Diablo 3 where to get. Kanai cube recipes. Extracting Legendary Properties

Update 2.3 will introduce the Kanai Cube to Diablo 3, which may sound familiar to those who have played the game. previous part Diablo. But it's not.

You can get it by going through, which are also new, find the gate of wandering to which you can in the adventure mode in the 3rd act. More precisely, we do not receive, but open the Kanai Cube, since it does not fall into our chest, but on the market square, in the form of an artisan (Zoltun Kull is responsible for him).

Although the Kanai Cube is very reminiscent of the Horadric Cube, it works in a fundamentally different way. It will store 3 legendary properties, added there by extracting from legendary items. And they do not have to be added to other items, your character will receive these bonuses anyway, despite the fact that the cube is in the city, on its pedestal.

In addition to this, its most powerful property, with the help of Kanai's Cube, it will be possible to carry out various magical transformations with objects. Immediately after opening it, 6 other basic recipes will be available in it.

Basic Cuba Kanai Recipes

  1. Extracting a legendary property into a cube;
  2. Reforging a legendary item;
  3. Upgrade a rare item (into a random legendary item of the same type);
  4. Convert set items (into a random item of the same set);
  5. Remove the level requirement (even a level 1 character can wear the item);
  6. Converting stones (for example, 9 rubies into 9 diamonds - essences are available from Jumpy);
  7. Material conversion (the color of the desired reagent is indicated through the item).

But that's not all, the list of recipes can be expanded by fulfilling certain conditions, such as, for example: opening secret level with a shepherd's crook. So, with the release of update 2.3, you will hardly have time for something else. But so far, little is known about how to obtain recipes.

Update 2.3 brought a lot of changes to the game, but one of the biggest changes is definitely the Kanai Cube.

The Kanai Cube is a new artisan with multiple possibilities. On this moment There are 7 main recipes in the game and several secret ones.

To use the craft, you need act reagents, which can be found in boxes for completing errands. There are 5 reagents in the game, each of which is tied to a specific act.

List of materials







Recipes Cuba Kanai

Tal Rashi Archive (Extract legendary property)

When using the recipe, the legendary item will disappear forever, and its property will be added to the Kanai Cube, which the hero can choose as an additional bonus. Requires 1 act ingredient each + 5 breaths of death + an item with a legendary modifier.

In total, you can choose 3 properties: from weapons, from armor and from accessories.

Kull's Law (reforge a legendary item)

Redistributes all the characteristics of the legendary. Requires 5 act ingredients of each type + 50 Forgotten Souls + Legendary.

Deckard Cain's Hope (upgrade a rare item)

Turns a rare item into a legendary item of the same type. For example, if you put a rare helmet inside, it will turn into a random legendary helmet. Requires a Rare Item + 25 Death Breaths + 50 Spare Parts + 50 Arcane Dust + 50 Clouded Crystals.

Mastery of Nilfur (convert set item)

With this recipe, you can turn an unnecessary item from a set into any other item from the same set. Requires a set item + 10 Breaths of Death + 10 Forgotten Souls.

The ancient item cannot be obtained.

Katana's Works (remove level requirements)

After use, the item can be worn by a character of any level. Requires Item + Level 25 Gem of Ease.

Darkness of Radament (convert gems)

The player can transform 9 gems of one color into 9 gems of another color using the appropriate essence. The essence can be bought from the Jumpy Dealer in Act 2.

Wrath of Ibn Fahd (convert materials)

Converts 100 resources of one type to 100 resources of another type (excluding Forgotten Souls). The type of resource will depend on the color of the item that you put in the Kanai Cube. For example, if you put 100 spare parts + any blue item + 1 breath of death, you will get 100 arcane dust and some change.

Caldesanna's Despair (Enhance Ancient Item)

Requires an ancient legendary item, a level 30 gem and 3 flawless royal gems of the appropriate color (ruby for strength, emerald for dexterity, topaz for intelligence).

An additional line will appear in the ancient item, increasing the main stat of the hero (depending on the color of the gem) by 5 points for each level of the pumped gem.

Secret Recipes

Kanai Cube has several secret recipes:

  • Cow reed will open a portal to Non-cow level
  • The puzzle ring will open a portal to the Treasury

How to get the Kanai Cube?

In the city of the player, Zoltun Kull will be waiting, who will say that in some ruins of Secheron an ancient artifact is hidden, guarded by a ghost. You can look at the ruins of Secheron only in adventure mode, choosing the 3rd act.

In addition to new monsters and quests, the Kanai Cube can be found in the location.


Question: If I choose Crucible as an additional bonus and my hero is wielding a one-handed weapon, will the effect still work?

Answer: The effect from the Crucible will work, since the property itself does not require the use of a two-handed weapon.

Everyone remembers the "Horadric Cube" from the second part of Diablo. Kanai's Cube is an evolution of this device, which all players who have downloaded update 2.3 must get. What is it? How to use it? Today we will answer these questions and present you with detailed instructions.

The basis

First and most main feature"Cuba Kanai" is that it is able to give a passive bonus to the skills of the character. You do not have to carry it with you and take up space in your inventory. And you yourself choose the effect that you get. True, in this case you will have to destroy the legendary item that this bonus contains.

This is the most important aspect that most players need. However, this function is not limited to everything. There are several recipes that will help you improve your equipment. Moreover, unlike the owners of the Horadric Cube, you will be able to control this process more subtly.

That's just how to get the "Cube Kanai"? This question is asked by most players when they find out about its existence.


In fact, everything is very simple. The only valid condition is open third Act. It is also desirable that it be passed. So you will have a better chance of defeating opponents who will not surpass you in level.

So how do you get the Kanai Cube? Open the menu and enter adventure mode. We are only interested in one non-player character, namely Zoltun Kull. Talk to him in the first city, and then move to the third act.

After update 2.3, a new location and a teleport to the Ruins of Secheron will be waiting for you there. If you think this is just the beginning of a hard journey beyond rare artifact then you will be disappointed. Once in the ruins, you just have to run around in search of "Cube". Yes, there will be enemies here, but you can’t call them especially strong or dangerous. In total, you have to run two stages. You don't even have to fight.

Before you get the Kanai Cube, you will have to run around the entire location in search of a transition to the second level - the Sanctuary of the Elders. To make it easier to do this, run along one of the edges of the map and you will probably quickly reach the goal.

Nothing will change in the second step. You will still run through the maze. But here there is one nuance. You won't be able to miss the Kanai's Cube: the object is bright orange, it will lie on a pedestal in the center of the room. However, you can take it only when you kill the guards and "leave the battle."


Even if you got the Kanai Cube, which we will tell you a little further on how to use, your work is not over. Now you will need a large amount of reagents for it to function. The main catch is that you can only get them from Treasures of the Horadrim. They can be obtained in adventures by completing quests given by Tyrael.

In total, the game has five acts and, accordingly, five materials - one for each act. Let's arrange them in descending order.

  • Holy water from Westmarch.
  • Flesh of a fallen angel.
  • Arreatian battle ornament.
  • Caldean Night.
  • Khandar rune.

Thus, after completing the entire game, you will receive one material each. But to use Cuba Kanai, you will need much more. In addition to act reagents, you will also need some loot from monsters - breath of death, forgotten souls, spare parts, arcane dust and fogged crystals.

In addition, you will have to buy some reagents from merchants, but more on that later.


There are seven recipes in total that the player can use. All of them require quite a lot of resources. They can be divided into groups, according to the operations that the "Cube" performs with them. So, now you know how to get the Kanai Cube, but one problem remains - the recipes.

  • "Tal-Rashi Archive". This recipe allows you to extract one property from a legendary item and store it in the "memory" of the cube. Note that only legendary quality is also extracted. After this operation, the item itself is destroyed. The entire "equipment" in the cube is divided into three types - weapons, rings and armor. Therefore, you can only select three properties at a time - one from each category.

In order to carry out this operation, you will need one act reagent and five "breaths of death". And, of course, the legendary item itself. Perhaps this is the most useful of the recipes, where the Kanai Cube fully fulfills its function.


The following recipes aim to change things that already exist. Simply put, the "Cube of Kanai", how to use which, it is clear at first glance, begins to play the role of that same "Horadric Cube".

  • Kull's Law. Allows you to completely change the properties of the legendary item. Using 5 act reagents and 50 souls, you will create an absolutely new item, which may even become ancient. However, be careful, the opposite effect is also possible - the ancient one can become an ordinary legendary one.
  • "Descartes Cain's Hope". Another very interesting recipe. Allows you to turn a rare (yellow) item into a legendary item for the same slot. The only limitation is only the level of the item - it must be equal to 70. To activate the conversion procedure, you will need 50 units of all types of resources and 25 breaths of death.
  • "The Mastery of Nilfur". Perhaps one of the most controversial recipes. Allows you to convert a legendary item from one set to another from the same set. It is very useful when you have a lot of the same "junk", but there are not enough individual items to complete the set.

In principle, this is all that the Kanai Cube is capable of. The recipes that we will indicate below are too situational and not always worth the money and materials that are spent on them.


So, Kanai's Cube. The recipes presented here are more likely to affect the properties of the item as a whole, rather than specific characteristics.

  • "Works of Katana". Using any item in the Cube together with a Legendary Gem of Ease will completely remove the level requirements from that equipment. The only restriction is that the gem must be above level 25.
  • "Darkness of Radamant". Allows you to convert 9 gems of one color to another. To do this, put a special essence in a cube with them, which can be bought from merchants for 500,000 coins. As you can see, it is quite expensive, so it makes no sense to carry out this operation with low-level items.
  • "The Wrath of Ibn Fahd". Allows you to convert 100 materials of one quality to another. To do this, simply add 1 breath of death and an item of the desired quality to them.

Leoric, the Skeleton King

Boss King Leoric, later known as the Skeleton King, was the ruler of Kanduras shortly before the events of Diablo I. He was a religious and righteous follower of the Zakarum, the religion of Light. Although he was a foreigner and personally declared himself the king of Kanduras, people eventually got used to him and his honest and bright rule. He built his castle next to the monastery of the Horadrim, under which lay the soul stone of Diablo. At the same time, Diablo's powers were enough to take over the mind of Archbishop Lazarus, the King's loyal assistant, and force him to obey the orders of the Lord of Terror, to manipulate the unsuspecting King. Leoric's mind was also attacked by Diablo. The king was strong, but he could not completely get rid of the influence of the Terror Lord, and his mind became clouded. His behavior changed, and his face was distorted.

Archbishop Lazarus, who had fallen under the influence of Diablo, did everything possible to keep the blackness in Leoric's face a secret, but in the end, the suspicions of the King's inner circle flared up so much that a new plan was needed. The insane King suspected the friendly kingdom of Westmarch that they were preparing to attack Kanduras. He gathered a huge army and sent it to the lands of the alleged enemy. This mission proved suicidal and Leoric's army suffered a crushing defeat. Soon people began to doubt their ruler and called him the Black King.

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Diablo, meanwhile, abandoned attempts to conquer the mind of Leoric, he realized that he was not able to completely take over the King, and simply left him broken and insane, and took control of Leoric's son, Albrecht. When the King found out about the disappearance of his son, he staged a bloody massacre, accusing absolutely everyone of kidnapping the prince. Subsequently, he was killed by his own lieutenant, the knight Lakdanan, who had just returned from a campaign. Before his death, Leoric cursed Lakdanan, and he himself soon resurrected in the form of the King of Skeletons.

Leoric boss abilities in Diablo 3.

Cleave - Strikes multiple targets in front of him. Standard attack.
Whirlwind - Teleports and starts laughing, then spins around in a deadly whirlwind. The whirlwind deals damage to both players and Leoric's allies.
Teleport Attack - Teleports behind the player and delivers a devastating blow.
Summon Skeletons - Summons 4 skeletons that fight for their king.

Boss Leoric tactics in Diablo 3.

The main feature of the battle is not to fall under the Whirlwind attack, and to destroy the summoned skeletons, from which health spheres will fall.


Butcher - final boss first act Diablo III. He was also the first boss in Diablo I.

Little is known of this monstrous creature's past. In Diablo I, there was a quest from a dying villager that Archbishop Lazar had lured the party that went after Prince Albrecht into a trap and sent them straight into the clutches of the Butcher. He monstrously mutilated them and hung them on hooks, but one managed to escape and at death, he asked Aidan to avenge them and kill the Butcher.

Butcher boss abilities in Diablo 3.

Chain Throw - Pulls the player towards him with his hook.
Fury - Enrages and starts dashing towards the player. If the player runs away, the Butcher will crash into a wall and be stunned.
Crushing Blow - Swings an ax and deals a crushing blow.

Also, during the battle, the floor under you will light up, than longer goes fight, the more often the fire will break out from under the floor.

Diablo 3 Boss Battle Tactics Butcher

The whole battle you will have to run so as not to get caught in the “Chain Throw”, run away from the jerk, its direction will be indicated by a fiery path. Run back in time, or squeeze the saving abilities under the “Crushing Blow”. And also constantly monitor the fire from under the floor. There are wells of healing in both upper corners.



Magda is the first boss in the second act of Diablo III. She is the leader of the Dark Cult and a loyal minion of Belial.

Magda abilities.

Smite - Magda fires a blue-green cloud from her mouth that deals area damage to players in front of her.
Moth Swarm - Summons a swarm of moths that roam the field and deal damage to players.
Summoning Ritual - Magda summons 4/5/6 dark berserkers that must be killed to continue the fight with Magda herself.
Shielding Field - Each time Magda loses 20% health, she applies an invulnerability shield to herself and begins the Summoning Ritual.

The tactics of the fight with the boss of Diablo 3 - Magda.

If you are playing as a melee class, then you should be wary of the "Kara" ability, try to stay behind Magda. Run away from the "Flock of Moths", after some time they will disappear. When Magda casts a shield, she becomes invulnerable, to remove the shield you need to kill the minions she summoned. Minions have the ability to deal high damage, before using this skill, they stop, giving you a chance to run away.

Zoltun Kull

Zoltun Kull is the second boss in the second act of Diablo III.

Zoltun Kull's abilities.

Energy Whirlwind - Launches a whirlwind that wanders around the battlefield and deals damage.
Temporary Dome - Creates a dome in which all actions of the character are slowed down.
Collapse - Crushes the ceiling, causing it to collapse on the player's head.
Vanish - Evaporates for a short period of time from the battlefield.
Flaming Rock - Launches a flaming rock at a player, dealing damage. Standard attack.
Eternal Guardians - At the beginning of the battle, Zoltun Kull is assisted by two large golems.


The boss starts the fight with two minions, to make the fight easier, kill them first. Avoid tornadoes, at the inferno level they do a lot of damage. Do not stand in the "temporary dome", this will not only slow down your attacks, but also your movement, it will be difficult to avoid a tornado and collapse of the ceiling. The boss will periodically teleport, so you have to run after him.

Belial, Lord of Lies

Belial, the Lord of Lies is the final boss of the second act of Diablo III.

History of Belial Diablo 3.

Belial is one of the four Lesser Evils, who, in a struggle for power, allied with Azmodan, raised a rebellion against the Original Evil and banished them to Sanctuary. After that, Azmodan and Belial turned their forces against each other, and the struggle for power continued. It is known that after that, Belial lost and went to Sanctuary, and Azmodan has ruled Hell for 300 years.

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Belial's abilities in Diablo 3.

Phase I - Illusions of Belial
Strike - Standard melee attack.
Fire ball- Launches multiple fireballs that damage the player.
Summon Demons - Calls for reinforcements in the form of several Imperial Guards.

Phase II - Demon Form of Belial
Strike - Standard melee attack.
Powerful blow - Hits the indicated place of the platform.
Fire Breath - Begins to breathe fire, dealing damage in a radius.
Meteor Shower - Sticks his hands into the floor, creating multiple void zones across the battlefield.

At the beginning of the fight, in order to summon Belil, you will have to kill all his minions in the room, after which the boss himself enters the battle.

Boss Belial in Diablo 3.

In the first phase of the battle, you need to lower the boss's health to 50% as quickly as possible, then he will stop summoning minions and move on to the second phase, try to avoid fireballs in the 1st phase, the further you stand, the easier it is to dodge them.
In the second phase, do not get hit by Slam, the longer you hit the boss, the more he attacks with this ability. During Meteor Shower, move to an area free of void zones, this ability can kill in one hit. Health orbs will spawn during the boss fight.


Khom, Lord of Gluttony

Khom, Lord of Gluttony is the first boss in the third act of Diablo III. The largest of Azmodan's associates. He has at least four mouths. Although Khom's main weapon is his brutal appetite, his mucus and other feces are no less dangerous. The last time the Lord of Gluttony swallowed half a dozen angels in battle, along with spears.

Khom's abilities in Diablo 3.

Bite - Basic melee attack.
Toxic Gases - The boss releases a gas cloud that stays in place and deals damage to players who enter it.
Slime Spit - Spits slime at the player, which then spawns two slimes that have a small amount of health.

Khom tactics in Diablo 3.

The fight is very dynamic, you shouldn't get caught in Poison Gases, so keep moving around, the boss will follow you. Small minions are killed quickly, it is better to finish them quickly so as not to interfere.

Assault Beast

Assault Beast is the second boss of the third act of Diablo III. The Assault Beast is legendary, nightmarish tales whispered into the night. Because of the beast's incredible size and immense strength, demon lords value it above all their other minions. This creature can turn the tide of any battle. I would like to know more about him, but, alas ... no one has ever experienced a meeting with this monster.


Battering Ram - The Beast makes a swift dash towards the player, knocking them back.
Claw Strikes - Three consecutive powerful claw attacks.
Ground Kick - The Beast slams its feet into the ground, dealing damage to nearby players.
Grab and Throw - Grabs a player, squeezing them in its claws, dealing damage.

Assault Beast tactics in Diablo 3.

You can’t dodge many attacks from this boss, it will probably be possible to get away from the Ram and, when using the Claw Strikes ability, move away from the boss’s face.

Cydea, Maiden of Lust

Cydea, Maiden of Lust is the third boss of the third act of Diablo III. Despite the fact that Azmodan favors all his associates, he has a special affection for Cydea. The Maiden of Lust is both a beautiful and ugly creature. She has the body of a woman and spider legs.

Cydea's abilities in Diablo 3.
Strike - Standard melee attack.
Summon Spiders - Summons small spiders that do little damage and have little health.
Web Spit - Slows the player, the longer you stand in the web, the more the slowdown occurs.
Spike Shot - Fires multiple spikes at an area.

Tactics for Cydea in Diablo 3.

The fight is quite simple, run out of the spitting web, kill the summoned spiders, but don't overdo it, there are too many of them and they are constantly summoned, it is better to focus on the boss itself, destroying the spiders with abilities that deal damage over the area.

Azmodan, Lord of Sin

Azmodan, Lord of Sin is the final boss of the third act of Diablo III.

Azmodan's story in Diablo 3.

Azmodan, a cunning manipulator who specializes in vice and depravity. He is very quick-tempered and an inveterate schemer - both virtues are very dangerous. Azmodan is a master of temptation, forcing those whose principles and faith are strong to eventually betray them. Azmodan can see the deepest desires of the heart. He exists only to destroy the foundations of morality, to bring everything in his environment to ruin.

Azmodan's abilities in Diablo 3.

Strike - Standard melee attack.
Fireball - A homing fireball that you can run away from, its flight speed is quite low.
Corpse Rain - A circle is drawn on the floor, where minions of Azmodan will fall after some time.
Demon Gate Emergence - Minions of Azmodan appear from the Demon Gate with low health.
Sea of ​​Blood - Spreads a pool of blood on the floor that deals ticking damage when standing in it.
Beam - Azmodan fires a beam of energy that deals damage.

Tactics for Azmodan in Diablo 3.

Watch out for the boss' ability "Fireball", basically, without using life saving skills you will die. The ball flies quite slowly and not for long, the landing area is shown in a circle on the floor. When demonic gates appear, it is desirable to destroy them, but not necessarily.

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Just like the ball, the "Sea of ​​Blood" ability brings big troubles, do not stand in a puddle, it gradually expands, reaching a certain size, its growth stops, does not lie for too long and disappears. If you are a long-range player, you can deal damage to the boss at this time, I advise the melee player to still run, and not be a hero.


Rakanot, Lord of Despair

Rakanot, Lord of Despair is the first boss in Act 4 of Diablo III. Initially, he served Andariel, while showing particular cruelty and atrocity. Then he long years was Izual's jailer who languished in the Plains of Despair in Rakanoth's realm. However, some time ago, the demon unexpectedly left his lands.

Rakanoth's abilities in Diablo 3.

Teleportation - Rakanot attacks with an undodgeable attack.
Fan of Spinning Blades - Attack with multiple blades, the farther you are from them, the easier it is to dodge.
Saber Arms - Standard melee attack.
Fireball - Rakanot summons fireballs at his nearby enemies.
Defensive Stance - Rakanot covers himself with wide saber arms, reducing damage taken. But he doesn't attack.
Summon Soul Devourers - Summons two demonic assistants.

Tactics on Rakanoth in Diablo 3.

You won't be able to dodge many of this boss's abilities, try to break the distance when using the boss's skills. When summoning minions, kill them, you will have enough damage inflicted by the boss.


Izual, the second boss of the 4th act of Diablo 3.

Izual's abilities in Diablo 3.

Strike - Standard melee attack.
Ice Bombs - Periodically, Izual scatters balls of ice across the battlefield. Which explode after a few seconds, dealing damage and freezing all nearby targets.
Dash - Izual dashes towards the player.
Blast of Cold - For 50% of his life, Izual creates a ring of ice with a very large radius of destruction, which has no graphical effect, freezing everyone who comes within the radius of this ring.
Summon Minions - Summons different kind minions that drop health orbs.

Izual tactics in Diablo 3.

If you are a ranged player, try not to let the boss get close to you. Avoid ice bombs, since they are hard to miss. When summoning minions, try to kill them quickly, but don't let the boss get too close, he can use the Rush skill.

Diablo, Lord of Terror

Diablo, the Lord of Terror is the main villain of the Diablo series. Returned in Diablo III as the Prime Evil.

Diablo boss story in Diablo 3.

Of all the Great Evils, unfortunately we know the most about the Lord of Terror, El Diabolo, better known as Diablo.
Diablo is the most calm, cunning and patient in trying to spread terror around him. Consider the components of horror: a mixture of fear, shock and complete hopelessness. Perhaps Diablo is the most insidious in his ability to influence the victim's mind. Opening them up to their biggest, ugliest fears, he uses that knowledge to turn the worst of them against his victim.
For two hundred years he accumulated strength, corrupting the Stone of Souls - his dungeon. Finally, he managed to completely subjugate the mind of Lazarus, a devoted adviser to the king and archbishop of the Horadrim Monastery, where Diablo rested. Diablo also succeeded in blackening the mind of Leoric, the King of Kanduras. The king continued to fight steadfastly against Diablo's vicious influence, but eventually went insane. The distraught King Leoric begins mass arrests and executions of all who go against his will, and also declares war on the kingdom of Westmarch. Lazarus kidnaps Prince Albrecht and Diablo enslaves his soul. Soon another son of Leoric, Aidan, returned from the war with Westmarch. He single-handedly descended into the catacombs under Tristram and defeated Diablo. As a result of the long influence of the cathedral, Aidan's mind became clouded, and it began to seem to him that the only way to stop the Lord of Terror - to keep him inside. Thus ended the hero's journey...
Journey to the East.
Every day, Diablo subjugated the mind of Aidan more and more, in the end, the hero disappeared from Tristram and went to the East. Diablo took over Aidan's mind and decided to free his brothers from captivity. First, with the help of his companion Marius, he freed Baal, Lord of Destruction, and later reunited with Mephisto, Lord of Hatred under the ruins of Kurast. By this point, Diablo had fully assumed his true form and went to the Underworld, where he planned to start gathering his army, but his plan failed. Another group of heroes followed Diablo all the way to the Underworld, where they overtook him, killing and then destroying the Soul Stone.

Diablo boss abilities in Diablo 3.

Phase 1 - Battle in Heaven.
Strike - Standard melee attack.
Bone Prison - Diablo summons bone prisons under the characters' feet in an attempt to immobilize them. If the player is imprisoned, Diablo grabs the player, damaging them and then throwing them to the floor, also dealing damage from the impact.
Ring of Fire - Diablo shoots a ring of fireballs around him, hitting them, taking damage to the player.
Fireball - Throws at a player, dealing damage and leaving behind a damaging puddle.
Phase - 2 - the battle in the Underworld.

Dark Reflection - Diablo peers into your soul and summons your dark counterpart. Identity in everything. Abilities the shadow chooses itself.
Phase 3 - Battle in Heaven.
Similar abilities as in the first phase.
Fire Breath - Diablo emits a fire breath when chasing the player.

Diablo boss tactics in Diablo 3.

In the first phase, run from the Bone Prison, it is advisable not to get caught, it can be fatal. When using Ring of Fire, try to get between the fireballs so you won't take any damage. After the "Fireball" arrives at you, do not stand in the puddle, it deals decent damage. If you are low on health, you can use the healing wells located in the upper corners of the room.
In the second phase, try to quickly kill the dark reflection, it has little health, but if you are in a group, several reflections can deal with you very quickly.
In the third phase, just finish Diablo, remembering the skills from the first phase, and run away from his breath.

Bosses in Diablo 3 strike the heroes with their strength, but they are mortal. By studying the abilities of the bosses, you can calmly end them and restore peace to this world.

The precursor to the Horadric Cube, Kanai's Cube is a powerful artifact with almost limitless possibilities for modifying items. Initially, the Horadrim made a device called simply the "Cube" specifically for hunting the great incarnations of evil. But to create a cube, the Horadrim had to resort to not the most plausible methods, and the results of their work turned out to be completely disastrous. As a result, the order considered the artifact too dangerous. To replace the first device, a less powerful horadric cube was created. The old artifact was given for safekeeping to a mysterious group of barbarians who lived on Mount Arreat. They regularly guarded the cube from outsiders, including members of their own clan who were not privy to the secrets.

Fourth season Diablo 3 at it's peak. New achievements, new sets, new difficulty levels, Malthael's horse Heroes of the Storm , and, most importantly, the mysterious Kanai Cube. As before, not everyone appreciated all the advantages of this wonderful artifact ... So, you asked - we answer.

Scrolls of the Great Exile.

The quest to get hold of Kanai's Cube gives out the spirit of Zoltun Kull, who is now located in the starting cities of each of the five acts. Zoltun sends us to new location- the ruins of Secheron, where the favorite method of the developers tells the story of Arreat and Kanai. After passing Secheron, at the very end we find the Cube, which immediately becomes available in the city.

Kanai's Cube has many properties and purposes, as well as two Easter eggs: a simple decompression without unnecessary ingredients of the Cow Berdysh weapon will open a portal to the Non-Cow Level, and the destruction of the Puzzle Ring gives access to the treasury.


We admire.

Tal Rashi archive.

The first recipe in Cuba Kanai is quite simple, obvious, and has already become wildly popular. The ability to extract properties from legendary items opens up unthinkable horizons and takes the game to a new level.

In total, we are invited to fill three slots:

  • weapon- two-handed, one-handed, spheres, amulets, shields, etc;
  • armor- clothing, belts, shoulders, helmets;
  • bijouterie- rings and amulets.​​

We load the necessary resources, decompress the thing from which we want to extract the property (the thing will disappear), and then select the one we need by clicking on the appropriate one from the offered slots. Now this property is always with us, and there is no need to wear things (especially frankly not suitable for many in class, for example, the Crucible weapon, which is now popular for Cuba Kanai)

There are achievements for this recipe that correspond to the number of decompressed items.

The last time we admire the regs.

Kull's law.

The second recipe promises us the reforging of a legendary item. It is not cheap and, in my opinion, not worth it at all.

So, "Kull's Law" changes all the properties of the legendary item. If Miriam's reforging can no longer help, Kanai's Cube offers drastic measures. I was unable to change the quality of the items to Ancient, so the third recipe, Deckard Cain's Hope, seems to me more profitable. And less costly.

UPD: It is possible to reforge to an ancient one. From ancient to ordinary too.


…and efficient!

Hope by Deckard Cain.

Cheap and cheerful, the third recipe in Kanai's Cube invites us to craft a legendary item, or even a set item, from a yellow item. We choose what specific thing, ideally, we want to get in the end (a breastplate will be made from a bib, a spear will be made from a spear, a legendary dagger will be made from a dagger), load resources and voila!

Deckard Cain's Hope is also good because you can often get "Ancient" Legendaries. And this is much faster and more efficient than trying to cast them from Kidala Kadala. It remains only to stock up on the "Breaths of Death".

Extra things.

Not extra stuff.

Mastery of Nilfur.

The fourth recipe is a great help in collecting sets in the first couple. Did you get Ulyana's fifth bracers? No problem! Kanai's cube for a reasonable price will remake them into another item from the same set.

As practice has shown, the final thing is always from the same set as the initial one. One minus - it is impossible to cast "Ancient", which the Cube tells us about in red letters, and does not lie.

Works of Katana.

In the fifth recipe, everything is simple and clear. We load the item and the gem of Lightness, pumped up to level 25, and the newly acquired item will not have a level requirement.

I don’t even know why this is necessary, because with the same lvl 25 Lightness gem in a weapon, you can upgrade to level 70 for a couple of Nephalem portals.

original stone.


Darkness of Radamant.

This recipe allows you to change the color of the stones. We insert 9 stones of the wrong color and the essence of the one we want (essences are sold by the Merchant Jumper in the second act, 500k each), and we get 9 stones of a different color.

If suddenly there is not enough for the Royal Stone, but you really want to, then this recipe in Cuba can be quite used.

Me: “I want yellow materials.”

Cube: Hold on.

Wrath of Ibn Fahd.

The last recipe suggests converting gray, blue or yellow ingredients into other ones that are missing. Putting an item of the desired color, a hundred materials of another, and "Breath of Death", as a result, we get a hundred materials of the desired color. Unfortunately, the "Breath of Death" itself cannot be farmed in this way 😀

Second wind.

Modeled after the unique protective circle of Imris, which, with the help of sorcery charms, not only frightened off attackers, but also strengthened the mind of the creator himself.

Cube Kanai loves your resources very much. Especially "Breath of Death". For farming them, if you are still too tough for Torment 10, where they fall in twos, there is the “Apogee of the Sage” set. Three items from this set increase the drop of Breaths of Death by 1.

You can knock out his recipe from the boxes issued by Tyrael for completing assignments.

Good luck and may the spirit of Kanai be with you!