EVE Online - tutorial mission guide. First steps in EVE. EVE Online Pilot Offers $ 75,000 To Kill Enemy Clan Who Needs This Guide and Why

The main purpose in the universe EVE Online- this is power in any of its manifestations. For example, you can gain power over the market in one space system, constellation, and even region. You can get military superiority or political domination, both over a single space system, and over an entire region, consisting of dozens of systems.

In space mmorpg EVE Online, there are many styles of play that allow you to achieve one or another - from extreme PVP to measured and calm mining (extraction of useful ores from asteroids). In any case, for a successful and rapid development corporations of players, as well as obtaining significant income, requires joint actions of various types of players.

Don't have an account yet? Rather, register in EVE Online and start writing the history of this world together with the rest of the Russian-speaking community!

Wealth, power, influence!

There are hundreds of ways to spend time in the world of EVE Online, and many of them have not even been invented yet and you may find yourself at the origins of new military tactics or methods of economic domination! It doesn't matter what you like best - in any case, you will find your place in the EVE universe Online.

The currency in EVE Online is Intergalactic Credits ( ISK). As you know, money is the root of any power. There are many ways to obtain ISK and pilots are constantly coming up with and finding new ways. Some of the more common and readily available ones are:

Extraction of minerals

The extraction of the main resources in EVE Online - minerals - is the development of asteroids in the asteroid belts that are found in any space system. First, you get a raw ore of one type or another, depending on the selected asteroid. After that, this ore must be processed in special factories that are located at the stations. The minerals obtained in this way can be both sold and put into production by building ships and modules for them.

NPC agent missions

Each NPC corporation working for the government of a particular NPC faction in EVE has a variety of agents who are willing to hire pilots to perform certain tasks. The more you trust a certain corporation, the more agents will want to work with you and pay more ISK.

Exploration of space anomalies and wormholes

EVE Space Online is full secrets and obscurity. You can discover a secret pirate base or an ancient research laboratory, and a wormhole can lead you to a previously unknown system with untold riches.

Science and research

Scientists in the EVE Online universe are researching and inventing blueprints. This allows you to use existing blueprints with greater efficiency and lower production costs, and also opens up the possibility of obtaining very valuable and rare copies. Blueprints invented by scientists can be very expensive, since only they know all the mysteries of building rare and high-tech ships and modules.


Any production consists in building according to the drawings of a particular module or ship. The manufacturer knows how to effectively use the conveyors of factories, which allows him to save resources during construction.

Trade craft

Businessmen make ISKs and resell everything that can be bought on the market in the EVE Online universe. They get along better with brokers in the market, are able to negotiate a lower tax, are able to sign dozens of contracts and place hundreds of buy or sell orders.

Bounty hunt

The reward is given for the destruction of ships of pirate corporations. The more dangerous the pirate, the more rewards you will receive for destroying him. And it can be like non-playable characters(Non-Player Character, NPC) and real pilots.


The pirates are trying to take possession of the property of other pilots by any available means. This can be as simple theft, and entire operations to seize transported goods and destroy their escort.

The method described below can be used for:

  • Capturing enemy Caribbean during the Highsec War.
  • With some changes and additions for catching kilright.

So, the wardeck is not going the way you want, the enemy blob is too big, the KTA is not being collected, or there is simply nothing to do.
We will look for enemy miners and agent runners.
And let us not be tormented by doubts on this topic, a red blinking target is always a target, no matter what it is in this moment is sitting.
In addition, the destruction of the Caribbean inflicts more damage on the morale of the enemy than the destruction of PvPs who are ready for losses.
Why? Because the PvP spike is written off in advance as a possible loss, while the other Caribas mobile is much more painful to lose. the loss is unexpected.
Especially for those who are Caribbean in Highsec.
Everything is caribou in EVE, just different ways.
We are interested in the enemy caribbean in the highsec. Because they are least prepared for losses, it seems to them that they will always have time to escape (optimists :)), etc., etc.
Let's get started.

I. Calculation of enemy caribbean by leaks on the design bureau.

And we find an alliance with us in a state of wardeck.
Take Nebulos as an example.
Having come not eve-kill, press search. (1)
Select the type of search, in this case the alliance (2)
We drive in the first few letters of the name of the alliance we are interested in. (3)
We choose from the appeared the corporation of the enemy alliance that we are interested in (4)

Select Corp List to see which corporations are in Ali.
And choose one of them (Ideally, you need to check everything).
It is desirable that it be a corporation with a connected API. if the api is not connected, then some of the fresh moose we are interested in (hereinafter, moose = loss of a ship or something else) may not be present on the design bureau.
It is preferable to search specifically for corporations and not for the alliance as a whole, because they could have recently joined Ali, and moose that occurred before joining will not be visible when viewed in general.
Let's take GreenSpace Inc. as an example.

Once on the corporation page, click Losses (1)
We are looking for Moose Miners (2) and Agentraner ships (3) in highsecs.
You can skip all keels in lows, zeros and holes.
KB displays the moose for a month, if there are no moose we are interested in in the selected month, then we change the month and, if necessary, the year and move deeper. (highlighted in red - 01 month 2012, i.e. in this case you need to put 12 instead of 01 and 2011 instead of 2012, etc.). It is worth viewing to a depth of no more than one year.
Having found an interesting drain for us, we add the Persian to the contacts and to the watchlist (do not forget to check if he has left the corp / alliance), I will write down the method of calculation and catching later.
How to find miner leaks is obvious, with agent runners it is a little more difficult, but also quite achievable.
More on this below.

The moose numbered (3) in the picture above is the agent runner's moose.
Why is this so seen in the next picture.
Firstly, this is the Navi scorpion. It is not often used in PvP, at least for the agent runner it is used much more often.
Secondly, he is alone.
In the third, he was also shot at by the Nepis, therefore he was on a mission where he was caught. (In general, this condition is not necessary, since the agent runner can also be caught on the nut).
Fourth, it happens in Haysek.
The combination of the above factors makes it possible to assume with a 90% probability that it was an agent-runner caught during the war or divorced on a mission.

II. Calculation of enemy caribbean. Method two, EVE-WHO.

Go to http://evewho.com/
We select the corporation / alliance we are interested in

and get a list of pilots.
Having chosen a pilot, we get basic information as well as links to keels and moose.

We are most interested in pilots with a minimum number of keels / moose.
The fewer the kills, the more chances that this person is engaged exclusively in Caribas and never climbs out of highsecs.

Avid PvPshniki can also caribass in highsecs, however, it is more difficult to deal with them and during the war they will most likely abandon the caribbean completely, so I advise you to start with miners and clean agents.

Next, you should look at his SS, for agents, it is usually greater than zero, the same can be said about miners.
If CC = 0, then most likely this is a Persian constantly sitting at the station for some reason, although of course it is possible that this is a freighter pilot, so you should not completely exclude such Persians.

III. Search of identified enemy Caribbean with the help of locator agents.

To do this, you will need agents capable of giving information about where this or that pilot is.
Moreover, these agents must belong to the corpus available to you by standing (reputation).

The easiest way to find the agent locator in the system you need is to use EVE-Agents.
Type in the name of the system, put locator = YES and if there are locators in the system, it will show them, if not, the page will remain empty.
Take Heck as an example.

Personally, there are 2 agents available to me here, from the Crusual Tribe and from Aliastra.
The agent from Crusual is a first-level agent, his search distance is very limited in comparison with the fourth-level agent from Aliastra.

The rates and frequency of searching the agent locator can be viewed through its info.

If EVE-Agents is not available for any reason, then it is possible to use the agent search built into the client.
On the one hand, it is more convenient. you can filter agents by distance from the system in which you are, on the other hand, there is no locator filter, i.e. you will have to manually view the information for each agent.

If you have already entered this game, and you like it, then it is best to make a separate folder for bookmarks and store all available locator-agents there.
This will allow in the future not to waste time on sites and search engines.

The Agent takes suits immediately, according to their number, it can be assumed how far the target is
If there are no quotes in the agent's information, then it is not a locator.
you can ask the agent again every 30 minutes.
The search time depends on how far away the target is.

If the agent refuses to search, then either the agent is not of the 4th level, or the sought-for body is hiding in VX.

After a short time after sending the request, information will come.
She will come to the Notifications / Agents section. (in the same place as the post office)
It will look something like this
I found Iyteno 3 for you. From: Buedoupon AriqueSent: 2012.03.31 17:20 I've found your sleazebag.He is in the Aphi system, Araz constellation of the Kador region.With regards,

In this case, the desired body was in space, if it was sitting at the station, it would be indicated which one.
Do not forget that you can always ask on the alliance channel if someone can punch the body through the locator.

IV. Capturing enemy miners.

So, you managed to calculate a potential target, he is online and in space.
To begin with, about what NOT worth doing, never :

  • Enter and even approach the target system by any pilot from his alliance closer than 2 jumps before the start of shooting. (Seeing someone from your corporation / alliance in the locale, the miner will immediately dock or shut down, the same applies in 9 cases out of 10 to agent runners)
  • Look for a target by a Persian who was in our alliance but left it relatively recently. In principle, this can work, but the chances that you will be burned are still quite high. And it certainly won't work more than once.
  • Wait in a system that lies on the direct path between Heck or Jita and the target system. Because someone from their enemy ali can notice you just flying by and warn the target. Find another system in which you can wait for the moment.
    Take, for example, the system Klaevik... (Once two enemy orcs and a couple of hulks merged there, I will try to tell you how it was done and why it was done that way).
    First, I flew there with my Alt and saw a pack of C7 miners sitting in the dock. I logged in, logged out, docked, andokatsya ... no one left to mine it ....
    Those. I scared them, and it could have been so bad that they would not have left the dock that day, and perhaps they would have changed their place.
    Apparently we scared them enough to check the history of the Persian who appeared in the system and Alta figured out. In the end I left there in Heck in complete disarray, however, having previously found neutral eyes on the Nubolet (the success of ops depends on the presence of such eyes by 50%) ...
    These neutral eyes flew over the belts, pokokalis, wandered. And in the end they waited until the orc went to the andok and noticed which belt the orc went to.
    At this moment, our small gang from inter (in such a gang there should always be inter and about 40% more success is envious of him, since he quickly warps and grabs from afar) a couple of beavers, Celestis and Thresher, moved out of Heck and headed towards Klaevik ...
    We quickly skipped the Orduin (2) steel into the Engosi (3) system, deliberately avoiding the Ridoner (1) system. The autopilot draws a path through the Orduin and Ridoner systems, and it is they that are the most logical place to put your eyes, through which those heading to Klaevik can fly.
    Whereas the Engosi system is somewhat marginalized.

While we were getting there, our scout figured out which belt the targets were on.
We go into the Atonder system and accumulate on the Claevik nut.
The complete absence of strangers in the locale gives us the opportunity to wait for a beaver that is 1 jump behind.
Our scout logs out of the Klaevik system to avoid exposure
Inter goes to Klaevik warp to the specified Belt to zero
Immediately after the inter, the entire gang passes, warps to the same belt and grabs targets.
As a result, the targets burst merrily, bringing C7 2-plus lard of losses http://kb.eve-odessa.com/?a=kill_related&kll_id=12909682, neutral eyes remain unlit and ready for new exploits, the PvP account is replenished by 100kk from the sale of fractional loot one of the orcs.
We return to Heck in good spirits and disperse.

V. Capturing enemy agents.

As with capturing miners, it all starts with a locator for agents and neutral eyes.
If the agent wrote to you that the Persian is sitting in the dock at the station, immediately check if there are 4 agents at this station.
If they exist, then with a high probability this is the base of the agent-runner.
If the agent wrote that he is in space, then he probably makes a bowl and his agent is, if not in the same system, then within one jump from it, in very rare cases in 2.

We send eyes to the system, calculate what the Persian is on and where his agent is.
If you find it in the dock station with the 4th agent, then it's here.

After calculating the type of ship, we prepare the appropriate gang.
It is worth considering the following points:

  • Agentraner most likely has an active tank, i.e. a few neutrons won't hurt.
  • Tanked under the profile damage (i.e. if it is in the material, then it will definitely not have a hole in the explosive, as well as in the thermal in the case of heletion).
  • Most likely equipped with well-trained drones.

Until the assembled gang gets to the place (for 2 jumps in the outskirts, it's a good idea to hide in the low, expensive Caribas mobiles don't go to the low).
The eyes figure out which system the body is pouring into a bowl ... and then there are several options.

  • If the eyes are pumped enough for scanning with corks, then knowing the shiptype, scan it on a bowl, then the inter-gang comes up for it and the target cheerfully dies under the signature.
  • If the eyes are not pumped enough, then the inter will have to prop the nut into which the agent ran in the hope that there are no eyes and it will be possible to take it on the return to the agent.
    In this case, the gangue will be better positioned in such a way as to pass through the system where the bowl is made.
    Caribbean mobiles are often quite thick and it is likely that it will heat back into the nut, so someone with a diesel has to wait for him on the other side.
    In extreme cases, you can do it differently - after the gank intercepts the target from the inter (intercepted with a scrum and at least one net, since Caribai mobiles are sometimes ABS), the inter deagrits and waits for either eggs or a signal to pass into the nut to keep the target with the other side until the rest of the gang deaggres.


To catch enemy caribas you need:

  • Loactor agents
  • Neutral scout
  • Inter.
  • Small, mobile and damage gank.
  • Elaboration of the approach (Neutral eyes can look at neighboring systems and choose the appropriate one).
  • A lot of patience (the activity is akin to fishing).

Do not hesitate to ask in the Ali channel to break through the Persian, and pull people up from there.

The methods described above can also be used for catching kilright.

In the game, a balance is important between unencumbered by someone's strict requirements gameplay and flights under the clear guidance of an experienced fleet commander. Alternate between study, crabbing and fun to maintain a constant interest in the game.

After playing Eva for several years and at the same time not becoming a maniac, I found, in my opinion, the optimal alignment of the characters on the accounts, which will cover most of the game mechanics.

Applications to join a corporation that live and operate in a wormhole like mine are mainly submitted by:

  • miners who are tired of 16 million hours in hays (40 in zeros);
  • misco-runners tired of monotony;
  • players wishing to learn VX;
  • who lived in VH, but the previous corp "ordered to live long."

There were also those in our ranks who lived in the zeros, but not for long. Zeros give a low margin, but a lot of stability. Not everyone is ready to part with albeit small, but daily earnings in exchange for sporadic, but larger earnings in VH

The main character of the miner

Miners in C5 earn a little more than 100 million an hour on gas. With ore, it all depends on the bonuses. Further processing and production will bring the hour to a level at which the time spent on digging (1 hour per 1 hold of the Prospectus) can please the eye. Extraction of gas or ore can successfully be carried out in parallel with the crabbing of sleepers. The insulated system allows you to pull Rorku and a bunch of Hulks onto your belt. The exact recipes for the composition and number of the fleet are a matter of taste and courage (or stupidity), I will only note that ore anomalies can contain 3.2 billion ISKs in the form of raw materials.

But just digging for ore or gas is boring. Even if you also know how to manufacture and trade. You need a character learned active game e.g. crab

The main character is a crab

Crab in VX = kill sleepers. The choice of ships and feats for the C5 is not rich. We are using Rattla's shield spider format. The ship is worth about a billion ISKs, and sometimes no more than 300 million.

It is believed that the use of capital is unprofitable, the capdoresp will bring an additional 180 million in the form of loot, if you drive in all three types of simple capital: dreadlocks, punishment and logisticians. However, experiments on "devouring" anomalies in 3 dreadlocks (sabcap / cap) showed the passage of the anomaly in 10-15 minutes. No perefit is necessary in this situation.

By killing the drifter, you will double your income, but you need to find a balance between the number of participants and the time spent. 5 pilots make an anomaly with a drifter for 40 minutes.

But crawling in VX does not always work, so you need another character.

Missing element

Wormholes are a quintisense of uncertainty. SSR deliberately made them truly unpredictable for the players. For example, the exact time between the last time crit and the hole closure is still not clear. And the mass of holes always has a random deviation, and it is impossible to calculate the exact number of passes. All that remains is to prepare the HIK (preferably with two bubbles) for the catch and hope for luck. Online small corporations are also not a constant. All this leads to the conclusion - we need one more character who is not associated with the main activity.

The Sansha Incursions are quite profitable (max. 180 million per hour). A huge plus for the commander of a small corps - the fighters on the Invasions themselves learn tough discipline and interaction in the fleet without spending your nerves. Also, a plus will be the fact that the skills learned for the Invasions have a wide combat and peaceful application. Shield Invasions are well implemented in the New Galaxy Age community. Time spent on average - 150 million. The main thing in Invasion flights is the absence of special responsibilities. Finished the site - go wherever you want, a change is already ready for your place. So by Invasions, you can hammer pauses in the game in VX.

By the way, blueprints for capital modules of the Concorde faction are obtained during Invasions. In VH they are easy to produce and install on your brand new, sparkling capital.


  • Sleeper killer (crab), which can also be pumped into a planetary system - it never interferes and does not take much time.
  • Miner / Production Man with Planet Skill - Universal MCV (as in C&C). It is not worth combining a miner and a crab into one account, since the digging is a good neighbor for crabbing.
  • An invader is a character who can reach the maximum in all the necessary skills in a little more than six months, and all this time will provide you with ISKs (he will be ready to fight in 56 days with the right development strategy). It is better to keep him anonymous and not be in the main corp to avoid revenge and vars. By the way, this character can be kept second to the crab, which sits in VX permanently - you can upgrade it to an acceptable level, and then pay only with PLEX for an account for two Persians, where a bottomless crab will be pumped. And to combine crabbing in VX and Invasion - it will not work in any way.

This approach will provide you with PLEXES even if you only play a couple of days a week.

However, Eva, this is still a PvP game. Who you go to PvP is up to you. For these purposes, we have a corporation participating in FV (Factional Warfare).

I am sure that experienced players will notice that having a crab in the zeros is even more beneficial. Yes, a crab that knows how to supercar, and sitting on a rental in the "zeros" can earn a lot. But this is not our choice - we play, not work in EVE. Although we do not impose anything on you! 🙂

Who needs this guide and why.

The first and main goal is to increase the general level of PVP of Russian-speaking players. In this tutorial, I will cover PVP in CC systems (Security Status) 0.0. Despite the fact that many of the issues I have considered here are true for PvP in the empire (SS 0.5 and higher) and lowsec (SS 0.1 - 0.4 systems), nevertheless these issues were considered from the point of view of combat in SS 0.0 systems. This guide is intended for those pilots who are no longer confused about the names of the modules, have not yet plunged into the wonderful area of ​​EVE - PVP, but are already thinking about doing it. Usually, these are pilots with two months or more experience in the game.

General issues.

Combat philosophy.

Strange as it may seem to some, there is such a philosophy. Why is it needed? As a philosophy, it defines the principles of perception, information processing and decision-making in combat situations.

First of all, I would like to note that PVP is a competition in achieving the set goals, the essence of PVP is that opponents set themselves often mutually exclusive goals and strive for them. PVP is not a fight in which you kill someone or you are killed, it is not violence in itself, it is just a competition. Yes, we honestly admit that the participants do not always compete by mutual desire and agreement, but at the same time the formation of a combat situation can be predicted, and you can always take measures to avoid a combat situation if you intend to do so. Simply put: if you are a member of an NPC corporation and do not leave systems with a high CC, then the likelihood of combat situations for you personally tends to zero, but just becoming a member of the corporation of players, you already agree that according to the rules of the game on your ships can attack, declaring war, and if you entered the SS system below 0.5, then any pilot can attack you with almost impunity.

So - the competition. What do people compete in in combat situations? They compete to achieve their goals. The whole interest is that the goals of the participants in the battle can be very different, and their circle is not at all limited to "shoot / run". Of course, the goals must be adequate to the conditions of the situation and in principle attainable. Thus, we have come to the obvious: before setting a goal, it is necessary to assess the combat situation and the possibilities of our influence on its development. And only after assessing the situation, we can start setting our goals in it. There may be more than one goal, but, as a rule, all goals can be arranged in a hierarchy - ordered by importance. Here we come to an important principle influencing your satisfaction with the passage of a combat situation: regardless of the results achieved by your opponent, you win in a combat situation if you have achieved your main goal.

- you met a lone ship flying about its business and avoiding military collisions, set the goal to "destroy the ship", catch it and destroy it - the goal is achieved, you won;

- you are flying about your business, avoiding combat situations, but you meet a ship that is attacking you, your goal in this combat situation is “to avoid the battle by continuing to move to your destination”, you successfully avoid the battle and get away from the pursuit - you won;

- you fall out of the gate and see that superior forces await you there, your goal is to "save the ship by continuing to move further", you accelerate and warp to the next issues, reach them and successfully enter, the chase has lagged behind - you won in this combat situation ...

This is the first and most important, I repeat:

PVP is a competition to achieve your goals in a combat situation. You win in a combat situation if you have achieved your goals in it. The victory is not affected by the result achieved by the opponent, unless your goal is to prevent him from doing so. Understanding and using these principles gives you the opportunity to win absolutely in any combat situations, because you yourself determine the rules of victory.

The second important principle of battle - the one who has the strongest fighting spirit here and now wins. You don't have to go far for examples, many people know what the Red Alliance pilots went through when they literally had to win a place on the map occupied by their rivals from scratch, without a high fighting spirit it is impossible. There is also an opposite example - the ASCN alliance, the same alliance that at one time possessed the largest territory, possessed the largest number of outposts in zero and built the first titan. The morale of this alliance was destroyed along with the very first titan, but to be precise, with the destruction of the titan, the weakness of the morale simply became obvious first of all to the pilots of the alliance, they could no longer deceive themselves with tales of their strength - the alliance died.

Fight in EVE (and indeed any fight) is a fight at the level of the spirit, we can say that it is a psychological rivalry. Imagine a spider sitting in the center of a web, waiting for a bee. The bee falls into the web, begins to buzz strongly, to escape, for her this is a great tragedy, and the spider calmly and inevitably ... eats. Can a bee kill a spider? Maybe, but her desire to resist is broken by lust for life and fear. Any actions directed against the fighting spirit of the opponent, bringing him into despondency, depriving him of his desire to resist, lead you to victory over him. If you keep your morale high, then you are invincible. But there is one subtlety here, it is impossible to keep a high fighting spirit indefinitely if you lose in combat situations more often than you win. Despite any PR, even the stupidest person who sells the products of this PR knows his own worth in the depths of his soul, and when he realizes that those around him also know his value, the fighting spirit will be broken. Therefore, always strive to admit your mistakes, work to ensure that your assessment of yourself and your capabilities is as close to reality as possible - this is the best protection against a fall in fighting spirit, we should know our worth and not be ashamed to talk about it, in this case we will understand that we still have room to grow, and the growth in the right fighter will be. The correct fighter is a spider that does not fight its victim, but eats it.

The choice of the character's race.

The first and main criterion for choosing a character that should worry you is that you should like the character. You must like his portrait and his attributes. Despite the fact that today the characters of the Caldari - Achura are very fashionable, I note that in about a year and a half you will most likely be in general violet, how "wrong" your initial attributes are, the main requirement for them is that perception should not be underestimated. Why? Because this attribute is used for the largest number of skills required by a fighter, but this does not mean that you do not need charisma or memory, do not forget that secondary attributes also affect the learning speed, charisma is needed for fleet skills, for skills for everything drones are dominated by memory, engineering, mechanics, navigation and electronics are dominated by intelligence, and skills for T2 ships are dominated by willpower (remember when you download perfect). Therefore, if this is your main and only character, I recommend lowering charisma, slightly raising perception, and making the rest of the attributes approximately the same. In each race, you can make a normal fighter. Having lost a little in the speed of learning cannon-rocket skills, you will make up most of this time in support skills, and after a year and a half, when all the necessary skills have been learned, it will not really matter to you how many skill points that Vasya is ahead of you, because you will know that in PVP it is not skillpoints, cool ships and modules that rule, but morale, the correct assessment of combat situations and the speed of making the right decisions.

The principles of choosing tactics.

The basic principle of choosing tactics is that tactics should correspond to your character, you should like to fight with such tactics. There are no universal tactics, the beauty of EVE is that there is always a counter-tactic, but if you choose the right battle conditions, you will get a decisive advantage. From this follows the main rule of a fighter - your tactics are the best if you know how to choose the right conditions for its use. Have of this rule there is an important consequence - there are no best ships and best feats, but there are best fighter pilots who use tactics correctly. Using the features of ships, we can achieve the highest efficiency of our tactics, but if the tactics are bad, then no ship or fit will ensure our victory.

The principles of choosing ships.

The basic principle of choosing a ship sounds something like this: your ship must be the most effective for conducting the battle according to the tactics you have chosen. The ships of each race have certain characteristics that distinguish these ships into a certain general group on battle tactics. Short:

Amarrs are the best damage to shields (EM), the best optimal in melee, tanking on armor, low speed (the feature of armor tanking is plates, they reduce speed and maneuverability). Recently, melee missiles have been added for half of the T2 ships, but they have not yet received a strong distribution, apparently, the Amarra are still only swinging their rackets. Infinite lenses can be charged into lasers - there is no problem with the supply of ammunition. Changing the type of lenses in lasers occurs instantly (for other races, the recharge takes 10 seconds). The ship's energy is used for firing, no energy - no firing.

Caldari - Best Average Damage: Shield and Armor have the lowest total resistance to this type of damage, taking into account the most common feats in PVP. This means that every fighter seeks to cover holes in his tank, and the disadvantage of kinetics is that he is not too short to cover him in the first place, but also not too tall for the damage dealer to ignore him. The Caldari tank the shield, so their ships have a lot of medium slots, but the problem is with speed as with a lack of lower slots, you have to choose between an increase in damage done (damage mod) and speed (nano fit). There is a secondary type of weapon - hybrids, which can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage. In addition, the Caldari have the most long-range cannon ships - also it is impossible to assess unequivocally. The best "disconnect electronics" are jammers. The ship's energy is not used for firing rockets, so you cannot stop firing a rocketman by depriving him of his energy.

Minmatars are the fastest ships, approximately equal number of middle and lower slots, this gives some versatility in choosing the type of tank and allows you not to suffer from the dilemma "nano or damage" when tanking with a shield (we put both nano and damage!), But, like all generalists, lose in specializations - not best tank on the shield and not the best tank on the armor, the lowest DPS (damage per second), but the highest alpha strike (damage done by one shot), which makes Tempest the optimal naval damage ship. Just like rockets, Minmatar machine guns and artillery do not require energy to fire.

Gallente - the highest DPS at the lowest combat range (blasters), complete rejection of missiles (most ships do not have slots for rocket launchers), the best drones (ships with bonuses for drones). The tank is usually on armor, which again reduces speed and maneuverability. Not the worst electronics in the game - dumpers - cuts speed and / or aiming range. Firing requires the ship's energy, albeit in a lesser amount than the Amarr lasers.

At one time, the author was tormented for a long time by the choice of the race of ships (née Caldari - Sivir). The author was not very interested in the appearance of the ships, only Minmatar ships were not pleasant, he subconsciously felt that the choice of the ship race should depend on the preferred battle tactics, but the author had not yet formulated tactical preferences, so it was difficult to choose the ships, he swung the Caldari ships a little - not then Amarr - not that Minmatar ... and I realized that despite the ugly appearance Minmatars, they are most effective in their preferred battle tactics. I repeat - the choice of the ship should be dictated by the chosen tactics, if we are concerned about the effectiveness of the battle. Over time, mastering new battle tactics, we will pump those ships that allow us to be most effective in implementing these tactics.

The principles of choosing a fit.

We should select a fit in about the same way as a ship - according to the chosen battle tactics. This means that if we chose the tactic of battle "to rotate the orbit 18 km, shooting at the target," then installing two plates in the lower slots is a bad choice, because we will lose in speed and maneuverability, which will give the target either close to us at the distance of the grid and shoot, or break the distance and leave the battle - in both cases the battle will be lost, the only difference is in the consequences for us. If our tactic is to “go point blank, take it under the net and shoot”, then the installation of artillery (or an analogue of it in other races - railguns and beam-lasers) will also be a bad choice, because there are weapons that are more effective at such a distance - machine guns, blasters, pulse lasers, if we want to shoot a target from afar, then long-range weapons and damage mods, even to the detriment of the tank, are the best choice. You should not have extra modules that you put on the ship according to the principle "to have it", there will always be a module that will increase the effectiveness of the chosen tactics (you do not need to put a tractor beam on a warship), look for it, it will definitely be found, Quickfit and EFT to help you. You should not put weapons of different types and different combat distances on the ship at the same time, such an installation will allow you not to “hit hard at long-range and close ones”, but “hit badly at all”, damage should always be focused on one target, because the target is always tanked and it has a limit of tankable damage per second, the more you exceed this limit, the faster it will die and the less damage you will receive yourself.


An overview is the very transparent table on which you see nearby objects (ships, containers, local structures, etc.) and objects of the star system (stations, gates, planets, moons, asteroid belts, system beacons, etc.) ). It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this tool. The overview has settings that allow you to very flexibly customize it, filtering the displayed objects, highlighting them, denoting them with icons, displaying columns with additional information (speed, distance, data on the alliance, type of object), etc. The settings can be saved, thus obtaining a lot different sets for all occasions. I will not dwell on it in detail, look for specialized manuals and study them, kick more experienced comrades, let them share their experience.


The map allows us to find clusters of opponents, determine the places of battles, etc. It has various filters that allow you to get information about the state of the systems, just see what filters are there, you have to decide for yourself which of them you need. From my own experience, I can say that in different situations absolutely all filters are needed, there are simply no unnecessary ones.


Local chat is a channel called "Local", the one that cannot be closed. This channel should be located so that you can see as many pilots as possible in this channel - all these pilots are in the same system with you. Pilots may have a color-coded icon to match your overview settings. If your alliance policy does not prohibit attacking pilots, then they are potentially your rivals. I think it is worth mentioning that the information about the pilot, which opens through the Show Info menu item when clicking on the pilot's name with the right mouse button, can serve as a basis for a basic assessment of his main activity, the level of knowledge of his skills and, as a result, his fighting qualities. True, there is not always time for such an assessment, and it may differ significantly from reality. In this case, only experience will help us.


A scanner is a device that allows you to get primary information about rival ships and find their location in the system. I will not give a description of how to work with the scanner, there are quite good manuals on this topic. I will only note that the scanner is one of the main tactical tools of a fighter and the ability to handle it well is the key to your success in combat situations.

Navigating CC 0.0 systems

Route selection.

If we are looking for a fight solo or in a small group, then it would be logical to plan a route in such a way as to get the largest number of combat situations. Most of these we will find in highly populated systems and on frequently used routes. We can get all this information through the galaxy map, applying the appropriate filters (by the number of pilots in space in the last half hour and by the number of jumps within the systems). If your goal is not to squeeze targets out of their habitats, then try not to fly the same route all the time, because this leads to addictive goals, they remember you and hide in advance, avoiding combat in this way, and we are trying to get the greatest number of combat situations.

Camps and their passage.

Kemp is a cluster of ships at the gate with target interceptors - Mobile Warp Disruptors and interdictors.

If you meet a friendly camp, then you will not have problems with passing, but its interception means can be used to catch your targets if, for example, they are friendly to this camp, but not friendly to you.

In the event of a meeting with a hostile camp, the choice is yours - to fight, pass or change the route. Some techniques for passing camps:

- Otwarp. If the camp does not have ships with a high base lock speed (interceptors, other frigates with sensor boosters, then you can simply warp off.

- Leaving back to the gate. You hang for some time in invisibility at the gate, and then at maximum speed go back into them. To do this, use the autopilot and MWD, set the autopilot a waypoint to the system you just left, turn it on and wait for the ship to pick up speed, immediately turn on MWD and wait for the ship to jump into the gate. As soon as the inscription "JUMPING" appears, the autopilot must be turned off. Why Autopilot? Because it is he who will turn on the jump immediately, as soon as the distance necessary for the jump is reached. However, even the autopilot occasionally fails.

- Pulling out the interceptor. If the camp has only one or two interceptors, and all other ships initially lose to you in speed, there are no ships with long-range nets (Stasis Webifier - Rapier, Huginn or Hyena) or with jammers, then you can get away from the camp by attacking this single interceptor ... The technique is simple: turn on overclocking on some object, immediately begin to lock the interceptors, activate on the most dangerous cannon and see what happens. In most cases, the interceptor will stop pursuing, because by continuing it, he risks being shot down, and the support of his heavier comrades is too far from him. If the interceptor does not give up pursuit, then our task is to kill him at a distance from the camp, but no further than 150 km, because for this and greater distance, his comrades can simply warp towards him.

Search for rivals.

Our main goal as a fighter is to maximize the number of combat situations. I will dwell on the combat situation itself in more detail. A combat situation is a situation in which we can set goals against our opponent. An important condition for a combat situation is the presence of an opponent; without him, a combat situation is impossible. Therefore, the search for rivals is the main goal of a fighter, a rival is found - a combat situation is found, you can set goals in it and start achieving them, showing your fighting qualities. We have three essential tools for finding rivals - a map, a local chat and a scanner. In addition to these three tools, there are still a number of different ways to find an opponent, in principle, any source of information leading us to a combat situation is useful - forums, an alliance intelligence channel, security agents, general channels, etc.

The battle.


The concept of "agra" (aggra, aggro, aggro) is one of the key concepts in the combat mechanics of EVE (not key concepts, we do not consider here). There are five types of "Agra", at the moment we are only interested in one of them - the time during which you cannot pass through the gates between the systems and enter the docking stations. Simply put, this is the time during which you cannot leave the space of a given system no matter what, in EVE terms, you cannot change the session. The duration of the aggression is counted down by a special timer, the time is 60 seconds. The condition for the activation of this timer is the attack of any object in space. An attack is understood as the activation of any module or drones, causing any damage to any object in space. Such an object can be anything from a container or a gate nearby, and ending with your co-corpsman.

Why agra is important to us. Depending on the situation, agra can both hinder us and help. If the opponent tries to leave the battle, then the presence of agra makes it impossible for him to jump into the gate or hide in the station before it expires. If we want to leave the battle or divide the rivals, then after waiting for the opponent (or part of the rivals) to receive aggro (attacking us), we can go into the goal, leaving the battle, or dividing the rivals (those with aggro, into the goal will not enter, and whoever is without aggression can come in and give us a different combat situation, more profitable). Understanding and using aggro is one of the keys to winning combat situations.

Avoiding the fight.

There are often combat situations in which your goal is simple survival - to save the ship. You can avoid the fight with the help of the aggro mechanism, you can also not wait for the meeting with the opponent, limiting yourself only to seeing him on the scanner. If you have a speed advantage, then you can simply gain distance. But with all this, it is important to understand that not in all combat situations it is necessary to destroy the enemy's ships, often simple survival, especially if the opponent (or a group of opponents) is obviously stronger than you here and now - this is your victory. Do not enter the battle if you are not confident in your victory.

Entering the battle.

An important feature of entering a battle is that the battle can always be avoided if measures are taken in advance. A very important conclusion follows from this, you must look so that the opponents want to fight with you. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the numerical superiority scares the opponents, so good organization, accurate calculation and high fighting spirit should be your strong point. The key to victory is right choice location, tactics significantly depends on the location of the battle, and what is an advantage in one place may turn out to be a disadvantage in another, leading to defeat.


At the gate.

The first feature of fighting at the gates is the active use of the "agra" mechanism, the second feature is the exit from the gates 15 km from them. Agra allows you to divide opponents into groups to destroy their ships piece by piece. The distance of 15 km to the gate is an opportunity to keep the opponent, prevent him from reaching the gate and run away from you.

The gate has one more feature - you can almost safely watch your opponent if you are closer than 2500 m from the gate, at the first danger you just go into it and warp off somewhere. A good method of countering this is "bump". A bump is a blow with acceleration by the hull of your ship against an opponent's ship. The bump does not include aggro, but it gives speed to the ship to which it was applied, which makes it fly off the gate and makes it impossible to jump into it. The best method to avoid the bump is to fly around the gate in an orbit of 500 m, in 99% of bump attempts, the bump will just miss your ship, and you will still remain close to the gate in comparative safety. But in any case, it is better to monitor the speed of your opponents (in the overview you can display the corresponding column) so that the bump does not come as a surprise to you.

The fight at the gates is the most common fight, I think I will not be wrong if I say that more than half of all battles in SS 0.0 systems take place at the gates.

On the undok.

The peculiarities of combat on the station's undok are the active use of the aggro mechanism and the ability to quickly restore the shield and energy (capacitor charge) and repair the armor and structure by docking, repairing and then undocking from the station. In the overwhelming majority of cases, an undoc battle is possible only if those who have the ability to dock to the station wish so, so if the opponent does not show a desire to fight (does not attack you), then the battle most likely will not take place. You should also take into account the possibility of massive undocking of rivals to help their comrade.

Away from all objects.

In open space combat, conditions are almost always dictated by faster ships. Therefore, if you are not sure about your tank or your speed, it is better not to accept combat in open space. The advantage in speed allows you to exit the battle at any convenient moment, which is deprived of a ship that does not have this advantage.

Fighting in open space is possible only in two cases:

1) This is a negotiated battle.

2) You found your opponent (or he found you) using scan probes.

Therefore, battles in open space are very rare battles in SS 0.0 systems.

In the asteroid belt.

A battle in the asteroid belt is a battle in open space with the only difference that the indigenous inhabitants of this asteroid belt can participate in it. The peculiarity is that they most often attack the one who first flew to the belt, so be prepared to tank them if it is you. In addition, if the battle takes place in the immediate vicinity of stones, then your ship can get entangled in them and lose direction of movement and speed, and loss of speed is almost always an increase in damage received from opponents (read guides on turrets and rockets, the dependence is described there) ...


A tournament is a fight with additional restrictions on the pilot's capabilities. As a rule, the conditions of a battle in a tournament differ significantly from the conditions of a real battle, as an example I will cite only a few of them:

- the limitation on the modules used reduces the combat capabilities of the pilot;

- the restriction on leaving the battle makes it possible not to install modules that prevent warp on the ship, and, as a result, due to the vacated slots, you can improve the shield tank or put additional electronics, the speed in battle becomes less important for victory;

- the limitation on breaking the distance almost always makes it impossible to divide the forces of rivals, i.e. we have to fight wall to wall, but the positive thing here is that the forces of our opponents are not quantitatively superior to us;

A tournament battle is a battle in open space, and we already know that battles in open space are the rarest in SS 0.0 systems. In addition, leaving a tournament battle is almost always a loss according to the rules of the tournament.

Exit from the battle.

So, we entered the battle, but saw that the process of the battle is out of our control, we need to get out of the battle so as not to lose our ship (if the loss is not our goal). The way to exit depends significantly on the place of the battle. The most commonly used:

1) A set of distance with going beyond the reach of the opponents' weapons and, possibly, subsequent warp.

2) Waiting for the "agra" and leaving the gate, or docking to the station.

The skill that is responsible for getting out of the battle - sledging - is the second skill that a fighter is pumping after the ability to maneuver in battle.