Limusion mod on dark fraternity Warning. Cleansing. One of them is a traitor

  1. Remove the Lucien letter for you.
  2. Farragut Farragut.
  3. Kill everyone in the shelter.
  4. Return to Lucien as a reward and a new way to obtain contracts.

There are many ways to cope with Valtier Vincent: from the note found in his table, you can find out that it is vulnerable to garlic; Throw him a couple of pieces with theft, which will make it weaker. Garlic can be found, for example, in the chest of Antoinette. In addition, since he is a vampire, you can use fire damage against him. You can also easily kill him, talking to him while he sleeps; After talking, he will return to his rest. It will be defective for a few seconds until the animation is completed.

Get a 100% reflection of the spell and stand up before M "Raj-Dar, when he trains. In the end he will kill himself.

City guards will protect you.

It is easier to kill the members of the fraternity using distant attacks; Most of them use melee weapons, such as daggers, with the exception of M "Raj Dara and Valtieri.

If you planned to perform non-contact dams of Vincent and Taynava, then this is your last chance to do it.

You can find keys from chests on the bodies of your victims.

The unique Items M "Raj Dara will not be available after you kill it (they are in an inaccessible trading chest and cannot be looted from the corpse). After the end of the last quest Dark Brotherhood - "" One of the killers of the dark fraternity will provide access to the spells M "Raj Dara, but not to equipment. Therefore, it is advisable to buy them from him before killing it.

The barrel in the lucien room with a complex lock contains ten poisoned apples.


Lucien appeals to you, as to "Liquidator", despite the fact that at the beginning of this quest your rank "Assassin".

After completing this task, you can no longer be expelled from the dark fraternity.


Perhaps you will not be able to get a shadow mane after the completion of the quest. If the shadow mane does not appear after the completion of the quest, rebooting the save can solve the problem. Also make sure that when you leave asylum you use the main door instead of the hatch door.

Perhaps you will not get an update of the quest after reading the orders of the purification, which will not allow you to move in Quest. Just restart the previous saving to correct this problem.

Records in diary

KZ.Writing in the diary
10 I need to kill all the members of the Dark Brotherhood in Chadinhol Refuge: Cleans, Vincent Waltier, Antoinette Marie, Gogrone Gro-Bolmoga, Telindril, M "Raj Dara and Teanava. Since now I work for a black hand, I no longer limit five dogmas, and I need to use any means to clear the refuge.
20 Cleansing completed. All members of the Dark Brotherhood, who inhabited Chadinhol asylum, were killed. You need to report this to Lucien Lashansu in Fort Farragut.
100 Lucien Lashans expected me in Fort Forragut. He is now informed of my success. Lucien made me in the rank of the stitcher and gave me her own horse, the magical hill like a shadow mane.


  • Not all records may appear in your tasks diary; Which records appear, and which do not appear, depends on the method of completing the task.
  • Stages are not always located in order of passage. This usually refers to quests that have several possible results or quests, where certain tasks can be performed in random order.
  • The mark in the "KZ" column (end of the task) means that the task disappears from the list of active, but you can still get new entries on it.
  • You can use the console to promote the quest by entering the code. setStage Dark10sanctuary Stage.Where Stage is the stage number you want to complete. Note that it is impossible to cancel (that is, to go back) the quest stages. See SetStage for more information.

~ Dark Brotherhood ~
1. Knife in the darkness (A Knife in the Dark)

To get this quest and subsequent entry into the Dark Brotherhood you need to kill anyone from peaceful residents (It is "peaceful", bandits and other splashes - are not suitable). It is quite suitable for some calmly living and who does not touch Sirodil's citizen, or a soldier or guardian (not recommended to kill beggars, it is an extremely useful source of information in many quests). It is advisable to kill (ah, as it is happening!) Someone weak, living away from the city walls.

After committing the atrocity and appearance of the inscription "Your murder was noticed by unknown forces .... / Your Killing Has Been Observed by Forces Unknown ..." (indicating that you made an act that pays attention to the "dark" strength), go to bed. In the night to you will be the "talking / speaker" of the Dark Brotherhood - Lucian Lashnc (Lucien Lachance). He will give you a dagger (Blade of Woe) and tells that in order to start a career in the dark fraternity you should get rid of Rufio (RUFIO), located in the hotel of bad signs (Inn of Ill Omen).

Kill him. This is a simple thing - Rufio sleeps almost all day, leaving for a while of the room at night. When you fall to sleep next time (at least in bed of the same Rufio), Lucien will appear to you again with a proposal to go to one of the abandoned houses of Chadinhol. To enter the shelter of the Brotherhood, to the question asked you, "Sanguine, My Brother". Talk to the Argonian Cleave (OCHEEVA). She will assign you the rank of "Killer / Murderer" and will issue a "branded" set of brotherhood reservation.

2. Welcome to the family (Welcome to the Family)

3. Tomb on the water (A WATERY GRAVE)

Vicente will tell you the conditions of the first contract. You need to kill the captain of the Pirate ship "Maria Elena" ("Marie Elena"), which is in the dock of the port area (Waterfront) of the imperial city. If you wish, you can talk to the members of the Brotherhood about this contract. You will enliver about the possibility of penetrating the cabin of the captain, jumping from the deck to the balcony.

There is also the opportunity to get inside the vessel, hiding in one of the empty boxes on the shore, next to the inlet in the pirates (we learn about this when receiving a contract). Please note that when trying to just enter the ship Flembastra immediately they will attack you! In any case, you can find your own penetration path. After the murder of Cappiece, the members of the team almost immediately awaure.

Observe with them, or stay unnoticed and selected from the ship. The award is already waiting for you from Vicente.

4. Damned Blood (Blood of the Damned)

Talk to Vicente Valtieri (Valtieri) about your contract.

5. Incidents happen (Acccidents Happen)

So, our next goal is someone Bainlin (Baenlin). Starting from this contract and then in most orders you will be able to be able in addition to the main reward, get a bonus. Bonus conditions are negotiated separately in each case. Here is the murder of Beinlin, furnished under an accident. Our goal lives next to the Western Gate of Bruma along with the servant-serving.

It is also known that the victim every day from 8 to 11 pm sits on a chair at the fireplace, reflecting on life. It is at this time that your exit is scheduled! We go to Broome, find his house. Climb inside convenient through the basement, the entrance is behind the house. On the second floor, in the room where the servant sleeps, there is a secret door. Behind it is a small attic room, to one of the walls of which on the other hand the head of Minotaurus is tied. Now all you have left to do is to wait until unsuspecting Beinleigh sit down on your favorite chair, unleash the rope and enjoy this head on it. And then leave unnoticed, leaving the victim of his perplexed servant next to the body. Answer Vicente again - and we get well-deserved awards.

6. There is no peace to sinners (no REST for the Wicked)

Talk to Vicente Valtieri (Valtieri) about your contract.

7. execution assigned (Scheduled for EXECUTION)

And here we already know the name of the next victim! Wailen Drett (Valen Dreeth), prison prisoner imperial city. To obtain a bonus, it is necessary to eliminate it without killing a single guard. No matter how frightening it sounded - "go to jail!". But not through the main entrance, but through the sewer. Following the quest markers, by rats and crabs, our corridors get to "The Sanctum". Here we will have a surprise - patrolling area of \u200b\u200bprotection. Fortunately, the developers took care to entrust the service of persons with weakened hearing and vision. Therefore, the hero in soft slippers may well quietly slip if patient and take into account not only the movement of soldiers, but also the game of light and shadows. So, remaining unnoticed, moving on the imperial dungeons under the nose in the guards, and in the end we will get into pain your familiar camera!

That's right, you were once sitting here. Remember the annoying neighbor who fought you over you? This is Wailen Dret, and now our turn is squeezed. "Joke" choose to your taste - you can give him an arrow, not even opening the door of the camera, but you can gourmet a little to the bottom and, opening the door, introduce the sacrifice with my favorite dagger! By the way, on the table nearby the guardians have left the key from his camera so much! You can use them. After the murder, we return back either the same way that they entered, or through the "main entrance" (the keys lie on the same table in the corridor next to the camera of the Dreta). Vicente is pleased, we get a reward and bonus.

8. Serve Sitis (to Serve Sithis)

Talk to Vicente Valtieri (Valtieri) about your contract.

9. Killed (The Assassinated MAN)

From Vicente, you will learn that a certain inhabitant of a corpolation, Francois Motierre (Francois Motierre) requires help. He owes the unfaithful people to the enyna amount of money, and these people took and sent Assassin to kill him. Vascha Task - received from Vicente to the poisoned dagger "kill" Francois in front of this assassin himself. Go to the house to Moterruer and talk to him. He can tell the details of the plan - you "kill it" (thus eliminating the persecution of the enemies), and then after 24 hours we resurrect in the local chapel. Barely ends your conversation, a knock on the door will be heard, and you will appear before you, you can say, colleague - Argonian hides-Heart (Hides-His-Heart). Hit Francois with a blade and run away. There is an important condition, it is impossible that the sentient killer was attacked, neither by you, nor the guards. Everything would be nothing, but just the killer will attack you. Therefore, it is necessary to go beyond the city as soon as possible.

Exactly afternoon, go to church and resurrect the customer with antidote. He will ask him to get him in a "gray mare" ("Grey Mare"). Yes, here's just the ancestors of Francois at all at all delighted his return to the world of living, and right immediately and rebelled out of the graves! Therefore, before the joint campaign, we recommend that all the violent zombies calm down. Bring the resurrected comrade to where he wants - and get the completion of the quest. We again go to a vampire vampire of Waltier.

10. My Brother's mentor (My Brother "s Keeper)

Vicente Valtieri has no contracts for you, talk with Cleave (OCHEEVA).

11. Lonely Wanderer (The Lonely Wanderer)

Now you serve under the beginning of the selection. She will tell you about the next goal - High elf By name Faelian, you need to kill it without witnesses. It is known that he lives somewhere in the capital. Go there, and ask for local elves about it. They will point you to the "Hotel Septim Hotel" (Tiber Septim Hotel) in the Talos Plaza area. Go there and surfaches the hotel manager, Augustus Calidia (Augustus Calidia).

This lady will tell you the story of Failian. Once he was a serious man, and now pours over the collar and does not pay attention to his beloved Atrayen (ATRAENA), living here. Talk to her? Consider the atrene to share with you prayer, you should increase her attitude towards yourself, otherwise you will not find common language. Well, now you know about where and when you can meet the sacrifice. It is not recommended to kill at the hotel, otherwise you will not get a bonus. You already know that our friend often cares to visit Lorcmir for the next bottle of scoop, there we will wait it (Lorkmir "s House, Elven Gardens District). Keeping and go back to the shelter for your award.

12. Become a liquidator ( ENTER THERE Eliminator)

13. Harmful medicine (Bad Medicine)

Another contract from the sequest. Someone General Roderick is seriously ill, his life is supported exclusively with drugs. All that you want is to go to Fort Satch (Fort Sutch), and replace the bottle with medications for warriors on your own. To obtain a bonus, you must remain unnoticed by anyone. Paradise the members of the Brotherhood about this contract and learn about an alternative way inside the fort - through the underground move located in the ruins of the Abbey of the Fort (Fort Sutch Abbey).

We are not accustomed to hiding from dangers, so we go through the main entrance. In the process of promoting inland, Fort will hear the conversation of two guards. In the presence of high skill Hacking and some number of launders - we can not listen and move on. While they talk, you will quite have time to replace the bottle with medicines. But if you do not know how to keep the hone in your hands, wait for the end of their conversations, after which one of the servant will open the grid separating you from the Cabinet with medicines. Now everything that remains is to wait for the moment and leave your medicine instead of the present.

14. Child Mother Nights (The Night Mother "s Child)

Talk to Cleave (OCHEEVA) about the following contract.

15. Who did it? (Whodunit?)

We receive a goal from the sequel - none, and no two ... in the list of doomed to death will be five victims at once! We go to Schingrad to one of the places (Summitmist Manor), there we are waiting for Fafnir (Fafnir), butler and part-time our colleague on the dark fraternity. From him you will get the key and hear a small story about the upcoming party: there are five people in the house, which sincerely believe that somewhere in the estate hid treasure chest and they have to find it.

Only you know that there is no chest, and everyone is destined to die! Yes, to get a bonus, it is necessary to eliminate everyone, remaining underestimated (you can get out of the estates only after the death of all guests). Well, go to get acquainted? Immediately at the entrance you will be met by Matilde Petit. Meet her (keep in mind that you have to install good relations with all participants of the "Parties", in order to learn anything). After that, it is worth talking closer and rest. Primo Antonius (Primo Antonius) for the big secret will tell you that he really likes one of those present here - Elf Dran (Drann Dran). We will ask her opinion about this young man - and, about a miracle, she also likes it! Love at first sight. We send it to the bedroom to Primo with the advice to wait for it there, we still do the rest. Let's talk to Matilda, and immediately we will get a proposal to form an alliance and divide all 50/50.

Agree and send it to look for a cherished chest in the basement. Follow her. As soon as you find yourself in the basement, attach and reward the unlucky mischief of gold with an arrow or one or two blows of the dagger. There are four guests left. You have not forgotten about the elf's chosen in the bedroom? Let's talk to her, she is concerned about the murder of Matilda ... Calm her, advise sleeping. As soon as it feels - do it so that you do not wake up. Eh ... one loving heart in the world has become less. Now you have left among men.

Neville (Neville) wants to sleep in the room above. Give him eternal dream! The number of living guests is rapidly reduced. Talk to Nasks (Nels the Naughty) about Primo Antonius, he will decide that it is a killer, and will deal with him. Do the same with Nasos. Or you can talk to Primo yourself, then he will attack Nhaks. In general, with whom they talk - he attacks the last live party party. All guests are dead, the holiday was a success! Unlock the door of the estate and go to the sequel with the report.

16. Gambit Assassina (The Assassin "S Gambit)

Talk to Cleave (OCHEEVA) about the following contract.

17. Honored rest ... forever (Permagency Retirement)

Adamus Phillida - Honorary Guest of the City Guard of Leiavin. We are committed to get rid of it. Clearing will give you an enchanted arrow, which will immediately kill Adamus, provided that it will be without armor. Go to Leiavin and post for the victim. Soon you will be clear that he adores water treatments. We use it! Willia loves to swim in the lake in the eastern part of the city.

Wait until it climbs into the water (without armor, which is required for us), and then send it to the bottom of the magic arrow obtained from the sequel. If you want a bonus, you just killed by Adamus you, take his finger and throw in his own office located in the capital in the prison area (Imperial City Prison District). Then return to the shelter of the brotherhood.

18. Secret and Secret (of Secret and Shadow)

Let's talk to Cleave (OCHEEVA). She will report that Lucien Lashance (Lucien Lachance) personally wants to see you. Go to Fort Faragut (Fort Faragut). Inside the fort there is several skeletons-guards. Plan with them or sneak unnoticed - the choice is yours. Talk to Lucien.

19. Cleansing (The Purification)

Talking with Lucien, you will understand clearly that life is a brutal thing. According to him, a traitor has been fed to the ranks of the Brotherhood, and Lashanta has information that the traitor is in Chadinhole. You are entrusted to spend the ritual of cleansing - to kill everyone. OCHEEVA, our vampire vampire (Vicente Valtieri), blonde beauty Antoinetta Marie (Antoinetta Marie), warlike orc Gro-bolmog, Telindril (Telaendril), Merchant Mer "Raaj-Dar) and Taynava (Teinaava). No one should stay alive.

Lashans will also give you a poisoned apple and a scroll, causing the spirit of the killed Rufio (Rufio "s Ghost). But you can talk" to talk "in Fort Faragut. In the barrel in the" office "of Lashans there is still a dozen filling apples (by the way, this stock Periodically resumes).

Go to the shelter. Before the start of the murders, we advise it to thoroughly buy by spells and commodity at M "Razh-Dara, to fulfill the" personal "quest quest and, if you want to become a vampire as a Vicente, since you will no longer see your former friends comrades. To begin with, we bring out Heavy artillery. Orc Gorgon Gro-Bolmog quite often sits down to eat up on the table with apples in the villages of Brotherhood. Collect all the food from the table and put a poisoned apple instead. It will be the last thing he will eat in life. (however, you can please apple and Others, changing them in their pockets and on the tables, suddenly polish).

From the cleaner is the easiest to get rid of it when she sleeps. Vicente ... Sometimes you can catch sleeping, but, so, quite often it is in the workout room, you will find an antointetti Marie and M "Razh Dara. This gym is all periodically visited, it is better to wait for a moment when there remains in the room -Lo one ... and thus eliminate everyone in turn. Taynava almost always sits on the chair and reads something ... quite enough arrows from the position "Cutting", released from the opposite side of the room, and when there are problems with the skeleton - Call the ghost of Rufio. Telindril is quite often absent in the shelter, its schedule can be found from the murdered purification.

After "cleansing" shelters, return to Fort Faragut. Lucien will inform you that now the contracts you will receive not personally from him, but from the caches. He will reward you with an immortal rave horse (Shadowmere will stand next to the Fort entrance) and the "Silencer" rank.

20. Cache ( The Dead. DROP)

The next destination is the Hero Hill Hill. There you will find another contract (on top under the pebble, follow the marker).

21. Wizard classes (Affairs of a Wizard)

So, before you the first contract from Lucien. It is necessary to eliminate Celedin (Celedaen), a necromancer, which settled in the LEAFROT CAVE). Scoundrel conceived to transform himself into Lich, but the process is not fully completed. Go to the cave. Upon arrival, first find the Celledin diary. From it you will learn that for the transformation, it uses the magic sand posts of Sands of Resolve, and if he has to withdraw them - the necromancet will die. All that is required from you, sneak to it from the back in stealth mode and paint the watch from your pocket.

The case is done, we are going on the following contract.

22. Next in the family (Next of Kin)

The next contract and the reward for the previous one is waiting for you in a corporal, near the Great Oak (Great Oak). From the note, you will find out that you need to destroy all the members of the Draconis family (Perennia Draconis), Mattias Draconis (Andreas Draconis), Sibylla Draconis (Caelia Draconis). Initially, only the location of the posture of the ELLVOTCH (AppleWatch) is known. There should be no difficulties with her (I have been liquidated either in a dream, or during work in the garden). Name it and find a list that facilitates the search for other family members.

The House of Mattias Drakonis is located in the capital in the area of \u200b\u200bTalos Plaza District. (Imperial City Talos Plaza District). We recommend to deprive his life at night (sleeping) to avoid excess noise, because A servant is quite often present in his house. Yes, if you still have poisonous apples, you can put the Draconis fruit in your pocket, sills.

Andreas Draconis - Bartender in a small eatery "Drunk Dragon" (DRUNKEN DRAGON INN). Here you will meet the first problem - Guard. It is nearby nearby around the clock. So, or wait until Mattias falls (and he sleeps behind the bar, separating him from the guards), sneak and kill. Either "swear" with him and lower his attitude towards you to 0. Then Mattias himself will attack you and who is near the minister of law will help you kill him.

Sibylla Draconis lives in a dirty valley cave (Muck Valley Cavern). Everything is simple - we kill any pretty way to you, because In addition to the animals wandering in the cave, there will be no more witnesses.

Closes the list of Silia Draconis. Go to Leiavin and find it there. Silia is one of the urban guards, so you have to try. Most of the time spends, wandering on the street. Post for her. As soon as she will go to the "Three Sisters" hotel in the "Hotel Three Sisters" (Three Sisters "Inn), go to the door, open the door and kill the launder (note that for the attack on it in any case you will be charged with penalty, so be prepared to pay). In The log will record about the following contract waiting for you.

23. Violated promises (Broken Vows)

The following contract is hidden near Skingrad Castle. Purpose - Master of the Sienly Battle Khajts w "Gasta (J" Ghasta). Lives in Broome, fears the attacks on himself. We visit him at night. Almost all the time he spends in a secret training room. The hatch leading to it is located on the first floor of the house and is littered with rolls of fabric and clothing. Go down to the room and see Cajit. Kill (in order to avoid problems - from Stels). We go.

24. Celebration of Justice (Final Justice)

Having visited the cache under the old bridge (Old Bridge), learn about the next victim. Argonian-hunter Shalis (Shaleez) lives in a flooded mine (flooded mine). She clouded a little mind, so be careful. We go to the mine (be prepared to swim a little under water) and send it into the world of others. The next destination is Fort Redman (Fort Redman).

25. Case of honor (A Matter of Honor)

Contract in the cache outside Fort Redman. We need to kill the dark elf of Alval Ranni (Alval Uvani), traveling throughout Surodil. Here, in the contract, its standard schedule is given and the time of its appearance in certain places is given, there is also a curious detail - Alvala allergy to honey. From here a few ways of passage - you can go home to him, replace all drinks on honey and wait when he visits his abode. You can also trace, in which taverns it happens, after which there is also to replace all the bottles with honey. Palsy comes from him from the sacrifice, and in this state, it is not difficult to kill him. Well, another option is not to wait at home or in taverns, but just track down and deal with the Alval in a deserted place. And further on the following contract - to the shopping area of \u200b\u200bthe imperial city (what you need - under the broken tree, follow the marker).

26. Cached ice Sleep (The Coldest Sleep)

Another task is to get rid of Havilstein Hoar-Blood (Havilstein Hoar-Blood). He lives in a mountain camp, far in the north of Sirodila. Again, it is better to kill sleeping. There is no soul around, besides him, so the problems of witnesses do not exist. Moving in the ruins Nornal (Nornal) to get the name of the next victim.

27. Assignment Kiss (A Kiss Before Dying)

As soon as you enter Nornal (Nornal), look for the first turn right. See the corridor, descending down and filled with water. We dive and see the chest with the following contract. Lucien will go to Baville. You just need to kill forest elf named Ungolim. It is known that every day from six in the evening until the night came, he comes to one of the city statues - a statue of a happy elderly lady (The Lucky Old Lady), in order to pray.

We advise you to get on some of the surrounding balconies, from where the statue is clearly visible and take a comfortable place for shooting (if you do not be friends with a bow, then you will have to die and wrap the dagger). Caution Unholma - Kill (it is quite capable of providing you, be prepared). As soon as he goes to the forefacial ... you will see Lucien.

28. Investigation Chain (Following A Lead)

But he will not be at all so friendly as it was usually. First, it will be pounce on you with reproaches, but then, calming down a little, tells the cause of your concern. Could you think that the entire governing composition of the Dark Brotherhood was personally cut out? And what just killed the elf was his "listening"? It turns out that the traitor did not die in Chadinhole (he was simply not there), but chose victims instead of Lucien, putting fake contracts.

Lashans will order you to follow, who replaces the contract in the next cache, located in Anville (Anvil), in a barrel behind the statue. He himself will go to the Eplvotch farm (AppleWatch), because He considers Fort Faragut already unsafe.

Go to Anvil, hide behind this statue and follow the barrel. Very soon, the Bosmer named Enhroth (Enilrother) is suitable for her, and put in the fake (there "ordered" Arkuen (Arquen) - do not kill it!). Talk to him. He will tell that he received an order about the substitution from a certain "man in Rob", and that this man, until recently, lived in the room on the lighthouse nearby. Having went there, you will find a living room locked. The key of the caretaker lighthouse. On the question of who you, answer, are working on a dark fraternity. Go to the newly left dwelling of the traitor. In the extreme room on the table you will find his diary. Take away and go to Lucien.

Unfortunately, the surviving members of the Brotherhood found Lucien earlier than you. Judging by the picture that appeared before you, his death was painful. Talk to Arkuen (Arquen). She takes you to the rank of "talking" (SPEAKER) and asks to come back to the conversation with her between midnight and three o'clock in the night. Wait, chat. You, together with all those present, go to Braville for the ancient ritual at the statue of a happy elderly lady (The Lucky Old Lady).

29. In honor of Your Mother (Honor Thy Mother)

Arkuen will tell you about the ritual of the wake-up mother of the night (Night Mother). You will be present at the appearance of her spirit, which should call the name of the new "listening". Take advantage of the latest opportunity to get the blessing of an elderly lady, good luck will you soon need!

The rite will open a secret stroke into the crypt. Follow the rest. As soon as you see the Spirit, a true traitor will show here! Matthew Bellamont will attack you and the rest, and even try to deal with the designed spirit of mother's night. Finally, you had a chance to eliminate the traitor! Kill him. That's all, the crisis in the Dark Brotherhood passed, although only two of the participants were alive, you and Arkuen. The mother of the night proclaims you with his "listening" and reveals the true strength of Blade Grief (Blade of Woe).


All that is required of you is to come once a week to the statue of a happy elderly lady (The Lucky Old Lady) in Braville. The mother of the night will call the names of the citizens who need to be eliminated. After that, go to Chaidinhol, where Arkuen restores asylum and dials new members in the Brotherhood. Weekly report her names (all the "ordered" comrades live outside the territory of Sirodil) and will receive their income from the murders, (however, if you forget to come to the statue, nothing terrible).

Three new inhabitants will appear in the shelter, young killers who look at you, like a living legend, with fear and adoration. Any of them will gladly agree to accompany you in wanderings. Also in the shelter will be a guardian-skeleton, and one of the new things will be rented by the killer to the killer.

31. Dark Exile (A Dark Exile)

Upon joining the Dark Brotherhood, you learned the 5 commandments, for whom you can be expelled. When you first exile, you have a chance to return. To do this, you need to defeat the Ghost "Wrath of Sithis), which will appear to you after sleep. Be left alive - they will again take the brotherhood.

32. Other Dark Exile (ANOTHER DARK EXILE)

With the second violation of the commandments, you will also have a chance to return (it will be the last). You can reappel your guilt again by defeating the Ghost "Citis Wrathis" (Wrath of Sithis).

33. Eternal Exile (Eternal Exile)

If you break the commandments again - the same ghost will appear to you, but you will never be able to serve as a dark fraternity.

34. Eternal Darkness (Darkness Eternal)

Vicente Valtieri (Valtieri) in the early stages of the plot line as a gift will offer you to become a vampire with it. If you want, take it a gift and try fangs.


Source of taskClean
Remunerationhorse tetehriv, receiving a new rank.
PreviousHonored rest ... forever
FollowingWizard classes
fort Farragut
Talk to Cleave. She will tell you what one of the notifiers of the Dark Brotherhood wants to see you - Lucien Lashans. He is waiting for you in Fort Farragut. Inside the Fort, armed skeletons are waiting for teeth, but according to Lashans - this is an extra way to check you on what you are worth a meeting with him.

We do according to the order. By interrupting all the guards talking to Lucien. It turns out in the dark fraternity, everything is not so smooth. And whispering about the traitor, which you all heard in the shelter, is pure truth. In the ranks of Assassins, a traitor who kills fellow in the guild. Lashansu is reliably known that the traitor is one of the chadinhol inhabitants, but it is not known who specifically. You are entrusted to kill them all, carry out the so-called "ritual of purification." Dogmats of fraternity no longer apply to you. All new acquaintances: Cleaning Vincent Raltieri, Antoinette Marie, Gorgon Gro-Bolmog, Telindril, M "Razh-Dar and Taynava - all of them must die.

To help Lucien will give you a poisoned apple, eating that the victim dies inevitably from the poison and the scroll, causing the spirit of the rufio killed by you, the soul of which could not find peace and began to serve as Citis. Use these "gifts" optional. If you consider that Lashans faded, you can dig in his chests. There will be a stock of poisoned apples, which by the way is replenished.

We go to the shelter. However, before you kill everyone, it is possible (although in principle it is not necessary) to fulfill the request of the dark lizards of twins and Taynava for the lizard - the traitor of the Argonian yard, and become a vampire, accepting the proposal of Valtier Valtieri. No matter how sad it is to admit it, but this is your last meeting.
You can kill assassins in any way, but there are light paths.

Orc Gorgon Gro-Bolmog - the most severe opponent. In a healthy body of healthy mind. A healthy body must be supported by food, which is actively and makes an orc. We remove from the table and cabinets all the food and put several poisoned apples instead. Gorgon Gro-Bolmog (and maybe not only he) will eat an apple and the outcome will be obvious.

Calling is best killed when she sleeps. Her apartments in the depths of refuge, so the contractions (even if it takes place) no one will hear.

Vincent Valtieri kill hard, however, you can use it ... Allergies. Yes Yes. It is allergies. On garlic. If you throw a garlic in my pocket, he will lose strength and endurance, as well as it will become vulnerable to magic
In the workout room, Antoinetta Marie and M "Razh-Dara is trained. You need to wait for a moment when someone alone will remain in the hall and kill it (or her). Thus you can kill everyone in turn.

Taynava Lizard spends a lot of time reading a book in the shelter's lobby. The ideal option is hidden released arrow.

Kill the trininder more difficult, as she often travels. Schedule her trips from the purifier. It is best to just wait for her asylum. Once a week she appears here.

So cleansing is over. Return to Fort Faragut. Satisfied with the work of Lucien will report that now the contracts will give you only, but it will be an unusual way. The tasks will lie in the caches, the specification of the secret task will be specified in the previous task. Also, the noteworker will give you his horse - Techry and assigns you the rank of the scenario - his personal assistant.

Chronicles of the Holy Brothers Maruk, Tom IV

Cleansing the cathedral

[Editor's Note: This is the only surviving fragment of the chronicle of this sect of Alessian Order of the seasons of the first era. They were probably kept in the giant monastic complex on Lake Kanulus, which was destroyed during the period of the Justice War (1E 2321), and the archives were destroyed or looted.

We also note that the Alessian scribes of the time usually calculated the dates since the ascension of Alessia (1E 266).]

The events of the year of the 127th era of Blessed Alesia are recorded here.

That year was the day that the light was dymering, and the sun became like a lot of three days from the genus, and at noon jealously jumped in the sky of the stars. It happened the fifth number of the month of the first grain. Everyone who said Siens was horrified and said that the great shocks should be waiting for a shortness. So it came out, because in the same year, from the ancient elven temple, called Malad, was a huge ruin of demons, which was not seen from the time of King Bellaz. Those demons declared the land, and people could no longer plow, sow and collect harvest. People turned their eyes to the brothers Maruk and prayed for help. Then Abbot Kosmas gathered the brothers and led them to Maladu, or the "Great Cathedral" in Elfi. The demons could not withstand the sacred flame and were destroyed, and their devilish relics and books were burned with them. And the world has come on Earth for many years.

Contracts Lucien Lashans

Quest Dark10Sanctuary - Cleansing (The Purification)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

Perhaps you feel sorry for someone from those who you had to get acquainted in the refuge ... But the word Lucien Lashans is the law. Your duty is to fulfill this contract without asking questions and without thinking too much. Technically, everything is not so difficult, as there is no need to fight with everyone at the same time and even if you attack someone in the presence of the rest, they will not interfere. Here is a black guardian (Dark Guardian), patrolling the Hall of asylum, can be interceded for his own, be afraid of it. So, proceed:

  • Gogron Gro-Bolmog (Gogron Gro-Bolmog) is a strong and seriously armed orc in the levels of heavy armor, it loves to eat, and it will not refuse the apples. Place him poisoned apple in a pocket or just on the table in the residential premises, previously removed the whole other food from the table and from all containers. Next, it remains only to wait ...
  • Vicente Valtieri (Valtieri) - a vampire with a level enchanted two-handed sword. In addition to vulnerability to fire, he also has a special vulnerability to garlic (Weakness to Garlic). You can find out about it by reading his note to the sequel in the table. If you throw a vincent into a garlic pocket, it will lose strength (Damage Strength 100 PTS), endurance (Damage Endurance 100 PTS) will become vulnerable to magic (Weakness to Magic 100%) and ordinary weakness (Weakness to Normal Weapons 100%), And in this state, finish it easily. But if you wish to get a dark gift from Vincent, then do it in a timely manner, otherwise you will have to look for other opportunities to become a vampire.
  • Tainava (Teinaava) - he will have a level enchanted sword. He constantly reads something in the hivestlock of shelter, so it does not make it difficult to trust somewhere and shoot it out of the Snika. Do not forget to fulfill his request, because after no one will give the heart of the Argonian and the quest about the argonian traitor will have to be completed using the console.
  • Antoinetta Marie (Antoinetta Marie) - is distinguished by increased vitality compared to the rest and therefore it is better to shoot it from a powerful onion with the use of poison at a time when it works out the techniques in the training hall.
  • M "Raj-Dar (M" Raaj-Dar) - oddly enough, the boxes suddenly asks for forgiveness for the old bad handle with you, it's a sorry ... It is easiest to do this in the training hall, and until it misses him all that Would you like - unique subjects And so on, in the future you will not have the opportunity to buy them.
  • OCHEEVA - almost all the time sits in Himself in Kamork and reads something, so there is no special problems with it.
  • Telindril (Telaendril) - may be difficulties with its detection, as it is often absent in shelter. But the cleaner has a schedule for its movements - in Loordas and Sandas Telindril happens in Leiavina, Tirdas holds in the Tavern "Chadinholsky Bridge", in Turdas observes the entrance to the shelter in Chadinhole. Although of course, it is easier to imagine her on a deserted road ...

After all, it is worth collecting the keys from the bodies of the dead and check their chests, they may have something useful. And then return to Lucien in Fort Farragut for a special gift - a horse named Shadowmere. Lashans says that the black hand is happy with you, and now contracts you will receive only from him, but not directly, but through a lot of caches scattered throughout Surodil.

Quest Dark10sanctuaryFin - Cainy (The Dead Drop)

The first cache is located at the Hero Hill (Hero Hill), which is southeast of Fort Fortoragut. On a hill in a suede empty stone, you will find Lucien's instructions, from which you need to go to the Cave of the River Leaf (Leafrot Cave) near the Panther River River (Panther River) and kill the old Necromanta Selenna (Celedaen), trying to become a little So far, not yet completed its transformation.

Quest Dark10SPecialWizard - Wizard Classes (Affairs of A Wizard)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

"Path to superiority"

The instructions say that Seledan has a huge force and better try to find a way to kill him without entering the fight. Since all the wizards love to record the results of their research, it is certainly from Selenian there are records, and perhaps something will be about its weak places.

In the cave, you will first have to deal with the level of the wrong undead, and then search for, as a result of which you can find a book that increases the skill of destruction (the art of combat magic - The Art of War Magic), and the Diary of Seleden on the table with alchemical apparatus - the path to superiority ( The Path of Transcendence). According to reading it, it becomes clear that Seledan in his desire to become a person found a way to create a certain physical vessel, the sand of determination, in which he now transfers his vitality and soul. After the transformation is completed, this vessel will stop being necessary, but before that, the necromance must be kept with him and protect the sand of determination, otherwise the contact between the soul and the vessel will be broken, and Selenian will die.

You have two ways - either fight with the necromancer, or to steal the sand of determination. It is not really that he is not so strong. The best way is to paralyze Seledan and make theft while he is helpless. After the death of the necromancer can be sent to a corporal to the next cache, the old bag under the great oak. There will be your reward (500 septimov) and a new contract.

Quest Dark11Kin - Next in the family (Next of Kin)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

This time we are talking about the destruction of the whole family of Draconis. Moreover, only the place of residence of the mother of the family, the postponement of Draconis (Perennia Draconis) is known, this is an applewatch farm (AppleWatch) to the west of Bruma. You do not have anything else, how to go there and try to find out something from the old woman about her children.

The permits usually sits at home or handles the garden nearby. In response to the question "What are you doing here" can tell the truth - looking for her children, and she will think that you are a courier hired to her delivery of gifts to children. At the same time, she herself will give you a list of children's residence and an advance of 100 golden for gifts. Or you can kill it without conversations and take the same list and the same money from the corpse. If you can deal with the postponement of Draconis so that her dog does not see you at the same time, then you will watch an interesting stage - a dog who is going to the corpse of the hostess. Choose who will be the following ...

Mattias Draconis (Matthias Draconis) - lives in his own house on Talos Plaza of the Imperial City. It was always a naughty and violent boy, now working as a guard at the famous Umbacano collector (Umbacano). In the afternoon, he is in the mansion of Ubakano and goes on Talos Plaza, in the evening goes to a floating tavern (Bloated Float Inn), sleeping in his house (his servant also lives there). There are many options, for example, shoot it out of the Snack on the exit from the tavern, but here the main thing is that it turned out from the first shot and no one has seen you. Or penetrate his home at night.

Secrets of Leiavinsky Castle

Calesia you can find three castle keys, one of them - from the LEYAWIIN Secret Room Key). This room is located in the basement of the castle, and it is clearly intended for torture, and the secret passage leading to it begins in the county chambers. There are rumors about this torture chamber among citizens, they say - Count Marius Karo (Count Marius Caro) interrogates there argonian immigrants from the blacks. The servants in the castle whispering about the fact that the argonian fiber somewhere in the basement - and no one sees them more. And also that sometimes screaming screams are very well heard ...

Sibill Draconis (Sibylla Draconis) - Always loved animals and a couple of years ago she decided that she would be better to leave society, settling in the wilderness, so now she lives in a dirty valley cave (Muck Valley Cavern) east of the imperial city. Here everything is simple - punched through all the cave predators and paint with Sibylla.

Andreas Draconis - master brewer, tried to cook beer since he turned six years old, now he is a happy owner of a drunken dragon (Dragon Inn). The Leonger is constantly on duty in the tavern, so it's just rushing and killing the owner fraught. The choice of ocked replicas in a conversation can be forced to attack you and the same legionnaire will help you ... Or wait for the night when the owner will fall asleep near the rack, and a shot from a bow or a blades from the Snika will solve the question.

Caelia Draconis (Caelia Draconis) - Captain Guardi Leiavin. It constantly patrols the city at night, alone stays in the room on the 2nd floor (West) of the Three Sisters Taverns (Three Sister "s Inn 2nd Floor West), and resting in the City Watch Barracks barracks. You can make her attack on your death in conversation about her death, but a fine will be appointed for your hero's head. In general, almost all actions lead to a large fine (1000 + 40 coins), no matter how trying to kill it Quietly - at night, on a deserted cemetery, when she protects the room in a hotel, etc. Even if Kaylia is shooting out of the Snaker from one shot, a fine 1040 gold will be appointed for the head of the hero, and minimally you will get paid to pay 40 Septimov for the attack - if the poison is achieved, and not the blow of your weapon. At this moment, the quest is some bug, since the fine appeared even when my hero was under 100% chameleon. Poisoned apples will not help, because the captains under the conditions of the game endless stocks B. Inograd.

The only way To eliminate Caeilia without a fine, I personally managed to implement so (very good knowledge of the school of illusion is necessary) - at 3 o'clock after dinner, it goes to relax in the barracks of Leivin, it is necessary to penetrately penetrate and make fun in other guards, for several attempts will be able to arrange a massive scuffle, In which Kailiya is likely to die ... In the city, I do not recommend such a place - irreplaceable losses among citizens are possible.

After the entire Draconis family is destroyed, go to the Skingrad Castle courtyard, there you have been waiting for a remuneration (500 gold) and the next contract. And if you visit Epplvotche after the completion of this quest, you will find the graves of all five there, and next to the tombstone of Calesius will be its nominal long steel sword, and the activation of the postal posture will cause the appearance of her thirsty of the ghost.

Quest Dark11Harem - Violated Promises (Broken Vows)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

Your new goal is a kaitu-nobleman named J "Gasta (J" Ghasta), living in Broome. From the lashans instructions should (I wonder why this suddenly Lucien began to explain what this unfortunate is guilty?) That J "Gasta recently refused to take a daughter of one of the aristocrats of Sirodil because of the small size of the dowry, so the relatives of the girl instructed the dark fraternity to take revenge on Kazhit . Be careful - this boxes rich loaf and spends all the time, exercising in hand-to-hand combat, he is a strong opponent. In addition, suggesting that someone will try to kill him, J. Gasta bribed urban guards and they will not interfere if suddenly the fight will go to the streets of the city.

J "Gasta will be in the Secret Training Room (Secret Training Room) in the basement of his house, you can get into it through the hatch, hidden under the fabric sketched rolls. Kill the boxer is difficult - he is a survivile and strong. It is extremely difficult to shoot it from the first shot, it's easier to wait Nights and kill him sleeping out of the Cabin. You can of course run out on the streets of Bruma, but the guard can not really help you. You can put a poisoned apple in the secret training room, but in this case you will have to wait.

The house has two books that increase the skill. hand-to-hand fight (Hand to hand), "Azirr Trajjijazeri" (Ahzirr Traajijazeri) on the table in the basement and "immortal blood" (Immortal Blood) upstairs on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. You can also find in a locked on a very complex barrel lock extremely unexpected things - a robe and a black hand hood (Black Hand Robe, Black Hand Hood), as well as the book "Five Dogmats" (The Five Tenets). Maybe you think about this find, and maybe not ... In any case, you are waiting for a new contract and award (500 coins) in the rotten box under the old bridge, which south of the imperial city.

Quest Dark13Justice - Celebration of Justice (Final Justice)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

Your path lies in the flooded mine (Flooded Mine), close to the north of Braliagra. There I must find the Argonian Hunt of Shaliz (Shaleez) and kill her. Once she lived in the village on the border of the Blacks and Morrowind, but was expelled for destroying the seven of the dark elves. Now Raist of those who were killed, they found Shalis and demand revenge.

The mine is almost completely flooded, so you will be very useful to Ramary's jewel (Jewel of the Rumare) or something similar to the effect of water breathing. Shaliz is sensitive and will attack you as soon as he hears or sees. She has a very good enchanted sword - this is the main problem (if your hero is 1-2 levels, then it will have an uncomfortable short sword). If you do not cope with the argonian, then try to reach the city gate, and there will help you with help. You can get to Shalis while she sleeps (10 pm - 5 in the morning) and shoot / cut her out of the Snika, or put a poisoned apple to her in his pocket and wait for breakfast.

After the destruction of Shaliz in the next cache - in the coffin next to the ruins of the Fort Redman (Fort Redman), your award will appear (500 septimov) and the next contract.

Quest Dark14Honor - Case Come (A Matter Of Honor)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

This time your goal is a wonderful merchant, the Dark Elf Alval Uvani (Alval Uvani). In Native Morrowind, Dunmer is considered a respected merchant, but things often lead him away from home, and the wife is very unhappy with his constant absence and wants to terminate the marriage. For this, she decided to resort to extreme measures and turned to the dark fraternity. Currently, Alval shoots a house in Leiuvin, travels a lot on Sirodil and nowhere is delayed for longer than two days, so to facilitate your task in the cache, in addition to the contract there will be another schedule of his movements. Additionally, it becomes known that this dark elf master of the magic of destruction and he has already had to kill more than once, as well as what he suffers from a severe allergy form for honey.

If you want to use the above allergies to eliminate the goal, then you will have to fit the bottle of honey to Danmera in all suitable places and hope that he will finally drink it. After drinking honey, Alval turns into a stationary speaker, which of course facilitates the case, but as visitors usually come in taverns, then you still have the need to get rid of them (for example, demoralize) or hide, so as not to get a fine for the attack . You can also leave honey in the Dunmer's home, pre-seize all other products there, but it will take even more time. Much more quickly, we will be seduced by a poisoned apple.

The easiest way to wait for the next shipment of respect to the road and in the deserted terrain to deal with him. But it is even easier to accompany him to the first (maybe the second or third) roadside predator and watch the fight. By the way, Dunmer can die from the paw of predators even before the beginning of this quest, which makes his passage extremely easy.

After the death of Alval, we should go to the shopping area of \u200b\u200bthe imperial city. There, behind the store "Stone Shield" (Stonewall Shields) There is a cache in a trummer stump, in which, as usual, will be money (500 septimov) and a new contract. If you visit the Alvala's house, then in the bedroom on the second floor you can find under the picture of a disguised wall safe (Hidden Wall Safe). Hacking a very complex castle, you will find there "five dogmas", Rob and a hood of a black hand ...

Quest Dark15Coldest - ice-clad sleeps (The Coldest Sleep)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

Now you can eliminate the Norde named Havilstein Hoar-Blood (Havilstein Hoar-Blood), living in the camp on the top of the Gnoll Mountain (GNOLL MOUNTAIN). Havilistin was previously cruelly dealt with the leader of the tribe on the island of salts. According to the customs of Nordov, the killer must pay the virgin, but the sister of the killed leader decided that Havilistin had to pay his life.

The Gnoll Mountain is located east of Bruma, the spire Frostcreg (Frostcrag Spire) is very nearby. In the camp on top there will be Havilistin and his handmade wolf biting (RedMaw). Nord is a very serious opponent with good enchanted weapons, therefore it is best to try to shoot it at a distance from a powerful bow, since it is imperceptible to get closer to him.

When frosty blood is killed, you can go to the Isleid ruins Nornal (Nornal). In the ruins you need to go down the steps, turn right, then dive under the water and open a locked grille, and you will see a chest with your remuneration (500 coins) and another contract. By the way, at the second level, the ruins are a chest with a rusty key (A Rusty Key), unlocking this lattice, but it still needs to break through all the marauders and rats.

Quest Dark16kiss - a suicide kiss (a Kiss Before Dying)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

Bosmer in love ...

You should go to Braville and kill the Forest Elf of Angolim (Ungolim). The instructions say that this bospimmer is in love with one young person, whose husband was frightened by the appearance of the opponent and asked the Dark Brotherhood about help in this matter. Angolia is sitting in his home for all days (you can not fit into the house without a key, and you can only steal it from the owner) and it turns out only to the local symbol of good luck and wealth - a statue of a happy elderly lady (Lucky Old Lady), where he usually stands with Six evenings up to one hour. Perhaps you should arrange an ambush by the statue. It is known that the Bosmer is an excellent shooter and, sighting an attack, also bribed the guards, like J "Gasta, so that they do not intervene in a fight.

You can come in advance and choose a place higher on the stairs and transitions connecting Baircille Hibars, with good view on the statue of the old woman. Next, it remains to wait for Angolan's exit and shoot it. If he notices you, then will attack first. Guardians will indifferently observe, but the townspeople will come for you, and if Angolium will hit some citizen, then the guards will help you too.

As soon as the murder is committed, the blood flows in you in the veins from the sudden appearance of an angry lashans ... who is going to destroy you for betrayal! But seeing confusion and complete misunderstanding in your eyes, he guesses that you were just a pawn in someone else's game. In fact, the traitor did not die when cleansing Chadinhol asylum, and somehow replaced the order of Lucien, directing you to false caches. You will learn that after the execution of contracts for the elimination of Selenian and the Draconis family, real caches remained intact, the victims continued to live, and instead of them, the noteworthy and scenters - J "Gasta, Shaliz, Alval Ranni, Havilistin, was died ... The surviving members of the Black Hand believe that you just play the Lashans orders and think that the traitor is Lucien, so hunt for him in the afternoon and at night.

Lashans intends to find out the identity of the traitor and orders you to go to the next false cache in Anville, hide there and wait for the one who puts the next fake contract there, and then tell everything about him. Lucien will be waiting for you in a safe eplvotche, as Fort Farragut is now under the supervision of a black hand. Perhaps you would like to say that all the chadinhol shelter was carved without evidence and what they are now, if Lucien is known, where to look for the remaining notes, and you do not care about the remaining ... but you know that he will not listen to you ...

Quest Dark17Following - Search Traitor (Following A LEAD)

Bad Glory (infamy) +1

One of them is a traitor

At the pond in Anville, watching the barrel behind the statue, you will see the EgnroTh forest elf (ENILROTH), the student of Morewine. According to the BOSMER, a certain person in Rob paid him for putting something in a barrel, and he does not know his name and did not see his face. The man called to himself elf yesterday, when he walked past the lighthouse, apparently this type live there. Or lived, as he said that he leaves Anvlin. There may be a beacher of the lighthouse, ulfgar foggy (Ulfgar Fog-Eye), handed over to him. But there is clearly something terrible, since the terrible smell is searched from under the door, as if someone died there. The caretaker probably has another key from the basement. Listening to all this, you may notice that there is not enough money in the barrel, and looking at the young Bosmer, you can guess where they are. It is worthwhile to beat him slowly, because you still earned 500 gold.

In the diary of the traitor, there is an explanation of the events that occurred on the ship "Trail of the Snake" (The Serpent "s Wake). The sailors who came to the lighthouse to talk to the caretaker, noticed a strange person inhabiting in the basement, and laughed at him. If they knew that In the same evening he cuts them all the throat, and he also curses them so that they wander around their ship, they probably would not laugh ... You can approach the hostess of the ship, Varula (Varulae), and help her solve the problem arising from the transformation of the entire team in the ghosts (Quest Anvilsk ghost ship - The Ghost Ship of Anvil).

In order to get the key from the basement of the beacon, it is not necessary to kill the caretaker, you can try the key to steal or threaten Ulfgar by Brotherhood, he is very afraid of this. The basement turns out to be nightmare, everywhere the corpses of animals, people and the only creature - Beacious dog (Crazed Dog). You see someone's half-hearted head on a dish surrounded by candles and a book that reveals a traitor's diary (Traitor "s Diary), which he most likely forgot here in a hurry.

By reading the diary, you understand that writing these lines penetrated into the brotherhood with a certain goal - to take revenge on the long-time killing of his mother Lucien Lashans. It is unclear exactly because of which the mother of the traitor was killed, but in the breakup of words, it can be assumed that the order came from the Father. It is clear that after such a child was not quite normal and swore to kill the mother of the night and Lashans. Oddly enough, Lahance himself helped him in achieving this goal, recommending one of the notifiers as a new scenario. For Lucien, the traitor managed to arrange something special - following him from Fort Fargut to the new cache, the traitor replaced the order and from the moment you stopped working on Lashans. Everything happened according to the plan - you killed the members of the brotherhood, and the whole family was whisching, thinking that it was Lashans. And now, as the custom requires, the survivors should look for the Mother of the Night Council and ask for its instructions. The traitor will be among them, ready to approx the blade in her heart ...

Having learned all this, taking with him a diary (as well as the head of the mother's head), you can go to Lashansu in Epplvotch with a report. But entering the house, you see something terrible - four in the black robes and the disgraced corpse of Lucien! Arkuen (ARQUEN), who failed the goal of the next fake contract, tells you that the survivors of the notifiers have stopped Lashans and accused him, and then, not listening to his statements about innocence, brutally dealt with him. Eh, Lucien, how so ...

Arkuen produces you in the notifiers (SPEAKER), Hands Rob and Black Hand Hood (Black Hand Robe, Black Hand Hood) and announces that in the current situation in the absence of a listener and his successor for good reason there is no other exit, except to resort to the ancient ritual - The awakening of mother's night from sleep. You should be between midnight and three clock in the morning Ask Arkuran about mother's mother and you are in a footer to go to the place of rest, and before you can expand those present. What is curious - if you throw your mother's head in the house, then one of the notifiers, Mathieu Bellamont, will begin to stuff and speak the nefple. But unfortunately, blame him right here you will not be able.

Note: You can paint the key from the basement from Ulfgar before joining the brotherhood, in which case there will be a diary of the traitor, and of him of the most of course too.

Quest Dark18mother - Honor Thy Mother)

Bad Glory (infamy) +10

After a conversation with Arkuran, the place of action is changing to Baravil, you find yourself near the "happy elderly lady" - this such revealed here the stone statue actually masks the entrance to the crypt of the mother's mother's night, but none of the locals do not have a concept about this. Arkuen pronounces the spell, opens a secret entrance, you go down to the crypt and see your night mother. Arkuen is trying to ask her advice on choosing a new listener, but she says that the traitor is here and he immediately confirms this attack on the next notes. Mathieu Belam, using universal amazement, chains the Banus Alora (Banus Alor) and the Belisarius of Arius (Belisarius Arius), after which it is trying to slaughter the mother of the night. Now your way out, you will definitely hand over with him.

When Mathieo Belam will be killed, the mother of the night will tell that she knew about his intentions since he was a boy. And she could report this to the listener, Angolan, but did not become due to the fact that he was weak. Thus, she allowed Belarus to embody his plan, but here he was stopped. Citis himself foresaw that you were destined to kill the traitor and become a listener (listener) of a black hand. The night mother offers you all the treasures available in the crypt, and also turns Blade of Woe, presented to you by Lucien Lashans at the first meeting, in a powerful enchanted dagger. Then she promises to deliver you and Arkuen to the refuge of Chadinhol, and in this crypt you will never return.

Note: After the completion of this quest, you will not be able to more quickly at the statue of the Elderly Lady statue (Old Lady S Luck).

Quest Dark19Whispers - WHISPERS OF DEATH)

Together with Arkuen, you have to revive Chadinhol shelter. It is possible that you would like to come with her for Lucien, but it is impossible to kill it. Your duties are: once a week you need to talk to the statue of the mother of the night in Blaville. It will call you the names and addresses of the people with whom it is necessary to meet a dark fraternity notifier to organize a custom murder. If you give it Arkuen, then it will pay you a share (weekly earnings). If you do not want it to do, then nothing will be for it. Through a short time, three new killers will appear in the shelter, any of which you can take with me in adventure, and one of them will also be a seller (instead of M "Raj Dara). This quest is not completed, it always remains in the current list.