Management in the game gta 4. Key reassignment. Rockstar Editor Timeline

The problem lies in the inability to assign Enter to any action, to assign mouse buttons to "step forward", or to assign the side mouse button to anything. In general, everything related to problems with key remapping.


I found the solution on one of the UK gaming forums. It turned out to be truly ingenious and beautiful. You will need to download one small program (from the official website and absolutely free, this is an open source program under the GNU license). You will need to run it only once - it will register itself in the registry - and forget about its existence (just do not delete it from your computer and do not move it to another folder). Then you need to write a script with special commands. A list of these commands with explanations can also be found on the official website of the program, there is also a Russian version. But, in relation to this problem, you will not need to write a script. I already wrote it (see below). Here is such a scheme. Now specifically.

About AutoHotkey

  1. You need to download the "zip file" in the "Install Autohotkey" line. It's clear, unpack it and immediately place it in the right folder (where this program will lie for many years ...).
  • Download link -
  1. Download also the Russian-language instructions (if you want to create your own scripts):
  • Download link-
  1. Now run the AutoHotkey.exe program, there will be a question about creating a trial script, answer YES. Everything. You don't need to run the program anymore.
  1. Create a file with notepad with the following content:
  • a::b
  1. Save it, rename the extension from "*.txt" to "*.ahk", the name doesn't matter.
  1. Now try to open this file, Windows will ask: "what program to open this miracle?". You need to select the same AutoHotkey.exe file and check the box so that such files are always opened by this program.
  1. That is, you just need to bind the "*.ahk" extension to the AutoHotkey.exe file
  1. Once you've done that, delete the *.ahk file you created (with the content a::b).

Preparing to use AutoHotkey

Go into the game and assign those actions that you want, but cannot remap to the keys you need, to some keys that are not used in the game and are "to hell with the horns". For example, you want to assign an action to Enter. To do this, at this stage, assign an action, for example, to P. And remember what exactly is on P. Exit the game, preferably from Social Club too.

Script and all about it

Attention! The script contains my specific settings. You need the last three lines. Change them by assigning those that are convenient for you.

  • Now open notepad and paste this script into it:
#SingleInstance force
SendMode InputThenPlay

SetTimer, wr

WinGet, pname, ProcessName, A
if pname = GTAIV.exe
suspend, off
suspend, on


  • Save the file, then change the extension to ahk.
And now put it in the game folder, and a shortcut to it in Windows startup. Run the script (well, or reboot).

About the script

If you look closely at the contents of my script, you will see that there is also the name of the boot gta file IV. Below, the last three lines are the "binding" of the keys. In principle, this is all you need to know about the script to change the assignment of any keys to any other in any program / game running under Windows. So the script is universal. Not only for GTA IV.
  • Enter any other one instead of the GTAIV.exe boot file and others instead of some keys. The list of commands is in the instructions for AutoHotkey. Here it is in short:
  • Enter Enter
  • ! alt
  • ^ ctrl
  • + Shift
  • < Левая из пары (например, <^ значит левый Ctrl)
  • > right of the pair
  • LButton Mouse left eye
  • RButton Mouse right eye
  • MButton "Third eye" of the mouse
  • WheelDown Wheel down
  • WheelUp
  • XButton1 Fourth mouse button (side)
  • XButton2 Fifth mouse button

It is allowed to run multiple scripts at the same time. And if you carefully read the instructions, you will understand how to write all your scripts into one (for convenience).

Note that keybinding will turn on 2.5 seconds after entering the game and turn off 2.5 seconds after exiting.

Principle of operation

The script creates a keyboard and mouse hook, forcing it to catch on the fly pressing the necessary keys (only those used in the script) and pass them to the program as other keys. In my example, pressing Enter is passed to the game as P, and P is scored as an action in the game. Brilliant and simple. That rare case when versatility does not come at the expense of quality.


O: S - "Suspend Hotkeys" ("suspend the action of hot keys"), H - it's just "Hotkeys" (supposedly, hot keys are enabled). The script itself works in both cases.

V: Why, after applying the script, does Enter not work on the screen with a question about saving or exiting the game (where you need to answer EnterYes or EscNo)?

O: Because in this script, the Enter key is intercepted by the script and is regarded as an "action". The game is waiting for you to press Enter. There is a way out - to answer Yes on such screens (when the mouse cursor is not visible), press NumpadEnter (narrow Enter on the numeric keypad).

* Taxi stop.

To hail a taxi, Niko must stand by the road, preferably on the sidewalk. When you see a taxi, press L1. Niko will automatically stop the car. If no taxi is visible, you can order one using mobile phone. Moreover, in certain moment Niko will be able to call a limousine.

* Fast travel in a taxi.

In order not to go through the whole city yourself, call a taxi. It will take you to the starting point of the mission, the store, the house, or any point you have marked. The taxi ride can be skipped, allowing you to be on the other side of the city in about ten seconds. The same can be done in the mission.

* Escape from the police.

When you run from the police, they only look for you in a certain area. However, if you manage to break away from the chase, and then another police officer notices you, the search area will change. This can be used to your own advantage by moving slightly out of the area marked on the radar. After about five to ten seconds, it will all be over.

* Call for help.

Steal a police car, and when you're in trouble, press L1 while sitting in a parked car. Select "Call For Backup" and in a few minutes you'll have a couple of cars full of cops who will fight by your side until you shoot someone.

* Light headshot.

It is sometimes very difficult to get into the head of the enemy, and in the game it is sometimes necessary. With a little practice, you can easily hit the head using the method described below. Click the button to be able to use the right analog stick to aim at different parts of the body. While shooting, move the stick slightly. So you will hit the head and chest of the enemy, killing him immediately.

* Restore health in a mission.

If your health is low and you can't find a medkit, you can leave the quest area and go to Cluckin' Bell, hot dog stand, etc. for a bite to eat. This technique works effectively in missions where medkit Problems. Note. These places can be reached by taxi.

* Driving past checkpoints.

Use the car of one of the city services, turn on the sirens, and drive (at any speed). The caretaker will open the gate and you won't have to pay $5.

* $100 for all ringtones and themes for your mobile phone.

After you get the phone from Playboy X, head to the nearest internet cafe. Buy all ringtones and themes from the site. Get out from behind your computer and notice that you only spent $100 on all the ringtones and themes.

* Shooting from the water gun of the fire truck.

Steal the fire truck. To spray pedestrians with his water cannon, press the button while driving.

* Help broken car.

If the car breaks down and you cannot start it, dial 911 . The engine should start again.

* Prank phone calls

Pay attention to phone numbers on graffiti or subway ads. Call them if you want to hear a playful telephone conversation.

* Easy receipt of money.

Find an ATM and create a traffic jam in that area. Wait for someone to withdraw money from the ATM and kill him. Block off all nearby roads so that an ambulance cannot reach the victim. Pick up the dropped money and run away from the body for a short distance. When you return, the money should again appear on the ground. You can repeat this action as many times as you like. To increase the amount of money that appears, you can kill several people.

* Happiness Island: Heart of Statue Of Happiness or The Heart of Liberty City.

Get the ability to travel to Happiness Island, find Helicopter Tours east of Happiness Island and hijack the helicopter. Fly to Happiness Island. Flying over the statue, jump out of the helicopter and try to land at its feet on the topmost level, where there is a square platform with a door in the center of each side. Run along the platform until you see a door marked "No Hidden Content Here". This door will not open, but you can just go through it. Enter the door and you will find an empty room with a high staircase. Climb up it and look up. There you will see a huge beating heart held in place by chains.

* Helicopter "Annihilator".

Kill all 200 pigeons and get an Annihilator armed with missiles.

* Armored car "Rastah Color Huntley SUV".

Complete 10 Package Delivery missions.

* Bowling: light strokes.

Select the first track (leftmost). Take two full steps to the left. Move the analog joystick down for half a second, then up. Don't add anything to the roll.

* Call emergency vehicles.

Dial 911 on your mobile. In the voice menu that opens, select " 1 "to call the police," 2 "to call the fire brigade or " 3 " to call an ambulance. When the desired car arrives at the "accident scene", the crew will run out and you will have an opportunity to steal.

* Take a taxi.

If there is already a passenger in the taxi - do not be shy, open the door and throw him out into the street. Now the taxi will go where you say.

* Shooting from a water gun.

Steal the firetruck. Click the button " Fire"to spray pedestrians with a hose.

* Standing on a truck.

At the moment of jumping on the truck, press again " Bounce" and Niko will stay on top. But this does not always work, sometimes he falls down and loses some health.

* Saving cars in parking lots.

At the beginning of the game, you can only save two cars in the "Residents Parking Only" parking lot in front of the house. But the city is full of the same parking lots with the "Residents Parking Only" sign, and you can leave your car on each of them, even if you have not bought housing there.

In front of your first house is a small parking lot marked "Residents Parking Only" where you can park your cars so they don't disappear. It is not necessary to park the cars according to the markup. If you put the machines as compactly as possible, then one more will fit.

* Algonquin: Quote from Ricky Gervais.

Take a friend like Packie or Jacob to the Split Sides comedy club in Star Junction for a virtual stand-up that's typical of Ricky Gervais.

* Happiness Island: New clothes.

The secret T-shirt of the Happy Islands is hidden at the highest point of the statue's pedestal, where you can get "on your own". It looks like a glowing red rectangle. When you take it, Niko will immediately change clothes. It will be a blue sailor. On the chest there is a statue and the beginning of the phrase "Happiness is ..." and on the back the ending: "".

* Quoted from Hillary Clinton.

"Statue of Happiness" is actually none other than Hillary Clinton. She holds a cup of steaming latte in her hand and a clipboard that easily reads her name.

* Firing from behind cover and while driving.

When you shoot general rule will hold the fire button ( RT or LB). If you are behind cover or shooting from a vehicle, this will force Niko to lean out a bit and take aim. If you press and release the button too quickly, Roman may lean out and not have time to shoot. This is especially true for shooting from a car. It may seem strange for those who are used to shooting in short bursts in all games, but while driving it is better to hold down the " the fire and pour bullets on the enemy.

* Ways to avoid the police.

When you are being chased by the police (the level of pursuit is 1 star or higher), you need to get out of the blinking circle on the radar in order to reduce the level of pursuit. If you have one star, then for sure 1-2 cars or a handful of patrolmen followed you. It is easy to escape from them, rushing straight to the border. If you have two stars, then there will be more cops and it will be much more difficult to escape. Here it is better to use the skills of "creative" driving, run away in tight places or jump where the police will not follow you. Three stars are given for killing a policeman and it is better not to do this. With three stars, a helicopter begins to pursue you and there is no way to escape from it, except to shoot it down with a grenade launcher. Also, during the chase, keep an eye out for the red and blue circles on the radar, they represent police cars. When you are chased, cops from all over the city begin to move towards you. Obviously, the fewer pursuers, the easier it is to get away from the chase, so avoid encounters with patrol cars that have not yet been drawn into the chase. The circle switches to the nearest cop, who is in this moment He sees you, so you fall within the radius of the cop's circle if you pass next to him and he sees you. Let's take an example. Several cars chased after Niko, but he managed to quickly get out of their radii. But right in his path, more cops appeared, who pulled themselves up to the place of the chase. He stopped in front of them. Despite the fact that police cars were approaching from both sides, in this case he managed to get out of the radius of all police cars and the pursuit level dropped to zero.

* Stairs.

It may seem to some that this is stupid advice, but still ... It's faster to move up the stairs on foot. The animation of Niko going down the stairs is slightly slowed down, so it's easier to jump over the flights of stairs from the top landing to the bottom landing. The reception also works in the "up" direction on not too long spans.

* Relationships with the opposite sex.

In Grand Theft Auto 4 You can date girls again. There are 5 girls in total.


Acquisition: Automatically by story.
Likes: Diner at your first apartment.


Obtained: Automatically during Packie missions.
Likes: Kate is a simple girl who is easy to impress. She is known to love Drusilla.


Acquisition: You can meet her on if you go under the nickname LAWCHICK.
* Kiki loves comedy club and fancy cars.
* Special Service: In certain situations, Kiki can cancel police harassment over the phone.
* Dislikes expensive clothes, bars and restaurants


Acquisition: You can meet her on if you go under the nickname Sobohoe.
* Special Service: Carmen can treat over the phone.
* Dress her up latest fashion and drive to the club in an expensive car. This will give +12% relationship.

Alexandra Chilton is a socialite and fashionista.

Obtaining: You can meet her on if you go under the nickname Liberated Woman. She maintains her own blog (, where she comments on all her meetings and dates. You can call her from 06:00 to 02:00.
* Alexandra loves loves, cabaret, Comedy club and fancy cars: Cognoscenti, Huntley, Infernus, Stretch and Turismo. Better not to use cars: Bobcat, Dukes, Emperor, Pony and Willard.
* Dress her up in the latest fashion (clothes only from Perseus) and take her to the club in an expensive car. This will give a 50% discount in all clothing stores 24 hours after the call.

* Multiplayer game features.

Racing modes

Race mode allows participants to race from point A to point B in cars, boats and helicopters. Race mode options include Free Race (between two points), Canonball Run (racing on checkpoints) and GTA Race (gun racing).

Command modes

Team Deathmatch
Battles from 2 to 8 teams, the remaining team receives the money of all the losers.

Team Mafia Work
Emphasis on completing tasks, such as escorting a character or stealing a car. The team that completes the most tasks wins. Of course, teams can attack each other during an online scenario.

Team Car Jack City
Another mode for 2-8 teams, where participants are invited to steal marked cars that appear on the streets. The team that delivers the most cars and in the best condition wins.

User interface

P- Pause menu
Home- Social Club Menu
Enter- To accept
Escape/Backspace/Right mouse button- Undo/back
Mouse Wheel Up/Page Up - Map Zoom
Mouse Wheel Down/Page Down - Distance on the map
Left mouse button / Space / Enter - Skip video

Are common

Move mouse- Overview
W/A/S/D- Up/Left/Down/Right
Z- Radar distance
V- Change of angle
R- Cinematic Camera/Focus
M- Interactive menu

Driving a car (tow truck), motorcycle, bicycle (bike), boat

A- steer left
D- steer right
Space- Handbrake/bike jump
W- Gas/pedaling
S- Brake/Bike Rear Brake
Q- Bicycle front brake
CAPSLOCK- Bicycle front brake
C- Look back
X- sit down
Left mouse button (when aiming)- Shooting
Right mouse button- take aim
CAPSLOCK- turn on the character's special ability
E- Siren/klaxon
H- Headlights
H (hold)- Raise / lower the top (+ other special functions)
Hold Q + move mouse- select radio
Dot- Next. radio station
Comma- Prev. radio station
Button "="- Next track
Button "-"- Previous track
Mouse wheel up/TAB- Next. weapon
L- Cinematic slowdown
Left shift button- tilt forward
Right button "Ctrl"- tilt back
Wheel up/down- The speed of showing stunt jumps
Left mouse button (hold)- toggle vehicle/camera control
Show middle finger- mouse wheel forward + right mouse button

In air transport (airplane, helicopter) and submarines

W- Increase air transport thrust
S- Reduce air transport thrust
Left shift button- Submarine - surfacing
Left button "Ctrl"- Submarine - dive
A- Submarine - sharply to the left / air transport - to the left
D- Submarine - sharply to the right / air transport - to the right
Button "4" on the digital block- Air transport - tilt left / Submarine - turn left
Button "6" on the digital block- Air transport - Tilt right / Submarine - Turn right
Button "5" on the digital block- tilt back
Button "8" on the digital block- Tilt forward
G- Switch landing equipment
Right mouse button/spacebar- Air transport - shoot
TAB- Weapon selection menu
Button "7" on the digital block- Air transport - aim left
Button "9" on the digital block- Air transport - aim right
E- Use hook/vertical takeoff
Insert- On off. weapon camera

On foot

Right mouse button- Aiming
Left mouse button- Shooting
Space- Jump
Left Shift Button (hold to run)- Acceleration
Left button "Ctrl"- Stealth mode
Q- Hide
F- Get into transport
G- Quickly throw a grenade/detonate explosives
WITH- Look back
E- Context action
CAPSLOCK- Special ability
Hold TAB + move mouse- Weapon selection menu
Left mouse button- hand-to-hand combat
R (with aim)- Punch
Q (with aim)- Kick
Spacebar (with aim)- Melee dodge
R (after dodge)- Counterstrike
R- weapon reloading
Right mouse button + mouse wheel up/button ]- zoom in
Right mouse button + mouse wheel up/[ button- Zoom out
Right mouse button + E- Special weapon function
Spacebar + right mouse button(if in the hands of a weapon) - Roll in battle

Character selection

Hold left button "Alt" + Move mouse- Character selection menu
Hold F5- Switch to Michael
Hold F6- Switch to Franklin
Hold F7- Switch to Trevor
Hold F8- Switch to character


A- move left
D- Move right
W- Move forward
S- Move backward
Q- Parachute - left brake
E- Parachute - right brake
Left key "Shift"/Q+E- Parachute - precise landing
Left mouse button / F- Open parachute
F- unhook the parachute
X- Parachute - smoke

GTA Online

Z- Info about the network game
B- Show on
T- Text message to everyone
Y- Text message to team
F9- Drop weapon
F10- Throw ammo


Cursor up/press mouse wheel- Activate
Cursor up- Move up/border camera
Cursor down- Move down/camera filter
Cursor left- move left
Cursor right- Move right
Mouse wheel up- Phone - scroll forward
Mouse wheel down- Phone - scroll back
Enter/left mouse button- Phone - selection / call / photo
Backspace/right mouse button- Phone - cancel/back
Move the mouse- Move camera
Mouse wheel- Camera zoom
E/Press the mouse wheel- Self portrait (camera)
X- Change facial expression (camera)
G- On off. grate (chamber)
F- Depth of field adjustment (camera)
L- Lock focus (camera)

Weapon selection buttons

1 - unarmed
2 - melee
3 - Shotgun
4 - Heavy weapons
5 - Special weapon
6 - Pistol
7 - PP
8 - Automatic
9 - Sniper

Rockstar Editor: Director Mode

M- Director Mode Menu
Left Ctrl key- Talk
caps lock- Action

Rockstar Editor: Recording

F1- Start recording
F2- Stop recording
F3- Cancel recording

Rockstar Editor Timeline

ESC / Right mouse button- Switch between timeline and menu
Mouse wheel- Manage playhead
W/S/A/D buttons cursor keys- Move on the timeline
Left button "Ctrl" + X/ Drag left mouse button - Drag clip
Left button "Ctrl" + V/ Enter / Left Mouse Button - Set Clip
Left button "Cntrl" + C- Copy Clip
Delete- Delete clip
Hold the "Q" button- Detect start of audio or text
Button "[" / "]"- Trim clip manually
Left Cursor / Right Cursor- Trim audio clip automatically
Space- Listen to the audio clip
Space- Stop listening

Rockstar Editor: Clip Editing

Space- Run clip
Space- Pause the clip
Button "[" / "]"- View labels
M- Add music
Enter / Left mouse button- Select label
Delete- Remove label
Drag with left mouse button- Move label
Mouse wheel- Navigation
Left Cursor / Right Cursor- Manual rewind
H- Remove display
F5- Save

Rockstar Editor Free Camera

W/S/A/D buttons- move
Hold left mouse button- Rotate
Q / E / Mouse wheel- Height
Z/C- Zoom
Left Cursor / Right Cursor- Rotation
Left Ctrl key- Reset angle
F5- Save

Rockstar Editor: Camera with a Target

W/S/A/D buttons- Rotation around the target
Hold left mouse button- Move the camera from the target
Upper Cursor / Lower Cursor- Approach / Distance
Q / E / Mouse wheel- Height
Z/C- Zoom
Left Cursor / Right Cursor- Rotation
Left Ctrl key- Reset angle

Rockstar Editor Preinstalled camera

Mouse wheel up/down- Approach / Distance
Z/C - Zoom
Left Ctrl key- Reset angle

PC. Gamepad

Left trigger (LT)
Left bumper (LB)
Right trigger (RT)
Right bumper (RB)
Left bumper + Right bumper- Shooting on the go
Left stick
Right stick
- Look back
Y button
Button B- Movie camera/hang up
Button A
Button X- Change weapons / pop up
Cross up- Use phone
Cross down
D-pad left
Cross right
View button
Menu button- pause

On foot

Left trigger (LT)- Aiming / target acquisition
Left bumper (LB)
Right trigger (RT)- Shooting/melee attack
Right bumper (RB)- Take/leave cover
Left trigger + X button- Roll in combat
Left stick- Movement
Right stick
Left stick button (L)- Stealth mode
Right stick button (R)
Right stick button + Left stick button- Special Ability/Gesture in
- Fast grenade throw
Y button- Take / leave the vehicle
Button B
Button A
Button X
Cross up- Use phone
Cross down- Character selection (hold) / GTA: Online lobby window / view GTA map: Online (press twice)
D-pad left- Detonate stickybomb
Cross right
View button- Change angle / hold to go to the interaction menu
Menu button- pause

Xbox One

Behind the wheel

Left trigger (LT)- Brake/reverse after stop/decrease aircraft thrust/helicopter descent
Left bumper (LB)- Aim on the move / hull rotation (aircraft and submarine)
Right trigger (RT)- Throttle / aircraft thrust increase / helicopter climb
Right bumper (RB)- Handbrake / airborne weapon firing / hull rotation (aircraft and submarine)
Left bumper + Right bumper- Shooting on the go
Left stick- Taxiing/Tilting (Aircraft and Submarine)
Right stick- Camera Rotation/Aiming
Left stick button (L)- Horn/On on or off siren (short press)
Right stick button (R)- Look back
Right stick button + Left stick button- Special ability/gesture in GTA: Online
Y button- Take / leave the vehicle
Button B- Movie camera/hang up
Button A- Duck down/answer the call/firing aircraft guns/dive (submarine)
Button X- Change weapons / pop up
Cross up- Use phone
Cross down- Character selection (hold) / GTA: Online lobby window / view GTA: Online map (tap twice)
D-pad left- Select radio station (hold) / change radio station (short press)
Cross right- Raise or lower convertible top (hold) / on and off. lights (short press)
View button- Change angle / hold to go to the interaction menu
Menu button- pause

On foot

Left trigger (LT)- Aiming / target acquisition
Left bumper (LB)- Select weapon (hold) / draw or remove the last used weapon (short press)
Right trigger (RT)- Shooting/melee attack
Right bumper (RB)- Take/leave cover
Left trigger + X button- Roll in combat
Left stick- Movement
Right stick- Camera rotation / aiming
Left stick button (L)- Stealth mode
Right stick button (R)- Look back/zoom trailer
Right stick button + Left stick button- Special Ability/Gesture in
Left Trigger (LT) + D-pad Left- Fast grenade throw
Y button- Take / leave the vehicle
Button B- Reload / melee attack / hang up
Button A- Run (hold)/Sprint (press repeatedly)/Answer a call (short press)/Kick
Button X- Jump/climb/jump/dodge
Cross up- Use phone
Cross down- Character selection (hold) / GTA: Online lobby window / view GTA: Online map (tap twice)
D-pad left- Detonate stickybomb
Cross right- Talk to the nearest pedestrian / hail a taxi / interact
View button- Change angle / hold to go to the interaction menu
Menu button- pause

Behind the wheel

Button L2- Brake/reverse after stop/decrease aircraft thrust/helicopter descent
Button L1- Aim on the move / hull rotation (aircraft and submarine)
Button R2- Throttle / aircraft thrust increase / helicopter climb
Button R1- Handbrake / airborne weapon firing / hull rotation (aircraft and submarine)
Button L1 + R1- Shooting on the go
Left joystick- Taxiing/Tilting (Aircraft and Submarine)
right joystick- Camera Rotation/Aiming
Button L3- Horn/On on or off siren (short press)
Button R3- Look back
Button L3+R3- Special ability/gesture in GTA: Online
Triangle button- Take / leave the vehicle
circle button- Movie camera/hang up
Cross button- Duck down/answer the call/firing aircraft guns/dive (submarine)
Button square- Change weapons / pop up
up button- Use phone
Down button- Character selection (hold) / GTA: Online lobby window / view GTA: Online map (tap twice)
Left button- Select radio station (hold) / change radio station (short press)
Right button- Raise or lower convertible top (hold) / on and off. lights (short press)
Touch pad (up/down)- Change radio station
- Change weapons
- Change of angle
- Interaction menu
Options Button- pause

On foot

Button L2- Aiming / target acquisition
Button L1- Select weapon (hold) / draw or remove the last used weapon (short press)
Button R2- Shooting/melee attack
Button R1- Take/leave cover
L2 + Button square- Somersault
Left joystick- Movement
right joystick- Camera rotation / aiming
Button L3- Stealth mode
Button R3- Look back/zoom trailer
Button L3+R3- Special Ability/Gesture in
L2 + Button left- Fast grenade throw
Triangle button- Take / leave the vehicle
circle button- Reload / melee attack / hang up
Cross button- Run (hold)/Sprint (press repeatedly)/Answer a call (short press)/Kick
Button square- Jump/climb/jump/dodge
up button- Use phone
Down button- Character selection (hold) / GTA: Online lobby window / view GTA: Online map (tap twice)
Left button- Detonate stickybomb
Right button- Talk to the nearest pedestrian / hail a taxi / interact
Touchpad (swipe down)- Get/put away weapons
Touchpad (swipe left/right)- Change weapons
Touch pad button (press)- Change of angle
Touch pad button (hold)- Interaction menu
Options Button- pause

Xbox 360

On the menu


Behind the wheel

R(button) - look back.
X- change weapons.
- get the phone.

Back- change of angle.
start- pause.

On foot

LT- aiming, target acquisition.
LT+X- roll in battle.
L- movement.
R- camera rotation, aiming.
L(button) - stealth mode.
Y- landing, exit from transport.
- get the phone.

← - detonate a sticky bomb.

start- pause.

On the menu

Cross- transition to GTA: Online when loading the game.
→ - change the detail in the map mode.

Behind the wheel

L2- brake, reversing after a stop, reducing aircraft thrust, descending by helicopter.
L1- firing on the move from hand or mounted weapons, turning (in air or underwater transport).
R2- gas, increasing aircraft thrust, lifting by helicopter.
R1- hand brake, turning (in air or underwater transport).
L- turn the steering wheel, tilt (in air or underwater transport).
R- camera rotation, aiming.
L3(button) - klaxon, siren by quick pressing.
R3(button) - look back.
L3+R3(buttons) - character's special ability (only for Franklin)
Triangle- landing, exit from transport.
A circle- cinematic camera, end of a conversation on the phone.
Cross- handbrake, answering an incoming call, firing from aircraft weapons.
Square- change weapons.
- get the phone.
↓ - hold to select a character, switch between characters with a quick press.
← - hold to select a radio station, change the radio station by quick pressing.
→ - hold to control the convertible roof, turn on the headlights by quick pressing.
Select- change of angle.
start- pause.

On foot

L2- aiming, target acquisition.
L1- hold to select a weapon, hide or get the last selected weapon by quick pressing.
R2- shooting from weapons, melee strikes.
R1- hide, leave the shelter.
L2 + Square- roll in battle.
L- movement.
R- camera rotation, aiming.
L3(button) - stealth mode.
R3(button) - look back, zoom in on the sight.
L3+R3(buttons) - character's special ability (only for Michael and Trevor)
Triangle- landing, exit from transport.
A circle- reload, melee strike, end a phone call.
Cross- hold for an easy jog, press quickly to run, answer an incoming call with a quick press, kick.
Square- jump, rise, descent, dodge.
- get the phone.
↓ - hold to select a character.
← - detonate a sticky bomb.
→ - start a conversation with a character, call a taxi, interaction.
Select- change angle, hold to go to the interaction menu in GTA Online.
start- pause.

What are the game's system requirements?

Official requirements:


Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4 GHz
RAM: 1.5 GB
16 GB free hard disk space
Video card: 256 MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256 MB ATI X1900.

OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 / XP Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1 GHz
RAM: 2.5 GB (Windows XP) / 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
18 GB free hard disk space
Video Card: 512 MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512 MB ATI 3870.

How much better is the graphics?

Graphically, the game has become better than the previous parts, not much, but better. The main change is the details! There are a lot of little things: boxes, barrels, boxes, garbage that do not stand like a glove, but they can be touched / broken.

Is there still a problem with the sudden disappearance and appearance of cars?

OIt did, but now it doesn't happen as often as it used to. In addition, the computer version got rid of the annoying flaw that most of the cars in the traffic were the same model as the main character.

The game does not allow me to set high graphics settings on my system, what should I do?

Need dAdd the -norestrictions attribute to the game shortcut so that the path looks something like this:
"C:\Games\ grand theft Auto IV\LaunchGTAIV.exe" -norestrictions
Before starting the game, you need to log in to the "Social Club", otherwise the game will not respond to any commands to the shortcut offline, but you need to launch GTA IV not from the "Club", but by the shortcut you changed.

There is another way to disable the restriction of game settings. To do this, you need to create a commandline.txt text document in the game folder and write in it:

-norestrictions -height 1024 -width 1280 -refreshrate 60 -texturequality 0 -renderquality 0 -viewdistance 0 -shadowdensity 0

Then save the file and start the game. Parameters can take the following values:
texturequality: 0–2 - low/medium/high, renderquality: 0–4 - low/medium/high/very high/highest, viewdistance: 0–99 (1–100 in game, respectively), shadowdensity: 0–16 . Define specific numerical values ​​for yourself, depending on hardware, software, preferences, etc.

The exact decoding of all command line attributes is in the game's readme, there are much more of them than in this example.

I'm getting an error with some code. What to do?

Full list errors with codes and their decryption is on the Rockstar Games technical support site.

The game writes an error "Your system is incompatible with %P", what is it?

It means your computer is not compatible system requirements games. You most likely don't have the latest Windows Service Pack installed (SP3 for XP or SP1 for Vista), but there could be other reasons, such as outdated system unit components. Just in case, double check if your PC meets the minimum requirements of GTA IV.

The camera does not have time to align behind the wheelbarrow in turns, how can it be fixed?

No way. Camera control in GTA IV is on the mouse, learn to drive cars on the keyboard with your left hand and adjust the camera with your right with the mouse.

Is it possible to change the controls in GTA4 and assign keys to your liking?

Yes, you can. From the Controls > Custom Mapping menu.

Why do my cars not crumple when damaged in the game?

Most likely, the old video card from ATI is to blame for this. Solution: install official patch or add the -forcer2vb parameter to the commandline.txt file (but this will cause a glitch when the car body eventually becomes invisible with excess damage).

Textures disappear in the game, how to cure it?

Install in the computer additionally random access memory(in most cases, textures disappear on systems with less than 2 GB of "RAM").

Where does the game store saves?

On Windows XP: "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames".

On Windows Vista: "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\savegames".

The game has very low FPS, what should I do?

Disabling clip capture in the game menu (Game > Clip capture > OFF) helps a little.

Is it possible to run the game in windowed mode?

Yes, you need to create a commandline.txt file in the root of the game and write in it: -windowed.

Where are finished videos stored and how can they be viewed/converted?

If the video was successfully exported to one of the formats offered by the game (WEB, 720p 1080p), look for a wmv file in the "My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\Videos\rendered" folder. This is a Windows Media Video format and should be played by most modern media players. To convert, look for a special software that can work with the WMV format.

If you didn't find the videos in the specified folder, and the video export in the game is constantly interrupted after the first frames, see the answer to the previous question.

The game began to reset the settings on every launch after changing the video card driver. What to do?

If you have Windows Vista, then delete three files in the Settings directory. She is located here:
"C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV"
Do not delete any more folders, only the three files located in this directory. Now start the game, set the settings again, and the game will remember them.

Similarly for users with Windows XP. Delete three files in the Settings directory, which is located here:
"C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Rockstar Games\GTA IV"
Launch the game, set your settings again, and the game will remember them.

Does the game support DirectX10?

No, according to the developers themselves, the game does not use the tenth version of DirectX.

MIs it possible to somehow run the game without the third service pack for Windows XP?

You can try to cheat the game by changing the key value in the registry: Start -> Run-> regedit -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Windows and change the value 200 to 300 in the CSDVersion parameter.

What should I do if the game does not work with my gamepad / steering wheel?

Officially, the game only supports Xbox360-compatible controllers from Microsoft. If you have a different joystick, you need to install the first official patch, or you can try to emulate the X360 pad according to this advice, but no one guarantees full compatibility. Steering wheels GTA IV does not support at all.

I have a “drunk” camera in the game and the gas pedal is blocked in cars, why?

Most likelyyou bought pirated version games, and the above symptoms are the result of the work of protecting the game from hacking. Buy a license!

official requirements Grand Theft Auto IV the following:


Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4 GHz
RAM: 1.5 GB
16 GB free hard disk space
Video card: 256 MB NVIDIA 7900 / 256 MB ATI X1900.

OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 / XP Service Pack 3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 GHz, AMD Phenom X3 2.1 GHz
RAM: 2.5 GB (Windows XP) / 2.5 GB (Windows Vista)
18 GB free hard disk space
Video Card: 512 MB NVIDIA 8600 / 512 MB ATI 3870.

Stayed on consoles. On the PC, a strong manifestation of this effect was not noticed.

Moreover, computer version got rid of the annoying drawback that most of the cars in the traffic were the same model as Niko.

There is a way to disable the restriction. To do this, you need to create a commandline.txt text document in the game folder and write in it:


Then save the file and start the game. Additionally, you can enter other launch parameters into the file, separated by a space (for example, -height 1024 -width 1280 -refreshrate 60 -texturequality 0 -renderquality 0 -viewdistance 0 -shadowdensity 0). Parameters can take the following values:

Texturequality: 0 (low), 1 (medium) or 2 (high)
renderquality: 0 (low), 1 (medium), 2 (high), 3 (very high), 4 (highest);
viewdistance: 0–99 (in game, respectively, 1–100);
shadow density: 0-16

Define specific numerical values ​​for yourself, depending on hardware, software, preferences, etc. The exact decoding of all command line attributes is in the game's readme, there are much more of them than in this example.

No way. Camera control in GTA IV is on the mouse, as in GTA:SA, learn to drive cars on the keyboard with your left hand and adjust the camera with your right hand with your mouse.

Yes, you can. From the Controls > Custom Mapping menu.

Install additional RAM in the computer (in most cases, textures disappear on systems with less than 2 GB of “RAM”) or take advice from here.

Disabling clip capture in the game menu (Game > Clip capture > OFF) helps a little.

Yes, you need to create a commandline.txt file in the root of the game and write in it: -windowed

In most cases, there can be two reasons: either the system is really weak for video coding (for example, if you are trying to export a video in 1080p resolution on a computer that is hardly up to minimum requirements), or the path to the My Documents folder contains Cyrillic characters. In the second case, moving the folder to a new location will help, how to do this is described in the answer to the question "How to turn on your music?".

If the video was successfully exported to one of the formats offered by the game (WEB, 720p, 1080p), look for a wmv file in the "My Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA IV\Videos\rendered" folder.

This is a Windows Media Video file and should be played by most modern media players. To convert, look for a special software that can work with the WMV format.

If you didn't find the videos in the specified folder, and the video export in the game is constantly interrupted after the first frames, see the answer to the previous question.

If you have Windows Vista, then delete three files in the Settings directory. She is located here:
"C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Rockstar Games\GTA IV"
Do not delete any more folders, only the three files located in this directory. Now start the game, set the settings again, and the game will remember them.

Similarly for users with Windows XP. Delete three files in the Settings directory, which is located here:
"C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Rockstar Games\GTA IV"
Launch the game, set your settings again, and the game will remember them.

You can try to cheat the game by changing the value of the key in the registry:
Start -> Run -> regedit -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Windows and change the CSDVersion value from 200 to 300. After that, you need to restart the computer.

Attention! If you are not sure that you are doing everything right, or if you cannot find / follow any of the instructions, it is better not to touch the system registry at all. In any case, for all the adverse consequences caused by such actions, if something breaks down or the computer stops working, we are not responsible.

Officially, the game only supports Xbox360-compatible gamepads from " Microsoft". If you have a different joystick, you need to install the first official patch, or you can try to emulate the X360 pad according to this advice, but no one guarantees full compatibility. handlebars GTA IV does not support at all.

Congratulations, you are the "lucky" owner of a crooked pirate, and the above symptoms are the result of the game's protection against hacking. Buy a license and don't bother other users with questions about how you can "play normally" without paying anything to the developers.

Try disconnecting the gamepad from the computer.

Reboot and launch the game again. Often this problem occurs for those who, after installing the patch, immediately launches GTA IV benchmark, not the game itself.