Coin table with what to cover. Coin top and floor. Fabric decoupage of a wooden table

Is your piggy bank about to burst from coins? And there is nowhere to add, and it's a pity to throw it away? Well, it's time to put your coins into action and make beautiful crafts out of them. We've put together a selection of great ideas and step-by-step master classes for you. Today you will understand that it was not in vain that you have been saving up coins all this time.

For crafts, you can use both actual coins and those that have long been out of use. Most often, craftsmen use 1, 5 or 10 kopecks. For jewelry (bracelets, necklaces, brooches, etc.), it is better to choose foreign coins if you have them - they look more solid in accessories.

How to drill a hole in a coin?

We will answer this question at the very beginning, because it will come in handy for many crafts. To make everything clear, we have found two short tutorial videos for you.

If you have a drill, make a hole in the coin according to this instruction.

If you do not have a drill, we will make a hole in the coin using a regular sewing needle.

Holes may not always be necessary, but some of you will need it.

How do I connect coins?

There are two options here. If you have holes in your coins, you will need wire or special rings for jewelry. All this can be easily found in the departments for creativity.

If you want to make a voluminous craft out of coins or paste over any object with them, you need to glue them. The best way to do this is to use a glue gun. It is convenient and reliable. If you don't have one, go for a superglue that is capable of fixing metals.

Now let's get down to the fun part. Use the master classes and get to work!

A bowl

Wash coins in soapy water. It is best to soak them in liquid for several hours. The coins are pretty dirty and this craft will be used a lot. Then dry the coins well.

We need:

  • plastic bowl;
  • polyethylene;
  • glue;
  • coins.

Instead of a plate, you can take Balloon... True, in this case, the craft may come out a little oblique and not completely stable. The plate will most likely have to be thrown away, so take the unwanted one. However, if you are very careful, it will survive.

Wrap the plate with plastic wrap. For reliability, you can fix it with tape. Start sticking coins. An important point is to glue them on the side edges. Don't worry if the glue leaks a little; we will polish it later.

Leave the structure to dry for 4-5 hours. Then gently free it from the bowl and plastic. Take a fine sandpaper and gently wipe off any excess glue. Cover the top of the coins with ornamental varnish - for reliability.

Volumetric star

You can place any other shape. The main thing is to have a stencil or draw the outline yourself. If you are making a star, you can lay out the number 23 in coins and use the panel as a gift for Defender of the Fatherland Day. In the same way, you can make a gift for Valentine's Day - just select a heart as a stencil.

We need:

  • Photo frame;
  • velvet paper;
  • stencil.

Insert velvet paper into the photo frame. Remove the glass - we don't need it. Draw a star. Lay out her outline in one layer. Then add another layer of coins. Gradually reduce their number, increase the volume.

In the same way, you can lay out a flower or, for example, a herringbone. Imagine!

Mirror or frame

Coins can be used to decorate a mirror or make a photo frame. This will add zest to the interior.

We need:

  • wooden or cardboard frame;
  • ornamental varnish;
  • sandpaper;
  • acrylic (optional).

If you are making a frame from scratch, you need to make a dense backing. Use plywood for this. If you are decorating a ready-made one, then it may be worth sanding and painting it so that the gaps between the coins look beautiful.

Just lay the entire surface of the frame in an even layer or pattern. You can add a second layer to hide any gaps that appeared when stacking the first "batch" of coins.

If you wish, you can decorate the coins with spray metallic paint.


Worried about the birds? This means that your coins can be used to decorate the bird feeder. It will turn out to be a beautiful and useful craft.

We need:

  • finished house;
  • plywood.

If you do not have a ready-made house, you will have to build it from scratch. You can take a cardboard box and cover it with plywood. The most important thing is that the roof is strong enough, otherwise it will not withstand the load of coins. We glue the coins in rows from bottom to top. It is better to lay the last row additionally.

We would not advise you to paint the roof with ornamental varnish, as this can harm the birds. Do this only if you have a special non-toxic varnish.

A bracelet

If you have interesting coins from different countries that you brought for good luck, it's time to get them. Why keep such beauty in a piggy bank where no one can see it? And carrying them in your wallet is somehow boring. If you really want to attract luck and money, always keep coins with you - make a bracelet with your own hands.

We need:

  • metal rings;
  • bracelet accessories.

Drill two holes on each side of the coin. If the rings are thin, do it with a needle. Fasten the rings, connect them to each other. Add a clip.

Now your lucky coins will always be with you!


Coins are a great way to transform old home furnishings. Take a look at the vase decorating workshop. Perhaps he will inspire you to redo something else.

We need:

  • vase;
  • acrylic paints;
  • ornamental varnish.

The vase is best painted in one tone. Acrylic fits perfectly on glass, so it's best to choose it. Next, we glue the entire surface of the product with coins. Spaces won't look ugly if you've painted the craft beforehand.

Many people like to give money trees from coins to friends. Why not give a vase in which you can put beautiful twigs or flowers? Also Money Tree, only more interesting.


Usually teenagers like the decor in the form of large letters. So if you have a child school age, suggest this idea to him. Or decorate your hallway. Coin letters can also be a good gift.

We need:

  • stencils of letters;
  • cardboard or plywood;
  • paints.

If you want to make letters on cardboard, choose the thickest one (the one usually used for boxes). The letters can also be cut out of plywood if you can.

You can take stencils of letters from our selection - this way you will save your time. Next, just paint the cut-out letters to hide the gaps between the coins. Fix the coins in one layer. If the material allows, you can lay out the second and third layers.

You can use this workshop to DIY an anniversary gift. Lay out the numbers from the coins, present the hero of the occasion with such a "medal" - let it attract wealth.


Not sure how to decorate a homemade tray? Or do you need to hide a worn surface? Coins will come to the rescue again.

We need:

  • ready-made tray;
  • coins;
  • glass;
  • dye.

If you are making a tray from scratch, you will need to sand and paint it. If this is a rework of a finished item, you can skip this step. Glue the coins to the bottom in random order. Or lay out a pattern.

Then the surface must be covered with glass that matches the size of the craft. If you don't have glass, cover the craft with varnish in several layers. Do not leave coins just like that - contact with food will be too close, and this should not be allowed.


Here's another great way to keep your luck and wealth coins with you. With a little effort, you will create a beautiful fashionable necklace. Massive accessories are in trend now, so it makes sense to master this craft.

We need:

  • necklace accessories;
  • a hammer;
  • rings.

With a hammer, all the coins need to be flattened a little. This will help remove the drawing from them, polish and refine them. It's not very nice to wear ten-kopeck coins around your neck, right?

Now make small holes in each coin. Insert metal rings and attach them to the hardware.

If you work well with a hammer, no one will even guess that you made your jewelry from ordinary coins.


Coins are used to spread ceilings, floors and a wide variety of furniture. If you have a few thousand extra coins, you can do it. If your stocks are more modest, make a decorative table for the country.

We need:

  • table;
  • glass;
  • coins.

We glue the coins on superglue or a glue gun. To make the process go faster, you can apply it not to coins, but to the very surface of the table. Move in small sections so that it does not have time to dry out.

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The furnishings in the house provide comfort and suit your tastes. However, furniture stores can not always offer something that suits your interior vision. And standard solutions are by no means something that suits people striving for individual design. It is easier, of course, to order an exclusive and pay money for it. But it's much more interesting to implement the idea yourself. For example, for countertops, it makes it possible to create any creative surface that is unique and unrepeatable. Of course, you have to work hard. But epoxy is a fairly simple material to work with, and the basics of handling it will not be difficult to master.

Advantages of the material

What epoxy is especially good for for pouring countertops is that it retains its original volume when it dries. The varnish, for example, dries due to the evaporation of the liquid entering it. As a result, its layer shrinks, which often creates problems. The hardening of the resin is caused by a chemical reaction. And if you need a lens by design, you will get it. Moreover, it will not be susceptible to chips, deletions, or deformations. And just a flat surface will remain flat, without sagging as it dries.

Another advantage that epoxy has is the price. The material is cheaper than others designed to create durable surfaces. The cost ranges on average between 200 and 280 rubles per kilogram. And if you need bulk epoxy resin, the price will drop to 180-190, depending on the globality of the batch.

Success guarantee: preparation

To mix the material, you will need vessels (the volume depends on how much epoxy you need), a stirring stick and two measuring containers. Before mixing, you need to carefully study the instructions: the proportions of the components are different and depend on the manufacturer. They must be strictly observed, otherwise the material will harden badly.

The epoxy is measured first, followed by the hardener for the resin. You need to pour it into the base, and not vice versa. The combined materials are kneaded as thoroughly as possible, the quality of solidification also depends on this. Upon reaching homogeneity, it is required to wait until the resin reaches the desired consistency, after which it can be used as directed.

What stage to use for what

Countertop epoxy comes in several thicknesses, and each is suitable for a different purpose.

  1. Liquid stage: the composition flows freely from the stick. The ideal state for filling forms - at this stage all corners and valleys will be filled.
  2. Density of the "liquid honey" type. It flows down from the probe and lingers on the tip. Exactly what you need to create drops and lenses. Also suitable for filling soft shapes, such as round worktops.
  3. Stage "thick honey". It is practically not suitable for pouring, but it is impeccable as a glue - the previous consistencies will drain.
  4. The next stage, in which the resin is separated from the total mass with difficulty, is not very suitable for any purpose. Either they do not bring it to it, or they expect even greater thickening.
  5. The rubber phase allows you to create bizarre shapes like plasticine sculpting. True, in order for the epoxy resin for the countertop to retain its shape, it will have to be fixed in the desired position, otherwise it will straighten.

The last stage is hard. When the epoxy reaches it, your countertop can be considered finished.

Subtleties of the process

Before you make an epoxy countertop, take care not to add to yourself in the future. In particular, cover the table you are working on or the floor under the workbench with polyethylene - leaking resin is removed with great effort.

Until the surface dries, it will collect all the dust. Consider the coverage option in advance. For example, low racks on which the film "roof" will be stretched.

Water must not get into the resin or the hardener. Including from the air, so it is not worth working with high humidity. A certain temperature regime is also required: if the room is less than 22 Celsius, you risk getting a poorly frozen countertop. The setting can be accelerated by increasing the temperature, for example, by placing the product on a radiator. It is not worth heating with a hairdryer: the resin will boil and give a huge variety of bubbles.

If a bubble appears near the surface when the epoxy for the countertop is just being poured, it can be blown onto it through a cocktail tube, a thin syringe, or even the body of a ballpoint pen. The ball will burst without spoiling the craft.

Nuances of use

A table top made of epoxy resin, made by hand, has its own characteristics in operation. First, the material tends to turn yellow from sunlight and sometimes from heat. If you plan to put a table in a southern room or kitchen, as well as in an unprotected garden gazebo, buy a base with a UV filter.

Secondly, from the cold, flakes or grains sometimes form in the countertop. You can return it to its original appearance by warming up to 40-60 degrees.

Thirdly, epoxy resin for countertops used in kitchens is not very suitable at all, as it can emit toxins from heating. If you want to put such a table in the kitchen, cover the surface with a protective transparent varnish. Best of all - intended for yachts.

Form for countertops

It will be needed if you want to make it completely from epoxy, without using anything as a support surface. For the form, you can take the glass of the desired size. It is thoroughly washed, wiped dry and degreased with acetone. Then the surface is rubbed with wax mastic, which after a third of an hour is polished with a dry cloth. The sides can be made from if you want perfectly smooth edges of the table top, buy polished ones. The inner surface is treated with a mixture of turpentine and paraffin. They are attached to the glass with window putty.

All these procedures are required so that the epoxy resin for the countertop does not stick to the mold, and the finished product is easily removed from it. However, if you intend to insert the surface into a "frame", you do not need to worry about the smoothness of the cuts. in this case, the sides can be assembled from any available material and sandwiched with polyethylene or rubber - epoxy does not stick to them.

Otherwise, everything is simple: a solution is prepared, brought to the desired consistency and poured. To obtain a varied structure, you can tint the resin with water-insoluble dyes or add inclusions to it - small pebbles, fragments of colored glass, etc.

Coin idea

It is not at all necessary to make a tabletop only from this material. Epoxy resin for countertops makes it possible to use a variety of additional elements. For example, having an old but sturdy countertop, you can actually make a new one out of it, and a very unusual one. The surface is cleaned; you can paint it in a suitable color. Old coins are cleaned with a special solution. The table top fits neatly, low curbs are stuffed around the edges. Coins are laid out inside the "box". There is no need to fix them in any way. It remains to fill the form with epoxy and wait for it to set. This idea is especially good for a bar counter.

Wood plus resin

A very elegant solution would be to combine epoxy with natural wood. Either an ordinary tabletop is knocked together from boards with caverns, or they are artistically cut out on the finished one. The surface is sanded to smoothness; fluorescent dyes are added to the diluted resin. All cleaned caverns are filled with the composition. After drying, the worktop is covered in several layers with intermediate sanding. An unusual and colorful table is ready!

When the currency depreciates, the treasured piggy banks with coins become almost useless. However, if you wish, you can find an excellent use for little things - to decorate furniture with it. This is exactly what one of the users of the Reddit website, registered under the nickname, did. Callofthegame.

On the site Kulturologiya.RF, we have repeatedly written about the tendency towards. For example, American designer Johnny Swing has already made a name for himself by assembling a sofa, couch, chair and armchair from thousands of nickel coins. But Callofthegame decorated the tabletop with pennies - it turned out bright and original. It took him 5,218p in total, and the work took about 40 hours as the artist carefully sorted the coins by color from golden shiny to dark chocolate. So he not only filled the space with trifles, but also decorated the table with a zigzag pattern.

Each coin is glued to the top of the table, the finished art object turned out to be weighty - more than 100 kg. All coins are lined with an obverse, however, in order to provoke perfectionists, the designer fixed one of them with a reverse. So the search for this cherished coin can turn into addicting puzzle for anyone who wants to take a closer look at the coin miracle.

If you have an old table that has lost its former attractiveness over time, do not rush to get rid of it. Any furniture that has outlived its life can be given a second life, for example, the table can be restored using the fabric decoupage technique or decorated with a mosaic of coins.

For decoupage the table, you can use three-layer napkins, photographs or newspaper clippings.

Fabric decoupage of a wooden table

You will need:

  • the cloth;
  • PVA glue;
  • brushes;
  • soil for wood;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • rubber roller;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • sandpaper.

Decorating a table using fabric decoupage technique is quite simple. The first step is to prepare the surface. In the event that the old table is not very damaged, you can limit yourself to reworking the table top. If the furniture has an unpresentable appearance, then it is better to redo it completely. First you need to get rid of the old paintwork. The surface of the table is sanded with sandpaper dipped in water. They also use a special tool called a cycle (sold in construction departments). Instead of a cycle, you can use a piece of broken glass, with its help, the varnish is scraped off the surface, then polished with sandpaper.

After the old varnish is removed, proceed to priming the table. For this purpose, use a special primer intended for a wooden surface (can be replaced with an artistic one), apply it in a thin layer with a brush. Next, the table must be painted with acrylic paint in any shade that is present in the material drawing. The table top will be decorated with fabric, so it will be painted white, which will create a background and favorably set off the texture of the material.

Then the countertop is coated with PVA glue, covered with a cloth, after which, using a rubber roller, they begin to smooth the matter, moving from the center to the edges. After about 15 minutes, the fabric is glued again, left to dry completely, if necessary, trim the edges with a sharp knife or scissors. After that, the surface is glued 2-3 more times.

The next day, the result is fixed with acrylic varnish, which is applied 3-5 times with obligatory intermediate drying. If you notice that the varnish has gone unevenly, and layers have formed in some places, then this trouble is eliminated with sandpaper dipped in water. Then the surface is again varnished. For this purpose, it is very convenient to use an aerosol varnish; it is sprayed with a thin layer at a distance of 30-40 cm from the surface. If you apply a thick layer of varnish at once, then streaks and bubbles will appear, which is highly undesirable. In order to avoid sticking of the spray nozzle, at the end of the work, turn the can upside down and press the pump until the remaining varnish is completely sprayed. The side of the table can be decorated with braid, tassel cord or fringe. The decor is glued with a glue gun.

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Decorating a coffee table with coins

To give the coins an antique look, they are pre-painted with gold or silver paint.

You will need:

  • coins;
  • antique bitumen;
  • car varnish;
  • universal glue for mosaic;
  • acrylic paints;
  • grout for joints.

You can redo the table with your own hands using a mosaic. Consider an example of decorating with ordinary coins, which, with your efforts, will turn into old ones. In order to age coins, you need to paint them with gold, copper or silver acrylic paint (it is better to use aerosol paint). After it dries, antique bitumen is applied, after 10 minutes, the excess is washed with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. In this case, the bitumen should remain only in the recesses and along the edge of the coin.

After that, blue and green acrylic paints are mixed, then a foam sponge is taken, lightly passed over the surface (in some places). Thus, the effect of patina is obtained (imitation of old metal). In order to make rust, you need to mix red, yellow and brown paints until you get a reddish tone. Next, apply the resulting shade along the edge or center of the coins. After that, you can tint the surface again with bitumen, and also apply gold paint in places. Here it is important to show imagination and not overdo it with the material, the main task is to achieve maximum effect aging. The result is fixed with automotive varnish in an aerosol.

The coins are ready, so you can start the mosaic.

The surface of a plastic or glass table is degreased with an alcohol solution, a wooden one is sanded with sandpaper, then primed.

Glue is applied directly to the coins, glued from edge to center, moving in a spiral (if the surface is round or oval). A square or wooden table is decorated in staggered rows. After the glue has dried, the joints are filled with tile grout. Instead of coins, you can use ordinary mosaics, shells, pebbles or broken colored glass.

New modern Construction Materials appear on the market every day, and there are a lot of ideas for home decoration with handmade products.

We have collected some interesting ideas on how you can make a countertop with epoxy resin and give it an original and unique look, as well as decorate the interior of your home ..

Materials for the manufacture of countertops
We will walk you through the process of creating an epoxy countertop with your own hands, step by step, with creative ideas and craft skills. The table top is made of coins, looks great and will decorate any interior. For this purpose, you can use coins of any countries that you have left after your travels. This requires coins, epoxy glue, and a ruler. To create a product, coins must be of the same size. They must be thoroughly cleaned of oxides and dirt. You can apply for this special means that will cope with this task in a few seconds.
Place the first row of coins on top of the countertop. If you have a rounded edge on your piece, you will need to bend the coins using simple steel ring tools and pliers.
Use a long ruler or a builder's level on the countertop to make sure your coin surface is level and that the coins will stay in place and will not fall off. Using glue, we glue the coins to the surface of our countertop.

Continue glueing the coins until the entire surface is covered.

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We cover the floor with a polyethylene protective layer to avoid damage to the floor covering. We install our tabletop on a stand so that you can freely move around the perimeter of the product.
Check if we have enough glue, then pour it onto the central part of the countertop and gently spread it over the surface using a wooden or plastic spatula.

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The epoxy resin should cover the surface of the countertop with a thickness of at least 4-6 mm.
Work very well with the ends of the product, you need to cover them well with resin.
In order for the remaining air to escape when pouring the resin, the surface is heated with a manual gas burner.
After removing the air, we leave the surface for 2-3 days, this is necessary so that the epoxy resin is completely dry. After 3 days, you have received the original fabulous countertop.