Technological maps of dishes for nutrition of athletes. Technological map of the dish: features and rules of drawing up. What can you learn from this document

The technological card is an internal document of the catering enterprise, regardless of the category of the catering enterprise.

The following data is reflected in the technological card:

    nomenclature of raw materials for the preparation of a specific dish;

    gross bookmarking rate (product weight, raw materials) in units of measurement: liter (l), kilogram (kg), gram (g);

    net bookmarking rate (net weight of product, raw materials) in units of measure: liter (l), kilogram (kg), gram (g);

    the rate of the dish per serving and the number of dishes;

    step-by-step algorithm of cooking technology;

    approving signatures of interested parties.

Knowing the rate of bookmarking a dish for one, two or five servings, you can calculate the rate of bookmarking for ten, fifty or one hundred of the same servings. However, the practice of observing the bookmarking rate should be taken into account. The bookmark rate has a calculated and practical error, which allows you to get additional portions of the dish.

1. Open Microsoft Excel application, name the file: "Technological cards and calculations on them". Sheets should be named with the name of a particular dish, for example: "Soup kharcho", and next to it there should be a sheet with the calculation and name: "Settlement_Sup Kharcho"... Thus, for each dish there should be two sheets, while the calculation is an integral part of the technological card.

2. Starting from cell A7, create a table head according to the example:

3. Select the array of cells B5: F5, merge them and set the alignment to the center, relative to the vertical and horizontal. In the resulting area, enter the text: " Technological card No. 1 Soup Kharcho ».

REMINDER... The sample dialog boxes provided indicate row and column names. This is the starting point for filling the cells with data.

4. Install the approval signature according to the provided template.

5. Starting at cell B8, enter the ingredients for a specific dish. Starting at cell A8, enter the sequential numbering of the ingredients. Compare with the sample.

6.With the help of the drawing wizard
, after the table, define a field and enter the text into it: " cooking technology ". Compare with the sample.

7. Define one more field in which the cooking technology of this dish will be described. Compare with the sample.

8. After the field with the cooking technology algorithm, indicate the person responsible for the preparation. And include a note. Compare with the sample.

9. Fill in the checklist with the ingredients tab rate data.

10. As a result of the work done, a technological card should be obtained. A sample is shown below.

The first half of the technological card

The second half of the technological card

11. Deciphering the rate of output of the dish "Kharcho" soup.

First digit (2) - the number of servings.

Second digit (500) - output rate of 1 portion

Third, fourth, fifth digit (100/15/10) - the norm for laying the ingredient accompanying the main course (meat in the first course, sour cream, herbs).

12. Rename the following sheet: "calculation_Sup Kharcho".

13. Starting with cell A9, create a table header. A sample is shown below.

14. Combine cells B7: H7, and in the resulting field enter the text: " Calculation of technological card No. 1 "Kharcho Soup" »

15. Set the approval signature and compare with the submitted sample.

16. In the column "Name of raw materials" copy the list of ingredients using the reference formula.

To do this, in cell B10 of the "calculation_Sup Kharcho" sheet, put the "=" sign. Go to the sheet with the name "Kharcho Soup", and left-click on cell B8, where the list of ingredients begins. Press the Enter key.

In the status bar and in cell B10 of the sheet "Calculation_Sup Kharcho", the reference formula should be reflected:

Now select cell B10 and use the dragging method to fill in the list of ingredients completely.

17. Using the method specified in paragraph 16, fill in the column "Gross (2 servings), kg".

18. In the “Unit Price of Raw Materials” column, starting with cell D10, enter the unit price for each ingredient.

19. Calculate the “Raw Material Cost per Serves 2” starting in cell E10.

20. In the column "Unit price of raw materials", starting from cell G10, indicate the prices identical to the prices in column D.

21. Calculations in the columns "Gross (10 servings)" and "Cost of raw materials for 10 servings", make yourself.

22. Compare the received version with the sample.

Any catering establishment is obliged to start technological cards - this is required by law. Today we will tell you: what are technical maps, what they are and how to automate work with technological maps.

What is a technological map

In general, a technical map is a document containing information about the ingredients of a dish and how to prepare it... It contains the following information:

  • the number and name of the products that make up the dish;
  • recipe;
  • rules of registration and submission.

The procedure for drawing up, maintaining and storing technological maps is regulated by GOST 31987-2012 "Public catering services". This document is mandatory for use at all catering establishments, regardless of the form of ownership. Failure to comply with this requirement threatens with penalties in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Sample routing

What are the technological cards

Simple technological map - TC

Starts up on dishes prepared according to standard recipes. Such recipes are indicated in culinary guides and approved by the relevant GOSTs. In this case, simplified requirements are applied to the document: only the composition and recipe are indicated. At the request of the organization, you can specify the nutritional value. An important point: the TC must indicate the source of the recipe... This can be a link to a reference book or GOST, from which it was taken.

Simple shopping malls are used to prevent catering companies from reinventing the wheel every time. It makes no sense to develop your own recipe for boiled potatoes in each dining room - this process is formulaic. The rules for registering a shopping mall according to a simplified scheme are specified in GOST 31987-2012 "Catering services".

Technical and technological map - TTK

But here everything is more complicated. Such a document is developed for each new dish, which is not in any reference book. There is much more information here. The TTK must indicate:

  • the name of the organization that developed the technical and technological map;
  • application area. In this paragraph, a list of catering establishments is written that can use the recipe at home;
  • raw material requirements. Here is a list of accompanying documents, security confirmation, and so on;
  • name and quantity of ingredients;
  • the total mass of the dish at the exit. During cooking or heat treatment, dishes may lose some of their weight - this must be taken into account;
  • complete description of the technological process. Everything is taken into account: from the methods of cutting products to the time of heat treatment. For each typical process, you need to indicate a reference to GOST or the regulatory document according to which it is carried out. For imported products, their recommendations are used;
  • requirements for the design and rules for serving dishes, as well as storage conditions;
  • quality and safety parameters. This clause describes appearance, nutritional value of the dish, its taste and smell.

The TTK is developed by the responsible person and approved by the head of the catering establishment.

Technical and technological map of Greek salad

ТК and ТТК must be printed, have live signatures with seals and kept in an accessible place. They must be presented at the request of the inspection authorities.

Below you can download samples of technical plans for some dishes and drinks:

Technological maps are drawn up not only for catering products, but also in any other area where products are made from any raw material.

Technological maps and inventory systems

Try all the features of the EKAM platform for free

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Privacy agreement

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Date of publication: 01.12.2016

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The basis for compiling a culinary, bakery or confectionery product is a collection of recipes, which contains the content and the necessary standards for bookmarking, the output of semi-finished and ready-made foods, and the cooking technology. In the event that this dish is branded or new, and there is no official recipe for its preparation, then it is necessary to draw up a technical and technological map for it, the content of which is identical to the content of a conventional technological map.

Guided by the recipe, indicate in the technological chart of the products necessary for the preparation of this, the norms for laying the raw materials and the weight content of the semi-finished product and the finished dish in grams. This will determine the total amount of food needed to prepare the estimated number of servings.

Consider the qualitative and quantitative dishes when calculating the cost estimate for it. If the preparation of a dish requires any unique conditions or requirements for the quality of ingredients, then they should also be reflected in the technological chart.

Describe the cooking technology in detail, step by step. At the same time, indicate the norms of time taken to complete each step and the total time required to prepare this dish. Using the bookmark norms and indicators of the nutritional value of the products used, calculate the total calorie content of one portion of the finished dish and indicate it in the technological chart.

In the card, be sure to indicate the weight of one portion of the finished dish and describe in detail the requirements for its design, if any, then for serving the dish. In the event that the manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, reflect the conditions and shelf life in the technological map.

When making a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ". It regulates the content and design of the technological map for public catering products.

Sign the technological card by the chef or production manager, approve it by the head of the catering establishment.


The site contains a collection of the best recipes and recipes for dishes: recipes for baking bread, recipes for fish dishes, a catalog of recipes for salads, etc.

Useful advice

Organization of catering production / Ready menu (download). By purchasing the Ready-made standard menu package, you receive technical and technological charts, calculation charts, calculations of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, justification of calculations and acts of control studies for each dish.


  • drawing up a technical technological map
  • Explanations for the calculation of technological maps

Routing for a certain type of product is an initial document - the basis for determining the cost of production. So in technological charts for public catering products, the basis for which is the approved recipe for this particular dish, its quantitative and qualitative composition and a description of the cooking technology are indicated.


Technological is not compiled on the basis of collections of recipes. They give the content and norms of the laid raw materials, indicate the norms for the output of semi-finished products and ready-made meals, the technology for their manufacture, including taking into account the time norms. Requirements for the content and design of technological maps for public products are established by the National RF GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ".

In the technological chart for such products, indicate the list of products that make up the dish, indicating their quantity in grams. This is necessary in order to calculate the total number of products required to make a certain estimated number of servings. In addition, this recipe will be taken into account in the cost estimate for the specified dish. If there are unique requirements for the quality of the products used, then they should also be indicated in the technological map.

Describe the manufacturing process in a step-by-step format. Indicate the amount of time it will take to complete each step and the total amount of time it will take to prepare the dish.

Indicate the weight of the finished portion and the requirements for its design. If the products are intended for long-term storage, indicate in the technological map the time, terms and conditions of its storage required for implementation. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the indicators of the quality and safety of the finished dish.

In the technological chart, indicate the nutritional value of the finished dish. Calculate it according to the recipe and the total nutritional value of all ingredients.


The technological map is a document according to which the quality control of products and the safety of production processes by the regulatory authorities is carried out.

To establish general rules information exchange between various government departments, there are technological maps of interdepartmental interaction. Such maps are separate projects, which describe the procedure for the exchange of information between authorities, determine the mutual obligations of institutions on the content, timing and methods of transferring information. The process flow chart is filled in according to certain rules.


Check out the structure of technological interagency interaction. A map of the procedure for the provision of public services, data on the composition of documents for a specific service, information on counterparties, plans for entering into title and plans for the implementation of interaction between departments.

Prepare the forms necessary for drawing up a technological map, including forms for entering data on the procedure for the provision of public services, forms for entering data on counterparties and the content of interdepartmental interaction, a form for a plan for amending legal acts and a plan for the implementation of such interaction.

It is impossible to foresee absolutely all cases when filling out the forms, therefore, when filling out the card, proceed from the specific conditions related to the description of the services of your department. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation provides instructions for filling out forms for technological maps, relevant recommendations and a description of the procedure for agreeing a technological map.

When filling out a technological map, keep in mind that it is drawn up for each public service separately.

The lack of administrative regulations for the service does not obviate the need to draw up a map. In this case, fill out the technological map on the basis of the acts regulating its provision.

If information is planned to be obtained from the basic resource in the form of an extract, for example, from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then describe the request in a standard way (according to the instructions), since during the description it may turn out that the data of the basic resource can be translated into interdepartmental interaction.

After drawing up a technological map and filling out all the necessary forms, coordinate it with all contractors involved in the provision of public services (consumers and data providers).


  • About technological maps of interdepartmental interaction

State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

Luhansk People's Republic

"Alchevsk Trade and Culinary College"




Developed by: T.V. Batula teacher of subjects of general professional and professional - theoretical training. "Alchevsk Trade and Culinary College".


The collection includes technological cards of dishes, side dishes and sauces. Technological maps are recommended for use in laboratory work, practical and design assignments for independent work. The collection includes maps according to MDK:


The technology of processing raw materials and preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms.

MDK 02.01.

MDK 03.01.

MDK 04.01.

Raw material processing technology and fish dishes preparation.

MDK 05.01.

MDK 06.01.

MDK 07.01.

The collection of technological maps is recommended for teachers and students by profession 01/19/17 "Cook".



Recipe No. 296. Boiled potatoes ……………………………………… 7

Recipe No. 299. Mashed potatoes ………………………………………… 8

Recipe No. 334. Carrot cutlets ……………………………………… 9

Recipe No. 338. Fried cabbage ……………………………………… 10

Recipe No. 320. Braised cabbage …………………………………………… 11

Recipe No. 317. Stewed beets ………………………………………… ... 12

Recipe No. 357. Carrot soufflé ……………………………………… .. 13

Recipe No. 377. Baked pumpkin …………………………………………14

MDK 02.01.

The technology of preparing raw materials and cooking dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta, eggs, cottage cheese, dough.

Recipe No. 385. Viscous porridge with pumpkin …………………………………… 15

Recipe No. 393. Rice casserole ……………………………………… 16

Recipe No. 399. Semolina meatballs ………………………………………… ..17

Recipe No. 391. Krupenik ………………………………………………… 18

Recipe No. 438. Natural omelet ……………………………………… .19

Recipe No. 462. Lazy dumplings ………………………………………… 20

Recipe No. 463. Cottage cheese pancakes ……………………………………… ..21

Recipe No. 104.2 Pancakes …………………………………………………… 22

MDK 03.01.

Technology for preparing soups and sauces.

Recipe No. 197. St. Petersburg pickle …………………………… 23

Recipe No. 204. Potato soup with groats …………………………… .24

Recipe No. 235. Milk soup with pasta ……………………………. 25

Recipe No. 248. Soup - mashed green peas …………………………. 26

Recipe No. 759. Main red sauce …………………………………… 27

Recipe No. 778. Main white sauce …………………………………… .. 28

Recipe No. 794. Milk sauce …………………………………………… .29

MDK 04.01.


Recipe No. 798. Sour cream sauce …………………………………………… 30

Recipe 471. Boiled fish, sour cream sauce …………………………… .31

Recipe No. 491. Leningrad-style fried fish with onions ………………… 32

Recipe No. 510. Fish balls ………………………………………… .33

Recipe No. 511. Natural fish schnitzel ………………………… ..34

Recipe No. 486. Fish stew with vegetables ……………………………… ... 35

Recipe No. 50.3 Fish, baked with egg ……………………………… ..36

Recipe No. 516. Meatballs with garnish …………………………………… ... 37

Recipe No. 504. Fish baked in sour cream sauce …………………… .38

MDK 05.01

Raw material processing technology preparation of dishes from meat, meat products and poultry.

Recipe No. 608. Cutlets with garnish ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 39

Recipe No. 601. Pilaf …………………………………………………… 40

Recipe No. 590. Home-style roast …………………………………… .41

Recipe No. 581. Fried liver with fat …………………………………. 42

Recipe No. 656. Natural choletes from poultry fillets …………………… .. 43

Recipe No. 642. Poultry stew ……………………………………………… 44

Recipe No. 645. Pilaf from poultry ……………………………………………. 45

Recipe No. 661. Schnitzel in the capital ……………………………… .. 46

Boiled potatoes …………………………………………………………… 47

Mashed potatoes …………………………………………………………… .47

Fried potatoes (from raw) ……………………………………………… 47

Fried potatoes (from boiled) ………………………………………… ..48

Boiled pasta …………………………………………… ..48

Boiled peas ……………………………………………………………… 48

Deep-fried onions ……………………………………………………… 49

Wheat bread croutons ………………………………………… ..… ..49

Main red sauce …………………………………………………… ..50

Sour cream sauce …………………………………………………………… ..50

Sour cream sauce with tomato ………………………………………………… 50

MDK 06.01

Technology for preparation and decoration of cold dishes and snacks.

Recipe No. 8. Sausage sandwich …………………………………… ..51

Recipe No. 78. White cabbage salad ………………………… ..52

Recipe No. 97. Meat salad …………………………………………… ..53

Recipe No. 98. Capital salad …………………………………………… 54

Recipe No. 110. Stuffed eggs ………………………………… .. 55

Recipe No. 128. Natural herring …………………………………… 56

Recipe No. 159. Liver pate ……………………………………… ... 57

Recipe No. 126. Carrot caviar ………………………………………… ... 58

MDK 07.01.

Technology for the preparation of sweet foods and drinks.

Recipe No. 902. Apple mousse …………………………………………… 59

Recipe No. 920. Baked apples ………………………………………. 60

Recipe No. 924. Apples in dough ………………………………………… .61

Recipe No. 926. Apple charlotte ……………………………………… ..62

Recipe No. 1005. Milk drink ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 63

Recipe No. 1008. Orange drink ………………………………… 64

Recipe No. 959. Cocoa with milk ………………………………………… ..65

Recipe No. 963. Chocolate ………………………………………………… ..66


Technology for processing raw materials and preparing dishes from vegetables and mushrooms

Routing №296

Boiled potatoes

Cooking technology

Peeled potatoes are boiled. When the potatoes are boiled, the water is drained, and the potatoes are dried, for which the dishes with them are left for 5-7 minutes on a less hot part of the stove. When cooking crumbly potatoes, the water should be drained about 15 minutes after boiling, then the potatoes are brought to readiness with the steam generated in the boiler. Potatoes should be boiled in small batches as required. With prolonged storage in a hot state, the color of the potato changes, the taste deteriorates and its nutritional value decreases. Steamed potatoes have the best taste. Boiled potatoes are released with whole tubers, poured with butter or sour cream, or onion, or sour cream, or mushroom sauce. Potatoes can be served with butter.

Appearance - potatoes in the form of whole tubers, the surface is dry, without eyes, black spots, watered with butter.

Color - white or yellowish.

Taste and smell - boiled potatoes with butter.

Consistency - soft.

Routing № 299

Mashed potatoes

Cooking technology

Processed potatoes are boiled in water with salt until tender, the water is drained, the potatoes are dried. Boiled potatoes are rubbed through a pulper. The temperature of the mashed potatoes should not be lower than 80 ° C, otherwise the mashed potatoes will be viscous, which sharply impairs its taste and appearance. In hot mashed potatoes, stirring continuously, add hot boiled milk and melted fat in two or three doses (columns I, II). The mixture is beaten until fluffy, homogeneous mass is obtained.The mashed potatoes are portioned, a pattern is applied to the surface, poured with melted butter or sauteed onions or hard-boiled chopped eggs, mixed with melted butter, are placed on top, and sprinkled with herbs. Oil can be fed separately.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 334

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Carrot cutlets

Cooking technology

Carrots are cut into thin strips or passed through a vegetable cutter, then they are simmered with fat in milk with the addition of broth. Before the end of the seasoning, pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring well, and cook until tender.

The resulting mass is cooled to 40-50C, add salt, eggs, grated cottage cheese, mix, form cutlets in 2 pieces. per serving, breaded in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides. On vacation, sour cream is poured on the side.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 338

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fried cabbage

Cooking technology

White cabbage is cut into checkers, kohlrabi - into slices, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower are disassembled into separate coles. Cabbage is boiled in boiling salted water for 5-6 minutes, then fried, poured with eggs (column I) or sprinkled with breadcrumbs (column II) and brought to readiness in an oven for 3-5 minutes.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 323

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Potatoes stewed with onions

Cooking technology

The processed potatoes are cut into cubes or wedges and fried. Sauteed onions, cut into half rings or slices, are added to the potatoes, poured with red sauce, spices are added and stewed until tender.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map number 317

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Stewed beet

Cooking technology

Boiled beets are peeled, cut into strips or cubes and heated with fat, add browned onions, sour cream or milk or sour cream sauce and stew for 10 minutes at low heat.

When you leave, stew beets can be sprinkled with herbs.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 357

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Carrot soufflé

Cooking technology

Simmer carrots with fat. Wipe and cool to 40C. Combine with grated cottage cheese, sugar, yolks and whipped whites. Put the mass in the form. Bake until golden brown.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map number 377

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Baked pumpkin

Cooking technology

Cut the processed pumpkin, simmer, rub. Combine with raw eggs. Put the mass in a prepared form and bake. On vacation, pour with butter, decorate with herbs.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

MDK 02.01.

The technology of preparing raw materials and cooking dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta, eggs, cottage cheese, dough.

Technological map no. 385

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Viscous porridge with pumpkin

Cooking technology

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and seed pulp, cut into small cubes, put in boiling milk or water with milk, add salt, sugar and heat to a boil. Then the prepared cereal is poured and the porridge is boiled until tender with a low boil. When serving, hot pumpkin porridge is poured with fat or a piece of butter.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 393

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Rice casserole with cottage cheese

Cooking technology

The finished viscous porridge is cooled to 60-70 ° C. Add raw eggs, prepared raisins, margarine and mix. The prepared mass is spread on a baking sheet greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the surface is greased with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and baked. Serve casserole with sour cream, fat, with apricot or cranberry sauce.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 399.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Semolina bits

Cooking technology

A thick, viscous porridge is cooked with a yield of 3.5 kg of porridge from 1 kg of cereal. Cool the porridge to 60-70 ° C. Add raw eggs and mix. The prepared mass is portioned, giving the products a round (meatballs) or oval shape with one pointed end (cutlets), breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in fat for 10 minutes. When serving, pour over sour cream.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 391

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005


Cooking technology

Ready crumbly porridge (buckwheat - with 150% weld and wheat - with 200% weld) is cooled to 60-70 ° C, grated cottage cheese, sugar, margarine, raw eggs are added and mixed. The prepared mass is spread on a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the surface is greased with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and baked. Serve with fat or sour cream.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 438

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Natural omelet

Cooking technology

Milk or water and salt are added to eggs or melange. The mixture is thoroughly stirred, poured into a portioned pan with melted fat and, stirring, fry for 5-7 minutes. As soon as the omelet mass thickens, the edges of the omelet are folded from both sides to the middle, giving it the shape of an oblong pie. When the underside of the omelet is fried, it is transferred to a heated dish or plate, seam side down, and poured over with melted fat.

When mass cooking, a natural omelet is baked in an oven.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map number 462

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Dumplings are lazy

Cooking technology

Add eggs, salt, sugar, flour to the grated cottage cheese. Mix the mass. Form the dumplings: roll the dough into a layer 10-12mm thick and cut into strips 25mm wide. Cut pieces into rectangular or triangular shapes. Cook at low boil for 4-5 minutes. Serve lazy dumplings with sugar.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map No. 463

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Cottage cheese pancakes

Cooking technology

2/3 flour, eggs, sugar, salt are added to the grated cottage cheese. You can add 0.02 g vanillin per serving after dissolving it in hot water. The mass is well mixed, shaped into a bar 5-6 cm thick, cut across, breaded in flour, shaped into round balls 1.5 cm thick, fried on both sides, and then placed in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

Syrniki are released in 3 pieces. per serving with sour cream, or jam, or sour cream and sugar, with milk, or sour cream, or sweet sauces.

Cheesecakes with caraway seeds are released with sour cream or sour cream sauce.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. №1042

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005


Cooking technology Salt and sugar are dissolved in a small amount of water or milk, pre-diluted yeast is added, the mixture is filtered, combined with the rest of the water heated to a temperature of 35-40 ° C, flour, eggs are added and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed, then melted fat is introduced and again stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. The kneaded dough is left in a warm place (25-35 ° C) for 3-4 hours. During fermentation, the dough is stirred (kneaded). Pancakes are baked on both sides in heated, greased cast-iron pans; the thickness of the pancakes must be at least 3 mm. Let go of 3 pcs. per servingTechnological requirements for the quality of food and decoration MDK 03.01.

Technology for preparing soups and sauces.

Technological map number 197

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Rassolnik Petersburg

Cooking technology

Potatoes, cut into cubes or slices, and prepared cereals are placed in a boiling broth. Sauteed carrots and onions are added, and after 5-10 minutes, stewed cucumbers are introduced, at the end of cooking, salt and spices are added. If the taste is not spicy, add boiled cucumber pickle.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №204.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Potato soup with cereals

Cooking technology

Put in boiling broth or water , potatoes, browned vegetables and cook until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, put salt and spices. Rice groats are placed in broth or water at the same time as sauteed vegetables. Semolina is poured into the soup 10 minutes before it is cooked.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no.235.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Milk soup with pasta

Cooking technology

Pasta is boiled in water until half cooked (pasta - 15-20 minutes, noodles - 10-12 minutes, vermicelli - 5-7 minutes), the water is drained, and the pasta is placed in a boiling mixture of milk and water and, stirring occasionally, cook until readiness, put salt, sugar. When on vacation, fill with oil.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №248.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Soup - mashed green peas

Cooking technology

For a side dish, part of the green peas is boiled in their own broth. Cut onions and carrots, sauté, simmer in a small amount of broth until tender, along with the rest of the green peas provided for in the recipe, then rub.

The mashed vegetables are combined with white sauce, diluted with broth and boiled. The finished soup is seasoned with lemon or hot milk with butter. Part of the green peas can be put as a whole in a puree soup, brought to a boil and seasoned.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №759.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Main red sauce

Cooking technology

Chopped onions, carrots, parsley are sautéed with fat, tomato puree is added and sautéing is continued for another 10-15 minutes. Sifted wheat flour is sautéed at a temperature of 150-160 ° C, stirring occasionally in a dish or on a baking sheet in an oven with a layer of no more than 4 cm until it becomes light brown. Chilled to 70-80 ° C flour broth is diluted with warm broth in a ratio of 1: 4, stirred thoroughly and introduced into boiling brown broth, then vegetables sautéed with tomato puree are added and boiled for 45-60 minutes at low boil. At the end of cooking, add salt, sugar, black peppercorns, bay leaves. Filter the sauce, rubbing boiled vegetables into it. Bring to a boil. Basic red sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. Serve sauce to dishes from cutlet mass, offal, sausages, small sausages, boiled smoked meats.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №778.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Main white sauce

Cooking technology

Sifted flour is poured into the melted fat and sautéed with continuous stirring, avoiding burning. Properly browned flour should have a slightly creamy color. A quarter of the hot broth is poured into browned flour, cooled to 60-70 ° C and kneaded until a homogeneous mass is formed, then the remaining broth is gradually added. After that, put chopped parsley, celery, onions in the sauce and cook for 25-30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt, black peppercorns, bay leaves. Then the sauce is filtered. boiled vegetables are rubbed. The sauce is brought to a boil. The sauce is used to prepare derivative sauces. The main white sauce is served with boiled and stewed meat and poultry.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 794.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Milk sauce

Cooking technology

The flour sautéed in butter is diluted with hot milk or milk with the addition of broth or water and boiled for 7-10 minutes at a low boil. Then put sugar, salt, filter and bring to a boil. Strain the sauce, bring to a boil.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 798.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Sour cream sauce

Cooking technology

For natural sour cream sauce (column I), the flour is lightly sautéed without oil, cooled, mixed with butter, put in sour cream brought to a boil, stirred, seasoned with salt and pepper, boiled for 3-5 minutes, filtered and brought to a boil. To prepare sour cream sauce with the addition of white sauce (II and III columns), boiled sour cream and salt are placed in the hot white sauce, boiled for 3-5 minutes, filtered and brought to a boil. Serve sauce for meat, vegetable and fish dishes, or use to prepare hot mushroom snacks, for baking mushrooms, fish, meat and vegetables.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

MDK 04.01.

Technology for processing raw materials and preparing fish dishes .

Technological map no. 471.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Boiled fish, sour cream sauce

Cooking technology

The fish, cut into fillets with skin and rib bones, is cut into portions. Two or three cuts are made on the surface of the skin of each piece so that the fish pieces do not deform during cooking. Then they are placed in one row in a dish with the skin facing up, poured with hot water, the level of which should be 3-5 cm above the surface of the fish, add onions, carrots, parsley, bay leaves, black peppercorns, salt. When the liquid boils, remove the foam and cook the fish until cooked without boiling at a temperature of 85-90 ° C for 5-7 minutes, counting from the moment the water boils. Store boiled fish in hot broth for no more than 30-40 minutes. Mashed potato garnish. Sour cream sauce.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 491 .

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Leningrad-style fried fish with onions

Cooking technology

Fish fillets with skin and rib bones are cut into portions, sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fried on both sides, then brought to readiness in an oven. When you leave, they put fried potatoes cut into circles around the fish, and deep-fried onions are placed on top of the fish.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 510.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fish balls

Cooking technology

Fish fillets without skin and bones are cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder together with stale wheat bread soaked in water or milk, put salt, ground black pepper, mix thoroughly and knock out. Cutlets or meatballs are formed from the fish cutlet mass, breaded in breadcrumbs, fried on both sides for 8-10 minutes and brought to readiness in an oven for 5 minutes. On vacation, the meatballs are garnished, sprinkled with margarine. Mashed potato garnish.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №511.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Natural fish schnitzel

Garnish No. 696

fried potato








Vegetable oil



Cooking technology

Fish fillets without skin and bones are cut into pieces, mixed with onions, parsley and passed through a meat grinder with a large grid. The prepared mass is salted, ground black pepper is added, oval-shaped products are molded, moistened in an egg, beaten with milk, breaded in breadcrumbs, fried on both sides on the stove for 8-10 minutes and brought to readiness in an oven for 5 minutes. On vacation, schnitzel is poured with fat and garnished... Side dishes - boiled potatoes, fried potatoes, stewed vegetables with fat.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 486.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fish stew with vegetables

Cooking technology

Portions of fish are cut from boneless skin fillets, placed in a dish in two layers. Alternating with layers of chopped vegetables. Pour with broth or water, add vegetable oil, tomato puree, vinegar, sugar, salt, cover the dishes and stew until tender (45-60 minutes); 5-7 minutes before the end of stewing, add pepper and bay leaf.On vacation, the fish is poured with a sauce with vegetables, in which it was stewed.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing № 503

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fish baked with egg

Cooking technology

Portions of fish with boneless skin are sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fried. Then the fried fish is placed in a portioned frying pan greased with vegetable oil, covered with fried potatoes from boiled ones, sauteed onions are placed on the fish, poured on top with a mixture of eggs and flour and baked.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing № 516.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Meatballs with garnish

Cooking technology

Fillets without skin and bones are cut into pieces, passed twice through a meat grinder along with onions and wheat bread soaked in milk or water. Add salt, ground black pepper to the resulting mass, knead well and form balls of 3-5 pcs. per serving, breaded in flour, fried, pour over the sauce, add water (10% of the sauce mass) and stew for 10-15 minutes. On vacation, meatballs are poured over the sauce in which they were stewed. Mashed potato garnish. Sour cream sauce with tomato,

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing № 504.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fish baked in sour cream sauce

Cooking technology

Put the fried fish in a greased portion pan, put buckwheat porridge or put slices of fried potatoes from boiled potatoes, pour sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, pour over with fat and bake.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

MDK 05.01.

Raw material processing technology preparation of dishes from meat, meat products and poultry.

Technological map no. 608.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Cutlets with garnish

Cooking technology

From the finished cutlet mass, cut oval-flattened products with a pointed end (cutlets), Cutlets can be prepared with the addition of onions (10, 8 and 5 g net) and garlic (1.0; 0.8; 0.5 g net) on columns I, II and III, respectively. At the same time, the yield of products does not change, since the norm of milk or water is correspondingly reduced. When the products are released, they are garnished and poured with fat or sauce. Cutlets are released in 2 or 1 pc., Schnitzels - 1 pc. per serving. Garnish - boiled pasta.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 601.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005


Cooking technology

The meat, cut into 20-30 g pieces, is sprinkled with salt and pepper, fried, and carrots and onions sauteed with tomato puree are added. Pour meat and vegetables with broth or water (140, 150 and 160 g on columns I, II and III, respectively), bring to a boil and pour in the sorted washed rice and cook until half cooked. After the rice has absorbed all the liquid, the dishes are closed with a lid, placed on a baking sheet with water and placed in an oven for 25-40 minutes. They are released by evenly distributing the meat along with rice and vegetables. Pilaf can be cooked without tomato puree.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Routing №590.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Home-style roast

Cooking technology

The meat is cut into 2-4 pieces per serving weighing 30-40 g, potatoes and onions - into slices, then the meat and vegetables are fried separately. Put the fried meat and vegetables in the dishes in layers so that there are vegetables on top and bottom of the meat, add tomato puree. salt, pepper and broth (products should only be covered with liquid), cover and stew until tender. 5-10 minutes before the end of stewing, lay a bay leaf. The roast is released along with the broth and side dish in pots.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 581.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fried liver with fat

Cooking technology

The liver is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving (the pork liver is blanched), sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in flour and fried on both sides until tender, but without overcooking. They are released with a side dish and fat or with a side dish and fried onions, which are placed on the cooked liver. Garnish - fried potatoes (from raw).

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 656.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Natural choletes from poultry fillets

Cooking technology

Fillets of poultry or game are cleaned. To do this, separate the inner muscle (tenderloin) from the outer (large fillet). Tendons are removed from the small fillet, and the remainder of the clavicle is removed from the large fillet. The peeled large fillet is moistened with cold water, placed on a board and the surface film is cut off with a sharp damp knife. The large fillet is cut from the inside in the longitudinal direction, slightly unfold, cut in two or three places of the tendons and put into the incision a small fillet, which is covered with the expanded part of the large fillet.

Fried in oil just before serving. When leaving, cutlets are placed on a toast, garnished and poured with oil. Side dishes - fried potatoes (from raw), complex side dish.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 642.

Developed on the basis of the Collection of recipes and culinary products for catering by A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Poultry stew

Cooking technology

Prepared poultry and rabbit carcasses, chopped into pieces of 40-50 g each, or processed poultry offal (small - whole, and large - chopped into 2-3 pieces) are fried until a crispy crust is formed. Then the prepared products are poured with hot broth or water in an amount of 20-30% of the mass of the set of products, browned tomato puree is added and stewed for 30-40 minutes.

The broth remaining after stewing is drained and the main red sauce is prepared on it (recipe No. ), which is poured into stewed pieces of meat, add fried diced potatoes, carrots, turnips (pre-blanched), parsley, onions and stew for 15-20 minutes. The stew is released along with the sauce and garnish.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 645.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Poultry pilaf

Cooking technology

The poultry is cut into portions (one piece at a time). Fry until a crust forms, sprinkle with salt, pepper, put in a bowl. Add browned, finely chopped carrots and onions, tomato puree, pour hot broth or water and let it boil (pour the liquid at the rate of water for making crumbly porridge), then put washed rice groats and cook until thickened. After that, the dishes with pilaf are placed in an oven for 40-50 minutes.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 661.

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Schnitzel in the capital

Cooking technology

Peeled poultry fillet (boneless), the flesh of the hind legs or the back of the rabbit are slightly beaten, moistened in eggs, breaded in white bread, cut into strips, and fried for 12-15 minutes just before serving. When leaving, put butter on the fillet; in addition, you can put canned fruits (50 g), respectively, increasing the output of the dish. Side dishes - boiled green peas; deep-fried potatoes; complex side dish.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Side dishes for fish, meat and poultry dishes


Recipe number 692

Boiled potatoes


Recipe number 694

Mashed potatoes


Recipe No. 696

Fried potatoes (from raw)


Recipe No. 695

Fried potatoes (from boiled)


Recipe number 688

Boiled pasta









Recipe No. 685

Boiled peas


Recipe number 718

Onion fries


Recipe number 793

Wheat bread croutons

Sauces for fish, meat and poultry dishes


Recipe No.

Main red sauce


Recipe number 798

Sour cream sauce


Recipe number 793

Sour cream sauce with tomato

MDK 06.01

Technology for preparation and decoration of cold dishes and snacks.

Technological map no. 8

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

A sausage sandwich

Cooking technology

On a slice of bread, gourmet meat products cut into thin slices are placed.

Boiled sausage sandwiches can be released with butter (10 g, 5 g, 5 g according to columns I, II and III), respectively, increasing the yield.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map №79

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

White cabbage salad

Cooking technology

Chop the cabbage, add salt (15 g per 1 kg), vinegar and heat with continuous stirring. Do not overheat the cabbage as it will be too soft. The heated cabbage is cooled, mixed with apples, carrots, cut into strips, sugar and butter are added.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 97

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Meat salad

Cooking technology

Boiled meat products, potatoes and fresh or pickled cucumbers are cut into thin slices, seasoned with a portion of mayonnaise with the addition of Yuzhny sauce; Spread out in a slide, decorate with an egg, pieces of boiled meat, crabs or green salad and the remaining mayonnaise. The Yuzhny sauce can be replaced with the same amount of mayonnaise. Instead of crabs, you can use the same amount of crayfish tails. Lettuce can be released without crabs, thus reducing the yield.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 98

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Capital salad

Cooking technology

For the salad, use boiled poultry flesh without skin. Half of the pulp is finely chopped, and the rest is used for decoration. Potatoes and fresh or pickled cucumbers are cut into thin slices, seasoned with a part of mayonnaise with the addition of Yuzhny sauce; Spread out in a slide, decorate with an egg, pieces of boiled meat, crabs or green salad and the remaining mayonnaise. The Yuzhny sauce can be replaced with the same amount of mayonnaise.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 110

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Eggs stuffed with herring and onions

Cooking technology

A hard-boiled egg is cut lengthwise, the yolk is removed, rubbed and combined with the herring pulp and onions passed through a meat grinder (the herring is pre-soaked). The resulting mass is seasoned with 1/2 part of mayonnaise, and then placed in white instead of yolk; cut a small piece from the bottom of the protein so that the egg is stable, and pour over the remaining mayonnaise. Vegetables are laid next to the egg.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 128

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Natural herring

Cooking technology

Herring fillet (pulp) is cut into thin slices. Serve potatoes with herring hot, drizzled with vegetable oil, or with a piece of butter.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 159

Developed on the basis of the Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering enterprises. A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Liver pate

Cooking technology

Chopped onions, carrots are fried with bacon until half cooked, chopped liver, spices are added, everything is fried and passed twice through a meat grinder with a frequent grill, two-thirds of the norm of softened butter, milk or broth are added and kneaded thoroughly. Shaped into a loaf and decorated with butter and chopped egg. You can use chicken, duck, or goose fat instead of butter for the pate. The pate is released at 30-100 g per serving.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 126

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Carrot caviar

Cooking technology

Beets or carrots are boiled, peeled and chopped. Onions are chopped and sauteed. At the end of sautéing, add tomato puree. Chopped vegetables are combined with browned onions, spices, vinegar, sugar are added, heated and cooled.

Dispense 75-100 g per serving.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

MDK 07.01.

Technology for the preparation of sweet foods and drinks.

Technological map number 902

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Apple mousse (on semolina)

Cooking technology

After removing the seed nests, the apples are cut and boiled. Filter the broth, rub the apples, mix with the broth, add sugar, citric acid and bring to a boil. Then sifted semolina is introduced in a thin stream and boiled, stirring, for 15-20 minutes. The mixture is cooled to 40 ° C. and beat until a thick foamy mass is formed, which is poured into molds and cooled.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 920

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Baked apples

Cooking technology

Seed nests are removed from apples without peeling them; the resulting hole is filled with sugar. Then they are put on a baking sheet, a small amount of water is added and baked in an oven for 15-20 minutes (depending on the type of apples). Apples are released hot or cold with cranberry or cherry sauce, or sprinkled with jam, or sprinkled with refined powder.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

I approve

Director of GBOU SPO

Technological map no. 924

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Fried apples

Cooking technology

Apples with the seed nest removed and without the skin are cut into 0.5 cm thick slices and sprinkled with sugar. Prepare the dough: put sugar, salt, sour cream, flour in the yolks, separated from the proteins, mix thoroughly and dilute with milk. Whisk the whites into a thick foam and gently add to the dough. The apple circles are dipped into the dough using a chef's needle, and then quickly transferred to heated fat and fried until golden brown.

Fried apples are placed on a plate and sprinkled with refined powder. Apricot or apple sauce is served in a gravy boat.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 926

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Charlotte with apples

Cooking technology

The apples, peeled and seed nests, are cut into small cubes and sprinkled with sugar. The crusts are cut from the bread. The pulp is cut into rectangular slices 0.5 cm thick. The scraps remaining from the bread are cut into small cubes and dried. Slices of bread are moistened on one side in a mixture of eggs, milk and sugar, then they are placed (moistened side down) on the bottom and walls of the greased form in which the charlotte is to be baked. Dried slices of bread are mixed with apples and cinnamon, fill a mold with this mixture, cover with slices of bread on top and bake in an oven. The finished charlotte with apples is kept in the form for 10 minutes, and then laid out on a dish or plate.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 1005

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Milk drink

Cooking technology

Mix ice cream, sugar, milk, juice or beat in a mixer. Serve immediately after cooking

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 1008

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Orange drink

Cooking technology

Finely chop the zest removed from the orange. Pour hot water and boil for 5 minutes, and then leave for 3-4 hours. Strain into the broth, add sugar, bring to a boil. Pour in the squeezed orange juice. Chill the drink.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 959

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005

Cocoa with milk

Cooking technology

Cocoa powder is mixed with sugar, a small amount of boiling water (100 ml) is added and ground into a homogeneous mass, then hot milk is poured in with continuous stirring, the rest of the boiling water is brought to a boil.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

Technological map no. 963

Developed on the basis of A.I. Zdobnov 2005


Cooking technology

Pre-grind the chocolate. The powder is mixed with sugar, a small amount of boiling water (100 ml) is added and ground into a homogeneous mass, then hot milk is poured in with continuous stirring, the rest of the boiling water is brought to a boil.

Technological requirements for the quality of food and decoration

In restaurants, a visitor's question about the ingredients of an unfamiliar dish is perplexing, or the answer is that it is a big secret. The client wants to know exactly what he ate - this is a completely normal requirement. To give an answer, you can look at the technological map.

Why do they draw up a technological map?

In the work of catering establishments focused on a different level of provision of such a service, a mandatory requirement is the presence of such a document as a technological map of a dish. The enterprise is not allowed to work without it. Why does the card exist? This is a question for random people in the restaurant business, because the technological maps of the preparation of dishes have all the information that begins with the purchase of products and ends with which the customer's order is placed on a properly served table. Competent drafting of this document allows chefs to find a way out of any situation in the kitchen without the instructions of the chef. For the restaurant owners, the dish performs the function of controlling the consumption of products, the cost of each dish, the cost of raw materials, receiving daily revenue and calculating the profitability of the enterprise and many other functions. This is a basic document that allows you to find out the profitability of a restaurant.

Cooking technology - what is it?

Cooking technology includes all concepts of products, from their quality, ending with the chemical composition and consumer value, about the methods of processing raw materials and semi-finished products, about the correct methods of storage of products, semi-finished products and finished products. There are also requirements for equipment, inventory in the kitchen with step by step instructions all the actions of the cook. In general, work at catering establishments is precisely the technological cards for dishes. Thanks to these nondescript tables and descriptions, it becomes possible to correctly, beautifully, tasty, healthy and timely feed the customer with ordered food in the amount that is stated in the menu. Then to receive a certain cost for such a service, which will provide a profit to a restaurant or cafe, and a random person, satisfied with the combination of the quality of food and its price, becomes a regular customer.

What data is there in this document?

The information carried by the technological charts of cooking dishes certainly includes the methods by which raw products are cleaned, washed, cut, subjected to any kind of heat treatment. There is also gross products, their grade and quality, rules for storing raw materials and ready-made food. This information should be consistent with the specific recipe books referenced in the card. Each technological map of the dish explains how to prepare raw materials, what time and at what time the product is processed, what weight loss occurs during proper heat treatment, from the preparatory stage to the stove. This data will allow the chef to use the required amount of product for preparing portioned dishes. In addition to the step-by-step maps for dishes, they contain data on the possible replacement of products, which are also regulated by special collections and allow you to make adjustments without losing taste and nutritional value. Up to registration and filing - everything is prescribed in this document.

How to draw up a map correctly?

In order for the technological map of the dish to be drawn up correctly and to fulfill its functional load, the following data must be entered into it.

What can you learn from this document?

Technological maps for dishes make the work of chefs of any category easier. It's no secret that many restaurant-style establishments undertake to train chefs from scratch, referring to a specific menu and an experienced chef. The question of such training is whether a kitchen professional can tell a newbie everything that is needed, and whether he wants to do it? For a novice culinary specialist, it is much more useful to read verified information collected in a single document. It is also useful for experienced workers to read such a card, because there are culinary products on the menu, which are ordered once a year, and some of the subtleties of technology can be forgotten. However, the most important function of the cards is the acquisition of the strictly necessary amount of products and their correct consumption. And also - the most delicious dish, but forgotten by the waiter or cooked incorrectly, can permanently deprive any cuisine of its reputation.