Why Rockstar Games hates PC. Conditions and regulations Rockstar Games

Rockstar Games. Again made it. And I'm not talking about an unexpected announcement of the game, but about the fact that PC-gamers are in full span. So, Red Dead Redemption 2 Announced only on console At the fall of 2017 (by the way, almost certainly postponed).

Not to say that this is a big surprise. Games from "rock-stars" have long been unloved the PC audience, because their games go with a big delay, or do not go out at all, as in the case of the original Red Dead Redemption. But why is it going on?

After all, PC-gamers love their games as strong as "Consolers". Perhaps even more. After all, how else to explain the one wave of mods that we are condicted for each new game? But instead of support, Rockstar Only stands aside and as if yaws from boredom. Although not quite. After exit GTA V. They still drew attention to modding and ... banned several mods, because They influenced the network game.

Yes, the creation of a PC version is a rather difficult and cost-effective process. It is necessary to take into account the many indicators and variables. But it is Rockstar! They have enough resources to carry out this. In addition, new consoles are now presenting the same ecosystem as PC, therefore the transfer is carried out much easier than in the case of X-360 and PS3.

There is, by the way, weak hope that Rockstar just want to fully master and test last generation consoles. After all, they didn't produce formally games on X-one and PS4. If so, the PC version is only a matter of time. But, alas, the exit to PC is not confirmed even indirectly.

But so far Rockstar Right spits in the face PC players. So, you can remember last winter sale in Steam. With the release of the PC version, 8 months have passed. It would be possible to give a discount ... but no. Players only offered a free card with intra-card currency as a gift. And so far (and from the moment of release there has been a year and a half) the maximum discount on GTA V. It was in the amount of 33%. At the same time, the game is always engaged in the first line in the leaders of sales.

Those. To say that the pirates are also not guilty. Yes, this is a problem and GTA V. It was quite hacked, moreover, the game is still in different variations (4k-textures, built-in mods) appears on torrents. However, this did not prevent PC version to sell in the amount of 6 million copies. Yes, it is only 10% of all versions sold on all platforms. But other publishers do not even dream of such.

So really Rockstar So hate PC and PC gamers? Or just want to focus on consoles? It turns out that first. PC platform is now popular more than ever, what even mentioned Sony At the presentation of the new console. Porting thanks to the structure is also simply produced.

But Rockstar Continue to bend their line. Sooner or later series Rdr. Visit PC. No one will abandon the excess bag of money. The question is only - when? Although I would ask another - is it worth waiting for the game with such a relationship?

P.S. Would also like to add that fans Rdr. Collect petition about the release of continuation on the PC - on this link :) For 12 o'clock, 13,000 people have already typed! Join now!

This document is an agreement (hereinafter "the Agreement") between you and the American company, Inc., its parents, subsidiaries and branches (hereinafter referred to as "Company", "We" and Our "), regulating relations between you and Communication using your Internet services. The company provides access to Internet services and related services if you comply with this Agreement. In this regard, we strongly recommend that you read carefully and realize this Agreement.

The terms and conditions of this document complement the license agreement published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/eula and the regulatory use of all software products and services of the company.

Description of Internet Services
Trademarks and legal information
Providing materials by you
Rules of behavior
Limited license
Company license
Melodies of calls, background drawings and other mobile services and products
Virtual money and virtual goods
Refusal from warranty obligations
Invalidity in the case of ban
Damage compensation
Termination of action
The appointed author of the copyright law in the digital millennium
Policy in relation to persons who have committed repeated offense

Description of Internet Services

Subject to full compliance with you of this Agreement, the Company can offer you certain products and services available using the equipment connected to the Internet, including game systems, personal computers, mobile computers and smartphones, and through gaming applications and any software platforms, including those belonging to third parties (hereinafter collectively "Internet services"). Internet services include (without limitation) All services and materials provided by the company, including any materials submitted or used on the website. The company can at any time and for any reason to change, suspend or stop supporting Internet services, including stopping access to any functions or materials. The company can impose a limit on using certain functions or services, as well as limit your access to some or all Internet services, without prior notice or responsibility.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property

All Internet services, including, without limitation, texts, data, graphics, logos, button pictograms, images, audio and videos, links, digital downloadable materials, data arrays and software products are owned, are controlled, licensed or used with Company permits. All such materials are protected by copyright, trademark law and other laws on the protection of intellectual property. Materials Internet services are provided solely for your personal non-commercial use and cannot be copied, reproduced, reprinted, changed, loaded, placed, transmitted or distributed in any way, including email or other electronic data transfer methods, without prior written consent of the company in each concrete case. You can download materials specifically provided for download using Internet services for personal non-commercial use, subject to all copyright and other property rights notifications that can act in relation to such materials.

By the way, do you already have GTA 5? If not, then you can play right now and free to play GTA Online. With all add-ons from Rockstar Games.

Providing materials by you

ATTENTION: The company welcomes your personal contribution to the activities of the game community. Despite this, the materials of any kind, provided by you, including messages published on the company's website sent on electronic or ordinary mail, as well as transmitted by any other means, are transferred to the sole and exceptional property of the company that acquires all property and other property. The rights to such materials, including all intellectual property rights (including the right to create derivative work and the right of the original author when using derivatives), in any existing or future forms without any obligations to mention or pay you any remuneration When using such materials. No intentional statement on the preservation of the rights included in the materials sent or accompanying them will not have the strength. By providing the company's materials of any kind, you agree to all the above.


The following rules, principles and reservations regulate your use of Internet services and / or apply to such use.

Using Internet services, you agree: (1) use Internet services only in personal non-commercial purposes and only in full compliance with applicable law; (2) not limit and not to prevent the use of Internet services by any other persons (in particular, by persecution, hacking or injury); (3) Do not use Internet services to create, publish or accommodate any knowingly false and / or discrediting, inaccurate, offensive, vulgar, obscene, inciting hatred, sexually oriented, threatening, violating some particular life, illegal or inappropriate community standards materials; (4) Do not use Internet services to create, publish or place any copyright materials, except when you are the copyright holder of these materials; (5) Do not post, not publish and not transmit any information or software that contains "viruses", "worms", "Time-bomb", "Kselloboty", "Troyans" or any other malicious components; (6) Do not publish, not post, not to create and not transfer materials that violate the rights of intellectual property of third parties or other intellectual property rights; (7) Do not violate the rules of the game and not use unauthorized "robots", "spiders" or other programs together with Internet services; (8) Do not issue yourself for other individuals or organization when using Internet services. All decisions are made by the company at its own discretion.

By providing users with Internet services the opportunity to place their own materials (hereinafter "custom materials", "PM"), we do not consider each PM separately, and also do not confirm the accuracy, accuracy and originality of published PM. We do not control the content of published messages and are not responsible for it. We do not mean and do not guarantee the accuracy, accuracy, completeness and usefulness of any PM. The content of the messages does not reflect the point of view of the company, its subsidiaries, as well as any individuals or organizations related to the company, Internet services or any company websites. If any message causes you objections, we recommend that you use the appropriate complaint function or contact us at www.rockstargames.com/support. We remove unwanted materials if such removal will be considered justified. Please note that deleting or changing any information materials are manually made and takes a certain time. We reserve the right to delete (or not delete) any PM or other materials for any reason (or without any). You are exclusively responsible for your PM and agree not to engage the company and its agents in any proceedings related to the transfer of your PM. Placing advertisements, "letters of happiness", the "Pyramids" schemes, petitions and similar materials is unacceptable and prohibited in Internet services (including electronic ads and communication channels).

We reserve the right to reveal your personality (including any information known to us) without prior notice under certain circumstances set out in our Privacy Policy. For details, contact your address: www.rockstargames.com/ru/privacy.

Limited license

The company provides you with a limited non-empty license to access Internet services and the use of those. An indicated license is subject to this Agreement and, if applicable, a license agreement of the program published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/eula. In particular, the meaningful license implies the following: (i) you have the right to view, copy and print elements of Internet services exclusively in personal non-commercial information purposes; (ii) You do not have the right to change or otherwise modify the method of using Internet services, as well as any part of them; (iii) You have no right to delete or change any legal information, trademarks or other instructions on the author's affiliation, posted in Internet services; (iv) You do not have the right to use any data extraction tools, "robots" or similar methods for collecting and extracting data; (v) You have the right to use Internet services only for their intended purpose; (vi) you do not have the right to reproduce, use in derivatives, distribute and demonstrate Internet services, except in cases provided for in this document; (vii) You do not have the right to violate the above rules.

With the exception of cases that are directly allowed above, any use of any part of the Internet services without prior written consent of the company is strictly prohibited and leads to the termination of the license. Any such unauthorized use may lead to a violation of current legislation, in particular, copyright and trademark laws, as well as existing laws and regulations in the field of information technology. If otherwise not agreed, nothing in this agreement can be interpreted as the provision of any licenses for intellectual property rights, whether in the meaning of a document or otherwise. This license may be recalled at any time.

You declare and guarantee that you will use Internet services in accordance with this license, License Agreement and other applicable agreements or rules, and you will not infringe upon or violate the rights of any other parties, you will not violate any contractual or legal obligations towards any other parties, as well as any applicable laws. You agree to free the company from any responsibility to any person arising from the violation of you in this Agreement when using Internet services. To obtain permission to use Internet services in any way that is not included in this licenseYou can contact the company by email

Company license

Creating PM, sending messages, publishing and creating files by entering data or participating in any forms of communication with Internet services, you provide a free, indefinite, non-exclusive, unlimited worldwide license for: (1) use, copying, sub-license, adaptation, transfer, publishing or demonstrating any such materials; (2) Subsignation to third parties of unlimited right to use any of the above rights provided for materials. The foregoing also includes the possibility of using any property rights to such materials, including, without limitation, intellectual property rights, as well as the right to trademarks, maintenance signs or patents in any jurisdiction. Additional license terms related to our softwareare given in the license agreement published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/eula.


If you want to purchase products or services presented in Internet services, you may be asked to provide certain data, including information about your bank card or other payment information. You agree to provide accurate, complete and relevant data. You undertake to pay all expenses, including shipping and processing costs imputed to your users. bank card or any other means of payment at prices valid at the time of the cost of expenses. You are also responsible for paying any applicable taxes related to your purchase. Before sending payment information, familiarize yourself with the company's privacy policy published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/privacy.

Melodies of calls, background drawings and other mobile services and products

Some cell phones and communication service providers allow users to make purchases of various digital mobile products using mobile devices. Internet services can also provide you with the opportunity to acquire various mobile products and deliver them directly to your mobile device. Digital mobile products allow you to change or configure a mobile device or specific functions (for example, call ringtones or background patterns), or allow you to select specific videos or audio files for viewing or listening at any time by the user's selection. All or some digital mobile products may not be available, indescribable or incompatible with all models of mobile devices. As a result, the user may not be able to acquire or use all services or suggestions. Any attempt to buy such products or services can lead to the removal of your communication operator a certain amount from your account to pay SMS messages or other communication services. In addition, the user can get a separate account from the mobile operator for a purchased product, service or offer. If the user's phone is in standby mode and takes a call during the order or receiving any mobile products or services, such products, services or other offers can be interrupted or loaded not to the end. You can refuse any subscription to the services by following the instructions provided in the message or product associated with the product. You can get information about our products at http://www.rockstargames.com/support.

Virtual currency and virtual goods

Internet services, including those included in them, can allow you to purchase and / or earn a limited license to use virtual currency and / or virtual goods intended exclusively for use in applicable programs or company services. This license is governed by the License Agreement, this Agreement and other applicable rules and agreements; The provision of such a license is to adopt and comply with the above documents. Any virtual currency and / or virtual goods can be spent or lost by users during the game in accordance with the internal rules regarding currency and goods that may vary. For details, see the license agreement published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/eula.

Refusal of warranty obligations

The company can provide links and pointers to Internet sites supported by third parties ("third party websites"), as well as from time to time place materials from third parties on their website. Under no circumstances, the company, its parent companies, branches or partners do not approve, do not serve and do not control any information, products or services on third-party sites, but are not responsible for them. The materials on the company's websites and third parties are provided under the terms "as is" and "if possible" without any guarantees, explicit or implied, including, without limitation, implied guarantees of commodity qualities, suitability for certain purposes and non-injury. You assume full responsibility and risks when using the company's websites and Internet services.

Invalidity in the case of ban

Despite the fact that the company's Internet services are available worldwide, some of the products and services included in them may not be available for some individuals or in some geographic regions. The company reserves the right at its own discretion to limit the provision and number of any products or services for any individuals or geographic regions. Any suggestion of any products or services is declared invalid if it contradicts the applicable law.

Damage compensation

You agree to provide companies and its branches, employees, directors, employees, agents, licenses and suppliers. Reimbursement, protection and inviolability in relation to all losses, expenses, losses and costs (within reasonable limits), including the payment of lawyer services that have arisen due to the violation of these Agreements. The company reserves the right to exercise exceptional protection and control in any claims relating to the compensation for damage.


This Agreement is considered to be concluded in the state of New York and is governed by the legislation of the state of New York (taking into account the norms of collisional law). Each Party of this Agreement is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the states of the state and federal courts, sitting in the Manhattan region of New York, New York, and refuses any objections to such vessels about their jurisdiction, the place of consideration of the case or an inconvenient location. You and the company also agree with the following: (i) any claim for the compulsory implementation of this Agreement must be filed within 2 (two) years since the cause of the cause of this; (ii) only current expenses are subject to reimbursement, with the exception of the right to win on reimbursement of legal costs and payment services; (iii) Each claim is applied individually and cannot be submitted as part of a collective or compound.

Termination of action

The company may terminate or suspend the support of all and any Internet services, as well as delete any registered account Immediately, without prior notice and responsibility, for any reason, including due to the violation of any provisions of this Agreement. When you delete your account, you immediately deprive the right to use the Internet services. If you wish to delete your account, you just have to stop using Internet services. All provisions of this Agreement, which in their nature should remain in force after the termination of the action, including, without limitation, the provisions on ownership, the refusal of warranty obligations, exemption and limitation of responsibility remain in force after the termination.


In the event that the court or other competent authority or jurisdiction deems any provision of this Agreement without fails, such a position should be limited or excluded in the shortest possible range; All other provisions of this Agreement remain in full strength. This Agreement, along with the Privacy Policy, published at www.rockstargames.com/ru/privacy, and the license agreement, is a complete agreement between you and the Company regarding the subject of the Agreement; Any written and oral agreements between you and the Company in relation to the subject of the agreement are announced invalid. The company can change the terms of this Agreement at any time by its one-sole discretion by publishing a modified agreement or, in case of significant changes, by posting publication on such changes on the website page under the heading "Legal Notice" or "Legal Information" (or similar) Before the entry into force of such a change.

The appointed author of the copyright law in the digital millennium

Copyright Act in the Millennium Digital Millennium (DMCA) provides a mechanism for notifying the service provider of the illegal use of copyrighted materials. In accordance with DMCA, the notification must be sent to the assigned service provider to the assigned agent. If you sincerely think that the company should be notified about a possible violation of copyright affecting any Internet service, send such a notice to the appointed agent of the company:

Service provider: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Mail address of the assigned agent:
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
622 Broadway.
New York, New York 10012
Attention: General Counsel
Telephone number of the assigned agent: 646-536-2842
Facsimile number of the appointed agent: 646-941-3566
An appointed agent email address:

Note that in order for your notice to take effect, it must comply with the established DMCA requirements. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these requirements (see 17 U.S.c., section 512 (c) (3)) before sending a violation notice.

So that the notification complies with the requirements of DMCA, it must be performed in writing and contain the following information: (1) the physical or electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the presumably violated exclusive law; (2) the indication of the author's work, the rights to which are allegedly violated, or, if one notice is reported on several copyright works on one website, a list of such works on this site; (3) the indication of the material that presumably violates the rights or is the object of violation of rights and which must be deleted (or access to which should be terminated), as well as data, reasonably sufficient to detect such material; (4) reasonably sufficient contact information needed to communicate with the feeding complaint, for example, mailing address, phone number and, if available, email address; (5) The application that the complaint of the party really believes that the use of the material in respect of which the complaint is submitted is carried out without the permission of the copyright owner or its representative, or is illegal; (6) The statement that information in the notice is accurate and filed with the awareness of punishment for perjury, and that the statement of the complaint is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of presumably violated exclusive law.

Policy in relation to persons who have committed repeated offense

In accordance with DMCA and other applicable legislative acts, the Company adopted a removal policy, in certain circumstances and at the sole discretion of the company registered accounts of individuals who are recognized as repeated offenses. The company may also limit access to Internet services and / or delete an account of any person who violates intellectual property rights of other persons, regardless of whether the offense is repeated or not.

Confirm Network Policy GTA Online. Frequently, the players began to face the problem at which it is necessary to confirm the network policy or primary launch in the GTA Online, and before this player moves into a single mode, and only through it you can go online.

How to get rid of the permanent confirmation of network politics?

To tell the reason for the appearance of this problem in GTA 5 on PC is difficult, but there is one solution that can help you.

  1. Go to the My Documents folder to the folder where the saving files from GTA 5 are located ( ).
  2. Delete files launcher.log. and settings.xml.
  3. Next, go to the Profiles folder, delete the files. cFG.DAT., pC_settings.bin. and folder control.Do not worry your salary will not be affected, you just have to go to the game settings section and change them, since deleting files in the previous step we dropped them to standard.
  4. Now you can easily enter the GTA Online. If this solution does not help you, repeat all the actions above again.

Question:Can I upload a video from the game on YouTube or other sites? Can I use the materials protected by copyright laws if I am not afraid of commercial purposes, but there are no spoilers in the materials?

Answer:Typically, Take-Two Interactive does not mind the fans to use materials for non-commercial purposes, if they do not even disclose the plot for other users. The term "non-profit targets" means that you do not sell a subscription to your site and do not use materials for advertising a product that you sell on the site - for example, a shirt or wallpaper. Take-Two Interactive reserves the right at any time to demand the removal of materials protected by copyright laws. If you have any questions, write to

We are glad if the fans lay out the video from the game - we adore gaming rollers from our games and sometimes publish them in Rockstar news feed. However, we have several rules for posting video on sites, and we want you to perform them.

In order to make it easier for you to understand our position on this issue, we have compiled a list of materials that we usually require to remove from sites:

  • Rollers from not yet released games: No "leaks" with rollers from games that have not come out yet. Any videos from "leaked" instances of games that have not come out, will be deleted, regardless of how this game was purchased. This also applies to the video about "unpacking".
  • Spoilers: rollers that show the final scenes of the game, plot videos without gameplay Or any other rollers that reveal significant plot events. You can show plot rollers if it is part of a larger passage (or "lettle" with user comments), but video only with plot rollers will be deleted. If you do not know whether your video contains spoilers, write to the address and accurately describe the scene in which you doubt, as well as the context in which it will appear.
  • In-game entertainment: For example, television shows and comedy views in Grand Theft. Auto IV, or Mute Cinema in Red Dead Redemption. We want fans to see it in the context of the game world, so we are against the placement of such videos in the separation from context and will delete them.
  • Promotion of scamming: Published videos in which are approved and encouraged ways to dishonest earnings RP or gaming money, as well as duplication (forged) game items.

And finally, we reserve the right in some cases to remove materials that cause our objections, as well as subsequently change their policies. However, we promise to inform you about all such changes.

Of course, if you have questions about our politics, send them to the address

This story is about "rock stars" who do not perform on stage, but are idols of millions of players around the world, it's time to enjoy the exciting history of the development of Rockstar Games.


Running a series of articles about the largest game publishers, we did not assume that visitors GameGuru. This will cause such interest. For numerous comments, it was increasingly possible to see requests for writing the history of developer companies such as Blizzard, Valve., Rockstar. It is impossible not to go on occasion when there are so many people around. The first blocked the way to authentic publishers Blizzard. Her story can already be read.

And now, all those who passionately wanted to learn about the "Rock Stars" who do not perform on stage, but are idols of millions of players around the world, it's time to enjoy the exciting history of the company's development Rockstar Games..

Big gaming family

As it turned out after writing this material, with Rockstar Games. Everything is much more complicated than it seemed at first glance. The company is property Take-Two InteractiveBut at the same time owns nine branches scattered at different points of our beautiful planet. In this article, we decided to connect all the information into a single whole, to the end, without imagining that it would work out. The fears were vain, because everything came out very "tasty". Arrange more comfortable (what are you sitting there) and enjoy the success story Rockstar.

Now let's mentally move it 13 years ago. It was then that in 1998 was founded Rockstar Games.. Among the projects published by the company, there are: and other "inconspicuous" titles, where and recent L.A. Noire. Now a little geography. Located Rockstar Games.in the heart of the USA - New York. On this course, geography is completed, and with it a small introductory part; Thanks for attention. Everything? Do not wait. Now the most interesting will begin.

North wind ...

One of the oldest branches Rockstar Games. is not essential Rockstar North. - The creators of all the favorite series. Among other acting studios, this subsidiary is rightfully the main thing. The year of the foundation Rockstar North. Became the distant 1988th. Neither Rockstar It was not a speech.

Studio founders in the face David Jones (David Jones), Russell Cai (Russell Kay) Mike Daily(Mike Dailly) and Steve Hammonda (Steve Hammond) decided to dwell on the mysterious name DMA. These three capital letters A smooth account did not mean anything. They just fell to the eyes in the documentation for the personal computer Amiga to someone from the guys, after which the sky gaming Industry A new asterisk was lit (not yet "rock"). Later, abbreviation will come up with decryption: Direct Mind Access., again, not transmitting the essence of the company's activities. And what is the matter to the name when all the staff are engaged solely by creating their first games.

Newly-made developers immediately attracted attention, creating projects with truly fascinating gameplay. In 1988, the light saw Scrolling Shooter with the intriguing name "Threat" (Menace). A year later, another game of the above-mentioned genre was released - science fiction Blood Money. From the magazine Zzap! 64 project received a crazy rating - 94%. The first kids DMAthey went to PC (MS-DOS), favorite AMIGA developers, Commodore 64 and Atari St. Successfully completed the 80s, no less exciting 90s began.

From animals to killers

February 14, 1991 Release was held. Say that this game was popular, it means not to say anything. According to Wikipedia, the puzzle broke up with a circulation of about 20 (!) Millions of copies. Initially, the project came out for one platform - Commodore Amiga. However, having gained wildly popularity on it, it was ported for everything that only you can. Today, it is not difficult to find a version even for PSP or PlayStation 3. After that, developer plans for this title have changed dramatically.

Squeeze from the brand maximum - the main task facing DMA. Otherwise, do not explain the appearance over the next four years of such games as: Christmas Lemmings 1993, Lemmings 2: The Tribes, All New World of Lemmings, Lemmings 1994. A few years later, the interest in Puzzle began to decline, and therefore the company had to be switched to new games. By the way, in the period "Lemmingmania", the guys worked on other creations: Walker (another Scrulling Shooter) and Hired Guns (RPG). Both were warmly adopted by the public.

The output became a turning point not only for DMA, but also for the entire gaming industry. Unprecedented freedom in game world And the cruelty, definitely published beyond the permitted, made a lot of noise. All this only played on the hand to the publisher and developers, and both versions (PC and PlayStation) instantly become bestsellers. The history of the bandit and the automotive car, ruthlessly crushing pedestrians and painfully with opponents, becomes a new guideline for other game creators. A lot of diverse missions, including the additional earnings of the main character on a taxi, an ambulance, or a fire truck, could not but become "chips" of the game. The top view of the time looked very pretty, and profit from sales forced DMAdrilling the sleeves, proceed to the creation of Grand Theft AUTO. 2.

Smash partner

The end of the nineties was a truly rich period. First of all, it was associated with the change of publishers. In the 97th company buys GREMLIN INTERACTIVE.But already two years later she closes on the castle. Developers are moving under the wing of the French publisher - Infogrames.But here the fruitful and long-term cooperation did not work. In the 1999th, the continuation of which is subject to the publisher Rockstar Games.. In turn Rockstar Games. was (and remains to this day) property Take-Two.. It was this period that predetermined the future DMA.

Sikvel inherited all the best of the first part, of course, having pleased the many interesting innovations. For example, the multiplayer mode appeared. In the fictional city of the near future the main hero of Claude AIDS, dangerous criminal adventures are waiting, and all of them, one way or another, are associated with various groups, which in the game there are seven, among whom Russian Mafia is found. The territory is divided into three huge areas, but before entering the second or the third, it was necessary to collect a specific amount. So, to leave the first location, the prerequisite was at least one million dollars in the "piggy bank" of the protagonist.

GTA 3 and embrace Rockstar

As the time will show, the true revolution in the gaming industry will still be the third part, being the main bestseller among all (!) Video games in 2001 in the United States. Liberty City, strongly resembling New York, was distinguished by the incredible due to the details. In this city, a stormy life was boiling around the clock, a non-name protagonist, who escaped from prison, became a respected criminal authority, starting his career with a simple "six". Gangster disassembly, racket, drugs, prostitution and huge amounts on Konu - all this DMAconcisely ringed in interesting story with non-pie missions. Moving a series in 3D and all of the above again set a new bar for all game developers. I want to call not just a brilliant game, but something big. For example, a new guideline for Sandbox projects to be equal to everyone else. By the way, Metacritic.com on the basis of 20 reviews set the game "Total" 93 points out of 100.

After success Rockstar Games. Acquires a developer studio by making DMAwith his property. In 2002, the world forgets about DMA and finds out about the new brand - Rockstar North.. From now on, the "Northern" division works solely on its criminal universe, occasionally distracted by projects like and. Porting games for "bonus platforms" developers are engaged in Rockstar Vienna. (closed in 2006) and Rockstar Leeds.. Before the exit (a review on which you can read here) we enjoyed and. Both projects were highly appreciated by the game press and the gamers themselves.

Another revolution in the world sandbox games Came with exit. The author's opinion of this article does not coincide with the opinion of the author of the review and its final assessment. List all the advantages of the fourth part does not have enough space, and our material is not about it, but it is worth noting that the charismatic Niko Belik, unlike the hero of the third part, is very colorful. He reveals his past in the dialogues and shares plans for the future, helping his brother to Roman (grief-entrepreneur) to embody an American dream of life. This masterpiece should be in the collection of each self-respecting player. And not about any 49% for the plot, it is natural that does not go.

Other side

Before closing in 2006 Rockstar Vienna. under the wing Rockstar Games. There were ten studios. Since most of them are devoted to most of this material, briefly run throughout everyone else.
In English Rockstar Lincoln. Testing and translation of projects overlooking brand Rockstar Games.. Previously, the company was called as Tarantula StudiosAnd in the portfolio of the guys there are portable for Game Boy Color the first and second part. Founded in the 97th year, the property of the "Rock Stars" Tarantula Studiosstalled in 2002. What else can I say about them? Perhaps nothing.

Another thing - Rockstar Vancouver. Judging by the title, will not work out to guess the geographical location of the studio. Canadian developers managed to establish themselves exclusively with best side, After all, many of you played "School SanBox"? Yes yes where the main character With heels, solves their (and other people's) problems mostly fists, from time to time visiting boring lessons where various mini-games are waiting for us. According to rumors guys from Rockstar Vancouver Busy now creating the second part. They work on the project, with the release of which was clearly tightened. By the way, from 1998 to 2002, the studio was called as Barking Dog Studios.and its founder is Brian Tolken (Brian Thalken) - a leaving from Radical Entertainment.. However, the "rock stars" from Vancouver is not the only Canadian studio. In the same country (in Ocville, the province of Ontario) is located Rockstar Toronto.. The main task of the division is to porting the games to Wii and help others. Rockstar Studios in the development of projects. So, in their service listed, it is worth highlighting :, PC version and episodes of LiBERTY CITY.

Rockstar New England(in Maiden Mad Doc Software.) It appeared not so long ago - in 2008. Previously, independent studio managed to distinguish between their own projects: Star Trek: Armada 2, and. And if Mad Doc Software.created their games mostly for Microsoft Windows, then Mobius Entertainment. (now Rockstar Leeds.) Worked exclusively on the Game Boy Advance platform. Now, under the wing of Rock Stars, the main task of the guys is to create and porting games for PlayStation Portable and IOS. Together with Rockstar North. was created