A weapon transported in a truck has been seized.

5. The armored vehicle was evacuated.

6. 4 soldiers were evacuated looking for an escaped prisoner.

The soldiers are in this canyon, where you will find one of the captives.

7. 6 prisoners were evacuated.

Disembark at the point closest to Lamar Khaate Palace.

Near the landing point, literally ten meters away, there will be the first prisoner.

Then we move very quickly to the prisoner at number two. If you have not spent a lot of time looking for the first prisoner, then you will have time to save the second, since a punitive detachment follows him, which you also need to evacuate to complete another task.

I advise you to release the third prisoner, who is located directly in Lamar Khaate Palace, in one of the punishment cells.

By the time you finish freeing the third, the fourth should appear on the map. He will be transported in a jeep. Its route can be tracked on the iDroid.

The fifth is hidden in the subway in Wakh Sind Barraсks.

The latter lies near the river, at the bottom of the rocks.

8. 3 tanks were evacuated.

The tanks will appear as soon as you steal the secret weapon from the truck. It is best to use decoys here to distract the tanks while you evacuate them.

Mission 10. Aangel with Broken Wings

1. The captured Mujahid Malok was evacuated.

2. The escort armored vehicle was evacuated.

This is best done at a fork. When the convoy is set up and the crew of the armored vehicles say goodbye to the driver, you will have time until the transport leaves and will not notice how you fulton the armored vehicle.

3. 3 prisoners were evacuated from Lomar Haate Palace.

Here you should hurry up and not listen to the driver's conversation. The prisoners are about to be executed and you will have very little time to save them. Their location can be found by interrogating a soldier.

4. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the Yaho Obu supply base.

They can also be found by interrogating a soldier.

5. Overheard the last conversation between the driver and Malak.

Any alarms will break the script chains. The last conversation will take place in the interrogation room, at the base. You can mark targets and wait for them at the base, hiding under the bed.

Mission 11. Surrounded by silence

All four tasks can be completed in one go. Just mark the silent one and invoke the dump of ammunition on her via iDroid. When a little more than 10 meters remains before the load is dropped, look out and provoke her to shoot. While she fires and reloads the bolt, the box has time to fall on her head.

1. The Silent One is eliminated.

2. You have decided what to do with the Silent One.

3. The Silent One is rendered harmless without using lethal weapons against her.

4. The Silent One is neutralized without the use of firearms.

Mission 12. Road to Hell

The main problem lies in completing the mission of rescuing Emmerich. The fact is that no matter how well you hide it, it will still receive damage. Even if, at first glance, he did not receive it. Considering that you will learn about completing the task only after completing the mission, further replaying turns into hell. For this task, it is better to bring a D-Horse with you.

1. Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place.

2. Dr. Emmerich has been evacuated.

3. 3 (three) were evacuated from the central baseWalkerGear.

4. Dr. Emmerich has been evacuated unharmed.

To guarantee the completion of the task, you first need to neutralize all the guards at the base. Then carry Emmerich to the checkpoint. After the cut-scene, press and reboot to the checkpoint, so that Emmerich is already on your shoulders. Then immediately put him on a horse and order it to move away, and run towards Sahelanthropus himself. Then hide and call the helicopter to the far landing point. When Sahelantrom runs towards the landing, change to the nearest landing point and run there. As soon as you arrive, call the horse you put Emmerich on and evacuate him by helicopter.

5. Captured a vertical poster with a photo model from the central base.

6. Captured blueprints from the central base.

The blueprints are in a nearby bunker.

Mission 13. Deep darkness

1. The refinery pump is off.

2. Oily water separator destroyed.

3. Four child soldiers trained in Masa village were evacuated.

You cannot evacuate children without a Fulton child. You will receive it when you defeat Eli at your base.

4. The exit from the danger zone was completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field.

After you blow up the tank, run to the container that is nearby, climb onto it and fulton yourself.

5. A long-eared vulture was caught flying into a burnt village.

6. Evacuated 4WalkerGear blocking the Mfinda field.

Mission 14. Common language

1. Afrikaans translator found.

2. Viscount found.

3. The Viscount is evacuated.

4. According to intelligence, the whereabouts of 4 prisoners have been established.

5. 3 prisoners were evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

6. A container with materials has been evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

It is located next to the main building, where you will also find the explored ones. The container may not appear if you evacuated it to open world... In this case, you will have to wait until she spawns. .

7. The interrogation of all 4 prisoners was listened to.

The problem is that any alarm will cause the script to break and you won't be able to listen to all the conversations. The first three interrogations will not be difficult, just follow the commander and the translator and eavesdrop on conversations. The last interrogation will take place at night in the house.

Mission 15. Traces of ghosts

1. EverythingWalkerGear destroyed.

2. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

3. EverythingWalker Gear evacuated.

4. A foxglove (yellow) has been collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi.

5. A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

The truck will be parked at the edge of the camp near the road .

Mission 16. Caravan of traitors

1. An escort armored vehicle was found.

2. Truck found.

3. The truck has been evacuated.

4. The skulls have been eliminated.

For this, it is best to use the Silent One with the Sinful Butterfly. Just go out into the open and let her shoot all the skulls.


6. An approximate escort route has been established based on the explored ones.

7. All conversations between the truck driver and the soldiers at the outposts and guard posts were listened to.

There will be three conversations. The first one will be near the truck when a convoy of armored vehicles drives up to it. The latter will take place at the Kiziba camp. The best way to accomplish this is to use Emmerich's stealth disguise.

8. 3 soldiers evacuatedZeroRiskSecurity.

Just evacuate any three soldiers of this group, the task will be counted at the end of the mission.

Mission 17. Rescue of the scouts

1. A reconnaissance soldier who fled to the forest north of Kiziba's camp has been evacuated!

2. A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

3. 2 employees evacuatedC.F.A.

4. A prisoner has been evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

5. 4 reconnaissance soldiers of the search group were evacuated.

The search party reinforcements will quickly find the second prisoner, who is hiding in the woods near the Kiziba camp.

6. The truck driver has been evacuated.

Mission 18. Blood ties

1. The former rebel of their army, Mbele, has been eliminated.

2. 5 prisoners in the Kungenga mine were eliminated.

3. The captured child was evacuated.

4. A former rebel from the Mbele army has been evacuated.

5. The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children.

The best way to complete this task is using the child's fulton, which you will receive from Eli in the second fight.

6. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

7. 5 snipers were evacuated near the north-east and south-west guard posts of the Kungenga mine.

It makes no sense to rassusolit for a long time, the problem is not in the destruction of snipers, but in finding them.

8. 3 armored vehicles were evacuated.

Mission 19. On the trail

1. A subordinate of the PMC commander nicknamed "Major" was found.

2. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major", was found.

3. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed “Major is liquidated.

4. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major", was evacuated.

5. Major's subordinate has been evacuated.

6. A prisoner was evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station.

7. The conversation between the PMC commander nicknamed "Major" and his subordinates was listened to.

Just follow the commander and he will lead you to the last meeting point .

Mission 20. VOTES

1. Shabani was evacuated.


You will need a C4 charge to complete the mission successfully.

Upon completion of all the cutscenes, we run up to any remaining intact water tower. We attach a C4 charge to it and wait until "Man on Fire" comes up to a sufficient distance to be doused with water.

We approach it as soon as it goes out. And who would have known how in a sober mind you can guess this - we cause the dump of ammunition on ourselves.

Ideally, Psycho Mantis spins over "Man on Fire" counterclockwise, and the drop of supplies in this particular mission does not have a delay (literally 3-4 seconds) of time. If you did everything correctly, the container will fall exactly on the head of the flying boy.

3. The burning man's attack was repelled.

4. According to intelligence, a path has been established for the western guard post industrial zone Ngumba.

The intelligence is here, and it's also easy to find out by interrogating one of the soldiers.

5. A hyena dog was caught near the western guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba.

The dog is not far from the post across the river. Just walk along the river to the waterfall and turn to the right, there you will come across a dog.

6. Heard a conversation about corpses at Munko Ya Nioka Station.

The goal of the task slightly does not correspond to its name, so you can go into hysterics for a very long time, trying to overhear a conversation between local soldiers from the station. But everything turns out to be much more prosaic ...

Almost at the very beginning of the mission, about 200 meters from the starting point, there is the Munko Ya Nioka station. The most important thing in this additional task is not to raise the alarm, because the script for moving targets can break, which will cause you to go through the mission on a new one.

In the farthest (from us) part of the station, behind the fence, there is a truck. But it will not stand for long. Therefore, from the very beginning, we find the way to the car and lie down in the back.

Our first stop will be near the camp, where the driver will talk to the guard. You can eavesdrop on this conversation without getting out of the body, since the truck will be parked very conveniently for this event. After the end of the conversation, the black man will go to look for some documents, so you can lie further and wait for the next departure.

The second stop will be the last on the trip, but not the last on the task. We approach the second outpost, which is guarded by three mercenaries. A second dialogue will take place with one of them, after which the driver will slowly walk away for a break. He will descend into the foggy territory, which the locals call "the abode of evil spirits." Follow him to the end of his route, and the last conversation will take place near the stone tunnel, which must be listened to.

Mission 21. War economy

1. Arms dealer found.

2. EmployeeC.F.A. discovered.

3. EmployeeC.F.A. liquidated.

4. EmployeeC.F.A. evacuated.

5. The arms dealer has been evacuated.

6. Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the employeeC.F.A.

Quest with broken scripts. This means that any distraction of the scripted goals from their task can break the script, and you will not be able to complete this additional goal!

The mission is long and tedious. Wiretapping with binoculars does not count towards this objective.

After the first conversation in the office, they will go to the nearest hangar. So follow them, but don't go down the street. Lie on the floor and look with binoculars. This conversation can be listened to while lying on the belly.

After a second short conversation in the hangar, the targets will board the truck and head to the second hangar across the airport. We turn back and go through the entire office through and through and exit, on the other side. You need to walk carefully so as not to attract attention, since the slightest suspicion can lead to a breakdown of the script. We lie down and eavesdrop on the third, longest, dialogue.

After three dialogues, they will go back to the office, so we return to the position described in the second paragraph and wait for the last dialogue.


To get the blueprints, you need to shoot down a helicopter and there will be blueprints at the place of its fall.

8. A container with materials from a hangar at Nova Braga airport was evacuated.

The catch is that the containers are under the bunker and the roof prevents them from being evacuated. This quest cannot be completed without exploring the Vengeance Portal. Simply put, you need to pump a Fulton to a teleport, then the containers can be evacuated without hindrance.

Mission 23. White Mamba

1. White Mamba evacuated.

2. A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Masa.

3. White Mamba is evacuated, unable to resist.

There are two options for how to accomplish this task:

Execution at night: Shoot all the children without raising an alarm or catching the eye by any means, preferably with a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. Sneak up unnoticed by the sleeping Eli and gently shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer. It is advisable not to hesitate when approaching, it happened that he woke up from a simple aiming.

Execution at any time of the day: Climb to a convenient place from which the porthole of the ship will be visible, where Eli's head sticks out. He will sit, leaning back in his chair, propping his head with his hands. With long aiming, it can raise the alarm.

Use a silencer and choose the greatest possible distance so as not to frighten off the White Mamba with the sound of a shot.

4. Rough diamonds were seized near the village of Masa.

Interrogate one of the children and he will show you the place where the diamonds are hidden.

5. 20 child soldiers were evacuated.


1. The male engineer has been evacuated.

2. Female engineer evacuated.

3. 6 Nubians were evacuated near the southwestern guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone.

4. 2 off-road vehicles were evacuated.

5. 4 containers were evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka station.

6. An African peach is harvested near Munko Ya Nioka Station.

The location of the peach can be easily found with the help of a dog.

7. A fighting eagle was caught near the Munko Ya Nioka station.

The task is quite simple, since the eagle is not alone, there are many of them flying at the station. To complete the task, it will be enough to put only one to sleep and pick it up.

Mission 25.The faithful hand of the avenger

1. The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated.

2. The child soldier commander has been evacuated.

3. A prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post was evacuated.

The prisoner is here.

4. 12 child soldiers were evacuated.

5. The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by means of transport.

Do not even try to evacuate both targets with a fulton, no matter how hard you try, a wounded prisoner will fall out even from a van with closed doors. So grab the child and the commander and go overland in transport.

6. A foxglove (purple) has been collected at the northeastern guard post of Munk Ya Nioka Station.

The foxglove is here.

Mission 26. Hunting

1. Intelligence has identified the route of the slave trader's escape.

2. The slave trader has been eliminated.

3. The slave trader was eliminated before arriving at the Kiziba camp.

4. The slave trader was evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him.

5. 4 prisoners were evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

6. A striped jackal was caught near the Kiziba camp.

Finding a jackal is a rather difficult task, the easiest way to find it is using a dog as a companion.

Mission 27. Root Cause

1. The reconnaissance unit soldier was evacuated.

2. A reconnaissance soldier was evacuated before he could get hurt.

It is best to take the horse and run towards the road the prisoner will take. You do not have to stop him, when he sees you, he will automatically fall out of the truck cabin and will not be hurt.

3. The danger zone has been abandoned by land.

Mission 28. Code Talker

1. Contact withCodeTalker took place.

2. CodeTalker is evacuated.

3. CodeTalker is evacuated unharmed.

4. The skulls have been eliminated.

5. The skulls were evacuated.

6. An armored vehicle blocking the valley was evacuated.

The armored vehicle will be located behind the bridge. Here it is necessary to take into account that if you avoid the battle with the skulls, then the armored vehicle will not appear. To complete this task, it is imperative to destroy the skulls here.

Mission 29. Metal Archaea

1. The skulls have been eliminated.

2. Code Talker has been evacuated.

3. Quest completed without being captured by a puppet soldier.

You need to complete the mission so that the puppets do not damage you .

4. The skulls were evacuated.

Here you should remember, when you kill all the skulls, you will not have time to pick up all of them, because they will disappear very quickly. It is recommended to first kill three and evacuate them, and then take on the last one.

Mission 30. Skull

1. Contact with the Skull has taken place.

2. Information received from the Skull.

3. Evacuated 4Walker Gear.

All four are located on the territory of the base, it will not be difficult to find them.

4. An audio cassette was found in OKB Zero.

The cassette is in the elevator in which the Skull and Boss will go down. Due to the complexity of the helipad design, this cassette is very easy to miss.

5. 7 red containers were evacuated to OKB Zero.

6. 3 tanks were evacuated to OKB Zero.

Location of all tanks

Mission 31. Sahelanthropus

1. Sahelanthropus destroyed.

2. Sahelanthropus head destroyed.

3. The flying boy is successfully attacked.

Mission 32. Too Much Knowledge

1. CIA agent evacuated.

2. The CIA agent is evacuated before the search party arrives.

3. 4 soldiers of the search group were evacuated.

All 4 soldiers are searching, but sooner or later they will find an agent, so you can just wait until they all arrive at a certain place.

4. Evacuated driver vehicle.

5. 2 prisoners were evacuated from Shago village and Lamar Haate palace.

The location of the prisoners is best known by interrogating the soldiers.

6. A Soviet soldier planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent has been evacuated.

Rather, this is not an attempt, but a deliberate execution. At the beginning of the mission, the CIA agent will be lying in the desert. If you evacuate him immediately, then you will not be able to complete the task. As with eavesdropping missions, the soldiers' movement script can be broken. Once enough time has passed, 4 D-Walkers will find a CIA agent and call for help in the form of a motorist - the agent will be taken to Lamar Khaate Palace. As soon as you come closer to Lamar Khaate Palace, Miller will report on the radio that an unknown transport is approaching you. A masked soldier will emerge from there. He must be evacuated.

Mission 35. Cursed legacy

1. 2 containers were evacuated.

2. The mission was completed by leaving the danger zone in a container evacuated by Fulton.

You need to climb onto the container, press the Fulton button and then hold down E (the button for action) to evacuate.

You need to leave by capturing all the containers.

3. The mission was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of the container.

It is best to neutralize the guards around the container. If there is no security, then there will be no one to notice the loss.

4. The whereabouts of the soldier have been established by intelligence.

5. Squad leader evacuatedZeroRiskSecurity guarding the mansion.

The commander moves inside the mansion, the best way to find him is to interrogate other soldiers.

6. Rough diamonds were found stolen by a raven near the northwest guard post of the Lufra Valley.

It is easy to find out by interrogating the soldiers.

Mission 38. An unusual phenomenon

1. Film container is captured.

The translation does not sound quite right. The film is in a pitcher in the ruins.

2. The Spugmai fortress is captured.

You just need to neutralize all the fighters in the area.

3. The container with the film was captured before the arrival of the reinforcements.

The reinforcements will eat up pretty quickly, so here it is better not to hesitate. As soon as you disembark, take your horse and gallop to the fortress, and with the help of a camouflage device, grab the film.

4. A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmai fortress.

It is easy to get confused here, as there are two eastern posts on the map. The Prisoner is at the north east point (top of the map).

5. A griffon vulture was caught near the Spugmai ruins.

Here you need to catch a bird. The task is very simple, because the bird does not even have to look, they will circle in the sky on the ruins.

Mission 41. War by proxy

1. The assault helicopter is destroyed.

2. 2 tanks were destroyed.

3. 2 armored vehicles are destroyed.

4. The commander of the column armored vehicles was evacuated.

Columns military equipment go from all directions. Don't waste your time destroying them. From the very beginning of the mission, we go to the Nova Braga airport. After some time, the entire military convoy will arrive there, and the event will be closed by a helicopter landing in the middle of the airport. The commander himself will come out of the helicopter. There you can take it.

5. A rough diamond was found with the column commander.

To find out the location of the diamond, it is enough to find it and interrogate the commander. At the first interrogation, he will indicate the location of the diamond.

6. Captured blueprints from an assault helicopter.

To capture the blueprints, you need to shoot down a helicopter, at the place of its fall there will be a box with blueprints.

Mission 45. Silent exit

1. Contact with Silent took place.

2. The Soviet mechanized unit is destroyed.

3. Audio cassette of Silent was received.

4. Seven tanks and 7 armored vehicles were evacuated.

The tactics are simple. At the very beginning of the mission, it will be unrealistic to hide from the enemy, since the combat alarm is already on:

5. The task is completed without prejudice to the Silent One.

Mission 46. Truth: the man who sold the world

1. Eliminated 6 soldiers at the entrance to the hospital.

All 6 soldiers will be in the ceremonial hall.

2. Committed 20 or more hits on a burning person.

Here it is simply enough to shoot him when he is in the ceremonial hall.

In the game, you can hire volunteer specialists who will help you create weapons, equipment and equipment of a higher level. Specialists are unique soldiers, each with unique abilities. You can find them during missions, so it is important to know where each of them is.


This specialist is in the Central Camp. You can find it during the execution of the main mission number 4. Getting him to your base is quite simple - eliminate the specialist's security with the help of tranquilizers. This NPC will allow you to improve your shotguns, as well as create new copies of this type of weapon.

Bionics specialist

You can find this specialist during the fifth mission, in which you need to rescue an engineer. This engineer is the creator of the Big Boss hand and only he knows how to properly maintain its functionality and efficiency. His presence at your base is irreplaceable.

Cybernetics Specialist

You can find this specialist during the ninth mission called "Backup, retreat" (Backup, Backdown). Its position is marked on the map below. He just wanders alone, so clashes with anyone are not expected.

Radar specialist

You can find this specialist during the mission "Red Brass" (Red Brass), in which you will have to take out three commanders. To determine which one is the radar specialist, simply shut them all down and look at the stats.

Electrospinning Specialist

In the ninth mission, you have to deal with armored units, as well as many enemies in a certain area. After destroying two cars, a car with a prisoner will appear. Rescuing him will allow you to acquire a fourth specialist.

In addition, you can get a drug developer, but only after completing the mission.

Transport specialist

This specialist you can find during the tenth mission called "Angel with Broken Wings" (Angel With Broken Wings). He will be located on the second floor, next to the prisoners.

You will have to act extremely quickly, because the best option would be to reconnoiter the area with the help of a dog, after which you can immediately head in the right direction.

Anesthesia specialist

The Anesthesia Specialist can be found in the same room as the Transportation Specialist during the Angel With Broken Wings mission.

You can also find him in the second camp, on the map below for a more accurate location.

Trap Specialist

Finding this specialist is not so difficult. During the 15th mission called "Footprints Of Phantoms", you can find him at these coordinates. We'll have to engage in battle with five enemies.

Electromagnetic Network Specialist

This specialist can be obtained from Da Shago before you release the CIA agent. The specialist's coordinates are on the map below. It is recommended to follow him, from the opposite side of the building, so you will avoid many enemies.

Rocket specialist

You can find this specialist during the 21st mission, called To know Too much. It will be located outside the palace, coordinates below on the map. A night out is recommended, so you minimize the number of enemies.

Video Specialist

You will find this specialist in an abandoned village in Ditadi. He is one of the four hostages. The coordinates are below.

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not quite like its predecessors. So, unlike previous parts, some mobs in most locations move randomly. Therefore, in this walkthrough you will not find step by step guide, which will lead you to success and getting rank S. On the other hand, as in all games in the series (with the exception of Risen), in each episode you are asked to complete 5-7 tasks that affect the level of rank and reward. But what they are, these tasks, you do not know. In the walkthrough at the beginning of each episode, these tasks will be indicated in advance. Therefore, if you do not want to know all of them, then do not rush to study the article thoroughly.

In addition, you will learn how to find all the photos.

How Snake grew and grew old.

Getting started.

Prologue. Awakening

While the credits are running, you can move your eyes. The video is skipped if desired.

3 days after waking up

Nod your head, lift your eyes up. When the doc asks for your name, choose a name. Watch the cut-scene, then select the new face of Snake.

When control passes to you, then crawl to Ishmael, who is standing at the door. Move on until an explosion occurs. Run into the room and lie down on the ground. Follow the corridor avoiding the spotlights. Run over to Ishmael.

In a room with several screens hide behind one of them, closer to the enemy. When the enemy checks the next bunk, quickly crawl over there so that you won't be noticed.

Return to the corridor and freeze. When the enemy is gone, straighten your leg. Go back to the landing and go downstairs. On the floor below, you will see burning steps. Follow Ishmael and get your weapon shortly. The room will start to burn. Aim and shoot the indicated fire extinguisher. Kill the first enemies and move on.

Ishmael will distract the enemy. Shoot him in the head, then move along the balcony without rising and kill other opponents. Even from a distance, you can shoot them in the head and kill them with one shot. If you get noticed, the task will simply become more difficult. After the cut-scene, run away from the burning enemy, jump into the wreckage. While everyone is distracted, run to the exit.

While riding a horse, shoot back from the approaching enemy.

Ocelot (left) and Snake (right) after escaping from the hospital.

Chapter 1. Revenge

Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts established
- Kazuhiro Miller evacuated
- Commander evacuated from Wah Sindh barracks
- The task was completed in secret from the "Skulls"
- Captured Rough Diamonds from Spugmai Fortress

Click on the button to enter iDroid (hereinafter referred to as PDA). The village you need is marked on the map - Gwandai Khar. Close the PDA and open the binoculars. The ocelot will tell you where to direct your gaze. Zoom in and look at everything closely. Request intelligence on Vialo Village. After that, in binocular mode, place a mark on the village of Vialo.

Ride forward towards the village of Vialo. Ocelot will stop you in front of the outpost. Examine it. There are two guards located far apart from each other. Deal with them. The post will be captured. You will receive a reward for this.

Approach the village. Ocelot will prompt you to find a vantage point. You can go to the nearby hills and explore the village through binoculars. Using binoculars, you can mark enemies, vehicles and various objects. Enemies are automatically marked on hover.

Go to the main village building, which has a red flag on it. In order to get into it, find the open blue gate and go upstairs. In the room on the table, examine the intelligence to find out where Kaz is.

Rescuing Kazuhiro Miller.

Now go by horse to the main village of Gwandai. There will be another outpost along the way. You can grab it or get around it. For the capture, an additional reward is given in the form of a part of the emblem. Check the location and mark all enemies. You need to move to the yellow marker. Go into the building from either side and find Kaz on the second floor in the room. Throw Kaz on your shoulders and ride to the place of evacuation. Zombies will appear. Try not to catch their eye. But if this does happen, then just jump away to the new evacuation point.


Instructions on using the Fulton system passed
- Thanks to the evacuation of personnel, the level of the research department has been increased
- Developed a cardboard box; the basic training course has been completed.
- Completed capture briefing
- Completed blow training

Approach Ocelot in front and listen to him. Ocelot will give you the Fulton Evacuation System. This device will help to instantly move captured soldiers. Ocelot will try to convince them to join Snake and his team already at the base. Shoot at the arriving soldier, then approach him and evacuate using the Fulton system.

Open the PDA and select the personnel management section. You will see that the captured employee has been assigned to the research center. Go back and go to the development section. Select weapons and items. Try to create a box. You need to raise the level of the research unit. Close the PDA, go to another soldier and attack him in close combat. Then it should be evacuated.

Hit another soldier and walk up to him. See the percentages above the evacuation icon? This is the likelihood that Fulton will deliver the captured soldier to base. It all depends on whether the soldier is wounded, as well as weather conditions... Evacuate him too. Go back to development and create a box. Request her delivery next to Snake. After a few seconds, the package will arrive. Climb into the box to try it out.

You can go to the next mission, or you can approach Ocelot to test your melee skills. Grab a soldier and press the same button several times to make him lose consciousness. Interrogate the next soldier, neutralize him and evacuate him. Now open the PDA and call the helicopter. To do this, you will need to go to the tasks tab and select a helicopter (rendezvous). Indicate the landing zone and climb into it. Wait a few seconds and the helicopter will fly away.

From the helicopter, you can choose the next mission. Now there will be three missions available at once. Look for them below!

Open the PDA and go to the "Tasks" tab.

The entire Diamond Dogs team is assembled: Kazuhiro Miller (left) and Snake "Big Boss" (right).

Episode 3 - The Hero's Path

Spetsnaz commander eliminated
- Spetsnaz commander eliminated from a long distance (100 m or more)
- Spetsnaz commander evacuated
- Collected catfish that grew in the desert between the village of Shago and the Spugmay fortress
- Captured recycled materials from Shago Village

Choose from two possible landing zones. In this case, a point was chosen to the east of Da Shago Kallai. Then you can choose equipment, etc. Before the very start, specify the time - right away, six in the morning or six in the evening. As you can imagine, it is harder to notice you at night, but you do not see very well either. During the day, the opposite is true. Decide for yourself!

You need to eliminate the commander of the special forces squad. Jump off the helicopter, ride your horse to the indicated point. Inspect the camp using binoculars. Ultimately, the spetsnaz commander must leave the building in front. He is easily identified by his red beret. Mark all enemies and start eliminating them. First, deal with the enemy on the building in front of the outpost, a little to the right. You can eliminate the enemy at the farthest point to the right of the village. At the end of the village there is a tower on which a soldier stands. There is also a tower to the left - eliminate them all.

Then you can either kill the commander, or stun, take out of the building and evacuate. Now leave the area with enemies. When you are in the desert, the horse will stop by itself and the task will be completed. Call the helicopter to the drop-off point, which is marked on the map. Climb into the turntable and wait. Start a new assignment.

Episode 4. Information War

Prepare for the mission and select a landing point (it is one). Based on the mission, you need to find communication equipment. Move to the indicated point. So, you will see the base. Climb to the top of one of the hills and examine the base through binoculars. You should find three satellite dishes. When they are found, the first part of the task will be completed.

Note that you can either destroy the three antennas or find the radio transmitter. The equipment is located in a building with one of the antennas at the top. This building is closest to you. If you want, you can run inside and shoot the radio. Next, leave the hot zone until Ocelot announces the completion of the mission.

Episode 5 - Behind the Fence

Evacuate a prisoner who was planning an escape from the Wah Sindh barracks

The Wah Sindh barracks are very well guarded, but there is one great way to get to the hostage without loss. There are two entrances to the barracks. The first entrance is in front of a high tower with spotlights and soldiers. Behind the tower is the main road to the barracks. Another entrance is located on the opposite side, along the main road with a barrier.

This path is poorly guarded. So, first grab the intelligence from the hut with the guard, and then move to the barracks.

You can go up to the guard station and duck across the road to the watchtower. Climb the stairs and jump from the roof onto the rock next to you. Don't worry, Snake will jump. Go around the rock counterclockwise (to the right) to find a prisoner sitting on the edge. Evacuate him using the Fulton system.

Evacuate a captured engineer

After you pass into the barracks along the path described above, move inward and turn left, to the destroyed building. On the right you will see this building. Find the stairs leading down. A hostage - an engineer - will be hidden in one of the cells. Find him and free him. Without leaving the basement, find a hole in the ceiling. Put the engineer under the hole, then use the Fulton system. This will complete one more task. The ladder is on the left side of the ladder (if you go down).

Evacuate SUV

In a row, do you have the opportunity at this stage to evacuate vehicles with the "Fulton" system. The SUV is located on the lower levels of the location leading to the Wah Sindh Barracks. Where there are soldiers, mortars, towers, etc. If you manage to sneak past a dozen soldiers and quietly evacuate an SUV under their noses, then it's time for you to award the gold medal. If not, then, as it seems, the time has come to frolic in plenty, sitting at the turret in order to shoot all opponents.

Episode 6 - Where is the sting hiding?

Captured by the "Sting" system
- "Skulls" eliminated
- System "Sting" captured along with ammunition
- Captive, unable to speak, evacuated
- Two snipers evacuated from the mountain transit point

Capture the "Sting" system

The nearest landing site is located quite far from the mission target. Be prepared to walk or ride a few kilometers. When you pass into the territory of the fort, then move to the back, where you will find a cave with candles. The tunnel should lead you down. As a result, you will find yourself in a spacious hall with a pond on the floor. Go through the doors on the left side, get to the back room and find the "Sting" system.

Eliminate the Skulls and capture the Sting system with ammunition

When you leave the cave, you will meet the good old Skulls. The best way to defeat these opponents is to use Sting against them. You need to shoot when they are located close to each other. Fortunately, these creatures love to crowd. This will allow you to conserve ammo. Try to save at least one projectile so you don't lose the bonus mission achievement listed above.

You can try to kill enemies with a machine gun and grenades. You just need to always be in motion. The third option: try to escape from the battlefield without using the "Sting". For these purposes, it is advisable to use a horse.

Evacuate the prisoner

The Prisoner is located at the Mountain Relay Base. It is hidden inside the car. He will be transported to the same fortress of Smaseya. Three soldiers will accompany him to the room where the "Sting" is stored (was kept). Remember that as soon as the soldiers bring the prisoner into the room with the "Sting", then after a minute or two they will kill him.

Destroy the helicopter

You will come across a combat helicopter, which will try to block your way to the base. It is unlikely that in your arsenal there will be any weapon suitable for combat with a helicopter. It is best to use the same "Sting" system if you do not want to return another time in order to re-pass the mission and collect all the achievements.

Episode 7 - Blood Copper

Vialo company commander eliminated
- Eliminated the platoon leader from the village of Shago
- Eliminated the platoon commander from the barracks Wah Sindh
- The commander was evacuated along with his soldiers (4 in total)
- Three commanders evacuated
- Listened to the conversation of the three commanders to the end
- 2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gwandai

Destroy or evacuate commanders

The meeting of the commanders will take place in the village of Vialo. In theory, all you have to do is clear the village of enemy patrols. One commander will be here from the start. You can kill him as soon as possible. Or take it out with the Falton. Now wait for the arrival of the other two chiefs. Eliminate or evacuate them. Be careful, as the commanders are always accompanied by ordinary soldiers. It is imperative that you do not trigger the alarm.

And with new system evacuation "Falton" and you will not see that!

The commanders will arrive at the location separately, so you will have time.

Evacuate the commander and his soldiers by transport

Look at the road to see the commander and his friends in the car. The commander put on a red beret. You need to find a way to stop the car, without casualties. For example, you can shoot a car wheel. As soon as their journey is interrupted, then run up and stun everyone who is there. Currently, your Fulton system is unlikely to be upgraded to carry cargo, so just get each soldier out of the vehicle and take turns evacuating with it.

Listen to the conversation of the three commanders until the end.

You need to wait until all three commanders are in the same tent, and then overhear their conversation.

Episode 8 - Occupation Forces

Deployment plans received
- Colonel eliminated
- All tanks are destroyed
- Colonel evacuated
- The colonel and all his tanks were eliminated before arriving at the Smasey fortress
- A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Shahra Ye
- All tanks are evacuated

The assignment consists of two parts. In the village of Shahra Yeh there is a colonel who needs to be eliminated. There you need to find his plans. After that you need to destroy all the tanks.

To perform one of additional tasks enter the first building in the village and free the hostage. Evacuate him.

About the middle of the location on the second floor of a tall building near the mountain there is intelligence. Be careful, because if the alarm is raised, this part of the task will not be possible to complete. The episode can be completed without her, but still. Open the map and see a red area behind the village. Move there so that the colonel in tanks went to the fortress. You must do everything possible to prevent these tanks from reaching their destination.

One of best options- use an airstrike, which you can order through your PDA. Remember that the strike must be ordered at the place where the tanks will arrive in 15-20 seconds. When both tanks are destroyed, the mission ends. Leave the hot zone, after viewing the statistics, call the helicopter and evacuate.

Episode 9 - Help and Retreat

Armored vehicle destroyed

- Armored vehicle evacuated
- Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner
- 6 prisoners evacuated
- Evacuated 3 tanks

Destroy Soviet armored vehicles

It is advisable to improve the shelling by the beginning of this mission. All enemy vehicles that appear on the map will be indicated. Usually there will be no more than two of them. Find a car and move towards it, trying not to get on guard posts. At the very least, they should be ignored, since you have a limited amount of time. Destroy tanks as you see fit: shelling, rocket launcher, mines, explosives, grenades, etc.

You must destroy the tanks quickly, while they are still within the location. If they go away, then you can never destroy them all again. By the way, on assignment, you just need to destroy at least one vehicle. If you destroy five tanks, the objective "Eliminate several combat vehicles" will be completed.

To complete another objective, you must ignore fire support and supply drops. If your Falton system is updated, you can pick up the equipment and transport it to the main base.

Capture a weapon being transported by a truck

At one point, your partner will tell you that a truck with weapons has appeared on the location. Find him on the road or at the Yaho Obu Supply Base.

Evacuate four soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner

You will find a soldier east of point "12" (look closely at the map). Ultimately, all the soldiers will crash in pairs. Use a tranquilizer gun against them. Try to spend as little time as possible.

Evacuate six prisoners

The prisoners are at the Yaho Obu Supply Base. Some of them are inside the enemy transport, which will move around the location. Explore the area with binoculars to find all the hostages and free them.

Episode 10 - Angel with Broken Wings

Captured Mujahid Malak evacuated
- The escort armored vehicle was evacuated
- 3 prisoners evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
- 2 prisoners were evacuated from the Yaho Ob supply base
- Listened to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

Go to the palace and clear the dilapidated building. There are several hostages on the floors, but all of them are not the main target. Free one of them, evacuate, and only after that the task will be updated. Ocelot will inform you that Malak has been taken to another location.

Move up the map to Yaho Obu's supply base. Clear the area of ​​the building. Go inside the fortress and search all the rooms around the perimeter. Red doors will lead to one of the rooms. Go there and take out the hostage. This is the Malak you need. Leave the base, call the helicopter using your PDA, and then move to the evacuation point. Put the hostage in the helicopter, jump in there yourself.

Now take the side quest "Contact with Emmerich". There won't be a new one in the list of main missions! Move to the Yaho Obu supply base (approximately there and disembark). From there, along the map, you should climb up until you find yourself in the ruins of Aabe Shifap. It is worth noting that these ruins are not visible on the map until the moment the mission is taken.

Episode 11 - Surrounded by Silence

Silent liquidated

So, a sniper should shoot at you. This is how the mission begins. You can destroy the Silent One, or you can just get to another part of the location and leave it. Go to the end of the location and the episode ends.

So, if you decide to deal with the Silent One, you can even attack her with a sniper rifle. When she has no lives left, she will move to the middle of the map.

How to neutralize the Silent One without lethal weapons

In order to neutralize the Silent One without firearms and lethal weapons, you need to be cunning. Do you know how to do this? Look for its position with binoculars and mark it on the map. Now call the supply of Snake's supplies to the place where it is.

Another alternative: wait for the Silent One to jump in the water, bathing in the rays of the rainbow. Run up and put her to sleep with tranquilizers.

What to do with it?

You will have to decide what to do with it. Kaz says that she needs to be killed, Ocelot - to be kept alive. By the way, if you leave her alive, then you will have several advantages. Firstly, she will become your companion, and secondly, the storyline associated with the girl will be available to you. Why give up interesting assignments?

If you want to complete all the mission tasks at once, then you will have to catch the Silent One without using lethal and firearms. From time to time the girl "bathes" in the rays of the rainbow. This is your chance!

Kaz didn’t approve of Snake’s decision to bring the Silent One to the main base.

Side quest (with a storyline). Visit to the Silent One

If you decided not to kill the Silent One and took her to your squad, then a task will appear. Ocelot will say that he wants to meet you near the Silent Chamber. Open the card while on the main platform and go to the medical compartment. The map must be opened to place a marker or call a helicopter. This quest in side missions is marked with yellow, as well as "Contact with Emmerich". If you remember, the quest "Contact with Emmerich" was necessary to continue the plot.

Upon arrival at the medical platform, leave the helipad and find the stairs opposite it leading to the basement. Go downstairs and approach Ocelot. Listen to him. The task will be completed. From that moment on, the Silent One can be taken on a mission.

Silent, one of the possible partners of Snake during the passage of missions.

Side quest. Contact with Emmerich

Without it side quest the storyline will not continue.

Move to the indicated Serak power station. You need to quietly get to its end, where there is a red door. If you are noticed, you will have to fight your way through. Until you kill everyone, you will not be able to open the door. Finally, open the door and watch the cut-scene.

Episode 12 - Road to Hell

Contact with Dr. Emmerich took place
- Dr. Emmerich evacuated
- 3 Walker Gear evacuated from the central base
- Dr. Emmerich evacuated unharmed
- Captured a vertical poster with a photo model from the central base
- Captured blueprints from the central base

Go to the huge gate (don't accidentally go back to the red one), kill the two soldiers on the left. You need to climb the iron platform to the right of the gate and scan all the documents. Now you need to move to the camp of the central base in Afghanistan.

Go back, you can clear the location on a new one, or you can jump on a horse and gallop away. Move to the central base. The helicopter will reappear here. And the enemies in general will become stronger. You need to find the place where Emmerich is captured. You can go inside the indicated hangar only if the alarm was not raised, or if ALL opponents were destroyed after the alarm. To destroy the helicopter, you need to capture a mechanical robot. By the way, even robots standing without soldiers are considered enemies. Therefore, they will also need to be destroyed. Only then can you enter the hangar through one of the side doors.

Inside you will find Dr. Emmerich. Grab him and drag him to the evacuation point. Pre-call a helicopter to this place. After the cut-scene, run back and hide from the huge robot. Next, you will need to call a helicopter to another evacuation point, somewhere further away. After that, ride your horse to this point and jump in as soon as possible. Find the machine gun on the right or left and pull it out. Shoot Sahelanthropus to destroy him.

Episode 13 - Deep Darkness

At the main base, call a helicopter and get into it. Choose a new mission. It's time to leave Afghanistan and go on an adventure in Central Africa.

You must destroy oil fields. Move to the oil base. The path will not be close and difficult enough. At the base, you will need to destroy a huge tank and turn off the pumps. First move to the nearest marker. Open the grate and you will see a huge red tank. Throw a grenade in his direction or install explosives (whichever you have available). Then run back. Follow to another yellow marker, go up and enter the room with a blue door. There will be a console panel here. Interact with her to turn off the pumps. After that you will need to leave the danger zone. Mission complete.

Episode 14 - Common Language

Afrikaans translator found
- Viscount Found
- Viscount evacuated
- According to intelligence, the location of 4 prisoners has been established
- 3 prisoners evacuated from Kiziba camp
- Materials container evacuated from Kiziba camp
- Listened to the interrogation of all 4 prisoners

Select a task in your PDA, and then ride a horse to the specified point. You should not call the helicopter. There will be a suitcase here. The cut-scene will start and the episode will begin.

You need to save the Viscount. Move to the point indicated on the map. Inspect everything through binoculars and determine which of all is the translator. Follow the translator without raising an alarm. This is the only way you can go to the hostages, among whom there is the Viscount you need. Ideally, both the translator and the Viscount should be evacuated. Follow the translator. He and another soldier will enter the building. But inside except for them there will be no one. The fact is that the hostage is being brought here. You can go to the meeting to the northeast. Turn on your night vision goggle to see one soldier leading the Viscount. Deal with him and rescue the hostage. Then you can go to the translator in the hut, neutralize him and take him out into the street. The translator can be evacuated from the street.

"Chicken hat" is really a chicken hat!

By the way, you can first evacuate the translator. Ocelot will interrogate him and inform you that the hostage is about to be brought. You can wait, or you can, again, move to the meeting.

Episode 15 - Traces of Ghosts

Select a new mission and move to the indicated point. You can start the task through a helicopter.

Move to the abandoned village. You need to find and destroy (or evacuate) robots. Only four pieces. Try to make your way to the tents to the right of the village. There will be two robots. There will be two more goals even higher. You can use them to destroy soldiers and other robots. When all four targets are destroyed or evacuated, then leave the hot zone.

Episode 16 - Traitors Caravan

Escort armored vehicle found
- Truck found
- Truck evacuated
- "Skulls" eliminated
- Truck driver evacuated
- According to intelligence, an approximate escort route has been established
- Listened to all conversations between truck driver and soldiers at outposts and guard posts
- 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers evacuated

Take the task and move to the indicated point to start the mission. Move to the guard post marked on the map. You have two options. Either you upgrade Fulton so that you can evacuate heavy loads, or you deal with all the security and take out the truck with the right goods outside the danger zone.

So, follow to the post and kill 5-6 guards. You might even make some noise. Find information about the truck inside one of the two dark tents. A specific route is highlighted on the map. Move from the end, which is closer to you. There will be an airport in the middle of the route. Truck, tank and armored personnel carrier are on the territory. One of the options for passing this. Raise the alarm and step back. The vehicle will begin to move along the route. Get in the way of the vehicles, quickly run up to the truck. Skulls will jump out of the truck if everyone stops. Defeat the Skulls. Use the APC and the tank. When the Skull is left alone, it will be quite easy to deal with it. By the way, if the skulls are attacked with a saber, then you can counterattack them. Defeat everyone, get into the truck and take it outside the hot zone.

Episode 17 - Rescuing the Scouts

- A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
- 2 C.F.A. employees evacuated
- Prisoner evacuated from Kiziba camp
- Evacuated 4 soldiers of the search group reinforcement
- Truck driver evacuated

Follow to the nearest point in the middle of the forest. A hostage escaped somewhere here. In the middle of the location, look for the "information" icon. Examine the dropped scout's radio. He himself is located nearby, in the same zone, between stones on the ground. Find him and evacuate. Move to the next point, clear the location. There will be a small yellow area where you need to find the second scout. Find two cells on the location. Made? Not far from them there is a pit with wooden planks that serve as a roof. Go down and find the scout. It will not work to deliver it by a tow truck. Hang down to the horse and jump with the wounded scout outside the hot zone. The mission will be completed.

Episode 18 - Blood Ties

Former Mbele rebel eliminated
- 5 prisoners in the Kungenga mine eliminated
- Captured child evacuated
- Former rebel from the Mbele army evacuated
- The task was completed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 child soldiers
- Assault helicopter destroyed
- Evacuated 5 snipers near the north-east and south-west guard post of the Kungenga mine
- Evacuated 3 armored vehicles

Move to the indicated point to start the mission. You have six goals. All these prisoners must be killed. First, move to the nearest location. At the end of it there will be an ordinary soldier whom you were ordered to kill. Do so, and then move to a new place. Move to the opposite mountain, destroying opponents. Enter the mine through the grate and look for the children. Now you will need to take the children to the place of evacuation. One child is injured and cannot walk, so you will have to carry him around all the time. Kill enemies in advance, and then order the children to walk. By the way, don't forget about the possibility of air support. Put all the children in turn on the helicopter.

Episode 19 - On the Trail

Subordinate of PMC commander nicknamed "Major" found
- PMC commander nicknamed "Major" found
- PMC commander nicknamed "Major" liquidated
- The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major", was evacuated
- Major's subordinate evacuated
- A prisoner was evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station
- Listened to the conversation between the PMC commander nicknamed "Major" and his subordinates

At the main base, call a helicopter and select the next task. First, move to control point... Now inspect the base through binoculars. You need to find the assistant major. He, along with two soldiers, is inside the tent, closer to you. Wait for the assistant to exit, then scan him with binoculars.

Watch out for his car. V a certain moment he will change to another car. After that, you will get to the very place where the meeting will take place. Kill the major and his assistant, or try to evacuate them. If the assistant sees you before arriving at this place, then you will need to destroy the enemy helicopter. True, he appears on the outskirts of the hot zone and flies away from it. It is not known whether it is possible to have time to undermine it at all.

Shabani evacuated

- Attack of a burning man reflected
- According to intelligence, the path to the western guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba has been established
- A hyena dog was caught near the western guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba
- Listened to the conversation about corpses at Munko Ya Nioka Station

Call a helicopter at the main base, then select a mission. When you land, then download to the specified location. The control point is located at a distance of over one and a half kilometers, do not be alarmed.

You will need to go through the train station (this is the name of the place, in fact, it does not look very much like a train station). There will be a lattice ahead. There is a door on the left side. Go through. Move forward on the road that is as close as possible to the indicated place. After passing through another door, you will find yourself in front of a destroyed bridge. Turn right, and when you get to the cliff with a waterfall, then turn left. Get to the huge white building. There is an open door on the left side of it. Go through and find the boy. Watch the cut-scene.

Now you need to neutralize the fiery creature. Get out of the building as quickly as possible, run to the tunnel through which you came here. The tunnel will be destroyed. After that, enter the PDA and call the helicopter at the farthest position from the current one. Follow through the building, which has several blue water tanks. Throw a grenade or shoot the tank next to which the fiery creature will be. By these actions, you will neutralize it. But this is temporary. Since you called the helicopter in advance, you must then have time to jump into it and fly away. Just in case, get the helicopter machine gun and shoot the huge tanks on the street.

Episode 21 - War Economy

Arms dealer discovered
- Employee C.F.A. discovered
- Employee C.F.A. liquidated
- Employee C.F.A. evacuated
- Arms dealer evacuated
- All conversations between the merchant and C.F.A. employees have been listened to.

- Evacuated container with materials from the hangar at Nova Braga airport

Go to the airport. Move to the take-off sites. On the other side, there is a helipad on the roof of the building. The merchant's aircraft will land there. You must track down the merchant, who will go approximately to the middle of the building, to the second floor, where he will meet with the enemy you need. He must be killed. By the way, if you want, you can not wait for the merchant, but immediately get into that building.

Episode 22 - Freeing the Platform

Enemy commander eliminated

Leave the room where the robot is being worked on. Call the helicopter to the nearest platform and select the task. Move left along the second tier, to the control point. Go to the alley and go upstairs until you destroy all opponents. Be careful! Not all stairs lead to the very top of the platform.

Episode 23 - White Mamba

White Mamba evacuated
- A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Masa
- White Mamba evacuated, unable to resist
- Rough diamonds captured near the village of Masa
- 20 child soldiers evacuated

As you can imagine, White Mamba is a boy. You must find him and evacuate him. First, select a mission. After a while, you will find yourself on the spot. Move to the active point. You cannot use a horse. Most importantly, the White Mamba is the leader of the bandit children. Children will attack you, but you cannot kill them. When you find yourself at the desired location, then through the binoculars find the wrecked ship. Move inside the ship.

Africa seems to be famous today for using children as soldiers.

On its back there is a hole through which you can sneak into the hold unnoticed. Climb to the top and meet the White Mamba. Run after him, counterattack. You need to repeat the procedure several times. The boy will sometimes go down to the floor below. Watch the cut-scene. Call a helicopter to the nearest point, and then take Mamba there. Children will not attack.

Episode 24 - Close Contact

Male engineer evacuated
- Female engineer evacuated
- 6 Nubians evacuated near the southwest guard post of the industrial zone of Ngumba
- 2 off-road vehicles were evacuated
- 4 containers were evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Y Nioka Station
- An African peach is harvested near Munko Ya Nioka Station
- A fighting eagle is caught near the Munko Ya Nioka station

Call the helicopter, accept the mission, and select the drop-off point. You need to evacuate two civilians. Run along the marker. You will need to go through the familiar outpost. Clean it up and move to another post. Look through binoculars to see the first hostage in the car. After a while, the car will go back to the wrong outpost that you managed to pass. Return for her and free the hostage. Go back to the post indicated by the yellow marker. Walk a little to the north and you will see the second hostage lying among the stones. Evacuate him, get out of the hot zone and complete the mission.

Episode 25 - The Avenger's Faithful Hand

The chief of staff of militants evacuated
- Child Soldier Commander Evacuated
- A prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station was evacuated
- 12 child soldiers evacuated
- The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by means of transport
- A foxglove (purple) collected at the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station

And again you need to fight with child soldiers. You must find and evacuate their commander, as well as the chief of staff they kidnapped. Decide for yourself who is the first to kidnap. Each time after the abduction, you will need to call a helicopter and run back to put a boy or a wounded hostage who will not survive the flight using the Fulton device. Get into the helicopter when both the necessary characters are on board. It is advisable to transfer one character to the evacuation point, then move after another. When both are in place, then call the helicopter and land both. If you land one, and send the helicopter home, then call him again and land another, then the mission will not be completed.

Open the PDA and go to the "Personnel Management" tab. Click on the top tabs where the red arrow points. Listen to the information. Now you can choose a new mission.

Episode 26 - The Hunt

According to intelligence, the route of escape of the slave trader was determined.
- Slave trader eliminated
- Slave trader eliminated before arriving at Kiziba camp
- The slave trader was evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him
- 4 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
- A striped jackal was caught near the Kiziba camp

Based on the mission, you need to eliminate the slave trader. Open the map and you will see two marked areas. Move to the small circle area. You will come to an abandoned village. Climb higher to the tent, to the left of which is the antenna. There is a table near the tent where you have to scan the information.

If an alarm has been understood, the information can be scanned either when everyone is dead or when the alarm is disabled. The path along which the slave trader is moving will appear on the map. You must try to kill him before he gets to the Kiziba camp. Move approximately to the place where the path of the slave trader leaves to the right. In general, the path on the map is shown in the form of a curved arrow. Here you have to go to the bend. Kill everyone, including the slaver.

Episode 27 - Root Cause

Reconnaissance soldier evacuated
- A soldier of the reconnaissance squad was evacuated before he was able to get hurt
- Dangerous zone left by land

You need to save a soldier of the reconnaissance squad. Clear the first outpost the marker is pointing to. Your fighter is not here. Move to the next mark. As a result, you should be at the top, inside the circle (on the map). A tied scout is lying on the ground in this area. If you mentally divide the circle into four equal parts, then the scout can be found in the first quarter (northwest). Grab the guy and carry him to the helicopter.

Episode 28 - Code Talker

Contact with Code Talker took place
- Code Talker evacuated
- Code Talker evacuated unharmed
- "Skulls" eliminated
- "Skulls" evacuated
- An armored vehicle blocking the Lufwa Valley was evacuated

You need to find an old man living in his mansion and learn about the pathogen. In addition, if necessary, then deliver it to the main base. Walk forward until fog appears. You will need to kill four Skulls with sniper rifles. Skulls don't all aim at the same time. Periodically, one (more precisely, one) of them will jump down. You need to turn in the direction from which the Skull will try to attack, and press the key that is responsible for the blow.

The sniper skull to face on the way to the old mansion Tolker's Code.

After killing one or two Skulls, move a little further. Kill the third and follow even further. By the way, you can try to ignore Skulls by wearing a chicken hat.

Move to the marker and see the mansion. Go around it. At the back, find the entrance to the first floor. Go down to the felling, where there are barrels of wine. Move lower and lower until you open the door behind which the old man is sitting. If the alarm was raised, then first you have to interrupt everyone. Watch the cut-scene.

Grab the old man on your shoulders and go upstairs. Here you will be attacked by zombies. Basically, these enemies are not as scary as the Skulls. You can just throw them to the floor, attack in melee, then grab your grandfather and run as hard as you can. Upstairs, do not forget to call the helicopter in advance.

Episode 29 - Metal Archaea

- "Skulls" eliminated
- Code Talker evacuated
- Quest completed without being captured by a puppet soldier
- "Skulls" evacuated

Choose the next mission. Before starting it, stock up on the most the best weapon... A machine gun and an assault rifle would be appropriate. You will have to fight four skulls. A little about mechanics. When the Skull is covered with stone, you destroy its protective layer. After it, you cut directly the HP of the monster. It's better to focus on one monster. When some monster has a machine gun, you better run. By the way, you can break away from the monsters among the buildings to the right or to the left. By doing this, you can summon an additional weapon when you run out of ammo. If all four Skulls are dead, then go to the grandfather, pick him up and take him to a new landing site. And further. The stones fly "homing", so until they fly past you, it is better to move around the field.

Episode 30 - Skull

Skull contacted
- Information received from the Skull
- 4 Walker Gears evacuated
- An audio cassette was found in OKB "Zero"
- 7 red containers evacuated from OKB "Zero"
- 3 tanks evacuated from OKB "Zero"

Watch a series of videos, then, as usual, select the thirtieth mission in a row. The goal of the mission, as never before, is the simplest: to take revenge on the Skull. Move through the fog and find yourself near the Skull base.

Your worst enemy, Scull.

You need to go through several locations before you can take revenge on the villain. Move to the end of the map, enter the large mine. There is a metal staircase in the far right corner. Climb along it to the very top, where the Skull is waiting for you. Follow the Skull, and when you are downstairs, get into the car. Watch a lengthy cut-scene.

Episode 31 - Sahelanthropus

Sahelanthropus destroyed
- Sahelanthropus' head destroyed
- The flying boy is successfully attacked

Go down the road, shooting back from Sahelanthropus. With ordinary weapons, you will kill him for a long time and tediously. Below there is something like "Katyusha" and a tank. Use them to inflict enough damage on the enemy. Shoot continuously and best of all from the Katyusha. If the robot is rapidly running in your direction, then leave from there. You wash your way between his legs. The fact is that one flamethrower salvo can destroy your transport. Around the moment when the robot has less than half of its HP, all the air will turn red. If you do not attack the enemy at this moment, then he will incinerate ALL transport in the location. The transport will turn red, but it will not be possible to use it. By the way, take a machine gun and a rocket launcher with you. If you manage to attack the robot at this moment, then it will not spoil the entire transport. The robot will attack fatally on the last HP reserves. He will jump up the hill and sit down. An electrical capacity will appear on the shoulder. He will start aiming, showing the direction with two red beams. Run behind the rocks. With one hit, the robot can send you to the next world. Carefully shoot him from behind the rock. Watch the final cut-scene.

Chapter 2. Race

Episode 32. Too Much Knowledge

CIA agent evacuated
- CIA agent evacuated before search party arrives
- 4 soldiers of the search group evacuated
- Evacuated vehicle driver
- 2 prisoners evacuated from Shago village and Lamar Haate palace
- Evacuated a Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent

Select a helicopter mission. Arriving at the place, follow to the indicated point. Along the way, you can capture an outpost consisting of six mercenaries. At the marker, you will meet with four Walker Gears. You can destroy them, or you can wait for them to leave. The hostage, a CIA agent, is lying near the rocks, in the grass. Evacuate him and return to the base.

Side quest (with a storyline). Eli's trial

Another side task, but with a plot. In one of your missions, you kidnapped a child soldier commander named Eli. After completing the main plot and completing the mission "Too Much Knowledge". You can use your hand with the stun skill as a weapon. Run up and hit the boy until he is ultimately stunned.

Episode 33. Information War (Autonomy)

Equipment of the eastern communication point found
- Equipment of the eastern point of contact destroyed
- Rough diamonds captured near the eastern point of contact
- Transmitter of the eastern point of contact destroyed
- 2 prisoners evacuated from the village of Vialo
- A container with materials was removed from the eastern point of contact

This episode is different from the same, but in storyline, only by the fact that the hat of the chicken is not available to you, and all weapons and items are obtained on the spot. Dropping supplies, landing a partner, support helicopter and fire support are not available. Maximum level difficulties. You need to do everything the same as before. Find a radio station and destroy it.

Episode 34. Help and Retreat (Extreme)

Armored vehicle destroyed
- Eliminated several combat vehicles or helicopters
- All armored vehicles are destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support
- Seized a weapon being transported by a truck
- Armored vehicle evacuated
- Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner
- 6 prisoners evacuated
- Evacuated 3 tanks

This episode differs from the same, but in the storyline, only in that the chicken hat is not available to you.

Side quest (with a storyline). AI capsule evacuation

You need to go to the central base in Afghanistan and evacuate the AI ​​capsule. Information from it can confirm suspicions about Emmerich.

Go to the place. Either kill all the enemies, or carefully sneak into the building, similar to where you found Emmerich. If the alarm was raised, then in order to get inside the building, you will need to kill everyone. Inside you will find a computer with red lights. Activate the capsule. Now you can leave the coverage area.

Side quest (with a storyline). Capturing the remains of a burning man

The task becomes available after the previous one. additional mission... You need to find the remains of a burning man. There seem to be few buildings on the base, but finding the body of a burning person is difficult. More precisely, it is located in plain sight. But it is not so easy to notice it. Go to the territory of the base. There are several rooms on the right and left, but you don't need them. There is a playground in the center. In the far right corner of it, the corpse of a burning man is lying on the mat. Click on the button to evacuate him. Watch the cut-scene.

Episode 35. Cursed Inheritance

2 containers evacuated
- The mission is completed by leaving the danger zone on a container evacuated using the Fulton system
- The task was completed so that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
- According to intelligence, the location of the soldier has been established
- The commander of the Zero Risk Security squad guarding the mansion was evacuated
- Found rough diamonds stolen by a raven near the northwest guard post of Lufwa Valley

Further episodes will not be described one by one. If any episode is missing in a row, it means that it repeats one of the story levels, with slight complications. And so in this episode you can complete the task of the old Code Talker.

Move forward across the bridge to the old man's mansion. Serious guys guard it. Among the soldiers there are armored targets, which are not so easy to kill. There is no point in killing everyone. You must lure one of them out and interrogate. They need to know where the containers are hidden. If this is not done, you will wander through the jungle for a long time and tediously.

Inside the house on the ground floor there is information on the table. Sneak there unnoticed and study it. You will find out the location of the two containers. Move there. If you have interrogated the soldiers in the mansion, they will show you how many guards are around the containers. Try to be secretive.

After you send the first container to the base, the countdown will begin until the helicopters appear. Nothing complicated if you don't make a fuss. Next, get out of the coverage area and fly away by helicopter. By the way, if the wooden bridge between the plots of land with containers was blown up, then look for a detour. He is there.

Side quest (storyline). Runaway Children Search 01

Important! Complete at least one episode available (the one that repeats the plot, but with special conditions). For example, episode 34. Only after that the next storyline task will be available.

Get into the helicopter and take the task. Move to the base. The task is easy if done correctly. Get down from the cliff down. Climb over the fence near the building where the child is. You can send the Silent One on reconnaissance to find out the location of all enemies and the child. There will be boxes near the fence, which will help you get over it.

Walk around the building counterclockwise. Keep an eye on the flying helicopter at all times. Do not go to the door, which is guarded by a soldier. Stand at the other, inactive door. Now wait until two soldiers enter the room to the child. They will do it in turn, with a pause of 30-40 seconds. After that, wait for the helicopter to fly over Snake's head, run to the door and stun the soldier. Immediately go inside the room and stun the other two. Without relaxing, run back out into the street, pick up the first soldier and bring him into the room. Here it is advisable to kill three stunned soldiers from weapons with a silencer. After that, grab the child and run away from the base. There is a car behind this building, a little closer to the exit. You can drive off in an SUV. Now, if you leave the hot zone, the task will be completed automatically and the boy will disappear. Bug? If you don't want to, then call the helicopter to the nearest evacuation point.

Side quest (storyline). Runaway Children Search 02

Move to the Code Tolker mansion. You must find the boy. You can interrogate several soldiers until one of them points out the location of the child. Move there. It is best to clean out the house beforehand. Fortunately, there are no fully armored soldiers here. After that, pick it up and take it out (take it out) outside the hot zone. The boy will be automatically taken away.

Episode 40. An Unusual Phenomenon

Film container seized
- Fortress Spugmay captured
- The container with the film was captured before the arrival of the reinforcements
- A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmay fortress
- Griffon Vulture caught near the ruins of Spugmai

Take the task and find yourself on the spot. Move to the fortress and clear it from enemies. You can make some noise. Next comes the most difficult stage. Open your PDA and go to the "Tasks" tab. On the right, there should be a description of the current mission. Below the description there is a list of goals, and even below the photo is loaded. At the very beginning, the photo will be blurry. It will be difficult to understand from it where the cache is located. After a while, Ocelot will report that he has restored the photo. Reopen it and you will see a clear image. You need to go through the ruins of the fortress to the southern part of them. You came here from the north, so go to the end of the ruins. There are several small ruined columns here. On the side of one of them is a small container with a film. Take it and leave the hot zone.

Side quest (storyline). Runaway Children Search 03

You will find yourself at the location where you met the Silent One. From now on, you MUST modify the Fulton device to the “Children” item. This requires R&D and Support to be level 24. Difficult, but possible.

Side quest (storyline). Search for Runaway Children 04

Move to the destroyed building and clear it. Find a large communication car with a huge radar on the street near the building. Destroy the radar to prevent opponents from calling for reinforcements. After that, enter the building in the place where this radar is located, and immediately go up the stairs two flights (to the third floor). Go to another part of the building. You will see that the floor here is destroyed, but it can be bypassed by narrow slabs. Move forward until you find the boy. You can send the Silent One on reconnaissance. Section "tasks", select the help of a partner and the line "Espionage". Take the boy and walk back just as carefully. Call a helicopter and put the boy on it.

Side quest (storyline). Search for Runaway Children 05

Go on a mission. You will find yourself in caves inside the cliff. The Silent One can scout the area and find zombie enemies, as well as a child. You need to get inside the cave and find a passage to the part where there is a small reservoir. From here there is a narrow tunnel leading upward. On this tier, look for the boy. By the way, if you stand opposite the entrance to the cave, then a camp will be deployed here. There is a building near the right rock with a small antenna. Just above this antenna, on a large ledge, there are both monsters and a child. Evacuate the kid by helicopter.

Episode 41. War by Proxy

Assault helicopter destroyed
- 2 tanks destroyed
- Destroyed 2 armored vehicles
- 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles were evacuated
- The commander of the armored vehicle column was evacuated
- A rough diamond was found at the commander of the column
- Captured blueprints from an assault helicopter

This episode becomes available after what was passed above. You must destroy the enemy army. Ocelot will tell you that their commander is a very experienced fighter, who should not be underestimated.

But nothing particularly difficult awaits you. Use shelling and a rocket launcher to destroy moving enemy vehicles. You don't have to destroy it on the go. You can wait for her to arrive and fire. At the end of the mission, when all the equipment is destroyed, an assault helicopter will fly to the location. Destroy it. You can call a support helicopter, or you can hide inside the tent, run around it and shoot at the helicopter. Do not forget that at any time you can make requests for ammunition.

Episode 40. Surrounded by Silence (Extreme)

Silent liquidated
- You have decided what to do with the Silent One
- The Silent One is rendered harmless without using lethal weapons against her
- The Silent One is neutralized without the use of firearms

Since the rest of the side story missions are currently unavailable, then go through this task again. All that makes it different from the episode of the main plot is that you cannot use a chicken hat. Well, all shots are fatal. Play during the day to keep the Silent One distracted by the rainbow. At the end of the mission, you will again be asked to decide - to kill the Silent One or to spare.

Episode 36. Traces of Ghosts (Invisible)

All Walker Gear destroyed
- 2 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
- All Walker Gears evacuated
- A foxglove (yellow) was collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi
- A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi

The episode is similar to the plot, but with one essential condition: you should not be noticed. Silent, shelling, etc. can be used in the same way as before. The main thing is that the enemies do not notice Snake. And even then, if Snake is still noticed, it will take a few seconds to destroy the enemy by grabbing him.

So, you can bombard the village with air strikes and that's it. The Silent One can examine the village for enemies and robots that need to be destroyed.

After completing this task, Ocelot will emphasize that the enemies have ordered new Walker Gears. There will also be a new side episode with a plot.

Episode 43. Everlasting Light

Message sender found
- Infected eliminated

You need to find out the truth about the new disease. And again there is an epidemic on the platform. After landing, move to the indicated point. Ocelot will contact you again. Loading will take place. You will find yourself in the infected compartment. The atmosphere is somewhat reminiscent of Dead space, agree. Go into the corridors and climb to the very top until you have to open the doors. Watch the cut-scene.

Kazuhiro Miller, Big Boss's right hand man.

Episode 39. Behind the Fence (Invisible)

Captive engineer evacuated
- Engineer evacuated with Fulton through a hole in the basement ceiling
- A prisoner who was planning to escape from the Wah Sindh barracks was evacuated
- An off-road vehicle patrolling between outposts evacuated
- Captured blueprints from Wah Sindh Barracks

In this episode, you need to remain inconspicuous. You can fire the entire location up and down with a helicopter. Use shelling for this. In addition, the Silent One will help you find out the location of all enemies and the main target. However, you have already passed such an episode and you know that the captive engineer is hidden in the basement.

After the end of the episode, Miller will talk about the cause of the epidemic.

Episode 44. Deep Darkness (Invisible Man)

Oil transfer pump off
- Oily water separator destroyed
- 4 child soldiers trained in Masa village evacuated
- Leaving the danger zone completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field
- An African eared vulture was caught flying into a burnt village
- Evacuated 4 Walker Gears blocking the Mfinda field

Everything is the same as in story mission, you just need to remain invisible. Remember the main thing: in such missions, shelling and the Silent One come to the rescue.

And at the main base there is a riot. Everyone learned that Emmerich was involved in the ongoing epidemic.

Episode 46. Truth: The Man Who Sold the World

The task was completed without using rapid
- The task is completed in such a way that the burning man will never be able to attack after meeting with Ocelot

In this mission, everything is the same as in the prologue. For its completion, you will receive a huge reward and see something new.

Photos with memories

The game has several missions related to the evacuation of some soldiers as part of side quests. So, you have to just evacuate the soldier, and not kill him. In total, there are 10 photographs with memories that are given for this or that soldier. The groove is on the first deck of the medical platform. You must take the photo from him each time to continue this line. You can only take one photo from her and watch one video each time.

Walkthrough Tips:

You cannot visit the Paz until you have developed the first section of the medical platform, which will unlock these side quests.
- All side missions must be completed in numerical order, from 51 to 60 missions.

Each of the soldiers is very vigilant. He will try to escape if you become the source of any noise. You should definitely use stealth while sneaking up on every soldier, so make sure you complete all the training. Partner D-Dog will help you find all targets.

D-Dog, a tough wolf, is one of Snake's potential partners.

- Complete missions at night, because it will be harder to notice you.
- Choose as equipment sniper rifle with tranquilizers and move towards the goal. Try to hit the enemy's head. If you miss, the enemy will throw a grenade and hide. You will have to find the target again and try to hit it in the head again.
- Remember that your friend is a cardboard box. She will help you get close to the desired soldier as close as possible.

How to get photos with memories

1. Miller and Paz: Side Mission 51.
2. Professor Galvez: Side Mission 52.
3. Swimsuit Groove: Side Mission 53.
4. Nuclear weapons: side mission 54.
5. Fishing: side mission 55.
6. Gallo Pinto: side mission 56.
7. Birthday Party: Side Mission 57.
8. Costa Rica: side mission 58.
9. Chico: side mission 59.
10. Football: side mission 60.

And one more photo becomes available after you have collected all 10 previous pictures... It's called "Butterfly". You can find her outside the room, on the wall. For this you will receive a piece of the emblem.

And now for more details.

Side Mission 51

Location: Southeast region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 06.

Reward: 30,000 GMP.

Notes: You will find this soldier on the hill northeast of the eastern communications post.

Side Mission 52

Location: Southwest region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Beat Mission 08 and side mission 51.

Reward: 60,000 GMP.

Notes: You will find this soldier southwest of Da Shago Kallai Village, but be careful as he will use a smoke grenade if he spots you.

Side Mission 53

Location: Northern region of Africa.

Requirements: Beat Mission 16 and Side Mission 52.

Reward: 80,000 GMP.

Notes: This guy is east of Bwala Ya Mas. If he sees you, he will use a sleep grenade.

Side Mission 54

Location: Southern region of Africa.

Requirements: Beat Mission 20 and Side Mission 53.

Reward: 90,000 GMP.

Notes: This guy is west of Nova Braga Airport. If he sees you, he will use a stun grenade.

Side Mission 55

Location: Northeastern region of Africa.

Requirements: Beat Mission 23 and Side Mission 54.

Reward: 100,000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is inside the Kungenga mine. It has a shield on its back. He will throw a stun grenade if he spots you.

Side Mission 56

Location: Southeast Africa.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 31 and side mission 55.

Reward: 120,000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is located east of Munoko Ya Nioka Station. Catching him is pretty difficult. He has a disguise device. He will use it all the time, so follow there at night and use a night vision goggle.

Side Mission 57

Location: Western region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Complete Beat Mission 31 and side mission 56.

Reward: 140,000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is standing under the bridge south of Obu's supply base. He is armed with smoke grenades and a camouflage device.

Side Mission 58

Location: Eastern region of Africa.

Requirements: Beat Mission 35 and Side Mission 57.

Reward: 180,000 GMP.

Notes: Explore the southern part of the Lufwa Valley. If this soldier spots you, he will use sleep grenades and a cloaking device.

Side Mission 59

Location: Eastern region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Beat Mission 38 and Side Mission 58.

Reward: 200,000 GMP.

Notes: The soldier is at the top of the hill east of Shahr Ye. He has a cloaking device and stun grenades.

Side Mission 60

Location: Northwest region of Afghanistan.

Requirements: Beat Mission 38 and Side Mission 59.

Reward: 300,000 GMP.

Notes: This soldier is in the ruins of Aabe Shifap. He has a cloaking device and stun grenades.

Enough big game, and therefore it is not surprising that its developers have not forgotten about Easter eggs.

A reference to Silent Hills

V MGS 5: The Phantom pain there is a small reference to the canceled Silent Hills, or rather to her interactive teaser P.T.... Search the nearby tents thoroughly during the twentieth mission. In one of them, a cassette is hidden, which contains infa about mystical murders. This is a reference to the interactive teaser. P.T..

Ground Zeroes poster on the wall

At the very beginning of the game, when Snake secretly moves around the hospital, a poster with the image and logo of Kojima Productions can be seen in one of the corridors on the wall.

White lilies from the past

At the beginning of the game, when Snake just opens his eyes, he sees a nurse in front of him, and next to her is a vase with white lilies. It would seem that there is nothing unusual, but these lilies (the star of Bethlehem) are known to the protagonist for sad events. The point is that in Metal gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Snake killed the Boss girl in the Star of Bethlehem lily field.

Trained Ocelot

If you shoot a tranquilizer at Ocelot at the main base, he will not pass out, but will begin to indistinctly tell us that he can resist drugs. He will also solve the wrong equations and sing songs.

Silent Temptress

If you look at the Silent One for a long time while she and Snake are in the helicopter, our beauty will begin to wriggle, change positions and eventually come close to BB, bend over and look at him with a grin. In this case, all parts of Quiet's body will be maximally open for viewing.

Little Otacon

In the twelfth episode, we will begin to talk about Hugh Emmerich - the father of Otacon. It is noteworthy that at the end of the assignment you can see a photo showing little Otacon with his dad.

Johnny Sasaki and his toilet adventures

Johnny Sasaki famous character MGS, remembered by the public for his troubled stomach. Johnny himself is not in the game, but there is an audio recording "Recorded in the Toilet" in which we hear good old Sasaki.

Birthday only once a year

Even Snake has a birthday. However, you set it yourself at the beginning of the game when you set up your character. If your birthday coincides with the day you play, MGS 5 there will be a real holiday. You will be asked to arrive at the main base, where a surprise awaits Snake - fireworks, friends and, of course, cake. Very cute and funny Easter egg Metal Gear Solid 5: The phantom Pain.

Paaaaaaaz! Are you alive

After completing one of the missions of the game, Paz, familiar from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes... It can be found on the main honey. platform on the top floor. There will be a door that is highlighted in blue. Enter there and you will see a very touching cutscene in which Groove will be shown. You can come to her sometimes. Each time she will tell something new.

The dog and the Foxhound logo

When Snake tames the dog (or wolf) Diamond Dog, he can be taken with him on missions. In addition, the dog can be customized by changing it appearance... One of the available colors is brown-orange. If you choose this color, the dog is very similar to the one on the Foxhound logo.

Reflection avatar

After you create an avatar, its appearance will not be available to you. But while Snake is in the helicopter, if you look closely at the reflection, you can see the very face that you created at the beginning of the game. Note that reflection is not immediately available.

A song from the past

When the Silent One is put in a cage, she will begin to behave very defiantly there - to sunbathe without a bra. But the point is not in this, but in the fact that with each subsequent visit to the camera, the song that plays in this location will change. One of the songs is "Snake Eater" (MGS3) by Cynthia Harrell. Note that the developers shouldn't have added this song to this game.

A moment from the future

During the execution of the 46th episode, we will be shown a video in which Snake breaks the mirror. Note the skull on the left. Doesn't it look like anything? That's right, this is the Outer Heaven logo that Snake will encounter in 1990. In order not to dispel all the intrigue and spoil your impressions, we will not talk further about this moment. If you are a dedicated fan of the series, you will understand.

Head box

On the main meringue, near the planting zone, there is a small place in which there is a sign with a man depicted on it and a box falling on him. If you get closer there and stand for a while, a box will fall on Snake, after which "Bam!" Will happen.

Offended soldiers

If you do not enter the game for more than a week, your subordinates will be offended, thinking that Snake has forgotten about them. However, it is very easy to change everything in the other direction, complete a couple of missions, and they will believe in you again.

Kojima is a character in the game

In one of the missions, when you are asked to save a valuable employee, you will meet Hideo Kojima himself, the game's designer. It is noteworthy that Kojima is this employee.

Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
Mission 12: Road to Hell
Mission 13: Deep Darkness
Mission 15: Traces of Ghosts
Mission 16: Caravan of traitors Mission 17: Rescue of the scouts
Mission 18: Blood Ties
Mission 19: On the Trail
Mission 20: Voices
Mission 21: War Economy
Mission 22: Freeing the Platform
Mission 23: White Mamba
Mission 24: Close Contact
Mission 25: The Avenger's Faithful Hand
Mission 26: The Hunt
Mission 27: Root Cause
Mission 28: Code Talker
Mission 29: Metal Archaea
Mission 30: Skull
Mission 31: Sahelanthropus
Mission 32: Too Much Knowledge
Mission 33: [Autonomy] Information Warfare
Mission 34: [Extreme] Help and Retreat

The main task:

  • Track down an Afrikaans interrogator at the Kiziba camp and rescue the Viscount British prisoner.

Staff with skills:

  • Translator (Afrikaans)
  • Zoologist
  • Materials scientist


  • Stun grenade

Additional tasks:

After you disembark from the helicopter, the destination will be marked with a yellow marker on the map. If, without wasting time, move to this place, then on the spot through binoculars you will notice how the soldier leads the prisoner to the two waiting soldiers - this is the commander and the translator. One of them will be wearing a red beret - this is the Afrikaans translator. If you want to complete only this additional task, then put the entire military group to sleep and evacuate the translator.

The Viscount is a British prisoner to be found. The Viscount, guarded by a military man, is located northeast of the Kiziba camp on the plain. There are two ways to find its location:

  • find intelligence in the Kiziba camp, after which its location will be marked on the map with a yellow marker, all you have to do is proceed to the specified location.
  • interrogate soldiers in the Kiziba camp who will tell about his whereabouts. The path is very long, so it is better to use the first method.

3. The Viscount is evacuated.

After you find the Viscount, simply evacuate him with a fulton or put him on a helicopter at the evacuation point.

The intelligence is in a large barn near the cages where the captives are kept. In it you will notice communication equipment, in the corner a tape recorder and a Stun Grenade blueprint. After you study the intelligence on the map, they will mark the route and location of the prisoners.

As you understood from the description of the task, there are three prisoners in the Kiziba camp that you need to evacuate. The difficulty of this task is that you cannot raise the alarm, as they will be shot. And the evacuation can be carried out only after interrogation by the commander, tk. if they notice the loss of a prisoner before interrogation, then the rest of the prisoners will also be shot. As soon as you disembark from the helicopter and arrive at the first destination, you will see that the prisoner will be taken to the Kiziba camp, and the commander and translator headed along the road to the western exit of the Kiziba camp. So:

  • The first prisoner is in the barn at the western exit of the Kiziba camp. Follow the commander and the translator, they will lead you to this prisoner. Wait for interrogation and after both soldiers leave in an off-road vehicle, stun the guard and evacuate the prisoner.

  • The second and third captives are in the Kiziba camp near the cages that are near the intelligence barn. After you evacuate the first prisoner, immediately move to this place. Wait until the commander and the interpreter, having interrogated the prisoners, leave the sight, then stun the guards and evacuate both prisoners.

The description of this task can be misleading, since it seems that one container with materials is required to be evacuated. In fact, it is necessary to evacuate all containers located in the Kiziba camp. There are only four of them:

  • two near the intelligence shed.

  • two not far from the house where the Viscount will be interrogated.

To be able to listen to all interrogations, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Start the mission only during the day, because at night the interpreter and the commander of the interrogations of the three prisoners, with the exception of the Viscount, will not be satisfied.
  • If you started the mission after 16:00, then the translator and commander will also not interrogate the three prisoners.
  • When performing this task, do not try to attack the commander and the interpreter, as this will lead to the death of the prisoners and the impossibility of listening to their interrogations.
  • During interrogation, do not try to find yourself or frighten off the commander and the translator, because the interrogation will be terminated, and the latter will disgracefully flee and will not return to interrogation, and you will only have to start the mission anew.

How to listen to the interrogations of the first three prisoners is described in problem no. 5. With the interrogation of the Viscount (the last prisoner), everything is somewhat more complicated. Start the mission at 06 o'clock. It will be a little more difficult, but you will have plenty of time to listen to all the conversations. After listening to three conversations, return to the house on the hill and quietly clear the area from the patrolling soldiers. A little lower is the house where the last interrogation of the Viscount will take place, but it will only take place at 22-23 in the morning. Smoke a cigarette or just wait for interrogation. At night, the Viscount is escorted into this house from the north of the Kiziba camp, and at the same time the commander and translator will enter the house. Hide outside the window and listen to the interrogation.

Video walkthrough to rank "S" with the completion of additional tasks №1,2,3,4,5: