How to find and complete Thieves Guild Challenges? Guilds - Assassin's Creed Assassins creed 3 guild

Thieves Guild for a long time has made an invaluable contribution to the development of the series. In the pursuit of profit, the developers threw out a lot of good ideas from Assassin's Creed 3: Philadelphia died overnight, it could disrupt the release date of the game, a whole scattering of vague tasks appeared, sucked out of the finger, and on thieves guild generally closed their eyes, leaving her only trials. Would have seen it La Volpe from, would have ripped it to pieces for hack. Thieves are more secretive than ever. Now you will not find them on the roofs of houses and in the doorways, but only from the pockets of residents steal over £ 100, as a child-messenger will run up to Connor and send warm greetings from the guild of thieves, who will kindly offer him to go through two dozen tests. As a reward for his labors, the maximalist Indian will receive a pathetic one that appears in a closet on the second floor of the estate. You can not expect much more, and you cannot refuse to perform tests if the main goal is. We can only hope that with such a speed of release of new parts of AC, the players in Assassin's Creed would not have had to: Black Flag surf the seas and oceans on the stump of the ship, and buy spare parts for it with endless DLC.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 1:

  • Search 10 corpses- go to the bodies, hold down the [E] key.
  • Get 25 Air Kills- we climb onto the roof of the house or onto the branches of trees, jump down and deliver a smashing blow with hidden blades.
  • - we find couriers in the cities, catch up with them and knock them down by double pressing the [E] key. You cannot kill them, otherwise the condition will not be counted.
  • Steal £ 200- we approach the residents of Boston and New York from behind, hold down the [E] key on the move and keep up with the victim. We wait until the round marker is completely filled. The longer the button is held down, the more items you can steal. This should be done out of sight of the patrolmen.
  • Kill 25 enemies from cover- we find bushes or carts with hay, we hide in them, as soon as there is a patrolman nearby, we rush at him with hidden blades.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 2:

  • Dodge open collision 10 times- we push the patrolmen aside, dragging them along, we break away at a decent distance, we hide in bushes, in wells, or mingle with the crowd. We are waiting for the wanted status indicator to turn green and leave the shelter.
  • Lead the guard's dog 3 times with bait- You can find a dog with an officer near the liberated fort in Black Creek in the Frontier. We leave through the main gate and walk along the left wall, the dog will rush to Connor with a welcoming bark. Select the bait in the inventory (hold down the [R] key), scatter it (hold down the [Q] key), run back to the required distance so that the dog runs after.
  • Steal all property from 3 guards- we find a lonely guard, we sneak up on him from behind, we run playful little hands into his pockets. After the third indicator is filled, the victim's pockets will be empty.
  • Steal from the rich man unnoticed- we find any well-dressed resident in the city, we rob him.
  • Perform 30 stealth kills without being detected- for a stealthy kill, you can use cover or act at a distance using poison darts.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 3:

  • Poison 5 enemies- or using. We find the guards, have fun.
  • Find and loot 10 chests in New York- will help detailed map with their location.
  • Win £ 500 at gambling - the most simple game- balls. You can play it on the site at the Davenport estate, north of Oliver and Corinne's tavern. It is better to start the game with the second number; the winnings are summed up. Other games and opponents are in taverns marked on the map with dice.
  • Steal or collect £ 1,500 of valuables- we rob residents in cities or.
  • Attack and rob 3 enemy caravans- move along the main road in the Frontier in a random order, making a large circle and crossing the Ganyageha Lands, Black Creek, Diamond Basin, Concord, Lexington and Greatpeace Hills. They are marked with a star icon on the map. To rob a caravan, you must first kill the guards, and before leaving, look into the back of the cart to pick up the valuables; you can do this both during the plot and after it.

Conditions for the appearance of collectible plates in the estate in Assassin's Creed 3

Freedom for people- Liberate all forts located in Boston, New York and Frontier.
Raise anchors!- given for 100% synchronization during the passage of the "Kidd's Treasures" quest.

My home is my castle- complete all tasks of the estate.

Best friends- to initiate recruits into assassins.

New York explorer

Boston Explorer-opening the map by 97%. Remaining unexplored dark zones on the map that are not accessible from viewpoints, you need to open on foot or go around on horseback.

Frontier Explorer-opening the map by 97%. The remaining unexplored dark zones on the map, which are not accessible from viewpoints, need to be discovered on foot or around on horseback.
The vicissitudes of war- attack and rob 10 caravans.

Shipbuilder- Fully upgrade Aquilla.

The ideal companion- participate in all additional conversations.
Not just stories- complete all additional tasks

Trapper Society

Assassin's Creed 3 Trapper Society Challenges 1:

Kill 5 deer- we find deer in the hunting grounds of Lexington, Diamond Basin, Troyes Wood or on the Scotland plains in the Frontier, we kill (the hunting map will help to find deer).
Kill the wolf- we find wolves in the hunting grounds of Diamond Basin, Troyes Wood or Greatpeace Hills in the Frontier, we kill (the hunting map will help to find wolves).
Skinning 10 animals - after killing an animal, cut the carcass by holding down the [E] key.
Sell ​​£ 500 loot- we kill animals in the Frontier, butcher them, sell trophies in stores or send them in caravans (land and sea).
Catch 5 animals with the bait- we buy traps in any store, select them in the inventory (hold down the [R] key), set them in the forest (hold down the [Q] key), scatter the bait, hide. An animal that comes close to the trap will be caught automatically.
Kill a bear with a hidden blade- the condition is fulfilled in the story, during the rescue of Prudence, or in the first task of the trappers, where you need to kill a man-eating bear. It can also be completed by finding bears in the hunting grounds of Johnstown or Pakkanek, and then climbing a tree, from which to jump and stab the predator with hidden blades.

Trials of Trapper Society 2 in Assassin's Creed 3:

Kill 5 animals stealthily with live bait- we find bushes, scatter the bait nearby, when the animal comes close, we kill it by jumping from the bushes. As it was in the training in the fourth sequence.
Skin 25 animals- the same as in the previous part of the tests.
Kill 10 animals with a hidden blade- we find a tree, climb onto the branches, throw the bait, jump onto the approaching animal and stab it with hidden blades. If you want more thrill, you can measure your strength and reaction with wolves; the final blow must be a hidden blade.
Trap 20 animals- we buy traps and baits in the store, place them in places of accumulation of small game, reap the harvest.
Kill 15 animals with a bow- select the bow in the inventory, go hunting in the Frontier or Davenport, shoot while holding down the [Q] key. Arrows are sold in shops or crafted on the estate through the ledger with the help of the estate's artisans.

Trials of Trapper Society 3 in Assassin's Creed 3:

Skin one animal of each species- we move to the Frontier, find and kill a hare, beaver, raccoon, deer, lynx, puma, wapiti, bear, wolf and fox. We lower the skins, we take away everything of value.
Kill 5 animals while in the saddle- we find a horse, we approach the animal at the distance of a jump, when its silhouette is highlighted with a white outline, we jump from the horse and stab with hidden blades, for this it is enough to press the left mouse button, Connor will do the rest himself.
Sell ​​£ 2000 loot- we find any store, we sell part of the loot.
Kill 10 animals in close combat - find a bear, wolf, wapiti, puma or lynx, kill them in QTE mode, when the keys appear on the screen that need to be pressed in time.
Finish the hunting map- The lands in the Frontier and in the Davenport estate are divided into hunting grounds. Each of them has different animals. How many animals you need to find is noted in the "Hunt" section (> 3x). When the whole territory is colored in green color, the trapper test will be passed.
Collect 50 intact hides.- on the hunt we use only bow, poison darts and hidden blades. Firearms and booby traps damage animal skins, greatly reducing their value.

Thieves Guild - pass the test and complete all the tasks of the relevant organizations.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 1:

Search 10 corpses- go to the bodies, hold down the [E] key.
Get 25 Air Kills- we climb onto the roof of the house or onto the branches of trees, jump down and deliver a smashing blow with hidden blades.
Catch the courier- we find couriers in the cities, catch up with them and knock them down by double pressing the [E] key. You cannot kill them, otherwise the condition will not be counted.
Steal £ 200- we approach the residents of Boston and New York from behind, hold down the [E] key on the move and keep up with the victim. We wait until the round marker is completely filled. The longer the button is held down, the more items you can steal. This should be done out of sight of the patrolmen.
Kill 25 enemies from cover- we find bushes or carts with hay, we hide in them, as soon as there is a patrolman nearby, we rush at him with hidden blades.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 2:

Dodge open collision 10 times- we push the patrolmen aside, dragging them along, we break away at a decent distance, we hide in bushes, in wells, or mingle with the crowd. We are waiting for the wanted status indicator to turn green and leave the shelter.
Lead the guard's dog 3 times with bait- You can find a dog with an officer near the liberated fort in Black Creek in the Frontier. We leave through the main gate and walk along the left wall, the dog will rush to Connor with a welcoming bark. Select the bait in the inventory (hold down the [R] key), scatter it (hold down the [Q] key), run back to the required distance so that the dog runs after.
Steal all property from 3 guards- we find a lonely guard, we sneak up on him from behind, we run playful little hands into his pockets. After the third indicator is filled, the victim's pockets will be empty.
Steal from the rich man unnoticed- we find any well-dressed resident in the city, we rob him.
Perform 30 Stealth Kills without Detection - You can use cover to stealth kill, or use poison darts at a distance.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 3:

Poison 5 enemies- we buy poison darts in the store or create through the ledger with the help of artisans. We find the guards, have fun.
Find and loot 10 chests in New York- a detailed map with their location will help to find and hack all the chests.
Win £ 500 gambling- the simplest game is balls. You can play it on the site at the Davenport estate, north of Oliver and Corinne's tavern. It is better to start the game with the second number; the winnings are summed up. Other games and opponents are in taverns marked on the map with dice.
Steal or collect £ 1,500 of valuables- we rob residents in cities or loot chests.
Attack and rob 3 enemy caravans- Caravans move along the main road in the Frontier in a random order, making a large circle and crossing the Ganyageha Lands, Black Creek, Diamond Basin, Concord, Lexington and Greatpeace Hills. They are marked with a star icon on the map. To rob a caravan, you must first kill the guards, and before leaving, look into the back of the cart to pick up the valuables; you can do this both during the plot and after it.

Adventurer's Club- pass the test and complete all the tasks of the relevant organizations.

Assassin's Creed 3 Adventurer Club Quests:

The boy who shouted "Wolves!" (The Boy who Cried Wolf)- after listening to the end of the story about Shawnee and an unsuccessful hunt, we go in search of clues to the camp of the members of the Adventurers' Club in Greatpeace Hills. We examine the corpses of the pioneers by the fire, kill the wolf, and return back.

Finding the Sasquatch- after listening to the end of the story about the Bigfoot, we go to the waterfall in Black Creek, northwest of the fort. Examine unusual footprints by the river using eagle vision (hold down the [V] key). When the search area is narrowed, we go into the cave to the right of the waterfall, get acquainted with the "Bigfoot", and return back.

The Haunted Lighthouse- after listening to the end of the story about the lighthouse, we go in search of ghosts in the eastern part of Greatpeace Hills. We climb to the top of the lighthouse, examine the clue with the help of the eagle's vision, and return back.

The Headless Horseman- after listening to the end of the story about the headless horseman, we go to Trois Wood in search of evidence. Arriving at the place, we examine the corpses, observe the “headless horseman”. So that it would not be so offensive, before leaving, we clean out the pockets of the dead. Move to Boston using any fast travel point. We go into any of the three taverns marked on the map with the white icon of the Adventurers' Club.

Monster of the Sea- after listening to the end of the story about the kraken, we go to the northern part of the city, we overhear three conversations of the townspeople. Having learned about the death of the old man, we go to the cemetery, to the old woman, and then to the merchant's workshop on the shallows, next to the water mill. We examine the miracle device, return to the tavern. All markers appear on the map (key) in the northern area of ​​Boston, it is impossible to miss them.

Unidentified flying object- after listening to the end of the story about the UFO, we go to the hill in the southern region of the city, focusing on the mark on the map (key). We get to the clue on the branches of trees (you need to start from the roof of the toilet) by holding down the right mouse button. We examine it, remove the noodles from the ears and start passing the tests.

Assassin's Creed 3 Adventurer Club Challenges 1:

Take 10 Leaps of Faith- performed during the main plot or during the passage of adventurers' tests when visiting viewpoints marked on the map with an eagle icon. Diving, hay and spruce branches count. To take a leap of faith, you need to hold down the [W] + [RMB] keys, and press [Space].
Find 5 Tunnel Entrances- There are tunnels under Boston and New York, with the help of which a quick transition is made within the city. Each exit will open a fast transition point. The first one will be activated in sequence 5.
Climb 5 times to the high point- viewpoints are marked on the map with eagle icons, they appear during the main plot. We visit them, inspect the surroundings, make leaps of faith.
Find out the locations of the 7 forts- there are forts in cities and the Frontier at the edges of the map. Once released, they serve as points for rapid movement.
Forts in Boston: Central and South Areas.
Forts in New York: North and West Areas.
Forts in the Frontier: Monmouth, Scottish Plains, Black Creek (areas indicated on the hunting map).
Walk through the trees at least a hundred meters- we move to the Frontier or Davenport, we find trees on which we can move, we run along the branches the required number of meters. For a smooth run, hold down the [W] + [RMB] keys. The total distance is taken into account.
Collect 5 Feathers- we move to the Frontier, collect feathers. Cards with feathers are sold by merchants in stores under "Buy"> "Cards" (appear in the course of the story).

Assassin's Creed 3 Adventurer Club 2 Challenges:

Dive into the water from a height of 50 meters- we move to the Frontier, we get to the transition between the Frontier and the Davenport estate. We run along the road from the side of Davenport, we jump down to the plateau not far from the houses, we go along the cliff to the camp, where the fallen tree lies. Taking a leap of faith into the lake. The last task of the 6th sequence "Aggressive negotiations" begins near the desired place, but this is not the tree from which you need to make a swallow jump, it is two levels higher to the north of it.
Complete the almanac- Pages of Benjamin Franklin's almanacs are located in cities, in the amount of 36 pieces. Each of them opens access to the creation of a unique thing that will appear on the second floor of the estate.
Climb 1500 meters- the condition is met in the course of the plot. The main thing is to climb more on the walls of houses and rocks.
Find out the location of all trading posts in the Frontier- we move to the Frontier, visit three merchant stores in Monmouth, Lexington and Concord. A traveling merchant rides his cart along the main road, making a large circle and crossing the Ganyageha Lands, Black Creek, Diamond Basin, Concord, Lexington and Greatpeace Hills (the mark is visible on the map when approaching it).
Hear all Washington talk- after passing Assassin's Creed 3, Washington appears on the border of the western and eastern districts of New York (mark - W), between the closed fort and the Bowling Green fast travel point (southern part of the map) - this is the first conversation with the commander-in-chief. The second and third - in the first task 9 of the sequence "The Lost Cargo". You need to talk to him in that order, otherwise the condition may not be counted.

Assassin's Creed 3 Adventurer Club Challenges:

Open the entire map of Boston, New York and Frontier- visit all viewpoints marked on the map with the eagle icon, open the rest of the territory on foot or on horseback.
Reach 30 high points- visit all viewpoints marked on the map with the eagle icon (appear during the story).
Find all the entrances to the New York and Boston tunnels.- to cope with the test will help the map of points for a quick transition.
Visit all taverns in Boston, New York and Frontier- taverns are marked on global map icons dice.
Boston: 4 taverns - in all districts of the city (if you recruit all assassins, the dice icons will be replaced by their icons).
New York: 5 taverns - in the eastern part of the city.
Frontier: 4 taverns - Concord, Monmouth, Lexington (in the center of the village and at the very edge of the eastern borders of the area). The boundaries of each area can be seen by selecting a hunting map (> 3x)

Boston fighters- pass the test and complete all the tasks of the relevant organizations.

Boston fighters in Assassin's Creed 3:

Preliminary tests of Boston fighters:
Peter Bunyon:
Frontier. North-eastern part of Trois Wood. By the barn to the west of the hunter society camp.

The Sailor:
New York. Western region. By ship south of Fort Washington.
Block the blows with the [E] button, counterattack with [Space], finish off [LMB].

The Smuggler:
Boston. Central District. Behind the watermill northwest of the Green Dragon Inn.
Block the blows with the [E] button, counterattack with [Space], finish off [LMB].

Scorpio (The Stinger):
Frontier. Eastern Diamond Basin. On a cliff northeast of a village in Concord.
Block the blows with the [E] button, counterattack with [Space], finish off [LMB].

The Ropebeater:
Boston. Central District. In the cable factory west of the fort.
We block blows with the [E] button only near the table with a bottle or barrels placed around the perimeter of the yard. There is no other way to defeat the cable car.

The Merchant:
New York. Northern region. In the fields next to the mill south of the fort.
We block the blows with the [E] button, and immediately press it again two or three times to let the merchant pass by and push him to the ground with a push. Retaliatory attacks should start with [Space].

Boston Fighters Tournament:
If the fight club marker does not appear on the map after completing the first part of the challenge when you return to Boston, return to the brewery in the northern part of the city, where you first met Harolt Ring and where the mission started from. He will certainly wait in the old place.
English soldier (The Redcoat), The Docker, The Surgeon, The Huntress:
Block the blows with the [E] button, counterattack with [Space], finish off [LMB]. We start attacks from [Space], end with [LMB].

Assassin's Creed 3 Boston Fighters Challenges 1:

Find Harolt Ring at the old brewery in Boston: the messenger will wait to the northwest of the place where Connor appears after traveling between locations, you need to run across two bridges and turn left into the courtyard.
Disarm 5 enemies: during the battle, when red icons light up over the heads of the enemies, press the [E] key, attack [LMB] so that the weapon falls out of the enemy's hands.
Kill 5 enemies in 10 seconds. under the cover of a smoke bomb: We buy a smoke bomb in a mixed goods store or we make it on the estate through a ledger with the help of artisans. We find a patrol of 5-10 people in Boston, New York or the Frontier. Select the smoke bomb in the inventory by holding down the [R] key. We approach and activate the projectile in the crowd by holding down the [Q] key. While the enemies are in a daze, trying to come to their senses, we kill the 5th with a combination of blows, pressing the left mouse button and controlling the direction of the attack with the keys [W], [A], [S], [D].
Kill 25 enemies with a hidden blade: select the hidden blades in the inventory, holding down the [R] key, and go hunting.
Kill 10 enemies without being noticed: select the hidden blades in the inventory. Hiding, for example, in a cart with hay. We attract the soldiers with a whistle, pressing the [E] key. On the way, we kill them by pressing the left mouse button. You can also attack enemies from behind, trying to strangle with your bare hands, or from around the corner.
Kill 10 officers: we find a patrol led by an officer. During a battle with enemies, block the blows with the [E] key, then make a sweep with the [Space] key, and counterattack with the left mouse button.
Kill 5 enemies in a row: find the patrol, attack the soldiers, block the blows with the [E] key, select the direction of the next attack with the [W], [A], [S], [D] keys. The main thing is not to miss strikes, otherwise the combination may be interrupted.

[[u] Trials of Boston Fighters 2 in Assassin's Creed 3 (Rank - Professional Fighter):

Kill 10 Grenadiers: we find a patrol, consisting mainly of grenadiers, we attack, we block the blows of enemies with the [E] key, then we make a sweep with the [Space] key, we counterattack with the left mouse button.
Kill one enemy with each weapon type: We use hidden blades, poison darts, bows, sabers, pistols, muskets, shengbiao, booby-traps, axes, clubs and tomahawks / knives to kill. You can buy weapons in Assassin's Creed 3 at any shop, craft or take / pick up during the battle. It is not necessary to buy all weapons, one type from each category will be enough.
Get 5 Double Kills: we find the patrol, attack, block the blows with the [E] key, wait for the moment when two or three enemies try to attack at the same time so that Connor can pierce them through, for example, with a musket or saber, torn from the hands of the victims. The action is often performed automatically, without focusing on the soldiers and their movement during the battle. The more opponents, the higher the chance of performing the technique.
Order recruits to help in battle 10 times: Summon recruits for help by pressing [T]. Recruits appear after completing missions to liberate the urban areas of Boston and New York.
Liberate 3 Forts: we burst into any enemy fort, set fire to the warehouse with gunpowder, kill the officer, raise the flag.

Assassin's Creed 3 Boston Fighter Trials 3 (Rank - Expert Fighter):

Perform 5 Pillager Moves with Shengbiao: we buy the maximum amount of shengbiao in any store. Select the weapon in the inventory by holding down the [R] key. Find a convenient place to attack, for example, on a tree branch or a wooden beam. We are waiting for the appearance and approach of the patrol. The target to attack is automatically highlighted with a white outline. Launch shengbyo with the [Q] key and hold it, moving back with the [S] key.
Kill 7 enemies in a row: buy a smoke bomb, find a patrol of ~ 10 people, use it in the crowd with the [Q] key, having previously selected in the inventory with the pressed [R] key. While the enemies are in a daze, trying to come to their senses, we kill the 7th with a combination of blows, pressing the left mouse button and controlling the direction of the attack with the keys [W], [A], [S], [D].
Buy all available weapons in the shops: A simple weapon appears on sale after completing the main storyline of Assassin's Creed 3 and completing secondary tasks. A lot of money will be needed; trade, caravans and recruits will provide invaluable assistance. Purchased weapons appear next to the costumes in the basement of the Davenport estate.
Disarm and kill 10 rangers with their own weapons: free any fort (you can start from the east one in Boston). We are waiting for the arrival of the militia. We begin to methodically destroy the newly arrived troops. We bring the wanted level to the maximum (3 points). Many rangers in green uniforms and with helmets on their heads will appear on the territory of the fort and on the streets of the city. Switch to fists in your inventory by holding down the [R] key. We repeat the battle, attracting everyone's attention. When the huntsmen rush into battle, block their blows with the [E] key, and then immediately press [Space]. Connor will intercept the weapon. It remains to finish off the enemy with the left mouse button. The main thing is that there is nothing in your hands, otherwise you will not be able to disarm anyone.
Cover yourself 10 times with a human shield from a rifle chain: find the patrol, attack the soldiers, wait for the preparation for the shot. When yellow icons appear over the heads of the opponents, grab the nearest soldier with the [Space] key and hide from the bullets. It is necessary to be as close to the soldier as possible in order to be able to grab him before firing.

Navigation bar

Guild of Assassins

Series 1

    Summon the assassins in battle -25
    During the battle, call the assassin to help - T... The fastest way to accomplish this is by running on rooftops and running into guards.
    Give the assassins a target - 20
    While in incognito status, indicate the target for assassins to kill - highlight it - F- and then press the killer's express call button - T .

Reward: Assassins sent on missions will act more efficiently.

Series 2

    Use a hail of arrows - 15
    It is especially effective when there are a lot of opponents. Select one guard and hold - T.
    Summon the assassins in historical assignment - 5
    When doing any basic story mission where you are surrounded by enemies in large numbers, call the students for help.

Reward: Assassins' Signal recharges faster.

Series 3

    Recruit Assassins - 12
    By capturing the Templar bases, you free up vacancies for the recruitment of assassins. If you don’t understand how to recruit the twelfth recruit, the simplest thing is to send one of the students on an impossible mission in the Mediterranean.
    Train Recruits to Master Assassin Level -7
    You can pump our recruits by sending them on missions in the Mediterranean and going through to the end of the assignment of the master assassin. When the student is ready to complete a joint assignment with us, this marker will appear on the map -
    Defend the base successfully -3
    By increasing your popularity among the Templars, you increase the likelihood of attacks on your bases.

Reward: Unlocks the Assassins' factional weapon - Altair's sword

Mercenary Guild

Series 1

    Set mercenaries on guards - 10
    We find a bunch of people to hire and send them into battle.
    Destroy the stage by throwing someone at it - 5
    The simplest thing is to lure one of the guards from the roof to the stage and try to throw him at them - select the target - F- then holding the button Shift grab it and direct the scaffold to the side. Release the button Shift to throw it. You can also brew battles with a group of guards, but then you have to act a little more dynamically.
    Destroy the enemy with a throwing weapon -5
    Heavy weapons and spears are suitable for throwing. Highlight the target - F- and hold LMB. Ezio will swing and send the weapon straight to the target. Very quickly, you can complete the task by fighting the Almogavars in hand-to-hand combat .

Reward: The cost of hiring mercenaries is reduced.

Series 2

    Disarm the guard and kill him with your own weapon - 5
    Switch to hand-to-hand combat and try to take away weapons from your opponent in a combo series.
    Kill Byzantine Almogavar - 25
    The Almogavars are Byzantines who carry a huge ax with them, clumsy, but inflicting great damage in attack. I advise you to complete the task when capturing towers. Or in the assignment of the master assassin Actress (p2) there will be a whole bunch of them.
    Perform a throw grab - 10
    We recall the lesson of Yusuf - only now we run to the enemy and do not hold back, but we make money twice Shift to lock on the target and throw.

Reward: Unlocks the factional ability of the mercenaries.

Series 3

    Get a Double Kill - 10
    We select the hidden blades as the main weapon and look for guards that are patrolling in groups of several people. Select one of them - F - and the simplest thing is to jump onto them from the roof.
    Kill 5 guards in hand-to-hand combat in less than 10 seconds. - 1
    Perform at the very beginning of the game when attacking one of the bases. Gather enough Byzantines around you and try a continuous melee combo.
    Perform a combo of at least 5 kills - 10
    Here, choose the fastest weapon and take action. If you don't know where to get such a number of Byzantines, then in the assignment of the master assassin - Actress (p2) there will be about 4 opportunities to carry out a series of 5 murders at a time.
    Kill the Ottoman Janissary - 25
    You can speed up the process in the Janissary camp by collecting full pockets of bombs.

Reward: Unlocks the mercenary factional weapon - the two-handed sword Slasher.

Guild of Gypsies

Series 1

    Set the gypsies on the guards - 10
    Finding a bunch to hire and directing them to distract.
    Escape while hiding from pursuit (crowd / cover) - 10
    When escaping from the guards, hide in a haystack, disguise yourself in the crowd, sit on a bench or jump into a well.
    Kill guards with a crossbow while staying undetected - 20
    In order to complete the task, splurge on a crossbow at the blacksmith. Expensive, but really worthwhile.

Reward: The cost of hiring gypsies is reduced.

Series 2

    Use tactical bombs to escape the guards - 10
    When escaping, throw smoke bombs at the guards and hide from their sight.
    Kill the pursuer without getting a knife in the back - 5
    From time to time, you will be attacked by the assassins hired by the Templars - they can be recognized by their characteristic whispers and seen with Eagle's Sense on the map - the killer will be marked with a marker in the form of a white dagger. To complete tasks faster, try to jump on roofs less. Do not forget to search the murderer's body after the assassination attempt.
    Kill guards with poison - 15
    Choose a poisoned blade from your arsenal and take action.

Reward: Unlocks the factional ability of gypsies.

Series 3

    Kill guards with bombs while remaining undetected - 20
    In incognito mode, launch bombs at the guards. To throw more accurately, highlight the target - F- and then just throw the bomb - E.
    Kill the guard from behind -10
    Simple enough, approach the guard from behind and kill.
    Kill the guard from cover - 5
    Tuck into haystacks. The quest is easily completed during the passage of the main storyline.
    Kill 3 enemies stunned with a smoke bomb before the smoke clears - 1
    We make a smoke bomb, throw it into the group from three Templars, turn on the Eagle Flair and quickly kill. I advise you to attack the first two from the roof, so as not to waste time.

Reward: Unlocks the Gypsy faction weapon - Gypsy Stiletto

Thieves Guild

Series 1

    Set thieves on guards - 10
    We find a bunch to hire (usually they are located on the roofs) and set them on the guards. Thieves are the only guild that brings you money.
    Run 300 meters non-stop - 1
    When running, pinch Space to enter the sprint. Run along wide and large streets, if you interrupt your run, stumble or accidentally hit a wall - the cross does not count.
    Carry out a grab run - 15.
    We remember the lesson of Yusuf - we run to the enemy and hold the button Shift

Reward: The cost of hiring thieves is reduced.

Series 2

    Take the Leap of Faith - 40
    Jump from hills into haystacks.
    Climb a total of 1 km along the walls - 1
    If you synchronize the viewpoints, you will automatically receive a credit.
    Steal money by stealing in return - 250A.
    During the battle, Ezio can steal money and medicine from his opponent. To do this, during the battle in the counter-attack, press - E... As soon as you steal 250A, the task is completed

Reward: Unlocks the faction ability of thieves

Series 3

Reward: Unlocks the thieves' faction weapon - Ottoman Mace


Series 1

    Stick the bomb to the guard - 10
    To complete this task, you will need a bomb of any class with sticky body. To attach it to an enemy, select it - F- then throw a bomb - E... If a bomb-shaped marker appears above his head, then you have attached a bomb.
    Kill the target with a bomb - 1
    In any mission where you need to kill the main target, use any type of lethal bomb class.
    Distract the guard using bombs - 20
    The sabotage series bombs are ideal for this. Craft and throw, close to a group of guards, to get their attention.
    Kill 5 guards with one bomb - 1
    If there are not enough guards in one place, use a diversion decoy bomb to collect more. We finish off everyone with any lethal bomb.
    Kill the guards with a banner bomb - 20
    Collect with body stretching lethal bomb. Opponents can either be lured onto it or placed on the patrol route both on the ground and on the roofs. Just be careful, locals can accidentally step on it. Install by holding down the button E to take off, hold Shift.

Reward: Additional ingredients for bombs appear at bases.

Series 2

    Make a bomb with all body types - 1
    Use all types of shells in the manufacture of any class of bombs: shock, fuse, stretch and sticky.
    Use the bomb - 50
    You have to throw the bomb 50 times. You can throw anywhere and at anything.
    Kill a Guard Disabled by a Bomb - 25
    Tactical smoke bombs are ideal for this mission. Any body, phosphor effect. Throw at the enemy, turn on the Eagle Flair and go to finish off.
    Craft one bomb with each effect type - 1
    The body of the bomb can be any, but you need to try everything: lethal class - shrapnel, dope powder, coal dust; tactical class - sheep's blood, thorns, phosphorus, odorant; sabotage class - sulfur, saltpeter, pyrite coins.
    Use all bomb effects twice - 2
    In the task above, we collected bombs with all the effects, and now we need to use them at least twice. Most rarely use bombs with sheep's blood and pyrite coins.

Reward: The power of the bombs is increased.

Each guild, after completing these tasks, will give your shelter its own coat of arms.

Navigation bar

Hunting club

Series 1

    Kill 5 deer
    Easy task to complete: Deer can be found all over the Frontier. Use a hidden blade, bow or, at worst, a pistol.Kill the wolf
    According to the plot of the game, you can complete this task more than once.Skin 10 animals
    Can be completed as you progress through the game, especially during. To skin an animal, simply walk up to it and press E.Sell ​​£ 500 worth of hunt loot
    The task is easy to complete at the very beginning of the game as Connor or Haytham. Visit any store and sell the loot you get from the hunt.Use the baited trap to catch 5 animals
    While traveling around the Frontier or Homestead, Connor will stumble upon the tracks of various animals. Set up a trap and bait next to the trail, hide in a tree or bushes and wait for the animal to bite.Kill the bear with a hidden blade
    Travel to places where bears are congregated (such as the Pakkanek or Johnstown areas), climb a tree and kill the bear from the air. Alternative - try to attack the bear from behind or defeat him in open combat.

Series 2

    Kill 5 animals stealthily using decoy
    The easiest way to complete the task is from the tree. Climb up the branch, scatter the bait and wait for the victim, then commit a kill from the air.Skin 25 animals
    To skin an animal, simply walk up to it and press E.Kill 10 animals using the hidden blade
    The animal can be killed with a hidden blade in any way possible.Trap 20 animals
    Find any hunting ground inhabited by a large number of animals and place traps in this area (2-3 will be quite enough). You can also use decoy to complete the target faster. Climb the tree and wait for the victim.Kill 15 animals with a bow
    Small animals can be killed with one bow shot. Bigger animals like a deer or a bear will have to spend more shots. Try to aim for the head.

Series 3

    Skin each animal
    There are 10 types of animals in the game: 5 predators (bear, lynx, puma, fox, wolf) and 5 victims (deer, wapiti, hare, beaver, raccoon). As you travel the Frontier, you will repeatedly encounter each of them. Just remember to skin the killed animals.Kill 5 animals from a horse
    Using the bow and pistol will not count, so you need to get close to the victim and use melee weapons to jump from horse to animal.Sell ​​your hunt loot totaling £ 2,000
    Visit any store and sell the loot you get from the hunt.Kill 10 animals with melee combat
    Attract the attention of predators until they attack you, and then after pressing the QTE-sequence of buttons, kill the animal.Complete the hunting map
    To complete the hunter map, you need to find the habitat of all kinds of animals in all areas of the Frontier and on the territory of the Homestead. To do this, it is not necessary to commit a murder, you can simply find a trail of this or that animal (trampled grass, eaten bush, gnawed on a stump, etc.).
      Black Creek: hare, beaver, elk, lynx; Genyageh Lands: hare, fox, deer, puma; Johnstown: hare, bear, fox, elk; Valley Forge: hare, beaver, raccoon, elk; Diamond Basin: beaver , deer, wolf, puma; Greatpeace Hills: hare, elk, wolf, lynx; Lexington: hare, raccoon, fox, deer; Concord: hare, raccoon, deer, beaver; Pakkanek: hare, beaver, lynx, bear; Monmouth : hare, elk, raccoon, fox; Trois Wood: hare, deer, elk, wolf; Scottish Plains: hare, deer, puma, raccoon; Davenport Manor: hare, wolf, fox, beaver, raccoon, elk, deer.
    Collect 50 Superb Animal Hides
    Pistols, mines, rope dart harm the skin of animals, so it is necessary to use hidden blades, bows and poisoned darts to kill them.

For completing all the tasks of the hunter club, you will receive a trophy.

Adventurer's Club

Series 1

    Take 10 Leaps of Faith
    From any high point, jump into the haystack 10 times.Open 5 entrances to the underground tunnel network
    Go to the dungeon of any city - New York or Boston - and explore the exits from the tunnels. Some of them can be opened simply by picking locks, others will require solving a small puzzle.Visit 5 viewpoints
    Climb any 5 vantage points and press E to open the map and explore the area.Discover the location of all the forts
    There are 7 forts in total. You can discover their location simply by traveling around Frontier, Boston and New York. They are usually located at the edges of the map and are fairly easy to find.Explore the area by running 100 meters through the trees
    Another simple task that is completed as you progress through the main plot of the game.Collect 5 Feathers
    Buy a feather card from the store, or find feathers while traveling around the Frontier.

Series 2

Series 3

You will receive a trophy for completing all the tasks of the Adventurer Club.

Fighters Club

Series 1

    Complete a chain of 5 kills
    Disarm 5 enemies
    You must select fists in the weapon selector, then parry the enemy's blow by pressing the E key, and finally press the SPACEBAR to disarm the enemy.Kill 5 enemies immobilized with a smoke bomb within 10 seconds
    Find a large enough group of guards, throw a smoke bomb and quickly kill them.Kill 10 officers
    (British or patriots) usually lead the patrols, it will be quite easy to find them. Dealing with them will be even easier.Kill 25 enemies with a hidden blade
    Simple and clear. Equip yourself with a hidden blade and attack enemies. The task will most likely be completed as you progress through the game.Kill 10 enemies stealthily.
    Stealth murder means murder from a haystack or from around a corner or bushes. Easy to complete as you progress through the game.

    Series 2

    Summon Recruit Assassins in battle 10 times
    As soon as you recruit the first assassin to the team, simply press the recruit call key during the battle, and he will immediately come to the rescue.Kill 10 Grenadiers
    often appear on patrols. They wear tartan skirts and backpacks. It is impossible to pass by and not notice them.Use all types of weapons in battle
    Buy all kinds of weapons in the store and go to kill enemies. Thus, you will complete this task.Get 5 Double Kills
    Equip yourself with hidden blades and kill enemies patrolling the territory in pairs (and not only). The task is easily completed as you progress through the game.Liberate 3 Forts
    Find a fort on the map of Boston, New York or Frontier and free it. The liberation of the fort consists of three stages: the destruction of the powder stocks, the assassination of the officer and the descent of the enemy flag.

    Series 3

    Complete a 7 kill chain
    As soon as you kill (or counterattack) the first enemy, you start a chain of kills. Keep attacking enemies and remember that as soon as Connor parries or blocks a blow, the chain will be interrupted.Hide with a human shield from shots 10 times
    When enemies line up and a yellow indicator appears above their heads, it means they are preparing to shoot. Walk up to the nearest enemy and press SPACEBAR to apply a human shield.Disarm and kill 10 rangers with their own weapons
    Jaegers start patrolling the city as soon as you reach fame level 3. The easiest way to complete this task is in mission 2 of sequence 5. When the huntsman attacks you - arm yourself with fists, parry the blow with the E key and then press the SPACEBAR to take away the weapon from the enemy.Buy all weapons available in stores
    The name of the quest speaks for itself - save up enough money and buy up all the weapons that the merchants sell in their shops.Rope dart 5 times to hang enemies
    Climb the horizontal branch, find the enemy and use the rope dart while holding the DOWN key.

For completing all the tasks of the fighters club, you will receive a trophy.

Thieves Club

Series 1

Catch the courier
Couriers / Tax Collectors spawn randomly and appear on the minimap with a large red marker. As soon as you see such an icon, do not waste your chance and go in pursuit. Use Rope Dart to slow down the courier and then grab him by pressing E. Attention! The courier must not be punched or killed to complete the mission!Kill 25 enemies from cover.
Haystacks, the corner of a building, bushes in which Connor automatically squats, wells, benches, etc. - are considered shelters. Just wait for the enemy to come closer and then kill him.Search 10 corpses
Search the corpse of the just killed enemy by holding the E key, and so 10 times. The task will be completed.Get 25 Aerial Kills
Another fairly simple task that is completed as you progress through the game. Just climb a hill above the enemies (building roof, fence, branch, etc.) and press the attack key.Steal 200 pounds
Get close to an enemy or NPC and hold down the E key to steal.

Series 2

Escape from pursuers 10 times using cover.
Easy task. Start a chase, break away from pursuers and then hide, for example, in a haystack. Lure an enemy dog ​​3 times with bait
Use the decoy from Connor's arsenal to repel the watchdog from the enemy patrol. Then kill her (optional). One of these patrols is located in the Frontier, in the Monmouth area, next to a retail store.Get 30 stealth kills
This quest can also be completed as you progress through the game. Just kill the enemy without raising the alarm.Rob the guard completely 3 times
Find the lone guard, get close to him and continue to press and hold the E key until you completely rob him. Be careful, the longer you steal, the more visible your actions become.Stealthily rob a wealthy citizen completely
Go to Boston or New York, find a citizen in rich clothes in the crowd and repeat the trick from the previous task.

Series 3

Find and search 10 chests in New York
A simple task. Buy a map of chests in the store or find them yourself, and then open the lock.Steal £ 1,500
Get close to an enemy or NPC and hold down the E key to steal. Throw a few coins on the ground to attract a crowd of townspeople, and then just steal everything from their pockets.Poison 5 enemies
Use Poisoned Darts to complete this quest.Successfully attack and rob the convoy 3 times
Convoys spawn randomly in the Frontier and are marked with a star (sun) symbol. As soon as you notice such a sign, don't miss your chance.Win £ 500 gambling
Perhaps the most difficult test of all. Accumulate enough money, go to taverns (or Homestead), place big bets and don't be afraid to lose. You will have the most chances of defeating stupid computer logic in checkers. SUCCESS!

For completing all the tasks of the thieves club, you will receive a trophy.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 1:

Search 10 corpses - go to the bodies, hold down the [E] key.
Get 25 kills in the air - climb onto the roof of a house or on the branches of trees, jump down and deliver a smashing blow with hidden blades.
Catch the courier - we find couriers in the cities, catch up with them and knock them down by pressing the [E] key twice. You cannot kill them, otherwise the condition will not be counted.
Steal £ 200 - we approach the residents of Boston and New York from behind, hold down the [E] key and keep up with the victim. We wait until the round marker is completely filled. The longer the button is held down, the more items you can steal. This should be done out of sight of the patrolmen.
Kill 25 enemies from cover - we find bushes or carts with hay, we hide in them, as soon as a patrolman is nearby, we rush at him with hidden blades.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 2:

To dodge an open confrontation 10 times - we push the patrolmen aside, dragging them along, we break away at a decent distance, we hide in bushes, in wells, or mingle with the crowd. We are waiting for the wanted status indicator to turn green and leave the shelter.
Take the guard's dog 3 times away with bait - you can find the dog with the officer next to the liberated fort in Black Creek in the Frontier. We leave through the main gate and walk along the left wall, the dog will rush to Connor with a welcoming bark. Select the bait in the inventory (hold down the [R] key), scatter it (hold down the [Q] key), run back to the required distance so that the dog runs after.
Steal all property from 3 guards - we find a lonely guard, sneak up on him from behind, we run playful little hands into his pockets. After the third indicator is filled, the victim's pockets will be empty.
Steal from a rich man imperceptibly - we find any well-dressed resident in the city, we rob him.
Perform 30 Stealth Kills without Detection - You can use cover to stealth kill, or use poison darts at a distance.

Assassin's Creed 3 Thieves Guild Challenges 3:

Poison 5 enemies - buy poison darts in the store or create through the ledger with the help of artisans. We find the guards, have fun.
Find and search 10 chests in New York - a detailed map with their location will help you find and hack all the chests.
Winning £ 500 by gambling is the easiest game to play - balls. You can play it on the site at the Davenport estate, north of Oliver and Corinne's tavern. It is better to start the game with the second number; the winnings are summed up. Other games and opponents are in taverns marked on the map with dice.
Steal or collect £ 1,500 worth of valuables - we rob residents in cities or loot chests.
Attack and Rob 3 Enemy Caravans - Caravans move along the main road in the Frontier in a random order, making a large circle and crossing the Ganyageh Lands, Black Creek, Diamond Basin, Concord, Lexington and Greatpeace Hills. They are marked with a star icon on the map. To rob a caravan, you must first kill the guards, and before leaving, look into the back of the cart to pick up the valuables; you can do this both during the plot and after it.