Make chips for board game with your own hands. Why board games are so much - or the Board do it yourself. Board games. Wall-printed children's games with their own hands - board games in the middle group

Victoria Sakhna

Board games for children are an excellent reason for joint Game. At the same time, except for a fun pastime, they contribute to the development of the child. Depending on the game, intelligent, speech, creative skills. Today we suggest you make board games His hands For the development of intellectual abilities of your baby and. These games will be interested in preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, and the manufacture will take no more than 15 minutes.


Tangram - ancient Chinese puzzle, invented in the 6th century BC. It is a square separated by 7 figures: triangles - 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium, square and parallelogram. The essence of the game is that from these 7 figures to collect another specified figure in silhouette. At the same time, all the figures should be used and the imposition of one figure to another is not allowed.

Tangram develops logic, attention, figurative and abstract thinking, as well as small motor Hands.

How to make tangram?

As a basis, you can take cardboard, dense felt or porous rubber. If you plan to make the game one-color, then cut the square and divide it into parts according to the scheme. If you choose a multi-colored puzzle, then on paper, blacksmate the tangram scheme, cut into parts and then already on the pattern cut out the puzzle of the tangram of different colors. I chose a second way that the child is easier to collect figures in the color scheme. As a material, I have porous rubber with velvet spraying, the size of the game in the assembled form 17 by 17 cm. Figures from such a tangram are quite large.

In addition to the puzzle, the scheme needs. They are diverse on topics, and they can be easily found on the Internet. They can be printed or independently draw in a notebook (like us).

There are 3 types of complexity schemes:

  1. The scheme is divided into Tangram figures and painted in accordance with the color of the main figures. This is the easiest option when the child correlates the color figure with drawn and lays down the specified figure by copying.
  2. The scheme is divided into basic figures, but at the same time monochrome. There are no tips on colors.
  3. The scheme is a silhouette without breaking on the main figures. Such tasks become available at school age.

Crossings - Noliki

All famous game In our performance "berries - mushrooms". Develops logic and thinking. For its manufacture, we will need: multi-colored porous tires, 1 meter thick yarn (bright braid or rope), scissors and glue.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut the gaming field - a square of 22 by 22 cm.
  2. We prepare 2 segments of yarn 22 cm and glue it to a playing field in accordance with the generally accepted scheme.
  3. From the red rubber, cut the berries (5 pcs.) And glue the green cutlets from above.
  4. From brown rubber, cut the mushrooms, also 5 pieces. White legs decor white rubber. Beyond the latter, I used a piece of white felt.

When the game is driving - you can play.

Tired of the Bardak in the nursery? Tired without end to collect toys for a child?


For my daughter, I did 2 labyrinths: big and small with different tasks. In small, you need to help Masha get to the fruit tree. But on the way it will be waited: spider, bee and snail. You need to choose the safest way. In a large labyrinth, you need to help the Luntik to collect all the toys and come with them to the body for a joint game.

For the manufacture of the labyrinth, we will need:

  • cover from the box (I used the covers from our board games, now these are 2 in 1 games),
  • cocktail tubes
  • glue,
  • scotch,
  • large bead
  • stickers or cut figures depending on the tasks and the plot of your game.

Now there is a labyrinth itself on the lid, that is, those places where you will stick the tubes. You can create a maze on your own, use our option or copy the appropriate from the Internet. Now we try and cut the cocktail tubes so that they exactly match the specified pattern. We glue them with PVA glue, then gently glue the stickers (figures). When the glue dries, additionally lock the ends of the tape tubules.

Board games are a useful invention that will help the child of any age spend time with benefit. Such classes will give the sea positive emotions all family. The kid with their help will increase its intellectual opportunities, learn to logically think and finds out a lot of new and interesting.

Desktop entertainment in stores countless, but this is not at all reason to give up the manufacture of games with your own hands. Today we will tell you about a few interesting and easy-to-executive versions with which you can make board games for children..

Board games for children do it yourself

Foot rod

Such entertainment is perfect for kids 5-6 years. The child with you can take part in creating the necessary elements for this game. Classes are greatly developing small motility, imagination, help the crumb to reveal their creative potential. The game will bring a lot of positive emotions, teach kids to count, concentrate attention and be organized.

What elements will be required for the manufacture of floding classes and from which you can do?

  • Field.

As a field for foundation You can take a regular cardboard. Draw on it using pencils or paints route for the game. It may be mugs or any other figures of different colors. If you are not sure about your artistic abilities - use appliqués. Cut the necessary elements from colored paper, fix them on cardboard with glue.

So that the game was exciting, it is necessary a bit of her complicate. To do this, spend from some elements to another arrows, with which during the game the participant will return to several circles back or on the contrary, forward.

Select a couple of other details using a specific color or draw some sign on them. These elements will be with surprises. When the player is on them, he will become the owner of the prize.

The rest of the emptiness of the field decorate the animals, draw the forest, at home, etc. Include your fantasy, but do not overdo it in order not to overload the game.

Rules of the game Develop yourself. Come up with an interesting story, you can in a fairy tale format. For young children, choose uncomplicated plots for grown kids - complicate the task.

Features! Teach your child did not despair and adequately take defeats in games, and most importantly continue to believe in your strength.

  • Cube.

A cube can be used ready or cut it out of cardboard on the template, designating the necessary numbering on each quadratic.

  • Cards with tasks.

Cards are needed when hitting one or another cell. Cut from the cardboard the same rectangles, on one side write the task, for example, "miss 2 moves", "come back to the start" or more creative: "Tights have passed as many times as the steps in the game", "eat candy" and etc. Let your baby take part in the process of creating cards, because it is a very exciting occupation that will develop fantasy and imagination. If you do not have drawing skills, then try to make it printed Games For children with their own hands, placing the card using the graphic program on the computer. All materials will only be printed.

  • Chips.

For the manufacture of chips, use felt of different colors. Sewing among themselves 2 mug, fill in the filler. Or from ordinary paper, make a cone, turning it into the croke, and then cut off at the bottom of an excess. Such a snaps are stable and easy to design, it is possible to decorate it at its discretion.

Products made of puff pastry in the form of various animals can also be used as chips. All participants will be enjoyed from the process of their manufacture.


This game is loved by many children. And it is not at all necessary to spend money and buy it in the store, because it is much more pleasant to make puzzles. Classes with them are suitable for children over 1 year. They will help develop heaviness, accuracy, imagination, attentiveness, fine motility. In addition, the baby will learn to distinguish colors and to think.

Of course, you can take a ready-made template on the Internet and print it, cutting into squares on special lines. But we will produce puzzles from felt. This material is durable, pleasant to the touch and completely safe for children, in addition to this, to work with it is a pleasure.

What do you need For the manufacture of puzzle?

  • Felt of different colors.
  • Threads.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle.
  • A piece of soap.

Features! For the manufacture of puzzle, choose the felt of good density.

Procedure of work.

  • To begin with, decide which puzzle you will be manufactured. Use patterns from the Internet or specialized logs.
  • Crawra Required appliqué details (in our case, we will do the opener), and then the base of the square.
  • Now we apply the clarity torso to the base and sew it with small stitches around the edge. You can use a sewing machine or perform these actions manually. Choose a needle not too thick so that there are no ugly holes from stitches.
  • Thereafter sein Beak to the torso in the same way.
  • Embroide the eye. Or you can cut a small circle from felt and sew or glue it to the clarity head.
  • We apply the pattern of puzzle to our base. Combede with a neat soap or pencil.
  • Cut out Details.
  • And now, to give a toy finished look and ensure good design strength, retreat from the edges of the resulting elements of 1-2 cm and deposit the line. Or we take a piece of felt, we apply the parts to it and lay the line in their edges, then cut off excess.

Board game puzzle ready.

By the same principle, you can sew more complex puzzles consisting of more parts.

IMPORTANT! Already at the stage of manufacturing a board game, a child can get invaluable experience, to express itself as an artist, designer, reveal his creative abilities and give the will of creativity.


One more interesting game do it yourself for children. For the manufacture of the labyrinth, you will need a lid from under the box, glue or adhesive gun, scissors, pencil, line and cocktail tubes.

Procedure of work.

  • Draw using a ruler and pencil inside the lid line for the future labyrinth. You can come up with it yourself or take the template from the Internet as a basis.
  • Cut the tubes on the necessary dimensions.
  • Apply glue on the line and fix the tubes using it on the line. Can be used instead of glue bilateral scotch.
  • All, toy is ready. It remains to take the ball (bead), which will be held along the maze.

If you have never made the game board for children at home - hurry to try, because it is a simple and very exciting occupation.

How to make a desktop game for children with your own hands: poeode video

Do not know how to make board games for children yourself? See the master class on making a fascinating board game:

We have an excellent idea - a "magic bag" with all sorts of all kinds where games are collected for children made by their own hands who will take for a long time for a long time. So suck the sleeves and get ready to spend a great weekend with children and with our ideas of games for kids from girlfriends.

We offer you a heap of ideas than you can take a child at home when he misses and all toys have been tired long ago. At the same time, you do not have to spend much to spend on new games, it will be enough that there is under rug, so that you make a new fun for children with your own hands.

10 games for children do it yourself to take a child at home

A selection of great games that you can make a child with your own hands to take it at home.

Illusion drawing

Children love to draw, but frankly, it is always stress for mom. If you do not know what to take a child at home, give him instead of white paper and paints colored and dense sheets, brushes and a small container with water.

It will dip the brush into the water and draw on colored paper. Paper will be dark, where water gets, and your child will think that he draws. Disaster in the apartment will not be.

Designer for a child with his own hands

How to take a child at home if he is from year to three? Children at such age just adore toys with many details.

For example, Mr. potatoes. Cut potatoes from felt, also cut out of the felt of other colors for him with eyes, nose, hats, mustache, and other attributes. You can carry it with you in a bag or leave at home, but in any case, Mr. Potato will bring a lot of joy. The best game for kids is difficult to come up.

The second option is possible.

Spy bottle - game for children with their own hands

Everything that is required is well to dig in your box in finding any unnecessary trifles: buttons, small toys, thimbles, keys. Take a picture of them, settling on the table, then shove into a bottle and pour rice or other crop.

When you need free time, give a child a photo and, asking to find all the items from the picture. Such games for kids can be created with your own hands again and again.

Games for children from wands for ice cream

Great way to take children at home.

Print different drawings geometric figures (Triangle, Square, Rhombus) and let your child, using the drawing, try to fold the same figure of sticks. Unlike chopsticks for an account, which will also fit, sticks from ice cream are not so easy to lose.

You can still make puzzle from sticks for ice cream. For this, some more sticks from ice cream (or use those that for figures, but on the reverse side). Cut out any photo stripes and glue to the sticks. Your baby will be able to fold the puzzle to get a picture. Plus, this game for kids is that it is not a pity to lose or spoil, and it is also easy to make a new one.

Games lacing with their own hands

Great idea than to take a child at home - give him an object with holes in which you can shoot the lace. Cut figures from the foam rubber, cardboard or paper plates. Make holes across the edges. Give a child some solid rope that can be traded through these very holes.

With the same success, you can use cocktail tubes or fluffy wire instead of cord and colander (noise) instead of cardboard to take a child at home for a while.

Games with plastic dishes do it yourself

Surely, each mom somewhere at home was lit by plastic spoons and cups with some kind of feast. Of these, you can also make educational games for kids with your own hands.

Take several transparent, white and colored plastic spoons after this marker to draw on one color and one transparent identical patterns. On the rest of the spoons, also draw different figures on this principle.

The meaning of this game for kids is that your child can find two spoons with the same icon and put them alone on the other. It will not only save you if you do not know what to take a child at home, but also teach the child to distinguish the figures.

Similarly, you can do with plastic cups. Such games will be able to take the kid for a long time at home.

Handling Makarinin

We all saw that children do somewhere in class, so why not play with dry pasta and at home.

Give the child pasta, in which there is a hole, and a rope, pre-toning a large knot at one end so that the pasta do not fall. Children can make beads or just a long-long ligament of macaroni different shapes and colors.

You can also offer to ride pasta on wire or sticks, stuck in the plasticine or foam base. Also pasta can be replaced by other materials: color beads or cardboard.

Sort of color cardboard squares

Another occupation, which not only entertains, but also develops. For this game, you buy a color card for this game for children, cut into small squares of different colors and embroidered on the clothesp. Spread the color of flowers in front of the child and let him try to attach the quadrip of the square of the cardboard of the desired color. This is a cheerful, and instructive game for kids.

We simulate the figures with your own hands

To take a child at home with benefit and without much costs, give him plasticine and toothpicks (there is an edible version of the game with Marshello and Straw) and offer to create volumetric figures using plasticine to connect sticks.

Games from cardboard boxes do it yourself

To take a child at home, make him from under the shoes. The box itself can be turned into table soccer With a pair of cocktail tubes. And the lid is in the maze for the ball: just glue the wands for ice cream or cocktail tubes to the box.

Games with sunlight

Put, put a sheet of paper next and offer children to circle the shadow along the contour.

Colored paper crafts

Colored paper crafts are an easy way to take a child for quite a long time. It is not necessary to do something concrete, you can simply give a set of carved figures (stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles) and offer the child to dream.

Games with water

Quick way to take a child at home without much effort from adults: Pour water in the pelvis, pour small items (covers from plastic bottles, balls) and give the task baby to get them with the help of sticks, spoons, scoop.

Strip of obstacles at home

Take the color tape, isolate or painting tape, get on the floor in the form of tracks and islets. Then, to take the children, offer them to pass the obstacle or drive to the toy machines, rolling a latter ball along the path, blowing on it through the straw for cocktails.

Funny drawings and collages from girlfriend

A simple recipe, how to take a child at home with drawing. Just give him unnecessary magazines, advertising avenues or old postcards, scissors, glue, paper and pencils. Further, the child cuts the characters interesting to him, sticks onto a blank sheet, and telesses what he thinks needs.

Such games are not only helping to take a child so that he does not miss the house, but also develop fantasy, they train a small motorcy.

Now you know what to take a child at home, and what toys for this quickly and just can be built with your own hands.

Board games do not require special training or some specific skills. They are ideal for leisure in a noisy company and will help an unforgettable time. Today in stores you can find a large number different games For children and adults, however, sometimes their cost is much higher than expected. We are offering to you make board games for children do it yourself.

Remember that the board game will help to unwind the family, and also teach to think logically and will have a positive effect on the development of your child.

Ideas for board games

The domino will look original from the felt. The advantage of this material is that its edges do not need to be processed. Points can be sewn or drive marker.

Do not think that children under 5 can not play dominoes. For them you can make chips with different colors of the sides. Such chips are easy to arrange from cardboard or wands for ice cream.

Chess and checkers are some of best gameswho train memory, logic and smelting. You can do the field for these games even with the adhesive tape or scotch.

If you find a felt with squares, then cut the field from it. Or sew squares from the fabric. Another way to make a chessboard is to attach some kind of solid surface with self-kept, and then draw it out and cut the squares.

Iron covers from the bottles are ideal as checkers or make chips from egg trays. To do this, you need to purchase trays from the eggs from cardboard and cut from cells. Coloring and re-adjust them and original checkers are ready. If it is too lazy to mess with such chips, take ordinary buttons.

Another interesting game will help develop spectatic memory. It is necessary to choose or draw the same pictures on chips from cardboard or paper. These chips are laid out on a flat surface face up, and then turn over. The goal is to remember as many pictures as possible and open the same.

Do not forget about the labyrinths in which the ball rides between the side faces. If you have a suitable box, then make such a labyrinth will be easy.

Ideas for board games do it yourself lots of. You can upgrade the whole family existing games, creating your own. Remember that the time spent in the family of a board game is the most useful holding of leisure.

They round in the fly dull feast, on which the only entertainment was eating naste dishes. Indeed, why miss, if you can praise well. We have already written about give actions do not come to taste far away, then there is a wonderful alternative - to get a beloved desktop game from the shelf, decompose the cardboard field and distribute multi-colored cards.

After some time, absolutely all members of the team will be involved in the process. Adults find out very funny, finding out each other who earned more crystals or how many points is due for this or that maneuver. We bring to your attention a selection of the 10 best desk games for a funny company.

Description. "Macchin" was created as a parody of the famous sign of the Dungeon and Dragons in the Gikik circles. Unlike his prototype, the game is relatively simple rules And completely deprived of serious notes. Run into one of the three mythological races (elf, dwarf, hafling) or speak on the side of mankind. Opening the "doors", you will come across the unfortunate mounds, which are struggling to become owners of a unique lute. You have the right to be an exemplary rival or do not disperse with sleek tricks. Conflicts and disputes in "Machcheck" are encouraged.

Number of players: from 2 (better still 3) to 6 people when playing with a standard set without additions

Time of one party: The manufacturer claims that an average of 45 minutes, but on personal experience less than 2 hours we have very rarely went out (and this is with 3 players)

Description. Today IT sector is experiencing an unprecedented rise. On the wavelength of information technology, the startup board game was developed. In it you can see the whole kitchen from the inside and promote your own projects, having passed the difficult path from the freelancer to a successful businessman. Note that without communicating and the ability to negotiate with competitors will be incredibly difficult to win. At first glance, the Board is another way to pass the evening, but, looking after you will realize that the game allows you to pump the skills of diplomacy and develop dedication.

Number of players: from 2 (better 3) to 5 people

Time of one party: One hour, as the manufacturer promises, but again, in reality will come out much longer (on average, 2-2.5 hours operated at the editorial team)

Description. Classics of the genre. Our parents with you played "Monopoly" before the collapse of the Soviet Union. The essence is extremely simple - throwing a cube and moving the chips on the field, you will learn the Neous cells, until it is for the sole owner of all material assets. After purchasing buildings, structures, industrial and retail space, this zone goes into your property and brings a fixed income. In addition to the "factories and steamats" there are social cells that require pay in the treasury tax or to send prison sentences.

Number of players: From 2 to 6 people.

Time of one party: From 1 hour (if someone is very long lucky) to infinity.

Description. The legend is so - the storm broke out in the sea, you and the members of your company turned out to be drifting in a slide boat in open, full dangers, waters. You swim with the faithful comrade, an evil opponent and unfamiliar strange personalities. Resources are limited, they have to share and share. The main task is to get to the shore alive, minor goals - to help a friend and destroy the enemy. The winner is determined on the basis of counting the scored points after the fourth seagull appears on the horizon.

Number of players: From 4 to 6 people.

Time of one party: The minimum is 45 minutes.

5. Alias.

Description. Game on the development of logic and speed of thinking. The "Alias" bundle includes a field, a cube, hourglass and set of cards. Of particular interest is the modification of the "Party", in addition, except for the selection of synonyms and associations, you will need to show pantomimes, to express various emotions, invent on the go interesting stories With unrelated words. A fondant star life will definitely like celebrity names.

Number of players: From 4 people to infinity, because you can share the team.

Time of one party:45 minutes.

Description. Do you dream quickly get rich? - Then pay attention to the Saboter game. Only gnomes are capable of finding gold-bearing cores in the depths of the Earth in the shortest possible time and to dig in place of gems. Players are divided into two teams, representing bearded labor and malicious pests. First - trying to pave tunnels leading to treasures, and the second - they strive to predican and get nuggets into their rumble. The game lasts three rounds (the path from the "Start" card to the "end" card), the participant who has minted the greatest amount of gold wins.

Number of players: from 3 to 10 people.

Time of one party:30 minutes.

7. Dixit.

Description. Associations to images are best showing what thoughts are thawing in a person. "DIXIT" is a stunning game of the development of imagination. Participants in turn becoming narrator and create magic stories with greatly illustrated cards. The lead chooses the most visible picture and comes up with a verbal, sound or mimic characteristic. The remaining players offer their own version according to the received tip. Cards are transferred to the storyteller secretly from rivals, stirred and try to guess which image marked the beginning of the associative row.

Number of players: from 3 to 6 people.

Time of one party: 30 minutes.

Description. The city falls asleep, mafia wakes up. Civilians Panic, gangsters custled into the edge, and the champions will be creative on the streets, raging and brutally killing innocent victims. An universal meeting and civilian was declared with the help of the Commissioner will have to calculate criminals. In the classic version, players are divided into 2 teams in a 2: 1 ratio. Most acts as simple inhabitants, and the rest charge machine guns and are preparing to shoot unwanted. There are two outcome options: either citizens transfer criminals on prison cameras, or they will go feed fish.

Number of players: from 6 to 30 people.

Time of one party: 40 minutes.

Description. We are adults and understand that no feast costs without taking alcohol-containing drinks on the chest. Instead of exacerbating in a traditional way, it is better to go to the case with Zador and Azart. Players choose drinks according to their own preferences and hanging a deck. Then take turns pulling the card, performing the written tasks (for the refusal or in the case of failure, the "penalty" is assumed). You will need to sing, dance, read poems and pronounce pator. Consider, sooner or later comes polar bear And put an end to fun. The victory is awarded the player who scored the most sobriety points.

Number of players: from 4 to 9 people.

Time of one party: Minimum half an hour.

Description. Whatever soft and fluffy we do not want to seem to others, deeply in your soul in each of us hides a decent pig. "Swints" provides an opportunity to release into the will of the inner cable. At the start there is a deck and ranks 8 cards, now your goal is to get rid of the ballast. During the career ladder promotion, it is allowed to use forbidden techniques, which in the game is abuse. One successfully chosen card you can drown a rival in dirt and discard it far back.

Number of players: From 2 to 10 people.

Time of one party: From 15 minutes.

Merry pastime!