Latest fashion pack from Jova 09.17 YouTube


Fashion from Jova is a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for world Games Of Tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this model assembly, you will only need to download the installer from our site, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion and start setting.

It has always been in two versions:

  • fashion from Jova Extended version
  • fashion from Jova Basic version

The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as turned on by the statistics of the Olememer, all other modes in it are the same as in base version. This is due to the fact that the assembly of Jov is published on the official portal and it supports it in every way. But so that all this is done is one condition, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers do not like him very much. Therefore, we have to wait for the extended version of Jova's mods assembly a couple of days after the basic exit. But it is worth it.

After all, the Job team always tries to make the modpak most convenient for use, achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. Such a modpac becomes an indispensable assistant for each tanker, he will help you survive and win the most difficult battles. By installing fashion once, they will certainly like you and continue to play without them just do not want.

Build modes from Jow for World of Tanks will replace the parts of the game interface to better by adding many additional improvements and changes. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always in the assembly there will be no little exclusive and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Here you can see the full list of mods that entered into JOVE MOPAC

  1. Super sight Job.
  2. Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.
  3. Different damage panels.
  4. Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.
  5. Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.
  6. A variety of voice acting.
  7. Informative markers.
  8. Zoom mod.
  9. Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.
  10. Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.
  11. Statistics for the session.
  12. WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.
  13. WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects

After the renewal is released, more than 10 exclusive mods have been added to the list of JOC:

  • the best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile
  • directions of the enemy's trunks on the mini card
  • circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes
  • mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars
  • improved x25 zoom in sniper sight
  • three new sight
  • hP tanks in ears in two versions

Who is Jov:

Jov - all the famous fruits on YouTube. Today, his channel is well known to each player in tanks. Previously, this young guy was a simple player, like all of us, but he was slightly different from the rest of the players. He often dragged sophisticated battles, twisted in difficult situation and knew the game well to the most smallest details than heavily surprised her friends.

Once he recorded his video of his successful battle and downloaded on Youtube to show his friends and boast. He did not notice that his video looked not only a couple of friends, but also many players tankers on the Internet network. As it turned out, many really liked his video, he began to record more and yet. He himself did not realize it became a small "asterisk", one of the not many experienced players in World of Tanks. Over time, he even began to enjoy recording such a video, because thousands of players are watching it.

After half a year, he collected all the fashion that was used in his battles and made his own assembly, which was called - Modpak from Jov! In our time, his fashion uses many players who do not imagine the game in a clean client. The popularity of Job's mods is growing every day, as well as the popularity of World of Tanks.

Jow himself argues that his modpac, unlike others, does not contain any viruses or malicious programs that can harm your computer! Therefore, you can install it without any fears.


To install the mods assembly, you need to perform several simple items:


Mirror 1.

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2.

Mirror 2:

A four-digit oneemer for JOVE MODPACK is included in the extended version of the Pak mod.

Extended version of Modpak Jova :

Now the assembly comes immediately in the extended version, swing it on the link above.


adapted for;
Updated WEDL;
Fashion updated;
Fixed bugs;

Fashion from Jova is a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for the game World of Tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this model assembly, you will only need to download the installer from our site, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion and start setting.

It has always been in two versions:

Fashion from Jova Extended version
Fashion from Jova Basic version
The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as the inclusive of the statistics of the Olenemer, all other modes in it are the same as in the basic version. This is due to the fact that the assembly of Jov is published on the official portal and it supports it in every way. But so that all this is done is one condition, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers do not like him very much. Therefore, we have to wait for the extended version of Jova's mods assembly a couple of days after the basic exit. But it is worth it.

After all, the Job team always tries to make the modpak most convenient for use, achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. Such a modpac becomes an indispensable assistant for each tanker, he will help you survive and win the most difficult battles. By installing fashion once, they will certainly like you and continue to play without them just do not want.

Build modes from Jov for World of Tanks will replace the parts of the game interface to better by adding many additional improvements and changes. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always in the assembly there will be no little exclusive and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Here you can see the full list of mods that entered JOVE modopak

Super sight Job.
Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.
Different damage panels.
Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.
Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.
A variety of voice acting.
Informative markers.
Zoom mod.
Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.
Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.
Statistics for the session.
WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.
WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects
After the update is released more than 10 exclusive mods added to the model of JOK:

The best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile
Directions of the enemy's trunks on the mini card
Circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes
Mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars
Improved x25 zoom in a sniper sight
Three new sight
HP tanks in ears in two versions

We present to your attention the most famous modopac from a member of the Celebration team Virtus Pro - Mod Pak Jove The assembly was created with the support of WORLD OF TANKS developers and approved by the players.

The Jove modopak is packed in two build options - basic and expanded. They are distinguished by the fact that non-prohibited by developers are included in the second assembly, but "unwanted" mods. In the expanded Frepack Jova, this is a full-featured "Olenemer" and zoom-mod at an increase in multiplicity in a sniper sight to 25x. Unwanted, they are considered because, although they do not give a radical advantage in battle, but create an increased load on the game server.

The build from Jova also contains many other mods to change any element of the game interface.

View the composition of the assembly

Composition of mods from Jova

  • Modpak Update Notifications Installed in mandatory. This mod, at the entrance to the hangar, checks the presence new version On the Internet and, if it is, it shows a window with a proposal to update fashion.
  • Golden Strimov announcements "This is another hangar information mod that shows a message about the nearest event on the WORLD OF TANKS gold draw on the Job Stream Channel.


  • Sight Jova Made on the basis of standard, differences in more noticeable elements of the interface.

Job's sight works in arcade and sniper mode. Art-sight is traditionally no, but it can be put separately, from another fashion.

  • Improved standard sight from Atotik - It has more brighter and noticeable fonts, as well as the presence of redistribution indicators.
  • Minimalist Sight from Dellux Available for installation in four versions: basic, turquoise (like a crane), from flash, from amway921
  • "Like a murazor" - Sight with large and well-visible graphic elements, there are all the necessary indicators.
  • "Like a deceptode" - Another sight from the famous player. Refers to the category of informative sights, has a memorable design.
  • Ghost Recon Sight. Mod with a large number of graphic elements in the style of a popular game.
  • Meltymap's Mathmod.. Original mod With a futuristic design and a large number of information.
  • White sight - A modest and completed indicators, a standard sight, is not very convenient on winter maps.
  • Mielnir - Sight, the design of which is inspired by the thorah hammer.
  • "Sword of Damocles"- One of the best and most informative sights, having an art mode.
  • "Tipan" - Well known and proven by the practice of fashion sight, many indicators thought out design.

Additional Art Sights and Circles Details

For a separate installation sights, two art sights and two circles are available from the rest of the installation sights.

  • "Sword of Damocles" - Without exaggeration, the best sight for artillery, at the expense of all the necessary information, as well as dynamic circles of archery for a moving target.
  • "Tipan". The art mode of this sight shows an approximate flight time to the target and an angle of entry of the projectile in armor at the aiming point. With some luck, you can make excellent fugas shots with a break in the vulnerable roof of the tower and the case.

  • Churching Kirill Oreshkina - Beautiful animated circle. Information familiar to many on official video from Vargeiming.
  • Honor with the angle of entry - Functional mod that will show you at what angle at the point of aiming will meet the projectile and armor tank enemy.

Useful little things in battle

  • HP teams The account panel shows the total strength of the techniques of teams, as well as the number of damage necessary to obtain the "main caliber". In combination with the log of the damage from XVM, it allows you to farm this medal on an industrial scale.

  • Removing "Mud" in sniper mode Removes blackout on the edges of the screen, which is added there "for realism."
  • The edge direction indicator In the form of an arrow with a timer of reference after hitting. Red arrow - shot with damage, yellow - ricochet or impetuation.
  • Disable random shooting and rangefinder adjustment. It saves you from a random shooting on the allies or corpses of tanks than saves time in battle and shells. Turns off by pressing and holding the Alt button. With the same mod, a rangefinder is set, which helps shoot on tanks against the background of remote objects on the map.
  • Calculator of its armor from Meltymap. An indispensable mod for lovers of tank damage, shows at what angle is better to turn your tank under the enemy shot to get a ricochet or impetuation.
  • Increase the display time "Light bulbs". The mod extends the performance of the indicator to the approximate point when your tank ceases to be visible to opponents.
  • The direction of trunks on the ministry Shows about where the weapon of an ally or opponent looks. Works within the square of the maximum visibility of the technique.
  • Circle 15 meters around the tank. Popular mod Among the owners of PT-SAU and lovers sit in the bushes. Helps properly hiding the tank to shoot on someone else's light without risk to be detected.
  • Extended automaton indication Makes the contour of the enemy bright blue when capturing in autograph. May be very useful in confusion.
  • Indicator nearest enemy - This is an arrow with a distance to the nearest opponent detected. Green - the enemy of the obstacle, red - in direct visibility, you can shoot.
  • Improved shell indicator Makes the numbers on the shell panel larger and noticeable, and also adds the drum indicator.
  • WN8 indicator in battle Shows how well you play at the moment.


  • Superior Bronver Calculator. Highly useful modwhich makes the calculation of the thickness of armor at the point of aiming, taking into account its tilt.
  • Additional server scope . This mod shows where the sight of your tank is hovering on the game server. With a large ping, the guidance may differ very much. In the assembly there are three options for the appearance of the choice.
  • Disable inertia Scrolla. Removes the smooth movement of the camera, when scrolling the mouse with a wheel. The field of view varies faster.
  • Do not include "handblast" For artillery and PT-SAU. Disables the locking of the hull movement for tanks without a tower in sniper or art mode.
  • Turn off the red flash upon receipt damage. This red flicker has nothing to do with realism and only interferes. Disconnect.
  • Information about Respaun on the boot screen to battle. Replaces useless tips to a little less useless information about where your team starts the game.

  • Display the results of the previous battle in the chat. For those who do not like to wait for the return of the destroyed tank from the previous battle and immediately takes the next one. At the end of the previous battle, displays post-care information.
  • Stylization of system messages with additional configurations. The mod makes post-care messages in the "Center for Notifications" games brighter and informative, displays REC ratings and WN8. One of the seven styles to choose from.

UGH - horizontal tip angles

The UGN indicator shows the extreme positions of your gun, when playing a tank without a tower. Extremely useful modes for PT-SAU and artillery. In the Job assembly there are four options for UGN: a corner, semicircle, a large semicircle and option from Meltymap.

Information panels chosen target

Infopanel shows the basic information about the tank of the enemy, when you hover on it. We recommend putting a simple, to display only recharge time and review. The modopka also has a variant with full information and color.

Damage panels

The damage panel is in the lower left corner of the combat screen and shows the current state of the tank, its modules and crew. In the joke modopka there are four options for Damag panels: "Jova Panel" from Dellux (on the screenshot), from Zayaz, from Gambiter, from Marsoff. The latter is characterized by minimalistic design and saves space on the screen. All damage panels contain the log of the resulting damage - either detailed, indicating the type of projectile, nickname and tank the shooter, or the minimum, only with the result of each breakdown.

Battle Chat

In the cannon from JOVE there are the following mods for chat in battle world Of Tanks:

  • Message "I lit up!", Which is sent to the Allied Chat, if the commander of your tank worked the skill" Sixth sense ".
  • Message history with mouse support. The mod allows you to view the entire history of conversations and signals in battle, which can be useful, for example, when analyzing controversial situations between allies.
  • Notification of the rest about the shooting ally. This mod writes in a chat who is from the allies and how much damage causes you if this suddenly happens.
  • Log of the resulting damage in the chat. The mod is similar in the meaning of the Damag panel with the log of damage, but messages are displayed in chat and are visible only to you.

Professionage of the camera and free camera

The assembly presents three fashion for changing the behavior of the camera:

  • Turning off the dynamic chamber shake. The trembling is made for realism, but only interferes with players. Disconnect boldly.
  • Noscroll - Mod on the displacement of the switch in the sniper mode of the mouse. Switch only on the Shift button.
  • Four-stage custom sniper sight Allows you to increase the multiplicity of approximation to 16 or 25x

Change of appearance

Moving group modifying appearance Tanks and cards.

  • Disabling camouflage and inscriptions On all tanks a little simplifies aiming, as you are not distracted by excess graphics on armor.
  • Skirts with vibration zones (). Mark the location of modules and crew members of tanks with special icons on armor.
  • Colored decals hitting Make traces of breaks in red, and the incomplete - green.
  • White corpses of tanks and broken cars Simplify the filling of the hid opponents.
  • White shot down caterpillars Critical damage to the chassis of the tank is noticeable across the entire map.
  • Bright railway platforms They help not get stuck among cars on those cards where they are.
  • "" Removes a foggy haze from all the cards, simplifies aiming and increases the FPS in the game.

Improvements in the hangar

Of modpak Jove. You can put the following angry mods:

  • Angar Jova (in the screenshot). Nothing superfluous, no interior. Slightly reduces the consumption of playing system resources and increases FPS.

  • "Animated gear" With the JOVE logo replaces the standard "boot wheel" to stylized.
  • Calculation of experience and battles until the next tankBased on average experience, counts how much you have left to elite status and to study the next tank.
  • Statistics game session For the current day or current session. Shows your ratings, damage and other indicators in the "Notification Center". Two options: from DellUX and from P-MOD
  • Vertical development tree Stimps the "Studies" tab under the early version of the game.
  • Ping in the hangare Displays the quality of communication in the hangar wORLD servers Of Tanks. The ping value is less - the better.
  • Additional filters "Carousel" tanks Help to navigate in your hangar with a large number of tanks.
  • Levels of fighting and skill in "Carousel" Shows straight on the tank icons. Classity sign, levels of fighting in which the tank falls and the percentage of victories on it.
  • Normal List of Tanks - Another mod for managing a large fleet of technology. Allows you to display tanks in two or three rows.
  • Detailed descriptions of skills and skills The crew will give more complete information about the peppers and help plan training.
  • Golden Icons of Premium Tanks Replace standard pictures to more noticeable.
  • Clock in the hangare With the date and day of the week will help to control the time and do not miss important events in the game or outside it.
  • Memory last servers . This mod will save you from the need each time you manually select the game server.

Comprehensive XVM mod

One of the oldest and most useful mods.

  • Display in the "ears" of the commands "efficiency" or personal rating In different versions: WN8, WN6, REN, Personal rating player from wargamin (LR). You can configure both double-digit and four-digit value.
  • HP in the ears shows the remaining amount of the strength points of each allied and enemy tank. Can reduce FPS in the game.

  • Alternative engineering markers and flying damage. This mod includes a reflection of damage for each shot (and not a total, as in the standard), adds the attack / protective opponents / allies icons and shows "KPD asterisks", allowing you to quickly rate how much the battle player is useful.
  • "Minikard with Sonar" - Classical "smart minica" XVM. Adds to the standard interface circles of the review, the square of the limit visibility range of technology, "pointer" directions of your trunk, signatures of tank models and the last detection points.
  • Markers lighting opponents in the "ears" It shows whether the opponent was discovered or not, and if it was discovered, then if his allies see now (see in the screenshot above).
  • Log of personal damage Shows how many damage you caused in the current battle. Two options: only the final value and the detailed result of each shot.
  • Pictures of "Sixth Feeling" allow you to replace the standard "light bulb" for one of the nine varnats.
  • Tank icons You can also replace one of four options: minimalistic, standard with signatures, colored (on the screenshot above), realistic (based on 3D models in the game)


There are several useful sound modes in the assembly:

  • "Crete Call" To alerts on critical damage to the enemy by your shot.
  • Siren fire Enable if your tank is lit.
  • Voice of "Sixth Feeling" Available in three versions: quiet, medium, loud. Sound time can be extended to ten seconds.

Alternative "Easy" Minikard

Fashion for weak computers on which XVM significantly reduces the FPS in the game. It also contains the circles of the review and the square of the maximum visibility of the technique. It is not compatible with the mackers of lighting opponents in the "ears" of teams and directions of the stems on the minicar.


Well-known players program to improve the performance of the game. Allows you to disconnect "heavy" effects and compress textures of cards and tanks. If necessary, increase the FPS, we recommend first turn off the effects of smoke, clouds and movements of trees. If it does not help - compress textures for not less than 50%

WG Stream

Mod to broadcast battles in live on tweet. It is useful for those who play well and want to show it to others. It has many settings for hangar and combat modes.

WG Social Mod.

The official mod from Vargeiming, allows you to post the results of battles directly from the hangar in its accounts, without having to do a screenshot or download replies somewhere.

Replaev manager

Multifunctional modes to control the list of your fighting records. Works straight from the hangar, you can use in combination with modes for Stryming.

Wargamin FM Radio

In-game for the sake of wargaming. For connoisseurs.


Installing the Modpaka from JOVE

  • Download the basic or advanced modopak on the link below
  • Unpack the archive, start the installer
  • Read license agreement and FAQ check the way to the game directory
  • At the mode of selecting mods you will meet the installation menu, equipped with text prompts and screenshots
  • Put the ticks on the desired modah and click "In the attack!", Wait for the installation to complete

If you put the Olemer and want a rating on command ears, go to the official website of XVM, log in with your login and password from World of Tanks and activate statistics.

IMPORTANT! To remove hangs after a fight, you need to disable XMQP (data exchange with allies) in xVM settings On the website MODXVM. Log in there under your account and turn off this option (remove the checkbox in front of it).

If you do not do this, the game will constantly hang or go to the hangar during the exit from the battle.

Fashion from Jova, as already mentioned, include the most best fashion For WOT. New Details Added in the new version martial interface, New sights, voice acting and all this in an extended version. By the way, "What is the difference between the extended version of mods from JOC from the base - usually?" - you ask. We answer: Olenmer (XVM) for WOT, as well as zoom x25 is added to the extended version of additionally to all available mods in the basic version. They are not included in the usual version only because wargaming does not like fashion xVM statisticsWell, that's how they started with them.

As for the fashion for the zoom in the sniper sight I have for you mod on the zoom x60! in sniper mode. Zoim x60, Karl! Swing separately and get from the distance of 1000 m in Zh0PU Hummingbird! \u003d)

As for weak computers and optimizing the modpaca for them, everything is also provided here. MODPACK JOVE MODPACK (MODPACK JOVE) is perfect and works on not strong computers, and for quite weak machines there is a WOT TWEAKER Plus program with lightweight textures, which is included in the fashion, or which can be downloaded from our site separately by going to the aforementioned link or looking In the Other Fashion section.

MODPACK JOVE mods for World of Tanks 46.8 dated 09/17/2019:

XVM updated before latest version - Correct work in rank battles;

Fixed viewing armor in the hangar;

Updated penetration skins;

Many small fixes:


Fashion from Jova is a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for the game World of Tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this model assembly, you will only need to download the installer from our site, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion and start setting.

It has always been in two versions:

Fashion from Jova Extended version

Fashion from Jova Basic version

The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as the inclusive of the statistics of the Olenemer, all other modes in it are the same as in the basic version. This is due to the fact that the assembly of Jov is published on the official portal and it supports it in every way. But so that all this is done is one condition, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers do not like him very much. Therefore, we have to wait for the extended version of Jova's mods assembly a couple of days after the basic exit. But it is worth it.

After all, the Job team always tries to make the modpak most convenient for use, achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. Such a modpac becomes an indispensable assistant for each tanker, he will help you survive and win the most difficult battles. By installing fashion once, they will certainly like you and continue to play without them just do not want.

Assembling mods from Jov For World of Tanks will replace the game interface details to better, adding many additional improvements and changes. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always in the assembly there will be no little exclusive and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Super sight Job.

Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.

Different damage panels.

Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.

Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.

A variety of voice acting.

Informative markers.

Zoom mod.

Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.

Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.

Statistics for the session.

WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.

WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects

After the renewal is released, more than 10 exclusive mods have been added to the list of JOC:

The best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile

Directions of the enemy's trunks on the mini card

Circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes

Mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars

Improved x25 zoom in a sniper sight

Three new fucking hp tanks in ears in two versions


To install the mods assembly, you need to perform several simple items:

Some information about Jove (JOVE):

JOVE is a widely known specialist of his business who uses his experience and skills regularly collects modpack from JOVE (JOVA) for all the favorite World of Tanks's favorite game

Jov leads his successfully official channel On YouTube where it lights and tells your new builds for WOT

Many players have long fallen in loved by Pak Fashion from Jess. And the secret of success is simple. Namely, the fact is that all mods are selected only on personal experience in the game of the game.

Nobody else as a player with a huge experience and many battles can not achieve such success. I use Jov I use my appreciation this assembly Mods and others advise.

All successful fighting and many victories in World of Tanks! Below advertising! Thanks for attention!

Follow the updates of the JOVE mods in our group in


Fashion from Jova is a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for the game World of Tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this model assembly, you will only need to download the installer from our site, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion and start setting.

It has always been in two versions:

  • fashion from Jova Extended version
  • fashion from Jova Basic version

The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as the inclusive of the statistics of the Olenemer, all other modes in it are the same as in the basic version. This is due to the fact that the assembly of Jov is published on the official portal and it supports it in every way. But so that all this is done is one condition, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers do not like him very much. Therefore, we have to wait for the extended version of Jova's mods assembly a couple of days after the basic exit. But it is worth it.

After all, the Job team always tries to make the modpak most convenient for use, achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. Such a modpac becomes an indispensable assistant for each tanker, he will help you survive and win the most difficult battles. By installing fashion once, they will certainly like you and continue to play without them just do not want.

Build modes from Jow for World of Tanks will replace the parts of the game interface to better by adding many additional improvements and changes. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always in the assembly there will be no little exclusive and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Here you can see the full list of mods that entered JOVE MODPAC

  1. Super sight Job.
  2. Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.
  3. Different damage panels.
  4. Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.
  5. Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.
  6. A variety of voice acting.
  7. Informative markers.
  8. Zoom mod.
  9. Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.
  10. Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.
  11. Statistics for the session.
  12. WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.
  13. WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects

After the renewal is released, more than 10 exclusive mods have been added to the list of JOC:

  • the best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile
  • directions of the enemy's trunks on the mini card
  • circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes
  • mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars
  • improved x25 zoom in a sniper sight
  • three new sight
  • hP tanks in ears in two versions

Who is Jov:

Jov - all the famous fruits on YouTube. Today, his channel is well known to each player in tanks. Previously, this young guy was a simple player, like all of us, but he was slightly different from the rest of the players. He often dragged sophisticated battles, twisted in difficult situation and knew the game well to the most smallest details than heavily surprised her friends.

Once he recorded his video of his successful battle and downloaded on Youtube to show his friends and boast. He did not notice that his video looked not only a couple of friends, but also many players tankers on the Internet network. As it turned out, many really liked his video, he began to record more and yet. He himself did not realize it became a small "asterisk", one of the not many experienced players in World of Tanks. Over time, he even began to enjoy recording such a video, because thousands of players are watching it.

After half a year, he collected all the fashion that was used in his battles and made his own assembly, which was called - Modpak from Jov! In our time, his fashion uses many players who do not imagine the game in a clean client. The popularity of Job's mods is growing every day, as well as the popularity of World of Tanks.

Jow himself argues that his modpac, unlike others, does not contain any viruses or malicious programs that can harm your computer! Therefore, you can install it without any fears.


To install the mods assembly, you need to perform several simple items:


Mirror 1.

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2.

Mirror 2:

A four-digit oneemer for JOVE MODPACK is included in the extended version of the Pak mod.

Extended version of Modpak Jova :

Now the assembly comes immediately in the extended version, swing it on the link above.