Legend of dragoon walkthrough. Forgotten Legend: The Legend of Dragoon. Beauty that requires sacrifice

* Additions.
Always develop your additions. Although it takes time, the final and most powerful additions can only be obtained by you if all the character's abilities are at their maximum. The higher the addition level, the more damage you can inflict on the enemy. Do you understand how important this is?

* Defeat Sandra (Special Soldier) and Kongol.
Before going to Hocus, buy more magic items from the store and make sure that all your characters are at least level 6.

* How to defeat bosses.
In any boss encounter, be sure to include Rose in your squad. You always know in advance that there is a boss fight: if you find a shipping point, it means that the boss is somewhere nearby. Try to keep the SP level at the maximum for each member of your squad, then anyone can transform into a dragon. Once the battle begins, use Rose's Special Attack and Astrol Drain as often as possible at the earliest opportunity. You can deal up to 400 points of damage to bosses when you fight them on the first disc. After using your special attacks, start using normal attacks as well as additions to get your "spirit" level up as quickly as possible, and use your special attacks again.
If any character has a power wrist, then use the special attack of this particular character, since his normal Dragon attacks attack, capable of inflicting up to 200 points of damage.
Try to have a whole bunch of medicinal tinctures in each boss fight. (Healing Potions), as well as a sufficient number of Mind Purifiers (for clearing the brain) in case the boss has powerful magical attacks, such as, for example, the monster in the prison cave Hellana Prison dungeon.
Save the game as often as possible, as bosses often move in pairs.

* Kongol.
This guy is very strong. Try to use magic attacks against him more often. He will respond to any of your physical attacks with even more powerful counterattacks, so it is better not to provoke him. Therefore, use magic attacks, and when necessary, use the Guard options, which will allow you to restore the level of HP.

Sandra is a special soldier.
Use physical attacks against him and do not use magic attacks. When he turns into a tree, you will immediately understand how powerful a magician he is, so be very careful and act decisively.

* Location of Dragon Spirit.
Once a character finds his Dragon Spirit, he is able to transform into a powerful dragon during the battle. This is where the corresponding Dragon Spirits are.
Red Eye Dragon (Fire)“Dart has it right from the start and can use it after grappling with Kongol for the first time.
Dark Dragon- Rose will receive when she joins your squad.
Green Dragon (Wind)- Lavits will receive after the fight in the Dragon Lair and inherit it from the Green Dgaron.
Silver Dragon (Light)- After the fight at the Temple of Sharlie, this Silver Dragon will be handed over to your squad. Shana will be able to use it.
Purple Electric Dragon (Thunder)- After the battle in the capital city of Cathas in the Black Castle (Capital City of Cathas - Black Castle), Haschel will receive it.
Sea Wave Dragon (Water)- After the encounter in Mount Dead Dragon, Meru will receive it.
Golden Dragon (Earth)- After your squad joins Kongol. Enter the Commerial city of Loan, go to the second screen and see a video cutscene featuring a merchant. After that, he will sell you this Drago Spirit for 100 gold.
Divine dragon- After the boss fight in The Setting Moon in the final dungeon.

The universal evil is known to be indestructible even in video games. The messengers of hell on earth - the company Square, not only systematically destroy the remnants of good taste and love of freedom in gamers, releasing one after another of their satanic games (guess three times about which games I'm talking about), they also manage to hide behind a screen of high-quality silicone from our views with you, many games deserve much more attention than their beautiful, but insanely one-sided offspring. It is this sad fate that befell the game that I want to tell you about today. Good to everyone The legend Of dragoon, beautiful both from the outside and from the inside, moderately long and excessively interesting. But, despite all the efforts of the developers, the game could not avoid misfortune - by accidental coincidence, due to the intrigues of secret agents of Square or for some other reason unknown to me, but The Legend Of Dragoon came out at the most unfortunate moment that one could choose - right after the ninth incarnation of silicone Satan. And in real life good does not always triumph over evil. So this time, stunned by the huge sales of silicone miracles (vegetables) and The Legend Of Dragoon all that was left was to crawl away to a quiet corner and die peacefully there, while the satanic brat with the number nine on his forehead, flexing silicone muscles and showing pearlescent teeth, as if a Hollywood movie star triumphantly walked the planet, seducing innocent gamers from the path of the true and along the way, freeing their wallets from despicable metal.

So, the European version of the culprit of today's celebration was born in the already distant 2001. Which, between us, was the year of the decline of the first PlayStation and gave rise to a considerable number of games that became the golden fund of this console. In connection with this fact, it is not surprising that The Legend Of Dragoon is one of the best RPGs ever released on this system. As befits any role-playing game epic scale (a The Legend Of Dragoon- just like that, don't even dare to doubt), the game has a strong and interesting plot intrigue. Adventures begin with trifles like kidnapping the protagonist's girlfriend and destroying his native village, but gradually the plot spring is unclenched and by the end of the game you will have to deal with such serious tasks as saving the whole universe and protecting the offended and oppressed. The characters are also very interesting. All of them have experienced a lot in their lifetime, and almost everyone fights not only with common enemies of flesh and blood, but also with enemies in their souls. History The Legend Of Dragoon full of unexpected and often sad events, filled with some elusive sadness, ethereal shadow hovering around the heroes of the game. Now let's pay attention to the name of the game: The legend of dragoon... Without going into insignificant details, the Dragoons are the lords of the dragons. There were in ancient times in the world of the game such people who could subjugate these powerful monsters to their will and use them in their own interests (dig up a vegetable garden there or fry a pork carcass ...). A lot of time has passed since that ancient time, but the Dragoons still exist and not somewhere behind seven mountains, but right under the player's nose. The heroes of the game are the very lords of the tailed lizards. Another question is that they themselves do not yet know this, and they have no idea how to use their power, but this, as you understand, only for the time being. As if confirming the name of their game, the developers equipped The Legend Of Dragoon a considerable number of different legends, rumors and legends, which, undoubtedly, gave the world of the game a fair amount of credibility (relative, of course). The Legend Of Dragoon belongs to that class of games in which the plot, as it should be, is the core, and everything else after getting to know it seems to be not so important.

But no matter how insignificant such "little things" as graphics, combat system and gameplay may seem to me, for the sake of completeness I will have to talk about them too. I'll start with the exterior design. All sorts of videos in the game in terms of quality and direction, in my opinion, are inferior to the devilish beauty of Square's creations, they do not have that riot of colors and beauty of movements. But the game graphics are good. Three-dimensional arenas of battles delight with a variety, the quality of the image of the participants in the fights also raises no particular complaints. During the battles, the camera tries to demonstrate the rudiments of intelligence, occasionally giving out very unexpected and beautiful angles. In addition, the player is allowed (lo and behold!) To independently choose its position. The magic is also rendered very high quality, which is especially noticeable at the beginning of the game, when this very magic is not so much. And here is the usual for games of the JRPG genre global map It looks a bit angular, but PS one owners have long been accustomed to this. The soundtrack did not evoke any special enthusiasm or angry remarks in its address. There are some very decent compositions that I want to listen to over and over again, but most of the tunes left me indifferent. It seems to me that the composer in this case a little bit lacked inspiration, the results of his efforts often sound a little flat, do not touch the quick. But, in spite of this, the music "plays" the game very well and some melodies, let me repeat myself, are really good.

Combat system. In principle, it is a familiar classic, but with some very tangible innovations. The Legend Of Dragoon uses a turn-based battle system with some touch of arcade. If there is no need to talk about the step-by-step part (for each character we choose an action, and then see how he performs this action), then it is worth focusing on the arcade component. When your character is hitting, a shrinking square appears on the screen. As soon as this square reaches its smallest size, you must press the attack button. If the action is unsuccessful, the character will strike one blow and return to his place, and if you pressed the button in time, an additional attack will follow (somewhat reminiscent of a combo from). Each character has several types of such attacks (new ones are given upon reaching a certain level of experience), which have their own scales of experience and, with proper training, become more and more powerful. The idea of ​​serial attacks, I can tell you, is quite good, original and, most importantly, brings some variety to the tedious process of "pumping" characters before the battle with especially powerful bosses. Now about the magic. As such, it is not in the game, in order to use all sorts of otherworldly forces, you must first turn into a Dragoon. The transformation into it occurs under two conditions: the character has a special cobblestone (the spirit of the Dragoon) and the filling of a special scale (which is filled as the enemies are beaten). If both are available, then your character can safely transform. Immediately after this process, he will acquire cute-looking wings and considerable power, which should be immediately unleashed on the enemy. You can also use Dragoon magic, which is very powerful and very "expensive". In general, it is recommended to use the Dragoon mode only in emergency situations (fights with bosses), ordinary enemies can be easily destroyed with ordinary attacks.

Well, it's time for the honor to know, I'm finishing my ranting. Finally, I will say this: The Legend Of Dragoon- this is a Game with a capital letter, a real representative of the genre with all its inalienable attributes and a number of its own unique finds. The game is undeniably interesting and worth buying. Not without flaws, of course (almost not a single representative of this genre has managed to avoid them), but in general - high-quality and interesting. If your love for Japanese RPGs is not limited to one well-known siliconized series, then you can safely buy The Legend Of Dragoon, it will undoubtedly take its rightful place in your collection ( Lloyd, especially for )

Team Andromeda, who previously worked on such a hit, but undeservedly unpopular project like Panzer Dragoon Saga, has teamed up with some escaped programmers from under the wing of the mighty to develop a new grandiose project in the genre! she was in no hurry to advertise her product and did not give much money for development, as she was afraid that the game would fail. To begin with, Sony decided to see how the game will be sold in Japan, and then promote the game to other markets - that is, to Europe and America. Much the same was the case with Gran Turismo, when at first it was reluctant to advertise its product, but when the game sold in millions of copies, Sony began to advertise the game on all fronts. In general, we do not know how things are going with Legend of Dragoon in Japan, but the fact that the game is a masterpiece, it became clear to me after 5 hours of gameplay.

The game starts off very well. To the accompaniment of beautiful early music, we are shown excerpts from a book, and then a song and a short video with excerpts from the game begin. Then, as always, there is a menu, and the game begins. In the opening video, troops attack the village and rob and break everything that is robbed and broken, as well as kill a bunch of people and take some girl prisoner. The video is shyly silent about the rest of the girls. The video is made at a phenomenal level - even better than that. Yes, and, in general, all further videos are made as works of art.

The plot of the game is generally very incomprehensible at first. Darth - the main character wants to take revenge on some black demon who killed his entire family and destroyed his settlement when Darth was only 5 years old. He had already found a new home for himself, when all of a sudden the troops attacked for no reason and killed almost everyone. Upset, Dart vows that he will save the girl from captivity (who was stolen in the video) and goes in search of the enemies. What follows is a bunch of very interesting events. Dart makes new friends and the story that just started turns into a real romance! In general, play it yourself, otherwise I'll start telling the whole story and ruin the impression of the game.

The system of battles in the game is very interesting. There was nothing like that at SONY Playstion yet. The fight is turn-based. During the battle, you must select some abilities and, when the indicator lights up, press the button. With this, you can perform epic combos and special hits. Already somewhere from the middle of disc 1, your heroes will be able to turn into Dragoons or into winged creatures with tremendous power - Dragoons will each have their own magic and special blows. In total in the game you can gain 99 levels for a person and 5 levels for a Dragoon. In general, when you have the opportunity to use the Dragoon's abilities, be sure to use it, as it is very entertaining, and besides, you will increase the level of your winged wards faster. The rest, as always in battles, is the Defense, Attack, Run and Items commands.

Now let's talk about graphics. Everything is fine here. We can say that everything looks even richer than that! Backgrounds are generally inaccessible, although the characters look about the same as in. But the backgrounds completely bypass the eighth fantasy! The game is made using the same technology as. Three-dimensional characters walk on pre-drawn and rendered backgrounds. In battles, everything is completely three-dimensional: the background, and characters, and enemies. In general, on a SONY PlayStation, you can hardly achieve more beautiful ... although who knows.

Gameplay, what about the gameplay in Japanese? As elsewhere - battles, conversations and walking on the map. But the main thing is not what we see in every role-playing game, but how exciting it is. I will say right away - LoD is not a boring game. You will not be able to tear yourself away from the game until you have completed it. And the game, by the way, is quite big. I think there will be enough for everyone to enjoy this masterpiece. By the way, the bosses are very well made in the game. To defeat them, you need to make a lot of effort and I think this is the right thing - that's what they are the bosses.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to the game. Almost all of the design is lapped up with Panzer Dragoon Saga, the graphics resemble, and the battles are very similar to. But, what can you do if the developers worked on these projects and they sunk into their souls. So they made a game that incorporates all the best of these three projects ... And that's good!


  • - Try to save your Dragoon Power for boss fights.
  • - Don't turn on your Additions unnecessarily when fighting enemies. The Addition you possess can be made significantly stronger and with more SP.
  • - Final Addition... To get Final Addition for all of your characters apart from Miranda and Shana, try to master all the previous Additions as best you can. When you master this, you will become the owner of the 7-hit Master Combo. These combinations allow you to earn 100 SP and deal damage over 400%.
  • - To make combinations using Addition much more accurate, press the X button when the "square" on the screen turns gray. If you have time, then make an excellent combination, very accurate and cause serious damage to your opponent. If you delay, the damage will be much less.
  • - To make it easier to master Additions, go to the forest near Sellles. Go to the area where you meet the "merchant" (Merchant). These are such small creatures, very similar to rabbits. In these places you have to fight quite often, but since the opponents are weak, you can easily deal with them. And when you meet an enemy that uses the Physical Attack Barrier, you can level up your Addition without even killing enemies. When the barrier disappears, wait for it to appear again, and you in an incomprehensible way raise the level of your Additions.
  • - When you are on the Phantom Ship, run straight to the blue lights and fight them, get a lot of additional Experience points.
  • - Ultimate Wargod. You can buy Ultimate Wargod in Lohan. This will allow you to execute attacks using Addition flawlessly. True, it can cost about 10,000, and you hardly have that kind of money at this point in the game. However, try to somehow get the required amount, as this will make it easier for you to deal with the dragons, and your Dragoons will keep a high level.
  • - To defeat S. Virage, wait for it to use up all of its 10 lives. In doing so, make sure your characters have a high level of HP before executing the final attack, which will deal fatal damage to the enemy.
  • - To deal with the second boss Viarge Boss who will have to fight in the Gravity Breakdown Valley, first of all destroy his left hand (which is located on the right side of the screen), then the boss will not be able to carry out his instant death attack (Instant Death Attack) until the hand is restored. After eliminating your left arm, concentrate on attacking the head. If the arm recovers, immediately destroy it again. Win with 1600 points of damage to the boss's head. Here's how much "health" is in each part of his body: Head - 1600 HP, left arm - 320 HP, right arm - 320 HP, body - 600 HP.
  • - To defeat the dead captain(Dead Captain) and four dead knights (Dead Knights) on the ghost ship Ghost Ship, you must firmly remember that after a while they will come to life again in full health. It is better to proceed as follows: inflict enough damage on the knights and the captain so that their health indicator is in the red zone, i.e. dropped low enough. Then use Dart's Explosion Ability or Kongol's magical abilities - Grand Stream and Meteor Strike. If any of your Dragoon Spirts is level 5, then use them. Dragon abilities Ability to finish off enemies completely.
  • - When you are trying to find in the castle Dragonit Plant to save Shana on the 1st disc, note a few pitfalls that can seriously interfere with your search. The first one is a digital combination, remember it - 352. Immediately behind it are two statues that need to be turned in the right direction.

Dragoon Stone

  • - Dart... You have this stone from the very beginning of the game, but you cannot use it until you defeat Kongol in the Battle of Hoax.
  • - Lavitz / Albert... To get the Lavitz Dragoon stone, you need to defeat the Green Tusked Dragon and the man who will transform into Jade Dragoon. Albert will then inherit the Lavitz Dragoon Stone at the end of the first disc.
  • - Shana / Miranda... You will receive the Dragon Stone for Shana after you reach the castle and defeat the bandits there. Then answer the questions the ghost asks you, and Miranda will inherit Shana's stone on the third disc.
  • -Rose... After defeating Kongol in the Battle of Hoax, Rosa will receive her Dragon Stone.
  • - Hashel... Receives his Dragon Stone after defeating the Emperor Doyle at the end of the first disc.
  • - Meru... Receive his Dragoon Stone after defeating the Blue Sea Dragon and Lenus as well.
  • - Kongol... After you get the Kangol back, head back to City of Loan and go to where the man who sold you the bottle is. Talk to him and he will sell you a Dragoon Stone for Kongol for 1000 gold.

The game that made me experience this adventure more than once. A game that made me wonder if Final Fantasy is the ultimate JRPG benchmark. A game that has proven one very sad fact - not all great games get a sequel, even if they deserve it more than some. I am sure that if you went to the page of this game and read these lines, then deep down you will agree with all the above words (well, except for the FF standard, maybe, because there is no dispute about tastes). I hope that reading this material will return you a small part of your childhood / past, or just make you get to know this unprecedented game better. The passage begins ...

Part One: The War of Serdio

The game begins with one of the most compelling cutscenes, in which you will be shown such a standard JRPG thing as burning a village and kidnapping a girl who turned out to be special.

After the cutscene, the action of the game will move to the main character of the game - Dart, a swordsman who decided to return home to the very village of Seles burned down in the cutscene. On the way, two surprises await him: the departing troops of the Serdio empire and, more surprisingly, a huge green scaly monster. Fortunately, Darth was saved by a warrior in dark armor, calling this monster Dragon. Prepare to hear this word often enough.

Well, now that the introduction is over, spoilers too, let's move on to managing Darth, and at the same time passing the game.

Seles / Seles

Stardust Amount: 1 (1/50)

The blue arrow above Dart's head only shows how soon the enemy will attack him, so don't be embarrassed. In which case it can be removed with a button. Here are the colors:

  • Blue - the enemy is far away
  • Yellow - the enemy is thinking to attack
  • Red - the enemy is very close

By pressing a button, Dart will be able to run. Go down the slope to the fence. A yellow exclamation mark above his head means that Dart can perform some physical action, to the button (in this case, to jump over the fence). Do you see the chest? And you will not be able to approach him, because the time has come for the first fight. Your opponent will be two marauder soldiers.

The basics of battles

Three characters of your choice take part in the battle. They can perform 4 actions in duels:

  1. fire (red) vs water (blue)
  2. wind (green) vs earth (brown)
  3. light (yellow) vs dark (dark blue)
  4. no-element (gray)
  5. lightning (purple)
  • The escape- not always working function of escape from the battlefield.

In addition to elemental colors, there are also colors that indicate the color of health, both from the side of the enemy and from yours:

  • white / blue - HP is a lot, you can relax;
  • yellow - HP has become a little less than half, it's time to take the enemy seriously;
  • red - HP is too low, you need to destroy the enemy as soon as possible.

And this is approximately how the enemies will act. You can determine how much they have left to death by the color of the cursor under their name, which will appear when you direct the attack. Do not be surprised that with a red cursor the enemy will act much more aggressively than with a blue cursor, if anything.

After defeating enemies, you will receive two Recovery Potion. After talking with the villager, who will soon go to the forefathers, take one of those attacking items from the chest - Burn out. Save the game in a shining light, this can only be done in the main menu (Save function). Run to the left screen, where, in the course of a small story scene, you will encounter the Commander and his two marauder soldiers.

Boss 1

Commander / 2 Knights of Sandora



Burnout, 2 healing potions


Use your first Double Slash combo directly on the Commander, regardless of the rank and file. If one soldier dies earlier, then the second will run away, and the Commander will start using double blows, which will be perceived much more painful to you.

So the village has been cleared from the marauders, it's time to save the girl, whom, as you could already understand, her name is Shana. She is being held in Helena Prison. Before leaving the city, search the second tombstone on the left: there lies Dust of Stars (Stardust)- a very important thing that you will need to complete the secret quest. There is a knight at the exit - this is Darth's teacher, master Tasman. If you have not mastered some of the fighting skills, then practice with him. Leave the village on the world map, and from there step into the Forest.

P.S. after defeating the Commander, you have reached the next level, which means that you have studied the next expansion "Volcano". For now, resist the temptation and keep developing the Double Strike combo while the enemies are weak - it will come in handy in the future.

Forest / Forest

A very peaceful place with appropriate music. Ahead is a merchant who can give you free lessons on the use of things, in the manner of the master Tasman, or rather their attacking types. On the path to the right, you will find a box with Healing potion... Run to the north next screen.

Run over the thrown log and take from the box Purifying potion (Charm Potion). Move to the south screen. Now you are in a real maze. It is, in principle, easy to navigate here. Run first along the upper right path to find yourself on the central path of the labyrinth. From the two forks, choose the left one to get to the box with Burning out... Now follow the southeast path (near the entrance to the center of the maze) and you will come running to the place where there is a box with 20 Z(short for Gold - Gold, which is the local currency). Return to the center of the maze and follow the northern path to finally find yourself on the correct path leading to the exit. Watch the partly nostalgic scene and scratch to the exit. On the world map, you need to go straight again along the path to the Helena prison.

P.S. as long as there is a convenient opportunity and Dart gets one experience for killed enemies, and they are weak enough to die from one blow, then swing on them at least up to 4 LV of Dart himself and 2 LV of his "Double blow" add-on (this is about 20 perfectly executed strikes). This will make your life much easier in the future, besides, it will also allow you to earn extra money.

Helena Prison

Stardust Amount: 0 (1/50)

And here you are. Run straight down the road. To get into the prison itself, you need to hide in the merchant's cart. This can be done only during a search by the guard of the cart, so do not miss the moment (exclamation mark in a yellow diamond). If Dart sleeps, then the game will not end anyway - he will simply run away, and you will have to start over (in this case, this merchant conducts strange negotiations, discuss the same thing 100 times).

Inside the prison itself, save the game and go to the merchant who brought you here. Unfortunately, he will be scared of you and will call the guards. More precisely one guard. The enemy from him is so-so, although it may be a little more complicated than the "Killer Roosters" from the Forest. Talk to the merchant again, and he will provide you with a list of his products, even promising to make a discount. The most valuable among all its assortment is the local resurrection Angel's Prayer although you can find it in the boxes of the prison itself, so I see no reason to spend precious Z now.

There are no random battles in this location - all the guards are visible at once. For each of them, they give 6 EXP, so if you have not pumped up to level 4 yet, then it's time to do it. If you have pumped, then still lay the foundation for 5 LV.

To get started, go through the northernmost exit to get to the room with Burning out In the box. Exit through the south entrance, which was blocked by the merchant. You will find yourself in the hallway of the prison: it is patrolled by two guards and there are three exits from it, moreover, the western and northeastern exits lead to dead ends (to a broken elevator and a closed exit from the prison). Enemies, after killing, do not respawn, unfortunately, so deal with them along the way. Go up the east stairs. Run through the next screen, killing the guard, but ignoring the chest below you. It is not available yet.

You will be taken to the so-called open balcony of the prison. Directly in front of you there will be a rest room for protection, from which your next victim will just come out, and not far from it the elevator upstairs. Go to the rest room first. Inside there will be three guards (in our language 18 EXP) and three chests that contain 50 gold, Leather Jacket and Angel Prayer... Now take the elevator and go to the next part of the prison through the western passage.

Watch the scene inside, after which you will meet the second member of your team - a knight-spearman Lavitz Slumbert... Together with him, win the battle with three guards and continue the examination of the prison. Run back two screens to the exit with a blue glow. Go one more screen below into the corridor with two cameras (there is also a freight elevator going down in the background). In the left room, you will have to automatically jump over the boxes to take a chest with 20 gold... In the right cell, you just have to rob already a little crazy prisoners on the subject Spark Net lying in the chest. Return to the previous corridor with an exit to the outside. Come into it. Performing all these actions, do not forget to kill every soldier you meet, pumping Dartu all the same Double Slash ( Double punch), and Lavitsu Harpoon (Harpoon).

Take the elevator to the third floor and cross the bridge into the door on the left, since the right one is still closed. Climb the spiral staircase and take Key to Shana "s Cell, while listening to the replicas of the heroes about the good level of security in this room (as for me, we would have defeated them with one left). Now return to the same locked door on the right and unlock it, once again, once again, almost identical corridors of the second floor.

Walk down the left corridor, where you will meet three guards guarding Shana's cell directly. Defeat them and save the girl. True, then, at the exit from the cell, you will have to fight again, with the same composition of guards. There shouldn't be any problems. Now Shana will be your companion. She is an archer, a unique class in the game, for which you do not need to learn any series of attacks, much less carry out them. Perhaps this is why they are less useful. But for now, this is better than nothing, except that the experience for the enemies will now be divided by 3. Do not forget to put the Leather Jacket you found on her, instead of her Clothes.

Investigate the cameras hidden behind the large doors in this corridor and the one on the left. Both will contain chests with 20 gold. Now run all the way back. When you meet a merchant, it will be a sign. Restore all HP of all three warriors. There is a fight ahead.

Boss 2

Freugel / 2 guards / 2 senior guards



3 Healing Potions, Knight Shield


At the beginning of the battle, Frugel will be surrounded by two guards, who have slightly more health than the privates. It will be quite easy to overcome them, since you are pumped up. After their death, Frugel will summon his elite henchmen and join the battle himself. It will be more difficult with the older guards, for they have a simply disgusting habit of hurling massive fiery spells before death. Lavitz will suffer the most from this, from whom they will remove about 40% of HP. Shana in this battle is needed not so much for fighting (her attacks are very weak), but for support, since Frugel's attacks, albeit not deadly, are noticeably stronger than ordinary blows, and after the guards' dying gifts, treatment may be needed. In general, this fight is not very difficult. Further things will be more interesting.

So the escape is complete, the girl is saved and all the staff are now on your tail. You won't be able to return to Seles, since the path is blocked in the Forest, so move on the World Map directly along the road to the Prairies.

P.S. If the Double Slash series has been studied up to level 5, that is, it has exceeded 80 perfectly executed hits, then switch Dart to the Volcano combo, which consists not of 1, but of 3 actions. At first it will be difficult, because the attack itself has become weaker in terms of the strength of the blows. In addition, now you have to take care of a possible Counterattack (the button, as you remember), but once the series is pumped to the second level, and you gain experience, you will immediately feel that you now own one of the best series of add-ons in the game.


Stardust Amount: 0 (1/50)

The rat race, in which our trio participates, continues. Go down the spiral road and watch a scene in which a stray arrow hits Lavica. The result is a damaged ankle. True, the stupid hounds of Helena, you can still deceive. Go north (the passage is just behind the backs of the heroes). A strong current separates you from the other bank and there is no way to get over yet, so go back. Before going further in the story, return to the previous screen (where Lawitz was wounded) and carefully walk along the rock, to the right of the road - you will find secret path to the box with 100 Z... Now return to the previous screen and follow the screen to the left. Walk to the hut and listen to Dart's story. In the same hut, you can fully restore health by sitting on a tree stump. And behind the hut below, near the branches on the left, there is a barely visible box with a new multiplier item - Destruction (Total Vanishing) .

Follow the northwest path. You will find a broken tree that is about to collapse, but your sword will not be able to pull. But the Ax, which lies in the same hut, will help this business. Cut down the tree (note how Shana's boobs jump during this process - I thought this was only possible in Dead or Alive) and go to the river (northern passage from the fork in the paths). Move to the other side. On this last screen, all that remains is to take Angel's Prayer from the box along the trail above, chat with the fugitives, and leave.

Cave / Limestone Cave

Stardust Amount: 0 (1/50)

The cave is notable for cool water slides, dark music and poisonous, and therefore very dangerous, monsters. Immediately to the left of the entrance, so bright against the background of the rest of the darkness of the cave, you will see a box with Explosives (Detonate Rock). Before moving on to the next screen, go to the very bottom of the screen on the right to the waterfall and wait until an exclamation mark appears above your head: you need to go down to the box with Potion... Now move to the left bank and go to the next screen.

Welcome to those same water slides. Time to take a ride, first go straight to get to the box with 20 Z, and then move to the left - the upper path to get to a much more valuable reward - a new sword for Darth with a funny name Bastard Sword... Place the find where it should be.

Now you have to jump over stones across the entire screen (wow, that's the variety!). In addition, this is one of the few locations where you can see how all party members will jump, and even wait for you while you collect chests on your way. Speaking of them - in the first fork, on the right, on the shore, you will find a box with a magic stone. Destruction, and on the second Body Purifier... And here on the last stone is Lavitz's next failure. What a muddler!

On the next screen, first run along the right aisle: you will have to jump a little along the columns to get to the box with 100 Z... Come back. Run down to the glowing lights and listen to a short lecture by Darth and Lavitz about fireflies. The general essence is this - they are your free healer and now your HP will be completely restored. Take to the right of the fireflies Angel's Prayer, and on the northern ledge, where you have to jump a little, Burning out... Go to the next location. Then run straight to the very area where you jumped on the columns a little earlier. Now you have to jump over the ledges. Take on a ledge with a drawer Network. Now your goal is to catch the jumping frog. The principle is like playing catch-up. The easiest way for her to intercept is when she will jump on one of the two parallel ledges in the south corner. Having caught a toad, do not be afraid that it will run away - a box with Poison Guard. Deliver this simply invaluable, considering the future battle, gift to someone. I preferred Lavitz. Run back and east. Run along the gloomy corridor. On the next screen, save the game and take from the chests Purifier(left corner) and Bandana(absolutely useless thing, which, probably, was shoved here only for future sale - right corner). Restore health and move forward. The first serious fight.

Boss 3

Ouroboros (Urobolus)



Wargod's Amulet


A very serious boss. His physical attacks are strong, and special ones, such as poisonous breath or spitting, not only take off a lot of HP, but also impose the nasty Poison status. Urobolus himself loves to fight in two positions, changing them every time somewhere in two moves: on the ground and in the air. On the ground, the strategy is simple enough - Darth and Lavitz unleash their series of blows, Shana fires. When Urobolus climbs inside his cave and begins to fight, as if from the air, no one, except, of course, Shana, will hit him with physical attacks. Here the accumulated by you will come in handy magic stones, such as Burnout (here it is, then you definitely should have accumulated to the fig). Don't waste really valuable gems like Obliterate or Explosives - either it won't work or the boss itself isn't worth it. Keep an eye on your HP and don't forget to treat the poison with the local antidote T-Purifier. The battle will end with a very colorful scene, which gives rise to even more secrets, to which you will not know the answer very soon.

Run to the north passage - you almost got out of this cave. Our corridor is once again spiral - take along the way Potion and 50 Z, from boxes. Time to see the king.

Welcome to the second disc walkthrough pages. Now Darth and his friends will continue their search in the southern peaceful country of Tiberoa, which still has one big problem: it is occupied by bandits. And the princess, beloved by the people, began to behave in a strange way. Bad luck, or has the gray-haired killer Lloyd got to do with it? Let's find out.

Part Two: Shadow of Platinum

The events of the second disc will take place not in Serdio, but in the country of Tiberoa. What brought the gray-haired killer here, we have to find out. The situation in the country is peaceful - there is no war. You can get back to Serdio at any time: you just need to follow the southern path from the very first city to the signpost, and then choose which part of Serdio you need: north or south.

Stardust Amount: 5 (25/50)

A beautiful city, isn't it? Walk up to the bridge and listen to dialogue about the female population of Serdio, the prevalence of the name "Claire" among them, and the similarities between Darth and Hachel. Pay attention to the small house by the river, on the roof of which there are small posts on four sides. There you will take your first Stardust... Now you need to go straight to the gun store (blue cursor). Take a look Stardust among maces and other weapons. At the same time, get yourself a new one.

If after the second battle with Kongol you did not get an accessory known as Call of the God of War, then you can buy it here for 1000 gold. The price is high, but the effect is just great: your heroes will make all the add-ons on their own and will never fail them. For heroes with complex streaks like Albert, this is just perfect. But there is also a fly in the ointment, although it is rather a whole ladle: the attack power and the number of SP received from this add-on will be 2 times less. So if you don't have this ring, don't be discouraged. On the same disc, we will get an accessory with the same function, but without side effects.

Follow the next screen: a scene with the local princess Emily will follow. Go to the store with magic supplies (lower blue cursor). There in the southwest corner among precious stones lies star dust... Now to the Astronomy Store (the store with the blue cursor on top): look at the giant wooden telescope on top and you will find another Stardust.

Cross the right bridge and return to the previous screen. Go to the building with the yellow cursor, that is, the hotel. In it, you can restore your HP supply for 20 coins (which was not restored after the fight with Doyle). Now go up the stairs a little further: this is the hallway of the bar and at the end of it, in a box with bottles, lies the last star dust from this city. Then go into the bar itself through the door, where the very star-loving waitress Caffi will chatter you. As she chatters, you will be presented with a variety of answers. So that the conversation does not get lost, and you do not have to talk to this girl several times (although there will be nothing for this), answer like this:

  • Sorry but…

The exits from the city are closed, so go into the very first house from the entrance, where you will spend the night. Go to the bar in the morning to meet your old friend Martel. Exchange all accumulated 15 Stardust Pebbles for a valuable relic - Amulet, which will double the maximum MP. We have nothing else to do in the city, so get out on the world map and run along the upper path that appears to the desert.

Desert / The Barrens

Stardust Amount: 0 (25/50)

Walk to the right and climb up the rocky path to the chest with Warrior Dress for Hashel. Return to the fork and head north until you meet the bandits.

Boss 15

Mappi / 2 Crafty Thief



Total Vanishing


This gang of thieves has less painful blows than ordinary enemies, and the defense is lame on both legs. Use Dart's magic to finish the battle faster, however, without it, every thief will die in one round (well, except for Mappy - he will need two rounds).

After the battle, Dart will lose his dragon fire-eye stone - this first of all means that for a while he is no longer a dragoon. He is also an irreplaceable hero ...

Go right, as the left path leads to a place where we cannot yet. Your goal is the northwest (upper left) exit, but on the way, run into the cave to the left, which will lead you to a chest with Recovery Ball well, and one more small branch almost before the exit (a chest with 50 gold).

The local enemy Arrow Shooters, who looks like a centaur, is able to give you a very valuable weapon for Shana, after he himself gives the oak, of course. This weapon - the Shock Arrow (Bemusing Arrow), is notable for the fact that it allows Shana with almost 100% probability to introduce opponents into the “Confusion” state, which, if you remember the battle with the Virage and this status on one of your heroes, will play a very important role for you. very handy. It also increases attack power quite well. But there is one simply gigantic problem: the drop rate of this weapon = 2%. This means that you will need to possibly kill 1000 of these centaurs (exaggerating, of course, but really many) before this bow deigns to fall into your pockets.

You can, however, speed up the process: always run only on the very first screen of the Desert (there the Archers often graze like enemies), put Shana in the team and put on the Bandit Ring, which, I hope, you dropped after the fight with Drake, in Shirley's tomb. But even then, these are all very minor additions. But on the other hand, all this running and fighting is a great way to accumulate 10,000 gold (which means hitting the road to Lohan in South Serdio and buy the Legendary Helmet), working out to the maximum all the add-ons (series of blows) of all your heroes and all of them accumulate enough SP for the third level of Dragons. After this, further bosses will no longer seem like rivals to you.

Those who nevertheless save their precious time and are in a hurry to run through the plot can immediately go ahead, since the exact same bow can then be bought in one of the cities that you will visit towards the end of the second disc.

Stardust Amount: 2 (27/50)

Our friend's killer is a real hero in this city. This is what a little girl will tell you about when she meets guests at the entrance to the famous city of flowers.

Take immediately in one of the fountains Stardust(there are no things in this city, as in the previous one). At the hotel, restore your health and save the game. If you were poisoned (although you could remove this status for free, once transforming into a dragoon), then you can go to the right screen by climbing the stairs and heal from the doctor (his building is also indicated by a yellow cursor). Right there in the gun shop you can buy new hats for the girls of your team and, if you wish, change Rob Angela Shana for a Silver outfit (well, decide for yourself what is more important to you: increased characteristics or the ability to avoid the "Death" status).

Return to the entrance to the city and enter the house on the right. The mayor's daughter, Kat, will tell you her story. In general, this city is terrorized by already familiar bandits, and they are led by a certain Heinrich. We must help this kind people... And our help begins with being a messenger. From the main square, run to the left and on the next screen, climb the stairs up to the mayor's house. Talk to the footman and he, looking at the letter, will let you in to him. The mayor is worried about his son-in-law, but we already have to go after Dart's stone, so why not save the guy too? These inhumans live in the Valley without gravity. Before leaving, examine the sink in the upper left corner filled with a mountain of unwashed dishes: another star dust.

Surprise: you will not go to the Valley alone. Immediately leaving the mayor's building, you will meet the best dancer in the city of flowers with platinum hair. Her name is Mara, and she is clearly unhappy with two things: Henry's gang and the fact that no one takes her seriously. In general, she goes with you. And it is not discussed. Meru said that it would not work to enter the Valley without the king's permission. So we cross the desert and return to Twin Castle.

Twin Castle at Fletz

Stardust Amount: 2 (29/50)

Approach the castle gates (the place where the scene with Princess Emily was). The guard will not let you in and Meru's attempts to break through had no effect, so do not repeat her mistake and better return to the city.

Three people can vouch for you: Nello (the one you slept with), the waitress Caffi, and the astronomer Fester. I must say right away that Nello is too cowardly, and Kaffi is stupid. So that leaves only the astronomer, whom you find in the store with a huge wooden telescope. Fester will say that he still has something to do. His business will be at the entrance to the castle, talk to him again, and he will lead you to his home. Having learned what the matter is, he will agree to take you to the castle. Follow him straight to the king's reception. There you will also receive a pass.

Go down to the first floor and examine the statue to the right of the entrance for an item. Stardust... Now try to leave, but you will be stopped by a maid who will inform you that Princess Lisa is eager to have an audience with you. After the audience, you will already be taken to the royal dinner. And now it's time to sleep: talk to the maid in blue (walks along the corridor) and follow her to the guest room.

In the morning, leave the room and go to the right into the Star Tower (before that you were not allowed there). Immediately go through the purple door and inspect the room from the inside: star dust definitely is in the Star Tower. Return to the castle hallway and go straight (the room on the first floor). There will be a dressing room and a training room. In the training room in the chests lies Rhapsody and Moon Serenade.

Now use that second, left passage in the Desert and on long route on the world map, run to the Valley.

Valley of Corrupted Gravity

Stardust Amount: 0 (29/50)

Show the pass to the guard and go forward: into a truly unusual area, where stones flying across the sky are quite common. Walk forward and go down the left stones, and from there run right to the chest with Accelerator (Speed ​​Up)... Now climb the stone (which will immediately fall) to the right ledge, and there take the chest with Package... There are also fireflies in this area, which we previously met in the cave with Ouroboros on the first disc. Well, there is a free first aid kit. Go to the next screen through the tree trunk on the right.

Here is the first screen with flying island rocks that you will have to wait patiently on the ledge. Take your time to run to the left, and wait until the first island-stone flies to the right. From there, cross one more island stone to the chest with Meteor Fall... Well, now go back and first to the island to the left, and then keep heading north.

On the next screen, jump over the islands until the topmost one takes you upstairs. There take from the only chest available Talisman... Go back downstairs. Now notice the white spot on the ground near the elevator island. Stand on it and go upstairs. Now you are standing upside down. Walk to the left and jump onto the island, which will bring you down to a patch where there are two more white spots. Use the first one and you will be taken up to the island with Knight Helm... Climb back down and take advantage of the second spot, which will take you a little in a different direction.

Here you will be openly warned that the Bend is ahead and, what is worse, this time it is intact. So save the game and be sure to place the found Talisman on Dart. Put the most strong blows Add-ons, rebuild HP and head for Superelevation. As expected, he awoke.

Boss 16

The Complete Virage


350 (Each hand) / 1600 (Head) / 900 (Body)




The fight has become more difficult, as the Virage has become an even more dangerous enemy. The beams from his head still inflict Daze / Confusion statuses, not to mention a lot of damage for everyone. You should also pay attention to his hands: the left one is capable of killing you immediately (his left, that is, the right for you), and his right (the left for you) also produces a massive and very painful attack. They, as you can remember, are being restored. So the tactic is as follows: cut off his hands first (start with the left), and then attack the body, since there is still no difference from the loss of which he will die: head or body, and the body's HP, as it were, is less.

You will have a talk with all the heroes and move on to the shelter of Henry - the House of the Giant.

Home of Giganto

Stardust Amount: 1 (30/50)

Yes, this is really the lair of bandits - the flying arrows are the best proof of this. Escaping from them, run into the building to the left. There take from the chest 20 gold and click on the glowing switch: arrows no longer fly outside. First of all, exit the building through the lower exit and take from the chest Bandit Ring... Now go back to the meta where you were fired at and, before running forward, examine the box between the lower stones: Fake Knight Shield it definitely won't hurt you.

After running north, you will find yourself trapped and, again, under fire. First stumble forward (the path will close the door), then back (the bandits will block the path). Soon the robbers will run out of arrows, and they will send you to deal with the strongest of them. He has about 300 HP (his two assistants have 200 each), and he will be casting Buff on himself for most of the fight. So this easy fight, you will win very quickly.

After watching Hachel break the door blocking the path, continue on your way. After watching the scene, form a team. Take from the chest at the bottom left Angel's Prayer and, if necessary, restore health by running into the gateway with fireflies on the right. Now go upstairs, record the game and go inside. The bandit leader and your fire dragon stone are already tired of waiting. Dart and Hashel will be obligatory participants in the battle: you need to choose the third one. I made a bet on Albert and very soon you will understand why.

Boss 17

Gehrich / Mappi



Diamond Claw

Soul Headband


Oddly enough, but the greatest danger will be the ugly Mappy, who is able to instantly kill you with one successful blow, so you should start with him, he has less life and benefit. Together with his teacher Heinrich, Mappy is able to perform the second most dangerous attack on one person, which will remove about 240 HP (although with your current HP under 1000 I think it's okay). As soon as Mappy falls, Henry will be practically helpless. Transform as Albert and Hashel into dragoons and start using the most powerful 3rd level magic on him: Hashel has all single and most powerful magical attacks, so he won't be in luck anyway. And Albert's attacks have an element opposite to Henry's - they will make him much worse (one 100% magical attack with the wind of the 3rd level removes under 800 HP).

Heinrich himself, apart from beautiful (really beautiful) kicks with his own foot, will not be able to oppose you without Mappy.

The battle ended tragically, but it could have ended even more tragically if our lives had not been saved by our old enemy - Kongol. From now on, he wants to share his path with us and see what kind of world you will build. Well, now we have a tank.

Before he dies, Henry will tell you something important. So important that some questions will be answered immediately. Examine the torch to the right of the throne of the former bandit leader ( star dust) and go downstairs. There you will free the mayor's son-in-law - a guy named Lynn. After the team begins to search for Darth's stone, you will examine the place where something shines - of course it is him.

Go to the world map and return to the Desert through the Valley without gravity. There you will say goodbye to Lynn, but wait a minute: he invited you to the wedding. So follow him!

Donau the Flower City

Nothing fancy, you just have to press the button in time for Shana to catch the bridal bouquet. This thing won't give you anything, but it's romantic, you must agree.

Return to the desert and from there walk on the world map to the signpost, and from it to the South of Serdio - to Lohan.

Commercial Town of Lohan

Stardust Amount: 0 (30/50)

If you haven't bought at least one Legendary helmet for 10,000 gold yet, then it's time to do it. As you walk there, you will be hailed by a merchant who sold you a water jug ​​on the first disc. This time he offers to buy a wonderful stone for 100 coins. But lo and behold: this stone turned out to be the Spirit of the Golden Dragon, just for Kongol. The price increased to 1000 coins. Buy and bargain this time will not work. Now Kongol is the dragoon of the earth. So, off-plot. The dragoon himself is also peculiar: it has only 3 types of magic and 4 attacks. As well as the giant itself, however, with its three additions.

There is a way to get the dragoon form for Kongol in the story, but this will only happen on disc 4 towards the end of the game. Most likely, even then you will not be able to develop his form and see all his special blows, so you will not have a better opportunity than to start doing this right now.

Twin Castle at Fletz

Stardust Amount: 0 (30/50)

The ceremony has begun, so hurry up. But drop by first of all to Martel: for the 5 Stardust stones you recently found, she will give you Belt of God(Belt of God)- a piece that doubles the amount of SP received per series. Perfect for lagging Dragoons. It also does not hurt to go to the item store in order to purchase 5 bottles of Healing Breeze.

The gates of the castle are open, you can pass freely. Head to the Star Tower (it's on the right). Here, of course, not Helena Prison and Black Castle (in the sense of killing the guards you cannot), but they should not come across them. You will not die, but you will start running from the last green cursor. So go unnoticed (and run) to the purple door (do this while the guard walks towards the spiral staircase and stands), and then, when the guard goes in the other direction, along the spiral staircase to the very top: to Princess Lisa's room. Now she will go with you, but this will not make it easier for you, but will only complicate it: now the guards will automatically return you almost to her room. So the path will be longer. Your goal is Princess Emily's room, which is located at the top of the opposite tower.

First go down into the hallway of the castle, so as not to get caught once again, and from there into the left passage. Well, there, do the same thing, just first run into the blue door, and from it onto the spiral staircase. Once in the chambers of Princess Emily, examine her portrait. Now you are inside it. The princess is in front of you, but there is no way there. Touch the shining magic sphere, thereby creating a bridge to it. As soon as Princess Emily is with you, breathe a sigh of relief: the stealth part of the compliment.

First go to the hallway (the guards won't do anything to you now) and save the game. Put in the team a person with good magical susceptibility and strong attack (Rose / Hashel) and simply with a very strong magical susceptibility (Shana is the only option in reality, since Meru may not survive the next fight with her protection). Save the game and break into the king's chambers. Perhaps the most difficult fight on the second disc lies ahead.

Boss 18





For starters ... Lenus is fast, no, very fast opponent. Sometimes she can walk four times in a row (more often still two). The arsenal of her attacks is also diverse: massive / single physical (there is nothing to worry about), ball magic (massive damage from 280 to 647 HP) and a regular magical blizzard (this is not so scary, but still unpleasant). As you can see, the situation is unpleasant, so such turtles with weak magical protection like Albert and Kongol in this battle will be just cannon fodder. It is in your interests to come into battle with a band of dragoons accumulated at once by 3 levels and spend most of the battle in this form (then, perhaps, its attacks will not exceed 100 HP). Shana will help you not only with her gorgeous mobility, but also with the healing massive (albeit single one is also not bad) 100% dragoon magic. The best attack will be the magic of Dart of the third level (Final Blow), which can remove over 500 HP from the water Lenus. The successful use of this magic at least three times (do not be greedy to use the previously found Rhapsodies and even Serenades) can already bring Lenus to yellow lives, and there he is not far from victory.

Don't let any of your heroes fall (for this you need the Healing Breezes you bought in advance), because there is a high probability that the next double attack by Lenus will immediately finish them off.

Alas, the impostor ran away, but not empty-handed. The king sends in pursuit of his best warship - the Queen's Wrath. Your help may be needed too. The ship leaves Donau, so your path lies there, and then onto the ship (go straight from the mayor's house, and there you will see this huge thing). You will learn about the adventures on the ship and the events that conclude the second part of this story in the next chapter.

Creators Producer
  • Yoshida, Shuhei
Game designer Yasuyuki Hasebe Composers Takeo Miratsu
Dennis Martin
Technical data Platform PlayStation, PlayStation Network Game mode Single user Carrier 4 CD-ROM Control DualShock

The legend of dragoon (NS. レジェンド・オブ・ドラグーン Rezendo obu Doragun) is a console Japanese RPG game developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation gaming platform. Released in Japan on December 2, 1999, in North America on June 11, 2000, and January 19, 2001 in Europe.

Game process

The Legend of Dragoon contains three game modes: world map , field mode and battle mode... By World map you can only move along a strictly defined path (indicated by dotted lines that stretch from one location to another). Field mode turns on when the player enters a city, dungeon, or vehicle. It consists of three-dimensional characters placed on a two-dimensional background (the so-called pseudo-three-dimensional dimension). Battle takes place between playable characters and enemies controlled by artificial intelligence prefixes. The player has access to 5 standard RPG actions - attack, defense, magic, things, escape, as well as 2 additional options- transformation and special transformation, which will be discussed below.


All playable characters will eventually receive a so-called Dragoon Spirit. It allows characters to transform into human dragons who are capable of commanding Dragons and using powerful magic. There are many different Dragoon Spirits that belong to different elements (elements). There are eight in total: Light, Fire, Earth, Thunder, Wind, Water, Darkness and vacuum (also known as non-element). After reincarnation, the characteristics of the character increase significantly, and access to powerful spells that use the character's MP appears. However, the character loses the ability to use things, cannot defend or run. Return to normal position is possible only as a result of falling SP counter, winning a battle or transition to KO status (death, knockout). Only two options are available to the dragoon - Attack and Magic. There is no Add-On System for Dragoon. An alternative is suggested instead. When choosing an attack, a small circle appears with a light running around the circle. As soon as the light reaches a certain mark, you must press "

"- the light will continue to move, but faster. In total, five times. After that, the Dragoon attacks the enemy and strikes him as many times as you pressed "

". Dragoon's attacks are very powerful and colorful, and if you don't go wrong five times, you can admire the final blow with the use of magic (it is this blow that takes away the most HP for the entire attack). You can only use magic in Dragoon form by choosing the Magic command. Each character has its own list of Magic (depending on the element of the character). Magic requires MP, which can only be restored with items. The higher the character's level, the longer the list of available magic. The most recent magical attack (80 MP) is the Dragon Summon. Each character has its own Dragon, which can be summoned during the battle. The dragon is not playable, it only attacks the enemy, inflicting colossal damage and pleasing the eye with a real light presentation.


The Additions combat system was first put into practice in Legend of Dragoon - it was a real revolution in the standard combat system. However, this system was criticized - players simply did not have time to press the buttons in time, especially towards the end of the game, where the Add-ons became more complex and required a lot of reaction. After the character receives the Dragoon Spirit, add-ons are necessary for him to transform - they add Spirit Points (SP), which allow him to transform into a Dragoon.

The system of Supplements is as follows. During the battle, the player chooses the Attack action. The hero, as in a regular RPG, runs towards the enemy, and at this time 2 squares appear - a large and a small one. The large square, decreasing, coincides with the small one exactly at the moment the hero's sword hits the enemy. The player must react and press the button "

", Then the hero will continue the attack. This will continue until the player makes a mistake or until all the strikes provided by the system are over. In this way, quite beautiful and graceful combinations can be produced. The character gets an add-on when he reaches a certain level. The more powerful the add-on, the more blows are included in it and the more difficult it is to execute them (the very first add-on includes only 2 hits). The choice between the various Add-ons is carried out in the character menu ("

"- Additions). Add-ons, like characters, can be pumped, and the level of Additions does not increase in proportion to the level of the hero - it all depends on how many successful hits were delivered with the help of this Supplement. Each character has a Master Addition - an add-on given after pumping at least 80 (that is, before successfully completing 80 times) all other add-ons.


Items in Legend of Dragoon are of the same type as in other RPGs. They have a wide range of uses: from healing potions to "combat items". Items can be bought from merchants in the cities of the game, found in chests, won in battles. Please note that you cannot take more than 32 common items and 250 weapons with you.


In addition to the usual items, The Legend of Dragoon contains the so-called multipliers ( English Multiple use items). These are special combat items that summon offensive magic. They are present in the inventory like ordinary things, they can also be used in the same way during the battle. But there is a significant difference between them and ordinary things - after using such a thing on the enemy in the lower right corner of the screen, an image of the button “

”And a percentage counter (initially 100%). The player's task is to quickly press the button "

»To increase the percentage (the faster you press, the longer the multiplier will last). The percentages will increase, and along with them - the damage caused by this thing. After the end of the action, the percentages are summed up, and the thing causes some damage to the enemy, more than the maximum possible damage that a similar thing would do if it were not a multiplier. With the proper skill, the damage can be increased to 240%.

star dust