Didactic game wild animals goal. "Birds in nature." Who is worth it

Enrich and activate the vocabulary. Fix knowledge nouns: squirrel, Hawk, Fox, Nora, Hedgehog, Hare, Wolf, Lork, Miscellaneous, Berloga, Lynx, Forest, Deer, Horn, Hoof, Torchish, Flyers, Wool, Fur, Necklands, Skura, Pall, Paws, Belo, claws; verbs: get, jump, scour, drop, lying, squeak, roar, hunt, hide, yield, snort, teach, guard, suck, loop, comes up; adjectives: close-up, small, shaggy, cosmatic, fluffy, strong, tricky, spiny, fast, deft, brown, toothy, clumsy, closure, beautiful, sharp, striped, mighty, flexible, bad, cautious, predatory; narachchi: quickly, deftly, slowly, dangerous, scary.

We teach the child to draw up riddles-descriptions about wild animals. The first words in the riddle must be the words: this is an animal. In the following words, it may be clarifying the size of the animal (large, small, small, etc.). Then it is necessary to tell about the characteristic features of the appearance (fluffy, shaggy, spiny, clumsy) than the animal feeds.

Games and exercises

Game "One Many"with noun on the topic "Wild animals".

Fox - Fox - Many Fox Lisenok - Lylyata - Lyly

The game "Nazis family".

dad - Bear, Mama Majer, Cubs (s) - Bear (bear);

dad - hare - ...;

dad - hedgehog ...;

dad - fox ..;

dad - Wolf ...;

Game "Nazis Laskovo"(animals and cubs)

deer - Bear -

hedgehog - hare -

elk - Wolf -

fox - Squirrel -

Game "Guess, who is it?"

Brown, closure, clumsy - ....

Gray, toothy, howling - ....

Sly, fluffy, redhead - ....

Small, long, cowardly - ...

"Who loves what"

Protein loves nuts, mushrooms, berries.

"Catch up to 7"

(Surface Fox, Spiny Yozh, Wolf Lair, Belich Herp)

One mighty elk, two mighty moose, ......, five mighty sals ... ..

Help the child remember how the dwellings of wild animals are called.

Ask questions:

Berlery whose? (bear)

Lorovo whose? (wolf), etc.

Exercise on the development of sound analysis skills(for children 5-7 years)

"What is the first sound in the word?"

Bear - MJ Wolf - in, etc.

Fox - yawing.

Bear - Rug.

Wolf - WORK.

Hedgehog - sniffs, etc.

Didactic exercise "Who is superfluous and why?"

Squirrel, hedgehog, horse, badger.

Fox, dog, bear, hare.

Elk, dog, cow, cat.

Learn with a child poem and perform your finching gymnastics.

"Wild animals"

Wild animals are in our forest: connect the pads

Here you can meet a hare and fox, fingers with a thumb.

Squirrel and Bear, Wolf, Kaban -

Hides everyone reliably forest silence.

"Everyone has his own house"

In fox in the forest is deaf Children bend fingers on both

There is a nora - a reliable house hands: one finger on

Not scary in winter blizzards each two-deck.

A squirrel in a hoodie on ate.

Under the bushes hedgehog prickly

Hears leaves in a bunch.

From branches, roots, bark

Huts make beavers.

Sleeps in Berorcot,

Before spring sucks paw there.

Everyone has his own home Blows palms and camsalternately.

All warm, cozy in it.

Poems to automate the sounds

Belkin Storeroom (L, R)

Why mushrooms on the Christmas tree

On the knots hang top?
Not in a basket, not on the shelf,
Not in moss, not under the sheet -
In the trunk and among the branches

On the swirls they are put.

Who made them so clever?

Who cleaned the Mushrooms?

This is Belkin Storeroom,

This is a Belkin Summer Collection!

(E. Trutneva)

And who is in Dupel? (C, L)

In pine hollow,

In Dupel - warmth.

And who is in the voupel

Does it live in warm?

And there lives the squirrel there,

Kelochka squirrel,


Like beads, eyes.

A. Prokofiev

Badger (C, R)

Japaneled in the forest on the bush,

And under it lies watermelon!

I wanted to take, but only suddenly

From hand, jumped up a badger,

And on the grass - Khir! Hiring! -

My "Watermelon" rolled!

Yu. Andrianov

Bear to visit invites (c)

You are shy throw,

Come to visit!

The path is not long -

Forest, straight,

Ground Malina,

Upaumed by Medsk.

And in the winter to me, guys,

I do not advise walking.

And in winter I guys

I do not advise you to wake.

A. Schlygin

Grandpa Bear (P, W)

Grandpa Bear,

Pretty you are mine

I did not accept me in the choir.


Is it just a gury?

Well, youth! ..

You are without choir, granddaughter,

Good root!

R. Kulikova

Hedgehog (w)

Would, hedgehog

You're good,

Only in hand

Do not take.

Not good?

Well, well.

Without needles

I am not a hedgehog.

L. Korchagin

Raccoon and hedgehog (w)

Hedgehog in the bath washed the ears,

Neck, skin on the trouser.

And said Raco Hedgehog:

Will you not fool my back?


*** (FROM)

Where does he live? In most often

The most real one.

There walks, there and sleeps,

There they grow their children.

Loves pears, loves honey,

Sweet is heard.

And I can say

He loves to sleep.

Falls in the fall, but get up,

Only when spring will come.

Elk (C)

In the stream looks elk.

Surprised to ...




And where

All took up?

Didactic games on "wild animals"

Game "Name in order"
Purpose: develop spectatic memory And attention to intensify the dictionary of the nouns on the topic.

Look at pictures
And they remember.
I will remove them all
You will remember in order.

(6-7 subject pictures on the topic).

The game "Who Who Who?"

Purpose: eating a genitive case of nouns single and multiple numbers.

At the Medveditsa - ... (Bear, Bedswan).
Lisitsa - ... (Lisenok, Lisata).
Protein - ... (Belchonok, Lachata).
Wolf - ... (Volconok, Volchat).
Hedgehogs - ... (Long, hedgehog).
Bunny - ... (Bunny, Run).

Game "Nazis Family"

Purpose: introduce children with the names of wild animals, their families; Develop a speech of children.

Dad - Bear, Mom - ... (Bear), Cubs - ... (Bear).
Dad - Wolf, Mom - ... (Wolf), Cubs - ... (Volchonok).
Dad - Hedgehog, Mom - ... (Hedgehog), Cubs - ... (Long time).
Dad - Hare, Mom - ... (Bunny), Cubs - ... (Bunny).
Dad - Lis, Mom - ... (Fox), Cubs - ... (Lisenok).

The game "Who lives?"

Purpose: Fastening the form of the proposed case of nouns.

On the blackboard pictures with wild animals (bear, fox, wolf, protein, hare, etc.). On the table of the teacher, pictures with their dwellings (Nora, Berloga, Lorovo, Hawk, bush). Children put a picture with the image of the dwelling under the picture with the appropriate animals.

Squirrel lives in a voupel.
The bear lives in Berorga.
Fox lives in Nore.
The wolf lives in the lair.
The hare lives under the bush.

The game "Who loves what?"

Purpose: fastening the shape of a vinitive case of nouns.

On the table of the teacher Pictures: carrots, cabbage, raspberry, honey, fish, nuts, bumps, mushrooms, acorns, bark trees, grass, chickens, hares, sheep, etc. Children put pictures to the appropriate animal.

Protein loves nuts, cones, mushrooms, acorns.

Game "pick up the word"

Purpose: Teach children to choose and call words and signs, words-actions.

Bear (what?) ... (Brown, Kosolapy, clumsy).
Wolf (what?) ... (gray, toothy, angry).
Hare (what?) ... (Longhudoes, cowardly, grated).
Lisa (what?) ... (Surface, redhead, fluffy).

Bear (what does?) ... (sleeping, rolls, closer).
Wolf (what does?) ... (howl, runs away, catchies).
Lisa (what does?) ... (Logs, runs, catches).

Game "Learn Beasts by Description"

Purpose: Teach children to recognize animals by description; Develop the thinking and speech of children.

Cowardly, long, gray or white. (Hare.)
- Brown, closure, clumsy. (Bear.)
- Gray, angry, hungry. (Wolf.)
- Sunny, redhead, deft. (A fox.)
- prompt, stuck, redhead or gray. (Squirrel.)

Purpose: To acquaint children, which votes are filing wild animals.

Game "Nazis Laskovo"

Purpose: Teach children to form nouns with the help of diminishing suffixes.
You do not yawn friendly,
Yes, the word stick.

Protein - squirrel
Fox - Lisukha

Game "One - Many"

Purpose: Teach children to form nouns multiple numbers of noun and genitive cases.
We are a little wizard,
There was one, and there will be a lot.

Squirrel - Squirrel - Many Squirrel
Bear - Bears - many bears

Game "Count!"

Purpose: teach children to coordinate nouns with numerical "one", "two", "five".
How many of them - we always know
Good we all consider.

One Bear - Two Bear - Five Bear
One hedgehog - two hedgehogs - five hedges
One squirrel - two proteins - five proteins

Didactic game "Whose tail? "
Purpose: consolidate animal knowledge, develop memory, thinking, attention and small motor Hands.

Game traffic:
One morning, forest animals woke up and see that all the tails are confused: the hare is a wolf's tail, a wolf - a fox tail, in the fox - the tail of the bear .... Upset beasts. Is it suits the tail of a wolf's tail? Help the beasts find their tails, answering the question "Whose tail? "Here's the tail of the wolf. What is he? (gray, long). Whose tail is it? - Wolf. And this whose tail is small, fluffy, white? - Bare.
And so on. Now all the animals found their tails.

The game "Change words on the sample"

Purpose: The formation of attractive adjectives.

Fox nose - ... (lisus nose).
Lapa Fox - ... (Lape Fox).
Fox eyes - ... (Fox eyes).
Nora fox - ... (Lya Nora).

The game "On the contrary"

Purpose: The formation of words-antonyms.

Elk - big, and hare - ... (small).
Wolf - strong, and protein - ... (weak).
In the fox, the tail is long, and the bear - ... (short).

The game "Fourth Excess"

Purpose: Teach children to allocate in the subjects their essential signs and make the necessary generalizations on this basis, intensify the substantive dictionary.

Look at the picture
Subject of extra name
And your choice is explained.

Squirrel, Dog, Fox, Bear

The game "Slug the picture"

Purpose: Teach children to fold a picture of parts; Develop a holistic perception, attention, thinking.

The child has a picture with a wild animal, cut into 4 parts.
- What kind of beast did you get? (A fox.)

The game "Compilation of the Story-Description"

Purpose: Teach children to make a story-description about an animal with a support on the plan-scheme, develop the speech of children.

Children make up a story about the appearance of a wild animal according to plan.

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution

kindergarten combined type number 30

N.S. Yarovenko

Didactic games
On the topic "Animals"

art. Leningrad

Compiler: Yarovenko Natalia Sergeevna, educator

The manual is intended for use in different types of activities preschool institutions, educators of speech therapy groups and students during the passage of practice.

Reviewer:Schwaryich A.V., Teacher Pedagogy Gapow CC LSPK


Leading children's activities preschool age is playing activities. The didactic game is a verminous, complex, pedagogical phenomenon: it is both the game method of teaching children of preschool age, and the form of teaching children, and independent gaming activities, and a means of comprehensive child upbringing.
Didactic games contribute:
- Development of educational and mental abilities: to obtain new knowledge, their generalization and consolidation, the expansion of their ideas about the subjects and phenomena of nature, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation; Development of the ability to express their judgments, making conclusions.
- Development of children's speech: replenish and activate the dictionary.
- the socio-moral development of the child-preschooler: in such a game there is a knowledge of the relationship between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards the world around him, learns to be fair, to give up if necessary, learns to sympathize and t ..

Any game is a favorite activity of a preschooler and

accompanies it throughout the time staying in Children

Children play, not suspecting that they master some knowledge, master the skills of action with certain objects, study the culture of communication with each other.

Satisfy children's curiosity, engage the child into the active development of the world around, help him master the ways to know the relationship between objects and phenomena allows the didactic game. So, didactic games allow for a full development, education and education of children in conditions kindergarten. They create a positive emotional rise, cause a good mood, joy: the child rejoices what he learned something new, rejoices to achieve, the ability to pronounce the word, to do something, achieve the result, rejoices the first joint action and experiences with other children. This joy is the key to the successful development of children on the steps. early age And it is of great importance for further education.

To overcome the difficulty child will help your love, understanding and praise for any, even the smallest achievement.

Didactic animal games (junior group)

Who eats what.

Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about pets (what they eat) develop thinking, attention, memory, to educate the desire to take care of pets.

Material: Subject pictures with pets and food for them.

The educator invites children to "feed" animals in the yard at Grandma. The educator causes children with couples. One child calls the animal and exhibits it, and the second is looking for her food, puts the picture next to the animal.

Who screams like.

Material: Set of "Pets" toys.

The educator sets toys on the table, asks: who is where it lives like screaming.

Animals and their kids.

Purpose: Teach children find kids pets and call them; Develop memory, speech, attention.

Material: A series of pictures "Pets with babies".

The educator offers children to help pets. It is necessary to find kids who have lost. Children work in pairs.

One child takes the animal, the second is looking for. Children should call the animal and his young.

Who is worth it.

Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space; Understand the concept of "left", "right", "y", "before", "for", "upstairs"; Develop thinking, memory.

Material: Pictures depicting pets, house.

The tutor shows pictures with the image of animals and their young and invites children to call them (dog and puppy, cat and kitten, cow and calf t. P.). Pictures are exhibited on the stand, in the same order in which are shown. After that, showing, for example, on the cat, the educator asks: "Who is standing next to her? »Children answer.

The game continues until children call all animals and their young.

"Wild and domestic animals"

Material: Toy sets: "Pets", "Wild Animals"; Christmas trees; house.

The educator offers children to take a toy, call it and "settle" it where she lives. If this is a wild animal, then the child puts a toy near the Christmas tree, and if the home - near the house.

Purpose: Teach children correctly call animals and their cubs; recognize animals by voice and reproduce their sounds; bring up careful attitude towards them.

Material: rope and call.

Children sit on chairs. At some distance from them stretched the rope, to which the bell is suspended at the height of the growth of children. The teacher calls for two or three children and negotiate: which of them will be.

The first child runs up to the rope, jars and calls three times.

Children. Who's come?

Child. Woof woof woof!

Children guess that the dog came. A child depicting a dog sits down in place. Another child runs up to a call - the game continues.


Objective: Teach children to call wild and pets; classify them, develop speech, memory, attention; Educating love for nature.

Material: Toy sets: "Pets", "Wild Animals"; Christmas trees; grandmother; house.

Children sit on chairs with groups of 4-5 people. Each group depicts certain animals or birds. The tutor agrees with each group of children, voice, animals or birds they will play. Then bypassing the "house", knocks and asks: "Who lives in this hut? »Children answer:" Ko-Ko! "The teacher is guessing:" Chickens live here. "Badge into another house.

The game is held several times, then it is complicated by the fact that it guess is not an educator, but the children themselves.

Objective: Teach children to select adjectives to the noun; Develop thinking, speech, attention.

Material: ball.

The educator throws children in turn of the ball.

Educator. What is the autumn? What a sun? What a grass?

The child catches the ball, picks up adjective, then throws the ball back to the tutor.

"Release the bird from the cage»

Objective: Teach children to learn and call birds; develop visual memory, thinking; Educating love for nature.

Material: Cell is drawn; Pictures of birds (sparrow, pigeon, crow, swallow, starlets, tit).

The educator offers children to "free birds from a cell." To do this, you need to find a bird and correctly call it. The child calls the bird. If the child incorrectly called the bird, then she "remains in a cage"

Didactic animal games ( senior group)

"Birds in nature"

To form in children a conscious understanding of relationships in nature.
Develop the ability to set a sequential dependence consisting of several links (ecological pyramid).

Tree layout with birds image. Cubes with pictures: Earth, water, sun, air, trees of different breeds, bird food, birds different species. Support pictures: Booth tree, bark, stump, cage, lake, worm, frog, bump, mouse, fish, earth, water, sun, air.

Rules of the game:

Choose any of the birds in the picture or offer it to make a child. Ask questions: What is this bird? Where does it live?
(Appropriate reference pictures are offered).
Find cubes with the image of trees.
What do we need a tree to grow it? (Earth, water, sun).
Find cubes with the image of the earth, water, the sun. Determine their place in the ecological pyramid. (Children find the appropriate cubes and put them at the base of the pyramid under the cubes with the image of the trees).
What feeds the bird? (Appropriate reference pictures are offered)
Where is the feed?
As a result, the pyramid should be turned out to be built in accordance with the floors of nature.
What do you think it happens to the bird, if the water disappears? (Earth, sun, air).

"Forest residents"

Learning to distinguish and call the characteristic features of wild animals, establish communication between the habitat and lifestyle and external species animals.

Pictures: animals, "houses", young, animal food.

Rules of the game:

Didactic game "Ecotable"

Systematize the knowledge of the animal world.
Forming the ability to use graphic symbols.
Develop a logical, figurative thinking.


Tables with graphic symbols;

Subject pictures depicting representatives of the animal world.

Rules of the game:
1. The child chooses a table with graphic symbols and explains which animal is encrypted.
2. With the help of the table makes a consistent story about the animal.


To summarize the knowledge of preschoolers about objects of living and inanimate nature, about their features, properties, characteristic features, relationships.
Game field, cards depicting objects of live and inanimate nature on various types of generalizations (man, homemade and wild animals, animals of the north and hot countries, birds, insects; plants: berries, trees, flowers; rainbow, clouds, snow, rain ...) , schematic cards - notation with various signs of natural objects and phenomena (wing - paw, forest -dom, claws - hooves, spring - winter ...), cube, buttons - frogs, chips - insects.

1 Option: "Flashing Riddles"

Learning to classify objects of alive and inanimate nature on a given feature.
Game traffic:

Children fold images, focusing on the cards - notation. (For example: on the left side gaming field There is a card - the designation of "claws", on the right - "hooves". Children work on the generalization of the concepts of "predators" and "herbivore")

2 Option: "Curious Frog"

To identify the interaction between man and nature objects, between objects of living and inanimate nature.
Game traffic:

Images of the objects of the living and inanimate nature of the objects are chaotically laid out around the man's card. The child throws a frog, reveals the positive and negative links of the fallen object with a person (for example: a cow gives a man milk, but it can hurt, etc.). In the center instead of a man's card, you can put any other (for example, "fox"), then the children will detect connections between different natural objects (for example: Fox can hide behind a stone. Fox is looking for a mouse under the stone).)

"Who is friends with the tree?"

Secure the ideas that the forest is a community of plants and animals that live near and depend on each other.

Pano with the image of the forest. Cards with pictures of animals, birds, insects. A cube with red, green, blue and yellow flowers or a bag with multicolored buttons.

Rules of the game:

On the table it is pano and unfolded cards with pictures. Children alternately throw a cube. If the side of the cube with a green circle falls out, the child takes a card with the image of any animal, places it on the panel and tells why this animal is friends with a tree.
For example:
This is a protein. She lives on a tree in Duples, sometimes it builds the nest. More protein collects fir and pine cones, hangs mushrooms on the branches - makes reserves for the winter.
If blue falls - chooses a bird; red - insect; Yellow - bird, insect, animal who do not live in the forest and motivates their choice.

Games for the development of shallow motor


Fasten the knowledge of children on the topic "Wild and Pets" .

Develop a phonmematic perception and presentation, attention, fine motor skills, spatial orientation, teach elements of logical thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization).

Equipment: Cut from Cardboard Big Image of Teremka, all windows of which are closed with appropriate geometric shapes.

Pedagogue reads a sharing to the game:

In the pure field, teremok stood,

Who lived in that termechka.

Who lived in that termechka?

He knows the one who looked in the windows.

Who looked into those windows?

He who correctly guess the figure

In the title of the beast, the first letter guess

And tomorrow it was interesting about the beogram.

The teacher then invites children in turn "open" the windows of some particular shape - first round, then triangular and the like. Before opening the quadrangular windows, it asks: what a quadranique figure is called, which has all the parties straight (rectangle). And if in such a figure, all sides are the same length, as it is called then? (Square).

Now open at first just quadrangular windows, then rectangular, and finally square. Who lives in this house? What two groups can all animals divide? ( Wild and pets). List at first only home, and then wild. Who lives on the first floor (second, third)? What animal is superfluous on each floor? Why?

Then the educator offers children such tasks:

1. Guess the name of the animal in the first (last) sounds in the title and cover the corresponding image of the animal geometric figure, focusing on the window shape.

2. Determine, in the title of some animal (by choosing a teacher) the first (last) sound.

3. Guess the animal, in the title of which there is a specific sound, and cover the image of this animal with an appropriate geometric figure.

4. The teacher slowly calls animals, replacing sounds in some names (whistling - hissing, calls on the deaf): Zvinya (Pig), Gorma (cow) ... Hearing a mistake, children must slap in your hands and raise your hand if they wish to fix it (Name correctly).

5. According to the description of the animal, which teacher gives, the child must guess, about whom it is in question. Then - on the contrary: the teacher offers a child to describe the animal or recall him a poem or a riddle.

A similar game with preschoolers can be carried out on the topics of "birds", "insects" and the like.

Guess to taste.

Purpose: Teach children to distinguish an apple, a pear, plums, grapes, carrots, cabbage, tomato, cucumber, to determine - vegetable or fruit; develop a speech; Educating attention.

Material: on a plate lie cut into pieces and covered with napkin vegetables and fruits.

The educator offers children to close the eyes and try vegetable or fruit. The child tries, guesses what it is, and then calls: it is a vegetable or fruit.

Cook delicious borscht.

Purpose: teach children to call ancient dishes (pot, bowl, spoon, jug) teach choosing the necessary vegetables for borscht; Develop logical thinking, attentiveness.

Material: dishes (pot, spoon, bowl, jug) Muzzy vegetables and fruits.

The educator offers children to "cook" a dish - borsch. Children call the dishes in which they will "cook" borsch, and choose it among the placed in front of them. Called children choose among the necessary vegetables for the borscht, and put them in a pot in front of them.

Children take turns choose vegetables, and the rest of the children show signs: yes or not.

What is growing.

Objective: expand and clarify the presentation of children about vegetables and fruits, develop memory, speech, attentiveness.

Material: Carved Vegetables and Fruits, Tree Mockup, Toward Mockup.

The educator offers children in turn to approach the table and take one vegetable or fruit, call it, determine where it grows and put on the layout of the garden or hang on the tree layout. For example: a child takes an apple and says: "This is an apple, it grows in the garden on the tree," then comes to a tree layout and hangs a carved fruit on it.

Where vitamins live.

Objective: Teach children to select only those pictures on which the food beneficial is painful; Develop attentiveness, memory, thinking.

Material: Teddy bear; Subject pictures depicting vegetables, fruits, citrus, ice cream, candies, cookies, cake and the like.

The educator invites children to "strip" the bear not pills, but vitamins. To do this, you need to choose only those pictures with the image of the products in which "live" vitamins. Children alternately or groups fit and choose pictures, call the subject, and whether the rest of the children show signs with the fact that there are "live" vitamins or not. If the task is done correctly, the child puts a picture from a bear.

Find out the description.

Objective: Improve the knowledge of the child about vegetables and fruits; learn to find an object by description; Develop attentiveness, discipline.

Material: Moir of vegetables, fruits and citrus.

The educator offers children to find the item that he describes.

Educator. Round, yellow, with a red barrel, is sour and sweet, grows on a tree, useful. The child comes out, chooses an apple among the dulya, shows him to children, and children answer signs: they agree or not.

Find out the animal by description.

Purpose: improve the knowledge of children about pets; teach find pictures by description; Develop attentiveness, memory, thinking.

Material: Subject pictures with pets.

The educator invites children to find the animal that he describes.

Educator. This animal has a head, ears, sharp teeth, torso, legs, tail. She guarded the house, loves bones.

The child comes out and finds a picture with a dog, shows her children, and children answer signs: they agree or not.

Who eats what.

Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about pets (what they eat) develop thinking, attention, memory, to educate the desire to take care of pets.

Material: Subject pictures with pets and food for them.

The educator invites children to "feed" animals in the yard at Grandma. The educator causes children with couples. One child calls the animal and exhibits it, and the second is looking for her food, puts the picture next to the animal.

Who screams like.

Material: Set of "Pets" toys.

The educator sets toys on the table, asks: who is where it lives like screaming.

Animals and their kids.

Purpose: Teach children find kids pets and call them; Develop memory, speech, attention.

Material: A series of pictures "Pets with babies".

The educator offers children to help pets. It is necessary to find kids who have lost. Children work in pairs.

One child takes the animal, the second is looking for. Children should call the animal and his young.

Who is worth it.

Purpose: to teach children to navigate in space; Understand the concept of "left", "right", "y", "before", "for", "upstairs"; Develop thinking, memory.

Material: Pictures depicting pets, house.

The tutor shows pictures with the image of animals and their young and invites children to call them (dog and puppy, cat and kitten, cow and calf etc.). Pictures are exhibited on the stand, in the same order in which are shown. After that, showing, for example, on the cat, the educator asks: "Who is standing next to her?" Children answer.

The game continues until children call all animals and their young.

Wild and domestic animals.

Material: Toy sets: "Pets", "Wild Animals"; Christmas trees; house.

The educator offers children to take a toy, call it and "settle" it where she lives. If this is a wild animal, then the child puts a toy near the Christmas tree, and if the home - near the house.

Who's come?

Purpose: Teach children correctly call animals and their cubs; recognize animals by voice and reproduce their sounds; bring up careful attitude towards them.

Material: rope and call.

Children sit on chairs. At some distance from them stretched the rope, to which the bell is suspended at the height of the growth of children. The teacher calls for two or three children and negotiate: which of them will be.

The first child runs up to the rope, jars and calls three times.

Children. Who's come?

Child. Woof woof woof!

Children guess that the dog came. A child depicting a dog sits down in place. Another child runs up to a call - the game continues.

Who lives where.

Objective: Teach children to call wild and pets; classify them, develop speech, memory, attention; Educating love for nature.

Material: Toy sets: "Pets", "Wild Animals"; Christmas trees; grandmother; house.

Children sit on chairs with groups of 4-5 people. Each group depicts certain animals or birds. The tutor agrees with each group of children, voice, animals or birds they will play. Then bypasses the "house", knocking and asks: "Who lives in this hut?" Children answer: "Ko-Ko-Ko!" The teacher is guessing: "Chickens live here." Knocks in another house.

The game is held several times, then it is complicated by the fact that it guess is not an educator, but the children themselves.

Tell me.

Objective: Teach children to select adjectives to the noun; Develop thinking, speech, attention.

Material: ball.

Educator. What is the autumn? What a sun? What a grass?

The child catches the ball, picks up adjective, then throws the ball back to the tutor.

Free the bird from the cage.

Objective: Teach children to learn and call birds; develop visual memory, thinking; Educating love for nature.

Material: Cell is drawn; Pictures of birds (sparrow, pigeon, crow, swallow, starlets, tit).

The educator offers children to "free birds from a cell." To do this, you need to find a bird and correctly call it. The child calls the bird. If the child has incorrectly called the bird, she "remains in the cage."

Didactic games on the topic: "Seasons".

That autumn brought us.

Purpose: Fix with children signs of autumn and her gifts; Develop memory, thinking, speech.

Material: Multicolored leaflets, vegetables, fruits, painting "Autumn".

The teacher exposes before children the painting "Autumn", asks to call the time of year, remember which gifts brought autumn to people. For tips on the table, vegetables, fruits, multicolored leaves are laid out.

Winter entertainment.

Purpose: consolidate children's knowledge about winter entertainment; develop speech, attention; Educating love for different times of the year.

Material: Scene pictures on the topic "Winter entertainment".

Children are considering plot pictures and tell: in what games children love to play in winter.


Purpose: fasten with children signs of spring; teach to select adjectives to the noun; Develop speech, memory, thinking.

Material: ball.

The educator throws children in turn of the ball.

Educator. Spring what? What spring grass? Sunny sunshine?

The child answers the questions and throws the ball to the tutor.


Purpose: Teach children to name the time of year on their signs, find the appropriate pictures; Develop visual memory, attention.

Material: Large paintings with the time of year and small cards with the time of year for all children.

On the chairs before children are paintings with the time of year. On the rug are cards. The teacher offers each child to take one card and come to the picture with the appropriate time of the year. Next, you need to call your time of year, to explain why the child approached this or that picture.

When does it happen?

Material: pictures with times of the year, riddles on the days of the year.

The teacher makes children riddles about the days of the year, children guess them, find the corresponding time of the year in the pictures and expose them to Easel.

Snow on the fields

Ice on river

Blizzard walks

When does it happen? (Winter)

Snow down, water is noisy,

Earth is full of flowers.

Grows the grass young,

All dead comes to life

When does it happen? (Spring)

Sun bake, linden flowers,

Cherry sleeps,

When does it happen? (In summer)

Bare fields mocking earth

Rain watered when it happens? (Autumn)

Guess the description.

Objective: Teach children to name the time of year on their signs; Develop thinking, memory, attention.

Material: pictures with time of year.

The educator describes the time of year, and the children guess it.

Educator. At this time of year, children love to ride on sledding, sculpt a snowman.

Children answer or raise the winter card.

What looks like a sun?

Purpose: Consider the knowledge of children about the sun, its shape, color, develop visual memory, logical thinking.

Material: Sunny, Side pictures.

On the rug contain substantive pictures. The educator invites children to take only one picture, which is similar to the sun (for example: apple, ball, cherry, orange).

Children take turns show their cards and explain why they took this particular picture. (For example: "I have a ball because it is round as a sun".)

Day Night.

Purpose: consolidate the knowledge of children about the time of day, the actions of people at night, during the day; Develop attentiveness.

The educator calls the actions of people during the day or night. Children, if it's "Day," jump, circling, dance, go, and if "night" - squat, closed eyes, put the handles under the cheek.

What changed?

Objective: Teach children to notice changes in the landscapes; develop visual memory, attention; Employed.

Material: Spring landscape, bird, sun, flower, animal.

The educator offers children to consider the spring landscape. Then the children close their eyes, the tutor at this time changes something in the spring landscape (adds a bird, removes the sun, adds flower, etc.).

Children open their eyes and call what has changed.