Sand River Wot. Map Sandy River - Counter Battle Wot Tactic. Maintaining counter fight

The topic will be dedicated to the topic of battle tactics on the map Sand River. Below on the map you can see the main location of the battle - red Circles. In these places there are constant tanks of opponents.

Let's start with light tanks, the main task of which is to light up enemy technique in particular artillery. How do you see on the map (yellow arrows) These are the main routes move the light tanks. Often, light tanks break through the enemy's database along the routes A. Remember that light tanks are very important because they are able to find and neutralize enemy artillery, which is a great danger on this map.

PT-SAU on the map Sand River in online game World of Tanks. Basically occupy the positions specified green circlesAlso occasionally there are players who are going on the PT-SAU on the route B, but still for PT-SAU, the best position on the basis of the bushes, because these cars are designed to keep such such a battle style.

Middle tanks on the map The sand river moves in three main directions: through the center. Through the desert and at the foot of the mountains. The most popular route for medium tanks is the area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains and the desert, sometimes medium tanks go to the town, which is located in the center.

Artillery on this map is often in the same places designated purple circles. On this map, artillery can cover almost any part of the territory, which is why the special meaning of movement, to occupy a more convenient position, no. It should be remembered that artillery is very important on this map, since it is capable of solving the outcome of the battle.

Heavy tanks travel along the same routes as medium combat machines. The most successful routes for heavy tanks on this map are indicated by the letter C. All routes of heavy tanks are shown on the map red arroders.

Rasha tactics on the map Sand River in the game World of Tanks. Not particularly common, the most good way the movement of the solutions is indicated by white arrows. On the map you may notice that they are different from different sides, it is connected with the terrain of the sandy river.

Yellow points - light points. Green dots are important defensive positions. Red dots - art. Green areas - Location PT. Red areas - hot spots, main places of battles. Green arrows - directions of lighting. Yellow arrows - directions of attack Art. Blue arrows - Attack directions TT. Tactics. Consider key map sectors. Much attention should be paid to the city and plateau zones. It is here that fights of heavy and medium tanks occur. From the second Ponpa, the town is also worth covering, but to go to him from there for a long time and until the tanks are getting, they will be lit and destroy. It is better to cover it from the side of the base and from the veryans. The plateau zone is probably the most important point on the "sand river". If at least one of the teams will not keep this direction, then we can assume that the battle is lost. Yes, the sector city and the mountain is no less important, but with a plateau get to the base of the enemy easier (and faster). The map is pretty also the fact that "Svelli" and maneuverable sts will feel very comfortable on it. Large expanses open the opportunity for maneuvers. Now, I think, it is worth talking about the directions of attack on both reps.

Attack from the first respe, probably easier than from the second. Ride the square D7 is best through the square e0. Thus, you will ensure the secrecy of your troops. They will be noticed immediately when their trunks see. But there is another important item. If you jump out the open segment C6, then the first command will have an indisputable advantage. They are then open to the enemy base, and completely unpunished. Cover their rear can be left 1-2 tight. This is the main direction of attack. You can, of course try to break through the vegans, but it will be complicated. Best if your tanks fall into square H1 before approach enemy tanks. Then you closed the enemy from the fire (she just does not see there), and your opponent is like a palm. The city is best to keep the combined database defenders and 1-2 heavy, which will be directly there. The team from the second respa is better to choose defensive tactics. Such conditions dictate the terrain. Strongly in squares C6, C7 is better not worth it (contrary to templates). Why? Having wrapped around the slide the entire attacking group will be like a palm for PT and art. Yes, if you slip in a quick open area, the battle has already been won. But it is possible to be a little. It is better to develop an offensive with a wide front of the vegans. Help the fire art and Fri can be behind the hills of sand. From here, the city is also shifted, which is important. Consider sending a large number of tanks to the city. Riding them there for a long time, and they will destroy them to light earlier than they come there. Location of tanks or where to go. Light tanks. The main task of light tanks light, boldly rush either in the center, or through the city after lighting ideally you can hide behind the hills. Medium tanks. The main position of medium tanks are flanks under the northern mountain and the desert that in the south-west. Heavy tanks. Part of the gravity can go through the city although it is dangerous, and the other part over the desert. Anti-tank sau. The PT standard is located on the balcony, near their bases. Artillery. The usual arrangement of the art near its base in the lowland, if danger, you can change the position. I will finish this. Map Interesting and dictates many options for tactical actions: you can also decide in the center of the map, or through the city. There are many attack development options, and which one choose you, decide for yourself.

Hello, dear friends!

Today portal website presents to your attention a review of one of the most difficult, disabelast and terrible cards - Sand river Worldoftanks.

If we talk briefly, the sand river is a nightmare for Muses and turtles. On this map, it is not easy to find a use of almost all heavy tanks and PT-SAU, only artillery and medium tanks are able to implement themselves more or less successfully (and only with good angles. vertical navigation).

Sand river WOT is characterized by a complex relief, there are practically no smooth surfaces, the entire map is saturated with numerous hills and shorts, the shelter from air attack is practically absent, like bushes that can hide at least light tank. Map is very hard to understand and read it, there is no at least some symmetry, positions and directions for opposite respaunov differ dramatically. Among other things, on the map, an extremely dispensary regime has been introduced on the map - the assault in which it was originally easier to attack, and after processing it became much easier to defend. But let's talk about everything more specifically.

1. In my opinion, WOT The sand river is the most intuitively understandable card in game world Of Tanks.. On this map, without having prevalent, it is very difficult to understand where it is necessary to go, where there are safe drives and comfortable positions for you, where clashes occur, where you can remain unnoticed on the map.
2. I also want to note that there is a little on the gerp of vegetation, but in some places there are small areas covered with grass, which will not hide your tank, but perfectly hides small stones, kindly scattered by cards (not clear for what purpose). Having entered into such a stone, hidden herbs, you will probably lose speed or completely stop, and with new physics, you probably even turn over. It is very unpleasant, beware of such sites.

General information.

Picture 1. Minikard standard battle.

Picture 2. Minikard counter fight.

Picture 3. Minikard assault.

Sand river It was introduced to the game in updating and has undergone a number of changes:
- "Counter battle" and "assault" added in patch 0.7.4.
- Immediately was sent to the finalization of "counter battle" and returned only in patch 0.8.0.
- In patch 0.8.5. Constracted substantial changes to the Sturm mode.
- In addition, the sand river changed its relief several times (from the recent: the drainage of the river itself and the possibility of traveling in her direction).

The card has never been considered good and was not an example of a successful card development. Receiving a changed look or new regimeThe sand river did not get better, but also to withdraw the card from the game our favorite developers were never going.

Sand river Available in random for 4 - 11 levels of battles, represents a desert type of cards (desert camouflage for tanks), has a very difficult relief, while it is almost completely open. However, such a complex, hilly relief of the card is two-way: on the one hand, all these height differences make it difficult to attack very much, prevent fire, but at the same time, the abundant of hills covers you from enemy fire. In addition, as I wrote above, there are practically no vegetation on the map, and therefore, often opponents will see each other without any problems and fire, remaining unnoticed only if one of the allies highlights you (and that If you shoot the relief will allow). The size of the card is standard - 1000 * 1000. All three fighting modes for Random are available on the sand: "Standard", "counter" fighting and "assault".

As you probably guessed, the sand river is a dry bed of the river in the midst of the desert into a clear and hot day. Along the sand river there are several settlements with small houses nearly close to each other. By the way, absolutely all buildings on the map are destroyed!

Let's look at the key components:

Picture 4.

1. Gorka (The most playable part of the card, where some active actions are possible; excellent for medium and small heavy tanks; there are shelters from artillery).
2. Upper hills (in old version The cards, before they added a slide, were actively used by heavy tanks, they are now used very rarely, as artillery and PT-SAU are perfectly shot (and now); Probably ceased to be used in view of the appearance of new directions for heavy rates (for example, the riverbed) and hit the slide; Be that as it may, the tanks on the upper hills have never lived for a long time, but they behave here because of the lack of other possibilities; You can try to use in the absence of artillery).
3. Podlok (Suitable for reference, used light tanks; It is easily shot almost from everywhere, which means it is necessary to be extremely neat).
4. Villages (The abundance of destroyed houses in which it is possible to hide in the event of a threat; to develop an attack or arrange defense from these buildings does not make sense).
5. Drying riverbed river (The central direction is the most important part of the card, as it provides many opportunities for the lumen and striking). Here there is a shelter from artillery and striking, but as soon as you start attacking the track, you will immediately fall under the fire of PT-SAU and artillery; Also is the most short way between two bases in standard battle.
6. Trares through the sandy river (The simplest options move through a dry river, although not the only).
7. Balconies (Frequently used PT-SAU, although they are not ideal positions). There are only playful bushes on the map. They are very crazy, but still can be used.
8. Convenient positions for Def (Used in all modes of battles in DEF; often these positions - the last line of defense).
9. Lower hills (There are no shelters, but a lot of hills). Excellent shots active light tanks. In the standard battle, they are often used by different types of tanks for pushing. However, all the tanks are here - as in the palm of artillery. Also, success here largely depends on the angles of the vertical tip (however, as on the whole card).
10. The location of the bases and respaununs in different modes of fighting on the sandy river you can see in pictures 1, 2, 3.

How to play on the sandy river WOT? Now let's try to figure it out.

I. Standard fight on sand.

Picture 5.

The picture 5 presents the standard circuits of the tanks of both teams and exemplary clashes. True to predict the traveling of the entire team in the random is not possible. The map is very complex and many players do not even know where to go. Let's try to determine tactics on the sandy river WOT for all classes of technology:

  • Light tanks There is a space and a huge selection of options, as at any time you can hide behind the next Barhan and leave. But in fact, the sand river is bad for the highlight, as I have already written above, the bushes, followed here, is practically no, which means that all the tanks will see each other without any problems and your backlighted will not go into the result of the battle. Initially, you can drive through the channel in the center and leaving on the hillock, enlighten the crossing of the enemies. And then you should navigate the emerging situation: either shone the upper hills or lower. In any case, you should concentrate on the back to the art and only where this highlight is not able to give other allied tanks. In battles where there is no artillery, you will most likely have to play the role of a middle tank.
  • Middle tanks have short choice opportunities (limited for any other reasons). Most often, you should go to the hill and develop the offensive from there. After the destruction of opponents on the hill, drive through the upper hills and press up under the enemy base. Further positioning. Sometimes it makes sense to go to the lower hills, developing the offensive there. But it does not have a lot of meaning to drive in the direction of the drying river, since more often there you will be useless most of the time.
  • Heavy tanks On the sand river they suffer more than other classes of technology. Wherever you go, everywhere will be highlighted and get from artillery. Successful tactics for heavy, perhaps, not and the only thing that comes to mind is the DEF of the river bed (here and from artillery can be covered, if you get up correctly). In some cases, if the situation of this allows, it is possible to smother along the channel, the truth should be understood that this direction is controversial from the PT-SAU positions. All this is relevant for large and slow chickens, but heavy tanks Type IC-7 or T110E5 (and other relatively fast and small) can and must support medium tanks or develop an offensive on the opposite flank.
  • PT-SAU. Everything is very simple here: Ptshka on the sand and do not even drive away from the base, occupying positions on the balcony or in positions for DEF. From here, there are sharps in all directions, but due to the hilly terrain, damned and affordable opponents, are very quickly hidden behind the hills. Nevertheless, PT-SAU should contact any attempts by breakthrough enemies along the river bed.
  • Artillery Shots almost the entire card, but takes the position behind PT-SAU at convenient positions for Def. From the lack of highlighting Art here does not suffer. Almost always there are opponents in lit up.

As tactics and strategy to predict the behavior of your allies or traveling opponents on the sandy river is impossible. For breakthrough it is worth using two directions: through a slide on the upper hills or through the lower hills. Keep in mind that by selling the direction and drive up to the database of the enemy, you will surely meet the resistance of PT-SAU in the database area.

II. Counter fight on sand.

Picture 6.

Counter battle on the map Sand River It is quite different from the standard. It is mainly due to the location of respauna near the upper hills. Thus, the main slaughter is going on here and on the hill. However, Ptushka should take positions on the balcony in order to prevent the breakthrough of the cunning opponents who have decided to drive around the lower hills and go to the rear of your team. The base itself is easily contacted from the hillock, from the balconies or through the lower hills. Therefore, trying to take the database does not make sense. Trying to break through the bottom hills and go to the rear enemies should be with great care, since on the sand river the lack of several tanks on the hill and the upper hills will very soon affect the distribution of forces. Probably, while you will travel around the bottom, the upper hills can already be traded by the command of opponents, which will have an advantage on the number of tanks. In general, in this mode, the team wins more often, which will win in the fight on the upper hills and a hill.

III. Storm on sand.

So we came to the discharast assault on the sandy river. What is wrong with him? Let's deepen a little in the history of this mode on this map and try to figure it out.

Long ago, when two new modes added to the game - counter battle and assault, the second immediately deserved bad fame. The fact is that the side of the sand river was not available for the gameplay and, accordingly, there were no climbs from the bed to the stern. Due to this, the attacking team has rolled out without any problems on the hill, rebuilded and rearranged the defendant team. Just one light tank could provide victory to the attacking team just rushing on the hillock (although it is worth saying that absolutely any tank with a worthy overview at its level could calmly rebuild defending). Subsequently, when the main forces of the team were already destroyed, was not big problems Decide the remnants of enemies in the lower hills or just capture the database. Then it was easier to win in the attacking team.

Now, when the developers were dried and made a river bed available to play, and also added the opportunity to rise from the bottom on the hillock and shose from here almost the entire top of the card, the imbalance received defenders. At the moment, the situation in the Sturm mode on the sandy river is the following: the active part of the players of the defendant team takes the river bed, from time to time popping on the hillock, thereby highlighting all who drives or trying to take a position - everything is completely dragging the attackers. Let's figure it out more about the situation with the storm on the sandy river on the example of the picture 7:

Picture 7.

Red oval highlighted positions defending.
The green oval in the red edging is allocated by the riverbed, which must be occupied by any of the teams (defending it and retain the river bed is much easier). The most imbalance position.
A very dangerous region is highlighted in a red edging, a very dangerous area, which defenders can occupy only for the initial lumen and striking, after which it is most likely to leave.
Black arroders indicate typical directions of attackers encountered in random.
  1. With defending everything is simple and understandable: occupy your typical positions And shoot enemies.
  2. The most important Fail is to go through the extreme left elder. What is the problem? Simply arriving there, you completely turn off the battle, because to drive further along the green Arrogo to the positions of the enemy you will not allow enemies from the river bed. Shoot while you still will climb only. It is likely that this flank is likely to prevent your enemies to the rear, but it costs it, staying on the hill. A simple rule: Arriving at the extreme left elder, you will be turned off from the battle until the enemies are in the river bed. This is the first step towards defeat.
  3. Borrowing positions on the hillock or the upper hills have little meaning, since the firelesss from the river bed will constantly shine you, art will throw on the top hills, the pitch on the hillock.
  4. Tankers, who choose the direction at the extreme right elder, are achieved the greatest success, but they often lack strength or time.
  5. Absolutely do not benefit the team and such guys (especially among PT-SAU), who love to get up on a slide and wait for something. It is absolutely not clear what exactly they want to wait here, but even the circle of drawing from the slide to the position of the enemy is not rejected.
This is a typical situation that occurs in the Sturm mode on this map from the battle to battle.

How to play a sand river in Sturm mode?

In fact, I see only two possible options for attacking (and those that are more suitable for the team, as they require coordinated actions from many random players):

  1. A massive attack on the river bed. It is not difficult to guess, the source of headaches for attacking is in line with the river. If you grab and destroy opponents here, then you will unleash your hands with the rest of your team: the guys from the hillock will be able to shine and shoot opponents, as in the old days, and tanks from the right side of the card will be able to quietly press along the lower hills, without fearful to get into board and stern From opponents from the river bed. At first glance, this is the easiest tactic, but not everything is so simple. In fact, in line with the sandy river, it is much more convenient for the position of the team defending, and therefore it does not make sense to go there in 2-3 tank. It should be a massive Rush to crush opponents.
  2. Attack at the extreme right elder (black turning into green). In this case, it is necessary to concentrate the main shock power Commands here. The opponents here, as a rule, does not happen much, but they have very comfortable hollys that you can hide the case. On your part, this should be a concentrated blow to this point. Artillery at the same time is obliged to occupy positions on the hill! It is important. From these positions, artillery will be able to most effectively help his team to sell this direction. Further promotion on the positions of opponents, after the use of this direction, it will be very strong to resemble the usual standard Boy. Hiding behind the hills you can successfully push or destroy opponents.

In custody.

So, here we disassemble the sand river. What can I say about her? The map really does not deliver joy and fan. In many ways, due to its openness and artillery, due to the relief requiring excellent corners of the vertical tip, in the end due to the non-configured Sturm regime. Be that as it may, we will have to play on the sand river, as the developers are not going to withdraw it from the game, and the map in the meantime has an increased balance sheet, and therefore in random it will meet more often most of others, more good cards. Well, let's hope for the best and wait for global rebalase.

Dear friends, on this we finish the analysis maps world. Of Tanks Sand River .. See you at the next map.

Today we have prepared an overview for one of the most complex and unwriting WOT cards called "Sand River". In this area, it is almost impossible to control heavy tanks and PT-SAU. What a chance can be except that artillery and medium-sized tanks (and then only thanks to the good corners of the vertical guidance).

A bit of general information

For the "Sand River" card in World of Tanks, a complex relief is characterized and the absence of any smooth surfaces. Numerous hills and lowers are located around the perimeter, it is simply impossible to hide from air attacks. Another disadvantage can be called the absence of vegetation and bushes for concealing at least one light tank.

The card is very heavy for understanding and reading, it does not have a certain symmetry, the positions of the points for the respauna each time differ from each other. In addition to these features not very pleasant to the game, the developers decided to introduce another extreme imbalance regime called "Sturm".

But you should not worry, because any card is amenable to study. We will tell about how to play on the "sand river", and share useful adviceSuppose to find out all the necessary information in advance: in which direction to go where to find a safe passage and the most comfortable position, on which site there is a combat clash, how to stay invisible to opponents and much more.

We understand with key constitues. Part 1

The "sand river" in WOT is a dried river bed, the location of which is a hot desert. On the former shores there are small settlements in several houses, closely adjacent to each other. It is worth remembering one very important detail: any construction in this area is destructed.

On the territory of the "sand river" there are several key components:

  • Mountain - the most suitable for active gaming actions Plot. Here you can try to take advantage of the tanks of medium or not very large severity; The presence of shelters from artillery technology.
  • Top hill - was actively used by players before the update, which added the mountain site into the game. Now it has become more dangerous, since there is a big risk to fall under artillery and PT-SAU.
  • Podgug - Popular among light tanks. It can be shot on all sides, so extreme caution is needed.

Other components location. Part 2

The village is numerous destructible houses that can also play the role of temporary shelter in case of danger.

Dried river - center "Sand River"; The most important place, as it can easily perform the necessary clearance or scarce. There are several shelters here, but the direct attack immediately leads under enemy shelling. With the help of a dried bed, you can also get in the shortest time from one base to another.

The passage of the sand river is the easiest version of the crossing, although not the only one.

Balcony - here are often installed PT-SAU, but this position is not considered an ideal position. In addition, the unique bushes grow on this site.

Convenient position for DEPA - most often it is the latest defensive frontiers.

The territory of the lower hills - it does not have any shelter, but there are numerous hills. Excellent position for the lumen of light tanks. An open site for shelling artillery.

Maintaining standard fighting

Having understood that he represents the "sand river", you can consider tactics of fighting. We will do this on the example of two types: standard and counter.

For light tanks there is a huge selection of actions, since with any danger you can try to hide out of sight of the nearest Barhan. However, due to the lack of shelters and bushes, you should forget about the reference.

Managing average tank, you can try to climb up the mountain and step from there. We extremely not advise to leave backwards.

For heavy tanks "Sand River" is the most unfavorable place. The only thing you can do is try to take a position for Def.

Options for PT-SAU are balconies or DEFs. So you can shoot any direction, however, thanks to the hilly of the territory, opponents always have ways to retreat.

As for artillery, it takes it almost the entire map. Installed for PT-SAU.

Maintaining counter fight

This battle option is not at all as standard. Basically, the differences are located in the location of the spoun points - they are close to the upper hills. This leads to the fact that the main battle takes place here and on the mountain. PT-SAU can occupy their place on the balconies to prevent the rear of enemy troops. Taking the base does not make much sense, as it is guarded immediately from several sites: it is a balcony, lower hill and hillock. The victory in this mode can be earned only after winning over the opponent in the battle on the territory of the upper hills and the mountain site.

Hello, dear friends!

Today portal website presents to your attention a review of one of the most difficult, disabelast and terrible cards - Sand river Worldoftanks.

If we talk briefly, the sand river is a nightmare for Muses and turtles. On this map, it is not easy to find an application with almost all heavy tanks and PT-SAU, only artillery and medium tanks (and only with good angles of vertical tip) are more or less successfully.

Sand river Wot is characterized by a complex relief, there are practically no smooth surfaces, the entire map is saturated with numerous hills and shorts, shelter from air attack is practically absent, like bushes that can hide at least a light tank. Map is very hard to understand and read it, there is no at least some symmetry, positions and directions for opposite respaunov differ dramatically. Among other things, on the map, an extremely dispensary regime has been introduced on the map - the assault in which it was originally easier to attack, and after processing it became much easier to defend. But let's talk about everything more specifically.

1. In my opinion, WOT The sand river is the most intuitive card in the World of Tanks game.. On this map, without having prevalent, it is very difficult to understand where it is necessary to go, where there are safe drives and comfortable positions for you, where clashes occur, where you can remain unnoticed on the map.
2. I also want to note that there is a little on the gerp of vegetation, but in some places there are small areas covered with grass, which will not hide your tank, but perfectly hides small stones, kindly scattered by cards (not clear for what purpose). Having entered into such a stone, hidden herbs, you will probably lose speed or completely stop, and with new physics, you probably even turn over. It is very unpleasant, beware of such sites.

General information.

Picture 1. Minikard standard battle.

Picture 2. Minikard counter fight.

Picture 3. Minikard assault.

Sand river It was introduced to the game in updating and has undergone a number of changes:
- "Counter battle" and "assault" added in patch 0.7.4.
- Immediately was sent to the finalization of "counter battle" and returned only in patch 0.8.0.
- In patch 0.8.5. Constracted substantial changes to the Sturm mode.
- In addition, the sand river changed its relief several times (from the recent: the drainage of the river itself and the possibility of traveling in her direction).

The card has never been considered good and was not an example of a successful card development. Getting a modified appearance or a new mode, the sand river did not get better, but also to bring the map from the game. Our favorite developers have never been going to.

Sand river Available in random for 4 - 11 levels of battles, represents a desert type of cards (desert camouflage for tanks), has a very difficult relief, while it is almost completely open. However, such a complex, hilly relief of the card is two-way: on the one hand, all these height differences make it difficult to attack very much, prevent fire, but at the same time, the abundant of hills covers you from enemy fire. In addition, as I wrote above, there are practically no vegetation on the map, and therefore, often opponents will see each other without any problems and fire, remaining unnoticed only if one of the allies highlights you (and that If you shoot the relief will allow). The size of the card is standard - 1000 * 1000. All three fighting modes for Random are available on the sand: "Standard", "counter" fighting and "assault".

As you probably guessed, the sand river is a dry bed of the river in the midst of the desert into a clear and hot day. Along the sand river there are several settlements with small houses nearly close to each other. By the way, absolutely all buildings on the map are destroyed!

Let's look at the key components:

Picture 4.

1. Gorka (The most playable part of the card, where some active actions are possible; excellent for medium and small heavy tanks; there are shelters from artillery).
2. Upper hills (in the old version of the map, before the slide was added, was actively used by heavy tanks, they are now used very rarely, as artillery and PT-SAU are excellent (and now, and now); probably ceases to be used in view of the appearance of new directions for heavy (for example, the river bed) and raised from the roller; be that as it may, the tanks on the upper hills did not live for a long time, but they behave here because of the lack of other possibilities; you can try to use in the absence of artillery).
3. Podlok (Suitable for the reference, is used by light tanks; it is easily shot almost from everywhere, which means it is necessary to be extremely neat).
4. Villages (The abundance of destroyed houses in which it is possible to hide in the event of a threat; to develop an attack or arrange defense from these buildings does not make sense).
5. Drying riverbed river (The central direction is the most important part of the card, as it provides many opportunities for the lumen and striking). Here there is a shelter from artillery and striking, but as soon as you start attacking the track, you will immediately fall under the fire of PT-SAU and artillery; Also is the most short way between two bases in standard battle.
6. Trares through the sandy river (The simplest options move through a dry river, although not the only).
7. Balconies (Frequently used PT-SAU, although they are not ideal positions). There are only playful bushes on the map. They are very crazy, but still can be used.
8. Convenient positions for Def (Used in all modes of battles in DEF; often these positions - the last line of defense).
9. Lower hills (There are no shelters, but a lot of hills). Excellent shots active light tanks. In the standard battle, they are often used by different types of tanks for pushing. However, all the tanks are here - as in the palm of artillery. Also, success here largely depends on the angles of the vertical tip (however, as on the whole card).
10. The location of the bases and respaununs in different modes of fighting on the sandy river you can see in pictures 1, 2, 3.

How to play on the sandy river WOT? Now let's try to figure it out.

I. Standard fight on sand.

Picture 5.

The picture 5 presents the standard circuits of the tanks of both teams and exemplary clashes. True to predict the traveling of the entire team in the random is not possible. The map is very complex and many players do not even know where to go. Let's try to determine tactics on the sandy river WOT for all classes of technology:

  • Light tanks There is a space and a huge selection of options, as at any time you can hide behind the next Barhan and leave. But in fact, the sand river is bad for the highlight, as I have already written above, the bushes, followed here, is practically no, which means that all the tanks will see each other without any problems and your backlighted will not go into the result of the battle. Initially, you can drive through the channel in the center and leaving on the hillock, enlighten the crossing of the enemies. And then you should navigate the emerging situation: either shone the upper hills or lower. In any case, you should concentrate on the back to the art and only where this highlight is not able to give other allied tanks. In battles where there is no artillery, you will most likely have to play the role of a middle tank.
  • Middle tanks have the widest choice of opportunities (limited for any other reason). Most often, you should go to the hill and develop the offensive from there. After the destruction of opponents on the hill, drive through the upper hills and press up under the enemy base. Further positioning. Sometimes it makes sense to go to the lower hills, developing the offensive there. But it does not have a lot of meaning to drive in the direction of the drying river, since more often there you will be useless most of the time.
  • Heavy tanks On the sand river they suffer more than other classes of technology. Wherever you go, everywhere will be highlighted and get from artillery. Successful tactics for heavy, perhaps, not and the only thing that comes to mind is the DEF of the river bed (here and from artillery can be covered, if you get up correctly). In some cases, if the situation of this allows, it is possible to smother along the channel, the truth should be understood that this direction is controversial from the PT-SAU positions. All this is relevant for large and slow chickens, but heavy tanks type IS-7 or T110E5 (and other relatively fast and small) can and must support average tanks or develop an offensive on the opposite flank.
  • PT-SAU. Everything is very simple here: Ptshka on the sand and do not even drive away from the base, occupying positions on the balcony or in positions for DEF. From here, there are sharps in all directions, but due to the hilly terrain, damned and affordable opponents, are very quickly hidden behind the hills. Nevertheless, PT-SAU should contact any attempts by breakthrough enemies along the river bed.
  • Artillery Shots almost the entire card, but takes the position behind PT-SAU at convenient positions for Def. From the lack of highlighting Art here does not suffer. Almost always there are opponents in lit up.

As tactics and strategy to predict the behavior of your allies or traveling opponents on the sandy river is impossible. For breakthrough it is worth using two directions: through a slide on the upper hills or through the lower hills. Keep in mind that by selling the direction and drive up to the database of the enemy, you will surely meet the resistance of PT-SAU in the database area.

II. Counter fight on sand.

Picture 6.

Counter battle on the map Sand River It is quite different from the standard. It is mainly due to the location of respauna near the upper hills. Thus, the main slaughter is going on here and on the hill. However, Ptushka should take positions on the balcony in order to prevent the breakthrough of the cunning opponents who have decided to drive around the lower hills and go to the rear of your team. The base itself is easily contacted from the hillock, from the balconies or through the lower hills. Therefore, trying to take the database does not make sense. Trying to break through the bottom hills and go to the rear enemies should be with great care, since on the sand river the lack of several tanks on the hill and the upper hills will very soon affect the distribution of forces. Probably, while you will travel around the bottom, the upper hills can already be traded by the command of opponents, which will have an advantage on the number of tanks. In general, in this mode, the team wins more often, which will win in the fight on the upper hills and a hill.

III. Storm on sand.

So we came to the discharast assault on the sandy river. What is wrong with him? Let's deepen a little in the history of this mode on this map and try to figure it out.

Long ago, when two new modes added to the game - counter battle and assault, the second immediately deserved bad fame. The fact is that the side of the sand river was not available for the gameplay and, accordingly, there were no climbs from the bed to the stern. Due to this, the attacking team has rolled out without any problems on the hill, rebuilded and rearranged the defendant team. Just one light tank could provide victory to the attacking team just rushing on the hillock (although it is worth saying that absolutely any tank with a worthy overview at its level could calmly rebuild defending). Subsequently, when the basic forces of the team were already destroyed, did not make big problems to achieve the remnants of enemies in the lower hills or simply capture the base. Then it was easier to win in the attacking team.

Now, when the developers were dried and made a river bed available to play, and also added the opportunity to rise from the bottom on the hillock and shose from here almost the entire top of the card, the imbalance received defenders. At the moment, the situation in the Sturm mode on the sandy river is the following: the active part of the players of the defendant team takes the river bed, from time to time popping on the hillock, thereby highlighting all who drives or trying to take a position - everything is completely dragging the attackers. Let's figure it out more about the situation with the storm on the sandy river on the example of the picture 7:

Picture 7.

Red oval highlighted positions defending.
The green oval in the red edging is allocated by the riverbed, which must be occupied by any of the teams (defending it and retain the river bed is much easier). The most imbalance position.
A very dangerous region is highlighted in a red edging, a very dangerous area, which defenders can occupy only for the initial lumen and striking, after which it is most likely to leave.
Black arroders indicate typical directions of attackers encountered in random.
  1. With defense, everything is simple and understandable: they take their typical positions and shoot enemies.
  2. The most important Fail is to go through the extreme left elder. What is the problem? Simply arriving there, you completely turn off the battle, because to drive further along the green Arrogo to the positions of the enemy you will not allow enemies from the river bed. Shoot while you still will climb only. It is likely that this flank is likely to prevent your enemies to the rear, but it costs it, staying on the hill. A simple rule: Arriving at the extreme left elder, you will be turned off from the battle until the enemies are in the river bed. This is the first step towards defeat.
  3. Borrowing positions on the hillock or the upper hills have little meaning, since the firelesss from the river bed will constantly shine you, art will throw on the top hills, the pitch on the hillock.
  4. Tankers, who choose the direction at the extreme right elder, are achieved the greatest success, but they often lack strength or time.
  5. Absolutely do not benefit the team and such guys (especially among PT-SAU), who love to get up on a slide and wait for something. It is absolutely not clear what exactly they want to wait here, but even the circle of drawing from the slide to the position of the enemy is not rejected.
This is a typical situation that occurs in the Sturm mode on this map from the battle to battle.

How to play a sand river in Sturm mode?

In fact, I see only two possible options for attacking (and those that are more suitable for the team, as they require coordinated actions from many random players):

  1. A massive attack on the river bed. It is not difficult to guess, the source of headaches for attacking is in line with the river. If you grab and destroy opponents here, then you will unleash your hands with the rest of your team: the guys from the hillock will be able to shine and shoot opponents, as in the old days, and tanks from the right side of the card will be able to quietly press along the lower hills, without fearful to get into board and stern From opponents from the river bed. At first glance, this is the easiest tactic, but not everything is so simple. In fact, in line with the sandy river, it is much more convenient for the position of the team defending, and therefore it does not make sense to go there in 2-3 tank. It should be a massive Rush to crush opponents.
  2. Attack at the extreme right elder (black turning into green). In this case, it is necessary to concentrate the main impact power of the team here. The opponents here, as a rule, does not happen much, but they have very comfortable hollys that you can hide the case. On your part, this should be a concentrated blow to this point. Artillery at the same time is obliged to occupy positions on the hill! It is important. From these positions, artillery will be able to most effectively help his team to sell this direction. Further promotion by opponents' positions, after the simplification of this direction, it will be very strong to resemble the usual standard battle. Hiding behind the hills you can successfully push or destroy opponents.

In custody.

So, here we disassemble the sand river. What can you say about her? The map really does not deliver joy and fan. In many ways, due to its openness and artillery, due to the relief requiring excellent corners of the vertical tip, in the end due to the non-configured Sturm regime. Be that as it may, we will have to play on the sand river, as the developers are not going to withdraw it from the game, and the map in the meantime has an increased balance weight, and therefore in random it will meet more than most other, better maps. Well, let's hope for the best and wait for global rebalase.

Dear friends, on this we end the analysis of the map World of Tanks sand river .. See you on the next card.