How to make technological maps of dishes. Lesson "drawing up a flow chart for making a stool." Consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the dish "Odessa Sausages"

I bring to your attention practical recommendations for editing and building a graphical information object, which is an information technology map, using the application Ms PowerPoint... Sometimes you have to deal with the need to create an instruction-algorithm for performing technological processes. Sometimes the material collected for this purpose carries a lot of redundant information, but I would like to make a logically verified and elegantly executed, concise map. Such that, without any preparation, it would be possible to start performing operations. In this case, the PowerPoint presentation generator, which is probably installed on most educational computers, can help out. Of course, its functionality is incomparable with professional graphics editors, but it can also surprise you with something. For example, I wanted to create a document that shows the entire technological process step by step - please ...
Within the framework of the article, given short description practical recommendations, if you wish, you can download more detailed instructions to perform the transformation of a graphic image, as well as a presentation in which not only the described technological maps are made, but also a number of other maps.
Relevance of the topic connected with the need to use information and technological maps when teaching students the cooking processes
of various kinds dishes.
Purpose of work: to show the possibilities of processing graphic images by means of Ms PowerPoint.
- to attract PC users to interactive activities;
- to develop cognitive and creative activity of PC users;
- maintain and develop the interest of PC users to work with
graphic objects;
- develop imagination, memory, logical thinking;
- instill an interest in cognitive information;
- to improve the information culture of PC users;
- cultivate perseverance, non-standard thinking, the ability to accept
Work description: in this development, editing of graphic, text objects is considered, with further reduction into a single composition, made in the Microsoft PowerPoint application:
- preparation of slides;
- Applying a template of a graphic item SmartArt;
- Inserting text into a SmartArt graphic template;
- editing a template;
- insertion of additional elements of the technological map;
- text design of the technological map;
- saving the document.
For a high-quality transformation of a graphic image, you should understand the principles of constructing and modifying graphic images in Microsoft PowerPoint. Before you start saving the final image, you should find the optimal image settings, guided by your taste and ideas about the aesthetics of the frame.
This work is intended for teachers, students in grades 9-11 schools, college students, when editing and creative transformation of graphic images.
Practical recommendations:
To edit the technological plan, use the application Microsoft PowerPoint not earlier than 2010. In earlier versions, you might not find some of the effects, making it difficult to complete the task. In our case, version 2010 was used, so owners of earlier versions of the application Microsoft PowerPoint will be forced to look for alternative options. Although there are no fundamental differences.
First, let's define the terms, what is a technological map.
A technological map should be understood as an information technology document containing a description of the manufacturing process, processing, production of a certain type of product, production operations, equipment used, and a temporary mode of operations.
Our technological maps are made in such a way that a picture can be downloaded to a smartphone and all operations can be performed while looking at its screen, enlarging the image if necessary. The arrangement of operations from bottom to top on the technological map is a modern way of perceiving information from the monitor screen. The arrows on the map help you to orient yourself and make the right decision when performing technological operations.
The creation of a technological map is based on the technology of converting selected drawings into graphic elements. SmartArt for ease of ordering, adding signatures and resizing the picture.
When choosing a layout for SmartArt graphic Consider how the information is displayed. When creating a graphic item SmartArt you are prompted to select its type, for example Process, Hierarchy, or Relationship. The type corresponds to the category of the graphic item SmartArt and contains several different layouts.
Since you can switch layouts quickly and easily, try different layouts (different types) until you find the right one.
I would especially like to emphasize the fact that the developed technological maps are teaching material for college students, the use of sharp cutting tools is technologically justified and reflects the learning objectives of the class. I consider it unacceptable to use such cards for schoolchildren without safety instructions.
However, on the basis of the developed maps, you can create your own maps, for example, by modeling from plasticine, or practicing drawing techniques.
Stage I Slide preparation

To create a technological map, first of all, an integrated approach is important. Our map will have three slides. The elements on the map will be located from bottom to top, which means that we will carry out all the stages for each of the slides at the same time. Place the initial slide at the bottom. The first slide will be final. It's easier to navigate this way.

Insert pictures from a previously prepared folder. They should be in order.

Each slide should contain no more than 4 elements. A large number of pictures can reduce the quality of perception of information from the technological map. It should be noted that the first picture is located on the right, the rest are in order from right to left. This is necessary due to the peculiarities of the technology of the applied templates.

In the same way, insert pictures on the remaining slides.
Step II Applying a SmartArt graphic template

To apply the conversion of slide pictures to SmartArt drawing, you need to select all the pictures on the slide, for this we select all the elements at once. I recommend making the selection wider so that all the elements fall into the selection area.

The fact that each element is selected is indicated by the object activation frame.

Next, go to the "Working with Pictures" tab, from there to the "Format" tab, where we select the "Picture Layout" item. In the drop-down window, among the icons, select "Process with ascending pictures displaced". First, a schematic layout ready for editing is generated.

To enlarge the diagram, you must enlarge the SmartArt graphic window

It is advisable to stretch the SmartArt window to a square, shifting the diagram to the right, leaving a small gap on top. Thus, all elements will be more readable.

Let's apply transformations of the SmartArt graphic to the remaining slides.
Step III Inserting Text into the SmartArt Template

Let's add captions to each picture. For this, to the left of the template window, there is an additional window with fields for entering explanatory text.

I recommend typing the text manually, without using pasting the copied text. This is necessary in order for the text to be displayed correctly. The text should be as informative and short as possible.
Stage IV Editing the template

Let's change the design elements of the template, first let's move the down arrow: we will drag the points that make up the arrow in turn.

Place all the pictures on the slide by dragging and dropping the template elements.

To make the technological map uniform, we will bring all inscriptions to a single standard. This transformation must be performed for each text input field.
V stage Inserting additional elements of the routing

We will number each slide of the technological card, for this we will place the number in the "Leader with an arrow forward" shape. All this is needed to improve the conditions for using the card.

On the final slide, close the arrow with the yellow dots used to adjust

We will also insert additional explanatory pictures. It is desirable to make them on a white background. This will help make the routing more aesthetically pleasing.

The first slide contains a picture - a sample. It has a large format for visual assessment of the resulting work.

The final slide shows a picture for self-transformation. Here students need to determine the cooking technology themselves.

On the middle slide, we will place the text describing the ingredients. This is all done from the "Insert" tab, then select the "Inscription" item. After typing the text, let's edit it.
Stage VI Text design of the technological map

Explanatory text on the technological map is inserted using WordArt

To prevent the picture from overlapping other pictures from the slide with its edges, move it to the background using the drop-down menu when you right-click.

Insert explanatory text for the final slide.

At the end, we will place a picture of the result of the work performed from a different angle.
VII stage Saving the document

The procedure for saving a document is standard. If you need to make further adjustments to the routing, you must save the document in presentation format. But if the work on creating the map is completely finished, we save only the photos of the slides.

The number of slides does not matter when saving, all slides will be saved in a separate folder, if we select the item "All slides".

The creation of any product takes place in several stages, and the first of them is the design of the future product.

Do not rush to immediately start making it. You can make a mistake, do something wrong, and all the work will have to be redone. No wonder there is a saying: "Measure seven times, cut once."

First you need to make sketches, or sketches, of various options for the future product. Then they analyze in writing the advantages and disadvantages of each of the options, which allows you to choose the best one.

For the selected version of the product, technical documentation is developed: a sketch, a technical drawing or a drawing with dimensions.

After preparing the technical documentation, they begin to select high-quality blanks and mark them. A workpiece is a material of certain dimensions from which a part will be made (the dimensions of the workpiece for any part are always larger than the part itself). One or more parts are obtained from the workpiece.

The connection of parts into a product is called an assembly.

The transformation of a blank into a part or product must strictly correspond to the technological process, that is, a certain sequence of actions.

The technological process of manufacturing a product consists of a number of technological operations. For example, technological operations are cutting out a workpiece on a joiner's workbench, drilling holes on a drilling machine, painting a product in a special room, etc.

The sequence of operations for processing a workpiece and making a part from it is recorded in special technological or route charts.

In the flow chart (Table 6), the sequence of technological operations is described in detail, a graphic representation of the workpiece corresponding to each operation is performed, the tools and devices used are indicated.

Table 6
Cutting board manufacturing flow chart

P / p No.

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools and fixtures

Select a blank from a board or plywood with a thickness of 10-12 mm and mark the contour of the product according to the template

Template, pencil, workbench

Cut the product along the contour

Hacksaw, carpentry workbench

Pierce the center of the hole with an awl. Drill a hole

Awl, drill, brace or drill, workbench

Clean the product, round off sharp edges and corners

Workbench, sanding pad

The route maps indicate only the sequence of operations (Table 7).

Table 7
Route map for making a cutting board

Practical work number 25
Drawing up the simplest technological map

Work order

  1. Select one of the product details in your project.
  2. Carefully study the part to be made, or its graphic representation.
  3. Using Table 6, develop a manufacturing flow chart for this part.
  4. Check the correctness of the flow chart yourself, and then give it to the teacher for checking.

New concepts

Stages of product creation, design, blank, part, assembly, technological process, operation, technological map, route map.

test questions

  1. List the steps involved in making your wood product design.
  2. What is the difference between a workpiece and a part?
  3. What are technological maps for?
  4. Why are the dimensions of the workpiece larger than the dimensions of the part?

Pedagogical rationale for the lesson:

In this lesson, students begin a new creative project, which involves the implementation of independent sequential actions of students in the implementation of a certain plan. Since any creative work is a certain sequence of actions in the implementation of a certain plan, this requires correct sequence action. Teaching students to master these research methods is one of the most important tasks of the entire educational field, including this lesson.

Lesson time: 90 minutes

Lesson objectives:


  • teach students to independently plan activities based on the knowledge gained and developed skills,
  • to reveal the essence of the stool manufacturing process from the point of view of the technological process;
  • implementation of the knowledge gained on the production of a technological map for solving a new problem;


  • to develop the labor skills and abilities of students to draw up a technological map
  • develop imagination, creativity in doing work
  • develop the ability to break down a task into subtasks;


  • foster a conscientious attitude towards the tasks performed;
  • foster respect for equipment and tools

Tools and equipment:

  • crafting table,
  • ruler,
  • compass,
  • album sheet,
  • pencil

Visual aids:

  • routing,
  • finished products (stools of different designs),
  • blanks of parts.

Form of study:

  • individual,
  • group

Short lesson plan

I... Organizing time

II... Knowledge update

III. Explanation of the new topic.

IV. The practical part of the lesson.

V. Analysis of students' work, summing up

Vi. Homework


I. Organizational moment

Checking the list of students, reporting on the topic, goals and content of the lesson

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson (the state of work places, the presence of a notebook, pens)

Determines the topic of the lesson, motivates for the final result

II. Knowledge update

  1. What is a technological process? ( The technological process is a part of the production process, containing targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials in the manufacture of products from them. The technological process is carried out using various technological equipment: machines, fixtures, tools).
  2. What is a routing? ( A technological map is a document in which the entire process of processing parts of a product is recorded with an indication of technological operations)

III. Explanation of the new material

From today's lesson, we are starting to make a stool.

Demonstration of finished products (stools)

Which stool do you want to make?

When the idea is defined, students move on to the next, most important stage in creative activity - the embodiment of the idea in sketches.

IV. The practical part of the lesson

Students draw up a flow chart for the manufacture of a stool

Sequence of operations

Graphic image

Tools, fixtures

Select blanks, mark, cut the blank

ruler, pencil, hacksaw

Process workpieces and on the machine

planer FSSH-2

Stitch and saw to size. Find the diagonal center for turning on a lathe

workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, hammer, knob

Layout and installation of the workpiece on a lathe

machine STD-120M, vernier caliper, cutters, ruler, pencil

Grinding the workpiece to size and shape

machine STD-120M, template, reyer, maisel

Grinding stool legs


Marking and manufacturing of spike nests

Drilling and slotting machine

Marking, sawing, planing inserts

Pencil, ruler, plane, hacksaw, square

Making a spike connection

Workbench, ruler, square, hacksaw, chisel, knife

Assembling the frame of the stool (connecting the legs to the inserts)

Joiner's glue, mallet

Worktop manufacturing: marking, sawing, grinding

Workbench, ruler, pencil, hacksaw, wood file, sandpaper

Assembling the product

Workbench, joiner's glue, nail, mallet

V. Analysis of student work, summing up

Assessing the work of students, the teacher takes into account the sequence and correctness of the work.

Vi. Homework

Draw up technological maps for different types stools, indicate their purpose (for children, kitchen, for work, household needs, etc.).

The preparation, processing, sequence and combination of each product included in the recipe are written. It also considers: the possible interchangeability of products, time and temperature conditions, actions when serving a dish, its design and proposed combinations with other products (meat with a side dish).

  • The data on the recipe are entered strictly according to the collection, taking into account the weight of the raw product, semi-finished product and finished culinary product minus quality categories and natural losses.
  • What can you learn from this document? Technological maps for dishes make the work of chefs of any category easier. It is no secret that many restaurant-type establishments undertake to train chefs from scratch, referring to a specific menu and an experienced chef.

How to draw up a technological map for a dish


Similarly, we determine the dry matter content for all ingredients in the dish, and summarize the obtained values. 2.5. To convert to a percentage of the dry matter content in a dish, multiply the resulting amount by 100 and divide by the portion output (100 grams).

2.6. We sum this percentage with the maximum permissible salt content in the dish = 1.33%. Thus, we get the Maximum (theoretical) dry matter content in the dish = 62.39%.
2.7. The minimum permissible dry matter content is calculated using the formula: for first courses and sauces: 0.85 * Maximum content dry matter, for other dishes: 0.9 * Maximum dry matter content. 0.85 and 0.9 are coefficients that take into account the loss of dry substances during the preparation process and permissible deviations when portioning dishes. Thus, min. permissible dry matter content in the dish = 62.39 * 0.9 = 56.15%.

How to correctly draw up a technological map of a dish sample

  • information on the indicators of the energy and nutritional value of the finished dish and other indicators of its chemical composition;
  • requirements for the design and serving of the specified product (for example, the dishes used for serving or the temperature regime for serving the dish);
  • requirements for the storage and sale of the produced dish with the obligatory indication of the deadlines for its implementation;
  • organoleptic characteristics (color, smell, appearance, consistency, taste);
  • microbiological indicators determined in accordance with the established sanitary norms and rules (SanPiN);
  • physicochemical indicators determined according to the relevant GOST (for example, mass fraction of salt, fat and dry matter);
  • possible conditions for transportation of the finished product.

The completed technical and technological map is signed by its developer and process engineer.

How to make it right on December 17 The calculation of food products is one of the main elements of the pricing process in a catering enterprise. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly and easily make a calculation for a dish using the 1C: Food Service for Ukraine program.

The calculation of meals in public catering is carried out in a special way, different from other areas of activity. This is explained by the fact that catering enterprises are engaged not only in the manufacture of food, but also in their sale.

The 1C: Food Service for Ukraine program automates the process of making a calculation for a dish. which greatly simplifies the work of an accountant-calculator and avoids errors in the calculation of food products. The composition of the dish and the technology of its preparation in the program are stored in the Recipe document.

The recipe is used to store calculations for the preparation of dishes and preparations.

How to draw up technological cards?

In order to ensure a sufficient level of competence of the employees involved in the departments, an example of drawing up a technological map of an enterprise is provided. Thus, their first function is teaching.

The second task is to regulate a certain order of actions where it is possible to use different options for work. Often the most rational methods are chosen by development specialists.


The third task is to ensure the fastest possible involvement in the new process and professional development of already working professionals. And a planned, well-written instruction will help them with this.

It follows that the flow chart should be drawn up in such a way that the most low-skilled employee of the enterprise can intuitively understand it, and competent specialists can find the required hints in their work.

Technological map of the dish. how to calculate?

The specific gravity of BZHP is calculated by the proportion: Total proteins - 100% Proteins (of animal origin) - x The specific gravity of FS is calculated by the proportion: Total fats - 100% Fats (Plant origin) - x When calculating the specific gravity of proteins of animal origin, only protein-containing products of animal origin are taken into account. The optimal content of the dish is 50% animal proteins.


In fact, this dish contains 54.24% of animal proteins, which is as close as possible to the optimal value. When calculating the specific gravity of vegetable fats, only vegetable fats should be taken into account.

The optimum is the content of 30% vegetable fats, which provide the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

How to draw up a technological map of a dish

Guided by the recipe, indicate in the technological chart the list of products necessary for the preparation of this dish, the norms for laying the raw materials and the weight content of the semi-finished product and the finished dish in grams. This will determine the total amount of food needed to prepare the estimated number of servings.
3 Consider the qualitative and quantitative composition of the dish when calculating the cost estimate for it. If the preparation of a dish requires any unique conditions or requirements for the quality of ingredients, then they should also be reflected in the technological chart. 4

Describe the cooking technology in detail, step by step. At the same time, indicate the norms of time taken to complete each step and the total time required to prepare this dish.

How to correctly draw up technological maps in public catering

This list is used when there is a shortage of the original product, and is also taken into account when writing off products and calculating food products (drawing up cost cards). The original product and its analogue are interchangeable. To account for the costs of food products, the use of which per serving is extremely small (for example, spices, salt, sugar) in the 1C: Public catering program for Ukraine, a special accounting regime has been developed.

To avoid rounding errors in the preparation of dishes, such products are accumulated in a special register and written off at the end of the reporting period. Thus, in the 1C: Food service for Ukraine program, a more accurate accounting of spices is implemented, which allows you to avoid rounding errors that are usual for such cases.
If your company has created a lot of technological maps, then it may be advisable to put it in a separate document. In the documentation, you can also often find the definition of "route-technological map". An example of it will not differ much from the one discussed above, since this is one of the terms describing the sequential course of the entire technological process. A similar compilation principle can be used when an example of a technological map of a dish, construction work, agricultural operations and other projects is needed. You will never cook the right dish if you do not follow a clear recipe (proportions, consistency, products). Routine examples are indeed present in any production facility, be it a bakery or a local cafeteria.

How to make a technological map of a dish sample

Such a methodology is based on the Methodological Guidelines, and all documents are generated automatically, in the program for chefs and technologists "Chef Expert". Consider, for example, the calculation of all indicators for the TTK for the dish "Odessa Sausages" 1. Calculation of the nutritional and energy value of the dish We calculate the nutritional and energy value of the dish on the basis of the methodology given in the Guidelines for laboratory quality control of public catering products, M., 1997, (Letter No. 1-40 / 3805 of 11.11.91) (Part 2). 1.1. Determine the protein content in the first ingredient of the recipe - ‘Fat net (Pryatina)’. We find the protein content in 100 grams of an ingredient according to the reference tables of the chemical composition recommended for use by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Rospotrebnadzor).
Examples of a flow chart are present in any production, be it an aircraft plant or a catering facility. This standardized document is mandatory in the enterprise, however, the form and appearance differ from industry to industry.

What is it? Examples of routing include the required information for workers performing a specific operation. It can take the form of a procedure or instruction, be presented in the form of text, tables, graphs, recipes, an action plan, and so on.

What it should be In whatever form the examples of the flow chart were executed, it should answer the following questions: 1. What to perform (what operations or procedures). 2. How to perform (specific steps are described in a specific order and sequence). 3. How often they should be done (regulated regularity, frequency). 4.
In the case when the manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, reflect the conditions and shelf life in the technological map. 6 When making a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ". It regulates the content and design of the technological map for public catering products. 7 Sign the technological card by the chef or production manager, approve it by the head of the catering establishment. Pay attention The site contains a collection of the best recipes and recipes for dishes: recipes for baking bread, recipes for fish dishes, a catalog of recipes for salads, etc. Useful advice Organization of catering production / Ready menu (download).

Technological process is a part of the production process aimed at giving the product the required dimensions, shapes, properties, characteristics, etc. The technological process contains the totality of all the necessary information to give the product the final look. It contains operations and transitions, the sequence of their execution, the necessary modes and processing parameters, etc.

Types of technical processes

Depending on the degree of generalization, a single and technological process is distinguished.

Title page(TL) - the first sheet of a set of technological documents. Drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 3.1105-84.

Sketch map(CE) - graphic images and tables to specify the operation to be performed. Drawn up in accordance with the requirements GOST 3.1105-84.

Technological instruction(TI) - a set of methods, rules and descriptions of actions for the manufacture of final products, designed to reduce the volume of technological documentation (TD).

Route map (MK)- description of the route of movement of the manufactured product inside the workshop.

Operational card (OP)- description of transitions, used tools and equipment.

Tooling list (BO), Bill of materials (BM), Equipment list (VOB), Adjustment card (KN), etc.

To be introduced into production, the technological process is approved by an authorized person, equipment, technological equipment, processing tools, etc. are coordinated.

Design examples

The rules for filling in the information blocks of the TD set are governed by GOST 3.1103-82.

GOST 3.1705-81 regulates the terms and names of technological operations used when creating technological process.

An example of a route map

Design automation

For automation and acceleration exist whole line specialized software- computer-aided design systems for technological processes (CAD TP). On the this moment there are many different software products to simplify TP design processes, such as Vertical, SPRUT TP, Techcard and many others. Each system has its own individual advantages and disadvantages.

The technological essence of computer-aided design of technological processes is the ability to solve a wide variety of problems. In most cases, such programs are a set of tools that facilitate process design. In some CAD TPs, it is possible to connect a three-dimensional model of a part. Surfaces can be specified using the GUI 3D Models that should be processed, the program will analyze them and offer options for processing processes. The choice of the tool and the necessary equipment can be kept from the tool database, if there is one and is relevant for a particular enterprise. Technological process control can be carried out only if information on the parameters characterizing the given technological process is available.

Basic and auxiliary technological processes

The totality of production processes can be divided into the main- manufacturing processes of products, mechanical processing, as well as their assembly, and subsidiary- operations of preparation of raw materials, transportation, control, etc.

Components of the technological process

Mechanical processing of products- the process of giving the workpiece the required dimensions and shapes by removing layers of material with a special cutting tool. The technological process consists operations subdivided into transitions, passages, tricks and installations... The degree of division of technological processes into operations mainly depends on the specialization and serial production.

Technological operation- any part of the technological process, performed continuously by one or more workers, and at one workplace.

Transition- the process of machining one specific surface using the same tool at the same cutting parameters (constant speed, feed, etc.).

Installation- part of the operation performed in one fixing of the workpiece. Most parts require several setups to process. In case the workpiece can be processed in one setup, this part of the process can be called operation... Multiple resetting of the workpiece can lead to a significant decrease in dimensional accuracy, therefore, unclaimed resetting should be abandoned using special devices.

Reception- the actions of the worker aimed at achieving certain goals, i.e. start-up of technological equipment, installation of technological equipment,