Picture print games 5 6 years old card file. Table printing games and lotto. Game Travel: The educator asks

"My house"

Purpose: Teach the house from the details, to tell about what is.

Equipment: Cards with images of architectural details.

Rules of the game: Children disassemble and lay down in the course of their story details of the house. It may turn out that the same children will be interpreted in different ways, leading, helping players with "prompts", should encourage their fantasy.


"There is a staircase in my house. I'm climbing on her (...) floor. Then I open the door and enter the apartment. In our apartment (...) windows, etc.

"Slug the picture"

Material : 8 split color pictures with the views of the city of Armavir.

rules : Find the color, fold and call one of the species of the city.


Material: 6 cubes, each of which from all sides is placed by a fragment of photography with a view of the city.

Rules: Fold one of the species of the city.

"Magical city"

Purpose: Secure the knowledge and ideas about the architecture of the city of Armavir.

Tasks: find out different types Armaavir architecture (bridges, monuments, columns, lattices, palaces, cathedrals, museums) with mysteries. To summarize the features of architecture (strength, beauty, benefit.)


Rules of the game: For two fields, children lay out cards, after they take a working card and relate the attraction with color.

"Make a picture"

Purpose: 1. Ensure the knowledge of children about the architectural buildings of the city.

2. Teach children to make an image of a building from pieces.

I Create a picture of parts (without sample) to give the name of architecture

II Make a picture picture

III Make a picture on the pattern overlapping on the image.

"Sea battle"

Material: two gaming fields and split pictures with numbering.

Rules: Plays from 2 or more children; Fields filled with shirt cards up, after filling the players change the fields and the battle begins, who first gave the mung out the image that the winner.

Who moves how
Purpose: Secure the ability of children to systematize animals by way of movement (legs, wings, fins)

Material: B. large cards depicting models of animal movements, pictures of animals.

The lead distributes big cards with the image of the models of animal movement organs (legs, wings, fins), then pulls out small pictures with the image of birds, fish, animals, children cover empty squares in accordance with the model.

"Who lives in our region"
Purpose: Fasten the ability to systematize animals by habitat. Shape the skill use of models.

Material: B. large cards depicting different animal habitats, with an image of animals.


The presenter distributes all players to large maps with the image of models of various animal habitats (water, air, earth), then pulls out small pictures with the image of animals, birds, fish that are found in Krasnodar TerritoryThe children cover empty squares in accordance with the model.

Guess the tree

Didactic task: Differentiate trees according to their main features: trunk, leaves.

Gaming rules: Act across the sign. Observe the order.

Gaming action : Consider and call the similarity or difference of trees and leaves.

Didactic material: Cards depicting trees, leaves.

Stroke Game

The teacher distributes cards card with maple and birch. The educator offers children to correctly call cards.

Children are called, compare trees, identify similarities and differences.

Maple and birch are trees. They have roots, one barrel, a lot of twigs and leaves.

Klen has a dark trunk, and the birch is white. The maple leaf is similar to the palm, and the birch of the edge of the carved leaves.

From what tree sheet?

Didactic task: Differentiate distinctive features maple leaves, birch, rowan, etc.

Gaming rules: Act across the tutor. Observe the order. Speak clearly and clearly. Answer the question to the full answer.

Gaming action: Find out and call a leaf, appropriate wood.

Didactic material: Cards with the image of leaves: birch, oak, maple, rowan.

Stroke Game

The teacher distributes leaflets of different shapes, and children determine what tree they are.

This sheet is from birch, so it is called birch.

This sheet is from oak, so it is called oak.

This sheet is from rowan, so it is called rowan, etc.

Third wheel

Didactic task

Gaming rules: Act across the tutor. Slip the card with the image of the animal, which is superfluous.

Gaming action: Find an extra animal on the card and postpone him aside.

Didactic material: Cards depicting domestic and wild animals.

Stroke Game

Children are distributed cards with animals. Children must determine which animal is superfluous.

Barashek, cow - these are pets. They live next to a man. Fox is a wild animal, she lives in the forest. Fox is an excess animal. Etc.

Fourth Land

Didactic task: Differentiate domestic and wild animals by their main features.

Gaming rules: To cover the chicken only the animal that is superfluous on the card.

Gaming action: Find an extra animal on the card and close it with a chicken.

Didactic material: Cards for the game "Fourth Excess" in the number of children. Chips.

Stroke Game

Children sit at the table. They have cards divided into four cells. In three cells depict wild or pets. The fourth cell depicts fruit or vegetable. Children should find an extra object and close it with a chip.

The educator before the start of the game explains the rules of the game:

You have a card. What is shown on these cards? (children's responses)

If animals live with a man, how do we call such animals? (domestic)

If animals live in the forest, how do we call such animals? (wild)

Look carefully on the card and close the chicken object.

From beds to dinner table

Didactic task: Secure in children knowledge of generalizing concepts: vegetables, fruits, fruits, seeds.

Gaming rules: Answer questions by observing the order. Listen to the responses of peers and help if necessary.

Gaming action: The tutor reads the text and spreads the picture of the actions on the magnetic board. In the course of the story, asks children questions.

Didactic material: Magnetic boards cards: vegetables, fruits, fruits, etc.

Stroke Game

The teacher in the course of his story lay out the story pictures and asks children questions:

Autumn has come. People came out in the field, in bed and began to harvest. What can be collected on the beds? (Children answer, and the teacher lay out: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, etc.)

People came to the garden and began to collect crop from trees. What can be collected from the trees? (apples, cherry, plums, pears, etc.)

Part of the crop of people ate. And some crop decided to maintain for a long winter. They took vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers. Washed them with warm water. They put in glass jars, sat down, poured boiling water and closed with covers. What can be said about these vegetables, what did you do with them? (Vegetables installed, put in the cellar)

They took potatoes and specified in a vegetable store.

They took fruit: apples, pears. Washed them with warm water. Then they cut on the slices and began to dry. When apples and pears were completely dried, folded into the bag and put in a dry place. How do we call such fruit? (dried fruits)

Winter will come. Give mom from the cellar of salted cucumbers and tomatoes. It will get dry fruit, boils the compote and everything will remember everything again. Why?

Who eats what?

Didactic task: Clarify the knowledge of children of animals names and what they feed. Develop observation and attention.

Gaming rules: Start picking cards on the tutor signal. Perform actions without interfering with each other.

Gaming action: Search right cards.

Didactic material: Cards with the image of animals and what they feed on the number of children.

Stroke Game

Before children lie cards with an image of animals. Children pick up on the table at the tutor for animals the corresponding picture: for a cat - Milk in a bowl, for a dog - a bone, for a pig - bash, for the goat - herb.

What is the insect, name?

Didactic task: To form in children the concept of insect. Recognize and call representatives of insects: fly, butterfly, dragonfly, etc.

Gaming rules: Start your actions across the tutor. Who is the first to collect the picture calls it.

Gaming action: Search for the right parts, folding the whole picture.

Didactic material: Cards with the image of insects by the number of children.

Stroke Game

On the tables in front of the children lie cut pictures with the image of insects.

Children must collect split pictures, guess the insect and call it. If children find it difficult to name the insect, the teacher helps, makes the riddles:

All bugs she mile

The back is red.

And on her mug

Black dots (ladybug)

She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big, big eyes.

Call her ... (dragonfly)

On the chamomile at the gate dropped the helicopter -

Golden eyes, who is it? (dragonfly)

The juice of the colors of fragrant drinks.

Gives us and wax and honey.

People with all she is Mila,

And her name is ... (Bee)

Chek, chok, yuk!

Flew to us in the garden ... (bug)

Not a buzz when I sit,

Do not buzz when I go.

If in the air is circling,

Here I will get widged. (bug)

We will place wings -

There is a pattern on them.

We are twirring, flick -

What circle of space! (butterfly)

Where is the tail?

Didactic task: Secure the knowledge of children about the parts of the body of animals.

Gaming rules: Take cards in turn and only those that are suitable for the main picture.

Gaming action: Search for the right cards.

Didactic material: Paired cards with the image of animals and tails of these animals (by the number of children).

Stroke Game

Children tutor distributes cards with the image of animal tails. On the table are cards with the image of animals without tails. Children alternately take a card from the table and pick up the appropriate animal: Wolf, Fox, Bear, Squirrel, Hare, etc.

Find the same flower

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding items similar to the image in the picture. Educating attentiveness, concentration, form children's speech.

Gaming rules: Act across the sign. Observe the order. Show only the object that is depicted in the picture.

Gaming action: Take from the table with a picture of a flower and find a flower on a flower a similar pattern.

Didactic material: Subject pictures with a picture of flowers. Mockup of flower glade with flowers.

Stroke Game

The educator invites children to the table on which subject pictures are located. Children view pictures, recognize flowers, call them. Choose pictures with the flowers you like and find flowers similar to the flower glade, and call them.

Help green friends

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding plot cards, logically explaining the situation. Educating attentiveness, concentration, form children's speech.

Gaming rules: Act across the tutor. Observe the order. Lay out only those cards that are suitable in the plot.

Gaming action: Take from the table story card and lay out in front of you.

Didactic material: Scene pictures with the image of situations.

Stroke Game

The tutor distributes plot cards. Children should choose only those that correspond to the situation.

Children lead dance around cherry and forest lilac.

Children draw lilac and cherry bouquets near flowering trees.

Children watered and take care of trees.

Children take pictures near colors and flowering trees.

Children sing and play near Ivushka. Etc.

Look, guess and name

Didactic task: To form in children's ideas about the basic properties of the dishes: the material of manufacture. Give a summary concept - glassware.

Gaming rules: Act across the tutor. Take only one subject.

Gaming action: Take the item, call it and say, from what it is made.

Didactic material: Glass objects of dishes: cups, spoons, sugar, saucer, etc., Malvina doll.

Stroke Game

Children alternately take cards (it is better to use real objects) and call:

This is a vase from transparent glass.

This is a glass of transparent glass with flower.

This is a bottle for perfumes from multicolored glass.

This is a bubble for drugs from dark glass.

This is a bottle of stained glass. Etc.

How can all these objects call in one word? (these glass items)

Pick up clothes

Didactic task: Exercise children in distinguishing winter and summer clothes. Educating attention, memory and logical thinking.

Gaming rules: Correctly pick up clothes for the doll.

Gaming action: Search for desired clothes for the doll.

Didactic material: Silhouettes of dolls and puppet clothes in the number of children. Pictures of winter and summer landscape.

Stroke Game

On the table in front of the children lie silhouettes of dolls and winter and summer clothes. The tutor alternately shows the picture of the summer and winter time of the year. Children must pick up the dolls appropriate clothes.

Who are our assistants?

Didactic task: Fasten the knowledge of children about household subjects, facilitating the work of adults. Rail interest in mechanical subjects, the desire to work.

Gaming rules: Lay on a magnetic board only one card and give an explanation to the appointment of this subject.

Gaming action: Search for the right cards.

Didactic material: Cards with the image of household appliances: vacuum cleaner, washing machine, iron, ironing board, etc.

Stroke Game

Children alternately take a card with the image of a household subject, attach to a magnetic chalkboard with explanations.

Vacuum cleaner is our assistant. He helps us to clean the garbage from the floor.

Washing machine Our assistant. She helps us wastewear.

Iron our assistant. He helps us to iron underwear.

Ironing board our assistant. On the ironing chalkboard, we stroke wounded underwear. Etc.

We collect a rocket

Didactic task: Exercise children in the compilation of a whole object from individual details. Develop design abilities. Educating attention, memory and logical thinking.

Gaming rules: Choose to choose and fold the details of the rocket.

Gaming action:Search for the right position of individual rocket details. Performing design only according to the drawing sample.

Didactic material: Sample drawings rocket. Designer for each child.

Stroke Game

Children are collected from the constructor a rocket in sample.

The educator reports to children that this is a sample drawing of a rocket.

We will be designers with you. Designers first consider their drawing, and then construct the rocket.

Guess and name

Didactic task: Exercise children in guessing riddles. Educating attention, memory and logical thinking.

Gaming rules: Put the right thing.

Gaming action:Search for the right subject. Task execution only on the tutor signal.

Didactic material: Chest with card answers to riddles.

Stroke Game

The educator reads a riddle, and children should find the answer in the chest.

Cut, cut, cut out,

Mom sew we help. (Scissors)

Little growth I,

Thin and acute

Nose to myself looking for myself,

Behind his tail Thaw. (Needle with thread)

All day today

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a little bit, Bear, -

There will be a pantice.

I sewed a shirt with Mishke.

I am a tannushki back.

Name soon, who am I?

Well, of course ... (seamstress)

You will find me at a construction site

Fidget I and the brisk.

Head all day nod

Nails in the board scoring. (A hammer)

Beat the ermile on the back of the back

Well, he does not cry

Only nose in the board hides! (Nail)

She began to work

Drew and dug.

Ate, ate, oak, oak,

Broke the tooth, tooth. (Saw)

Speakers fly white,

Fly from under the saw.

Who does it

Windows and floors?

Ax and hammer

Without a bitch, zadorinka.

For guys in our garden

He chischated the tables! (A carpenter)

What we go

Didactic task: Exercise children in the name of aerial, water and terrestrial vehicles: airplane, train, steamer.

Gaming rules: Show the corresponding card only by the tutor signal.

Gaming action: In the course of the laid out of the painting tutor on a magnetic board, children find the necessary cards.

Didactic material: Cards with the image of transport in the number of children.

Stroke Game

In the course of the story, the teacher exhibits a picture on a magnetic board.

Mishuutka, Tigrenok and Frog-Kubashka come to visit children. Selected transport and went. But what transport chose they chose, we guess if the riddles guess.

Where does the frog-cuckoo live? (on the swamp)

A frog-cuckoo came out from his swamp and sees - a large river in front of it.

On the river floats the house,

Even the windows are in it.

People in the house ride -

A frog-cuckoo took with you.

What came to us a frog-cuckoo? (on the steamer. Children show the corresponding card)

Who is the most important on the steamer? Who manages the steamer? (captain)

Tigrenok lives very far away: behind the seas, behind the mountains. On the car for a long time to go, do not swim on the steamer, and you want to visit the guys. And he decided to choose which transport:

This is a bird, a bird-in-law.

Inside her people sitting,

Between himself says

And at this time a bird-non-bass

She flies across the sky.

What is this bird-in-law? (Airplane. Children show the corresponding card)

What is the aircraft and there is no car? (wings)

Who is the most important on the plane? Who manages the plane? (pilot)

Frog-cake swims on a steamer. Tigrenok flies on the plane. And where is the Mishutka?

Where does the Mishutka live? (in the forest)

That's right guys.

Mishutka came out of the forest and sees:

Near the forest, the staircase lies,

The house on the stairs is worth.

Brothers got shifted to visit

Each other cling to

And rushed into the path far

Only left the smoke!

Took one brother Mishutka, and brought to children in kindergarten. Mishutka did not even understand what he came to.

What is this brothers? (trailers)

So what did Mishutka come to visit the guys? (by train. Children show the appropriate card)

After the children guess the riddles, Mishutka, Tiger, and Frog Cuckuck appear.

Collect the picture

Didactic task: Exercise children in recognition and calling individual parts of transport. Develop imagination, shallow motorcy, memory, patience, hard work.

Gaming rules:Start action across the tutor signal, follow the order.

Gaming action: Search for the desired part and drawing up a whole picture.

Didactic material: A split pattern with a rocket image of 6-8 parts.

Stroke Game

Children collect a picture with the help of an educator.

Guys, you want to know what we will go on the journey today? (The educator reads a riddle)

Wonderful bird, scarlet tail,

Flew to a flock of stars ... (rocket)

- First will post Andrew. Carry your part of the painting. See what is depicted on it? How should we arrange it?

Now bring his part of the Picture of Natasha. Etc.

Turn the scooter into the car

Didactic task

Gaming rules

Gaming action: Finding the desired details.

Didactic material: Cut parts for scooter and machine. Crossbar, wheels, steering wheel, body, cabin.

Stroke Game

On the tables in children split parts scooter, cabin, body. The tutor shows a picture with the image of a scooter. Children independently lay out the scooter. Next, the teacher proposes to turn the scooter into the car. Children should install the cab and body on their scooter.

Light traffic lights

Didactic task: Exercise in the compilation of a whole of individual parts. Educating attention, memory, friendly relationships, imagination, design abilities.

Gaming rules: Act only after the tutor and independent sign.

Gaming action: Finding the desired details, drawing up a color circle and sequential layout of the subject - traffic light.

Didactic material: Cutting details of color circles: yellow, green, red.

Stroke Game

Children collect colored parts of circles and lay out consistently, depicting traffic lights.

Collect the drawing

Didactic task: Exercise in the compilation of a whole of individual parts. Educating attention, memory, friendly relationships, imagination, design abilities.

Gaming rules: Act only after the tutor and independent sign.

Gaming action: Search for the desired drawing details.

Didactic material: Cutting details of the drawing of a fire truck of five parts.

Stroke Game

Children all collect cut pictures together.

What car did we assemble the drawing? (Fire truck drawing.

How did you guess what is the fire truck? (Machine of red, phone number "01")

Collect the drawing

Didactic task: Exercise in the compilation of a whole object of individual parts. Educating attention, memory, friendly relationships, imagination, design abilities.

Gaming rules: Act only after the tutor and independent sign.

Gaming action: Search for the desired details of the drawing.

Didactic material: Cutting details of the drawing of the lounge of five and six parts.

Stroke Game

Children on the table collect separate drawing details. Then the lunokhod is made from the large designer.

Specify the right

Didactic task: Exercise in the classification of transport by type: air, ground, water. Educating attention, memory, friendly relationships, imagination, design abilities.

Gaming rules: Act only after the tutor and independent sign.

Gaming action: Search for the desired circle for transport. All transport decompose into three groups.

Didactic material:cards with the image of modes of transport: air, ground, water.

Stroke Game

Children perform an indication of the educator and differentiate transport at the place of movement: air, ground and water.

Spread the cards with the image of transport into three groups.

Sasha, call the transport of the first group (second, third)

How can you call in one word transport of the first, second, third group? (Air, water, terrestrial)

What kind of transport you have on the table more: air, water or ground? (terrestrial transport more)

Where is the land transport? (land transport moves on Earth)

What should be on earth for the movement of ground transport? (For the movement of land transport on Earth should be expensive)

Tatyana Macrushina
Wallow printed Games part 2

When does it happen?

purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the year, their characteristic signs, to develop connected speech, attention, resourcefulness, excerpt.

Move games: Children sit around the table. The teacher in the hands of several pictures with the image of the seasons, for each time of the year 2-3 pictures (winter landscape, winter fun, labor of people in winter). Clean the tracks, feed birds. The educator explains the rules. Children today we will play so: Look at me many pictures. I will not show them yet and you do not show them to each other. We will guess what is drawn. The teacher distributes the pictures, calls a child. He considers his picture carefully, then talks about its content. Then another child guess what time of the year was told. After the child shows its picture, children are convinced of the correctness of the answer. The game continues while children will not tell about all the pictures.

Search and find

purpose: Exercise in distinguishing the characteristic features of certain seasons.

Move games: Children classify pictures and put them on each other in the dependence whether they are in spring, fly, autumn, winter.

Who needs to work for work?

purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children that various things, tools of labor help people in work; Brief interest in the work of adults. The desire to work.

Move games: The game is carried out by type "Lotto" on large maps depicted - a cook, doctor, driver, janitor, etc. on small-items necessary in the work. The educator clarifies the knowledge of children about professions and about labor instruments. Then reminds the rules games. Children disassemble the pictures, pick up to big map The corresponding pictures are guided; Cook - saucepan, halter, kettle, meat grinder.

What do you need a doctor? What does it measure the temperature? What does hand pave? Look more carefully all items that need a driver. This game is carried out after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their labor. As children are familiar with the work of adults add pictures with the image (Builder. Postman, seller, milking, pigs and instruments of their labor.)

purpose: Exercise children in the ability to combine objects at their place growing: where that grows; Secure children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits and flowers.

Move games: In the box, the booster is a big cards, which depict a garden garden and flower bed and small cards with a picture of vegetables, fruits of flowers. Children view small cards

And where is the cherry grow? The teacher asks the child who holds a picture with a cherry in his hands.

On the tree.

And where is the cherry tree?

In the garden. Children answer.

Where grow flowers? (in the forest, on the flowerbed in the meadow).

And where is the cucumber? On the garden in the garden.

Here look at the children on these cards. What do you see here?

And on this card? Floweruba.

Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appeared in the garden that in the flower garden got into the flower garden that in the garden in the garden and everything would have got up onto their cells on the map. Who first closes all cells that and wins. Children exchange cards and the game continues. Such a game is used when the task of systematizing the consolidation of knowledge about other objects, such as dishes, furniture, clothing, shoes, belonging to work, for classes.

Paired pictures

purpose: Exercise children in comparison of the items depicted in pictures, in finding similarities and in the selection of the same images; raise the ability to execute rules games.

Move games: At the teacher, a set of paired pictures. In the pictures are depicted items: Toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The educator together with the children considers pictures, children call them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

Cup - the children answer.

And in this picture the same cup. What can be said about them? The tutor is not in a hurry to answer the question. Children are guessed by I. speak:

They are the same.

Yes, they are the same, pair. Two cups - steam, then steam rooms. Today we will play in paired pictures (Holds both pictures of the Schedule in your hand.) Listen to how we will play. I will put pictures on this table, and you are distributed in the picture. Whom I can't give birth and find the same picture on the table, I will find a couple of her. Won the one who will not be mistaken and loudly call the subject. I propose more complex optionI distribute the pictures, I ask them to be attentive and reply from whom the same picture. I do not show myself, but I tell about the depicted subject so that one who has the same can guess and show.

My picture is drawn in the picture. Long-terrible sulfur eats carrot. Who has the same picture? Children are looking for. The one who is depicted - bunny, he speaks: I also have such a bunny. And shows.

What is growing in the forest?

purpose: Secure knowledge about forest and garden plants.

Move games: The educator chooses three children and invites them to call what grows in the forest. For example, one he speaks: »Mushrooms, second: raspberries, the third: spruce. " And then again continues. The educator warns that it is impossible to think long. When the players violate the rule, then sit in place and choose a replacement. The new three gets another task, for example, list, which grows in the garden or who lives in the forest, in the courtyard, etc.

Mixed pictures

purpose: Stop and check cultural - hygienic skills.

Move games: The tutor hangs a big picture on the board. In the picture depicted an untidy baby. And children distribute small pictures on which toilet items. Children are looking for among their pictures the subject to complement a large picture and explain

What is planted in the garden?

purpose: Teach children to classify items on a certain sign, develop speed of thinking, auditory attention.

Move games: Educator asks:

Children Do you know what grows in the garden? Let's play the game. I will call different items, and you listen carefully. If I name, then you are planted in the garden "YES"if the fact that does not grow in the garden you say "NOT". Who will make mistakes losing. Educator begins:

Carrot. (Yes) ; Tomatoes (Yes)

Cucumbers. Yes.

purpose: Secure the knowledge of children about different machines, helping people, correctly call them and select paired images: Machine, cargo, combine, lifting faucet, etc.

Move games: The tutor shows the cards of the card, calls the cars and draws attention that the card shows two cars separated by a vertical strip. Then he distributes 4-6 cards to children here, I put my card, which cars are drawn here. Tractor and lifting faucet. Who has the same, put your pictures next to the machines.

And now what pictures are there? Who have these? Put them in one row. Children find the same pictures and put them on the end of the number formed. The game continues until the guys have no pictures. Then introduces a new rule, children again distribute mixed pictures and set the scene, lay out pictures with each other. Who does not have a suitable - passes the move, wins TOTWho is the first to put all the pictures.

What is growing?

purpose: Consolidate the knowledge of children about plants; develop the ability to establish spatial bonds between objects; Group plants at their place of growth, develop activity and independence of thinking.

Move games: Playing get along the big map with different landscapes; Little cards lie in the box. By the signal of a leading children select small cards in accordance with the drawings on the big map. wins TOTwho quickly closes all empty cells and correctly calls plants (Large maps are drawn forest, field, garden, garden.) It will be difficult for the name of cereals, mushrooms. Guys exchange cards, small cards are mixed, the game continues.

Put the flower

purpose: Navigate in space, distinguish concepts "Edge" and "Mid".

Move games: 5-6 children sit down to the table. Each table is a tray filled with sand and a box in which many multicolored paper flowers. - "Children, now we will put flowers, says the tutor. -In the box you have many colors, you need to put them beautifully, in a row, and not as it fell. The teacher monitors the work of all children, and every child speaks where he will plan the flower in the middle or from the edge.

Paired pictures

Didactic task. Exercise children in comparing items depicted in the picture, in finding similarities and in the selection of the same images; Educating attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to perform the rules of the game.

Gaming rules. Show and call only the same picture; Whoever will select and call a double picture, he gets a chip.

Gaming action. Search for the right cards.

Stroke Game. The educator has a set of paired pictures (ready, factory manufacturing or made by the educator by himself). The pictures depicts objects: toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The educator and children considers pictures, children call them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

- What is it?

"Cup," children answer.

- And in this picture, too, a cup? Look carefully and name what kind of cups. How can I say about them?

The tutor is not in a hurry to answer the question. Children guess and say:

- They are the same.

- Yes, they are the same, pair, two cups - steam, it means pairs, and pictures are also pair. Today we will play with paired pictures. (Holds both pictures in your hand - Cups.) Listen to how we will play. I will put pictures on this table, and you are also distributed in the picture. Who can't I call, he will fit and find on the table the same picture, will find a couple of her. Wins the one who is not mistaken and loudly calls the subject.

Educator, folding pictures on the table, asks for children to call that they are depicted: Yula, ball, cup, doll, teddy bear, kettle, etc. Children choir call all objects.

"And now I'll give you pictures to you," says the teacher. Who I call, he will say what his picture is, and will find my same on the table.

First, it raises children more active so that they are an example in fulfilling the rules of the game, then the most indecisive, shy. The ridden child is looking for a couple and, finding it, raises both pictures. For the correct answer, the child gets a chip. Pictures fold into the box.

In order not to lose interest in the game, you can offer another version of the game, more complex: the educator, distributing the pictures to children, asks them to be attentive and reply, who has the same picture. He himself does not show his card, but tells about the items depicted on it so that one who has the same can guess it and show.

- My picture is drawn in my picture, sulfur, eats carrot. Who has the same picture? - asks the tutor.

Children are looking for. The one who has a bunny depicts, says:

- I also have such a bunny! - and shows the children a picture.

The educator shows his. Children compare them, confirm:

- Yes, they are the same.

"We put them in a box," we offer a teacher. " Now listen to who I will tell you about. In a red dress with a bow on his head, the hair is curly, blue eyes, pink cheeks. Who has the same picture?

- This is a doll. I also have this, - the kid shows the same picture.

Compare two dolls, no one doubts them in their similarity.

The game continues until all subjects are described and pairs are found. The right answers are encouraged by a chicken. The educator notes those who correctly and quickly fulfilled the task.

Match pictures

Didactic task.Exercise children in the compilation of a whole object from its parts; Railing to the will, prudence, purposefulness.

Gaming rule. Not mistaken in choosing. Wins one who previously folded and called his picture.

Gaming actions. Search parts, folding the whole picture.

Stroke Game. The box contains whole pictures depicting different items: vegetables, fruits, toys, plants. In another box, there are the same pictures, but only cut into four equal parts vertically or diagonally. The teacher introduces children with pictures. They call that they are depicted. Then shows a part of the picture and asks:

- What do you think from which picture this piece?

- From the apple, the children respond.

The tutor imposes a part of the picture to the whole.

- Now we find other parts of the apple.

Children together with the educator are looking for pictures with the image of the parts of the apple, give them a tutor. When all pieces are found and laid next to the whole picture, the teacher says:

- See, children, it turned out an entire apple. Now I will give you pictures. Light I will give a pear, but Vika - Tomato. Vika, find your picture! And Yule I will give carrots. Where is the picture? (So \u200b\u200ball children are obtained in the picture.) And now collect entire pictures from their parts. Cut pictures lie on the table.

The search process itself, finding, folding parts carries the guys. "I have already a whole carrot turned out," "And I have a tomato," they are happy that they themselves "did" from pieces a whole subject (tomato, carrots, apple).

"Now let's put all the pictures in place and play differently," the teacher offers a teacher. "I will now give you a whole picture, but a piece." And you think about this piece, what picture should be collected.

"I probably succeed," one of the players is guessing.

"Lessu, and we will see if you did not make a mistake," the teacher fascinates the game.

A complicating game, the educator makes an element of the competition: who will first fold the picture, he wins, gets a chip. The complication can go along the number of parts (the picture is cut on six parts), and in content (there is not one object in the picture, but a short story: a girl playing with a doll, the bunny eats carrots, chanterelle with a kolobom, etc.).

There is also a game with cutting cubes. They need to be given after the children have learned how to fold cut pictures.


Didactic task.Exercise children in the ability to combine objects at their place of growth: where that grows; Fasten the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits, colors.

Gaming rule. Close the cells only by the pictures that correspond to the content of a large card: vegetables - on the map where the vegetable garden is drawn, fruit - where the garden is drawn, flowers on a flower bed and flower bed.

Gaming actions. Finding small cards with images of vegetables, colors and fruits and close the cells on the big map. Competition - who first closes all cells.

The course of the game. In the box, the tutor is large cards, which depict a garden, garden, flower bed, and small cards with a picture of vegetables, fruits, flowers. Children are considering small cards, the teacher finds out that they have in their hands.

- Where does the cherry grow? - Asks a child teacher who holds a picture with a cherry in his hands.

- On the tree.

- And where the cherry tree is growing?

- In the garden, the guys answer.

- And where is the cucumber?

- On the garden, in the garden, they answer the children.

- Where grow flowers?

- In the forest, in the meadow, on the flower bed.

- Here look, children, these big pictures. What do you see here?

- Garden.

- And in this picture?

- Flumbus.

Now you will play so that everything that grows in the garden appeared in the garden, that in the flower garden - got into the flower garden, which in the garden - to the garden, and everyone would have got up to their cells. (Shows cells on the map.) Who first closes all cells, he wins.

Children exchange cards, and the game continues.

Such a game is used when the task of systematization is set, consolidating knowledge about other objects, for example, dishes, furniture, clothing, shoes, accessories for labor, and others. Having worried rules, children use them in independent games.

Whose kids?

Didactic task. Consolidate knowledge of pets, their cubs, who screams; exercise in proper sound; Develop the ability to correlate the image of a young with a picture of a large animal.

Gaming rules. You can put the card with the image of the cub on the flanneluga, only after you hear the voice of an adult animal that mimics the children, and also after correctly calling a cub.

Gaming actions. Onomatopoeia. Find a cub in the picture, put on flannelifuphor next to the adult animals.

The course of the game. The tutor prepares for the game flannelugaph and a set of pictures with the image of animals and their young: cow and calf, horse and foal, goat and goat, dog and puppy, cat and kitten (there can be other animals). Before the game, the teacher with children considers the pictures, clarifies the knowledge of the names of animals and their cubs (see fig). Children exercise in sound-shocking.

- Let's show how the cow mice. And how is the kitten meow? We will play now. Look (on the flannelhemph is a strip of green paper) is a glade. What a beautiful lawn! (Shows.) Animals will walk here.

I now give you pictures. Animals will come to the meadow and call their cubs. You will find that young whose mom walks around the meadow and calls him to himself. You will put the picture only after you hear the voice of the animal. Understood? Here the meadow came out. . . (Pause.)

Children call:

- Cow.

The tutor puts a picture to flannelugaph.

- How is she calling her son?

- Moo-moo-moo! - Children pronounce children, considering their pictures.

In the voyas calf. He runs up to the flanneluphor with his picture, puts it nearby.

- Who came running towards her mother, Vova?

- Calf.

- That's right, children?

"Yes," they confirm.

So alternately put other animals. Children pronounce characteristic for each animal sounds.

- louder, children! Otherwise, he will not hear the goat his mother.

The educator teaches loudly and correctly pronounce sounds:

be-Be-Bee (or Av-Av-Av-Av, meow-meow-meow, Hrew-Hrew-Khrew). After all moms find their cubs, the game will repeat the words by the choir and one.

- Walks on the meadow of a cow with a calf, a pig with a piggy, a dog with a puppy, a cat with a kitten, "the teacher finishes the game, while drawing attention to the correct pronunciation of the end of the words: puppy, pig, kitten.

Another version of the game is possible: one group of children will be adult animals, and the other is young. Some children in turn call the animal and pronounce the corresponding sounds, while others quickly find them young, run up to the table and put both pictures with the image of an adult animal and his cub. When all pictures are chosen in pairs, the game can be finished.

Who needs to work for work?

Didactic task. Consolidate the knowledge of children about the fact that people help various things, tools of labor; Educating interest in the work of adults, the desire to work.

Gaming rule. Close the cells on the big map only by the pictures that correspond to its plot (the work of the chauffeur, cook, doctor, leader).

Gaming actions. Finding the right cards, competition - who will close all cells on the big map faster.

The course of the game. The game is carried out by the type "Lotto". On large maps depicted a cook, a doctor, driver, pineage, on small - items necessary in work. The educator clarifies the knowledge of children about professions and instruments of their labor. Then reminds the rules of the familiar game in the lotto. If the children did not play this game, the rules should be explained. Take one large map And consider it. Then pick up the corresponding pictures, for example, a cook - a saucepan, a half, a meat grinder, a kettle, a baking sheet, a colander. The teacher helps questions to those who find it difficult: "What else do you need a doctor? What does it measure the temperature? What does it borp? "," We look for more than all the items that the shovera need. "

This game is carried out after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their labor. As children with difficulty adults are familiar with the pictures of the builder, postman, merchant, milking and instruments of their labor add pictures.


Didactic task. Consolidate children's knowledge about different machines helping people; Correctly call them and select paired images: a light machine, truck, dump truck, bulldozer, lifting crane, watering machine, tractor, combine and other familiar machines cars.

Gaming rule. Card cards in turn, next to the same picture. Wins the one who first put all the cards.

Gaming action. If there is no pair picture by playing, he misses the move and waits when a steam picture appears on any end. When repetition of the game, the cards are reversed.

Stroke Game. Begins the game of a short conversation teacher about cars. The teacher finds out the knowledge of the guys about how these cars help people work. Children view pictures. The tutor then draws attention to the fact that the card shows two cars separated by a vertical strip (as in the game "Domino"):

"I now give you cards (by 4 - 6), and we will play the game" Domino ". So I put my card. What machines are drawn here? Right. Tractor and lifting crane. Who in the picture there is a tractor, he will put next to my. (Shows how to put it.) And who has a lifting crane where he will put his card? ("On the other hand.") That's right. And now what pictures lie in our edges? ("Combine and Machine" Volga ".) Who have such pictures? Put them in one row.

Children find the same pictures and put them on the ends of the resulting row. So the game continues until the guys remain the pictures. In conclusion, they can play so - slowly move the whole range on the table and talk at the same time: "We went, we went all our cars." Then all the pictures are folded into the box, stirred and distributed again. Game continues. The teacher says:

- And now, children, listen which rules still need to be performed in the game. Put your cards in turn: it will start Vova, then it will put his card of Julia, and for her - Seryozha. Remember? If you are not in the hands of the desired, pair picture, then you miss the move, say: "I do not have such a picture." And you will wait when your double picture appears at the end of the row. Wins the one who first put all his cards. Be careful!

When does it happen?

Didactic task. Consolidate knowledge of children about the seasons, their characteristic signs; Develop a coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, excerpt.

Gaming rules. Talking about his picture and guess her to whom the arrow will indicate. The picture is not shown until it is guessing.

Gaming actions. Relief and guessing pictures. Rotation arrow.

The course of the game. Children sit around the table. The teacher in the hands of several pictures with the image of different times of the year, for each time of the year 2-3 pictures. For example, a winter landscape may be depicted, winter fun, children in winter: clearing the paths, feed birds. The educator explains the rules of the game:

- Children, we will play today: Look, I have many pictures in my hands. I don't show them yet, and you are not

show each other when I distribute them to you. We will guess what is painted in the picture. Listen to what rules in this game. See, there is an arrow on the table. The one to whom she will indicate will tell us what is drawn in his picture, and then the arrow will indicate on who should guess. So be all attentive, do not mistaken!

The teacher distributes to all in the picture. Then rotates the arrow in a circle. The one on whom the arrow indicated, carefully examines its picture and then talks about its content.

"And now the arrow will indicate us on the one who rents, what time of the year Sasha told us. (Called the name of the caused child.)

After the answer, the first player shows his picture, children are convinced that the answer was correct (or vice versa). The game continues until the children tell about all the pictures.

This game can be carried out after the guys will accumulate knowledge about the characteristic signs of the seasons, about the labor and fun children.

An option for this game can be read by an educator excerpts from artistic works on seasonal natural phenomena and search for images with appropriate content.

What should the border guard?

Didactic task: Secure in children knowledge about the professions of the border guard, the defender of the Motherland. Development small Motoriki and memory. Exercise children in the correct name of items, clarify their appointment.

Gaming rules: Bring out the action with cutting pictures only after the signal. Who will quickly collect the picture, he starts telling about it.

Gaming action: Search parts and folding a whole picture. Description of the composed object.

Didactic material: Cutting pictures depicting items: helmet, rifle, automatic, gun, binoculars, bowler, mug, etc.

Stroke Game

On the table, cut pictures, children must collect them and explain why this subject is needed by a border guard (helmet, rifle, automatic, gun, binoculars, bowler, mug, etc.)

What is depicted on your picture? (binoculars)

Why do you need a border guard? (follow the border), etc.

The city is ...

Didactic task: To systematize kids about the city as settlement With roads, houses, social buildings, etc.

Gaming rules: Take only one silhouette. Act by signal. Listen to the answers of children and help them if necessary.

Gaming action: Selection of silhouette. The dialogue of the teacher and children.

Didactic material: Magnetic board, road silhouettes, houses, cars, etc.

Stroke Game

Children choose silhouettes on the table, lay them on a magnetic board and answer questions.

The city is ... (Roads)

And the doll tasks children questions:

What are the roads in the city? (People and cars are moving on the roads)

The city is ... (at home)

Why do you need at home in the city? (people live in homes)

City is ... (shops)

Why are stores in the city? (in stores people buy products and things)

The city is ... (Hospitals and clinics)

Why do you need hospitals in the city? (in hospitals and polyclinics of people treat), etc.

Matryoshka is considering at home:

What are different houses, and who lives in these houses? (children's responses are discussed and summarized that children and their families live in homes)

Collect the picture

Didactic task: Systematize children's knowledge about the profession of people working on transport.

Gaming rules

Gaming action: Search parts, folding a whole picture. Compare the same images in the pictures.

Didactic material: Envelopes with cutting pictures. Types of transport: airplane, helicopter, train, car, bus. Professions: pilot, driver, chauffeur, captain, etc.

Stroke Game

Children and tutors take one convective, sit at the table and collect pictures.

Andryusha, what is depicted on your picture? (plane)

Who has the same picture? (Children show pictures and explain)

What do you call the one who controls the plane? (pilot)

Natasha, who is depicted on your picture? (pilot)

How did you guessed? (The answers of children are discussed: the pilots have helmet, glasses, etc.)

Guys, who has a pilot in the picture too? (Children show pictures and explain)

Marina, what is depicted on your picture? (helicopter)

Who has the same pictures? (Children show pictures and explain)

Collect the picture and guess

Didactic task: To systematize the knowledge of children about the heroes of the story of N. Nosov "Dunno and his friends!".

Gaming rules: Take only one envelope and collect a picture on the signaler. Who is the first to collect the picture, he calls her.

Gaming action: Search parts, folding the whole picture, gaunting.

Didactic material: Envelopes with cutting pictures. Hero story N. Nosova "Dunno and his friends!"

Stroke Game

Children collect cut pictures and call the inhabitant of the flower city: Dunno.

Who sent a letter?

Didactic task: Activation of the speech of the preschooler, the development of small motility. Rail a culture of behavior and mutual assistance.

Gaming rules: Express your judgments without interrupting each other. Observe the order. Act only by the signaler.

Gaming action: Search for the right parts, folding the whole picture.

Didactic material: Envelope with a split pattern, which shows Dunno.

Stroke Game

Children collect cut pictures and make up a portrait of a minor.

There is a knock at the door and the postman is included.

You letter ... (gives a letter to the educator, and he reads)

"Dear kids! I ask you very much, help me. I went to the forest alone and got into trouble! "

Guys who could send us this letter?

Who found himself in trouble?

Who needs our help? (The answers of children are discussed) The educator gets out of the envelope split parts.

Guys, let's collect these details. Maybe then we will find out who is waiting for our help? Children begin to collect a picture and recognize melanchka.

Describe in order

Didactic task: Secure the knowledge of children about the years.

Gaming rules: Select cards with weeks of the year in accordance with the poetic text.

Gaming action: Search for the right cards and laying out them on a magnetic board.

Didactic material: Cards depicting different seasons by the number of children. Poems about the years. Magnetic board.

Stroke Game

Children listen to the text and choose the corresponding card according to the color and then at the request of the teacher lay on the magnetic board the color image of the seasons in order.

She comes in December,

When are trees in silver?

(Winter - Blue Card)

Green dress she put on,

And all around suddenly plane?

(Spring - Green Card)

In a wreath of sunlight

Following the spring comes ...?

(Summer - Red Card)

Yellow dressing dress,

Quietly comes to us ...?

(Autumn - Yellow Card)

The sun walks through the sky!

Defined when it happens?

Didactic task: Fasten the knowledge of children about the phenomena of inanimate nature: parts of the day.

Gaming rules: Select the color gamut on the content of the text.

Gaming action: Search for a defined color card for text content.

Didactic material: Colored cards. Model of hours (circle divided into four parts). Poetic texts about parts of the day.

Stroke Game

In the course of the teacher's story, children lay out the corresponding cards on the clock model.

Sky suddenly polished,

Quietly and looked

The sun is affectionate beam

What opened as the key? (Morning - Pink Card)

The sun illuminated brightly,

The earth gilded all.

He shines and shines,

Do not be lazy to lazy? (DAY - Yellow Card)

The sun went to sleep, and as if

Light blue bedspread

He covers the whole land.

A fairy tale Gnombic Reads

And quietly falls asleep? (Evening - Blue Card)

When with darkness

The land suddenly agreed

And in the sky of the moon

Has the star lit?

And a gnome long ago and

Tikhonechko slept? (at night - black card)

When does it happen?

Didactic task: Secure children's knowledge about parts of the day. Educating attention, patience.

Gaming rules: Relate substantive pictures with text poem. Answer only after the caregiver read the poem. Observe the order.

Gaming action: Laying the tutor on the magnetic board of the picture. Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: Sunny, rays, touches, month. Subject pictures depicting parts of the day.

Stroke Game

Educator The poetic text accompanies the lays down the picture on the magnetic board in content.

On the magnetic board on the right there is a sunshine.

Our Olya stood early

His dolls combed

All washed membreat

And came to our kindergarten.

When does it happen? (in the morning)

Lunch hour approached

Children sat down at the table.

Keep all the spoons -

Do not drop into the floor of the crumb,

(Sun moves to top of a magnetic board and an appropriate picture is set)

When does it happen? (day)

Day is over, there and here

People go home all

Moms in kindergarten rush

Take your guys.

(Sun moves to the right and an appropriate picture is set)

When does it happen? (in the evening)

Shutters closed

Children undress.

- quieter, quieter, birds.

You do not go under the window!

Sleep guys strong sleep.

(Sun moves down a magnetic board and an appropriate picture is set)

When does it happen? (at night)

The night lay on the roofs straight;

In general, there is no noise

Dad sleeps, fell asleep mom,

And the light was repaid everywhere.

When does it happen? (at night)

When does it happen?

Didactic task: Secure children's knowledge about parts of the day. Educating attention, patience.

Gaming rules: Observe the order. Children tell only about that part of the day, the plot of which is painted in the picture. Gaming Action: Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: Subject pictures depicting parts of the day for each child.

Stroke Game

The teacher distributes the cards to children on which the plots are depicted. Children should call part of the day, which corresponds to a specific plot.

This part of the day is morning. Because we do in the morning.

This part of the day evening. Because in the evening we are going to go to bed.

This part of the day day. Because in the afternoon we walk, play, we work.

This part of the day is night. Because at night we sleep.

Draw autumn

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the days of the year, the signs of autumn. Educating attention, curiosity, patience. It is an elementary comparative analysis, identify similarity and difference.

Gaming rules

Gaming action: Children along the story change the silhouettes of objects in the picture. Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: Sun, rays, tuchs, insects, birds, etc.

Stroke Game

The ready picture is exhibited before the game: Forest glada with flowers, butterflies, birds, bees, bright sun with rays.

The educator begins the story, children along the story change the silhouettes of objects in the picture.

Autumn came, and the sun became not as bright as in the summer. What was the sun? (The sun has become a latitive, shines, but does not warm - the sun is set without rays)

Bright solar rays hid from cold winds in the leaves. And the green leaves became what? (Yellow - Yellow leaflets are exhibited)

From the cold wind became Zyabko to our mosquito and bees, and they hid where? (in the tree bark and stump - insects hide behind a tree and stump)

And the butterflies turned into dolls, and will sleep until the next spring.

Birds fly through the forest, are looking for food and do not find. Why? (There are no insects)

What to do birds? (fly away into warm edges, where a lot of food - birds are built into the caravan)

But not all birds flew into the warm edges. What birds remained wintering in our territories? (Crow, Sparrow, Pigeons)

These birds moved from the forest closer to the Human House. Why? (a person will feed these birds in winter)

Birds flew away, insects hid, and it became very quiet in the forest.

Draw spring!

Didactic task: Secure children's knowledge about the years, spring signs. Educating attention, curiosity, patience. It is an elementary comparative analysis, identify similarity and difference.

Gaming rules: Act only in the tutor signal. Answer only after the educator will ask the question. Observe the order.

Gaming action: Children in the course of the poetic text lay out the schedules of the season - Spring. Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Magnetic figures: Sun, rays, tuchs, insects, birds, etc.

Stroke Game

Children alternately choose Spring signs on the table, corresponding to the poetic text.

Spring is when the sun shines brightly.

Spring is when flowers bloom and green grass.

Spring is when poultry churred.

Spring is when it pours a warm rain and run the streams.

When does it happen?

Didactic task: Secure children's knowledge about parts of the day, times of the year. Educating attention, observation, partnerships.

Gaming rules

Gaming action: Guessing the time of the year in the plot of the picture and show this time of year on the clock "Seasons". Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: magnetic board. Pictures depicting scenes of the seasons of the year. Watch "Seasons" - Lully circles to determine the seasons.

Stroke Game

On the magnetic board, pictures depicting the autumn, spring, winter, summer. Children must guess the time of year, call the signs and show it on the clock "Seasons". For this didactic game You can use Lully circles:

- the first, the smallest circle is divided into four parts and shaded green, blue, yellow and red - seasons;

- The second round is divided into segments with the image of the sun, snow, rain, cloud, etc.

The third circle is divided into segments depicting vegetation changes at the time of year;

The fourth round is divided into segments with an image of an animal adaptation to weather changes at the time of year.

When does it happen?

Didactic task: Secure the knowledge of children about the years. Educating attention, observation, partnerships.

Gaming rules: Act across the tutor. Observe the order.

Gaming action: Drawing up the time of year to signs in Lully circles. Drawing up a small story about the time of year by signs.

Didactic material: Lully circles for each child with plot cards will take.

Stroke Game

Children distribute Lully circles with plot cards at the time of year. Children should find plot cards at the time of year and tell:

In the smallest circle, the state of the Sun: the sun with rays, for mad, without rays, etc.

In the second round, trees and plants at the time of the year: with leaves, with yellow leaves, snow-covered trees, etc.

At the third round of adults and children at different times of the year: swimming in the river, ride on sledding, collect vegetables on the garden, etc.

This is the season of summer. Because shining brightly sun. On the trees. Green leaves, flowers bloom. People sunbathe and bathe in the river.

This is the season of spring. Green leaves appear on the trees. The travers run the streams. The sun shines, but the races are still small. People removed warm things and put on jackets and rubber boots. Etc.

What wind?

Didactic task: Fasten the knowledge of children about the phenomena of inanimate nature: the properties of the wind.

Gaming rules: Determine the positive or negative properties of the wind.

Gaming action: Consider a storyline and determine which wind is good or bad.

Didactic material: Scene pictures about wind.

Stroke Game

The tutor on the magnetic board exhibits a picture with the image. Children should determine which wind: good or bad?

Open from the wind window, broken vase on the floor.

Girl with a vacuum cleaner removes the room.

Children let the air serpent.

The girl calms the crying child and stretches to him an air ball.

The boy starts the boat.

Strong wind in the forest and broken trees.

Strong wind on the street, and the children walk in the yard.

Pick up the key

Didactic task: Fasten the knowledge of children about the phenomena of inanimate nature: the sun, the moon, tuchch.

Gaming rules: Children pick pictures of the appropriate color, collect the picture and find the appropriate item in the picture. Guess the riddles on the tutor signal.

Gaming action: Collect split pictures, find the appropriate subject, guess the riddles. The dialogue of the teacher and children.

Didactic material: Cutting pictures depicting the key - Colored, by the number of children. Volumetric items - the keys of different shapes. Chest with riddles.

Stroke Game

Children must choose cut pictures of the appropriate color, fold all the pictures, pick up the key according to the pattern.

The tutor pulls riddles from the chest. With proper guessing appears on the magnetic board, guests: Sunny, Moon, Tuchka.

It warms the whole world!

And the fatigue does not know.

Smiles in the window

And his name is everything ... (Sun)

At night, walk in heaven,

Dull land lights.

Bored me without stars one,

And call me ... (Moon)

In heaven floats the bag

And the sun closes.

And it happens - sometimes

That water flows out of the bag.

Hid better!

From a hole ... (clouds)

Consider and lay out

Didactic task: Secure the knowledge of children about the years, winter signs. Educating attention, curiosity, patience. It is an elementary comparative analysis, identify similarity and difference.

Gaming rules: Act only by the signaler. Answer only after the educator will ask the question. Observe the order.

Gaming action: Children at the suggestion of the teacher lay out the color scoreboard on the clock "Seasons". Lay out the basic signs of winter. Dialogue of the teacher with children.

Didactic material: Watch "Seasons", plot cards with winter signs in the number of children.

Stroke Game

Children must determine and put on the table the main championship time of the year.

What time of year should I put on our clock "Seasons"? (On the clock you need to install the arrow at the time of year - winter, blue hours).

Andrei, for what time of year we indicate signs outside the window? (Signals outside the window indicate that the time of year is winter)

Marina, what kind of winter signs did you lay out on your table? (Sun in the sky is not, it hid for a tucca. From the tuchka there is heavy snow. On the trees and the earth is snowing. On the street Strong wind. People wear fur coats, hats, scarves and mittens.)