How to find a city in "Majcraft": a description of all possible methods

The number of players in minecraft is constantly increasing, so official and amateur servers are forced all the time to adapt to the needs of gamers. Opportunities for players are constantly expanding and playing much more comfortable. For example, now so as not to run great amount Blocks from the city of NPS to their home can be built portal by which the player is transferred to the right place in an instant. There is a lot of information on the network, screenshots and videos on this topic. Consider how you can create a portal in the city.

Construction of the portal in the city

So, you decided to build a special pass to the minecraft, with which you can quickly fall into the city. First of all, it will be necessary to find a settlement or build it on the map. In the event that you will look for a settlement, then go to the card, compass and the provincial, since it is possible to wander very long.

To be game Map There was a city or settlement in the key of the generator of the world enter Kedengkedeng. There is also an option: in the place allocated to the construction of the settlement you need to split several special brown eggs, from which residents appear (than them are more, the extensive city). For the game day, the residents received will be able to build a settlement in which you can already build a portal. Look at the process of creating on video.

In order to build a passage for teleportation, you will need fourteen obsidian blocks that can only be obtained by finding the field of standing lava and the bay of its water in the dungeons. It is very easy to find the water, so it will not be a problem. It will be necessary to carry it in buckets, which can be made of 3 iron ingots. Obsidian itself is mined only with diamond pickles.

When will be mined, the smallest, 10 obsidian blocks, you need to get out of the ground and get to the settlement. From blocks to do, in the place allotted for construction, the portal frame.

Run pass

Now the portal is almost completed and it remains to be activated only. It is best to do this with a fire, collected from one silicon and an iron ore ingot. After activating the passage for teleportation, the internal space of the frame will acquire a purple glow. Now the portal can be used by performing the following actions:

  1. Return to your dwelling and create exactly the same design.
  2. Go to the portal and wait a few seconds. So you can get to hell (it is necessary to surround the output from the portal with a special strengthening to protect yourself from the attack of mobs immediately after teleportation).
  3. After that, you need to leave the passage and log in to it, and you will not find yourself in the place where I went to hell, and in the first passage you created in the city.

There is another option for the construction of a passage to the city. In the center of the settlement or city, it has 4 blocks from the ground and put the resulting pit with one type of stone, and instead of remote blocks put the stones of another kind. If you do everything only with stones of one species, then there will be no passage for teleportation.

It is clear to teleport from the city to another place will be needed not only input, but also exit from the portal. It is necessary to find a suitable place outside the city boundaries or in another settlement and create a similar passage there.

How to run a passage for teleportation

To activate the portal made, you will need to take hours, bring them to the bottom blocks of the created passage and click on it right mouse button. In the event that everything is done correctly, the water is poured and fill the entire input. After that, move to the previously built passage and repeat the procedure.

Now you have a portal with which you can move the desired place in one click. And be sure to strengthen the output from the portal so as not to be attacked immediately after moving.

In this article you will learn: how to build a portal in the city.

Briefly about the city

If you are interested in building a portal in the game Minecraft, then most likely you already know where to find or how to build a city. In a nutshell, I will remind you: in order to build up the city yourself, you will need Spaun-Yaitsa peaceful residentsThat you will need to spread in the selected place, after some past number of time, the city will be built and populated. A simpler way - finding an already created settlement, for this it will be necessary to just wander around the map.

Construction of the portal in the city

Let's start with what the portal is needed. Naturally, for rapid movement, that is, teleportation. Choose 4 blocks in the ground in the middle of the city, put the blocks of any stone instead, and there are still stones around this site, but already another breed. If you do a portal from one type of stone, it will not work. Of course, teleportation will not happen if only one portal is on the map. Therefore, choose a suitable place and spend the same procedure. It will be output from the portal.

Activation of the portal

Since we do not use fashion, we will need hours to activate. Take them and right-click on the lower blocks of the portal. If everything is done correctly, you will notice how water began to flow within it, with the times the filling input. Next, you must move to the earlier second portal made and do the same. Now you can move to different sections in seconds. Do not forget to strengthen the entrance and exit so that you immediately do not died.

Including without using any mods you can build a portal from any place map to the city. The essence of such a portal is as follows: To get from the usual world to the game hell, the player can use any portal, but when teleportation from hell, it will always be returned to the portal created first.

How to make a city in minecraft

First you need to create or find a settlement. Already existing villages can come across in the desert or on the plains, it remains only to find one. You can build your city to do this, you need to find a brown egg in the inventory and throw it to the ground in the place chosen for construction. A resident of the village will hatch from the egg. The larger city you want to build, the more eggs need to be used.

When the desired number of inhabitants is cheerful, the player can leave and engage in other affairs, while residents are erected new town. A day later you can return - the city will be ready.

How to make a portal in the city in minecraft

When the city is found or created, you can proceed to the construction of the portal. First of all, it will be necessary to create a portal from the city in Game Hell. An important point is that it should be the first portal in hell, built by a player on this map.

For the construction of the portal to the lower world will require obsidian. It can be obtained if you pour water Lava. The player should be as a bucket with water and diamond pickle (no longer obsidian not break) and go down underground. Bay with water with lava, you can start mining blocks, which will require 20 pieces.

Coming out of the dungeon, you can proceed to construction. At the selected place, you need to make a monument of 4 to 6 blocks. The portal is ready, it remains to activate it. To do this, the flint and ingot of the fire, of which the fire is created. With the help of it you can activate the portal by clicking the right mouse button.

Next, the player should via the created portal teleport to hell and equip the portal itself by some non-combustible material. Then you need to return to the usual world and go to my home (or anywhere, from where you need to build a portal in the city) and there to create another portal in hell.

How to activate the portal in the city

The portal is ready, you can use. In order to move from home to the city, you need to go home to the portal in hell, it will postpone the player in the Nizhny World. There, the player comes out of the portal and again enters it. The portal transfers the player to the usual world - to the portal that was built first, that is, to the city.

If you wish, the player can create a few more portals in hell throughout the district, all of them will teleport it in the same point of the lower world, from which he will return to his first built portal - to the city.

This article is rather directed by the process of the construction of the city, although it will be discussed about the construction site, but about the optimization of the process of building the city. As building a city in minecraft It is a very time-consuming activity, then interest should be maintained during this work. This material will be raised topics that will speed up the construction site without resorting to any modifications or third-party applications.

To begin with, I would recommend split all the work on the steps. This allows you to achieve at least some goals to support your inspiration in the tone. Construction of the city B. minecraft game can be divided into several main steps.

The first stage of construction is planning.

During this stage, the future construction site is issued, surface areas or areas are placed. Also during this stage, it is possible to draw roads so that it was possible to easily navigate in the future city. Let the roads now be approximate and more schematically, but it will be easier to work with them. Here I would recommend using the "Fill" command, which allows you to instantly fill the rectangular areas with the desired blocks. It is enough to know the coordinates of opposite angles and the name of the block. If you need to remove a lot of blocks, then as a placeholder install "AIR".

The second stage is the development of construction style.

Here you need to decide what style we will build buildings. To do this, we will build several houses. Three four will be enough. If you have plans construction of a modern city in Minecraft With high spirits and skyscrapers, where there are typical, duplicate floors, you can use the "Clone" command, which allows you to clone areas. Thus, you can copy the floors and install the building in such a height, which you wish, keep the overall stylistics and keeping a lot of time. When we will be ready for several buildings, we will already represent the overall stylistics of the future city and the basic materials from which future buildings will be built.

Next, the construction of the city depends on the number of districts or zones of the city

Each new area can be considered for a separate stage. What advice can be here? First, the city should have some kind of center with trade, administrative buildings and so on. Multiple areas should be a bedroom, where residential buildings will be mainly built. You must not forget about residential buildings, as some often happen an error that the city is filled with shops, offices, motels, bars and other, and there are almost no residential buildings. Secondly, residential areas can be additionally distinguished from each other by the level of income of those who will live there. That is, luxury apartments, accommodation for the middle class and poor streets where small hibars are spacious on each other. Thirdly, do not forget about industrial zonewhere there will be or plants, or other production, depending on the selected stylistics. Fourth, somewhere on the outskirts of the city, there must be fields and animal farms, which should provide residents of the city of food. If the river flows next to the city, then you can build a fishing mill. Yes, and the port area can be created when there is a yield to the water. And if they remembered about the port area, then how not to mention the warehouse area, where in addition to the warehouses almost nothing should be. In general, ideas about what areas should be in the city of Mass.

Speaking of specific buildings, it is fashionable to remember such: Central square, church, hospital, refueling, fire station with a tower with which you can see the entire city or the area to which this station works. Police station, if we talk about the modern city, or the house of the Palace Guard for the medieval city. In any city, of course there must be shops, shops and markets. Church, Temple or Other Similar Place are frequent attributes of almost any city. Mail building, which is usually located in the center. Various monuments, parks, alleys will undoubtedly decorate nearby buildings. You can also provide a cemetery. Of course, it will not be in the city itself, but somewhere outside or on the outskirts, but you should not forget about it. Sometimes the cities can be located military housings. Either on the outskirts may be any military base. Airport for modern major social Point Just mandatory attribute. Casino, restaurants, cafes, bars, restaurants and other entertainment places. Hotels, hotels and taverns are also needed to receive guests. Perhaps your city will have any special structures - architectural monuments or just unique buildings. An example here can serve as the pyramids of ancient Egypt or a modern skyscraper in Dubai. Also in the city you can insert something from fictional worlds: Tonony Stark Tower, Betman Castle with his underground cave and other famous things. Perhaps on their basis you cook something perfect new and your own. Surely I missed a lot, lifting the options, but just look at the card of any major cityTo see a lot of examples of what is necessary by the city.

The last stage you need to complete unfinished buildings, connect all the roads as it should, the roads themselves make up better. Perhaps some vehicles can be added: cars, buses, carriages, carts. In the last, be sure to harze horses. Embed empty space with trees, shrubs, lampposts and colors. And enjoy the finished city! Now you understand that the answer to the question how to quickly build a city in Minecraft Not so simple.

Video: Building your city without mods

To whom it is not enough of this, he might think over underground communications. Or it will be a system of sewage and water pipelines, or catacombs and ancient burial, or both, and other combined. And later it will be possible to start the construction of the next settlement. Perhaps you started building from a small town, and later decide on the construction of a whole capital for your world. Or from a small fantasy town, you decided to move to the underground city of the dwarves and towering on the huge trees to the elven settlement. I hope that my tips turned out to be useful and you now know how to build a city in Minecraft Without resorting to third-party applications or mods.

Even if you were not playing Minecraft, you probably have a child, a familiar or online friend, is distinguished on this creative game of construction.

From the outset, the players in Minecraft divided into two camps: those who just like to explore an extensive in-game world, and those who create monumental works of art and building mechanisms that fascinate all around.

Some more like to build in survival mode, where each unit needs to be mined, processing and installing manually. Others prefer the absolute freedom of creativity regime, where any material can be taken from the inventory in any quantities in seconds. Of course, buildings in different modes require different amounts of time, effort and creativity, and we took into account this when making our list.

There is everything here: from striking buildings to pixel-art and unusual devices. Some of them are made using mods, some - on unmodified minecraft versions. But all of them are evidence of the grandeur of the most successful indie game of all time.

1. Ancient megalopolis

The Golden City is located on the server (as we assume, in creative mode), where the players meet an incredibly intricate architecture. Spiers, temples, fountains and even balloons Decorate this ancient city landscape.

2. Royal Harbor (Game of Thrones)

Do you hear this sound? It explodes the brains of all minecraftters after they saw it.

This is the main city in the game of thrones, entirely and fully transferred to Minecraft. The full album with the screenshots of this card is guaranteed to demolish the roof. The authors intend to fully recreate the world of ice and flame songs. Follow progress and download updated versions Maps can be on a special website.

3. Space shuttle

Houston will have no problem with this monument to the era of space research.

4. Dome over the indigenous

Two players attracted the attention of users of the Reddit when they managed to dig a huge hole stretching right to the indigenous layer (the lowest point in minecraft world), and build a huge glass dome around it. This, of course, is not an architectural masterpiece, but it was created in survival mode, which means that the authors had to minimize and put each block manually.

5. One block - one inch of my bedroom

It is a strange, the abundant creation, in fact, rather impressive. This is a model of a real player's bedroom from real life With windows, table, wardrobe, computer - and even confused transshipment of wires at the wall.

One block in Minecraft is one in-game meter, so the scale has come out really outstanding. But it allowed the author to fit many interesting details into his construction. Look at the gallery with all the angles.

6. Draft buildings of the city

Another joint server players build beautiful modern cities filled with roads, traffic lights, buildings and parks. Screenshots in the album are renders with smoothed textures and an improved water and sky.

7. Galeon

Sad sea on this beautiful monument of shipping history. View the full album, which contains the screenshot of the ship from the inside and a wonderful sunset.

8. Working computer with RAM

Red stone is one of the most fascinating elements in Minecraft. Players use it to move on trolleys, lighting, automatic doors, traps and many other things.

Sometimes with the help of red stone players create logic elementschanging electrical signals - right as in these computers.

Several times the players have created working computers in Minecraft, capable of performing simple mathematical operations. But this one can save 16 lines of code in random access memory, Share the number and take them in a hexadecimal system.

It does not look very beautiful, but the computer does not need a beauty. Look at him in action

9. MINAS TIRIT (Lord of the Rings)

The place of the epic battle from the return of the king is recreated with careful truth to the very last little things. On renders, it looks even more colorful.

10. Motorway

Not everyone is given to the architects. Sometimes you just need to dig. In one direction. For two months.

Observe the resulting path (length of 8 in-game miles) rails and go on a trip to the trolley. Whole half an hour you will pass through the generated landscapes, but later this trip can be squeezed into a three-minute video.

The builder of this improvised motorway used fashion for trolley and changed some textures, but it is still a great achievement. He even managed to attract the attention of the Creator Minecraft Marcus Persson when the game was at an early stage of development.

11. Main Moria (Lord of the Rings)

Another creation based on the franchise "Lord of the Rings" - this time the ruins of the gnome mines from the brotherhood of the ring.

12. Babylon

Megapolis of the Bronze Age with buildings as follows in the sky under the setting desert sun. Watch the epic screenshots.


User REDDIT LORD_PANCAKE has recently recreated minimalistic roofs from the Mirror's Edge parking game. Even the true fans will not immediately be able to distinguish this card in Minecraft from the present screenshot from Mirror's Edge.

14. Nursenet.

Pixel-arts in Minecraft are huge (one unit is equal to one pixel), and these giant statues representing characters from the games and the Internet culture, captured almost every multiplayer server.

What could be better than 20-meter nurseta?

15. My Little Pony

A Thegoon3 player moved to the next level pixel art and published a collection of his works by a known multserialu My Little Pony, each of which contains between 10,000 and 50,000 units.

It seems that all this was created in creativity, since otherwise it would take a million years on painting 50,000 wool blocks.

16. Fighter Atrona (Skyrim)

Skyrim's fans are easily recognized in this combination of blocks of the Fiery Dahedron figure.

This is not just a pixel-art, but one of the many full-fledged 3D sculptures, the author of which is a Blockfortress player, lays out a video about his fantastic creations on YouTube..

17. Star cruiser "Galaxy"

This one (not yet completed) spaceship From the eponymous television series is recreated in a full scale of more than 5 million blocks. Decks, working elevators, control rooms, engine and many other rooms are attached.

It may seem that this is just imported to the 3D-model game (common phenomenon among full-scale models), but a friend of the card creator assists users of REDITA, which is not the case. In one can see how the ship was going to block behind the block.

18. Mousecraft.

This player built a whole apartment on a huge scale. Do not forget that one block is one cubic meter, so that the refrigerator here is embroidered from the skyscraper.

Many details - broom with a scoop, aquarium, food in the refrigerator - enliven this card and turn it into a real masterpiece.

Would you like to see the level of "Sonic" in three-dimensional space? Then go through this mini game with control points, boosters and spring pressure plates running on red stone.

23. Seascape

Just a lot of big beautiful boats. more.

24. Babylonian tower

Modern interpretation of the famous biblical tower. You can find a drawing that reports that the tower consists of 7 million blocks, its height is 100 floors, and it is illuminated by 90,000 lamps. From the inside it looks just great, especially under the dome.

25. Winter Palace

This is only part of the "biggest city in Minecraft in history", according to the User of Ringard and YouTube with Rigolo Nick, which is one of the creators of this masterpiece. In addition to the palace itself, the city is filled with a bunch of other wonderful buildings.