Didactic Games for FMP value. Didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. Card file in mathematics on the topic. Didactic game "Find your house"

"Get a toy"

Purpose: Exercise in the account of items according to the name and memorizing it, to learn to find an equal number of toys. Content. The educator explains to children that they will learn to count so many toys as he says. In turn causes children and gives them a task to bring a certain number of toys and put on this or that table. Another children will charge to check, rightly, whether the task is made, and for this, to check the toys, for example: "Seryozha, bring 3 pyramids and put on this table. Vitya, check how many pyramids brought seinery. " As a result, there are 2 toys on the same table, on the second-3, on the third-4, on the fourth-5. Then the children are invited to count down a certain number of toys and put on that table where there are as many such toys so that it is clear that their equally. By completing the task, the child tells what he did. Another child checks whether the task is true.


Purpose: Secure the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: rectangle, triangle, square, circle, oval. Material: Each child has a card on which a rectangle is drawn, a square and a triangle, color and form vary. Content. First teacher. Offers the shapes drawn on the cards on the cards. Then he plans the table on which the same figures are drawn, but another color and size than in children, and, pointing to one of the figures, says: "I have a big yellow triangle, and you?" And so on. Causes 2-3 children, asks them to call color and size (large, small figures of this species). "I have a little blue square."

"Name and count"

Purpose: Teach children to count the sounds, calling the final number. Content. The occupation is better to start with the toys account, causing 2-3 children to the table, after that say that the children know how to count toys, and today they will learn to count the sounds. The educator invites children to count, helping his hand, how many times he will hit the table. It shows how it is necessary to put the brush with a brush with a brush standing on the elbow in the clock. Stroks produce quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. First you extract no more than 1-3 sounds and only when children stop mistakenly, the number of blows increases. Next, it is proposed to reproduce the specified number of sounds. The teacher in turn causes children to the table and invites them to hit the hammer, a stick about a wand 2-5 times. In conclusion, all children are offered to raise a hand (lean forward, sit down) so many times how many times the hammer is hit. "Name your bus"

Purpose: Exercise in distinguishing a circle, square, rectangle, triangle, find the same shape of the shape, differing in color and size, content. The tutor puts at some distance from each other 4 stools, to which the models of the triangle, rectangle, etc. are attached (buses). Children get to buses (it becomes 3 columns behind the chairs. The teacher gives them tickets. Each ticket is the same figure as on the bus. On the "Stop!" The children go to walk, and the teacher changes the models in some places. On the bus "bus" The children find a bus failure and become each other. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Will it be enough?"

Purpose: Teaching children to see equality and inequality of groups of objects of different sizes, bring to the concept that the number does not depend on the size. Content. The teacher proposes to treat beasts. Previously finds out: "Will carrot bunks, butches of nuts? How to find out? How to check? Children consider toys, compare their number, then treat the animals, applying small toys to large. Having reveaning the equality of the inequality of the number of toys in the group, they add the missing item or remove the extra.

"Gather Figure"

Purpose: Learning to conduct an account of items forming any shape. Content. The educator offers children to move a bowl with chopsticks and asks: "What color sticks? Skolki chopsticks each color? It suggests decomposing the sticks of each color so that different shapes come out. After completing the task, children recalculate sticks again. Find how many sticks went to each figure. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sticks are located differentlyBut their equal - on 4 "How to prove that sticks equally? Children lay sticks with rows of one under the other.

"On the poultry farm"

Purpose: Exercise children in account within, show the independence of the number of items from the square they occupy. Content. Educator: "Today we will go on a tour - on the poultry farm. Chickens and chickens live here. Curas are sitting on the upper pranchka, they are 6, on the bottom - 5 chickens. Compare chicken and chickens, determine that chickens are less than chicken. "One chicken ran away. What needs to be done so that the chicken and chickens become equally? (You need to find 1 chicken and return the chicken). The game is repeated. B. Imperceptibly removes the chicken, children are looking for a mother-chicken for chicken, etc. "Tell me about your pattern" Goal: Learning to master the spatial representations: on the left, right, at the top below. Content. Each child has a picture (rug with a pattern). Children should tell how the elements of the pattern are located: in the upper right corner - a circle, in the upper left corner - a square. In the lower left corner - oval, in the lower right corner - a rectangle, in the middle - a circle. You can give a task to tell about the pattern that they painted in drawing classes. For example, in the middle of a large circle - rays depart from it, in every corner flowers. At the top and bottom of the wavy lines, on the right and left - one wavy line with leaves, etc.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

Purpose: B. gaming form Exercising in active distinguishing of temporary concepts "yesterday", "Today", "Tomorrow". Content. Three houses draw three houses in the corners of the game room. This is "yesterday", "today", "Tomorrow". In each house on one flat model reflecting a specific temporary concept. Children walk in a circle, read the quatrains from the familiar poem. At the end, stop, and the tutor says loudly: "Yes, yes, yes, it was ... yesterday!" Children run to a house called "Yesterday". Then returned to the circle, the game continues.

"Why doesn't oval rolling?"

Objective: to introduce children from the figure of oval shape, learning to distinguish between the circle and figure of oval form content. On flannelhepho place models geometric figures: Circle, square, rectangle, triangle. At first, one child, caused to flannelifu, calls the figures, and on the fact that all the children are doing together. The child is offered to show a circle. Question: What does the circle differ from the rest of the figures? " The child carries a circle with a finger, tries to shake it. B. Summarizes the answers of children: the circle has no corners, and the rest of the figures have corners. On flannelhemph, there are 2 circles and 2 figures of oval shape of different colors and size. "Look at these figures. Are there any circles among them? One of the children is offered to show circles. The attention of children appeal to the fact that there are not only circles on the flannelph, but also other figures. similar to the circle. This is a figure of oval shape. B. teaches to distinguish them from circles; asks: "What are the figures of an oval form similar to the circles? (Oval shape figures are also no angles). The child is offered to show a circle, figure of oval shape. It turns out that the circle rolls, but the figure of the oval form is not. (Why?) Then find out what differs the figure of an oval form from the circle? (Figure of oval form stretched). Compared by app and overlay the circle on oval.

"Count the birds"

Objective: Show the formation of numbers 6 and 7, teach children to conduct an account within 7. Content. The teacher exhibits on a set canvas in one row of 2 groups of pictures (bullfights and cinemas (at some distance one from the other and asks: "How do these birds call? Does them equal? \u200b\u200bHow to check?" The child places pictures in 2 rows, one under the other. Finds out that birds equally, by 5. V. adds a cinema and asks: "How much did the cineks become? How did 6 cinkers got? How much did it have been added? How much did what kind of birds did you get anymore? How many? What are there anything less The number is greater: 6 or 6? What is less? How to make birds become equal to 6. (Stresses, if one bird is removed, it will also be equal to 5). Removes 1 blue and asks: "How much have them become? How did the number happened 5 ". Adding 1 bird again in each row and offers to all children to count birds. Similarly, introduces the number 7.

"Get up in place"

Purpose: Exercise children in finding location: ahead, behind, left, right, before, for. Content: The teacher in turn causes children, indicates where they need to get up: "Serezha come to me, Kolya, stand up so that the serenitions have been from behind you. Faith stand before Ira ", etc. Calling 5-6 children, the teacher asks them to call, who stands in front and behind them. Next, children are offered to turn left or right and call again, who and where it is worth it.

"Where is the figure"

Purpose: learn correctly, call figures and their spatial location: in the middle, at the top, below, on the left, right; Memorize the location of the figures. Content. The educator explains the task: "Today we will learn to memorize where what figure is located. To do this, they need to be called in order: first the figure located in the center (in the middle), then at the top, below, on the left, right. " Call 1 child. He shows and calls the figures, the place of their location. Another child shows. Another child is offered to decompose the shapes, as he wants to call their location. Then the child becomes back to the flannelum, and the teacher changes the shapes located on the left and right. The child turns and guess what has changed. Then all the children call the shapes and close their eyes. The teacher changes in places of the figure. Opening his eyes, the children guess what has changed.

"Sticks in a row"

Purpose: Secure the ability to build a sequential row largest. Content. The teacher introduces children with a new material and explains the task: "We need to build wands in a row so that they decrease in length." Warns children that the task must be performed on the eye (you can not try and rebuild sticks). "To perform the task, right, you need to take the longest wand each time that are not laid in a row" - explains the tutor


Purpose. Development of attention and observation in children. Rules of the game. You need to carefully look at the drawing and indicate what the snowmen differ from each other. Play two, and wins the one who will indicate more differences in the drawings. The first playing calls some difference, then the word is provided to the second, etc. The game ends when someone from partners will not be able to name a new difference (not previously noted). Starting the game, an adult can appeal to the child something like this: "Here is the bunny from the river stood on the hind legs ... in front of it, snowmen with brooms and in the headers. Hare looks, he will come. Only the carrot is gnawing, but what is different from them - he cannot understand. And now look at the drawing and help the bunny understand that different from these snowmen. First look at the caps ... "

Didactic game "Matryoshka"

Purpose. Development of attention and observation in children. Rules of the game. You need to carefully look at the drawings and indicate the differences in the dolls. Since the preschooler is difficult to compare four items at once, then you can first spend the game on questions, finding out why the child gives just such an answer. Questions: Are the same hair at the dolls? Are the same handkerchiefs? Are the same legs of the dolls? Do they have the same eyes? Is the same sponge? Etc. When returned to the game, you can propose to indicate differences without any questions.

Didactic game "Boys"

Purpose. Secure the score and ordinal numeral. Develop representations: "high", "low," fat "," thin "," the most fat "," thinner "," left "," right "," left "," right "," between ". Teach a child to reason. Rules of the game. The game is divided into two parts. Initially, children should learn what the calls of boys, and then answer questions. What is the name of boys? In one city there were lack of inseparable friends: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Grisha, Tisch and Seva. Look carefully on the picture, take a wand (pointer) and show someone's name, if: Seva is high; Misha, Grisha and the Tisch of one growth, but Tisch is the fattest one, and Grisha is the thinnest; Kohl is the lowest boy. You yourself can know who is called Tol. Now show the boys in order: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Tisch, Grisha, Seva. And now show boys in this order: Seva, Tisch, Misha, Grisha, Tolya, Kolya. How many boys? Who is where? Now you know the name of the boys, and you can answer the questions: who is to the left of Seva? Who is right? Who is worth the right of silence? Who is the left of the left? Who is between Kola and Grisha? Who stands between the silence and the fatty? Who stands between Smya and Misha? Who stands between Tolly and Kohl? What is the name of the first to the left of the boy? Third? Fifth? Sixth? If Seva goes home, how long will the boys stay? If Kolya and Tolya go home, how long will the boys stay? If their friend Petya is suitable for these boys, how much boys will there be then?

Didactic game "Talking by phone"

Purpose. Development of spatial representations. Game material. Wand (pointer). Rules of the game. Armed with a stick and spending her on the wires, you need to find out who calls to whom on the phone: to whom the cat Leopold cat calls, crocodile gene, kolobok, wolf. The game can be started with the story: "In one city there were two large houses on the same platform. In the same house there was a cat Leopold, Crocodile, Gena, Kolobok and Wolf. In another house there were fox, hare, Cheburashka and Mouse-Norushka. Once in the evening, the cat Leopold, Crocodile, Gena, Kolobok and Wolf decided to call their neighbors. Guess who called to whom. "

Didactic game "Designer"

Purpose. The formation of the ability to decompose the complex shape to the such we have. Training in account up to ten. Game material. Multicolored figures. Rules of the game. Take from a set of triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and other necessary figures and impose on the contours of the figures shown on the page. After building each subject, count how much the figures of each species required. The game can be started by contacting children with such verses: I took a triangle and a square, from them a house built. And I'm very happy about this: now the gnome lives there. Square, rectangle, a circle, a rectangle and two circles ... and will be very happy about my friend: I built the car for a friend. I took three triangles and needle a needle. They put them lightly and got suddenly a Christmas tree. Initially choose two circles-wheels, and between them a triangle. From sticks make a steering wheel. And what kind of miracles - the bike is worth. Now ride, schoolboy!

Didactic game "ants"

Purpose. Teach children to distinguish colors and sizes. Formation of ideas about the symbolic image of things. Game material. Figures are red and green, large and small squares and triangles. Rules of the game. You need to take big and male green squares and red triangles and put them near the ants, saying that the big green square is a big black mosuer, a big red triangle - a big red ant, a small green square - a little black ant, small Red triangle - a small red ant. I will seek the child to understand. Showing the names of the figures, he must call the corresponding ants. The game can be started with the story: "In one forest, there were red and black, big and small ants. Black ants could only walk on black paths, and red - only in red. Large ants went only through large torments, and small - only through small. And they met ants at the tree, from where all the tracks began. Guess where every Mura¬way lives, and show him the road. "

Didactic game "Compare and Fill"

Purpose. The ability to carry out a visual-thought analysis of the method of layout; Employment of ideas about geometric shapes. Game material. Set of geometric phyphur. Rules of the game. Two play. Each of the game should carefully consider its tab list with the image of geometric figures, find a pattern in their location, and to fill empty cells with the signs of the question, putting the desired figure in them. Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. The game can be repeated, placing a different figure and question marks.

Didactic game "Fill empty cells"

Purpose. Fastening ideas about geometrical figures, skills to compare and compare two groups of figures, find distinctive features. Game material. Geometric shapes (circles, squares, triangles) of three colors. Rules of the game. Two play. Each player should examine the location of the figures in the table, paying attention not only to their shape, but also on the color (complication compared to the game 7), find the pattern in their location and fill empty cells with the signs of the question. Wins one who correctly and quickly cope with the task. Then players can swap signs. It is possible to repeat the game, in a different position in the table of the shape and the signs of the question. Didactic game "Where what figures lie"

Purpose. Acquaintance with the classification of figures for two properties (color and form). Game material. Set of figures. Rules of the game. Two play. Each set of figures. Do the moves alternately. Each move is that one figure is placed in the corresponding cellular cell. You can still find out how many rows (strings) and how many columns have this table (three lines and four columns), which figures are located in the top row, middle, lower; In the left column, in the second right, in the right column. For each error in the location of the figures or answers to questions, the penalty point is credited. Wins the one who scored them less.

Didactic game "Rules of Movement"

Purpose. The formation of ideas about the conditional permitting and prohibiting signs, the use of the rules, on the arguments by the method of Islarification, the directions "directly", ".Nalevo", "inappropriate". Game material. A set of figures of four forms (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) and three colors (red, yellow, green). Rules of the game. The figure of the color table 10 shows two options for the game. Option 1 . First, all the figures move towards their homes on one road. But on the way the first intersection. The road splits. Only rectangles can go straight, as an allowance sign (rectangle) costs at the beginning of the road. It can not go to the right, because at the beginning of this road there is a prohibitive sign (crossed by a rectangle). So, the method of exclusion of the rectangle conclude that all other figures (circles, squares, triangles) can go to the right. Further the road again splits. What figures can go right? What left? And on the last crossroads which figures can go straight which right? After such training begins the movement of figures to their houses. After the end of the movement of the figures you need to specify in which of the four dooms, what kind of figure lives, i.e. Find the hostess of each house (and rectangles, b - circles, in - squares, g - triangles). Option 2. In the second version of the game carried out in the same rules, only the colors of figures (red, yellow, green) are taken into account and their shape is not taken into account. At the end of the game, the hostess of each house is also indicated here (D - red, E is green, yellow). Example of reasoning by exclusion. If it is forbidden to pass with red and green figures to the house, then only yellow passes to it. So, in the house you live yellow figures. Each error when passing figures to their houses is punished with a penalty point. Elderly, conducting the figures to their houses, one of the games is considered the winner who scored a smaller number of penalty glasses.

Didactic game "Third Extra"

Purpose. Teach children to combine objects in a variety of specific property. Contribution of work to secure symbolism. Development of memory. Rules of the game. The page depicts wild animals, pets, wild birds, dooms. The game allows many options. Take, for example, a large green square (it is experiencing an elephant), a large red triangle (it means an eagle) and a small red circle (it means a cow). Place the selected figures in the right places: Wild beasts can only be disposed of wild animals, pets - to home, wild birds - To wild, dooms - to home. Where will the green square get? Red triangle? Little red circle? Then you can take another batch of animals (tiger, fox, seagull, dog, turkey, etc.), to design them with figures from the set and find them the desired place on the page. The game is gradually becoming complicated: first completing the drawings with one animal or one bird, then two, three and at most - four. The difficulty of decisions increases due to the need to remember what the figures represent. Didactic game "Scattered Artist"

Purpose. Development of observation and account up to six. Game material. Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Rules of the game. You need to take the necessary numbers from the set and correct the errors of the scattered hoodogen. Then you must count to six, specifying the appropriate number of items. There are five items in the picture. You should ask: What number of birds can not be shown in the picture? (6) You can start the game like this: "On the street, the pool one artist lived and sometimes scattered weeks he was. Once, having drawn birds, he put on the cartoons of the scattered out of the scattered. Take the desired numbers from the device and correct the error of the scattered artist. Now pick up to six. What is the number of birds in the picture? " Next, you can ask such questions: How many sizes should fly so that there are five of them? How many dyatlov should fly to be five? How many eagles should fly to be five? Didactic game "How much? What? "

Purpose. Account within ten. Acquaintance with the detachable numerical. Acquaintance with the concepts of "first", "Last", "Addition" and "subtraction". Game material. Figures. Rules of the game. Count the number of subjects in each set. Fix errors by posting the desired digit from the set. Use the searchable numerals: the first, second, ... ten. Consign the sequence numbers, calling objects (for example, repka - the first, grandfather - the second, grandmother - the third, etc.). Solve the simplest tasks. 1. The chicken and three chicken walked the yard. One chicken lost. How many chickens are left? And if two chicken run water to drink, how many chickens will remain near the chicken? 2. How many ducks near the duck? How much will it remain ducklings if one will swim in the trough? How much should they duckliness if two ducks run out to peck leaves? 3. How many geussing in the picture? How much should the gooshad be left if one goblet hides? How much is the gesyat, if two goes run away to peck the trash? 4. Pull the grandfather, Baba, granddaughter, bug, cat and mouse. How many of them are all? If the cat runs behind the mouse, and the bug - behind the cat, then who will pull the repkah? How many of them? Grandfather - first. The mouse is the latter. If the grandfather leaves and the mouse will run, then how much will it remain? Who will be the first? Who is last? If the cat will beat the mouse, how much will it remain? Who will be the first? Who is last? Other tasks can be made.

Didactic game "Correction Blanket"

Purpose. Acquaintance with geometric shapes. Drawing up geometric figures from the data. Game material. Figures. Rules of the game. With the help of figures, close the "holes". The game can be built as a story. He lived, was Pinocchio, whom a beautiful red blanket was lying on the bed. Once, Pinocchio went to the Karabas-Barabas theater, and Rat Shushar at that time sprung in a blanket of the hole. Clear how many holes it became in a blanket. Now take your figures and help Pinocchio fix the blanket. Didactic game "Scattered artist" target. The development of observation and the score to de-ours. Game material. Figures. Rules of the game. Fix the artist's errors by placing the correct digits from the dial from the disk.

Didactic game "Store"

Purpose. Development of attention and observation; To teach distinguishing similar items by Velikin; Acquaintance with the concepts of "Upper", "Lower", "Middle", "Big", "small", "how much". Rules of the game. The game is divided into three stages. 1. Shop. The lamb had a store. Look at the store shelves and answer questions: How many shelves in the store? What is on the bottom (mean, top) shelf? How many in the store of cups (big, small)? What is the shelf are cups? How many at the shop of Matreysheki (big, Majniki)? What is the shelf they cost? How many goals in the store (big, small?) On which shelf they cost? What is worth: to the left of the pyramid, to the right of the pyramid, to the left of the jug, to the right of the jug; To the left of the glass, to the right of the glass? What is worth between small and big balls? Every day in the morning, the sheep put the same goods in the store. 2. What did the gray wolf bought? Once under the new year, a gray wolf came to the store and bought his gifts to his wagons. Look carefully and guess that I bought a wolf. 3. What did the hare bought? The next day, after the wolf, a hare came to the store and bought New Year's gifts to engage. What did the hare bought?

Didactic game "Traffic light"

Purpose. Acquaintance with the rules of transition (travel) intersection controlled by the traffic light. Game material. Red, yellow and green circles, cars, children figurines. Rules of the game. The game consists of several ethers. 1. One of the players sets certain color of the traffic lights (overlapping red, yellow or green circles), machines and figures of Deets going in different directions. 2. The second conducts through the intersection of the machine (by roadway) or the figurines of children (according to pedestrian tracks) in accordance with the rules of the propulsion movement. 3. Then players change roles. There are various situations determined by the films and the position of the machines and pedestrians. That of the players who unmistakably solve all the tasks in the process or needs less errors (gaining fewer penalty points) is considered the winner. Didactic game "Where Whose House is?"

Purpose. Development of observation. Fastening the ideas "above - below", "more - less", "Long - shorter", "easier - heavier". Game material. Figures. Rules of the game. Look carefully on the drawing of the color table 18. It shows the zoo, sea and forest. An elephant and medical devices live in the zoo, the fish swims into the sea, a squirrel sits in the forest on a tree. Zoo, the sea and the forest will call "houses". Take from the set: green and yellow circles, a yellow triangle, a red square, green and red rectangles and put them near the lives where they are drawn (CV. Table 19). Return to the drawing of a color table 18 and place each animal to where it can live. For example, the fox can be placed in the zoo, and in the forest. When animals are placed, then count how many animals are placed in each "house." Answer questions, who is above: Giraffe or Meduding; elephant or fox; Bear or hedgehog? Who is longer: lion or fox; bear or hedgehog; Elephant or Bear? Who is heavier: elephant or penguin; Giraffe or Fox; Bear or squirrel? Who is easier: elephant or giraffe; Giraffe or Penguin; Hedgehog or Bear?

Didactic game "Cosmonauts"

Purpose. Encoding practical actions by numbers. Game material. Polygon, triangles, cosmonaut figures. Rules of the game. The game is carried out in several stages. 1. Cut polygon stick to thick cardboard. In the center pierce the hole and insert a pointed wand or match. Rotating the unfolded top, we make sure it hits the edge where 1 or 2 is written, or on the line of black or red, where nothing is written. 2. Two astronauts participate in the game. They turn the top over the whole. Loss of 1 means climbing one step; Loss of 2 - the rise into two steps; The loss of the red face is a three-step feet, the flow of black is lowering for two steps (the cosmonaut forgot to take something and must return). 3. In place of the cosmonaut, you can take small triangles of red and black and moving them along the steps in accordance with the number of points dropped. 4. In principle, astronauts are located on the primary site and in turn rotate the top. If the cosmonaut stood on the launch site and he was with a black face, he remains in place. 5. Six steps lead from the main platform to the first holiday platform, from the first place of rest to the second holiday platform - six more steps; From the second platform of rest to the starting area - four more steps. To get from the main site to the starting, you need to dial 16 points. 6. When the cosmonaut reaches the starting site, then he needs to dial four points before the rocket starts. Wins the one who flies on the rocket.

Didactic game "Fill the Square"

Purpose. Organizing items on various features. Game material. A set of geometric phyphur, different color and form. Rules of the game. The first player puts into squares, not indicated by numbers, any geometrical figures, for example, a red square, a green circle, a yellow square. The second player must fill the remaining square cells so that in neighboring cells horizontally (on the right and on the left) and vertically (reduction and on top) there were figures that differ in color and form. The initial figures can be changed. Players can also vary in places (roles). Wins the one who will make less mistakes when filling the places (cells) of the square.

Didactic game "Pigs and gray wolf"

Purpose. Development of spatial representation. Repeat account and addition. Rules of the game. The game can be started with teller tales: "In a certain kingdom - an unknown state, there were three brothers-piglets: NIF-NIF, NUF-NUF and NAF-NAF. Nif-Nif was very lazy, loved to sleep a lot and play and built a house of straw. NUF-NUF also loved to sleep, but he was not such a lazy, like Nif-Niff, and built a house from a tree. NAF-NAF was very hardworking and built a brick house. Each of the piglets lived in the forest in his house. But the autumn came, and came into this forest an evil and hungry gray wolf. He heard that piglets were alive in the forest, and decided to eat them. (Take the wand and show, on which path the gray wolf went.) ". If the track led to a nif-nifa house, then you can continue to continue the fairy tale: "So, the gray wolf came to the Nif-Niga house, which was frightened and squeezed to his brother of NUF-NUFU. The wolf broke down the Dooms of Nif-Nifa, saw that there was no one there, but three sticks lie, angry, took these sticks and went on the road to Nouphufu. And at this time, NIF-NIF and NUF-NUF ran to his brother Naph Nafa and hid in a brick house. The wolf approached the doubt of the NUF-NUFA, broke it out, saw that there was nothing, except for two sticks, it was even more angry, took these sticks and went to Naf-Nafa. When the wolf saw the naph-naph's house from the brick and that he could not break it, he was crying from resentment and anger. I saw that one packet was lying near the house, took her and hungry left the forest. (How many sticks took a wolf with you?). " If the wolf falls to the NUF-NUFU, then the story is preserved, and the wolf takes two sticks, and then one stick at the Naf-Nafa house. If the wolf falls immediately to NAF-Nafa, then he leaves one stick. The number of sticks in the wolf is the number of points they typed (6, 3 or 1). It is necessary to seek the wolf to score as much points.

Didactic game "Examples a lot - answer one"

Purpose. The study of the composition of the numbers, the formation of the skills of addition and subtraction within ten. Game material. Set of cards with numbers. Rules of the game. The game has two options. 1. Play two. The presenter puts on a red square card with any unique number, for example with a number 8. In yellow circles, numbers are already designated. The second player must add them to the number 8 and, accordingly, to empty the cards with numbers 6, 7, 5, 4. If the player did not allow mistakes, then it gets the point. Then the veficious changes the number in the Red Square, and the game continues. It may happen that numbers in the red square will be little and cannot be filled with empty circles according to the specified rules, then the player must close them with inverted cards. Players can change roles. Wins one who scores more points. 2. The presenter puts the card with a number on a red square and himself complements the number 2, 1, 3, 4 before it, i.e. The presenter fills empty circles, deliberately allowing some errors. The second player must check which of the drawn birds and animals made a mistake and fix it. In the red square, you can put cards with numbers 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Then players change roles. Wins the one who detects and correct errors.

Didactic game "Hurry, but not mistaken"

Purpose. Secure the knowledge of the composition of the first ten numbers. Game material. Set of cards with numbers. Rules of the game. The game starts with the fact that the card is placed in the central circle with a number greater than five. Each of the two players is necessary to fill the cells on their half riot, putting on the sign "?" The card with such a number so that when it is addition, with the recorded in the straightfish, it turned out the number that is placed in the circle. If you cannot pick up the numbers that meet this condition, the player must close the "extra" card with an inverted card. Wins the one who quickly and correctly cope with the task. The game can be continued by replacing the numbers in the circle (starting from five).

Didactic game "Russeck of Swallows"

Purpose. Exercise children in the complement of the numbers to any given number. Game material. Carved cards with numbers. Rules of the game. Two play. It is necessary to separate in two loss houses, which are sitting in the rows (on the wires horizontally), and then lastoes sitting on columns (vertically). Players choose any row of swallows: or lasrs on the wires and their corresponding two dooms on the left and right, or swallows and the corresponding houses on top and bottom. Then the first player closes the card with a number of his house. The number shows how many birds will live in a house. The second player must settle the remaining birds of this series or column. He also closes his house with a card with an appropriate number. It is necessary to go through all the ways of the placement of birds. Then the next row or column is selected, and the first player will close its house, and the first will show the card number of birds that remain. Wins the one who will find more ways of birds resettlement in two houses. Didactic game "Color Flags"

Purpose. Exercise children in the formation and subtraction of certain combinations of objects. Game material. Carved green and red stripes, chains from the letters to and 3. Rules of the game. Two play. Each playing should with the help of five strips - three red and two green - lay out flags. Here is one of the ways of education of such a flag: KZKKZ. The remaining nine ways must be found. For the convenience of comparison, it is possible to build each flag to accompany the letter to the letters to and 3, where the letter K denotes the red strip, and 3 is green. Thus, the flag constructed on the sample can be designated by the KZKKS chain (the sequence of colors is indicated from left to right). So, each player must find its own spose flag formations and each of the ways to designate the corresponding chain of letters. Compare the chains of letters, it is easy to identify the winner. Wins one who will find more ways. Didactic game "Chain"

Purpose. Training children in performing the accumulation and subtraction within ten. Game material. Square cards with numbers and round cards with tasks on the labeled or subtraction of numbers. Rules of the game. Two play. The first player checks the card with any number in the empty quad. The second player must fill the remaining squares with the cards with numbers, and each circle is a round card with a corresponding task for addition or subtraction so that when moving along arrows, all tasks were executed correctly. If the second player was not mistaken when setting a card, he gets a point, and if it was wrong, it loses his point. Then players change roles, and the game continues. Wins the one who scores more points .

Didactic game "Tree"

Purpose. The formation of classifying activities (CV. Table 27 is the classification of figures in color, form and magnitude; col. Table 28 - in form, size, color). Game material. Two sets of "Figures" of 24 shapes in each (four forms, three colors, quantities). Each figure is a carrier of three important properties: Forms, colors, values, and in accordance with this, the name of the figure consists of the name of these three properties: a red, large straightforward; yellow, small circle; green, big square; Red, small triangle, etc. Before using the gameplay "Figures", you need to study well. Rules of the game. Figure (CV. Table 27) is an iso-like tree on which the figures should "grow". To find out what a branch "will" "will be" a figure, take, for example, a green little rectangle and start moving it from the root of a tree up the branches. Following the color pointer, we must move the figure on the right vehicle. Reached branching. What branch move on? According to the right, which depicts a rectangle. They reached the next ram. Further, the Christmas tree shows that a large figure should be moved along the left vestment, and on the right - small. So we will go on the right twig. Here and should "grow" a small zeal rectangle. Also we do with the rest of the figures. The set of figures are separated by half between the two players who make their moves alternately. The number of figures supplied by each of the games are not where they must "grow", determines the number of penalty points. Wins the one who has less. The game performed on the basis of the figure of the color table 28 is carried out according to the same governments.

Didactic game "Growing Tree"

Purpose. Familiarization of children with rules (algorithms), which prescribe practical action in a certain sequence. Game material. Set of shapes and sticks (stripes). The rules of the game are presented in the form of a graph, which is made of vertices, in a certain way connected by arrows. In the drawings of the graph of the graph - a square, a rectangle, a circle, a triangle, and the arrows emanating from one vertex to another or more, indicate that after which it grows on our tree. " Figures 1, 2, 3 depicts various gaps. Let us give an example of Ira according to the rule shown in Figure 1. We speak to children: "We will grow a tree. This is not a common tree. Squares, rectangles, triangles and circles grow on it. But grow not somehow, but specified rule. The arrows indicate what grows. Two arrows go from the square: one to a circle, the other to the triangle. This means that after a square, the tree is branched, a circle grows on one branch, to another - a three-finger. A triangle grows from the circle, from the three-finger - a rectangle. (Built according to Prelvilu 1 Twig: a circle - a triangle - a straightforward.) From a rectangle, no arrow comes from. So, the rectangle does not grow anything in this thread. " After clarification, the rule begins the game. One of the players puts on the table some kind of figure, the other is a strip (arrow) and the next figure in accordance with the rule. Then follows the course of the first player, then the second, and so continues until either the tree in accordance with the rule will cease to grow, or the players will end the figures. Each error is punished with a penalty point. Wins the one who received fewer penalty glasses. The game is carried out according to various rules (Fig. 1, 2, 3, colors. Table 29), and in Figure 4 shows the beginning of the tree built according to rule 3 (starting from the quad).

Didactic game "How Together"

Purpose. Formation in children of ideas about the natural number, the assimilation of the concrete point of action of addition. Game material. Set of cards with numbers, a set of geometric shapes. Rules of the game. Two play. The presenter puts in green and red circles a specific number of phyphur (circles, triangles, squares). The second player must recalculate the figures in these circles, fill out the corresponding squares with the cards with numbers, to put cards between them with the "plus" sign; Between the second and third squares, put the card with the "equal" sign. Then you need to find out the number of all the figures, find the appropriate card and close it the third empty square. Then players can change roles and continue the game. Win the one who will make less mistakes.

Didactic game "How much remains?"

Purpose. Development of object account skill, ability to relate quantity and number; Formation in children of a specific meaning of subtraction. Game material. Numeric cards, set of geometric shapes. Rules of the game. One of the players puts the defined number of items in a red circle, then into green. The second must count the total number of objects (inside the black line) and close the card with the corresponding number of the first square, between the first and second squares to put the "minus" sign, then recalculate, how many items are removed (they are located in a red circle) , and indicate the number in the next square, put the sign "equal". Then determine how many items remained in a green circle, and also note. The card with an invalid number is placed in the third quad. Players can change roles. Wins the one who will make less mistakes.

Didactic game "What figures lack?"

Purpose. Exercising children in a consistent analysis of each group of figures, the allocation and generalization of the signs characteristic of the figures of each of the groups, comparing them, substantiate the found solution. Game material. Large geometric shapes (circle, triangle, square) and small (circle, triangle, square) of three colors. Rules of the game. Two play. Having distributed the interfaces of the signs, each player must analyze the first row figure. The attention is in advance that there are large white figures in the ranks, inside which small figures of three colors are located. Comparing the second row with the first, it is easy to see that it lacks a large quad-round with a red circle. Similarly, the empty cell of the third row is filled. In this row, there are not enough large triangle with a red square. The second player, arguing the same way, in the second row should place a large circle with a small yellow square, and in the third row - a large circle with a small red circle (complication compared to the game 8). Wins the one who quickly and correctly cope with the task. Then playing are exchanged signs. The game can be repeated, in a different position in the figure of the figure and the signs of the question. Didactic game "How are the figures?"

Purpose. Exercise children in the analysis of groups of figures, in establishing patterns in the set of recognition, in the ability to compare and summarize, in the search for signs of distinction of one group of figures from another. Game material. A set of geometric F¬Gur (circles, squares, triangles, rectangles). Rules of the game. Each player must carefully explore the location of the figures in three squares of its plate, see the pattern in the location, and then fill the empty cells of the last square, continuing the seen change in the location of the figures. The first player should see that all the figures in squares are mixed on one cell clockwise, and the second player should pay attention to the figures that are standing at the same places, i.e. On the left, there are two triangles and one rectangle, and on the right below two rectangles and one three-fingernik. So, on the left above it is necessary to place a rectangle, and on the right below the triangle. To fill two other cells, the same pattern is suitable. Didactic game "Game with one hoop"

Purpose. The formation of the concept of the negation of a non-english property with a "non-particle", classification of one property. Game material. Hoop (CV. Tab. 34) and the "Figure" kit. Rules of the game. Before the start of the game, find out which part of the game sheet is inside the organization and outside it, establish the rules: for example, to have figures so that all red figures (and only they) are inside the hoop. Playing alternately put on the appropriate place on one figure from the existing set. Each erroneous move is punishable by one penalty point. After the location of all the figures, two questions are offered: what figures lie inside the hoop? (Usually this question does not cause difficulties, as the answer is contained in the condition already solved.) What figures were out of the hoop? (In addition, this question causes difficulties.) Prefected Answer: "Out of the hoop, all non-pecular figures lie" - it does not appear immediately. Some children are wrong: "Outside the hoop lie quad, round ... Figures." In this case, it is necessary to pay their attention to the fact that both square, round, etc. lie inside the hoop. Figures that in this game in general the shape of the figures is not accepted into the calculation. It is only important that inside the hoop lie all the red figures and there are no others there. Such an answer: "Out of the hoop, all yellow and green figures lie" - essentially correct. Our goal is to express the properties of the figures that are out of the hoop through the property of those that lie inside it. You can suggest children to name the property of all the figures lying outside the hoop, using one word. Some children guess: "Out of the hoop lie all non-pecular figures." But if the child did not guessed, did not matter. Tell me this answer. In the future, during the game in different options, these difficulties no longer arise. If inside the hoop lie all square (or triangular, large, unhealed, non-circular phiologists, children are uncomply called shapes, leafing outside the hoop, non-commercial (incremental, small, yellow, round). The game with one hoop must be repeated 3-5 times before moving to more complex game With two hoops.

Didactic game "Play with two hoops"

Purpose. The formation of a logical operation denoted by the Union "and", classification by two properties. Game material. Hoops (CV. Tab. 35) and the "Figure" kit. Rules of the game. The game has several stages. 1. Before starting the game, it is necessary to find out where there are four areas defined on the game sheet with two hoops, namely: inside both hoops; inside red, but outside the green hoop; Inside the green, but outside the red hoop and out of both hoops (these areas can be covered with a stick or pointed end of a pencil). 2. Then one of the players calls the rule of the game. For example, lay the shapes so that all the red figures are inside the red hoop inside, and there are all round. 3. In accordance with the specified rule, playing performs the moves alternately, and each of the figures available to the appropriate place are put one of them. Initially, some children allow mistakes. For example, starting to fill in the inner intake of the green hoop with round figures (circles), they have all the figures, including red circles, outside the red hoop. Then all the core red figures are located inside the red, but outside the green hoop. As a result, the total part of the two hoop turns out to be empty. Drugie children immediately guess that red circles should lie inside both hoops (inside the zeal hoop - because round, inside the red - because red). If the child did not bother in the course of the first game, prompt and explain to him. In the future, he will no longer be difficult. 4. After solving the practical task, the children respond to standard games for all options with two hoops issues: what figures lie inside both wrap; inside green, but outside the red hoop; inside red, but outside the green hoop; Out of both wrap? The attention of children appeal to the fact that the figures should be called with two properties - colors and shapes. Experience shows that at the very beginning of the games with two hoops, questions about the shapes inside the green, but outside the red hoop and inside the red, but outside the green causes some of the improvements, so you need to help children, analyzing the situation: "Recall what Fig ¬ ons lie inside a green hoop. (Round.) And outside the red hoop! (Susty.) So, inside the green, but outside the red hoop are all round non-red figures. " The game with two hoops is advisable to prove many times, varying the rules of the game. Options Games inside a red hoop inside a green hoop 1) All square figures 2) All yellow figures 3) All rectangular figures 4) All small figures 5) All red shapes 6) All round figures All green figures All triangular shapes All big shapes All round figures All Green Figures All Square Figures Note. In options 5 and 6, the total part of the two hoop remains empty. It is necessary to find out why there are no shapes at the same time red and green, and there are no shapes at the same time round and square.

Didactic game "Playing with three hoops"

Purpose. The formation of a logical operation denoted by the Union "and", classification in three properties. Game material. Gaming sheets (CV. Table 36-38) with three crossing hoops and "Figures" kit. Rules of the game. The game with three intersecting hoops is the most complicated in a series of games with hoops. Two colored tables (36, 37) are devoted to the preparation of the game. First of all, it turns out how follows ("T call each of the eight-sided regions (the first - inside the three wrap, the second - inside the red and black, but outside the green ..., the eighth - outside of all the hoars). Then it turns out what rule is that Figure wives. In the figure of a color table 36 inside the redo hoop - all red shapes, inside black - all small figures (squares, circles, straight triangles and triangles), and inside the green - all squares. After that it turns out which figures lie in each of the eight regions formed by three hoops: in the first - red, small square (red - because it lies inside the red, where all the red figures lie, small - because it lies inside a black wrap, where le All small figures and a square - because it lies inside a green hoop, where they lie all squares); in the second - red, small non-standard figures (last - because they lested outside the green hoop); in the third - small non-pecular squares; in four Ert - big red squares; In the fifth - large red necquatic figures; In the sixth - small non-separate non-square figures; In the seventh - large non-red squares; In the eighth - non-all, unless (large) non-commercial figures. It is advisable to such a question: what figures got inside at least one hoop? (Red, or small, or squares.). Similarly, the situation depicted in the figure of a color table 37 is also studied (all large figures are located inside the red hoop, inside the black - all round, inside the green - all green, etc.). The figure of a color table 38 is given a game sheet for playing with three hoops. You can play in this game together or threesome (dad, mom and son (daughter), educator and two children). The rule of the game is set (it concerns the location of the figures): for example, the figures to break up so that all the red figures inside the red hoop inside the red hoop are all triangles, and inside the black - all are all large. Then, each of the players alternately takes one figure from the Figure laid on the table and puts the place to her. The game is prolonged until the entire set of 24 figures has been exhausted. When the first, and maybe, it may be difficult to make a second-definition of space for each figure. In this case, it is necessary to find out what properties the figure has and where it must lie in accordance with the game rule. Each error in the location of the figures is punished with one penalty point. After solving the practical task for cutting figures, each of the players ask a friend question: what figures lie in one of the eight areas formed by three hoops (within three hoops, inside red and green, but outside black, etc.)? Making mistakes can be punished with penalty glasses. Wins the one who received fewer penalty glasses. The game with three hoops can be repeated repeated, varying the rule of the game, i.e. changing the difference between the figures. Interests of interest and such rules, with some separate areas, are empty: for example, if you put the figures so that all the red fiofurs are turned out to be inside the red hoop, everything is green, and inside the black - all yellow; Another option: inside the red - all round, inside green - all squares, and inside black - all red, etc. In these options, you need to answer the questions: Why are those or other areas remained empty? It is important for the formation of evidence-style children in children.

Didactic game "How much? How much more?"

Purpose. Formation of addition skills and extracting. Game material. Set of figures, cards with numbers and signs "+", "-", "\u003d". Rules of the game. Two play. One has several shapes, such as triangles, the inside of a green hoop and several other figures, an example of squares, inside the red, but outside the green hoop. The second should post answers to questions from the cards: How many figures? How many more squares than triangles (or notof)? Then playing changing roles. The game can be repeated many times, varying the conditions. You can organize the game in the opposite direction, i.e. one of the players lay out from the cards, for example, the record 4 + 5 \u003d 9, and the second should be inside the circumference of the corresponding figures. Loses the one who allows more stuffing. Didactic game "Factory" goal. Formation of an idea of \u200b\u200baction and on the composition (sequential execution) of actions. Game Machine Figure. For example, a degree launched a yellow circle into a car, changing only the color of the figure, and the boy put a red rectangle at the exit. He made a mistake. From the car will be released a red circle then the players change roles. In the second and third row, cars are depicted, out of the material. Set of figures. Rules of the game. On our factory there are "machines", changing the color of the figure (first follow in the upper row), shape (average in the upper row) or value (the first right in the upper row). The game participates the figures of two colors and two forms: for example, yellow and red circles and straight injuries (large and small). Two play. One of the players puts some kind of figure on the arrow leading into the car. The second must put the transformed-change color and shape, shape, shape and color on the output arrow (these two pairs of cars always give the same results, since the generation of action does not have any values), color and magnitude, shape and magnitude, color and Color, shape and shape (it is interesting to find that the last two pairs of machines do not change anything, as there are two interconnecting actions in essentially). Each error is punished with a penalty point. Wins the one who scored less penalty glasses.

Didactic game "Miracle Pouch"

Purpose. Formation of ideas about random and reliable events (outcome of experience), prepare for the perception of the likelihood, solving corresponding tasks. Game material. A bag, stitched from non-transmissive material, balls or cardboard circles of the same diameter (5 or 6 cm) of two colors, for example, red and yellow. Rules of the game. The game is carried out in several stages. 1. In the bag there are two red and two yellow balls (mug). A series of experiments are carried out to remove one, then two balls. Elderly playing, without looking into the bag, take out two balls, determine their color, put back into the bag and mix them. After a sufficient number of repetitions of these experiments is found that if you find it, without looking into it, Two balls, they can be both red, or both yellow, or one red and one yellow. In the figure of a color table 41, only one experience of experience is indicated: one ball is red and one yellow. Upon completion of this series of experiments, it is necessary to put the circles in two empty windows corresponding to the other possible outcomes. 2. The following are experiments on removing three balls (circles). It is easily found that in this case only two outgoings are possible: two red balls and one yellow, or one red and two yellow will be taken out. After these experiments, it is proposed to solve such a task: "How many balls need to be removed from the bag to be sure that at least one of the removed balls will be red!". Initially, natural difficulties may occur. Additional clarification of the conditions of the problem is required, which means "at least one" (maybe more than one red, but one must). However, many children quickly guess that you need to take out three balls. In this case, the question is appreciated: "Why it is enough to remove three balls!". If children are improving to answer, then it is advisable to set up: "If you remove two balls, why it is impossible to be confident that at least one of them will be red! (Because they can both be yellow.) Why, if you take three balls, you can predict in advance that at least one of the removal will be red! ". (Because all three balls can not be yellow, in the bag only two yellow.) You can offer another version of the task: "How many balls (circles) should be removed from the meter to be sure that at least one of the removed It turns out yellow! ". It is important that the children find the perfect similarity of these tasks (essentially the same task). Mathematical thinking includes the ability to detect in various wording the same task. 3. In the following appeal to this game, the situation is not much more complicated. Three red and three yellow balls are put in the bag (mug, col. Table 42). Repeat experiences to remove two balls. Then there are experiments to remove three balls. It turns out everything possible outcomes: All three carved balls are red, two red and one yellow, one red and two yellow, all yellow. In the figure of a color table 42, only one of the outcomes is shown - one yellow and two red mug. You need to put in three empty windows with the rest of the possible intelligence. Then there is a task, a similar task for a bag with two red and two yellow balls: "How much should the balls need to be removed so that you can predict that at least one of the removal is red (or yellow)!". Some children are already guessing that it is necessary to take out four balls, and to justify your decision there are just as when solving a simpler task. If difficulties arise, it is necessary to help children with the help of leading issues similar to that formulated above. 4. Interest represents such an option of the game when there is an unequal number of red and yellow balls in the bag: for example, two red and three yellow or three red and two yellow. Now it is proposed to solve two similar tasks: "How much should you take out the balls to be sure that at least one of them turns out to be red?", "How much should the balls need to be removed to be sure that at least one of them Will it turn out to be yellow? ". These tasks have different solutions. However, to substantiate the omit, the same reasoning is required as in previous tasks.

Didactic game "Find all roads"

Purpose. Development in children combinatorial abilities. Game material. Two multicolored round chips, carved chains from letters P and B. Rules of the game. Two play. Each player must hold a chip from the left lower angle (asterisk) to the right upper (check box), but under one condition: from each cell can be moved only to the right or up. Step is the transition from one cell to another. Each track will comprise exactly three steps to the right and two steps up. In order not to move in the counting, each conversion to the goal is to accompany the chain from the letters P and B. Letter P denotes a step right, and the letter B is a step up. For example, the path of chips depicted in the figure can be designated by a chain of PPBPB letters. Comparing the chains from the letters P and B, can avoid repetitions. One who will find all the roads (and there are ten). Didactic game "Where Whose House?" Purpose. Compare numbers, exercise children in the ability to determine the direction of movement (inseparable, left, directly). Game material. Set of cards with numbers. Rules of the game. Adult is the leading. At the direction of the child, he breeds numbers on houses. On each development, the child should indicate which track is right or left - you need to collapse. If the digit turns on the forbidden path or passes not on the track, where the condition is performed, the child loses his point. The presenter may noted that in this case the digit is lost. If the fork is passed correctly, the player gets the point. The child wins when he picks at least ten glasses. Players can change roles, the conditions on the development can also be changed. Didactic game "Where do they live?" Purpose. Teach to compare numbers in magnitude. Game material. Figures. Rules of the game. You need to place numbers by their "houses". In the house A, only numbers are less than 1 (0); In the house b - from the remaining - numbers less than 3 (1 and 2); In the house in - from the remaining - numbers less than 5 (3 and 4); In the house G - the numbers of 6 (7 and 8) and in the house d - the number that remains without a house (6). You can offer other options for this game. For example, you can take numbers from the set and in front of the house and instead of putting 3, and in front of the house in instead of 5 put 1, etc., then you have to tell the children where the digits now live.

Didactic game "Computing machines I"

Purpose. Formation of oral computing skills, creating prerequisites for preparing children to assimilate such informatics ideas as an algorithm, flowchart, computing machines. Game material. Cards with numbers. Rules of the game. Two play. One of the participants performs the role of a computing machine, Drugoy offers the task machine. Computing machines are flowcharts with desert input and output and an indication of the actions that they perform. For example, in Figure and the color table 47 shows the simplest extractive machine that can only perform one action - the addition of the unit. If one of the participants of the game sets at the entrance of the car, a number, for example, 3, placing a card in a yellow circle with an appropriate digit, then another participant performing the role of the computing machine must put on the output (red circle) card with the result . Number 4. Players can change roles, defeats the one who made less mistakes. The computing machine is gradually complicated. On the rhunt, the b color table 47 shows the machine that consistently performs the action of the unit twice. The organization of the game is the same as in the previous case. The computing machine that performs two units add actions can be replaced by another that performs only one action (Fig. B). Comparing the machines in Figure B and B, we conclude that these machines act in the same one. Games with moshins in drawings, D, E are organized similarly.

Didactic game "Computing machines 2"

Purpose. Exercise children in performing arithmetic actions within ten, in comparison of numbers; Creating prerequisites for the assimilation of informatics ideas: algorithm, block diagram, computing machine. Game material. Set of cards with numbers. Rules of the game. Two play. The first is leading. He explains the condition of the game, determines the initiative. The second serves as a computational mazhech. For each correct task, it gets one point. For five points, he draws a small asterisk, and for five little stars he gets one big star. The game is carried out in several stages. 1. The presenter submits to the input of the machine (yellow circle) some unambiguous number, for example 3; Another, which performs the role of computing Maschina, must first check whether the condition is performed "< 5»: 3 < 5 - «да». Условие вы¬полняется, и он должен продвигаться дальше по стрелке, помеченной словом «да», т. е. к этому чис¬лу прибавить 2, а на выходе машины (красный круг) показать карточку с числом 5. Если же усло¬вие «< 5» не выполняется, то машина продвигается по стрелке, помеченной словом «нет», и вычита¬ет 2. 2. При организации игры по рисунку А веду¬щий помещает на «вход» какое-либо число. Второй должен выполнить указанное действие. В данном случае прибавить 3. Игру можно модифицировать, заменив задание в квадратике. Играя по рисунку Б, второй играющий должен узнать то число, которое помещено на «входе». Ве¬дущий может изменять не только число на «выхо¬де» (в красном круге), но и задание в квадратике. При игре по рисунку В требуется указать то действие, которое следует выполнить, чтобы из числа на «входе» получилось то число, которое указано на «выходе». Ведущий может менять либо число на «входе», либо на «выходе», либо оба этих числа одновременно. 3. Ведущий подает на «вход» какое-нибудь од¬нозначное число. Игрок, выполняющий роль вы¬числительной машины, прибавляет к этому числу двойки до тех пор, пока не получится число, не меньшее 9, т. е. большее или равное 9. Это число и будет результатом, его игрок покажет на «выходе» машины с помощью карточки с соответствующей цифрой. Например, если на «вход» поступило число 3, машина прибавляет к нему число 2, затем проверя¬ет, будет ли полученное число (5) меньше 9. Так как условие 5 < 9 - выполняется («да»), то машина продвигается по стрелке, помеченной словом «да», и опять повторяет то, что уже выполнила раз, т. е. прибавляет к числу 5 число 2 и проверяет, будет ли полученное число 7 меньше 9. Так как ответ на вопрос, выполняется ли условие 7 < 9, - «да», то машина продвигается по стрелке, помеченной сло¬вом «да», т. е. повторяет уже выполненные дваж¬ды действия: прибавляет к числу 7 число 2 и проверяет условие 9 < 9. Так как это условие не вы¬полняется, то машина продвигается по стрелке, по¬меченной словом «нет», в красный круг помещает карточку с числом 9 и останавливается.

Purpose. The formation of ideas about the various rules of the game, the teaching to the rigorous rules, the preparation of children to assimilate the ideas of informatics (algorithm and its presentation in the form of a block diagram). Game material. Squares and circles (any color). Rules of the game. Games "Transformation of Words" simulate one of the fundamental concepts of mathematics and informatics - the concept of an algorithm, and in one of its mathematically refined options, known as the "Normal Markov algorithm" (by the name of the Soviet Matemao and the logic of Andrei Andreevich Markov). Our "words" are unusual. They consist not from letters, but from circles and squares. You can tell you such a fairy tale: "Once in ancient times, the people of one kingdom could see only mugs and squares. With the help of long words from circles and squares, they communicated with each other. Their king was angry and issued a decree: to reduce words according to the following three rules (CV. Table 49): 1. If in this word the square is a lesome circle, change them in places; Apply this rule as many times as possible; then peelithi to the second rule. 2. If in the resulting word two mug stand near, remove them; Apply this rule as many times as possible; Then go to the third rule. 3. If in the resulting word two squares stand near, remove them; Apply this rule as many times as possible. " The transformation of this word according to the Prelimians is over. The resulting word is the result of the consequence of this word. The figure of the color table 49 shows two examples of the conversion of words according to the specified rules. In one example, the result was a word consisting of one circle, in the other - a word consisting of one square. In other cases, a word consisting of a circle and a square can still turn out, or a "empty word" that does not contain a single circle and not a single square. The hedgehog also wants to learn to convert words according to the first, second, third rules. In the figure of a color table 50, the same rules (word conversion algorithm) are represented as a block diagram, exactly indicating which acts and in what order should be performed to convert any long word. We make out of the squares and circles of the word (about the six-ten figures). This word is dying at the beginning of the game. From him, the arrow on the flowchart leads to Rhombic, inside of which the question is raised, reading like this: "Is there a square in this word, standing to the left mug? " If there is, then, moving along the arrow, marked with the word "yes", we come to the first rule, prescribing to change the square and the circle places. And again we return along the arrow to the same question, but relating to the resulting word. So apply the first rule as long as the answer was followed by the answer "Yes". As soon as the answer becomes negative, i.e., there is not a single square in the last word, the left mug (all the circles are raised to the left of all squares), we are progressing along the arrow labeled the word "no" The uterus leads us to a new question: "Are there two challenges in the resulting word?". If available, then, moving along the arrow, marked with the word "yes", we come to the second rule, prescribing to remove these two kre. Then we move further by the arrow that returns us to the same question, but already relative to the new word. And so continue the application of the second rule as long as the answer to the question "yes". As soon as the answer becomes negative, i.e., there are no two number of standing wives in the last word, we are moving along the arrow, the word "no" leading us to the third question: "Does there be two in the resulting Word near standing square .7. ". If available, then we are moving along the arrow labeled with the word "yes", we bring to the third rule to prescribe these two squares. Then the arrows return to the question as long as the answer to it is positive. As only the answer becomes negative, we are progressing along the arrow labeled the word "no" leading us by the end of the game. Experience shows that after appropriate explanation on a specific example, six-year children master the ability to use block diagrams. Note. Working with flowcharts has downward features: from each diamond, including a condition (or question), two arrows come (one is marked with the word "yes", the other - no "no"), indicating the directions of continuing the game in case if this condition is executed or is not executed; From each rectangle prescribing some action, only one arrow occurs, indicating where to advance further.

Didactic game "Word Transform"

(in two rules) The rules of this game (CV. Table 51) differ from the rules of the previous fact that the second rule removes three nearby circle at once, and the third rule is three nearby squares. The course of the game is the same (col. Table 52). Didactic game "Colored numbers" target. The study of the composition of the numbers and preparations for understanding the binary code and the positional principle of the number of numbers. Game material. Colored stripes and cards with numbers 0 and 1. Rules of the game. With the help of three strips of the different length depicting numbers 4, 2 and 1 (number 1, 1 is depicted by a square), the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are lined and indicated which strips are used for each of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4. If the strip is not used by the length (4, 2 or 1), then the corresponding column is set 0 if used - 1. It is necessary to continue the filling of the table. As a result of this task, the number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 will be represented with the exposure of a special (binary) code, which is centrally from numbers 0 and 1: 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, According to, 111. With the help of the same binary code, the properties of figures can also be presented. In this game, information about the figure (shape, color, quantity) is fed in the encoded form with the provision of a binary code. Playing should find out the shape or on the figure to find its code. The game participates the figures of two forms and two colors, for example, red and yellow circles and quads. The game is carried out in several stages. 1. It is necessary to remember the question: ((Is the figure around? ". The answer, naturally, maybe" yes "or" no. "Denote by 0 Answer" Yes "and after 1 response" years. One of the players raises the card, On the quantity is recorded 0. The other should show the corresponding figure (circle). If the first one shown the card on which 1 was recorded, then the second should show a figure that is not a cruel, i.e. the square. Reverse game is possible: the first shows the figure, and the second is a card with the appropriate code. 2. Now to the first question (whether the phioburg is circle! ") The second question is added: (is the figure of red2.". The answer to this The question is, as well as on the first, is denoted by 0 if he is "yes", and after 1, if it ((no. "Consider possible answers to both questions (remembering, in what order they specify): Answer Code Figure Yes , No 00 Circle, red Yes, no 01 Circle, Non-all-no, yes 10 Nozurn, red No, no 11 Norgurn, Non-all (square, Yellow) Note. There are cards with code Ami 00, 01, 10, 1]. One of the players raises the card, another share to show the corresponding figure. Then playing changing roles. The feed game is held: one shows the figure, the other must find the card with the corresponding code. The one who was wrong, the figures (or code with the code) are clogged. Wins the one who remains shapes (or cards). 3. To two questions: ((whether the figure is a cruel! "And ((whether the figure is red!" - the third question: ((whether the figure is big! ". A response to the third question, as the first two, is indicated. Through 0, if he is "yes", and after 1, if it is not "no" no no, yes, yes no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, no 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Circle, red, big circle, red, small circle, spit, big circle, non-all, small , Red, Big Normal, Red, Small Normo, Nevranny, Big Normal, Non-Isny, A small third stage of the game is quite complicated and can cause difficulties in children (perhaps in adulter), as you need to remember the sequence of three questions. In this case, it can be omitted.

Didactic game "Colored numbers" (second option)

Purpose. The study of the composition of numbers and preparations for understanding the positional principle of the number of numbers. Game material. Colored stripes and cards with numbers 0, 1.2. Rules of the game. There are two green stripes, each of which depicts the number 3 (the length of the strip is equal to three), and two white squares, each of which depicts the number 1. You need to portray these strips to portray any number from 1 to 8 and on the right in the table Specify how many strips of each color are used for the image of each number (as is done for numbers 1, 2, 3, 4). As a result of the filling of the table, we obtain the representation of numbers from 1 to 8 using a different (trought) code consisting of only three digits 0, 1, 2 - 01, 02, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22. Didactic The game "Stroke Horse" goal. Introduction to the chessboard, with the method of naming the chessboard fields (an idea of \u200b\u200bthe coordinate system), with a staggered horse. Measuring the development of thinking. Game material. Carved images of white and black horses. (If there are shames at home, you can use a real chessboard and chess horse .) Rules of the game. At the beginning, the game is carried out on the pieces of a chessboard consisting of nine black fields (col. Table 55). First of all, children learn to call each cell, each field of the sink name. For this, it is explained by them that all fields of the left column are denoted by the letter A, the middle column - the letter B, and the right - letter B: all fields of the lower row are dimensional in the number 1, the middle row - the number 2, and the upper - digit 3. Thus, each field has a name consisting of the letter showing, in which column is the field, and the digit, showing, in which row it is located. It is enough as examples to call several fields, as children without any difficulty call the name of each field. The adult shows the children some field, and they call his name (A1 - A2 - A3 - B1 - B2 - BZ - B1 - B2 - VZ); By calling the name of any field, children show it. Then they explain to them how the chess horse goes: "The chess horse goes not through the neighboring elaboration, but through one no, and not directly, but by the defect, for example, from A1 in B2 or in the Bz, from A2 in B1 or in BZ and T . D. ". One of the players put a horse on some field, the second calls this field and shows which fields it can move. After a sufficient workout, they discover that if the horse stands on any field, except B2, it has two strokes. If it stands on the B2 field, it does not have any one. Then the game is complicated by the introduction of two horses, black and white, and setting the problem: "White horse knocks on black (or vice versa)." It is quite true that the complexity of this task depends on the initial position of the horses. First, simple tasks are offered: for example, a white horse stands on the A2 field, black on the BI field. The one who quickly wonders, as one run, you can knock out another horse. Then the game is complicated, a two-way task is offered: for example, a white horse stands on the A1 field, black - on the B1 field. This task makes children think. Neoto, violating the rules of the game, one step is knocked out a horse. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify all the time that you only need to walk according to the rules of the game, according to the rules of the horse. Some guess that two strokes are needed (A1 - BZ - B1). The game is then transferred to a piece of chessboard (CV. Table 56), consisting of 16 fields, on which there are more opportunities to solve the considerable tasks in the game to knock the horse. This game is carried out at the beginning: each of the players performs the role of one of the chess horses. Both horses occupy certain fields, and one of the horses tries to knock out the other. In the distance, both horses are moving, pursuing one friend. The game can be used for measuring the development of children's thinking. For this spend next game: Offers a child to move the horse to the first erroneous stroke and fix the number of correct moves. After three or four months the game is repeated. It records the number of correct moves again. The development of the child's thinking, achieved during this period, is measured by the difference between P2P1, where 1x is the number of correct moves at the beginning of the period under study, and P2 is the number of such moves at the end of this period. (It is necessary, however, take into account that if the child is already able at least a bit of playing chess, the described method for measuring thinking is not applicable.)

Didactic game "Computing Machines III"

Purpose. Formation of ideas about the algorithm in one of its mathematical clarifications (in the form of "machines"), on the principle of software management of the machine. Game material. Red mugs, an indicator (machine head), carved in the form of a hand and an index finger, the memory of the machine and program (CV. Table 59). Preparation for the game (CV. Tab. 57, 58, 59). Description of the machine. The machine consists of memory and head. The memory of the machine is depicted in the form of a tape divided by cells (cells). Each cell is either empty or a certain sign is stored in it. As such, we took a red circle. The head looks at every moment only on one memory cage. The car knows how to do the following: a) if the head looks at the empty cage, the car can on the command "" put a circle there; b) if the head looks at the filled cell, the machine can remove this circle from the memory cell on the X command; c) on the command "-" "The head is shifted to the right on one cell; d) on the team "<-» головка сдвигается влево на одну клетку; д) по команде «Д » машина останавливается, заканчивая работу. Машина может останавливаться и в тех случа¬ях, когда по команде « » она должна положить кружок в уже заполненную клетку или по коман¬де « X » убрать кружок из пустой клетки. В этих случаях будем говорить, что машина «испорти¬лась», «сломалась». Машина выполняет работу, строго следуя про¬грамме. Программа представляет собой конечную последовательность команд. На рисунке цветной таблицы 57 показаны две программы А и Б и как машина работает по этим программам. .Программа А состоит из трех команд. Пока¬заны три случая (а, б, в) выполнения этой програм¬мы, отличающиеся первоначальным состоянием памяти и положением головки машины (указате¬ля): а) до начала работы машины в памяти хранится один кружок и головка смотрит на эту заполнен¬ную ячейку памяти. Приступая к выполнению про¬граммы, машина выполняет команду под номе¬ром 1. Она предписывает сдвиг головки на одну ячейку вправо и переход к выполнению команды 2 (в конце команды 1 указан номер команды, к вы¬полнению которой должна переходить машина). По второй команде машина заполняет пустую ячейку, на которую смотрит головка, кружочком и переходит к выполнению третьей команды, кото¬рая приказывает машине остановиться. Какую же работу выполнила машина в этом случае? Перед началом работы в памяти хранился один кружок, а после окончания работы - два, т. е. она прибавила один кружочек; б) если до начала работы машины в ее памяти хранятся два кружочка, то после выполнения той же программы А их окажется три. Значит, и здесь происходит «прибавление» 1. Мы можем программу А называть программой прибавления 1; в) в этом варианте изображен случай, когда ма¬шина, выполняя программу А, ломается. Действи¬тельно, если до начала работы в памяти хранятся два кружочка и головка смотрит на левую запол¬ненную ячейку, то после выполнения первой команды, т. е. сдвига вправо на одну ячейку, она опять смотрит на заполненную ячейку. Поэтому, приступая к выполнению второй команды, предпи¬сывающей поставить кружочек в ячейку, на кото¬рую смотрит, машина ломается. Возникает задача совершенствовать (улучшить) программу прибавления 1. Программа Б. Такой улучшенной програм¬мой прибавления 1 является программа Б. В нее включена новая команда 2 - условная передача управления. Эта программа работает так: а) до начала работы в памяти хранятся два кру¬жочка и головка смотрит на левую заполненную ячейку (заметьте, точно та же ситуация, когда, вы¬полняя программу А, машина сломалась). По пер¬вой команде головка сдвигается на одну ячейку вправо и машина переходит к выполнению коман¬ды 2. Команда 2 указывает, к какой следующей команде надо переходить в зависимости от того, смотрит ли головка на пустую или заполненную ячейку. В нашем случае головка смотрит на запол¬ненную ячейку, значит, надо смотреть на нижнюю стрелку команды 2, помеченную заполненной ячейкой. Эта стрелка указывает, что надо возвра¬титься к команде 1. Значит, головка еще раз сдви¬гается на одну ячейку вправо и машина переходит к выполнению команды 2. Теперь, так как головка смотрит на пустую клетку, надо смотреть на верх¬нюю стрелку команды 2, которая указывает пере¬ход к команде 3. По команде 3 машина ставит кру¬жочек в пустую ячейку, на которую смотрит го¬ловка, и переходит к выполнению команды 4, т. е. останавливается. Как видим, примерно в одинаковой ситуации ма¬шина, работая по программе А, сломалась, а выпол¬няя программу Б, успешно довела до конца прибав¬ление 1; б) в этом случае имитируется работа машины по программе Б, если до начала работы в памяти хранятся три кружочка, а головка смотрит на са¬мую левую заполненную ячейку. На рисунке цветной таблицы 58 показаны две программы вычитания 1: программа В, простей¬шая, которая, однако, не во всех случаях срабаты¬вает (в случае - машина сломалась), и програм¬ма Г, усовершенствованная, с командой условной передачи управления. Только после того как тщательно изучили работу машины по программам А, Б, В, Г (цв. табл. 57- 58), можно перейти к игре (цв. табл. 59) с использованием тех же программ. Один из играющих задает исходную ситуацию, т. е. ставит несколько кружочков в подряд идущих ячейках памяти, головку машины против одной из заполненных ячеек и указывает одну из программ (А, Б, В или Г). Второй должен имитировать работу машины по этой программе. Затем играющие меня¬ются ролями. Выигрывает тот, кто, имитируя работу машины, допускает меньше ошибок.

Didactic games for children on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

Didactic games for children of the second youngest group (orientation in time)


Purpose: consolidate knowledge about parts of the day.

Material. Ball.

In the morning I came to kindergarten, and returned home. . .

We make charging ...

We are engaged in ...

Similarly, you can spend the game about the days of the year.

"What day of the week"

Purpose: develop memory when memorizing the names and sequence of the week of the week.

The move: the teacher reads the children of the quatrain, supporting her finger gymnastics.

Many different days of the week

Birds are missing for us

On Monday Solovy

Sang that no more beautiful days

And on Tuesday sang a bird

Yellow-plating tit

Raven killed that always

The best day was the environment

Sparrow Chiric became

That on Thursday he flew to the forest

Two doves stolen

Sunday discussed

Birds the days of the week know

We remember help us

Didactic games for children preparatory for school group (time orientation)

Didactic game "Hurry on time"

Purpose: Continue to fix the concept of time.

Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate their activities in accordance with the time interval.

Relieve curiosity.

Materials: Materials of the game "Columbovo Egg", hourglass.

Move: on the table at the tutor's picture down lies 10 cards (from the game "Columbovo Egg")

Children are divided into pairs. The educator proposes to take envelopes with cut parts and assemble a picture of them in 3 minutes (shows the hourglass). The educator checks whether all children managed to task, and reminds of the importance of the ability to fit at a specified time.

Didactic game "Tick-so

Purpose: Continue to learn to determine the shape of the objects and their parts on the example of the layout of the clock.

Maxue with a clock, learn to set time on the layout of hours

Brief interest in games.

Materials: Alarm clock, Wristwatch, Wall clock with cuckoo.

The move: on the table at the teacher under the napkin, different types of hours: alarm clock, wrist watch, wall clock with cuckoo.

The educator reads a poem:


Petschok sings ringing.

Little to the sun river, the cloud floats in the sky.

Wake up, beasts, birds!

Take care.

On the grass of dew sparkles,

The night of July has passed.

Like a real alarm clock,

Woke you a rooster.

He waved his tail brilliant

And soldered the scallop.

The educator finds out in children what devices came up with a person for measuring time. (Clock). Then removes the napkin from different types of hours and makes the riddles. Children show the deposits.

Daily at seven in the morning

Rose time! (alarm clock)

Lives in a carved hut

Cheerful cuckoo.

She dug every hour

And early in the morning wakes us. (Wall clock with cuckoo)

Didactic games for children prepared to school group (orientation in space)

We will help Ellie to return home

Tasks: Fasten the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, reflect their spatial position in speech

Materials: landscape sheet with a plan, envelopes with tasks.

Street: The teacher resembles children a passage from a fairy tale, in which Ellie's girl with a different Totemaker after a hurricane fell into another country. The tutor offers children to help her go home. Together with the children, he considers the plan to return home:

The adult draws the attention of children to the fact that the Ellie's path is indicated on the plan with numbers, and in the group - envelopes with tasks. Children are found in terms of figure 1, and in the group - an envelope with a number 1 (in which the text with the task is placed).

Then proposes to find a number 2 on the plan and determine, in which direction it is necessary to draw an arrow (from left to right from the lower left corner to the lower right corner). Children find the envelope in the group 2 (with the task).

Similarly, children find envelopes with numbers 3, 4 and 5 draw the arrows and perform tasks sequentially.

Didactic game "Seasons"

Purpose: consolidate ideas about the years and months of autumn.

Materials: model of the year.

Street: The educator shows the children model "time of year": a square, divided into 4 parts (season time), painted in red, green, blue and yellow colors. The yellow sector is divided into another 3 parts, painted in light yellow, yellow and yellow-brown.

The educator asks in children: "How many times of the year? Name them in order. (Shows the seasons on the model, specifying color.)

Show the autumn model. How many parts is divided this time of year? What do you think here are 3 parts? What months of autumn do you know? The last month of autumn is November. Name the month of autumn in order. " (September, October, November.) The tutor shows months on the model.

Didactic game "Make a week"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to consistently call the days of the week.

Materials: Two sets with cards from 1 to 7, musical accompaniment.

The move: children are divided into two teams on the set of cards with numbers from 1 to 7. The tutor offers children to be built in a rank, forming a week: the first is the child who has a digit on the card 1 (Monday), the second, which is on the card - digit 2 and so on. Then children call the days of the week in order and show the corresponding cards with numbers.

Children to the music on the instructions of the educator perform various movements, and at its end it is built in a car, forming a week starting from Tuesday. Then children constitute a week, starting on Thursday and so on.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

After completing each task, children in order are called the days of the week starting from the specified day. For the correct task, the command gets an asterisk.

At the end of the game, the number of stars is calculated and the winner is determined.

Didactic games for children preparatory for school group (number and score)

"Charging becomes"

Purpose: Improve an account skills within 20.

Materials: pictures with the image are mice (15 mice on the shirts are written numbers)

The move: on the board there are 20 pictures with the image mice. In 15 mice on the shirts written numbers. The educator invites children to give the room to the rest of the athletes (from 16 to 20). At the same time, the educator clarifies which figure denotes the number of tens and units, and with children recalculate athletes.

Then read the poem:

Twenty athletes run to charging,

But do not want to run in order.

The latter happens first comes -

This is the wrong account.

In conclusion, the educator invites children to recount athletes in the reverse order.

"Name the previous and subsequent number"

Purpose: Learn to call the previous and subsequent number for each number of natural rows in the range of 10

Materials: Cards with a picture of circles (from 1 to 10), sets of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

The move: each child has a circles card (from 1 to 10) and a set of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

The teacher explains to children: "Each number has two neighbor numbers: younger less than one, it is standing ahead and is called the previous number; The older is more on one, it stands ahead and is called the subsequent number. Consider your cards and define your neighbors. "

Children find the previous and subsequent numbers to the number of circles depicted on the card and close empty squares with a card with a certain number of circles.

After completing the task, the children explain: what number is the previous one and subsequent to the indicated number at the bottom on the card and why these numbers became neighbors.

Didactic games for children prepared to school group (geometric shape)

"Mastery geometric shapes"

Objective: Develop the ability to design geometric shapes for verbal description and transfer of characteristic properties.

Materials: Counting sticks, ropes (laces)

The move: the educator reads poetry, and children make geometric shapes from ropes and counting sticks.

There were two brothers:

Triangle with a square.

Senior - Square,

Good-natured, pleasant.

Junior - Triangular,

Forever displeased.

He shouts to him:

You are full of me and wider,

I have only three angles

You have four of them.

Children from counting sticks simulate squares and triangles, then called figures.

But the night came, and to the brother,

Bumping on the corners

The younger climb bersto

Cut the older corners.

Leaving, said:


I wish you dreams!

You went to bed with a square,

And you wake up without corners!

The educator clarifies in children what kind of figure will turn out if the square cut the angles. (A circle). Children make circles from the rope.

But next morning younger brother

Terrible revenge was not happy.

Looked - no square.

Onmel ... standing without words ..

That's so revenge. Now Brother

Eight new corners!

Children make an octagon. Then they call all the geometric shapes made.

"Draw Square"

Purpose: Continue to develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to sketch them on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Materials: Notebook sheets in a cage, simple and color pencils.

The move: the teacher comes out for children a riddle:

Four we have an angle

Four sides.

All parties are equal to us

And all the corners are equal. (square)

The tutor offers children to draw squares of different colors and shows a drawing sequence: "From point to the right, you need to spend a straight line equal to two cells, down to spend another direct line equal to two cells, then to the left one more such line and upwards to the original point. From the upper right corner of the square to the right one must count three cells and draw another same square "

Children in notebooks from the previous task are reported down four cells, put the point and draw squares with a simple pencil until the end of the line.

The teacher then shows on the board reception of the hatching of the square from above down, without taking his hands.

Children shadow squares in different colors

Didactic Games for Children Preparatory to School Group (Value)

"We put a spruce"

Purpose: Improve the skills to determine the magnitude of the items on the eyes.

Materials: Accounting sticks, Watman, hand-drawn house and ate.

The move: the teacher shows the children an image of the house and "planting" a spruce near him. Then he invites the guys to pick up the same height (from the ledge offered on the tray) for the gardening of the yard.

Previously specifies: "How to find out the height of ate? (Measure). How can I measure the height of ate? (Wand, it will be a conditional measure). What do you think, how many times the counting wand will be put in height? "

The caused child measures the height of ate (without a residue).

The tutor asks in children: "What is the height of ate? (Two county sticks). Which height you need to pick up ate for the gardening of the yard? (The height of the ate should be equal to two counting sticks.) "

The educator clarifies the measurement rules: "Attach the measure to the foundation of ate and mark the end of the measure. To this point, apply the measure again. And so before the end of ate. "

Children pick up ate of a given height, measuring them with a wand.

Selected spruce children stick around the house at Watman.

"We solve the tasks of grandmother's grandmother"

Purpose: Continue to acquaint with coins worth 1,2,5,10 rubles, their set and exchange.

Materials: coins worth 1,2,5,10 rubles

The move: the tutor offers children to solve the task of grandmother's grandmother: "I had 10 rubles. In the bazaar, I bought a bagel for two rubles. How much money should I stay after buying? "

Didactic games for the children of the senior group (orientation in space)

Didactic game "Drag the track to the site"

Purpose: Develop the ability to navigate in space with the help of symbols and schemes.


The move: children have sheets of paper with the image of the plan of the territory d \\ garden (building and section D \\ Garden).

The educator offers children to help Parsushka find the road to the site and gives instructions:

Come up with how we denote the direction of movement. (Straight line with arrow)

Put the triangle in the middle of the sheet

Spend a straight line with an arrow from a rectangle to a triangle.

Put the circle in the middle of one of the side of the sheet (the plot of another group)

Spend a straight line with an arrow from the triangle to the circle.

Specify the further direction of movement to the site

Spend a straight line with an arrow from the circle to the site.

The children are then told about the direction of movement from D \\ Garden to the site using spatial concepts.

Didactic game "Lines and points"

Purpose: Develop the ability to focus on a sheet of paper into a cage.

develop attention, mental operations, imagination.

Equipment: notebook sheets into a large cage, color pencils.

Game traffic:

The teacher distributes sheets into a cage and pencils and asks children to decorate the "Dwarf mats". Then, on the blackboard, color chalk spends the lines from left to right and from top to bottom, calling their direction, and clarifies: what form lines (cells). Cells help to position the drawing smoothly. In the center of the cell and at the intersection of lines can be put point. (Shows several options) And now let's decorate the dwarf mats with colored lines, cells and points.

Didactic games for the children of the senior group (number and account)

"Catch up correctly"

Purpose: Exercise in the account of objects on touch.

Material. Cards with nassed on them in a row buttons from 2 to 10.

"We consider in order"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to answer questions "How much?", "Which on account?", "On which place?"

Materials: Fer

Stroke: The tutor shows the children a fan, consisting of 8 multicolored petals and suggests to calculate them. Then draws attention to the fact that the petals of different color, and gives the job to calculate them in order.

The educator asks children to remember the location of petals and close the eyes. At this time he removes one petal. Children cover their eyes and determine which petal is missing and where it was located (which is in a row).

The game lasts 2-3 times. Each time the order of petals is restored.

Didactic games for children of the senior group (orientation in time)

"Name a day"

Purpose: Consider representations about parts of the day (morning, day, evening, night)

Materials: cards, depicting parts of the day.

The move: the tutor, together with the children, finds out how many parts will consist of a day, it proposes to call them, show the corresponding pictures and lay out them in the right sequence (morning, day, evening, night).

An adult proposes to make a day and calls one of the pieces of day. Children list the rest of the day and show the corresponding pictures. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

"Live Week"

Purpose: Fix the ability to consistently call the days of the week, determine what day of the week today, what was yesterday, what will happen tomorrow.

Materials: cards with numbers from 1 to 7, musical accompaniment.

Turn: in children cards with circles (from 1 to 7). On the instructions of the leading children to the music perform various movements. Upon completion, it is built into a row in accordance with the number of circles on the card, indicating the days of the week. Check is carried out by roll-call. The game is repeated 2-3 times with shift cards.

Didactic games for the children of the senior group (value)

"Put the Christmas tree in a row"

Purpose: Continue to develop the ability to compare up to six items in height and lay them out in a descending and increasing order, the results of the comparison are indicated by words: the highest, lower, even lower ... the lowest (and vice versa).

Materials: Figures of Christmas trees with increasing magnitude.

Street: The teacher offers children to arrange the Christmas tree in a row, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest (pre-children recall the rules for laying objects). After completing the task, the children tell about the height of the Christmas tree in the row.

Then the guys build up the Christmas tree in the reverse order, starting with the highest and ending the lowest.

"We will find scarves for a dinner and pencil"

Purpose: Continue to develop the eye meter and the ability to find items of the same width equal to the sample.

Materials: flanneluga, planar images of clothing items Links (scarves of the same length and color, but of different widths).

The move: on the cribs and the tutor on the table, the sets of scarves are laid out (4 pieces) of the same length and colors, but of different widths. In children, one of the four scarves in one of the four scarves is equal in width.

The educator called the child proposed to find the scarf of the same width among scarves lying on the table, and check the correctness of the choice by directly comparing scarves.

Then the teacher asks the children to remember the width of his scarves and find the scarves on the cribs the same width. Children check the correctness of the task by direct comparison of scarves.

The game is not only a pleasure and joy for the child, which in itself is very important, with its help you can develop attention, memory, thinking, the imagination of the kid. Playing, the child can acquire, new knowledge, skills, skills, develop abilities, sometimes not guessing about it. [ four]

The game as a method of learning and forming elementary mathematical ideas involves the use of individual elements of different types of games (plot-role, dramatization games, mobile, etc.), gaming techniques (surprise moment, competition, search, etc.), organic The combination of gaming and didactic began in the form of a governing, tutorial role of adult and the increasing cognitive activity and independence of the child.

Gaming training is the form of the educational process in conventional situations aimed at recreating and mastering social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, skills, emotional-valued activities.

The most important properties of the game include the fact that in the game the children act as they act in the most extreme situations, at the limit of the forces of overcoming difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

High activity, emotional painting of the game generates a high degree of openness of the participants. It was experimentally shown that in a situation of some scattered attention, it is sometimes easier to convince a person to take a new point of view for him. If something is insignificant to distract human attention, the effect of belief will be stronger. Perhaps, to some extent, the high productivity of the learning effects of game situations is determined.

At all the steps of preschool childhood, a big role in the occupation is given a big role. It should be noted that the "Educational Game" (although the word learning can be considered synonymous with the word didactic) emphasizes the use of the game as a method of learning, and not consolidate or repetition of already learned knowledge.

Use of didactic games and exercises for the formation of mathematical representations

For the formation of preschoolers of mathematical ideas, entertaining various didactic games are widely used. They differ from typical learning assignments and exercises with the unusual description of the task (find, guess), the surprise of presented it on behalf of any literary fairy-tale hero.

All types of didactic games (subject, wall-printed, verbal, etc.) are an effective means and method of forming elementary mathematical ideas in children of all age groups. Subject and verbal games are conducted in classes in mathematics and out of them, regardless, as a rule, in their free time. All of them perform the main learning functions - educational, educational and developing.

Also, when forming elementary views from preschoolers, you can use: games on plane modeling, puzzle games, jokes, crosswords, rebuses, educational games

Didactic games are used in kindergartens to clarify and consolidate the ideas of children about the sequence of numbers, about relations between them, about the composition of each number, etc. During the beginning of the beginning of the beginning of mathematics, teachers are widely used games, in which children are formed new mathematical knowledge, skills and Skills (for example, games like "Lotto", "Domino" and others). Preschoolers make a large number of actions, learn to implement them in different conditions, at different facilities, thereby increasing the strength and awareness of the learning of knowledge.

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical representations are conventionally divided into the following groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers

2. Time Travel Games

3. Games for orientation in space

4. Games with geometric shapes

5. Games for logical thinking

The first group of games includes teaching children's account in direct and reverse order. Using the fairy tale plot, children introduce the formation of all numbers within 10, by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects. Two groups of objects are compared, located on the bottom, then on the upper strip of the counting line. This is done so that children do not have an erroneous idea that the longer number is always on the upper strip, and the lower is lower.

Playing such didactic games as "what figure did not?", "How much?", "Confusion?", "Fort the error", "remove the numbers", "call the neighbors", children learn to freely operate in numbers within 10 and accompany the words Your actions.

Didactic games, such as "Say the number", "the number What is your name?", "Make a sign", "Make a figure", "Who will name first, which did not become toys?" And many others are used in class time, in order to develop in children attention, memory, thinking.

The second group of mathematical games (games - travel in time) is served to dating children with the days of the week, months. It is explained that every day of the week has its name. Children talks about the fact that in the name of the week of the week is guessed, what day of the week in the account: Monday - the first day after the end of the week, Tuesday is the second day, the middle of the week, Thursday is the fourth day, Friday - the fifth. After such a conversation, games are offered in order to consolidate the names of the days of the week and their sequences. Children play games: "Live Week", "Name Rather", "Days of the Week", "Name Missed Word", "all year round", "twelve months" - which help children quickly remember the name of the days of the week and the name of the month, their sequence.

The third group includes orientation games in space. Spatial representations of children are constantly expanding and fixed in the process of all activities. The task of the teacher is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place on a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine the position of this or that object in relation to another. For example, to the right of the doll stands the hare, to the left of the doll - the pyramid, etc. The child is selected and the toy hides in relation to it (behind the back, right, on the left, etc.). It causes interest in children and organizes them to occupation. In order to interest children so that the result is better, subject games are used with the advent of any fabulous hero.

There are many games, exercises that contribute to the development of spatial orientation in children: "Find a similar", "tell about your own pattern", "workshop of carpets", "Artist", "Journey around the room" and many other games. Playing in the reviewed games, children learn to use words to designate the position of objects.

Fourth Group: Games and exercises with geometric shapes and their models (blocks) are the main methods for familiarizing children with the form of objects.

In this regard, it is important to appeal to classical pedagogy (M. Montessori, F. Fubell), as well as modern studies (L. V. Artemova, L. A. Venger, 3. E. Lebedeva, V. V. Koletsko, etc.) .

For children of junior and mid-pre-school ages, three groups of didactic games and exercises are mainly used:

the assimilation of the features of geometric shapes. For example, "call a geometric shape", "Domino figures", "Guess, what is it?", "Wonderful bag";

comparison of the shape of objects with geometric samples. For example, "Find the subject of the same form", "what lies in the bag", "Geometric lotto", "Find what I will show you," shop "," instructions ";

analysis of complex form: "Layout of the ornament", "From which figures is the subject", "cut pictures", "smoke teapot", "Make a whole of parts", "Was it changed?".

In the senior and preparatory for school, the group you can spend games and exercises with the following content:

familiarization with varieties of geometric shapes;

mastering a consistent examination of the shape of the objects using the geometric sample system (find the same pattern, find the description who will see more, who has the same toy, find to the touch);

analytical perception of complex shape and recreation of it from elements ("We make a parsley", "Master with a hammer", "put out of the color mosaic", "come up with himself", etc.);

educational games: "Factory", "hoops", "tree" and other (A. A. Stolyar).

Of particular interest in children causes games and exercises to create objects of complex shapes from familiar geometric shapes: volumetric and plane. For example, the game "Figures of color mosaic".

The value of such exercise game is that children have an internal activity plan, representation plan. A child can provide future changes in the situation, clearly represent different transformations and shifts of objects. At the same time, as psychologists noted, in senior preschoolers, cognitive activity is accompanied by often pronouncing out loud. It is important that the educator correctly organized this activity to allocate essential signs and relations in this activity.

Fifth group: in preschool age, children begin to form elements of logical thinking, i.e. The ability to reason, make their conclusions. There are many didactic games and exercises that affect the development of creative abilities in children, as they have an action on the imagination and contribute to the development of non-standard thinking in children. These are such games as "find a non-standard figure, what differ?", "Mill", and others. They are aimed at training thinking when performing actions.

Ekaterina Evgenievna Shavlak
Didactic Games on FMP

Didactic games"Number and score"

Senior group

"Name and count"

Content. The occupation is better to start with the toys account, causing 2-3 children to the table, after that say that the children know how to count toys, and today they will learn to count the sounds. B. Invites children to count, helping her hand, how many times he will hit the table. It shows how it is necessary to put the brush with a brush with a brush standing on the elbow in the clock. Stroks produce quietly and not too often so that the children have time to count them. First you extract no more than 1-3 sounds and only when children stop mistakenly, the number of blows increases. Next, it is proposed to reproduce the specified number of sounds. The teacher in turn causes children to the table and invites them to hit the hammer, a stick about a wand 2-5 times. In conclusion, all children are offered to raise a hand. (lean forward, sit down) So many times how many times the hammer will hit.

"Gather Figure"

purpose: Learning to conduct an account of items that form any shape.

Content. B. Invites children to move a bowl with chopsticks and asks: What color sticks? Skolki chopsticks each color? It suggests decomposing the sticks of each color so that different shapes come out. After completing the task, children recalculate sticks again. Find how many sticks went to each figure. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the sticks are located in different ways, but their equally - on 4 "How to prove that sticks equally? Children lay sticks with rows of one under the other.

Medium group

The game "Couples"

purpose: To form countable skills. Develop attention.

Move games: Children distribute 6 cards with different number of objects. Tokens lie down. The first player takes a token and compares the number of items on a token with its card. If the child has coincided with the number of certain items with a tooth, then he leaves a token to himself, closes the card. At the same time, the child explains why he leaves a token to himself. Wins TOTwho will close their card faster.

The game "Half to half"

purpose: Consider counting skills, continue to teach correlate two sets by the number of objects.

Move games: Consider cards cut into 2 parts, calculate the number of items on them. Suggest children to connect the parts of the card so that the left and right is the same number of items, explain its choice.

Didactic games"Value"

Senior group

"Broken staircase"

purpose: Fasten the ability to notice violations in the uniformity of the increases of values, develop the eye meter.

Material. 10 rectangles, a large amount of 1015, smaller 115. Each subsequent 1 cm below; Flangegraph.

Content. A staircase is built on the flannelhemph. Then all children, except for one presenter, turn away. The presenter takes out one step and shifts the rest. Whoever otherwise indicates where the staircase "Broken", becomes the lead. If at the first time games Children allow mistakes, then you can use the measure. It is measured every step and find broken. If children easily cope with the task, you can simultaneously take out two steps in different places.

"Speakers of skimming"

purpose: Fasten the ability to set the dimensional relationship between 10 objects of different widths, order a row in 2 directions: descending and increasing.

Material. 10 sheets of different widths from 1 to 10 cm. You can use cards.

Content. Participating are divided into 2 groups. Each subgroup gets a set of ski. One set is on the same table, another set on the second table. Children of two subgroups sit on chairs on one side of the table (for different tables). Both subgroups of children must build a plank in a row (one - descending width, the other - in the increasing). In turn, one child comes to a set with skimming and puts in a row 1 plate. When performing the task, samples and movement are excluded. Then children compare. Determine which subgroup coped with the task correctly.

Medium group

Compare two subjects

The goal of this games: Teach a child to compare items with each other in magnitude by imposing one to another and find two items equally large.

To do this, you will need two identical pyramids. You take one pyramid, and the child is another. You remove the rings from your pyramid, and the child with her. Then you show one of the rings to the child and say: "Find among your rings exactly the same." The child finds the right ring, and you suggest it to compare both rings by overlapping on each other. This is the perfect option. But it happens that the child first finds itself difficult to choose the desired ring only in its appearance. Then suggest the baby to put your ring on all my rings and just this way to find the right one.

"Big small"

The tutor lay out in front of a child with a card with pictures. Tells a fairy tale, for example.

In one fabulous country there were various items. Each subject had a brother or sister, very, very similar to each other. They differed only in size - one big, and the other small. And once he rose a strong wind. He confused all objects, scattered them in different directions. Let me help you find residents of the fabulous country of their brothers and sisters. If we find correctly, they will take the handles. And if we assume a mistake, you will not give hands to each other. Let's try?

The child needs to take one card with any subject, call it and find him a couple. If the choice is made correctly, then the locks available on the cards will allow you to connect the cards into a pair picture.

Didactic games"The form"

Senior group

"Spectator dictation"

Children remember the ornament of 3-4 geometric shapes, fold it in memory.


children remember and reproduce the combination of figures (including from volumetric geometric figures).

"Determined the form of the subject"

In front of the child are decomposed cards with the image objects: TV, house, table, chandelier, floor lamp, bed, etc. The teacher offers in the appropriate slot card with cut-out geometric shapes. Pick furniture, the image of which is similar to this geometric shape.

Medium group

"Find the subject of the specified form"

The child is offered to call the models of geometric shapes, and then find pictures with the image of items, on the form similar to the circle (Square, oval, triangle, rectangle, rhombus).

"What figures make a car?"

Children should determine in the drawing, which geometric shapes are included in the design of the machine, how many squares in it, circles, etc.

Didactic games"Orientation in space"

Senior group

"Your way to kindergarten"

Child offered to tell how he goes to kindergarten (in the store, in the park, etc.). In the process of the story, the teacher clarifies the child that is located to the right of the road, on the left, in front, rear and others.


The child offers various assignments to orientation in the room space and on the street.


determine the location of individual furniture items;

determine the location of other children regarding yourself;

determine the location of other children with respect to ourselves when you turn 180 degrees;

determine the location of items relative to each other;

place objects in space according to teacher instructions (sample, layout, drawing).

Medium group

"What is your hand?"

In the picture you need to determine in which hand the girl holds the checkbox, in what hand the boy holds the ball, on which leg is the girl, etc.

"Show the right"

The teacher on the doll shows different parts of the body in the rapid pace. Children must show the same part for themselves. (Left leg, right hand, left cheek, etc.).

Didactic games"Temporary views"

Senior group

"NEW" The child is proposed to decompose the nameplate with the names of the days of the week.


Decompose signs starting from a certain day (for example, from Thursday); in reverse order;

Each child is distributed by signs with the name of the day of the week, the teacher calls loud any day of the week, for example, Wednesday. By team "Week, Stroke" Child with a sign "Wednesday" It comes first, and everyone else is built up in order of the days of the week;

Use signs with names of months, seasons; decompose them in order, starting from a given month (time of year); in reverse order

"What lasts shorter"

The teacher asks children that lasts in short: Hour or minute, hour or day, etc.


The teacher asks children, what business can be done faster, what longer: Build a house from the designer - build a real house; To plant a tree - grow it, etc.

Medium group


Material: Circle, divided into 7 pieces - days of the week, set of cards with numbers from 1 to 7 by the number of children.

The teacher on the demonstration circle silently shows the day of the week, children must raise a card with a digit that this day corresponds.


The teacher shows the figure, and the child should show a card with the name of the day of the week.

"When trees put on this outfit?"

The teacher demonstrates a card with a color image of trees at different times of the year, reads an excerpt from the poem and asks, at what time of year it takes place in nature.


Each child has a sign with the name of the year; When the teacher shows an illustration with the image of a specific landscape, children raise the corresponding card.

Oksana Petrovicheva
Formation of elementary mathematical representations through didactic games

Development is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of the preschooler. From how much qualitatively and in a timely manner will be prepared by the child to school largely depends on the success of its further learning.

"There is no game without a game and there can be no full-fledged mental development.

The game is a huge bright window through which a lifeful stream is fitted into the spiritual world of the child representations, concepts.

The game is a spark, igniting the light of inquiry and curiosity. "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

The hypothesis of the study is the use of certain methods, tasks and techniques when studying mathematics in kindergarten affects, directly, to understand the material by children.

The relevance of the study is to show that on a number with the basic concepts needed in the child's life, they also receive initial knowledge of mathematics. The diploma project reflects how the learning process is being built in the group preparatory for school.

Research tasks:

1. Consider tasks and techniques that are used when working with children.

2. Consider the methods of studying elementary mathematical representations.

3. Consider exercises that are used in mathematics classes.

4. Consider the material that children must learn for the academic year.

Research methods:

1. Method of visual manuals

2. Method of practical training

3. Using didactic games

Chapter 1. Methodological techniques for the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge, by sections

1.1 Number and score

At the beginning of the school year it is advisable to check whether all the children are, and first of all those who first came to kindergarten, are able to consider objects, compare the number of different items and determine what more (less) or their equally; How do you use: an account, a relation to one to one, the definition of eye or comparing the numbers, can the children be able to compare the number of aggregate, distracting from the size of the items and the area they occupy.

Sample tasks and questions: "How many big dolls are here? Count how many little dolls. Find out what squares are more: blue or red. (On the table randomly lie 5 large blue squares and 6 small red.) Learn what cubes are more: yellow or green. " (On the table there are 2 rows of cubes; 6 yellow stand with large intervals one from the other, and 7 blue - close to each other.)

The check will tell you to what extent the children gained an account and some questions should pay special attention to. Similar check can be repeated after 2-3 months, in order to reveal the promotion of children in mastering knowledge.

The formation of numbers. At first occupations, it is advisable to remind children how the numbers of the second heel are formed. At one lesson consistently consider the formation of two numbers and compare them with each other (6 - of 5 and 1; 6 without 1 equal to 5; 7 - of 6 and 1; 7 without 1 equal to 6, etc.). This helps children to learn the general principle of the formation of the subsequent number by adding a unit to the previous one, as well as the preparation of the previous one by removing the unit from the subsequent (6-1 \u003d 5). The latter is especially important because children make it much more difficult to obtain a smaller number, and therefore the allocation of reverse dependence.

As in the senior group, not only the totality of different items are compared. Groups of objects of one species are divided into subgroups (subsets) and compared with each other ("more high or low chips?"), A group of objects are compared with its part. ("What is more: red squares or red and blue squares together?") Children should tell each time, how this number of items is obtained, to which number of objects and how many they added or from what date and how much they are incalculated. In order for the answers to be meaningful, it is necessary to vary the questions and encourage children in different ways to characterize the same relationships ("equally", "as much", "6" and others).

Each lesson on the formation of subsequent numbers is useful to start with the repetition of how previous numbers were obtained. For this purpose, you can use a numeric ladder.

Double-sided mugs of blue and red color are laid out in 10 rows: in each subsequent row, counting on the left (from above), the number increases by 1 ("on 1 circle"), and the additional circle is rotated by the other side. The numerical ladder as the subsequent numbers have been obtained gradually exhausting. At the beginning of the classes, considering the ladder, the children remember how previous numbers were obtained.

In the score and counting of items within 10 children exercise throughout the academic year. They must firmly remember the order of the number of numeral and be able to properly relate to the numeral with the recalculated objects, to understand that the latter called at the score indicates the total number of objects of the aggregate. If children allow errors with the score, it is necessary to show and explain its actions.

By the time of the transition of children to school, they should be brought up the habit of conducting an account and lay out items from left to right, acting with their right hand. But, answering the question how much? Children can consider items in any direction: from left to right and right to left, as well as from top to bottom and bottom up. They are convinced that it is possible to count in any direction, but it is important not to miss a single subject and not to count twice.

Independence of the number of items from their size and form of location.

The formation of the concepts of "equally", "more", "less", conscious and durable account skills involves the use of a large number of diverse exercises and visual benefits. Special attention is paid to comparison of the numbers of many objects of different sizes (long and short, wide and narrow, large and small), in different ways located and occupying different areas. Children compare the totality of objects, such as groups of circles, located in different ways: found cards with a certain number of circles in accordance with the sample, but otherwise arranged forming another shape. Children count as many objects as circles on the card, or 1 more (less), etc. Children encourage ways how convenient and faster it is possible to count the items depending on the nature of their location.

Talking every time about how many objects and how they are located, children are convinced that the number of objects does not depend on the place they occupy from their size and other qualitative signs.

Grouping items for different features (formation of subject groups). From the comparison of the numbers of 2 groups of objects, which differ in any one feature, for example, the size, transition to the comparison of the numbers of groups of objects that differ in 2, 3 features, such as the size, form, arrangement, etc.

Children exercise in a consistent allocation of signs of items. What is it? What is needed? What form? What size? What colour? How many? In comparison of items and combining them into groups based on one of the selected signs, in the formation of groups. As a result, children develop the ability to observe, clarity of thinking, an email. They learn to allocate signs common to the whole group of items or only for part of the subjects of this group, i.e., to identify subgroups of items on a particular basis, to establish quantitative relations between them. For example: "How many toys? How many nephews? How many machines? How many wooden toys? How many metallic? How many big toys? How many small? "

In conclusion, the educator proposes to come up with questions with the word how much, based on the ability to allocate signs of objects and combine them according to a given subgroup or group as a whole.

Every time the child raises the question: why does he think so? This contributes to the best realization of quantitative relations. Exercising, children first set which items are larger than - less, and then recalculate items and compare numbers or first determine the number of items in different subgroups, and then set quantitative relations between them: "What is more if triangles 6, and circles five?"

Takes to compare the sets of objects. Comparing the combination of objects (revealing relations of equality and inequality), children master the methods of practical comparison of their elements: overlay, application, laying objects 2 pairs, the use of equivalents for comparison 2 aggregates, finally, the connection of objects 2 arresters. For example, the teacher draws 6 circles on the board, and on the right - 5 ovals and asks: "What figures are more (less) and why? How to check? And if you do not count? " Some of the children offers each circle to connect the arrow with an oval. It turns out that 1 circle turned out to be superfluous, then there are more of them than other figures, 1 oval was not enough, it means that there are fewer than the circles. "What needs to be done so that the figures become equally?" Etc. Children offer themselves to draw the specified number of figures 2 species and in different ways to compare their number. When comparing the numbers of sets, each time set which items are greater than and what is less, as it is important that the relationship "more" and "less" constantly performed in connection with each other (if in one row 1 extra object, then in another - respectively 1 lacks). The equalization is always produced by 2 ways: either remove the subject from the larger group, or add to a smaller group.

Receptions are widely used, allowing to emphasize the value of methods of practical comparison of the elements of aggregate to identify quantitative relations. For example, the tutor puts 7 Christmas trees. Children consider them. The teacher offers them to close their eyes. Under each Christmas tree puts 1 fungus, and then asks children to open the eyes and, not counting the fungi, say how many of them. The guys explain how they guessed that the fungi 7. It is possible to give similar tasks, but to put in the second group on 1 subject or less.

Finally, the subjects of the second group may not present at all. For example, the teacher says: "In the evening, the tamer with a group of trained tigers appears in the circus, the workers prepared for each tiger for 1 end (puts Cuba). How many tigers will participate in the presentation? "

The nature of the use of methods of comparison is gradually changed. At first, they help in a visual form to identify quantitative relationships, show the value of numbers and reveal the links and relationships that exist between them. Later, when a means of establishing quantitative relations ("equally", "more", "less"), the score and comparison of numbers, the methods of practical comparison are used as a means of checking, evidence of established relations.

It is important that the children have learned to independently resort to the ways of their judgments about connections and relationships between adjacent numbers. For example, a child says: "7 more than 6 per 1, and 6 less than 7 on 1. To, check it out, take cubes and bricks." He puts toys in 2 rows, clearly shows and explains: "Cubes are larger, 1 extra, and the bricks are less, only 6, 1 is not enough. So, 7 more than 6, by 1, and 6 less than 7, on 1 ".

Equality and inequality of sets of sets. Children must make sure that any combination containing the same number of elements is designated by the same number. Exercises in establishing equality between the numbers of the sets of different either homogeneous objects characterized by high-quality features are performed in different ways.

Children should understand that any items may be equally: and 3, and 4, and 5, and 6. Useful exercises requiring the mediated equalization of the number of elements of 2-3 aggregates when children are offered to immediately bring the missing number of objects, for example , so many flags and drums so that all the pioneers are enough, so many ribbons so that you can, to tie the bows to all bears. To assimage the quantitative relations, along with exercises in establishing equality of the number of sets, exercises and in violation of equality are used, for example: "Make so that the triangles become more than squares. Prove that they have become more. What needs to be done to make dolls less than bears? How much will they be? Why?"

And the qualitative improvement in the mathematical development system of preschoolers allows teachers to look for the most interesting forms of work, which contributes to the development of elementary mathematical ideas. 3. Didactic games give a large charge of positive emotions, help children consolidate and expand knowledge in mathematics. Practical recommendations 1. Cognition of the properties of 4-5 years old ...

Support is necessary for a child's significant question when a preschooler turns out to be a choice, sometimes makes a mistake, and then independently corrects it. In the senior group, work continues on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas, launched in junior groups. Training is carried out throughout the three quarters of the school year. In the fourth quarter, it is recommended to fix the obtained ...

Reviews. It is high-class teachers that are able to make the reserves of the main educational age - pre-school. 1.4. Pedagogical conditions for the intellectual development of a senior preschooler in the process of forming primary mathematical representations Academician A.V. Foreckel wrote that optimal pedagogical conditions for the realization of the potential possibilities of a small child, ...

work experience
"Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in preschool children through didactic games"
Tubavkina I.A.
The development of elementary mathematical ideas is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of the preschooler. In accordance with the Gos, the pre-school educational institution is the first educational stage and the kindergarten performs an important feature of preparing children to school. And on how qualitatively, a child will be prepared in a timely person to school, the success of its further learning depends in many ways.
Mathematics has a unique developing effect. "Mathematics - Queens of all sciences! It puts in order the mind! ". Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination, emotions; Forms perseverance, patience, creative personality potential. I think that the training of children mathematics in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of intellectual abilities: the logic of thought, reasoning and actions, the flexibility of the thought process, smelting and intelligence, the development of creative thinking.
In our work, we use ideas and recommendations of the following authors: T.I. Erofeev "Mathematics for preschoolers", Z.A. Mikhailova "Mathematics from 3 to 7", TM Bondarenko "Didactic Games in Children's Garden", I.A. Pomorava, V.A. Pozin "FAMP" and others.
After studying the literature on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers, given that the game activity is leading for children of preschool age, concluded that the maximum effect of the FMP can be achieved using didactic games, entertaining exercises, tasks.
To determine the effectiveness of its work, I spend the pedagogical diagnosis of the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children through didactic games. The main purpose of which is: to identify the possibilities of the game, as the means of forming a learned material in educational activities for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers.
After analyzing the results of the diagnosis, revealed that children have a fairly low level of learning of elementary mathematical representations. I decided that in order for children to better absorb software material, you need to make the material to be interested in children. Remembering is that the main activity of children of preschool age - a game, concluded that to increase the level of knowledge of children, they need to use a greater number of didactic games and exercises. Therefore, within the framework of the work on self-education, the topic "Formation of elementary mathematical ideas in children of preschool age through didactic games" was in advance.

Work system.
As mentioned above the main form of working with preschoolers and the leading view of their activities is the game. V. A. Sukhomlinsky in his works was noted: "There is no game without a game, and there can be no full-fledged mental development. The game is a huge bright window, through which a lifeful flow of ideas is poured into the spiritual world of the child, concepts. The game is a spark, igniting the light of delusivity and curiosity. "
It is a game with elements of learning, will help in the development of the cognitive abilities of the preschooler. Such a game is the didactic game.
I believe that didactic games are needed in training and education of preschool children. The didactic game is targeted creative activity, in the course of which pupils are deeper and brighter, the phenomena of the surrounding reality and know the world. They allow you to expand the knowledge of preschoolers, consolidate their ideas about the amount, magnitude, geometric figures, are taught to navigate in space and in time.
A.V. Zaporozhets, assessing the role of the didactic game, emphasized: "We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributed to the overall development of the child."

Working on this topic, set itself the goal: the development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking by means of didactic games of mathematical content.
The implementation of the goal implies the solution of the following tasks:
1. Create conditions for development in children's children, attention, imagination, logical thinking by means of didactic games of mathematical content.
2. Develop a promising plan for the use of didactic games in educational activities and regime moments.
3. Make a selection of didactic games for the development of mathematical ideas from preschoolers.

One of the conditions for the successful implementation of a program for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas is to organize a subject - spatial, developing environment in age groups.
In order to stimulate the intellectual development of children, I was equipped with a corner of entertaining mathematics, consisting of developing and entertaining games, a center for cognitive development was created, where didactic games and other game entertaining material are located: Dienesh blocks, shelves of Kyuizer, the simplest options for Vosobovich's games, etc. Assembled and systematized a visual material on logical thinking, riddles, maze, puzzles, counters, proverbs, sayings and physical attacks with mathematical content. Made a card file of mathematical content for all age groups.
The organization of the developing environment was carried out with the estimated participation of children, which created their positive attitude and interest in the material, the desire to play.

Of great importance in the process of forming elementary mathematical representations, we pay didactic games. This is primarily due to the fact that their main goal is the training. Systematizing games, developed a promising plan for the formation of elementary mathematical representations using the didactic games. (Attachment 1)
Educationally - an educational process for the formation of elementary mathematical abilities I build taking into account the following principles:
1) Accessibility is the correlation of the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development, the preparedness of children.

2) Continuity - at the present stage, education is designed to form a steady interest in the growing generation to continuously replenishing its intellectual baggage.

3) integrity-formation in preschoolers of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bmathematics.

4) Results.

5) Systemity - this principle is implemented in the process of interrelated formation of the ideas of a child about mathematics in various activities and an effective attitude towards the world around.

For the development of cognitive abilities and cognitive interests, preschoolers use the following innovative methods and techniques:
Elementary analysis (establishment of causal relationships). To do this, give the tasks of this character: to continue the chain, alternating in a certain sequence, squares, large and small circles of yellow and red. After the children learned to carry out such exercises, tasks for them complicate. I propose to perform tasks in which it is necessary to alternate objects, consider at the same time the color and magnitude. Such games help develop in children the ability to think logically, compare to compare and express their conclusions. (Appendix 2)
comparison; (For example, in the exercise, "federated protein" I propose to feed the squirrels with mushrooms, small butterms - small mushrooms, big - big. For this, children compare the size of mushrooms and proteins, draw conclusions and lay out the distribution material in accordance with the task. (Appendix 3)
Solution of logical tasks. I offer children to find the missed figure, the continuation of the rows of figures, signs, to find differences. Acquaintance with such tasks began with elementary tasks on logical thinking - chains of patterns. In such exercises, there is an alternation of objects or geometric shapes. Children offer to continue a number or find the missed element. (Appendix 4)

Recreation and conversion. I offer children the exercises for the development of imagination, for example, draw some kind of figure, choosing a child and draw it. (Appendix 5)

Heating-saving technologies (fizminuts, dynamic pauses, psychogymannastics, finger gymnastics in accordance with the mathematical theme). Created a card file of fizminuts ("mice", "once, two-two heads", "we rode" and D.R) and finger games. ("1,2,3,4,5 ..",) mathematical content. (Appendix 6)

Depending on the pedagogical problems and the totality of the methods used, the educational activities with pupils spend in various forms:
Organized educational activities (fantasy travel, game expedition, thematic leisure). Direct educational activities "Travel by group", "Visiting the figure 7", "Let's play with Winnie Pooh", the entertainment "Mathematical KVN".
training in everyday household situations; ("Find the same form as me, objects in the group", "We will collect beads for Masha" doll "); conversations ("What time of year, what time of year will be after ..");
independent activities in a developing environment. I offer children games to fix the shape, color, to draw up the sequence, etc.

After analyzing the available didactic games on the formation of mathematical representations divided them into groups:
1. Games with numbers and numbers
2. Time Travel Games
3. Orientation games in space
4. Games with geometric shapes
5. Games for logical thinking
The task suggest children in a game form, which consists of cognitive and educational content, as well as - game assignments, game actions and organizational relations.
1. The first group of games includes teaching children's account in direct and reverse order. Using the fairy tale plot and didactic games, introduced children with the concepts of "one-lot", by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects (Didactic games "Squirrels and nuts", "Railway of animals in houses"); "Wide-aware", "short -8", using the applies and comparisons of two groups of items (didactic games "Show the road bunny," "Russeckle Blanbat in houses"). Comparing two groups of items, they had them on the bottom, then on the upper strip of the counting line. It made it so that children did not have an erroneous idea that the longer number is always on the upper strip, and the lower is lower.
Didactic games, such as "Make a sign", "Who will name first, what did not happen? "Butterflies and flowers" and many others use in their free time, in order to develop in children of attention, memory, thinking.
Such a variety of didactic games, exercises used in classes and in their free time, helps children to assimilate the software material.
2. Games - Time Travel I use for dating children with the days of the week, names of months, their sequence (didactic game "When it happens").
3. The third group includes orientation games in space. My task is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place on a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to identify the position of this or that subject to another (didactic games "Name where", "who for whom").
4. To secure knowledge about the form of geometric shapes, children offer to learn in the surrounding items the shape of a circle, triangle, square. For example, I ask: "What kind of geometric figure resembles the bottom of the plate?", "Find similar in shape", "what looks like" (Appendix 7)
Any mathematical task for the smelter, for whatever age, it is intended to carry a certain mental load. In the course of the solution of each new task, the child is included in active mental activity, seeking to achieve the ultimate goal, thereby developing logical thinking.
The solution to the question of how to use didactic games in the pre-school learning process, largely depends on the games themselves: how did the didactic tasks that they are represented in which way they are solved and what is the role of the educator.
The didactic game is subject to the educator. Knowing general software requirements, the peculiarity of the didactic game, creatively creating new games included in the Pedagogical Fund. Each game, repeated several times, can be carried out by children. Such independently organized and spent games encourage, imperceptibly providing children to children. Consequently, the leadership of the didactic game is to organize the material center of the game - in the selection of toys, pictures, gaming material, in the definition of the content of the game and its tasks, in the thinking of gaming plan, in explaining game actions, the rules of the game, in establishing the relationship of children, in the course of the course Games, accounting for her educational impact.
Working with children of younger age, I myself turn in the game. Initially, I attract children to games with didactic material (turrets, cubes). Together with the children, I analyze and collect them, thereby causing children interest in the didactic material, the desire to play with him.
In the middle group I teach children, while playing with them, seeking to involve all children, gradually leading them to the ability to follow the actions and words of comrades. At this age, I select such games, in the course of which children should recall and consolidate certain concepts. The task of didactic games is to streamline, summarizing, grouping impressions, clarification of ideas, in distinguishing and assimilating the names of forms, colors, values, spatial relationships, sounds.
Older children in the course of dodactic games are observed, compared, compare, classify items for one or another signs, produce the analysis and synthesis available to them, make generalizations.
Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of whom does a social experience gives a child in its own way. But only in combination with each other, they create optimal conditions for the entry of a small man in a big world. Therefore, I make every effort to ensure that the knowledge and skills, obtained by children in kindergarten - parents fastened at home. I use different forms of working with parents:
- General and group parent meetings;
- Consultations, for example, "Didactic game in the life of a child." "Bright and interesting games";
- making didactic games together with parents;
- participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays, leisure;
- joint creation of an object and development environment;
- Questioning "What games like to play your children?"
Through the use of a well-thought-out system of didactic games in regulated and non-infamous forms of work, children absorb mathematical knowledge and skills on the program without overloads and tedious activities.
In conclusion, we can draw the following conclusion: the use of didactic games in the formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschool children contributes to the development of cognitive abilities and the cognitive interest of preschoolers, which is one of the most important issues of education and development of a child of preschool age. From how important the child is developed in cognitive interest and informative abilities, the success of his school training and the success of its development as a whole depends. A child who is interested to learn something new, and from which it turns out, will always strive to find out even more - that, of course, the most positive way will affect his mental development.

1. Casabigsi N. I. and others. Mathematics "O". - Minsk, 1983.
Logic and mathematics for preschoolers. Methodological edition E.A. Nose;
2. R.L. Uncompressive. - St. Petersburg: "Acidant", 2000.
3. Stolyar A.A. Methodical instructions for the textbook "Mathematics" O ". - Minsk: People's Asveta, 1983.
4. Fidler M. Mathematics is already in kindergarten. M., "Enlightenment", 1981.
5. Formation of elementary mathematical ideas from preschoolers. / Ed. A.A. Joiner. - M.: "Enlightenment",

Attachment 1

Didactic Games on FMP

"In the forest for mushrooms"
The goal of the game: To form in children the idea of \u200b\u200bthe number of objects "one - a lot", intensify in the speech of children the words "one, a lot".
The course of the game: We invite children to the forest for mushrooms, we specify how many mushrooms in the meadow (a lot). We offer to rip one. We ask each child how many fungi has. "Let's lay down all mushrooms in a basket. How much did you put, Sasha? How much did you put, Misha? How many mushrooms become in a basket? (Many) how many mushrooms you have left? (no one)

"Raspberry for bear"
Purpose of the game: To form in children the presentation of equality based on the comparison of two groups of objects, to activate the words: "So much - how much, equally", "same".
The course of the game. The teacher says:
"Guys, a bear face loves Malina, he collected a whole basket in the forest to treat his friends." Look at how much the bear came! Let's put them on the right hand from left to right. And now we treat their raspberries. It is necessary to take so much raspberry berries to have enough for the bearings. Tell me how much cubs? (lot). And now you need to take as many berries. Let's treat berries with berries. Each bear must be given on one berry. How much have you brought berries? (Many) How many cubs do we have? (Many) How else can I say? That's right, their equally, equally; The berries as much as the cubs, and there are so many berries as berries.


The course of the game. The educator says: "Look, we've come to visit, which they are beautiful, fluffy. Let's get them with carrots. I will put on the shelf. Let's put one bunny, another one, another one and one more. How much do you mean? (Many) Let's take off by the coats of carrots. Every bunny is given for carrots. How much carrots? (lot). Are they more or less than they do? How much will they mean? (lot). Will it ride and carrots? That's right, their equally. How else can you say? (equally, as much). I really liked you to play with you. "

Appendix 2.

"Cohesion of squirrels mushrooms"
The goal of the game is: to form in children the presentation of equality based on the comparison of two groups of objects, intensify in speech of the words: "So much - how much, equally", "the same", equally ".
The course of the game. The educator says: "Look, who came to visit us. Redhead, fluffy, with a beautiful tail. Of course, these are squirrels. Let us treat them with fungi. I will put squirrels on the table. I will put one protein, leave the window, I will put one same protein and one more. How much is the whole protein? And now we treat them with fungi. One squirrel give fungus, another one and one more. All protematics have enough fungi? How many fungi? How else can you say? That's right, squirrels and fungi equally, they are equally. And now you treat the protein fungi. Whistles really liked to play with you. "
"Liste bugs"
Purpose of the game: To form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, set the equality and inequality of two sets.
The course of the game. The educator says: "Children, see what beautiful bugs. They want to play with you, you will become bugs. Our bugs live
on the leaves. Each bug has her house - leaf. Now you will fly through the clearing, and in my signal you will find a house - leaf. Bugs, fly! Bugs, in the house! All bugs enough houses? How many bugs? How many leaves? Are they equally? How else can you say? Bugs really liked to play with you. " Next, we repeat the game, establishing the relationship "more, less", while teaching the equalization of the set by adding and recess.
"Butterflies and flowers"
The goal of the game: To form the ability of children to compare two groups of objects based on comparison, set the equality and inequality of two sets, to activate in speech words: "So much - how much, equally", "same".
The course of the game. The teacher says: "Children, see what beautiful butterflies. They want to play with you. Now you will become butterflies. Our butterflies live on flower. Each butterfly has a flower house. Now you will fly through the clearing, and in my signal you will find myself a house - flower. Butterflies, fly! Butterflies, in the house! All butterfly have enough houses? How many butterflies? How many flowers? Are they equally? How else can you say? Butterfly really liked to play with you. "

Appendix 3.
Didactic games for the development of ideas about values

"Decorate the rug"

The course of the game. The educator says: "The children, a bear came to visit us. He wants to give his friends beautiful rugs, but he did not have time to decorate them. Let us help him decorate the mats. What will we decorate them? (circles) What color is the circle? In size, are they the same or different? Where do you put big circles? (in the corners) where do you put little circles? (in the middle) What color are they? Mishke really liked your rugs, he now will give these mats to his friends. "
"Dominics for bear"

The course of the game. The teacher says: "Guys, I'll tell you now. They lived - there were two bears, and once they decided to build their houses. They took walls and roofs for houses, but just do not understand what to do next. Let us help them make a house. See what our magnitude is the magnitude of the bear? What is this teddy bear magnitude, big or loose? What will we do the house? What will you take the wall, big or mines? What need to take the roof? And what is the bear with what is the magnitude? What does he need to make a house? What will you take the roof? What color is it? Let's put the Christmas tree near the houses. Christmas trees are the same largest or different? Where will we put a high Christmas tree? Where to put a low Christmas tree? Bear is very glad that you helped them. They want to play with you. "

The goal of the game is: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in magnitude, intensify in the speech of children the words "big, small".
The course of the game. The educator says: "Look who came to visit us, gray mice. Look, they brought with them a treat. Look, mice are the same largest or different? Let us treat them to tea. What is needed for this? First we take cups. What is this cup of magnitude big or small? What mouse we will give her? "Then compare the magnitude of the saucer, candy, cookies, apples and pears and compare them from the size of the mice. We offer children to drink mice and treat them with fruit.
"Get tracks to houses"
The goal of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two subjects in length, to activate in the speech of children the words "long, short".
Game move: We tell the children that the animals built a houses, but did not have time to build paths to them. Look, here are bunned and chanterelle houses. Find tracks to their houses. What track will you make a bunny, long or short? What track do you put to the fox house? Next, select tracks to the houses of other animals.

"Caiden Mat"
The goal of the game is: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in magnitude, intensify in the speech of children the words "big, small".
The course of the game. The teacher says: "Look, what rugs brought bunks, beautiful, bright, but some of these mats spoiled. Bunks now do not know what to do with them. Let us help them replace the mats. What are the rugs in magnitude? What patchwork we put on a big rug? What are we put on a small rug? What color are they? So we helped wrapping mats. "

"Bridges for will be engaged"
The goal of the game: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in magnitude, intensify in the speech of children the words "big, small, long, short."
The course of the game. The teacher tells: "There were two bunny in the forest and decided to make bridges on the clearing. They found a plank, just do not understand who someone should take. Look, bunnies are the same in size or different? What is the difference between the plank? Put them around and see which one is longer, and what shorter. Spend your fingers on the skulls. What kind of plank do you give a big bunny? What kind of one? Let's put the Christmas tree near the bridges. What is this Christmas tree in height? Where are we putting it? What Christmas tree will we put near the short bridge? Bunnies are very glad that you helped them. "
The goal of the game is: to develop the ability of children to compare two objects in magnitude, intensify in the speech of children the words "big, small".
The course of the game. The teacher tells that the bunny raised a very large harvest, now it must be collected. We consider that it has grown on the beds (beets, carrots, cabbage). We specify what we will collect vegetables. The educator asks: "What is this basket in magnitude? What vegetables we put in it? "At the end of the game, we generalize that in a large basket there are large vegetables, and in small - small.

Appendix 4.
Logic tasks

Two goes and two ducklings
In the lake swim, scream loudly.
Well, count as soon as
How much is the kids in the water?

Five cheerful pigs
At the bodied in a row stand.
Two went to bed lie down
How many pigs have a bodied?

From the sky, the asterisk fell,
To visit the children ran
Three screaming after her:
"Do not forget your friends!"
How many bright stars are gone,
From the sky of the star fell?

Two flower in Natasha
And two more gave her Sasha.
Who can count here
What's 2 2?

Led Gusanya - Mother
Five children on the meadow walk
All gooshad like gloves:
Three sons, and how many daughters?
(two daughters)

Appendix 5.
Recreation and Transfiguration Games

"Right as the left"

Purpose: Mastering the skills to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Matryoshki was very in a hurry and forgot to try their drawings. It is necessary to draw them so that one half looks like another. Children draw, and an adult says: "Point, point, two hook, minus comma - Funny face came out. And if the bow and skull-little man is that girl. And if the absentee and pants, the little man is the boy. " Children consider drawings. "

Appendix 6.

Hands to the side
Hands on the sides, in the cam,
Split and on the barrel.
Left up!
Right up!
To the sides, inhibit,
On the sides, down.
Tuk-Tuk, Tuk-Tuk-Tuk!
Let's make a big circle.

We considered and tired. Everyone and quietly stood together.
The handles patted, and two or three.
The legs were frustrated, once-two or three.
And they still fought and smoothly patted.
Sat down, got up, and did not hit each other,
We will rest a little and take it again.

Time - climb, pull out
Two - bump, raise,
Three - in your hands, three cotton,
Head three nodes.
Four - hands wider,
Five - to wave,
Six - in place quietly sit down.

"Consider, do."

You bounce as many times
How many butterflies with us
How many christmas trees,
So much perform slopes.
How many times you hit the tambourine,
As many times raise your hands.

We are palm to the eyes stick
We put my palm to the eyes,
Legs strong lay.
Turning to the right
Looking too much.
And should be left too
Look out from under the palm.
And - right! And further
Through the left shoulder!
The text of the poem is accompanied by the movements of the adult and the child.

Everyone goes in order
Everyone goes in order - (walking in place)
One two three four!
Make charging -
One two three four!
Hands above, legs wider!
Left, right, turn
Tilt back
Tilt forward.

Appendix 7.
Acquaintance with geometric shapes

"Find the subject"

Purpose: learning to compare forms of objects with geometric

Material. Geometric shapes (circle, square,
triangle, rectangle, oval).

stand in a semicircle. Two tables are located in the center: on one - geometric
forms, on the second - objects. The teacher tells the rules of the game: "We will
play like this: to whom the hoop will rush, he will fit to the table and find the subject
the same form I will show. The child to whom the hoop rolled out,
the teacher shows the circle and offers to find the subject of the same form. Found
the subject is high if it is chosen correctly, the children clap your hands.
Then the adult rolls the hoop to the next child and offers another shape. The game
it continues until all items are filled with samples.


Purpose: consolidate the presentation of children about
geometric forms, exercise in their name.

Material. Demonstration: Circle, Square,
triangle, oval, rectangle, carved from cardboard. Distribution: Cards
with contours 5 geometric lotto.

The teacher shows the children's figures, drives
each finger. Gives task to children: "You have cards on the tables, on which
figures of different shapes are drawn, and the same figures on the tray. Spread everything
figures for cards so that they hide. " Asks children to circle each
the figure lying on the tray and then imposes ("hide") it on the drawn

"Three squares"

Purpose: to teach children to correlate large
three subjects and designate their relationship with words: "big", small, "" medium ",
the biggest "," smallest ".

Material. Three squares of different quantities
flannelph; In children 3 squares, flannelph.

Pedagogue: children, I have 3 squares,
these are (shows). This biggest, this one is smaller, and this very
small (shows each of them). And now you show the biggest
squares (children raise and show), put. Now lift the average.
Now - the smallest. Next, V. offers children to build from squares
tower. Shows how this is done: it places on the flannelf bottom up
first large, then medium, then a small square. "Make you such
tower on its flannels "- Says V.

Geometric lotto.

Purpose: teach children to compare the form
the depicted subject with a geometric figure to select objects by geometric

Material. 5 cards depicting
geometric shapes: 1 circle, square, triangle, rectangle,
ovalu. 5 cards with the image of items of different shapes: Round (tennis
ball, apple, ball, soccer ball, car silent ball), square mat, scarf,
cube, etc.; oval (melon, plum, leaf, beetle, egg); rectangular
(Envelope, briefcase, book, domino, picture).

5 children take part. Pedagogue
considers the material with the children. Children call figures and objects. Then
at the direction of V., they choose to their geometric samples of the card with
an image of the necessary form items. Teacher helps children correctly call
the form of objects (round, oval, square, rectangular).

"What are the figures"

Objective: to acquaint children with new forms: oval, rectangle, triangle, giving them a couple more familiar: a square-triangle, a square-rectangle, circle-oval.

Material. Doll. Demonstration: Large cardboard figures: square, triangle, rectangle, oval, circle. Distribution: 2 figures of each form of smaller sizes.

The doll brings shapes. The tutor shows the kids square and the triangle, asks how the first figure is called. Having received the answer, says that in the other hand a triangle. An examination is carried out by circuit in the finger. Fixes the attention that the triangle has only three angle. It offers children to pick up triangles and fold them together. Similarly: Square with a rectangle, oval with a circle.

Appendix 8.
Abstract of directly educational activities on the FMP in the younger group
The theme "Let's play with Winnie Pooh"
Purpose: Mastering the ability to classify sets for two properties (color and form). Development of the ability to find on the touch to determine the geometric shape, call it. Development of combinatorial abilities.
Methodical techniques: game situations, didactic game, riddles, work with schemes.
Equipment: Toy Winnie Pooh, Wonderful Pouch, Dienes Blocks, Cards - Symbols, Hoops 1 Piece, Picture Cooks, Toys, Trees, Hare.
1. Org. moment. Children stand in a circle on the carpet.
We are kicking top top.
We are crawling hands.
We shoulders chik chick.
We are the eyes of MiG Mig.
1-here, 2- there,
Wrap around yourself.
1- quit, 2-tli.
Hands to the top all raised.
It's time to do it.
2. Children are seated on the carpet. There is a knock at the door.
Prior: Guys, guests came to us. Who can it be? (Vinny appears - fluff with a wonderful bag in his hands.). Yes, it is Winnie - Pooh! Hello Winnie - Pooh! (Children greet the character).
B-P: Guys, I brought something for you - interesting! (shows the magic bag)
I am a wonderful bag,
You guys, I am a friend.
I really want to know
How are you? Love to play? (children's responses)
B-P: Great! I also love to play. Let's play together? I will make riddles if you guess, you will find out what to be in the bag.
No corners I have,
And looks like a saucer
On the plate and on the lid,
On the ring, on the wheel.
Who am I so, friends?
(a circle)
He has long been familiar with me,
Each corner in it is straight.
All four sides
Equal length.
You are glad to imagine him
And his name is ...
Three corners, three sides,
Can be different to length.
If you knock on the corners,
Then soon jump yourself.
In: Well done guys, know how to guess riddles. What do you think to stay in the bag? (children's responses). Right, circle, square and triangle. And how can you call them in one word? (children's responses) Yes, these are geometric shapes.
Len: Well, Winnie Pooh Show us please, figures from your wonderful bag. (Children consider shapes, determine its shape, color.)
Prior guys, let's play with Winnie the Pooh in another game.
Fisminet "Bear"
Bear in more often lived
His head cool
That's how it turned my head.
Bear honey I was looking for
A friendly tree Kachali
That's the way it is so - the tree swung.
And went in the wreling
And from the river water drank
Like this, so and from the river water drank
And they danced
Friendly paws raised
So, that's how the paws raised.
Here is a swamp on the way! How do we go?
Jump yes ICK, jump yes IC!
Cheerful jumping friend!
Low guys, and let's play with Winnie Pooh in another game? It is called "Zhmurki". I hide all the shapes into the bag, and you will be in turn, you will need to determine what kind of figure and call it. (Winnie -Puch last defines the figure)
In: Well, you know how to play guys. And when I got a figure, I groped something else in the bag. I will show you now. (pulls out the symbols from the bag) what can it be?
Prior: Winnie Pooh, yes this is the same cards - symbols. They designate color, shape, size. (Card view). You can also play with them. Winnie the Pooh we will also teach you. Only for this game we will still need hoops. (make three hoops)
In: In the center of each hoop, I will put three characters cards. You remember that they are denoted.
The tutor in turn shows cards-symbols, children call
Len: around the hoop, I will decompose the shapes. You will need to put in the center of the hoop
Tubavkina Irina Aleksandrovna