Didactic game guess which fairy tale. Card file of didactic games based on Russian folk tales. Card file of didactic games to consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales

Natalia Pinchuk

gra "From what a fairy tale I am

Target: to consolidate with the children the names and characters familiar to the children fairy tales, creative imagination, physical activity. Raise children's interest in fairy tales... Development of mathematical abilities, consolidation of the account. Develop memory, thinking, observation, speech. Recognize objects by verbal description without relying on visual perception of objects.

Game progress: 1 option:

The teacher sits down with the children, takes out an animal figurine from the box (a toy from "Kindr surprise") and asks:-V what fairy tale is this hero? Children remember, answer.

Option 2: the teacher describes a figurine (a toy from a box, you can also make a riddle. Children will recognize from the description what kind of animal it is. When guessing, the teacher takes out this figurine and gives it to the child. (The teacher distributes figures to the children in the process of guessing) Then the kids can play with fairy tale in which these heroes are present.

Option 3: individually with 1 child, or several children. The teacher offers to choose, for example, only 3 squirrels, and then 2 elephants came to visit them (the child chooses 2 elephants from the whole mass of toys)... How many animals do we have now? Etc.

Option 4: Command possible the game... Children are divided into teams, then the teacher gives each team a task. For example, team 1 selects only those animals that are present in fairy tale"Zayushkina hut", 2 team of only those heroes who are present in fairy tale"Chanterelle with a rolling pin" etc.

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In our age of modern technology, unfortunately, little time is devoted to reading the works of our classical writers and poets. Therefore, in my work, I actively began to involve the parents of my pupils, in close cooperation in the study of works of fiction. Parents together with their children created creative works based on the works of this author.

I want to bring to your attention didactic games that can be used to consolidate children's knowledge of the works of K. I. Chukovsky. I used these games on a literary quiz, in which both children and their parents took part.

"A journey through fairy tales"

Task : recall excerpts from works and name fairy tales.

Rules of the game: An adult pulls out a card with a poetic riddle, reads it out. The child must complete the sentence and name an excerpt from which fairy tale. Then the adult shows a picture with the correct answer (book), the child checks himself.

No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

Call you better ... (crow)!


"Who is who"

Task: find out which characters the fabulous names belong to.

Rules of the game: An adult calls the fabulous name of a character in a fairy tale, and a child names the hero himself and finds him in the picture.

I wish you all the best!

teacher MADOU kindergarten №16

combined type of Kirishi, Leningrad region, Russia


The main goal of didactic games based on Russian folk tales - development of children's speech, fostering interest in Russian folk tales.
Didactic games are designed taking into account the age of the children.

Games with children 3-4 years old

Verbal and didactic game "Compare different animals"

Didactic task : teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting the opposite signs.

Number of players : 5-6 children

Game rule: the child who the driver points to answers

Game action : The teacher invites the children to consider the Bear and the mouse.

The bear is big, and the mouse is ... (small). What other Bear? (Fat, fat-footed, clubfoot). What kind of mouse? (Small, gray, fast, dexterous.) What does Bear like? (Honey, raspberries), and the mouse loves ... (cheese, crackers).

Mishka's paws are thick, and the mouse's ... (thin). Who has a longer tail? The mouse has a long tail, while Mishka has ... (short.

Similarly, you can compare other animals from fairy tales - a fox and a hare, a wolf and a bear.

Word-didactic game "Little kids and a bunny"

Didactic task: Teach children to come up with a new ending for a familiar fairy tale

Number of players: 4-6 children

Game rule: listen carefully to the interlocutor

Game action: First, children remember the tale "Little kids and a wolf". It can be recalled using a tabletop theater or flannelegraph. The tale ends, but the teacher offers to listen to what happened next: “The goat has gone back to the forest. The kids were left alone at home. Suddenly there was another knock on the door. The kids got scared and hid. And it was a small ... (a toy is shown) bunny. The bunny says: ... ("Don't be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.") The kids ... (they let the bunny in). They treated him to ... (cabbage, carrots). The kids ate and began to ... (play, have fun, frolic). The bunny was playing ... (on the drum), and the kids ... (jumping merrily).

The verbal and didactic game "Grouse Hen"

based on the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Didactic task: To develop speech activity in children, to work out interrogative intonation with them, to exercise them in correct sound pronunciation.

Number of players: subgroup of children

Game rules: the chicken should loudly, quickly answer the questions of children

Game action: the teacher shows a picture with a picture of a poached hen, suggests remembering the fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken". After telling the tale, he explains why it is called "Ryaba". Then he invites the children to play. A chicken is chosen with a counting device. The teacher puts on her a hat, puts it in front of the children and begins to ask questions. The chicken answers them at the suggestion of the teacher:

Ryaba Chicken, where did you go?

To the river.

Ryaba Chicken, why did you go?

For some water.

Ryaba Chicken, why do you need some water?

To water the chickens.

Chicken Ryaba, how are your chickens asked to drink?

Pee-pee-pee! (All children say this.)

When the game is repeated, the teacher suggests to the children: "Let's all together ask the chicken where she went?" Children, together with the teacher, trying to reproduce the interrogative intonation, ask: "Chicken Ryaba, where did you go?" etc. It is better to choose shy, timid, silent children as chicken.

Board-print game "Pair pictures"

Didactic task: Exercise children in comparing the objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting the same images; to bring up attention, concentration, to form speech, to develop the ability to fulfill the rule of the game.

Number of players:

Material: paired pictures-illustrations from Russian folk tales and chips

Game rules: Show and name only the same picture; whoever selects and names the paired picture correctly will receive a token.

Game action: search for the required cards.

Board-print game "Fold the picture"

Didactic task: Exercise children in composing a whole subject from its parts; foster will, perseverance, dedication

Number of players:

Game rules: Do not make a mistake in your choice. The winner is the one who folded and named his picture earlier than others

Game action: finding parts, folding the whole picture

Board-print game "Lotto"

Didactic task: Exercise children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where that grows; to consolidate children's knowledge of Russian folk tales

Number of players:

Game rules: cover the cells only with those pictures that correspond to the content of the large card, i.e. a fairy tale

Game action: find small cards depicting episodes from fairy tales and close the cells on big map... Competition - who will cover all cards first

Board-print game "Domino"

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about Russian folk tales, to correctly name a fairy tale

Number of players:

Game rules: Lay the cards in turn, next to the same picture. Whoever puts all the cards first wins

Game action: If the player does not have a paired card, he skips a move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt again.

"Whose song?" (consolidation of knowledge of songs, their use in retelling fairy tales).

“Ay, ay, Snegurushka!
Ay, ay, my dear!
At the grandfather, at the grandmother
There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,
Her friends were lured into the forest
Lured - left. " Snegurushka's song
Fairy tale "Sneguroshka and the fox"

“Alyonushka, my sister!
Swim out, swim out to the shore ...
The bonfires are burning high
Cast iron boilers,
They sharpen damask knives,
They want to stab me! " Brother Ivanushka

"Guess!" (to teach children to guess a fairy tale using words - repetitions, to use them in retelling a fairy tale).

"Sleep, peephole, sleep, another." Fairy tale "Khavroshechka"

"Sister Alyonushka, I'm thirsty!"
Fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

« Spout, spout, drink some water "

"Catch, fish, both small and large!"
Fairy tale "Fox - little sister and the gray wolf"

“The fox carries me over the dark forests, over the high mountains! Kitty - brother, help me out! "
Fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

"I'll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie." Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Games with middle and senior preschool children

Word-didactic game "Radio" (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: To foster the ability to be observant, to activate the speech of children

Number of players: unlimited

Game rule : listen and do not interfere with comrades

Game action: The teacher, addressing the children, says: “Today, we will play new game, called "Radio". Do you know the name of the person who speaks on the radio? That's right, they call him an announcer. Today on the radio the announcer will tell the children of our group. He will describe one of the heroes of Russian folk tales, and we will guess. I'll be the announcer first, listen! Attention! Attention! Guess which fairy tale this hero is from. Her teeth are sharp, her coat is warm, red-haired, she is beautiful, sly, cunning. Who is this? What fairy tales do you know in which the heroine would be a fox? ("The Fox and the Crane", "The Fox and the Wolf", "Teremok", etc.)
Verbal and didactic game "Tops-roots" (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: train children in the classification of vegetables (according to the principle: what is edible for them - the root or fruits on the stem)

Number of players: unlimited

Material: pictures with vegetables and forfeits

Game action:

Option 1 The teacher clarifies with the children what they will call “tops” and what “roots”. “The edible root of a vegetable will be called“ roots ”, and the edible fruit on the stem will be called“ tops ”. The teacher names a vegetable, and the children quickly answer what is edible in it: tops or roots. The teacher warns that children be careful, because in some vegetables, both are edible. The teacher calls: "Carrots!" Children answer: "Roots". "Tomato!" - "Tops". "Onion!" - "Tops and roots". The one who made a mistake pays the forfeit, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Option 2. The teacher says: "Tops", and the children remember the vegetables, whose tops have been eaten. It is good to play this game after reading the Russian folk tale "The Man and the Bear"

Board-print game "Unleash the Fairy Tale" (senior preschool age)

Didactic task: To develop in children intellectual abilities, the ability to use conditional substitutes (symbols) of real objects

Number of players:

Game rule: At the signal of the educator, start "disenchanting" the fairy tale

Game action: Consider the tables with the children and explain that the evil wizard has bewitched the animals from the fairy tale: he turned the cockerel into a circle, the dog into an oval, the hedgehog into a cross, etc. First, the teacher closes part of the table with conventional signs white stripe. Children should remember and draw the corresponding symbol to the right of each picture. Then he closes the “bewitched” animals and invites the children to name them.

When the task is completed, you can compose small fairy tales with the children and write them down on cards, replacing the characters with signs. The child “disenchants” his fairy tale by substituting the desired character.

"Do you know?" (To cultivate interest, develop speed of reaction, endurance, discipline).

"I'll take at least the roots for myself, and I'll give you the tops."
Fairy tale "The Man and the Bear"

“Mothers are nannies! Get ready, gear up! Prepare me soft white bread, which I ate at my dear father's. "
Fairy tale "Vasilisa the Wise"

"You are a fine fellow: not a braggart, but a brave one."
Fairy tale "Hare - boast".

"Look, bearded, and he could not jump - he spattered everything."
Fairy tale "The Fox and the Goat"

"Know the hero of a fairy tale by description" (To educate the ability to name the hero of a fairy tale by his characteristic features, descriptions, to educate endurance).

"Carpenter, worker, grain grower, sailor, archer, blacksmith, singer"
Fairy tale "Seven Simeons - seven workers"

“She is such a beauty that you cannot say anything in a fairy tale or describe it with a pen. Under the oblique month, on each hair of a pearl. "
Elena Beautiful Fairy Tale "Seven Simeons - seven workers"

"... I have never seen such a bird: the feathers are so beautiful, the comb is somehow red, and the voice is so clear!"
Rooster Fairy tale "Rooster and dog"

Was a frog, turned into a white swan.
Vasilisa the Wise Tale "The Frog Princess"

"Name the heroes of the tale" (To teach children to guess a fairy tale according to the words of the main character, and then name the rest of the heroes of the fairy tale).

“This is a simple spoon - Kotova, this is a simple spoon - Petina, and this is not a simple, chiseled, gilded handle - mine. I won't give it to anyone! "
Cat, rooster, Zhikharka. Fairy tale "Zhikharka"

“Come, kumanyok, come dear! How I will treat you! "
Fox, Crane. Fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane"

“Come on, friend, build a winter hut! I will begin to carry logs from the forest and hew poles, and you will tear chips. "
Bull, pig, ram, rooster, cat. Fairy tale "Zimovye"

"Who lives where" (consolidation of knowledge of Russian folk tales "Teremok" and "Winter", to consolidate the concept of "domestic, wild animals").

It is necessary to arrange the proposed animals to the house and the winter quarters.

"Name a fairy tale after the main character" (development of speed of reaction, activity, independence of thought, teach to name a fairy tale by the character).

The images of the heroes of the fairy tale are offered, the children name in which fairy tales they are found. For example: rooster - "Zhikharka", "Zayushkina hut", "Winter", "Cat, rooster and fox", etc.

"Tell a fairy tale from illustrations" ( encourage children to retell a familiar fairy tale; create conditions for creative expression)
Children put the pictures in order and tell the story.

"Tell a fairy tale based on the heroes" (encourage children to retell the fairy tale).
Children lay out the heroes of the tale and retell the content of the tale.

"Find the mistake" (development of attention, perception, speech, teaching to see an extra character in a familiar fairy tale).
Children call what is depicted incorrectly, from which fairy tale the illustration.

"Cut pictures" (teach children to see a holistic image in separate parts, develop analytical and synthetic thinking)
Children compose a picture from parts.

"Color the hero of a fairy tale" (to improve the ability of children to paint without going beyond the contours, the development of creativity, small muscles of the fingers).

"Learn a fairy tale from a painted object" (consolidation of knowledge of a familiar fairy tale, development of memory, imagination, thinking and speech).
Children guess by the subject of the hero of the fairy tale, in which fairy tales the hero is found.

"Find a Pair" (consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, activate in the memory of favorite heroes and characters from fairy tales, teach to correlate a magic object with the hero of a fairy tale).
Children find a magic object for the hero of the fairy tale. For example: Princess - frog - arrow.

« Find it! " (development of memory, consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of fairy tales, to teach to find from pictures with heroes only those that fit the planned fairy tale).

"Guess a riddle" (development of analytical and synthetic thinking, teaching children to correlate the description of a fairy tale (or character) with a riddle).

She knew how to work beautifully and dexterously,
In any case, she showed dexterity.
She baked bread and wove tablecloths.
Sewing shirts, embroidering a pattern.
Swan white in the dance swam.
Who was this craftswoman? Vasilisa the Wise

He sent the buckets to the river,
I myself slept peacefully on the stove.
He slept for a whole week.
And his name is ... EMELYA

Soft, lush, round-faced,
He has a ruddy side.
Runs away along the path
And it is called ... KOLOBOK

The fox took him away
Already for the dark forests,
A thin voice is heard
Who is this? COCK

He is a hero we all know
And with the magic word together
Maybe a whole week
Lay on the stove ... EMELYA

He rattles his bones terribly.
Spiteful, greedy and terrible.
He walks in a black cloak
And the king is called ...

Koshchei bewitched
I am fascinated by Ivan,
Green girlfriend -
Princess Frog

"Magic Words" (develop the speech of children, use magic words in retelling)
"By the dictates of the pike, at my will ..."

Fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"

“Hut, hut! Become the old way. As my mother put it - in front of me, and back to the sea (forest). "
Fairy tale "The Frog Princess"

"Sivka - burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of you!"
Fairy tale "Sivka - burka"

"If you throw it from hand to hand, immediately twelve young men will appear, and whatever is ordered to them, he will do everything in one night."
Fairy tale "The Magic Ring"

"Magic items" (to consolidate the knowledge of fairy tales, to teach to see an analogue in a fabulous magic object).

Apple with a saucer - TV
Ball of thread - navigator
Stupa, carpet - plane - plane, helicopter
Rejuvenating apples - vitamins, dietary supplements, creams
Climbed into the right ear, climbed into the left - beauty salon "Sivka - burka"
Climbed into the right, climbed into the left - a car, a mechanism that does work
Stove - car "By the pike's command"

"Finish" (consolidation of knowledge about the heroes of a fairy tale, use in retelling, word creation)

Koschei the Deathless)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Tiny - ... (Havroshechka)
Vasilisa - ... (Beautiful, Wise)
Baba - ... (Yaga)
Boy - ... (s-finger)
Marya - ... (artisan)
Chicken - ... (Ryaba)
Ivan - ... (fool)
Sparrow - ... (winged)
Mouse - ... (furry)
Damn - ... (buttered)
Sivka - ... (burka)

Card file of didactic games to consolidate knowledge of Russian folk tales

“Who is behind whom? "

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales. Development of the grammatical structure of speech, to acquaint children with prepositions: for, before, before, after, between; learn to navigate in space, develop visual thinking. Develop elementary mathematical representations: first, then, first, second, last.

Material: figurines of heroes of one fairy tale are used ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Hare and fox (Zayushkina hut)", etc.); circles are tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on the flannelegraph.

Game progress:

1. The presenter asks to place the heroes of a familiar fairy tale in a certain sequence. After that, asks the child to explain: who came for whom, met; who is how it is, using various prepositions. The facilitator asks leading questions.

2. If the child has successfully mastered all the concepts, you can complicate the game by adding the concepts of right, left.

For the correct completion of the task, the child receives a token.

"What changed? ".

Material: figures of heroes of one fairy tale ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Hare and fox (Zayushkina hut)", etc.) and objects are used; circles are tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on the flannelegraph.

The course of the game;

1. The presenter, with the help of figures, reproduces the plot of a fairy tale on a flannelgraph and asks one of the children to describe what is depicted. Then the child turns away and the presenter, together with other children, changes two or three figures in places (if children are over six years old, the number of changes can be increased to five). The child has to say what has changed. For correct answers, he receives a token. The winner is the one with the most tokens.

2. If the children have successfully mastered this game, ask them to lay out the plot of a fairy tale themselves and continue the game without a presenter, appointing one of the children to be the presenter.

"Tell me from the picture."

Purpose of the game: Expanding vocabulary, developing coherent speech, creative thinking, observation.

Material: figurines of heroes of one fairy tale are used ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Hare and fox (Zayushkin's hut)", etc., circles - tokens. You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on a flannelgraph.

Game progress:

A fairy tale is chosen by adults (this can be a fairy tale that is studied in this moment). The presenter takes one of the heroes of the fairy tale and describes him: he tells how he looks, good or evil, big or small, what he does in the course of the fairy tale, etc. After that, he asks the children to repeat what he told.

Then the presenter takes another figurine and asks the children to describe the hero in turn and make sure that the descriptions are not repeated.

If this does not work out, the moderator asks leading questions: for example, what is the grandfather wearing; whether he is old or young; what he does, etc. The child receives a token for correct answers. The winner is the one who gives the most answers.

Find by silhouette.

Purpose of the game: Development of speech, visual thinking, attention, figurative memory.

Material: figurines of the heroes of one fairy tale are used ("Turnip", "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Hare and Fox (Zayushkina's hut)", etc.). You can use figurines of fairy-tale characters from the theater on the flannelegraph.

Game progress:

The presenter asks the children to look at the figures from all sides. Then he explains what a silhouette is and asks the children to trace the silhouette of the figure with their fingers, and then with a pencil.

The presenter lays out the figures with the reverse side and asks to find the heroes of the fairy tale, objects.

Show the same.

Purpose of the game: Expanding vocabulary. Teach children mental operations: comparison, generalization, logical thinking. Develop imagination, be able to classify objects according to different criteria.

Material: figurines of heroes of fairy tales from the theater on a flannelgraph; pictures with plots, selected fairy tales.

The course of the game.

The presenter talks about the fact that there are the same objects, body parts of different people, animals, etc., and asks to show the children the same.

Then he asks to answer his questions and show the same on the figures. For example, who has tails, who is wearing skirts, what makes grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter look like (walk on their feet, people, what makes a bug, a cat, a mouse (animals), etc.)

"Color by description."

Purpose of the game: development of speech, the ability to listen to another, clearly express their thoughts; consolidation of the concept of "silhouette"; development of observation, figurative thinking and imagination.

Material: figurines of heroes of fairy tales from the theater on a flannelgraph; pictures with plots from the game "Collect and Tell a Story", a selected fairy tale; riddles to the heroes of the fairy tale; colored pencils, paper.

The course of the game.

The presenter tells the children a fairy tale, and lays out reference pictures with the stories of the fairy tale. Then, together with the children, he selects the figurines of the heroes of the fairy tale.

When the figures lie in front of the children, an adult reads a riddle about one of the heroes from a card. Children must guess who they are talking about. The one who guesses first becomes the storyteller.

The presenter turns the card over and asks to find the exact same figure - a silhouette.

Children, each in his place, outline the silhouette. After that, the supporting pictures are removed, and the narrator, together with the presenter, must describe the image, and the children must complete and paint the silhouettes without looking at the figure.

At first, it is recommended to play with simple figures (turnip, bun, teremok, mitten). After each description, show the figure and compare who got what silhouette. The next storyteller is the one who has the most accurate drawing, or you can make a riddle about the next hero.

“Who is the most observant? ".

Purpose of the game: To consolidate the ability to compose a story from a picture, develop attention, expand vocabulary.

Material: plot pictures from the game "Collect and Tell a Tale".

The course of the game.

An adult shows a picture depicting the plot of one of the fairy tales and asks the children to describe what is shown in the picture. Children list and describe characters, events, objects. For each correct answer, they receive tokens.

Children 3 - 5 years old can play two - three times in one story. If children are over five years old, they play by this story once. The winner lays out his story.


Purpose of the game: Development of speech, attention, figurative memory; consolidation of concepts: on, above, under, before, with, inside, etc.

Material: Figures of heroes of fairy tales; pictures with plots of fairy tales; paper, colored pencils, riddles.

Game progress:

An adult makes a riddle. The one who guessed it becomes a "scout". He is shown a picture - a plot, and he must describe the picture with the hero as accurately as possible, and other children, using figures, draw a picture of themselves according to the description.

The adult helps the scout to describe the picture more accurately.

"Colored circles".

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, figurative memory, teaching children mnemonics.

Material: Colored circles, differing in color and size in accordance with the heroes of fairy tales; figurines of the heroes of the fairy tale; pictures with plots of a fairy tale.

Game progress:

Tell the story to the children and ask them to show the corresponding figures. Ask your toddler to act out a plot from a fairy tale.

If the child is not doing well, show him the picture - the plot, and have him tell the plot using the figurines.

Then tell him the story, laying out just the circles. After that, he must replace the heroes with circles and retell the tale using circles.

"Assemble from parts."

Purpose of the game: development of speech, attention, memory, thinking, coordination of hand movements.

Material: cut pictures of the heroes of fairy tales, figurines of the heroes of fairy tales from the "Fairy Chest", corresponding to cut pictures, riddles.

Game progress:

An adult shows children figurines of fairy tales. Ask them their names. Then show that the pieces can be used to add a figure of any of the heroes.

Then the parts of the cards are mixed, and the adult asks the kid to guess the riddle and fold the hero figure.

The Magician's Hat.

Purpose of the game: consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales; development of speech; development of tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills hands, attention and figurative memory.

Material: Rubber Table Theater Toys, Hat or Box, Handkerchief.

Game progress:

An adult shows a hat and a handkerchief: “This is a magician's hat, the heroes of fairy tales are in it. You need to take turns to feel the hero, name him and say which fairy tale he is from.

"I will name and you will continue."

Purpose of the game: development of speech, consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of attention, thinking, memory.

Game progress:

An adult names one of the heroes, and children add his fabulous name.

Younger and middle age

Mouse - ... (noorushka)

Frog - ... (frog)

Bunny - ... (runaway)

Chanterelle - ... (sister)

Top - (Gray barrel)

Bear - ... (clubfoot)

Cockerel - (Golden comb)

Swan geese)

Sister - (Alyonushka)

Brother - (Ivanushka)

Gray wolf)

Baba - ... (Yaga, bone leg)

Goat - ... (dereza)

Little Red Riding Hood)

Chicken - ... (Ryaba)

Fly Tsokotukha)

Elder and preparatory group

Tiny - ... (Havroshechka)

Tsar ... (Saltan)

Princess Frog)

Sivka ... (burka)

Finist - ... (Clear Falcon)

Nikita ... (Kozhemyaka)

Silver ... (hoof)

Flower - ... (seven-color)

Ilya Muromets)


Nightingale - ... (robber)

Vasilisa ... (Beautiful)

Tsarevich ... (Elisha)

Boy ... (with a finger)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Ugly duck)

“What fairy tale is the hero from? ".

Material: a large card with a picture of a fairy tale hero; small cards depicting plots of different fairy tales.

Game progress:

Large cards are handed out to children. The presenter shows cards with stories from fairy tales. The child who has a hero from the plot of a fairy tale on a large card calls the fairy tale and takes the card for himself.

The winner is the one who collects all the tales faster.

"Help the hero find his own fairy tale."

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A sheet of paper depicts a hero of a fairy tale and three pictures - stories of fairy tales in which this hero is not, and one picture in which this hero is.

Game progress:

An adult shows the children a picture and says, for example: “The cockerel went for a walk and got lost. Let's help him return to his fairy tale. " Children look at the picture and name a suitable fairy tale.

“What fairy tale did Kolobok get into? ".

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A picture depicting the plot of a fairy tale, on which the Kolobok is glued.

Course of the game: An adult shows the children a plot picture. Children name a fairy tale and describe a picture.

"Fairy confusion"

Purpose of the game: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, thinking, memory.

Material: A picture depicting two different fairy tales.

The course of the game: the adult shows the picture. Children must name which fairy tales are messed up.

“Who is shouting how? "

Purpose: Development of the ZKR.

Material: Pictures depicting animals, riddles.

Game description: An adult makes a riddle about animals, children guess it. An adult shows a picture and says, “How does this animal speak? »Children imitate an animal.

"Collect and Tell a Story."

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales; expansion of vocabulary, development of coherent speech, attention, memory.

Material: pictures depicting plots, selected fairy tales.

The course of the game: The child must put together the plot pictures from the beginning to the end of the tale, then tell the tale based on the plot pictures.

"Whose Song".

Purpose: Expanding vocabulary, developing speech, consolidating knowledge of fairy tales.

Game description: The teacher reads the words of a hero from a fairy tale. Children name the tale and the hero to whom these words belong. For instance:

I, gingerbread man, gingerbread man,

Methen in the barn,

Scratched along the bottom

Mixed on sour cream,

Sazhen in the stove,

The window is cold.

(Tale "Kolobok", Kolobok's song)

Little kids, little kids,

Open up, open up!

Your mother came,

Brought some milk.

I, Koscha, was in the forest,

I ate silk grass,

I drank iced water;

Milk runs along the mark,

From the notch on the hooves,

And with a hoof in the damp earth.

(Tale "The Wolf and the Kids", the song of the Goat)

You kids, you priests

Open up, open up!

Your mother came,

I brought milk

Full of hoofs of water!

Fairy tale "The Wolf and the Kids", the song of the wolf)

Ay, ay, Snegurushka!

Ay, ay, my dear!

At the grandfather, at the grandmother

There was a granddaughter Snegurushka,

Her friends were lured into the forest

Lured - left.

(The fairy tale "Snegurushka and the fox", the song of the Snegurushka).

See see!

Don't sit on a tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to your grandmother

Bring it to grandfather!

(The tale "Masha and the Bear", Masha's song).

How I jump out, how I jump out -

Scraps will fly through the back streets.

(Fairy tale "Fox, hare and rooster", fox song).

Cockerel, Cockerel

Golden scallop,

Look out the window -

I'll give you a pea.

(The tale "The cat, the rooster and the fox", the song of the fox).

The fox carries me

For dark forests

For the high mountains!

Kitty brother

Help me out!

(Fairy tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox", song Rooster).

This spoon is simple - Petina,

This spoon is simple - Kotova,

And this spoon is not simple, - chiseled,

Gilded handle, -

I'll take this spoon for myself.

(The tale "Zhikharka", words by Zhikharka)

Ku - kA - re - ku!

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to cut the fox!

Go fox, get out!

(Fairy tale "Fox, hare and rooster", song "Cockerel").

Dumb, dumb, dumb,

Golden stunushki

Is the fox at home?

Come out fox!

(Tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox", Cat's song).

I'll sit on a tree stump

Take off the pie.

(The tale "Masha and the Bear", the song of the bear

"Fairy hares".

Purpose: the development of speech, imagination, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Game description: An adult invites children to remember fairy tales in which there are hares. Those who wish tell what kind of hares they are, or depict how they behave, without naming fairy tales. The rest of the children guess which fairy tale the hare is from.

"Big small".

Purpose: To exercise in the formation of words by analogy. Development of speech, observation, expressiveness of movements.

Game description: The teacher calls the name of the adult animal. The child calls the name of his cub. Then a baby animal is depicted.

"Magic Cube".

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, development of speech, memory.

Material: a multi-colored cube, on each side of which, with the help of Velcro, heroes or plots of fairy tales are attached.

Description of the game:

Option I. The teacher throws a dice, on each face of which is attached an image of a character from a fairy tale. Children name the hero and fairy tales with his participation.

Option II. The teacher throws a dice, on each face of which is attached an image of a character from a fairy tale. Children portray this hero.

Option III. The teacher throws a dice, on each face of which is attached an image of some plot of the tale (it is desirable that the tales be different). Children name the tale and its heroes.

Option IV. The child rolls a dice, on each face of which is attached an image of a character from a fairy tale, and names the hero and fairy tales with his participation.

V option. The child rolls a dice, on each face of which is attached an image of some plot of the tale (it is desirable that the tales be different, and names the tale and its heroes.

"Describe the hero."

Purpose: Development of the grammatical structure of speech, the ability to select adjectives.

Material: Fairy tale, picture or hero figurine for description; cards with schematic images of emotions, color, body structure.

Game progress:

Option I (for children 3 - 4 years old):

After reading the fairy tale, the teacher asks: (for example, the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare") - Which Cockerel?

Children answer: "Kind, brave, etc."

Option II (for children 4 - 7 years old):

After reading a fairy tale, or when comparing fairy tales, the teacher asks to describe one of the heroes using schematic cards.

"I will start, and you continue."

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of a fairy tale, the development of coherent speech, the ability to listen carefully to each other.

Material: character - the hero of the chosen fairy tale.

Course of the game: Children sit in a circle. The teacher has a character in his hands - the hero of a fairy tale that the children will tell. The teacher begins a fairy tale (says one or two sentences) and passes it on to the child sitting next to it. The child continues, saying one or two sentences too, and passes on to the next one.


Purpose: Development of speech, imagination, observation, intelligence, expressiveness of movements.

Material: masks of fairy-tale characters - animals.

Game description: The driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in front of the leading semicircle. A mask of a fairy-tale character of a familiar fairy tale is put on the driver, but he does not know which one. To guess whose mask this is, the driver invites one of the children, or all children, to portray this character. If the character is guessed, the one who portrayed him becomes the driver.

"Guess the fairy tale."

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes, the development of coherent speech, attention, visual thinking.

Material: figurines of fairytale characters from one of the fairy tales are used.

The course of the game: An adult attaches figurines of fairy-tale heroes of the characters of a fairy tale to the flannelegraph and asks the children to name this fairy tale.

"Name a fairy tale"

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale heroes, the development of coherent speech, attention, memory, visual thinking.

Material: a playing field on which plots of different fairy tales are placed; cube.

Course of the game: The child throws a die onto the playing field. When the cube stops at one of the plots, the child names the tale and its heroes.

"What changed? "- 2.

Purpose of the game: Development of coherent speech, attention, visual thinking.

Material: Tabletop toys.

The course of the game;

On the table in front of the children are figurines of the heroes of one fairy tale. The teacher names the heroes. Then the children close their eyes and the teacher removes one toy. Children open their eyes and the teacher asks: “Who ran into the forest? “Children have to say what has changed.

"Find fairy-tale heroes".

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy tale characters. Development of speech, memory, attention, thinking.

Option I:

Material: Figures of fairy-tale heroes, plots of fairy tales.

Game progress:

The teacher distributes figures or rubber toys of fairy-tale characters to children. Plots of different fairy tales are laid out on the tables. At the command of the educator, children put their own fairytale hero for each plot.

Option II.

Material: big cards, which depicts the plot of a fairy tale; small cards with the image of fairy tale characters.

Game progress:

The game is conducted according to the lotto principle. Big cards are dealt to children. The facilitator shows small cards. Children, whose hero from the fairy tale depicted on the large map, names the hero and takes him to himself. The winner is the one who fills his card first.

“Who is superfluous? "

Purpose: Consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, development of speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Material: figurines of heroes of fairy tales from the theater on a flannelgraph or from a table theater are used.

Game progress:

On the table or on the flannelgraph, the heroes of one of the fairy tales and one extra hero are exhibited. For children under 5 years old, an adult calls a fairy tale. Children should name who is superfluous, who is lost.

Children after five years old must name the heroes from which fairy tale and who got lost.

"Guess the word."

(for those who know the letters)

Purpose: consolidation of the first sound in a word, consolidation of knowledge about fairy-tale characters, development of ZKR, thinking, memory, attention.

Material: double-sided cards: on one side a letter, on the other side an image of a fairy-tale character whose name begins with this letter.

Game progress:

Option I:

The teacher shows a picture of a fairy-tale character. The child pronounces the name and highlights the first sound. The teacher turns the card over.

Option II:

The teacher lays out the word from the cards with pictures up. The child pronounces the name of each picture, highlighting the first sound. The teacher turns the card upside down, the child folds (reads) the hidden word.

"Tell a story from a picture."

Goal: development of coherent speech; consolidation of knowledge of fairy tales, memory.

Material: Subject pictures for fairy tales.

Course of the game: The teacher shows the child a plot picture. The child names a fairy tale and describes what is depicted on it. If desired, the child can tell the story in full.

Valentina Voskresenskaya


1. Introduction of children to Russian folk tales.

2. Arouse interest in the work of illustrators.

3. Development of coherent speech, dialogical, activation of the vocabulary of children.

4. Development of memory, perception, imagination.

5. Fostering love for fiction.


From old primers and alphabet books, I cut out pictures - illustrations based on fairy tales, picked up pictures from the Internet, pasted them on thick cardboard. Some pictures were cut into several pieces for subsequent assembly, like puzzles.

Fairy tales.

"Teremok", "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Zayushkina izbushka", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", "Fox Sister and the Gray Wolf", "Geese - Swans", "Cat, Rooster and Fox" , "The Frog Princess", "The Fox and the Crane".

"What first, what then."

The envelopes contain illustrations based on fairy tales, indicating the number of pictures (so as not to get lost).

Children receive one envelope each. They should lay out the pictures according to the development of the plot, name their fairy tale and briefly tell the content.

(You can use it as part of an activity, or you can use it in free activities).

"Collect cut pictures from fairy tales."

The envelopes contain large illustrations based on familiar fairy tales, cut into several parts (from 6 to 9 parts, indicating the number of parts.

Each child takes one envelope and assembles the whole from the parts.

It is necessary to name a fairy tale and tell the given moment of the fairy tale.

(As part of the lesson and in free activity, but under the guidance of a teacher).

"Meeting of the heroes of fairy tales."

In this game, in addition to the heroes of Russian folk tales, there are heroes of the author's fairy tales, as well as cartoon characters.

Children receive one card each with the hero of a familiar fairy tale, walk around the group and look for a second hero from the same fairy tale. Form couples holding hands. They must convey the dialogue intonationally. actors, characterize the characters.

Children really like these games, and they play with pleasure, consolidating the names of fairy tales and developing coherent speech, training memory, overcoming difficulties, because didactic games, for example, with split pictures, require perseverance. Children learn to think, they develop the skills of a culture of verbal communication.

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Didactic game "Crossroads of fairy tales"

Explanatory note.
We educators middle group, Gromova Natalya Viktorovna and Stetsyuk Elena Ivanovna for the second year now we have been engaged in the development of speech, memory, thinking of our pupils by means of acquaintance, study, and analysis of well-known fairy tales.
Fairy tales are the first and most accessible form of acquaintance of children with the surrounding world, environment, objects and phenomena, forms of relationships between characters; they teach to recognize good and evil, speak, fantasize, reflect; in one word - to become a worthy citizen of our society.
It is very important to correctly, in an accessible and versatile way to reveal the meaning of each fairy tale for a child in order to form his correct perception of the world.
In our work, we use numerous techniques and forms of working with a fairy tale. In order to speed up and make the process of cognition visual, we have developed a game "Crossroads of fairy tales" in which all the fairy tales with which we have already met, we will get acquainted and will get acquainted in the future.

Contribute to the consolidation of folk and author's tales.
Develop memory, attention, thinking by analyzing the characters of the heroes, their role in a fairy tale, the meaning of attributes inherent in heroes and objects found in fairy tales;
Form a coherent speech of children.

Work description:
The game is based on Llull's circles with 8 windows, in which the picture material is placed.
The first (largest circle) - fairy tales
Second (middle circle) - heroes
Third (inner, small circle) - attributes of characters or objects found in a fairy tale
All three circles are movable and each can rotate independently of each other.
A pointing arrow is a movable object that connects all three circles.

Game options:
Option one. Acquaintance with a fairy tale.
Pupils are invited to connect the fairy tale (big circle), the hero and the attribute under the arrow, by rotating the circles, while naming the fairy tale, hero and attribute (object).

Option two. Consolidation of the tale.
The first circle - fairy tales, remains the same. In the middle circle - heroes, along with the characters found in fairy tales, there are characters who are not present in the fairy tales of the first circle, the child's task is to see the "mistake" made by the teacher and name the fairy tale in which it occurs this hero... Similarly, attributes and objects from different fairy tales can be placed in a small circle. Only one circle changes.
Option three. Composing a new fairy tale.
The first circle - fairy tales, remains the same. Random or teacher-prepared pictures are placed in the second and third circles. The task of the children is to compose a fairy tale that turns out as a result of the rotation of the circles under the arrow. Two circles change.
This version of the game can be carried out with already prepared children, as it is the most difficult.

As can be seen from the description of the options for conducting the game, this type of activity is multivariate and productive.

All picture material is in stock. If you need it, I will definitely post it on my blog.


I wish you all success and new discoveries of my talents and opportunities !!!