Review of the game Dogs of War. How many people are currently playing Dogs of War Online

Officially, the first attempt to transfer the Axis & Allies desktop to home computer monitors was made in 1998 with the direct participation of Hasbro (the copyright holder for this series). Unofficially - a couple of years earlier. A small software engineering studio in 1996 took the extremely bold step of releasing its version of A&A without any licenses. Naturally, the freshly baked wargame had a different name and some "minor differences in the rules", but all these measures did not help the game avoid the attention of strict guys in "strict" suits. The result - in order not to run into a trial, Dogs of War was taken off the market.

So, DoW is a simple turn-based global strategy on the theme of World War II. Events in the game "start" in the spring of 1942, and you are invited to take control of one of the five countries participating in this conflict: the USSR, Germany, USA, Japan, England. Here it should be borne in mind that this wargame is a "team", that is, all parties are divided into two opposing blocks: "Allies" and "Axis"; it gives certain features gameplay, somehow: the planning of joint military operations and the distribution of production resources within the group. The goal of each team is to win the war by capturing the enemy capitals.

"Battlefield" - a map of the world, "cut" into small pieces, a la Risk!, and divided into "zones of influence" between all players (for convenience, there is a special button that "highlights" your possessions). To expand the borders of the country (as well as to protect them), "virtual generals" have at their disposal a certain number of troops: infantry, tanks, aircraft, fleet (of course, this is a rough division - in fact, there are many types of units, and it makes no sense to describe each). For capture enemy territory it is enough to move your "divisions" there, and if there are no enemy armed forces on it, then the region automatically passes under your control; otherwise, a battle will begin. During the battle, the computer compares the firepower of the opposing sides and gives out the number of losses for each, while you decide which of your units will be "removed from the board." You can attack "to the bitter end" or, if you smell of kerosene, interrupt the fight by pressing the "Retreat" button.

Because Dogs of War- the strategy is global, then there is financial management. The local currency is conditional "production points", the number of which depends on the number of controlled territories. These same points are used to buy new units, build factories for the production of weapons and troops, and conduct scientific research. The latter are pure "random": you can either reduce the cost of the army or be given ballistic missiles at the very beginning of the "batch", which will greatly facilitate life in this harsh world of war.

On this, perhaps, everything. DoW albeit not original, but enough interesting game. It is perfect for entertainment with friends due to its low threshold of entry and the presence of a multiplayer mode for up to five people both on one computer and over the Internet. However, if you have no friends, then " artificial intelligence"You won't be disappointed.

Dogs of War Online is a turn-based tactical strategy that takes the best moments of tabletop wargames developed by the Rackham studio. Here, players will have to feel like a real strategist. To win, players will have to demonstrate all their tactical delights.


The gameplay is so diverse that you will have to think not only about how to destroy the enemy, but also about how to avoid negative situations in your squad. In particular, one must learn to prevent desertion, theft within the squad, and clashes between soldiers. That is, in fact, Dogs of War Online is a life stimulant for hired soldiers, devoid of all romance and other such things.

The selection of each fighter is carried out individually, since each of them has his own equipment. In this regard, each virtual general will receive great opportunities for customizing his squad. If you look directly at the gameplay, then in Dogs of War Online it looks quite conservative, fully consistent with the style original games, which we have repeatedly written about on the MMO13 website. It was this approach that Cyanide decided to apply when creating new items. All movements and active actions of combat units are carried out on hexagonal fields. There are three types of army in the game:

  • Aries, representing the undead;
  • Wolves that are predators;
  • Lions representing valiant knights.

It is with the help of these armies that users fight in PvP mode. In addition to traditional PvP battles in the game, you can engage in raids against NPCs. These raids will give generals the opportunity to resupply their units.

Online game "Dogs of War Online" will put you in front of a difficult choice between three factions: Lion, Aries, Wolf. So think carefully about which of these factions you will pledge allegiance to. As the captain of the Phantom Caravan said, "Without Darkness, Light is just stagnation."

The well-known company Cyanide shed light and presented art concepts and 3D renderings of the very first gaming clans on May 28, 2013 in Paris. These factions will be an integral part of the new Free-to-Play online games s "Dogs of War Online", which is made in the strategic genre. So here you have to show your tactical abilities. The board game Confrontation was taken as the basis of the game. So don't miss your chance to become a Lion Knight, Aries Dire Undead or a Wild Wolf in Fall 2013!

Let's take a closer look at these factions:

Army of the Lion
If you want to become a soldier of this army, then you will find yourself in the mighty kingdom of Alakhan and will stand on the side of truth, honor and Light. The main enemies of the Lion's army are the enslavers of Aarklash. The symbol of the army is the noble Lion, which is endowed with courage and mighty strength. He also reminds of a faithful ally Chimera. When meeting with opponents on the battlefield, Barkhan warriors are inspired by the memories of the great deeds of their predecessors. All natural forces are on their side, while warriors mercilessly destroy enemies. The army of the lion serves as a living example and direct proof that courage and honor can destroy all evil that comes across their path.

Army of the Wolf
Whatever the Wulfen, who are also called half-humans or half-wolves, are busy bypassing their territories or wandering through new lands, they always make their enemies tremble with fear. They were created to maintain the balance in Nature and protect it. Their duty is to prevent the strong ambitions of God, who seeks to destroy the existing order, from becoming a reality. The Wulfen are quite strong opponents, whose animal instinct is superbly developed. They are not adherents of tactics, as they have very sharp claws and tenacious fangs, relying on their bestial pressure. The Wulfen also keep up with the other factions and have brute effective weapons and equipment in their arsenal. All this can be made of bone, stone or wood. The army of the Wolf honors its patroness - the moon goddess Yullia.

Aries Army
The main part of the gloomy army of Acheron are the lords risen from the dead, as well as the mad leaders. The only guarantee of their success is the panic that the dead people inspire with all their appearance and actions. The symbol of this army is the Ram, which forever linked its adherents to the horned lords of the Abyss. It is thanks to this that the mighty and terrible Acheron has been holding a leading position for many millennia. Liches and necromancers are the elite of the Aries army, for which the main reason for existence is the constant extraction of knowledge and power, which feeds them and ensures their continued existence. Trembling with fear of people, only one fate awaits - to be enslaved by the undead.

Naturally, in the online game "Dogs of War Online", each faction has its own types of warriors. It is thanks to this that you can create a unique group so that the fighters fight with their own methods. On vast territories, your army will meet and merge in a tough confrontation with enemies. You will have the opportunity to get a unique experience in the turn-based battles of the online game "Dogs of War Online". In your free time from battles, you can send your fighters to complete various tasks, thereby increasing the number of prizes. But it is worth being vigilant, since order within the army is quite difficult to maintain. The reason for this is the ambition of warriors who are ready to cling to each other's throats.

It should be noted that the online game "Dogs of War Online" will appeal to fans of the desktop Confrontation and true connoisseurs of high-quality tactical strategies. So look forward to autumn 2013 to rate.

Other names Dog games of War Online: Dogs of War Online.

game type: Client

Status: Game started

Distribution model: Free, Free-to-Play (F2P)

The presence of the Russian language in the game: No translation

Steam gamers in game: Approximately 1 gamer is playing Dogs of War Online on Steam right now!

Check out the Dogs of War Online strategy for more details. The page provides an overview of this free online game, as well as screenshots (5 screenshots), video materials, release date, game rating, system requirements, OBT dates, CBT and other useful and interesting materials on the Dogs of War Online game project in one place.

The online client game Dogs of War Online is a mixture of the genres Strategy, Action, developed by Cyanide, among interesting opportunities you can highlight such a feature as turn-based, it should be noted that the online game Dogs of War Online can be downloaded for free, which means you can start playing immediately after installation.

Dogs of War Online system requirements

Below are the minimum system requirements for the game Dogs of War Online, if the computer meets these requirements or better, then the game should run at an acceptable level of frames per second on low graphics settings. If the computer is slightly inferior in performance, then it is worth trying to still run Dogs of War Online.

  • OS: x86 or x64 bit versions of Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8
  • CPU: AMD/Intel dual-core 1.8 GHz. AMD Athlon II and Intel Core2Duo at least
  • RAM: 1.5GB for MS Windows XP, 2GB MS Windows Vista, 7 and 8GB RAM
  • Video adapter: ATI/nVidia 256MB VRAM, DirectX 9.0c and Shader Model 4.0 support. ATI/AMD Radeon 3800 series and above and NVIDIA GeForce 8600 series at least
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Internet: Broadband internet connection
  • Free disk space: 3 GB
  • Sound card: DirectX 9 compatible soundcard

Also check out the full minimum and recommended system requirements for the free game Dogs of War Online, before installing, find out how much the game weighs and will take up space on your computer (PC).

How many people are playing Dogs of War Online now?

IN this game currently (2019.05.15 12:00) approximately 1 gamer is playing via Steam. You just need to remember that the number of players online often changes very much during the day, come here often, check how many players are online and playing Dogs of War Online right now.

Please note that it happens that released online games are available not only through Steam, but also through third-party playgrounds, as well as on other gaming platforms, Xbox, PlayStation, so there can be even more players online! And of course, we must not forget that most often there are separate servers for different regions.

Screenshots of the online game Dogs of War Online

A few screenshots from the game for a quick visual assessment, but do not rush to conclusions, the first impression can be deceptive, take a look, study the details of the interface, open the screenshots in full screen and try to feel the atmosphere of the Dogs of War Online game. Don't chase second impressions, the devil is in the details, this is especially true for complex online games and hardcore genres. More screenshots can be found in the Screenshots section.

Download on PC and start playing Dogs of War Online for free

Compare the characteristics of your computer with system requirements Dogs of War Online games? Have you checked the free space on your computer and found out how much the game weighs? Familiarized with the materials on the game? Don't delay and start playing Dogs of War Online for free now! Press the button Start playing and dive into game world Dogs of War Online.