Quest for teachers in kindergarten. Quest game for teachers. “There is a healthy mind in a successful team! "

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The federal state educational standard, which is currently in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, puts forward quite a few requirements for the competencies of teachers. One of the most difficult at times is the ability to find an individual approach to absolutely every child. In this regard, there is a need for new forms of work and informal approaches to interaction with teachers.

Per last years in our country, a rather new leisure space has appeared for Russia - quests in reality. This type of activity provides for the solution of non-standard tasks in a limited space for a certain period of time. The new direction finds acceptance among the broad masses of the population and it can be quite used to work with teachers, parents and children.

The quest game "Magic Button" is suitable for working with both teachers and parents of pupils. Practice shows that adults like this form of work very much. Who among us doesn't like surprises? And in quests, they lie in wait at every turn!

Quest objectives:

Removing psychological stress from teachers

Creation of conditions for informal communication of the teaching staff

Team building

Demonstration of the capabilities of the game in solving complex pedagogical problems

Supporting the desire to look for an individual approach to each child, to feel children

Developing the ability to think outside the box

Improving pedagogical self-esteem.

As practice shows, the results of using quests in working with adults sometimes exceed expectations. If you put a certain metaphor in the script - after the end of the event, the teachers ponder for a long time about the path of the quest, discussing their points of view. According to teachers, for many, the quest turns out to be "an emotional and intellectual shake-up that is sometimes necessary."

Preliminary: to distribute invitations to teachers for the psychological quest "Magic Button" ( Appendix # 1)

Note: the quest is usually carried out with minimal prompts and the intervention of the quest creator. The main characters are educators, who have the task of finding the “magic button”. However, some of the tasks may be too difficult or unusual, so you can give teachers hints at their request.

Stages of the passage of the quest

1. Psychological room (hall)


  • To seat fellow assistants in the hall, dressing them up with “children” (panamas, bibs, etc.).
  • Set a password on the computer and separately - a password for the presentation.
  • Open presentation title slide

Teachers come in, sit in empty seats in the hall.

Educator-psychologist: Hello dear colleagues!

Today we have to go through a difficult, but exciting and interesting path. The search path for the "magic button". Needless to say, we sometimes lack such a button. Pressed - and the most desperate bully calmed down ... Pressed - and all, without exception, the children learned poems for the holiday. I pressed - and all the children became cheerful, happy, but at the same time obedient and smart.

We all remember the wonderful film "The Adventures of Electronics" ( Slide number 1), where one of the heroes - Stump - asked the eternal question “And yet, where is his magic button?”, the answer to which he could not find.

For more than a century, many teachers and psychologists have been trying to find the magic button. And in each era it has its own.

In general, as psychohistorian Lloyd DeMose writes in his book: "Childhood history is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken." ( Slide number 2)

L. Demoz identifies six eras and six styles of raising children:

1) The style of infanticide (antiquity until the 4th century AD) This stage corresponds to the image of Medea killing her children. ( Slide number 3) When the parents feared that the child would be difficult to raise or feed, they simply killed him. As a terrible example for us, we can cite a letter from a Roman addressed to his wife: “Greetings to Hilarion to his dear Alice, as well as to dear Berous and Apollinarion. We are still in Alexandria. Don't worry if I stay late and the others come back early. Look after our baby. As soon as I'm paid, I'll send the money. If - I pray to the gods - you give birth safely, leave the boy, and throw the girl away. " By observing the news periodically, we can come to the conclusion that some people still support the moral principles of this era.

2) Abandoning style (IV-XIII centuries A.D.). Adults gradually began to realize that a child is not a thing to be thrown away. At this stage, people realized that the child also has a soul. But the parents believed that the best way to raise a child was to abandon him, send him to a nurse, to a monastery. A symbol of this style can be Griselda, who abandoned her children in order to prove her love for her husband. ( Slide number 4) The child could easily be sold to someone else as a commodity. From an early age he was dressed in adult clothes. Literally from the age of three, he could already work in the field on an equal basis with adults and help parents. Nowadays, there are also parents who prefer to give their child to professionals for upbringing.

3) Ambivalent style (XIV-XVII centuries). The task of the parents at this stage was to forge a person from a child, as if to carve a correct, beautiful obelisk from granite. ( Slide number 5) Many children were regularly beaten. Various whips and whips, sticks and much more were the instruments of whipping. Even important crowned persons could not escape this fate. So, for example, while still small, Louis XIII often woke up at night, fearfully awaiting the morning flogging. And even on the day of his coronation, eight-year-old Louis was flogged, and he said: "I would rather do without all these honors, if only I would not be flogged."

4) Imposing style (XVIII century). Parents at this stage began to try to gain power over the child's mind and thereby control his inner state. ( Slide number 6) Tight swaddling was very common. And not temporary, but almost permanent. It was very convenient for the parents - the child thus brought little trouble.

5) Socializing style (XIX century - mid XX). Violence is gradually receding. Parents begin to socialize their children. At this time, fathers became more active participants in the educational process. ( Slide number 7)

6) Helping style (from the middle of the 20th century). This style assumes that the child knows his needs better at each stage of development. Parents began to be interested in the reasons for this or that child's behavior. Adults began to create conditions for the development of the interests of their children. ( Slide number 8)

What is happening with us now? Can we tell what's on this moment does our society have a single concept of upbringing? And is she needed? We come to one specialist, he tells us that our child is interesting, creative, agile. Another specialist may tell us that we pay too little attention to raising our child, that he is too spoiled and it would be worthwhile to introduce certain sanctions and even punishments.

(Educator Assistant discreetly closes the presentation and puts the computer into hibernation mode)

Let's see...

Ouch! The screen went out! And we still have our magic button there. The creator of the presentation told me it was hidden inside ... (trying to restore the computer to work) What is this? The computer asks for a password ... It seems to be hidden somewhere here in this room. Dear teachers, all hope is on you ... Maybe our “children” will help you?

We start the game. Helpers-“children” behave “badly” in different ways, they need a special approach, then they give the number for the password from the computer ( Appendix 2).

- First mate- cries, he needs to be stroked on the back. If the teacher guesses and does this, finds an approach, then the “child” gives the first number “2”

- Second mate- sits, clenching his fists with a hint - you need to stroke the handles, relax the fists. If the teachers do everything right, the child will give back a piece of paper with the second number "0"

- Third assistant- scatters toys - you need to come up with a game to remove all these toys. The child gives the third digit "1" to shrewd teachers

- Fourth assistant- he just sits and says “I can’t” at everything (I can’t unclench my finger, I can’t give a hint, etc.) We must try to raise his self-esteem, convince “You can bend one finger like this. That's it, well done! You could!". Gives the fourth digit “6”.

Educators enter the password on the computer, the desktop opens, but the presentation does not open. Password is required again. To find it, pictures are shown ( Appendix No. 3): “Peter first"(J.-M. Nattier) - number 1," Again deuce"(F.P. Reshetnikov) - number 2," Ninth shaft "(IK Aivazovsky) - number 9," Seven deadly sins ”(I. Bosch) - number 7.

The presentation opens, the teachers go to the last slide, hoping to see the magic button, but instead they see a hint: "Dear Colleagues! Experts say that the child's development also helps in the search for the magic button. Please go to the development room! ”

Educator-psychologist escorts the educators to the office or group, where the “Development room” is equipped.

2. Development room


  • Hide the key to the room in the balloons. Teachers will need to find him.
  • Lay out 8 sheets of paper on the tables, on each write a part of the code with wax: “A-3”, “B-2”, “A-1”, “V-3”, “A-4”, “B-5”, “B-4”, “B-2” (looking ahead, I will say that B-2 is repeated twice because there are two identical letters in the encrypted clue word)
  • Place brushes, paints, jars of water on the tables (so that teachers can paint over the sheets and a wax code appears on them)
  • Put a blank sheet of paper and a pen so that teachers can record the correspondence of the code to the letters.
  • Arrange chairs in three rows. The first row, we sign with the letter "A", the second - "B", the third - "B". Next, we number the seats, as in the theater: “1”, “2”, “3”, etc. ( Appendix No. 4) We will need some places to "confuse" the teachers. We attach letters to each place in accordance with the code drawn with wax on paper. For example, in place A-3 we attach the letter "M", B-2 - the letter "A", A-1 - the letter "T", B-3 - the letter "R", A-4 - the letter "E", B -5 - the letter "W", B-4 - the letter "K". ( Appendix No. 5) We attach any letters to the rest of the chairs to complicate the task a little. Thus, teachers will need to spell the cipher to add the word "MATRESHKA".
  • Place several nesting dolls in different corners of the room, put a note in one of them: “ Dear teachers, devoting yourself to children, sometimes do not forget about rest. Please go to the rest room”. (Appendix No. 6)

The teachers complete the tasks and follow the teacher-psychologist into the recreation room.

3. Rest room.


  • Hide the key to the room, for example, among the folds of the blinds in the corridor.
  • On the outside of the bottom of one of the mugs, write “in”, lay out the pies / muffins, in one of which bake “go through” (so that the note does not get wet during the baking process - you can wrap it in foil), put “please” among the tea bags, in put a note in a book or magazine (“hall”). ( Appendix No. 7)
  • Educator-psychologist: Welcome to the break room. Here you can read, have tea, have a snack. But don't forget about the tips!
  • Educators collect the phrase “Please go to the hall” and return to the hall where the presentation was left.

4. Finishing room (hall).


  • While the teachers are drinking tea in the break room, open slide 11 of the presentation.
  • Teachers enter, in front of them is a screen with the inscription: “Magic button” (Slide number 11), they click on it with the mouse, slide number 12 appears: “Congratulations! You are wonderful educators - you managed to find the magic button. As in raising a child, your path was difficult, but interesting, wasn't it? I would like to wish you patience, creativity in raising your kids and let the magic button not hide too far from you. "
  • Educator-psychologist: Dear colleagues, thank you for interesting work! I wish you interesting and true paths to the magic buttons of your pupils! And in memory of our meeting, I would like to give you a certificate for the magic button ( Appendix No. 8)


1) Lloyd De Mose. Psychohistory. - Rn-D: Phoenix Publishing House, 2000

2) F. Aries. Child and family life under the old order. - ECB: Publishing house of the Ural University, 1999

3) Pushkareva N.L. Motherhood as a socio-psychological phenomenon [electronic resource] - Access mode:

Images in the presentation.

1) Images of buttons - Vasina E.S.

2) Shot from the film "The Adventures of Electronics" -

Pedagogical council

Topic: "Let's find the treasure" - a quest game for teachers.

Dear Colleagues! Our teachers' council today is called "Let's find the treasure!" Today our teachers' council will be held in an unusual form - in the form of a quest - game.

Throughout our meeting today, we will be looking for an unusual treasure, and maybe at the end of the meeting we will find it if we cope with all the tasks. I suggest you familiarize yourself with today's route.

(distribute maps with the route to the participants)

Do you want to find the treasure? Are you ready to travel a little?

Colleagues, I suggest you stand in a circle.

Organizational moment

To immediately create a positive atmosphere, I invite you to take part in a small training.

The first stage of the training:

“There is a healthy mind in a successful team! "

Game "Greetings"Participants are all educators.

Purpose: to get acquainted, to create a good impression of yourself.

Game progress: players stand in a circle. In turn, each one introduces himself by name and patronymic, at the end calling himself diminutive (for example: Irishka, kitty, etc.)

Second stage of training:

"Love yourself and others"

Car wash gameParticipants are all educators.

Purpose: relieve emotional stress.

Rules of the game: “wash away” bad thoughts and problems from the participant of the game who is in the “car wash” with stroking movements.

Game progress: 7 people. Two people stand on both sides facing each other.

1 pair - soap

2 para brushes

3 steam - water

4 people - "drying", he stands at the exit from the car wash and in a friendly hug "dries" a colleague - hugs.

Each participant goes inside the "car wash", where he is well "washed".

So we continue:

Once upon a time, and some had it recently, you and I (so different) chose the same profession: a kindergarten teacher.

Someone came to kindergarten deliberately, someone came by the will of fate. But since we are working in kindergarten I want to believe that the chosen profession was given to us from above. Outsiders do not stay here for a long time, they are looking for another job (and this is their right!). And in the kindergarten, the people who are most devoted to this profession remain. So who is the educator?

I Exercise. Portrait of a good and a bad teacher

Participants are divided into 2 teams. Task: on the sheets of Whatman paper, create 1 team - the image of a modern teacher, corresponding to the professional standard, 2 to the team - the image of an incompetent teacher. Teams must defend their projects.

II Task - Blitz-survey

Purpose: to improve the professional level of competence of teachers in organizing educational activities based on the implementation of the work program.

  1. What documents determine the work of preschool teachers?
  2. What annual tasks did we solve in this 2016-17 academic year?
  1. What activities were aimed at solving these problems?
  2. What difficulties did you face?
  3. What tasks do you think we should highlight for the next academic year?

III Exercise. Children's leisure.

Children's leisure was very eventful this year!

There were so many entertainments in the kindergarten: festive matinees, and fun activities with parents, and attending performances, puppet shows on their own.

1. Are you satisfied with the children's entertainment activities and your suggestions for organizing events and entertainment in the next school year?

We have entertained and amused the children all year, it is not a sin to have a rest ourselves. Our music director E.A. Kornelyuk has prepared something interesting for you. Her word.

(Phonopedic exercise "Lyaki-byaki").

IV Exercise. Monitoring of educational activities.

Every year, at the beginning and at the end of the school year, a comparative diagnosis of the level of development of children is carried out. I suggest you look at the results (performance of the group teachers).

The best developmental outcomes for children are presented in senior group No. 2. Let's ask the teacher of this group, Kurbatova T.D. tell about the work system (planning individual work with children, working with parents, planning).

V Quest. Self-education of teachers.

As the scientist and writer Nikolai Alexandrovich Rubakin said

"Never stop your self-educational work and do not forget that no matter how much you study, no matter how much you know, there are no boundaries or limits to knowledge and education."

Dear Colleagues!

* What are the forms of self-education work?

Open classes

Peer reviews and analysis of OOD

Publication of teaching materials

Participation in professional competitions of various levels

Generalization of teaching experience

* What forms of presentation of pedagogical experience can be used?

Getting professional education

Speaking at teachers' councils, seminars

Organization of master classes

Creative report on the topic of self-education

Presentation and dissemination of teaching experience

I would like to note that this academic year the participation of our teachers in various competitions, including all-Russian ones, has intensified. True, this is still online participation, but nevertheless, the teachers are great! (teachers Egorova T.V. Kostenko E.V.). From the municipal participation - participation in the pedagogical forum (in April 2017, Kurbatova T.D. - educator and Gridyaeva E.V. - senior educator).

Our preschool educational institution was supported by the teacher N.V. Burlyaeva with her performance at the annual municipal competition "Educator of the Year of the Kuban 2016" I would like it to become a tradition for the participation of teachers of our preschool educational institution in competitions of this level in the future.

The teachers of our preschool educational institution took part in other municipal competitions this academic year (teachers Kurbatova T.D., Yakupova G.Sh., Kostenko E.V., Egorova T.V., Letashina M.V., Koba N.V. ., Burlyaeva N.V., Gridyaeva E.V.)

In this academic year 2 circles successfully functioned - "The Merry Tongue" leader Chernova E.V. and "Masterilochka" head Burlyaeva N.V., circle "Musical Theater" head Kornelyuk E.A. worked for only 3 months, due to the workload of the teacher, the circle stopped its work in January 2017.

Also in this academic year, we had a “School for Young Specialists” in our preschool educational institution, in which, thanks to the mentors (tutor Kurbatova T.D. and tutor Letashina M.V.), young specialists received the necessary assistance in their work (Kryuchkova N.A. . and Chernova E.V.).

VIExercise. It's all about the hat.

Dear Colleagues! I want to tell you about the 6 Thinking Hats Method.

The British psychologist and writer Edward de Bono made a huge contribution to the popularization of creative thinking. Thus, the “6 hats” method of thinking proposed by him 30 years ago is widely used in completely different areas, including Education.

Its essence is to get away in discussions from the model of the dispute that we have adopted; instead of this model, De Bono proposes a completely different approach. He called this method the Parallel Thinking Method or the 6 Thinking Hats Method. This method allows you to consider the situation from different angles and take into account all aspects that are important for making a decision. Hats may not be material, it is enough to put on an imaginary hat. But we are preschoolers, lovers of play, so we have real hats.

WHITE HAT - information symbol. You are only focused on facts.

What information do we have? What information do we need?

RED HAT - symbolizes feelings, emotions and intuition. With a red hat, you can freely express your emotions without explaining or making excuses. How do I feel about this?

YELLOW HAT - This hat of optimists, we always forget about it, in our thinking, unfortunately, often rolls towards negativism.

Why is it worth doing? What are the benefits? Why can this be done? Why would it work?

BLACK HAT - this hat of critics. This is the basis of the controversy and the way of thinking of Western civilization. This is a very useful hat. She protects us from rash decisions. Is it true? Will this work? What are the disadvantages? What's wrong here?

GREEN HAT- it is an invitation to creative thinking. In this hat,

casting aside criticism, we are looking only for alternatives. In this hat we only see positive sides... What are the alternatives? What are some of possible solutions and action? Analysis.

BLUE HAT - time to take stock. The representative of this hat, after listening to the opinions of all subgroups, state the facts, draw a common line. What have we achieved? What should be done next? Conclusions, summing up.

Dear Colleagues! Now I propose to split up into 2 people and play this technique using the example of a r.s.s. "Turnip".

(teachers in a pair perform the task, then present their assumptions, speaking at the dispute).

We are completing the school year, I sincerely congratulate everyone!

And I will tell you in response: “You are good, no doubt!

When asked when the rest, I will answer - never!

After all, you were born a teacher - you girls, forever!

I sincerely wish you creative ideas, good!

Let the love of our children warm our hearts! "

So you quietly reached the treasure. Let's open it up and see what's inside? (Rewarding)

And now, dear colleagues, I suggest you sum up the results of our work as follows: you have already evaluated your work in 2016-2017 academic year. year. Let me read out an analytical report on the results of the work of the teaching staff for the 2016-2017 academic year (analytical reference is attached).

Mood Reflection "Mood Flower"

Let's create our own, already almost summer, meadow of mood. Here is the grass in the meadow, the sun is shining, the clouds are floating in the sky, and you will place your mood flowers here.

I offer you colorful flowers. You independently choose the flower with which you associate the end of the school year and place it on our meadow of mood.

Red color - we did a great job

Yellow color - we worked "Good", but there are still unresolved problems.

Blue color - we did not work at full strength, and therefore there are many unresolved issues.

I propose to create our "Flower meadow of mood" on an easel

Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the draft tasks for the next academic year:

Dear Colleagues!

We have something to be proud of and something to strive for.

Life is a movement towards a goal. To reach the goal, you must, first of all, go forward, and not stand still, because our preschool educational institution is:

D- kind, sincere, benevolent;

O- sociable, responsible, charming;

Have- smart, successful, passionate teachers

Our pedagogical credo:

Love and respect for the personality of the child;

The breadth of the soul and the sharpness of the mind;

The quality of training and education;

Originality of ideas and thoughts.

I propose to summarize our pedagogical council:

The draft decision of the pedagogical council:

1. Recognize the work of the MADOU - D / S 12 team for the 2016-2017 academic year with a "satisfactory" grade.

2. Continue work on the organization of a subject-development environment and

methodological support of the educational process.

3. Continue to take an active part in competitions at various

levels, in city methodological associations.

4. Approve the work plan, schedule of the OOD, daily routine, system

hardening and health-improving activities for the summer health-improving period of the 2016-2017 academic year.

5. Teachers continue to work on self-education: determine

topics for the 2017-2018 academic year.

MDOU "Nylginsky kindergarten No. 1"

Educational quest for preschool educators

"Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Prepared by: senior educator MDOU

"Nylginsky kindergarten No. 1"

Pozyreva Natalia Sergeevna.

with. Nylga, 2018

Target: The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process of preschool education.


    To acquaint with the basic concepts of active methods (AMO), the stages of using AMO, types of AMO.

    Teach to applyactivemethodslearningin practice at all stages of the educational process.

    Clarify and systematize the knowledge of the FSES DO teachers.

Equipment: media projector, presentationPowerPoint, screen.

Attributes: Visual demonstration material for completing assignments, assignments for teachers, chips for dividing into groups, envelopes with assignments.

Organizing time

I invite you on a fabulous journey,

It will be mysterious

Unusual roads await us

Decent forces will be required.

In the Udmurt kingdom, in the Russian state, there were educators. They worked for a long time in kindergarten. They had many children in the group. Big and small, serious and funny, singing and dancing, playing and painting. And the children loved them very much, and they had a lot of knowledge. They gave warmth of soul and all their love to their pupils and rejoiced in their work. And everything was fine, but one day dark clouds began to appear in the sky. A sharp wind of change blew and brought the FGOS DO. And it was ordered to all teachers in the Russian state to obey it unquestioningly. I gathered all the educators here into one team, the senior educator…. (Full name), in order to teach them the mind, reason, and wise science called FSES.She took with her a suitcase with an intricate document, and they sailed along the turbulent river of changes on the ship of knowledge. Yes, the river was too rough, the ship of knowledge was not strong enough, but the team got into a storm and was shipwrecked. The suitcase was blown away by the wave, however, the senior educator managed ... (name) to save the team and, fleeing, managed to give a distress signal using Morse code and even get an answer.

The answer is in this envelope (the envelope is given to the teachers).

1 task.

In the envelope there is a piece of paper with the text:

You got to the island "Quest"

Find all the tips here.

There are many tasks waiting for you,

Interesting tests

You will find a suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard,

You will gain the power of knowledge.

Knowledge will help

Find my way home.

Task: use a decoder to decipher the phrase and get a hint.

"You will find a hint, only open the doors"

After receiving the first clue, the team of educators follows the indicated route in search of the second clue.

2 task crossword

A crossword puzzle awaits the teachers in the corridor. After solving the crossword puzzle and entering the answers, the participants receive the following hint: "ladder"

3 task . The game"Oh, what a clever girl"

On the stairs, the teachers find an envelope with the next task. The envelope contains a piece of paper with the text:“Teachers are modest people, they do not like to talk a lot about themselves, but sometimes it is simply necessary to overcome your modesty. Your next task is to tell at each step how you are remarkably implementing the requirements and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard in your work. To do this, you need to split into pairs. One of the members of the couple says, for example: “I create in the team the conditions for the successful self-education of teachers ...”, and the second one praises: “Oh, what a smart you are” ... Then the participants can change.

4 task « Educational fishing ".

In the corridor of the 1st floor, participants are greeted by a teacher dressed as a cook with a "Culinary Master" badge

Educator: Hello dear guests. Out of curiosity, did they come to us, or on business?


Educator : So I don’t have it, but so be it, I will help you if you will serve me.

And pedagogical fishing awaits you. Everyone knows that children are not very fond of fish, especially if it is not interesting or deliciously cooked. Now I suggest that you catch one fish of each color of your choice, and then come up with and write down a recipe for a delicious fish dish that is interesting for children.

Age group is indicated on the blue fish

On a red fish is the theme of the day

Yellow fish - GCD schedule for the day

Green fish - regime moments, activities outside of classes, which are scheduled for the day.

Here's a recipe template for you. You can start.

The task of teachers is to develop the content of the educational process for the day, taking into account the integration of educational areas, by filling out the proposed table.

Educator: Well done, you did an excellent job. For this I will give you a bridge, but a magic ball, they will lead you to the next clue.

5 task ... Following the thread of the magic ball, the quest participants get to the station, where they are met by a teacher with a badge "Elena the Wise".

Educator : Hello, dear colleagues, did you come or visit us on business?

Teachers: On business, we want to find a suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Educator: But I don’t have it, but I’ll give you a hint where I’ll look if you complete my tasks:

Determine which educational area the following objectives relate to :

Development of communication, interaction of the child with adults and peers;

Formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers ...

( Social and communicative development ).


Make conditionsdevelopment preschoolers most relevant to their psyche, help the long-tried ways that containsocio game technology.

Social gaming technology is development child in play communication with peers.

Application of thistechnologies contributes to the realization of children's needs for movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Please name the forms of work with children aimed at developing communication skills and emotional responsiveness (GCD, role-playing game, conversations, observations, labor, reading fiction, acquaintance with proverbs and sayings, didactic games ...).

The basic conditions of socio-game technology - movement - under any pretext.

I suggest you play a game called "Washing machine"

Purpose: stress relief, discharge.

Instruction. The group is lined up in two lines, facing each other. One person (at the beginning of the line) is the "machine", the second (at the end) is the "dryer". The “car” passes between the ranks, everyone “washes” it: stroking, rubbing, etc., doing it carefully and carefully. The "dryer" must "dry" him - hug him. After that, the "dryer" becomes a line, the one that has passed the "wash" becomes a "dryer", and from the beginning of the line there is the next "car".

Well done, you did an excellent job. Here is an envelope with a path diagram. But you will have to walk along it very amicably and unitedly. To do this, we give you this props. Heldthe game "Caterpillar" (They go to the manager's office).

6 task quiz "Experts of the Federal State Educational Standard"

The participants enter the head office, where the Tsar-father meets them. Teachers are invited to go through an interactive quiz and get the next hint - the order of the numbers that make up the phone number. By calling the phone number, teachers receive the following hint.

7 task - psychologist's task

Both teams meet in the methodology room, where they are met by the psychologist Marya the master.

Psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues, did you come to us on business or visit us?

Teachers: On business, we want to find a suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Psychologist: So I have it, but of course I won't give it to you just like that. First, complete my assignment.

Determine which educational area the following applytasks:

the formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; fostering interest in artistic and creative activities ...

development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity ...

Now nametypes of creative activities (visual, constructive-model, musical, theatrical, etc.)

What is"Creative skills"?

Creativity is the ability to find new original solutions to any problems.

List the development methods creativity used in the classroom in kindergarten or at home by parents (drawing, modeling, reading, music, educational games, experimentation)

Creativity helps a person to relax, loosen up, throw out the accumulated emotions.

And now I invite you to show creativity, non-standard thinking in a technique called "collage".

The theme of our collage is "Kindergarten graduate in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO".

The teachers come to the table, on which are all the necessary materials to complete the collage, and then present the work.

After completing the assignment, the psychologist hands the teachers a suitcase, locked with a key. The key is in the music room.

Return to the music hall .

Development of your own quests in micro groups.

Reflection .

Carrying out. A suitcase is shown to teachers - this is a suitcase of successes, achievements, skills, and experience. You need to fill it up to see what everyone will take with them. For this, a poster "Baggage check-in" is drawn up, the teacher approaches the counter and announces the most necessary knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the event, shares ideas and advice.

To check in your baggage, I suggest filling out a declaration ...

Good…. Interesting ... In the way ... I'll take it with me ...

(New educational technology)

Currently, preschool education actively uses a variety of innovative technologies in the field physical education... The appeal of specialist educators to them is due to the desire to optimize the pedagogical process of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of the tasks and content of the educational area "Physical development".

In the practice of physical development and upbringing of children preschool age various technologies are being introduced, including gaming.

Interest in this type of educational technology is associated with the recognition by the pedagogical community of the role and possibilities of children's play in solving problems diversified development and education of children at the stage of preschool childhood. For a child, play is the most attractive, natural form and means of learning about the world, one's capabilities, self-manifestation and self-development. For an upbringing adult, meaningful, well-organized play that meets the interests of children is an effective pedagogical tool that allows you to comprehensively solve a variety of educational and developmental problems. The society has created children's games for all-round preparation of the child for life, his timely socialization and development. Therefore, games are genetically related to all types of human activity and act as a specifically children's form of cognition, labor, communication, art, and sports.

The originality of modern pedagogical process modern kindergarten is predetermined by new requirements for preschool education. The federal state standard of preschool education indicates that the pedagogical interaction of a child and upbringing adults should be focused on ensuring the development of each child, preserving his uniqueness and originality, creating opportunities for the disclosure of abilities and inclinations. The foundation of a timely and complete personal development child is physical development v different types activity, but above all, in motor and play. Integration of these types of activity allows to successfully solve the problems of the formation of motor culture, the development of physical abilities of children, familiarizing with healthy way life, health preservation and health formation. Among the game technologies widely used in the practice of physical education of preschool children, one can single out a quest - a technology that is just beginning to be used by teachers.

Quest (eng. quest), or adventure game (eng. adventure game) - one of the main genres computer games, which is an interactive story with a protagonist controlled by a player. The most important elements of the game in the quest genre are the actual storytelling and exploration of the world, and the key role in gameplay play solving puzzles and tasks that require mental effort from the player. Quest are games in which the player needs to search various subjects, find use for them, talk with different characters in the game, solve puzzles, etc. Such a game can be carried out both indoors, or in a group of rooms (moving from a group to a musical or gym, pool and other premises of the kindergarten), and on the street. Quest is team play... The idea of ​​the game is simple - the teams, moving along the points, perform various tasks. But the highlight of such an organization of play activity is that, having completed one task, children receive a hint to perform the next one, which is an effective means of increasing motor activity and motivational readiness for cognition and research.

Quest technologies are widely used in secondary schools in various subject cycles. In recent years, this technology has attracted interest among preschool education specialists. There is evidence of the use of this technology for solving the problems of cognitive, social and communicative development of children. In the practice of physical education, this game technology is used quite rarely, episodically and fragmentarily.

Indeed, DOs are faced with a completely new task: it is necessary not only to conduct a cycle of classes on health-preserving activities, but to organize a single integrative process of interaction between an adult and a child, in which various educational areas will be harmoniously combined for a holistic perception of the world around them. Such a connecting component is the GAME. Because the specificity of health-preserving activity lies in the fact that the main researcher and subject of management is the child himself, and the leading type of activity for his development and self-development is play activity... Through play, the teacher helps the child to find the necessary motivation, which should be based on individual needs, provide freedom of choice, provide the opportunity to receive necessary knowledge and skills. These conditions are most effectively implemented during the quest - games.

Let us consider these positions using the example of the Fort Bayard quest game. In the process of searching for "treasures", children independently overcome obstacles to achieve the set goal, where skills of the basic types of movements (in throwing, jumping, climbing, running, flexibility and dexterity, etc.) are consolidated, team spirit, honesty, perseverance, friendly attitude towards each other, because only the team that completed the task correctly can continue the journey further.

During preliminary work children need to solve riddle problems about moral qualities person, friendship and mutual assistance and immediately put them into practice. The content of the preparatory conversations for the game and the consideration of illustrations about the seas and oceans, sailors, reading adventure stories promotes an emotional mood and immerses the child in the world of adventure.

A little about the technology of the GAME. Quest - the game begins in a group where the goal is set for the children - to get the treasures of Fort Bayard. The first tasks are always of an intellectual direction, crosswords, puzzles, folding puzzles.

When deciding intellectual assignments children have a desire to solve problems in the game by comprehending them and find a non-standard solution. Then the children, having correctly folded the photo - puzzles, receive a hint and see where their team will go. One of the directions is always a sports ground (gym or swimming pool), where children perform tasks in the form sports relay, with game content: swim to the hint on the "Ocean", climb onto the "ship mast", visit the "Sage" and solve the hint problem, etc. what they get incentive tokens for . When doing physical exercises, children strive to find the optimal (meaningful) attitude to this task (for example: having solved the riddle, you need to crawl through the "web" and remove from it the correct answer, made by Elder Foureau).

One of the stages could be a music room where children can complete tasks with musical accompaniment and using an interactive whiteboard; overcome fear and “pull out a note from under the blanket, which is in the same container with different insects and reptiles). The quest ends - the game with the solution of all the tasks assigned to the players.

The integration process is also present in quest games. It is a combination of previously disparate components and elements of the system into a single whole on the basis of interdependence and complementarity.

The conclusions helped to determine the goal of the pedagogical concept, which is as follows: agility, reaction speed, endurance, emotional uplift, easily overcome physical activity along with the development of imagination and spatial thinking, this is all the result of introducing game quest technology into the educational and educational process, as well as the basic qualities for further education at school are formed - these are self-analysis and self-esteem. After each GAME, the child analyzes his place in the team, team actions and plans and predicts the result further games, together with a teacher - mentor. The child learns to conduct an introspection of his physical capabilities, qualities, abilities and skills, plans, together with the teacher, the mentor, the training process, realizing that he did not have enough to achieve the optimal result: endurance, speed, strength or coordination.

This is all the more important because the Quest, as a universal game technology, includes competitive mechanisms in the child, which also creates conditions for more active involvement in the game, for improving the quality of tasks and achieving results.

The quest makes it possible to include activity, project tasks as riddles, which allows participants to independently master new knowledge.

Quest, as a universal gaming technology, allows players to unobtrusively engage in a variety of children's activities in a short time.

There is no doubt that when a child grows up, he will behave in his professional activity in the same way as he behaved in the game in childhood: to plan, predict, achieve results and improve his physical and moral qualities.

Those. Quest games are one of the interesting tools aimed at self-education and self-development of a child as a creative, physically healthy person with an active cognitive position. Which is the main requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

Quest game for preschoolers "Finding a hidden surprise"

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Konakovo
Description of the material. I offer you a summary of the final lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children in a preparatory group for school. This material can be useful to preschool psychologists, educators of senior and preparatory groups, as well as parents of preschoolers and students in grades 1-2. It can be used with a group of children of different ages, since the tasks are not difficult, but they require ingenuity, observation and attention.
Integration of cognitive areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".
Summing up the results of the work of the psychologist with the children of the preparatory group in a playful way.
To consolidate in independent activity the ability to find differences between objects, classify, identify patterns. Provide an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained and the ability to work according to instructions in a game situation.
Develop concentration of attention in a situation of a large number of distractions; the ability to quickly update their knowledge of the world around them.
Bring up friendly attitude to peers, the ability to work in a group, the ability to get in touch and state their requests.
Demonstration and handout material:
- postcard to start the quest,

- "Find 7 Differences" picture,

- pieces of the "Refrigerator" puzzle,

- rebus,

- "What's superfluous?"

- an image of a ladybug,

- a small mirror,
- "Chamomile",

- "traces".
Methodical techniques: game situation, summing up.

Conducting a quest game.
To start the game, preparation of the premises is required. In our case, the game began in the premises of the group, so for 10 minutes the children left their group together with the teacher. During this time, the teacher-psychologist put a postcard for the start of the game and laid out the pieces of the puzzle in certain places.
After that, the children returned to the group.

Educator-psychologist:“Today we have a final psychological lesson with you. It will be longer than usual and will last 40 minutes, which is exactly the length of a lesson at school. You will work together and individually, try to be attentive from the first minute so that you do not waste time repeating instructions. The tasks are not difficult, but there are many of them, and all these tasks must be completed within 40 minutes. If the group succeeds, there will be a surprise for everyone.
Our lesson will be held in the form of a quest game. Quest is an adventure game. Having solved one task, you get a hint where to look for the next task. And at the end you get access to a surprise.
Look at your watch. They show 9 hours and 20 minutes. At exactly 10 o'clock the game should end. Time has gone.

Examine the room carefully. You should see the first clue. It stands in a conspicuous place, bright, shiny.
The first one to see comes up, takes the clue and gives it to me. "

The children carefully examine the room and discover a postcard that contains the first task.

Educator-psychologist: Task1 "Find the Differences". On this sheet you see two, at first glance, identical pictures. But there are 7 differences between them. These differences will help you find the next clue.
(Give enough pictures to the children for each child to be able to compare and search.)
Who saw the first difference? What is the difference? "
Children's answers.

Educator-psychologist:“You saw that the flower is different, so look for a piece of the puzzle there. In total, you need to find 7 pieces of the puzzle and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: "A pillow, a bedside table, a rug, a windowsill, a sofa, a flower in a vase, a floor lamp (I replaced it with a table lamp)."
When all the fragments are found, the second task is performed. (The children completed the first task in one group very quickly, in the other they could not find a piece of the puzzle hidden on the bedside table for a long time, because they took another piece of furniture for the bedside table, so the presenter had to tell what the bedside table was).
Task 2 "Fold the puzzle".

Despite the fact that the children are good at solving jigsaw puzzles, difficulties arose at first. Nevertheless, they folded the puzzle and saw that the arrow was pointing to the refrigerator.
Educator-psychologist:"Think about where you can find a refrigerator?"
Children's answers: "In the kitchen."
Educator-psychologist:"I suggest you go down to the 1st floor and go to the kitchen."
Nina Vasilievna (a kitchen worker) comes out, the children explain to her that they want to see a refrigerator in the kitchen. She invites the children to first guess the riddle:

Who cooks cabbage soup, cutlets,
Borsch, dumplings, vinaigrette;
Cooks porridge and compotes,
Fries entrecotes in oil,
Crumples potatoes with a crush
Does the soup interfere with the ladle?

Children's answer: a cook.

Children enter the room, examine it and find a riddle (this is the third task):
“We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a liner: "Tu-u-u",
Eagerly swallows dust,
But he doesn't get sick, he doesn't sneeze. "

Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.

Educator-psychologist:“Think, where could a vacuum cleaner be? What is it for? "
Children's answers: you need a vacuum cleaner to vacuum carpets.
Educator-psychologist:"Remember in which rooms of the kindergarten you saw carpets?"
Children's answers. To test their guess, the children two by two go to the music hall, to the gym, to the dry pool hall, etc. All the rest, together with the psychologist, are waiting for their return.

Under the vacuum cleaner, children discover another clue in the form of a rebus, deciding which they understand that their path lies in the laundry.

Children are greeted by a kindergarten laundry worker. She makes a riddle:
“It strokes everything that it touches,
And if you touch it, it bites. "

In the ironing room, children receive assignment sheets and return to their group.

Educator-psychologist:"You've got sheets of extra items to find that will tell you where to look for the next clue."
Task 5 "What is superfluous?"
(Answers: pot, cup, book, umbrella, balloon, camera.
Hidden in or near these items are pictures of ladybirds. Since there are many children in the group, there were 2 pots, 2 cups, etc.)

Task 6 "Ladybug"

When all 12 ladybirds are found, the teacher-psychologist shows her. Children should find exactly the same among the ladybirds they have found.

Task 7 "Read the Word"

On the back of the "correct" ladybug (second copy) the word is written in a mirror image. This word is wardrobe.

Task 8 (individual)
Sheets with assignments are in a folder in a closet. They are of different complexity. For speed of distribution, the sheets are signed. Children perform tasks, if they do not understand what exactly needs to be done, the presenter and educators explain the instructions.

Tasks are performed at the tables.

Task 9 "Chamomile"

While the children are solving "Chamomile", the psychologist's assistant lays out the "tracks" that will lead them to a surprise.
This is where the game ends. A photo is taken for memory.

The game took place in two preparatory groups... The first group easily fit into the allotted 40 minutes. The children acted quickly, successfully, without prompting they coped with all the tasks of the quest. The second group worked in disunity, each child wanted to personally complete the task, was upset if he was not the first to find the right answer, etc. We had to skip the individual assignments in order to meet the 40 minutes and reach the surprise. All the children tore off the chamomile petals with questions. If they could not answer the question on their own, the group helped.
Children and educators of both groups really liked the quest game.