Game what is where kindergarten. The game “What? Where? When?" for children of the preparatory group and parents. Round of general questions

Name of the author - Vera Kharchenko
Position: educator
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 235"

Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group on the topic:

Final GCD in the preparatory group

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

Program: "From birth to school" edited by NE Veraksa, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva.

Age group: preparatory group

Educational area:

The topic of the final GCD : Intellectual game “What? Where? When?"

PURPOSE: creation of conditions for the application of knowledge acquired in different educational fields in practice. To create in children a joyful mood from the realization that they can use their acquired knowledge in play activities.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development".


Educational: to consolidate the ability to understand the educational task and perform it; to consolidate knowledge about the composition of numbers within 10 out of two smaller ones; call neighbors of numbers; recognize even and odd numbers; to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of children about the holidays, about their history of creation; about the people who glorified our country; about hero cities; to consolidate knowledge about animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book of Russia; exercise children to name words with a given sound; do sound-letter analysis of words, select schemes for these words; to exercise knowledge to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, soft sounds from hard ones, voiced sounds from deaf ones; train phonemic hearing; develop coherent speech of children; to consolidate the knowledge of children about various devices, what they are needed for and where they are used; to consolidate knowledge about the genres of painting (landscape, still life, portrait); name famous artists; to exercise the ability to recognize by ear such musical genres as: march, song, dance; to consolidate knowledge of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Educational: continue to foster friendly relations between children, sensitivity, responsiveness, empathy and tolerance, foster curiosity, courage, organization, foster cooperation and interaction skills, activity and independence.

Developing: develop cognitive activity, attention, speech, thinking, observation, memory, fine and general motor skills, develop cognitive interest. Develop the ability to independently draw conclusions and conclusions, achieving a certain result. Arouse interest in intellectual activity.

Activities: cognitive and research, social and communicative, play, motor.

Forms of organizing children's activities : conversation, didactic games and exercises, problem solving, musical play, encouragement.

Forms of implementation of children's activities: subgroup, individual.

FUNDS : playing field with 8 sectors for the game “What? Where? When?"; spinning top with an arrow, envelopes with tasks, multimedia equipment, screen, easel, musical accompaniment for the game, flowers-points, presentation of slides for questions about the game, D / I "Set in the houses", Red Book, cards with the image of animals and plants, a crossword puzzle, attributes to music game"Choir of hands", cards with letters, cards of sound-letter schemes of words, black box, instruments (scales, thermometer, clock, compass), musical compositions: 1. Prokofiev S.S. "March" from the album "Children's Music" (march);

3. Shainsky V.Ya. "Song of Friendship" (song); cards with questions on healthy lifestyles, medals "The smartest"

PREVIOUS JOB: directly organized educational activities in different educational areas throughout the year.

The course of the game.

Children go into the hall and sit on high chairs. *SLIDE № 1 - Screensaver of the game “What? Where? When?" ( the music from the game “What? Where? When?")

Leading - Good afternoon, dear guests! Attention! Attention! We are in the intellectual club “What? Where? When?". Our television cameras are installed in kindergarten№ 235. Today we are playing the most real, the most serious and very responsible game, where you, children, will need to show your knowledge and skills that you have acquired during this academic year. Children of the preparatory group will be “experts” of our club today. Let's welcome our team of Experts.(The presenter introduces each team member to the music). Today at the gaming table will be played: 1. Glebov Timofey

2. Larin Mikhail 3. Loginov Egor 4. Dryantsev Ilya 5. Shvetsov Makar 6. Volkov Artyom 7. Mavlyutova Olga 8. Neverova Dasha 9. Krizhanovskaya Lena 10. Khramtsova Eva 11. Kiryanova Yulia 12. Nadutova AngelinaLeading- Before starting our game, I will ask all the "Connoisseurs" to come up to us, make a circle and join hands.THE GAME-SETUP "Circle of Joy" I see a wide circle. All my friends stood up! We're going to the right now, and now we're going to the left. We will gather in the center of the circle And we will all return to the place, We will all smile at each other!Leading - here we are with you and cheered each other up! It's time to start our game! I ask the Connoisseurs team to take their places at the gaming table.(children pass at the table with playing field). Leading- I want to introduce you to the rules of our game. You see a top with an arrow on the playing field and there are envelopes. Each envelope contains a question or task that you must answer or complete. We spin the top, when the arrow stops, we open the envelope and carry out the task that the viewers have prepared for us. And if we need a musical break, we will play the treble clef. For the correct answers and for the correct completion of tasks, the team will receive a flower.Leading- Attention! Today, TV viewers are playing against a team of experts, and these are cartoon characters"Smeshariki". * SLIDE number 2 (general picture of cartoon characters).

Leading- look at the screen. Here they are, they wish you success in the game! Let `s start?(children's answer is yes). Leading- so the game begins.FIRST ROUND .( The host spins the top). (Music sounds). Leading- plays with youLOSYASH. Look at the screen here it is. *SLIDE № 3 Photo ЛОСЯШ. Leading- he has prepared math problems for you. Let's all come over here. (children come up to the easel with assignments). Losyash invites you to play with him the game "Set in the houses" (composition of numbers, neighbors of numbers).Game progress: Houses are hung on an easel; each house has its own number № (5,6,7,8,9,10), each house has two entrances and several floors. We know the apartment numbers only in the first entrances of each house, and you children, you need to think and write which apartment numbers should be in the second entrances of each house. (for example: house number 5 - entrance 1 - apartments with numbers - (from top to bottom), therefore in the second entrance there will be apartments with numbers - (from top to bottom)) (children perform the task). Let's go to the screen and see the correct answer. (Children come up to the screen and look at the correct answer, draw conclusions). *SLIDE number 4 ( Correct answer) . * SLIDE number 5 (Screensaver What? Where? When?) Leading - and Losyash also wants to ask you if you know even and odd numbers? (children's answers - odd- even- What does one dozen consist of? (the answer is ten units). Well done! Now you have earned the first flower. Leading SECOND ROUND . The spinning top stops. The presenter takes the envelope, which the arrow points to, opens it.Leading- play with youNYUSHA and CROSS. Look at the screen, here they are.* SLIDE № 6 Photo by NYUSHA, KROSH. Leading- They are very curious and inquisitive. They really like different holidays on them, they like to play and have fun and would like to know from you, and what holidays do you know? Presenter - now you will see several photos on the screen, you will need to name the holiday that these photos unite. Attention to the screen:* SLIDE No. 7 (Cosmonautics Day) - 1. Yu.A. Gagarin; - 2. V.V. Tereshkova; - 3. S.P. Korolev; - 4. The first satellite of the earth. Leading- look carefully and tell me which holiday name all these photos unite.( This holiday is called - Cosmonautics Day ). Leading - Right! When is this holiday celebrated?(April 12th). Leading - Well done! Now let's take a look at each photo. 1- Who is in this photo?(Yu.A. Gagarin). Who is he? (the first astronaut to fly into space) . How long was his first flight?( 108 minutes, he made only one turn around the earth). What was the name spaceship, on which Yu.A. Gagarin?("Vostok-1"). Leading- Let's take a look at the next photo. 2- Who is in this photo?(V.V. Tereshkova ). And who is she?(The world's first female astronaut to single-handedly space flight into space). That's right, V.V. Tereshkova spent almost three days in orbit and flew around the earth 48 times.Leading- Let's take a look at the next photo. 3- Who is in this photo?( S.P. Korolev). Who was he by profession?(He was the chief designer of rocket and space systems). What did he design?( He designed space rockets and created the first satellite of the earth). Right. Host - Let's take a look at this photo. 4- What do you think it is?(This is a satellite of the earth - an aircraft, which revolves around the earth in orbit) . And what is it for?(It is used for scientific research, for transmitting various information to the earth). Host - Let's take a look at the following photos. *SLIDE number 8 (May 9 - Victory Day) - 1. St. George ribbon; - 2. City - Hero of Volgograd; - 3. Monument to the pioneer hero Volodya Dubinin; - 4.Monument to the pilot Alexei Petrovich Maresyev. Leading -What do you think? What a holiday all these photos unite? (Victory Day). When is this holiday celebrated?(9th May). Right! This holiday is celebrated in honor of the victory of our people in the Second World War. And who can tell how long the Second World War lasted? (It lasted 4 whole years). Leading- Well done! Now let's take a look at each photo. 1.Look at this photo, what is it?( The answer is St.George's Ribbon ). And what do the colors of the St.George ribbon symbolize?(Black is smoke and orange is fire.) Right. The name of the tape was given on behalf of George the Victorious. She is a sign of the personal valor and bravery of soldiers on the battlefield. Who will tell me the motto of the tape? (For service and courage!). The St. George ribbon is a symbol of Victory Day. 2. Let's take a look at this photo. Which city is shown in this photo?(answer- This is the city-hero Volgograd) ... What is the name of this stele?(Motherland). And what is the name of the holy place where this stele stands?(Mamaev kurgan). Right. Very heavy and fierce battles took place during the Second World War on the outskirts of the city of Volgograd. But our soldiers did not allow the Germans to capture the city. A lot of our soldiers died defending the city from the Nazis. And what hero cities do you still know?(Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Kerch, Tula, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, Sevastopol, Kiev, Minsk, Smolensk, Brest). Leading- Well done! Now let's take a look at the next photo. 3. Let's take a look at this photo with you. To whom was this monument created?( answer - Volodya Dubinin ) ... And who is Volodya Dubinin? (answer - he was a pioneer hero ) . What other pioneer heroes do you know?(Answer - Valya Kotik, Lenya Golikov, Sasha Chekalin, Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei). And what did they do during the Second World War?(the answer is they helped the partisans, harmed the Germans) ... Well done! 4. And to whom is the monument erected in the next photo?(the answer is this monument was erected to the hero of the Second World War, pilot Alexei Petrovich Maresyev). Right. And who can tell us what feat he accomplished? (children's story about the feat of A.P. Maresyev) ... And what heroes of the Second World War do you still know?(responder - fighter pilot Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, pilot-navigator Marina Mikhailovna Raskova, gunner-gunner Alexander Matveevich Matrosov, pilot Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, fighter pilot Viktor Vasilyevich Talalikhin, gunner Vasily Georgievich Klochkov). Well done, you know a lot of the heroes of the Second World War.Leading- Now let's look at the next slide.* SLIDE number 9 (Orthodox holiday - Shrovetide) - 1. Pancakes; - 2. Scarecrow - Maslenitsa; - 3. Sledding; - 4. Folk festivities (round dance). Leading- What kind of holiday do you think this is?(the answer is Shrovetide). Right. And what is this holiday? (answer - this holiday symbolizes farewell to winter, meeting of spring). And what are the main traditions of Maslenitsa celebration?(the answer is to bake pancakes, go to visit, arrange feasts, ride a sleigh, lead round dances, burn an effigy of Maslenitsa). How many days does Maslenitsa last?(The answer is seven days and each day of the week has its own name - Monday-meeting; Tuesday-flirting; Wednesday-gourmet; Thursday-binge; Friday-mother-in-law's evenings; Saturday-family's gatherings; Sunday-seeing off). Well done! You know a lot about Orthodox holidays.Leading- Now attention to the next slide.* SLIDE number 10 (Day of Russia) - 1. Russian flag; - 2. Coat of arms of Russia; - 3.Red Square; - 4. Coat of arms of the city of Moscow. Leading- Take a close look at these photos. Guess what kind of holiday it is?(the answer is the Day of Russia). And when do Russians celebrate this holiday?(answer - June 12). What traditions are inherent in this holiday?(Answer - In Moscow, on Red Square, concerts, patriotic performances are held, which end with a festive fireworks). Yes, right! We live in the largest and most beautiful country, which is called Russia! Now let's look at the symbols of this holiday. 1. What do you see on the screen?(the answer is Russian Flag). What do the colors on our flag mean?(the answer is white means peace and purity; blue color - color cloudless peaceful sky, loyalty and truth; red is the color of independence, fire, life, courage and courage). Correctly the flag is a sign of power. 2. What is shown in this photo?(the answer is the coat of arms of Russia). Right. Who is depicted on the coat of arms of Russia?(Answer - the emblem of Russia depicts a golden two-headed eagle against the background of a red shield. On the chest of the eagle, the holy warrior George the Victorious, with a spear strikes a snake. The eagle is a symbol of invincibility and strength). That's right, the eagle on our coat of arms is a symbol of legality, meaning that our country lives by the laws of honor and justice and that our country is an independent state. 3. Attention to the next photo. What's this?(the answer is Red Square). Where is she? (the answer is, it is located in the city of Moscow. Moscow is the main city-capital of our Motherland). 4. Look, this is also a coat of arms, but the coat of arms of what? (The answer is the coat of arms of the city of Moscow.) That's right, every city, small and large, has its own coat of arms. And what is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Moscow?(The answer is St. George the Victorious is depicted on a red shield in the center of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow, striking a dragon with his spear. This is one of the symbols of the struggle between good and evil, light against darkness, defense of the fatherland. George the Victorious is the patron saint of the city of Moscow.). Leading Let's take a look at the last photo. *SLIDE number 11 (New Year) - 1. Santa Claus; - 2. Snow Maiden; - 3. Elegant Christmas tree; - 4.Terem Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug. Leading- I think you immediately guessed what kind of holiday it is?(the answer is New Year's holiday). That's right, this is the most favorite holiday for both children and adults. When is the New Year?(the answer is the first of January). What is the symbol of the New Year?(Answer - Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree decorated with toys, gifts under the tree). Where is the residence of Santa Claus?(The answer is in Veliky Ustyug. There is a souvenir shop and a post office where children from all over the country write letters to Santa Claus). Well done, you know a lot about the holidays that we celebrate in Russia.Leading- for correct answers Nyusha and Krosh give you one more flower.(The teacher puts the flower on the edge of the table). Leading - Well, what are we going to play next? (Yes). Then I declareTHIRD ROUND . (The leader turns the top). (Music sounds). 2 The spinning top stops. The presenter takes the envelope, which the arrow points to, opens it.Leading- plays with youKOPATYCH. * SLIDE № 12 Photo of KOPATYCH.

Leading- He knows a lot about nature, animals and plants. Attention Question! It includes rare and endangered animals and plants. What do you think it is?(the answer is the Red Book). That's right, this is the Red Book. Come here. (Children go to the table, where there are pictures of animals and plants). Look here it is. But its pages are empty. And here is the task from Kopatych. Before you on the table are pictures with the image of plants and animals. (animals- River beaver, wolf, hare, Przewalski's horse, reindeer, irbis (snow leopard), red wolf, white-bearded dolphin, leopard, polar bear, Brown bear, sea lion, manul, walrus, white crane, white whale, Caucasian mountain goat, Amur tiger, bison, wild boar; plants- lily of the valley, dandelion, snowdrop, clover, swimsuit, wolf bast, bell, white water lily, egg capsule, dwarf tulip, pine, jasmine). Some of them are listed in the Red Book. You need to choose among them only those pictures depicting plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book and stick them on the pages of the book. The task is clear? (Yes). (Children complete the task together). Leading- let's see what you get. Well done, we did the job. Go ahead and take your seats at the gaming table. And Kopatych has prepared a crossword puzzle for you, when you guess it, you will find out the name of an interesting animal.(Children guess the crossword puzzle, and the answers are displayed step by step on the screen, in the form of slides).

1 tHave ndra

2 T aiga

3 antarTO tida

4 gO ry

5 emptyH I

6 inO Yes

Aug 7WITH trawl

1. What is the name of the natural zone of the Earth, where permafrost lies under the topsoil?(answer - tundra) SLIDE № 13

2. What is the name of the northern forest formed only by conifers?(answer - taiga) SLIDE №14

3 coldest ice-covered continent?(answer - Antarctica) SLIDE №15

4. Where are the climbers' animals: snow leopard, horned goat, rocky hyrax?(answer - mountains) SLIDE number 16

5. In this natural area it is very hot, there are often sandstorms, almost no precipitation.(answer - desert) SLIDE number 17

6. Where do animals such as walruses, seals, otters, beavers, hippos spend most of their lives?(answer - in the water) SLIDE №18

7. What is the name of the continent, which is rich in exotic and rare animals?(answer - Australia) SLIDE №19

Leading- let's read with you what keyword we made it?(children read - platypus) SLIDE №20 Here's a look at this amazing animal. What can you tell us about this animal?(children's story about the platypus). Well done, coped with the task and solved the crossword puzzle.

Leading- And now I suggest you play a little, come all over here (children go to the center of the hall) (musical pause)

The game "Hor-Rook" is held

(Children, to classical music, depict the flight of moths and the blooming of flowers).

Leading - well done, here we are with you and have a rest, take your places at the gaming table. Well, what are we going to play next? (Yes). Then I declareFOURTH ROUND . (The leader turns the top). (Music sounds). The spinning top stops. The presenter takes the envelope, which the arrow points to, opens it.Leading- plays with youHEDGEHOG. Look at the screen, here it is.* SLIDE № 21 Photo of YOZHIK

Leading- the Hedgehog will play with you now. He is very inquisitive, well-mannered, reasonable, wears glasses. He, like you, will go to school this year. He is very smart and knows all the letters of the Alphabet. The hedgehog would like to ask you if you are ready for school? He sent you the following assignment. Come all over here. Look, there are objects on the table in front of you, take one object each and name them (ball, car, doll, book, umbrella, castle, spoon, watering can, bow, beads. scarf, hat). (children take objects and name them).

Leading- buthere on the carpet in front of you are letters, let's call them(M, K, Z, L, B, W) Well done, you read the letters correctly. Now listen to the assignment: you need to think and come to the letter with which your word (subject) begins. Clear?(Yes. Children perform the task, justifying their choice). Well done, we made the right choice.Leading- Now let's all go to the easel.(there are sound-letter schemes of words on the easel). You see the diagrams on the easels. You need to think and choose the appropriate scheme for your word.... (Children complete the task and explain their choice). Well done, everyone has chosen the right scheme for their word.Leading- And the Hedgehog would like to know from you how vowel sounds differ from consonants?(the answer is vowel sounds can be sung, extended, but consonants cannot be). And how are sounds different from letters?(the answer is we pronounce and hear sounds, and we see and write letters). Which consonants are always soft (hard)?(answer - soft - Ч, Ш, Y; hard - Ж, Ш, Ц). What sibilant consonants do you know?(answer - Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ). And how do voiced consonants differ from deaf ones?(answer-voiced consonants consist of noise and voice, and deaf ones only of noise).

Leading- Well done, we coped with very difficult tasks. And we see that you, like the Hedgehog, are also ready to go to school. Here is one more flower for the correct answers.(The teacher puts the flower on the edge of the table).

Leading - well done, take your places at the gaming table. We play further. I declareFIFTH ROUND . (The leader turns the top). (Music sounds). The spinning top stops. The presenter takes the envelope, which the arrow points to, opens it.Leading- plays with youPIN. Look at the screen, here it is.* SLIDE № 22 Photo of PIN

Leading- Pin he is very talented. He is a designer-inventor, engaged in technology and created the BIBI robot. Pin sent you a black box(music sounds, "black box" is introduced). And what in the "black box" you have to guess by guessing the riddles that Pin has prepared for you.(the "black box" contains such items: scales, thermometer, clock, compass).

Leading- listen to the first riddle:

Two sisters swayed, They sought the Truth, And when they achieved, They stopped. (scales)

Leading- guess what it is?(the answer is the scales) ... Right! (the leader takes the scales out of the box). What is a scale?(the answer is a device for measuring the weight of objects and the mass of bodies). What kind of scales are there?(the answer is medical, laboratory, floor, desktop, mechanical, electronic, trade, postage, jewelry).

Leading - Listen to the second riddle:

There are no legs, but I walk, there is no mouth, but I will tell you, When to sleep, When to get up, When to start work. (clock)

Leading- guess what it is?(the answer is a clock) ... Right! (the presenter takes a watch out of the box). What is a watch for?(the answer is in order to know the time ). What kind of clock are there?(the answer is "live" watches (birds and plants), solar, sand, water, mechanical, electronic, wrist watches). Well done! What is the name of the profession of a person who fixes a watch?(the answer is the watchmaker).

Speech exercise "Clock"

They say the clock is standing. They say the clock is in a hurry. They say the clock is ticking, But they are a little behind. We watched with Mishka together, But the clock stands still. (children pronounce the text of the poem clearly).

Leading - Listen to the third riddle:

And in the heat and in the frost Outside the window, a glass nose, So that at any time of the year we knew what kind of weather. (thermometer)

Leading- guess what it is?(the answer is a thermometer) ... Right! (the leader takes a thermometer out of the box). What are thermometers for?(the answer is to measure the temperature of the human body, to measure the temperature of air, water, soil). What kind of thermometers are there in terms of their content?(the answer is alcohol, mercury, gas; mechanical, electronic, liquid, optical).

Leading - Listen to the fourth riddle:

And in the taiga, and in the ocean, He will find any path Fits in a pocket, And leads us along.

Leading- guess what it is?(the answer is a compass) ... Right! (the leader takes a compass out of the box). What is a compass and what is it for? (the answer is a device for orientation on the terrain, so as not to get lost and with the help of a compass people determine the cardinal points: north, south, west, east). How does a compass work?(The answer is that the compass has a dial on which the cardinal directions are marked. The main part of the compass is a magnetic needle, which always points to the north. It is very necessary for mariners and travelers). Well done! You guessed all the devices that Pin sent you and told about them. Here is one more flower for the correct answers.(The teacher puts the flower on the edge of the table).

Leading - we play further. I declareSIXTH ROUND . (The leader turns the top). (Music sounds). The spinning top stops. The presenter takes the envelope, which the arrow points to, opens it.Leading- plays with youAS-KARYCH. Look at the screen, here it is.* SLIDE № 23 Photo KAK_KARYCH

Leading- He is very smart, wise, he performs in the circus. Kak-Karych is talented in everything: he is an artist, musician, loves to play the piano and sings well. He sent you a video question. But first, he wanted to know from you what genres of painting do you know?(the answer is landscape, portrait, still life). What is painting?(the answer is a type of fine art associated with the transfer of visual images by applying paints to the canvas). Now attention to the screen, look Kar-Karych sent you a photo of the paintings. You will need to give the name of the paintings, the artist who painted these paintings and the genre of painting in which they were written... (SLIDES 24-29)

Leading- let's look at these pictures... (answer- 1. "Morning in a pine forest" - Shishkin I.I. - landscape; 2. "Forest road" - Zhukovsky S.Yu. - landscape; 3. "Portrait of A.S. Pushkin" - Zhukovsky S.Yu. . - portrait; 4. "Merchant's wife at tea" - Kustodiev BM - portrait; 5. "Lilac and three lemons" - Krylov PN - still life; 6. "Snowdrops" - Zhukovsky S.Yu. - still life ). Well done, you are well versed in the genres of painting. And now a musical question. Kar-Karych wants to know if you know the genres of music (march, dance, song). Now you will listen to musical works and name which genre of music each of the listened works belongs to and who wrote it. (children listen to musical works and name them)

1.Prokofiev S.S. "March" from the album "Children's Music" (march);

2. Tchaikovsky P.I. "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "Nutcracker" (dance);

3. Shainsky V.Ya. "Song of Friendship" (song).

Leading- Well done! Kar-Karych is pleased with your answers and gives you one more flower.

(The teacher puts the flower on the edge of the table).

Leading - And now I announce the lastSEVENTH ROUND We have one unread envelope left on the gaming table, let's take it and see who will play with us. The host takes the envelope and opens it.Leading- plays with youOWL. Look at the screen, here it is.* SLIDE № 30 Photo of SOVUNIA

Leading- She loves sports and leads a healthy lifestyle. She wants to play the game "Do it or not" with you and also find out how you lead a healthy lifestyle. Come out all to the middle of the hall, make a circle.

Rule of the game: I will call the actions, and if you can do this you will jump and clap your hands, and if you cannot do this, then you will stamp your feet and shake your finger.Are the rules of the game clear to everyone? Then we start the game.


1. Get hot; 2. There are a lot of sweets; 3. Sit at the table with dirty hands; 4. Do exercises in the morning; 5. Put foreign objects into the nose and ears; 6. Rinse your mouth after each meal; 7. Do not wash or brush your teeth; 8. There is snow; 9. sneeze on people; 10. Lick your fingers; 11. Walk on fresh air; 12. Talking while eating; 13. There are unwashed vegetables and fruits; 14. To read while lying down; 15. Observe the daily routine; 16. Visit the dentist twice a year; 17. Dress for the weather.

Leading - Well done! We're sure you love to lead too healthy image life. Here's another flower from Sovunya.

(The teacher puts the flower on the edge of the table).

* SLIDE № 31 - Screensaver of the game “What? Where? When?"

Leading - So all the tasks that our friends Smeshariki have prepared for you are over. Let's sum up and calculate how many colors we earned in this game. (Children count flowers). With a score of 7-0 in today's game “What? Where? When?" the team of "Experts" wins. Our "Experts" won this game, they answered all the questions correctly. Well done!

You guys are great! Worked hard from the heart. You all thought, decided, answered questions. I congratulate you on your victory, I wish you to be clever and clever!

Leading- Children, did you like our game? (Yes). What tasks do you remember the most? (children's answers). Well done! Our cartoon characters are very happy with your knowledge. And they asked me for your victory to present you with the medals "The smartest"

Fanfare sounds Rewarding of the team "Experts"

Leading- Congratulations to all of you! This concludes our game, thanks to everyone for being with us.

On the table, envelopes with questions are laid out in a circle, in the center there is a whirligig with an arrow. The team consists of six players. One minute is given for discussion of the issue. The captain answers. The game is on up to six points.

The event is designed for children in grades 3-4.


A story has survived to this day about how an English sailor sent his mother a valuable gift at that time - an overseas drink. The mother invited the guests to a delicious meal. She boiled the whole product in a bowl, drained what she thought was unnecessary brown bitter water, put the thick into portions and, seasoning it with sour cream, served it to the table.

This drink has been known since ancient times. It was first drunk in China. Later, it became a popular drink in many countries, but at first it could not be grown and prepared everywhere.

What drink are we talking about? (About tea.)

It is known that stars are different: old and young, large and small, cold and hot. And the color of the stars is also different. It depends on the temperature of the star. If the star is very hot, then its color is white or slightly bluish. If a star is colder, like our Sun, then its color is yellow or orange. And there are even cold stars. What color do they have? (Red)

Nowadays, cars mostly run on gasoline. But the very first car in history was not refueled with gasoline! Such a car drove slowly and carried only one passenger. The driver was called "chauffeur", which means "stoker" or "stoker". What did the first ever car run on? (On the wood.)

At all times, children loved to play. For example, our grandmothers played hide and seek like we did, and our grandfathers played “grandmothers” (a game with dice), and also football, but not with a rubber bouncing ball, but with a heavy rag. And also our ancestors played with "zhivuli". Of what they did not make "live"! From clay, from a long potato, from a colored sliver wrapped in a piece of candy paper, from a rolled cloth. And what do they call "zhivulya" in our time? (Doll)

This animal cannot run like other four-legged animals. It bounces in large leaps on two long hind legs, and short front legs are pressed to the chest. The large tail helps him to maintain balance in the jump, so that, when landing, he does not fall, does not poke his nose. The animal sits down to rest or eat, again the tail is in business - the animal rests on it. And if wild dingo dogs attack, he will be able to kick them in such a way that badly they will have to. He will lean on his tail and hit with his hind leg.

Who owns this wonderful tail? (Kangaroo)

There is a legend about how a nymph lived in the forest. She was very talkative. The gods did not like this, and as punishment they deprived her of speech. But not quite, but so that the nymph could only repeat the endings of others' words overheard in the forest.

It so happened that the nymph met a very handsome young man. From love for him, she began to lose weight and eventually turned into invisibility. Since then, the invisible nymph, wishing to remind the world of herself, repeats in the forest the words of others she overheard. State the name of this nymph. (Echo)

Blitz.(You have 20 seconds to think about each question.)

Cruel entertainment of people, in which animals die. (Hunting)

Rapid offensive of the troops. (Attack)

A worker who paints something all the time. (Painter)

This Russian folk holiday celebrated on June 24. In the old days, during the holiday, they sang, danced, danced, wreaths of flowers were put on their heads. The main event of the holiday is the night search for fern flowers. It was believed that whoever finds him will be rich and happy. This holiday also opened the swimming season.

Remember the name of the holiday. (Holiday of Ivan Kupala)

Black box... (Guess what lies in the black box.)

They beat Yermilka on the back of the head.

He does not cry, he only hides his leg. (Nail)

Until this vehicle had an inflated tire, people had to suffer a lot, for which they called him the bone shaker. Another name for this vehicle is a spider, since in front of it there was a huge metal wheel with many thin shiny spokes, which very much resembled a spider's web.

And what is the name of it now? (Bicycle)

Super blitz... (One player remains. He has 10 seconds to think about each question.)

Armed forces of the country. (Army)

A small particle of fire flying into the air. (Spark)

The back of the boat. (Stern)

... "Kaput" - this is how the ancient Romans called this vegetable. They spoke Latin and lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, from where he came to us, to Russia. Kaput means head. The vegetable really resembles a head. He fell in love with the inhabitants of the Russian land. Planting him in the gardens, the peasants said: “Do not be ankle - be belly; don't be empty - be thick; don't be old - be young; do not be small - be great. "

Name this vegetable. (Cabbage)

Intellectual quiz"What where When?" for senior preschoolers of preschoolers.

1. To give children joy and pleasure from developing games. 2. Maintain interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games, showing perseverance, dedication, mutual assistance. 3. Teach children to work in subgroups. 4 Be able to listen to someone else's opinion, defend your answer and justify it. 5. Develop logical thinking. 6. Foster a sense of mutual help and perseverance.
A table with a playing field divided into 8 sectors. Rebus, road signs, pictures with syllables, cards with numbers, cards with traffic light colors, audio recordings, chips.

The splash screen of the "What? Where? When?" 4 teams of children come in / 5-6 people / Each team takes a place at its table.
Educator: We are glad to welcome you, dear participants of the game, spectators and guests! Today we will be entertaining - cognitive game"What where When?" During the game, our children will show their knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten. Each team for the correct answer will receive chips in the form of strawberries, because our kindergarten is called?

Children: Strawberry!
Educator: We'll summarize at the end of the game. Whoever collects the most chips will be the winner of the game. Before us is a playing field. Numbers are laid out along the edges. I will twist the arrow, and what task it points to, then you will perform. Are you ready to play?

Children: Yes!
Educator: And so welcome to the four teams! Team number one!
1 command:"Know"!
Educator: Motto!
1 command: We are strong and brave, dexterous, skillful. Our motto: Cheer up! Go through everything and find out everything!
Educator: Team number two!
2 command:"Why Much"!
Educator: Motto!
2 command: We are inquiring minds. We are with questions on "you". “Why?” Is my favorite question! Helps us to grow!
Educator: Team number three!
3 command:"Wise men"!
Educator: Motto!
3 command: We are almost sages, we read a lot. Clever and clever - we want to know a lot!
Educator: Team number four!
4 command: Fireflies!
Educator: Motto!
4 command: Let our light be weak and we are small, but we are friendly and therefore strong!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 8.

Educator: And so task number 8 is "fun tasks". Now I will read the puzzles, you solve them together and you must show me the correct answer .. Cards with numbers are in front of you. It is given 15 seconds for a task.
1 task: The apples in the forest are ripe. We managed to taste them. Five rosy poured, three with sourness. How many are there? (eight)
Educator: Have a consultation. Time has passed.
Music from the program What? Where? When?. Children confer and count. Each team raises an answer card.

Educator: Ok next task.
Task 2: Three lambs lived together, and four more kids. Count them all quickly, how many are there in my family? (7)
Educator: Have a consultation. You must show me the correct answer.

Educator: And the last task. Subtraction problem.
Task 3: Four hares were walking out of school and suddenly bees attacked them, Two hares were saved from evil, and how many did not have time? (2)
Educator: Be attentive, consult.

Children must necessarily confer with each other and come to the correct answer. Summing up the results of the first task. The teams that gave the correct answers receive chips for each answer.
Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 7.
Educator: Task number 7-blitz. 10 seconds are given for discussion and answer. ... These are questions about fairy tales. Do you guys like fairy tales?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Then you should know the answers to these questions:
1 question: How did Carlson, who lives on the roof, lubricate his motor? (jam).
2 question: What did the Fairy Godmother turn into a pumpkin for Cinderella? (into the carriage).
3 question: How did the person scattered from Basseinaya Street go to Leningrad? (by train).
After each question, music from the program "What? Where? When?" Sounds. Teams discuss and appoint a representative to respond. A representative of each team is responsible. Then the teacher reads out the correct answer. As a result, each team receives chips for correct answers.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 3.
Educator: Take a look at this picture. Petya thought about it. He's going to school soon. Tell me in one phrase what is a school?

Children: This is where they study, write, consider, make friends, learn, etc.
Educator: Good. But Petya doesn't know what to take with him to school. You have envelopes on your tables. And there are pictures in the envelopes, get them out. What items are superfluous here and you don't need them at school? And why? Minute for discussion. Time has passed.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. Children discuss and choose pictures depicting objects that will not be needed at school. After that, a representative of each team answers the question and explains why this or that subject is not needed at school. According to the team's results, those who answered correctly receive chips.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 6.
Educator: Task number 6. These are the rules road traffic... You have road signs on your tables. I read a poem, and you find a suitable sign for him, show it to me and name it. Attention! Let's listen!
Educator: The boy and the girl were walking, They ran into the triangle. All drivers in the world Understand that they are children. ("Caution, children.") What is this sign?
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Caution children!

Educator: Well done! Next poem, listen!
This sign is of this kind: He is on guard for the pedestrian. We pass with the doll together We are the road in this place! ("Crosswalk.") What is this sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: Crosswalk!

Educator: Well done! Right. The next poem If the sign hangs like that, It means that the passage here is closed. Maybe they are laying asphalt Or digging a hole. Maybe they are carrying a brick, they are building a tall house. ("No entry.") What is this sign?
Children raise a picture with a road sign
Children: Road up!

Educator: Good! And the last poem, be careful! Look, the sign is dangerous: The man in the red circle is crossed in half. ... Here the cars are rushing fast, There may even be misfortune. ("Pedestrian traffic is prohibited.")
Children raise a picture with a road sign.
Educator: What does this sign mean?
Children: No Pedestrians!

Educator: Well done all answered correctly. All teams receive a token. The teacher with the children: In the city, people don't walk down the street just like that. It's easy to get screwed when you don't know the rules. All the time, be careful and remember in advance "The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules."
Educator: We continue the game. I already want to rest!
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 5.
Educator: Guys, and just at number 5 we have a traffic light game. We all leave.
The song "Traffic Light" / Jasmine / sounds. Children are dancing.
Verse 1:
Each of us knows perfectly well
That it is very dangerous to violate
If sometimes you go to the red
You do it in vain
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Yellow will blink a ray of light
Turn on the speed correctly
You will fly like winged
Green will be flashing soon
Believe it is not in vain here
The traffic light is standing

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
We know for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
My song
Let everyone sing

Verse 2:
Going home or to the sea
Sing a song about traffic lights
Let him know by heart from the cradle
That song every child
Don't go to the intersection
Red light is on

Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
We know for a long time
We need a traffic light
Red, yellow and green
Stop, ready, go ahead
My song
Let everyone sing

At the same time, the teacher shows the colors of the traffic light. Children are standing on the red one. On yellow, they jump. They walk on green. At the end of the song, the teams take their places.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at 4.
Educator: Task number 4. Before you lies a syllabic caterpillar. This caterpillar has syllables written on it. You must now, in one minute, compose words from these syllables and write them down on a piece of paper. Let's see which team has more words. And so the time went on, we started!

The music from the program "What? Where? When?" Was played. Children discuss and write down words. At the end, the teams read out the words and count the number of words.
Educator: You guys did a very good job. And they came up with a lot of words. All teams get chips. Well done! Applause from the guests.

Educator: We continue the game.
Music from the program "What? Where? When?" Is played. The teacher twists the arrow. The hand stops at number 2.
Educator: Task number 2 - puzzles. I will now give you 2 puzzles each and you will have to solve them in one minute.

Synopsis of organized educational activities with children 6-7 years old "Intellectual game" What? Where? When?"

Makarova Natalia Grigorievna, educator.
Place of work: MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 52", Novomoskovsk, Tula region.
Work description: I offer you a summary of organized educational activities with children 6-7 years old "Intellectual game" What? Where? When?" ... This material is of pedagogical value for preschool educators.

Target: to generalize, systematize, consolidate the knowledge of children in several educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".
1. Continue teaching older preschoolers to play educational games; follow the rules of the game; be restrained; skillfully answer the teacher's questions and guess riddles.
2.To consolidate children's knowledge about mathematical representations, natural and objective environment; knowledge of Russian works.
3. To enrich and activate the children's vocabulary with words: intellectual game, round, top, sector, hourglass, computer, Internet, ornament.
4.Providing pupils with pleasure intellectual game.
1. To continue to develop in older preschoolers inquisitiveness, communication qualities, speech activity and thinking abilities.
2. To continue to form mental processes in children: memory, attention, perception, thinking, speech, imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers.
3. Encourage children to express an emotional response to completed assignments (delight, joy, satisfaction, etc.).
1. To continue to instill in older preschoolers an interest in intellectual games, creative tasks.
2. To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
3. Continue to educate children to love Russian folklore (fairy tales, riddles, songs); moral qualities: hospitality, kindness, mutual assistance, respect, a sense of collectivism, etc.
Priority area: cognitive development(FEMP, natural environment, objective environment).
Integration of educational areas:
- speech development(coherent speech, enrichment of the dictionary with new words, communication skills);
- social and communicative development (play, labor and moral education);
- physical development(physical minute, outdoor warm-up game);
- artistic and aesthetic development (musical warm-up-dance, questions about visual activity, drawing, aesthetics, decoration of the hall).

Prior work:
1. Reading to older preschoolers cognitive information from children's encyclopedias: "Everything about everything", "Big encyclopedia of animals", "Big atlas of animals", " Vegetable world», « Animal world"," The Secret Life of Animals ".
2. Guessing riddles.
3.Telling to Russian children folk tales watching Soviet cartoons.
4. Consideration of illustrations depicting: fairy-tale heroes, animals of different belts, medicinal plants, folk costume items.
5. Conversations with preschoolers about moral culture (communication, behavior, attention), helping adults in class (labor education).
6. Learning a physical education minute, an outdoor warm-up game, a musical warm-up dance.
7.Conduct didactic games with children: “Find out and name”, “Who lives where?”, “Find on the atlas”, “The fourth extra”, “Confusion”, “Draw a pattern”.
8. Conducting cognitive complex and integrated lessons (OOD), didactic games and conversations on various topics with older preschoolers.
9. Selection of cognitive and encyclopedic literature for children 5-6 years old for independent study.
10. Conducting classes (OOD) with children on visual activities (decorative drawing and conversations on Russian folk costume).
Demo material
: music hall decoration; tables for game participants, presenters and jury; a game table-circle, divided into 12 sectors with a "blitz" and "musical pause" sector; spinning top with an arrow; questions in envelopes with numbers; black box with a mirror; musical pause sign - treble clef; two sets of ties (yellow and red) for team members; identification marks on tables with the words "Connoisseurs" and "Clever Men"; identification marks for captains - emblems; musical splash screens for the beginning of the game, for the moment of rotation of the top, for musical pauses; hourglass; the globe; excerpts of melodies from cartoons Winnie the Pooh, Buratino, Bremen Town Musicians, Lion and Turtle, Leopold the Cat, Moidodyr; 2 easels; 2 Whatman paper with the tasks "Guess the contour" (wild animals of the middle lane, Africa, the Far North); illustrations of people in traditional Russian costumes with ornaments; video recording with questions for 2 teams, demonstrating through a computer, as if from the Internet; 2 envelopes with cut puzzle pictures (mother and stepmother, medicinal chamomile); chocolate medals for a surprise moment, incentive cards with the titles: "Expert", "Best Answer", "Well done", "Clever", "Erudite" and others.
Handout: 2 different sets"Merry pictures" for drawing from memory; cards for assignments in mathematics in the form of a house with numbers for each player; 2 sets of Kuisener sticks, two different set with images of figures (ostrich, puppy) for laying out from Kuisener sticks according to the number of participants in the game.

Game progress:

- Good afternoon, dear guests of our kindergarten.
- Welcome to the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". Meet our experts.

(The musical intro to the game “What, where, when?” Solemnly sounds. Children enter the hall, line up in a semicircle in front of the game tables, the jury and the audience.)

- Guys, look how many guests came to our intellectual game “What? Where? When?".
- Let's greet our guests (children say hello).
Then the presenter introduces the jury members to the players and guests.
- And, now, greet each other (teams of players pronounce the mottos).
1st captain: - Team "Experts".
- Our motto:
Members of the "Experts" team:
We are experts, which means
Success and luck awaits us!
Forward to victory is our motto!
And who is weaker - beware!
2nd captain: - The "Clever" team.
- Our motto:
Members of the "Clever" team:
We are smart and brave
And in business we are skillful.
We will win this time!
Our opponent is not a decree!
Leading: - Thanks to the teams. - And now, guess the riddle:
Joy has a girlfriend
In the form of a half-circle,
She lives on her face
But he will suddenly go somewhere.
It will suddenly return
Sadness, anguish is afraid of it? (Smile)

Show this friend on your face. (All the children are smiling.)
- And now, we are listening to the conditions of our game.
Before us is a table with 12 sectors, and in the middle is a top with an arrow. From each team, one player comes out in turn and spins the top. All perform the task indicated by the arrow. You are given from 1 to 3 minutes to complete the task, the time is fixed hourglass... The jury sums up the results at the end of the game, each correctly completed task is estimated at 1 point. And we begin our game, we invite connoisseurs to take their places at the gaming tables.

Leading: 1 round!
- Attention! Question!
Graphic warm-up "Funny pictures» ( game for visual perception, memory, fine motor skills of hands
The players of the teams are shown cards (with 9 images of objects) for 30 seconds. and it is proposed to reproduce them from memory on sheets of paper, lined in 9 parts. ( Players of 2 teams at the tables complete the task.)
Leading: Round 2!
(The music "spinning the top" sounds, the player spins the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
"Guess the melody" (game for auditory perception, memory) - is carried out while sitting at the gaming tables.
Melodies sound: Winnie the Pooh, Buratino, the Bremen Town Musicians, Lion and Turtle, Leopold Cat, Moidodyr, Flying Ship, Gena Crocodile and Cheburashka. Connoisseurs take turns guessing from which fairy tale or cartoon the melody is.
Leading: Round 3!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Confusion game (exercise for attention, perception, memory) - carried out while standing at easels.
On two easels, posters with a contour image of animals are placed according to the principle of overlapping each other, as if a confusion of lines and images is obtained. It is necessary to make out the animal, name it, highlight the superfluous from this group (for example: all the wild animals of the middle lane, and one - the animal of the Far North, or all the animals of the Southern countries, and one - the middle lane, etc.). Children find and name 8 animals from the confusion, and find out which one is superfluous.
(Players of 2 teams come up to their easels and complete the task.)
Correct answers of children:
1. Wolf, fox, squirrel, hare, elk, hedgehog, bear ... An extra monkey.
2. Giraffe, elephant, lion, monkey, zebra, rhinoceros, ... Superfluous: polar bear, kangaroo.

Leading: 4 round.
(The music "spinning the top" sounds, the player spins the top.)

- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Didactic mathematical game "Set the residents in the houses" (examples for addition and subtraction) - is carried out while sitting at the gaming tables.
Each player is given a house card with a task. Under the roof of the house - the answer. In the house itself, there are mathematical examples. It is necessary to add the missing numbers in the examples in order to get the amount indicated on the card.
Leading: 5 round.
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? ( the player answers: envelope-mystery)
Leading: - Guess the fairytale hero from the riddle:
Heals small children.
Heals birds and animals.
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor….
Children: Aibolit.
Leading: - That's right, Doctor Aibolit!
(The presenter puts a musical pause sign.)
Surprising moment - Doctor Aibolit comes. Conducts health-improving gymnastics with children. Physical culture minute "Exercise".
Leading: 6 round.
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Collect pictures from Kuisener's sticks(exercise for attention, perception, development fine motor skills fingers, pinning colors and sizes) - is carried out while sitting at the gaming tables.
(Players of 2 teams at the tables perform the task - lay out the figure of a dog or an ostrich from sticks of different colors).
Leading: - The jury is invited to assess the correctness of the assignments.
(The jury announces the results of the first part of the game.)
Leading: Round 7!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- Attention! Black box! (.)
(A black box is brought in.)
- Guess what's in the black box? (Children say suggested answers.)
Leading: - Children, the clue will be a riddle. Guess it.
- The princess, Baba Yaga and Kolobok were invited to the royal ball.
They entered the hall and saw "it".
Baba Yaga looked and said: - What a monster!
The princess looked and smiled: - Ah! What a beauty!
And, Kolobok, looking at "this", said: - I really want the same round. (Mirror)
Leading: 8 round!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! Musical pause!
Mini warm-up. (Pantomime - children perform tasks to the music.)
1. You have an apple in your hands, big, big. You open your mouth wide and bite the apple. Ugh! It is bitter. You take the second apple, take a bite. Ouch! It is sour. You take the third apple, take a bite - sweet. "
2. In front of you is a vase of flowers. You are breathing in the scent of flowers. Oh, how lovely!
3. "Imagine sounding objects" (all "objects" sounding, which means, in addition to pantomime, "sound" is also needed); motorcycle, airplane, cuckoo clock,
4. Picture situations from life:
- a hairdresser who makes a haircut, hairdo, shaves a beard, braids, combs hair. - a chef who bakes pies, cooks soup, peels potatoes.
5. "Show your gait" (chicken, turkey, goose, penguin.)
- a pedestrian whose boots are shaking.
- a person who has a toothache.
-Jump like frogs, kangaroo, monkey, birds.
- the pasta is boiled.
- the pasta has been cooked.
Leading: Round 9!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Blitz - tournament "Funny puzzles» ( verbal developmental game for the development of auditory attention and logical thinking in preschoolers, speed of reaction) - is carried out while sitting at the gaming tables.
(The leader reads the problems, the teams answer one by one.)
1 question. - How many horns do two cows have? (4)
2 question. - If the chicken is standing on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (as many)
3 question. - There were 3 pears on the table. One of them was cut in half. How many pears are on the table? (three)
4 question. - Chicken groom? (Rooster)
5 question. - Which figure has no beginning or end? (a circle)
6 question. - Kindergarten informer? (sneak)
7 question. “There are ducklings on one side, and chickens on the other. There is an islet in the middle. Who will reach the island faster? (ducklings, chickens can't swim)
8 question. - Pale, very poisonous on the way to the mushroom picker? (toadstool)
Question 9. - In a pot at Winnie the Pooh? (honey)
Question 10. - Borscht for the first, cutlets ……. (For the second).
Question 11 - A shower of ice? (hail)
Question 12 - Yolka needles? (needles)
Question 13. - There are tubs near the wall, each had a frog. If there were 7 tubs, how many frogs would there be? (seven).
Question 14 - How many fingers does the glove have? (no one).
Question 15 - How many strawberries are there in an empty glass? (none).
Question 16 - Where does the chicken go when crossing the road? (on the other side of the road).
Question 17 - There are 3 glasses of juice on the table. Masha drank one glass and put it on the table. How many glasses are on the table? (three)
Question 18. - Small, gray, does it look like an elephant? (baby elephant)
Question 19. - Did the duck lay an egg? Who will hatch out of it? Hen or cockerel? (duckling)
Question 20. - You blinded two snow women and one of them dressed in a fur coat and a hat. Which one will melt faster in the spring? (The one that was not dressed up will melt faster).
21 questions. - Who eats acorns? (pig)
Question 22. - Who eats bananas? (monkey)
Question 23. - Who gnaws nuts? (squirrel)
Question 24. - Who eats mice? (cat)

Leading: Round 10!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! Captains competition.
Quest "Magic Envelopes" (held standing at the gaming tables.)
An object of wildlife lies in the envelopes, in order to guess which one - you need to answer the question: For a long time people noticed that sick animals leave to find some kind of grass, having eaten which they recovered. So man began to look for help from different plants. What are these plants called? (players answers: medicinal, medicinal)
The envelopes are given to the team captains.
- And, so, the task "Learn the healing herb."
- You need to collect puzzle pictures, recognize the grass, name it and briefly talk about the use of the grass.
Right answers:
1.mother-and-stepmother - harvested in the summer, it is useful to drink a decoction of this herb for colds and severe coughs;
2. chamomile (medicinal) or pharmacy - flowers are harvested in summer, gargle with broth for sore throat, used as a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the throat and stomach.
Leading: 11 round.
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- What number of the envelope did the top stop over? (player answers)
- Attention! The task!
Question from the Internet. (The task is carried out while sitting at the gaming tables.)
(Connoisseurs are asked questions through the computer by the head and methodologist of the kindergarten.)
Question 1: - Why don't polar bears eat penguins?
Correct answer: Bears cannot hunt penguins because these animals live far from each other. Bears are at the North Pole in the Arctic, and penguins are at the South Pole in Antarctica.
Leading:- I ask experts to prove their answer with the help of a globe.
(Children show on the globe: the North Pole and the Arctic; South Pole and Antarctica.)
Question 2: - Why were the ornaments in the Russian costume located along the edge of the hem, sleeves, collar?
(The host puts pictures of Russian costumes on the players' tables - a tip)
Correct answer: The ornament was not just embroidered for beauty. The pattern in the ornament goes in a circle. In the old days, people believed that the circle was a symbol of the sun. And the sun gives warmth, light, harvest, protects from cold, darkness, diseases, troubles. Therefore, the ornament embroidered around the costume was a talisman - it protected people from evil, the evil eye.

Leading: 12 round!
(Music "spinning top" sounds, the player rotates the top.)
- Attention! Musical pause. ( A musical pause sign is placed.)
To the song "Shalunishki" by the children's ensemble "Fidgets", a musical warm-up dance is held.
Leading: - Word of the jury.
(The jury announces the results of the second part of the game. Summarizes.)

At the end of the intellectual game, the presenter thanks the players for their participation, spectators and fans for watching.

To the accompaniment of solemn music, children are awarded chocolate medals and commemorative prizes.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear experts! It is very pleasant that the most knowledgeable, the most curious and the most attentive have gathered here. So, we have three gaming tables with flags of different colors. The game will have several rounds on such topics: geography, music, the world of wildlife, literature, riddles. Let's start with a round general issues... Questions will be asked to three teams at the same time, at the signal "A minute went" you start a discussion. The command that first raised the checkbox responds.

Round of general questions

1. You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on the tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? ("You and I are of the same blood - you and me")

4. Remember in which fairy tale A.S. Pushkin was introduced in principle new system wages. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It is cold in winter, so we dress warmly - boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat warm in winter? (No, she only keeps warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than the legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind recognize? (Nettle)

8. What was the poodle Artemon from the tale of A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key" wearing on its front paw? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the crew quarters on the ship? (Cockpit)

10.In Ancient Rus silver bars served as money. They were called grivnas. If the item was worth less than the entire bar, then a part was cut off from it. What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of blitz questions

1. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is produced in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where is Lezginka dancing? (In Georgia)

1. Under what bush did the hare sit in the rain? (Under wet)

3. What is czardas? (Hungarian dance)

1. How can water be carried in the sieve? (Freezing)

2. What country is worn on the head? (Panama)

3. When are eggs delicious? (When you eat them)

Geographic round

1. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. On which continent there are no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between which two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (The sun)

Musical round

1. What notes can be used to measure the distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer has already given concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. What composer composed and played his works while being deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What are the two notes that grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the short kids sing when they flew on hot-air balloon together with Dunno? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round "World of Wildlife"

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a continuous flame is moving. What is this bird? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift, up to 140 km / h)

4. What poisonous plant is used to prepare a medicine used for heart disease? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (Algae)

6. What wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

7. The footprint of which predatory animal is similar to the footprint of a person? (Bear)

8. What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)

9. Which plant sap helps with mosquito bites? (Parsley)

Literary round

1. To which of the literary heroes do the walking shoes and the magic staff belong? (To Little Flour)

2. Name three Russian epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Buratino want to give? (Castor oil)

4. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of Puppet Science)

5. What did Buratino love more than anything else? (Scary Adventures)

6. What money coin was used by the inhabitants of the town from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Soldo)

7. "He swayed, swayed on slender legs, took a step once, took another step, gallop-gallop, straight to the door through the threshold and onto the street." Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. "A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom." Who is this? (Medicinal leech vendor Duremar)

9. Who was Gulliver by profession? (Ship doctor)

Round of riddles

1. Will not knock, will not blur, but will enter the window. (Dawn)

2. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

3. The fur coat is new, and there is a hole in the hem. (Ice hole)

4. Curls around the nose, but does not fit into the hands. (Smell)

5. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

6. Not the sea, not the river, but worries. (Ears in the field)

7. She will be born in the water,

But a strange fate:

She's afraid of water

And always dies in it. (Salt)

8. Sits on a spoon, legs dangling. (Noodles)

9. What a beast:

White as snow

Inflated like fur

Walks with shovels

And he eats with a horn. (Goose)

10. Gray, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

11. Many hands, but one leg. (Wood)

12. Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother with a granddaughter. How many are all? (Three)