GTA 5 random events. Grand Theft Auto V - Where to find all random events, and what reward is waiting for you? What events can be skipped

Random events in GTA 5 are small missions that can be found throughout Los Santos and Blein County. Only 57 events, but to the game was passed 100%, You need to perform any 14 of them.

Random events are fixed at certain points of the card, marked icons, and vary on the subject - from racing before shooting. The only factor of chance is the time of the appearance of characters that give you tasks. They can be caught at the point not always and under different conditions. For example, someone can be found only at night, and someone only during the rain.

Some tasks are intended to a specific hero, and they can take exclusively.

The award is money or any improvement in the character.

Below is described in detail about all random events in GTA 5:

Event Reward Available
City of Velovorov ~200 000$ All
The funeral 60 000$ All
Disassembly with dealers 40-100 000$ All
Armored car 30-80 000$ All
Running transaction 25 000$ All
Robbery in Blein 5000$ All
Store robbery 4000$ All
Catching thieves 2670$ All
Street robbery 2200$ All
Border patrol 1800$ All
Bad gang in the location of Blaine 1000$ M and F.
Driver at Banditov $ 1000 / mercenary All
Get away from paparazzi 750$ All
Arrest 500$ All
Robbery at ATM 500$ All
Bunnying bandits 200-600$ M and T.
Drunk Driver 160 $ \u200b\u200b/ friend All
Fellow travelers 100 $ / Driving All
Domestic affairs 80 $ / friend All
Altruists attack 80$ M and F.
Victim of Bachelor Super Diamond. T / all
Abandoned transport Stun Gun. T / all
Simon Eetharian Cartridges M and F.
Kidnapped 0$ All
Girl under the bridge 0$ All
Bus tour -40$ All
Salvation of the survivors Mercenary All / M.
Accident Driving All
Thief of sports bikes Bike / Rugs All
Hijet car Driving / costume All / M.
Transportation of prison Driving M and F.

Robbery at ATM

  • Available for all.
  • When you arrive at the place, the cry of the victim will be heard, and a blue point will appear on the radar. You need to kill the robber and take money from him. You can leave them yourself (and earn $ 500) or give them a victim, and you will be given $ 50 award, and the scale of your character's fellowship will rise.

City of Velovorov

  • Available for all.
  • You need to return the bike to the owner. It enhances your endurance parameter. Also, after missions, the owners of the bicycle will send you a letter with "Animalark" shares, which can then be sold by $ 200,000 (100K + 100K).

Bus tour

  • Available: during the daytime.
  • You need to sit in a blue sightseeing bus, pay $ 40, and it brings you along the sights of Los Santos. There are 12 seats that need to be inspected. It takes 20 minutes of real time.


- Did you have accidents at the construction site?
- No, it was not.
- Will be!

Suitable for any character.

You need to help actress run away from photographers. As a reward, she will give you $ 750. The escape procedure is similar to how you are hiding from the police, however, the paparazzi cannot be killed.

Also, if you play for the Trevor, you can take an actress in the Altruists camp.

Bunnying bandits

Available: Only Michael or Trevor.

You allegedly help the girl who asks for help. But she lures you in the ambush, behind the corner of the house. As soon as you see the gangsters - shoot them. They will leave you from 200 to $ 600 cash and ammunition.

Driver at Banditov

Available for all.

Paks Maccurry and his friends robbed a pharmacy. You have a choice:
- help the pharmacy. It will not bring you anything.
- help robbers. This is already much better.

You need a 4-seater car to pick up guys. After that you get. Reset police from the tail.

If you are dried too often and spoil the car too often, then Paks will run away. If you play for Trevor, you can take them to the altruists camp, but then the Paks will not be available in the future.

Therefore, ideally, you need to endure Paks and his friend before asylum. He will give you $ 1000 as a reward, and will also be available for as a steep mercenary.

Store robbery

Available for all.

With robbery No. 1, beauty salon, kill the driver in the van. You can get a reward at $ 2000, if you do not give anything to the owner of the hairdresser, as he will not reward you!

With the robbery of the store number 2, as soon as the thieves leave the room, kill them. Take $ 2000. You can either leave them at yourself or return the owner and get a 25% discount on any purchases in its store.

Available for all.

We see how you kidnap the woman and drag it into the van. We shoot on the wheels, then kill enemies. After that, the girl will ask to take her home and on the way to you again attack the bandits.

Since there will be no awards for this task, even if you safely take a woman to her house, it is better to pass a random event "stolen" Trevor to take the girl to the altruists camp.

Available for all.

You can rob vans by any character. Also et. random events Do not disappear, and they can be wrapped again and again. As a rule, for one collector car you get 3-8 thousand dollars.

To stop the armored vehicle, shoot the wheels. To open the doors, shoot in their center or install a sticky bomb.

In total, there are 10 pieces, therefore, robbing all the available vans consistently, you will receive 30-80 thousand dollars.

Available: Michael or Franklin after completing the mission "". If you finish the mission "" and begin the first mission for the Trevor, this random event will no longer be available.

This event does not appear on the map, you need to come to Salon Simon. It will start running away from you, you will have to configure his bodyguards.

Etalar can not kill. The only reward will be money and ammunition from two killed bodyguards.

Kidnapper sports Baikoin

The thief stole the Motorcycle Pegassi Bati 801. You need to pursue it. Do not shoot and do not knock him out, as it will eventually stop and run away. You can:
- either leave Pegassi Bati 801.
- either return it to the owner. This will increase your driver's skill.

Street robbery

Available for any character.

In the first robbery, you need to kill the robber and pick up money. If you return, you will give $ 20. If you leave yourself, it will be $ 200.

In the second robbery, the whore will threaten the victim of the gun. Kill him. There are no awards.

In the third robbery, the thief pulls the handbag in a woman. Kill it and take $ 2000. If you return all a woman, she will give you only $ 200.

Abandoned transport

Available: the first only Trevor, the second to everyone.

In the first task of Trevor, when he approaches the car, will be shot from an electric pistol. And he will find a naked on the railway tracks. This is a bad development of events.

Interestingly, your car you parked before you have lost consciousness, will remain in any case on the spot. You can return and pick it up.

To go through this task, before approaching the van, we turn on the carelessness of the Trevor. Then the gun will not take you and you can kill the attacker and pick it up with him as a reward.

In the second task you also need to find a car. When you find yourself near, you will be attacked - fight. There will be no award.

Available to all characters.

There are two such random events, they are the same, and you have two options:
- help the criminal.
- To help Officer Lewis.

In the first case, you get $ 250 and 3 (and this is very serious in GTA 5). In the second case, you do not receive money and you will be asked to get immediately.

That is, you can "raise" $ 500.

Border patrol

Any character will suit.

The village (Three Rednekov) asks you to stop the car to make, so let's say, the act of robbery. Do not do it, but simply shoot on them without getting out of the car. Then take money. Each time this is $ 600.

That is, you all earn on three missions of $ 1,800.

Note that Redneki is always armed.

You will see how two men are trying to bury someone alive. Kill the height! And take their ammunition, money.

Then go to the knitted woman and take her home. The trip will be very long, so get ready. After deliver it, she will call you and give $ 60,000!

Alternatively, you can take it Trevor to the altruists camp and not get, naturally, awards.

Available: The first mission to everyone, the second only Michael.

In №1, you need to catch up with a pink car. You can try to push it, stop, etc., but it is too difficult. Therefore, just pursue it until the thief stops and does not leave the wheelbarrow. Kill him. Then take the machine to the owner. This will increase your driver's skills.

In №2, near the airport, the robber threw the hostess from the car. Look for a wheelbarrow. Pursuit tactics are the same as before. Kill the hijacker. Deliver the car hostess, it will increase your driver's skill. A little later, you also will send a suit as a gift.

There are four missions that are divided into the city (2) and the Blein district (2). Suitable for any characters.

In the city number 1, four robbers run away on a black van. Shot to him the wheels and kill everyone. You can return money to the owner and get a reward ($ 50), or leave them all yourself ($ 500).

In the city number 2, the thief runs away on the motorcycle. Fly by car and shoot. The same dilemma will get up before you: either return the money and get $ 200 awards, or leave $ 2000 yourself.

In district number 1, kill the bandits. We give $ 250 owner's wallet, as it will reward you just $ 25.

In County No. 2, follow the van on the highway 68. Kill the robbers and hide somewhere, as there will soon appear even more enemies. Kill them and take the wallet. There will be a pitiful $ 120, but if you return their owner, then he will give you even less as a reward - $ 12.

In total, "catching thieves" you can earn $ 270.

Bad gang in the location of Blaine

Available: Michael or Franklin.

Two bikers are kept under the dealer gun. Kill them, then follow the guy and overload another pack of bikers. In a reward you will receive $ 1000 from the dealer and ammunition from the corpses.

Robbery in Blein

Two men participate in a shootout with policemen. You need to steal a portfolio. I go to the back of the motel, we kill a man and take a portfolio from $ 5000 inside.

Then you need to reset 2 stars of search.

Even if you do not kill anyone and just wander nearby, you will receive 2 stars of search.

Available: For all, but this mission is not available until you open Trevor, as the main character.

Next to the broken car you will find a woman who will ask to deliver her home. As soon as you achieve the desired point, you will find out that the woman is called Talian Martinez and she wants to join your gang. Now it can be used with large robbers in the main scene line.

Remember that if you are driving on a slow car, then Taliana dies from the Russian Academy of Sciences before you get to the destination.

Running transaction

Available for all.

You come to the place where, apparently, a deal happened, in which something went wrong. Can:
- either shoot two surviving wounded gangsters.
- either listen to their last words and they will die themselves.

Then you need to pick up a portfolio from $ 25,000.

Let's leave the place of the transaction and kill the gangsters that will attack you.

This random event clearly has a reference to the scene from the film (books) "old men here is not a place."

Available for all.

The couple quarreled. The wife screams to her husband from the balcony. You calm down a man. The award will be $ 80, plus Castro will be your friend and you can play golf.

Disassembly with dealers

Available for all.

We are moving towards the place marked with a marijuana leaf icon. All you need in this random event is to kill all opponents, and then pick up money marked with green dots on the map. You can get from 40 to 100 thousand dollars. In addition, after a few weeks, this random event becomes available again and you can repeat it from time to time.

Available for all.

In the first mission, you need to bring two customers home. You need to go carefully, otherwise they will begin to blame right in the car. Playing for Trevor, you can deliver them to the Altruists camp.

In a reward you will receive $ 80.

In the second mission, you need to take a couple home. They will offer you whiskey that the character intoxicates and will behave hard. Also, playing for Trevor, you can take them to the Altruists camp, and plus it will still ask to join their hugs in the back seat of the car.

In a reward you will receive $ 80. And just $ 160.

Available for all. In all cases, it is possible (but it is not always necessary) to carry the people of Trevor to the Altruists camp.

#one. Find a car with a raised hood and talk to the driver. He is late at the airport and need to deliver it in less than 02:20. If you have time, then the man will give you advice on Tinkle Company. Insert money in them through. In addition, you will give $ 100 and will increase the driver's skill.

# 2. Take Ursula to home. For this, you will increase your driving skill and get it phone, which can then be used.

# 3. You need to take the woman to her friend. If you take, then you will have a skirmish with a jealous lover and his guard. You can either fight them, or kill. Nevertheless, you will receive pumping your driver's experience.

#four. You see the bride who asks to throw it down ... home. She does not want to go to her wedding. But then you will begin to pursue her fiance. Stop and beat it, but do not kill, as it will lead to the failure of the mission. After that, you can finally take the bride to the house, and pump your driver's skill.

If you complete all four random Events "Travelings", do not take out people in the Altruists camp, then pump up +20 your driver's experience, plus earn $ 100 and benefit promotions.

Altruists attack

Two altruists are trying to harm the girlfriend. Save her, and take home. She will pay you $ 8.

Available for all.

The girl calls you to the rescue, says her boyfriend suffered. Follow her, and this couple will attack you. Kill them.

If you go immediately with weapons, it will lead to failure. Very often, players get for this task 1 of the Rosisk Star.

Transportation of prison

Available: Michael or Franklin.

In the first transportation, you will find a police car crazy, and next to her prisoner. He will ask to take him to the club. After he says, he is a member The Lost., You will have 1 search star - lose it and deliver a person to the destination. Your driver's experience will be increased.

In the second carriage, in Grand Senore, you will meet the congeo in Orange Rob. Unfortunately, he will get a gun and will have to kill him. You can make it a pretty cunning: before drivening to the character, attach a pair of sticky bombs to your car. Then, stay near it. He will fade you out of cars, threatening with a gun, sit down behind the wheel and here ... boom!

There is an alternative option: drive up to the blue point on the radar, call 911 and call cops. They will arrive and arrest prisoners. At this time you just need to spin next, rushing back and forth.

Victim of Bachelor

Available for all.

The action takes place on the highway 66. Find the guy in shorts, which is tied to the post. Take it and carry home so that he can dress.

Random events in GTA V are small missions that you can perform in some places of Los Santos and Blein County. The game has 57 such tasks. But to achieve 100% pass in statistics, it is enough to perform 14 of them. In this material we share the secrets of random adventures in GTA 5.

general description

Despite the name, all random events in GTA 5 occur in a certain location on the map. They are marked by special icons and are the most diverse: from racing and shootouts, to catching the maniac and saving the groom after an unsuccessful bachelor party. Accidentally only the time of such missions. Some occur only at night, others, for example, are activated during the rain. In addition, some of them can be passed only by a specific hero: Michael, Trevor or Franklin.

If an event occurs, then the radar flashes with white, and the point appears on the map. Blue color means neutral action, red - hostile people. If the point is flashing multicolored, it means that you can help or interfere with a person. And you decide how to do in this situation.

What events can be skipped

Most mini-missions are regularly repeated in the game, the others occur only once. For example, you will often witness the robbery at the ATM or see the armored person. But most of the events are unique, and occur once per game. If a rare task happened, and you missed it, then with time you will have new opportunity. To do this, return to the place of action.

It is quite difficult to fulfill a random event in GTA 5 "Simon Yetaryan". This task occurs after the plot task "add to friends". But it is active only until the quest "jewelry robbery" is completed. In addition, some events will bring the maximum income only before certain actions. For example, before the first murder of the leter, it is worth completing those of them:

  • "Robbery in the blane district."
  • "City of Velovorov".
  • "The funeral".
  • "Running a deal."
  • "Disassembly with dealers."

The award for the implementation of such mini-missions will be money, or an increase in the skills of characters. In addition, almost always when passing random events Grand Theft. AUTO V You can replenish your ammunition, gathering equipment from the bodies of the dead enemies.

If the radar does not see tasks

Everything casual missions Appear at a certain stage of passing the storyline. Most of them become active at the end of the quest "difficulty", or perform the tasks of cranks and other strangers in the GTA 5 "Starletka in Waivund" or "favings". If you are confident that a concrete random event should already occur, but it is not, then make the following actions:

  • swipe the Mission of Cudakans;
  • re-pass scene Quest;
  • tear in triathlon;
  • visit the strip club;
  • check in any race;
  • go on a date.

Periodically return to the place of the event, and it will definitely happen. Just do not forget to check whether other random quests appeared, otherwise it will not help. If the above-mentioned actions have not corrected the situation, then complete the game and return to it later. As a rule, the reboot helps to activate quests. Next, you will be waiting for an overview of random events of GTA 5 Franklin, Trevor or Michael.

City of Velovorov

You can perform an event with any character. The meaning of the quest is to return to the owners of stolen bicycles. This will increase the level of endurance. In addition, the grateful owners will send you the shares of Animal Ark, which can later sell for $ 200,000.

Robbery at ATM

This random event in GTA 5 occurs quite often, and it is available for all characters. When you find yourself in place, then hear the cry of the victim of the robber, and a blue point will appear on the radar. Follow the destination and disperse a thief. If you leave the looted yourself, then earn $ 500. Giving money to the victim, you will receive $ 50 award and lift the scale of special abilities.

Bus tour

This entertainment random event in GTA 5 will introduce you to the sights of Los Santos. It is possible to execute it only during the daytime. To do this, sit down in a blue excursion bus, pay $ 40 and enjoy the trip. Total to inspect 12 seats. It will take 20 minutes of real time.

Accident at construction

To go through this random event in GTA 5, visit the construction site in a small Seoul. You will see that the pipes fell on a truck with fuel. To help the driver, sit down to the bulldozer and disassemble the collapse from the passenger seat. If you remove the pipes next to the driver, the truck will explode, and you die along with the character. For completing the task you earn +2 points to driver's skill.

Abandoned cars

At night on a deserted road, you will find an empty BF Surfer trailer. Before approaching him, think carefully. As soon as approach the trailer, the maniac will jump out of it and shoot at you from the paralyzer. You will be able to be on the rails, a few meters from the rushing train, besides without a single bar of clothes. And this is not the best turn of events.

If you do not want to become a victim of the maniac, then perform the task of Trevor. His abilities will protect from the shot of the paralyzer and you can kill the attacker. As a reward, you will receive a miracle pistol maniac.

The second trailer you will find in the windmill forest. The car is shouted eloquently, and characteristic moans and sighs are heard near it. If you come closer, you will see lovers. They will jump out of the trailer and attack you "What Mother gave birth." Kill both ... guys.

Unsuccessful deal

The passage of a random event in GTA 5 will begin in the stall of the mountain road. You can task any character. In place, find the epic scene: several cars are delivered around and there are corpses everywhere. There are a couple of surviving characters. One of them will tell that the transaction between the drug dealers went on an unplanned scenario. And warn you do not climb into this business. Next you will find a suitcase from $ 25,000. This is a very unmarried reward, for subsequent troubles: a gang will attack you, dissatisfied with the failed deal. Lay them all.

The funeral

In the north of the card you will find a couple of gangsters trying to bury another live lady. If you performed the tasks of Mary Ann for Franklin, then these characters will be familiar to you. In any case, the living girl is worth saving. The rumble will shoot them, so kill them from the car or from a long distance. The efforts will pay off, since you will earn an impressive amount on the bodies of thugs.

After the shootout, bring the lady to the sense and take to the destination. On the way you will hear a lot of interesting from the girl. In the award, get the full scale of special skills. In addition, the girl who turned out to be a daughter of Gangster will call later and pay 60 thousand dollars. If you play for the Trevor, you can take a fellow traveler to the Altruists camp to cannibals. But at the cash award in this case do not count.

Hijet car

The task consists of two parts. The first is available to any character, the second is only Michael. In part 1 of the Random Event GTA 5 catch up with a pink car. It can be held off the road or stop. But it will be difficult to do it. Therefore, pursue the car until gasoline is over. Kill the outstanding thief and return the car to the owner. In a reward, you will increase the driver's skills.

In part 2, which takes place near the airport, the robber will throw out a woman from the car. Find the criminal and pursue it until the car stops. Kill the hijacker and return the car wheelbarrow. This action will increase the skill of a driver's skill, besides, as a gift you get a suit that will be sent by mail a little later.

Salvation of the survivors

This random event in GTA 5 can perform any character, but it will become accessible after you open the Trevor as the main character. Finding a broken car in the north of the island, talk to a woman. She will ask to take her home. At the destination, the lady will say that her name is Tilian Martinez and she wishes to become a member of your gang.

This woman can be used in plot tasks with large robbers. But remember that the event should be executed on a high-speed car. Otherwise, the lady dies from injuries before you take it to the destination.


Passage of random events in GTA 5 can be very repaired. In a certain place, you will find a guy tied to the post. From clothes on it there will be only pink pants, but the funny thing is waiting for him in the church, because today he will marry his beloved girl. We will have to help the guy get out of this story.

First, untie the unlucky groom and take to the house. Near the bungalow is a chic Enus Super Diamond. Transplant into the car while the guy is disguised. Go to the Hookies Baru, and pick a shower. It looks completely unprepared, but even though the rings did not lose. Now rush to church. Here you will witness the grand scene.

In a reward, you will receive Enus Super Diamond. During the scandal, no one will notice how you will go on this chic car. Without fear, leave it yourself. In the store such a car costs 250 thousand dollars. So this is a worthy fee for the time spent.

Escape from Paparazzi

This random GTA 5 event is performed by any character. On the side allele of the park you will find an actress that came out of the house without makeup. It hides from the crowd of photographers who will gladly remove it in such a non-primary form. Take the star to the car and go to the destination. You will be chased by six photographers on the motorcycles. Do not knock the paparazzi, otherwise fail the mission. To throw the "tail", plot in the alleys.

When you break away from the pursuers, take the lady home. It will reward you with a modest amount of 750 dollars. If you are playing for the Trevor, you can send an actress to the "date" to the altruists.

Simon Eetharian

This random event GTA 5 is performed by Franklin or Michael. If you think that there is not enough "talked" with the Armenian trader, then go back to the character. Entering through the front entrance, you will make sure that it is not friendly here. The door of Armenian has an armed guard. But will it stop it? Cut out the loud or kill and go on.

Inside you will find another security guard, and the latter will drop out of the back door. Communicate with the merchant and go to get rid of the search stars. Award for the tasks will be cash, which you will find from bodyguards.

The cult of altruists

Traveling over the country road, you will see how two untidy bulhide grab the girl. Franklin and Michael will definitely want to save the lady from the scum. Especially since the villains will start to fall into the hero, it is worth the approach. Therefore, kill the bully, without leaving the car, then take the girl to the house. She will pay for the salvation of $ 80.

If you play for the Trevor, the relationship with altruists will be different, more friendly. But just at first. After making the mission "Nervinary Ron", you will receive a letter with a proposal, brought to the camp of the sectors of people to "dinner". And Cannibals promise generously to pay for each sacrifice. Now you can take unsuccessful fellow travelers directly to the den. For each delivery of "live goods" you will pay a thousand dollars.

After the fourth brought victim, the cannibals will wake up a "lively interest" to the Trevor itself. When you lead to the camp, and the cannibals will start their ritual, you will find a carving machine. Grab weapons, hide behind the boulder and kill them one by one. Do not hurry to go out of the shelter, because a total of 15 cannibals will have to kill.

When the right moment appears, jump onto the terrace of the church facing the left of the boulder. Here you will find a good arsenal. The first-aid kit is hidden on the watchdog. When you kill all sectarians, do not hurry to leave the location. Not far from the gate on the porch is a suitcase with an impressive amount. He will become your reward.

  • Information
  • Awards
  • Conditions of failure
  • Duke O'Death as a trophy.
  • Duke O'Death in the oil tower in the Desert Grand Senor.
  • Duke O'Death on a motor vehicle in El Burro-Heights.
  • Protagonist died
  • Protagonist arrested

This random event is available exclusively for returned players. This means that you must play GTA 5 on PS4, Xbox One. Or PC, at least once running it on PS3 or Xbox 360 with its account Social Club.. If everything is in order with this condition, but the event does not appear anyway, read the section "If the Event does not appear" in the article about random events.

Duke O'Death (modified impeonte dukes) appears at the filling station on the highway 68, not far from Los Sanstos Customs. To complete the event, you need to take possession of this car.

When you sit down in it and try to leave, there are two trucks with armed drivers. If you try to escape, they will disable trailers and begin to pursue you. Later, they will join the six Redekeks on SUVs.

It is impossible to tear away from the pursuers, so they have to deal with them. You can shoot them directly from the car, because its armor protects well from the bullets. The main thing - do not let enemies come closely and pull out the protagonist from the car.

Alternatively, you can break away a bit from the pursuers, take the shelter for the machine and destroy enemies with any available weapon. This way is suitable if you play gamepad and experience difficulties with aiming while driving.

After completing the random event

When you complete this event, two Duke O'Death will appear in San Andreas: one from the oil tower in the desert Grand Senoore, the second on the motor vehicle in El Burro-Heights. They can take advantage of all the protagonists at any time. Machines will appear in these places infinitely, no matter how many times you are not taken from there. Also Duke O'Death becomes available for purchase in Warstock Cache & Carry for $ 279,000.

Little things

  • This is a random event - reference to the film "Duel" (English "Duel") of 1971.

Video list

In this material we will tell about how to find a girl in "GTA 5". The topic of women in the project is relevant for many years. After the appearance of "GTA 5," it became obvious that the developers again position themselves as women's laminate. The girls in the project meet: random passers-by, plot characters, family members of heroes. However, all of them are presented with a fraction of irony. The only exception can be called only Taliana Martinez, it has its own clinging history and a strong character.


We will try to deal with the question of where you can find a girl in GTA 5. The plot contains bad news for connoisseurs of family bonds and strong relationships. Find a permanent wrench in GTA 5, as it was in the case of previous parts The project will not work.

Dates were possible in San Andreas.But in this version, this plot element is excluded. However, users who ask the question as in "GTA 5" to find a girl, will not remain unanswered. Anyone, if necessary, can seduce a stranger and spend time with it.


There are a number of changes, if you compare the possibilities with previous parts of the project. First of all, the ladies will not sit in the afternoon to you in the car. Be sure to wait for the sunset. Ladies have become more demanding. They will not sit in a non-dry car. For these purposes, sports car is suitable or expensive sedan.

It should be remembered that you can not meet such ladies in all parts of the city, but only in very special places. When the girl turns out to be in the car, go to some suitable secluded place. Empty parking or alley are suitable. Services are estimated at 100, 70 and 50 dollars. You can use all three options. At the same time, this aspect of the game can be considered very tactful, since it does not have any frank scenes.

Mobile option

Consider another option to solve the issue, as in "GTA 5" to find a girl. IN mobile phone Our character has a special number. By calling him, you can negotiate a date with an undemanding girl.

At first, the confidence of the fair sex should be held. To do this, we carry out its special mission. As a result, it will agree to see any telephone call.

Special institution

To solve the question like in "GTA 5" to find a girl Franklin, you should visit the only one affordable in this virtual world Club entitled "Vanilla Unicorn". The institution is located near the highway between South Los Santos and Downoutaun.

You can seduce one of the dancers working there without much difficulty. You need to order a private dance. It will cost $ 40. After you can go to the flirt, the main thing is that this is not noticed by the guard. The latter should be feared if he will suspect something, your character from the club immediately.

However, Trevor can acquire the Unicorn. After that, the guards will condescevement to the Trinity of the main characters. In this case, violations may remain unnoticed. When seduced in the lower right corner of the screen, you can see the scale of the girl's sympathy.

As soon as the required mark is achieved, the girl will say that she would like to invite you to visit. After that, you can select the appropriate item. Next, it remains to drive directly to the club, stopping at the parking lot behind the institution.

Ursula and Liz.

There is another option to solve the issue, as in "GTA 5" to find a girl. It lies in the pair additional missions. Following the results, two girls may agree to meetings.

First of all, it is a "random event." The mission is accessible to Trevor and Franklin. Go along the highway to the south of the road you will meet a tourist. The girl will ask to bring her home, destination - Mountain Lighthouse Proudly. On the road from the conversation it will be obvious that with a girl is not all right. She will tell that in childhood she was closed in the basement and dressed in men's clothing. Now she lives alone in the walls of the old house, which is on the edge of the cliff.

In addition, it will be possible to conclude that the lady is guilty of the death of at least two people. Franklin will soon conclude that the girl is crazy. But Trevor mutual language will find with her. After the mission is completed, Ursula will give a hero of his number. You can find it in Sandy Shores on the embankment.

Now let's discuss the history of the second girl. You have to do one of the tasks of the taxi driver. A mission is available exclusively to Franklin, after purchasing a taxi station. In the task you are interested in, you will need a girl with a wonderful name Liz to take to the guy. It is less scary here than in the case that was described above. It is enough to listen to the girl's story about the disadvantages of its chosen one and you can get the desired phone number.

The prototype of "random events" in GTA V were "random passers-by" in GTA IV. As it should be expected, in the new part, these secondary tasks raised on new levelIn order to share them on the "cranks and other strangers" and on "random events." The structure remained similar: the events are shown when the hero approaches to them, and the blue dots are marked, which sometimes be blinking. Random events can simplify life at the start of the game, so we advise them to pass at the beginning of the criminal career.

Random events are divided into three components: reward, constant, consequences.
The award can be a monetary, property or "spiritual", to which the achievements or an additional interest on passage also can also be awards at all. For example, the girl near the airport coited a car, which you can return her, getting a suit, not to return and put this car to my garage, or just ignore. Random events are not a mission in the usual sense, there is no right or wrong choice, it all depends on your capabilities and conscience. However, not all disposable events, because they allow you to experiment with possible outcomes.

Posterness - this factor sifts unique events from mediocre. Stone around the city you can hear a cry for help: someone stole a wallet. You, again, is given freedom of choice, which will depend on the award. After performing this task, after a while, in the same place there will be the same scene that you can see again. This type of events quickly bows, which leads to normal ignoring.

The following factor is the consequences. In addition to award, some events can provide access to unique content. For example, driving a little further Braddock's pass You can stumble upon a girl victim in the accident named Talian Martinez, who, with a good defold, can join you as a member of the gang, for robbery. Or, finding the Ursula girl on the chiliad girl on one trail, after a certain outcome it will become available for dates, which makes new opportunities in the game.