Secrets of the game empires puzzle. Best levels for experience, farming, monsters and colored chests. How to choose the right Units for your Team in Empires & Puzzles

The Empires & Puzzles squad is the second most necessary (after Heroes) combat unit found throughout the gameplay. The classification of puzzle empire units varies depending on their uniqueness, namely:

  • Regular units;
  • Unusual units;
  • Rare units;
  • Epic squads.

In this article we will look at the characteristics of Units, their development levels, the enhancements and bonuses that these units have, as well as the need to retain or absorb them.

Units can be obtained in the process of completing Missions on Game Map(low-star), in the process of Summoning (more advanced).

Initially, you can view available Units in the Heroes team menu in the slots under the character cards. You have the opportunity to select a Squad for each team (in the early stages of the game, without donation, 5 teams of 5 creatures each are available). The essence of these units is to enhance certain characteristics of the main Heroes, depending on their color. This means that the color of the Squad must strictly match the color of the Hero in the Team.

After opening the tenth level of development in the Fortress, you can form and upgrade Squads by absorbing simpler units.

Each Detachment level has units with different ratios of indicators + bonuses for enhancing special skills:

  • Defense;
  • Mana;
  • Health;
  • Healing;
  • Critical hit;
  • Attack.

Units of level 1 and level 2 have three characteristics. Four of the characteristics listed above already have Units with a capacity of 3 and 4 stars.


How to choose the right Units for your Team in Empires & Puzzles

We have already talked about what characteristics the units have. Now you need to understand on what principle it is more effective to form a Team.

The Squad's rank (number of stars) determines the percentage of enhancement of a special skill/characteristic that it gives in the game:

  • 1 star – 15% in total;
  • 2 stars - 20% in total;
  • 3 stars - 30% in total;
  • 4 stars - correspondingly 40% bonus.

Initially, the Heroes are assigned the weakest units, whose three characteristics have a zero value.

Accordingly, Units have a development limit:

  • One star - up to a maximum of 10 levels;
  • Two stars - up to a maximum of 15 levels;
  • Three stars - up to a maximum of 20 levels;
  • Four stars - up to a maximum of 30 levels.

As Empires Units are acquired And Puzzles, you need to correlate the characteristics of your Heroes and the bonus that the Squad gives. So, for a Hero whose main property is a high Health indicator, a Squad will be suitable, which will add exactly Health points to him. With this logic, you will further develop a specific skill, which will allow you to formulate battle tactics and strategy for Alliance Wars, taking into account the Teams available to you.

Critical Hit / Attack - choose a Squad with these skills if you need to strengthen the attacking Hero.

Health / Healing - these pumped-up characteristics of Units will help your healers restore health more effectively and give stamina to the Hero with a large supply of vitality.

Defense - this bonus skill will make the resilient Hero more resilient and enhance his defensive abilities.

Mana - with this enhancement, the Squad will help healers and other Heroes quickly gain the supply of magical energy required to demonstrate the character’s special skill.

Regular Squads (one star) - their place in the game

The first stars are basic units, they are found with high frequency, they appear in calls and on missions. The development of 1-star Units has its own limit - 10 levels.

The summary table shows which Units at the first star level have certain indicators.

Color (element)Attack +12%, Defense +7%, Health +5%Attack +6%, Defense +11%, Health +7%
Green (Nature)
Purple (Dark)
Blue (Ice)
Red (Fire)
Yellow (Shrine)

Within the first ten provinces on the Map, it is recommended to focus on attacking Units.

Unusual Units (two stars) - unit features

You can obtain these Units by completing missions on the Map starting from the tenth province of the first season. The player's level must be 10 or higher. You can also get second Units through Summoning, but you should look and take into account the percentage probability of the required unit falling out.

Units with enhanced defense skills will help you form and strengthen your Defense Team for Raids and Alliance Wars.

Troops with a strong attack are effective and are used to fight the Titans, and also allow you to develop targeted strike tactics in battle with other characters.

Rare units (three stars) - capabilities of combat units

To assemble three-star Squads into a Team, you need to use Summoning Amulets. High-ranking units are not found in missions on the Map. There is also a chance to get three stars for battles such as:

  • victory over Titan
  • special events,
  • alliance wars,
  • quests.

The highest chance of taking a rare unit is to Summon an Epic Unit when you receive a golden Amulet of an Epic Unit, or through a donation of 200/1600 gems.

Color (type)Attack +12%, Defense +20%, Health +5%, Healing +15%Attack +16%, Defense +16%, Healing +12%, Crit +8%Attack +20%, Defense +12%, Health +10%, Crit +7%
Green (Nature)
Purple (Dark)
Blue (Ice)
Red (Fire)
Yellow (Shrine)

In the first case, we see units focused on defense. If you need to increase the characteristics of a weak healer, then opt for these Units (second column of the table). Of course, they are also suitable for increasing the defensive capabilities of other Heroes.

The third column presents universal Units, which can provide a bonus to armor and attack, and have pleasant passives in the form of a plus to crits and an increase in HP. They will be useful in any case if you do not have a plan or the opportunity to strengthen the main Heroes according to their leading qualities.

When you get a chance to get Units from the fourth column of the table into your Team, immediately start leveling them up in the Barracks. These are excellent units for strengthening attacking Heroes.

Epic squads (four stars) - all about the most effective units

Experienced players will need these units of the puzzle empire to strengthen the Team and suppress all enemy options. You won’t be able to get Epic Units as easily as 1 or 2 stars. The chance of dropping a four-star Squad during a special Summon of an epic Squad is small and is about 10%. But, essentially, you still need to recruit and level them up in order to advance your character in the Empires & Puzzles game.

Red (Fire) Yellow (Shrine)

The left column shows defense fighters who are good at pvp raids, for defense, and even hunting Titan. If you have pumped up Heroes with fast mana gain, as well as good basic characteristics, place these units, and combo attacks will become more frequent and impressive bonuses to basic qualities will appear.

The distinctive features of the Units presented in the right column of the table are huge attack bonuses, which means that they are suitable specifically for damage dealers. At the same time, quickly gaining mana will significantly speed up the replenishment and readiness of the Hero’s Special Skill. Healing will allow the Team to survive on Titan and in the Events.

The editors of the site hope that the information will speed up your development in the game and bring you a lot of positive things. GL HF!

EMPIRES & PUZZLES: RPG Quest (Empire and Puzzles) is one of the few creations of the Finnish company Small Giant. The game can be divided into 3 parts: a 3 in a row puzzle, leveling up heroes, building a castle and adjacent buildings. The game is distinguished by good graphics, excellent music and addictive game process. This article describes all the intricacies of the game that will allow you to quickly upgrade your heroes and castle. The advice does not pretend to be objective, but many of them contain a description of why you should do this and not otherwise. Attention, the article is periodically updated, check the Wise Geek website more often.

Which heroes are the best in Empires & Puzzles?

The best heroes are those who hit one target at a time. Why was this conclusion made:

  • Heroes that hit in an area are good at the beginning of the battle, when there are many enemies, but are not effective in situations where you need to finish off one monster. Those who hit one target are always effective.
  • In battles against bosses and titans, it is necessary to focus the blow on a single target
  • Heroes-healers, heroes-defenders, heroes-amps, as a rule, impose their effect on the entire team, therefore, when you have 2-3 heroes left alive, they are ineffective.
  • There is a rating of players in which you can see the composition of their team. The analysis showed that 97% of top players use the heroes we recommend.

The best heroes of the game.

★★ Itchy
★★★ Azar, Nashgar
★★★★ Gormek, Kelail, Scarlet, Guardian Falcon
★★★★★ Maryana, Kagan, Captain Kastel,
★★ Brogan, Jenne, Needler
★★★ Berden, Ishtakh
★★★★ Caedmon, Young Peters
★★★★★ Lianna, Elkanen, Lady Lok
★★ Ranghilda
★★★ Sidogriv, Karil, Valen
★★★★ Grimm, Sonya
★★★★★ Magni, Richard, Thorne, Athena
★★ Nash
★★★ Poison, Dawa, Gan Ju
★★★★ Chao, Guardian Jackal
★★★★★ June, Leonidas, Musashi
★★ Yuliy, Laila
★★★ Balthazar, Prisca, Renfield, Tyrum
★★★★ Tiburtus
★★★★★ Sartana, Obacan, Domitia, Hel, Captain Sargaso, Guardian Panther
Important! Every month the game holds “Test Events” where you need to field a team of heroes of 3, 4 and 5 stars. Therefore, when getting better heroes, you should not delete old ones!

How to effectively level up your hero in Empires & Puzzles?

1. It is most effective to increase the hero’s level by 10 points at once, and not 10 times by 1 point. Since with the next increase the cost increases, so by increasing it once by 10 points at once, you will save a lot of food.

2. Calculations have shown that it is most effective to produce “fodder characters” at a low price in the training camp (these are camp levels 4 and 11). The probability of receiving a fodder hero of both level 1 and 2, of the wrong color, was taken into account, and the cost of production and increasing the level of the hero was also taken into account.

3. If there is a lot of Food, you can use one of the camps for the production of “Unusual” heroes (this is the 2nd level of the camp)

4. It is better to level up with heroes of the same color, because... in this case the gain in experience is greater. See illustration for point 1.

5. There is no need to download a hero that you do not use, as well as level 1 heroes - this is a waste of time and resources.

6. Upgraded heroes of 3, 4, 5 stars should be left, because... they will come in handy in the monthly competition. Likewise, you need to leave upgraded 2, 3, 4 star troops (detachments).

How to quickly upgrade your castle and buildings in Empires & Puzzles?

Leveling up in the game "Empire and Puzzles" consists of the development of heroes and the development of the castle. We talked about the development of heroes above. Here we will describe the secrets of the castle’s development:

  • First of all, pump up farms (mills), since a lot of food is required.
  • Secondly, pump up the mines. Iron is the second most important resource in the game.
  • Thirdly, download the Watchtower.
  • Do not upgrade buildings above the level you need: warehouses, houses, camps, forges and towers.
  • Do not open positions in the forge and camp that you do not plan to use.
  • Increase the level of the castle after all farms and mines have been pumped to the maximum.
  • Upgrading a castle takes quite a long time. Before upgrading it, make sure that the volume of iron warehouses will be 30% higher than required to upgrade the castle. Otherwise, during the construction of the castle there will be a lot of iron that will begin to disappear.
  • If warehouses are filled to capacity, do not receive new iron and food from farms and mines.

If you have a lot of iron and food and you don’t know where to put it, then improve your warehouses first, because their construction requires a lot of resources. Extra resources can be spent at the forge, producing military consumables, or at the recruit camp.

Passing missions

Behind completing missions in the game "Puzzle Empire" you are given gems, hero summon tokens, and other goodies.

However, the process of completing their missions contains many tricks:

1. To quickly complete missions to kill monsters, you need to go through locations on the map that contain the maximum number of them (13-15) and 3 units of energy are required to complete them. Thus, 8 playthroughs are enough to get the chest. These levels are presented below, in Province-Stage format: 3-2, 4-1, 5-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-8, 7-4 . At level 7-4 there is a maximum number of monsters - 15, so in 7 battles, having spent 21 units of world energy, you will complete the mission and receive a chest.

2. Mission cooldown is 12 hours since its end! Therefore, it is necessary to go through it as quickly as possible. To do this, by the beginning of the mission you need to accumulate the maximum of the corresponding type of energy.

3. In the mission to defeat heroes, all defeated enemy heroes during raids are counted. If, for example, you lost a battle when raiding an enemy player, but managed to kill 2 of his 5 heroes, then you will be counted 2 points for the mission. In total, to successfully complete the mission you need to kill 40 heroes.

4. Don't try to get a lot of cups. If you have a lot of cups, then you are less likely to encounter strong opponents in PvP, so completing a mission where you need to defeat 40 enemy heroes will be much more difficult. To quickly reduce the number of cups, place 1 weak character in the defense squad, run from the battlefield during the raid and during the mission cooldown period. You only need to collect cups to join a strong alliance; in other cases, they will only complicate the game.

5. Missions where you need to defeat enemies of certain factions (colors) are best completed in the following locations:

  • Fire fraction (crane): 4-1, 6-2 , 6-8, 11-6, 12-6, 12-8, 19-4, 19-6, 20-4, 20-7, Quests: "Get Iron", "Collect Food", "Gain Experience".
  • Nature faction (green): 6-3, 6-6, 7-5 , 17-5, 18-5, Quests: “Find recruits”, “Find recruits 2”.
  • Ice fraction (blue): 8-1, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7 , 9-1, 9-3, 9-5, 9-9, 13-5, 13-8, 14-5.
  • Dark faction (purple): 3-4, 4-5, 5-5, 7-4 , 8-4, 10-4, 11-4, 11-7, 12-5.
  • Light fraction (yellow): 9-4, 9-7, 10-6, 12-3, 12-9 .;

How to download the game Empires & Puzzles on PC?

You can download and play Empires & Puzzles RPG Quest on your personal computer in a few simple steps:

  1. Follow the link at the beginning of this article and download the BlueStacks program - it is used to install and launch android games on PC. The program is entirely in Russian.
  2. Install the program and log in Google account Play. Otherwise, your progress will not be saved and you will have to start all over again.
  3. Using the search in the program (top right), we find the game and click the “install” button.
  4. After installation, you will have a game icon not only in the BlueStacks program, but also on your desktop.

The game "Empire and Puzzles" on a PC differs from the game on a smartphone:

  • The mouse will emulate a finger press, just like on a smartphone. Accordingly, the right mouse button will not work. And you won’t be able to control it using 2 fingers; for example, you won’t be able to zoom in on the lock like on a smartphone.
  • It is much more convenient to chat on a PC, because... typing speed at standard keyboard usually higher than on a smartphone.
  • BlueStacks automatically checks spelling and underlines misspelled words with a red line. Therefore, the number of grammatical errors during communication will drop to almost zero.
  • The game is designed for a smartphone in a vertical position. Therefore, if you expand the game to full screen, you will get something like this.

  • Installing the game on your PC will allow you to play at any time, even during working hours, which will speed up your development in the game.
  • If you use the same Google Play account on both your phone and PC, then all your progress will be saved. If you try to launch the game on both a smartphone and a computer at the same time, the following message will appear on one of the devices:

Various secrets of passing the game Empires & Puzzles

Empires & Puzzles: Game Codes and Secrets

"Empire and Puzzles" does not provide for entering promotional codes. But the developers regularly hold events, promotions and competitions among players and subscribers. Promotions are held in official community games: One of the rewards may be an individual promotional code that can be entered directly into your Play Store account.

Tricks of fighting in Empires & Puzzles

Victory in battle is achieved both by blows from those gathered in row of three elements, and due to the blows of the heroes. However, the effectiveness of such attacks may vary:

How to increase the level of troops (squad) in Empires & Puzzles?

The level of troops is increased in the Barracks. Any building except a warehouse can be converted into a barracks, but the building itself must be at least level 5, and the castle must be at least level 10. As a rule, a forge is converted into a barracks. However, you can return the old building back at any time; it’s free and takes 10 seconds.

The maximum level of promotion for units depends on the level of the barracks and the rarity of the army. You can increase troops at the expense of another army of the same color. The maximum barracks level is 10.

The cost of building and upgrading a barracks.

Alliances and Titans in the game

Starting from level 4 of character development, you can join an alliance or create your own. We do not recommend creating your own alliance in the early stages of the game, because... Due to high competition, it will be very difficult to promote it. If you nevertheless decide to acquire your own alliance, then it is better to do this when you gain experience and achieve certain successes in the game, because... alliance members look first and foremost to the leader.

The main goal of alliances is to beat a titan together. It’s also easier to get help from experienced players in the alliance chat. Although after reading this article there should be no questions left.

1. Don’t get stuck in one alliance, unless it’s your alliance. After receiving every 200 cups, we recommend looking for a new alliance. Because when you reach the next threshold of 200, 400, 600, etc. cups, stronger alliances will be available to you.

2. To find a more suitable alliance for yourself, you do not need to leave the current one. To search, just go to the Alliances tab and click the Search button. If the search bar is empty, it will return almost all available alliances. However, if you press the "Search" button several times, the results will differ. The list of alliances is ranked by their score, which depends on the amount of cups of its players and the level of the defeated titans. First of all, we recommend paying attention to open alliances, because In closed ones, your invitation may take a very long time to be considered. The points of the new alliance must be at least 1.5 times more than the current one, otherwise you risk changing the situation.

After you have found a suitable guild, leave your current alliance, having first said goodbye to everyone and join a new one. It is not recommended to leave the alliance during a battle with a titan that you can kill, because... In the event of a change of alliance, the rollback of the mission to kill the titans lasts 12 hours.

3. The reward for a defeated titan depends on the damage caused and your place in the alliance ranking. The rating is displayed in the chat after the victory.

4. The main reason why they can be kicked out of the alliance is the lack of damage to titanium. Therefore, if you do not plan to attend the game for several days, warn the leader about this.

5. When fighting a titan, try to hit it with three chips weakness. After being hit, the titan will be stunned and will not attack you.

Negative reviews about the game

After playing the game for a long time, we developed a strong desire to delete it. There are several reasons for this (negative reviews):

1. Developer Greed. Get it for free new three, four, and even more so five-star heroes are very, very difficult. For free summon tokens they give basically all sorts of nonsense, the chance of dropping good hero minimal. In the recruit camp at level 13, the chance of getting a free four-star hero is also minimal. This is confirmed by other experienced players.

2. Lack of resource balance. Initially, the main resources of the game - food and iron - are sorely lacking, then there are so many of them that you don’t know where to put them. Especially when all the heroes are pumped up and consumables are made. There is also a lot of iron at high levels, because... buildings take a very long time to build, and construction can only be accelerated using crystals (read: real money).

3.Low energy reserve. Energy reaches its maximum reserve quite quickly, on average in 3-4 hours. Let me remind you that a healthy person sleeps 7-8 hours, the working day lasts on average 8 hours. Very often there is a situation where energy begins to disappear. In other games, the energy reserve lasts all night.

4. Crooked event rollback. Mission rollback begins from the moment the reward is received. That is, the beginning of a new event can and often does occur at a time when a person is sleeping or working. IN good games There is no such mockery of the players, tasks are given there once a day, and you do them during the day at a time convenient for you.

5. Strange rewards in PvP. There is no incentive to achieve a high rating in PvP. The reward is given for defeating weak players. Therefore, you often have to lose on purpose, put weak heroes in defense in order to lower your rating, and then fight with weak players. It's like being on a roller coaster, up and down, up and down.

Of course, the decision to play or not is yours, but we recommend that you think twice!

EMPIRES & PUZZLES: RPG Quest (Empire and Puzzles) is one of the few creations of the Finnish company Small Giant. The game can be divided into 3 parts: a 3 in a row puzzle, leveling up heroes, building a castle and adjacent buildings. The game features good graphics, excellent music and addictive gameplay. This article describes all the intricacies of the game that will allow you to quickly upgrade your heroes and castle. The advice does not pretend to be objective, but many of them contain a description of why you should do this and not otherwise. Attention, the article is periodically updated, check the Wise Geek website more often.

Which heroes are the best in Empires & Puzzles?

The best heroes are those who hit one target at a time. Why was this conclusion made:

  • Heroes that hit in an area are good at the beginning of the battle, when there are many enemies, but are not effective in situations where you need to finish off one monster. Those who hit one target are always effective.
  • In battles against bosses and titans, it is necessary to focus the blow on a single target
  • Heroes-healers, heroes-defenders, heroes-amps, as a rule, impose their effect on the entire team, therefore, when you have 2-3 heroes left alive, they are ineffective.
  • There is a rating of players in which you can see the composition of their team. The analysis showed that 97% of top players use the heroes we recommend.

The best heroes of the game.

★★ Itchy
★★★ Azar, Nashgar
★★★★ Gormek, Kelail, Scarlet, Guardian Falcon
★★★★★ Maryana, Kagan, Captain Kastel,
★★ Brogan, Jenne, Needler
★★★ Berden, Ishtakh
★★★★ Caedmon, Young Peters
★★★★★ Lianna, Elkanen, Lady Lok
★★ Ranghilda
★★★ Sidogriv, Karil, Valen
★★★★ Grimm, Sonya
★★★★★ Magni, Richard, Thorne, Athena
★★ Nash
★★★ Poison, Dawa, Gan Ju
★★★★ Chao, Guardian Jackal
★★★★★ June, Leonidas, Musashi
★★ Yuliy, Laila
★★★ Balthazar, Prisca, Renfield, Tyrum
★★★★ Tiburtus
★★★★★ Sartana, Obacan, Domitia, Hel, Captain Sargaso, Guardian Panther
Important! Every month the game holds “Test Events” where you need to field a team of heroes of 3, 4 and 5 stars. Therefore, when getting better heroes, you should not delete old ones!

How to effectively level up your hero in Empires & Puzzles?

1. It is most effective to increase the hero’s level by 10 points at once, and not 10 times by 1 point. Since with the next increase the cost increases, so by increasing it once by 10 points at once, you will save a lot of food.

2. Calculations have shown that it is most effective to produce “fodder characters” at a low price in the training camp (these are camp levels 4 and 11). The probability of receiving a fodder hero of both level 1 and 2, of the wrong color, was taken into account, and the cost of production and increasing the level of the hero was also taken into account.

3. If there is a lot of Food, you can use one of the camps for the production of “Unusual” heroes (this is the 2nd level of the camp)

4. It is better to level up with heroes of the same color, because... in this case the gain in experience is greater. See illustration for point 1.

5. There is no need to download a hero that you do not use, as well as level 1 heroes - this is a waste of time and resources.

6. Upgraded heroes of 3, 4, 5 stars should be left, because... they will come in handy in the monthly competition. Likewise, you need to leave upgraded 2, 3, 4 star troops (detachments).

How to quickly upgrade your castle and buildings in Empires & Puzzles?

Leveling up in the game "Empire and Puzzles" consists of the development of heroes and the development of the castle. We talked about the development of heroes above. Here we will describe the secrets of the castle’s development:

  • First of all, pump up farms (mills), since a lot of food is required.
  • Secondly, pump up the mines. Iron is the second most important resource in the game.
  • Thirdly, download the Watchtower.
  • Do not upgrade buildings above the level you need: warehouses, houses, camps, forges and towers.
  • Do not open positions in the forge and camp that you do not plan to use.
  • Increase the level of the castle after all farms and mines have been pumped to the maximum.
  • Upgrading a castle takes quite a long time. Before upgrading it, make sure that the volume of iron warehouses will be 30% higher than required to upgrade the castle. Otherwise, during the construction of the castle there will be a lot of iron that will begin to disappear.
  • If warehouses are filled to capacity, do not receive new iron and food from farms and mines.

If you have a lot of iron and food and you don’t know where to put it, then improve your warehouses first, because their construction requires a lot of resources. Extra resources can be spent at the forge, producing military consumables, or at the recruit camp.

Passing missions

Behind completing missions in the game "Puzzle Empire" you are given gems, hero summon tokens, and other goodies.

However, the process of completing their missions contains many tricks:

1. To quickly complete missions to kill monsters, you need to go through locations on the map that contain the maximum number of them (13-15) and 3 units of energy are required to complete them. Thus, 8 playthroughs are enough to get the chest. These levels are presented below, in Province-Stage format: 3-2, 4-1, 5-6, 6-2, 6-4, 6-8, 7-4 . At level 7-4 there is a maximum number of monsters - 15, so in 7 battles, having spent 21 units of world energy, you will complete the mission and receive a chest.

2. Mission cooldown is 12 hours since its end! Therefore, it is necessary to go through it as quickly as possible. To do this, by the beginning of the mission you need to accumulate the maximum of the corresponding type of energy.

3. In the mission to defeat heroes, all defeated enemy heroes during raids are counted. If, for example, you lost a battle when raiding an enemy player, but managed to kill 2 of his 5 heroes, then you will be counted 2 points for the mission. In total, to successfully complete the mission you need to kill 40 heroes.

4. Don't try to get a lot of cups. If you have a lot of cups, then you are less likely to encounter strong opponents in PvP, so completing a mission where you need to defeat 40 enemy heroes will be much more difficult. To quickly reduce the number of cups, place 1 weak character in the defense squad, run from the battlefield during the raid and during the mission cooldown period. You only need to collect cups to join a strong alliance; in other cases, they will only complicate the game.

5. Missions where you need to defeat enemies of certain factions (colors) are best completed in the following locations:

  • Fire fraction (crane): 4-1, 6-2 , 6-8, 11-6, 12-6, 12-8, 19-4, 19-6, 20-4, 20-7, Quests: "Get Iron", "Collect Food", "Gain Experience".
  • Nature faction (green): 6-3, 6-6, 7-5 , 17-5, 18-5, Quests: “Find recruits”, “Find recruits 2”.
  • Ice fraction (blue): 8-1, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7 , 9-1, 9-3, 9-5, 9-9, 13-5, 13-8, 14-5.
  • Dark faction (purple): 3-4, 4-5, 5-5, 7-4 , 8-4, 10-4, 11-4, 11-7, 12-5.
  • Light fraction (yellow): 9-4, 9-7, 10-6, 12-3, 12-9 .;

How to download the game Empires & Puzzles on PC?

You can download and play Empires & Puzzles RPG Quest on your personal computer in a few simple steps:

  1. Follow the link at the beginning of this article and download the BlueStacks program - it is used to install and run Android games on a PC. The program is entirely in Russian.
  2. Install the program and log into your Google Play account. Otherwise, your progress will not be saved and you will have to start all over again.
  3. Using the search in the program (top right), we find the game and click the “install” button.
  4. After installation, you will have a game icon not only in the BlueStacks program, but also on your desktop.

The game "Empire and Puzzles" on a PC differs from the game on a smartphone:

  • The mouse will emulate a finger press, just like on a smartphone. Accordingly, the right mouse button will not work. And you won’t be able to control it using 2 fingers; for example, you won’t be able to zoom in on the lock like on a smartphone.
  • It is much more convenient to chat on a PC, because... Typing speed on a standard keyboard is usually faster than on a smartphone.
  • BlueStacks automatically checks spelling and underlines misspelled words with a red line. Therefore, the number of grammatical errors during communication will drop to almost zero.
  • The game is designed for a smartphone in a vertical position. Therefore, if you expand the game to full screen, you will get something like this.

  • Installing the game on your PC will allow you to play at any time, even during working hours, which will speed up your development in the game.
  • If you use the same Google Play account on both your phone and PC, then all your progress will be saved. If you try to launch the game on both a smartphone and a computer at the same time, the following message will appear on one of the devices:

Various secrets of passing the game Empires & Puzzles

Empires & Puzzles: Game Codes and Secrets

"Empire and Puzzles" does not provide for entering promotional codes. But the developers regularly hold events, promotions and competitions among players and subscribers. Promotions are held in the official community of the game: One of the rewards may be an individual promotional code that can be entered directly into your Play Store account.

Tricks of fighting in Empires & Puzzles

Victory in the battle is achieved both by blows from three elements collected in a row, and by blows from heroes. However, the effectiveness of such attacks may vary:

How to increase the level of troops (squad) in Empires & Puzzles?

The level of troops is increased in the Barracks. Any building except a warehouse can be converted into a barracks, but the building itself must be at least level 5, and the castle must be at least level 10. As a rule, a forge is converted into a barracks. However, you can return the old building back at any time; it’s free and takes 10 seconds.

The maximum level of promotion for units depends on the level of the barracks and the rarity of the army. You can increase troops at the expense of another army of the same color. The maximum barracks level is 10.

The cost of building and upgrading a barracks.

Alliances and Titans in the game

Starting from level 4 of character development, you can join an alliance or create your own. We do not recommend creating your own alliance in the early stages of the game, because... Due to high competition, it will be very difficult to promote it. If you nevertheless decide to acquire your own alliance, then it is better to do this when you gain experience and achieve certain successes in the game, because... alliance members look first and foremost to the leader.

The main goal of alliances is to beat a titan together. It’s also easier to get help from experienced players in the alliance chat. Although after reading this article there should be no questions left.

1. Don’t get stuck in one alliance, unless it’s your alliance. After receiving every 200 cups, we recommend looking for a new alliance. Because when you reach the next threshold of 200, 400, 600, etc. cups, stronger alliances will be available to you.

2. To find a more suitable alliance for yourself, you do not need to leave the current one. To search, just go to the Alliances tab and click the Search button. If the search bar is empty, it will return almost all available alliances. However, if you press the "Search" button several times, the results will differ. The list of alliances is ranked by their score, which depends on the amount of cups of its players and the level of the defeated titans. First of all, we recommend paying attention to open alliances, because In closed ones, your invitation may take a very long time to be considered. The points of the new alliance must be at least 1.5 times more than the current one, otherwise you risk changing the situation.

After you have found a suitable guild, leave your current alliance, having first said goodbye to everyone and join a new one. It is not recommended to leave the alliance during a battle with a titan that you can kill, because... In the event of a change of alliance, the rollback of the mission to kill the titans lasts 12 hours.

3. The reward for a defeated titan depends on the damage caused and your place in the alliance ranking. The rating is displayed in the chat after the victory.

4. The main reason why they can be kicked out of the alliance is the lack of damage to titanium. Therefore, if you do not plan to attend the game for several days, warn the leader about this.

5. When fighting a titan, try to hit its weak point with three chips. After being hit, the titan will be stunned and will not attack you.

Negative reviews about the game

After playing the game for a long time, we developed a strong desire to delete it. There are several reasons for this (negative reviews):

1. Developer Greed. It is very, very difficult to get new three, four, and even more so five-star heroes for free. For free summon tokens they give you basically all sorts of nonsense; the chance of getting a good hero is minimal. In the recruit camp at level 13, the chance of getting a free four-star hero is also minimal. This is confirmed by other experienced players.

2. Lack of resource balance. Initially, the main resources of the game - food and iron - are sorely lacking, then there are so many of them that you don’t know where to put them. Especially when all the heroes are pumped up and consumables are made. There is also a lot of iron at high levels, because... buildings take a very long time to build, and construction can only be accelerated using crystals (read: real money).

3.Low energy reserve. Energy reaches its maximum reserve quite quickly, on average in 3-4 hours. Let me remind you that a healthy person sleeps 7-8 hours, the working day lasts on average 8 hours. Very often there is a situation where energy begins to disappear. In other games, the energy reserve lasts all night.

4. Crooked event rollback. Mission rollback begins from the moment the reward is received. That is, the beginning of a new event can and often does occur at a time when a person is sleeping or working. In good games, there is no such mockery of the players; there, tasks are given once a day, and you do them during the day at a time convenient for you.

5. Strange rewards in PvP. There is no incentive to achieve a high rating in PvP. The reward is given for defeating weak players. Therefore, you often have to lose on purpose, put weak heroes in defense in order to lower your rating, and then fight with weak players. It's like being on a roller coaster, up and down, up and down.

Of course, the decision to play or not is yours, but we recommend that you think twice!

May 05, 2018 Game guides

Every battle in Empires & Puzzles is a match-3 puzzle. It would seem that it is enough to simply find combinations of elements and the opponent will be defeated, but in reality everything is not so simple. Find out all the details of the Empires & Puzzles combat system and learn how to fight correctly with the help of this guide!

Combat Basics

When you start the battle, you are faced with opponents and a playing field with many colorful elements. At the bottom of the screen you can also see portraits of the heroes and the contents of the bag with items.

Heroes and enemies have one of five elements: Fire (red), Ice (blue), Nature (green), Light (yellow), and Dark (purple). The first three elements interact in this way: Fire > Nature > Ice > Fire. Light and Darkness deal increased damage to each other, and receive reduced damage from their elements. Increased damage is equal to 1.5 of normal, reduced damage is equal to 0.5 of normal. If interactions between elements are not specified (for example, Light and Fire), then normal damage is dealt, calculated from the attacker’s attack and the attacker’s defense.

Battles in the game take place step by step. Each time you move an element on the field (combos do not count) you spend one turn. The moves are endless, there are no time limits either - you are free to analyze the board as much as you like.

Each collected combination of three or more elements of the same color summons troops that attack enemies along the line. You can see the delineation of attack lines in the picture below:

Please note that if you make a combination not under the enemy, the attack will miss. However, this can be done if you need to get mana for a hero and all the necessary elements are located away from enemies.

The mana that accumulates in the heroes after attacks allows them to use their skills (when the mana reaches its maximum). Skills can be offensive, defensive and healing. Using skills does not waste a turn, which makes them extremely useful.

Even though you attack enemies every turn, they hit you at a certain interval in turns or when their mana line is filled (it is filled from your attacks and not all enemies have it).

There are also special elements on the battlefield: dragon signs and crystals. Signs allow you to explode elements around you (by clicking on them or using them in combination) and appear when you collect four elements of the same color in a row. Crystals allow you to destroy all elements of the same color on the field and appear when you collect five elements of the same color in a row. You should try to collect long rows as often as possible, since special elements can greatly help in battle.

Each field is randomly generated, so that on the same campaign level you can win thanks to a massive combo and lose due to not having enough crystals on the field.

When you're fighting against multiple opponents (especially in PvP), you may notice that some attacks miss the right opponents and hit others. The fact is that enemies often stand in front of each other, and in this case the enemy standing behind can only be hit along one line (from the “open” edge).

First of all, always try to get a combo together. The more attacks pass in one turn, the stronger they become - for example, the sixth attack in a combo already deals one and a half damage, and if the enemy comes under an attack of the dominant color, then he will definitely be in trouble - the damage will be multiplied by one and a half twice and will be 2.75x normal attacks!

Take your time. As mentioned above, no one is in a hurry. It’s better to carefully examine the field, evaluate the heroes’ mana scales, and then move as efficiently as possible.

Don't count on hints. If you don't walk for more than 15 seconds, the game will gently hint what you should do by animatedly required element on the field. You shouldn’t just listen to the game and go exactly like this - look for the best combinations and only then decide whether to follow the recommendations.

Don’t forget that you can activate special elements (dragons and crystals) without collecting a combination - if you need to deal damage with a certain color or move the field in a certain place, but the row does not line up, you can simply click on the special element. Please note that this still counts as 1 turn.

Use your skills on time. If you see that the field is full of yellow elements, and your light hero has accumulated a special attack, use it - most likely you will restore mana in the next couple of turns. On the other hand, when there are no elements of a certain color on the field, it is better to hold back the special attack a little so that the hero does not “hang” with an empty mana line.

Pay attention to the “timer” of enemies. If an enemy with full health attacks you next turn, there is no point in wasting a turn futilely trying to kill him and then getting attacked by another enemy the next turn. In this case, it is better to “bear out” the attack from the nearest enemy and focus on the enemy attacking later to take him down before he attacks.

Be aware of the interaction of elements and use it to your advantage. If an enemy can be attacked with an element they are weak to, this should be done in most cases. The exception is if the enemy has low health and you understand that in the next stage a healthy enemy of the same element will appear. In this case, it is better to hold back the dominant elements on the field and finish off the weakened enemy with something else.

Charge mana when there are no enemies left. If there were three enemies on the field, but now there is only one left, then perhaps you should not finish him off right away. Pay attention to its timer and attack past until there is one turn left before the enemy attack. This way you can gain mana for the next battle and get an advantage in it. Of course, this advice should not be used in the last battle in a location - there it is better to finish off the enemies right away, since they are often stronger than the previous ones.

Use the heroes' skills in the right order. If you can buff yourself, weaken your enemy, heal, and attack in one turn, where should you start? First of all, strengthen yourself, then weaken the enemy, then attack and after that, if necessary, heal (if there is no need, then leave the treatment for later and use it after attacking the enemy).

Watch out for the mana of strong opponents. Many bosses have special moves, just like your heroes, and constantly attacking them will result in retaliatory attacks on your party or the boss healing wounds. It is more correct to first kill everyone who does not have a mana line, and only then provoke the enemy more powerfully (otherwise you can hit enemies just like that - the boss will heal them - or you will receive a lot of damage from special attacks and smaller enemies will finish you off).


As you can see, despite the fairly obvious combat system in Empires & Puzzles, there are many hidden details that affect whether you win or lose. Use the tips in this guide and maximize your chance of winning!

Finnish developers did their best. The game really engages players with elements of strategy, varied character upgrades and an economic component.


The most popular characters remain those who hit one target. They are universal in any situation. Their advantage is that they are good both at the beginning of the battle and at killing the last monster. Not all heroes are equally useful in battles; greater preference is given to characters with a quick gain of mana.

Heroes that reduce the defense of enemies (armor cutters) deal damage to three enemies and reduce their defense. Their beauty is that when there are five enemies on the field, the blow of the armored cutter spreads to everyone at once, despite the description of the skill (special skill).

Another secret of the game involves attacking with stones. If the blow hits the very center of the field, then nearby monsters receive the same damage at the same time. Thus, damage is dealt not to one enemy, but to two at once with equal force.

Heroes whose skills are related to mana reduction can also make life easier for the player. Their advantage is that in PvP or PvE battles they will not allow the team to be hit with a skill. This will help not only win, but also buy time to gain mana or heal characters.

A successful combination can be considered a set of buffers (characters who impose positive effects to your squad) with tanks (the main attacking heroes with a large supply of health and defense). Attacks in combination with armor cutters will allow you to quickly deal with enemies, reducing their defense.

It would be appropriate to place characters with healing or counterattack skills in the center. This will allow the heroes to quickly gain mana to use the skill.

In a game, strength does not always decide the outcome of a battle. An experienced player lines up his team according to the color of a specific opponent. So in PvP battles it is effective to put a countercolor to the enemy’s central hero. This will allow you to quickly destroy one hero and give the attacker a head start. Often they assemble a team of two, three or more heroes of the same color. The advantage of a one-color team is that the damage from stones is also increased.

Debuffers are effective in all cases, but work best in tandem with healers and tanks.

It happens that all sorts of “cans” and other useful little things play a decisive role in a PvE battle. Therefore, to complete the events you need to stock up on the necessary resources.

Alliance Wars

In Empires & Puzzles, there are alliance wars that allow you to obtain additional items needed to play the game. The victory of one or another alliance depends on the number of points received. It is important to remember that success depends on the coordinated work of all group members. This means that you should not choose a weaker enemy, but should attack an enemy of equal strength. This will allow other weaker players to deal corresponding damage. The main thing is to have the maximum number of pumped up heroes in your composition. For war, it is important to stock up on at least thirty characters, because the player has as many as six moves available. The more enemies the attacker destroys, the more points he will receive.

Secrets of development

The main upgrade of the citadel will allow you to get more resources for the production of useful little things on the battlefield and the opportunity to train more powerful characters.

The most important thing will be the development of camps where characters will be trained. It would be advisable to level them up to level 20. Finnish random will not allow you to produce five-star heroes every time, but it will be possible to get them.

The nuances of calling and the subtleties of donation

The game has an in-game currency - crystals. They are received for watching advertisements, completing missions, opening chests, killing titans and donations. To increase the chances of receiving a legendary hero or event hero, it is better to spend the available tokens (if any) before calling for crystals. This will increase the chance of dropping a stronger character. Considered very profitable VIP pass, which will be activated for a month or a year. The player will have access to a small dragon, hovering over the citadel and giving its owner 30 crystals per day. Thus, the number of calls for in-game currency will increase.

You shouldn’t waste tokens on a daily call; it’s better to be patient and wait for the event offered by the game. This will not reduce the drop rate, but the choice of the desired hero will increase. Random is not often favorable to the player, but a larger number of summons and spent tokens will allow you to quickly get the desired assortment.

Leveling Basics

An important point in the game is leveling up key characters. For pumping to be as effective as possible, you should adhere to certain rules. Each character has his own skill, which grows as the hero develops. There are times when leveling up the character itself is completed, but the attacking skill is not up to par. maximum level. It should be remembered that it is best to “feed” the hero with ten characters of his color with a higher rank. From such food, the percentage of increase in skill will be many times greater than pumping up a character with all the colors of the rainbow.

Benefits of camps

As the citadel develops, the player will be able to increase the level of camps. This will allow you to receive heroes of a higher rank. Now, in addition to calling for tokens and crystals, the participant in the game will have the opportunity to acquire even more characters. Maximum development of the camp will unlock the training of epic and legendary heroes. Not all camps should be used. The most necessary camps are levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 19 and 20. The remaining levels will not bring any benefit, but will waste resources and time.


The majority of resources are spent on training characters and creating items. You can get the necessary things as a result of completing the story, completing daily missions, killing titans, participating in alliance wars and raids. This will allow the player to open chests with various items and get the things you need for the game. In Empires & Puzzles there are special elemental chests that are the highest priority. They can contain more crystals, necessary items for rebirth and gold tokens for summoning.