Monopoly Gamer Rules of the game. Monopoly classic (Monopoly Classic). About the desktop monopoly game

Description and rules of the game are written for the classic version of the monopoly. If you do not know the rules of the game, or remember badly, we advise you to start with the classic version for the convenience and simplicity of understanding. Other versions of the game are conducted on the same rules, but the names of the playing fields and cards can be different from the rules described.

Brief description of the game

Monopoly is classic gameIn which you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, the participants exhibit their chips on the "Forward" field, then move them along the playing field depending on the amount of points dropped in cubes.

If you get to the real estate site that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this property from the bank. If you decide not to buy it, it can be sold at auction to another player who offered the highest price for it. Players with real estate can charge rent from players who fall on their site. During the construction of houses and hotels, rent increases significantly, so you should lead construction on as many points as possible.

If you need money, you can lay your real estate.

During the game, you should always perform instructions written on the "Public Treasury" and "Chance" cards. But do not relax - in some cases you can be imprisoned.

Beginning of the game

The chips of all players are built on the "Forward" field, after which everyone alternates makes their move.

When your turn came up, throw cubes. Your trick will move on the board forward in the direction clockwise. The field on which you stop, determines that you need to do. On one field, several chips can be at the same time. Depending on which field you turned out to be, you will have:

buy plots for construction or other real estate

pay rent if you find yourself in the real estate owned by other players

pull out the charts card or "public treasury"

find out in prison

relax on the "free parking"

get a salary of $ 200,000

Same number on both cubes

If you threw cubes, and on both the same number of points fell (double), your trick will move as usual and you will act in accordance with the requirements of the field on which it turned out. Then you have the right to quit cubes again. In case you have fallen the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passage of the Field "Forward"

Whenever you stop or pass the "Forward" field, moving clockwise, the bank pays you a salary of 200,000. This amount can be obtained twice for the same stroke if, for example, you were on the "Chance" or " Public treasure "immediately after the" forward "field and pulled out a card with the inscription" Go to the Field forward ".

Buying a property

If you stopped on the field, denoting unoccupied by other real estate (that is, on a plot for construction, not a busy one of the players), you will have the right of the first buyer on his purchase. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the bank money in the amount indicated on the playing field. In exchange you will receive ownership of this property (the game field is painted in the color of your chips).

If you decide not to buy real estate, it is immediately exhibited at the auction. In this case, it acquires one of the players who will offer the greatest price for it. The player who has refused to purchase real estate does not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) real estate, then it remains free.

Property ownership

Property possession gives you the right to charge a rent from any tenants who stopped on the field denoting it. Very profitable to own real estate of the entire color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any real estate site of this color.

Stopping on someone else's real estate

If you stay on someone else's real estate, which was previously acquired by another player, you may require rent for this stop. The amount of rental property may vary depending on the field built on the field of this property and houses and hotels. If all the real estate of one color group belongs to one player, the rental fee charged with you for the stop on any site of this group doubles, provided that there are no buildings in the group of group. However, if the owner of the entire color group at least one area of \u200b\u200breal estate this group is laid, it cannot charge you a double rent. If at home and hotels were built in the real estate sites, the rent from these sites increases. For stopping on the laid real estate, the rent is not charged.

Stop on the field of the municipal enterprise

If you stayed on one of these fields, you can buy this communal enterprise if it has not yet been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of another real estate in this case, you will have to pay the bank the amount specified on this field.

If you decide not to buy this property, the communal enterprise is set to the auction and is sold to the player who has suggested the greatest amount for him. You can not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) a communal enterprise, then it remains free.

If this communal enterprise has already been acquired by another player, it may require rent with you. The rent of such an enterprise will be a four-round number of points dropped in cubes (you throw cubes again to determine the amount of rental). If the player owns both communal enterprises, you will need to pay a sum of tenfolded poles.

Stop at the station

If you first stopped on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. With your reluctance to acquire the station, it goes to the auction and is sold by the player who suggested the greatest amount for him. You can not take part in the auction.

If, as a result of the auction, none of the players bought (or could not buy) the station, then it remains free.

If the station already has a master, which turned out to pay a rent on it. This fee depends on the number of train stations at the player-owner of the station where you stopped. The more hosted stations, the Boards are more.

Stop on the field "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

Stop on such a field means that you get one of the cards of the corresponding group. These cards may require you:

moved your chip

let's go to prison

You must immediately perform instructions written in the card. If you took the card on which it is written "Free Fresh From Prison", you can leave her until it needs you, or you can sell it to another player, on Allbiz

Note: On the card it can be written that you must move the chip to another field. If during the movement you cross clockwise the "Forward" field, then get $ 200,000. If you are sent to jail, then you do not cross the field "Forward".

Stop on the tax field

If you stopped at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount into the bank.

Free parking

If you stopped on such a field, just take a break to the next one. You are here for free and are not subjected to any fines.

You are sent to prison if:

You stopped on the field "Go to Prison", or

You took the chance of "chance" or "public treasury" on which it is written "Go to jail", or

You fell the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row for one move.

Your move ends when you are sent to prison. If you go to jail on a card, a salary of $ 200,000 is not paid to you, wherever you are before.

To get out of prison you need:

pay a fine of $ 50,000 and continue the game, or

buy a card "Free Free from Prison" from another player and use it to free like, or

use the card if you already have it or

stay here, missing the three of your stroke, but every time it comes to a queue, throw cubes, and if you have a double on both cubes in one of these moves, you can get out of prison and go through such a number of fields that fell on Cubes.

After you missed three strokes, being in prison, you must get out of it and pay $ 50,000 before you can move your chip in the cubes.

Being in prison You have the right to charge a rent for your property if it is not laid. If you were not sent to prison, and just stopped on the prison field during the game, you do not pay a fine, since you "just visited her. The next move you can move on as usual.

After you have gathered all the real estate plots of one color group, you can buy at home to put them on any of your sites. This increases the rent, which you can charge tenants stopping on your real estate. You can buy at home during your course before throwing a cube. The cost of the house varies depending on the line to which the color groups of real estate belong. In one move, you can build no more than one house on the fields belonging to one color group.

The maximum number of houses in one section is four.

Also, if necessary, you can sell home back to the bank. The cost of the house in this case will be the same for which you purchased it.

It is impossible to build at home if at least one piece of this color group is laid.

Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on the plot on which you are going to build a hotel. Hotels are bought as well as at home at the same price. When the hotel is uplown, four houses from this area are returned to the bank. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Property For Sale

You can sell unaked areas, railway stations and utilities to any player, concluding a private transaction with him, the amount agreed between you. If the sites you are being discarded are at home or hotels, it is impossible to sell such real estate. At first, it is necessary to sell the bank at home and hotels standing at all sites of this color group, but only after that offer a deal to another player.

The transaction on both sides for the exchange can be offered both areas of real estate and money, and a prison liberation card. Combinations of exchange can be the most diverse at the discretion of the players. If the player is not interested in the proposed deal, he can refuse her.

Neither at home nor the hotels can be sold to other players. They can only be sold to the jar. Conclusion of transactions with other players is possible only in the first stage of your stroke, i.e. Before you leave the cubes.

If necessary, so that you can get money, hotels can be replaced again. To do this, you need to sell the hotel in the bank and get four houses instead, plus the cost of the hotel itself.

If you do not have money left, but you may have debts, you can get money by laid any real estate or sell at home or hotels. In order to lay real estate, you must first sell all homes and hotels built on the sections of the color group layered. At a pledge, you get an amount from the bank equal to half the value of the plot underly. If you later want to buy down the laid real estate, you will have to pay the bank to its full cost, plus 10% on top.

If you lay out any real estate, it still belongs to you. No player has the right to redeem it instead of you from the bank.

With the laid real estate, it is impossible to charge a rent, although the rent will be recreated to you for other real estate objects of the same color group.

You can not sell the laid real estate to other players.

The ability to build in areas of the house appears only after the redemption of all the sections of one color group without exception.


If you have to jar or other players more money than you can get on your playing assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you leave the game.

If you have to jar, the bank receives all your money and all your real estate. The real estate returned to the bank enters the free sale. Also in the bank returns liberation cards from prison.

If you went bankrupt from debt to another player, all your property goes to the bank. The real estate returned to the bank enters the free sale. And your debtor bank pays the amount of debt.

Also you can become bankrupt if you do not have time to do any gaming action In the time allotted at him.

Notes to the game

No player can borrow money from another player or give a loan to another player.


The last remaining participant in the game is the winner.

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Rules of the board game Monopoly

Brief description of the game Monopoly

Monopoly - This is a classic game in which you can buy, rent and sell your property! At the beginning of the game, the participants exhibit their chips on the "Forward" field, then move them along the playing field depending on the amount of points dropped in cubes. If you get to the real estate site that does not yet belong to anyone, then you can buy this property from the bank. If you decide not to buy it, it can be sold at auction to another player who offered the highest price for it. Players who have their own real estate can charge rent from players who fall on their plot. When building houses and hotels, rent significantly increases significantly, so you should maintain construction on as many sections as possible. If you need extra money, you can lay your property. During the game, you should always perform instructions written on the "Total Treasury" cards and chance cards. But do not relax - in some cases you can be imprisoned.

Rules of a shortened game in monopoly

If you know a little rules of the game Monopolynow you can
play it faster, using the rules of a quick game!
In this game, the rules are exactly the same as in the classical monopoly,
but there are three differences:

  1. IN initial stage Banker's Games Mix Cards for Ownership. Then the player sitting on the left of the banker removes a deck, after which the players are twice distributed on one card for ownership. If the banker is simultaneously an ordinary player, then he distributes cards for ownership and herself. Players must immediately pay the indicated price for both received cards for ownership. Next, the game continues according to the standard rules.
  2. In a shortened game, you must build only three houses (instead of four) on each part of the color group before you can buy a hotel. Rent remains the same as in the standard game. When you sell the hotel, the revenue amount is half of the initial cost, i.e. One house is less than in the usual game.
  3. End of the game Monopoly. The first player who became bankrupt is dropped out of the game, as in the standard game. When the second player becomes bankrupt, the game ends. The player who became bankrupt, transfers to his creditor (bank or another player) everything that owns, including buildings and other property. Then each of the participants remaining in the game summarizes the following:
  • Cash on hand.
  • Player sections, utilities and railway
  • Station at the price indicated on the game field.
  • The owned property in the amount of half the price indicated on the playing field.
  • Houses rated at the cost of purchase.
  • Hotels rated by cost of purchase, including the cost of three houses that this hotel was exchanged.

Wins the richest player!

Time restriction game

Before starting this version of the game, you need to agree on the end time of the game. The participant will win the richest at the time of the end of the game. Before the game, you need to mix a deck from cards for ownership and remove it. Then the banker distributes two cards to each player, one card at a time. Participants immediately contribute to the bank the cost of owned property and the game continues according to the standard regulationsm.

Stay the only unauthorized player.

The kit includes:

Game field, 28 cards - documents for ownership, 16 cards - public treasury, 16 cards - chance, 8 gold chips-suite, cash bank, 1 set of special money for monopolies, 32 wooden houses, 12 wooden hotels and 2 playing cubes, one rules of the game Monopoly.


  1. Place home hotels, documents for ownership and money (at par) in separate sectors gaming field.
    The field has a diagram showing the correct placement of all game elements.
  2. Separate the cards of the chance, drag them and put the opposite side up on the tag of the game board.
  3. Separate the cards of the public treasury, drag them and put the opposite side to the gaming board tagging.
  4. Each of the players chooses a playing chip and puts it on the "forward" field.
  5. Banker and Bank: One of the players is chosen by the banker. If more than five players participate in the game, the banker may, at its discretion, to limit ourselves to this role in the game.
    The banker gives each of the players of 1500 thousand rubles in the following bills:
  • Two bills of 500 thousand rubles
  • Four bills of 100 thousand rubles
  • One bill of 50 thousand rubles
  • One bill of 20 thousand rubles
  • Two bills of 10 thousand rubles
  • One bill of 5 thousand rubles
  • Five bills of 1 thousand rubles

In addition to money, the bank also has documents for ownership, at home and hotels until they are purchased by players. The bank also pays salary and award, gives loans on the security of real estate and collects all taxes, fines returned loans and interest on them. During the auction, the banker acts as auctioneer. The bank can never become bankrupt, but can issue the required amount of money in the form of debt receipts written on the usual paper sheet.
6. Players throw both cubes. He starts the game that one who had the greatest number of points. The next player walks to the left of him and so on.

When your turn came up, throw both cubes and move your chip forward on the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field on which you stop, determines that you need to do. On one field, several chips can be at the same time. Depending on what field you turned out, you will have:

  • buy plots for construction or other real estate,
  • pay rent if you are in the real estate owned by others
  • pay taxes
  • pull the card chance or public treasury
  • find out in prison
  • relax
  • get a salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both cubes

If you threw the cubes, and both fell the same number of points (double), move your chip and act in accordance with the requirements of the field on which you turned out. Then you have the right to quit cubes again. If you have the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passage of the Field "Forward"

Whenever you stop or pass through the "forward" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. You can get this amount twice for the same move, if, for example, you were on the chance of a chance or public treasury immediately after the "forward" field and pulled the card on which it is written "Go" on the "Forward" field.


If you stopped on the field, denoting unoccupied by other properties (i.e., on a construction site, to which neither one of the other players has no document for ownership), you will have the right of the first buyer on its purchase. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the bank money in the amount indicated on this game field. In exchange, you will receive a document on ownership of this property that you must put the text up in front of you. If you decide not to buy real estate, the banker must immediately put it on the auction and sell this from players who will offer the most greasy price for it, starting from any price that any of the players is willing.
Even if you abandoned the purchase of real estate at the initial price, you can take part in the auction.

Property ownership

Property possession gives you the right to charge a rent from any tenants who stopped on the field denoting it. Very profitable to own the entire real estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any real estate site of this color.

Stopping on someone else's real estate

If you stayed on someone else's real estate, which was previously purchased by another player, you may require rent for this stop. A player who owns this real estate should ask you to pay the rent before the next player will throw cubes. The amount payable is indicated in the document on ownership of this property, and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If all the real estate of the same color group belongs to a single player, the rent charged with you for the stop on any undressed area of \u200b\u200breal estate of this group, doubles. However, if the owner of the entire color group has at least one site of real estate this group laid, it cannot charge you a double rent. If at home and hotels were built in the real estate sites, the rent increases, as it is written in the document on ownership of this property. For stopping on the laid real estate, the rent is not charged.

Stop on the field of the municipal enterprise

If you stop at one of these fields, you can buy this communal enterprise if it has not yet been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of another real estate, pay the bank to the amount specified on this field. If this property has already been purchased by another player, it may require rent with you in accordance with the number of points that fell on the cubes when you did the move that brought you to this field. If another player owns only one of the utilities, the rent will be a four-time number of points dropped on cubes. If he owns both communal enterprises, you will have to pay an amount equal to a tenfold amount of points. If you hit this field as a result of the instructions on the card you take a chance or public treasury, you must throw cubes to determine how much you have to pay. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker exhibits a communal enterprise to the auction and sells that from players who will offer the greatest price for it. You can also take part in the auction.

Stop at the station

If you first stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this vaults. When reluctance, the Bank puts it to auction, even if you refused to buy at the initial price, you too can take part in the auction. If the station already has a master, which has had to pay the amount specified in the document on ownership. The amount payable depends on the number of other stations belonging to the player-owner of the station on which you stopped.

Stop on the field "Chance" and "Public Treasury"

Stop on such a field means you need to take the top card
from the corresponding stack. These cards may require you:

  • moved your chip
  • paid money, such as taxes
  • received money
  • let's go to prison
  • free freed from prison

You must immediately perform the instructions given on the card, and
put the card down the corresponding stack. If you took a card,
on which it is written "Free Free from Prison", you can
leave it until she need it, or you can
sell \u200b\u200bher to another player on Allbiz |

Note: The card may indicate that you must move
Your chip on another field. If during the movement you will pass through
field "Forward", get 200 thousand rubles. If you are poisoned,
You do not pass through the "forward" field.

Stop on the tax field

If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount into the bank.

Free parking

If you stay on such a field, just relax until the next one. You are here for free and are not subject to any fines, you can, as usual, enter into transactions (for example, charge a rent, build buildings on real estate belonging, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

  • You will stop on the "Go to Prison" field, or
  • You took a chance card or public treasury on which
    it is written "Go Immediately to Prison" or
  • you fell the same number of points on both cubes three times.
    in a row for one move.

Your move ends when you are sent to prison. If you are in prison, the salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles is not paid, wherever you have not been before. To get out of prison, you need:

  • pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue the game
    when it comes to turn, or
  • buy a card "free free from prison" from another player on a mutually consistent price and use it for
    in order to get rid or
  • use the card "free free from prison" if
    you already have it, or
  • stay here, missing the three of your next move, but every time it comes to the queue, throw cubes, and if on both
    cubes in one of these moves you will fall out a double, you can get out
    from prison and go through such a number of fields that falls on cubes.

After you missed three strokes, being in prison, you must get out of it and pay 50 thousand rubles, before you can move your chip on the number of fields in cubes. Being in prison, you have the right to receive rent for your property if it is not laid. If you were not "sent to jail", but just stopped on the "Prison" field during the game, you do not pay a fine, since you "just visited" her. The next move you can move on as usual.

After you have gathered all the real estate plots of one color group, you can buy at home to put them on any of your sites. It will increase the rent that you can charge tenants stopping on your real estate. The cost of the house is indicated on the relevant document on ownership. You can buy at home during your course or in a break between the strokes of other players, but you must build your sites evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the sections of one color group until you have built one house on each From the sections of this color group, the third thing did not build two each, and so on. The maximum number of houses in one section is four. Selling houses also need evenly. You can buy or sell at home at any time, and as much as you consider you need, and how much allows your financial situation. It is impossible to build at home if at least one piece of this color group is laid. If you have all the real estate of one color group, and only on one of two sites built at home, you, however, can get a double rent from the player who has stopped at any of the unaccounted areas of real estate of the color group, as indicated on the cards.

Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on each site completely owned by the color group. Hotels are bought as well as at home, but they cost four houses that return to the bank, plus the price, which is indicated in the document on ownership. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings

If there are no homes in the bank, you will have to wait until anyone from other participants returns to him at home. Similarly, if you sell hotels, you cannot replace them with houses, in the absence of extra homes in the bank.
If a limited number of houses or hotels remains in the bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the bank, the banker places the building to the auction for sale from players who will offer a big price for them. At the same time, for the initial price, he takes the one that is indicated on the relevant document on ownership.

Property For Sale

You can sell unaked areas, railway stations and utilities to any player, concluding a private transaction with him for the amount agreed between you. If any buildings are standing on any of the sections of one color group, it is impossible to sell areas of this color. If you want to sell any part of the color group belonging to you, at the beginning you need to sell the bank all the buildings in the sections of this color group. At home should be uniformly, just as they bought (see above the "House"). Neither at home, no hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the bank at a price, two times less than that indicated in the relevant document on ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.
When selling the hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the hotel plus half the cost of four houses that were given to the bank when buying a hotel. All hotels of one color group must be sold at the same time.
If necessary, so that you can get money, hotels can be replaced again. To do this, you need to sell a jar hotel and get four houses in return plus half the cost of the hotel itself. The laid real estate can only be sold to other players, but not a bank.

If you do not have money left, but you need to pay debts, you can get money by laying some real estate. To do this, first sell the bank all the buildings on this site of real estate. In order to lay real estate, turn the document to the right appropriate property to face down and get the amount of the collateral specified on the back of the card in the bank. If you then want to repay your debt to the bank, you will need to pay this amount plus 10 percent from above.
If you have any real estate, it still belongs to you. No other player in the right to buy it out instead of you from the bank. With the laid real estate, it is impossible to charge a rent, although the rent continues to come to you for other real estate objects of the same color group. You can sell the laid real estate to other players according to the price agreed with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property, making the appropriate amount of the collateral plus 10 percent. It can also pay only 10 percent and leave property in pledge. In this case, with the final removal of collateral burdens, you will have to pay another 10 percent to the bank. The ability to buy houses at a regular price appears only after the redemption of all the sections of one color group without exception.


If you have to jar or other players more money than you can get according to your assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you are dropped out of the game.
If you have to jar, the bank receives all your money and documents for ownership. Then the banker sells from the auction each of the real estate objects to the player who will offer the highest price.
You must put cards "Free Frequently from Prison" down the corresponding stack.
If you went bankrupt because of the debts to another player, your homes and hotels are sold to the bank at half of their initial cost, and your lender receives all the money, documents for ownership and card "Free Frequently from Prison" that you have. If you have any incorrect real estate, you should also transfer it to the lender, and he must immediately pay 10 percent on it, and then decide whether it is worth it to immediately redeem it or leave the launched.

Notes to the game

If you have to pay the rental amount greater than the amount of cash available you have, you can pay to your lender in part with money, and partly real estate (i.e. undeveloped plots for construction). In this case, the lender, seeking to obtain an additional opportunity for construction or wanting to prevent another player to establish its control over a certain group of sites, may agree to accept any real estate (even if it is laid) for the price, much superior indicated on the corresponding card. The obligation to collect a rental for real estate lies on its owner.
Money can be given in the form of a loan to the player only by the bank and only on the security of real estate.
None of the players can borrow money from another or leaving another player.

Monopoly is one of the most famous and popular desktop games that like both children and adults. This fun is intended for boys and girls older than 8 years, although in practice, the senior preschoolers are often played in it. In a monopoly, each player gains some property, which it can sell, rent and use at its own discretion.

The purpose of this strategy is reduced to "stay afloat" and do not go bankrupt when others do. The rules of the game in a monopoly for children and adults are completely simple, however, before starting the competition, they should pay special attention.

Detailed Rules Games in Monopoly

Before starting the game, all the guys must decide which of them will have a chip of one or another color. After that, each player should throw cubes. The participant who managed to throw out the maximum number of points begins the game, and in the future all the moves are made clockwise from it.

The monopoly refers to the category of step-by-step board games, in which all actions are defined only by cubes and various images on the playing field. So, after the player threw cubes at the beginning of his move, he should move his chip on the number of steps that fell on them. Further actions will be indicated on the cell of the playing field in which his chip turned out to be.

Depending on how many points fell on cubes, a member of the monopoly game can do the following:

  • to buy proposed real estate, which is not owned by any of the players;
  • pay rent for the use of a real estate site that already belongs to another participant;
  • pay taxes;
  • skip down;
  • pull out one of the additional cards and perform the action that is specified on it;
  • to be in the "prison";
  • get wages and so on.

In addition, the economic board game of the monopoly in the course of the game is subject to the following rules:

  1. When you fall out a double, the player has the right to make another move after completing all his actions. Meanwhile, if the double fell 3 times in a row, the participant of the game is forced to immediately go to the "prison".
  2. When the initial item is passed, each of the players receives salary in the amount of 200,000 gaming money. Depending on the fallen fields and cards, the salary can be obtained not 1, and 2 or 3 times the circle.
  3. If a player hit the free plot for construction, that is, a playing field with a real estate card, he has the right to buy it at a price proposed by the bank. If the participant does not have a sufficient amount of funds or simply does not want to acquire an object, it is put up for trading, where all other players have the right to offer a price. Real estate remains on the field only if none of the guys did not want to buy it.
  4. Before the start of each move, the player has the right to offer to other guys a deal - sale or exchange of its real estate. Any transactions are carried out only on mutually beneficial terms.
  5. The ownership of one real estate card allows you to charge a small rent from all players whose chips stopped on this field. Meanwhile, it is much more profitable to own a monopoly, that is, all objects of the same color, as it allows you to build branches, hotels and houses, which significantly increases the amount of rental.
  6. Rent is not charged if the property is laid.
  7. If the player's chip stopped on the "Chance" or "public treasury" fields, it should pull out the appropriate card and execute the proposed instructions.
  8. If you get on the field "Taxes" each player must pay the appropriate amount into the bank.
  9. In case of bankruptcy or inability to pay any accounts even when selling its objects, the player drops out of the game. The winner is the one who managed to hold longer the rest.

There is also a nursery with more simple rulesdesigned for kids from 5 years. By and large, it is a simplified analogue of the classic version and is very well suited for the development of mathematical skills and strategic thinking from preschoolers.

The economic game invented during the Great American Depression is popular to this day. What is the essence of "monopoly"? What features does this game have?

Board games are known from ancient Egypt and even earlier civilizations. Surprisingly, they practically did not change. For example, ancient games are known in which each player has its own figures on the field in order to achieve some kind of purpose.

Of course, the cultural and historical context determines some features of the board games. For example, development of capitalism and market economy in many countries provided the creation such gamess, as "Monopoly".

Rules of the game in monopoly for beginners and children

In general, the mechanics of this game is quite understandable even for people who never played it.

The playing field is a closed system., most often the form is squareIn the center of which there are various additional game cards, and on the sides - fields along which player figures move.

Each field is one way or another, the field can be any enterprise or houses for rent or indication on need take any game card.

Consider first how to interact with the playing field, which does not indicate the need to take a card or perform some action.

At the very beginning, players start with the appropriate field and the cast of cubes determine how many fields need to go for a move. Players walk in turn, with the help of cubesand continue continuously rotate on game fields until bankrupts become bankrupt.

In this way, the common goal of the game is to preserve and multiply property and finance. The main tool for this is the purchase of various playing fields, which at the beginning of the game are free.

When the player's figure is on a free playing field, it can purchase this space for the nominal value. Due to this, the field becomes the player belonging to this, and if other players turn out to be on this field, they pay the owner of the rental, which is indicated on the field card.

Besides, the owner can build on its own fields at home and hotelsBut for this you need to purchase all the cards of this color.

The field on which at home and hotels are worthy of other players are much more expensive. therefore the main purpose of the players is to collect monochrome cards (that is, to buy in possession, for example, some street is completely or some kind of enterprise) and build the maximum number of houses and hotelswhich increase the rental price for other players who are on this field.

In addition to cubes, surprise and excitement factor add game cards. As a rule, two varieties of cards are used. If you are on the field of some card, you need to take another card from the deck and follow the instructions.

The mechanism of the game as a whole describes the economic model in which the tenants are ruined, and the landlords are richer.

During the game, various additions can be used, some of which are indicated in the official rules, while others are invented by the players themselves. For instance, players can change cards Based on your own benefit, or arrange auction among themselves for some valuable fields.

The game is the economic I. represents something like a surface economic modelSo players can add some variations that look logical for such a model.

Classical monopoly

What is considered this game appeared in 1934 in America. This economic game appears quite symbolicly in the period of the Great Depression and is gaining great popularity.

Although invented this game scheme much earlier. The beginning of the classic monopoly should be considered 1903, when a game called "landowners", which almost no difference from the current classic option appeared. Just a more modern inventor took someone else's invention and called in a new way, and then received a patent and dividends from his own small fraud.

Generally, this game It has more than a fascinating story, but do not go into the details.

For a period "Monopoly" is a registered and patented brandAnd only copyright holders can make the game than they are intensively continue to engage.

If you think about what option is authentic, and some kind of variety, then determine the classic version is quite easy.

A distinctive feature of the classical "monopoly" is not a messenger banker with a monocle (although it is the main symbol), and names of streets, which completely repeat the name of the streets Atlantic City.

By the way, once in America this city was reconstructed and wanted to change the names of the streets, but it was thanks to the "monopoly" left these names for the same.

"Millionaire" and other varieties

The game has tremendous popularity, and many wanted to get a part of this popularity. For instance, in 1973, Ralph Anspach creates an "anti-monopoly" And after that, it starts to sue the Parker brothers, whose companies belonged to the original patent.

It was then that the plagiarism of the inventor was revealed, who registered Patent 1935 and made a deal with parkers.

For this period, "anti-monopoly" is also produced and is one of the most common varieties of the classical option.

In addition, there are many other modifications and, despite more than a hundred central history, "Monopoly" to this day continues to acquire new variations:

  • Edible monopolies. Let's start with a very funny variety that began to be released in 1978. Then the set cost about six hundred dollars and included detailsthat were completely made of chocolate.
  • Giant monopolies. Various options for holding games are known when gigantic cubes and figures were taken, for example, American students could use their own student campus and cyclists with racies like figures. In addition, we note the 1973 tournament in Atlantic City, when women figurines were in bikini.

  • Russian varieties. In fact, the spread of the game in Russia was also largely determined by the true economic situation. About by the 90s, the game "Manager" appears, and, about this time, a market economy begins to develop. In addition, games were and continued to appear, which hinted at a certain historical era in the country: "NEP", "Cooperative", "Empire", "Businessman" And the newest - "Monopoly Russia".
  • There is quite official add-onsthat make the game more diverse and difficult. For this in the stock exchange variation are put in the set Calculatorwhich allows you to calculate the profitability of securities (which are one of the additions) and perform other calculations.
  • "Millionaire". Also issued by developed publishers and is a version with a slightly more modified rules. There are additional cards, the ability to change the gaming figures and the goal is to earn a million faster than others, that is, you do not need to ruin anyone in the end, but you need to earn more quickly than others. Hence game mechanics I change a little, there are more transactions between players, many such a kind like more classical option.
  • Children's "Monopoly". This option is often combined with voice prompts or a lightweight scheme of the game.
  • Homemade "monopolies". Probably, some of the readers of this material will be able to recall such a kind that was highly popular in the completion of the era of the Soviet Union. As such, the edition of the monopoly was forbidden until 1988, but they knew about the game. Even when official publications appeared, not everyone could spend on such a purchase, and often the playing field was simply redrawn through the track, they themselves did cards and the rest of the inventory. Now such a kit is a kind of rarity.

Completion should be noted popular online version, which allow you to play from the screen of your own device. Such sites often have chats to communicate players and conduct competitions in the "monopoly".

Cost of the board game "Monopoly"

Previously set for "Monopoly", after the invention of the game itself, cost from two to twenty dollars, and to the seventies previous century the cost of the kit was $ 1.75 in America.

Now the game is published in 80 countries and, of course, the price tag is different everywhere, and much depends on the kit.

In Russia, for the period 2017, the cost of a set of classic "monopoly" is approximately from thousands of rubles.

The upper limit can be significantly higher. Some sets that are considered quite simple can cost up to 8 thousand rubles.

There is I. luxury versions of "Monopoly", in particular, Alfred Danchil somehow made a "monopoly", where Houses and hotels from True Gold and Silver. Such a publication was sold for a lot nor little - for 25 thousand dollars.

There is a more accessible version of a collectible monopoly for $ 550 from Franklin Mint.

Which must be printed, cut and play, in this way you can save your money, but at the same time get a good desktop game, which you can spend time with friends and family. We offer to get acquainted with the rules of this popular game.

Beginning of the game
1. Place at home, hotels, documents for ownership and money (at par) in separate sectors of the game field. The field has a diagram showing the correct placement of all game elements.
2. Separate the "Chance" cards, drag them, and put the backward side up on the corresponding sections of the game board.
3. Separate the "treasury" cards, drag them and put the backward side up on the corresponding sections of the game board.
4. Each of the players chooses a playing chip and puts it on the "Start" field.

Banker and bank
5. One of the players is selected by the banker. If more than 5 players participate in the game, the banker can, at its discretion, to confine only this role in the game. The banker issues each of the $ 1500 players in the following coupons:

  • Two bills of $ 500
  • Four bills of $ 100
  • One bill of $ 50
  • One bill at $ 20
  • Two bills of $ 10
  • One bill at $ 5
  • Five bills of $ 1

In addition to money, the bank also has documents for ownership, at home and hotels until they are purchased by players. The bank also pays salary and premium, gives loans on the security of real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest to them. During the auction, the banker acts as auctioneer.
The bank can never become bankrupt, but can give so much money as needed, in the form of debt receipts written on the usual piece of paper.
6. Players throw both cubes. He starts the game that one who had the greatest number of points. The next will be the player sitting on the left of him, then the next, and so on.

Stroke Game
When your turn came up, throw both cubes and move your chip forward on the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field on which you stop, determines that you need to do. On one field, several chips can be at the same time. Depending on what field you turned out, you will have:

  • buy plots for construction or other real estate;
  • pay rent if you are in the real estate owned by others;
  • pay taxes;
  • pull the chance or treasure card;
  • be in prison;
  • relax on the free parking;
  • get a salary of $ 200

Same number of points on both cubes
If you threw cubes, and on both the same number of points fell, move your chip and act in accordance with the field on which you turned out. Then you have the right to quit cubes once again. If you have fallen the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row, you immediately enter the prison

Passage "Start"
Whenever you stop or pass through the "Start" field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the bank pays you $ 200. You can get this amount twice in the same way, if, for example, you were on the chance of chances or treasury, immediately after the "Start" field and pulled the card on which it is written "Go to the" Start "field.
If you stop on the field, denoting not occupied by other real estate (that is, on a plot for construction, to which none of the other players do not have a document on ownership), you will have the right to first choose to purchase it. If you decide to buy real estate, pay the bank money in the amount indicated on this game field. In exchange, you will receive a document on ownership of this property that you must put the text up in front of you. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker must immediately put it on the auction and sell this from players who will give it the greatest price, starting from any price that one of the players is willing. Even though you abandoned the purchase of real estate at the initial price, you can take part in the auction.

Property ownership
Property possession will give you the right to charge a rent from any "tenants" who stopped on the field indicating it. Very profitable to own the entire real estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any real estate of this color.

Stopping on someone else's real estate
If you stop for real estate, which was previously purchased by another player, you may require rent for this stop. A player who owns this real estate should ask you to pay the rent before the next player will throw cubes. The amount payable is specified in the document on ownership of this property and may vary depending on the number of buildings built on it. If the entire real estate of the same color group belongs to a single player, the rent is charged with you for stopping on any undressed area of \u200b\u200breal estate of this group, and doubles. However, if the owner of the entire color group at least one site of this group has laid, it cannot charge you a double rent. If at home and hotels were built in the real estate sites, the rent increases, which will be shown in the document on ownership of this property. For stopping on the laid real estate, the rent is not charged.

Stop on the field of services
If you stopped at one of these fields (plumbing or electric company (, you can buy this enterprise if it has not yet been bought by anyone. As with the purchase of other real estate, pay the bank the amount specified in this field. If this property has already been acquired by another The player, he may require rent with you in accordance with the number of points that fell on the cubes when you made a move that brought you to this field. If another player owns only one of the utilities, the rent will be a four-fold number of points falling on Cubes. If he owns both enterprises, you must pay him an amount equal to a tenfold number of dropped points. If you fell to this field as a result of instructions on the card with your cards or public treasury, you must throw cubes to determine how much you have to pay. If you decide not to buy this property, the banker exhibits the enterprise services to the auction and sells it and With players who will give him the greatest amount. You can also take part in the auction.

Stop in the seaport
If you first stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this port. Otherwise, the bank exposes it to auction, even if you refused to buy it at the initial price, you too can take part in the auction. If the port already has a master when you find yourself in it, you need to pay the amount specified in the document on ownership. The amount payable depends on the number of other ports belonging to the port owner in which you stopped.

Stop on the "Chance" and "treasury" field
Stop on such a field means you need to take the top card from the corresponding stack. These cards may require you:

  • moved your chip;
  • paid money - for example taxes;
  • received money;
  • went to prison;
  • free freed from prison for free.

You must immediately perform the guidelines given on the card, and put the card down the corresponding stack. If you took the card on which it is written "Free Fresh from Prison", you can leave it for yourself until it needs you, or you can sell it to another player on a mutually consistent price.
Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If during the movement you will pass through the "Start" field, get $ 200. If you are sent to prison, you do not pass through the "Start" field.

Stop on the tax field
If you stop at such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount into the bank.

Free parking.
If you stay on such a field, just relax until the next one. You are here for free and are not subject to any fines, you can, as usual, to conclude transactions (for example, charge a rent, build buildings on real estate belonging to you, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

  • you will stop on the "You are arrested", or
  • you took the chance card or the "treasury" on which it is written "Go to Prison", or
  • you fell the same number of points on both cubes three times in a row in a row.

Your move ends when you are sent to prison. If you are in prison, you cannot receive a salary of $ 200, regardless of where you are on the playing field.
To get out of prison, you need:

  • pay a fine of $ 50 and continue the game when it comes to a queue, or buy a card "Free Frequently from Prison" from another player on a mutually consistent price and use it in order to free like, or
  • use the Card "Free Free from Prison", if you already have it, or
  • stay here, missing the three of your next move, but every time you reach the queue, throwing cubes and, if one of these moves you fall out the same number of points, you can get out of prison and go through such a number of fields that will fall on Cubes.

After you missed three strokes, being in prison, you must get out of it and pay $ 50 before you can move your chip on such a number of fields that fell on cubes.
Being in prison, you can get rent for your property if it is not laid. If you were not "sent to prison", and just stopped on the "Prison" field during the game, you do not pay any fine, since you "just went on a while" in it. You can move next.

At home
When you have all the real estate plots of one color group, you can buy at home to put them on any of your sites available. It will increase the rent that you can charge tenants stopping on your real estate. The cost of the house (object) is shown in the relevant document on ownership. You can buy at home during your course or in a break between the strokes of other players, but you must build your sites evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the sections of one color group until you have built one house on each From the plots of this color group, the third - until they built two each, and so on: the maximum number of houses on one site is four. Selling houses also need evenly. You can build your objects only immediately before your move, maximize - 3 houses (object) for 1 move. Without building at home (objects), you, however, can receive a double rent from any player who has stopped at any of the unaccounted areas of real estate your color group.

Before you can buy hotels, you need to have four houses on each site completely belonging to the color group. Hotels can also be bought as at home, but they cost four houses that return to the bank, plus the price, which is indicated in the document on ownership. Only one hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings
If there are no homes in the bank, you will have to wait until anyone from other players returns to him at home. In the same way, if you sell hotels, you cannot replace them with houses if there are no extra homes in the bank.
If a limited number of houses or hotels remained in the bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the bank, the banker places buildings to the auction for sale from players who will offer a big price for them, while he takes for the initial price The one that is specified on the relevant document on ownership.

Property For Sale
You can sell not built-up areas, ports and enterprises of services to any player, concluding a private transaction with him for the amount agreed between you. However, it is impossible to sell a plot to another player if any buildings stand on any other site of the same color group. If you want to sell any area belonging to you the color group, first you need to sell the bank all the buildings in the sections of this color group. Home must be sold evenly, just as they bought. (See above "House").
Houses and hotels can not be sold to other players. They should be sold to the bank at a price, twice as smaller that is indicated in the relevant document on ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.
When selling the hotel, the bank pays you half the cost of four houses that were given to the bank when buying a hotel. All hotels of one color group must be sold at the same time.
If necessary, so that you can get money, hotels can be replaced again. To do this, you need to sell a jar hotel and get four houses in return plus half the cost of the hotel itself.
The laid real estate can only be sold to other players, but not a bank.

If you do not have money left, but you need to pay debts, you can get money by laying some real estate. To do this, first sell any buildings in this area of \u200b\u200breal estate. In order to lay real estate, turn the document for ownership of it face down and get a deposit amount specified on the back of the card in the bank. If you then want to pay off your debt to the bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% from above.
If you have any real estate, it still belongs to you. No other player can get it, paying the amount of collateral to the bank.
According to the laid real estate, it is impossible to charge a rent, although the rent continues to come to you for other real estate objects of the same color group.
You can sell the laid real estate to other players according to the price agreed with them. The buyer can then decide to pay off the debt taken on the security of this property, making the corresponding amount of the collateral plus 10% to the bank. It can also pay only 10% and leave the property in pledge. In this case, with the final removal of mortgage burdensing, you will have to pay another 10% to the bank.
When none of the sections of one color group are no longer laid, the owner can start buying at home again at the cost.

If you have to jar or other players more money than you can get according to your assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you are dropped out of the game.
If you have to jar, the bank receives all your money and documents for ownership. Then the banker sells from the auction each of the real estate objects to the player who will offer the highest price.
You must put cards "Free Frequently from Prison" down the corresponding stack.
If you have become bankrupt due to the debts to another player, your homes and hotels are sold to the bank at half of their initial cost, and your lender receives all the money, documents for ownership and card "Free Frequently from Prison" that you have. If you have any incorrect real estate, you should also transfer it to this player, he must immediately pay 10% on it, and then decide whether he should immediately redeem it at full cost or leave it in pledge.

Notes to the game
If you have to pay the rental amount greater than the amount of cash you have, you can pay to your lender partially with money, and partly real estate (that is unauthorized sites for construction). In this case, the lender may agree to accept any object of real estate (even if it is laid) at a price, much superior to it specified on it, seeking to obtain an additional area for construction or prevent another player to establish its control over this real estate.
If you own any real estate, then the duty to collect rent lies with you.
Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the bank and only on the security of real estate.
None of the players can borrow money from another or leaving another player.
For use during your turn of another player, you must pay a fine of $ 50.
You must pay a $ 50 amount, with an extraordinary course when you went instead of another player.
You will also be forced to pay a fine of $ 50, if during your course dice Leave the playing field (improvised, for example, a table or special flooring, indicated by the game field

The last remaining participant in the game is the winner.

Did you like the game "Monopoly"? We offer to play free online!

Board game "Monopoly"

And hello again, my dear friends! Continuing to acquaint you with fascinating board games, I just can't get around my attention to the classics of economic tanks.

Yes, yes, we are talking about such a favorite worldwide "Monopoly" released by Hasbro. She rightfully leads to demand among all desktop economic gamesSince it combines not only entertaining, but also educational functions.

My Monopoly Game Review

Complete set of board games "Monopoly"

We have a classic version board games. It is packed in a rather large box of thick laminated cardboard. Inside you will find:

  • ten game chips of different shapes;
  • set of cash banknotes of different dignity;
  • full guide on the game;
  • gaming field;
  • 32 chips of houses;
  • 16 Cards "Chance"
  • 16 "general treasury" cards;
  • 12 hotels cards;
  • pair of playing cubes;
  • 28 cards confirming the ownership of the plots.

Each element of the game is made very high quality. The chips in moderation are small, light and durable. Cards and playing field are made of durable cardboard, and all the drawings and letters on them are carefully pricked. I would like to pay attention to a pleasant color gamut and impeccable print quality - even with regular use of the game, the letters and images on cards and on the field are not erased.

Using the rules of "Monopoly" can be directly during gameplay. To diversify the leisure of the participants, the manufacturers of this showdown came up with a lot of interesting loopholes and additional features For each player.

Rules of the game

You can play in the "monopoly" by the company from two to ten people. Here, each participant can get rich and create its own empire, redeeming real estate and collecting a fee from other players. But incorrect resource planning and many other factors can lead not only to enrichment, but also to complete bankruptcy. The main goal of the game "Monopoly" is to become the most influential owner of the majority of land plots and to ruin the rest of the game participants.

The playing field is laid out on the middle of the table. All participants choose themselves alone and prescribe a banker who gives everyone for a certain amount of money. Stacks with Cards "Chance" and "General Treasury" are mixed individually and stacked on the appropriate places on the game field.
The right of the first move is determined by the cast of cubes - who has a greater importance, he starts the game. At the beginning, all participants put their chips on a cell with the inscription "Forward".

Then the one who owns the right of the first turn, throws playing cubes and moves the chip on such a number of cells, how many points fell during the throw. Due to it can act depending on the type of cell to which he got:

Cell with a plot of real estate. A player can redeem him by passing money to banker and having received a card confirming the right of ownership of the site. Now all players falling on this cell will pay its owner a certain tax. If the one who goes, refuses to redeem real estate, the banker exposes it to the auction among other members. The owner becomes the one who will offer the greatest amount.

Cell "Chance". The player takes out one card from the stack "Chance" and reads what is written on it.

Instructions on such maps can give a participant the right of early exit from prison, demand that he get or paid money to the treasury, moved his chip on a certain number of cells, and also send the owner of the card to prison.

"Public treasury". These cards are practically no different from the "chance".

Communal enterprise. If this cell is not yet redeemed by another participant, the player who came to her can redeem an enterprise by paying the specified value for it. If he does not want to pay, the right of ownership is exposed to the auction.

Railway station. The principle of actions is the same as on cells of utilities and real estate.

Tax field. Stopping on such a cell, the player must pay the amount specified on it in a common treasury.

Jail. It is possible to be on this cell if this indication was on the "Chance" card or

"Public treasury"If the player hit the field "Go to Prison" or three times in a row threw the same number of points for one trip.

You can get free from prison in several ways:

  • by skipping three strokes and paying a fine of 50 thousand;
  • staying on the prison cell and skipping a move, throw cubes each time in turn. If a double falls out,
  • you can leave the prison, without paying the fine, and move the chip on such a number of moves as it fell on cubes;
  • use the Card "Free from Prison". You can apply as your own card and buy it from someone from other players, Price,

After the player bought the ownership of all sections of real estate of one color range, he can buy at home for them and put them on his cells. This will increase the rent for finding the field. At the same time, the rules should be followed as:

  1. it is impossible to build at home in any field, if at least one area of \u200b\u200breal estate in this color group is laid out;
  2. it is impossible to put the second home on any site until the color group on one house is built at one home. The same rule concerns and acquire third and subsequent homes;
  3. at each site, you can put a maximum of four houses.

After building all sections of its real estate, the player can put hotels on them. This is another kind of property, which also increases the rent from other participants.

Sometimes in the game you can face the lack of houses. When almost all participants actively store their sections, free chips may not be left. In this case, it remains only to wait for someone from the rivals, feeling a shortage of money, will not launch his houses to the bank.

The average time of each batch in the "monopoly" depends on the number of players. Together in it you can play infinitely long (our record is three and a half hours of a fierce battle), and in big company The game can end for half an hour.

The main advantages of "Monopoly"

This is truly family gamewhich is suitable for children from eight-nine years and at the same time no less interesting for adults. In addition, it can be noted the following advantages:

  • uniqueness of each batch. There will be no same situations here, since each game depends on the player's strategy, from the "behavior" of cubes, from what the "chance" comes to the participant, and from many other factors;
  • opportunity B. gaming form teach children strategy and budget planning;
    Wide opportunities for the diversity of the gameplay.

The standard version of the "Monopoly" can hardly take with him on the trip, as its box has quite bulk dimensions. For this purpose there is a special road edition.

You can spend many exciting hours for this game, fighting friends or family members. I definitely recommend the "monopoly" to all connoisseurs of interesting and thoughtful tanks with an economic bias.

If you buy a "monopoly" to someone as a gift, then the store has an excellent option - you can write a recipient's name on the box and the present will immediately become unique and personal.