Gta Weiss City on the PSP passage. Passage of GTA Vice City Stories

Did not have time the main character arrive by military base Fort Beckstre, as already found himself in the cycle of events. The thing is that Viktor (the protagonist) "was lucky" to get under the command of Jerry Martineza - the main breaking and bastard on the basis. Instead of defending the honest people of Weiss City, Jerry wonders in every way to him, selling arms to terrorists, and gangsters - drugs. Of course, the appearance of "fresh blood" did not deliver it, as Victor may be a snack. And in order for us, too, they should have blurred hands, he orders us to get into the city and pick up a party of drug addicts at his familiar supplier. Orders are not discussed, so we put forward.

Having taken a pager as a gift, sit on the Motorcycle Jerry and go to the local airport VIP terminal. Arriving in place, approach the red marker and watch the video. During the exchange of the vessel on which the exchange took place was attacked by Martinez competitors. We have no time for meditation, so we grab a suitcase with a drug trip and jump overboard. Weapons we have no time so far, so it makes no sense to get into battle with gangsters on boats - it's better that there are strength, row to the shore. Being safe, we receive a message from Jerry, in which he orders to hide the resulting Case in the barracks. To fulfill this instruction, the mission will be completed, and the barracks will become our first storage point.


This time, Jerry asks us to knock out from a certain Phil Cessidy (well known to us on the original Vice City.) Money that he owed him for a batch of weapons. You can find the debtor in a dash located in the port. Arriving in place, we enter the weapon store and watch the video. Phil informs us that he was not going to throw Martineza - just his house, where, in fact, and there was money, he was captured by a Mexican gang called himself "Cholo." And in order to return the grandmother Jerry will have to start tending gangsters lesson. After leaving the building, sit behind the wheel of parked on the parking lot of Walton (Kescidi car) and go to the destination. After reviewing a small roller, we take for massacre over Mexicans. Special problems do not have any problems, since almost none of them are armed firearms. Clearing the courtyard, go to the house and finishing the remaining "Cholo." When the last Mexican will be killed, taking money and return with them to Martinez.



And again Martinez needs our help in his illegal affairs. This time, Jerry asks to bring him a girl named Mary, which can be found in the docks. When the roller is over, the saddle parked to the PPC motorcycle and go to a meeting with Phil. Warma will give us a gun-machine gun and wishes good luck. In the future, you can replenish the reserves of ammunition for "Stinger". Arriving in the docks, we will meet Mona, which will inform us that Mary was "bought" for all night for some part of the club "Starfish Island". She can show us the road - all the more so that she herself was going there.


Reaching the club, leave the car and watch the video. For a polite request to "borrow" Mary, the guard will open fire. Concepting everyone, sitting in the girl in Orange "Infernus" and go to the military base. True, instead of gratitude and promised money, an angry general is awaiting us, which is not enough that caught us with a prostitute, so also discovered the marijuana package hidden in the barracks ... In general, you will have to say goodbye to camouflage - and live jeans, sneakers and white T-shirt. Fortunately, the world is not without good people Already after a couple of seconds, we receive a message from Phil Kesside, in which he offers to settle in his old apartment.


Phil moved a bit with a drink and decided to take revenge on "Cholo" for everything. Having met with a voyage with his beloved Tire, we climb into the truck and go to the little Havana - according to Cessidy, the Mexicans couple most recently had to release from the police station. True, upon arrival it turns out that he was mistaken, because there is no one near the site. Well, we go to the next destination. Several gangsters were injured in a shootout and now they latch them in a local hospital. Noticing a lone mexican, we are selected from the car and watch the video. Drove Phil twisted the bandit and he jumping into the car, hurried to hide. Run in pursuit! All that is required of you is to stay next to the enemy car, while the warrior watering it with a gun from the pistol. When the car lights up and the unfortunate Latinos will go to the next world, Cessidi will ask us to take it to the car repair shop. In the future, you will be able to use the services of workshops in order to shake the cops from the tail. This service, of course, is not free.



Once again, he guided to the phila, we will meet Martinez, which was the fault of which we were trapped from the army. And not only that bastard hung all his sins on us, so he also dared to once again ask for our help. Unfortunately, send him to the line will not work, because Phil owes him a large amount of money and if we refuse to fulfill his instructions, then the old warrior will go to prison for illegal storage of weapons. Well, apparently, you will have to last work on the "Uncle Sam"! Jerry wants us to bother the truck, cracked with weapons who must arrive at Vice City at noon. Leaving the house, we climb into the Phil's car and go to the first destination.


Reaching the airport and picking up Kessidi guys, moving on business. The desired truck is marked with a red marker on the mini-card, so finding it is not a problem. When mercenaries get rid of escort, press the truck to the sideline and watch the video. Freckled done - truck with us. Now you need to deliver it to Martinez. But you did not think that you will be allowed to pick up weapons from the army just like that? You should only drive off the stead from the place of theft, how military jeeps will appear on all sides, and in the upper right corner of the screen - a truck damage indicator. If the blue strip is empty, the mission will have to start first. Reaching the port, drive the truck to the marked garage and watch the video.


Comrade Fila Marty fears several small shops in the area, but the gang of Cholo does not really like it. Let's prove to them that they are wrong. By picking up Marty Pickup, go to one of the stores marked on the mini card. When you get to the place, we paint with a couple of armed Mexicans (do not forget to pick up a gun from one of them) and go inside the store. Here we are waiting for some more thugs. Subchomirive them, approach the shaking of the store's shaking and watch the roller. The old man was discouraged by what happened and without unnecessary stocks agrees to increase the weekly fee for the "roof". The case is done, however, Marty is not enough. He wants to win for Mexicans another store, who familiar with us since the time of Vice City. True, the owner of this shop is not so impressionable as the previous one, and with the threshold drives us away, promising problems. Well, let's pass the insolent. Armed with bits, go back to the shop and begin to destroy the goods. Sooner or later, the fighters "Cholo" will run away and we will have to kill them. Making sure that our "defense" is much more efficient to protect "Cholo", the Rule Torgash will agree with our terms and give money. The mission is completed, it remains only to throw Marty to the house.



Mexicans again annoy Marty, and therefore he wants to teach them a small lesson - to undermine several of their vans. On the execution of this mission, we are only five minutes (and fifteen grenades) are given, so you need to act quickly. With the first two trucks, there will be no problems - knock down the guards and throw a couple of grenades under the car, then head to the next. But after the destruction of the first two vans, the situation will change lightly - according to our soul, several cars will be sent to the top of the armed Mexicans. It is not worth entering with them in a shootout, since the undervalued bar is instantly replaced by a new one - it is easier to loosen from them. Having finished with the last van and getting an alarming message from Marty, we return to it.


Marty decided to expand the sphere of his activity - now he is eager to pick up a brothel from Cholo. And guess who will do it? Of course, we! After reviewing the video, we climb into the car and go to the local weapon store, where we will absolutely handy a shotgun. I hide the cartridges (but for them we will have to pay), we go to the area called "Little Haiti". The desired brothel is located in the same place where a taxi is located in the original game. To provoke Mexicans, we need to split parked near the Cholo Sabre building. A few seconds later, there will be about seven armed latinos, so be prepared. Clearing the street, we enter inside the brothel (there will be only one "Cholo" here - he is unarmed, so you can not pay attention to it) and scrap (a bat, for example) the sole bed. The mission is fulfilled, it remains only to see the training scene in which we will tell how to buy real estate.



Having become acquainted with the former wife of Marty (and the sister of Phil), watch the video. When moving Louise, I forgot some things together with Marty Child. Money for the purchase of new ones, of course, no, but to give things to voluntarily Marty refuses. Louise asks us to escort her and make sure that the former husband does not dismiss his hands. Arriving on the parking lot of trailers, we look at the roller and get ready for battle with Marty scumbags, which he sent to teach the former wife lesson. There are quite a lot of them (about two dozen), but they will appear with waves - three or four people at a time. In addition, they will be armed with only pistols. The main thing during the shootout does not wander the girl guarded by us, which without unnecessary words will rush to us on the hell. When all the gangsters are dead, we look at the next video and carry Louise home.


It's time to meet with our old acquaintances - Lance Vans. He is a brother of the main character and has not yet managed to turn into that bastard, which betrayed Tommy in the original game. Arriving at the airport and ending the central terminal, we are waiting for the appearance of a "stranger". The thing is that initially Victor does not know who he should meet and the appearance of the brother will be a very unpleasant surprise for him. True, the family sore will prevent the Shaka Mexicans, who decided to take revenge on the main character for all his past sins. It's time to tear claws, and you need to hide before the car damage indicator will be filled until it stops. We don't have to led yourself - everything will do Lance. Well, on the shoulders of Victor will lie down the shooting of the strongest latinis from the gun-machine gun with an endless ammunition. However, after five allotted minutes, the car will fail and we will have to leave it. Hiding for some shelter, pull the shotgun and shoot the upcoming enemies while Lance is busy repairing the vehicle. It is difficult ... First, due to the fact that the enemies here are about two dozen. Secondly, you need to constantly make sure that the enemies do not shoot in the brother - if it is killed, then the mission will have to start first. When the car is ready, and all the latinos are dead, repainted in the nearest workshop and Visir Lance to the hotel.


Robbing the cradle

The social service worker decided that the mentally unbalanced (and even a single mother) Louise is not able to take care of the child and it needs to be taken as soon as possible. Taking about this, the girl, not long thought, ordered his guys to finish a poor fellow and reset the corpse into the ocean. Fortunately, the leading hero, who turned out to be nearby, was able to enjoy Louise by proving her that the death of one employee would not change anything. On the contrary. The case will be given against her and then the child will accurately take away. The trouble is that killers have already left for business and contact them no way. Seddlary parked by the house of the bike, go to the place of disassembly. We need to get to the goal before the health level of the social worker drops to a critical mark. And then everything is elementary - for a start, you need to finish off a couple of distraught mercenaries. When they go to the world of others, we flash the specified machine from the machine and watch the video. The main thing is by chance not to get the goals in the head. When the car lights up, frightened to death, the social worker will swear, which will never get closer to the house Louise.


After reviewing the roller and having acquainted with Umberto (one of the heroes of the original Vice City), sit down in the machine specified by the blue arrow. Before starting to work with us, Cuban wants to make sure our professional benefit. To begin with, he asks to pick up a package with an unknown content of a hostile gang courier. Reaching the fire station in the downtown (you need to do it as quickly as possible), watch the video and get involved in the chamber of the courier. Piercing the bastard to the sideline and waiting until your partner shoots him, take the package (if any of the enemies will have to pick up the package faster than you, then you will have to kill him and his every new murder after the death of the courier will add you one star, so not Open and try to choose a bundle first) and go to the nearest auto repair shop. Having dropped the police from the tail, go to Weiss port, where Umberto is waiting for us. Mission Complete.


"Cholo" finally survived from the mind and decided to start an open war with the guys Umberto. Well, they have noticed themselves. Our task is to deal with them until they spread the whole "Little Havana". It is possible to determine the level of "destruction" on the blue strip in the upper right corner of the screen - if it is filled until it stops, then the mission will have to start first. In addition, Victor will be issued to the "Assistants" of two Cubans, the death of which will also lead to the failure of the tasks. After reviewing the video, we find a quadruple car and pick up the companions at the Bar Umberto, after which we go to the place of unrest. Seveled with enemy Cubans (they will attack them by waves - five people and one car for the wave), take away Umberto home and take a reward.


Havana Good Time.

Last mission for Umberto. This time, mafia wants to grab the warehouse owned by "Cholo", and since his people will be engaged in loading boxes, we will have to defend them from the attacks of Mexicans. After listening to the details of the task, sit down in the car and go to the warehouse, whose gates are packed. Motable them on the wheels, open the gate of the warehouse and pass inside. Halfped done - the most difficult part remained. From all corners to the warehouse, the whole army of armed latinists will begin to break. The main thing is not to stand in one place, as the enemies will try to surround you. If the health level fell below 2/3, then urgently be accurate with the help of a "heart" hidden in the right (if facing the loaded van) of the guard booth. When the loading is completed (you will be informed about it - do not worry), sit behind the wheel of one of the vans and come back to Umberto. You will try to prevent "riders", however, they will not be able to seriously harm our truck, so just do not pay attention to them and completely rely on your Cuban friends.


Money for Nothing.

Forbes (good familiar Lance) wants to transport a lot of drugs, but he strongly annoys the police who are dlying and nobably over his warehouse. I think you have already guessed that we will have to somehow help him. Namely, to act as a bait and lead the cops away from the warehouse. Viewing a video, sit down in any quadruple car and head to parking marked with a red dot on the mini card. Having moved to the bait van, moving to a warehouse in a small Haiti. Be careful with the van - if you break it, then the mission will have to start first. Reaching the rock, watch the roller. Forbes will restart into a van with drugs, and we will ask us to go somewhere in the opposite direction to lead the unfeasured cops behind you. Initially it was assumed that we will ride ten minutes by the island until the Forbes get to the destination, however, this mission has much more simple (in time it will take as much as much and "traditional" method of passage) solution to get to Mansion Ricardo Diaz and sit down there until the "Progress" strip will not be filled until it stops. When the Forbes rewrite drugs (you will be informed about it - do not worry), we leave the van and transplant to any sports car of Baron. All that we have remains is to reset the police from the tail with the help of a car repair shop.


This time, Brian sends us with Lance for information about a person who supplies drugs to the local Biker Club - there should be a person who owns information. The club is located two steps away from the "House" of Forbes, so you can not get a search for cars. Reaching the club, we are painted with bikers at motorcycles (they are not hostile, but it will be easier for you if you kill them now) and enter inside. "Informant", as Brian called him, turned out to be a hefty biker, who knows no knows about what drugs. But about the Nigaer couple, whom he ordered, he knows. Apparently, Forbes decided to get rid of us in this way ... Ha, not on those attacked. To fight off from hostile bikers, leave the club and return to the Forbus, in order to teach the bastard lesson. But when you get to the place, you will find that the prisoner ... gave Dera on the scooter! Calculate it and finishing, watch the video.


From Zero to Hero

And again Lance wants to get involved in the adventure with drugs. This time our task is to disrupt a certain major deal, which Brian was so much trembled. On the drugs themselves, Viktor do not care, an important thing. The thing is that Jerry Martinez himself will lead the exchange! After reviewing the video, jump onto the motorcycle and go to the marina "Little Haiti", where, in fact, the goods are loading. Lance did not come up with anything more original, except as they simply beat all the gangsters, as we would have to set him down - he shoots so-so ... When all opponents are dead, sit behind the wheel of one of the truck and follow Lance. Next stop - oriental island. True, not everything is so simple - we will actively interfere with the Armed Fighters Martinez. Reaching the bridge, watch the video. The diluted Martinez was on the helicopter on us ... it would not be able to knock it down, since it is necessary for our equipment yet. Therefore, just wearly. All that is required from us is to cross the bridge, in time evading rockets. Once in the eastern part of the island, we show Jerry a middle finger and we carry the stubborn trucks with drugs to the leased Lance warehouse. There will also be another save point.


Brawn of. the Dead.

Deciding a little to pick up his old friend Jerry Martinez, Victor called him with a question about how he lives without a lost party of cocaine. In the course of the conversation, we learn that Sergeant conducted a deal on behalf of local drug trains - Menndes brothers. And the goods we smirch belonged to them, so the way out of this situation at the Vance brothers (as in fact and Martineza) is only one - in the coffin and under the ground. That is why the calculating warrior decided to pass all the accomplices and get into the Witness Program. However, Lance has a plan. Our brother managed to go to people who were ready to buy all the coke with us at once and if the deal passes successfully, then we will be so rich that no drug trades will be terrible. We will go to the meeting with these buyers now.


Our client is a famous director of zombie films, renting a supermarket in the northern part of the island. We need to have time to get there before sunrise. Run to Molla, watch the movie. The client is ready to turn with us a deal, however, to begin with, he needs to solve some of his problems - the thing is that he does not have enough actors for the film, and Victor is suitable for these purposes. Our task in the first scene: within two minutes, shoot zombies from a shotgun, not letting the approach to the trading center. At the same time, it is necessary to closely monitor the level of cruelty (in the upper right corner of the screen) - if it is empty, the mission will have to start first. In the second stage, the chief hero needs to defend a store with audio-video technician, killing annoying zombies kating. If everything went well and you heard a scream "Removing", taking Lance and go home for drugs. True, the deal is not destined to come true, as the concerning aunt Janet, washed away our entire goods in the toilet ....


Before this mission becomes available, you must acquire at least three business points. The mission itself is elementary and is held in a few minutes. Lance Some unknown Viktor, the way I settled the problem with the Menndes brothers and now they just want to teach us a small lesson, destroying our property. However, this option does not like this option, so we climb into the Infernus Lance and go to the first attacking business. Our task is not to give drug bands to break through the building. When the attack subsides, we go to the next attachment point. And so three times. After successfully implementing the mission with us will be contacted by our persistence brothers Mendez and will be invited to their mansion.


The Mugshot Longshot

Hostile Takeover

The first serious task from the Mendez brothers. Armando wants we eliminated the competitor factory located in Wece Point and organized their own enterprise on packing and selling drugs. The moral beliefs of the Vika here do not worry anyone - this is an order, the failure of which is punishable by death. After all, we still have to baron - do not forget. Reaching the place specified on the mini-card, we are growing up with "settled" there by bikers (best for these purposes is suitable sniper rifleTo buy which you can in the weapon shop on the way) and watch the video. One of the surviving gangsters will try to flush - sitting on a motorcycle parked at the building and rushing into pursuit. When bastard is killed, you will get a new and very profitable business point.


Another task and part-time last task from the Mendez brothers. During the raid to the same factory, which we beat off from bikers in the previous mission, the police found some documents to be stubbing drug-felling for many years. Unfortunately, Armando has that providing agents in confirming that the factory is not belonging to them, and Viktor, and now we have to steal the documents found in order not to get up for the bars. To do this, you will have to use the help of the helicopter ... not toy, do not worry. The helicopter will wait for us at the local dump. Seving behind the steering wheel, we go to the police storage, from where we are stealing drugs for Brian Forbes. It will not have to shoot this time - it is enough to simply pick up the built-in magnet of the specified safe and deliver it to the runway of the Escobar airport. When the safe will be delivered, the man of Armando will contact us and report that part of the documents were hidden in another safe - just in case the mafia wants to steal it. The container is located in the armored truck, which from minute to minute arrives at the police station. We need to urgently intercept him - all about everything we have five minutes. In fact, nothing complicated here. We catch up with a van (it will not be difficult to do it on a helicopter), we cling it with a magnet (the driver will prefer to leave its vehicle) and we carry on the same airport. Mission Complete!

Part one

If you have problems with gTA: Vice City Stories. or you are simply curious that gaming missions are presented - read this material. It gives advice as it is better to pass scene missions On the first island.

Welcome to Fort Baxter

As soon as you appear before the "light eyes" of Martinez, he asked you about one favor. You must deliver a certain package that one of the partners of Sergeant will give you. To do this, you need to go to Escobar International Airport. Jump the sergeant on the motorcycle and go on the road, look at the map, the airport is close, but different tunnels can confuse you a bit. The fastest route passes through the district road to which you should get, turning the right, having left asylum. Then move straight to the pink marker - and you are in place. After a small scripting scene, in which a package with drugs earlier you will try to intercept federal agents. And after your boat is blown up, you will find yourself on the bottom. And literally. Quickly swim to the shore and finish from the federals having pushing you. You have a gun, and you can shoot, but this is a waste of time. You are most likely killed, so it's better to just escape from them and return to Martinez and tell everyone.

Cleaning House.

Martinez tells you about your old friend File Kassiday, who is conducting a business for the purchase and sale of weapons. Phil must Martinsome a little money and you are proposed to visit the role of courier again. Go to Vysisport and pick a phila near the port pool and deliver it home. When you come to the house, Phil will tell you that he was kicked out of his own house Gandana Mexicans, known as "Latin American Indians". Money inside the house and to get to them to get to you need to disperse all the Indians stitching nearby. Sit into the car and mercilessly pressing them with wheels, and those who could not be crushed, just shoot. Collect ammunition from those killed and send to the house. Here you will meet two more Latin Americans, but they are unarmed. Shoot or explode them - you decide. Bring money by Martinez to finish the mission.


Sergeant urgently needed a girl named Mary. You, of course, you need to bring it to a restless warrior. Go to the refuge of Phil and cut there in a chic pink car. Mary must be in the wyport but, having arrived there, you will learn from the mona women that Mary works on the island of the starfish. Take out and move to the island (this place is located between the eastern and western islands and is a giant stone protruding from the water). The surrounding Mary guys will be unhappy with what you want to lead it, and try to get involved in a fight. Quickly finish them and go along with Mary to the Baxter Fort. Approaching the main goal, you will see a scripting scene, which shows that you no longer work for the army and thrown out into the street. Fortunately, Phil Kassiday will not leave you in trouble and will offer to work for him. Go to his apartment to keep the game. This dirty pit is your new dwelling, and Phil is your new boss.

Phil Kassiday (Phil.Cassidi).Phil dangles on games seriesGTA like a chamomile in the hole. In 1984, he works at Martinez in Weiss City, manufacturing his deadly drink "Bumshain". You can always find phila in the weapon club located in the web. To get tasks, move to the "P" symbol on your card.

Cholo Victory.

It seems that the eviction of Latinov from Fila's apartment was only the first step towards victory. Mexicans are trying to capture control over arms trade in the city, and Phil authority leaves literally from the hands. It's time to return power and show someone in the city owner. Go to the police separation, there you will find one of the leaders of the Indians. Seeing that he was being pursued, the leader of the redheads would try to flush from you in his car. You need to blow up the car of the Indian, it does not deliver special hassle: a couple of sweaty shots or several times to make it a truck of Phil. After some time, Indian will pop up from the burning machine, and you can only shoot it. Pick it up with an automatic machine and go to repair Phil's car to Pay'n'spray's garage. After the completion of the Mission, Phil will tell you that his sister's husband, Marty Williams, is looking for a good guy for well-paid work. From this point on, the Mari Coast opens, but we recommend that you first finish the mission for Phil.


Latin American Indians are not going to give up without a struggle, they plan to destroy Fil's warehouse on which the invaluable buds is stored. Together with Phil, go to the warehouse. In the video capture, Phil is trying to open the warehouse gate, thereby provoking the explosion inside the warehouse. You need to save the box with a drink while the fire has not destroyed the whole warehouse. Jump out in the Far Loader and transport four boxes marked with green arrows, from a warehouse in Phil truck. It seems not difficult, but with each new box that you load into the truck, the warehouse roof is more and more destroyed, and the debris blocks direct routes. It takes some time to get used to control, so that you may be passing this mission from the third or fourth time. The mission is completed when you download the fourth box.

Truck Stop.

Sergeant Martinez in the weapon club convinces Phil to capture a truck moving through a small Haiti. Get out of the car and hire a few militants near the Beachcomber Hotel, they will help you to beat off the truck in Mexicans. Use the radar to detect the truck and go to him on the interception. The truck will drive four convoy cars, Mexicans will open fire as soon as you approach them. Do not lose, keep as close as possible to the accompaniment machines so that your passengers can fire, destroying the machines of opponents. When you manage to stop the truck, Phil jumbles into it and will tear it into the port area. But wait, the fun has not ended yet! Multiple the Indians will simply face, and there will be a truck, trying to shift it from the road. Do not let them do it yourself, taranny the cars of the attackers, or fill them. The mission is performed as soon as Phil reaches the wiser. Before continuing to perform the Mission of Phil, you must complete the tasks of Marty Williams.

Marked Men.

As soon as you finish the last mission for Marty Williams, the character of Phil will reappear on the map. Move down towards the port, and you will again meet with Martinez. The shadow sergeant wants you to visit the weapons. But as soon as you achieve a warehouse, you understand that Martinese has put you and wants your death! The ambush opens the fire for you as soon as you approach the shock. Act quickly and clearly while the Bumshin is not caught fire. You can get out of the truck and shoot the attackers, and you can simply transmit them like bedbugs. The truck will be damaged, and you need to go to the repair shop to restore it. Go to Vysisport to complete the mission. This is the last mission for Phil. Louise will tell you some news about Marty, opening the mission: "D.I.v.O.R.C.E."

Marty Williams (Marty.Williams).When there is no show Jerry Streger, he returns to his small business empire located at the parking lot of trailers. He lives with his long-suffering wife's wife and her child in a small Havana. Symbol "MW "marks its location on the map.


Like Phil, Marty has problems with Latin American Indians who exciting his spheres of influence. And just like Phil, he wants you to make all dirty work. Pick up Marty near his trailer and take it to one of the stores that are under his protection. Near the store you will meet two Indians, shoot them out of your pistol, go to the store and kill two more. Then come back to the car and follow the second store. Enter the inside, take a baseball bat and use it to destroy the store. After some time, three more Mexican will appear and they will open fire. Get your gun and shake with them, in this stage of the game they fall as a knuckle domino. When they perished, the mission will end. Return to the Marty trailer to take the next task.

Fear The Repo.

In addition to his racketer activity, Marty also manages the delivery business. He wants you to drive him a few cars. First treat the sports car left not far from your secure house in the wayisport. Latinos will drive them into a challenge on the truck, and will try to taste you. Tear away from them using the speed advantage. The second car moves around the city, stopping it in any way, throw out a frightened driver and deliver the car into the garage. Over again from the Indians on the truck, and proceed to find the third car. Your next job is to earn a van for transporting cars, it is located near the club in the Little Havana. Load a couple of losers guarding the van, and cast a van to the garage. During theft, you will earn a few stars of the search. Thus, you must quickly call in the "repaint". The mission is completed when you deliver Marti van. His wife, Louise now contact you, opening his missions, but not yet distracting on it and continue to fulfill Mission for Marty.

Waking Up the Neighbours

Latin American Indians hope to seize the whole business of Marti on car delivery. Mix them by destroying their fleet of autofurns. You have only six hours of playing time, in order to destroy three Latinov trucks before they go to work in the morning. Grab grenades and go to the hunt for trucks (they are marked as red dots on your card). Near each truck is a security of several people. First, ask the security, and then throw a grenade into the van. The distance of the throw depends on how long you hold your finger on the button. The best distance is a few meters from the truck. After you threw a grenade, quickly run away so that you do not hoo off the explosion. As soon as you destroy the second van, then it becomes much more interesting to play, because in addition to Mexicans, the police starts and the police are starting to chase you! Get rid of persecution using the area to get lost among buildings. Fortunately, the stars of the search will disappear as soon as the third and final van will bloom.

Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

Marty hopes to expand their business empire and wants you to capture a public house that Latin American Indians manage. Take a shotgun and a bit and start your hostile actions to purchase a controlling stake in a car destroying the car left outside. If you have grenades, then just blow the car, throwing several grenades. When the car is destroyed, many very evil latinists will appear, which is tired of sitting in the auditorium and who decided to participate in the performance. Do not try to shoot them all, just sit in the car and play with them in the catchy. As soon as the latter is crushed by the wheels of your car, go back to the building and destroy everything in it that you can break. The work is over.

Got Protection?

Some guys from Latinov threatened Marty girls - it's time to teach them a good manner lesson. When you achieve a brothel, a scripting scene will begin, in which your car will be destroyed by latinos, and the inhabitants of the brothel will come into rage and will require revenge! They crave blood, and you will have to find a quadruple vehicle to pick up the girls of Marty. While you will try to plant girls in the car, you will open the fire Indians-scumbags. Girls in your car will open a response fire - chickens with a weapon! When everything is over, return these three girls to the broth to complete the mission. The image of Phil will now appear on your card again, and you can perform mission for it.

Louise Kassiday-Williams (Louise.Cassidi-Williams). Demonstantly leaving Marty's legitimate husband, Louise hides in the apartment of his sister. Her acquaintance with the witch begins with a slightly humorous business, but soon things acquire a very unpleasant turn and it is already becoming laughing. You can find it in the apartment located on the main highway in the area: Little Haiti. Look for the symbol "LW "on the map.


To bother Louise, Vick takes her with him to the competitions, which are held in the trailers park on quad bikes. It sounds fun, but this race through checkpoints will show your real driving skills. You will compete with three riders for two circles to fulfill this mission you should get out of the race the winner. Speed \u200b\u200b- Here is your key to victory. You have to accelerate as much as possible in direct areas of the road, and in turns to enter with a drift, trying not to lose speed, and therefore your advantage. Try not to deal with other riders and remember that by killing the opponent, you will automatically fail the mission. Apparently you disqualify for unsporting behavior.


Louise will ask you to go to her trailer and pick up her baby's things. When you arrive at the place, then you are surrounded by a gang of bearded men and accuse you that you were scratched in the race on quad bikes. If you still have a shotgun, obtained in Mission for Marty, then Borodachi will not represent any threat to you, simply shoot them, thereby provinging their rightness in the dispute. If you have only a gun or machine, then keep the defense, constantly moving and not giving offend yourself to get. When they are finished with them, take Louise and things and take it to the apartment of her sister. For you will be twisted by Marty and try to pursue you on cars, but you will not be much likely to get rid of them.


Marty is faithful to their threats and is going to deliver Louise serious trouble. You will have to solve her problems. In this mission you need to stop moving vehicle, it is much easier to do when you are on a motorcycle, because you can shoot ahead. So, during the persecution of Marty, try to move as close as possible to the bumper of his car, after all, you will force Marti to lose control and jump out of the car. Marty is armed with a shotgun having a limited range of action. So that he does not take out to you, remove to the safe distance, and from there they quietly offer him. When he is dead, pick it up with a weapon and cast a truck to the place indicated on the map. This place will now be your new safe home.

To Victor, The Spoils

At the time when Marty no longer came, Louise offers you to capture his business. Go to Sunshine Autos (west of the trailer park) and hire there several partners. Then everyone together go to the Marty office, which gives money to interest, the office is in the wyport. Shoot all guys guarding the office, take the ammunition that they dropped and get drunk again. Your new goal: Racketry asylum in the Small Havana. This building is guarded more seriously, so first ask as many guards as possible, and only then choose from the car and start shooting anyone who tries to have resistance. Finishing the mission, kill two guards located in the building. Boutinal, loan office and rakethyr protection - now part of your growing business empire. You can develop your business by performing the mission of the Empire, but as long as let's continue to get acquainted with the plot missions.

Hose The Hoes.

Having finished the mission "Umberto Robina's Havana Good Time", Louise in a panic will call you to help. A brothel in a small Haiti flares, and some of your girls cannot get out of the burning building. Pick up the fire truck (its location is noted on the map) and quickly move to the brothel. Press the "D" key to enable siren and avoid unnecessary congestion on the road. When you arrive at the place, stop in front of the building and use the brand to repay the last minute cars near the brothel. It is necessary so that they do not explode and have not exacerbated the situation. Now you can proceed directly to the cargo of the burning building. Send a stream of water to the roof of the building, and specifically on the pink arrows until they disappear. As soon as the fire goes out, you will see the escape escape escape, Louise tells you that this is one of Marty's relatives. Paste it to the roof of the neighboring building and shoot it there to complete the mission.

Robbing the cradle

The guy, the old familiar Louise, decided to take her daughter Mary Beth with her daughter. Louise before contacting you for help, hired several scumbags so that they execute the guy. To prevent yourself a self-sought, you must intercept the scumbags before they get to the kidnapper. Grab the motorcycle and go to the place marked on the map. Boat the pursuer car when they jump out of the car, enter with them and go to the boyfriend. Tactics are the same - force him to stop, and push it well. And now he is already taking his words about Mary Beth back and the problem is solved. This is the last mission for Louise and you can visit your younger brother Lens, who recently arrived in Weiss City and see how he settled in the city.

Lens Vance (LanceVance).Thong of the aunt Anid for the bright lights of a big city, Lens dreams to be fabulously getting rich in the shortest possible time. As his older brother, you must constantly protect Lens from dangers that literally literally on every corner of a dangerous city. The temptation to get a lot of money criminal is very large, but the price that will have to pay is very high. You can find Lens at the hotel, which is located in the city center. The hotel is marked with a symbol "L »on your indispensable map.

Jive Drive.

Having met Lens, you will not stay alone with him for a short time, because the damned latnos surround the airport and arrange a little war. Lens sits down behind the wheel, while you grab the machine and try to shoot from the opponents haunting you. Their hurricane fire from powerful weapons quickly destroys your vehicle, so do not break and do not get it too close. Instead of shooting without parsing over all the persecutors, provoking that they explode in close proximity to you and damage your own car, try to act jewelry. Kill drivers or shoot on the tires to make them lose control. From now on, they will not represent danger to you, and you can do other persecutors. After a while, your car will receive a puncture, and you will be forced to move on foot along with Lens, defending against many attackers of Indians. It seems that Latinos everywhere! Your task is to kill all the enemies and protect Lens. The best tactics will be divided and shoot enemies one by one, use the radar to determine which side is the new wave of gangsters. When joint efforts will be completed, take Lens to the hotel room. At this time, Umberto Robino will contact you and give you my first mission.

The Audition.

As soon as you finish all the missions Louise, the Lens symbol will reappear on the map. When you appear in his hotel room, Lens tells you about a certain businessman Forbes, who will help you make a lot of money. Take Lens in the king KNUT's snack box, in which you will soon find yourself surrounded by Hambergler and his buddies. Show these rippers what they chose the wrong victim to attack and leave the bar. Coming out of the bar, you will find yourself under the close attention of the police, without losing a second, jump into your car left nearby and go to repain in order to avoid search stars. Now you can continue the mission and pick up the car of Forbes, but it's not enough: the car is confiscated by the police, and you need to steal it from the parking lot. Sit on the bike and go along the roof stairs. You have only an hour of playing time to catch the car. Penetrating into the courtyard, kill the guard and sit in the car. If you have time to hide until the time has expired, the mission will be considered done. Your next job will be on Forbes, the mission is called: "Money for Nothing"

Caught AS An Act

The true face of Forbes will open in this mission. He runs away from you with your own money, and you are forced to rush behind him. But what is it? From the trunk of his car begins to fly money! Rather, stop it, otherwise you will lose all the money. The best tactics will be: constantly brazing the car of Forbes and try to block it. If you act quickly and clearly, then you will have time to shake the forbes from the car and complete the mission.

Snitch Hitch.

Lens heard about a businessman who sells information about the grand enterprise because he is moving away from the work forever. Jump into the car and head to the airport. You have only three hours on everything about everything, so moving fast way. Upon arrival, you will learn that the businessman has already transferred information to another guy. Go to the terminal "C" and knock down your car as many guards as possible as well as your car lights up, go out and continue work on foot. Lens will sit on a private jet plane to get information, and in the meantime, you will have to fight off from the gang of hairy bikers. They will not give you a lot of trouble, and soon the mission will be successfully completed.

From Zero to Hero

This is the final mission in the West Island. It is available after the mission for Forbes "Bum Deal". You find out that the big shipment, which Forbes spoke, is ruled by none other than our old familiar - Sergeant Martinez! Hope the MP5 machine received from Forbes still with you? This weapon will make the passage much easier. Take Lens and go to the shipyard, there you will find that the loading of two trucks is almost completed. If you need, then take the body armor located on the bridge. Then go to the trucks and shoot the military, subordinate to Martinezu, are about a dozen. Caution, during the shootout, do not damage the cargo when the security will be interrupted, jump into the truck and go for Lens. You will rush for the chase, which will try to destroy your truck. Maneuver and try to shoot, the mission will be failed if you damage the cargo or heavily retain from Lens. When you get to the bridge, the Hunter military helicopter will appear on the horizon, of course, this is a restless Sergeant Martinez - playing in large. Keep speed and donate from missiles, it will not be easy, besides, when you are a police cordon at the end of the bridge, you also have a search star to all troubles! But everything ever ends, and here you finally got to new asylum. When you get to the place, the mission will end, now it is possible to translate the spirit and proceed to the study of the second island. Enjoy!

The passage of Missions GTA Weiss City is 100% not so complicated. For this, of course, you need to fulfill all missions (plot and not only), find all secrets and so on. But for full passage games developers squandered a bunch pleasant bonuses. And so what is needed for 100% of the passage of the game GTA VICE City Stories:

  • 1. On the use of cheats. Codes of course you can use, but not when performing missions. After you have survived, using the cheat code before that - do not see you 100% in statistics.
  • 2. Fill all missions. This concerns both major and side.
  • 3. Include and knock all 99 balloons.
  • 4. Fill 36 crazy jumps (on PSP - 30).
  • 5. Sold all mini game rage.
  • 6. Start the owner of all 30 businesses.
  • 7. In each type of business, get the maximum level of respect.
  • 8. Turn 15 missions for fire, police, air-rescue service and 15 mission for ambulance, beach patrol.
  • 9.Article to perform 50 orders.
  • 10. Fill 5 missions "Vice Sights" and "Fire Copter"
  • 11.Nog 32 cars to the warehouse of confiscated property.
  • 12. In the mission "Rush" cause damage to a loss of $ 1700.
  • 13. In the mission "Crush" to damage damage to $ 2000.
  • 14. Bring in 5 races (Mainland).
  • 15. Bring in 4 races (beach).
  • 16. Enter in 8 activities of "water sports".
  • 17. Put the school: "Sanchez Time Trals", "Quad Time Trials" and "BMX Time Trials".

If all these requirements are completed, the player receives an endless reserve of ammunition and the opportunity to watch all the cat scenes that accompanied the plot from beginning to end.

If you have any difficulties - be sure to watch the video passage of GTA Vice City from this playlist (default first video - the beginning of the game)

The success of the first opened the road for further developing a series of games for PSP. The next hit sales has become GTA Vice City Storiesdeveloped Rockstar Leeds. under sensitive control on the part of the Scottish division of the company. Release games took place in October 2006.

Scene and place of action GTA: VCS

Vice City Stories., which, imitating predecessor, is also a prequel, sends us for a couple of years in the past, before the start of the events of the original, in 1984 to the city of the same name - Weiss City.

The main character is a certain Victor Vance, a large white man of 28 years old from the genus, brave warrior, which was transferred to the military base within Weiss - City, and then with a shame "shocled" from the Armed Forces for Dark Delichets. Surname Vance is known to fans of the episode series with the betrayal of the GG Tommy in Original Weiss City. Then I did Brother Victor - Lance Vance.

Victor has family problems, Lance has become dependent on drugs, and the other brother - Pete, fell ill with asthma and is "on the verge." The latter and was the reason for any methods to earn on the treatment of pita, and these methods, as usual, will make not only get sick around, but also to go to the forefers.

Gameplay and Features GTA VCS

A huge amount of diverse vehicle, weapons, open to study the city of decent sizes, many plot and additional missions. All this is traditionally present in all the games of the series, no exception and Vice City Stories.. In addition to standard works and cases, thanks to which you can increase your capital, such as work in a taxi, there is an opportunity to become a "lifeguard Malibu", pulling out unsuccessful swimmers from the sea.

The key feature is allocated to buy shops and other enterprises that make profits, beat off the attacks of competitors who, without thinking, will be transferred to armed solving problems.

Vice City Stories. I became the first in the line, where they give a chance after death or arrest, stay with our weapons, bribing corrupt medical workers or law enforcement officers.

The graphic component of the shooter of significant changes, compared with the last part, has not changed, having received additional animation, the speed of loading, the range of drawing objects and the correlated physics of the movement of transport and pedestrians. In addition, the authors GTA VSC. Promuls in correcting an unpleasant bug with a flow of the same type of models of transport and people in the player's visibility zone.

Grand. Theft AUTO.: Vice City Stories - Definitely successful studio project, allowing PSP owners to enjoy prehistory original Game, look at the city 2 years before the development of basic events. At the same time, the developers thoroughly approached the elaboration of unique missions and locations by making an excellent exclusive for the game platform.

Video Review Grand Theft AUTO: Vice City Stories

100% Passing requires the fulfillment of numerous tasks, which even interesting, but will make you pretty strain in some moments. The list provided below will help you track and understand that it has already been completed, and what is still in the game it is worth achieving.

For PSP and PS2 versions of GTA Vice City Stories in passing, there are some differences that are carefully marked in brackets.

In addition to 100% in statistics, full passage gives you endless ammo And the opportunity to watch all the plot rollers on TV in the Safe House of Clymenus Suite.

  • Go through everything.
  • Collect 99 red cylinders.
  • Make all 36 unique jumps. (30 jumps for the PSP version)
  • Make all 35 flames of rage (30 rampages for PSP version)
  • Buy all 30 buildings, build your empire.
  • Maximum respect in each form of business:
    Loading: Ultimate Badass
    Roshovist: CRIM REAPER
    Pimp: Mack Daddy
    Drug dealer: SMACK DADDY
    Smuggling: Pirate Captain
    Robbery: Heist Master
  • Complete all 15 missions per policeman.
    Complete all 15 missions for the doctor.
    Complete all 15 missions for the firefighter.
    Complete all 15 missions per air rescue.
    Complete all 15 missions per beach patrol.
  • Make 50 successful orders or earn more $ 5,000 in a taxi driver missions.
  • 5 missions of Vice Sights and 5 Fire Copter missions.
  • Get 32 \u200b\u200bcars for Civil Asset Forfeiture Impound.
  • Damage at least $ 1,700 for "Rush" (only for PS2)
    Damage at least 2000 $ for Crash! " (only for PS2)
  • Complete everything sided missions:
    Mashin "Up the Mall
    Harbor Hover Race.
    Haiti Hover Race.
    Crims on Wings
    CRIMS ON WATER WINGS (only for PlayStation 2)
    PlayGround on the Town
    Playground on the Park (for PlayStation 2 only)
    PlayGround on the Dock (for PlayStation 2 only)
    Playground on the Point
    Land Sea and Air Ace
    Hyman Memorial O.D.T. (only for PlayStation 2)
    Caddy Daddy (for PlayStation 2 only)
  • Swinger Club (SWinger "S Club)
  • Fila Strelbishche
  • Complete all 5 races on the mainland.
    Complete all 4 races on East Island Island.
    Complete all 8 water transport courses.
    Complete all 12 courses Sanchez Time Trials.
    Complete all 8 courses BMX TIME TRIALS.
    Complete all 4 courses Quad Time Trials.

GTA VICE CITY STORIES passes gta vice city stories

The first bug and the error is that you, roughly speaking, you do not need to pass the game by 100%, it is enough to dial 99.6% and all achievements (ammunition and TV) will open.