Ark Sorpork board game Flat World. Virtual walk through the Ank Corporus. How the Flat World works

Have you ever been to Ank-Corrow, the greatest city of the flat world? Be careful, finally you have such an opportunity! You will be able to visit the most fashionable clubs and the main city sights, visit the invisible university, stroll through the streets, alleys and promotion. You can even take the shadows to go - but remember, in this case, do not count on the funeral for the urban score. In general, welcome to Ank-Fortork!

Terry Pratchett
Genre:reference edition, fantasy
Original output:2012
Translator:V. Sergeev
Publisher:"E", 2016
Series:"Terry Pratchett"
128 pp., 3000 copies.
Similar to:
encyclopedia "The World of Ice and Flame. Official history of Westeros and Games of Thrones "
Encyclopedia "World Witcher"

Diverse reference publications on fantastic worlds do not read. In Russian, they also come out, in the last couple of years - very regularly. Basically such reference books are divided into three categories. The first is serious, detailed and thoroughly structured encyclopedias with focusing on informativeness. The second is colorful, richly illustrated and spectacular editions, more reminiscent of artbooks. Finally, the third category - reference books in gaming form. That is the guide to Ank-Corpor.

Composing it, the Demiurg of the Flat World Terry Pratchett as if presented his readers with real travelers, first visited Ank-Morpork. So the book is structured completely just like a guidebook, for example, in London or Paris. The reader learns about currency exchange points, medical care, law enforcement service, get acquainted with local laws, urban transport system, infrastructure and further on the list. Everything is detailed and informative - even right now order a visa and a ticket to Ank Corpork!

Of course, Pratchett would not be if the guide turned out to be a simple list of dry facts. The text is saturated typical for the author ironic jokes and alluzia, so it will not have to miss the reader. And read the book from the beginning is absolutely not necessarily - after all, it is not a novel, there is no plot intrigue. You open on any page and enjoy - some parody advertisements What are worth it! .. Of course, the book is designed for Flat World Fans, which all these colorful names and terms warm the soul. However, neophytes do not usually buy such reference editions.

Naturally, there are here and illustrations. Although it seems that they are still lacking. Perhaps several non-ferrous rugs would not be superfluous. But what can you do, there are no them in the original. And the Russian edition almost fully corresponds to the original - for one very significant exception (but read about it in the insertion).

Outcome: Very pretty "fan" edition, a good gift to all fans of the flat world. If it were not for one "but", it would be just gorgeous ...

Where is this street where this house is?

Alas, in the Russian edition there is not enough map of the city, which is in the original. Therefore, abundantly scattered in the text reference to the map (for example, "Royal Museum of Art. Upper Broadway (H3)") are completely useless. The Publishing House "Eksmo" promises to correct the situation. For those who have already bought a guide, the card will be published in electronic form. It is also planned to release additional circulation of the book, already with the card. But still, such blunders, and even taking into account the considerable value of the publication, absolutely unacceptable - and greatly spoil the impression of the beautiful book.

The phrase "flat world" (more precisely, the world of disk, "Discworld") cause all the fans of Terry Pratchett's books with understanding to grin and look for a free space on the shelf for the game box.

The master of the pen inspired not only directors on the screening of individual books, but also the creators of the velocity on " Flat world: Ank-Morpork "- a game that immerses in the atmosphere of the most famous city of his universe.

Game description

Do you know? :) Great atunes, elephants and disk, everything is in the books of Pratchett

Table game "Flat World: Ank-Morpork" refers to the cycle of books in the genre of Fantasy "Flat World". A peculiar humor of books, bright characters, unforgettable adventures are transferred to the game field, allowing a fan to enjoy a multitude of Easter, and for the first time, who came to the Universe of Pratchett first - just have fun.

The plot begins with the fact that Lord Vitinari disappears, the Ruler of Ank-Corpor. No one knows where he was going and who will now rise at the helm. Begins the struggle for power ...

In the game, seven characters, including Vitinari actually, and each of them has their own secret goals that can not speak the rest. The victory and the main prize goes to the one who will be able to achieve them.

Players will have to face demons, dragons, death and other troubles. Fiction? Fantasy, but so exciting!

What in the set?

Game chips

In the box you will find:

Rules and moves of the game

The flat world is resting on three elephants and a big turtle, and the "flat world" as a game - on a simple scheme of the arrangement of chips and following written on cards.

The flat world rests on three elephants and a big turtle

Preparation for the game

Participants choose their color and divide the servants and buildings on it. In the shadow areas, sisters dolly and waste areas each sends one servant. Plus, they put the trouble to the token of trouble - they are not personal, but common.

Players are issued for $ 10. The remaining money form a bank. All other chips leave next to the field.

Character cards are distributed blindly. Players should not disclose their "personality" and its goals. Putted unnecessary cards also should not be viewed.

Near the field there are three reassembly decks: random events and gaming cards. In this case, the cards with the green edge of the entire pack are put on top of the brown. Players are issued five cards.

A stack with urban regions cards is placed face up - all of them must be seen. All players ("Ank-Morporok" - a game of two or four people) take a memo card in order to not forget anything and not confuse in the game process. The priority of the stroke is determined by the cast of a cube.

If the players are only two, then from the characters you need to remove chrysoprase, and from game cards - Hubert and Cosmo luxury.
Character cards

Stroke Game

In its go, the participant plays any card with his hands. Indications on cards may result in what to play more than one, or to the fact that there will be more than five. In the finals of the mapping, you need to get to five, but if more is no longer reset.

The party goes either to the victory of one player, or until the deck is over. Important: every character has its own conditions for victory, and they must be observed.
Gaming field

Raffle card

In the "header" of most cards there is a list of actions that the player can do. They are made strictly in the specified sequence, but everything except the random event is permissible to simply skip. The map played goes into reset.
Game cards


  • Put servant. The servant chip put her either to the city district where the player's servant is already present or in the neighboring one. The number of servants in each area is not limited. When the chips end, you can rearrange the existing one. But consider that as soon as there is more than one servant (any, not only yours), there is a ton of trouble there. Fortunately, he can only be one to the area, but now it's impossible to cost anything. To get rid of it, it is necessary to withdraw from the territory of one servant.
  • Build a building. Where there is a servant player and there is no fabric of trouble and nothing has yet been built, the participant is allowed to establish the chip of the building. But it is not enough to simply put it - you need to pay the price specified in the site in the treasury. Now the player takes himself a chart of the district and keeps it in an open form. The maximum number of buildings per character - six. When they are all built, one of them can be transferred to another area by passing the card back and taking a new one. Why do you need to build areas? Well, at least then, to get bonuses from them once into the move. Areas:
    • Shadow - Place the troubles of trouble in this or neighboring area, if there is at least someone from the servants;
    • Sisters Dolly and Metrolets - For 3 Ankmorn Dollars, put the servant chip here or in the neighboring area;
    • Waste area - in exchange for a rebelled card to take 2 dollars in a bank;
    • Sleepy Hills and Long Wall - Get 1 dollar in a bank;
    • Hippo Stadium and Dragon Landing - get 2 dollars;
    • Island of the Gods - for 2 dollars to buy out and remove one token of trouble from the map of the city;
    • Small gods - For 3 dollars, cancel any random event affecting the player's servants, the price for each servant;
    • Seven Sleeping - get 3 dollars;
    • In real estate - Take the card from the game deck and in return to reset one of yours.

Maps of districts
  • Kill. Remove from any plot of those where faces troubles, one alien servant, demon or troll. Together with the victim disappear and token.
  • Remove the fabrics of trouble. Action that allows you to get rid of dirty tokens without unnecessary movements.
  • Take money. In the bank. The amount is written.
  • Scroll. He calls to execute written in the bottom of the card.
  • Play another card. It is not considered to play a few cards with such actions in a row.
  • Interrupt. Raised palm can save the player from many troubles. Cards with such a symbol can be played at any time, most often - on someone else's go. And even in his go, such a map can be submitted additionally to active, without interrupting the action. That's just if I remembered late after it, after already accomplished, the train went.
  • Random event. The player is obliged to pull the map from the corresponding deck, and its effect will work. Each event only happens once. If as a result of it you lose the building, then the district's card will have to return to the reserve. The area of \u200b\u200bthe incident is determined by the cast of a cube.

Maps with a list of actions
  • The Dragon. The area will be lined with a flame, from there they are removed all that stood there.
    Flood. Double throw. If the dropped areas bordered to the river, they become flooded. Players evacuate one of their servants to the nearest area, but not at the victim also. The rest does not move.
  • Fire. If there is a building, it burns and removes. The cube rushes reuse. If the neighboring area fell and there is also a building, the fire destroys it, until the site does not fall next door and without buildings.
  • Fog. The game deck is discharged into open five top cards.
  • Bunty. The game stops if there are eight fabric tokens (or more). But "Commander Vaims", if he is in the game, suppresses riots, and they do not work.
  • Explosion. Destroys all buildings on the site.
  • Mysterious murders. Clean any servant from the fallen area, yes, your too. Then the cube throws all players in turn and remove from the field to another one servant each, if it was not lucky enough to stand "around the area."
  • Demons from dungeon measurements. The cube is thrown four times and put a daemon on every dust area. If one and the same re-falling - it means there will be more than one daemon. Cards of areas with demons become inactive, and here it is impossible to build anything now, it is impossible to take the earth under control. Points for these areas are also not accrued in the final count. It is possible to remove or move the demons as a servant.
  • Collapse. Participants pay 2 dollars for each of its own structure on the field, or lose it.
    Damn Tupitsa Johnson. The card dropped on the cube loses its properties, but continues to be taken into account when calculating points. And one servant from there will have to be removed.
  • Trolli. The cube rushes three times, and in the fallen areas comes one by one troll. And if there was already someone standing - then the chip of trouble. From the point of view of the mechanics of the game, the trolls are considered as drawn servants.
  • Earthquake. The cube rushes twice, and from the fallen areas are removed all the buildings.

Final Games

Gaming field

The game ends in three cases:

For each character, the victory conditions in the game "Flat World: Ank-Corporok" are different, respectively, at the players, the players will have a different game strategy. Conditions must be performed at the beginning of the stroke.

Lord Vitnari, the ruler of the most famous of the cities of the flat world, it is necessary to have a servant almost throughout the city: when playing together - in eleven districts, threesome - in ten, four times - in nine.

Lord Salachi, Lord Rustyand Lord de Solv We must not just put the servants to certain areas, but take these areas under control. The area is considered to be taken under control if there are more of your chips than the chips of other players (each particular) and than trolls. For example, two servants and one building against two servants and two trolls. Also in the area should not be demons. But the fabric of trouble does not interfere. When playing two needs to control seven districts, on three - five, on four - four.

Dragon King HerbesThe ancient vampire wins if there are eight trouble tokens on the field. The city fell into chaos and he again need a domineering king.

Chrysoprase, Gangster Troll, must be a small state of $ 50. This amount includes cash, and the cost of all buildings. But bank loans are deducted from it.

Commander Vaims.Heading the city custody will win the victory in his pocket, if at the time of the end of the deck of drawing conditions will not be fulfilled.
Commander Vaims, heading urban custody

If the deck is over, but for Vaims nobody plays, then the earned points begin to be considered. One servant on the map is five points, every dollar in his pocket is one point, every building is its cost in dollars given during construction.

Those who have on the hands of the "Bank Ank-Corpration" or "Mr. Bent" cards must pay the amount specified on them or lose fifteen points. If the glasses leaves a draw, then wins the one who has more expensive real estate.
Game cards

Who will like?

Of course, the game does not contain all the heroes of the world of disk as, for example, the first tourist of the twitton, and Cohen Barbarian, but in the deck you can find many familiar persons - and the wizard of Riesvinda, and the Orangutan-librarian, and even death and his granddaughter Susan. These and other characters who are not included in the review are found in the cycle of books about the flat world ("color of magic", "crazy star", "Guardians! Guardy!" And about forty volumes).

The game will certainly become one of the loved ones from the fans of the works of Terry Pratchett for the opportunity to meet his heroes again. And also for a non-standard approach, a varied strategy from the party to the party and the indispensable sense of humor. Gaming field "Ank-Morpork"


There is no additional deck for Ank-Corporka, but for those who do not want to part with its atmosphere, a separate board game "Flat World: Witches" was created. Adventure game for young witch from Lancra, who need to solve many witness and human problems in practice.

Because in the cozy journal there is a shortage of records in general (Twitter, what are you doing, stop!) And a very sharp deficit of phototoposts in particular, I want to offer you a somewhat unusual thing today.
As you know, I am a big fan of a series of books of Terry Pratchtut about the flat world and consider this cycle with a better sample of smart, funny and satirical fantasy. Moreover, last year With a little we are a modest company of fans of the program, the model for assembly is mastered by different board games (loved ones, by the way, there were Diquitis and nearby IMADZHINARIUM). So when I learned about the existence of the game Flat World: Ank-Corporak, I really wanted to get acquainted with her closer.

True, in July games did not turn out in the metropolitan stores, the supplies were expected in autumn. In October, they were postponed to November, and then at all at the end of the year. Well, I wanted to make myself a birthday present and get this, which fell into the Red Book, Top. As it usually happens, a small miracle happened - I came across the announcement of the sale of practically new game... in Kaliningrad. - Walk, so walk, "I said to myself, - at the same time I will check in my experience, is it all bad with Russian Post. I wrote the seller, after a couple of days he sent the parcel, and in another week (that is, last Wednesday) the cherished box reached me. And yesterday we tried the flat world on yourself :) I will write about the impressions at the end, but for now I will try to make a fairly detailed photo review of the game and its mechanics. Let's see what happens.

Let's start with the box: a wonderful image of a disc, elephants and turtles and "Tuin. Invented the game Martin Wallace, and" Star "made a very good localization

The game field is classic map Ank-star. 12 districts with acquaintances on books names

The figures indicate the sequence number of the area and the cost of building a building on its territory

The introductionability is an elite area, construction will cost $ 18. By the way, it is here that there is an invisible university (see the tower?), However, this fact does not apply to the game

Metrokec and shadow - areas simpler and crimnatory. Pay 6 dollars and put the building

By the way, do you remind anything overall plan? :)

In addition to the field, a large number of different chips are included. These are four sets of servants and buildings (at the maximum number of players), as well as trolls, demons, fabrics of trouble and twelve-marginal gaming cube

Each player is relying 12 servants and 6 buildings

The demons are orange, trolls are brown. And those and others may appear on the field as a result of random events. Well, the troubles arise at every step, including those accompany demons and trolls

Also the servant appeared

Removed the evil - built a building :)

A cube is needed mainly to determine which areas will be affected by random events.

We continue to study the package. It is hardly the most important thing - this is the characters cards on which the conditions of the player's victory are indicated if he got one or another role. These cards are pulled out by participants before the game randomly and the distribution of roles is secret. The task of players guess who received and not to issue themselves

There are only seven of them, but since the three Lord pursue one goal (regions), we get five different goals, the achievement of which will lead the player to victory. Vitartari should just put the servants in many areas, chrysoprase sails money, the King of the coat of arms sows trouble, and Vimes should make the game deck end up before someone succeeds to perform the conditions of his character's character

The task seems simple, but the condition of the victory of one or another player must be achieved not at the end, but at the beginning of his stroke. Considering, if you, being the king of the coat of arms, made a move, as a result of which the number of trouble reached eight, then win only if black tokens won't be smaller when the move comes to you again. Each player, by the way, receives a memo, where the conditions for the victory of all characters are listed and should closely monitor what is happening.

We continue to familiarize with the elements of the game. This is a game deck, with the help of which almost all the actions of the players are carried out. On cards (we will consider them more closely below) lists actions that players can perform with their help. For example, put a servant or get money from the bank. In the deck 101 card

In addition to game cards and character cards, the game includes cards of districts. Players get them if they build a building in a particular area and during their turns can perform the actions specified on these maps

Well, the last type of cards and the penultimate element of the game - random events. They make a typical pratchetov chaos in the game

Random event is one of the actions that you want to make if you want to play some game cards. And this is the only action that is mandatory (at the end I will explain about the types of actions)

A random event card player pulls the random manner (and may just take the top of the stack). CAS follows from the description, many random events can very seriously affect the course of the game or even finish it (we still have it in one party yesterday)

Finally got to money. Game currency - Ank-Morporka dollars. Silver coin - one dollar, golden - five. At the start, each player receives ten dollars, the remaining money makes up the bank

"A civilian symbol of the city is a Morrow - a woman in a cape of a cabbage color, in a helmet and holding a shield in the hands of a shield with a coat of arms and a long plug" (C) Well, on the other side, Lord Vitinari's profile depicts

For example, so much should accumulate chrysoprase to defeat. However, the cost of the player's possession of the player is also taken into account when evaluating the state. So much more wisely, invest in real estate, otherwise the growing slide of coins in front of you will definitely indicate opponents to your role.

Well, let's see a little on the process?

Start player set. From the game deer in the usual way five cards are distributed on the brother

We begin not from the pure sheet (although in general it is probably so). In three specific areas, each player places servant. Automatically everywhere appears token trouble

With troubles, the following is the following: if the second servant appears in the area, he brings with him trouble (put the token). If some servant leaves the area, the token is cleaned, no matter how much servant remains there

The tokens can be removed and also to put the game cards into their turn. Buildings can be built only in those areas where there is your servant and no token (one district is one building). As in this picture. And the red player not only built the building, receiving a map of the district, but for some time took the area under control, because the remaining players have less chips here

You can replay here to such a disposition, for example. Trolls appeared on the field with demons, which means it was played at least two random events. The red player no longer controls the shadows, but captured the seven sleeping (left corner). Under the control of the yellow crossed Metroke

Blue controls the introductionability

On the field a lot of trouble, but they have not reached the critical mass yet. Trolls and demons add difficulties

Now let's see what you can do with the help of game maps, enjoy the illustrations and lay the ability of the author of the game to logically summarize the character under the appropriate action.

Each card contains from one to three icons indicating a number of or another. At the same time, players can make all the actions specified in the map, or only those who want (if it is completely all bad, during their turn card can simply lose, do nothing).

In total, there are nine actions that can be made by playing one or another card. You can deliver a servant to some kind of area, provided that in it or in the neighboring already have your servant. You can build a building in an area with a servant and without a token, paying the desired amount into the bank. You can remove the servant of another player from the area where the black token lies. Some cards allow you to take a certain amount from the bank. In addition, you can remove the fabric of troubles. Several maps can be played at any time to prevent other players (for example, you can save your servant from murder). Many cards will allow you to play another card. Nine cards contain a random event icon. And finally, almost most of the cards provide some kind of special action.

Let's admire :) Random events cause only wizards, including Rinsvind. In addition, all these cards have an individual action, and some allow you to play a combination of cards. These most combinations, generally speaking, can become the main weapon of victory with the right construction

The guards are engaged in having to save the city from trouble (icon with a shield - we remove one token). In addition to the shnobby, of course. He just steals :)

Representatives of the guild of murderers and guests exterminate other people's servants and get money from the bank for it

We continue the chain with other guilds. Guild cards - her chapter.

Beggar extortion cards

Thieves bother other players

Clowns can put a pig

The so-called whitestone (read Pratchett know what salt) is quite honestly change cards for money

Employees of the daily newspaper Ank-Mostorka earn in trouble

Well, for dessert a little more fun cards. Here are some of the brightest characters of the entire cycle.

Death, of course, the most powerful killer in the game (two servants at once can be removed from the field), but his granddaughter Susan is able to save one sacrifice

Cards in the deck there are still quite different, but I, perhaps, I will not show, and we will move on to summarize.

I described everything very verbally and missed some nuances, defined rules Games, but in general, in my opinion, it turned out quite intelligible. The game requires some time to explore the rules and understanding of the essence. All game process Neshes, and after a pair of training parties is also quite dynamic. Among pleasant features It is important to note the various ways to achieve victory, a large share of chance and chaoticness, good quality Components and excellent decoration.
To master and love this game, it is not necessary to be a tary fan of pratchett or even a little know his creativity. Of course, the familiarity with the characters of the flat armor and their features only adds pleasure to players, but is not the determining condition for the success of this beautiful hang. Gaming experience So far, it is not enough, but it seems to me that this game is unlikely to quickly bother, as it often happens. It is possible to subscribe to the limitation of the maximum number of players in four.
In general, my expectations were justified with interest. Flat World: Ank-Corporak is recommended for studying to everyone who even loves board games. If you at the same time and Pratchett read with interest, you will definitely not regret.

PS: by successful coincidence, recording is sent to the Mosigerian blogger contest.
UPD: Competition ended.

Do you know everything about the mother windbreaker? Firmly sure that death is a male family and can he be explained by the capslock? Just adore daring and whitish fantasy games? Then we sit at the table, getting your character and his goal, and go to the flat world - fight, weave intrigue and win.

Welcome to Ank Fortor

Are you ready to try on the Black Death Balahon and his Spit? And walk along the oblong office of Lord Vitinari? Step on the pebbles of the pavement near the fallen drum along with the commandand of Vaims? Then we open the box - and get into the "Flat World"!

  • Instead of ordinary players who differ only in the color of chips, in the struggle for the priority on the streets of the magic city, hotly beloved characters come together;
  • Everyone has its own goal and its victory conditions and therefore hides his identity from opponents so that the true motives of the actions remain mysterious as the most dark monitoring in the shadows;
  • In the "flat world" a lot of insider jokes, but they are inserted in such a way that the fan of Prathots will grow out of pleasure, and Neophyte will be able to calmly play further, enjoying the game just like a game.

The main thing is to remember that the status of a person is determined by the power of his enemies.

Who will oppose the evil, creatible in the name of peace and happiness?

Players arrange on the field-map of the ank-morponus of the servants chips, build buildings and play cards - to start them five on your hand. It is the card that determines the fate of the world - for example, it requires to remove your servant from the event area or makes it possible for some MZDU to protect against evil ... Well, any evil, which is a lot here. Moreover, interacting with trolls and demons, passionately deceiving other players and ridge bank, you have chances not only to enjoy high quality and variable game mechanicsbut also meet speaking PSA Gaspod, Capral Schnobbs Schnobby and even Chert's Tupitsa Johnson represented by his creations. Do you say anything to you? Yes, you, brother, for the first time in the flat world ... And how can we envy you! You have so much ahead.

How the Flat World works:

  • The playing field is the Ank-Corrow map;
  • Servants' chips;
  • Building chips;
  • Chips of demons, trolls;
  • Fabrics of trouble;
  • Twelve-marched cube;
  • Gaming coins - real silver and gold Akn-Morpoc dollars!
  • Character cards: Lord Vitinari, Lord Sali, Khasopraz and others.
  • Cards of random events;
  • Cards with urban areas;
  • Two types of gaming cards;
  • Memo for players.

The plane world of Terry Pratchetta, I think it does not need a view. In our, the shag-like world they know and love very much. It is not surprising that the favorite characters very soon moved from book pages to television screens and games. Both computer and desktops. And the velocities based on the "flat world" today issued at least three, and the future autumn is expected to reach another one on the witnesses.

Today we will consider the game "Flat World: Ank-Corpork", developed by Martin Wallas and intended for players in quantities from two to four.

Ank-Morporok is a major trading city and the largest magic center of the disk. Once the city ruled the kings, but it was a long time ago. Now the power in the city belongs to Patricia Lord Vitanari, who at some point is incomprehensible to where the fierce struggle has failed for the place of the ruler.

In general, to conquer ank-morospice - it's a simple thing. In the entire history of the city of Horde, the energeties have repeatedly approached his gates, which residents gladly opened conquerors. In the Barbar Varvarov guidebook, the special partition was even diverted. However, very soon, triumphas sent home of the ravoisi. On foot and with empty pockets. Well, except for cheap ribbons for tourists who have spent all their funds. The remaining invaders turned into another national minority.

When one of the numerous rulers decided to fight with the flooded city rats, assigning a reward for rat heads, residents instead of chasing the rodents throughout the city, organized rat farms. Feeling for what town will have to fight?

To become the head of all this chaos, you need to be truly an extraordinary person. Therefore, the applicants in place Patricia gathered the most selected ones. And each of them has its own plan that can lead them to the target if competitors are not delicious.

Open the list of applicants Three Lords: Silay, de Svoke and Rust. They are trying to achieve their goal, taking control of several urban areas. Well, ... We wish them good luck in this difficult business.

The basic requirement for potential patricium is the ability to live after the entry into position at least five minutes. Dragon - the King of the coat of arms has all the deposits for this, since he has lived for more than five centuries. Well, just he is a vampire. And what the dragon is so his name.

For victory, he needs to reach chaos. In principle, this kind of good in Ank-Corrow is lacking without it, it just needs to be directed to the destructive river, violating the order (or its likeness) at least in eight districts. Simply put, it is necessary that in these areas there are fabrics of trouble.

The troll of chrysoprase is a famous urban degree. He is especially known to the fact that he repels the delayed payment to debtors a limb on their choice. For victory, he needs to be a state of fortune-dollars.

Another applicant is Lord Vitinari. A little unexpectedly, but for sure this cute is not attempting all this Balagan with disappearance.

To introduce players with the skill of Vintari to conduct business, you can bring one simple example. When Vitarary, the will of the Fate turned out to be thrown into his own dungeon with rats, snakes and scorpions, he arranged the conclusion of the union between the scorpions and rats, so that they interpret the snakes, and then shed rats on the scorpions. When only rats remained, Vitanari convinced them to wear him food and report news. And with all this he had the key to the dungeon. Such here he is a custody. So it is possible that he just decided to arrange a small vacation.

Commander Vaims leads night guards. Actually, he does not break up to power, but if none of the applicants can take the reign of government in their hands, then it will be managed in the city.

Naturally, no one loves to carry chestnuts from the fire with bare hands, so candidates are used for their goals characters cycle books "Flat World". At the same time, the author selected the most striking heroes that appear in the most popular works, some of which are successfully fused.

Board game "Flat World: Ank-Morpork" is produced in Germany well-known Kosmos. Russian Localization is published by the company "Star". In this case, all components of the game are produced in the same Germany.

The game kit is supplied in a beautifully decorated box, on the cover of which the Great A'Tuin is depicted. So call the turtle, on the shell of which is four elephants, on the backs of which the disk of the flat world holds. On the back of the box, as it happens in most cases, are short description Games, as well as images of its components.

Opening the box, remove the perfectly decorated illustrated rules from it, four player memos, a cardboard shape with coins, a playing field, two card decks, a bulk bag with wooden chips and a playing bone with twelve groces.

To begin with, separating the coin from the form. Coins in the game are two species: small gray (silver) coins in one dollar and large yellow (golden) coins of five dollars. Cutting is excellent. Coins are easily separated from forms. At the same time, there are no burrs or other defects.

Now all components are ready for the game. You can start.

We declare a field on the table and a fussy ank-morontic is spread, divided by in half the ANK river. This is the dirtiest river on the disk. If on the approaches to the city, it still has some fluidity, then you can easily walk at the outlet of its waters. It happened that in hot weather The river climbed. Although, along with that, there is an opinion that the ANC is the cleanest river, since the water that passed through such a number of kidneys cannot physically be dirty.

The map of the city is divided into twelve districts, in the scan of which will be neglected. At the same time, all the catches are carefully drawn, including the fills in their buildings.

Now they run in the package with chips. The game has several types of chips: servants and buildings of four colors, trolls, demons and fabrics of trouble.

By the way, despite the impeccable quality of other components, there is marriage among the chips. For example, some of the chips are unevenly painted, and one servant does not have half a half. At the same time, it is completely painted. That is, the defective figure hit the color, and then in the box with the game and in any of the stages did not discard it.

Maps in the game are also divided into several types.

Character maps are distributed to players at the beginning of the game in a closed, so you do not know who of your rivals for whom it plays. Moreover, it is not known who the characters participate in the game, and who returned to the box after the distribution. So it will be necessary to try to calculate on the strategy of the game of opponents, what is their goal, so as not to give them to achieve it earlier than you will handle your own. But do not forget that the rivals also closely follow you, so act is not too straightforward so that you are not revealed before.

Cards of districts contain the name of the district, its number, the cost of real estate in it and the description of its properties. You get such a card after building in the area of \u200b\u200bthe building. It will give you the right to enjoy the advantages of the area, which can be the most different, from the banal profit profit at every go to place the servants or tokens of trouble on the field.

Cards of random events are activated when playing special game cards. Before the game, they are mixed, so even the caller player does not know, which hides the drawer Pandora, in which he is going to stick his nose.

Meanwhile, events occur different. These are the invasion of demons or trolls, and natural disasters, such as flooding or earthquake, and the influence of the human factor in the form of rebounds or a series of mysterious killings, and even the attack of the fire dragon.

If events are tied to some districts, these areas are determined by throwing playing bonesTherefore, even the most destructive and sad incident can benefit you if only your rivals affect. So, despite the potential danger, the chance is played by the players quite willingly.

Well, finally we got to gaming cards, with which the gameplay is moving. These cards are represented by various characters of the "flat world", as well as some of its organizations. They are also divided into two types and differ in the color of the frame. Two decks of different colors are touched separately, after which one is folded on top of the other. This is a regulatory mechanism that does not allow separate cards Join the game ahead of time.

For example, at the bottom of the decks, most of the cards are allowed to build buildings, to the construction of which at the beginning of the game players simply lacks funds. There are also almost all random events, which, being played on a semi-empty field, would also disappear a gap.

At the top of the game card there are pictograms of actions that the player can perform by playing it. At the same time, you yourself decide which of these actions to perform, and which ignore. An exception to this rule is only random events that are compiled necessarily.

Depending on the card, you can put the servants on the field, to clean the fabrics from the field, kill the servants of competitors, build buildings, receive money in the bank, and also perform some special actions that are separately indicated in the lower part of some cards right under their name.

At times, the player can play only one card, but some of them allow you to play one more, so that with a certain scenario you can play at least all your hand.

In addition, there are cards in the game that are played in the course of the enemy. For example, if someone from the players try to kill your servant, you can stop it one of these cards.

In the center of the map there is an image of a character whom it denotes or a sign of an appropriate organization. Although the building is simply drawn on some maps.

Some tablers are concerned about how game will go In the environment of players who are not familiar with the creativity of Pratchett. In fact, there is no benefit from anyone. Those who read the books of the series play with the same success playing and watching them, and have never been heard players before the flat world. But the concepts of the flat world will receive a separate pleasure from visual acquaintance with the favorite heroes.

By the way, the properties of the characters cards are directly dependent on their personality.

For example, the Schnobs Schnobby card will allow you to shock three bucks from your opponents and play the next card. For those who are "not in the subject", everything is simple here: got money between business and play on. Familiar with the Schnobs know that he is a master to draw everything that lies badly, and what is good, shifting so that he lay worse. Sometimes the last thing that I was able to see the fighters perishing the battlefield was approaching them with nipples and a bag of Schnobs. Therefore, the properties assigned to his map revitalize the most vivid episodes with his participation.

Or take, for example, the librarian of the invisible university, which as a result of the magical cataclysm turned into Orangutan and remained so forever. Not that it could not be awake. Just he himself was resolutely against. Up to applying physical damage to the goodwires, who would not have enough of the mind to keep their good intentions with themselves.

Firstly, the librarian found that few people dare to move primate whose strength significantly exceeds his own. Secondly, four limbs are more conveniently managed with the library. Therefore, using a librarian, you can take four additional cards from the deck.

Thus, players gradually take control of areas, earn money and fruit trouble.

The troubles appear, for example, when in a prosperous area, where there are already someone's servants, another servant comes. However, they are breeding in other ways.

Elementary tokens have important strategic importance. In areas where they lie, it is impossible to build buildings, but only there you can kill the servants of rivals. However, some killers easily destroy servants even in calm areas.

In addition, if during the rebounds, more than seven such tokens will be on the field, this will lead to a premature completion of the game. In this case, the winner will be determined by earned points, which are credited for the number of servants and accumulated funds, including the cost of real estate.

If no one has reached its goal before the end of the game, and Vaims does not participate in the game, the winner is determined in exactly the same way.

Now, as for impressions. "Flat World: Ank Corporok" is one of the most beloved desktop games of our company. At the same time, the books of the series, besides me, no one read. This is once again about the players who "not in the subject".

To play this game together in principle, it is possible, but this is absolutely "on unbearable." Since the opponent is only one, if he is not going to go a map, he just will not be able to oppose anything. Well, or you. Once my wife and I played so that I am a grazing almost the entire bank. At the same time, she had quite a few cards that allow us to build real estate and make a profit, but there was no money for it. In general, the balance with this version of the game is very unstable.

Threesomes can already be in full force. All the features of the game are fully revealed. When playing four times, the difference is only that it becomes more difficult to control what is happening. Even if the victory remains only to wait for his move, the chance of losing everything is very large for this moment.

Nevertheless, it does not upset it at all, because the beauty of the game is in this Ank-Morporka Courtyard.

By the way, if you would like to get acquainted with the characters, but not ready to read four dozen books, you can see the filmization. At the moment, as far as I know, six books are shielded:, "Rock music", "Santa Khryakan" and "Naughty". These films will introduce you to many of the characters of the game.