Intellectual games contests for schoolchildren. Intellectual game for junior schoolchildren "know" the outline of the lesson (grade 2) on the topic. "Frame of balls"

Child's world unique. He has his own vocabulary, his own norms, his codes of honor and fun. These are signs of a magical land called "The Game". This country is unusually happy, captivates children, fills all the time and is a very important matter. Kids live and develop in the game. And not only kids. The game captures everyone with its attractive romance, magic and originality. There is an opinion that every generation is fond of their games. And it is true. Time changes, culture changes, game changes. Today, a new direction has been formed, called " Intellectual game for kids".

These games help talented, unusually erudite children to open up, for whom science, new knowledge, and a variety of creativity are of paramount importance. Unlike scientific conferences, various Olympiads and electives, the intellectual game for children turns serious activity into a colorful show, into an exciting competition, into a bright holiday. Therefore, these games are enjoyed not only by children. Teenagers and students take part in them with pleasure. And even adults, having become interested in the game, gladly join the players.

The correct organization of rest has great importance... Mental stress, the cold season severely deplete the physical and psychological state of the child. Therefore, in the summer you just need to relax. Only an intellectual game in the camp can competently organize the process of creative self-realization, enrichment with additional knowledge. Such games are creative activities in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, reveal thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

Examples of games

"Difficult answer"

One of the children (the chosen facilitator) asks very simple questions, implying the answers "Yes", "No". The rest of the participants in the game must give an answer, while using the words "Yes", "No" is strictly prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. A counselor or educator introduces a specific topic to children. The first team must argue, trying to prove with known facts, and the second, on the contrary, must find facts to prove the opposite side.

"Make a proverb"

Children are given leaflets with two words written. From these words you need to make up a proverb. For example, the words: light - darkness. The child who is the first to correctly voice the well-known proverb wins.

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet times, all camps held a competition for the best theatrical performance of famous fairy tales. Today's children are not very fond of participating in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children, which includes many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

Scenario for the game "World of Fairy Tales"

In such a game, it is assumed that there are four squad teams.

Competition 1

Any fairy tale is called. For the last letter of this tale, a new one must be named. The action takes place in a circle. A team that does not pick up the required title of the tale within 5 seconds is eliminated from participation.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with a laudatory ode to any.All teams are given prepared rhymes:

jackdaw - stick
the sock is sand.

Competition 3

To think over and dramatize the meeting of three absolutely different characters... For example, such as:

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • Little Mermaid, Old Man-Hottabych, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Serpent Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Little Red Riding Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4

The captains draw lots. Each team gets its own tale. Without using words, only in pantomime, the team must demonstrate the fairy tale so that the audience can guess its name. Options for fairy tales:

  • "Teremok", "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba", "Kolobok".

Competition 5

To think over and theatricalize a small fairy tale-story in which three magic objects will be used: a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, a magic mirror.

Competition 6

To theatricalize the famous fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" in the national style. African style, Indian, English can be used. This action takes into account the selection of appropriate animals, the transfer of color, imitation of style and even accent.

Such a scenario of an intellectual game can be supplemented with contests if the children get excited. To do this, you need to prepare several additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the results are summed up, and the winners are awarded - like the best storytellers.

There is some annoying stereotype in the world - creative development is aimed at the development of young children or primary schoolchildren. Often in schools and camps, intellectual games for younger students are carefully selected. But teenagers and high school students also need to develop creativity and creativity. That is why invite older children to create a club of intellectual games. Get them interested not only in the games themselves, but also in planning work with younger children.

Several games that high school students will like are offered to your attention.

Games for older children

"Theater of abbreviations"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players walks out the door. The rest come up with a word. The letters of this word are distributed among the playing children. Each letter characterizes a type of behavior. For example, "z" - envy, "o" - mischief. When the host enters the room, the players must show him pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what character trait is shown to him, and from the received letters add the correct word.

"Ocean is shaking"

All players come up with one word at a time and in turn call them out loud. The player who concludes this chain names his word and takes on the role of the storyteller. He begins to tell a fictional story, in which it is necessary to coherently include all the words named by the players. The player whose word has been spoken must exit the chain and move away from his seat. The storyteller needs to confuse the players with their narrative. For example, do not say any of the players' words for a long time, and then say several words at once. The story should end with the phrase "the sea is agitated." This phrase is a signal by which all players strive to return to their places. The one who did not have time becomes a storyteller.

(The presenter enters the stage against the background of music.)


"Good day!" - I tell you today.

"Good day!" - I greet you.

And even though there are a good hundred of you in the hall

Everyone can answer now.

Do you like to play, friends?

Answer in unison!

Everything... Yes!


There are many games in the world.

Do you know everything, children?

Everything. No!


Lapta, Fifteen, Cities

Are you familiar to everyone?

Or maybe you will remember, dear friend

A game called Ikibuk?

Everything. No!


Meanwhile, she is simple,

As soon as you read the letters,

So call the word right away.

Stay where you are

We will read the word all together.

Three four - ...

Everything. Cubes!

Leading... Why is our game called "IKI-BOOK", and not "CUBES", as we have just read with you? Because, in my opinion, the game with ordinary cubes is too simple, and in our game called "Ikibuk" there are tasks that will require your ingenuity, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Leading. Today, a team ... and a team ... are taking part in an intellectual game called Ikibuk ... They are led by captains (name) and (name).

Dear viewers! I hope the participants are ready to demonstrate to us how strong, smart and erudite they are, because these are the qualities that our highly respected jury will evaluate. Meet!

(Jury presentation.)

Leading... The rules of the game will be as follows: each team receives a cube of its own color, on which a different number of dots are marked on all sides.

(The teams are given large foam blocks.)

At my signal, representatives from each team, approaching the playing field, throw their dice. We count only those points that are on the rolled top sides of the dice and add them up. The resulting number will determine for the players the area from which tasks or questions will be given. Are the conditions clear?

Everything... Yes!

Leading... Then take a look at the areas, please.

(A poster is hung.)

2 - mathematics,

3 - playing with the audience,

4 - the surrounding world,

5 - music,

6 - Russian language,

9 - competition of captains,

11 - physical education,

12 - musical pause.

If the same area is dropped twice in a row, the players make a new move. The whole game lasts 50 minutes. As soon as the clock informs about the end of time, we summarize the final results of the game.

(Note: The goal is not to complete all missions during the game.)


Ikibuk we start,

We are already throwing the dice!

(The representatives of the teams roll the dice. The leader defines the area, asks only one question or one task from it. The teams answer. The leader announces the correct answer and sums up the results. The game continues.)

Options for questions and tasks Mathematics

1. Logical task.

Archimedes' grandfather has a large family.

There are only seven children, and all are sons.

Each son has a couple of children.

How many grandchildren does Archimedes have? (fourteen)

2. Logical problem. One man was asked how many children he had. He replied: “I have four sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? (Five)

3. Logical problem. How to measure 1 liter of water using a two-liter and three-liter jar? (Fill three-liter jar water, pour water to the top into a two-liter one, the remaining amount of water will be the answer to the question posed.)

4. Logical problem. Kolya and Sasha have the surnames Gvozdev and Shinov. What surname does each of them have if Sasha and Shinov live in neighboring houses? (Kolya Shinov, Sasha Gvozdev)

Playing with the audience

1. Guess who said these words:

"Great day", -

Said ... (deer, seal)

"But it will rain" -

Said ... (hoopoe)

"I'll go to the carriage" -

Said ... (python)

"Do not rush", -

Said ... (lynx)

"And I'm afraid" -

Whimpered ... (goose)

"You make everyone laugh" -

Said ... (mouse)

"The game is over,"

said ... (starling)

2. Play with the "Trees" hall.

Apple tree, pear, feather bed, Birch,

Spruce, suitcase, TV, mimosa!

Cherries, sweet cherries, boot, Orange,

Linden, alder, grape, mandarin.

Plum, aspen, lilac,

Ash, paper, wattle.

Tooth, cypress, cherry plum,

Gum, Pine, watchtower!

3. Fairy-tale competition.

Leading... Guys, if you hear in my story the name of a hero or a famous fairy tale, then raise your hands up.

When I was just a little boy, I really loved fishing. And for twelve months I waited for my mother to let me go to the village to see my grandfather. During this time, I grew up like Gulliver, and my mother let me go alone. But some three fat men stole the worms and a fishing rod from me. For their snow queen to gore, so that the ugly duckling bites them!

4. Game "words-enemies".

Leading... Big - small, wide - narrow - these are enemy words. Try to answer in chorus what pairs you get if you take the following words:

deep - ... (shallow)

large - ... (small)

salty - ... (sweet)

fast slow)

clean - ... (dirty)

down up)

start - ... (end)

big - ... (small)

heavy - ... (light)

right left)

a lot - ... (a little)

catch— ... (release).

The world

1. Game "Tops and roots" ... Participants are given vegetables without tops on the tables. The presenter, showing the tops, says: "Vershok, vershok, where is your spine?" Children pick up selected vegetables. Whoever picks it up correctly gets a point.

(Vegetable options: potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, squash, onions.)

2. Competition "Who lives where?" Recall the name of the dwelling of the following animals:

- dog (kennel);

- pig (pigsty);

- horse (stable);

- cow (barn).

3. Competition "Domestic and Wild Animals" ... Participants are given two cards per team: "pet" and "wild animal". The host names the animal. The team, having consulted, determines his belonging to a particular group and raises the appropriate card.

(Animal options: bear, ram, sheep, goat, fox, horse, cow, hare, rabbit, squirrel, sable, marten, bison, wolf, beaver.)

4. Competition "Define the device" ... Solve riddles about the devices used in human life. (Members of each team are given a barometer, clock, compass.)

Leading. How are these devices similar?

(Answers of children.)

Leading. It is true that every device has a moving arrow. Now, knowing the similar and distinctive features these devices, you can easily cope with my riddles and give the correct answer, showing the answer to all spectators.


When this friend is with you,

You can go without roads

Walk north and south

To the west and east. (Compass)

On the hand and on the wall

And on a tower above

They walk, walk smoothly

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

He worries sailors and makes them happy

Telling about the weather to carry on.

It rises and falls

And always - in place. (Barometer)


1. Song competition ... Perform one verse of the winter song with the whole team. Who will remember the songs more?

2. Competition "Define the tool" ... Recall the names of the musical instruments shown in the pictures.

(Options: button accordion, accordion, drum, balalaika, gusli, violin, harp, guitar.)

3. Competition "Performers" ... What are the names of groups of performers of one piece of music, if they contain:

- 2 people (duet),

- 3 people (trio),

- 4 people (quartet).

4. Competition "Oh, these dances!" ... Recall as many dance names as possible.

(Options: polka, waltz, round dance, minuet, etc.)

Russian language

1. Logical task. From the word ikibuk, write all the letters in alphabetical order. (B, I, K, U)

2. Logic task ... How to correctly say:

- fish have no teeth;

- fish have no teeth;

- fish have no teeth;

- do fish have no teeth?

(Fish have no teeth.)

3. Competition "Winter" words " ... In 30 seconds, come up with as many 4-letter winter words as possible. (Snow, skiing, winter, ...)

4. Contest "Write a letter" ... Substituting the desired letter instead of the dots, write down the resulting words. Who will make 4 words faster?

(Suggested letters: d, c, b, k, h, h, w, n. Variants of the resulting words: oak, cube, tooth, forelock.)


1. Contest "Let's do it ourselves" ... Participants are given pre-prepared narrow strips of paper and glue. Task: glue a multi-colored chain in 1 minute. Who will have it longer?

2. Quiz. Remember:

- What is the name of the work where the pieces of colored paper are glued? (Application)

- The type of work where the drawing is depicted as sewing. (Embroidery)

- What is the name of the weaving of threads with knitting needles? (Knitting)

3. Competition "Snowflake" ... Cut a snowflake out of paper as quickly and beautifully as possible. Which team will do it?

4. Competition "Spit - maiden beauty" ... Weave a pigtail from the ropes. The execution time is 30 seconds. Who will have the longer braid?


1. Competition "Continue the poem". The presenter reads out the beginning of A. Barto's poems for each team. The task of the players: to continue the poem in chorus.

For the 1st team:

They dropped the bear on the floor.

They ripped off the bear's paw ...

(I won't leave him anyway -

Because he's good.)

I love my horse

I will comb her fur smoothly ...

(I will smooth the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback for a visit.)

For the 2nd team:

There is a bull, swaying,

Sighs on the go ...

(- Oh, the board ends.

I'm going to fall now.)

The mistress threw the bunny,

There was a bunny left in the rain ...

(I couldn't get off the bench,

All wet to the thread.)

For both teams:


Rope in hand ...

(I pull the boat

On the fast river

And the frogs are jumping

On my heels

And they ask me:

"Take a ride, captain!")

2. Contest "Guess". Name the author and work:

“She was shivering from the cold: her dress was torn, and she was so small, delicate - how could she not freeze! It began to snow, and each snowflake was to her the same as making a shovel to the snow for us. We are big, and she was only an inch tall ”(HH Andersen“ Thumbelina ”).

“The needlewoman obeyed. They went into the house. His house was made entirely of ice: the doors, the windows, and the floor were icy, and the walls were covered with snow stars; the sun shone on them, and everything in the house glittered like diamonds. Fluffy snow lay on his bed instead of a featherbed ”(V. Odoevsky“ Moroz Ivanovich ”).

3. Competition "Fast Reading" ... A representative from the team is selected. He is given a children's magazine or newspaper with an unfamiliar text. Participant's task: To read the highlighted passage quickly and clearly. Who will do better?

4. Competition "Composers" ... Compose a poem with rhyme.

For the 1st team: For the 2nd team:

frost game

us the beginning

Competitions for captains

1. Competition "Collect the pins". Pins are placed on the floor. Music sounds. The captains walk in a circle. As soon as the music is interrupted, they need to collect as many pins as possible. Who will win?

2. Competition "Tongue twister". Who will utter the tongue twister faster: "Pasha has chess, Sasha has checkers"?

3. Quiz. Answer the questions:

- What is another name for tomatoes? (Tomatoes)

- What does a hedgehog do in winter? (Sleeping)

4. Contest "Guess". Guess the riddles:

- If it weren't for him, I wouldn't say anything. (Language)

- Two abdomens, four ears. (Pillow)

- Between the two luminaries, I am in the middle alone. (Nose)


1. Competition "Colors of Colors". There are only three colors in front of the participants. Make up as many shades and other colors as possible.

2. Competition "Who is this?" Small excerpts from the songs of cartoon characters are played. Assignment: schematically draw a hero who sings a song. Who will have a better portrait?

(Options: Winnie the Pooh, Leopold, Buratino, etc.)

3. Competition "Magic Points". Representatives of the teams need to connect the points in the proposed figure in order so that the outline of the ship is obtained. Who will complete the task faster?

4. Contest "Make-up artists" ... Make up one of the players on your team. Whose character will look more spectacular?

(Options: Indian, Baba Yaga.)

Physical Education

1. Competition "Nuclear Throwers". Summoned one player per team. Who will throw the balloon next?

2. Competition "Strongmen". One representative from the team participates. Clench a newspaper in your fist so that you can't see it.

3. Competition "The Most Flexible". Which team representative will spin the gymnastic hoop longer?

4. Competition "Ay, yes I am!". Which team representative will be able to push more times?

Musical pause

3-4 performances of amateur performances are prepared in advance, which can be included in this program.

Leading. Attention!

Watch, friends, we are told

That the guys have run out of time.

It's time to summarize

And reward all the players.

(The jury sums up the results. Awarding of the winners and participants.)


Dear guests!

All lovers to play

We will look forward to our visit.

How will we recruit teams,

We will conduct Ikibuk.

You can apply for participation at ... (name of institution) no later than ... (date, month, year).

Goodbye! Until next time!


1. Foam cubes of different colors, 20x20 cm in size, from 1 to 6 dots are drawn on each side.

2. Playing field: a bright 2x2 m square made of fabric or fiberboard.

3. Pens, paper for the jury.

4. A poster with the names of the areas of expertise and additional sectors.

5. Two- and three-liter cans.

6. Vegetables, tops from them.

7. Cards: "domestic animal", "wild animal" - 2 sets.

8. Different types thermometers.

9. Pictures depicting musical instruments.

10. A card the size of an album sheet, where the end of the word "... ub" is written, a poster with the letters: d, c, b, k, z, n, h, w.

11. Colored narrow strips of paper, glue - 2 sets.

12. Rope for braids - 2 sets.

13. Cards with rhymes.

14. Skittles - 9 pcs.

15. 3 paints, paper, 3 brushes - 2 sets.

16. Felt-tip pens, paper - 2 sets.

17. Target, water pistols, diluted paints.

18. Makeup - 2 pcs.

19. Balloons- 2 pcs.

20. Newspapers - 2 pcs.

21. Gymnastic hoop - 2 pcs.

22. Paper, scissors - 2 sets.

The correct organization of recreation is of great importance. Mental stress, the cold season severely deplete the physical and psychological state of the child. Therefore, in the summer you just need to relax.

Only an intellectual game in the camp can competently organize the process of creative self-realization, enrichment with additional knowledge. Such games are creative activities in which children demonstrate their understanding of life, reveal thoughts, aspirations, and sometimes feelings.

"Difficult answer"

One of the children (the chosen facilitator) asks very simple questions, implying the answers "Yes", "No". The rest of the participants in the game must give an answer, while using the words "Yes", "No" is strictly prohibited.


All children are divided into two teams. A counselor or educator introduces a specific topic to children. The first team must argue, trying to prove with known facts, and the second, on the contrary, must find facts to prove the opposite side.

"Make a proverb"

Children are given leaflets with two words written. From these words you need to make up a proverb. For example, the words: light - darkness. The child who is the first to correctly voice the well-known proverb wins.

Intellectual Game Scenario

All children love fairy tales. That is why in Soviet times, all camps held a competition for the best theatrical performance of famous fairy tales. Today's children are not very fond of participating in such performances. Therefore, an intellectual game for children, which includes many different fairy tales, will be very useful.

In such a game, it is assumed that there are four squad teams.

Competition 1

Any fairy tale is called. For the last letter of this tale, a new one must be named. The action takes place in a circle. A team that does not pick up the required title of the tale within 5 seconds is eliminated from participation.

Competition 2

It is necessary to come up with a laudatory ode to any fairy-tale character. All teams are given prepared rhymes:

jackdaw - stick
the sock is sand.

Competition 3

Think over and dramatize the meeting of three completely different characters. For example, such as:

  • The Little Humpbacked Horse, Aladdin, Baba Yaga.
  • Little Mermaid, Old Man-Hottabych, Winnie the Pooh.
  • Serpent Gorynych, Cinderella, Mowgli.
  • Koschey the Immortal, Little Red Riding Hood, Piglet.

Competition 4

The captains draw lots. Each team gets its own tale. Without using words, only in pantomime, the team must demonstrate the fairy tale so that the audience can guess its name. Options for fairy tales:

  • "Teremok", "Turnip", "Chicken Ryaba", "Kolobok".

Competition 5

To think over and theatricalize a small fairy tale-story in which three magic objects will be used: a self-assembled tablecloth, a flying carpet, a magic mirror.

Competition 6

To theatricalize the famous fairy tale "Three Little Pigs" in the national style. African style, Indian, English can be used. This action takes into account the selection of appropriate animals, the transfer of color, imitation of style and even accent.

Such a scenario of an intellectual game can be supplemented with contests if the children get excited. To do this, you need to prepare several additional competitions in advance. At the end, of course, the results are summed up, and the winners are awarded - like the best storytellers.

Mind Games Club

There is some annoying stereotype in the world - creative development is aimed at the development of young children or primary schoolchildren.

Often in schools and camps, intellectual games for younger students are carefully selected. But teenagers and high school students also need to develop creativity and creativity. That is why invite older children to create a club of intellectual games. Get them interested not only in the games themselves, but also in planning work with younger children.

Several games that high school students will like are offered to your attention.

Games for older children

"Theater of abbreviations"

The game requires excellent acting skills.

One of the players walks out the door. The rest come up with a word. The letters of this word are distributed among the playing children. Each letter characterizes a type of behavior. For example, "z" - envy, "o" - mischief. When the host enters the room, the players must show him pantomimes. It is necessary to determine what character trait is shown to him, and from the received letters add the correct word.

"Ocean is shaking"

All players come up with one word at a time and in turn call them out loud. The player who concludes this chain names his word and takes on the role of the storyteller. He begins to tell a fictional story, in which it is necessary to coherently include all the words named by the players. The player whose word has been spoken must exit the chain and move away from his seat. The storyteller needs to confuse the players with their narrative. For example, do not say any of the players' words for a long time, and then say several words at once. The story should end with the phrase "the sea is agitated." This phrase is a signal by which all players strive to return to their places. The one who did not have time becomes a storyteller.

Target: contribute to the formation of moral qualities.


    create conditions for the education of kindness, mercy, respect for each other and others, the desire to come to the rescue, to do good deeds, deeds;

    teach to distinguish between good and evil feelings and actions;

    to develop in children through play, attention, memory, observation, ingenuity, imagination, flexibility of thinking; improve the culture of speech of children; broaden the horizons of younger students;

    to contribute to the education of universal human moral values;to consolidate the ways of self-regulation of behavior; develop communication skills.

Game conditions:

1. The game is designed for children of primary school age.

2. All students of the class take part in the game.

3. The game is played in four rounds, after each round the participants with the least number of stars are eliminated.

4. The participant who is the first to pick up the card with the number corresponding to the correct answer receives a star and moves 1 step forward across the playing field. (Chairs can be placed in a row, cards are placed on them, and participants stand behind their chairs)

5. Two people go to the final, the winner remains one.

Equipment: plates with numbers 1, 2, 3, for each participant; cardstwo colors, red and green; stars; life-size puppet Emelya on the stove.

Game progress:


Round 1 "Know-it-all" (10 questions)

2nd round "Fabulous" (10 questions)

Round 3 "Believe it or not" (10 questions)

Musical pause

Round 4 "Final"

Reflection of the game, the final part.


Leading: Often, in everyday life, we meet the expression "finest hour", especially when it comes to people who have achieved some success. It is said about artists, actors, scientists, and writers that at some point in their lives was the "finest hour". This is the moment when a person was able to most fully realize his capabilities, i.e. apply your talents, knowledge and skills. "The finest hour" is the moment of the highest recognition in a person's life.

Today I invite you to take part in the game, during which each of you, if you try very hard, will also be able to show your knowledge and skills and will bring your "finest hour" closer.

The game consists of 4 rounds. Each round contains 10 questions. For each correct answer and the fastest, the participant receives a star. The fourth round is the final, where only 2 people will remain, the fastest, most attentive and quick-witted. So here we go!

1st round "Know-it-all"

1. What is the name of the first month of spring?

- March



2. What color of milk will a cow have if she is black?


- white


3. What product is harmful to teeth if consumed in large quantities?




4. What is the name of a very confusing road?

- maze



5. What is the name of our Motherland?


- Russia


6. What are the names of the sounds that are drawn by the voice?

- vowels



7. Which of the following is a coniferous tree?



- Pine

8. Name the word that denotes an object related to wildlife


- squirrel

Pencil case

9. What are the names of the birds that fly away to warmer regions in autumn?



- flight

10. What are the names of works in which evil fights good, but good always wins?



- fairy tale


Let's sum up the results of the first round, let's count the stars. Unfortunately, a few guys are leaving our playing field. (But they were asked to gift their stars (who has them) to their friends who remained in the game.)

2nd round "Fabulous"

1. What actions does Baba Yaga do most often?


- angry


2. Who was Crocodile Gena for the little Cheburashka?



- friend

3. Who rescued Zayushka in trouble, from whom the cunning Fox took the hut?




4. What was the old woman in the tale of the "Golden Fish"


- greedy


5. Name the negative fairytale hero

- Old woman Shapoklyak



6. Whom did the Kid dream of making friends?




7. Who saved Thumbelina from marrying the Mole?


Harvest mouse

- Martin

8 . What was Fyodor's grandmother at the beginning of the tale, from whom the dishes ran away?

- lazy



9. Who helped Kroshechka - Khavroshechka in a difficult situation?

Ball of thread

- cow Burenushka

Cockerel Golden Scallop

10. Name the heroine of the fairy tale who, thanks to her hard work, patience and good heart, passed many trials of fate, turned into a princess and married a prince


- Cinderella


Summing up the results of the 2nd round.

3rd round "Believe it or not"

Colored cards are used for answers: red - no (don't believe)

green - yes (I believe) (you can do small digression on the rules road traffic, at the traffic lights: red - no, you can't go! green - yes, the way is open.)

Leading: Do you believe that ...

1. Cheburashka was found in oranges. (Yes)

2.The old woman Shapoklyak had a mouse in her purse (no)

3.If you are very tired during the lesson, you can sleep (no)

4. Smile more often. (Yes)

5. Now they have come up with such rules when you can not give way to the elder (no)

6. A fairy tale is a lie. (Yes)

7. Do not wash your hands before eating. (No)

8. Only friends need to help. (No)

9.Cats and dogs do not have to be taken care of. (No)

10. The gingerbread man was stupid and gullible. (Yes)

The results of the 3rd round are being summed up.

For a break and relaxation, the game "Music Star" is offered

There are asterisks scattered on the floor, one less than the number of children (all participants are invited back into the game). Children dance to cheerful music, when the music stops, they try to quickly take one star, who does not get a star, he comes out. Then the game continues, each time, together with the participant, one star is removed from playing field... And the one who takes the last one, it remains with him. And if this is already a retired participant in the main game, then he can present his "star loot" to a friend.

Round 4 Final

In the final, there are 2 people who have the most stars. A pair of stars is removed. The chance to win increases with the participant who has the stars left. An important role is given to the moment that if you are a kind person, you have many friends, and if you have friends, then they will give their stars to you.

All the children are invited to collect the word from the "scattered" letters:


Then the time finalists are asked, on the contrary, using only these letters, to compose as many other words as possible to answer the question what? And again friendship comes to the rescue! The finalist can invite his friend as his assistant (one head is good, and two is better).

The winner is the one who has more words!

When summing up the results of the final, the stars help. They can be used instead of a word (if the player has already run out of words).

Leading: Now your finest hour has come! This happened thanks to your knowledge, your efforts and striving for this victory. Your faithful friends were there and supported you in difficult times. We congratulate you and wish that in your life there are always reliable and loyal friends, and this finest hour was only just a stepping stone to great victories and achievements!

(The word is given to the winner. He can say everything he dreams about, what he wants. He can say what he doesn’t like and he wants to change it.)

Leading: But there is such a fairytale hero who is very lucky. He was lazy, he did not want to do anything, even get off the stove, and that was laziness. But there was a magic pike in the fairy tale, which fulfilled all his desires. Guess who it is? EMELYA.

So Emelya "came" to us today, but not empty-handed! Although he is lazy, he has a kind soul! (Emelya appears on the stove, we get treats from the stove, drink tea and share our impressions)

Intellectual game for schoolchildren in grades 8-9. Scrabble show "We did not go through this"

Targets and goals:

The upbringing of the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, the rallying of the class team and the development of the intellectual and creative abilities of schoolchildren.

Equipment. Any musical accompaniment- audio recordings of various melodies. A set of tokens for participants, 3 sets of cards with numbers "1", "2", "3". Prizes for participants.

Preliminary work... Jury members are selected. Players know the topics of the contests in advance, but not the task. The program is taught by the facilitator or class leader.

Event progress:

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We invite you to an exciting polymath show. But this is not just a show, but an intellectual and competitive program, during which we will identify the most erudite students of our class. This is a competition for ingenuity, sense of humor, erudition, knowledge of the school curriculum and more.

We'll have to remember what you studied in school for almost nine (eight) years. But be careful - tricks and traps are possible.

The game consists of ten competitions: a competition for savvy, musical, mathematical, historical, literary, grammatical competitions, an art and natural sciences competition, and, in our opinion, the most difficult is the biological competition or "Autumn Gifts".

Where necessary, the team, after consulting, quickly gives its own version of the answer. You may just need to pick up the card with the number of the correct answer.

Be considerate, friendly and considerate. For each correct answer, the team receives one token. And the jury is already ready to evaluate you. So, on a journey through the most interesting country of school and life knowledge!

1. Who is the smartest?

1. Common between Sh. Holmes, I. Stalin. (A tube)

2. An oblate square. (Rhombus)

3. It can be eaten or ... spread on a boot. (Cream)

4. A genre of music especially loved by the military. (March)

5. Treble, water, key ... (key)

6. Commonality between wood, books and Hungarian music. (Sheet)

7. Designer of the first aircraft on the planet, he is also the father of the first pilot. (Daedalus)

8. Half-man, half-horse. (Centaur)

9. Ballerina and smoker. What common? (Tutu)

10. A scientist who has seen through and through all of humanity. (X-ray)

11. Permanent inhabitant of the roof, Swede by nationality. (Carlson)

12. Russian sovereign, in whose reign we have napkins at the dinner table. (Peter I)

13. Which knot cannot be untied? (Railway)

14. In what geometric body can water boil? (Cubed)

15. Which river is the most "terrible"? (Tigris River)

16. Which month is the shortest? (May - three letters)

17. Where is the end of the world? (Where the shadow begins)

18. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, since he cannot speak)

19. When they build new house, into what the first nail is driven? (In the hat)

20. What does a man have under his feet when he walks across a bridge? (Shoe sole)

21. What can you easily pick up from the ground, but you can't throw it far? (Pooh)

22. How many peas can fit in one glass? (None - everything must be put)

23. What kind of comb can you comb your head? (Petushin)

24. What stands between the window and the door? (The letter "and")

25. What can be cooked but not eaten? (Lessons)

26. How can you put two liters of milk in a liter jar? (It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk)

27. If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse? (Five minutes)

28. How many months in a year have 28 days? (All months)

29. What do they drop when they need it, and pick up when there is no need for it? (Anchor)

30. The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it? (The rope was not tied to anything)

31. What can travel the world while staying in the same corner? (Mail)

32. Is it possible to light a match under water? (It is possible if water is poured into a glass, and the match is kept below the glass)

33. How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break? (You need to throw an egg four meters, then the first three meters it will fly whole)

Leading: Well done. The jury will calculate which team has more correct answers or answers close to the truth, which the jury counted as the correct answer. This was just the beginning. We continue the game.

2. Mysteries of mathematics

1. Solve the problem in verse:

We are only from the steamer

Recently from a hike -

Eleven weeks

We stayed on the water.

How many days is it? (77 days)

2. Solve a joke problem: from city A to city B the plane flies 80 minutes, and back 1 hour 20 minutes. Why? (80 minutes = 1 hour 20 minutes)

3. A flock of geese was flying: one goose in front and two behind; one goose between two and three in a row. How many geese are there? (Three geese)

4. Listen carefully! I got on the bus and counted the passengers. There were 17 of them. The bus started, then stopped. At the first stop 6 people entered, 2 exited. At the next, 4 entered, no one got out. And then at the bus stop one citizen entered with a whole bunch of new clothes. How many stops were there? (Four)

3. Historical figures

1. Who owns these words: "Whoever comes to Russian land with a sword will die by the sword" (Alexander Nevsky)

2. Which city is in Ancient Rus called the mother of Russian cities? (Kiev)

3. Who compiled the Slavic alphabet? (Brothers Cyril and Methodius)

4. Unusual local history

1. Muscovites live in Moscow, Vladimir residents live in Vladimir. And what do the residents of Kursk and Arkhangelsk call themselves? (Kuryans, residents of Arkhangelsk)

2. Name the words that must begin and end with the letter "K":

- flower (bell)]

- dance (Krakowiak);

- irreplaceable person on the ship (cook);

- children's fairy tale ("Kolobok");

- edged weapons (dagger);

- mountain of the Caucasus (Kazbek);

- room on the ship (cockpit).

3. Name the words that must begin and end with the letter "A":

- the central place of the circus (arena)]

- old musical instrument(harp)]

- big river in Siberia (Angara)]

- part of the world (Africa, America)]

- central blood artery (aorta).

Host: We have already held several competitions, it will be difficult for the jury to determine the winners.

Let's give the jury time to work and spend a little game with everyone present at our class hour. So...

5. Fantastic declension

Leading: It is necessary to remember the cases and demonstrate the declension rules.

We use the words "ekalemene" and "epereste". Let's decline these words, leaving the root "e" unchanged, changing only the ending - "kalemene" and "peresete".

It should look like this:

Nominative (who? What?) Ekalemene, epereste.

Genitive (who? What?) Ekalemenya, epesetya.

Dative (to whom? What?) Ekalemenu, eperesetu, etc.

(All those present try their hand. The winner is the one who declines the words faster and without mistakes)

6. A little about everything

1. Which animal has the loudest voice? (Crocodile)

2. Which legs of a giraffe are longer - front or back? (The same)

3. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)

4. What animals fly? (The bats)

5. Does a badger benefit or harm a person in winter? (He sleeps in winter)

6. What is the name of a natural phenomenon when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth on one straight line? ( Solar eclipse)

7. Make as long a sentence as possible (all words should begin with one letter, except for prepositions and conjunctions). For each word in the sentence - 1 point. For example, the letter "K".

8. What did Cinderella treat to her sisters at the ball? (Oranges, lemons)

9. Which hero of the fairy tale went blind without losing his sight? (Kai from the fairy tale " The Snow Queen»G.Kh. Andersen)

10. The heroine who taught the reckless boy: “Pull your leg out from under you and lower it under the table. Do not eat with your hands, there are spoons and forks for that. " (Malvina)

12. In what city was the Russian writer A.P. Chekhov? (In Taganrog)

Host: We will ask the jury to announce the results before the last competition.

(Jury members announce preliminary results)

7. Gifts of nature from different countries.

Leading: And now we have come to the final biological competition - "Autumn Gifts".

Here we will ask everyone to be quiet, just to raise the signs with the number corresponding, in your opinion, to the correct answer.

1. After carrying out archaeological excavations, we learned about the very first bread. It was made from ...

wood; nuts and acorns; wild grass. Soaked and dried acorns were ground

between the stones into flour, from which the first raw cakes were made, they could be baked on fire. This is how bread was made until wheat was consumed.

2. There is a fairy tale about a miracle tree on which rolls, rolls, gingerbreads grow. And in which country does a breadfruit actually grow, which bears fruit for 8 months a year, and bread from one 15-year-old tree is enough for a family of three for a whole year?

In Jamaica; in Japan; in China.

3. The name of this vegetable, borrowed from the German language, goes back through the Italian word “truffle” to the Latin “terratuber”, which means “earth cone”. What do you think these "earth bumps" are?

Radish; beet; potato.

4. There used to be a belief: if you take bowls with this steamed vegetable to the forest in the evening, in the morning you will find an ingot of gold at this place, since this favorite treat gnomes. At night, the gnomes will eat the treat and pay handsomely for their favorite food. Gullible people carried bowls into the forest, but, alas, they did not find gold. What is the favorite steamed vegetable for the Dwarfs?

Carrot; goat; beans.

5. This vegetable was considered by the ancient Persians as a symbol of quarrels, discord and gossip. Whoever wanted to annoy a rival or foe secretly threw a branchy wild plant into the house. And the Greeks, on the contrary, greatly appreciated this root crop, even making grateful offerings to the gods in the form of its silver image. And in Russia, beauties used it as a blush. What is this vegetable?

Radish; beet; carrot.

6. This vegetable is not only edible. In 1532, in the valley of the Orinoco River, putting up strong resistance to the Spanish conquerors, the Indians carried out the first ever ... gas attack. They carried braziers and continually threw a red powder on the embers. What shredded vegetable did the Indians get the suffocating gas from?

Onion; garlic; pepper.

9. This vegetable for a long time in France and Italy served only as a decorative decoration for pavilions, in Germany it was adorned in pots among indoor plants, and in England and Russia it was grown in greenhouses among exotic flowers. It was brought from South America, its fruits were called "golden apples", although they were considered poisonous. What vegetable are we talking about?

Melon; a tomato; squash.

10. The homeland of this vegetable is India. At one time it was believed that this is the most delicious food. There is even a legend in Turkey: in ancient times, when this vegetable had just appeared in the country, the cruel and greedy Sultan Mohammed II once ordered seven courtiers to rip the bellies open in order to find out which of them ate one of the vegetables sent to him as a gift. It came to Russia from Greece, and its name in Greek means "unripe, unripe." What is this vegetable?

Eggplant; cucumber; cabbage.

(The jury sums up the results. The winners are awarded. Tea drinking.)