Educational games for children online. Learning to read and write. Game "Come up with a proposal"

Online educational games for children will surely appeal to kids, because there is so much enthusiasm and funny characters in them. Having fun, the child will not even understand that he is developing creatively, trains thinking, logic, learns to count, to distinguish the sizes of colors. These games also contribute to the understanding of good and evil, they teach to recognize living and inanimate objects. These are positive toys with which parents need not fear that their child will be negatively influenced. Favorite cartoon characters are certainly present in the plots and from this the fun only benefits, they become recognizable and more attractive. With Masha or Dora, the kids will look for objects, collect coins, stars and hearts. To do this, you need to be vigilant and observant, so as not to miss a single detail and collect all the necessary elements. This will replenish the game account with points and direct you to a new task.

Children's educational games online will teach the little ones letters for free, and to make it more interesting to remember, you need to find them in the city where they live. This is another additional task the attentiveness that diversifies game process... The letters are so cunning that they disguised themselves as the background color of the trees, in the clouds and near the house. Some pretend to be a fence, others swing on tree branches and merge with its green foliage. At the bottom of the screen, you can see which letters have already been found, and which ones have yet to be found. Not found are designated yellow to make it easier for players to find the missing items. Thus, during the fun, you can randomly click on all the letters, but in order to memorize the alphabet, try to search for them in order. This will complicate the task, but it will make it easier to remember the alphabet, which will come in handy at school. Together with the bee, it is excellent to train memory and the same attentiveness, tracing in which hive she hid. The process of this developmental Online Games for children it is the same as in the game about thimbles, when the ball hides under one of them, then there is a chaotic movement and the player must guess where the object is hidden. In order not to miss the house with the bee, be very vigilant about how it changes its position on the playing field. Together with the kitty, the kids will take several math lessons, carrying out addition and subtraction, multiplication and division of prime and two-digit numbers.

Children always grow up quickly, as if only yesterday your child was a year old, and today he is almost an adult seven-year-old baby. Children quickly grow out of things, shoes and, oddly enough, games. Every parent wants his baby to develop comprehensively, to have the best and highest quality, and therefore children's toy stores are never empty, because every caring parent first of all thinks about his child. Educational games are useful and necessary for children - this is a fact proven more than once by psychologists and aces in the field of child education and practical psychology. But what if all the shelves are occupied by mountains useful games, and your child is tired of playing in them in the twentieth circle and wants to try something new? The answer is simple: find him a game on the Internet. Online educational games for children are always relevant and do not take up extra space in your home. You can follow the news, choose those games yourself that you consider necessary for the child, and protect him from something, control the time spent at the computer, and you can easily alternate rest with useful activities v game form, which will undoubtedly please you and your child. Educational games for children 7 years old are thought out by specialists to the smallest detail, taking into account the age of the child and the needs of different kids in the development of certain skills. You can set aside some time for yourself and take a break from business and worries, or, on the contrary, spend time with your beloved child and become even closer, rally and become one team.

Educational games for children 7 years old online

Seven-year-old children begin to realize that every action has consequences, which means that they need to be taught to think over their moves and be attentive to what they are doing, because a wrong step can lead far from the result that they wanted, and if in life it is not always possible to correct the mistake, then in educational games for children 7 years old is still ahead, and if it does not work out on the first try, then you can try again and again until it works out right, because our kids are still impressionable, and the games should motivate and teach to achieve goals, and not upset children and cause tears. Children at the age of 7 are very suitable for puzzles, puzzles that make you think over moves in advance, and build a whole combination from pieces that leads to victory. Puzzles are also good, in order to solve them the child will have to think carefully and be patient, thereby developing his perseverance, which will help him in the future in school when solving various more difficult tasks. Comparison games will develop the child's attentiveness, and quest educational games for seven-year-old children will open before them a whole exciting world of multi-step combinations, details of events related to each other, which together will only lead to the desired result. Playing with your child or giving him a useful task, you can be calm that the child does not waste time and does not clog his mind with unnecessary information.

Our age of advanced computer technologies leaves no one indifferent to virtual innovations and interesting entertainment... The children's audience is no exception, which happily and enthusiastically perceives any new gaming news. Of course, children's entertainment on the Internet is a category that should be strictly controlled by parents, because it is not always possible to find conscientious game products for children. But with our site your kids will only play good, high-quality and Interesting games... And how much time such a pastime will take in the life of every child is up to the parents to decide.

Educational games for children 7 years old

We bring to your attention games for 7 years for girls completely free of charge and without registration. The time for completing each round is not long, so you don't have to sit at the computer for a long time to complete this or that game. This category of games is designed specifically for children's perception and understanding, taking into account children's interests and preferences. Along with the entertainment orientation, these games also carry a cognitive and developmental grain. Here you can find entertainment that can develop and shape:

  • logical thinking;
  • memory;
  • attentiveness;
  • fantasy and creativity.

All this is done in such a way that the process of learning and development does not in any way alienate the child, but, on the contrary, attracts and interests.

Games for the benefit of children

These entertainments are extremely colorful and visually pleasing, dynamic or calm, with pleasant musical arrangement... So kids can easily master difficult mathematical, linguistic and other issues and sciences, for example, biology and geography. The latter are games, the tasks of which are to disperse animals in certain parts of the planet, exactly where they live. Linguistic games are fun that helps you learn languages ​​and grammar rules. Also, maze games, puzzles, search for objects, music games and many others have a rather vivid developmental effect. Active games from a series of races and races for this age help to develop reaction speed, agility, determination - everything that is very important for every person, including a little one. All these games use their favorite cartoon and fairy-tale characters, which kids just adore and enjoy spending time with them in the virtual space. Thus, we dispel rumors that computer games for children, they are harmful and useless, just everything should be in moderation and without cruelty, and these entertainments fully meet these criteria.

Games for the development of logic in preschoolers of the preparatory group

Game "Flowers in the flower beds".


: multi-colored cardboard, scissors.

Description: the teacher cuts out three flowers of red, orange, blue from cardboard and three flower beds - round, square and rectangular. Invite the child to distribute flowers on the flower beds in accordance with the story: “Red flowers did not grow on a round or square flower bed, orange flowers did not grow on a round or rectangular one. Where what flowers grew? "

Logical tasks.

Target: develop attention, logical thinking.

Description: the teacher invites children to play logical tasks, chips are given for each correct answer. Whoever has more chips wins.

1) In front of Cipollino there are objects: a bucket, a shovel, a watering can. How to make the shovel become extreme without moving it from its place? (You can put a watering can in front of a shovel or in front of a bucket.)

2) Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Piglet cut out three flags of different colors: blue, green, red. The tiger was not carved with a red flag, but Winnie the Pooh - not a red or a blue flag. What color did each flag cut? (Winnie the Pooh cut a green flag, Tigger - blue. Piglet - red.)

3) There are four apples on the table. One apple was cut and put back. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples.)

4) Arrange two chairs in the room so that there is a chair against each wall. (You need to put chairs in two opposite corners.)

5) Place a triangle of one stick and a square of two sticks on the table. (Sticks should be put on the corner of the table.)

Game "I made a guess ...".


Description: the teacher thinks of an object. Invite the child to find out the name of the object with the help of clarifying questions.

Does this item fly? (Yes.)

Does he have wings? (Yes.)

Does he fly high? (Yes.)

Is he animate? (No.)

Is it made of plastic? (No.)

Iron? (Yes.)

Does he have a propeller? (Yes.)

Is this a helicopter? (Yes.)

Game "Choose what you want".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are offered options in which there are extra positions, for example:

A boot always has: buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

In warm regions live: bear, deer, wolf, penguin, camel.

Winter months: September, October, December, May.

In a year: 24 months, 12 months, 4 months, 3 months.

A father is older than his son: often, always, rarely, never.

Time of day: year, month, week, day, Monday.

The tree always has: leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow.

Seasons: August, autumn, Saturday, holidays.

Passenger transport: harvester, dump truck, bus, diesel locomotive.

This game can be continued.

Game "I'm taking with me on the road."

Target: develop logical thinking.

pictures with images of single objects.

Description: Lay out images face down. Offer the child to go on a sea voyage. But, in order for the journey to be successful, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, stock up on everything you need. Ask the child to take one picture at a time and talk about how this item can be useful. The objects in the pictures should be very different. For example, a child takes out a picture of a ball: "The ball can be played during rest, the ball can be used instead of a life ring, because it does not sink, etc." You can beat different situations: on a desert island, on a train, in a village.

Game "How are they similar and how are they different?"

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: the facilitator offers the children two objects, the children should compare them and indicate the similarities and differences. For example: plum and peach; little girl and doll; bird and plane; cat and squirrel; an orange and an orange ball of the same size; felt-tip pen and chalk.

The game "Settled the birds."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 20 cards depicting birds: domestic, migratory, wintering, singing, carnivorous, etc.

Description: invite the child to settle the birds in the nests: in one nest - migratory birds, in another - all those who have white plumage, in the third - all birds with long beaks. What birds were left without a nest? What birds can be accommodated in multiple nests?

Game "Associations".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are divided into two groups. One group invites the other to talk about a subject, using words in their story for other subjects. For example, tell about a carrot using the words: duck, orange, cube, Snow Maiden. (It is the same color as an orange. It can be cut into cubes. Ducks love the upper part. If you don't eat it, you will be as pale as the Snow Maiden.) Then the groups change roles. The subject for description and word-characteristics are set by the presenter.

Game "Come up with a proposal."

Goals: develop logical thinking, speech activity; to form a sense of language.

Game material and visual aids: ping pong ball.

Description: the teacher with the children sits in a circle and explains the rules of the game. He says some words, and the children come up with a sentence with this word. For example: the teacher says the word "close" and passes the ball to the child. He takes the ball and quickly replies: "I live close to kindergarten." Then the child calls out his word and passes the ball to the person sitting next to him. So, in turn, the ball passes from one player to another.

Games for the development of speech for preschoolers of the preparatory group

Game "Make a proposal".

Target: develop the ability to make sentences from these words and use plural nouns.

Description: invite the child to make a sentence out of words. In the first lessons, the number of words should not be more than three, for example: “shore, house, white”. Sentences can be as follows: “On the bank of the river there is a house with a white roof” or “In winter, the roofs of houses and rivers become white with snow,” etc. Explain to the child that the form of words can be changed, that is, they can be used in the plural, change the ending.

Game "Opposites".

Target: to consolidate the ability to select words that are opposite in meaning.

Game material and visual aids: chips.

Description: invite the child to come up with pairs of opposite words one by one. A chip is issued for each invented pair. The winner is the one with the most chips at the end of the game. In the first part of the game, pairs are formed - nouns; then - adjectives, verbs and adverbs (fire - water, smart - stupid, close - open, high - low).

Good and bad game.

Target: develop a monologue speech.

Description: invite the child to identify bad and good features from the heroes of fairy tales. For example: the fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox". The rooster woke the cat to work, cleaned the house, cooked dinner - that's good. But he did not obey the cat and looked out the window when the fox called him - this is bad. Or the fairy tale "Puss in Boots": helping your owner is good, but for this he deceived everyone - it's bad.

The game "Contradictions".

Target: develop the ability to pick up words that are opposite in meaning.

Description: invite the child to find signs of one object that contradict each other. For example: a book is dark and white at the same time (cover and sheets), an iron is hot and cold, etc. Read a poem:

In plain sight of passers-by

An apple hung in the garden.

Who cares?

The apple was just hanging.

Only the horse said it was low

And the mouse is high.

Sparrow said he was close

And the snail is far away.

And the calf is preoccupied

The fact that the apple is not enough.

And the chicken is because it is very

Great and hard.

But the kitten doesn't care:

Sour, why is it?

"What do you! - the worm whispers. -

He has a sweet barrel. "

G. Sapgir

Discuss the poem. To draw the child's attention to the fact that the same object, the same phenomenon can be characterized in different ways, depending on the point of view, both literally and figuratively.

Game "Who is gone?"

Target: teach to use proper nouns in the nominative singular.

Game material and visual aids: chairs.

Description: children-spectators sit on chairs. In front of them, on the side, there are 4 chairs for the participants of the game. The teacher tells the children that now they will guess who has left. Summons four children. Three sit in a row, the fourth, opposite. The teacher invites him to carefully look at who is sitting opposite, say their names, and go into another room. One of the three is hiding. The guesser returns and sits down in his place. The teacher says: "(Child's name), look carefully and tell me who left?" If the child guesses, the hiding one runs out. The children sit down and the caregiver calls the next four children and the game resumes.

Game "How do we dress?"

Target: to teach the correct use of common nouns in the accusative singular and plural.

Game material and visual aids: items of children's clothing.

Description: each child thinks of a piece of clothing, for example: a scarf, a skirt, a dress, gloves, panties, a T-shirt, etc. Then he quietly calls it to the teacher so that the other children do not hear (the teacher makes sure that the children do not choose one and that same). The teacher begins to talk about something, for example: "Vasya was going to go sledding and put on himself ..."

Interrupting the story, he points to one of the participants in the game. He calls the item of clothing he intended. The rest of the children must judge whether the boy is dressed correctly. This game is very funny, as sometimes funny combinations are obtained.

Game "Who will most likely transfer objects?".

Target: to consolidate in the speech of children the correct use of common nouns in the singular accusative case.

Game material and visual aids: children's dishes and furniture.

Description: children playing sit on high chairs, opposite them are two chairs, on which they put 5-6 objects of different categories, for example: children's dishes (cup, saucer, kettle), children's furniture (crib, chair, table). Two empty chairs are placed in the distance. Two children from different teams stand near the chairs and on command: "One, two, three - take the dishes!" - begin to transfer the necessary items to the empty chairs facing opposite. The winner is the one who, more correctly and earlier than others, transfers all objects belonging to the category named by the teacher and names them. Then the next pairs of children compete.

Sample speech: "I moved the kettle (cup, saucer)."

Game "One - one - one".

Target: teach to distinguish the gender of nouns.

Game material and visual aids: small items are mixed in the box (pictures):

Masculine gender


Neuter gender




Description: children take turns taking objects out of the box, calling them: "This is a pencil." The teacher asks the question: "How much?" The child answers: "One pencil." For the correct answer, the child receives a picture, at the end of the game, he counts the number of pictures for each child and identifies the winner.

Game "Guess what is this?".

Target: learn to use adjectives in speech, correctly coordinate them with pronouns.

Game material and visual aids: natural fruits (dummies).

Description: the teacher shows the fruits to the children, then calls the children one by one. The summoned is blindfolded and offered to choose some kind of fruit. The child must guess by touch what kind of fruit it is and what shape it is, or determine its hardness.

Speech sample for children:"This Apple. It is round (solid). "

Game "What do you love?".

Target: learn to conjugate verbs.

Game material and visual aids: subject pictures on any topic.

Description: one child chooses a picture (for example, a picture of cherries), shows it and, turning to another child, says: “I love cherries. What do you like?" In turn, the second child takes a picture (for example, with a picture of plums) and, referring to the third child, says: “I love plums. What do you like?"

When you play the game again, you can change the theme of the pictures.

Literacy games for children 6-7 years old in kindergarten

Game "Where is our home?"


Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (lump, ball, catfish, duck, fly, crane, doll, mouse, bag), three houses with pockets and a number on each (3, 4 or 5).

Description: the child takes a picture, names the object depicted on it, counts the number of sounds in the spoken word and inserts the picture into a pocket with a number corresponding to the number of sounds in the word. Representatives of a number of people come out in turn. If they are wrong, second-row children correct them. A point is awarded for each correct answer. The winner is the row with the most points.

Game "Let's build a pyramid".

Target: develop the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word.

Game material and visual aids: a pyramid is drawn on the board, the base of which consists of five squares, above - four squares, then - three; pictures with picture various subjects, in the name of which there are five, four, three sounds (respectively, five, four, three pictures - bag, scarf, shoes, mouse, pear, duck, vase, elephant, wolf, poppy, wasps, nose).

Description: the teacher asks the children to fill in the pyramid. Among the pictures exhibited on the typesetting canvas, one must first find those in the names of which there are five sounds, then four and three. An erroneous answer will not be counted. Correct completion of the task is encouraged by a token.

Lost and Found game.

Target: learn to perform sound-letter analysis of words.

Game material and visual aids: object pictures with pockets, cards with the names of the object depicted in the picture are inserted in them, but each word lacks one consonant (for example: tig instead of tiger), a set of letters.

Description: the teacher shows the children pictures with signatures and says that some letters in the words are lost. The correct entry needs to be restored. To do this, you need to go to the “lost and found” table, where all the lost things go. The children take turns to go to the teacher and name the picture, identify the missing letter in the signature, take it from the “lost and found table”, put it in its place.

Game "What are their names?"

Target: develop the ability to determine the first sound in a word, make words from letters.

Game material and visual aids: a set of subject pictures (the name of a boy or girl will be made from the initial letters of their names); plaques depicting a boy and a girl with pockets for inserting pictures and letters; cards with letters.

Description: the teacher hangs up signs with pictures of a boy and a girl and says that he came up with names for them. Children can guess these names if they highlight the first sounds in the names of the pictures embedded in the pockets and replace them with letters.

Two teams are playing - girls and boys. Team representatives name the objects depicted on the cards and highlight the first sound in the word. Then they take the corresponding letter from the cut alphabet and replace the picture with it. One team guesses the name of the girl, the other - the name of the boy.

The first team to form the name wins.

Sample material: boat, donkey, cancer, aster; ball, snail, gun, stork.

Scattered Letters game.

Target: develop the ability to compose words from these letters, perform sound-letter analysis.

Game material and visual aids: split alphabet according to the number of children.

Description: the teacher calls the letters, the children type them from the alphabet and form a word. For a correctly formed word, the child receives one point (token). The winner is the one who scored the most points by the end of the game.

Game "Zoo".

Target: develop the ability to select words with a given number of syllables.

Game material and visual aids: three pockets, on each of which a cage for animals is drawn, under the pockets - a graphic image of the syllable composition of words (the first pocket is one syllable, the second is two syllables, the third is three syllables); cards with images of animals and their names.

Description: the teacher says that new cages have been made for the zoo. It offers to determine which animals can be placed in which cage. Children in order go to the teacher, take cards with the image of an animal, read its name by syllables and determine the number of syllables in a word. By the number of syllables, they find a cage for the named animal and put the card in the appropriate pocket.

Sample material: elephant, camel, tiger, lion, bear, crocodile, rhino, wolf, fox, giraffe, elk, jackal, hare, badger.

Game "Chain".

Target: develop the ability to select words one syllable at a time.

Description: the teacher says: "Window". Children divide this word into syllables. Then the children choose a word that begins with the last syllable in the word "window" (no-ra). Then they come up with a new word, beginning with the syllable ra (ra-ma), etc. The winner is the one who finished the chain last and named the most words.

Game "Encrypted alphabet".

Target: to consolidate knowledge of the alphabet and its practical application.

Description: the teacher chooses several letters of the alphabet most often found in words, each of them assigns its own number plate. For example:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The teacher shows the child how to write down words, replacing them with numbers: 9 2 10 (house), 5 6 8 1 (strength), etc. Number all letters of the alphabet. Invite the child to play "scouts" by sending encrypted letters to each other.

Game "Help Buratino".

Target: to consolidate the ability to highlight vowels and consonants.

Game material and visual aids: two boxes, cards with vowels and consonants.

Description: Buratino comes to visit the children. He went to school and asks to check his homework: in one box Buratino folded cards with vowels, in another - with consonants. Check if all letters are laid out correctly. The child took one card at a time and checks the correctness of the assignment. You can deliberately confuse letters, put several vowels in a box with consonants, and vice versa. When all the mistakes are corrected, Buratino says goodbye and goes to school.

The game "Scouts".

Target: develop phonemic hearing, logical thinking, speech skills.

Description: the teacher shows another cipher method - by the first letters of the lines:

The lizard lives in the desert.

Animals can be wild and domestic.

December is the winter month.

We have breakfast in the morning.

A dark cloud obscured the sun.

If the snow has melted, then spring has come.

A log is a cut down tree.

Raspberry ripens in summer.

From the first letters of each line it came out: I'm waiting for you. It can be encrypted in various ways.

Math games for children 6-7 years old in kindergarten

Game "Mother hen and chickens".

Goals: to consolidate the skills of counting; develop auditory attention.

Game material and visual aids: cards with the image of chickens of different numbers.

Description: The cards show different numbers of chicks. Distribute roles: children - "chickens", one child - "hen". The "brood hen" is chosen with the help of a rhyme:

They say at dawn

Gathered on the mountain

Dove, goose and jackdaw ...

That's the whole rhyme.

Each child receives a card and counts the number of chicks on it. The teacher addresses the children:

The chickens want to eat.

We need to feed the chickens.

The "mother hen" starts her own game actions: knocks on the table several times - calls "chickens" to the grains. If the "brood hen" knocks 3 times, the child who has a card with the image of three chickens squeaks 3 times (pee-pee) - his chickens are fed.

Game "Number houses".

Target: to consolidate knowledge about the composition of the number of the first ten, basic mathematical signs, the ability to compose and solve examples.

Game material and visual aids: silhouettes of houses with inscriptions on the roof of one of the houses from 3 to 10; set of cards with numbers.

Description: houses are distributed to the players, the child examines cards with numbers. Ask the child to name the numbers and put them in order. Put a large card with a house in front of the child. A certain number lives in each of the houses. Invite the child to think and say what numbers it consists of. Let the child name their options. After that, he can show all the options for the composition of the number, laying out cards with numbers or dots in the windows.

The game "guess the number".

Target: to consolidate the skills of addition and subtraction, the ability to compare numbers.

Description: ask the child to guess which number they have in mind. The teacher says: "If you add 3 to this number, you get 5" or "The number that I made my mind is more than five, but less than seven." You can change roles with children, the child thinks the number, and the teacher guesses.

Game "Collect a flower".

Target: develop counting skills, imagination.

Game material and visual aids: the core of the flower and separately seven petals cut from cardboard, on each of the petals an arithmetic expression for addition or subtraction up to 10.

Description: invite the child to collect a magical seven-flowered flower, but you can insert a petal into the core only if the example is correctly solved. After the child picks the flower, ask what wishes he would make for each petal.

The game "Decompose the numbers."

Target: exercise children in forward and backward counting.

Game material and visual aids: cards with numbers from 1 to 15.

Description: arrange the prepared cards in random order. Invite the child to lay out the cards in ascending order of numbers, then in descending order. You can choose other layouts, for example: "Lay out the cards, skipping every second (third) number."

Game "Conversion of numbers".

Target: Train children to perform addition and subtraction actions.

Game material and visual aids: counting sticks.

Description: invite your child to play wizards who turn several numbers into one: "What do you think the numbers 3 and 2 can turn into?" Using the counting sticks, move three to two, then remove two of the three. Record the results obtained as examples. Ask your child to become a wizard and use magic wands to turn one number into another.

Game "Holiday of the Number".

Target: reinforce the skills of addition and subtraction.

Description: declare every day a holiday on a certain date. On this day, the “birthday” number invites other numbers to visit, but with the condition: each number must choose a friend for itself, who will help it turn into the number of the day. For example, the holiday of the number seven. The number 7 invites the number 5 to visit and asks who will accompany her. The number 5 thinks and answers: "2 or 12" (5 + 2; 12 - 5).

Game "Amusing squares".

Target: to consolidate the skills of addition, mathematical actions.

Game material and visual aids: outlined squares.

Description: in the drawn squares, it is necessary to arrange the numbers in the cells so that the same definite number is obtained along any horizontal and vertical rows, as well as along any diagonal.

Number 6

Game "Mathematical Kaleidoscope".

Target: develop ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to use mathematical actions.


Three boys - Kolya, Andrey, Vova - went to the store. On the way, they found three kopecks. How much money did Vova find alone if he went to the store alone? (Three kopecks.)

Two fathers and two sons ate 3 eggs at breakfast, each of them getting a whole egg. How could this have happened? (There were 3 people at the table: grandfather, father and son.)

How many ends do 4 sticks have? And 5 sticks? And what about 5 and a half sticks? (4 sticks have 8 ends, 5 have 10 ends, 5 and a half have 12 ends.)

The field was plowed by 7 tractors. 2 tractors stopped. How many tractors are there in the field? (7 tractors.)

How to bring water in a sieve? (Freeze her.)

At 10 o'clock the baby woke up. When did he go to bed if he slept for 2 hours? (At 8:00.)

Three kids were walking. One is in front of two, one is between two, and one is behind two. How did the kids go? (One after another.)

Sister is 4 years old, brother is 6 years old. How old will a brother be when his sister turns 6? (8 years.)

The goose weighs 2 kg. How much will he weigh when he stands on 1 leg? (2 kg.)

7 candles were burning. Two were extinguished. How many candles are left? (Two because the others burned out.)

Kondrat was walking to Leningrad,

And to meet - twelve guys.

Each has three baskets.

Each basket contains a cat.

Each cat has 12 kittens.

How many of them went to Leningrad?

K. Chukovsky

(One Kondrat went to Leningrad, the rest went to meet him.)

Game "Collect the scattered geometric shapes."

Goals: to consolidate knowledge geometric shapes; to teach by drawing (sample) to collect geometric shapes in a certain sequence in space; keep children willing to play.

Game material and visual aids: a set of color schemes depicting geometric shapes and colored geometric shapes for each child.

Description: children choose for themselves any geometric figure of a certain color, but first they choose a leader who will collect geometric figures in a certain order. To music or a tambourine, children run along group room or kindergarten site. As soon as the music stops, the children freeze in place. The presenter arranges the children according to the picture shown on the sheet.

Note... Geometric shapes can be in the form of hats.

The main thing that parents should remember is the need to prepare the older preschooler for the first grade.

Include games to develop perseverance, mindfulness, and a broad outlook in the learning plan.

The curriculum should include not only training sessions on special teaching aids, but also games to develop skills that contribute to successful learning at school: perseverance, broad outlook, concentration. A child at this age is already interested in learning and is practically ready for purposeful activity. And this means that it's time to set these goals for him, for a start, in this or that developing game.

It is important to conduct classes in such a way as to maintain the child's interest in the material being studied, and for this it is better to choose those topics that are currently close to him.

For example, you know that he is fond of dinosaurs, which means that in games and tasks you can use dinosaur heroes who count, read and retell fairy tales. However, if you see that the child is already tired, then you can stop the lesson. After all, you are just getting ready for school, and at this stage, it may be more expedient to instill in the child an interest in learning than to force him to demonstrate the skills of perseverance and concentration.

Child's skills at 5-6 years old

Learning to read and write

On the one hand, if a child already reads well by the first grade and knows how to write, then he may be bored. On the other hand, it is not always possible for a school teacher to give each student as much attention as necessary. Therefore, of course, it is not necessary to primary school read "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy, but nevertheless it would be good for a child to have initial information about letters and sounds.

Teaching mathematics

Recall that in elementary school, teaching mathematics is not only counting, but also simple arithmetic operations and geometry. A parent can also approach this area of ​​new knowledge with ingenuity.

Learning to retell

One of the important skills, which, of course, will be useful for a novice preschooler is the ability to convey the impressions received: to highlight the main thing and tell the listener in stages about what he saw or heard.

Educational games for a child 5-6 years old

In order to learn to read, a child must be able to distinguish between letters and sounds. You need to teach him to pronounce the letters not as they are called, but as they are read. For example, the letter "Ш" is called "Sha", and the sound is read "Ш". It is important that the child learns to hear individual sounds in a word, then he will be able to write this word. To do this, you can play the following games with your child:

  1. Game "Think of words for the letter ...".

    You take turns coming up with words, for example, for the letter "M": "car", "store", "metro", "cartoon".

  2. Game "Think of words that contain the letter" B ".

    You need to come up with words - such that this letter occurs not at the beginning of a word, but in the middle. To prepare for this game, we pronounce all the sounds in a drawn-out manner: so that the child hears them clearly: aaa-vvv-t-ooo-b-ooo-sss.

2 games for learning math

Applique classes and shop games are great for exploring geometry.

  1. Game "Geometric Figures"

    You can give your child such a task: collect and glue a drawing from geometric shapes. Together with the preschooler, draw and cut out a triangle, a square, a small cylinder from paper and ask them to assemble a house out of them.

    In the future, as tasks, you can come up with more complex objects that consist of many different shapes. Pre-draw them and disassemble together with the baby what figures this drawing consists of.

  2. Shop game

    To learn simple arithmetic operations, you can play with your child in a store where the goods will have a price expressed, for example, in counting sticks. You can also use wooden chips from baby domino, cut colored paper or cardboard. Take turns playing the seller and the buyer, calculating the price of "goods" in the selected "conventional units".

A busy mother does not have to set aside special time: you can ask your child to talk about the cartoon he watched, read with you, the theatrical performance that you went to on the weekend in his free time. But if you have the time, then games will come to the rescue in this case.

  1. Puppet theater game

    If you want to pay special attention to a child's ability to present material, then perhaps the most suitable game- puppet show.

    In order to make a theater at home, it is not at all necessary to buy dolls by hand or by finger. You can use ordinary toys or cut out pictures from old magazines and books, or draw simple faces of little people and stick them on sticks.

    Then, when the props are ready, choose a fairy tale. It is better to choose a simple fairy tale that the child knows well. Play it out.

    You should not immediately demand too much from the child: it is unlikely that he will be able to immediately tell the whole story literally and with different intonations. If he can convey the essence to begin with, that's good.

  2. The game "to school"

    To prepare for school, you can play ... in school: in the beginning you will be a teacher, and the child will be a student. This experience will help him learn that it is important to listen carefully to the teacher, sit quietly at the desk, raise his hand if you want to ask something.

    Then you can change, and the child will try himself as a teacher. It is very important that this game does not cause unpleasant emotions in the future first grader.

Natalia Naryshkina