That's what they play darts with. Basic rules of playing darts for beginners. General rules of playing darts

Darts - a popular game that develops accuracy and eye. The gameplay consists of throwing darts at a target from a certain distance and scoring points.

Despite the same equipment - darts consists of several varieties with their own characteristics and subtleties.

Target, its pictures

A standard target is a circle with a diameter 45 cm. If we consider its components from the center, then The target can be divided into the following parts:

  1. Apple or Bull's eye. Central circle diameter 12.7 mm.
  2. Center or Bull. Ring diameter 31.8 mm covering the bull's eye.

Photo 1. Dart target with a dart hitting the center of the projectile. This area is located around the apple.

  1. Sectors. Ring around center with radius 170 mm divided into 20 parts. The colors alternate, most often white and black.
  2. Doubling ring or “double”. Along the outer edge of the target there is a ring with a width of 8 mm. When you hit it, the number of points doubles.
  3. Ring of tripling or "treble". Ring on a target with an internal radius of 99 mm and thickness 8 mm. When you hit it, the number of points triples.
  4. External field. Distance between playing field and the edge of the target is used to apply numbers. Hitting it doesn't earn you any points.

Photo 2. Diagram of a darts target, divided into 20 sectors. The arrows indicate the parts of the projectile.

Each sector of the target is numbered from 1 to 20. This number is the “value” - this is how many points the player gets if he hits it. When you hit the doubling ring, the number of points is doubled. That is, if you get into the doubling ring sector 5, is credited to the account 10 points. Similarly with the triple ring - when you hit it, the cost triples. Hitting the bull's eye gives the player 50 points, a successful throw to the center gives 25 points.

Important! Naturally, the most difficult throw is to the center of the target. But he is not the most productive. A successful shot at the bull's eye brings 50 points, while hitting the trebling sector 20 - 60 points. Thus in 1 trip a player can knock out no more than 150, A 180 points and quickly collect the required amount.

Popular darts games for beginners, how to count points in them correctly

There are many options for playing darts. IN different countries are popular different variants, but there is several classic games.


The most popular and widespread game. At the beginning of the game, each participant account has 501 points. Players take turns throwing darts at the target. After each approach, the points scored are deducted from the total until until someone resets their account.

Attention! If after counting the sum is negative or equal to 1, then the rolls are not taken into account. In this case, the right to try passes to the next player.

You can write off 501 points in 9 throws - 3 approaches. To do this, you need to triple the sector 7 and 8 times triple 20 points.

Photo 3. Three darts hitting the twentieth sector in the area of ​​tripling points. For such a throw you can get 180 points.

It will bring 21 and 480 points respectively. Sometimes players enter additional rules— the first or last throw must be doubling, tripling, or into a sector of a specific color. These are optional rules and are introduced by agreement. At team game You can use a larger amount by agreement.

In game 501, the end of the game is important. Since the bust rule applies, it is necessary not only to score points, but to try to reach a convenient ending. For example, with the current doubling ending rule, knock out 2 points there is only one way - doubling 1.


Before the game starts, the number of points is discussed. It must be a multiple of 50, most often played up to 300 or 500 points. The first one to reach this number wins. Only hits to the center or bull's eye count - 25 and 50 points respectively. If you go overboard, the throws do not count. By agreement, the first or last throw must be at the bull's-eye.

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American version of darts with specific rules. Not the entire target is involved in the game, but only the center with the bullseye and the sectors from 15 to 20. Throws to other parts of the target are not taken into account and are considered a miss. The center and bull's eye are considered one.

The closing order is not important; you can throw in any order. The sector is considered closed after three hits. In this case, doubling counts as two hits, and triplings count as three.

For the central sector, the center is considered a normal hit, and the bull's-eye is considered a doubling. If a player gets into his closed sector, but his opponent’s is not yet closed, then he is awarded points in accordance with the hits. If you enter an area covered by both players, the throw does not bring any results.

Important! Sector is considered closed after the end of the throws. That is, if the first dart out of three hits the treble, then throwing the remaining darts into this sector in this approach does not bring points.

The game ends when one of the players has covered all his sectors and has more points than his opponent. If he has fewer points than his opponent, the game continues. The player who finished closing scores points, and the opponent must close the remaining zones. In this case, the game ends when both players have covered the entire target or when the first player scores more points.

Rule of the game with sector 20

Even though the center circle costs the most, The 20th sector is considered the most convenient for throwing. This is the basis for the tactics of playing many types of darts with scoring points.

Any successful throw at him brings 20 points, which is why it is more profitable than most zones. A sector is always more profitable than sectors from 1 to 6 and almost always sectors from 7 to 10. The remaining parts of the target are comparable in terms of points, but are more difficult to hit consistently.

Most often, deviations occur vertically. That's why you need to aim at the part of the target above the tripling ring. This is the largest part in terms of area, so it is the easiest to get into. A slight vertical deviation up or down will result in a double or triple hit, which speeds up the scoring.

After practicing a confident throw, you can move to the part between the tripling ring and the center of the target. When deflected vertically the hit occurs in the tripling ring or in the center of the target, which brings additional points compared to simply hitting the sector.

Scoring table

For the convenience of calculating points scored and remembering the cost Below is a table of all parts of the target:

Ordinary Doubling Tripling
1 1 2 3
2 2 4 6
3 3 6 9
4 4 8 12
5 5 10 15
6 6 12 18
7 7 14 21
8 8 16 24
9 9 18 27
10 10 20 30
11 11 22 33
12 12 24 36
13 13 26 39
14 14 28 42
15 15 30 45
16 16 32 48
17 17 34 51
18 18 36 54
19 19 38 57
20 20 40 60

Here are the main ones simple rules for all types of darts:

  • the center of the target must be set at a height of 1.73 m from the floor level;
  • the minimum distance from the target to the player must be 2.37 m;
  • The length of the starting line must be at least 43 cm. The starting line drawn on the floor must be clearly visible.

A standard dartboard is divided into twenty numbered sectors, usually black and white, each assigned a number from 1 to 20. In the center is a bullseye, which is worth 50 points when hit, surrounded by a green ring around it ( 25 points). The outer narrow ring means doubling the sector value, the inner narrow ring means tripling the sector value. These rings are traditionally colored red and green colors. Hitting the dart into the “milk” (the area between the outer narrow ring and the edge of the target) does not bring any points. If the dart does not remain on the target after being thrown, it is also not worth any points. Typically, points are calculated after a player throws 3 darts, which is called a set. After this, the right to carry out the approach passes to the other player. The order of players can be determined by drawing lots: each player throws a dart; the one whose dart is closest to the center of the target starts the game.

There are many variations of darts, but the most popular is of course the game "501". It can be played as a team against a team or one on one. When playing with two people, they often play “501” or “301”. Teams often play “701” or “1001”.
The goal of the game is to write off the points accrued at the start (501 or 301, etc.). The winner is the one who reaches 0 first. Hits in all sectors are counted, including doubling and tripling sectors (if you get into the tripling sector, the sector points are multiplied by 3). The points scored in 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the total points from the previous approach.
The mandatory rule of closing the last points through the “doubling” sector complicates and adds additional intrigue to the game. For example, if there are 40 points left, then you need to get into the doubling sector “20”, and if there are 32 points left, then you need to get into the doubling sector “16”. Beginners usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, you can end in an even sector or any sector.
You should also pay attention to the bust rule: if in the last approach the player knocked out more points than his balance or 1 point remains in the remainder, then the points scored are canceled. The player has the same result as before the approach. For example, if instead of the required 47 points in the last approach, 57 are scored, then the player still has 47 points, and he waits for the next approach for the next attempt to “close”. Similarly, if 46 points are knocked out, then the result is not counted, because for the remaining one point there is no doubling sector.

Cricket is the second most popular darts game after 501 and can also be played team-on-team or one-on-one. The game is believed to have originated in America, which is why it is often also called American cricket.
The goal of each player or team is to cover all sectors from 15 to 20 (15, 16, 17, 18, 19) and the bull (the green sector in the center of the target), while scoring the same or more points than the opponent. To close each sector, you must score the maximum number of points in this sector (that is, triple). This can be done in different ways, for example:

  • hit the “double” with the first dart, and simply hit the sector with the second;
  • hit the sector with three darts.
  • hit the triple sector with one dart immediately.

In the Bull sector, you need to score 75 points to close. Those. get into “Bull” 3 times (green sector - 25 points) or 1 time into “Bull” and 1 time into “Bull-eye” (red sector - 50 points).
Sectors can be closed in any order. To make it more difficult for the enemy to score points, you can start closing from the largest sectors (20, 19, etc.). The winner in this game is the one who is the first to close all sectors and at the same time has more points. If you have already closed all sectors, but you have fewer points than your opponent, then you are forced to continue the game and gain the missing points in the enemy’s “unclosed” sectors.
Beginners can choose a simplified version of Cricket - "Non-Scoring Cricket". The rules are simplified due to the absence of scoring points. The winner is the one who was the first to close all game sectors (from 15 to 20 and “Bull”).

There are also games that are perfect for spending time together or for warming up before a big game:

In this game, all throws are made at the center of the target. Only hits in the “Bull Eye” (red center of the target) and “Bull” (target sector around the red center) are counted. The winner is the player who first scores the number of points agreed upon before the game.

5 lives.
This is great group game. The more players in this game, the more fun, but with two players it will be too fast and not interesting. The goal of the game is to score more points in one approach (three throws) than the previous player. Each player has the right to 5 attempts ("lives"). If the attempt is unsuccessful and it was not possible to bypass the previous player, one attempt is deducted from the participant. After the 6th unsuccessful attempt, the player is eliminated.

Sector 20
As the name suggests, all throws in this game are made in sector 20. You can play alone or with opponents. The task is to score the maximum number of points in 10 approaches (30 darts). Only hits in sector 20 are counted. One hit gives 1 point, a hit in a doubling gives 2 points, a hit in a treble gives 3 points. After 10 approaches, the total amount is calculated.

Doubling round
One of the few dart games, which you can play alone. It helps you train and set personal records. During the game, you need to get into all the doublings one by one, starting from the 1st and ending with the 20th sector, spending the minimum possible number of darts. If you are playing against an opponent, you must spend fewer darts per game than your opponent. Until the player gets into the doubling of the 1st sector, he does not move on to doubling the 2nd sector, etc.

The target is placed at a height of 1.73 m (distance from the center of the target to the floor). Players take turns approaching the throwing mark (the standard distance to the target is 2.37 m), making a series of throws (throwing three darts is called an approach). If the dart bounces off the target, it is not rethrown. Only those darts that were removed from the target by hand and did not fall on their own are counted as hits.

If the game is played for points, then the points are counted as follows. For hitting a sector, the number of points that is written on the board opposite this sector is counted; hitting the outer ring of the sector doubles these points; hitting the inner ring triples them. Hitting the green center of the target brings the player 25 points, and hitting the red center of the target (bull eye or simply bull) - 50 points. Thus, in one approach, you can score 180 points as much as possible by hitting the “20” sector three times.

Any game begins with a throw to the center, which determines who will start the game. If neither player hits the bull, the winner is the one whose dart stuck closer to the center.

This is the most common game of darts. This game can be played as a team against a team or one on one. When playing with two people, they often play “501” or “301”. Also, to practice endings, you can play “101” or “170” (170 is the maximum number of points that can be scored with three darts, i.e. in one approach). Teams often play “701” or “1001”.
Purpose of the game: players take turns throwing 3 darts, writing off the points scored. The first one to reach 0 wins.
Scoring Rule: Points are counted as usual, taking into account doublings and triplings. The points scored in 1 approach (3 darts) are summed up and subtracted from the total points from the previous approach.
Ending rule: the last throw must fall into the doubling of the corresponding sector (for example, if 40 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “20” sector, and if 32 points remain, then you need to hit the doubling of the “16” sector). Beginners usually play without this rule. By agreement of the players, you can end in an even sector or any sector.
Bust rule: If a player scores more points than necessary during the last approach, then this approach does not count. For example, if a player has 7 points left, and he gets into the “16” sector, then on the next approach this player again starts with 7 points. If the game is played with a doubling ending, then the minimum number of points that a player can have left is 2. That is, with the remaining 10 points, scoring 9 is overkill.
1 game is called a leg, a game to win over several legs is called a set. In tournaments, several sets of 5 legs are usually played.


They often play to warm up. All throws are made to the center of the target. Only hits on the bull and green ring are counted.
The goal of the game is to be the first to score the number of points agreed upon before the game. For example, 500.
Scoring rule: bull (red ring) - 50 points, and green ring - 25 points.


They play together, in pairs or with several players each for themselves.
The goal of the game is to be the first to cover certain numbers on the board.
Rules of the game: The numbers in the game are: 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 and bull. Players take turns throwing darts. Three throws in one go. In order to own/cover a number, the player must knock it out three times. This can be achieved:
- or 3 single hits to a given number;
- or one single and one hit in the “double ring” for a given number;
- or one hit in the “triple ring” for a given number.
In order to close the bull, you need:
- either hit the bull three times (sector 25); - either 1 time per bull (sector 25) and once per double bull (sector 50)
The player who is the first to close all sectors and the bull is considered the winner of the leg.

American cricket

This game originated in America.
What makes it different from regular cricket is the scoring. If one of the players has a sector closed, but the other has not yet, then getting into this sector by the first player brings him the corresponding points. You can score points in a sector until the second player closes it.
In this variant, the game ends either when both players have closed all sectors, or when one of the players has closed all sectors and has more points.
Just like simple cricket, you can play one-on-one, team-on-team, or in a group, each for himself.


One of the simplest games. Can take part in it unlimited amount players.
Purpose of the game: each player must sequentially hit the numbers from 1,2,3,4 to 20 and hit the bull (green ring) last. The first player to hit the bull wins. Players take turns taking turns. If one of the players knocks out 3 sectors in a row, he continues to throw darts, that is, he makes the next approach out of turn. Theoretically, you can prevent your opponents from throwing even a single shot.

Big round

Each player throws the first 3 darts into sector “1”, the second - into sector “2”, etc., ending with a bull. Only hits in the next sector are counted. Each hit brings the corresponding number of points to the sector, doublings and triplings are also taken into account. The player with the most points wins, of course.

Quick round

The difference from a regular Round is that if a player hits the doubling of the next sector, he is credited with getting into 2 sectors, if he gets into the tripling of the next sector, then he gets into 3 sectors. For example: a player needs to hit sector 10. He falls into the triple of this sector. He is credited with 3 sectors - sectors 10, 11 and 12. Now the next goal of this player is sector 13. The first player to hit the bull, or double/tripple 20, or triple 19 wins.

Doubling round

Just like in a simple Round, you need to consistently hit all sectors, starting from 1 and ending with the bull, but in this game only hits in doubling sectors are counted. That is, you first need to hit the doubling “1”, then the doubling “2”, and so on. The last ones need to get into the bull eye (red center).
It is believed that this is one of the most useful exercises for daily training.

27 is played to practice doublings. You can play alone or with an opponent.
Scoring Rule: At the start of the game, each player is given 27 points. In the first approach, players try to hit the double of sector 1 with as many darts as possible. Each hit in the sector brings 2 points (1*2). If none of the 3 darts managed to hit the sector, then 2 points (1*2) are subtracted from the player’s points. In the next approach, players throw darts at the doubling sector "2", and so on until 20. With the last approach, players try to hit the bull eye (red ring). A player with less than zero points leaves the game.

Sector 20

All throws are made in sector “20”. You can play alone or with an opponent. Purpose of the game: Score the maximum number of points in 10 approaches (30 darts). Scoring rule: Only hits in the “20” sector are counted. One hit gives 1 point, a double hit gives 2 points, a triple hit gives 3 points. However, sometimes points are counted in the usual way - 20 for simply hitting a sector, 40 for doubling and 60 for tripling. After 10 approaches, the total amount is calculated.


The in-goal field of play is the bull - the red ring and the green ring. Each player initially has no points and scores in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25". The winner is the one who scores 1000 points. The game has a bust rule.
Note: Depending on the level of preparedness, you can play according to these rules in “500” or “250”.

Set of points

The goal of the game is to score as many points as possible.
Rules of the game: players continuously or alternately, according to lot, make 30 throws in 10 series of three darts for the best amount.
Scoring rule: The points scored as a result of all accurate hits on the target are summed up. When entering the doubling or tripling zones, the points are doubled or tripled accordingly and added to the total points.

7 lives

The number of participating players in this game is not limited. All players take turns taking turns. The goal of the game is to score more points in one approach than the previous player scored (the scoring is normal, taking into account doublings and triplings). If the next player manages to do this, then the next player makes the approach, trying to score even more points. If it fails, then the player’s 1 “life” is burned. When one of the players burns out all 7 “lives”, he is eliminated from the game. As an incentive, you can add a bonus life for collecting 180 points or hitting the bull eye.


Players randomly select two diametrically opposed sectors and try to hit their doublings and triplings along an imaginary straight line. For example, doubling sector 11 - tripling sector 11 - green ring - tripling sector 6 and doubling sector 6. The winner is the one who first to pass an imaginary line along given points.

All A's

In series of three darts, players try to score the maximum number that is a multiple of 5. A series of throws that produces a number that is not a multiple of 5 does not count. The number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc. The winner is the one who first scores 51 points. The game has a bust rule.


Rules of the game. With the first approach, players try to get into sector “1”, in the second approach - into sector “2”, etc. to sector "20" and bulla. Getting into a simple sector gives 1 point, doubling - 2 points, tripling - 3 points. "Shanghai" - the first dart hits a simple sector, the second - a doubling sector, the third - a triple sector. If one of the players managed to “Shanghai”, he automatically becomes the winner, regardless of the number of points. If none of the players succeeded in making a “Shanghai” during the entire game, the game ends with bull throws and the player with the most points wins.


The goal of the game is to be the first to score the number of points agreed upon by the players before the game.
Rules of the game: After the start, the winner throws darts into the red ring (bull 50). If he misses with all three darts, then the turn is passed to the second player. If the first player hits the center (receives the puck), then he assigns a doubling of the sector into which he will throw darts (score goals). If he hits this double, he scores one point (scores one goal), 2 points if he hits 2 times, 3 points - 3 times. Then the second player continues the game. Since the 1st player took the puck (hitting the center), then to intercept it, the 2nd player also needs to get into the center, after which he assigns his doubling sector. If the 2nd player does not hit the center, the 1st can score points (score goals) in the doubling of the sector that was assigned to him before.

Run away

The game starts with 0 points. Players take turns making approaches, trying to score as many points as possible and reach 301 points. If a player scores more than 301 points, 301 is deducted from his points and he continues the game in his turn. For example, if a player scores 311 points, he has 311-301=10 points. If during the game one of the players reaches the same number of points with any of the participants in the game, then he thereby destroys the opponent’s points, and he is forced to continue the game with zero points. The first player to score exactly 301 points wins.


You can play with an unlimited number of players, and each player plays only for himself. Players randomly select a sector of the target (or throw with their left hand at the target). The player who ends up in the sector with the lowest point value starts. Each hit by a player in his sector brings him 1 point, doubling - 2 points, and tripling - 3 points. The player who scores 5 points (depending on the preparedness of the players, this may be a different number) becomes a “killer”. The "Killer" can hit the opponent's sector, and each hit in the sector reduces the opponent's points accordingly. Moreover, if another “killer” gets into the player’s sector, the player ceases to be a “killer”. The winner is the player who has become a “killer” and “killed” all his opponents, that is, who has written off the points of all his opponents below 0.


The game consists of 9 approaches. In the 1st approach, players must get into sector “1”, in the 2nd approach - into sector “2”, etc. to sector "9". Each hit in a sector brings the player a number of points corresponding to the value of the sector. Doublings and triplings are taken into account. The winner is the player with the maximum number of points.

Olympic sector

At the beginning of the game, each player has 10 points. One sector is selected for the game. Each dart hit in a sector brings 1 point, doubling - 2 points, and tripling - 3 points. Hitting all three darts in an approach into a triple sector earns an additional bonus point. Each miss of a dart past the sector takes away 1 point. A player who has less than 0 points is eliminated from the game. The last player to save wins positive quantity points (or, by agreement, who has scored a certain number of points).

Olympic round

A bit like the game "27". At the beginning of the game, each player has 10 points. With the first approach, players must get to sector “1”, with the second - to sector “2”, etc. to sector "20". With the last approach, players try to hit the bull. Each hit in the desired sector brings the player 1 point, doubling - 2 points, tripling - 3 points. Hitting three times the desired sector with all three darts earns an additional bonus point. For each dart that misses the sector, the player loses 1 point. A player with less than 0 points is eliminated from the game. The player with the most points wins.

The information was collected based on materials from the site and the forum of the site If anyone knows or has come up with any other darts games, please tell me and I’ll include their rules here.

Darts can rightfully be called the most democratic and accessible game for all ages. After all, you can play it equally well at 14, 40 and 60 years old. At the same time, it is quite possible to develop your skills in a couple of years. Like all sports, darts has certain rules, which we will briefly consider below.


The targets are made from natural compressed agave fibers (sisal), and are crimped around the circumference with a metal hoop. The thickness is 45-50 mm, diameter is 0.45 meters.

On the front of the target there are sectors of different colors, the boundaries of which are separated by wire. There are 20 sectors in total, plus an outer ring of doublings and an inner ring of triplings. Getting into a sector brings the number of points marked in it. The center of the target is equipped with two “Bulls” (red and green). Hitting the first gives the athlete 50 points, and hitting the second - 25 points.

The placement of sectors is done by alternating small numbers with large numbers, which eliminates the superiority of a random hit over the accuracy of the participant. The target is placed at a height of 1.7 meters from the floor, darts are thrown from a distance of 2.7 m.

By type, targets are divided into three categories (depending on the cross-section and shape of the delimiting wire):

  1. Standard round wire rod with a cross section of 1.5 mm. Such targets are the most affordable. Their main disadvantage is the high percentage of the probability of the dart bouncing;
  2. Triangular wire. Constructive improvement reduces the percentage of ricochets by 2-3 times;
  3. The thinnest wire 0.2-0.4 mm, which is cut deep into the plane. Here the rebound percentage is almost zero.


Throwing elements consist of three parts:

  1. Barrel. It is a metal body into which a needle is embedded by pressing;
  2. Tail part. Made of plastic or metal, screwed into the barrel;
  3. Plumage. This part stabilizes the flight of the dart and is fixed in special sockets on the shank.

Darts can be divided into amateur and professional. The first include brass elements. They have a barrel thickness of up to 12 mm and are used in various establishments to entertain visitors. Professional darts include tungsten elements. They are equipped with a barrel 6-7 mm thick. The standard weight of darts is 21-25 g, the exact weight is indicated by the manufacturer.

Types of games

Let's look at the most popular types of games that are used in official and international competitions.

Game 501

Two players are involved in a confrontation. First you need to play the first throw. This is determined by throwing one dart at a time. Whoever gets closer to the center of the target starts the game.

The gameplay consists of sets of three throws. The essence of the battle is that each participant must reset the starting number of 501 points. The moment of the last throw through the doubling sector without fail adds interest and complexity to the game. For example, the balance is 27 points. The most promising way to close the points is as follows: hit sector 7, then double 10. If the athlete hits just 10, in the next round he can close by double 5.

It is worth noting that the brute force rule works in this game. That is, if a participant knocks out more points than he has left, he starts the next approach again with the number of points that he had in the previous round. The same situation occurs if the athlete has 1 point left.

The winner is the dartsman who wins the most sets. Depending on the competition regulations, there can be from 1 to 7. Sets are divided into 5 legs (each leg is one game).

Darts Cricket

After 501, the option in question is the most popular among darts players. The first turn plays out similarly. The competition uses sectors 15 to 20 and “Bull”. Participants take turns performing sets of three throws. Their task is to close the played sectors as quickly as possible.

To hit the sectors, you need to score triple the number of points for each of them. You can do this in different ways:

  • Hit a triple result with one dart throw;
  • Hit the double with the first throw, then just the sector;
  • Knock out the standard number of sector points three times.

To complete the Bull, the athlete must score 75 points.

If one of the participants has hit a sector, but his opponent has not yet, subsequent hits in it are allowed to gain additional points. You can hit the target in any order. To complicate the task, it is recommended that the opponent first close the sectors with the highest numbers.

Bet designations


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History of darts

The appearance of the name may have its origin in the name of the cross section of the tree. Dartboard's old name translates to "butt". This may indicate that the bottom of the wine barrel was originally a dartboard.

There is an assumption that the game originated among soldiers. The soldiers threw short arrows into the bottom of the barrel or the bottom of tree trunks. In dry wood, cracks usually spread apart, creating “Sectors.”

The standard marking with sector 20 at the top was created in 1896 by Lancashire carpenter Brian Gamlin. However, many other configurations have been used over the years and in different geographic locations.


Dart targets are usually made from sisal (compressed agave fibers). The idea of ​​using sisal for the production of targets belongs to the Nodor company and in 1932 the first sisal targets appeared. The production of targets is concentrated in Kenya and China due to their proximity to sources of raw materials. The target is divided into sectors, which are assigned numbers from 1 to 20.

Sisal targets differ in the shape of the separating wire:

  • Regular (round) wire is characterized by a high percentage of dart bounces when hitting the wire and a low price. Used in targets: Winmau Pro SFB, Nodor Supabull II, Harrows Club.
  • Triangular wire is characterized by a reduced percentage of darts bouncing off the wire. When they hit the wire, the darts “slide” along the edge to the nearest sector. Used in targets: Nodor Supawire, Harrows Apex Wire, Winmau Diamond.
  • The thinnest separating wire, used in professional targets, has a minimum number of bounces and a fairly high price. Used in targets: Winmau Blade 4, Unicorn Eclipse Pro, Harrows Matrix, Nodor Supamatch.

In 1984, a stapleless “Staple-free bullseye” center mount was introduced, which significantly reduced the number of darts bouncing off the target.

Target height and distance to it

IN standard game the center of the target must be 1.73 meters (5 ft, 8 in) from the floor, and the distance from the face of the target to the line from which the players throw the darts is 2.37 meters (7 ft, 9.25 in).

Standard target sizes:

The internal width of the double and treble rings is 8 mm. internal diameter of the bull's-eye is 12.7 mm. the inner diameter of the outer central ring is 31.8 mm. the distance from the center of the target to the outer side of the wire of the double ring is 170.0 mm. the distance from the center of the target to the outside of the wire of the treble ring is 107.0 mm. total target diameter 451.0 mm ± 10.0 mm. wire thickness 1.5 mm.



A standard target is divided into twenty numbered sections, usually black and white, each assigned a number from 1 to 20. In the center is a bull's eye. bullseye), which is worth 50 points to hit, surrounded by a green ring around it (25 points). The outer narrow ring means doubling the sector number, the inner narrow ring means tripling the sector number. Both the outer and inner narrow rings are traditionally painted red and green.

Hitting a dart outside the narrow outer ring does not score any points. If the dart does not remain on the target after being thrown, it is also not worth any points. Typically, points are calculated after a player throws 3 darts. After this, the turn passes to the other player.

The maximum possible result of 3 throws is 180 points (if the player hits all three darts in the inner narrow ring of sector 20).

Important note: according to the standard, players use darts whose weight does not exceed 50 grams. When playing at the amateur (non-classified) level, it is acceptable to use heavy darts weighing over 50 grams, but this exception is made for darts made to order and in non-championship play conditions. As for semi-amateur and professional games, the use of darts weighing over 50 grams is grounds for non-admission or disqualification of a player. The most popular dart weight ranges from 19 to 25 grams. Today, the most famous manufacturers of darts equipment are Unicorn, Harrows, Nodor, Winmau. Professional players darts made from tungsten and nickel are used, while darts made from brass are suitable for beginner players.


Each side in the game starts with a score of 301 (option 501). The scoring method is to subtract the received number of points from the remaining ones until one of the players reaches 0. The game must be completed by throwing at the “double” or the “bull’s-eye” of the target so that the number of points received reduces the score to zero (“the bull’s-eye” is counted for double 25).

If a dart throw gives more points than needed to complete the game zero (or brings the score to one), then all throws of the current approach are not counted, and the score remains the same as it was before the series of throws that led to the score being over or one.

Each game in 301 is called "Leg". Five “legs” make up a “set” (the game is played until three wins in “legs”). The final winner is the one who wins the specified number of “sets”.

In all major tournaments, a variant of the game is played with an initial number of points of 501. The minimum number of darts required to finish the game is 9. Depending on the type of tournament, the format also varies - both sets and up to a certain number of legs won, without dividing into sets .


The rules of the game boil down to hitting sectors from 1 to 20 one by one, then “Doubling” and “Tripling” the 20th sector, and ending the game by hitting the “Bullseye” of the target. If in a series of throws all three darts reach the target (for example: 1, 2, 3 or 12, 13, 14, etc.), the thrower continues his game out of turn. The scoring field of a sector is its entire area, including the “Doubling” and “Tripling” rings of the score.

The winner is the player who hits the Bullseye first.

Big round

The game is played in sectors from “1” to “20”, including the “center” (green ring or “Bull”). The task of each player is to hit his current sector as many times as possible in one approach (3 throws). Only hits in the current sector are counted. When you enter the doubling or tripling zone of a sector, the points are doubled or tripled, respectively. The player with the most points wins.

All A's

In series of three darts, players try to score the maximum number that is a multiple of 5. A series of throws that produces a number that is not a multiple of 5 does not count. The number 5 gives 1 point, 10 - 2 points, 50 - 10 points, etc.

The winner is the one who scores 51 points first.

The game has a "bust" rule.

Twenty seven

Each player is initially given 27 points. The first three darts must be used to hit the “Double” of sector 1. In this case, each hit on the target brings 2 points (1x2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 1, then 2 points (1x2) are subtracted from the available number of points (27).

The next three darts need to hit the “Double” of sector 2. In this case, each hit on the target brings 4 points (2x2). If none of the darts hit the “Double” of sector 2, then 4 (2x2) are subtracted from the available number of points.

Thus, the game is played until the 20th sector of the target. The winner is the one who, after throwing the “Doubling” of sector 20, has the most points left.

The player whose score during the game becomes less than one is eliminated from the competition.


The scoring field of the game is “Bull” and “Green Ring”. Each player initially has no points and scores in series of three darts, counting only "50" and "25".

The winner is the one who first scores 1000 points.

The game has a bust rule.

Five Lives

For throwing three darts, you need to score more points than the previous player scored, at least by one point. The only exception is 180 points. Each player can make 5 mistakes. On the sixth player leaves the game. This game is best played with five or six players.

Sector 20

In the “Sector 20” exercise, the player performs 30 throws (10 series of 3 darts each), trying to score as much as possible only by hitting the “Sector 20” target. Hits in “Doubling” count for 40 points, in “Tripling” for 60 points. Darts that do not fall into the “20” zone are not added to the total result.


The game involves 10-20 people. Everyone chooses a cell (1-20), entering which, opponents reduce the number of his lives. If a player takes the last life (kills), he receives +1 to his life - thus eliminating suicide. If a player hits the bull's eye, he also receives +1 to life, if he hits the ring, he takes away a life from any player, if he hits 3 or 2, 3 or 2 lives are removed, respectively. The game ends after “killing” all opponents.


Players randomly select two diametrically opposed sectors and try to hit them with “Doubling” and “Tripling” along an imaginary line, for example: “Doubling” sector 11, “Tripling” sector 11, “Green Ring”, “Tripling” sector 6 and “Doubling” sector 6. The winner is the one who first walks an imaginary line along the given points.


An arbitrary number of players can take part in the game at the same time. Players take turns performing a series of 3-dart throws. A point is awarded for scoring 30 points in 3 throws. The first player to score a set number of points (usually 3, 5 or 7) wins. The game is popular among beginners due to its simplicity and the need for complex calculations.

Darts Tournament Rules

The most popular darts tournaments

  • PDC World Championship
  • Winmau World Masters
  • World Matchplay
  • Grand Slam of Darts
  • UK Open
  • Premier Darts League
  • Players Championship Finals
  • Las Vegas Desert Classic
  • Zuiderduin Masters
  • PDC World Cup of Darts
  • WDF World Cup

In addition, the PDC hosts the PDC ProTour, a series of 39 non-televised tournaments held on weekends around the world. Prize fund of such tournaments is the same, and amounts to about 35 thousand pounds sterling.

Since 2011, the PDC Unicorn Youth Tour has been launched, in which young players aged 14 to 21 take part. There are 14 tournaments in total, each with a prize fund of 2 thousand pounds sterling.

In 2010, the World Cup of Darts was held for the first time, as well as the PDC Women's and Youth World Championships.

In 2012, 5 European PDC tournaments were launched, which will be held in Austria, Germany and Holland. The prize fund for each tournament is £79,200.

Famous dartsmen


  • Gary Anderson
  • Phil Taylor
  • James Wade
  • Adrian Lewis
  • Colin Lloyd
  • Simon Whitlock
  • Paul Nicholson
  • Tony O'Shea
  • Ronnie Baxter
  • Raymond van Barneveld
  • Jelle Klaasen
  • John Pat
  • Mark Webster
  • Robert Thornton
  • Martin Adams
  • Terry Jenkins