Planning requirements, composition of indoor schools. Grouping of terms

1. Calculate the values ​​of expressions using the addend grouping technique.

2. 3 baskets of cucumbers were collected from one site, and 5 baskets from the other. Each basket contained 30 kg of cucumbers.
Explain what the expressions mean.

3. 7 identical coats were sewn from 28 m of fabric. How many of these coats can be made from 340 m of the same fabric?

4. Calculate the values ​​of the expressions.

252:9*6:4=42 27*6-76:9+30=188
144*5:8:30=2 154:7 - (64+36) : 25=18

5. There are 360 ​​seats in the assembly hall of the school. How many vacancies are left after 4 classes, with 27 students in each, and 5 classes, with 32 students in each, take their places?

6. Perform division with remainder and check.

83:6 67:9 54:16 70:12

7. For 8 m of linen fabric they paid 368 rubles, and for 6 m of silk fabric they paid 552 rubles. How many times is the price of silk fabric more than the price of linen fabric?

8. Points M and N are marked on segment AB so that point N divides segment AB in half, and point M lies between points A and N. Find the length of segment AB if the length of segment AM is 18 cm, and the length of segment MN is 3 times less.

9. There are 10 numbered bags on the table, each of which contains 10 gold coins. All the coins in one of the bags are fake. The mass of a real coin is 10 g, and the mass of a counterfeit one is 9 g. How can you use a scale with a scale in grams to determine which of the bags contains the counterfeit coins, using the scale for only one weighing? (The balance can weigh up to 750 g)

1. There are 370 birches, 258 larches, 230 rowan trees and 42 poplars in the grove. Create an expression to answer the question:

1) how many more birches and larch trees than rowan trees and poplars?
2) how many times fewer larches and poplars than rowan trees and birches?

Calculate the values ​​of the composed expressions.

2. Calculate the values ​​of the expressions using the addend grouping technique.

87+139+213+61 596+122+17+104+78
368+73+27+132 28+65+454+135+46

3. 47 heads of cabbage were removed from the first bed, 48 heads from the second, 53 heads from the third, and 52 heads from the fourth. How many cabbage heads were taken from these beds?

Solve the problem with the expression, the value of which was calculated using the grouping technique.

4. Follow the steps.

576:6*8-200:8*5=643 (868:7+92):3-156:4=33
300:4:25+679:7=100 432:6: (53*4-1000:5)=6

5. At first, 9 teams, 12 people in each, worked on grain harvesting. Then 4 teams were allocated from among them, 18 people in each, for other work. How many people keep cleaning the black?

6. For 4 identical boxes of chocolates paid 340 rubles. How much are 8 of these boxes?

Solve the problem in two ways.

7. Compare.

2 m 2 dm and 202 dm 5 kg 50 g and 550 g
1 kg 60 g and 160 g 1 m 20 cm and 120 cm
7 in 4 cm and 740 cm 9 h 30 min and 930 min

8. One worker produced 588 parts in 7 hours, equally divided every hour. Another worker makes the same number of parts in 6 hours, equally every hour. How many more parts per hour does the second worker make than the first?

9. Can there be 5 Sundays in one month?

Irina Samoilova



We will delight our readers from the very first lines: it is possible to rent a room in the school, it is directly provided for by the law. Moreover, such a deal is often beneficial to both sides of the relationship. Equipped classrooms, gyms and assembly halls, medical offices are excellent places for private practice for tutors, psychologists, massage therapists, fitness trainers, and so on. Well, what intrigued? Then let's figure out how to rent a property in a school, what to look for.

Photo from Dee McGuire

Basic moments

  • The school as an educational institution owns its property on the basis of the right of operational management. What does it mean? The actual manager is the municipality of the city, district. For example, administration, property management committee. The owners and founders are named in the school charter. Thus, an educational institution has the right to dispose of its property with the consent of the owner.
  • It is legally prohibited to use the property of an educational institution:
    • for the sale of alcohol or tobacco products, as well as their advertising;
    • to organize meetings of political parties;
    • for conducting religious activities.
Nothing is said about other types of entrepreneurship. It only clarifies that the activity should not interfere with the educational process.
  • The school charter must contain a clause on the possibility of transferring temporary ownership of real estate.
  • The founders conduct an examination, which establishes the possibility of deterioration of the learning environment. If such a possibility is established, then it will not be possible to get the premises for rent. In fact, this is a subjective assessment, the requirements and parameters of which are not regulated by anything.
  • In order to get temporary possession of the premises of an educational institution, you need to feel in the auction. Read more about lease auctions in the article "How to lease land from the state"... Exception: rental object - part of the building not more than 20 sq.m., provided that this area does not exceed 10% of the total area of ​​the school. In this case, no bidding will take place.

Advantages of renting premises near the school

  • Low rent.
  • Good location.
  • Equipped offices and halls - the presence of computers, simulators, teaching materials and literature.
  • Large client base without leaving the office.
  • Ability to dispense with the bidding procedure.

Hourly rent at school: what it is and who is it for

If you are just starting your business in the field of educational or consulting services, then it makes no sense to enter into a standard lease agreement. In the office, you can conduct one-hour classes in foreign language, psychological trainings for teenagers and their parents. A room for a couple of hours is useful if you do not have many clients and they are not scattered over time.

What should be in the contract:

  • The full term, for example - throughout the year, every day from 17:00 to 19:00.
  • Description of the room - location, area and content. At the same time, it is possible to describe in detail the filling of the room - the number of computers, their technical condition, furniture, and so on, both in the contract itself and in the additional act of transfer.
  • The amount of payment per hour - the approximate cost in Moscow is 200–500 rubles. For information, an hour of an English tutor costs from 1000 rubles and more.
  • Purpose of use.
  • Sanctions for non-compliance with the payment deadline.
  • Termination and amendment of the contract.
These are the main points, the rest depends on the specific situation. These nuances are also suitable for regular rentals for a year or more.
Attention: when signing a contract, concentrate on describing the condition of the premises and sanctions for damage to property.

Standard rental of school premises

If you rent a room at a school without specifying an hourly rate, then you can use it all day. The approximate fee is from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. per month. The cost should be based on expert judgment. As a rule, rent in educational institutions is 15–20% cheaper than in large business centers in the same area.

What to look for

  1. Long-term order, more than one year is registered in justice, short-term order is not.
  2. Before you move the walls or paint them in a bright color - read the contract. You cannot convert - it is general rule... The contract may separately provide for such a possibility. As for the repair, this point is also discussed separately. The established practice is that the landlord makes the capital, the tenant does the current one.
  3. Utility bills are usually calculated separately from rent.

Search and exploration

Look for a school that already has experience in renting property, fewer problems and questions. Evaluate transport accessibility - whether it will be convenient for you and your clients to get there. Make contact with the principal, if financial situation permits, ask what the school needs and bring it as a gift. Talk with the director about the presence of unused offices, ask to see. Evaluate the room, whether there is a technique, training materials, what is the general impression of the office.


When trust has been established, write a letter to the director with a request to provide the premises for temporary use, immediately indicate the goals, period and confirm the status of an individual entrepreneur or other legal entity.


The letter will be forwarded to the administration, and there they will conduct an examination and decide whether or not an office can be provided.


While the owners of the property are thinking, do not waste time either. Write down all the nuances that may arise in the process and try to settle them at the stage of agreeing the terms. You can, with the help of a lawyer, prepare your own version of the contract, who knows, maybe the school administration will like it.

Planning requirements, composition of indoor schools

The composition of the premises of school buildings is taken in accordance with the specifics of the content of education, the capacity and the requirements of the organization of the educational process.

All groups of premises should be located in the building as isolated from each other as possible, but at the same time conveniently connected with each other by horizontal and vertical communications.

Training facilities include classrooms, classrooms with laboratory assistants, laboratories with laboratory assistants, an office for technical training aids (TCO), and an office for basic military training.

Classrooms, offices and laboratories should be combined into educational sections, which include 3 ... 4 (up to 6) classrooms or classrooms and laboratories (determined depending on the number of streams), recreation and sanitary facilities (it is allowed to combine sanitary facilities for two training sections) (IV ... X grades).

Sections form blocks for junior, middle and senior students school age... Recreational spaces intended for one group should not be walk-through for students from other groups. Study sections for preparatory and I-III grades should be separate.

Classrooms and classrooms are the main premises of the school building, which largely determine its quality. The classroom in a general education school is expected to accommodate 40 students on single or double desks and a teacher's workplace. The area of ​​the class is taken based on the norm of 1.25 m2 per student, the area of ​​the specialized office, based on the norm of 1.5 m2 per place.

At present, three types of classrooms are used in domestic design practice: longitudinal class 9X6 with continuous striped glazing along the outer wall, made in any structure;

Cross class 6X9 with continuous glazing along the outer wall and additional lighting, used only for structures with transverse load-bearing walls;

A square classroom, with side dimensions ranging from 7.2 to 8.0 m, with solid glazing and additional illumination from the recreation side, is used for the construction of school buildings with frame structures or with transverse load-bearing walls (Fig. 1).

The use of a transverse class is justified when the classroom is less crowded, when the working area is 6X6 m square. If 40 students are accommodated in the class, unfavorable conditions are created for the perception of the blackboard from the first extreme desks.

In all types of classrooms, windows should be located to the left of the seated students, the area of ​​the windows should be at least 25% of the floor area. The presence of windows or overhead transoms in opposite walls, even if these windows will go out for recreation, or additional illumination from above contributes to a more uniform natural illumination, increases its intensity, and allows better ventilation of the room.

The entrance to the classroom should be located on the side of the board near the teacher's chair. The number of classrooms with an entrance from the rear desks ("revolving classroom") should not exceed 25% of the total number of classrooms.

Classrooms must have the following furniture and equipment: two- or one-seater desks or desks according to the number of students, a teacher's desk, built-in wardrobes for storing teaching aids, books and notebooks, a hanging chalkboard.

Modern classrooms and classrooms are equipped with a stand for a projector and a film projector at the back wall of the classroom and a TV set. An option is possible when the TV and some of the cabinets are located behind the chalkboard, which is solved as a cabinet door.

Rice. 1. Types of classrooms:
a - longitudinal; b - transverse; в - square

Complication curricula, the intensification of the educational process will require special conditions for organizing the space of classrooms and classrooms. Their modernization and improvement will be gradually carried out.

Physics and electrical engineering, chemistry, biology laboratories should have an area of ​​66 ... 72 m2. They are equipped with special student laboratory tables, a demonstration lectern table and built-in wardrobes.

The laboratory rooms (area 18 m2) are located adjacent to the corresponding laboratories from the side of the demonstration table and are connected to them by doors. From the chemical laboratory, it is necessary to arrange a second exit to the corridor, stairs or other adjacent premises. Fume hoods should be arranged between laboratories and laboratory assistants of physics and chemistry.

Rice. 2. arrangement of equipment in the physics laboratory:
1 - laboratory tables; 2 - demonstration table; 3 - sectional cabinets; 4 - bridge; 5 - blackboard; 6 - a table for a projector; 7 - teacher's table; 8 - laboratory assistant's table; 9 - electrical distribution board; 10 - work table; 11 - umformer

Recreational facilities are an essential element of the study section. Here students rest during recess; in extended day recreation schools, in addition, they serve for extracurricular activities (circles, games, etc.).

In terms of shape, recreational premises can be of corridor and hall types. The latter is more convenient. Recreation of the corridor type should have a width of at least 2.8 m. In hall recreations with edge lighting, the depth should not exceed three of its heights. One recreation serves 2 ... 6 classrooms and is accepted with an area of ​​24 m2 per class.

The optimal recreational system for our secondary schools is a developed system in which autonomous recreational spaces are linked to the main school-wide recreational space.

Sanitary facilities are made for each or two adjacent sections separately for boys and girls; it is convenient to place them near the stairs, however, it is prohibited to arrange entrances to latrines and washrooms from staircases. The entrances to the bathrooms must be made from recreation.

Sanitary facilities are designed on the basis of: for boys - one toilet bowl and one urinal for 40 people and one washbasin for 60 people; for girls - one toilet for 30 people and one washbasin for 60 people. Their total area is taken at the rate of 0.1 m2 per student place. Toilets should be placed in open booths with a size of 0.8 x 1.0 m, separated by partitions-screens with a height of 1.75 m.

The school's information technology center is a center for information delivery and management. educational process... It includes a radio center, a photographic laboratory, an inventory for storing technical training aids (TCO) and equipment. The new premises associated with TCO include classrooms for technical teaching aids (TCO), classrooms with training machines, language laboratories. The traditional library will be included in it as one of the building blocks. In addition to reading books stored in the book depository in the school library, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of the student's work with other means of storing information - tape, microfilm, slides, etc. Probably, the share of these materials will increase over time, as will the role of information technical center.

The premises for labor training are educational workshops for boys of IV ... VIII grades for the processing of metal and wood with instrumental at them, an office for girls of IV ... VIII grades for the study of processing fabrics and cooking, a workshop for a workshop IX ... X classes with a laboratory assistant. These rooms should be located on the ground floor (may be located in the basement with natural light). In a woodworking workshop, it is necessary to provide additional output directly outside or through a corridor with no access to the classroom.

Educational and sports premises - a gym, dressing rooms, showers and toilets - are divided for boys and girls, an instructor's room and a storage room for sports equipment.

The size and number of sports halls are determined by the capacity of the schools. For schools with a capacity of up to 18 classes inclusive, a hall with a size of 9X18 m is accepted; 18 ... 33 classes - 12X24 m; for 44 classes - two sports hall sizes 12X12 and 12X24 m; for 66 classes - 12X 12 and 15X30 m.

Gymnasiums should be located separately from study sections in a convenient connection with the sports nucleus located on the school site.

The shell room is placed in direct connection with the hall, between the shell room and the hall they arrange a door or opening with a width of at least 2 m and a height of at least 2.2 m. Dressing rooms should be connected to the hall directly or through an impassable corridor. Each dressing room should have a shower room with two horns and a toilet with one toilet bowl and a washbasin in the airlock.

The premises for cultural purposes are a universal hall for kids and an assembly hall. Given the differentiation of students into age groups in large schools, it becomes necessary to arrange a separate multifunctional hall for younger students, which could serve physical education, holding meetings, amateur art activities, games, etc. The area of ​​such a hall should be 12X12 m in size. At the hall, storage rooms are required, dressing rooms (possibly a cinema room).

Assembly hall - the cinema audience during school hours is used to show educational films, conduct lectures, singing lessons; after-hours - for various meetings, showing of amateur performances and films, for holding gala evenings. The number of seats in the hall is determined at the rate of 20 ... 25% of the total number of student seats, and the area is 0.6 m per seat. At the assembly hall, a stage, a cinema room for two projectors, a radio center, a toilet and a washroom should be provided.

In large schools, it is recommended that the sports and assembly halls be allocated in a separate block with a lobby with a wardrobe. In this case, the block of halls should be conveniently connected with the main premises of the school.

The canteen is being designed in schools for 360 students and more. Schools with fewer students have buffets.

The catering unit includes the following premises: a dining room, a kitchen, a vegetable and meat and fish workshop, a washing, refrigerated chamber, a pantry for vegetables and dry products, a loading and container room, a dressing room, a linen room, a shower room and a sanitary unit for personnel.

The dining room is designed with the calculation of food for all students in four seating (shifts), i.e. two landings during two turns. In this case, the area of ​​the hall is determined at the rate of 0.65 m2 per seat. In front of the dining room, it is necessary to provide washbasins (one for 20 seats in the hall).

The catering unit is recommended to be located on the ground floor with a convenient access to the loading-container from the side of the utility yard. Allowed to be placed in the basement when deepening no more than 1.5 m from the level of the sidewalk.

Warehouse and utility rooms for personnel are allowed to be located in the basement with the obligatory arrangement of a separate exit to the outside.

Ancillary premises - lobbies and wardrobes - are designed in different ways: a single lobby for the entire school with an offensive wardrobe; separate lobbies with their own wardrobes for different age groups, dispersed wardrobes for different classes located on the ground floor or across floors in recreation.

The area of ​​the lobby with a self-service wardrobe is assumed at the rate of 0.25 m2 per student. Of these, the lobby is 0.1 m2, the wardrobe is 0.15 m2. In the presence of service personnel, the area of ​​the dressing room is calculated according to the general rate.

The choice of the layout of lobbies and wardrobes depends on the capacity of the school, its type, climatic conditions of construction. So, in a small school it is rational to arrange one lobby with a wardrobe; in a large school, separate lobbies and wardrobes should be arranged for younger and older students. In areas with a warm climate, it is possible to arrange wardrobes directly in recreation, which creates favorable conditions for walking during a change.

Wardrobes for teachers stand out from the general area of ​​wardrobes. Their capacity is determined at the rate of two seats per classroom.

Vestibules are designed in the lobbies: in the coldest climatic subareas IA, 1B and 1G with stirrups; in I (except for the above subdistricts), II and III climatic regions - with two doors, in IV with one.

The director's office and office should be located adjacent to and near the main entrance to the school building. The staff room should be conveniently connected to the classroom. In large schools, it is allowed to design multiple teacher rooms associated with the age groups of the students. The office of the head of the educational unit is conveniently located next to the teacher's room.