Download Fashion assembly from JOK 1.0. Fashion from Jova (Modpak JOVE) Latest version. Alternative "Easy" Minikard

For active gamers who spend their free time in a multiplayer game World of Tanks, a great way to make the process more exciting - change the interface, appearance Tanks and hangars, as well as add new voice acting and sights, is setting modifications.

In addition, the modopak allows you to make the gameplay more comfortable - to expand statistics, as well as add updated damage meters.

It should be understood if someone offers to download a game supplement that will help gain invulnerability, shoot without ricochets and misses or add gaming gold in the hangar is fraudsters.

Before installing untested software, remember that the player can get a permanent ban in the game for using such cheats.

In order not to encounter problems and guaranteed to get first-class expansions, it is enough to download a proven official pack from Jov on our website.

What are fashion joke

Nowadays, only novice tankers who only know magic world WOT, do not know about one of the popular tank streamers under the nickname JOVE. He one of the first gave the game to lovers the opportunity to use modifications. At the expense of personal rich experience, Jov knows what extensions is missing the average player, so the assembly includes exclusively useful for a tanker supplement.

Konstantin Jove learned about the game while working in a computer club, after which he began to improve his skills. The next step was the writing of guides by cards and tanks in LJ, and later the passion turned into his own channel on YouTube.

For the convenience of JOVE modification users are divided into several categories:

  • Useful additions that will be useful in battle.
  • Comfortable sights.
  • Improves of hangars.
  • Sound extensions.
  • Changes in the appearance of tanks.
  • Panels reflecting damage to technology.

There are two types of packages. Extended assembly, unlike base, includes the presence of Olenemer statistics and a modified zoom (X25). Otherwise, they are completely identical.

You can download modifications 0.9.21 on your computer on our website, just a few times by clicking the mouse. After that, you need to install the package to the desired folder and select the necessary extensions.

What innovations are waiting for you in version

The update provides many additional featuresthat allow the player to easily solve a number of game problems.

  • The damage counter is posted on the screen so that it does not take up much space.
  • The "camera distance" function allows you to easily expand the review gameplay.
  • The sight interface has become convenient to use. The main advantage of the modification is the presence of an angle of pressing, which allows you to simplify the process of guidance.
  • Registration of the "6 feeling" indicator is changed. In, more than 10 options are provided to the player.
  • Nebula on locations is removed.
  • White model on the site of the destroyed tank. Thanks to such a modification, the enemy texture will be easily viewed.

In addition, the updated pack includes changing sound effects and voice detection of rivals. Also, when you go to a sniper mode, the darkening is eliminated, thanks to which the transition delay is completely absent.

In version 0.9.21 useful programs WOT. Tweaker and WOT REPLAYS MANAGER. The first is necessary to optimize the game on the "weak" PC, and the second is for convenient management of replays.

This time, Tankikists did not have to wait long to wait for modogue updates - the game patch was only out, and very soon there were new fashion. Previously, players had to wait much longer.

Not to all fans games VORD. The tanks is known that Jova, which writes videos for YouTube, is not the creator of mods.

Sights from Modpak Jov

Having installed a new version of the extension free, you can improve the sights. Among the available options are: "Mielnir", "Damocles Sword", minimalistic, amway921, white, turquoise, "taipan". In addition, the player can establish a deceptor or murazizu sights, and thanks to the modification you will be available information with an angle entry angle.

Players that put on their computer mod from JOVE, various angles are available. horizontal press (semicircle, corner, from Meltymap, as well as a large semicircle). In the information zone, a color and simple panel, a review and recharging appeared, which significantly simplifies the gameplay.

In addition, the combat chat provides a function of saving the message history and the ability to transmit the signal "I am lit!" Team partners.

Separate attention deserve visual effects. The player can turn off the inscriptions and camouflage, make the railway platforms on the maps bright. In addition to tanks, tinted white, caterpillars are stained in a neutral color, knocked in battle.

In modifications during the battle, useful little things are provided:

  • The circle is expanded on a radius of 15 meters.
  • A new edge indicator is provided and the ability to turn off the possibility of random shots.
  • The player can adjust the rangefinder.
  • The display time of the picture "6 feeling" is increased.
  • Removal of dirt from sniper sight.

Hangar, as an important element of the gameplay, also received its additions. Tankist available comprehensive statistics game sessionAnd the list of tanks can be placed in several rows (2.3 or 4). Other features - tracking ping, clock. In addition, one of the extensions remembers the last visited server, which avoids long-term searches and unnecessary spending time.

Another important modifier is the show of the condition of the current LBZ (personal combat mission) during the battle. If earlier, in order to find out this characteristic, the player needed to press the Tab key, now the window is displayed immediately on the screen. In addition to the simple description, the expansion takes into account progress. Climbing the left mouse button, you can transfer the window to anywhere.

Extended version of Modpaka Jova

Full modopac offers a number of additional features that are not in base version.

  • More efficient zoom (x25). IN sniper sight You can use additional approximation.
  • Olenmer. Tracks statistics wORLD player Of Tanks - shows the efficiency, the number of battles and the percentage of victories.
  • Indicators of the danger and utility of players in the form of stars.
  • The indicator of shells from the ZAYAZ damage panel.
  • Calculator armor is expanded. Modification challenges the exact time of arrival of your projectile. Improvement takes into account all the characteristics - the slope of armoredists, the thickness of the armor, etc.

Such modpack will allow you to not limit yourself during the gameplay and achieve a level.

How to download DJ mod 9 21?

You can download the modification through the torrent, by passing the link, or by downloading the installation file.exe on our website. Depending on personal requirements, you can select packages with all available extensions or select a specific mod. The installation will only take a few minutes.

If for you eSports - not just a word, but a lifestyle, modifications will allow you to optimize and significantly simplify the gameplay.

Currently created a huge amount online gamesHowever, not all of them became worldwide popular and beloved among the players. However, there are exceptions and just such a game World of Tanks. Communicating many lovers computer games. She is very exciting and in its standard version, but in lately Very often there are various updates, with which the game becomes more comfortable and convenient for users. It is precisely such updates that are various modifications by installing which you have many additional functions and capabilities.

In general, it is necessary to allocate that each modification has its own capabilities, as a result, shaped a good set of similar applications, thereby multiply the informativeness, and most importantly convenience at the time of the game. If speak about assembling mods from Jova for WOTthen we are becoming accessible by the following unique features and opportunities.

First of all, it is only superior, there is a version of futuristic and more. It should be noted, it was removed and black in sniper mode. As for the informative panel, it can be several colors, that is, color or black and white. You can also easily change the appearance, for example, turn off camouflage and inscriptions. You will see how bright are the railway platforms looking at the map. The distance of the opponent's vision and other important objects will significantly improve.

It is impossible not to notice a pleasant change in your hangar. First, this is an extended fighter statistics. Secondly, the list of tanks distributed to several rows became more convenient. Thirdly, you can easily view the level of battles in a platoon. Now you will know in detail about your skills and skills. The crew transplant will also not take a long time.

In general, you are waiting for many other pleasant updates. It is worth complementing that in this development almost all modifications were rewritten, careful optimization was carried out and, of course, the player will receive many new and useful features that will be useful in battle.

Update and improve your abilities in this game, you will be surprised how convenient and more comfortable will be your game. In addition to modpaka Jova On our site there are other no less interesting updates.

1. Excellent selection of various sights, for example: Tipan's eyeletlery sight and sword of Damocles, sights from such popular players in the world of tanks as Amway921, Mrazor, Dezerod, Cyril Oreshkin and many others.
2. Comfortable chips for comfortable fighting:
* Calculation of your tank booking
* Circle 15 meters around a tank for a comfortable shooting due to bushes
* Signpost of the Barrels of the enemy on the mini card
* Fuse from a shot in allies and corpses
* Increased work time Perk "Sixth feeling" (light bulbs)
* Ability to turn off black in a sniper sight
3. Various Horizontal Topper Corners - useful mod For SAU and PT-SAU:
4. Diverse panels with an opponent information:
* Minimalistic panel
* Multicolored panel

* Overview + Recharge
5. Multiple types of damage panels
6. Commander Camera
7. Noscroll - Locking the transition to Sniper Mode Scroll
8. Disable dynamic chamber shake
8. Multiple optical zoom in a sniper sight
9. Graphic changes in battle:
* Destroyed tanks are displayed in white
* Downed caterpillars are highlighted by white
* Ability to remove all inscriptions and camouflage
* Multicolored marks on the armor in the scene
* Colored models with vibration zones
10. Improvements in the hangar:
* Ability to change the line of development for vertical position
* Indication of the level of battle at a rod game
* Ping in the hangar
* Deployed Crew Skills
* Watch in the hangar
11. Other mods
* Alternative pictures of tanks in the ears
* Alternative markers
* Display damage in battle
* Several options for displaying light rivals in the ears
* Comfortable and informative mini card
* Various sound playback options when triggered the pen "Sixth feeling"
* Many images to choose from to display light bulb

Your attention is the most popular MODS assembly for World of Tanks from Jov!

What it is?

Useful tool for those who do not want to play World of Tanks with a standard interface and functionality. It includes dozens of useful modifications of the client game, download and they will increase both the convenience and quality. Modpak Jov will be useful for new, experienced, and even professional players.

The assembly is good in that it compensates for the low informativeness of the standard interface, optimizes its graphic and gameplay component. For several years of existence, WOT developers have transferred many modifications to the client, such as smart minicards and multi-tiered tanks. But the fashion pack Jove still remains relevant and indispensable, they enjoy millions of players.


As part of the assembly there are a variety of modifications:

In addition to interface edits, there are mods that change the gameplay elements. Can:

  • remove camera shake after a shot,
  • enable or disable the forced handbrake in PT mode,
  • painting the "corpses" of tanks and shot down caterpillars in white.

Before entering the release, the modov assembly is repeatedly tested for performance and compatibility. Most modifications almost do not affect performance, but there are also those who can significantly reduce the FPS - they are marked in the installer ( carefully read descriptions!).

Fashion that can reduce productivity:

  • minikard from XVM,
  • HP tanks in command ears,
  • the angles of horizontal tip,
  • ping display.

The assembly has several useful tools needed by many players. it WOT TWEAKER Plus., improving the performance of the game by simplifying graphics, and Replays Manager for easy control of saved battles and downloads to the WOTREPLAYS website.

Forbidden modifications are not here! Setting this assembly, Be absolutely confident of the safety of your account.

Exclusive mods

Except common modifications like XVM. and Pmod.which can be found in other assemblies, in the JOVE modopka there are the most real exclusives:

  • comfortable sight Jove.;
  • minimalistic hangar with the JOVE logo, which will fit well for old computers and just minimalism lovers;
  • modification showing bad and good positions on the minist;
  • fast sale of junk from the warehouse;
  • choosing a random tank;
  • original "Lamps of Lamps";
  • special skins breakdown, and much more.

How to install Modpak

  • Download and run the executable file.
  • Click " Further».
  • Select the option " Delete all mods"- will help avoid compatibility issues if you had previously installed other builds.
  • You can choose the option " Clear profile"- she removes automatically saved account player. Next, follow the instructions specified in the window that opens.

To work fashion, you need to install the modopac in the root folder of the game. Usually the installer finds it independently, but if something goes wrong, you have to specify the path in the corresponding window.

For example: E: \\ Games \\ world_of_tanks.

If you are an inexperienced user and can not figure out how to install a piece of pack of Job, look at the video, placed below. There is clearly shown by each installation stage, as well as demonstrated detailed review mods.

How to update

The assembly update may be needed if:

  • A new extended version of Modpaca has been released. As a rule, the update contains corrections of bugs and mods, not included in the basic version, so it is worth updating the modopac from JOK as quickly as possible. About exit new version You can find out through in-game ads (if you enabled this option during installation);
  • Released new patch For World of Tanks, and the modopak is no longer compatible with the game.

In both cases, you have to download the latest version and set it again.

How to delete

The assembly can be removed in several ways:

  • Run the installer, select the " Delete mods", Click" Further"And then close the window. All folders with modifications will be cleaned. This is the fastest and easiest way to remove the modopka.
  • If the installer is not, click " Start", Go to" Control Panel"And select" Programs and components" Find " JOVE MODPACK»In the list that appears, right-click" Delete».
  • If the previous method for some reason did not work, download and install a special uninstal program, and remove the modpac through it. An example of such a program is Softorganizer.Also suitable utilities like Avg Pc Tuneup., CCleaner or Revo Uninstaller;
  • Another way is to manually remove mods. To do this, clean the contents of the folder. rES_MODS..
  • If it did not help, completely remove the World of Tanks from the computer. It is advisable to do this using the above utilities. After that, spend cleaning the system from garbage, and only then proceed to install the game and modifications.

Try to always use the current assembly version! This reduces the likelihood of the appearance of bugs or races of the game, and also ensures the performance of all modifications. On our website is represented latest version Fogs from Jova, you can download it for free by reference on our site.


Fashion from Jova is a set of the most useful and necessary modifications for world Games Of Tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this model assembly, you will only need to download the installer from our site, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion and start setting.

It has always been in two versions:

  • fashion from Jova Extended version
  • fashion from Jova Basic version

The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as the inclusive of the statistics of the Olenemer, all other modes in it are the same as in the basic version. This is due to the fact that the assembly of Jov is published on the official portal and it supports it in every way. But so that all this is done is one condition, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers do not like him very much. Therefore, we have to wait for the extended version of Jova's mods assembly a couple of days after the basic exit. But it is worth it.

After all, the Job team always tries to make the modpak most convenient for use, achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. Such a modpac becomes an indispensable assistant for each tanker, he will help you survive and win the most difficult battles. By installing fashion once, they will certainly like you and continue to play without them just do not want.

Build modes from Jow for World of Tanks will replace the parts of the game interface to better by adding many additional improvements and changes. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always in the assembly there will be no little exclusive and a lot of interesting things, so get ready!

Here you can see the full list of mods that entered JOVE MODPAC

  1. Super sight Job.
  2. Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.
  3. Different damage panels.
  4. Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.
  5. Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.
  6. A variety of voice acting.
  7. Informative markers.
  8. Zoom mod.
  9. Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.
  10. Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.
  11. Statistics for the session.
  12. WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.
  13. WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects

After the renewal is released, more than 10 exclusive mods have been added to the list of JOC:

  • the best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile
  • directions of the enemy's trunks on the mini card
  • circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes
  • mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars
  • improved x25 zoom in a sniper sight
  • three new sight
  • hP tanks in ears in two versions

Who is Jov:

Jov - all the famous fruits on YouTube. Today, his channel is well known to each player in tanks. Previously, this young guy was a simple player, like all of us, but he was slightly different from the rest of the players. He often dragged sophisticated battles, twisted in difficult situation and knew the game well to the most smallest details than heavily surprised her friends.

Once he recorded his video of his successful battle and downloaded on Youtube to show his friends and boast. He did not notice that his video looked not only a couple of friends, but also many players tankers on the Internet network. As it turned out, many really liked his video, he began to record more and yet. He himself did not realize it became a small "asterisk", one of the not many experienced players in World of Tanks. Over time, he even began to enjoy recording such a video, because thousands of players are watching it.

After half a year, he collected all the fashion that was used in his battles and made his own assembly, which was called - Modpak from Jov! In our time, his fashion uses many players who do not imagine the game in a clean client. The popularity of Job's mods is growing every day, as well as the popularity of World of Tanks.

Jow himself argues that his modpac, unlike others, does not contain any viruses or malicious programs that can harm your computer! Therefore, you can install it without any fears.


To install the mods assembly, you need to perform several simple items:


Mirror 1.

Mirror 1:

Mirror 2.

Mirror 2:

A four-digit oneemer for JOVE MODPACK is included in the extended version of the Pak mod.

Extended version of Modpak Jova :

Now the assembly comes immediately in the extended version, swing it on the link above.

Fashion from Jova - this is a selection of the most useful and interesting mods for world of tanks. There are different sights, improved panel damages, light bulbs, vendor corners and many other things. To install this modov assembly, you will need only download installer, then choose the most interesting in your opinion fashion And install them.

Modpak is represented in two versions:

Fashion from Jova Extended version

Fashion from Jova Basic version

The extended version of the Modpaka is distinguished only by the presence of an improved zum X25, as well as the inclusive of the statistics of the Olenemer, all other modes in it are the same as in the basic version. Due to the fact that the GIOC assembly is published on the official portal, there should be no Olemer in the Flipka, since the developers are not very loved. Therefore, a couple of days after the output of the basic version, an extended version of Jov's mods assembly is published. But it is worth it.

Job's team always tries to make the modopak most convenient for use and achieve maximum informativeness with the most insignificant FPS service. This modopac can become an indispensable assistant for each player, he will help you survive and win in the hardest battles.

Free assembly of mods from Jow for WOT will add many additional improvements and changes to the game interface. You will be available much more information about your opponent than before. As always, there will be no little exclusive in the assembly and a lot of interesting things.

Here you can see the full list of modes that entered JOVE MODPAC

Zoom mod.

Statistics for the session.

A variety of voice acting.

Informative markers.

Super sight Job.

Different damage panels.

Transparent eclipse in sniper mode.

Light bulbs "Sixth feeling" + voice for them.
. Smart mini cards, both in XVM and alternative.
. Transparent camouflage skins and white tank corpses.
. WOT REPLAYS MANAGER- program for working with replays.

Increased viewing range on maps with fog cleaner.
. WOT TWEAKER - program to enhance the FPS by disconnecting various effects

After the update is released, more than 10 exclusive mods added to the model from JOC:

The best, at the moment, armor calculator taking into account the angle of inclination of the projectile
. Directions of the enemy's trunks on a mini map

Improved x25 zoom in a sniper sight
. Circle for shooting from the Inviz from bushes
. Mod white corpses of tanks and caterpillars
. XP tanks in ears in two versions
. Three new sight

To install the mods assembly, you need to do the following:
. Download the installer (.exe file) by reference below;

Open it, put the path to the folder with wORLD client Of Tanks and choose the necessary mods from each category, noting by checkboxes.