Comparison of WOT accounts. Efficiency World of Tanks Extended statistics. World of Tanks - Comparison of Tanks

What is the efficiency or statistics player WOT?

Statistics in World of Tanks (efficiency, stat) - Call the performance of the player's effectiveness, it takes into account your overall merits in battles on your entire technique.

What makes statistics?

When forming the efficiency, a large number of factors are taken into account:

Percentage of victories - This factor is most important, it shows how skillfully you play and most importantly win.
Damage for fight - Depending on the type of tanks, the importance of this criterion varies. Damage for the fight is the actual indicator of damage caused by the enemy.
Accuracy (percentage of hits).
The ratio killed / killed.
Base capture glasses and base protection glasses.
Mid-level fighting.

The World of Tanks statistics formula is constantly changing, new criteria for calculating the efficiency, providing a more complete picture of your skills and skills.

Optimal technique for raising statistics:

TT. - AMX 50B, T57 Heavy, T110E5, E100, MAUS, IS7, S.Conqueror, WZ-111 5A, 113.
Art - E50M, T-62A, Object 140, TVP T 50/51, E50, T-54,121, B-C 25 T, M46 Patton, M48 Patton.
LT. - AMX 13 90, RU251, WZ-132, M41 Walker Bulldog, T71, Type 64 and LT 10 LVL
PT. - Hellcat, T110E4, T110E3, Object 263, Object 268, GRILLE 15, FOCH B, FV4005, STRV 103B.
Saoo - Object 261, Conqueror Gun Carriage, T92, M40 / M43, FV304, G.W. Panther, M53 / M55.

10 levels France: Bat.-Chatillon 25 T, AMX 50B, Germany: E 50 AUSF. M, Leopard 1, USA: USA: M-48 "Patton", T57 Heavy, Japan: STB-1, China: Heavy 113, WZ-111 Model 5A.

Why do I need statistics?

WORLD OF TANKS Statistics just need for strategic solutions.

Checking statistics players WOT., You can evaluate exemplary team forces, and take into account this data during the battle.
The decision to accept a new player in the clan or not is always based on statistical data.
"Kopeyk ruble coats" - the statistics of each player separately forms clan statistics and rating as a whole.

How to raise statistics?

WORLD OF TANKS Statistics Raise Begins to worry when the percentage of your efficiency is not at all tall and comrades tease you "red"; Or when you finally decided to take part in the battles in the rotators or join the clan, but you do not take, because it does not suit your efficiency.

WORLD OF TANKS accounting service will help solve this problem as soon as possible:

We offer:

raise statistics on any technique Professional players World of Tanks;
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What guarantees?

For you raises the statistics team of experienced, professional playersYou can have one of the highest statistics in all World of Tanks, you can read more information with information in the section. Instant processing of your orders, the shortest time limits, the result warranty and return of funds, huge experience - service for 3 years, positive

Kpd world Of. Tanks online - This is a set of data that show how efficiently you play, apply damage and show yourself in battle. It was with the help of a calculator of the effectiveness of tankers began to be judged in random. The player is assessed by this way when it is taken to the clan. Combat efficiency WAT has become an alternative to the simple percentage indicator of victories, since the latter does not differ in detail in detail the game of a particular person. The automatic CPD Calculator WOT allows you to evaluate the set of factors that show how well the player player in World of Tanks.

In the game chats, on the World of Tanks forums and in other places associated with the "world of tanks", players see questions like - "Tell me my efficiency", "tell me the efficiency", "What color is I?" And so on. ... Many tankers know what it is, but some wonder - what is the WORLD OF TANKS?

In this article we will try to answer questions:

  • What is kpd?
  • What are the ranking glasses charge?
  • What technique to raise?
  • Tell tips on damage technique.

The general concept of an efficiency, or the efficiency of WOT

The efficiency of World of Tanks is personal rating Tanker, who shows your general skills, skills and skill of the game. There are two types of statistics - angry and combat. Combat efficiency, this is the rating that the player sees in battle, and the angry, or a separate efficiency on the tank - it is XTE, that is, statistics on a separate machine, which is compared with the average indicators of the same tank of all its drivers.

Color scale

What is clearer, then let's say it is more useful and more efficiently on the battlefield, the higher the value of the efficiency of WOT. There are 6 color zones that reflect the professionalism of the tanker (color of the niconeim). The first zone, terrible for any player of the "Peace of Tanks" - is red. Such guys, as a rule, have general statistics on account up to 47% and efficiency from 0 to 629. These terrible, and hated by all players producing gaming nicknames such as "Cracks" and "bottom". Mainly newbirds world Of Tanks, who learn and learn the basics of the game, although there are exceptions.

The second zone is an orange color, WORLD OF TANKS efficiency - from 630 and to 859, and the percentage of victories about 47-48. Such players relate to such players, compared with the "cancers", but also "Orange" fall under the criticism of allies because of their game solutions. This area refers to those tankists who receive pleasure from the game not from numbers after battle statistics, but by battle. "I left the first, gave a couple of shots, merged first, sat on another tank and went further" - here general concept About "orange" from the top vodo "Peace of Tanks".

The third, extensive zone is "yellow" players whose statistics are about 860 to 1139, and the percentage of victories is from 49 to 51. It is players with a yellow efficiency - the bulk of the game.

Such "tankers" are guys who understand the basics of the game:

  • How are the main battles on the map.
  • Know the main directions and places.
  • They know the types of shells, the breakdown zone, the style of "contraction".

It is "challenged" guys who are able to fight back to the enemy. Yes, these players are not "perfect", they are infonentially mistaken in important moments, or even merge at the beginning of the battle, in their stupidity. But the main thing is that they think during the battle, and this manages not everyone!


After the yellow zone begins the zone of "statists" - players who care about their efficiency and are trying to play on the technique that is suitable for maintaining or improving their statistical indicators.
So, the fourth color is green. Players with a rating of 1140-1459 and the percentage of victories 52-56. "Green" players - support for the allies team, and danger to opponents. As a rule, a platoon of three "green" players, if they fall into the top of the team list, are able to change the outcome of the battle in their direction. Tankists of this class know the terrain game cards, Know where to appear first, and where to do not see - there are good reputation in such players. No wonder in the top clans begin to take with the "green" zone.

The penultimate color scale is a profile with turquoise statistics, rating of 1460-1734 and 57% -64%. Trained and "armed wolves armed to teeth, which change the outcome of the battle, even weak. Take first place by experience and damage? For these guys, such a task on the shoulder - they know how to "bend" and what to do it is more convenient and easier.

And the last zone that conquers the elected is purple. KPD WOT from 1735 and above, percentage - 65 +.
Often, such accounts have only avid "twinks", but there are an exception. When the players took the head and customized their meanings to these frames. "Violet" guys are the most dangerous opponents on the battlefield. They should have to change any situation under themselves. Statists play on that technique called "eyelant" - that is, on the one that has figures of breakdown and accuracy, has drums and speed. Examples of such machines are drum 10-ki type of batchers, T57 Hevi, AMX 50B. And if at the expense of a comfortable shooting is the German and French station leopard 1, AMX 30B and E-50m, and the whole troika of the 10th century of the USSR. These cars are very demanding to their drivers, but also to create incredible things to do with them.

How to raise the efficiency of WORLD OF TANKS?

The moment when the player thinks about his statistics comes differently - someone comes at the beginning of his "path", and after a couple of dozen or hundreds of battles, and someone this period can delay up to 5-10 thousand, Not to mention those who he will not come at all, who will ride in red "rachkom" with 30 thousand battles and efficiency 540 ...

So, there are two solutions to the problem "How to raise the CPD World of Tanks":

  1. Create a new gaming account.
  2. The second is to take up the mind and start lifting (or "overcome") based on.

A new account is a simple solution, but on this way to go not to decide every player - many on the "based" high-level 8-ki, for which they gave decent money. If there is no "surrender premium" on the basis or pocket allows you to buy another one or two eights on a new "acc", then Twinks - a good choice, especially when on the main profile of the battles of battles over 30-50 thousand, and the general The percentage is the miserable 47, and the efficiency is below 900 ... The process of raising statistics on such a profile is delayed, so Twinks - a good choice. Another thing, if on the "basis" 5-8 thousand fights, then it is fixable - the choice of the correct style of the battle, the choice of the right and "imbid" branches, smart game And - Voila! With such plans, the account will turn green, or even becomes turquoise to 20 thousand battles!

So, after the player decided for himself, what he wants - a new game profile or "to overcome on the basis", the question pops up - "And on what tanks to play and what to download first?" We will try to answer it.

What technique is easier to raise the efficiency of World of Tanks

A good choice will start playing the branch tanks of the USSR. Soviet "Throughrs" forgive mistakes to their driver, and the USSR of the 10th level is included in the list of the best top-like tanks game. If for any reason, the USSR you do not like or have these cars, then pay attention to the drum TTs and Art France, TT USA -Eti cars are interesting and dangerous on the battlefield. In general, if you put your hand on the heart, "bending" and raise statistics on everything except Art Sau.

Almost any tank of high levels, starting with 5, has its own highlight that can be used. The main thing is that you should not forget - in battle to apply as more damage. The first rule is to beat the HP of the car on which you play, and then your account will have excellent statistics!
Well, this article comes to an end! Good luck on the battlefields and to raise your CCD World of Tanks!

In World Of. Tanks Statistics The player has very great importance for many tank workers. This is not surprising, it is the competitive element that is paramount after pumping the majority of tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate many indicators, ranging from the Ware and ending with the time spent in the game.

Why do I need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allows you to see how much the results of one tanker differ from the other.

  • With the XVM mode, you can check the status in WOT directly in the battle. And not only your, but also enemies, as well as allies. As a result, the player more competently assesses the overall alignment of the team's strength, seeing how scolded players.
  • Extended Statistics Services in WOT is a mandatory tool of each recruiter, searching for new players for its clan.
  • Centen community statistics in World of Tanks, thanks to it, the entire clan is estimated.
  • Assessment of your achievements is to observe how the indicators grow from day to day quite nice.

What is the static about?

Before moving to the description of a variety of ratings and calculators of efficiency in WOT, you should go through fundamental data with which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Percentage of victories - This is the main indicator demonstrating the success of the tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the contribution of the player in the battle and his ability to play can lead to victory. Thus, skillful tankers can boast of statistics from 51% and higher.
  2. Damage for fight - The efficiency rating in WOT includes this data, objectively showing contributions to the battle. But consider this indicator is completely optional for light tanks whose task is to detect the enemy. But for TT and PT-SAU damage for the fight - this is a critical indicator.
  3. Survival - controversial data, since until the moment of his death, the player can cause a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still survival excellent shows the tendency of tanker to go into a suicidal attack. If you are a LT amateur, then the survival rate is a very important indicator, on a par with the enemies discovered for the fight.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits) - The efficiency includes information about the percentage of hits. It is critical to have a good accuracy of art, in the second place on other classes.
  5. The ratio killed / killed - There are 30 cars in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full contribution to the achievement of victory, everything that has been done on top speaks about the effectiveness of the tanker, therefore, a ratio, equal, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Mid-level fighting - Shows at what level the player is most often fought.

This is not all the information available in our service, only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since the input data for statistics is very much, then they can be interpreted in different ways. However, despite the large number of different skill measurement systems, all of them in principle are somehow converged in their estimated gradations. In other words, a good player for RE, will be good in WN8.

Our site presents three main rankings.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • percentage of victories;
  • experience and damage for the fight (medium);
  • survival;
  • total battles;
  • damage to light and help allies (when the player knocks the enemy caterpillar and finish it allies).

Most of all the difficulties with raising this rating of efficiency in the world of tanks are led by a group with a large number of battles. To increase the LP indicator, you need to launch enemies as much as possible, thus obtaining experience. Light tanks will not be left aside, because the rating will grow thanks to the damage to light.

RE (efficiency rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Medium damage.
  • Glasses of shotping and capturing the base.
  • The number of illuminated opponents.
  • Fragi (destroyed tanks).

So that the statistics calculator in WOT pleased with positive emotions, we advise you to raise the rating at once in several ways.

Raising the percentage of victories - if the random is not too good in the random, you can go into companies or command battlesWhere in the presence of a good commander you can keep an excellent wine. But the company rises only the percentage of victories, to increase the average damage should be played on high-level technique. In the tenths, it is possible to fill not only more damage, but also get more experiences at times than, for example, in the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, efficiency in WOT will grow, and with it and re.


Extended statistics in WOT continues to be refined and the new CPD calculator WN8 is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, the WN8 is more appreciated by Damag, and not frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula, it is rather a skill calculation system, as a huge database is used with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular machine. For each tank in WN8, the so-called "reference values" or ideal indicators are used and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals - the cooler will be your rating in this system.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WOT, we advise you to play on those machines on which it turns out best, because the battle is going through, the more damage will be a tanker. And since damage is one of the main indicators WN8, the numbers will grow. But note that WN8 considers damage differently on every tank. For example, playing for some imbe, for example, FV215B (183), to increase the rating will be more difficult than playing on the same IS-7, because the reference damage on PT-SAU is more than at TT.

  • Article in the topic: .

What is worth paying attention to statistics?

The first thing to pay attention to is three different ratings, objectively showing the successes of the tanker. This is RE, WN8 as well as ranking from wargaming.

Warery - Holy Saints of almost any player. If Vintage is above 50%, it means that the tanker benefits a team.

The third important indicator is damag for fight. Most tankers prefer damage classes, so you can evaluate the tanker and its average efficiency.

Mid-level fighting - If the player has a middle level fifth or, for example, the sixth, then it becomes immediately clear that he doesn't really like to drive in the tenth levels. Thanks to this information, you can evaluate applicants for joining the clan often fighting on the GC.

Two ratios - killed \\ killed and inflicted \\ got damage. In experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player benefits in battle. If this figure is smaller, it becomes clear that most often the player does not drag the battle, but the team drags the player. But if the account is most of all battles per LT, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of extended statistics on our website

Statistics will meet you with this window, in which you need to specify your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main window of statistics will open, in which you can see three ratings, as well as other information, for example, Warel, the number of battles obtained by Damag I.T.D. Thanks to this, you can estimate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time it was spent on all battles. The data is approximate, the average duration of the battle was taken to calculate (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Did you think about how many times did the clicking timer have seen before the start of the battle? In our statistics you can see how much time you spent on the timer click. And yes, be careful, the truth just amazes, for example, on the demonstration account, the countdown took almost five days. Incredibly a lot, right?

Another curious opportunity is to track time progress. Shows the course of events in four weeks, one week and day. Thanks to this information, you can see, the tanker develops or its performance indicators decreased.

WOTCALC is a new unique service for World of Tanks players.

Not so long ago, a site has appeared on the unstashes of the World Wide Web - a very convenient specialized service for World of Tanks players. The main purpose of the service is a comparison of any WOT tanks according to the characteristics, which will certainly be extremely useful for anyone who wishes to better understand the intricacies of the game. This article will describe in detail the wide possibilities of the site.

Sections of the site

Comparison of tanks

The main section that interests us most. On the left and right we see two columns with tactical and technical characteristics of tanks. In the middle there is a comparison column where you can see the difference in TTX selected technology (the comparison is carried out relative to the machine in the right column, that is, for example, if the characteristic is indicated green color, then the tank on the right is better than the tank on the left). The following features are available in the section:

  • The study of all the characteristics of tanks - both publicly available and hidden, and even calculated, such as the average damage per minute. You can study TTX not only the tank as a whole, but also each module separately. Calculation characteristics are calculated using the reliable formulas and taking into account the 100% crew;
  • Comparison of tanks in various complete sets - Want to know what distinguishes stock of your tank from the top? You can set the same machine in both columns, and then compare the characteristics of the modules of interest to you, simply choosing them from the drop-down list;
  • Comparison of technology in various versions of the client- Completely unique functionality, thanks to which you can track changes in the characteristics of the tanks from the patch patch. Do you think that after the next update on your favorite tank, it became harder or easier to play? With this service, you can easily check whether there was a hidden nerf or the car you are interested in;
  • View all trees for the development of tanks in the current patch by clicking on the "Select Tank" button, you will find a list of nations with the corresponding branches of development. With this functional, it is much easier to search for the technique you need. However, you can do it, simply by lifting the name of the machine in the search bar slightly about the list of nations:

Also pay attention to the shell icons next to each column:

Having a cursor on them, you can find out detailed features Each shell, such as caliber, speed and flight range, medium damage, armored and price. Slightly below are the circles in which the average damage is listed per minute for the gun using the corresponding projectile. Having a cursor on the circle, you will learn the number of shots and recharging, which this instrument makes per minute.


No less useful section in which you can track changes in the last wORLD updates Of Tanks, such as Nerph or AP technicians, add tanks, or replace existing machines to new ones. There will also be provided with references by clicking on which you will find direct comparisons of the changed or replaced equipment, for example, a comparison of the 0.9.9 Japanese premium tank of Heavy Tank NO VI, more famous as "Japanese Tiger", with Tiger 1 From the German branch.

Help project

Each interesting project needs material support, and this site is no exception. Anyone can list a voluntary monetary donation to one of the wallets specified in this section.

Other advantages

In addition to extensive opportunities, the first impression and convenience of working with the resource is very important. The site pleases the eye of the user by the incomplete, but strict design, unloading with all unnecessary garbage and the comfortable location of the functionality. It is also necessary to note the almost complete absence of advertising - you will not see any pop-ups or huge banners on the full-on.

Of course, the project does not stand still, and as the functionality of the site will only increase - new opportunities will be added and the old will be improved. But now this service can provide a lot of essentially important for any information player. Thanks to you can calculate with high accuracy, what your favorite tank is capable of, and use it in battle with maximum efficiency, which will undoubtedly change the quality of your game at the best side.

Participation in the WORLD OF TANKS tank battles captures, immersing with heads of hot battles with heads into the atmosphere. Over time, questions begin to arise:

  • How to find out how well I play?
  • What figures can say about my achievements?

Then the time comes and the player will find out about the existence statistics of efficiency, Along the way, studying the formulas and ways to improve it.

How to find out the efficiency in World of Tanks

You must enter into the form below your game nickname and the CPD calculator will consider everything for you!

Player Statistics
Number of battles:
Number of tanks:
Destroyed for the fight:0
Damage for the fight:0
Detected for the fight:0
Base protection points for the fight:0
Base Capture Glasses for Fight:0
Medium level of tanks:0
Percentage of victories:0
Efficiency rating of efficiency:0

Used formula when counting efficiency

When calculating the efficiency, the formula of efficiency rating is used, because It is one of the most popular:
  • R - KPD and it depends on the six player parameters:
  • K is the average tank destroyed;
  • L is the average level of the player's tank;
  • D DMG - medium damage applied;
  • S - the average number of detected tanks;
  • D DEF - average number of base protection points;
  • C is the average number of grades of the base of the base.

How it works?

The efficiency of users is remembered. Thus, you can monitor the dynamics of the change of efficiency rating (RE). In order to see the changes of the RE, it is necessary to play a few fighting and re-enter your nickname.

The ignition of the efficiency in plus or minus. The countdown begins with the last check of RE:

It is also possible to see the entire history of the CPD change in the form of a graph:

Helpful information

Count yourself? Well, I do not!

Counting every time new data in the formula? - It is not required. In order to define your efficiency, you need to enter the game nickname in the form (above), start the data download process and wait for the result. In the same time you will explain in detail what and how to do to raise the value of this indicator. Methods exist honest and not very. Although open scam is punished by a banner (permanent).
There are many varieties of this program. WORLD OF TANKS CPD Calculator It can show not only your coefficient, but also to count how much battles left to the necessary percentage of victories. And not victorious fights, but games in the style inherent in you.

A look into the future or a funny named device.

I always want to predict what the battle will be. Who will be your opponent - Materia Tank AC or Green Player in stock technician. To do this, you need to install a special mod "", with the help of which you can learn the efficiency without leaving the battle.

Those who have already played, the name "Olemethr" speaks for itself. The uninitiated should be explained that the game "deer" is called players who do not gline success. At the very beginning, when the boot table appears, several digits appear opposite each player. They show: the percentage of victories, the value of the efficiency, the total number of battles. During the download, you can choose potential "victims", and remember, from whom it is advisable to stay away from. There are also general data on the chances of victory on the analysis of players and comparing technology participating in battle.

Do not bike on numbers

Immediately I want to notice that these indicators are relative. Kpd. wORLD player Of Tanks. May be artificially overestimated. Or, on the contrary, does not reflect the real battle qualities of the player. How can it be? You can well improve your coefficient and bring zero benefit to the team (break to the "rep" opponent, "to light up" everyone and courageously die). Allies at this time did not have time to do. "Almost" just started to nominate in position, and "art" did not even "drove" to this square. Situation on the contrary. Huge benefit for team in battle. He knocked off the "hussley" to the enemy, restrained the promotion of the whole group, without giving the enemy to expand the battle order. Transmitted coordinates of SAU. According to the results of the battle - low efficiency.

Chance to win

It happens that a team that does not have a chance to win (the data "Olemethra") wins in minutes. Sometimes low digits of the opposite team players act relaxing. Everyone understands that the victory in his pocket. And lose safely.

How to raise the efficiency?

Why not use some tricks to benefit your indicator and scare other high data.

Raising factors

Perfectly increase the efficiency rating of goggling and grabbing the base. So, it should be used in hostilities. And if you got up on the grip on heavy tank 8th level and above it will greatly raise your efficiency.

Lowing factors

It is not recommended to use artillery:
  • No grazing glasses, shotping;
  • Not very high damage numbers;
  • Low technology.

Battle options to increase efficiency

  1. Act on the principle "our place has managed everywhere." Rush, help your own, kill strangers, apply the maximum damage. Significant digital efficiency, the sea "Fana".
  2. Modestly "squeeze the barrel" to the database of the enemy, get up to capture. As a result, we get a large number of efficiency, a qualitatively played game and victory over the enemy. But provided that you stayed alive and almost alone captured someone else's base.