Technological map scheme. Technological maps in construction. Complete name in Russian

A qualitatively compiled technological card must necessarily give clear answers to such questions:

What kind of operation should be performed?

What kind of sequence are carried out by the process provided by the technological process?

What frequency is required to perform operations (in cases when a reusable repetition of the operation is necessary)?

How long is it spent on the execution of a separate operation?

What is the final result of the execution of a specific operation?

What tools are required, as well as materials for effective operation?

Development and implementation of technological cards are necessary in such cases:

With a high degree of complexity of operations performed;

In the presence of controversial elements and ambiguities in planned operations;

If it is necessary to clearly define labor costs for the quality operation of the object.

It must be said that, most often, the technological card is compiled for each individual object, drawing up in the form of a clear table. In one technological map, various, but at the same time having any similarity of the model of objects. This type of documentation is compiled exclusively. technical Services Enterprises, then as affirmed directly by the head of the enterprise.

To date, there are technological maps in absolutely for all types of construction work, which are developed not only by the construction companies themselves, but also by special institutions. Technological maps and plants specializing in the release are produced. building materials.

Technological cards, first of all, are designed to study the workers, because in this document, as mentioned above, the most rational methods of execution are shown different species Works, as well as a chain of the worker's actions, which, for its part, has no right to skip any cycle, thereby performing the work only at its discretion.

IN last years The use of technological cards occupied an important place not only in construction, but also in many other industries, including industry and agriculture. And it is not surprising, because the number of workers with a fairly low qualification increases from year to year, which leads to the impossibility of qualitative performance of the simplest work. On the other hand, many new types of work appear annually, so even a qualified worker or the master often do not know how to correctly and maximize the responsibilities assigned to them. In such cases, without a qualitatively composed technological map, it is simply not to do (if, of course, the company wants to effectively fulfill the tasks).


Committee of the City of Moscow on State Examination
projects and pricing in construction

Central Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction

on the development and approval of technological maps in construction
(K Snip ** "Organization of construction production")

Moscow, 2004.

Guidelines for the development and approval of technological maps in construction - M., 2004, 30 s. (Government of Moscow Committee of the city of Moscow on the state examination of projects and pricing in construction; Central Research Institute of Organization, Mechanization and Technical Assistance to Construction - CNIIIMTP)

In the manual for SNiP 3.01.01-85 ** "Organization of construction production" contains requirements for the development of technological maps to perform certain types of construction and installation and specialized construction work. The composition, content and procedure for developing technological maps, as well as the requirements for typical technological maps

Management is intended for use in the development of technological maps and projects for the production of works by construction and installation organizations of any forms of ownership, design and technological institutions and executive authorities in the development of single rates and PPR

Management developed by the team of authors.


d.T., Professor Oleinik P.P.

d.T.N., Professor Kievsky L.V.

d.T.N. Bellevich V.B.

k.T.N. Zhadanovsky B.V.

(responsible performer)

k.T.N. Privin V.I.


engineer Chain A.A.

k.T.N. Minin V.N.


List of technological processes to be controlled

Subject of control

Method of control and tool

Monitoring time

Responsible for control

Specifications of quality assessment

Control of the size of the inventory of the formwork

Mounting Quality Mounting Formwork

1. Deviation of lines of planes intersection from the vertical of the column - 10 mm.

2. Local irregularitiessurfaces - 5 mm.

3. Cross-section size - +6 mm - 3 mm.

4. The difference of marks in height at the junction of two adjacent surfaces is ± 3 mm.

List of machines, mechanisms and equipment

Name of machines, mechanisms and equipment

Type, Mark.

Technical specifications


Quantity on the link (brigade), pcs.

List of technological equipment, tools, inventory and fixtures

Name tooling, tools, inventory and fixtures

Mark, GOST, TU or ORGANIZATION - Developer, working drawing number

Technical specifications


Quantity on the link (brigade), pcs.

The need for materials, products and structures


Name of materials, products and structures, Mark, GOST, TU

unit of measurement

Initial data

The need for the meter of final products

Justification of the expense rate

Unit of measure rate

Scope of work in regulatory units

Consumption rate

Calculation of labor and machine time

Meter of final products __

Name of technological processes

unit of measurement

Scope of work

Justification (Yenire et al. Rates)

Rate of time

Labor costs

workers, person-h

workers, person-h

machineist, Chel.-h (work machines, Masha)

Work schedule

Meter of final products ___

Name of technological processes

unit of measurement

Scope of work

Labor costs

Adopted composition of the link

Duration of the process, hour

Working shifts, hours

workers, person-h

machineist, Chel.-h (work machines, Masha)

3. Development procedure, expertise, bindings, approval and registration of technological maps

I argue:

Chief Engineer

contract organization

________ ________ ____________

signature Date FULL NAME


on the _________________________________________________

(type of work)


(Name of the technological process


constructive element or part of the building and facilities)

Developer organization: Expert organization:

(name) (name)

_______________________ _______________________

(address) (address)

Responsible performer Responsible performer

________ ______________ ___________ _____________

signature Full Signature Full

Routing on the production of individual types of work


Organization expert
Deputy. Director General of TsNiyomtp

I argue:

Chief Engineer of the Contracting Organization







Typical technological map

on the ________________________________________________

Catalog sheet

(Technology system)


Name TTK

Developer organization

Scope (summary)

Technology and organization organization (summary)

Technical and economic indicators

1. Regulatory labor costs workers, people-b.

2. Operations of machine time, Mash.-Ch.

3. Duration of work, shift

In a typical technology card (TTK), the quality of work, labor and machine time calculation, work schedule, work on labor protection, fire safety, environmental safety requirements are also given.


Moscow territorial construction directory. Part

Registration code

Construction of industrial and civil buildings and structures

Russia Moscow

The device of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations under columns of civil buildings using block formwork

Developer organization



Technological maps

page number 1

Organization and technology of the building process

In a technological map (TC), reinforcement, formwork and concrete works are considered.

The formwork of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations is provided from separate unified steel formwork blocks. In the formwork of the formwork, block forms include a formwork unit of the two-stage shoe part of the foundation and the Popponnik block reinforcement of the shoe is performed by grids, pressurizer - Armokarkas.

Two options for supplying a concrete mix in the design: crane in bunkers (I. ) and concrete pump Sat-170-1 (Ii).

Scheme of work production

Device of monolithic reinforced concrete foundations under columns of civil buildings using block formwork II option

Regulatory labor costs workers, people


Regulatory machine time costs, Mash.-shift


Duration of work, shift


Development of one worker, m 3 / cells-


In a technological map (TC), there are also given: a detailed presentation of the organization and technology of work, calculation of labor, machine time and wages, work schedule, list of materials, equipment, equipment, tools


In the absence of machines, mechanisms specified in the brand map, it is recommended to replace them with others, with similar technical specifications.

Developer organization TTK and

catalog Catalog TsNIIMTP


Distributor TTK Tsniyomtp


127434, Moscow, Dmitrovskoe highway, 9

The technological card is a document that contains all the necessary information and, accordingly, instructions for personnel, which perform a certain technological process or maintenance of the object. A qualitatively compiled technological card must necessarily give clear answers to such questions:
- What kind of operation should be performed?
- What kind of sequence are carried out by the process provided by the technological process?
- What frequency is required to perform operations (in cases when a reusable repetition of the operation is necessary)?
- How long is it spent on the execution of a single operation?
- What is the end result of the execution of a specific operation?
- What are the tools, as well as materials to effectively perform the operation?
Development and implementation of technological cards are necessary in such cases:
- with a high degree of complexity of operations performed;
- in the presence of controversial elements and ambiguities in planned operations;
- If it is necessary to clearly define labor costs for the quality operation of the object.
It must be said that most often the technological card is compiled for each individual object, drawing up in the form of a clear table. In one technological map, various, but at the same time having any similarity of the model of objects. This type of documentation is compiled exclusively by the technical services of the enterprise, then as approved directly by the head of the enterprise.
To date, there are technological maps in absolutely for all types of construction work, which are developed not only by the construction companies themselves, but also by special institutions. Technological maps are produced and factories specializing in the production of building materials.
Technological cards, first of all, are designed to train workers, because in this document, as mentioned above, the most rational methods of performing various types of work are shown, and a chain of the worker's action, which, for its part, has no right to miss any cycle , thereby performing the work only at its discretion.
In recent years, the use of technological maps has occupied an important place not only in construction, but also in many other industries, including industry and agriculture. And it is not surprising, because the number of workers with a fairly low qualification increases from year to year, which leads to the impossibility of qualitative performance of the simplest work. On the other hand, many new types of work appear annually, so even a qualified worker or the master often do not know how to correctly and maximize the responsibilities assigned to them. In such cases, without a qualitatively composed technological map, it is simply not to do (if, of course, the company wants to effectively fulfill the tasks).

Pedagogical Justification of the lesson:

At this lesson, students begin a new creative project, which involves performing independent consecutive actions of students in implementing a certain intention. Since any creative work is a certain sequence of actions in implementing a certain plan, it is necessary for this. right sequence actions. Teach students to master these methods of research is one of the most important tasks of the entire educational area, including this lesson.

Lesson time:90 minutes

Objectives lesson:


  • teach students independently planning activities based on the knowledge gained and developed skills,
  • reveal the essence of the process of manufacturing stools from the point of view of the technological process;
  • implementation of the knowledge gained in the manufacture of a technological map of software when solving a new task;


  • develop labor skills and skills of students to draw up a technological card
  • develop imagination, creative approach to performance
  • develop the ability to break the task for subtasks;


  • bring up a conscientious attitude to the tasks executable;
  • bring up careful attitude to equipment and tools

Tools and equipment:

  • crafting table,
  • line
  • compass,
  • album sheet
  • pencil

Visual aids:

  • routing,
  • finished products (stools of different designs),
  • billets of parts.

Form of study:

  • individual
  • group

Short lesson plan

I.. Organizing time

II.. Actualization of knowledge

III. Explanation of a new topic.

IV. Practical part of the lesson.

V. Analysis of students' work, summing up

Vi. Homework


I. Organizational moment

Checking the list of students, message about the topic, objectives and content of the lesson

Verification of readiness of students to the lesson (state of workplaces, the presence of notebook, handles)

Determines the subject of the lesson, motivates to the end result

II. Actualization of knowledge

  1. What is a technological process? ( The technological process is part of the production process containing targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials in the manufacture of products from them. The technological process is carried out with the help of various technological equipment: machines, fixtures, tools).
  2. What is a technological card? ( A technological map is called a document in which the whole process of processing the parts of the product is recorded indicating technological operations)

III. Explanation of the new material

From today's lesson, we get to the manufacture of stools.

Demonstration of finished products (stool)

What kind of stools do you want to make?

When the idea is determined, students go to the next, the most responsible stage in creative activity - the embodiment of plan in sketches.

IV. Practical part of the lesson

Students make a technology card for making stools

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools, devices

Select billets, place, cut off blank

rule, pencil, hacksaw

Process blanks and on the machine

fugoval Machine FSSH-2

Stroke and cut in size. Diagonal Find a center for turning on the lathe

workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, hammer, gorotok

Marking and installation of workpiece on the lathe

sTD-120M machine, caliper, cutters, ruler, pencil

Cutting blanks in size and form

machine STD-120M, template, rair, Majel

Grinding legs stool

grinding skar

Marking and manufacture of thorns nests


Marking, sawing, planing inserts

Pencil, ruler, planer, hacksaw, square

Production of a thickening compound

Workbench, ruler, square, hacksaw, chisel, knife

Assembly of stools (connection of legs to the inserts)

Clay joiner, kiyanka

Making Countertop: Marking, Sveawing, Grinding

Workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, Fir-tree, Grinding

Build product

Workbench, glue carpentry, heel, mold

V. Analysis of students' work, summing up

Evaluating the work of students, the teacher takes into account the sequence and correctness of the work.

Vi. Homework

Make technological maps on different types Stools, specify their appointment (children's, kitchen, for work, economic needs, etc.).

Only after careful preparation and evaluation of the object to be dismantled. In the process of preparation, a detailed technological card is drawn up, which allows you to fix all the stages of the upcoming work. Technological map is a kind of dismantling plan. And in the case of demolition of a complex object without a similar card, do not do.

What is included in the technological card?

Technological Card is a document that contains important information about the object, upcoming dismantling work, as well as a peculiar instruction for workers who will perform the process of disassembling or demolish the object.

In the standard technological map, the upcoming operations are listed in detail, as well as a clear plan and sequence of work. In particularly difficult cases when dismantling a large object, when you need to repeat some operations many times, the frequency of operations is indicated in the technological map.

The technological card allows you to calculate in advance how long it will be needed to perform each operation and dismantling the object as a whole. Also in this map indicates tools and materials that will be needed for the effective, high-quality and secure dismantling.

In what cases is a technological card?

Without a technological card, it is impossible to perform high-quality disassembly of the structure or other object. detailed instructions Important with the excessive complexity of the upcoming operations, in the presence of controversial decisions when dismantling, and also if it is necessary to clearly define the time, funds and labor costs for the upcoming work.

For each individual object compiled its own technological card. Sometimes similar technological maps can be drawn up similar to object models. However, in any case, this type of documentation is drawn up taking into account the nuances of the upcoming work and is approved by the head of the enterprise that will be disassembly.

Technological maps are compiled not only for dismantling, but also for many other types of construction work. They are developing construction companies, as well as specialized institutions. In addition, such cards even produce plants that manufactures building materials.

This type of documentation offers the most rational method of performing various construction works, including dismantling. The technological card is understandable and the work plan is available. When you pass any item, the dismantling or construction process will be poor and even unsafe. Therefore, we can say that the technological map is designed for training and control of the actions of workers.

Technological cards allow you to disassemble correctly, efficiently, safely, in the shortest possible time and with the involvement of the necessary number of workers.